Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, January 29, 1857, Image 3
BELLEVUE GAZETTE. TUl'HSDAY, JANUARY iS), 1,7. " UATF.S OK ADVERTISING. Smre (12 lines or less) 1st inner) ion-' Each subsequent Insertion Our square, one month . " " three month " " six " " " one year Business cards (II linos or loss) 1 year One column, one year One-half column, one year " f mirth " " " " eighth " " " " rolnmn, six months " half column, Nix tiioutha . .. " fourth " " " " eighth " w rolnmn, three months ti.tlT rolnmn, three months " foirth " " " ri-hth " " " Auuo:meiii2 candidates for office $1 IN) N) 2 fx) 4 (HI (I (H) ID 00 (H) M IN) 3.) on 'JO (Ht 10 (HI 3" (HI 20 (H) 10 00 H (K) 20 (H) n no 10 (HI (H) 5 (H) JU WORK. For eighth sheet bills, per KKI For quarter " " " " For half " " " " For whole " " For colored papcr,half sheet, per 1(H).. For hl.mks. prr quire, first quire Eech subsequent quire Cards, per pack Each subsequent pack For Hall Tickets, fanry papor prr hun'd F.arh subsequent hundred $ (HI 4 (HI ft (H) 10 (10 r ihi 2 (HI 1 (HI 1 50 1 00 (i 00 4 (HI fJV" We would respectfully request our Correspondents to hand in their enmtnunica tions on, or before, Tuesday morning. Neg lect to do so may cause their postponement till the following week. The Two Flnneys. Be it known to tho people of the Ter ritory of Nebraska and the rest of man kind, that there ore two Finney's in the Legislature of Nebraska. Tho riorence Courier, of lust week, devoted a chapter to one of them, W. A. Finney, of Ne maha ; for particulars, in detail, see ex tract in this No. of our paper. Tho other, JonN Fin net, of Uellevue, needs no cn conium, no eulogy, to sustain his politienl reputation. We know that John Finney has no glittering, orange-colored -metal, the price of honor, of integrity and repu tation burning in his pockets. Now, as we write, John Finney has never falsi fied his word, has never violated his honor. John Finnky stands before the world in the enviable position of an hon orable man. Let no mistake be made in this matter. The Southern Election Dis trict of Douglas may well be proud of her Representative, for in John Finney they have found an able, earnest, faithful, and above all, an HONEST Representative. Omaha, Jan. 20, 1S57. En. Uellevue Gazette Dear Sir: I noticed in your last paper an article personnl in its character in relation to tho Bellevuo Post Office, with several other articles of like nature. I wish to say there is a wide difference in tho liberty of a press and an unlimited abuse of it. It was never designed by the proprietors of the Belleviifi Gazette that it should be used as an organ to herald to the world tho petit jealousies and bar-room quar rels of neighbors, especially those of our immediate onus. Hoping that the columns of said paper will be filled with matter of more importance to our young city and fast-growing Territory hereafter, I am very rpspectfully yours, S. A. STRICKLAND & CO. The new editor of the "Nebras kian," in his Salutatory, says "We shall neither '"brow-beat or bull-rag any person or persons.'' That first number of his proves him to bo a man of truth, and no mistake. GT W'e would call the attention of Pennsylvania Farmers, who have made Nebraska their homes, to the Prospectus of the 'Germantowu Telegraph," publish ed in to-day's paper. The "Telegraph" is one of the best Family papers publish ed in Pennsylvania, and is just the paper to lot you know what is going on among the farmers about your old homesteads. ( W) advise all to subscribe without delay. The Agricultural portion alone is worth double the subscription to a young farmer. S It is with pleasure we call the at tion of our readers to the splendid stock of Boots and Shoes of W. II. Stabk & Co., a catalogue of which will be found in another column of our paper. 35" Judging from the tone of tho last number of the "Nebraskian," it S easy to see that they will not soon die of an over dose pf Douglas scrip. I3 We return our thanks to Mr. Wisely, Esq., editor of the Thine Argus published at Weston, for kindness ren dered to Mr.'Sheridan during his search for paper fur tho "Gazette" laielj. f3 Our thanks are due Gen. Down es, of Nebraska city, for furnishing the pro ceedings of the Mass Convention held in Otoe Co., which will be found in another portion of our paper. 