Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, January 29, 1857, Image 4
' THE FARMEH. I ftrTr1snirn'niiil h intorr-V.i in t ear. liiR'cnltlt linvo cv.prosid Miiius opinluis as to the niiwt JnVii i.Mi iih-i!iwI i.f n-ni-iici; Cfiivr-sj nmie contfii.liii; ftivtiu.utJj- for tho 'natural way,' ns lin y mo l'I. ns.J lo term ill tluU is. allow ii'lf tlu'iu to run with th ilnnn till 'l"T four or llvr- months oh while others nsrrt tint tin- bet tor wnv is to .-iT-arale llu-iu wvrs when n xvttt-U or so obi, nml raiso thcin ly limul.' Tho tnir.inin) fnnnor will of course, examine find roiisiilrr llm cost in lotb cnes, for tliir is in furl mi item of grout ittiportniu'o, tv-rtoc-iiillv whoro liirRO luunWrs are rai-rsl. Wliuii of tin" modes nhovo IiuiiiimI is m 4 i-xp'-nsivi, must in n grr-nt monsuro, il'pnl upon the locality, aj, in mmu? pltuv, ttio ulir of tho milk, lmttor iiml iIutm-, would o worth much more than llm rulf ' whilo in others, it wouM M-anvIy, if nmrWotrrl, tlofrny the i-oiof rnnruifuriuriti;.-, mi l "i!i r inenlental expense. A pTM'n who has attended rriiimllv toihis "iii.-uneps for many yours, ntul who has, withal, mado inni.y no J various experiment, lms proscntod 1110 with the following syunptii nl Nummary of his views upon thfi miljrrt. ami fur which, as they are from nn uuinnuiy in telligent and prnclicnl man, wo licspi ul n candid perusal : - I find that the cslr, w hen allowed to nm with the dam four or fie m -ullis 1 .0 foro weanins;, '.rncrally oxrri'ds in mo tho oiio ruisinl ty hand. Hut when taken from the dam and compellod to procure its own fo(xl liy -rm.y.iii", lh change of diet lausrs 11 middcji cessation of growth, and it almost immediately beoomes blunted .inI thi, too, at tho identical jwriod when it ought to be most vigorous nod thriving. On tho other hand, the one early weaned becomes progressively more robul und hearty, and by getting curly aivustomeil to coarser ond.lei nutnYious food, nilvnuocs iMpidiy in it devclopement and without oxperiencin any cheek, no that upon the advent of winter, it is ordinarily in much better condition than the other. , Tho plan which I generally pursue, and which has been certified by many years' experience, to be the most judicious nhd economical, where animals are reared bV hand, is to permit the milk to stand twelve hours at first ; then skim and heat it to the temperaluro of milk just drawn from tho udder ; after which a handful of shorts or wheat flour is added to each mess. From four to fivo quarts is tho proper quantity for an ordinary-sized rulf, ut fust, j When a greater ago has been attained, whey, with a snuill quantity of shorts- ad ded, may be advantaeoushsy given. This method of rearing has an ameliorating influenco upon the disposition of the oni inal; it is more docilo and gentle, and tan be more vastly .managed through the sea son, and afterwards. There is never any trouble with them in consequence of their not going to tho natural fount for a supply of food, which is apt to bo tho caso with young Janimals that lutvo been weaned after having attained tho age of four or five months. -The best working animals I have ever possessed, have been reared by hand, and ihey were the be developed and, most ivalualilo I havo ever owned, in every way.' Correspondent of (Jerman town Telegraph. Fith. !:rentet ftlllltlMK Hultel. 1 I .V Kiitet jViiid.',,! of the (Jenoai.trtVil j 'lYhxv.ipli, 10 a hoe number ! thai pap'-r, I iho fi liowiti ' vomit' on tint nil ! j.V't : l'tirrhiMT' and r.Mi; UUier.i"f I u'"' r i,Clf rally mp'uiii that butter docs JM ki-cp wi ll ilmt it slri'ng and ran. id, if n't wholly w .rthh Tin may m i t from a variety of laud's. In the lir .-1 pl.or, butler ou'-hl never to be rl.iirind in nil ni nlliii' lit where tho teiu- -i 1 ... from tho poiuture 1. nnmi Mx.y ...a.-.i- At tllH tmilil w (iMHHieil ill'- quantity, nod tit lifty-nvo degroi s the I est quality. Tlie;,' fain are of hili practical nrqioitaiue to thoio i njured in domestic economy. Anotlvr very important matter t,i be attended to in the manipulation of butler, is the iiuiipleio oxpuUi.iu of lh buttonoilk. 