'J fi lb 11 BELLEVUE GAZETTE. TIIl'HSDAV, IT.MvUAUV IS), is.-,?. HATES OF AI)Yi:ims!NJ. Square (1J lines or less) 1st i us-'it in -. F.ach siihscipicnt iuscr'inn One arpiaro, one month " three, months ' " six " " " o.iP yeir ftiishics cards (ti li:r s or loir) I yc?r One colimin, one y c ;i r One-half column, one year " fourth " " ' " " eighth " " " " column, six months half column, six months " fourth ' eighth " " " column, three months half eolntnn, three months fourth " " h eighth w " u Announcing candidates for office $1 Oil M) V ;V 4 on 0 (Mi ID 0(1 .") till CO (III :!. on JO 00 10 IM 35 (III Jit INI 10 (10 8 (ID J!) (HI n on ID Oil li (Ml 5 (10 j on WORK. For eighth sheet hills, per 1(H) $3 00 For quarter " " " 4 00 For half " " " 8 Oil For whole " " " " il oo For colored paprr.hair sheet. per KM!.. r on For blanks, per quire, first quire 'J 00 F.ech 8iihseiient quire 1 00 Cards, per park 1 50 r.acn subsequent pack 1 oo For Hall Tickets, fancy paper per hun'd (' 00 "Fach subsequent hundred 4 00 Persons having any law business to transact with the firm of llowr.y &, SrititKr.ANn, for the next sixty days, will please wait upon C. T. Hoi.i.oway, F.sq., who will give th"iu any advice or legal assistance required. ROW FN k ST RICK LA XI). ivotic r.. Letters directed to me wilhiii the next sixty days, v i 1 1 reach me sooiiest nt Albion, Or Wns county, X. Y. S. A. STRICKLAND. XlTKIi. mm: co-TnTXFitsnip heretofore eX- JL isting under the name ami firm of SA R I'V & KIN X !. Y, i i this da v diss lived hymn'tial consent, L. II. K1XXKY having purchased out. the entire interest or P. A. SARPY. Will settle all claims that he has contracted for the benefit of said firm, and nil rliims due said firm nro to be paid to no one except the undersigned. L. Ii. KIN XL Y. Inforiiiatioii Wanted. Who gave a certain Dutchman a hnit of clothes? nnd for what dkl he got them ? ltailroail ytvvt inp. Pursuant to a former notice given, the citizens of ll.'llevuo nii'l vicinity met at the Kellevue Iloiise on Saturday evening:, the 14th, and on motion of Hon. S, A. Strickland, lion. Jaa. S. Allan was called to the Chair, and J. P. Kot lectcd Sec retary. On motion, Jas. S. Allan was excused, and A. Lock woo J called to the Chair, after which, Mr. Alian Mated the olject of the meeting, which was to enter into arrangements and consult as to the hest policy to secure the western terminus of the Ilurlington and Missouri River Rail road at a point opposite the city of lklle vne. The meeting was then ahly addressed , ly Mesr. Allan, Strickland, Ilolloway, Beech, Gvvyre, Lock wood, Town and others, after which, on motion of II. T. Clarke, amended by Strickland and (jwyre, a Railroad Committee of five was appointed I y the Chair to solicit Mib tcnplions, confer Railroad Com panies, call meetings, and attend to Rail road matters in general. The Chair then appointed Hon. Ja S. Allan, on part of the Mis;ion, J. J. Town, on jart of the Old Town Company, and II. T. Clarke, Hon. C. T. Ilolloway and Win. I). Rovvles on part of the citueias. On motion of II. T. Clarke, the meet ing adjourned, sine. die. A. LOCKVYOOI), CiiAiiiMA. J. P. Kost, Stcrelary. In her life of George Washing ton, just publislied, Mrs. KitklanJ gives us a little closer view of that blalely My, Mrs. Martha Washington, than other wri ters have done : "If we were to give our private opin ion," says Mrs. Kirkland, "we should say that Mrs. Martha Curtis Washington, with her large fortuna, her strong domes tic tastes and affections and dutiful com mon sense character, exercised her full share of influence over the Commander-in-chief of the armies of the United States of America. She had a very decided way of speaking, and as she never ineddlt.il in public affairs, we can easily imagine the General letting her have her own way in pretty much everything tl.se. A guest at Mount Vernon happened to sleep in a room adjoining that occupied by the Pres ident anJ his lady. Late in the evening, when people had retired to their various chambers, he heard iho lady delivering a Vt'ry animuted lecture to h r lord and mas ter upon soul! thing which he had done, that she thought ought to lc done diller ently. To all this ho listened m the pro roundest silence, and when she, too, was Silent, he Oliened his lliu mid snul.p. noiv 'ou 1 I ' - I I ' blc'C n to Vim mv ili iir' Tlnj nn.x. ...T -. ... . ... i .