Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, January 08, 1857, Image 3

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Square (12 line or less) 1st insertion.. $ (Hi
I'jifli subsequent insertion f,o
One square, one month 2 f()
" " . throe months 4 on
" " six " it m
" " ono year 10 (Hi
Ruslnps cards (il lino or less) 1 yoar 5 (XI
Oho column, one yoar 00 (HI
One-half column, one year 3., (Hi
" fourth " " 2(1 (H)
" eighth " " to 00
" column, six months 3., no
" half rolninn, nix month 20 00
fourth " 10 (Ml
" pighth " " k 00
" column, thrpo month 20 0(1
half column, throo month 13 (HI
" f. mrth " " " ,) (hi
" pighth " " 1; 00
Announcing candidates for office 5 H)
For eighth shoot hills, por 1(H)
For quarter " " "
For half " " " "
For whole " " "
For colored pnpcr.half sheet, per 1(H).
$ 2 00
4 00
8 (H)
In (M)
5 (Hi
rui iimnK!,, er quire, ursi quiro
F.ech subsequent quire
Cards, por pack
1'arh subsequent pack
For Mall Tickets, fancy paper per InmM
F.ach subsequent hundred
2 (Ml
1 00
1 50
I 00
II 00
4 IH)
CV We would respectfully request our
Correspondents to hand in their communica
tions on. or before, Tuesday morning. Nor.
loot to do so may cause their postponement
till the following week.
Claim Association Meeting.
At a meeting: of the Bellovuo and Platte
Valley Claim Association, it was
Resolved, That the member be requested
to make a plat of their several claims, show
ing as near a possible, their connection with
the Government Survey, and also the streams
and roads that pass through or bound them,
o that a map may be made for the use of the
Association, and that such pl.its be handed to
the Secretary as soon as possible.
JOSEPH DYSON, President.
V. II. Cook, Secretary.
3" Last week in a manner we apolo
gised for the many imperfections that has
of late crept into our Tot Office, by say
ing that storekeepers were very busy on
account of the holidays, thot they could
not well spare the time necessary to assort
the mail in a proper manner; but it
seems that it was not the fact, but the want
of a perfect knowledge of the duties of
Tost Master.
Now if we had the Laws and Regula
tions of the Department, wo would pub
lish them for hi3 instruction, and wo have
no doubt our subscribers would pardon us
for doing so (as it would crowd out other
matter,) as the benefits they might de
rive from his knowledge of them would
more than compensate for their loss, but
xvo will merely stale a little of what is
expected at the present time, as well as
ta future:
First It is expected that Post Masters
will keep a supply of Postage slamps on
hand for the accommodation of the public.
Second It is expected that mails pass
ing through this town should find the P
M. ready to examine and assort them.
Third It is expected people do not
often ask for things they don't want, but
expect to get them if they ore in the
Fourthly It is expected that all papers
&c, with a person's name written thereon,
belongs to that individual, and not) to the
Post Office or Post Master.
And finally, it h expected that during
Poet Office hours that some one should
attend to those making enquiries.
Now as we have given a little of what
is expected, here is a few items that is
not :
First It is not expected that people
like to stand at the Post Office door an
hour of a cold day waiting for admission.
Second It is nut expected thul iimils
shall (as they have done) pass by without
being examined.
Third It is not expected that a paper
directed to Mr. A. belongs to Mr. B.
Fourth It is not expected that papers
published in Douglas county, Nebraska
Territory pay postage when delivered
through the Post Office in Bellevue to
jheir subscribers.
Aud lastly, it is not expected that the
present P. M. has a life-lease on the office.
Now as regards the regular delivery of
the mail at the Post Offices, if we are not
very much mistaken, there is a law some
thing to this effect, that when a mail con
tractor fails to fulfil his contract, (he Post
Master has authority to despatch a mes
senger with the mail on the route of such
delinquent, and he is bound to make an
immediate report of such failure to the
Post Office Department at Washinirtou.
and we ask whether this has been done?
Kcho answers no !
