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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1857)
DELLEVUE GAZETTE. s. A. r u n i. i it t ii n STRICKLAND T ft GO., TIIOS. J. GUNNISON, EDITOR. DELLEVUE, N. T. YlIl USnAV, JANUARY 5K, 1.7. The Kcbrasklan. The- Inst week's issue of thin paper is ono continued string of llio vilest aWc and uiuiiiiigalcKl falsehood. Nearly three fourths, of its reaJinrj matter is devoted to unpatJonnllo ntiJ low slander of (ov. McComas nnd the members from the rWlhTuo District, and yet, with the iw8 of a practiced detainer, it hints con clusions without alleging facts. It inti mates that two inemhers of this district offered, for ten thousand dollar., to wll th votes of the wholu delegation on tho Canital Question, and for tho truth of tins r - - suggests a call on tho man whoso name appears at thf head of this pnper as Pub lisher. Now let us tfll that hireling sheet such call has been made, and that the intimation is as falso as the black hrarl that made it. Tho Jlellevuo Dele gation are true ami loyal to their consti tuents, and Omnha has not money enough to buy them, however willing sho may bo to try to carry out her constant but infamous boast, that they em and will buy tho wholo Legislature, if necessary, to her ruinous purposes. It intimates, amid a perfect storm of impotent rage and abuso, that Gov. Mi Com is is the evil genius, under whose auspices alone, tho wholo mighty moving of the pooplo to throw off the drunken, dominating and corrupt des potism of tho Omaha clicpio has been hatched and carried forward, and that ho has used corrupting influences to obtain his ends. Now, how stands tho fids in relation to Gov. McComas. Every ono here who enjoys Gov. McComas' confidence (and there are a number), know that ho came to Bellevue as a mere visitor to the Territory-tliut he has been detained from matters of interest, and motives every way justifiable and laudable that he has no desire to fill any office in tho Territo rythat the whole of whatever has been aid in relation to his taking office, has been said Solely with tho view to quiz the piebald pack of office-holders and office seekers among the Omaha clique. We know that he did not start, or design to tart, the movement to remove the Cupi tal that when it was proposed to him to make a location for that purpose, he had made his arrangements to leave the Ter ritory and declined the proposition ; but being delayed unexpectedly, and the move ment taking a turn which forwarded in terests which ho had acquired in the Ter ritory, he has remained, and in spite of the low slander and violent threats of Omaha, has steadily acted in unison with and for the good of tho people of this Territory. But does Gov. McComas own the town of Douglas ? Has he given any portion of it to any member of the Legislature! We answer, no! Gov. McComas was chosen President of the organization, and refused to bhriuk from, or skulk the responsibility of the position. Was there harm or discredit in being President of a town which, by the cen tralily of its location, was regarded by two-thirds of tho Legislature as fit for its Capital. Gov. McComas had a fair, but by no means large bhare of the stock of the town ; but we assert unhesitatingly that he has never given or sold one lot or share of Douglas to any member of tho Legislature. If there be any fact con trary to this assertion, which is known to be true, let any responsible man put his Anger on it and the lie will bo nailed to the counter. Rave on, Omaha ! " Thou sand-bar Sodatn n Thou art devoted to the infernal Gods! Lies cjinnot savo you ! Mammon and bribery cannot stay your fall ! The finger of destiny is rap idly tracing thy doom upon the wall. The grass will continue to grow upon your corner lots, and the Pawnees tent in the molderinj pile of brick on your Capi tal hill ; when Douglas lots will need no official advertisement; when hontsl uun will rule the State, and when those you now slander and vilify will sigh over the utterness of your desolation ! Fly, thou den of rotten speculators. Thou hell of drunken blue-nosed, frost-bitten politi cians! To your holes, ye rats! die ship einketh ! ! THE CONTRAST. We ropy the foil wing unit ies from the l'lon-nee Courier if the il'Jud nil. Com ment is linnet t'KPtiry : Tlir r.trct. Midst tho turmoil and angry ennfurion, which, during the week thut preceded our last issue, rent the ermine of dignity from the speaker's chair and insulted the ma jesty of the Serjeant at-Anns, there was no man in our I louse m iiepresemnuri-n whose