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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1857)
... ; 0 JiJ if' ill I A Family Newspaper Dovotod to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amuscmonts and Gonoral , Intolligonoo. VOL. 1. 15ELLEVUE, NKIJIIASK.A, THURSDAY, .TANUAItY 29, 1857. NO. 15. cllrbnt ($;tfttc runi.isiiKi) i:tnY thliisdav at iiluxvu: nrv, !K. t. BY s. A. STJUCKLAND & Terms or Subscription. CO. Two Dollars per annum, if paid in ailvniic. or $i 50 if not paid within the year. , TO CI.CJIS I Throe ropipg to ono aihlrcss, in advance; $." 00 Seven lo ilo do 10 oo Fifteen do . do do 20 00 A :lul of seven subscribers, at $10, will entitle the person making; it up to a ropy for ix month a club of Aftoou, at $20, to a ropy for one year. When a club of milisrriber hn been forwarded, addition may lie made to il, on the same terms. USINESS CARDS.' " Bowen. St Strickland, ATTOllNI'.YS AT LAW. Real Kslate, City Lots nml Claims bought and nhl. Purchasers will do well to rail at our ollire and examine our list of Cit v Infill, ,tc, beforo purchaainjc elsewhere. Office in Cook's new tiiiililiii;, corner of Fil'iii and Main streets. . . - 1 L.. Bowen, A A' TTOUNEV. AND COUNSELT.OK AT 1-tf LAW, B. llcvue, N. T. S. A. Strickland, TTORXKY AM) COUNSELLOR LAW, liellevue, N. T. 1-tf C. T. Ilolloway, ATTOUXKY AND COUNSELLOR LAW, ttollevue, N. T. AT 1-tf W. II. Cook, G ENER AL LAND AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Hellevue City, Nebraska. 1-tf B. P. Rankin, ATTORNEY AND COUNSNLLOR AT . LAW, La H it,tc, N. T. 1-tf J. Scclcy, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Omaha, N. T, - ' 1-tf John W. Pattison, NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL EST ATI', AG EXT, Fontenelle, N. T. ; : ; J 1-tf James S. Izard & Co. L AND AGENTS, Omaha, Douglas Cotiuy. Nebraska Icrrilory. l-tr Drs. Malcomb & Peck, "VMAHA CITY. Office r.n Iinrnev street, J onnosite tho Post Ollice. Purtlcuuir at tention given to Surgery. 1-tf P. E. Shannon, 11 EAL ESTATE AG ENCY. Cerro Gordo Post Ollice. St. Mary, Mills Co., Iowa. 2 P. E. Shannon, COMMISSION & FORWARDING ME It CHANT, St. Mary's Landing Mills Co. Iowa. 2-tf Peter A. Sarpy, T.ORWARDING & COMMISSION MER JJ CHANT, liellevue, N. T., Wholesale Dealer. iu Indian Goods. Horses, Mules, and Cattle. 1-tf D. J. Sullivan, M. D., THYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office X Head of llroadway, Council Muffs, Iowa nov, 13 '. . 1-tf. D. II. Solomon, A TTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT iL LAW. Glenwoo.1, Mills Co., Iowa, prac tices in all the Courts of western Iowa and Nebraska, and the Supreme Court ot low Land Agency not in the Programmo. no -l-lf T.B. CUMING. J0H!t C. Tt'HK. Cuming Ss Turk, si Honeys Id Luw awl Real Estate. -1 gent i. OMAHA CITY, N. T., , WILL attend faithfully and promptly lo Bll businesa cnlrustr'd to lhm, in' tlie Territorial or Iowa couris, to the purchase of luls and lauds, entries and pre-cuipUuus, lecltutis. kit. ' " ' . Ollice In UiR econd story of Henry it liiwiH new building, nearly opposite , the. 'c3',crn Exchange Bank. Farnham street. Papers in the Terrilory, Council TllulTs TJ n gle and Keokuk l'inus, jilcasa eupy.and charge Nebraskian ollice. :r.o. ilvsiiR,' - - johjj li. michman . , -i , Snyder St Sherman, TroRNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT t. LAW. and NOTARIES PUHLIC. Cun Vil Hbilfi, Iowa, will practice their profession in nil me mutts or Iowa ami wenrasiia. All collections entrusted to their care, nt tended to promptly. Especial attention given to buyinx and sell lug ral cslate,aaud making pre-emptions in Nebraska. Deeds, Mnr'.iges, and othr instruiniinls of writiiid i!rrtwn with disprttchj ackuowleiig ineuts taken, kc, kc. , l"V" 0!ftc west side of Madison s'reet, just abov f.roadwav. nov 13 . ' 1-tf. Johnson, Casidy St Test, G EX KRAI. LAND AGENTS. ATrOR- T NEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Council lilufts, Iowa, will promjitly attend to I-lud Afmieies. Collections, Invest'in? Money, Loral i;ig and Helling Land Wnrranw, and all other business pertaining to their profession, in Western Iowa and Nebraska. 