'I'his nhould l-t aecmnpli-'hed by moan if a wuoden ladle, and nt by the Ictnds, for no hand of man of woman should ever coino inconiiut willi butter, t'Kperiully if the weatlu r bo hut. Dr. Anderson's celebrated receipt for the pi 1 -ervati n of butter in a perfectly sweet and ediblo ti'iidiii"ti, has been lonij befnre l!ie public ; yt as there- are many, ii'i li.i:n. m tin amonir the ri.aocr. ol tins 1 1 1 -i 1 naiier. who are unfamiliar with 1 1; pro cess, I iimv quote it as present im; the best practical directions on tho Muhjei i, ever published. U is this ' " llest common halt, two purls; saltpe tre, one part: surnr, one par! ; beat tin in up together so that they nmy completely blended. To every pound, or t-ix'.een ounces of I utter, add one ounce i.f the i position. Mix ii well with iho mass, und closo it up for use." A friend who has Ion.,' um d this mixture assures me that ho has kept butter pre pared with ii for year-', j"rfe'ly sweot, although there is tit a disntrreeable taste which continues for a fortnight, uftcr which it disappear., and the butler ussumori n most excellent flavor, and never after becomes stale or rancid. A writer in the New-Lnuland Farmer, Miiroests the following an a better method than tho one proposed bv lr. Anderson Instead of common sugar, he recommends loaf or crushed siitar, and would have the palt dissolved and evaporated, in order to purify it, and thoroughly dned before wei&rliiii" it. Most of iho a!t cold in the market:; of this country, is filled with itn purities more or less noxious, windi arc ntorn'OTi s Foil 157. SATURDAY EVENING POST. J'.rt.ibli-hi'd Aii.mi-1 -1th, 1-21. Tbr fut Ii ilur fi! '.IIUT t.lK'" I of 111" I'll'll 1. I ( 111 I III (1: o foiui'i cl.liliM ol' ll.i i.l I iiirl fnm1y-'"0:l'- i.r in fl!in tin1 tn 1 h"ir tin -iri .mini ' r -. 1 . 1. . . I : 1 1. a .;.ir. ts 1 1 1 iu m i 11 (ien 11 1". li'.rlllt'Ul' Will !'C IMel" ttl'lll M'l cr ii'liliruilril I'V 1 lit nmioijt i"i 1. tluT fnr fi'ji'-ily iii.i'b; mr.uiu'' mpiits wiui Hip I'nllowin- liiilicm1 list .r wiili'H : U..v;u (i f'UnUi. Alien Csry, T. S. Art'iur, Mri. Jnutlivnr?li, Anri'Hiii l)'ih'.inii". Mm. M. A. D'Uiisnu, the autlmr r -ill ill." r. W'f il s i tf 1 , rninuieTiri'i'. in lb" fust tiiii:il"-r. in .I.iii iiii v'ii"xt. Hi" l'"l'i'w inr nrijciiml N100I- T.ill.-ii.' Will i.i 111 1 "nrt. ii'l. This is . !),!. nr tin Splutter's Itoinit lly ll".itt. leitlior of "ttanil f.if" in "Hem 11 of Hi" l'o"K" .. .U. n fslnrV if XiMtrHiinn I .if", Mr. ill tlirn cx.nt !! i;iV"H. r Ii.ti' GUI V.v All"' llewiU liaine visits ' Aiisltall.'i er"s-uv willi tli" nlijivl "f ni'ipminHnir liimmlf wMli Hi" iiiivl an I rmiciiilic nspi-rts iimler wliieli ii i'iii" a. Hei-i. 'v piesi'ti'. Ili"iiis"lves in th it 1 i-Kin. Til" l.lll"4'ili' 'iiveVs V tlmueli .i"linLilv not ia th" l:i'-ii'.'li"il : "I'll" S.eiv nf a C'n'itifry Cm. An nr5-;liul Nuvel-:', wri'ten oni ...s lv i'".r tie' VuC ' tlni Wi'lM.-l lI.i.n-1. Am or! iiml .."'(, Alio,'. 1 iMf.-:i!v for lh" I'n-it.t.y 1. N -r- tii ir. I.iciiili 'ir J 0 nnl. All orurniHI in-ftl"?, l.y 'In nuttior nf 'JIv Co:if.'.im,"' "Dillon, oi- th" Cliilil JMciliiuii," .Vc. Uivil'i'i's Pn.lcr-. Ori'-ovil fl"!. iV ili. M.iiy Driiiiuii, antlinr of ", lie- SiAti.ii." 1 1 . 111 l",.-t iir.'sf, iVc. Ori'Min! ".i!"t. lly Aii-raitim laciiui". Treatment of a Contrary Horse. AVhen a horso ce in a way of being contrary, and will not go forward at all, it is common to apply the whin freely. j Solomon Kays, u whip for a horse, bin! he may not refer to any rases of this kind. biKty but little inferior to oak.' j any rate, n is onen wnero uiusiifcu 01 no Wuefit, only iho gratification of the enrajred driver. A method which alculuted to operate a bad tllect upon tho Inner. I he artu lo known in some sec lions by the taking appellation of "butter Milt , is by no means lreo lrom tins no peifoction, and bhould bo invariably mio- jocted to a rigid int jieclion and a thorough cleansni!!, before it is used. Dr. Ander ton remark .1 that wooden vessels are the Must cliiruilo for nreservinu Lulier, wiien Falted. "Oak is said to bo better than any other kind of wood. Iron hoops should not be used, as the rust ut them will pene trate the wood, and 11111110 the contents, li is difficult to season new wood, and therefore old vessels should be used as lonjr as they will last. Untucked lime salt and water, well boiled, and hot .water and common house ashes, are recommend ed for scouring them. The vessels hav ing wen repeatedly erullieu with sann or ail of these, thould .afterwards le thrown into Kme cold water, to remain ti wanted." Oak wood, especially the red oak, is possessed of a sour taste, which it retains for years, und which often gives rise to a very unpleasant llavor in the but tor, unless itn cllocts are counteracted by some alkalescent matter, and 1 therefore prefer fn kins of maplo, which is a sweet and Iraviaia wikhI, und 111 point ut ilura- ll'Cll.'l el "lil" I.IUI 'I 'II'! lee I 1 iiljn ii) nviisp of pi",tr.VJim for llio P.ii'. AVVloivi 11W0 tli" riii'iis f a Slnn-t atnl Ciniil"iiS"'l ."lct, I'V Mrs. Nmiliwnrln, to . . . - i. 1 . . r 11... rim liii" t-::i .ohj'C. six or i .hi niuiiiwi 1 i-i ui- Pint. In nil-lit inn to 1ln aliov" list or ren'nti j- t innm v" li.i"n rntit itiiilnir th" m'c I nmoiin. if I'iii-' iili l.i'Mor, Clrii lnnl Skntrll". Choicr Scli'rtii.i.i fr.iin nil p'.uies. Af:rii'iil!nr:il Art i- t?"Ti"r,Tl N'-WH, H'll'inro-n