unexceptionable conduct challenged more admiration from the enemies of Ter ritorial persecution, than that of Sim A, SritH, Es.,i,f Bellevue. His im perlurable self-jHissension which no amount of uproar could betray ; his uniformly courteous and respectful deportment, which no irritating taunt could provoke to un seemly recrimination; the ability and cau tion w'ilh which he discharged the delicate duties of the chair rendered ten-fold more thnn ordinarily nrduous by the semi barbarous conduct of an untamed and vagalsmd minority ; his steady and onfall crinir pursuit of the grent object of legis lation with which he was uilicd which paused not uniil the final nnd official in troduction of tho Governor to the Iiill for iho removal of the scut of Government and the able conclusive ami dauntless speech which ho delivered on Thursday afternoon, till., have traced in his behalf a brilliant record, not soon to be effaced from tho tablet of public memory. His speech was an clonuont and fearless expose of the bitter ami blighting servitude, which every interest of ih lerntory had been compelled to yield to Omaha. He stripped from her deformed body the tin seled drapery of oilinnl adornment, and laid bare to tho lush of public scorn tho excuseless course of her graceless clelegn tion. His speech was caustic, telling and rofouiul, and in its delivery, as well as y bis entire course, throughout Hie whole ordeal of this trying cnpitol hunt, he has earned from the people of the 1 erntory a debt of Gratitude, commensurate with tho great cause which ho advocated. i on Gained and M-n-itive nature must have I ecu his paid piivtrje f rom the tluty-trariv nicled majority, h ' Drugs and Cue uttcal. ' In another column of our paper will be found the advertisement of Messrs. Joncs & Wood, Druggists of Omaha, and we are sure that all who are in want of any . thing in that line, and pure articles, would dn well to call on frieuJs Jones &, Wood before purchasing eLewhcrc. lie had Ills Price, nnd got It. A dishonorable member from Neuieha havinu had his entire ineasuro taken his moral highth and depth ascertained by the uncivil engineers of Omaha, has peddled himself, his constituents, and in part, the lerntory, and has become a part of tho personal assets of the ' Hotten How , Honor self-respect, decency and const-ion tiousnesa all that wus worthy, u II that was manly have changed places with all that is rotten, foul, corrupt, and still the article of traffic has not the grace to be ashamed. On Thursduy afternoon, as the hour appointed by prior resolution for the final vole on the capitol question, in tho House, approached, Mr. Finney of Nemeha, with tho uneasy and laboring air of a guilty conscience with the impress of 'Petty Larceny,' 2d ollence, visibly stamped upon his countenance declaimed in open day his own ' bill of sale.' Tho consideration which ho averred to be tho condition of the transfer must bo branded by every man, who has had a day s experience in Omaha, during the present session, as an unconditional and shameless lie. Did he not have wit enough to ope honesty of motive with a decent hypocrisy. His at tempt to barricade himself behind tho self domed libel of the ' corruption of tho ma jority,' as an excuse for joining a lawless bund of public knaves, is a resort which would shame hypocrisy itself. Conscience made him a coward ; knowledge of his polulion and filth lied his dastard tongue and the cringing sulfutiion of petty seoun- urelism, forliade his aping the coinpara lively dignified demeanor of tho bold viliinn. While we might examine a fallacious defence, of elaborate villiany without con- desccntion, we can hardly stoop so low as to strip from this false and imbecile pallia tion of Finney's, tho transparent gauze of honesty, with which he has luvcsted it Granting that what he said relative to the corruption of the majority was true ; it founded no right in him to trade away the dearest interest of Ins constituents. self-pollution is proper retaliation upon a corrupt majority, then Mr. Finney is a man of virgin purity with trimuiod lamps and plenty of Oil. Did his constituents send nim to the House to accomplish that wbuh they and the remainder of theTer ritory, except Omaha, have been en lea voring to accomplish ever since the first location of the capitol ; viz : the remova of the Seat of Govcmmeut t or did they send him there to retail their cause and the stern interests of the Territory, because forsooth, he Omniscient biped believed his co-adiutors to bo corrupt. Could the foulness of the majority