It is extremely annoying to go for weeks
without a mail, and we will continue to
' ring the changes' until a healthier tone
is established in the department this side
of the ' Muddy,' and hope that our cotem
porarics will also keep the ball moving in
their several papers, and we know that a
'rhangu' to a livelier tune will stxui bo ihe
Oi tt Imp is guilty of some pretty seri
ous jokes sometimes. He perpetrated the
following lately: He snjs 'tlmf the
above is the picture of a vehicle, in great
demand lately, in a iieighlKu ing city, and
that from the appearance of a certain
Committee, ho thinks that the l.egiatore
propose making a Territorial Farm
fiT" The Printers of the ( Jazette would
thank correspondents to write their com
munications with ink, as pencil marks rub
out by carriage ; they would also call at
tention to a small paragraph in the first
column of the third page, as attention to it
would save a great deal of trouble, and
perhaps disappointment. They also apolo
gize for any mistake Unit may occur in
the Legislative reports, as the copy was
much defaced.
Million's DoZlur Monthly.
We have received the January number
of this cheap and popular magazine, and
would advise our friends who love Poelry
or a good story, to subscribe for this maga
zine without delay.
Nebraska Fnrnirr.
In another column of this number will
be found the prospectus of a new paper
to be published in Nebraska, and devoted
solely to the interests of farmers in our
ferritory. We bespeak for the ' Fanner'
a welcome reception wherever it goes.
l'roin Kansas.
Our advices from that Territory con
firms the reports of the removal by the
President of a gang of worthies from office.
The list now comprises Marshal Donald
son, Judge Lccomptc, ihe notorious Clark,
Indian Agent of the Pottowattomics, who
is accused of killing Barber, and we have
every reason to believe that Calhoun,
Surveyor-General, has shared the same
fate for presiding at an indignation meet
ing held against CJov. ( 1 t.v n v, This is as
it should be, and Kansas will now have
beyond a doubt, justice done to the many
sufferers within her borders. Gov. (1 f.a 11 v
is the man long wanted for that Territory,
and he spoke truly when he said He
would make Kansas too hot to hold ban
dits and robbers.' Success attend the
noble Gov. in his administration, and we
have no doubt but ho will receive the ap
proval and thanks of all true squatters in
Whittbn kor the Bkm.kvue Gazette.
Mh. Fditou : I learn that wo are
likely to have the duties of Surveyor-
General for the Territories of Kansas
and Nebraska divided, and the office of
Surveyor-General for Nebraska estab
lished. This is a most desirable thing,
and such an Act of our Congress will be
most heartily endorsed by all concerned
in the prosperity of our young and beau
tiful Territory. It matters not what city
may derivo the benefits of the location of
said office. All will see and acknowledge
the benefits which will result to the peo
ple at large by the location of the olhce
anywhere in the Territory, particularly
thoso who are or wish to be doing busi
ness with said office. In view of the
prospects held up to us at the present
time, of having, through the energy of
our present Delegates, the present district
divided, can we not have a voice in the
selection of a suitable person to fill such
office? Surely wo can be heard; and
perhaps with sufficient effort on our part,
we may succeed in obtaining the appoint
ment of the man of our choice to that (to
us) important station.
In this connection permit me to sug
gest, that we want a man of integrity,
knowledge and ability sufficient to know
his duty, and decision of character suffi
cient to do it a man of good moral char
acter and one who exhibits a steady de
termination to do right an unflinching
Democrat, who is not changed by every
wind that blows, and of a mind sufficiently
well balanced aud capacious to take in the
necessities of, the whole country a prac
tical Surveyor, and an honest high-minded
Such a man (an officer), is to be found
in the person of Col. Ch arles A. Man
ners, U. S. Deputy-Surveyor for Ne
braska, tho man who has protracted the
Snrvpv of (ho Rip fin., t '.,,., nn.l
&urves or tlio Dasc l;i.u, (u.l and
Principal Meridians and Standard Par-
allels for Nebraska. Who will second
this nomination? A better man cannot:. k'V" Yvr" '", S'ate who are "look
... r..... ..1 ..M,..- r .1... t...:. 1 big Westward and lei-e agricultural iiif.u-
I u 11 1 r .
nun oiiwuiu v v it en nuiiriui ." hj JJ v I
the olfiee estaUuhed in thU 'IYrriturv.