5 The Presbyterian Synodn of Ohio and Cincinnati, at their late meeting at Columbus, have located the projected Uni versity at West Liberty, in that State. It J proposed to have the sum of ifciOO.OOO secured before counnenciii' the work. I'm 1 1 1? I'M HUT. We have received the find mid second numbers of thi.i valuable Agricultural mid Family Journal, and take pleasure in call ing attention to the fact. The "Farmer" is printed on fine paper, with new, copper faced type, and having Ix-on rhnnged from four to eight pages, is imw presented to its patrons in a slmpo which w ill enable them to handle well when bound. Tho lYo.-jxHtiis of tin; "Fanner" w ill be found in another part of our paper. ' Rinoi.aV communication is postponed until next week, on account of the press of other matter. The Petersburg (Va.) Democrat says, that 'a colored imlividurl, handsome tall, aristocratic, military-looking, and dressed to kill, passed through there lately from the South, lie wus such a darkey aj any geiitlenntu would give ultout 810(1(1 for as a carriage driver or body servant. On inquiry, lost he should be a ' runaway' coming it strong, he proved t' be a no less personage than the Duke of St. Thora, of Jlayti, particular friend and confidential counsellor of His Serene Highness, Em peror Faustin I. He was on his way to New York. MARRIED. In Erie citv, Pn., on January 1st., lv Rev. J. W. Hammond, Mr. A RTF, MI'S M. CLARKE, of this citv, to Miss AI.MIKA A. WIM.IAMS. of Amitv. F.rir Co., Pa. GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, THE MODEL FAMILY AND AG RICULTURAL PAPER. rrm.Hii r.n at C.ERMANTOWN, JUIILA'I.Y CO., rENN. EVEUY WEDNESDAY MollMNG. BY PHILIP 11. FREJS. PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. We take this orcasion to announce to Fann ers throughout tlir country, that it is the in tention of the Editor ami Proprietor of the ''(jorinantown Telegraph," not only to con tinue as heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment of his paper, hut sedulously to mid to its character and value by all the means at command. All necessary space shall he pro vided for a full record of Agricultural Details and a full development of every branch of the Farmer's Pursuit. Ho will in future, as he has always heretofore, aim to he practical, and to be of real and substantial advantage to husbandry. His course, also, will continue to be thoroughly independent, and wholly un biassed by any other motives than those he conceives to be promotive of tho truo interest of Agriculture in its broadest meaning. Neither individuals, cliques, societies, or any other in fluence shall swerve him from the path of right and duty. Farmers, throughout the country, who de sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, ami equal to any other family news and literary journal published, which makes Agriculture a speci ality, will find the "Germantown Telegraph" to fulfill every condition, and to render it en tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe for a periodical exclusively agricultural. Practical Horticulture, Pomology and Gar dening, generally, will meet with particular attention. As a Literary and News Journal it shall not be surpassed by any in the country. Neatly printed on good paper, of the largest classit shall continue to be one of the hand somest newspapers of the day. Every Family, in town or country, whether they take other papers or not, will find the "Germantown Telegraph" to be worth, in lit eral benefit, twice the amount of subscription. No subscript ions received without the cash. Price Two Dollars in advance. Subscriptions not paid within the year. $2.50. Mail sub scribers will have the cash postage deducted when not exceeding 23 cts. per annum, pro vided the subscription be paid strictly in ad vance. Postage stamps" to this amount will be returned as change with the receipt. Any person sending five new subscribers at one time, with the cash, will be entitled to the paper for one year. Specimen numbers sent on request. JIASOXS WAXTKI). WANTED IMMEDIATELY, by the sub scriber in Hellcvur, SIX GOOD MA SONS, to whom GOOD WAGES, and CON STANT Employment, will be given. M. SHAW. Bellcvue, Oct. 23, 1S30. 