Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, February 12, 1857, Image 2

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r U I U I It I: r at
" "dkllcvue, n. t.
nllTue Ha AdvmitAfi's anil
. . ..i .
the I'n.ilie Rilro ul shall be built, h '''' j '"' I m!:i '
rjiii' v f Vlilh rullfj. mil i'" 'i"t'l-
ing nnl punting of the iron horse will
fir.M If hoard nt R.-llovue, nc it leaps
forward to ipn mil its third iii the t
of the Pacific. Tim law of nature has so
ordained it, niul we apprehend dm power
of town fjvcnliil'irj will hardly bo able to
avert if 3 course. Already two powerful
Railnnd Companies are pushing their
worhs across Iowa, nnd Uuir t : 1 con
verge towards this point ns tin y approach
the Missouri liver. T1iom toads niv
When, what is now known ns the Tor
ritorv of Nebraska was described on our soon to bo built, and it is nlnced certain
min "nnMorod rpffions." Ibo Amor- tlmt both of tliom will establish their
lean Fur ComnanV despatched a cr-rps of Western terminus directly opposite Belle
men. with Con. iVtor A. Sarpy at its vuo, nnd tbat they will unite in the con-
head, for tho purpose of examining the M ruction of tin; lVifn: Ilmd from Belle-
CoUlilry and locating a "trading pol" on vue westward along the north side of ih
(he most "eligible point on tho Missouri Matte valley. Why ? ReemisH it is by
river. After examining this then wil.l far the cheapest nnd most economical
rocion in ita lonmh nnd breadth. Gen. route. Bocnuso it is the most convenient
Sarpy aelected this point as altoffethor the route for tho two roads to unite upon
most eligible, and here he established the Because it is tho only natural route. Bo-'pom-
for trafficing with lb? natives for muse nt Bellcvuo tlio Missouri lias n
iheir.furs, peliry, &o. Ho found the narrow, unrh,innrahh dumnA, with una
Missouri river of easy navigation to this ly rock bottom and a rock-bound shore.
point. Ha found plenty of timber nnd Hera use there is plenty of rock and lim
ttone. and tho most beautiful site for u her for all tho purposes of foundation and
future town that his rvo looked upon in superstructure that might be wanted to
the course of his lemrthened travels. 1 le Iniild the road. No other route poee
mind also lvim? back of it tho most for- he hnlf of those advantages. Bellevu.
tile and lovely valley the valley of the being .poi-ite tho western terminui of
InillJnn creek and Tlntte river that na- the two Railroads across lowu, and being
ture. with her munificent hand, ever the eastern tunninus of the great Pacifi
formed. It was, moreover, the favorite Railroad along tho Platte valley, it would
jesort 'and camping ground of the red l1 impossible to calculate her future. She
man.- All thinsrs concurred in recom- would outstrip most cities, and rival Chi-
th no Un ; nriwiniiro rniro. St. Louis and San Francisco in
bf Gen. S.. for which he has ever been rapidity of growth. The fuel for thou
distinjuished, told him that one day a winds of fires enn ho supplied from coal
great thoroughfare from the Atlantic to " atrenuy uiscovereu in uie nnineui.
the Pacinc must I established, and he lu-ighU-rluKHl. Sagacimis und dis
aeiied upon this spot as the key to that rreet capitalists are anxious to invest their
great valley along which his sagacity aug- ntoney here, and the public are beginning
gested that thai great highway must run. tojHjrreive me auvamuges oi me i.K.auon,
Topigraphieal and geographical surveys lorge numrs nave nmae ineir arrange
have since fully sanctioned the prescient "c8 10 Sl,ul h,'rc in lho "pring. Huild
wlstlom which prompted him to the sc- will le carried on extensively with
- - I 111 11 I rrl .
UmJr.,, RnKartnnoiiilir. Prl,vt.r nn siono nnu oricK, as wen as woou. ine
Board of Forclirn Missions, after extended busy note of preparation is going on
examinations, resolved to establish a Mis- Wo have alrendy two of the largest nnd
alon ai llollcvue, as tho most inviting be Hotels the West, and yet the
placcj and here, for many years before wont is such, that another large brick
V . . . I,. i...:t... i. ....... :
the country waa open to settlement by the nmvi is 10 ue uum ns soon us s.ung ojh-..s
whltea, the "trading post" and the "mis- wo or three are to Mi mutt
ion'' were ill active operation. The A bank building, storoa and private dwel
Dlace was named "JIellivbe" because '"'39 will 1 erected, and every indica
of iu exceeding beauty us compared with 'm shows that this year Ikllovuo will
nv oihof nlaco to be found in the Terri- arise like a "giant from his slumbers."
it fo well nnd
! iTo.iiiii''ntlv liii 'ah, to rank, im'.with-
siiimlinir it coihpii-i-s but a Mnall portion
. . ... .i .i .....