4itf Pinniil llio tiitrml'! Lieu n vainii !n
"til VHIHH-t lVrf l'VVS(l.. linn- U f VHV 11)
.1 ' .. i .1' 11. ....,-
me iiomi .a 101 01 uie cunuwaio lor mis NoTr.It , llo)Pll .erv to ,
ollice I I think we may; at least we can this Prospectus U sent, will f. the impor
express our opinion as. to who is bst ' tance of the eitaMKhment of an Agricultural
suited for the omce. Let others sneak.
., . 1 ,
that a general expression maybe had.
"More anon.'
Yours truly.
In Si Louis, on the 3d tilt., of eouie,tio:, ,.t
the brain, Mr. Maria oak. in ihe 4'i'h
v-ar her ai'
year or aerate.
m , , . m ...
The deceased was themother of o ir friend.
Mr. Ttioma Sheridan, a voun? man of much
promise, and now a resident of Bellevue. She
,,,...., fe. . . ... ,
haslefta l.rgecircleorfneadvhow.llloMi
maarii tljeji lnj.
"'"""i" -se rtnjm.w m.r we -win -as
Ititilioiul MtM-liuit. '
Pursuant to an adjournment from a R.iil
road meeting, lipid Saturday, Dec. V.7lh, the
(itirin of lie and vicinity met at the
Relict no House at 7, P. M., on Wed day,
Dec. Hist, heiiu; the second meeting held for
the especial benefit of (ieorgp Jennings, the
Delegate to Burlington, to appear ami make
report of his proceeding.
The meeting was called to order by the
former President, lie- Hon. James S. Allan,
and Titos. Sheridan, I'.sq., appointed Secre
tary. Whereupon, tho minute (if the last meeting
were read by Win. Itowles.
The Piesideni arose and motioned to hear
the report of Delegate.
The Delegate being absent, and no person
present to represent him, S. A. Strickland
suggested, as oilier business being 011 hand
from but mooting, for Mr. Itowles to report
amount of moans collected by him to defray
expenses of surveying a Kailroad route up the
Papillion valley to Elkhorn riv or, which was
Whereupon, S. A. Strickland made a few
brief remarks, and was followed by Mr.
Bench in hi usual and eloiinent style.
Mr. Bench suggested that necessary ar
rangements e m ole to ascertain bow far (ho
rock extended o it in the river tit the Itellevue
crossing from the Nebraska side, before the
Engineers of the Burlington and Missouri
river Kailroad returned to Burlington.
Whereupon, the Secretary tendered tho
(hank of the meeting to the President for the
able and cllicleiit maimer in which he presi
ded over the series of meetings held at this
place. JAS. S. AM. AN, President.
Tnos. Sheridan, Secretary.
1. 1st of Mantling Commit ! In
Hit Council.
Judiciary llradford, Safford and lingers.
Finance, Ways ami .Maim Kirkputrick,
Hooves and Furnns.
HtlucittioHr -Saflbrd, McDonald and Mil
.Military 1jfairs Sulisbury, Clancy ttnd
Highways, Bridges and Ferries Furnas,
I'radford and Kirkpairii-k.
ILrjtciidiliircs Pewet, Miller and Furnas.
liicorjtnridioiis Kirkpatrick, Salisbury oi
Territorial Library Reeves, Furnas and
Public Buildings McDonald, llradford
and Allan
lllcitions Allan, Miller and Clancy.
Counties Clancy, Reeves and Allan.
Printing Miller, Furnas ami Allan.
.7,ir;-iciitre-Hogers, Miller ami Salisbury.
Unrolled and Engrosse! Bills Reeves
and Pewit.
Smi,lour,';'Kaek$' 00 Mutter, -jam
Wheat, per bush. 1 Oil Shoulders, do
Corn, do 1 00 Hams, do
Oat do 7ri!T,nrd, do
Potatoes do t 00 I'ggs, per dor.