- uiite of the crat mini in his niht-cap is 'P'tte charai (eristic of him, but it isetjually s' of most lords and masters, who, we iui ngine, all receive rurtuiti lectures ns Mr. Caudle and Wa.-,hinjton did, in profound silence. I'xperience, probably, teaches hem that is the better way. m tttitir.ii. Oil Th li!ty, t!i 1 -! Ii i::sl., hv the , . ' Win. H.imilt.in, ,1()IIN S. S V N DFRSt t. o' l.im i'. r (',.. N. T t Miss ,i )S'P N F. : M. KO'il'.M'l.r ll, .-vne. ; May li.iiin--t he ever theirs, With no dirk stormv to clou. I tin ir morrow, ! May (ill In' p-are l endless love, Atnl sinihg iintrnd of tears ami sorrow. Il.v.vever mill h John may liavo roved heretofore, it is fit i r to pre.siitne that In ii nt l .-t Konxriii ii. Written for the Ibdlevne tiiette. Marnier Xol. Oh! slander nut your neighbor, Altho i-h they say ami d.i Things that to yo i lo.ik very s'r lne Xo matter, let it a;.i j ' Tis n '! f.ir yn i t i j i le them, Fur ti.i.l will jndi;e us all. Let (hem live in peace and happiness, And do not eause their fall. Oh! slander not the aed one, Fas! journeying; to the prave. To brins dbrrraoe ou his pray hairs, De'.fer lend thine aid to save Him from the wily slanderer's tongue, And let him live in peace I'ntil his work on earth is do ie, And life within him cease. Oil! slam! er not th it fair youni; iil. She has euouuh to boar, Wilhoat vile slander's wilh'riuj c.irse To break her heart with rare ; Oh ! raiae the drooping stiiri's. Cheer up the orphan's heart, And do not pr.ibe aTresh the wo amis To cause another smart. ADA. Ilcadi of Marshal Ilailetzkj. The oldest military chieftain of diMiuc tion in tin; world has just died in Italy. Count Joseph Radell,y, Commander of tie? Austrian Army in Italy, was born nt Trebniiz, in Dohemia, in 1 ((, and was thus over ninety years of age. His mili tary life began in 17M, when he wasnp pointcd a cadet in a cavalry regiment, anil he has taken part in every war in which Austria has been engaged, from that time wine present, it" ngurcd under the Archduke Charles in all his battles with Napoleon. His commission as Major Gen eral dates from the year 1S01, fifty-six years ago. In ISO! t, after the battle of Lrlingen, in winch he dislin'ruishetrtiiui self, he was appointed field-marshal lieu tenant and cliict of a regiment of lr.issars. He has held successively the governorship of Ofen, of Olmutz, and of Leinberg, and in 1822 he was appointed comman der general of the Lombardo-Venetian kingdom. ' When the troubles of 1913 broke out in Europe, the scenes nt Milan were par ticularly violent, and Radetzky outlined more lKtoriety than glory by his exces sively severe measures in suppressing the republican movement.. Although then over eighty years of ago, he acted with the vigor and energy of youth. The cam paign of ISIS, against Charles Albert, was carried on with great skill, and finally the Atistrians overcame the Sardinians tit Olengo. o.i the "21 of March, 1ST.), and Radetzky had the satisfaction of announ cing their retreat. Charles Albert then abdicated, and his successor, the present lung, icior-I.manuel, was compelled to make terms dictated by the Marshal, and highly advantageous to Austria. Since that campaign Radetzky has received hon ors and rewards without stint, from the Au.-trian monarch. Helms, until within a year, been able to ride and engage in active pursuits. I'ut latterly lie has been unfitted for this and s 'Idotn appeared abroad except in his carriage. During the recent visit of the 1'mperor Francis Joseph to his Italian dominions, he went out of his way to pay his respects to the old veteran who bad done so much to sus tain him. Radetzky was a rigid military disciplinarian and yeildcd a blind obedi ence to his sovereign. No ono was less merciful than he, and with nil hisloyality and his talent, he had but few of the vir tues tliat can make his memory dear to freemen. The Head of IS5U. In the long catalogue of those wlio have died during the past year, we find many eminent nnd well known names of our countrymen, among them John M. Uer rien and Ex-Guv. Troupe, of Georgia ; Rev. John O. Choules, I). 