infect tho right ous cause? Man cannot pollute principle The former is mortal and transitory the I a i i luuer uiviue ana eternal, jt would seem that the corruption of tho majority, fur nishes no pretext for putting three-fourths of our population upon tho shamble. Ad mining all that is claimed, this ridiculous apology of Fmney s cannot stand the te of examination. Through its torn aud rended folds, fascinating subdivisions of orange-colored metal. and enchanting pile of quit-claim deeds loom up in cloudless perspicuity. There is a sub-thermometer degree of coolness iibout Finney'a excuse for his sudden transit, which his perspiring visage, plainly indicated, he did not experience himself, while speaking. It is inexplica ble to us that Mr. Finney, upon so serious an occasion could perpetrate anything so facetious and jocular. He joint! the mi nority, Ixcaust of tht corruption of iht majority. (J reat' G od ! 1 low his pure and spotless soul measureless in its extacy at having escaped the fold of the sin-ridden majority, must revel in the etherial, as sociations of the immaculate Nonh Doug las delegation. How refreshing lo his o mo inreuiening, urine- olleriiig, lot begrimed herd of Omaha s minor representation. II jw pleasant to enjoy luxuries and get paid for it timid lanoously. How green Shakespeare wm when he said that a iiinn 1 could smile and smile nnd yet be a villain.' I low mistaken tho Evangelist when he wrote, the hu man heart is deceitful above all things and lospcratcly wicked.' MASS MEETING Of Hie Citizen of Otoe Count). A meeting of tho citizens of Otoe county , in i . .i. was convened nt i.xceisior iiiock, on me evening of the l:)l, to take into considera tion tho late action of the Executive of the Territory, and other matters important to the interest of the people. On motion of Mr. Pardee, J I.. Arm strong, Esi., was called to the chair, and Mr. A. I'. Harvey, requested to act as Secretary, Iho Chairman called upon Mr. tut 'bs to Male the oliu il ui luO tuoctiuir, Mr. Gibbs complied, giving a rapid and conciso history oi uie operations tn the Government of the Territory, showing how the location of the Capital had been made, ogainst tho desire of tho people, at a place unfitted, by location and interest, for the seat of Oovernincnt ; how it had been retained at Omaha; contrary to the repeated and urgent demands of the peo ple for its removal ; how upon a recent request of a large majority ot the people s representatives; tho Governor not only disregarded the request, but assumed an unwarrantable authority in denying, virtu ally, the right of the people to remove tho capital ; how tho friends of the measure hud been unexpectedly disappoiuted in the ixisitiou of certain monitors of tho legis lature whom they thought free from ; and above suspicion of susceptibility to uupro' per influences; and concluded by suggest' ing the appointment of a commission to confer with theso default in a members and ask their co-operation upon a question of the highest importance, not only to their own constituents, but tho wholo people of tho Territory. Judge Bradford concurred in the sug gestion, and approved of tho adoption of some measures by which the Governor could be made to understand that he is not the only power under which the people are willing to enjoy the privileges of free government, Judge Holly felt that the veto message, with its illogical arguments, was not only burles'iuo upon sound doctrine, but an outrageous insult to the people whom Mark W . Izard is unfit to govern. Gen. Downs presented a picture of tho condition of the a flairs at Omaha; how overtures of bribery hud been made, and that some of these overtures had been ac cepted. Ho felt that tho interest of the Territory not only demanded tho removal of the Capital, but also tho removal of the Governor from his office the people hav ing no longer any respect for him, either as a ruler, or as a man. Mr. Decker thought, from what he had witnessed at Omaha, that a crisis had come when our Representatives could not act without tho personal protection of their constituents, and suggested the appoint ment of a delegation to Omaha, to guard against any unlawful outbreak against legislative propriety and decorum. exhibiting the miserable depravity unto which, under the influence of city lot and the 'almighty dollar,', the Executive of the Territory had fallen. He seconded tho proposal of sending a delegation to argue tho question with the refractory members, and advocated the proposal to request tho removal of the Governor Air. Gibbs