Dried Peaches, do 2 75 Salt, per sack
Apples, do 3 (Hl Hay, per ton
IIiiowNviLLF., Nemaha Countv, Neiiraska
"To Improve the Soil and Mind."
r1 HE object of the Farmer' in proclaimed
X ill its motto; faithful to this end, it will
him to take rank with the Agricultural peri
odicals of the day, and pursue Bitch a course
as will render it a welcome visitor to every
Farmer in Nebraska. The Pnhlitdier deems
It unnecessary to enter 'into an argument to
convince the farming community in ihl Ter
ritory of the importance of such a work. The
natural adaptation of our Boil and climate to
Agricultural pursuits, known to all who have
examined, is thought to be a sufficient apology
for entering npon this enterprise. Wo have
made arrangements for regular contributions
from a number of practical Farmers and Hor
ticulturists, in Nebraska, and will continue to
secure others to such an txtnt at warrant
us in saying that the 'Farmer' will prove a
depository of a mass of Important facts in re
lation to'agrieultnre, rarely to be met with, at a cost which places It wilhin the reach
of all.
Horticulture. Special aHention will be
given to tho writing and selection of matter
appertaining to the culture of all kinds of
Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, adapted to
this soil pnd climate, accompanied by numer
ous F.ngraviiiga with full description.
Ladies' Department. This Department will
be devoted to Household affair, and will be
conducted by a lady of ability and experi
ence, assisted by able I.idv coiTtispo.idouU.
Plan and Sire. The 'Farmer' will be pub
liidicd on the 1st of each month, printed on
new typ and good paper; each number will
contain eight pages of reading me.tter, three
columns to the page ; Uc of page, 10 by 13
inches. Illustrated with en's of Domestic An
imals, Implements, Trees, Fruits, Houses, kc.
Term. Single ropy, SI. Seven copies, $5.
Twenty copies (and one to the perou gotling
up the club), $15. The volume will com
mence March 1, 157. Every Postmaster and
Farmer in Nebraska are desired to act as
Agents. Amotions can be made to clubs and
I l,:lck JV"' rurilil,l',d at any time duriii'' thp
. V(.ir. rl(lhli ,ml , r-r,nP(l ti, one,,,Mt
omce, but will be sent to dim-rent oHio, if
mition from Nebraska, could find nothing
irom :enr,tKn, coma una nothing
ian the "Farmer" to "post them up."
s "Nebraska Fanner," lirownville,
County, Nebraska Territory.
I it ... r ri .1 .
lirownville, V P., December 1st. lS.ifi
! TV"" "' "' euort to ob-
' tain as many iuhscri ers as posMible. and
Vf.n - ward their name, , the Pubu.,her. A
j Blight effort only, on the part of e cry one,
j will aepomplUu the r.bjoci. If tima or ineli.; ..;n .
n.iinFH win in.i Trimu yu'i 10 ncr as llnSlrOil,
please limd this to uii.e 0:10 who will not
1 energetically in Ihe mattur. As fast a xrj
I"., . ,or.w? 1
.. L. .1 , . . 7 "r 1
n in'- 1 uiiiiediion unice.
i-.j u-i.,) ., . .,, : u.
l v ........ - -'"H in lifllUI S t 1110
Proipet tus-, nk no Mx.ey until yoi receive
the first No.. whn the moiiev m.iit he rrmit.
i 1 pr""!'" "" paper w.ll not m rout ma
; el. In giving name and residence, rite tin
;, rrsi, , ,, ,,.JJ(.
Odicc, v, an t Territory or S' it.
5 OC
r 00
mMrmf -su, rmnmi.w esn
Mary, Mills County Iowa.
WE would respectfully announce to (he
people of Mills and adjoining counties,
that wo 1i.iv o located ourselves In the new
Prick store 011 the corner or Front street and
Sire's Avenue. In St. M.iry, and now have on
hand a full and Well selected stock of
Now Goods,
adapted to the wnts of this community, con
sisting of
NASH, fcc, fee.
Wc are determined to Bell to cash custo
mers lower than any other establishment In
tliii ioitiou of the S'ale. An examination of
our stock a lid pi ices will be all that is neces
sary to convince you of the fact. Look out
for the
fvV" All kinds of country produce taken ill
exchange for floods.
iur.-tf. KUHL k
AV ill be oifercd In
FOR lHf7.