1).. of Rhode Island ; Ex-Gov. Walker, of Louisiana ; Com. Charles Morris; Coin. Dulany; Joseph W. Eields, author and actor; Caroline Lee Hcntz and husband, of Florida ; Com. Joel Abbott ; Surgeon W. P. C. IJarton; Lieut. Charles G. Hunter; Major Robert 15. Harney; Com. David Conner; Com. MiKeever; Commander George Adams; Robert L. Stevens; Ogden HiuTman; Percival, the Poet ; Dr. John C. W arren, of lloston; Ex-Senator Dawson, of Ga.; lion John M. Niles; (Jen. Memuran Hunt, of Texas; Edward Curtis, of New York; Hon. John G. Chapman, of Md.; Copt, Patrick Hays; Lorenzo U. Sheperd ; Dr. Rranch ; T. Archer: George Steers; Hon. Samuel Hoar; Elizabeth J. Fames; Hon. John M. Clayton; Gen. James llankhead ; Gen. John II. Eaton ; Samuel Swnrtvvout; Rufus Welh; Hon. John H. Aycriirsr. of N. J.; Robert May wood, Seth Sprague, and many, many others. BELLEVUE MARKETS. rOHBl-.CTF.D Wr.KKLV t'OH T(IF. CVXKTTK. SiipFbmrs.ick $ i 00 It utter. V"' f( Wheat, per bu di. 1 Oil Shoulder, tin J ) Com, do 1 00 Hams, d 1 la Oat do 7a Lard, do J Po'atoe d.i t 00 F.ggs, per 1I07. M;l Di ied Peaches, do 7a Salt, per sack 5 m Apples, do 3 (Hi Hay, per ton 5 00 DKLLEVI'l' JKHJSK. riir. I'lioi'Rir.rtut of tiii: aiioyf. LARGE AMD POPULAR H O T IE B OFFERS E F.liY tho Public, and will render To iss:ii Ol s atti:tio To t':c w,ii,h of HIS CfHSTS. .1. T. ALLF.X. r.elleviie, (VI. 21, IS.'Hi. 1-tr n i; V S T () 1.1 K . SEATON & ROWLES. 33ollo-VlTO, PsT. rX. II V I (J rem iv e l i ilo oar I utre new store, oil .Main street, we are mow enabled to oiler to (lie t liizeil oi lin.ii.n rii'Mi' one (, ;jtc Largest, Cheap, aa I b.-.,t S!ecti'.l Stock .r (oods. ever ope:n d in this t i'v. t o aaisl ini; in pari ol Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenswave, Stovewarc, Hardvare, Clothinj, Boota, Shoes, Hats & Caps, Woodcnware, Provisions, &c Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to tia, we earnestly iiolicit its continnanee, feeling couli lent that the piality and uiee of oar fr i.id i, cannot Tail to please SKATOX ,. ROWLFS. r.elleviie, Oel. '.!, I sr,ti. 1 . r i!i:.To. iioi si:. (Jforgc JemiiiiKs, I'lopi i lor. TIMS House is situated in the pleisantest part or Uellevue, in a henntil'ul and healthy location and commands a view of cumin- which for beauty cannot be .excelled i.i thi t Territory. It is filled up in (he liest manner, and no pains will be spared to make nil who may favor hiai wi'h their pal ronare, feel at noni". HIS TABLE. ill always he supplied with all the delicacies the market allbrds. Attached to this Hotel h an excellent STABLE, which we shall always have a'.tcnd '.l by com petent and failbrul Ostlers. Ihdlirvue, (Vt. 23, lyi. 1-lf . NEW ARRIVALS AT THE I HI'. Subscriber respectfully invites th" at tention of purchasers, to his l.trvreand .splendid stock of floods, consist ini; of drv coops, GRorrntiF.s, II Alt DWARF, HATS, ROOTS, CAPS, siroFs. TouArro. I'ATF.XT MF.nrriXFS, &.C.. ."tc. All of which he warrants of t.h" best descrip tion, and ItniitaV expressly for this market. He has also a well selected s'ock of RKADY-MADK OXjOTXIIKTGr, Made after the LATI'.ST FASIMOX-!, of the HF.ST .M AT I'. HI ALS, nM bv FXPFRf FNCFI) WORKMF.X. all of which he sell C1IKAP FOR CASH. JOIIX CHA.'i;:. Uellevue, Oct. 23, l.S.V.. 1-lf BELLEVUE BOOt L3 SIlOO S T 0 It 5 . r M. IIARTAV, would respectfully r-'t tlutiy r-'bi ft , in! irci the inli.ibitaiils of I and vicinity, that be h is eouun to Manufacture BOOTS AND SHOES, Of all descriptions, from the finest finish to the eosrs! make. Kmpluvi ii' none but the best workman, be will be aide to warrant nil work done nt his establishment. ' V1 The highest cash piien paid. In trade, for all descriptions of RAW HIDFS. ltellevue, Oct. HO, l-Cei. o-tf IASOsi M'.WTHI). YrAXTFD IMMF.niATI'.LY, by the sh- T scrilK-r 111 liellevue, SIX GOOD )D M V. i SONS, to whom GOOD WAt.FS, nml COX - SI'AXT i:mployme;.t, will be given. M.SIIAW. ieiit'v.,e, uri. 2.1, i an. i-tr i , T , - ! GLEN WOOD HOTEL. Glcnwoo , Iowa. j TTAYING recently b-ased this vve!