1-tf C&3 QlLOO MANUFACTURER. A WRIGHT, would respectfully r . inform tho Gentlemen of Belle vue anil vicinity, that he ia prepared " 4f to manufacture, to ordr, every variety of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best finish and Latest Fashion. lie is also prepared to make up in the best manner, Embroidered and Worked Slippers, which he will warrant to please all who favor him with the custom. Uellevue, Oct. 30, 18.V1. 2-tf ANDREW J. POPrl.CTOX. WILLIAM K. BYF.RS. Popplcton it Bycra, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. AND GENE RAL LAND AGENTS, Omaha city, Nebraska. Lnnd Warrants bought and sold. Land Entered on Time. Special attention given to the selection and entry of Lpmls for Settlers, and all others desiring choice loca tions. Land Claims, Town lots and all kinds of Real Estate, bonght and sold and invest ments made for Distant Dealers. fif" A Competent Surveyor and Draughts man always in readiness to survey lands, find and select Lands ami Town lots, and draft City Plats 1-tf APEX!! CHARLES D.GREEN AND RICHARD KIM BALL, Having purchase! this well known and popular Kaloont in Omaha city, woidd respectfully inform the public, that they are now prepared to furnish their customers, at all hours, with HOT MEALS, OYSTERS, SARDINES, PIGS FEET, PICKLED TONGUE, GAME, and other I IF.FI I r:s 1 1 M exts, Comprising all the Delicacies of the season. Come ye that hunger and thirst Come to the APEX and ye shall be filled. 1-tf GREEN Si, KIMBALL. BELLEVUE MARKETS. COBBECTED WEEXLV OB TIIC GWETTE. Sun Flour, V ark $'i 00 Butter, V " ft Wheat, per bush. 1 (Ml Shoulder, do i Corn, - do 1 (Hi Hams, do 15 Oats do 75 Lard, do 12 Potatoes do 1 Ui) I'.ggs, per do.. "M Dried Prarhes, do 2 7j St It, per sack 5 OC Apples, do a UI H tyj per tou. s (KJ Prairio Farmor FOR 1S17 VOL. 17. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. MEoTrn to Western Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechan ics, Education, l.itrrstuir, M.irkrts, and Grucrnl News. vniTrrt sv CHARLES 1). RR.UJDON. JOHN A. KENN li'OTT, Corres'ind Editor. ASKtM-rr.n sv Over Fie Hundred Practical Farmers and Mrrh.inirs, who have heretofore written, ami will rout iuue, with many others, to write for the benefit of their brethren and the public. The "Pr.iirie Farmer" is devoted to the in terest of the Western Farmer and Mechanic. It is the Oldest Agricultural Paper in the Wott is published weekly in quarto form, for binding is characterised' by a high moral tone labors to promote the interests and ad vancement of the wiioi.k of the family, and todeveloii the Agricultural Resources of thn West. A special and competent Commercial Reporter is employed to gie accurate Maiket Rejiorts weekly. It is essentially thk family paper for the West. I ropy, year, $2 in advance, or $2.i0 at the end of the year. II copies, I year, ?0.H free copy to the person sending cLih. 20 copies, 1 year, $:K 00 free copy to the person sending club, .'si copies, 1 year, $7."i.00 free copy to the person sending club. fjV " ll subscriber sending two new ones, or $."), will receive tiikke copies one" year. (i t' Subscriptions at the club rales must be paid imaiiaiily in advance. f ! V Subscribe now. You want nr.d need "The Farmer." Wc want you to have it, (jTtT Current money may be sent by mail at our risk, provided the letters are "registered." (V Address "Prairie Farmer," 17 Clark slreel, Chicago, III. d't" Advertisements, of an appropriate character, inserted at ten cents per line each insertion payment in advance. THE GLOBE: The Official Paper of Congress. I Intend to continue tho publication of the Debates of Congress in full, including tho Laws passed, during the next session, to com mence on the first Monday in December next. The coming in of a new Administration will cause the debates of the next session to be both interesting and instructive, as its policy will be foreshadowed In the speeches of its f rieuds. Those, therefore, who desire to know what will be the course, of the next President, before he takes the executive chair, so as to shane their business accordingly, should sub scribe for the debates of the coming session. The Daily Gi.oiie will contain the news of the day, together with such editorial articles ns may be from time to time suggested by passing events of interest, and the debates as they come from the hands of the reporters, which will be laid on the desk of every mem ber, to undergo his revision for the Congress ional Globe and Appendix. Those who may