Tli is work has been the standard for twenty
seven yoari. When an imitation lias been at
tempted It hss failed. It H
P U II L I S II F. D I N A M E K I C A .
How to dress with Taste. Children's
Clothes How to rut and contrive them.
Painting on (JItish. Patchwork. The Dress
maker and the Milliner.
Drawing in all its variety, uaiTuI to the be
ginner ami tho proficient.
Fashions from the establishment of the cel
ebrated "Hrodio," will be in every number.
Every-day Actualities A now series of
these illustrated articles will be given.
Point, llrussela, and Venetian l.aoe of
every variety. A specimen fif the stitch to bo
used' In eacli will be given. In addition to the
One Hundred Pages of Reading will be
given monthly.
fiodey' Splendid Engraving on ntoel.
London, Pari ami Philadelphia Fashion
(Jodoy's four figured Colored Fashions.
Embroidery Patterns, Model Collages,!
t .1 1. ... i 1 . S
on'Nii .ii.ihiiiK vvuii wiiiiri.iuiH 10 rui ov.
Dross Patterns Infant .4' nnd Children's
dresses, with descriptions how to make them.
All kinds of Crotchet nnd Netting work.
The Nurse ami the Nursery Very excel
lent articles upon thc3c subjrets will often be
MUSIC Three dollars' worth Is
every year.
In' the various numbers for 1957, will be
found the newest designs for
Window Curtains, flroderio Anglaise Slippi-ia,
Uonnels, Caps, Cloaks. Evening Drosses,
Fancy Articles, Head Dresses, Hair
Dressing, Robes de Cramble, Car
riage Dresses, Brides' Dress
es, Wreaths, Mantillas,
Walking Dresses,
Riding Habits,
and Morning Dresses.
Dresses for Infanta and Young Misses,
Boy' Dresses, Capes and Cloak of Fur in
season, Pattern for Needle-work of all kind
aud paltcrns to. cut drcsacs by are given
Crochet and Netting Work in Colors, Slip
pers in Colors.
Drawing Lesions for Youth.
Rend in your order soon, ns w expert our
list for 1S57 will reach t0o,M)0 copies.. The
best plan of subscribing is to ond your money
direct to the publisher. Those' who send
large amounts had better lend drafts, hut
note will answer if draft cannot be pro
cured. '.
Wc think we ran show how much cheaper
it Is to take the Lady's Book nt Three Dol
lars than any other magazine at Two Dollars.
We will take a late number of both. Tho
Two Dollar Magazine contained Hil articles,
the Lady's B ok 02.
Tho Two Dollar Magazine contained 32 en
gravings, the Lady' B01A 5(i.
The Two Dollar Magazine contained (it pa
ges, the Lady' Hook 100. '
Twenty-four more engravings, twenty-six
more articles, and thirty-six more pages,
nearly double the -juHntity. Tho lowest club
erice of the Two Dollar Magazine is $ 1 ,25 (
lowest club price of Lilly's Book $1,07, only
42 cents dilference In the price, which is three
ami a half cents on each number, find fortiiat !
sum (three ami a half cent), vou receive i
twenty-sit more articles, t,venv-fonr more J -rnni-rxi -rt'n-'''-nni-
engraving., and thirty-ix more pg mordi,-1 . J A 'n "TIILR''.
y rertainly a yery cheap three and a half) PcVluianUrH i otll.H :j-.udii CoiLk.f
cents' worth. Tin .view of the case has right or more, will be nli.e,l to ooccomv Tr.-e
probably never before becii pr cent, d, but il is f ch irge.
a true statement, which any !dy can eon-; tV"" P.iynieal mut be u:io in ;:Jvaiice,
Vinre herself of by o.npnring th?'two maga- and the Hitbscrijition ij promptly dutcoutiu ted
l'1""9- , ' jl the cud ot the time paid for, ntibn. r.
' I fitwcil. DOI1I1IN .V l l. r.'I'dV ., a-!;i IT 17 y A IN L J'..
One copy, one yesr, $3. Two eopi. s, one
year, $1. Throe copies, one year. ft.
