BELLHVUE (3AZETTI3. r n i. i s it i' n v 8. A. STRICKLAND & CO.. TH03. J. cTj:r-nsoN, ttniTon.. BCLLSVUE, N. T. TIIL'RSI) AY, 1 r.IWU AKY 10, K7. ( Or v ! r. I 1" Hi .14 ci i or !! ; ! re,.r,i'n i i Hie body which t .. r.' .r. t.t:.T for "vl.t.'is'.a had she a n i- t'. 111 lh II- ' sand mmx s i lt as ie, ninl i! would have 'hern letter f.r III- "P. I I i'oi v, h i. I ill" hue hern hlesse I '. I'll their as iis:,u.. e i i Ihe l.e- i cisl itute. I" Tore wio'igs up".i wrong 4 had rnlitmji, ( faith. I .In not dc-irc t re- ; IWrio.,, f..r the it. liovno Gazette. 1 criminate, but I have been ii -.-ni.!, mul ' lor itml i:ir l of l ush Ion. Iiiivc a right In use my own weapons,' Fashion is nt tin' sumo time the most i iih"r in M'lf-ilt f. iKf or fur the injury of tyrnniiirnl ami tin! capricious dume i il f t. . my fin'iny. luinginuiiie ; lor wnur, one year mil- pro tnl to rnji tin" climax of malignity, in- i imimces to bo in tin' mnst perfect taste, llienpc.l n Mti tlm leads of this cnplc no h i- Ins pi I.tTRlttilt It c llrl'v The er lie U closed the curtain has drop, fpil. The third I.-rhI it'iri' r Neiu.iska have ,0 .p'fn finished their lalnr ninl returned to t Ii i r'cnt ho lie i and com itaency, wmr to re. -die tin' co! agues plaudits mul tli.iitl.s of Jin ll' out ami l.imi- , f t IinL uterling integrity nut in fully repiescirfed constituency, oHien to I vorlli Iti it nn I itiiii.'nr al onr nimm Hid ro ili', Clvr tint jusl condemnation tlirir recreancy ' )it li-r by ex igeratinu nr o'herwise, il i tin in rt much deserve. Ami It is imt .t vlnji ton even justice. Always at tlirir osl of ilnty. iii ii 'ii ninl tirai lii't y, mil' of tlic tirxt, perhaps, she condemns as most tli'.' iii!ir of tin- nliMi'cii ! article vi-itcd shockingly r iii iculous, ami devoid of both Mmliinntv anil wantonly ! the I ri H or tin- me oil I no nay pi mr id in puiuicniinn, uii'i glint: nun uuniy s nu oniy so, iu nm: ii- !er Con ip'lmi iii. l 1'hmiI. An In (In-iii"iii-' (lUn nil t!m duy miI'm'iIh iiI, Mill iriifi'.bill'; (iliri'S Jh.'I ft i t ac.nii.vscoilcC' in lior jililjr- I,. ii of tl... mi,.r II. .mo fiom '..' no'liii..; frii'ii-Miii iiiiiI t'"-anl. Ami what nvxl. incut, mul n Mind ilcvotinii to Imr lit- imt.I In- i. ,i;.., lln- rolniiiin of ii innv. During a ilniiil.i ii li'ilii- at ll.'lli'Viu', on lii'Ms, from all lior votaries. And snn-Iy, p .p.T Sp.'.ik-r t;"ilit . uIki wmi .ln-t.'il lv T h' 1 1 !a y cvi'iiinu' l.i.-t, at tin- ('.! Oration tiovor moiian-h had such loyal subjects; ninhii Mi iin.inl.H'i.ii vol.- of tin- linn... Ii.'l.l IS.ttl, vvh.-ii 1m! bad i u bused a yen- for nt one time we find them, with one . i ill. in until (lie l.ii. lb' u ii wi'li tlir tli'Ul.lll, imirh of tlii I. i'i uri to iy, il promlm-iit niiioiij; Hi" thrrc nt tin' only otic Hint In nl;iiot! any Ufa tin " r.-llor t o.l tin; withri of tlio tmtrtj ninl imtwitlittiiiiiliii'; A rln't'k w.( put upon many iinpottant iihm mircs pattoil by a corrupt iiml umi.iI i'Xi'chIih', xtill It It ton npp.iri'iil to In' ili'nii'.l, tlial (lilt LpSlabltitro li;ive mostly Uv',; in ilcil.iiiro o," prinriplc In (Iip ni't in. lint to ri-v imv. Com mrnriii nt Dahkol.ili rnu'ilv, the rxlrnin" north of tin Territory. wi Iiml but n huiIh rovrcuriiliitive of three working ilh Hip pi'" pf majority nuaintt ilie roiiiliincil fmrrt of fraud mul rorruptioii. la S. I'. Waits, tin projilr of D will ri'i-o'iii.T lln'ii' only trnc nml faithful roprfsriit.itivi'. IK' took a .Iwlilril pntltion Willi the licopli'.i' niajorily t the roinineiici'mi'iit, ninl nnwl iiohly ili.l ho roiitlniiff to tin iMi'1 of the ii'm:uii halllin; fur rlpllt Ami the best Inleiett of hit fniitlitui'iitt, while hi collenjjne hi tin same honte (Tones), after pleiljjlnu lilt naeie.l word mid honor to niensuret and prineiplet of vilal iinpoitanrn to the Territory, as a man of easy virtue (us ln was), lie found no dilliciilty in breaking lila pledges, bit auli-imi aiiiiients, as thouli they had been no many ropes of aaml. Whether he wan prompted by the thousand, Al.t. la pold, we shall not empiire. It is enough to know he took its many dillVnvil po iiious, on diiTrirnl and vaiimii