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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1857)
-j A ' 551 iji rrrs; 'if. " I. M 'i i.ii fi V1 , i ir- 1! 1 ? Vl:s h'fii !'.'f IV 11 HI '-i! m l i! ! i if i i1 AGRICULTURAL. llArmrt Too Well l'eK Tho fulWing rwiwrks of " skilful jii-ai-titiotir-r ami cUm) olisi-rvt-r. are wor thy of attention. Dr. Da.M has Ix-en, however, we uniformly fortunate in the lioraea which have passed In-fore his eyes than koti others. Horses arc often over- fed with grain, lmt we neer knew Mt iki tatuh hnv or crass, when it was rlv. Thev are rarely at tarkeM with disease when fittlo or no prniu is given them or tf given, when bujIic1 U small aitJ regular (itMuiiiiva. A treat proportion of our horses nre too well fed obtain more food than they require. In this land of plenty, most of our valuable horses are over fed, and mor especially does this happen among animals owned by wealthy ami liberal in dividuals. The impression we wish to rnnrwv rt dm mind of die render is, that the food of such, is not proportioned to Inlior in odier wonls. there exists a din- proportion between the amount of rarlion taken in the form of food, and the oxygen received in the process of respiration. Now to illustrate this, we will suppose that a man engaged in tnercantiln pur suit, owns one or more hows, ho 1ms not the time nor inclination to give the one or the other the necessary amount of exercise; they stand tip to a full crib, from day to day; enjoying or raiher, gorging themselves with a certain amount of fodder, over and above what they ac tually require, and much more limn they really need; the surplus is often stored up in the form of fut, and this induces acute diseases, and they die of too much food and care. It is very rare thnt we hv nrrnsinn to recommend a man to feed his horse more liberally, but almost always the reverse Starvation is said to be the cause for many equine diseases, but so far as our experience goes, such cases are. in this country, very rare. We conceive the term starvation to bo a libel upon civilization; and so infrequent in its application among a nation of husband men, that it is omitted in our dictionaries. A man on a barren rock, or a horso in the deserts of Arabia, might prolmbly starve, but the idea of tho latter starving in the vicinity of a well-stocked barn or stable within striking distance of a land of plenty seems to us a very absurd conclusion. There are enough horses to be found dressed tin in the srnrb of starvation ; having tight skins, prominent ribs, and cadaverous countenance, living, yet half dead. But they know nothing of the "Famine in Egypt:" they get enough, but too much of the same kind. Dadd's Veterinary Journal. fork Mater. Have voi water in Vour ftx;k nrd f If not, li.-ten to advice, and if it is p-wiUe, introduce it eithi-r set a rnm or a wind mill, or one of the self-acting wells; or i i ii lay a pipe from a cprmg on the nin ; or throw a tlum across tne nrooK ami my Iced. Now, In tli Klive Power's heyday or )-t.t y when minister and servitors are jjnilii.Hiii unit plotting to make ine most of Oiilr tiiumph ami '-crush mil" 1 spirit which they vainly believe to be crucified and entombed now, when the fslnt-liearted T ....M.liKiirfe.l who lately basked ill til sun shine of our rrmatiir hope are hauling off to repair damage ami talking of abandoning ' a Il.l f .... r .1 . I ... ,.i,r ,n. I" rugged arena or romics n.r in numi pipe from that wane how or ol her man- . . firl.U la this hour of wear- age to have flowing water ami plenty ot it ))()(f ni ,),,!., The Tsisuwr renew Us so as not to drive your stock to the brook, vnw of eternal hostility to nvcrv form of tv . i . . ... ...... ..b l,nlf n rannv oor th- Ixwlii-i or souls of hiimi to the ir nnvo iu iuui, in nun " -itnvinilraw water for them. One has ahaim-fiil smiunption that ths briiiKlilfU ami fpchlo. whrthrr In soul or body, ar- to bfi re KaritoJ ami trrati-d a the ronvenionce or th nrpv of Ihi-ir wlner or atroiuri-r lirothren to the l.nnlnation of lrlMit ami liarrhs. wh-'thcr of rinpires or plantaliona to the enslavers of flti-i ami klriilom) in r.iiron. or in" nrraini of rhildren Tor the am tion-lilork and the cot lon.firl.l In Virginia or Alabama. 'Pie dorlrlne that no human belnn was ever created for the benefit or advantage of an oilirr that all aervlcs between man and man Imiil.l he free and reciprocal thnt the labor- - i ii . ....I ti n m nr nl h pm' xnrinr Ptlirrp. . . arlil.Mt -r to others' luxury, but for the This variety of Sheep, imurted from austenanrs and romfort of those near ami near Chin, into the l'..i.l States l to.