Oi lilliioiy, as mi unions nil? ueoi
count ie of Kidiia !..i. M:-j has n tliou
sand thiii;js of which le; inight I oast
her llirer natural bound tries, lined with
excellent timber of various qualities and
kind for miles, her Missouri frotit, with
two splendid landings, tin? one at La
Platle, and a more beautiful town file than
tho city of La Platte, back from the river,
can not bo found wi-t of the l:g Muddy.
La Plalto has her superior ttcain saw
mil!, second to none in the Territory, un
der the management of in enterprising
proprietors, (Jen. Larimerand Armstrong.
Surround' d as they are ly an extra uhuu-
Nc.i lirrno.
() Ti l -: v, t!i n-!i or Jan., loth
wires of tin' lim T legrapli Line of
NoV York were broken at the same time
between New York and Providence, y t
the line worked well, and lln-ir Lumim-ss
ivnstraii.-initted without interruption. The
lower w ire broke first, and one end crossed
tho upper w ire. Shortly after tho upper
wire was broken, and the end crossed the
lower wire thus making a circuit, though
both wires were broken. Such n combi
nation M'ldom occurs, and is worthy of
note ns a curio- ity in telegraphing.
At tii i: adjourned meeting of the Stock
holders of the Lancaster Hank, hold on
Saturday, it was reported that the actual
ftibscriptioti to the new st-x-lc of the Hank
reached (jSOft.OOO, wiih various promises
of further siibs''rii!ion Tho President
of .the Hank stated that some of tho delt,
djiico of tiinlier. tliev have furnished the ! tuev iouslv reported as worthless, were
last year much of the material to loiM up course of being collected, and that the
OlllMniHIIllg I II UlUlll'll ililll l" '-ll ir in
to the miiii of S i:",:J7-J. Reading (Pa.)
river landing up tho Missouri, has a ro k
landing, and as far as l.v alien is con
cerned, is too well known to need any
praise. Omaha lillnge, in the interior of
this county, on the Puppili n d' i;k, is a
place for naMrnl venery, splendid groves
, . i . . i . i
oi luim-wooa I nmer a.. . ua,e. it , f U Vrk
(one mill in operation ant another nuiia
inj;), and is destined to be of incalculable
impottaiicc in the now county.
A. It. ;ilninro.
The gentleman whose name stands at
the head of this article, is one of the pio
neers of Nebraska. It is now over two
years since he became a rerident of our
any other placo to be found in the Terri- "ise like a "giant
tort.: No ono who has ever seen it. will e couuty seat of Sabpy county,
deny the appropriateness of the design- decidedly tho best county in the Territory,
lion. ' And now. wo ask. is there nothing U House will be Vault worthy of the
" . I m . I . t .
In thcae circuihstartcca Indicative of future place , ami nere lot us say, uuu u waa a
prosperity to Bellevuel Let us "jujgo meet and worthy compliment to the vet
of the future hv the past." Let us en- "an pioneer, Gen. P. A. SAar v, thnt this
autre into the history of other placea in county, in which ho has vpent over thirty
Vi. i. ...ii ...i.
the went and see how far their origin is years oi ms me, miouiu iumj uis nw
in .naloirv to the oriirin of lkllevue. St. and thus bear down to posterity a memo-
o, I .... . I , ,11
L6ui was once only a "trading post" and rial ot nis enterprise ana nonnrauie tnar
iiiUinnrvrtii.iii." Chicncro w once cler. Img may he live, until the pros-
onlv a, "tradimr Post" and "missionary Parity of teeming thousands in our city
" - I . . f . .1 -i r t I . ...
atation." Detroit was once only a "tra- sn" vmuicate me wisuoin oi nis seiecuon
din? rsvsr and "missionarv station." The when ho pitched his tent on tho banks
aame may be said of rittsburg, and of K &q Missouri and called tho place
'. .... . nn i pvit
every western city tnat nas grown mto
j .. ...v.. : 1. 1 t. i. t
.mpurw... ...u ,v, u. The I0illK f iUc legislature
cause these pioneers sent out by the I ur . lli. Iast H rrk.