-k;inwn ' XL Hotel lor a number ..f ye us. ami fitted ' it up in a superior n' y!e, the" r in; actor ll.it. ters himself ili tt th pa'roua:- ' he heretofore received from his fiiends and th public in general will now be extended. My ta! le is furnished wi 'i Hie choicest, delicacies of the season. A Ijoii.iug th" III. I ie i ft' . vs stables, and good isn be in IS W:.l attenit nice. Come on, ye tti.it h ing T .-:.! '.Tist f,.r th goo 1 of this world, a.-.d von will nl.vavi timi Jesse on band to mi ister o yo t wa 'i:ssi: a. i'aixtf.i. no S-.lin. Jtvv viii) Tavi.oii, in a it'i i;it l.-ttrr to tlio New Voi li Trihttite, nJv ica travtli-rj in I'uropu to iritike ncrpiaiiitanrcs iiniungr the natives of tho country you visit ruthcr tlian aiimiio; oilp-r tr-iveli-iv. ll ay that nf the l'.no'.i.h oik? meets in Svvitorluti l fur instance, ttt;-t.-iir!i may r.jv? nive- uooT u. ijoniinuii' . i in ,,.1. : .iinL'iitui.s ami Frencli one-fourth, and of tho (iennanj one-half. In leu'anl to t!.: i- , . , ,. . I" .itenos l of l.ii'jli.-h 1 nuu Aineru'nn lailp's iv, enKipar d svitll .1. . .. ,.r .1... t . . i . i. ..i t- ii UIOSC Ol till- t Uillllll'lll IK! IlilS liie IllIIOW- I inS: '(;oi.,trt!ovvn.hevi,!Ieyc'f.h,Aar,L. I ,aw approach , a (ierman ( man and lady, t.dlowe lnta hu!i (h-tanar ' th ly ou l.iio!ih ivirtv. I 1-owe.l to the for - mcr, and wa-s repaid l y a ra ly and jr ra tions acl.ti'iw !"!.' in u t. I tlfii npt'ati'il the i r i In t;u .i ii V .1,1 I lihe:ati!y -Cor -. Wi'h a I to f l l' iv Rri'i-h sr. mkv ,.nu:!Misi:ii:Ms. P. A. SARPY, WholoH tlo &; Kctuil ;Meivhiint, tllltM.K OK .MMS AMI tiMlltiOllV l I Kit. IK, SI ..M RY, IOW A. H VS jimt received and novv'has for sale, n liirije iissortineut of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of all in this new and thriving community, which be can si II use heap as can be oll. i , . I eis.'vvhia e so hii;h upon the Missouri river. His joods have been selected by Hin experienced purchaser, with special reference to (lie circumstances and wants or nil classes of settlers in a new country. La ities end s;eiit lenieii, 'chil lien and youth, ail can b supplied. Cull and see for yourselves. His slock consists oT the follow ill"', amoui; n (Treat many oilier articles he cannot now tnu ineiate : Anion;; his May be found Woolen and Satinet Cloths, Cassinels, 'tweeds, Cashmeres, Linseys, Fl.iiou l, lied, While, (,i ay and lllue, Caspian I'l l ids. Col Ion ( iooils, Slieel im;s and Sb ii I nil's, Kleaclied and t'nble.lcbeil, l;lie nnd White, llnllines Osnabni.;, Red-Tick iiiL'. Hickory Checks, .c, c. l ancy (.ootN. Abc,lu::ful asaoiliuent oT fancy piiutsof every ariely of st e and pattern, ( ! t iiIi.i in s. Lawns, Figured Alp icca, leiiuba.ines, lloiu biiyetts. Sh iw l t. Scarfs II m.lki rclnefs, c. k ci(biefs, Crape, Muslin, I l iti-s, Rililinns. .vcc. (lolliiii-. A wi ll si lecled slock of Summer, Fall nml Winter Clolhintr, ronsislin;; in part of line Dress Coals, Pauls and Ycslsjnlso, eoud Summer Cbithim; of all descriptions, and heavy Clothine; for I'all and Winter use. Also, Shirt a. Knit Flannel Hi t w res and t'ndersbil Is, Soi ks, i'. Mens' and Roys Hals and Caps, of va rious fash ions, qu i li. ies and prices. Hoots, V Mines, thick and thin, polished and itnpolhhcd, of every descioition, lor Men, Worn and Children's use. ;i omits. Crushed, Clarified. Loaf and Rrovvu Sutjar, Molasses. Syrup Molasses, Golden Svrup, Superior Tea, Rio and .lava Collee, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Siee, Cinnamon, irround (Jiirer, Nutmegs, Sinll'i, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, So ap. Cnidies, Vinegar, Pickh s Pepper-Sauce, c., .Ve. Trovisions, A lare-e a tsorlineiil of I'loar, of various qualities and prices ; Corn M ai and nil the various products of the Farm and Gnden; II icon, Fish. Kiln illicit Apples, Peaches, Currants, Raising, ,.c. Hardware. Stoves of various pattern i, for Cookim; and Henliie; rooms, S'ove-pipe ,and F.lbovvs, lie.'; an. I small Iron Kettlc.i. I't viic; Pans, Skillets Hand-Irons, Shov els and Tongues, M.inui e a n I II iv Forks, Scythes. Shovels ami Spades, Lot and Trace Chains, Axi s, Hummers, Pii is Loll ntld S'eel, Nails, Horse-Rasps, Files Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, ta zors, Huttsnnd Screws, D ior Handles, Kno Locks, &c, &.