- insi live yenrs, someoi nun n iv-n- r-Aumi . . .i : :ii i,a no uiea w mo couveuiein v uu n ' tried it. Sit down and muko an estimate of the time it lukes in four months to draw water for forty head of stock, or to lead or drive them an eighth of a mile to water, and our word for it, tho water will cmno in a pipo if there is any such thing. So says Tho Homestead, and so say we. not created to be a theatre of Injustice, op inn and minerv forever. It must tri iimph; for all true prophecy affirms ami the vindication or llie uivine oenigiiiiy mi"-i.i . .... - I. t. Iplmnnh fi.r Tin " . . . 'ii -fi I lively reiiiiun n. iv muri .1 it..i... , - but from their being a singularly proline lnorf,,tir America cannot always remain the ted at tho luto U. S. l air, are begining to attract attention not from any particu lar value aitachcil to their j.nxiiict ot wool Aii nive bii4 heen known to (Iron mr,,(T.if nri.itorr.its and the ahnine of reform ss many as five lambs at a birth, and lif- era and I.Ural. "1$?' i t . .1 t.. It must triumph t for Man s history Is not a teen in the space of sixteen months, lor r , ,,, , ,Vervuhere instimt the shambles thev are said to be excellent. They are claimed, also, to bo of ' good size, fatten easily and mature rapidly. In tho nrosenl hiih nin e of mutton, such ... i j i ... with meaning snd no heroic effort ever failed of I'a ellect no drop of inaryr blood was ever shed in vain. Hut even If we Republicans were disposed to fold our arms In slumber, our adversaries would not nerrnlt It. Thev are busy to-day in able and desirable ; nt least wo shull soon b-ntrthenlnic their cords and stremrtheninir u : l. ....... .. ,1'lini I tlieir s ake Willi a viimance ami snnni imve mi upiKiuiumjr "-6 - """" Ui.ich reveals a consciousness on their part breed would seem to be especially va I il ex lent. Worth-ttnneinbrr lug. Cattle standing in cold muddy yards, exposed to the weather, consume about twice as much as those in sheltered stables kept tlenn and littered, and free from the accumulation of manure. that their dominion must be made sure forth with or their secpter will have forever ile- fnrted. To-day, myrmidoms or the Mave ower threaten' and harass Northern Mexico, are encamped in the heart of Central Ameri ca, snd waiting a war of extermination on the distracted inhabitants or us petty uepuiuics, while it by turns leers and scowls at Cuba, while its most ruthless bands are precipitated on devoted Kansas, under the protection and smiles of Ihe Federal Administration. Kven as we write, the telegraph informs us that twenty Free-State men, guilty of attempting to defend their homes against the rapine and violence ot Uuford's ami Titus's blood-thirsty handits. have been convicted by I-ecompte's Court of manslaughter! and sentenced to five vpars imnriaonment at hard labor as ft-Ions. This Is but a fair specimen of what lias long passed for "justice" In Kansas a justice which takes the criminals into pay ami aids them in huntine down, plundering and "wi ping out" the innocent, whom it consigns to AMKIMC.W AMI OK1CINM.. THE XKICKERBOCKF.Jt MAQA.ZINE. F.ntTrn by Ixit u t.wtosn Clash. f pill, number fur .lanuarv. i.egins me Jl Forty-Second Volume of the Knii-UiThoi k- er Magazine. ... Sinee the price or auiiscripiion lias neen n luced from five to three dollars a year, the circulation of the Knu KranoricF.B has tieen Increased nearly four to one. in many places ten are taken where there was but one before, nnd Ihrouirh the year it has been steadily In creasing !t. Is now offi-red as rlieap as any of the Magazines, all thing consnlei. il. in stead of making new and prodigious promises, we submit a few extracts from notices of late numbers, which we might extend to a number of pages. "Those, familiar with the F.ditor's Monthly Gossip with hi i Headers,' have doubtless, with ourselves, admired the source of Its wit and joyoustiess. In this number 'The Gossip' holds on its way like some fair rivulet glancing and dancing in the sunshine of a May morning. We used to wonder how Mr. Clark could hold out, expecting he must certainly Met down' in the coming number t but this number gives no sign of exhaustion." National Intelligencer, Washington. "I'li.ant. irenial. dcliirhlf ul 'Old Knick !"' Thy name is a suggestion of things delectable; the sight of thy modest, fresh cover, a balm to spiritual sore eyesj a glance within thee, hpf nnliilnte fur the blues. Tlum hast given to kindlv humor, to pinuant delineation, and to side-snlittimr fun. a 'local habitation,' without which they might go wandering over the domiiii of letters, calling now an I then where a friendly door opened to them but re fusing to be comforted for the loss of tlieir old dear home." Courier, nurlinglon, Vt. "The great care evinced in the selection of articles that adorn its pages, is n sufficient guaranty that no contribution meets the eye of the reader but those which are known to be worthy of his perusal. When storms and wild tempests are sweeping