Companies have 'tho wholo country to On aceount of stormy weather, we have
choose from, and thoir travel and cxiHJii- had no mail communication from Omaha
enoe have enabled them to select the best for tho lust week up to Saturday night.
locations. ' It was emphatically so in the
case of ' Bollevue. Not another point
equal Sn beauty and natural advantages
can be fouud .in tho wholo Territory of
Nebraska -not one. Speculators may
plat towns, and commence to build them ;
but die laws of nature aloue, can uphold
and ensure their progress. Thus has it
ever been, and unless the Jaw of nature
become subverted, thus it ever will be.
We are not envious of other towns spring
ing up under the hot-house cultivation of
speculators. -.We know they must have
their day, and live until the speculators
hare disposed of their "original shares"
and towu lots to the green and greedy
who rush in from the East and sutler
themselves to be blindfolded by the per
suasions and arts of the land sharks who
Maud reaJy at every corner to fleece
theia of tkeir moiiey. Not so with Iklle
rue, Her proprietors do not go "kiting"
with shares, and stock and lots, to mis
lead and take in the unwary. . Property
in Bollevue has a substantial value, and
is sold to settler instead of speculators.
The city is growing by means of indus
try and honest enterprise, In no city in
the Territory is property so low in pro
Territory, und during thai time he has
maintained the character of nn honorable
gentleman, making friends and winning
confidence wherever ho became known.
Courteous in hW manners, and scrupu-
ously exact in his business habits, he
seems peculiarly fitted for tho duties of
the ollice to which he was appointed by
President Pierce that of Receiver of
tho Laud Ollice. Wu think no better
ipjioiutiiient could have been made. The
ale attach upon his character was as un
just as it certainly was unexpected ; and
it seems to meet with the fate which it
leserved. It is discountenanced by every
fair-minded man, and the charges could
be disproved by hundreds of his fellow-
citizens. Lol. ijitMout s ciiaracter can
not suiTor, though his feelings may have
been wounded by the unfounded aser-
hions of those who seek to injure his fair
fame. It hai shown him that, while he
has a few enemies residing ovt of the
Territory, he is surrounded by "troops of
friendd" at homo who, cuu appreciate his
business qualifications ami integrity, us
well as his agreeablo social qualities.
With groat pride and s-atisfar
tion, we inform the people of Nebraska
of the upright and intellectual deportment
of the delegates for I ass county, Messrs
Slaughter nnd Cardwell. These gentle
men have done their duty faithfully, and
arc worthy of the confidence und respect
of thoir constituents. Glenwood Time.
You can add lion. Mr. Cole and Judge
Wolf, of Carfs. Four Representatives
truer than these, never entered tho halls
of Legislature. They have nobly re
deemed the reputation of Cass county this
winter. Like Civ-ur's wife, they are all
high above suspicion, and tho litions of
Cass may well and justly bo proud of
their uble, capable and faithful Repre-
The Norfolk (Virginia) Herald says
that a farmer in Princess Anne county
has had twenty men employed killing
ducks, nnd, up to the 'JOth tilt., they had
consumed '. koirs of gunpowder. Tho
gentleman .ships, on un average. o l ar-
everv week.
i i - I .1,1 I. '!.
nml some weeks as nign oi narreis. iu-j
eon-ist of canvas-lack, mallard, black,
sprig-tail, laldl'aees, shovelers nnd n good
proportion of wild geese.
An ac. rn woman, ndlicied with nn in
curable disease, recently arrived in Roch
ester, New York, a stranger in the city,
moneyless, and friendless. She said that
her son, having become tired of supporting
her, had placed her and her poor baggage
on the cars, and left her helpless ns she
was, to take care of herself. She was
taken in charge by the overseer of the
poor, and tho base ingratitude of the son
is left unpunished.
Wi:sr.t by the Reading (Pa.) Journal,
that a connection between the Lebanon
Valley nnd Reading Railroads was made
a day or two ago, at the opposite the
Freight Deimt. in that city. The first
Locomotive passed up the roail as tar as
(he Schuylkill viaduct, on the 3d of Jan.