Five copipj one er, and an extra copy to
the person en.lin'j the club, making' six
copies fid. . 1
Eight copi oue year and an cx'.ra copy to
the person sending the tl lb, making liinu
conic $15.
Eleven e.opie one yt ar, and au extra opy toi
tho person sei,di:,; iku ;!uh, iu.jUv twelve
popirs .'O,
V.'lP The abovs tt rms o iunot lie devlatsd
1 rruui, no m utcr hv m tuy aj or.lereiL
I Codey'a Lady' Book a..d Aethiir' Home
Magazine bolh n in year for Ki t.
jGo.ley' Lady' Bo ik'an l II irper' M.fa,
i xin both one ye ir for V I ftt. 0
Codcy'e'' Hook. Hanvr' Maailne.
I and Arthur' Home M igaiue one year $il, I
I The above i ths o ilv yy weeau eluh tli
! Harper' Matraltie,
Tim money 11, in', all I et t one time for
, auv of the Club. I
H.thscriher in tltF Hritish Provinces who 1
send ror rliih. m is' remit 3d cent etfra on
every subscriber, to ..vv (be American post-if;-
to lite lines. l.iie.s,
L. A. :oi)EY,
in ci.M.iui m . ph, 1 1.1.1. , p.,
H A I. T II M U It ;
FA.MIH M.WSPAPi:it--A Household
j. V Journal - A (ia.elle or the ev,H f ,
Country, nnd Ihe World - Abounding In Lite
rary ami Miscellaneous lii-aibnit- Devute.l (o
Agriculture and Morhim(cst-,uid routn;ili,g
llio mot! reliable Weekly Review ot tlio li.ii
limnre M.nkets, ,Vc.
'Hie rapid and unprecedented licrea ie of the
clrrubllloii of (lie llaltiiiioie Weekly merl
can, tiol iinly in Mm land, but in Urn H.iulli
ei 11 and Western S lies, is a nntst p it il it.g
cv Ideiieo that our Pll'iits to fui nl jb .1 i, d c'j Ms
I'limilv and business newspaper ah' t';dlr ap
preciated by llin l.irirn number ff leml.iis jo
whose Interest it is especially devoUd. Ji
completencHS in every ilepartin'rul i f Dome,t
tle and I'orelgn News, and Literary n'.d Mis
cellaneous Readimr, and its reliubillty ns a
compendium of the Commercial nn I llusiin s.s
ll inof li iltiinoie Im so univi isallv niltinl.
ted, thai It has become a In re-owl y 'v ft It .1 II
person doing busluess with our city, whilst
to Ihe general reader it Is acklio'Vled..;, d to he
without a superior a s a (in side journal.
The present largo circulation, wilh a con
tinuation of the rapid iioeesiioii to lis aiib
sci iption lis! since the In! of .l.iuuai v , iivei
vvairanls us in (lie expect. iliiei lint before the
close fif the year It will irich nil unexampled
In order to rmnler Uie Weekly American
si ill more an a ptahle In its numerous reudete,
we proposn duiing the present to ;i,ld
largely to iM ntlvaetlve ipialitlos.nud In doing
so shall spnro neilher labor nor expense In
keep It In advance of ull ils cuiciuontiiep, n
ils sie rmibling us lo give nearly double th i
anioniit of reading of any tdln r Weekly paper
published H011II1 i.r Pliil i.l. Ij.ti 1 i, and eon 01
ipiently rendering II the
published ill any of the Southern or Western
We propone to great I v improve Ibis depart
ment of the Weekly American, which will
hereafter embr.H'e Ihe proiluclious of the
ablest and most popular woi Id-reuowied
with Literary selections that e.thnot full
give iiiiivoi'hmI hiIih1mc.I.ioii. U will also eon
tain original and select aitiel 's 0:1 Science
and the Arts, wllh Miseellwiieous Reltdfnt;
that will be both instructivu and e.'itel I 1 ininj'.
fori:k;n inti"lli(jeci:
Is another groai. feature of (he Weekly Amer
ican, in which we are sure its read-i 1 for the
past year will bear witness to ps being with
out a superior anions Ihe Weekly puper of
the country. Receiving regularly full liletol'
European joui'iuils, our I'ompeiiilium oi! Foreign
Intelligeme Is 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; up front the fiunt.'ia
head, nnd is fornMied In inleresting detail,
with a cara In nelectitm that has given uiilver
dl BatiMfnctiou.