moved the appointment of a committee of nine to visit the people of rsetnaha county, to discuss with them tho propriety of instructing llieir Hepresenta tives to co-operate with the majority of the I.egislatue m insisting upon the removal of the Seat of Government. The meeting appointed Messrs. A. A. Bradford, II. P. Bonnet, Jacob .SafibnJ, J. H. Decker, I. L. Gibbs, H. 11. Harding, S. F. Nuckolls, Henry Bradford aud W. E. Pardee, as that committee. On motion of Mr. Decker, Messers, Harvey, Holly and Garside, were ap pointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of tho sense of tho people of Otoo county upon the matters under con sideration. Dr. Bradford moved, ihe committee also prepare a petition, to bo feigned by die people of tho Territory, to the President, praying for the removal from office of our present Eexcutive. The meeting then adjourned, until the committee on resolutions had prepared a report. lis VI-no legitimate inn ive t T lulerfei ence Anil whereas, in in ins'rume if o'imi:i; (hi- : dignity of n nn-n.iirr, n.iiil (iiii-rn'ir iUt lifd tlic iinpnrnlli'lfil smlnrit V to nvmv tin? rk'ht Hint His tiitPtitnm l Mm l.xpru'ivr. iirri IV u rrtwr ,ilpilir:ii'P to the niitlioril y of tin" proplr vrn if ro:ixtitutinnnllv fxprcsftl by iinnt mrmn vi!p of tlicir roprf Mittivp, nnd that nothing nlaort of !hn n'inrpin compu'-orn of the n-MiltMit .f Hip rniti-rt StntfH, bIk Oil compel 111 in to rrinovr Hip nrrliivo and soat of R"v- crmnrnt Anywhere from it pteseiit nlmnrd nnd jmrverteit Jorntiotn nnd whereits tinder these prave Ami nlnrmiiij; enrrnaeliments of nrliitraiV power, it in proper for in ait p.trt of the people of Nehraiika Territory, whose riclit nre thut Invaded, and whose will in Horn insultingly derided, tnexpre'in o ir view upon this exigency of our atl'iirs, nnd to delitier.tte upo:i the pro per mode of redrean, Therefore, Rksoi.v v.d, That the question na to the lo. eatinn of our of (internment in purely a local nnd domestic a Hair in whirlt wn deny the right of any power to interfere, claim ing for the people of Nebraska the name riirM to decide na to the ulace where tlo-v sii.til enact the laws which arc to govern tln'tn, nn to the quality and nntiire of the laws them selves. Kr.sot.vr.n, That the location of the sent of (lovertitnent at Omaha, wan made in the first Instance, in defiance of the will or lh people of Nebraska, and its retention at that point ran only he m-rured by means utterly iiieoiinis- trnt with the rig'iU of said people, and de tmctive of tho first principles of th?-ir form of liovcrninent. UKsnf.vr.n, That not only the. riti.ens Sonlh of tne l'lalte. Hiver, have a deep interest in the removal of the Capital, but the future prosperity and well being of the whole Terri tory demand such removal. Ilecaune, 1st. The capital should be located as nearthe centre of the agricultural portion of the Territory as possible, and in the midst of that population the producing whose interests should he the first and best cared for by all good govern ments. 2nd. Tho removal of the capital to some point farther west, would attract settlers to its neighboring region, and ptevent the con finement of the strength of Uie population to the country along the Missouri Kiver, where the commercial and manufacturing interests CM llll AI.VLRTISKNKMS. r.F.o, LARGEST w. woon. A. JoNrs. THE Drug & Chemical House IN THE WEST. OM AHA CITY.NKBRASKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD, Wiiolisai-i: aud Retail Dr.At.tns is Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window (ilass, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Jtc. Stc. kr. llavitii nurchased the entire stock of DKftiS and FANCY COODS formerly be lonrrltirr to V. A. Hunrv & Co.. together w ith our own full purchase's, we are now enabled to ofP-r the public ns complete an assortment of DRl'CS and FANCY GOODS as can be found west of the Mississippi river. Our stock is of magnitude enough to supply the whole Nebraska trade t and having been pur chased tinder tho most favorable circitm. stances, we feci assured in our statement, that if Fine Goods, as regards quantity, qual itv nnd nrice. are any obieet to those dealing in DKIG3 aud MKDICINF.S, we can offer these inducements to a greater extent than any other house in the West. Country Merchants and Physicians are requested to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere - . r. i m tOV l.'C t. (.LEMVOOD ADVLRTISEMENTS. LATE ARRIVAL!! AT OLKNWOOn, IOWA. TOOTLE & GREENE Ar now i axcr.tPT or a serrLV op Which, when complete, will