o'er our hill-side village in these emu winter nours, mm im drear and desolate without, we ask for no more agreeable companion than the 'Knick- r.RiiocKKB't for while Its contents impart valuable information, its gallics or genuine wit are a sovereign specific for nil fits of the blues or attacks of the horrors, and time lasseg merrily on.'' Democrat, Uoylestown, THE FLAG OF OUa VN Il.tUM, MoSAI. AMI HUlVin MlSCELLAJVfcOUS FAMILY JOUHKAL .lni.,'o,l i.i in. lite literature, wit and humor, prose and poetic gems, and original tales, wrilten exj.ressly for the paper. In politics, and on all sectarian questions, it is strictly neutral, therefore making it emphatically a faim-.u for Tin: mim.iov, and a welcome visitor to the home circle. It contains the foreign and domestic new" of the day, so condensed as to present toe greatest iiiMsible amount or Intelligence, ."so nuver- tisements are admitted to the paper, thus of fering the entire sheet, w inch is ol Till: MAMMOTH SIF, fi !), iil ruction nod amusement of the gen reader. An unrivalled corps of contri butors nre regularly engaged, and every de partment is under the most finished and per fect system that experience can suggest, forming an ORIGINAL I'APKR. The Flao Is printed on fine white paper, with new nnd beautiful tyne, and contains I-J10 square inches, being a large Weekly pa per of eight super-royal quarto pngeH. T HI ft 1) V I'.AR . . . TIM-. o n O ! O I, I T A .V Pluisri.t. lis. IN ADVA NCR. $'2 00 7 00 l.'i (id TKIIMS INVAMANLY 1 subscriber, one year,-" t subscribers, " 10 " " Any person sendingus "twelve" subscribers, at the last rate, shall receive the "thirteenth" copy gratis. One copy of the Flag of our Union, and one copy of ll.illou's Pictorial, when taken toe-ether, bv one person. $1 (Ml per annum. Traveling a;;ent are not employed on this paper. Published every Saturday, bv M. M. HAIXOt, No. 'Ji Winter St., Hoston, Mass Pe Ilequcsla to Harvard College. We are gratified to learn thnt by a provision of the wiil of tho lute Dr. Henry Wales, the library of Harvard College has, within the lust month, become posses sed of a collection of books, perhaps the most splendid that was ever, at any one time, added to its stores. These volumes I . r t 1 I ' ........ auoui iouneen uimureu m m , -.v. ,le"st),tf ison ,f tllP are ev goa(ied into f.i. iha imwl Tuirl niirehnaoil liV 1 IIO tOStn- 1 . i i . ; .. . : .A; i ..i.j ....v. - j i me madness oi renisinif; uim u;iirnnuio. Warm Stabling. We do not think that, as a rule, farm ers appreciate sufficiently the advantages of warm stabling for their animals of all kinds. Just in proportion as stock is ex posed to the rigors of winter, must their allotment of food be increased. A cow will require nearly double the quantity of food to keep up the natural warmth of the system, in badly-protected stables, that others will which are duly cared for. So it is with all descriptions of animals. from the horse down. Care, however, should always be taken to have stables well veutilated. Milch cowa should par ticularly have clean, well-littered, warm stalls, with daily messes of succulent food. They should also be frequently curried, have salt two or three times a week, and pure water to drink. The extra care bestowed will be doubly repaid in the extra supply of milk and butter, to ay nothing of the health and appearance of the caulo. - Yititgar. This article is ono of the most necessa rv, and yet we rarely find it of good, or even passable quality. Uy following the rules laid down in the following recipe, which I have pursued for many years, any one may make the article on bis own premises: "To eight gallons of clear rain water, add threo quarts of molasses, nut into a good cask, shake well a few times, then add two or three spooufulls of good yeast cakes. If in summer, place the cask ia the sun ; if in winter, near the chimney, where it may be warm. In ten or fifteen days, add to the liquor a sheet of brown paper, torn in strips, dip ped in molasses, and good vinegar will be produced. The paper will, iu this way, form what is called the 'mother,' or 'life of vinegar.' " tor while residing in Euro. They in clude ninny specimens of magnificent typography, and are almost all clothed in cleiruul binding. Tho fastidious tastes of a book-lover were freely indulged in their si-lection and adornment, but the claims of utility were not tho less borne in mind. The votaries of Sanskrit, Cierman and Italian literature, will find among them manv volumes equally costly and indis pensable. Most valuable of all arc those which bear upon the ancient langungo ami poetry of llinbtan. Dr. Wales wa himself a zealous student of Sanskrit, and tho apparatus he had accumulated for tho pursuit of that attractive, thougn nere neglected department ot learning, leaves little to be