1-tf Job Printing NEATLY nnd expeditiously executed, o:i reasonable terms, at this Olfiee. aiy!:ktisi:ncms. wirorF.sAM-: a- inrAir. STORE IN BELLEVUE. V?E would respect full y invite the eitiens of Hellevue, nnd llotisla Co., to examine our larci" nnd well selocteil assortment nf on v (inons, (iitocKKir.s, CUOCKKUY, II A If 1)W AIM', linoTS, thiol's. dric?. Mr.nicixr.s, If ATS & CAPS, HOOKS, SASlI.Jtc, fee. And in fart every variety usually called for in the West. We' are confident that any one wishing to purchase jrooils will he entirely satisfied, ami find it will he to their interest to call and examine our larco and well selected assortment of grinds. SAlt PY k KINNKY. r.ellevue. Oct. 2.1, lSjii. 1-tf SPLENDID GOODS, "" at run VARIETY STORE OP II. VALE. THE Subscriber h ivinjr just opennd at his store in ih'llcvur, a fresh supply of goods, of every description, would call the attention of purchasers, to the fact, that hehasthe largest lid best selected stock ol lie lo'.mil in Nebraska, nnd that they will hud him sup plied at, all limes, witn SILKS, fvn:h, MILLTVAUY & DRY COOHS, CKOCKHII'S, LIQUORS, ow, mum, LKAD. HAKDWAUi:, HOOTS. SHOr.S,&.c.,&r. All of which has been selected by himself from the best establishments in the country, and which he will sell lower for cash, than the same ipiality of goods ran be purchased at, in mv store In tilts section ol country. lie lias also, a large nnd well selected slock of HEADY-MADE Of every description, best quality nnd finish, nnd inferior to none in Nebraska." Thankful for nast favors, lie solicits a con tinuance of public patronage, nnd hopes that purchasers will call and examine his goods, lefore buying elsewhere. H. VALE. Hellevue, Oct. Zi, l!i.jii. 1-tf NEW ARRIVALS AT THE THE Subscriber reniTect full y invites the at tention of purchasers, to his large and splendid stork of Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS. UKUl r.Kir.M, HARDWARE, HATS,' ROOTS, CAPS, SHOES, TORACCO. , PATENT MEDICINES, &c, Jtc, Mf of which he warrants of the best descrip tion, and bought expressly for this market. He has also a well selected swk ot IH-TAI )Y-MA1 )H CLOTHING, Made after the LATEST FASHIONS, of the JJEST MATERIALS, and by EXPERI ENCED WORK.MEN. all of which lie sell CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CHASE, Hellevue, Oct. 23, 1-tf BOOt e&3 SHOO STORE. TM. H ART AY, would respecttully . inform tlie inhabitants f liellevue and vicinity, that he has commenced to Manufacture DOOTS AND SHOES, Of .111 descriptions, from the finest finish to the ' roarest make. Employing none but the best, workman, he xvill he able to warrant nil work done at his establishment. '-"Th'J highest cash price paid, in trade, or all descriptions of RAW HIDES. liellevue, Oct. 30, 1S.6. 2-tf HOUSE CARPENTER AND TOJZLNTJUIFL. A .N. UHIGGS, Takes thin method of in. xIL. forming his friends, and the public generally, that he is prepared U HUILI) AND l liSlsll, in tlie best manner D irelluij Houses Of every ilescrip1 ion ot style nnd finish, on the most reattoiiahlu Uruis. 