(. Tinware A ceneral assorlmeut kept for bousehok purposes. Mood w.i io. Wash-tubs, Shaken Pails, Wood and Zinc Washboards. Lea I Iter. Sole Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, Sad lies. Ilridlcs, Hal'ers. Lariats, Circiii",.H, Rcllv-bands. Jlriiinjr-lines. Collars, Rack- straps, Girths, lilind-bi idles, &.C., . Mcdiciiirs. A general assortment of Medicines, for Fevers, Fever and Ague, nnd the common complaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's, Sappeny ton's, Rragg's and Juvucs' Pills, (Qui nine, Tonics, and various kinds of Stimulants, Anodynes, Liniments, and other articles neces tiary for ths sick and the invalid-. -tf 01 M IL KM'FFS AIJVF.SM ISIMILMS. Qreene, Wo iro & Benton, iaxki:rs, df.alf.rsix i:ciiangf, lJ (did Land Agent a, Council Rbill'a, Iowa. Xotes and Rills collected and remitted to any part of the I'ni'ed States. Moaey receiv ed 011 il'poiif, nml Interest allowed. F.as'.eni or Siutheni Drafts furnished In sam i to suit pur- j co.isris. i.atm tiiiice I 1 11H pant Tor Currency 1 or bills of F.xchange. L'lam rlP-cteil on good security Taxes p ii , (ji,M examined, and ! Real Ksiale bought and sold on Commission. ) La-ids entered for sellers and time given for I payment. Olllcn opposite the Pacific House, I in west lower room of Land Olllce. I Rrrr.KEVtrs: S. .lesup & C. ; U J. Harney ,t Co., Hankers. 1) ibuoue. low. 1 : Conk Sargent, 1! 11 ker, Davenpoil, Leva ; Cul-i liei tou Sc Reno, Rankers, Iowa Cily, Iowa j People's Rank, New York City ; Ketcheiii, Rogers .V. Rennet, Rankers, Xevv' York City;' St Ikon, Withers Co., Washington, D. C. j : II 11. ( has. Mason, Com. of Patents, Wash- 1 ing'on. 1). C. ! Hon. A. C. Dodge, S. I'. S. i li n lnigtnn, Iowa ; Dm. (;. W. Jones, S. V. ; S, 1) ihi'iie, Iowa 1 Hon. Joienli Williams. I Josepii William. Chief Juatice, Mascatine, Iowa. Council IHull's, Oct. i t, ls.):ll-tr Tootlo & Jackson, TOItWARDIXO COMMISSION' MI'lt. ''J. CJI AN'PS, Council R!ut.s city, Iowa. j II niug a Inge and Comm.idioas Wan ho ue i - o'i tin Levee at the Co ined Jllutts landing, flr' nicy prepareil to receive a:.d store, all kind of ii" ivhandise and pro l ice, will receive and i.ay rh .ig.s o:i all kin li of frcie-;!,, sr. that S'caui lioits will not he detained as they l,av h-ret'ifore, in getting same one to re,','ne '"'igut, when thecoasiguec are absent. ll r.iir.st -i:s : l.iv eriuoore .V. Cooley, S. (.'. Davo. ,V Co. and II nujdirey, Pn't Tory, St. Louis, Mo.; Tootle At Fai'rleigh, St. Joseph, Mo. ; J. S. Chene worth Co., Ciacinnati Oliio; W. F. Coiitho agh, Riiiiingtoii, Imyi. 1-tf ROBINSON HOUSE, rilHI' undersigned hiving recently taken .L a',d refitted the above well-kno'ivn and popular Public House. In tras's by the strict I s .u. nous at'e.ition i tiie waiit of Ins guesls, I i merit a liber il wliarn of public Tavair, eonfi. deuce and pi'ronage. His table will be spread wi'h the best the ma rket a ff iris, a nd r.o pii:,s will be spnred to make hit guv its agree,t!,y at hams and roinfor'aMe. G. A. ROIIINSOX. Council muffs, Iowa. aViv FJ-tf. CIIAULF.S D.GRF.FN AND RICIURDj K I M U ALL, I laving ii.n ch jsed ibis well known I ana popular hiloon, in respectfully inform the i Oi.'VtliH s it v. would that tin y are now prepare.! to r.iiii.sli then-customers, at all hoiri. with HOT MFALS. OVSIT.ItS. a ii no ir i, w s R 1)1 N I'.S, pigs i i:;: f. i'ilklfdi TOXGFF. GAMF, and o .her lll.M.III'OIIMivnii TCV AP'-'.X and ye shall be i;'!c.. i' - tf ,(;Si:r..V.; KIM HALT. II0U3I. AND LOT SALE. ON the c ir.n r ' Nineteenth Aven.i" an 1 Filt' s ic'', (occipie.l hy Dr. Rice.) The ;;'miV' liiHMl".! e sold low, if im iio'liaic afdica; io i is in ide to M s irs V,....,,-, .V !i.vl. , M tin l.o '.'-'.f. M ltflSMM m 1 GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, Tll) MODEL FAMILY AM) ACi-' Rl( TLTFRAL IVXTER. i CI IIIISIIKft AT I GI.RM A YrOWN, PHIL VI A CO., PF.XX. I.VIIIV W II1N ISO V V MllHt(Nli, r rim.ir ,. 