The ltridgu, though nearly completed, is
not quito ready for the passage of the cars.
riie mam tvirtion of the track between
Reading and Womolsdorf is now laid.
omii ai)Vi:rtisi:mkts.
r ' ' " ' ' "
J. A. junks. ia.n. w. vooi.
Tin: lar(Ji:st
Drug & Chomical Houso
Wholesale ano Retail Dealkus it
f Iicmienlfi,
)yp Stuffs,
Wiihlow (Mass,
W ines,
Tobacco, &c. a.c. .tc.
ITsviiii; pnrcli,T'- tlio en' iro shirk of
nnCCS ant FANCY (iOonS r.irtn.Tly lc
timinir t' ('. A. lfi'iirv &. Co., tnftticr with
our own full parclMw-s, wo are iuv naliloil
to r.ff-r tin- jiu'illc as romtct nn a snort mont
of 1!U'(;S ami FANCY ;ool)S ns can bo
foaml Wfst of Xn Mississippi fiver. Our
slock Is of m.i srnit mtn rnoni;li tr supply tho
wholo N 'liraska trado; ami having been pur
rliisnl under tho I'avoraMo circum
stances, wo feel assured in our statement.
Ih it if Fine Gauds, as retards uuatilitv, qua I
i'v and vrico. nrf anv ohiect in thoso dealing
in 1)111 (is ami .M I.UIC J . I.i?, w u rntt oii.t
these iiiducemonli to n 'reader extent tlinn anv
o'licr house in the West. Country Merchants
and I'livsicians ;iro requested to examine our
Hlock before purchasing el-o whero
ho la-tf JO.NF.S & WOOD.
W. II. STARK. C. W. llti'DLRN.
Boot and Shoe Store,
On tFARN'HAM Street, Opposite the Kx
rhane;e Bank.
V, H, STARK &C0.,
The new Canitol huildinp; at Columbus,
'Ohio, is the largest of any Suite in the
I nion. The appropriations already niaue
amount to 81,10 1,71)0 3 Tho architect
estimates the additional cost of completing
the building at 5;U)i),K!.) 01, and of en-
clofinf;, grading, and ornamenting the
grounds at $ 130,000 more, 'making the
eranit total of tho whole cost ot the new
Stato house to be S1,0J,2S9 ,0.
Would respect fully inform the ladies and cen-
tleinen of Omaha nnd vicinity, that they have
on h ind and arc manufacturing a complete
stock of
Of the host quality, and warranted; compri
sing the following, viz. :
Ladies' Fine Lace and Concross Gaiters.
" Kid Hooters and ( onerensOaitor.
" 44 Slippers and Pa rod i Ties.
Heavy Morocco and Calf Hootees.
Misses " " " f
Childs' " " "
(ients' Sewoil Kip and Calf Boots.
JpC""TOll ' '
" Fine French or Pump Boots.
" Water Proof and Quilteil-Bottoin Boots.
' Patent Calf Boots.
" Oxford Ties and Gaiters.
" Kip and Calf Shoes.
Boys' and Youths' Kip Boots and Brofans.
All of which nre madp of the best material
the market affords. Our facilities for aeleet
ins are unsurpassed in Eastern cities, and we
wish it distinctly understood mat we
Warrant Evory Article Wo Sell.
Wi: have the beat of workmen in our cm
ploy. F.verv style of Boot or Shoe made to
order, and warranted an easy and fashionable
lit. Kesnecuuliv,
no 13-tf W. 11. STARK &. CO.
(J!,nN COD un niu lSr.!ILTS.
ar Kow fft RF.rr.ipT or A lnr.sH SUI I'I.V or
Wliii li, when Complete, will ompoe the
out Krotu or ;ito( r.uir.s
Are bought at tlie lowest terms for cash,
consist u . - .
HAI SINS, i ( . '
M UTS, LC, &c., Jte
mil ;oons.
Ladies and Cents, call and sea them, and
price fcr yourselves. They have not been
summered and wintered in St. Louis, but
bought nnd shipped direct from the Eastern
cities. Late styles and a full assortment of
DRESS HOODS, from a ten cent Lawn to a
Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK
A fine stock old and young, fogies and
'fast' men, call soon if you want a luce coat
vest or pants, on reasonable terms.
New styles, cheap and durable.
A very larye assortment, consisting In part
of Smith's Tools, Spades, Shovels, Forks,
Rakes. Hoes. Bella. Mill, Crosscut, and Hand
Saws, Tiles, Augers, Axes, Broadaxes, Adze,
Chisels, fcc, tc, to the end of the chapter.