'Thankful for past favors, he solicits a coi,'iiiuanco vt public patronage. Uelb-vue, Oct. 30, 1': 2-lf STONE MASON AND T ilE I'ltd-iri'iEue-u tiavini eommeuceJ tue above business In liellevue, Is prepared to do ll work Id hiijtne, at tho shurtest no tice, in the lust m.l niicr, and on tlie most lea souable terms. WM. WILEY. Four or five ood Plasterers, will iud constant employ incut, and good waes, on ajt' plicat inn to tlie aliove. Hellevue, Oct. 30, lX.Vi. 2-'.f I CAME TO STAY. Tiir iiinlersigned would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of liellevue and vicinity, Uiat h is prepared to do 1 foitsi:. SIOX AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, GRM.MXO, MARULEIXG, kc, iu all iu various branches. PAPER HANGING Exeeuleil in Ihe imateit style. ''ii" Prtiuts mixed to order, and for sale, oct.ll.l I T. WHITE. ISKU.KUi: AMlKTISKHLXTS. Charles E. Wntaon, CI I VII. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, J Hellevue City, Nebrask.'l Tcnitciiy, plo fesse." to be "posted" ill the lay of the land in this vicinity, and oilers his services la such us m.iy need tlem, on reasonable terms. L'V" He will also net as agent, for the pur chase or sale of Real Estate, in the Terrltuiy. or Western Iowa. ion furnished upon application. Declarations tiled and pre-emptions obtained. 1-tf A. Schimonsky, rilOPOGRAPIHC ENGIXEEH, Executes 1 Topographic, I'.iniy ami Plain Di,iing of every si vie and description. Fancy, Orna mental atnf Plain Painting executed to order. Ollice at the liellevue House, liellevue, N. T. lU'.rriu.Ni rs; P. A. Sarpy, SI., lows; Judge Cilmore, Hellevue. 1-tf FOXTKMil LK RWK OF BCLl'.UVl'i:. lifllii nr. Nebraska. TS prepared tit transact the general business of Hanking, will receive deposit s, Disrount sliorl paper, buy I'ills of l'.vcdiane, nn nil parts of the Countrv. and sell on St. Louis, Chicago nml New Yolk; make collections in the vicinity4 and remit for the same at Current rates of Exchange. L"V" Interest allowed on sperial Deposits. JOHN WE A RE. President. Titos. II. Hkston, V. Pres. John J. Town, Cashier. 1-tf Hnrdiiiifr Hours I'rnin V to li, A. M., and 1 to 3, P. M. II. T. Clarke, IjVIRW RntG fc COMMISSION MER CHANT. Hellevue, Nebraska. Dealer in PIXE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, tr. Ri'.Fr.nF.NCF i Gold &. Hrotber and Edward Hempstead. Water street, Chicago;.!. W. Haskilis, Mihvniikie, A'is. ; R. M. Norton, Pres. Racine co. Hank, Racine, Wis.; C. Harrett, River street, Cleveland, O. Fenfon fc. Hrother, Cincinnnli, 0. ; Tibbie ,t Hays, Erie, Pa.; C. li. Wright & Co. Hankers, Erie Pa.; C. H. Wright, Ranker, Philadej.hia, Pa.; Darling, Albert son & Rose, Front street, N. Y. s W. J. Willis, Water street, N. Y.; R. Hall, Troy, N. Y. ; Mr. Hungerford, President Hank of West field, YVVsUield, N. Y. ; Hon. S. Morton, Nebraska City. 1-lf A VAI ATAHFjI'j CfiAIM The itndersigned offers for sale his claim of 1M acres, situated four miles West of liellevue. in 'iowuship 13, Range 13. I lus claim is well situated, lias several FIXE SPRINGS, a Never Failing Stream of Water, About EIGHT ACRES OF FINE TIM HER Four acres of land broke, and a good LOG C AH1X on the place. Title undisputed. Pos session given immediately. J). A. LUG A.N. Hellevue, Oct. 23, lS5fi. 1-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND Wl'. would respectfully Inform the inhabi tants of liellevue and vicinity that we are prepared to ERECT nnd FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work meiilike manner. Having been engaged in the business several years, we feel confident in stating, that all who favor us with their cus tom, will be pleased with our work. LSI & S TO It 115. Hellevue, Oct 23, ISjC. 1-tf DLACKSMITI1ING, fTHIE Undersigned beg leave to inform .U trio Inhabitants of Douglas county that they are nrumired. lo du all work la llieir liueol business, in Uic best manlier, aim on (he most liberal terms, at thejr shop in Hellevue. , i7 H iving had several years rxpeu'cnce at IPJtthr.