i-i. Yimv of tli. T'r-.diiei and Stm-W iM nk"ts. fie I'fiih-lflpliia H.trtit M,nk"!i. Hai.k Not" l.nt. I' "..if., our""t le-in'? to ;'iv" : i'lirni'l'l" Il.H-.iril, m fnr in m:f Iiintis will .lipit ,f l)o .rr:ii vvnnn. Knirrnvinrs. In tlnviiv of Kr,frr.ivi'iss, wi. Micrnlly pn-S'Mit two wrrkly film "! n 111 Ktnu'tii", nml (lie o'.b"r of a leiinorom 1 ietfr. Tli" P'-ii) acrr im tli Pnt to nnv pirt of tln t'nitod H'nt"s. aid ipinrtcrlr or ypnilv in :ul- v.nii ". nt tli" ntti"' wii"ro 11 is rcc"iv"ii, m ciilv iM r.'nt a j c;r. Tr.nMH (ChiIi in mlvanco) 1 copy .1 y";ir. I i ni'lrw S " S (nml on" to tln (r"tt"r iiji of tli" ('lull') to 1.1 (ami "ii" to tho V"ttor up i.rtlicCluM 1 " 20 " (and one to tli" pottfr up i.f tin- Club)--- M " . Aildrrss, alwavs post-p.iiil. iji;ac:on . fKTi.itso.v, Xo. Hii .S.iiiUi Tliirh Htii'cl, I'liil.iiii.'lplii.i. SiiiiuV S'iunli"rs s"nt prntls to any one vln'ii r"iiil"il. "To Mitors nditors who pive tho above on" insertion, or rornlrns" thn material por tions of It (tin1 tiotirfs of now rniitrilmt ions nml onr trrnm) lor tni'tr rannnal roiuinns, Hliiill he rntitb'd to an ext-hfi iisc by Rpndintr a mTkfil rony of On pnprr containing the ad vprtisonii'iit or iioticc. I'KOSPF.CTUS OF TUP. A JOURNAL Ol' AGRICULTURAL AND UU11AL AI'FAIKS. DMlljD AND PCUI.ISliril MOKT1ILY HY U. W. -FURNAS, Hnnwsvtt.t.r, Nkmatta County, Nkiirask.v 1 F.mirTrmv. , AMKIIH'AN AND ORIGINAL. THE KNICKERS OCKEH MAQAZIKE. rturrn 11T (Iwi.oun Cl.MiK. f Mill. iminb'T f'-r .l.inu.ii v. ''. l.'-r'-ui t'e J. Fnrtv-'roiid Voluine of thx Knb 1 liork it Nburnliii". Sin"" t!n 1 riro rf nhrrip' ion li m 1 "' 'i r" iliir", fi-ii'ii li" to till' " dollar n vrar, tli" i-irral.itiuii of lh" kiioi kkii lias l",n iirr".i!ii,il lu'arlv fo-ir to nu". In nniiv pli"'' Inn ar" t ski' 11 wlirf" thrir wailmt 01.0 I" for', nn. I thi'.ueli tin- it has I"mi st-.i'lily in-ri'- iiinir. I i. 1 4 1 10 .v otr.T"il as clu'.-ip a any r.ftli" M i!T iiii' !, all thiuei roiiii.b H-.1. In-l",-iil of niiikini; nmv mil proillion proud", v" loihniit a Jew 1 t'r u t froin n"tU ' of l it" tiniulicri. which nr wiirlit 1 !"in! to a iiumhi r i.r p.-n". "Tlunc familiar with ITu F.ililor'a Moatldy dodr willi bi Ur-'ieTs,' lnvc il.mlill"., with oursi lv". n.liniroil tho ji;iri'ii' ro iuc of it wit and inyonm".. In thii ii iinhi-r Tli" ftinnip' lieblri nil its way likr seini- fair rivil"t pl.nirliij ninl il inl ine i" annsliin" of ,1 Miv mnrhiii. Wi usr.l to woaib r how Mr. CI. irk ro-.ilil bold rxpfrtln li" must ci'rtninly 'l"t down' in th" reining ti'iinli"r ; lult thii ti'imlur plvm no f;ivrn of rxhaiwtion.'' National M'illlirncr, W .i-diirton. "I'li-aiant, pt-iiinl, il'dilitfnl 'M.l Kuiek !"' "I'll V nnmi' i n Harr-r'-Oi"!! "f thinp t!-l-t .1! ;!. ; lh" hi.-lit of thy 1:10 1.-st, f-""h rovnr, a 1 :i 1 : rt to npirit:ial .ier" rys; a plaiirr wil'iia tlic". In -t .1:11 i.l. 1!" for Hie hhi"a. Tluuiliait pivrn to ki "lly li enor, to pbpnnt ilidinntlon, ami to i ii--::'iliti!i.' fu". a local habitation,' witlioat whii-h tti"V lni:;ht iro vaiiil"ri'.;:r over th" ibmi.-i in of b-:trr. r-il!i;ij iiov nudtii.-ii wlu r" fri"iully ilonr nprni'd to tli"in hut n fuini; to h" rouifiii t.'d for 111" lo.n of their old di-ar lioni"." Courier, llarlinploii, Vt. rrre-'t r-'r" " in',"il In tho S"l"rtin'i nf ni-lii-h's th.i! adorn It nir- i a pulli'-irnt L' v that no rotilrihution mr"'i th" cv" of lh" Trailer lint those which nr" known to h" worthy of bia prru,il. Win n storm nn.l wild tioapp nio wppila' o'er our liill-sid" illap" in th"" eliill winter hour, and i ilri-ar and ib-solit" wiM10.1l. we link for no iii'tp as-r'-oahl' pouu':inion than th" 'Knk k KHitoc ki m" , for while its contents impart valuable i;i!'..r!r.ati,.n, its F.llli.B of s.-uuine wit are a sovereign specific for all fi'.a of the blii"i or nttl'k. ol' tb" horrorp. and time l. n-u'i merrily 011." Democrat, l).n-h';vi'. I'"!, 11. 'The Ksk ki-.whoi ki a lias been pnd will be n fact, of itn own ; ii pi niiiup living thin;:, all lli" inure desirable l.ew that the new crop of iHji.illics, lilleit Willi flllieie 1'ir.ueii noiu neliaii nuthoiH, luak'. Iieuli Inune creation 1 ....., 1 v more conspicuous unit welcome. iw-n York Christian Jmpiiror. R-v. F. W. Sin l:on. Author of T.e'tem from lip the Kiver,' ntc, will bo a regular con- tiihutor. I'll" best talent in tho country will 1'" en isled. Hud 110 pxoenso or ptiort spared, to make the Knicki- rbockkh more than pverde hprviivr of tlni first pi)lt ion anions our 01 i- innl American M.oja .iues. TERMS. Thrre dollars a year, slrictU' in advance there will he no deviation from this iMidilion: Two conic for $ 00: Five co- THE FLAG OF OUR UNION, I I MIIVI, Ml'IIU 1M1 Ml t lNI O MISCF.LLAKEOUS rAMILY JOURNAL devote 1 to politn liter,ifere, wit and liumor, prose