ipiesliout, at a man of his capacity well could; and it would be well for his constituent to know that, of all men la their midst, he. it the last one to trust with place, position or power. We pas to Hurt county, for we d.) not think It worth wasU of words ami paper to speak in detail of the shiflin ever and continually changing Puett in the Council, who had the honor of Misrepresenting the people of ),ih koUh. Burt county wnt much more fortunate than Dahkotnh.for in this Legislature she had but a (IiirU representative, (!. M. Cim.coTr. For intelligence he had nn superior in that body, of which he was a inemher. Capable, faithful and honest, he was untiring in his de votion and uncompromising In his real to ad vance the best interest of his Immediate ron stfRienti. Hi best eulogy It his record, showing what he consumma'ed for hit consti tuents, and It is our earnest hope that Hurt county may always be at highly favored in the halls of Legislature, la the fu'ure of this Territory, a she has been this time in se curing the services of the firiuand unflinching ClllXCOTT. Washington county hat Indeed been fortunate in the selection she madu to represent her, nt the sequel has shown the Council, so well mul favorably known throughout the Territory, will return to his constituent covered with glory enough for one session, .while F.. V. Stoct and Wm. Cos won, representatives, have won for themselves apolitical reputation for integrity and rnmesty of purpose that will last a long as the histo ry of Nehraska politics. Piompted by that manly sense of duty that it the fust and uio.U Important requisite la a legislator, they mark ed out a course of procedure at the beginning and none were more consistent and constant la a continuance of that course to lh Dodge county had but a single repictentative, S. K. Seeb-y, and he, as far as wo can learn, did not reflect the wishes of the great majority if his constituents, but owing to a want of residence la the District a sutricient length of time, did not retain hit seat the whole session. We come now to Douglas county. She had her representatives there la iiuin'.u'rs greater than any other county i:i th? Territory. Northern Djaglas (being no'hiag more or less than Oinaln city proper), t wi wh"r the whole world expected they would stand, the rinbodimeiit of the Caiutai. C'iihi k, the representative of the famous Omaha city and Council ItlalVi Terry Company. They were found voting and working togetUer until tue closing scene, when It was discovered that the two champions and nniu pillars (lliuicom and Seeley), of the Capital Ciiipie, bad pledged certain other geuib-ui -i to vote for it Bank lo 34e Ihu Capital, A certain few of their cons' ituciils, the few last days of the ecjshvi showed their ingrati tude to these two gentlemen, who had resorted to bo'.h fair and foul ma'is to keep the Capi tol where it was. As to the South D.tugbiss delegation, now Sarpy co mty, we will speak of her representation in an o'her place. Cass comity comes next. She has been the victim of Misr.rr.stNTTio the organization of the Territory. IVil this winter, hr Kik rATRicic in the Council and W-.t. Si.wuii rr.a, B. Cote, ILC. Wot.imi aiuljwin Carowkil iu the House of Representatives, are all men of that high sense of hanor an J of IVlitieal Integrity Uiat their work is b it what all ex pected at their hand. TUey h iv t been firm anJ reliable ia the grea work of destroying the monstrous tn uio-ioly vt'.iich has heen at war with the best Interest of this Territory from ila Organization. Th-Ir j is', upright and traightforwArJ co'ir in the l.'isla'ur this session hat redeemed Cast from the fo il a persious, so plentifully heaped npo'i her fair fame, before. Oioe C'oaiity spoke for henelf In the stent just passed, in manner and tone not to b wmtakened lirr counciliuen Bsn roan Rbete and SArroan, would havi done honor a repressntatives to themselves and constituents in the Halls of any Legislature of th? Uiibw. FVr wisdom, patriotitm and Iuteli- m Hie lat'.rrs own room, unit nirorii. eiuieavorm to attain, at near ns i I ' .1 . - I . I I ...!! -C I maimitv at far as he , ,hl I e ,,.' uin.ii iiuiniy imiinail. in prouipieu ffr; may ue, me grareiui omiuies oi u utun with il.e'ion he i.ecnpied. ' I ' i i i -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , if H'l :iri ifu of life, I jmiIo, and acrordino; ti the Dame's decree, ' ' i i .i . i .1..., twi i..,wi .,.rr....i Had ard CiVVIM, t te 11 II" Ml n''1''' 1 I in' i nnirMiinn, nun inn j'l wiiuuih iii; iiuii iiiiii: iiiu moot 'iui;u, ... ..... I fl... III'.. ..I .. .. ... ...iinral . m, r.r t. I ,.n a nt'itt fco.m I ill ei'l'it V' mil moral "uw oiiy in .i.ij niu uif nn- ii n.