7v':.. i IM! irr .'l'vv'i t in ti i voc. hi ii vvvit I V VVfVf Vetak!b!s i t ion ti a.inouiice to I .ii iii its t ti rouihout. I lie connliv, that II is the In - leiilioii ol- (he r. hlnr .and Proprietor nf the - iciunnniown ici 'vra ci, not on v 10 con tinue us heretofore the A'fi ictiltnra) Depart ment of bis p iper, but sedulously to add to its character nml value hy all the means al ciiiuin Hid. All necestary space shall be pro vided Tor a full record of' Aerie uthu.il Details nnd a full development of evry branch of the l'irin"i's Pursuit. He will In future, as he has always heretofore, aim to be piaclieal, a .'id to I r real nnd siibilaiili.il advantage lo husbandry. His course, also, w ill coul inue lo he tlioinuehly independent , nnd wholly un biassed by any other motives lb an Ihnie he conceives lo be promotive i( the true Interest or Agriculture in its bio idesl ineanin ';. Neither individuals, cliipies, societies, or any o'lo r in fluence shall swerve linn from the pa'h of I 'ie'i' and d it y. Fanners, Ihio 1 ,''i.a' the ciinliy, who de. sire a Newspaper, istned weekly, and npial to any other family news innl. literary u 11 nal publislied, whicli Inal.et A il ieult ure' a' speci ality, will find (lie Genu inlow 1 Teles-rap!!" In fulfill every condition, and lo render It en tirely uniM ssary lor lln-in lo s .ibscribe for 11 pi iiodical I'tchnuvclv net icull ura I. Practical I but icill! m e, Pomology ;ind i;,tr deniiur, generally, will meet with p.iiticular aueui ion. As n Li'i'f.ary and News .foirnal it shall not be surpassed by any in the country. Neatly printed on (rood paper, of the largest class, it shall continue to be one of (ho hand somest tic'vnpupcrs of the day, Fvery family. In town or country, whether they lake other papers or not, will find Ihe "Germ inlow 11 Telegraph" to be worlh. In lit eral bene lit , I vv ice Ihe a mount of subscript Ion. Xo subscription received without Ihe cash. Price Two Dollars in advance. .Subscriptions: not paid within Ihe year. If'J.aO. Mail sub scribers will have the cash postage deducted when not excee.lini; 'J els. per annum, pro vided the subset dpi ion be paid strictly in ad vance. Postage stamps to this nniount will be returned (is change with the receipt. Any person sending live new subscriber at one time, v ill I I lie rush, will be cut il led In Ihe paper for one year. Specimen iiu nbi rs sea! 01 reipies'. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. For 1057. 'Mill, Cheineit I'.i tn i 1 v Newspaper in the .1. West! Til" Wick Iv Plain " al'T will commence ps Sixteenth Volume on the 1 it day of .laiiuary, lM,'i7. It will continue the name Independent, Jocose, r'earless, I'iehlin;; Jour nal il has ever been. Dealing Plainly b at kind ly with nil. It will buttle J'or the Constil i- tion and Ihe Fnion, as "Ihe world's best lin t. sure and last hope." Il will oppose Fusion. ism in every lorm, nml liaiiie pis-union 111 every disguise. Of il vigilance as n Sentinel upon the watch-tower of Liberty, It Is sulfi cielit to say, that it has never yet been found napping ill us post. TDK M:W YOLUMF A X D Till'. XF.W Y FA It I The 7'ew Volume will cNiminetiec. with n Xcvv Year, big with important events. A new leaf in the hislory of this Republic vv be entered, upon the Inauguration or n new I'resnleiit. ami ice Presnlenl. Daring (he coming year, the policy nf the Xcvv Adtnini Iratiou will be fully unveiled in regard to the following impoitaul nnd excifing National topics: The Final Set I leinent of til" Ktn.ts Ditlicull v, on vv hit h (be whole Slavery ipins tio'i in (he Territories is pending The Final Settlement, of the Central American (jncsl iou, as iigainsl the claims of Fngland Our Right, of Transit Across the Islhui is, and the recog nition .a nd inainlainanee of the Walker Re public in .Nicaragua The D.inish Sound Dues The Act aisitioa of Cuba The Annexation of the Sandwich Islands The Admission of Minnesota as a S'afe Admission nf Oregon Adiiiissi i.i i Fl.ah, with or without J'olv- giniy Admitsion of Kansas, vviili or without Slavery Probable Admission of Nebraska and Washington Territories The Inaugural j Message of Jamei Hm hunt. The Doings of I the New Democratic Coagrest. These ;ire s. ime 01 tiii' leaning events wh:cti will iliiti.i gjiih tb? incoming ,duiiiiis'ritio 1, nnd most of them will transpire during the earning year. xow is tiii: timi: to sru-iCiiiuFi Clev( land, from ils central loci' ion, and fr.un its great coiicentr.tti'jii of Rail Holds, I elegiaiili 1, and w.iker roiiiuiaiiicai iou with 'he world, is ndmilted to b the t.