-hllUl-.l.M;, l.i acme i.t t:.c V?al shop in EiiMteri! Cilie-;, they will ha nble to give entire satisfaction, to all who favor them with their patronage, in this line. Hdlcvue, Oct. 23, lSjo. 1-Om 23 H3 XjXj3I3"VTJ3Ij SAlL'JDIf rixiir. rroptieioror me nuove a-rrjk J. loon, takes rrest nleSsurs iui? annoi)iiciu;r to tiie public, that he is now prepared to serve ttl all Hours, and in tue best nriniier. WARM OR COLD ME ALS, OYSTERS. COOKED IN EVERY STYLE. SAUDI X ES, PIGS FEET, - PICKLED TONGUE, HOII.F.D EGGS AND GAME IN SEASON Toge'ber we'll every thing that is uvnally found in a UlisT CLASS llefrfshmcnt Saloon. Having h id considerable experience in ca tering for the public tas'e, he Is sure that all who favor him with a call, will be satisfied. CHARLES JOHNSON. Hellevue, Oct. 23, lHju. -1-tf HOUSE CARPER TEES AND .JOINKltS. fMIIE undersigned takes pleasure -in an X Honoring to tlie mlialiitanls or liellevue anil vicinity, that tliev ro now prepared to HU1LD AM) T1.MM1, in the best mauui r all styles of Dwelling Houses, Cottages, &c, &c. On. the shortest notice, and in ths inot an uioved s'.vle cf workuianshiii. lln v will b also happy to do any work ia thejr line nf business, which their friends ms island In need of. MYEU4&. HILLYAUD. Hellevue, Oc'.. 30, ls.'ili. -tf Ho! For Fresh Water. Til K. iiel'Ti zn .1 rohpee'fullv inform th int.;ibitant of Ihllrynn and the purro'iii.lli !; en.mtrv. tint h is pr.-narl to 'tii? nl finish, " WELLS AND CISTERNS, - ' ,Vl thii 1ioi tnt imtice, anil on llie ut rca Boiiiihle il ium. 1). A, I.Oti V.. liellevue, Oft. HhV 1-tf POETRY 0,Tiu t Him oi, l air niniil nl nv mhs. it. r. tiAiinnr.s. Dark clustering cm Is me shading Hit forehead hitch and fail, The noble seul of manhood God has imprinted there, Ilis lustrous eyes arc beaming With intellect and truth ; Still lingers iu his open glance The sweet, clear smile of youth. Vet trust him not, fair maiden, There's danger by his side ;' The red wine oft pollute the lip That woos thee for n bride. Dark clou. Is around are gath'iingj llrave not the coming storm ; The serpent wears hi loveliest guise The fiend, his noblest form. O, happy, gentle maiden ! Fond hearts are bound to thine ) Rethink thee ere thou lightly leave The homestead's hallowed shrine. There dwells the gentle mother Who watched thy dawning life The sister who will weep o'er thee A broken-hearted wife. Turn not bo oft, so fondly, To gar.e upon his face 5 That fair, high hrnw already wears The shadow of disgrace. There music Iu his manly voice, His words of love nnd pride Shall those rich tone allure thee, love, To be a rnt'SKAnn'u bride? Ilis glorious might of Intellect, "llie gem-thonghls Mint illume, Are hut no mntty heavn-ligh!s To warn thee of thy doom. 11m flood of strong temptation Is swelling high nnd wide, And liopes't thou with human love To stay the 'whelming tide ? Vain is the. strength of reason I The spirit light divine Is powerless, while his hand still . . The sparkling r ijt of wine. O, trust him not, fair maiden I There" danger by his side ; It is a sad, a fearful fate To be a nnuKKAiut's bride. hasps MI S CEL mm; c 111:1:11 rou oi,i zimi" Or Itreaklu-; Ilown I he Njtstciu. UV I'. C. JON'Lg. Ill a lcinuto county of IVuu.sylvaniu tho scone Ss laid. Tim time was the year of 1S1"J, wlion party hpirit rose to JOJ degrees iu the tliaJe, in every hamlet throughout the length nnd breadth of L n- lo Sam's glorious domain. The