-. tin iiuuuni uii.i ji.iuuii mo. ,uv,u. oil.... iimlili', ticaclifi'iin ami uiiratetiil a . nut e er l-tut, l!ie tastidious Dame grows villain at evi r wat allowed lo run at tired uf willows, mid conccivino;, no lai oe. doubt, that the opposite extreme must be As far ns my bavin"- exerted any in- the very acme of craci; and beauty, forth lluence to procure n division of the county i with announces that the human form, as is coni eriied. 1 can only Hiy, that while 1 ; it was made by the Creator, is destitute of wished it miiflit Le consummated, I neither j true, grace, which can only be furnished luiliod, coaxi'd or urged a man lo support to order by n cooper or tmibrella-maker, the measure. As to the name of the and that a sugar or molasses cask np- ........... I ...ii...!.wr P.... tl... ! iii'.in.'iii.u iiiinri.!. I., ihn niierni.t tntiibiril nf inal.a, nn.l what is now Johnson ( o.iu'y shn ill . , ... , , !" , ,, ,. r (lrDumn,i ITIIill 171 r.lll II Il'Jit'ir lo III. , IIO lOI Ulll ly lUtllllJ tl.OII llllllh lll.ll VlV. wivuillv. and verily, u these find never feaiing the lesponsihilily of iielion, n positimi or a vole, )!oe may justly lie proud of these two men for they are natures noble men. Dow ns, 1.1. l is and Wiiitk nil from tin' same co.m'y were always ri;ht on Hi" i in tin ii'iet! ions an I vote. I inlelligenllv Ne- this review. IIOL ne II I l leu n-I I'l nil'-in e i:i nn-i ii-m-. . . , , , , . . I ' f I .1 t . . ' ., , i odd vear.i have trai-ked vour rlains, fouoht of bv Hie Graces; Sii" too w.M Hie viciiin 01 uros.i, i.i,;' n:iu , ' . ... , ... i' , ,: i ... I " .. ... ti., .!,. . , illie It'll lllltll, IIIIII tll.ietl 111 rSiaiillMllllo Silllli; UIUU s wi-ll- ill n.m; mi"" in- nr posts, forts, roads, and other facilities and selves in society at the present day, they protections for those who now occupy the ' would be hooted at, and compelled to hide Hham.'f il misrepie ,nnt.iti"U bv a part of her Delegation. There was much to redeem her from the olilmpiy mi l disgrace in'o which she had fallen by the legislative career of a Cu VMiirns and a Lvwucnck. They weretrue ns K'eel in the great contest, mid evinced a manliness and moral cournge in opposition to their recreant an I hise coleagues, that in woithv of admiration and respect from all who have al heart Hi" best interest of the Territory, while W. A. 1'lSM.V .V Co. Hie mlscre Hits o'f Ihe session, have by their treacherous, black hearted mid conduct ensured to them selves eternal oliliipiy dishonor ami disgrace. Doe W. A. FiNNf.v deny be was Jndat Itea- riut like paid his price, mid ! he deny b" tlid imt Benedict Arnold like, change front and position burnetii itcly after the supposed' purchase. Nn m it ' or lnnv stoutly, or tremb lingly and giiiltyly he may deny, Hie presump tion that the charge is true it ho violent, that no proof that the nature of the case would ad mit of, wo lid c vivlnee the insulted, outraged, mid deeply wronged people of the contrary. We hope that Hie rumor it true that he hat disposed of his property in Nebraska, mid is maud at the op.uiing of the r.Ant.v navigation r Texas. M ly the virgin soil of Nebraska e saved from the desecration of hit corrupt and treacherous remains. r.nvnee ami Richardson county, though tist are not least in th ; review. McDonald represent ed these counties in the coundil, and was faithful to the Interest of his constitu eace, while Sisr.i.K.roN and Ciiom wc.t.l. nud Sn hp were Hi" R.