anil poetic pem. and oripinal tnlc, w:i"i n .xj'relv for the paper, lu politics, nn l on -ill nectatlan queMioii. it is 'rirtly, theirfore makoiS it ptuph.ilicalljr A r.VI'F.R FOR Till; Mlbl.lON, and n welcome visitor to the home circle. It contain the foreign and domestic new" of the dav, o ciiiideiisul fs to pieseut lii" pi'-al'ist poVsible amount of i!itclli'eiiee. No adver tisem.vits are mlmittrd to the paper, thus of f.'ii'.L' tin' entire Kheet, whii h is of Tin; mammoth sizi-;, for Iho instriK tion nd niiiiiein"iit of the pu eral reader. An unrivalled corps of contri butors "re rei'iibirlv enpaped. and everv de- . . .1 . .. : .1... I I parliii' iii is miner uie niosi iiiusihmi nnu fect system experience can imprest, foiiniti an OUICINAL PAPF.R. The is printed on fun! white paper, with new and beautiful type, and contains 12 10 S'piar" inches, beinp a larp" weekly pa piT of riudit supei-i-oyal quarto pages. ADVANCE $ 2 00 , 7 00 l'l 00 I.N TI:RM-1.VARI V1SLY 1 luiiiMcriher, one year,." I S .ll iCI illl'l-K, " 4i III ' Any person sendinptis "twelve" s-ibsrribers. at the last rate, shall receive the "thii-U-ciiUi" copv gratis. One copy of the Flap of our I'nion, and one copv oT Itailou's Pictorial, when taken to ":her. bv one 'ersen. $ 00 per annnm. .. Travelinp agents are not employed on this paper. lVihlisheil everv Fnlurda v. bv m. m. rtAi.T.or. No. -22 Winter S;., Postop, Mnsj. (iODI-.VS fiRBVTI'.ST EFFORT. '. STII.I. OUr.ATm ATTH ACTIONS AVill be offered III GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR l.r7. Tills work ba been tbe standard for twenty seven years. When an Imitation lias been at tempted it has failed. It Is Till; ONLY LADY'S BOOK l'LMlLlSlIK 1) IN AM kKIC A. NEW FEATURES FOR 1S.V7 1 Wow to dress with Taste. Children's Clothes How to rut and contrive them. Pamlinp on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress maker and the Milliner. Drawing in all its variety, useful to th be ginner and the proficient. Fashions from tbe establishment of the cel ebrated "llrodie," will be In every number. l'.vcrv-ilay Actualities A new scries of these illus'iated articles will be piven. Point, Prussels, and Venetian Lace of every variety. A specimen of the stitch to he used in each w ill be given. In addition to tho a hove. One Hundred Pages civen motii tilv. of Reading will h pies, and upwards. $i 00 each. Booksellers 1 ml 1'o.stinasters are requested 10 net as Agents. Those who will undertake to pro- ure giihscrihers will rereive lavoratilo terms. Specimen numbers will be sent gratis on ap plication, post paid. 1 .MJl i; I:, ill IMUIttlA n lll.Mi, ine Knickkiiiiockkh ail Harper's, Putnam's, irabam's or (ioilev's Lady's liook will be sent one year for five dollars; the Knickf.ii- ,o( kv.r ana Home Journal lor lour dollars a nr. POSTAGE. Two cents per number, pre paid at the olfioc where the works is deliver- J, quarterly 111 advance. .VII remittances and all business communi cations must be addressed, post-paid, to ciAMUI'.U Hlil.'SrO.N, 34M Uroadway, New York. A method winch wo liavo known more suceesful is to treat tlio UDimnl very kiiully. , UU contrary dispo sition is usually the i eault of havini; been fretted in some wny, nnd kindness mny ovrrcome it. lake much of him ut ail times, pt-nk geulle to him, uiul o often lluvt ho- will become necustoniod to your voico. . When ho stops vhn attachea to the carrm?:e or load, nml' will not move, npproach him in the fame genuo inanner. Stroke tho niune, and pat the hand fre quently on his head. Means of this kind will have a powerful tendency to overcome his stubbornetjs, as Urates fctl tho power of kindness. We holieve, from what we have seen, that younjj horses especially, ! Kkin Diseases in Animals. Saibies isn pestiferous disenso, whether it altects the Horse, mo ex, tlio sneep, swine, or poultry, inflicting a los. not ea.-dly tstiniatrd : hence the maxim of evi ry iutel- lie;eut fanner Is to avoid it. iViih Lhu, ' prevention is Letter than euro,' nnd there foro his prand desideratum is to pamrd a?ainM' utaprion. Sheep are pciluips, more suli;eet to it than niiy other aniinals, arisinej ns much from the nature of their sins and coat-? as from the fecundity of the vru orijf, und the greater vicissi tudes of the weatlu r to which they (Vuoop) are t'jMod. Certain pails of the body are inure liable to be ad'octed than others; ... 1 . . - - 1 1,1 1 :.. .1...., .. 1. ...1.1... I anil M IS UU Ullllviiiui aniu uiau u in tie.ii "To Improve the Soil and Mind.' o fTHin object of the Tanner' is proclaimed L in its uioUu; faithful to this end, it will to t iko raid; Willi U10 Apr 1 cultural pen. oJicals of the day, and pursae such a com e a will render it a wclcomij isitor to every 1". inner in Nebraska. The l'liblisher dooms It r.iaiecp-isarv to enter into an arpuiiunt to coi.vince the f.inninp ennuuuiiitv ia this Ter- l ilorv of the importance of such a woik. liv n itnral ailaptation of our doll and climate to Apri.'iiWurai pursuits, known to all who line oiio. Indeed, it has been said that tin .,.,1,. ..,',!,. t ;.. ,.;!! ; i,.