respect ive political parlies met iu convention nt IJtigsLury (iho county seat), and made their nomination for county officers. As there- were many uspirajita for the few Humiliations, it follows, aa a matter of course, th;U there were aoiue hitter lintj toinlmeiits to no one more so thai) to Uld fitii :" who was conlideiit of getting a nomination lor buerill. Zimmerman, or ''old vim," ci ho wai familiarly railed, was a miserly old codger, who was well to do in the world, yet h wad up at every convention lor a nomina tion for something from "lime whereof, the memory of man n;i.wcih not to the contrary." He was reputed wealthy that is, ha owned a farm, and had money, but he never showed the color of it, ex it nt he unfortunau ly got ou a spree tlu'ii he would sow it broadcast hut dial was only a 1 i'Minial occurrence A few evenings out the nmnin:nons aijovo noieii, t Knot 01 mo unvaiisneu were congregated at the I'Jarl; Horse Tavern, discussing the, merits and de merits of the fortunate nominee. " tlentlemen,' wid old Zim, 'merit and long service to the party, is no recom mentlation in this comity. Tho wire workers and schemers Lave it all their own way.' Aye,' responded one of the lir-riom loafers, 'they doi;s the pick in out, und they expect us to do tho wotm'' 'lhit, nentlemr,' continued Zim, 'they will feti h tip agin n m' or n sawyer, ono cf theo days. Yes, geullei.irn, by the) eternal. uiiset tlc ir upnlo curl nud spill their peuchei. I'll ree whether it'a the jiropl or a et of broken-down jliti- c al hacks, a.i makes the county iioinina tion. 15y Judas, I il run us a voluiiiy.; candidate for Sheritf, and if I don't mv 'em out, then my nam niu't Zimmerman, that s nil. Thu deteriuuiaiMi was received favor by thu ct.m.l, and Zim scnlml it a "half for red eye. I'ull fkin he wa in the field, nnnoun. ihrotigh n ennl, in Istth papers, In hi fel low rilieils, pledoing himself lo iliwhnrge the duties of the office-with impartiality 1(1 rtixr lie Wti dirtr,. Right lustily did old Zim go lo work, and things appeared to fto on swimmings ly. lie ciiiivnsseil tlie rotiniy, nml tho people were pi oftiHO in their promises of doing their best for rum. In ono or Ins poregriimtions, ho met Wnitlcs, tho nom moo of Xim's party, who was also on nn eli'i tioni'oriiig tour. Ha! Unities,' said ho, 'my fine fel low, I'm Mtrry to eei? you allow yourself to be tho tool of the unholy nnd corrupt mball uny I ntn orry to sen you nam liced, hut you nro lsutml lo bo bent. I'll fhow them thnt the freemoti of thi.i eoitn try will not hour dirtntion. o my friend, if you wish to save yourself from tho dis grace of defeat, you had better resign in my favor.' Wnttlos expressed his own conviction lhat he kIioiiIiI feel very much used up in such nn event, hut nt the snrno tiino ho had mndo tip his mind to stnnd tho hnz-ird of the die, Election day nt length came, nnd my worthy friend, arlned with a hat full of tickets, (Stationed himself on the r, round of his own precinct, und commenced dealing out his tickets, nnd urging his claims in tho strongest kind of way; miser ns he waH, he made his friends Bwim in Motion gahola long beforo tho polls were closed. The election over, evening ramn on npaco, and the eager expectants gathered in tho bar-room to awnit tho counting of the votes, nnd tho returns in romo m from tho dillerent townships. Ola -mi was flourishing nliout, treating tho crowd, ex pressing full confidence in tho success of his ellort to Mirenk down the system. Seated in a remote corner, wero a 1111m her of who-), in a low. but -earnest con versation, and nny ono who might have1 chanced to aeo them would nt onoo havo concluded that something