-prefnt atives in the lower Mouse from Hi" same district. Sinhlktos has ben in the tlu'e" legislatures, and il it enough to say of him, be h the man they at tempted to bribe with three thousand dollars on the Capitol question the first S'ssina. And bis conduct np i that occasion was such a rebuke to these Capitol worthies, that ho is the last man they would attempt to buy from principle and duty. Cuovnvei.t., his coleugue, was all that Rich ird lo.i and Pawnee coald lesire In a Representative. Betides being an honest, faithful, tried and Irun Representative, he is a gentleman in th highest sense of the word. Smart, last In this review, the col- eague tif Sistii.eTON and Cuomwcm., it a young man or lint little experienen, and whether be was acting under any und ue inllueuce in regard to Banks, we shall not a I this lime en quire A Voice from the Old Pioneer, Genoral Pjter A. Sarpy. Mr. Km ion : Through the columns of your paper 1 desire lo reply to an article head ed "Swii'v t'-oiNiv," published in the .VitVi', of the 11th itiM., iu which my private conduct and public nctioas are referred to in language alike false, abusive, scurrilous and (discern. I shall speak plainly, aj an old pioneer and an hoii'st man. My long residence in ihis Territory, my intimate relations with all government then wilderness? W hat care 1 for the their heads in confusion paltry favor. I did not ask it, hut begged j Immediately upon the enunciation of that some other name might be usetl. j these new principles of dress, by their No. sir. The honor of being an honest time-honored sovereign, all her loyal sub man, the satisfaction of knowing that I jects, from Maine to California, with one never betrayed my friends, nr even tried accord, unconditionally retract and ignore In deceive mi enemy, is sudieieiit for me. their former opinions, and declare, most Neither will the honeyed language of tin emphatically, that whales and coopers are clming paragraph content me. There is the greatest benefactors of human kind, iu it no oil to heal the wounds occasioned ami that without them, the world would by this gross attack. Hut, thank (iod.I be a vast wilderness, a fit place for sav have within myself the cure. Il is in the 'ages, who cannot appreciate the graceful scorn ami deliance with which I treat ' contour of a form modified to suit a Paris their nssassTu-liku assault. Had I in- j milliner's ideas of elegance. And if one jured Jinn, they might have retaliated ; : more reckless than the rest dares to dis but to be assailed by professed friends, sent from these rules nnd dogmas, she is almost infuriates uk. and 1 long once forthwith condemned without benefit of more to leave the habitations of the while clergy, and henceforth considered as a man, and again make my camp with the dangerous person, and one not to be nd less treacherous und more grateful Indian, milted to too close communion with ihe I have said too much, perhaps, already, ! loyal subjects of the fastidioiu sovereign, Mr. Kditor, hut I could not help it. I unt lest the dissatisfaction becomes general, getting old; two-thirds of my life has; Now is it not too bad that a people who been spent in the wilds ; but iu ull my have struggled so hard for independence, dealings I defy any man to prove that 1 as have those of our republic, should he have been false, unkind or dishonest. subjected to the despotic way of such an I denounce the. two principals in this j inveterate tyrantess as this Dame has outrageous attack, as men devoid of honor, ' proved herself to be ? kmmiv Aiu:inisi:Mi:rs. J. A. Jomhs. nc.o. W. wnon. T1IK LA1UJKST Drug & Chemical House IN THE WEST. OMAHA CITV.NKIIIt.VSIvA TF.RRTTORY JONES & WOOD, N'iioi.i.s w.k A"r Kctui Dr.M.ins in Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window (Mass, Wines, Liipiort, Cigars, Tobacco, &.C. Si.c. Sec. Having purchased the entire stock of DRUOS and FANCY (iOODS formerly be longing to V, A. Henry & Co., together wiUi our own full purchases, we are now enabled to offer the public a complete nn assortment of DRUGS and FANCY CiOODS as can be found west of the Mississippi river. Our stock it of magnitude euoiigh to supply the whole Nebraska trade; and having been pur chased miller the most favorable circum stances, we feel