- !..... w .1 fuUy curwl of c.uiUaay ... ih.s wuv () ku mi,.lllsion d(U,s , liar ,0 while the apr.hciuion of tho whip W011M..V ,. f a . . f Ai dl! ',lM..llt j upon the presence of living parasites cm 1 never arie) spuu'.aneoiisly, but must bo clfei ted by contusion, t-ither by niouns of 1 their c-.?'s, or t!te insect m seine oilier ' univ.i ir 11VK i'Iu'i'. Iiiv. T!i::l vvlinl have lauihs until they had paed their , i,.,,, been' .said, it will appear obvious third year; and 1mK5 weie ih-1 ued ' .1 . . l-wnlin n healthy skin and state in nine cases out of ten, may lie si fully cured of couiia.iy hu while the applictnion of t ouly increoso tho ditriculty Animals becomes Parents tn r. . . Karly. V ictor Ciilliort never allowed ewes to Nuckolls & Co. WHOLr.SAl.K AM) RETAIL STORK, ;lcnwnod, INfills Co., Iowa. Th" un dersigned be.r leave to call the attention of the People of Mills and adjoining Counties to the act mat tney are 111 receipt ot ineir FALL AND AVINTKR GOODS, Which for price and durability are iiuaur passed in Western Iowa, which in addition to onr Summer stock of G ROC I'.lll l".S, Jc, on hand. in. ikes it one ol the most, diisiralile slix ks of COODS in the Western Country., C.lenwood, lowa, Oct. Ifjjn. t-tr uutil they had nrrirod at full niaturity. J of th My nnJ n f0raj.u He, as Well as many other sagacious stock miuu.U and grouJ, the misers inai we inini name, aio pnu awy ,0 av()U collta,ion. conversant with tho fact that durin.' uie ntuiu iivui 10 moans la ces peiiod of growth and development, up to maturity,' the re-produotivo organs are dormant, wliilo at the same time the autri tive function was wholly rngnged in elu buraiiui; chyle and bbhvl for the develop ment of bone, mustle and nerve, and that Sink IVnsliiii-s. Those ib mld always bo apj iied to t e !:0r.'Ver m? r?reind nVotit Li ml. buildings is such thai it can bo dono with out ollendiiio; aeainsi neatness and health, by calling into requisition ibe re-produc ihey should be directed to u tan,;, or wha: live or penerativo organs, befovo the ani- is ipiito us well, an excavatim, f, r t!i- mal had attained full growth, must neces sarily divert the elements of matter, intended for nutrition, from their loeiti- mate channel, and direct them to the re purnose. to bo fillod ha'.f or f.vo-tliii J.. full of some rich vegetal le matter in the spring more of the bame M If thiowu 00 from time to time thjongh lite seasou, und the productive organs. This is precisely what ' whole to be carried tii" tho next spring and takfs llace. A too early usaef the purely" applied 10 tho toil.' From ten to twenty animal function induces jcaUnesi iu.d ( b-ads ef us manure as tho farm stuutod growth. AujJirVt. Jour. alt'ords may 1-e ihus nianufactured at little . exiiens; and ii is worth considering, that tho carbonaceous chui aclor of the neat or mo;uil ;;.,eii rentiers it a gou reiainer 01 the foul gasses that would othcrwiso ir.fest the premises. l'low, Loom aiul Anvil. Poultry needs warm aud couifoiiallo quarters these cold nights, und you will find that there will be a saving of corn or a proportionate increase of fat, if they, chickens, turkeys and all, nre iiuule u come otf the upplo trees, apd roost iu the (oulary Louse. Vice is bulficicnt of itself lo make a man thoroughly examined, is tllon!j!i4 1o he a s ithcej:i aj.olojv for entering upon This enterprise. We have made arrangements for regular rontrihutions from a number nf practical Farmers ami llor tieiiHurists, iu Nebraska, and will continue to secure others to mich nn evtent ns warrants lis in aim; lluil the Farmer' will prove a (teiipsitorv ol a mass or important facts In re l.itiiin to airriciiltnre, tarelv to be met with and at a which places it within the reach of all. Horticulture. Special attention will be riven to tho writing anil selection of matter njviert.iiuins; to lh" e-ibiire of all kinds of li nils. Flowers ainl Vegetables, adapted b this soil and climate, accompanied by limner ens Iviiiraviiitfj with full ilescru.tions Ladies' Department. This Departmeiil will be t!ei.ted to 11 ins'-hti'.d'-n ill ii . and w ill lie rii.biftrd by a I'd of ability and ex per em e, SA-iiu'ed by abb' ladv coir -sp indents. i'l.ut and Sue. Tlio Farmer will he ptil li-di-d on the 1st of ejtii mouth, pri lled on I new type and pood paper; i ich ii.iiuuv'r will u;e paej ol itMunif; tuatter, Uiree columns to the ; sii uf pa;i 10 by 13 i.iclies, Ubislraied willi t uts of DonifsUc An i:n lis, Impb'iuei.'