embracing the nlfilrs of the whole eoMtitrv. aa
well a of our own Stnln nnd tho Local Mat
ter of the Cily,i nlso a feature of I he Week
ly American ihat cannot fail to give to, its
new Hiibscribi rs, aa It has lo lis old fiiivul i,
tho mint universal eatihfacl ion. The many
bundled copies weekly mailed Hy our city
renders to their friend in tit country, nnd
absent relatives, is an evidence of ita grout
iupeliority iu this respect. , .
will hereafter receive special attention, and a
column will alwuy be found on our fourth
page containing a variety 1 i iinTil ami valu
able information to the Fanner. It will em
brace original and eelocled essays from the
most able and experienced writers. . , .
has obtained a character for completeness
and acenr.icy not aurpasHod by tiny oilier pa
per in the Union. A ii basis nf'thi asser
tion, it may be elated Unit at many tlour
mills, stores, nnd distilleries, o mueh reli
ance is placed tin its market reports, that,
vales of grain and other produce are made in
advance, price lieinp;, by mutual agreement,
baited upon the quotations given in its com
mercial review of the Baltimore maikots.
It also contains a tegular report of the mar
ket of Philaibdpbil nnd New York, with lite
lalest report of the Cut tie marker ot Balti
more und all the Northern cities.
su bscri pti o Nvmc r. n r. d u c i: d.
The Weekly American will hereafter tip
published at . ' :
For single being nnarly dotibV the
size, nnd containing double the amount of
reading matter of 'any. oilier weekly newspa
per published South of Philadelphia.
Subscriber transmitting two dollar will
receive the paper sixteen months, or ctgbt
months for tine dollar. . .. - '
i terms to
Club of four cApes,"oim yesr, $5. ' '
Club of eight copies, one year, $U.- v .
Club of fourteen copies, o..v year, l.".
Club of twenty copie;', one year, $2".
Club of tliirty'coplcc, one 'e,tr,
Club of forty copies, one your, (S.M.
Club of fifty copies, one year, S Id. '
Club of viiiity coie, one yi ir,
Club of one hundred copiesj oj y jr, "J.'U,
Tlte posiago 011 the Weekly American l
any part cf Maryland, U 3 1-4 (ft- -r ipiiir
ter, nnd ( any office in (he ittihed K.taf, , (e,t
of Maryl and, u t-4 ceiti per ti.iiier, pnyablo
I" advance, at tloi oliii e wiown
(J 10 p.ijn r I
delivered to Hie ubrribcr.
American liuiuli i:-,
B.titi:un.-e, ML
O T & L
tho Public, enl w.!t rc:i3er
.1 SSI 01 Ol S ATTi:.'UO
To lie wants oj ins ;ri:srs.
I. T
I f
M.r ex.
ll.vo It. t J IX,, 0
ST. Mll, Vlti:KllMMLlS.
l A. SAllPY,
WhoU'Hiilb fi Retail Merchant,
mux in ni' mmn avi i.ttfootty,
M". M A II Y, loW A.
llA 'jiiil recelve,il und now has for sate, a
large .visiiitmeiif t,f M leoted mer haiullse
lulat'teil In ttto vvntit of nil In this iiw and
Iht iv ing :oinniiiiiitt whicll he can sell hsc heap
as f in lie ml I'.Uevvlirie to high upon the
Mi. .smut liver. His g Is have been Helecled
by 1111 ovperieneeil ini cllaeef, with special
11 leretten lo Hie e,r,o,i,.ia,,ei. and Wants nt
.ill classe of iiulilei In novf counlry, It
ille.i and jrctiHtti.-n, childirn anil youth, all
elm bo supplied. Call ami ree for )ourelvef.
llis ;.'u, k 1 oib 'l,tn of Uie fotlovTiiig,' among, it
pleat many oilier mllelex he onnnnt now emt-
iil'r:ilo Aftiiirtir 1,; . .