nssured in our statement, that if Fine Goods, at regards quantity, qual ity ami price, are anv object to those dealing in DRUGS and MF.D1CINF.S, we can oiler these inducements to a greater extent than any other house iu the West. Country Merchant and Physician are requested to examine our stock before purchasing clsewlfere no l.Vtf JONF.S & WOOD. W. 11. STARK. O. W. IIKI'IICRS. whether as regards their domestic rela lions or their public transaction?, ami am fully able to prove all lhat 1 assert. This is written entirely on my own personal responsibility, and if they do not like the style of the "old horse on the sand bar,"" let the knave and the bully, together with their juvenile bottle-holder, call cither singly or together on i our obedient servant,. P. A. SAUTY. Then arouse ye J summon all vour en ergy and free yourselves from this igno ble bondage ; obey only the dictates of prudence and true taste. Cultivate in your souls a love of the beautiful, as seen iu nature, and you will cease to regard the mandates of Dame Fashion as infallible, and learn to live for a nobler purpose. Learn that woman has a higher walk to do than to flitter away her life in a fool ish endeavor to outshine all others (if her sex in gaudy apparel, while the jewel of her mind is left unpolished nnd unprized. HKAILA. Tin lluil roads "nt Hie IVoiId. All the world knows that the United States of America is eminently the coun try of railroads ; but every one may not Our llriuesciitutit ex. It ii with pleasure we again look upon the faces of our delegation iu the Legis lature, we say "with pleasure"' because we believe '.here is no purrlins?. money in the pockets of uither of them. They have ; know the degree to which wo excel the to,l imhtv ,..! in il., mul.- rest ot lite world m the solid assurances . . ... -i, i ... , ! that we shall continue to excel, or finally, in defence ol the right and are entitled t, , , , , ., cc , ., . 3 . . j me prooi which noui utioui iu.ii we are to th;; wekviuie. from their constituents, we u,.still.(l ,0 exce j civilization. At the now give them "wvll doac gojd and end of the year lS(j there were in Great faiihful servants." ! lh itain S,o7(5 miles of railroad ii: all F.u- Yo not need particularise". (Jen H.wcn ! r'.T? tojaretlior 21.903 miles, while in Hie , ,,. . . ' ... , 1 1 iiiled Mates alone, there were 21 ,)() ami Allen of ihe Council have escaped j mios As tho grand total of all the miles without the "smell of lire on their g;r-, of railroad in the world is 51,20(5, it will ments. As to the manner (..en. Jioweu be seen that very nearly one-halt or the discharged his duties as the Provident of , amount is in the I mtcd Mates, the the NEW Boot and Shoe Store, On JFARNHAM Street, Opposite the F.x 0 change Rank. W, H, STARK & CO., Would respectfully inform the ladies and gen tlemen of Omaha ami vicinity, that they have on hand and are manufacturing a complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, nnd warranted; compri sing the following, viz : Ladies' Fine Lace and Congress Gaiters. ' " Kid Hootees and Congress Gaiter. " " Slippers and Ties. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Hooters. Misses " " " Childs' " ." " Gents' S"we 1 Kip ami Calf Hoots. ' Peeked ' ' " Fine French or Pump Hoots. " Water Proof and (i'lilted-Holtom Hoots. " Patent Calf Hoots. . " Oxfonl Ties and Gaiters. " Kin and Calf Shoes. Hoys' and Youths" Kip Hoots ami Hrogans. All of which arc made or the best material the market affords. Our facilities for sMect ing .1re unsurpassed in Kas'.ern cities, and we wish it distinctly understood that wo Warrant Every Article Wo Sell. We have Hi" best of workmen ii oar em- i,u;uooi advi:ktiskmi:nts. L A T E ARRIVAL!! AT (.X F.N WOOD, IOWA. TOOTLE & GREENE ARE NOW IM RKCKITT OK A rBESH BVFI'LT Of my 'Udiid Which, when complete, will compose the L ARC F.ST a n n pfst SI'.LF.CTF.D STOCK IN MILLS COUNTY. Ollt STO( ft OI' .KOC F.ltlF.ft Are bought at the lowest terms for cash, consist of COFFF.K, SUG.