A larije lot, consisting of Tino Doors. Sash,
Shutter Blinds, Paints, Oils, Nails, Locks,
Latches, Glass, Putty, &x.
FlItMTt KF.. .
Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Tia
Safes. Cubboars, Stands, &c.
fVf We will sell cheaper for casn mas
anv house in Western Iowa.
noR-tf. TOO I LK & liHtKSK.
The Davenport (Iowa) Gazette says:
A sad frleigh not a sleigh for sule
made its appearance on the river ice yes
terday. The motive power was the wind
which gathered in a big sail, sent tin
sleigh living like a bird across the ice.
The sailor navigating it tacked aiwut ns
though the craft were in the water, in
stead of on it. It was a popular institution
during the day.'
Tin: ' Rr.AruNo Antra' published in
Ilea ling, Pa., closed its sixtieth year with
the last number. It was commenced in
17H7, and has been published uninterrupt
edly ever since. It is one of the ino-t
lucrative (lormuii establishments in the
United States, nnd strange to say notwith
standing the German language is gradu
ally gAiug out of use, its list of subscribers
is ttill on the increase.
1000 PAIRS
Eastern Boots & Shoes
Boot and Shoe Store,
To mike room for my own manufacture.
Also, a good assortment of Ladies' and Cents'
Rubber, Overs and Sandal of A. No. 1 quali
ty, nt a very small advance, together with a
complete assort ment of work of my own tnnn
iil'acturej including Ladies' nud Ui-iits' Bullalo
Also, a well selected Stock of
Leather and Findings.
P. S. Everv style of Boot or Shoe mnile to
order, as usual, and warranted easy, fashion
able ami durable,
no 13-'.f. W. HENRY STARK.
A N 1) (i L E X W O () D S53$&$&
STACK LINE. f InYHl 7??i.
HUFFMAN'S LINE will leave Glenwood,
via. St. Marys for Bollevue, on Mon
day's, Wednesday's and Saturday's, at 10
o'clock, A. M., anil will leave the Benton
House, Bollevue, via. SI. Marys for (ileuwood,
on the same days at 1 o'clock, P. M. .'
This Line connects at St. Marys, with the
Council Bluffs and St. Joseph Stages, and at
Clenwood with the various lines from the Mis
Bissipd to the Missouri Rivers. ;
Travelers on this Lino will find every con
venience and accommodation, to make their
trips pleasant and speedy. Comfortable
Coaches,' Careful Drivers and well-fed
The total valuation of the Coimnon-
i.i. e i ..II ,...
weaiui m l finis) n unia iui un mi- ivmn- j f
ties, as fhown bv the auditor general's j
banks, a new and splendid assortment or
We learn bv one of our citizens, who
just returned from there, that much busi
ness was done last week in both branches
of the Legislature. Speaker Gibbs, of
the Lower House, hm been very ill for
the last week, so much so, that he has
Uen unable to attend the session of the
House, and on Tuesday S. A. Strickland,
of this place, was chosen Speaker, ; io
Um. Among the most important bills t
pa.-sed both HiHisOft, is the ono for iho
erection of a new country from ihe South
ern Eieeliou District of Douglas county.
:.. r if A. ... !
M'lllH .ITVB III IUI." mmiTI I iv"I T . I'M . . . . , .11 .1
. , , . , ., . ,, repori, 15,on,oui uu nim uun'n;
Iv.rkpatrick, m the Council, he is too wi 11 ( is (l Ux aa.M!S!,in,.lrt 0f gl.UlU.'Jttr 7(5.
known throughjut tho length and breadth j phe nuuibor of taxable inhabitant:, is.Tsi.
of this Territory to need u remark. 1S . The amount of stocks hekt by in-
- - ' , j corporated coinpuuics is l,73,d'.K.
trj It is denied by the "NehraAmn, j um ot- railroads and canab, fr3;J,3t",
that Cuming wished to move the Capita!, 010.
and further states that the high ollicial
I1IIE undersiirued have opened. at ttieimew
X store on Douglas street, opKsitc tlie
denie s ihe charge. Mr. "Nebraskian !"
Cot. Ui: wi ra4zi:n, of Lancaster city,
Pa., f.T inreiv j-enrsn prominent politician
ask your Attorney-C,'en"ral and your of the Sine, die 1 iaV.ia Itwme Asylum, of the Territory, or (Jon. l ,11 ris, l, 011 TT H T-W
P. A. Saq y and fifty good men of liclle
vue, it that high othvial denies it.