desire to see the debates immediately, should take the Daily Globe, as they are usually published in it two days before they are print ed in book form in the Congressional Gi.oiie and Appendix. The Congressional Globe and Appendix will be printed on a double royal sheet, in roy al quarto form, each number containing six teen pages. All the Laws passed during the session will be appended to the debates ; and copious indexes to the debates and the laws will be made out, printed, and sent to sub scribers soon after tlie close of the session. The Weekly Globe will be printed on a double royal sheet, in the usual newspaper form, and will contain a synopsis of the pro ceedings of Congress and the news of the pre ceding week ; also editorial and selected mat ter, when there shall be room for such. An extra sheet will be printed whenever a debate on any important subject shall take place, giving it In full. TERMS. For a copy of the Daily Globe, one year. $10 00 For a copy during the publication of the proceedings of the session 3 00 For two eopies, during the session, when ordered at the game time ' 5 00 For a copy of the Congressional Globe and Appendix, during the session.... 3 00 For two copies, when ordered at the same time 5 00 For a copy of the Weekly Globe one year 2 00 For a copy from the 1st of December to the 1st of May 1 00 Rank notes, current in the section of the country where a subscriber lives, will be re ceived in payment, at par. Small sums may be sent in postage stamps. A paper will not be sent, unless the money accompany the or der for it. JOHN C. ItlVES. Washington November 5, 185rt. NEW STORE. BEATON & R0WLE8. El ollovuo , 1ST. HAVING removed into our large new store, on Main street, we are now enabled to otTer to the Citizens of Douglas county, one of the Largest, Cheapest and best Selected Stock of Goods, ever opened In this city, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queeniware, Stoveware, Hardware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, Woodenware, Provisions, &c., Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to us, we earnestly solicit its continuance, feeling confident that the quality and price of our goods, cannot fail to please. S EATON &. ROWLES. Uellevue, Oct. 23, 185H. 1-tf BENTON IIOUSET George Jruiiiugs, Proprietor. THIS House is situated in the pleasanlest part of Hrlleviie. in a beautiful and healthy location and commands a view' of country, which for beauty cannot be excelled in this Territory. It is fitted up in the best manner, and no pains will he spared to make all who may favor him with their patronage, feet at noine, IIIS TABLE. Will always be supplied wilii all Die delicacies tue market a Hunts. Attached to this Hotel is an excellent STABLE, which we shall always have attended by com. pet i it and faithful Ostlers. Uellevue, Oct. 23, 133. 1-tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. OX the corner of Nineteenth Avenue and First atreet, (occupied by Dr. Rice.) The above lluunn will be sold low, if im mediate application is made to M'rs Kenton & ltol', Main street. no '."-If. KUHL & KAYSER St. Miry, Mills County Iowa. NEW STORE, NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS. WE would respect rully announce to I he peojde of Mills and adjoining counties, that we have located ourselves In the new Hrick store on the corner of Front street and Sire's Avenue, In Ht. Miry, and now hnve on hand a full and Well selected stork of rsrovtf- oooas, adapted to the wants of this community, con sisting of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS. HARDWARE. II ATS ft CAPS, HOOTS ft SHOES. DUFGSft MEDICINES, OILS, CLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, FURNITURE, PAIN T, LIQUORS, WINDOW-GLASS, SASH, ftc, ftr. We are determined (o sell to cash custo mers lower than any ntb'T establishment in this portion of the Slate. An examination o( our slock and prices will be nil that is nerrs sarv to convince you of the fart. Look out for the MAMMOTH BRICK STORE!!! FRONT STREET, ST. MARY. V" A" lilnds of country produce taken in exchange for Goods, no5-tf. KUHL ft KAYSER. IF YOU WArT A OOOD TAPEU, suuscRinr. in "Tho Nation," fMHE most popular Weekly In America, X. which has immediately upon its Issue, sprang into an Immense Circulation. This rapid success is unprecedented in the History