-Jf, TF.AS, FISIf. RICK. ' CUR It A N TS, RAISINS, CANDIF.S, MOLASSF.S, SYRUP, FRUIT, NUTS, 4.C., 4.c, &.r dry ;(( ns. Ladies and Gents, call and see them, anil price for yourselves. They have not beeir summered ninl wintered in St. Louis, but bought and shipped direct from the F.astern cities. Late stvlcs and n full assortment of DRF.SS GOODS, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, HONNFTS and PARASOLS. II.OTIIIMJ. A fine stock old and young, fogies and1 'fast' men, call soon if you want a nice cat vest or pants, on reasonable terms. HATS! HATS I! New styles, cheap and durable. ii vitim Am:. A very large assortment, consisting in part of Smith's Tools, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Rakes. Hoes, Hells, Mill, Crosscut, nnd Hani Saws, Files, Augers, Axes, Hroadaxcs, Adze, Chisels, &c, &.c, to tho end of the chapter. IIIII.DIAC M ITFItlAI.S. A large lot, consisting of Pine Doors, Sash. Shutter 'Winds, Paints. Oils, Nails, Locks, Latches, Glass, Putty, &c. Fl It.MTl Ki;. Hureaus, Hedsteatls, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes, Cuhboars, Stands, &.C. I'tj- We will sell cheaper for cash thnr nnv house in Western I own. noR-tf. TOOTLF. & GRFF.NF.. HUFFMAN'S STAGE LINE. HF.LLLVUF.. ST. MARYS A N D (i L i: N W O O 1) STAG I ; LINK. HUFFMAN'S LINK will leave Glenwood,. via. St. Marys for llellevue, on Mon day's, Wednesday's and Saturday's, nt H o'clock, A. M., ami will leave the Henton House, llellevue, via. St. Marys for Glenwood,. on Ihe same days nt 1 o'clock, P. M. Thin Line connects nt SI. Marys, with tho Council Hliill.t and St. Joseph Stages, mid nt Glenwood w ith the variojiR lines from the Mis sissippi to the Missouri Rivers. travelers on this Line will luul every con- idoy. I'.verv sty., nf Hoo' or Shoe mails to ' venience nnd acconunoibition, to nmke their . . . i . ..: ..1 n...l f ..!.. 1.1 order, and warranted on easy nnd fashionable lit. Kespectr.illv, in 13-tf W. 11. STARK & CO. ANOTHER GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoes SIXI.IMi AT COST A T T 11 F. O M A II A C I T Y Boot and Shoo Store, To make room for my own manufacture. Also, a gno I as 101 ' rue. it of Li. lies' and Gents' Rubber, Overs nnd Smd.ils of A. No. I quali ty, at a very small advance, togellicr with a complete assortment nf wink of my own man ufacture, including Ladies' nnd Gents' buffalo Overs. Also, a well selected S'.ock of Leather and Findings. P. S. F.v.'i'y style of Hoot or Shot made to order, as usual, an I waria.i'ed easy, fashion- Inns pleasant mid speed v. Comfortal'!'! Coaches, Careful Drivers and well-fed Horses. ROP-F.RT HUFFMAN, no 5-1 f. . irxnEsxv goods V.M) CHEAP GOODS. CO. i i ,i . ) , . .. , lo tiiosi) wiiore lect w nat raiiroaus are, .he Council, the complimentary vote on 1 , , , , , , . ., 1 . i and what they lead to, there is something no la,l evemn- of the session, is gratifi-1 ulnl0it 0V(,rwhelmiii-r in such an array of inur and satisfactory to us. Maj. S. A. , facts, When at a present day a country Striclvland as speaker pro Uin, and the posesscs internal resources and railroads, acknowledged leader if the House th0 ; it has gained ninety-nine ono-hundredths ,f , f .i r i -.ii- ..1 of the c-scntial requisites to prosperity. .Mural of the hue, has ncputted l'elf That wTlk.h take8 protiuco more readily nobly. Chas. T. 1 lolloway occupy 1113 the ailj ,-heaply to market, which supplies the aoents coniinj; to cd'ect treaties or ar-1 hij;h position of Chairman of the Com. 011 manufacturer with raw material at the ranes'.ients with the various Indian nines, j judiciary, exhibited his usual good jud r- lowest rates, and which in return brings from the Kan-as river to the Yellowstone, 1 . , ' , 1 ...i .,.,;,,,,., . 1 ,,,lk.i. 1 In the adriculturist the results of manufac- , , .r, tl!l..lU,U. 1... II. I.l.llk.7, UlU UllilU" r , , - ami from the Kockv Alouutains to l!ie : , .. , , , , , , , lures and commerce, must be, of course, ken firmness. He is entitled to the ad- the medium to facilitate and encourage the Missouri, ihiriuo the hist thirtv-live wars. have given me a notm i.