wns to follow. The consultation soon broke' up and tha plot began in nhotit fifteen minutes to de velop iuielf.' The clatter of a liorso'i hoof were heard on tho frozen ground a solitary horseman rodo up to the door, and flinging the rein over n pout, rushed into the bar-room, where ho was soon raised on tho top of a table and silence commanded. ; " ' 1 ' ' ' ' 'Here,' said he, drawing a strip of pa per from his pocket, 'are the returns from Lower Huilalo township Wattles oil, McGregor AO, Zimmermnn 100! ma jority for ZimmTrrmn, 100 !,' Mine cheers tor old Aim : Huzza! huzza! huzza!' 'CJeniloMwn, said old Zirn, taking ofT his hat 'I'm obliged to you for this ex pression of your that 15 to say, let us take a horn nil round f ' ' Of course the crowd. acquiesced in this imposition, and tho welUui ranrr wnlj oud huzzas. Hut hark ! scarcely had the crowd imbibed beforo another horse man came galloping up to the inn. : 'Jleogum township, ono hundred ma jority for Zimmerman !' ' '' ' JNine cheers lor old Aim r ' . 'Hip, hip, hurrah V, '' ' " .' yAgnrn did old Ziui aitemjit bipk, hut his feelings overcame huh- and he ended by inviting tho entire company to just call for what they wanted. Again tfw glns-es jingled ns the -excited nnu'ti-, ;t receives impressions from external ob lud wedged themselves towards the bar jecl9j that-the ! spirit may be separated --mid again we heard the clatter -.of rfj VOn in tliis . life from the body, and aU horse's hoof.' ,11 ' miit uuooascious, of jt existence; thai 'Dublin township one hundred minor- i wltm ,;IC case tu(, body rctainj ity for Zimmerman.' ' ' ' : I animal lire, but not the power ot action ; Nino cheers for old Zim f ' . ; , J anj ,, spirit U seiaratod from the Hip, hip, hurrah V ' ' ' j0(jyt jt iaa full powor'to- eo and con--: Tho axtited candidate was wild with 1 Vi.rM t u.;n iith ilLsnmlino'il anirit joy nnd exc,itetnent, and he ngain invited mo puny 10 iiiuiR. Another horseman came another, and still another each one briugtnj an oTor- wneimmg mnjoruy iot ma ,.,111, innn 1.1c tnwii'hin he renresented Alas ! that it should bb the fame mad wn under -nriou3 disguiscj tliat brought old Zim the gjoriom iiowm. Th) columij.'' . i lixiMMislve 1'owtr ol Steam.' 7 as foi'fd tip, gave Zim a cool thoiisnnd j . Chemist , liave a pertained that gun-' majority,' '' t powder is ono thousand time dcuser lhaa. Didn't he J'pi'n'f a r.v.1 thirty? the land-' the atmosphere. If, therefore, one thou-h-rd's till groaned uiid-rr the weight of old ' and rubic inches of atmosphere were Zim's dejvsites. - I oomnresswl into one inch,1 the one inch' '(jeiitleinou; said old Zim, 'my heart ' wouM bo of the. same strength as the is full tf hi head wn-u-'t anvihh.r t-UV 1 ulj'c ""' fiMupowdcr,. Steam Mate and I can that tho glory of this content iHloiicrs w vmu- Ikit I fee! l.i-;,t. in vouf hat.' said a wag), pride f 'lu-ieV mat I hare been the humb!i insthunent of breaking down the system.' Nine cheer''. ' ' Thus matters' omgrvs-sed WiaW those i whn were 'ccuiiplctvly "nowed up" wero laid out, mi l the remainder found their way horn; some, charitably friends f ihe Sheriff" elect, toting him on a bhufter to bis domieil. ' ' , ' , ' . , - . . u U I'-arly in llio luonnug, the vihae wng, by . with (hrulbing tem;!e, cat ot tho tavern ' jto "take a hair, from; the dog thai bit d tlicni," as well a. t laierh over the "av" played 011 old Zim hut scarcely had they commenced worship, beforo in stalks tho old gentleman, still under tho delusion that ho hnd carried tho dny nny, motCi he insisted on spending a V, by way of a morning whet. . Tho wags wcro deter mined to keep it up as long nt possible, nnd