desired. After the Indian, the Ilaliun books are tho most remarkable. Amonir them are very numerous editions Such crimes and wrongs as unhappy Kansas has for twelve months endured, even Hungary or Poland has never known ; and the Power at whose instigation these villainies were and are tiernetrated sits enthroned In the White House, and has just achieved another four years' ascendancy in tho Federal Govern ment. Who, in view of these facts, can say that Republicans may now pile thoir arms, even for an hour? Tub Thi hunk will be. as It has been, a Political journal avowedly, though not ex clusively so. It recognizes the truth that Freedom and Slavery are here grappled in deadly conflict, and that In the result one of them must lose all control over the Icricral Government. Hut, whilo It gives prominence and emphasis to the discussion and elucida tion of the great issue of the day, it ainks none of the characteristics of a Business and Family Newspaper. The proceedings of Congress, like those hi Kansas, will be watched and reported by an able and fearless corps of Correspondents, while from London, . . f ii o-.. I' : .. I'.iri", Constantinople, imvniiii. o.iu ri.iui.iB- "The Knick r. shock kr has been and will be ... . n i . -it a fact or its own ; a genuine living iinng, hii the more desirable now that the new crop oE magazines, filled with articles pirated from Knglish authors, makes rresn home creations more conspicuous ami welcome. l-'u" York Christian Inquirer. Hev. F. W. Shelton, Author of Letters from Up the River,' etc., will be a regular con tributor. The best talent in the country will been listed, and no expense or ellort spared, to make the Knickkrhockkr more titan ever de serving of the first position among our on einal American Magazines. I bit Ma. Three iiniiars a year, s.ricuy iu advance there will be no deviation from this condition t Two copies for S" (Ml ; Five co pies, and upwards, $2 00 each. lJookscllers and Postmasters are requested to act as Airents. Those who will undertake to pro cure subscribers will receive favorable terms. Specimen numbers will be sent gratis on ap plication, post paid. ' i viiiteeiit'VTo rnii r-T mini vri Tim 1.I1JU I.I..U1..1 " I Jkl v . . V. .. u i.' . . ' Knickf.riiockeh and Harper's, Putnam's, (irnham's or (iodev's Lady's Rook will be sent one year for five dollars; the Knickeii- nocKr.R and Home Journal tor lour collars a WIIOLF.SALF. AG F.N'TS. S. French, V.M Nassau street. New York A Winch, lit) Chestnut street. Philadelphia Henrv Tavlor. Ill Raltimore street, Balti more's A C. Ibtgley. lt'-2 Vine street, between lth and 5th, Cincinnati; .1. A. Roys, JII Wood ward Avenue. Detroit: 1-.. K. Wooitwanl, cor ncr of 4th and Chesnut streets, St. Louis; Samuel Ringgold, Louisville, Kv.; Wallace, Austen it Hue!, 2.) Clark street, Chicago. year. 1'USIAUL 1W0 cents per nuuiuer, pre paid nt the office where the works is deliver ed, quarterly in advance. - All remittances anil all niisiness communi cations must be addressed, post-paid, to SAML ItUKSlll, 31S Broadway, New York. of Dante, Petrarch, Tasso, and lloccaccio, co, Albany and other centers of Interest, our l -..! 1.1 1 . r i, . k i pnri ii i ntmrra win mk w a tt t i hi anu a coiisiuerttoto uummr ui uio . f-h am, rr,iab,.. X mfmber f onr VMto. productions of the llodom press muster- ria corps Bayard Taylor is now in North niccea of the printer's art too well known em F.urope, and will spend the Winter in to connisseura to require special notice. Sweden, Lapland, Russia, thence making his J . . . . I tutu nnvf onaam nurnds Silturi ft ltd I itrlnrv To theso are to be added the finest editions ?",'" "h V. " ' th,ne. h' Nuckolls & Co. WHOLESALE ANU RETAIL STORE Gb-uwood, Mills Co., Iowa. The tin dersitrned ben leave to call the attention of the People of Mills and adjoining Counties to the fact that they are in receiptor tltetr FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which for price and durability are unstir passed in Western Iowa, which in addition to our Summer stock of GROCERIES, tc, on and th most necessary volumes on th some change of route shall promise greater earlier poetry of thnt country, many Latin interest and profit to our readers, for whom . ' . .. . ' . "i alntiA tia will writ refrain rlv tnroiu'iioilt lim ureeK. ona nonmir uooks, u a lew vx a(lventuroua journry, which is likely to re poiwive lilUNtrative works, like Canitw 8 quire two years for its completion. Our re- i(.iun:in Hiiini'HS. anil i ni ii irn in i a r,irusi;uii I iMiris tu iuc muni imcirntinu urvmun, uuin Monuineiils. All tliese form, as we have M,,t"K, . w' full and reliable, and said, one of the richest collections as re markable for practical usefulness as for beauty and finish. It is intended that the whole shull be kept together, and placed m a conspicuous