-iy which I could imration and approbation of his constitu-, interest of all these. Let it be constantly not avoid; the reputation I possess has, cuts. No one ea:i say ought against ot- borne in mind that our railroads are the been won by earnest ( lPous, extreme f J0'm l'inney wo feel proud he is nol great assura ire of our prosperity. With hardships, and untiring devoiioa to the I ,i ,1 . .. . i- .. f x : them the country in its vast extent can . : . t iii ihe other I mnev, loe 1 inney of rsema- ... ' . , , best int rests of ntv co.intry, and bv a 1 111 1 ; never sailer seriously from any cause; strict adherence to' Jjon.-r, 'h.wJty iitid h;l' He is richly deerving of tho liuuio xvithoiil them vory individual in it would truth ; nn 1 for the first tine iw my'lif.' I j ""'i'' Jvhu'vt the Legislature. As to be in danger of utter poverty. Regarded a. a cuipled, half French, half Indian, ' Joseph Dyson, we take pleatjure to aiiirm, ' iu this, tV true light, the conduct of the as 1 am, to appear i t;,. columns ct a froiw his caurjjl. that there u "a Jostph . Vn) "m WT ranroaa m.h-k newspaper. A snse of duty, however, ., ,, . ,1 1 . n which is destined to benefit the community, able and durable no 13-tf. W. II F.XRY STARK. as well as of contempt and scorn for the solely with an eye to personal profit, must paltry authors of the outrageous urticle . ccs of a Potiphars wife could not corruj t. often appear uncharitable and illiberal, referred to, forces me so to do. I sav 'fletitleinan we w. Icoun von to the bosom i There is many a road, not directly very aufhorti, for there are ihrt of them, have ' ,, t,,,,,., ., .. .,;,,,.,.., profitable to its possessors, which neverthe- , -it , , t'l all lllllll H ItlllMIIIII ll'.. It til n 11 , wantonly assailed me, and though not; ; less unhoMs a community. e could wish using my name, have ucule use of op- j 1 I if eons in Texas. probrious and insulting tides, under cover ', The Palostin e Advoca'e describes a ro of which they try to conceal their villainy, cent viit made by the editor to n pigeon's treachery and ingratitude. v,st, on Wolf Creek, some 'JO or .10 Two of these men have lecn recipients j miles above Palestine. The company ar of favors at my hands they h ve pro- rived at the roost before night, and when fessed to be my friends they occupy high the pigeons were absent. They were official positions in the Territory, but this struck with astonishment at the havoc the shall not shield them from rebuke or per- pigeons had made that this view of railroads was more gen erally entertained. If true charity con sists in providing employment for the poor, certainly no better charity can be found than in supporting institutions which tend more than any others to promote indus trial development. A I'roud Position. The London 'Times' commences nn ar- JUST RF.CF.IVF.D BY li 11 n 1 n 1 1 o p, CiLF.NWOOD, IOWA, A Larire and Well Selected Stock (F.xpress ly lor THIS Market) of Dry Good, Clothine;, Castings, Grnceri, (, Hats &, C.ip, Ron's &, Shoes, Pine Doors, Iron, Nails, Sash, If -'rd ware, Cutlery, Locks, Latches, Window Shutters, &.C., &.C. H aviso been wright anil shipped at low figures, we flatter ourselves we are able to offer such inducements to CASH Ill'Y IlltS ns have not heretofore been ollered. We ask an examination of our Goods nnd prices, before piuchrtithiH elsewhere. The La dies will find at our Store a large stock of CHALLI, UKRAGI'.. DF.LAINS, POPLINS. GINGHAM.", " VICTORIA LAWNS, 1 : M RROIDKIi F. D RO B F.S, PLAID SILKS, &c, &.c, All of which will be sold very LOW. NUCKOLLS &. CO. Gr.r.NWoon, Mills Co., Iowa. no 4-tf. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! NEW GOODS! NEW STORE!! fill! I' undersigned have opened, at their new JL store on Douglas street, opposite the banks, a new mi l Kplen.lil assortment of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, , ROOTS and SHOKS, ROOKS, STATION F.RY.