of Journalism, and can only be accounted for by the fact that the Proprietors have employ, ed, without regard to expense, the Star Wri ters of America. The "Nation" is the only paper which contains the Willy, Humorous and Side-Siilitting Sketrhcs of that Comical Genius, and Unrivalled Humorist, Knight Russ Ockside, M. I)., of which series, one sketch alone is worth the winds years' Subscription. The Nation is Edited hv S. M. Iligetow and Mrs. E. D. E. N. Soutliworth, who Is well known as one of the Most Popular Writers in America. In addition to the above, we have engaged as Contributors Clara Moreton, Henry W. Herbert, Alice Carv, W. W. Fosdick, Mrs. A. F. Law, C. A. Page, Mrs. E. F. Ellet, Hen. Casseday, 'Park Henjamin, W. P. Brannan, and numerous others. TO THE FAIR SEX We particularly commend our sheet. Their department will be Edited with the utmost eare,and no expense or labor spared to render the columns devoted to their especial benefit, unusually Hrilliant, Attractive, Instructive and Ornamental. The Farmers and Planters' Corner Will contain Practical Suggestions and Agri cultural Hints, contributed and culled from sources the most reliable, and containing In formation which will prove to them in the course of a single year, of almost Incalculable benefit. The other departments of our paper will re ceive the attention they respectively demand, each being especially and carefully prepared to meet the variod tastes of the several class es of its readers. Among these we may men tion Original Stories and Poems, Editorial Ramhlinga and Sketchings, Spicy City News, Washington Gossip, New York Chit Chat. the Latest Paris Fashions, Practical Receipts for the Household and Toilet, "The Little Ones" Department, G ems from Prose and Poetry, Reader's Guide, Historical Sketches, Translations, ftc, ftc. The Nation is issued In Quarto Form, (eight pages,) and each number will contain at least two Original Engravings, thus fur nishing our Subscribers at the end of the year with a volume containing 41il large size, beau tifully printed pages of Unsurpassed Novcl letts, Sketches, ftc, ftc, together with over 100 Original Illustrations. The Nation Is sent at the following remark ably low Subscription and Clubbing Terms : invariably in advanoe. Single Copies, $2 00 per annum.-'1 Two " (to one address,) $.1 hO Three 6 00 Six " 9 00 Ten " 15 00 QF And one copy free to the getter up of the Club of TEN. V All those sending us subscriptions from the British Provinces, must enclose in addition to the subscription price, 2.1 cents for each subscriber, as we ere compelled to pre pay the United States postage. All letters containing money should be reg istered, and directed plainly, and they will come at our risk, otherwise we are not re sponsible for them. V Specimen copies will be sent free to Post Maulers, Agents, and all who wish to get up a club to all others, on receipt of four cents in stamps. The expense of registering is only 5 cents. Address CROFUT ft BIG FLOW, 83 Dock St., Philadelphia, Pa. Among Ihe hundreds of complimentary no tices we have received from newspapers In eyery section of the country, we quote the following extracts from : "The Nation appears In clear large type, on snow white paper, and is richly adorned with illustrations. ':N. Y. Sun. "It will attain to a high position in the lit erary world." -Philadelphia Daily News. 'It is one of the best weeklies now pub lished, and we take pleasure in bringing it to Uie notice of the reading public." -Harris-burg, Pa. Herald. "The talent and energy of the proprietors, its original and interesting contents, and Uia beauty of the typography, cannot fail to se. cure for It a general circulation." Will iamsburg, Pa. Independent Press. "As a literary snd family journal, we have no hesitation in pronouncing it the best among our exchsngea. We advise the ladies to pro cure it without delay." Fulton, Pa. Repuh. "We dislike puffing city emanations, but in this case we are bound to give way to merit. Unlike many city enletnnoraWes, the Nation is comnosed of sound, substantial and useful matter, and is not filled up with an overdose of flimsy, wtshey-woshy stuff from the binds of crack-brained authors." .Erie City Dis latch. "It hi the most beautiful engraved bead we ever saw, snd its contents are deeply en tertsining. truly delicious and