Colonel, it will he recollected Itecame in-
uane a month or two ago, owing to finan
cial ditliculiies connected with the Lan
caster 15.iuk, und was taken to the Asylum
in cocso'i'.teiice.
Ax. Ituobdis rt OprnTiox.
Ve clin the f 'Uowim? from tho 'al!ey
This is a measure the people of this Dis- j ,1.) rVgiM.-r:
trict have etruggled hard for for thela-ij .Aa cs.r:lordinary operation was per
threo years, and thanks to the unllimh- forue d on Mrs. Sarah Siifer, who has
iiiir. imcoinoroniiaiti'T and urgent steady been drop. ical for several years. The
pursuit of this result by the Delegation quantity of water drawn from the uiiut j W.H, ntt j,ro.ia!,.y( MiliQ r uju lr;
; , . ... , . i . ., i amounted to 11 gallons. Ihe i ,;i ,;,,. r
from this Dliut. we have at last -1 u,.idl,a 10 Us. L) lh, . a,.-,uiing --. , .
curea in tins wnai me greai iiuij .rn) oi m uj. ,., ilt) j,Min.U The opuratun was
our people so long, so much and earnestly ( performed without the hast possible pain
. . . t .'. .i. 'ru.... i . .1! .-I. K......
Tor Sieaiu l'rigalu Niagara was taken
out of ill ! dry-dock at the navy-yard N. j turers, and are of the very bent quality
Our stock of Dry Goods comprises all kinds of
and everything that is requisite to make up a
commeie assartmeni or urv iioous
We hive a biro lot of Clothinp; thnt Is wel
and f.ishionablv mad", nnd .C tho bi-st
material. O ir s'.ock consists of all kinds of
Gents' I'urnisliirijj Goods.
Our stock of Boots and Shoes is the larsrest
ever off1, red to the ciliensof Nebraska. They
are purchased from the inaimfae-
ismiw ooods
' UL.K?VUU1, imy.A, j
A Larsre and Well Selected Stock ("Express
ly for THIS M.vnKET) of , r
Dry Goods. - j
Clothinp, -Castings,
Groceries, , ' -(ueeusware,
Hats k Caps, '' t ,'
Boots Shoes,
Pine Doors,
Iron, .
Nails, ' . . , r
Sash, ' . .
Hardware, '
.... CuMery,
Locks, . . r
Latches,. . )
Window Shutters, &.C, ix, i
Havixo been bought and shipped at low
figures, w-e flatter ourselves we are able
to otfer such inducements to CASH HUT
KHS as have not heretofor been otrered. ;
W'c ask an examination of oar Goods and
prices, before purchasing elsewhere. The La
dies will find at our Store a large tock of
PLAID SILKS, &c, &c.,'
All of which will be sold verv LOW.
Glf.nwooo, Mills Co., Iowa. no 4-tf. .
l ., on Saturday toe Ililh ol Jan. iliey
nre expecting to have lo-r under steam in
a few daw. We are informed that she
p uu-
. . 1 - .. 1 1 1 . I .. ......
ii ;r L.ira.1 an- .1:1 lii-H, iiiiu ii-ci-ni.iv uu- . ..
rinsed in the Easter,, ci'ies, and wc intend MC7 GUUDSIi NEW f KlCtS Sli
di'llin thin at astonisliiic low prices. All ,
wew iiVerjining, ai me uia dwiuu
the ciii.c!:s of O.unha and vicinity are rc
(piei'ed to call and examine our slock, as they
will find it. to their interest to dj so.
I, V We shuly to please.
no. 10-tf PATRICK t CO.
wished. Whatever maybe said of this j to the patient. There is some slight lupo
Legislature, or die majority party that j eutcrtai,,HllfAe!Ir:
have acted together for the common goal t,ic Skvti: Trvok. Some idea of
of the Territory, this is due them, to say, tlie extent of tlie trade hi" skates may be
that iu regard to this particular measure. 1 f-'rmeil from tho fact that one house in
.ll.llkl'l Mid i, 1 lllliiuti'iuut ll'll .tj-
A Scntw St. am.hit) (according to the
New iloilford .Mercury) is being fitted
nut at Providence for the northern whale ! kkank l. kemp.
fcdiery. Capt. Sowle, formerly of the j
sliip Soa, of Wurron, H. I., is to command j
her.. ! a TT t a vn tpwttuv btitji?