&c. Our stock of Dry (Jonilt comprises all kinds of LADIF.S', GF.NTLF.MF.N'S and CHILD RF.N'S DRF.SS GOODS, ALL KINDS OF DOMESTICS nnd everythiiij; that is requisite to make up a complete assortment of Dry Goods. We have a large lot of Clothing that is wcl and fashionably i:iad, and oat of the best material. Our stock consists of all kinds of Gelits I'm milling G iuds. HOOTS and SHOF.S. Our stock of IJc.o'.s and Shoes is the largest ever ollered to the fpiiciisnf Nebraska. They are purchase I directly from the manufac turers, and are of the very best quality. Oar gootls are all new, and recently pur chased in the F.astern cities, and we intend : selling them at astonishing low nrices. All the ci'i.ens of Oiualu and vicinity are re- NCW Ever) thing, at the Old Stand of que me.i in can .tun exu 111111" our siock, as lliey will tnttl it to tlieir in'eiest to tto so. y We g'udy to please, no. 10-tf ' PATRICK &. CO FRANK L. KEMP. WILLIAM 1'HODSIIAM. lew Tork GUN AND JEWELRY STORE. KF.MP t FRODSIIAM, DF.ALF.RS iu Clocks, Watches. Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Rilles, Shot Gun's, "On all sides, larite I accountability. ; trees were eiiher broken or twined down, tide on the probable policy of the Presi or will the excuse that they were and the trunks of tho towering oaks liter- dent elect with this Haltering query: i.acM. ! when the filthy, loathsome arti- ally itrii ol of their branches." About Vho would not be a President of the le w is iioiitii'd (us admitted to mo at sunJowi tin. y heard a low roarins to llio I'nited States the ('mi. e nf n n.ui.m if best m iiiufacloriet in the' Union ; steamboat II llevne, on Saturday. I lih inst., I y on North, tin 1 hK.l.iug up they saw tho front freemen, the object of most infinite care, ! anJ oiriL'e 81U'"" clorkl' of the trio), av ul ih'in anything. AVer. of a large column of birds approaching, solicitude and contention to 27,000.000 of I c. , ., ,,t'U,NS-., I to avi if n.iv nerson nr lent ,u. uf m.,1 fr ...,! . ;. ,...t ... ,u .t .1. . v... S"r'i nu-1 double sine. (..ins. from five to and Pistols. CLOCKS. Thirty hour and eight day clocks of the two SARPY F.NGLISH. EDWARD C. EOSBYSHELL HAS the honor to Inform the people of the Southern District of Douglas and tho adjoin ing counties, Nebraska, that be is now open ing one r the largest Stocks of GOODS ever brought to Glenwood, Mills county, Iowa, consisting of DRY fJOOD, HAR DWARF.. HATS i. CAPS, NAILS, CORD AG 1', OILS, PAINTS, GROCF.RIES, ROOTS & SH0RS, Q U V. K X S W A R K, LI'.ATHF.R, IRON, l)Yi:-STUFFS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARK, R F. A I) Y-MAD F. CLOTH I NG, CAHPKNTF.RS' TOOLS, "YANKFi'. NOTIONS, &.C., them 50 its. to imy his lodorin'gs in a pour u!ou in one unbroken stream.' Pawnee lodge, or another, how he was ' Directly, others came from every direc points, and the topic on which e found asleep near a Pawnee camp, nearly ti.n. -until the whole air appeared lobe tongue descants raised above frozen to death, mid too drunk to tro full of them." The comnaiiv coinmcuied men bv no iic idoni ..f l.inK I farther, what would they say If they j operations ufter dark, bhooting them by superiority of wealth, but by the'presumed deny these statements, they .:. If torch-light, bringing down l. or '0 at a fitness of his personal qualities for one of iney auimt mem, tney are (guilty ct the shot, until they had bagged us many as the most elevated filiations that grossest d 'secrati m of honor and of ,t!iey desired, and then started for homo, may be called upon to fill !' tho object at which every man's finger every man s his fellow bv no mere And everything that may be found eenernllf own mate : also. ' in city i.'ures'all of which he will sell eastern m.iKe; ns!nn r j,n kllnlt; pistol t ,.,.. rtaiks, shot hags, wadding and wad cntt.rt; CI IK A P K)R CASH, eommon and water-proof cajn; colt's caps, fV ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO nuineroii, o'her articles suitable for the DUCK t.iKen in exchenge for Goods. Hny V estern trade, which neither time itur space rrs from town or country wishing eood and WHI allow to en'.inerate. cheap Goods, . ilr at wholesale or retail, ' v All of the above articles sold on the will save money bv calliit'' and examininp hi most re.lsn.Kitili. Inrm. II .01:1 i 1 .1.,i.m 1.. 1 i...e o... . , 1 mailt 1 1 1 ...... .v . mui m iirn'ir pun ll.i sill t'lHrniirrr, urn uj order nt short ru.i ice. no !Mf. will find o"d bargain and fair dealing. I Om (ii v Cirv, N. T, I Gn;Nwoon, Iowa. no 4-tf