.d, '1'res, Fliiiis, Houses, &c, 'IViiiis. Single cey , $1. tviU'ticopiun, $.". Tw.'iiiv cnies (and one to llie iiersini i;.,r 1 injr i Up the club, $1."). Thd ubuue will coin- foul ' 11 Ul-f March 1, IY'jT. ' i y i'oiiiiiniitcr bimI l arni'-r m .eniisii.i are ursur.i t act as A :rei.'s. A Id'.! io':s be i!i;:i'.r to cbibs ami back .Nt's. f.irnis'icd at aav liuin diuinir the ye ir. Clubs need lut be confinid 1 1 one Post bi'it-e, 1 U wi'.l be to tiiilcjct oiiiocs ii d ailed. -"' Fer'i'is i:i lUe S'.ates wb are 'look il Wctwuid" and desire arie-i'l iral infor inriiei from Nebraska, co.ild I'nd uo'.liia"; h.'t'. r th in the ' Fanner" to p-nt ihem up." Aidless N'cbrask.i Farmer.'' llrownviUt', .Nei i.ilui County, Nclir.iil.a Teiri'.i'ry. lbowini'Ie, N. T.. Dei emUi r 1st, ISjo. Xots. It is hoped cwiv pers ni to whom this Prospectus is aei.t, will feel the impor tance u the cstaMidiuicnt of an A rric.ilmral piper in NebiMak, au l make an eifurt to ob tain ai pu'e sciibe.s as possible, and fo.wird tlieir names to the Publisher. A sli ;ht IT jrt only,, on tlie part of every one, will accomjdis'i :he object. If time or iucji ii nit'.i will i. .it l'cimit you to act as desired, I plea;.' hand th s to some one who will act eiu'r".etKa'.ly Li the matter. As l ist us you procu'e a number of names forward to ine. i, Prospectus bu Liter I'.i.ui JVjn.iuy lot, in reieldiij; die Publication Oil'ue. '''V' What we now want is narnej to the Propcctus ask in Meney until yo:i receive tbe first o., when tin! ui'U.rv must be remit ted promptly or the pip -r will L"t be continu ed. In giving uaiae and : .-sid'-iice, write the name and residence, iu full, and givo Pot t):"ice, Comity, inj Tcrviiory or bia'e. ' HALT.OITS PICTORIAL DSAWINQ-ROOM COIIPAUION. A BECOUU OK TIIK nKACTIFft AMI VSr.KCL IN AnT. Tlie object of the paper is to present, in the most elegant ami available form, a weekly literary melange of notable events of tho day. Ps columns are, devoted to original tales, ketches and poems, by the I1KST AMF.UICAJf AUTHORS, nnd the cream of the domestic and foreign news; the whole well spiced with wit and humor, l'.ich paper is T, F, AUTIFlTJ-iY I LLUSTR ATF.D WMOl.F.S A I.F. A CI NTS. S. Frem-h, V.'1 Nassau street". New York; A Winch, tt'l Chestnut street, Philadelphia; Henry Tavb.r. Ill linblmore street. Halti-inoi-'j'; A C. M.igley. Iii2 Vino street, between I'll and ."!li. Cincinnati ; J. A. Roys, -13 Woo.l waid At.-iiue, Detroit; P.. K. Woodward, cor ner of I'll and Chcsaut streets, !st. I.ouis ; Samuel Itinggobl. Louisville, Kv.; Wallace, A usien &. 1! iel, 'J'i Clark street, Chic.iRo. C II V. A V i : S T MAGAZINE IN THE WOULD. BALLGU'3 DOLLAR MONTHLY. Kneouraged by the nnpreerdenfed success which this popular monthly has met with, and the rapidity w ith which it has increased its circulation, tin- proprietor has resolved to make it stiil more worthy of the patronage of the lnibtie. That this admirable work is a '.Miracle of Cheapness," is admitted by every one, containing, as It does, 'one hun dred pases" of reading matter in each num ber, and forming two volumes a year of siv Inili'lred pages each, or "twelve hundred" p.T'cs of reading matter per nullum, for (INK DOI.T.AR! Itallon's Dollar Monthly is printed with new type, upon fine white paper, and its mat ter is'rnrefully compiled ami arranged by the hands of llie editor and proprietor, who" has been known to the public ns connected with the Huston press for nearly fifteen years. Its pages contain NF.WS, TAT.F.S. P0F.Ms STORIF.S OF THF. SKA, SKF.TCHF.S, MISCKf.LA NY. AUVF.NTURF.S, HIOCRA riUF.S, WIT AND HL'MOR, from the best nnd most popular writers in the country. It is also spiced with a record of the notable events of tlio times, of pence nnd war, of discoveries and improvements occur Ing in either hemisphere, forming an agreea ble companion for a leisure moment or hour,' nnvwliere, at Home or nnroaa, eacn iiiimner being complete in itself. No sectarian subjects are admitted into its pages; there nre enough controversial publi cations, each devoted to its peculiar Beet or rliipie. This work is intended for THF JvUM.lUN, nortli or snutti, cast or west, nnd is filled to the brim each month with chaste, popular nnd graphic miscellany, just such as nnv father, brother or friend would place in the hands of a family circle. If is in all its departments fresh nnd original, and, what it purports to be, the cheapest magazine in the world. "i7 A new attrnt tiwu has just been added, In the form of a Humorous Illustrated De partment. Any person enclosing one dollar to the pro prietor, as below, shall receive the Magazine for one year; or any person sending us eight suh.wihers ami eight dollars, at one tune shall receive a copy pratis. r'"y Samtde copies sent when desired. 