soul-absorb- ine." I Williamsburg, Va. Gazette. "There is room for just such paper, and It has secured two as true heads snd htcrts to control its columns as the literary snf o- eial world holds." Wellsborough, Pa. Agi tator. "It will soon breoms a leading psper at the fireside." Hoonville, Mo. Observer, "We seldom rudotse northern papers, but in this instance we are forced to overcome mir prejudice, and commend the Nation o our leaders." Tfov, Ala. Bulletin. It A liTlNO II i: A FAMILY NEWSI'APER-A Household Journal A Guett rf (he News of the Country, and the World Abounding In Lite rary anil Miscellaneous Rending Devoted to Agriculture ami Mechanics and containing the miwt reliable Weekly Review of the Bal timore Markets, ftc, REDUCTION "oV PRICE. 'Die rapid and uniireredenteil Inrr'-nsc of the rirrulalion of the Baltimore Weekly Ameri ran, not only In Maryland, bill In the South ern and Western Slates, Is a most gratifying evidence that our cll'mls to furnish a firs! class family and business newspaper are fully np predated by the large number of readers to whose interests It is especially devoted. Its completeness in every department of Domes tie and Foreign News, and Literary and Mis cellaneous Reading, and Its reliability ns a compendium of the Commercial and Business Alfa Ira of Baltimore Is so universally admit ted, that It lias become a necessity 'with all persons doing business with our city, whilst to the general reader It Is acknowledge to be without a superior ns a fireside journal. 'Hie prrsrnt large circulation, with a con tinuation of the rapid accession to Its sub scription list since the 1st of Januarv. aver aging NEARLY ONE HUNDRED PER DAY, wairants ns In the rp'-clation tlyit before the rlose of the year It will reach an unexampled circulation. In order to render the Weekly American si ill more acceptable to its numerous readers, we propose during the present year to add largely (o its attractive qualities, and In doing so shall spare neither labor nor expense to keep it in advance of all lis a FIRST CLASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Its size enabling us to gie nearly double the amount of reading of any other Weekly paper published South of Philadelphia, and conse quently rendering it thn CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER published In any of the Southern or Western Stales. LITERARY AND MISCELLANEOUS. We propose to greatly improve this depart ment of the Weekly American, which will hereafter' embrace (ho productions of the ablest and most popular world-renowned WRITERS OF FICTION, with Literary selections that cannot fail lo give universal satisfaction. It will also con tain original and select articles on Science ami the Arts, with Miscellaneous Reading that will he both instructive and entertaining. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Is another great feature of the Weekly Amer ican, In which we are sure its renders for Ihe past year will bear witness to Its being with out a superior among thn Weekly papers of the country. Receiving regularly full files of l. ........... II.: . c i mi. ii j. .in ii ii in, inn i iFiiiiii-iiillillil m ruirill Intelligence is made up from the fountain head, and is furnished In Interesting detsil, witli a care in selection that lias given univer sal satisfaction. THE DOMESTIC NEWS, embracing Ihe affairs of the whole count rv, as well as of our own State and the Loral Mat ters of the Citv, is also a feature of thn Week ly American that cannot fail to give to its new subscribers, ns It has to its old friends, the most universal satisfaction. 'Ilia many hundred coiiies weekly mailed by our city readers to their friends in the country, and absent relatives, Ii an evidence of Its great superiority in uns respect. THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT will hereafter receive special attention, and a column will alwnys be found on our fourth pnge containing a variety of useful and valu able information to Ihe Farmer. It will em brace original and selected essays from the most able and experienced writers. THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT lias obtained a character for completeness and accuracy not surnassed bv anv other ne per in tiie Onion. As a basis of this asser tion, it may be staled that at many flour- mills, stores, and ulstliieries, so murli reli ance la placed on Its market reports, that sales of grain and other produce are made in advance, prices being, by mutual agreement, based upon tlie quotations given in its com mercial review of the Baltimore markets. It also contains a regular report of the mar kets of Philadelphia and New York, with the latest reports or the I altle markets of Balti more and all the Northern cities. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK REDUCED. The Weekly American will hereafter be published at $1 AND A HALF PER YEAR For siiigfe conies, it being nearly double the size, and containing double the amount of reading matter of any other weekly newspa per published South of Philadelphia. Subscribers transmitting two dollars will receive the paper sixteen months, or eight months for one dollar. TERMS TO CLUBS. Club of four copies, one year, $.". Club of right copies, one year, $10. Club of fourteep copies, one year, $1.V Club of twenty copies, one year, $20. Club of thirty copies, one year, $2'.l. Club of forty copies, one year, $3K. Club of fifty copies, ons year, $10. Club of seventy copies, one year, $IW. Club of one hundred copies, one year, $'Jfl. The postage on the Weekly American to any part of Maryland, is 3 t-t cents per quar ter, and to sny nthce in the United States, out of Maryland, fl 1-1 renta per quarter, payable in advance nt trie omce wnere tns paper Is delivered to the subscriber. TO POSTMASTERS AND OTHERS. Postmasters and others raising Clubs of eight or more, will be entitled to one copy free of charge. C'tf Payment must bo made in advance, and the subscription is promptly discontinued at the end of the time jiaid for, unless re newed. DOBBIN ft FULTOV, American Buildii Inr, , Md. Baltimore BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF TIIE ABOVE LARGE AND POPULAR HOTEL, OFFKRS KVKRY To the Public, and will reader ASMDI OI M ATTETIO To iht want uf ins nrr.sTs. J. T. ALLEN., (. . "1, H.V. 1-tf ST. MinV ADVERTISEMENTS. P. A. SARPY, Wholesale lie tall Merchant t o n n it a or main Attn usr.oosr s-rsRKTS; ST. MARY, IOWA, HAS just received and now bn fnf safe, g large lissortmrnt of elerle fiterrhsndise adapted to the wants of all In this new and" thriving ei.inmiinlt y, which tiff CSH SeH se Ifeup ns can be ottered elsewhere; So hlgli upon the Missouri river. His goods have been seleeteil by an experienced purchaser, Willi special reference to I lie, clrriitnslnnces ami wanls of all classes of settlers In a new country. Ln- dic nnd genii n, children and youth, all rnn be supplied. Call and see for yourselves. Ills stock consists of the following, among a great many other articles he cannot now enu merate i Among hi Dry ;oodn, May be found Woolen and Satinet Cloths, Cnsslnets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Llnseys, Flannel, Red, White, G ray and Bine. Caspian Plaids. Cotton Goods, Sheetings and Shirtings, Bleached and Unbleached. Blue and White, Drillings, Osnnbiirg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory Checks, ftc, ftr. Fancy Uood.i. A hen ul i fid Assortment of fancy prints of every variety of st yle and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, Figured Alparra, Bombazines, Bom. bayelts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck erchlers, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, ftc, ftc. (lolhlnit. A well selerled stock of Hummer, Fall Snd Winter Clothing, consisting In part of fins Dress Conls, Pants and Vests also, good Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers nnd Undershirts, Hocks, ftc. Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va rious fashions, una lilies nnd prices. Boots ft Shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished, of every description, for Men, Women, and Children's use. (.'rorrrlrh. Crushed, Clarified, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Molasses. Syrup Molanaes, Golden Syrup, Superior Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Sassafrss, Ginger, Pepper, ('loves, Hplce, Cinnamon, ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snuffs, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Caudles, Vinegar, Tlcklea Pepper-Saurr, ftc., ftc. rrovlsloiift, A largo assortment of Flour, of various qualities and prices Corn Meal and all the various products of the Farm and Garden