compose the LARGEST Awn skst Sr.I.F.CTF.D STOCK IN Mil J.N IUU.MT. no lii-tf W. II. STARK. JONF.S &. WOOD. will at all times rcouireand support a sustain ing settlement t and .id. jlecause tlie coiitinit- O. W. HF.PBUSN. NEW Boot and Shoe Store, On TFAUNIIAM Street, Opposite the Ex change Bank. Saturday, Jan. 21. The meeting adjourned from yesterday convened, und was organized by the op pointmtnt of Dr. Campuell as Chairman. The committee appointed to draft Reso lutions, reported the following, which were unauiiuou&ly adopted:, tinder our Republican form of Government, the peoi-i.e are the sovereign source of power, and particularly so under the provisions of the Nebraska-Kansas bill, which secures for them in express forms ths right to regulate their own domestic affairs in their own way, w ithout the interference of any ros ;n authority; and whereas the F.xecutiveof this Territory, who Is not the representative of the sovereignty of the Territory, nor placed in that possilioit by them, who does not profess to represent their choice or to be responsible to them, lias dared to nullify their will as ex pressed through the deliberate enactment of ttvf-thu-iis of their representatives, which is the first instance of the kind ever attempted, and on a mutter too, involving question, but relating only to the regulation of our own do.nestie attaint in our own way, in the location of our seat of Government, in which said F.xecutive, as the representative of an authority oeTiit of the Territory, caa ation of the capitol nt Omnha, will subject the Territorial members of the Government, to all manner of overtures of corruption, alike sub versive of wise legislation, nnd the honest nnd effective administration of the laws. RF.soi.vtn, That the Representatives nre but tho servants of the people, bound to reflect their views, and advocate the interests of those who elect them, and any other doctrine is in consistent wilh Republican Institution. Resolvf.p, That the Representatives for this county have truly reflected the will and wishes of its people; and they heartily en dorse their public course as such, and giving them the meed, their patriotism and firmness so much deserve of ' well done, ye good nnd faithful servants.' Rr.snt.vF.n, That the majority of the people of this Territory, through their Representatives who but faithfully reflected their w ill, have virtually removed the seat of government from Omaha' City, and we therefore denounce its further retention at that place, and protest against nnv further legislation under the whip and lash of veto usurpation as ineonsistant with the freedom and purity of legislative authority. Resolved, That the corrupt and violent means used bv the mobocrncy of Omaha, who seem to control the place, to thwart the will of the people, the virtual refusal of his excellency, when formally called upon by both branches of the Legislature to protect the freedom of the co-ordinate drancli or the t.overnmeiit, and nis insolent threat mado in person, to refuse his sanction to a measure then pending, and to prevent the free exercise of the Legislature will, to say nothing of the moral corruption and biibery prevalent in that locality, impera tively require the immediate adjournment of tho Legislature from Omaha to Hellcvtie or Florence, or any other place where our Repre. sentativcs ran act in lreeilom from improper outside influences ; and that we instruct our Representatives to insist upon such adjourn ment nnd removal. Rxsolvf.d. That the arbitrary exercise of the veto power on a question of purely local cnaracter ; tne tyranicai assumption which seeks to justify such exercise by denying the right or the enure body or tho people to gov em themselves ; his pertinacious refusal to protect the Legislature from the violence of mob-law, when duly culled upon, and thus violating the spirit of his oath of otltee ; his notorious alliance with a sectional and cor rupt clique, which seeks to pollute the foun tain of pure legislation ; his want of capacity; his neglect of public duty; his titter imbecility to say nothing of graver imputations, connected with the control and expenditure of the public money, all demand the immediate removal of Mark W I.ard, from the office of Governor of Nebraska Territory a position which he has so signally abused and the appointment, in his stead, of come honest man, who, ema nating from the people, will not attempt to trample upon their independence, or thwart moir sovereign win when constitutionally ex pressed. REor.vrrt, therefore, That a petition be