ngain drtiuk nnd congratulated him on his success. In the midst of tho "noiso nnd confusion," in bounded an inky print er's devil, who deposited nn extra ou the ttibltfj containing tho returns. LVigcrly lid old in) seize it, and hover over it. but n minute. Tho conclusion of it is all sufficient for tho render. It read as fol lows : ' r. "Jly the ahovo, it will bo seen thnt De mocracy has ngain triumphed, as Wat tles' (I)ein. miij. over Tihbets (Whig),' is one hundred nnd fifty. Zimmerman (volunteer), had threo votes in Ileegum, two iu Dublin, ono in Lower 3uffih, ami one in this borough) supposed to bo cast by Hmttrjf), making a total of seven votes. Tho fxtra rlmppod from old Zlm's hands ; ho moved towards tho door, and then looking around full at, tho gaping crowd, said leisurely . 'fjenthwii, you may go to f And rushing from the bar-room, he wa never again heard of in Uugsbury. ' The Nra Nor pent Explained . ,. Mr. Metcnlf, tho pleasant author of "Tho Oxonian in Norway," relates how ho met with tho bob serpent, in this manner:-' .';'( I 'Casting my eyes lazily from this no ble sight, along the baso of tho stupen dous barrier of limestone that girdod that side of tho Ford, which was in deep sha dow, and ns still ns a mill pond, I became awaro that something was slowly moving , .1 ...... . 1 . . . uutig tu um yviie tiwwi 10 me rocits, at the distance of , aomo quarter of a milo from where I was. It was a black, slimy object, seemingly about sixty feet long, aa well as I could judge. " I could not see its wliole shapo at once, but only part of it,' for it kept jmruully apjieuring and disap rearing as it glided along. It could not to a fish, for no fysli would move in that rnnnrter; nothing ' but ' a serpent ' would thud advnnre, contracting and expanding tlx iiuiHclo'i of 1 its back. . A few days af terwards, as I stood on the shore, to my great delight I saw hiih again. , Ho was. not far out af sea, and was proceeding in the ime rolling, coiling manner, though tho puce was decidedly improved. Th'e tiina I fcrtuwtely, had my telescope with me, which I lost no timo iu adjusting, bo ing determined to send a description of tho beast to the Linnu-nn or some other society. ' On examination I found that H was half-a-dozen porpoises following close to each other, whoso resplendent backs, as they went up and down, I had mistaken for the connected whole of the tremen dous snake." " ' ' rieslt and fcplrit. i , SwedenWp; maintains thnt man is a spirit, postewiiig tho form pervading the entire human system; that the spirit pos-' scsses eyes, a nose, hands, a mouth, limbs and foot; and that, while iu the body, the ! luvlv a sininlv a ir.f mn tiuiiiun. W j wi.;..n OI)f.ral0li on mnterha things, and through tho medium of which ag,i that t death the spirit is only aepa- : rated nml treed Irpin lha body as tbo buU trrny 13 freed from tho bonds which have' enveloped it. nnd that, in leaving the body' - ; r4 Um tul0 tne ,,nrit M unconsciOtlS C' the scardtioii as when separatoa at anf: other time, as Jn a swoon. . . r .. ,'j- ses alwut oue-half the gravity or weight. aunospnere; uiereiore. jto ,n( tnm, which can be generated , lM OM K"-?1' of water, were i.. compressed into ono men. it would be come nearly twice tlie strength of one a i :....u I. in :n '. u. X"V wui I ILUiMI.'llM till. .'n-ni I'llUIILSIVR IMIIVHr 111 " , 9 I t steam.' ' ' ! . . . . i ',.'r i i .''.I fciT" Avoid, as you would the moei dangeroiu serivnt. those people who hare iO simplicity of manners, and whose whole onnduet is specious beware of too easily . . . , - - . - yielding your confidence to their insidious and subtle addrvw; no conduct is IQOiro detestable,