Bacon, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches, Currants, Raisins, ftc Hardware Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking and Healing rooms, Slove-nipe and Elbows, larg and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets Hand-Irons, Shovels and Tongue, Manursan4 Hay Forks, Scythes. Shovels and Spades, Lot, ami Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers Iron nnd Steel, Nails, Horse-Rasps, Files Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ita zors, Butts and Screws, Door Handles, Knob. Locks, ftc, ftc Tlmvaro. A general assortment kept for bousehoW ' purposes. Hood1 ware ' Wash-tubs, Shakers Palls, Wood and Zlna Washboards. Lfatlior, Role Leather, Harness leather, Cowhide, Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Lariats, Clrclngles, Belly-bands. Driving-lines, Collars, Back' straps, Girths, Blind-bridles, ftc, tui. Alcdirinf s. A general assortment of Medicine, for Fevers, Fever and Ague, and the common . romplaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's,. Ssppenyton's, Bragg's and Jaynes' Pills, (Jul- nine, Tunics, and various kinds of Stimulants, ' Anodynes, Liniments, and other articles nscas- sary for the sick and the invalid. 1-tf' Gustar Seeger, rpOPOORAPHIC AND CIVIL F.KaW A. NEEH. Executes Drawing end Painting of every style and description. Also, all -business In Ills line. Office on Gregory street, St. Mary, Mills county, Iowa. . , 1-tf ( 01 M IL BUFFS ADVERTISEMENTS. Greene, Woaro & Benton. BANKERS. DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, and IjiimI Agents, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Notes and Kills colleelwd ami nmllliJ 1. ... part of the United States. Money received on deposit, and Interest allowed. Eastern or rvmmerii vraiia rurmsiicd In sums to suit pur- chasers. Land llffir funla nll ft r,itr..i.. or bills of Exchange. Loans effected on food -curoy. inn imui, lines examined, ana Real Estate bought and sold on Commit tirn. ' I .amis entered for settlers and time rlvn far payment. Ofllce opposite the Pacific lipase,, In west lower room of Land Office. RrrrsrscKSi V. 8. JemiD ft Co. i W.' 3 Barney ft Co.. Bankers. Dubuooe. Iowa ft Sargent, Bankers. Davenport, Iowa i CuU Keriori ft Jtno. Bankers. Iowa Citv. iowai. People's Bank, New York City i Ketchem, Rogers ft Bennet, Bankers. New York City I Selkon, Withers & Co., Washington, D. C. ' Hon. ('has. Mason, Com. of Patents, Wash ington, D. C. lion. A. C. Dodge, 8. U. 8. Burlington, Iowa lion. G. W. Jones, 8. U. 8 . DublKiiie. Iowa t Hon. Josenh Wlltlama Chief Juetira, Muscatine, Iowa. Council Ulutis, Oct. 23, loot) 1-tf . Tootle Si Jack ton. FORWARDING ft COMMISSION MEM JT CHANTS, Council Bluffs city, Iowa. Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse on the Irvee at the Council Bluffs landing, are now prepared to receive and store, all sums or merchandise and produce, will receive and pay charges on all kinds of freigtbs so that SI cam Boats will not be detained as tbey have been .heretofore, in getting some ons to receive f reurht. when the eonslni are absent. lift r ksknc ics t I.lvermoore ft Coo ley, H. c. Davis ft Co. and Humphrey, Putt ft Tory. St. I.ouis, Mo. Tootle ft Fairleigh, SU Joseph, i rio. J. n. 1 nenewortn.l o.,i iKSinauUliUi W. P. Coulbough, Burlington, Iowa. 1-ti ROBINSON HOUSE. t II HE undersigned having recently take X and refitted the above wcll-knowa and popolsr Public House, be trusts by the strict studious attention to th wants of bis guests, to merit a liberal share of public favor, confi dence and patronage. Ilia taMe will b . spread with ihe best the market afford am no pains will be spared to make his guests agreeably at home and comfortable. G. A. KOUINSOX Council Bluffs, Iowa. do U-tf. GLEN WOOD HOTEL . Glenwood, Iowa. . . HAVING recently It seed this wffdti9w Hotel for a number of years, and fitted K up in a superior style, the Proprietor flat ters himself that the patronage he heretafar received from b'i friends and the puMia la general will bow be extended. My tab re ia furnished with the choicest delicacirs of ths season. Adjoining the house are extenoiv sublet, and good hostlers will always ha hs attendance. Come oh, ye that hunger sad thirst for the good of this world, and you will always ftndl Joaas oa haul to pvi ister to your wanta. .SKB A. PAINTS, no r-3ia.