immediately prepared and circulated through out the Territory, setting forth the views of the people, and the Legislature he requested to memoralize his Excellency, the President of the United States, to remove Mark W. Izard, from the office lie has so disgraced, and to appoint some man who will co-operate with the people, in carrying out such measures as they deem will best promote their interests ; and that until such petition be heard, and re moval made, Uie Legislature be requested to adjocrn. A. F. Harvey, C. F. Holly, Joshua Garsi.le, Committee On motion of Gen. Downs, the Secre tary was desired to publish the resolutions as adopted, in the- IJellevue Gazette, Ne braska News, Wyoming Telescope, Flo rence Courier, and Nebraska Advertiser. Judge Holly, being obliged to leave town, proposed the appointment of Messrs. A. F. Harvy, M. W. Brown and Mc Crackcn the committee to prepare the petition, for the removal of the Governor. Adopted. The committee was authorized to raise means to Oelray any expenses w hich may arise in the printing and circu lation of said petition. On motion the meeting adjourned. J. C. Campbell, Chairman. A. F. Harvey, Secretary. W. H. STARK & GO. Would respectfully inform the ladies and gen tlemen of Omaha "and vicinity, that they have on hand and are manufacturing a complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, and warranted; compri sing the following, viz : Ladies' Fine Lace and Congress Gaiters. " " Kid Bootees and Congress Gaiter, " " Slippers and raroili ties. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Bootees. Misses " " " Childs' " " " Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots. " 1'eggeil " " Fine French or Pump Boots. - " Water Proof and Quilted-Bottom Boots " Patent Calf Boots. " Oxford Ties nnd Gaiters. " Kip nnd Calf Shoes. Boys' and Youths' Kip Boots and Brogans AH of which nre made of the best material the market affords. Our facilities for select ing are unsurpassed in Eastern cities, and we wish it distinctly understood tnat we WarrantlEvery Articlo Wo Sell. "e have the best of workmen in our em pit-. Every style of Boot or Shoo mado to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable lit. Kespeclrullv, no 13-tf W. 11. STARK & CO. out stoc ii or ;ito :uu.m Are bought at the lowest terms for cash, and consist of COFFEE. sro.-vit, TEAS, FISH, RICE. CURRANTS, RAISINS. CANDIES, MOLASSES, SYRUP, FRUIT, NUTS, fcc, &.c. im ooi)M. Ladies nnd Gents, call and see them, and price ror yourselves. Jh"y have not been summered ami wintered in St. Louis, but bought and shipped direct from the Eastern cities. Late styles and a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, from a ten cent Itwn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS and PARASOLS. C I.OTHIJJ. A fine stock old nnd voung, fogies and 'fast' men, call soon if you want a nice coat, vest or pants, on reasonable terms. HATS! II ATS It New styles, cheap and durable. 1 1 Alt IMV A 111 A very large assortment, consisting in part of Smith's Tools, Spades, Shovels, Forks. Rakes, Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut, and Hand Saws, Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaxes, Adze, tinsels, tic, &.C., to the end or the chapter. III II.DIX; MATERIALS. A large lot, consisting of Pine Doors, Sash, Shutter Blinds, Paints, Oils, Kails, Locks, Latches, Class, Putty, &.c. I'lItNITtltK. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes, Cubboars, Stands, &c. vrr i will sell cheaper for cash than any house in Western Iowa. no 8-tr. lUUiLiti & UKtr.wi.. HUFFMAN'S STAGE LINE. BELLEVUE, ST. MARYS -tfins AND uLKn WOOD 13' STAGE LINE. xZr Who Struck Hilly Patterson? It is often asked who started the pre sent exciting Capital Question. Yus it Gov. MtCoRMAs? No! Was it first proposed by gentlemen of IJellevue ? No ! Was ifiSucKOLi.8, tho money-kiii!; of routh 1 'latte f We answer unhesitating ly, no ! Hut we ask in earnest, did not the cunning, intriguing, wire-working T. H. Cuming, who located the Capital at Omuha, come to IJellevue and propose to a high official of this Territory that they and Gen. J A. Sabpv would lay out u town wast, and start and head a move ment to locate the Capital there. ANOTHER GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoes SELLING AT COST AT THE OMAHA CITY Boot and Shoe Store, To tnako room for my own manufacture, Also, a good assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber, Overs and Sandals of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small advance, together with a complete assortment of work of my own man ufacture, including Ladies' and. Gents' Buffalo Overs. Also, a well selected Stock of Leather and Findings. P. S. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, as usual, arid warranted easy, fashion able ana durable, no 13-tf. W. HENRY STARK HUFFMAN'S LINE will leave Glenwood, via. St. Marys for Bellevue, on Mon day's, Wednesday's and Saturday's, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and will leave the Benton House, Bellevue, via. t. Marys for Glenwood, on the same days at 1 o'clock, P. M. This Line connects at ot. Marys, witn the Council Bluffs and St, Joseph Stages, and at Glenwood with the various lines from the Mis sissippi to the Missouri Rivers. Travelers on this Line will find every con venienee ami accommodation, to make their trips pleasant and speedy. Comfortable Coaches, carctui Drivers ana weii-rea Horses. ROBERT HUFFMAN. no 5-tf. NEW GOODS! NEW STORE!! riHE undersigned have opened, at their new X store on Douglas street, opposite the banks, a new and splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, BOOKS, STATIONERY, Our stock of Dry Goods comprises all kinds of LADIES' GENTLEMEN'S and CHILD REN'S DRESS GOODS, ALL KINDS OP DOMESTICS and everything that is requisite to make up a complete assortment of Dry Goods. We have a large lot of Clothing that is we! and fashionably made, and out of the best material.- Our stock consists of all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. BOOTS and SHOES. Our stock of Boots and Shoes Is the largest ever offered to the citizens of Nebraska. They are purcnasen mrecuy irotn the maiudac turers, and are of the very best quality. uur goods are an new, and recently pur chased in uie eastern cities, und we intend selling them at astonishing low prices. All the citizens of Omaha aud vicinity are re quested to call and examine our stock, as they will find it to their interest to do so. CV We study to please. no. 10-tf . PATRICK & CO. NI) CHEAP GOODS. JUST RECEIVED BY NUCKOLLS & CO. GLENWOOD, IOWA, A Lareo and Well Selected Stock (Express ly for THIS Market) of Dry Goods, Clothing, Castings, Groceries, Queensware, Hats &. Caps, Boots St Shoes, Pine Doors, Iron, Nails, Sash, Hardware, Cutlery, Locks, Latches, Window Shutters, &c, ke. Havino been bought and shipped at low figures, we flatter ourselves we are able to offer such inducements to CASH Mlil' HUH as have not heretofore been offered. We ask an examination of ottr Goods and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. The La dies will find at our Store a large st of 9 CHALLI, BKRAGE, DEL A INS, POPLINS. GINGHAMS, VICTORIA LAWNS, EMBROIDERED ROBES, PLAID SILKS, &c., &c All of which will be sold verv LOW. NUCKOLLS fc CO. Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa. no 4-tf. I'RAN I.. KEMP. WILLIAM FRODSIIAM. New ITork GUN AND JEWULRY STORE. KEMP & FRODSIIAM, DEALERS 'n Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Ritles, Shot Gun's, and Pistols. CLOCKS. Thirty hour ami eight day clocks of the two best manufactories in the'Uuionj steamboat and olfice spring clocks. GUNS. Single and double shot Guns, from five to fifty dollars; Riiles, of our own make; also, Eastern inakt Pistols of all kinds; pistol (lanks, shot bags, wadding and wad cutters; common and water-proof caps; colt's caps, and numerous other articles suitable for the Western trade, which neither time nor space willjtllow to enumerate. CV All of the above articles sold on the most reasonable frm. Repairing done to order hi short notice. no t-tf. Omaha Citv, N. T. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! New Everything, at the Old Stand of SARPY & ENGLISH. EDWARD C. EOSBYSHELL HAS tTie honor to inform the people of tb Southern District of Douglas and the adjoin ing counties, Nebraska, that he is now open ing one of the largest Stocks of GOODS tver brought to Glenwood, Mills county, lows, consisting of , DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. BOOTS fc SHOES, HATS i. CAPS, . Q U K ENS WARE, NAILS, LEATHER, CORDAGE, IRON, OILS, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, te., And everything that may be found generally iu city stores, all of which he will sell 1 CHEAP FOR CASH. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE taaen in exchsnge for Goods. Buy ers from town or country wishing good and cheap Goods, either at wholesale or retail, will save money by calling and examiningJiis stocK before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find good bargain and fair dealing. Glenwood, Iowa, no 4-tf 4