I W U 11 fUlil tf J J A A U VU.
Ox the IMh cf Jan., tlie legislature of KEMP &. FRODSllAM,
Khixle lelaml, m joint convention, elected "pvF.ALERS in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
XJ Musical Instruments, Juries, Wiot Guns,
uinvnds of "JIU Jn,nei Simmons, Republican, to
. f1 tho Senate of the United Stales, in the
pinion oi , , , ,t
New York
and Pistols.
, . v .!...... t .,..! .....1 ' -'"v
.m-j, - . - - - M the present tune tins season
......-ln.v,1...l IIISIICH WHICH Will HOI UHUClJ-L.! 1. Pl. ,.,.. ,.F ''i-'i'11' " ... . riner.i
liliriwiniv- J I -i.ium L'llll. X III.- utlil '.l.ll . . f W f V. p . l.vv. I.
easily foi-otten by the citizens of tlie new I the cheap skates is imported from Cicr- rlac? of !s,,!,:Uor JmP.s w.h,:;e ,!'rm ,f Thirty hour and ciu-ht d.y clocks of th two
rtion to iu intrinsic value, and in no county of Sum. J5ut. says the render, inatn
service exjnres on the 4th of -March next, j best m innfactories iu the Union; steamboat
and ollice spring clot lc.
i 4 n t . . :. iivr nirt en.irn inn in n irnniirii iiv nr .t.-o
city m th prospect so good ot a rmpiu.iyon write too iasi; mo vji.. ,v UlMUi .iove. -v iuohmiumh is um -v ; , - ui.u
incre. of price. Imsed upon j the BiUt It is not our purpose to entire j foot in "hZ ' Kin thaSle A exj 5 me 1 SS o"f fa
the busines. of the place and the farming whether he has or w. 11. h enough for ; J-JJ C oA Pfi ymir K',7, nnd all have to' wind up h?ir i .a",
ation back of it, and seeking a mar- us to know mat, t-y a large anu t mim-mc u oV(r troilt ll(),)rS) allairs, utIoss recharterej by the legula- i common and wn'er-proof e.,. , , c'a c:i),
noon Him 'rl4 in
From its majority, the Legislature have haJ the rohaorin' them visible ai ni ght as well as ture now in setiion.
kat for iu reductions there,
nosition on the Missouri river, near the patriotism and Uie wisdom to pass the ly day.
junction of the Tlatte with that stream, it . Bill, lx luving, as they did, it was iu and G EN. SlMOS Vx
inevitably become the key to the whole i of itself a principle of justico and right. J was elected a I'nitei
IVrrhorv inland. West and North. When1 Sahvt cimty is destine 1, from the nmny succeed Richard Br..
a i.i n inn-ro i
HAS honor to inform the people of tlis
Southern District of Douglas and the adjoin
in?; counties, Nebraska, that he is now open
insr one of the largest Stocks of GOODS ever
brouu'lit to Clenwood, Mills county, Io'
consisliiifr of
And everything that mar be found penerHy
In city stores, all of which ho will sell
DUCE taKen lu rxchviiRR for Jood.
.. ,..- .. ;..1.,j - ... .1.1, r..r 1 1...
e..alirii Ir '.la ,'1ii..Vi i.nill.n. It. ..a ....p .niu.' .. r...... Ini.m wnuiilrv u-idliWirr irOOll Alia
I M.', .1 1 1 II II. fill, IIIKUIK'ID'I. Tin 111.111 l"ll ' "HI... i .........f.
A Skating M tcii is said to have come willjtllow to enumerate. ) cheap Coo ls, either nt wholesale or retail,
n ., I,', ... - , . l -.1- I i.F II. a . .1 BnU gn Ilia I ..-.II .nm.nv l... . , Mi I. rr f.n.1 V 9 til I II I: K l i"
AMinox, ueputilican, oil in mo vicinity tr ismiaio, netween a -"'.""'-.- ........ ... ............ i.e1
States Senator to . rhiiadelphian and a New York merchant. , ,ir, ...., " i A ., Lr,in. . ,,. aui.
adhead. , fr WU) n fidn, I o .iaiia Cirv. N. T. Ci rvwoon. lovra. ' no 4-tf