-nl News Point in the West. It ran furnish intelligence fi"in all parts of the woi Id, (lavs abend of the Xevv York Papers, and the Plain Dealer, tie. louring lo tiie New York Associalrd press, is the fos1 to p ddisli tli Foreign and Dom 'slic Markets, News, Disasters upon th Lake. !n,l f ominerci.il Intelligence tretierally. II. will bay.' Da il v Teleirr.t nliie Distia Idles from v ashmgloii ilurt'ig the S -ssiouof (.'(ingress, and Ins regular Correspondent in all the principal ciiies of the Union. In addition to a full ,t;1 fai'hful record of passing events, we intend to ilevo'o a co i-id-er.tbb' por'ion of our paper to "Polite Litera ture." Fvery Paper will contain a Story, fi ber original or selected, accoiiipatiied with the choicest virie'y of Misci ll in", such s Poetry, Discoveries, biographies, Jokes, O J. tlities. A.C.. m iking lilto'et.hcr one of the '"!4t Yalu aid Family Journals is tho West I 'Prompt to improve nml to invite. We'll id'-lid instruction with delight." O :r Agri.-i.ltiiial, Comuiercia!, and Telegraphic Department, will each be worth (lie subscription price or Ihe paper. I he llrm'li' o'i. New York. R il; iui'ire, Cleve-. a i M iikels vv ill be repi r'.e l laini ami i inci.m a I ui nke;s vvitl tie re h im my. TKilMS: S' a.de S itisci ibers, $ Clubs of Ten (to nn.' ntfiop) l.o.l (!ii'.s of Twenty Co one Ollic i.... I .." "y- ,"" I Pay l ivin ibly la ai.vanee. To the getter , up cl a CI lb, o. copy gratis. ! 1 V" I,'-M ts'er are es'ierially rr, irjte.1 to act a Agent. They sho ild in Vverv case, w'hre possible, sti'is'iin'e Western D-mi-l cratic Pap-T for F'i'rn Fusion Pap"is. j Tliose desiring the I'resideto'.i f and o'li-r Pabli" Docunietit, ran b.eri'i" now, . , n nn, llllir mint : r l-i M I.eil-ll e-. I S ibscriber to the New Vol rne should 1 in their iniiicj aa "ir'v a' tn- aii.i Re of December, go thn theymtvbe regts'.erel in 1 ime for the first numb t. AM fa ids receWe I , mn'trr, and is uoi idled up wit', an overdo at current rates, mid if registered, luaib-d at. of rti"iv, '.vislie ..yoshv nil' fiom the hn our risk. A I !res o' cact-br line . a n'.;r ."- !Jiio CMy li J. W. Glt VY, Cleyelnul, O. 'p'ch. ... .. n . n . r... '" 'I'if il rrew'l he HOUSE CARPENTER AND',V', i,,v' ,a ,f coi' !eu, ar -r r s i.-r - -a I tertsi'.i.ig, truly d-lici-ms nd isil-aborl J V-JLLJ JULBjL-t., j i ,...' LWilluinsV.rtr, V. GiMte. VX. BRIGGS, Tske this tM-tho 1 ,if in. "'Per I room for just ui h ptir, a . , fort.i'irg Ins friends, and the pub'ie I' h Is ec tr.f lw lr'i hil aiM lira-geii.-rslly, that he is 'irepnred lo IH'If.') AND i con'ttd il col'm v s the li'erarr nnJ FINISH, ia the - y mvi'ier I ciul wntld h ills." pVelUWutfir. . Ap Dwelling Hrisci j t!,,."r- K , . . , j 1 !l so m h 'C.une a lradirg tnnr at t' Of every I -set ip'i n or y ! nn I li ,is!i. tei tbr -s: le.vt ,;u ;te, Mt (;, v'rr.' in ist reMo.i'.le te;m ,. ' T i i ikr .1 fu past) V , .11., ui ni.tusn northern papers, b fnvori, I.-' solicit a con' i i.i i u-e ,f j i!d: in Ibis iust.ince we are forced to overcoat p.itro i i ; '. t l.e'l 'V ie Oct. .!., !-"it. i-'.t iiiui c. tAVcro ixujil. vo ixnioLn, Pt. Miry, Mills County Iowa. NEW STORE, , NEW FIRM, I NEW QOOD3. WL Would respectfully nillioiinee to the people of Mills and "ndjoliilnir rotitities, ' ' " I .-"I. ii- it i.i- ,i-i ii ,1 1 inn reives ill mr iipw - ' lliick storn mi I In. e.,m..r ..r 1......1 .ir..i mat Ill-ll ... I..,... I. ...I .........I I.. fcl.- , sire's Avenun, In S'. iMarv, nnd now have on hand 11 lull nml well led ...I t ,.f 30"OA7V Oooas, ndapleil lo,th" wants of UiJ comin anil y, con sisting of GIIOCFRIFS, J)RY GOODS. II ARDWARI'. II A I S it CAPS. IIO'H'S .V SIIOF.S, DIICGS MF.DICINF.fl, OILS. CLOTHING, FANCY (iOODS, JT'RM TI'RF,, I' MN P, LKJI'OHM, WINDOW-GLASA, SASH, Ac., ke. We arn determined (u sell to cash cuslo- mers lower lhannv n'Uij- eslablldin I It this purl ion of the Stale. An examination of our stock and prices will be nil that is neces sary lo mariner oi of the fact. Look out for the MAMMOTH BRICK STORE!! I FRONT STREET, ST. MARY. C.'r" All Kinds of country produce taken In exi hangr for Good, iina-tr. K U II L k. KAYSKR. IF YOU WANT A OOOD PATEE, KI'IISI ItlltF. Knit "Tho Nation," 'Mill', most popular Weekly in America, L which has Immediately upon it issue, sprang into nn Immense Circulation. Thi rapid success i unpi