position in dore Hull. Dr. Wales, on many occasions during his life, showe I a warm attachment to the University in which he was nurtured. In forming his library, he kept constantly in view the probable wants of the institution, to which, in accordance with an early resolution, he bequeathed it. But wo try. Glenwood, Iowa, Oct. 23, ISM. 1-tf BALLOU'S PICTORIAL DRAWINO-E00M COMPAHION. A RECORD OF our Foreign and Domestic News made up with a careful regard to the condensation into our ample columns ot the greatest amount of in telligence that is consistent with the use of type of KDtierous size. In short, if we fail to itake Tub Tribune worth its cost, it shall pot be for want of expenditure or effort. If it be deemed desirable by Republicans that Tut Truiunk should bo circulated in their several localities, we urge them to see that Clubs be mado up and forwarded in duo season. The Postmasters are ecmi-officially admonished not to aid our circulation, but to urge instead that of journals deemed "sound"' and "National" by the compatriots or Atchi son and Siringfellow. We ask live Republi- THF. BEAUTIFUL AND U8F.FCL IV ART Tho object of the paper is to present, in the most elegant and available form, a weekly literary melange of notable events ot the day Its columns are devoted to original talcs sketches and poems, by the BEST AMERICAN AUTHORS, and tho cream of the domestic and foreign news ; the whole well spiced with wit and humor. I.acit paper is BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED with numerous accurate engravings, by cmi nenl artists, of notahle objects, current events in all parts of the wotla, ana or men and man. CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD. BALLOU'S DOLLAR MONTHLY. Encouraged by the unprecedented success which this popular monthly has met with, and the rapidity with which it lias increased its circulation, the proprietor has resolved to make it. still more worthy of the patriiiiajije of the public. That this admirable work i-i a "Miracle of Cheapness," is admitted by every one, containing, as it does, '-one hun dred pages" of reading matter in each num ber, and forming two volumes a year of six hundred pages eacli. or "twelve r.umtreit pages of reading matter per annum, for ON'E DOLLAR! Ration's Dollar Monthly Is printed with new type, upon fine white paper, nn-.I its mat ter is carefully compiled and arranged by the hands of the editor and proprietor, who has been known to tho public as connected with the Boston preijs for nearly fifteen years. Its pages contain NEWS. TALES. POEMS, STORIES OF THE SEA, SKETCHES, MISCELLA- 1 NY, -ADVENTURES, RIOURA nilES, WIT AND HUMOR, from tho best and most popular writers in the country, ft is also npiced with ft rccorJ of the notable events of the times, of pace and war, of discoveries and improvements occur- mg in either hemisphere, forming an agreea ble companion for a leisure moment orh-iur, anywhere, at home or abroad, each number being complete in itself. No sectarian subjects are admitted into its parres ; there are enougn controversial publi cations, each devoted to its peculiar sect or cliipte. This work is Intended for THE PIlL.Lli., nortn or soiun, east or west, and is filled to the brim each month with chaste, popular and graphic miscellany, pist such as any father, brother or friend would place in the hands of a family circle. It is in all its departments fresh and original, and, what it purports to be, the cheapest magazine in the world. 'ft?" A new attraction has just been added, in the form of a Humorous Illustrated De partment. Any person enclosing one dollar to the pro. prietor, as below, shall receive the Magazine for one year; or any person sending us eight subscribers and eight dollars, at one time, shall receive a copy gratis. fj"" Sample copies sent when desired. M. M. HALLOIT, Pub. and Proprietor, No. 22 Winter St., Boston, Mass. The Concord Grape. Some three or four years ago litis new grape was brought to light at or near Coocord, in Connecticut if we are not mistaken ; and for a year it cr tilted quite nfurort among fruit-growers in the East. But it was soon discovered that it did not deserve near all the credit which it received principally from those who were interested in its cultivation and sale at five dollars a vine. What made it, however, an olecl of attention in the latitude of New-England was the very important fact that it ripened from ten days to two weeks earlier than other varieties. It has by this time been fairly tested, and it prove to be a grape about equal in size and quality to the Isa bella. It now sells at one dollar a vine, with the sale principally confined to New England, where, for the reason just men tioned, it is of more value than iu warmer latitudes. , . - . . PUII ami Oil liliriiuni ll y aa in