1 M. M. RALT.OU, Pub. and Proprietor, ' No. T2 Winter St., Boston, Mass. tlodey's Splendid Kncravings on steel. London. Paris and Philadelphia Fashions Co, ley's four figured Colored Fashions. I'.iiibroidery Patterns, Model Cottages, Dress Making with Diagrams to cut by. Dress Patterns Infnnts' and Children's dresses, with descriptions ho to make them. All kinds of Crotchet and Netting work. The Nurse and the Nursery Very excel lent articles upon these subjects will often be given. C.ODF.Y'S 1NVAT.UART.F. RFXIPES " UPON KVK11V SCBJECT. MUSIC Three, dollars' worth is given every year. In' the various numbers for 1857, will be found the newest designs for Window Curtains, Rrodcric Anglaise Slippers, Konuets, Caps, Cloaks, Kvening Dresses, Fancy Articles, Head Dresses, Hair- , Preying, Robes de Cramble, Car riage Dresses, brides' Dress es, Wreaths, Mantillas, , Walking Dresses, Riding Habits, ; nnd Morning Dresses. ' Dresses for Infants nml Young Misses, iiovs' Dresses, Cn pes nnd Clonks of Fur in season. Patterns for Needle-work of all kinds and patterns to cut dresses by are given monthly. Crochet, and Netting Work in Colors, Slip pers in Colors. Drawing Lessons for Youth. Send in your orders soon, as we expect onr list for will reach 100,000 copies. The best plan of subscribing is to send your money direct to the publisher. Those who send large amounts had better send drafts, but. notes will answer if drafts cannot be pro cured. We think we can show how much cheaper it is to take the Lady's Rook at Three Dol lars than any other magazine at Two Dollars. We will take a late, number of both. ' The Two Dollar Magarine contained 3ii articles, the Lady's P.ook Ii2. Tlio Two Dollar Magazine contained 32 en gravings, the Lady's Rook M. 'llie Two Dollar Magazine contained 04 pa-. ges, tlie Lady s Jlook ltsi. Tweiitv-four more engravings, twenty-six. more articles, and thirty-six more pages, nearly double the qnantity. Tlie lowest club nice or uie l wo Dollar Magazine issia; owest club price of Lady's Book $1,117, only 42 cents litlerencc in the price, which is three nnd a half cents on each number, and for thati sum (three and a liatr cents), you receive twenty-six more articles, twenty-four more ' engravings, and thirl y-six more pages month lycertainly a very cheap three and a half cents' worth. This view of the case has. probably never before been presented, but It Is a true statement, which any lady can con vince herself of by comparing the'two rnaga- zines. , ' tv.c wiih numerous accurate engravings, by emi nent artists, of notable objects, current events In all parts of the world, aud of men and man ners, alto reUur making a paper entirely ori ginal in ils design iu tliui country. Its pages contain views of every populous city iu tlie known world, of all buildings c.f noic in the eastern or we-i'ern hemisphere, of all the prin cipal -l, ps and rteamers of the navy nnd tncivh ii,; service, wi'.li fine and accurate pur Ira i's ol' everv noted character iu the world, both ma!' :n.d female. Sketches of beautiful scenery, tak'-u from life, will alto be given, willi numerous speeiiinuis from the animal kingdom, the birds of I hi! air. and the tish of the sea. It is printed on line satin surface paper, with lew 1 c, presen'ing in i's me chanical execution im elegant specimen of art. The v.luile". ninnir.aiuth weekly paper of sixteen octavo pages, l'. ich siv month t ma king a volume al' 4 1 it pages, with about one llumsaiul splendid engravings. TI-'ItMS INVARIABLY IN ADVANCK. I sulisci ibsr, one year, 1 8uhsciibcrs, ' " ut ' jo o; .nv person si n lbu' us a', th.- last rate, shall p'e copv grstis. tins copy of The and one copv of R.illi taken together bv one person, one, for Slim. V Traveling ngeats are iiot employed on this paper. Published every Saturday, by M. M. II LLOr, No. 21 Winter St., il.islon, M iss. WHOI.F-S AI.F. ACF.NTS S. French, 121 Xissaa street. New York; A. Winch, Uii Chestnut str.-f, Philadelphia ; Henry Taylor, 111 Hiliimire s'.iTt, hi I i limore; A. C. Hig'.ey, VVJ Vine street, he. tween I'll and ."'th. Cincinnati ; .1. A. Roys. A.i Woodward Avvuiie, D'iiroit; I'.. K. Wwod warl, corner 1th and Cbesun s'reets, St. Louis ; S-'"!U-.'l Riiiuuoid. Louisville. Keu turky ; Wallace, Austen & B iel, v'.'i Clam S'., Chicago; Trubuor & Co., 12 Paternoster Row, aeuls for Crcat lint a in and I'.urope geue rally. LIFE ILLUSTRATED; A First-Class Family Newspaper, devoted to News, Literature, Science, and the Arts; to l.nter'.suiinont, Improvement, and Progress One of the Best Weekly Newspapers in tho t orld. S2 a year, or y l for nan a year. The -Scientific American says : '"It is of large size and faultless typography. Almost every branch of human knowledge is treated by able wallers. The R. I. Reformer pro nounces it "the most beautiful Weekly in tbe I mou." THF WATF.R-CL'RF. JOURNAL. Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practice; to Physiology and Anatomy. vith numerous Illustrations; anil to those laws which govern Life and Health. $1 a year, or 5U cents for half a year. We know of no periodical which presents a greater abundance of valuable information on all su'ijects relating to human progress and welfare.' New York Tribune. 'The Wnter-Cure Journal is the most popu lar Health Journal in the world. ' N. Y. Kvcning Post. THE PHRF.NOLOCICAL JOURNAL. Devoted to Phrenology, Lducation, Self riilinre, mid all those progressive measures ili.i,..eil 1'or l)w, I'leval loo nn.l linm-ni'imtiit SJ W ; ( Mankind, yl a year, or 50 cents for six I" : . i, j Deyoted to t'.e highest happiness nnd In- twalvc' siib'crih' r teri st of man, written in a clear and lively ive the "iliiiteenih" : ' 1" i'llordetl at the "low price' of one dollar a year, it must succeed ui running up iis pres Flag of o'ir Union, ; enl large ion to a much higher figure." i's "Pictorial, when I j. Tribune. "Standard authority iu all niaHers pertain ing to Phrenology. The beautiful typography, and the superior character of the numerous ilbntr itions, are not exceeded in nnv work wi'h which we are acquainted." 1 American Courier. i:y For Three Dollnrs ?:!, a ropy of each of thesn three Journals will be sent oi.e year; for Two Dollars, half a year. Please address all letters, prepaid, ns follows : , FOWLF.R & WF.F.LS, No. 3tH Broadway, New York. Orccno, Wearo & Benton, T" ANKI'.RS AND LAW At; I". NTS, Council I) HI nil's, l'otowstt.imie count v, lowj. Cr. e:ie ,t Weare, Cedar Rapids', Iowa. tJreeu,., Wen re & Rice, Fort lies Moines, Is. Collect ions made. TiAcn paid; and Lands purchased and sold, in any part of lowa. ,1-tf TERMS, CASH IV ADVANCK. One copv, one year, $3. Two copies, ; one year, !$.". Tlireo cojiies, one year, 6. i Five copies one year, and an extra copy to j the person sending the club, making six copies $10. ' I'.ight copies one year and an extra copy to " the person sending the club, making nine ; copies $15. ricven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making twelve Copies $20. (,; -V Tlie above terms cannot be deviated from, no matter how many are ordered. - . . .' SPF.CIAL CLUBBING WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. ' Go.ley's Lady's Book and Arthur's Horns' ' Magazines lioth one year for $3 50. ; ...... Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Maga-' .ine both oiie year for $1 50. ,.i G. ulev's Lady's Book, Harper's Magazine, and Arthur's Home Magazine one year $6. The above is the only way we can club with . Harper's Magazine. The money must all be sent at one time for anv of the Clubs. . . ' ,. Subscribers In the British Provinces who send for clubs, must remit 3ti cents extra on ev ery subscriber, to nay tlio American post- . age lo the lines. Address. L. A. GOD BY, ' 113 Chesnut St., Philada., Pa. Tootlo & Greene T. WHOLESALE &, RETAIL DEALERS,. Glenwood, Iowa. We beg leave to) call llie, attention of the Good Puople of Mills,.' PoUa watliiinie, Montgomery and Cass coun ties, lowa; also, Douglas and Cass counties,' Nebraska, lo late sunnlv of Averv kind of MERCHANDISE, usually kept in Wesfern lowa. Oar stock of Groceries ia large and complete, having been bought and shipped a little lower than onr neighbors. ' Our stock of Hardware, tjueeiisware, Wood- i enware. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps and Ready-Made Clothing, have all been purchased ' iu the Eastern cities, at tbe lowest cash prices. Give us a call before you purchase, and if we do not II you cheap goods, we will make, , our neighbor ilo so. (,. T' Remember the cheapest house in town. TOOTLE &. GREENE. Glenwood, lowa, Oct. 23, 1M5H. 1-tf . Charles A. Ilcnry, M. D., piIVSlCIAN AND SURGEON, Uspect .1 fully informs the citizens of Nebraska,, that having permanently locnted In Omaha city, and having had several )ears experience . ,., il. ir...iii,,....i ..r n:-..-.. .... A iK ,t.ii, ii. nun. ii i . hi, iv I J lliv West, now olb'rs his professional services to those who may favorbim with their patronage. O.'lice in C. 'A. Henry & Co's. Drug and Va riety SI ore, Omaha city, N. T. 1-tf C. A. Itcory As Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG Gisrs. At theNF.nAsicADnro8ToK, Omaha city, Nebraska, have on hand and are constantly receiving n large and complete assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi cines, Dve Stuifs, Liuuors, Segars, Preserved I-nuts, Confeetionari' i, ,V.r.,Jcc. Physicians orders lilted mi a mall advance mi coat. 1-tf Titos. Macon. Ai ex. M vcom. 1L O. Jomks, Macon, Brother As Co. ; rAW AND LAND AGE.NTS,Omahs City 4 Nebraska Territory. no ll-tf.