ecedenled Jn tho History ir Journalism, and can only be Accounted for by the fact that the Proprietors have employ, ini, without regard to expense, the Star Wri ter of America. The "Nation" is tho only paper which contains the Witty, Humorous and Side-Splilllng Sketches of that Comical Genius, and Unrivalled Humorist, Knight Rush Ockside, M. D., of which series, ono sketch nloue is worth the whole years' Subscription. The Nation is IMileil byS. M. Itigclow And Mrs. I-:. D. I'. N. Southvvorth, who I well known ns one of the Most Popular Writers In America. In nd lit ion lo the shove, we have engaged as Contributor! Clara Moretoi, Alice Cary, Mrs. A. F. Law, Mr. F. F. Filet, Park lion jj in , ami n niieious others. Hewry W. Herbert, W. W. Fosdick, C. A. Page, Ren. Casseday, W. P. Ilianna'ii, TO TIIE FAIR SEX We particularly commend our sheet. Their department will bn Fdiled with the utmost care, and no expense or labor spared to render the column devote I to their especial bent lit, unusually Rrilllan', Attractive, Instructlvo and Ornamental, Tho Farmers' and Planters' Corner Will ront.iin Practicnl Suggestion and Agri cultural Hints, contributed and culled from sources tho most reliable, and containing In formation which will prove to, them In tho course of a single year, of almost incalculable benefit. The other departments of our paper will re ceive the attention they respectively demand, each being especially ,'in l carefully prepared to meet (he varied (n's'es of Hie several cla e of lis readers. Among these we in.lf inrn tio.i Oiigmal Stories and Poems, Fdilorial Ramblingi and Sketchings, Siicy City News, Washington tjo.sip, Now York Chit Chat," tho Latest Paris Fashions, Practical Receipt r.ir the lloisehold mil Toilet, "Tho Little O.ies'' Department, (Jems from Proso ami Poetry, Reader's Guide, His'orical Skctclie, 'I'ransl.itioiis, &.c., A.e. Tim Nation ia issued In (juarto Form, (eight, pages,) and each number will contain at least two Original F.igravings, thus fur nishing our S ibscriber at ttie end of tho year with a volume containing did large size, beau tifully printed page of Unsurpassed Novel Ictts, Sketches, ic, 4.c, together with over tod Original II! istrations. 'J'lie Nation is seat at the following rem-irk. ably low Subscription and Clubbing Term: invariably In n Ivjiice. Single Copies, $i (,') per annum. Two " (to one address,) $:i M 'J'hreo 5 (Kl Six " 1) (Nl Ten " 15 (x) i'.'yf" And one copy free to tho potter nn of the Club of TLX. ' 1 I'V All (hose sending ui sub icritions from tho Rritish Provinces, must enclose in addition to tho subscriritlu.i price. 23 cent for each subscriber, as we are compelled to pro pay the United S:ate postage. All letters containing money should be retr istered, and directed plainly, and thev will come at mr rik, otherwise we'are liot re sponsible for them. ?" !srfeiinen copies will be ent frea to Post Mi tten., Agents, and all who wi-h to gel up a rluh ; to all others, on receipt of four cent Iti stamps. The expense of registering is only 5 rents. Address CROFUT 4. BIG FLOW, f J Dock S'.., I'liiladelphia, Pa. Among the hundreds of complimentary no tices we have received from newspaper in every sretion of the country, we quote the following ex'racts from: 'Cli V'lli.u. ttt.iaia i.. i. i.... , on snow white paper, an I w richly a.lorne ( wi'h illos' ration. " N. Y. K in. "It wall attain to a high position In the li:. erary world." Philadelphi i Daily New. 'It is oae of the best wecklic'now pub li.he I. an I we take pleasure in bringing it t , the not ire of the raiding public." IHtrrit. burg. Pa. H.-ralil. -The tahnt and energy of Lie proprietor , P origin il and interesting content, and th. j ie.n,itv f the typograihy, cannot fail to se cure f ir it a general circulation." Ti' , ! ictubuig. Pa. lndpeii teut PreJ. '"A a literary and family journal, we luv . in h.'sita'ao i in pri uriicitiir it the bestamon 'ir exch uige. We advise the ladies to pn 'cars it without delay." Fnltoo, Pa. Repu' . ....i. . i, .,i. Til .1 l.l UUIB, UIll ' "'is esse we are bo md to five way t 1'ieri . l mmv l:v eo'.enioorarie, live Naib is composed ind, nlistantial and nef o ir te i.l'cr, and co n ti- i 1 the Nation to 0l r-.ideis." T.ay, Ala. Ridb-Mn. tt