JUIUII- I III ll jmt i'i vii'iiuy umvn uui-1 1IIU1I havo yet to mention the most substantial ranl everywhere to take care that these ef- ners, altogether making a paper entirely ori proot ol (lis uevotion to tne interests or me rorts be not eltectual to quem-n tne llgltt or ginai in its design in tins country, u.i pages niul nf hi fnvnrita hrnnrh nf Freedom in the murky mists of Slavery. contain views of every pipulous city in the Tin' management of this new a nd "popular Itistt'utioii announce, with pleasure, that ar- , rangeinents for the third year havo been com pleted on the most extensive scale. Works of American Art, and the encouragement of American genius, have not been overlooked. CiuiiMiissioiis have been issued to many dig- , tinguished American Artists, and a special agent has visited the great Art Repositories of F.urope and made careful selections of choice Paintings. lironcaiid Marble Statuary, ,Ve., fcc. Among which arc the following ex quisite pieces of Sculpture, executed ftont tho linest I arara marine. Flic Now and Beautiful Statue of the 'WOOD NYMPH." The Hus'.s of the Three Great American Statesmen, CLAY, WEUSTER AND CALHOUN. Palmer's Exquisite Meal Rust, "SPRING." To'ethcr with the lins's and Etatucs in Mar ble of APOLLO AND DIANA. The Strufgle for the Heart, Psyche, Venus and Apple, Child of the Sea, Magdalen, Innocence, The Little Truant, and The Captive Bird. Besides which, are numerous Statuettes in Bioiie, Medallions, and a large and choice i collection of beautiful OIL PAINTINGS, by leading Artists s the whole of which are to be distributed or allotted to subscribers of the Association cnATVirofpr.v, at the next An- , mini Distribution on the 'jsth of JANUARY next. o TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. The payment of Three Dollars constitutes any person a Member of the Association, and entitles him to FIRST The large and costlysteel Engraving "Saturday Night, or any' of the moulUly Magazines given below, one year. SECOND A copy of the Cosirxitiolitan Art Journal, one year an illustrated Magazine of Art. THIRD A nhare in the Annual Distribution of Works of Art, comprising a large num ber of Paintiiig-i, Sculp'ur.', &c, Six. The following Magazines nre furnished to those who prefer them to the Engraving: Harper's Magazine, (iodey'R Lady's Book, Knickerbocker Magazine, Graham's Maga zine, Blackwood's Magazine, Southern Lite rary Messenger, U. 8. Magazine, Mrs. Steph ens' New Monthly, and the British Quarterly Reviews. Littel'l's Living Age, (Weekly,) and two Memberships, for $'. Thus it is seen, thnt for every $3 paid, tho subscriber not only gets a three dollar Maga zine or Engraving, but also the Art Journal one year, and a Ticket in the Distribution of Works of Art, making four do'ilrtis worth of reading matter, besides the ticket, which may, in addition, draw a Beautiful Painting, Statue, . or other Work of Art, of great value. No person is restricted to a single share. Thoie taking five memberships arc entitled to six Engravings, or any five of the Magazines, one year, and to six Tickets in the Distribution. Persons, in remitting funds for m Mnbership, will please give their Post Office address In run, stating tne mown mey wisn tne Maga zine to commence, nnd register the letter nt the Pot Office to prevent Ions; on the receipt of which, a Certificate of Membership, to-, gfther with the Engraving or Magazine de sired, will ne rorwardeii to any pan ot tue country. For Membership, address C. L. DERBY, Actuary, C. A. A., At Eastern Office, 3 IS Broadway, New York, or Western Otfice, lliti Water street, San dusky. Ohio. READ EDITORIAL OPINIONS. L'L'0 learning. Uy another clause of his will, the sum of forty thousand dollars is set aside, to )e ultimately dedicated to the j foundation of a Chair of Sanskrit Litera ture at Cambridge. Advertiser. Tho Tribune for 1857. Tabtab Mode or Snotiso a Bi'L lock. The animal is placed upon his back and secured a man sitting upon the head. The four leg are tied together, and thus point straight up into the air, and the smith hammers away at his leisure. There is something etcesively ludicrous ia the operation, though in all probability the poor brute finds it uo lau jLv'ug waiter. The Election is past, and its result proves that the work devolved on the Republican party is not yet completed. In sit the East ern and Norihern portions of the country in New-England, New- York, Ohio and the North West, the Republican banner float in tri ntnnhf while in Southern Jersey, Pennsylva nia, Indiana snd Illinois in short, wherever grohops more abound than school-houses, and where common schools are too new and too feeble to have educated the present gen eration of voters the black flag of Slavery obstructs the sunshine. A stranger to Ame rica ailht distinguish those portions of our country most blessed with Education, Intelli gence, 'Thrift and Virtue, by scanning the re turns of the Presidential contest of 1SSH. We have failed of present success, not because the. People are against us, but because that large portion who did not hear or read the ar gument, snd do not know what were the real questions at issue, went khaoit so!:.! us, reversing the verdict which the gr at ma jority of the educate I aJ intelligent eu desvored to pronounce. These facte indicate the path of pruig du'y. With no unmanly reptuing over what Is irrevocable with no abatement of heart or hope because the triumph of Liberty la her new ordeal ia not won at the Long Island and White Plains of her struggle with no shadow of regret that the responsibility of governing is not confided to her champions before the People were fully ready to sustain them we begin afresh the work of diffusing that vital truth which, in regard to the concerns of this world as well a of the next, makes Free in- TF.RMS. Daily Trucmc, per annum, rt 00 SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Single Copy, per annum, $3 00 Two Copies, " 5 00 Five Copies, " 1 1 25 Ten Copies, to one address, 20 00 We send the Semi-Weekly Tribune to cler gymen at ii per year. WEEKLY TRIBUTE. Single Copy, per annum, $1 00 Three Copies, " 5 00 Five Copies, ' 8 (X) Ten Copies, " 12 00 Twenty Copies, to one address, and ) any larger number at the rate of 20 00 f l per annum, ) Twenty Copies, to address of each ) subscriber, and any larger nuin- 21 00 ber at the rate of $1 20 each... ) We continue to send the Weekly Tribune to clergymen at $1 per year. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ravmeut in advance is required in all rases. and the paper is invariably discontinued at the expiration of the advance payment. Money may be remitted for subscriptions In letters at our risk ; but the Postmaster at the place where the letter is mailed should be made acquainted with Its contents, and keep s description or the bills. hen drafts can be obtained, they are much safer than to send Dill. Billi of any specie-paying bank in the Uni ted States or Canada received at par for subscription. W have no traveling agent. Any one wishing to receive Tim TkiuoNR need not wait to be called upon for hi subscription. All that is necessary for him to do ia to write a letter in a few word a possible, inclose the money, write the name of the uberiber, wilt bit Foet-Ornce, County and State, and dirt the letter to tlUF.ELEY k Mc F.I. RATH, Trtbiuie Oilice, New York. known world, of all buildings of note in the eastern or western hemisphere, of all the prin cipal ships and steamers or trie navy and merchant servicp, with fine and accurate por traits of every noted character in the world, both male and female. Sketches of beautiful scenery, taken from life, will also be given, with numerous specimens from the animal kingdom, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. It is printed on fine satin surface paper, with new type, presenting in its me chanical execution an elegant rpecimen of art. The whole forms a mammoth weekly paper of sixteen octavo pages. Each six months ma king a volume af 41U pages, with about one thousand splendid engravings. TERMS INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. t subscriber, one year, I subscribers, ' " 10 " " $3 00 to m 20 (HI Any person sending us '-twelve" subscribers at the last rate, shall receive the "thirteenth" copy gratis. One copy of The Flag of our Union, and one copy of ll.illou's Pictorial, when taken together by one person, one year, for $1 no. ir5f" Traveling agent are not employed on this paper. Published every Saturday, bv M.'M.'BALLOU, No. 22 Winter St , Hosiim, Mas., WHOLESALE AGENTS. S. French, 121 Nissan street. New York ; A. Winch, llci Chestnut street, Philadelphia ; Henry Taylor, III Baltimore trvet, Haiti timore; A. C. Baglev, K'2 Vine reet. be tween 4th and ftth, Cincinnati; J. A. Roys, 13 Woodward Avenue, Detroit , E. K. Woi.d warJ, corner 4:h and Chesnut streets, St. Loui; Samuel Rii.ggold, Louisville. Ken tucky ; Wallace, Austen & Duel, 2.'i Claric St., Chicago; Trubner fc Co., 12 Paternoster Row, agent for (Jrtat Britain and F.urope toucrally. LIFE ILLUSTRATED. A First-Class Family Newspaper, devoted to News, Literature, Science, and the Art ; to Entertainment, Improvement, and Progress. One of the Best Weekly Newspapers in the World. $2 a year, cr $1 for half a year. The Scientific American says: '-It is of large size and faultless typography. Almost every branch of human knowledge ia treated by able writers. The R. I. Reformer pro nounces it '-the most beautiful Weekly in the Union." THE WATER-CURE JOURNAL. Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practice; to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous Illustrations ; and to those laws which govern Life and Health. $1 a year, or 50 cents for half a year. "We know of no periodical which presents a greater abundance of valuable information on all subects relating to human progress and welfare." New York Tribune. "The Water-Cure Journal is the most popu lar Health Journal in the world." N. Y. Evening Post. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Devoted to Phrenology, Education, Self culture, and all those progressive measures designed for the Elevation and Improvement of Mankind. $! a year, or 50 cents for six months. "Devoted to the highest happiness and in terest of mm, written in a clear and lively style, ailiirled at the 'low price' of one dollar a year, it must succeed in running up its pres ent large circulation to a much higher figure." Tribune. "Standard authority in all matters pertain ing to Phrenology. The beautiful typography, and, the superior character of the numerous illustrations, are not exceeded in any work with which we are acquainted." American Courier. ,Tt?" F..i Three D'.hui Cn, a copy of each of theso three Journals will be sent ot. year; for Two Dollars, half a year. Please address all letters, prepaid, as follows : FOWLER WELLS, No. 3 IS Broadway, New York. Greene, Wearo & Benton, BANKERS AND LAW AGENTS, Council HlulPi. PotowaHatnie comity, lows. Greene & Weare, Cedar Rapid, Iowa, t.'re -ne, Weare ii Rice, Fort tin Moines, In. Collection made; Taxes paid; and Lands purchased and told, in any part of Iowa. 1-tf "From the New York: Evening Mirror." Throughout the country there nre thousands ' of persons who purchase or subscribe for the leading magazines, at book stored, an of whom, by joining this Association, will not only receive their literature for the same money as before, but will be, in addition, mi:il ami rrfA narl irin.nita in a ramjirl.iiinrlr distribution. They also receive that beauti ful quarterly, the "Art Journal," free. Such an enterprise cannot fail to command the approval and patronage of the public. It ha a basis as firm and pure as its objects are beneficial and noble. There is no reason why it should not become national, in its claims-, upon the people.. Originated and conducted' by intelligent, reliable parties, the new Asso ciation Is entitled to every confidence." I trust the Association will be eminently' successful. Its very liberal inducements com mend it strongly to the patronage of the pub lic. Bayard Taylor. ' "From the Louisville Courier." , There is no danger of losing by this Insti tution; it ia no chn uce affair; you get the full worth of your money, and have the satisfac tion of aiding the Fine Arts." "From the Water Cure Journal." The Cosmopolitan Art Association seems to prove highly successful, as it is beneficial. The plaa on which it is founded is an excrU' lent one. "From the Bullalo Morning Express. ' Let each individual remember three things :. that by his subscription he secures a fund of pleasant and profitable reading, or a splendid Engraving, and entitles himself to a fair, chance in the distribution, which disseminates, and encourages good reading and a taste for the beautiful and elevating. How can $3 be ' more profitably expended : ' "From the New York Evening Mirror." . We are not surprised to hear that hundreds i of aubscribers arc pouring in daily. Our ouly surprise is, that the hundreds do not swell to thousand!', since every siibscribr gets his' money back certain, in the best literature, or an elegant Engraving, and his ort chances, gratis, "From the Louisville Courier." ' ' The Cosmopolitan rt Association haver,, ceived and ar.; constantly receiving Urge num bers of subscribers f on. all quarter. We rfo' not wonder at it. Almost every individual is. utmi-l' l.v flia a,!.--. . i". i 1... ,i.:.. ....'..n .. ...t i. ....... . a .ni' uy una in stitution. F.ach member receives a splendid Engraving, or becomr a subscriber to sumo one of our excellent Magazines, at.G receive it regularly for one year, paying no more than the subscription pi ice, llu'sluo receiv-i that beau'iful publication, the 'Art Journal,' free of charge, ami, at tho same time, stands a chance of drawing some one of the numerous tt.,k ..f Art to be distributed. Tiie'e'nre; it pimply amounts to this: if you are taking some Magazines, renew your subscriptions with the Cosmopolitan Art Association. If you do not take a Magazine, then send your name in, by all iif.ius, an I supply yourself with reading matter, at the same time'helplng to disseminata art over oar land. FAMILY FLOITB. THE Subscriber has on hand a fine lot of EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, from Wavejly Mills, Mo. If. T. CLARKE. P,,r,.. ..I;,,., t n ...;..!.... Ml..,,l ..'...U.itllliV l'llillil3l''l. f.'IW.I., Dcllcvue, Oct. 2.1, 150. 1-tf