Mfty bi! fit.intl Woolen and Ktilinel Cloth,
( 1 it.oiin !., 'i.t em la, ( 't. sli meres, Liuseya, ,
I'lannel. l!d. While, Cray ami Blue, Caspian
Plaid , Cotton flood 1, Shoot ittgsntid Shirtings, '
lllenehed 'nnd I 'lililenrtivd. lihio aud White, '
Orillincs, Oiitiibui'g, Hed-'i'icking, Hickory
(,'liui k, .V.C., &.C. .
l aury ;ooilsi
Ahciiuiiful iiHMoniiii iit of fancy print of
every v ai iei y ,,f i v IimiihI p.iltorii. '(iinglinms,
Law 111, I'isrurett Mpaera. Bomhrtzlnes, Bom
baveltH. Shawls, Se-irrs lliiiiilkerchlefs, eck
erchiefs, Crape, Mii'din, I'.dgiiig, itililinns,
A well si lei led hIocU of Summer, Fall and
Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine '
Hl'tv.S Coats, Piitils nnd Veslsjelso, good
Sumuier Clol Itimt d' nil ilescripl ion, and hrnvy
CIothluK lor ( all and Winter use. Also, tihirte,
linil Flannel Hiiiwers and Undershirts, Socks,
.xc. M -irn' 11 ml Boys' H.ita and Caps, of vs.
lions fitsliioiis, ipiililles and prices. Boot.
Slim'H, thick ami tip 11, poli'ihednnd unpolished,
ol'cuiy dcrfCtipUon, tor Men, Wuuicn, and
Childi vn'.s uio,
' Crorrrlcs.' f : ' '
Cvieibed, Cl nltird. and Proven fiugnr, '
Molnsnes, Syinp Molasses, (ioldeu Syrup, '
S ipei ior Ti'a. Rio noil Java Cotlpe,Knafraii,
finigrr, Pejtpvr, CIovch, . Spice, Cimmmon, ,
ground (linger. Nulmegs. RnnltH, Tobacco,
Cigifi. Pipi . So:tp,Cai,illes, Vinegar, Pickle
Pcpper-Kancc, t.R.,ejf, - '
rrovlslons, 1 ' ' '
A lai.e fitisortnient of Flour, of vat lou
ipmliliea nnd pi ics t Oin-n Meul and nil Urn ,
vai'jou.i prodtmU ol' Ihe , J'liiui nnd Garden),
H.ii-oii, I'IhIi, Kiln diieil Ajipleji, Peaches,
Curranti, Rab-lns, Ac. ' ' .
, H.trdwarr, '
Hioves of v.i Ions' patterns, for Cooking nnd1
Uenllng rooms, Stove-plpn and F.lliows, lar;
and email Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillet
nnu email iron Heme, frying fans,
ll.iiid-liop i,;Siinn4j n ml. Tongue, Ma
llity Foi';!, Si vlhi t, Shovels iind Spa
and Trace Chains, Axs, Dimmers,
Manure am)
padea, Los"
iron ami Meet, ' rsnils, 1 lorse-Kasng, uie 1
Sivvs, Reives iind Forks, Pocket Knives, Ua
urn, Mni-L iitul Scmw, Door Handle, RnoK
Lock t, iVe.j Si,c, , .
Tinware, , ' ' ' '
'A n jWfmrnt k.-jit for liiitiaclioa :
purpose.. ' 1 ,
U'oodwarc. t
Wash-tubs, ! !i iknr.s Pails, Wood aud Zinc
W nub boa rd.s. , . . , , , ,.,
Lratlici". , ; . ..',,",.".7
Sole L-ath r, Hari.c-,1 Lt atlier, Cmltiile,
Kip Skins, C";i ir Skins, Lining and Morocco,
Saddles, 111 idles, Uxlter, lariats, Clrrlnglea,
Iliilly-ba title. Driving-line, Collars, Back
stnips, Girths, lllind-britlle, &c., .V, . ,
. .. cdi(-iiirs. . . ,
A getienil aaMoitnient of Medicine, for.
Fevers, Fever and Ague, ami the common'
romphtifits of Ihe Fount ry, Cook, Lee'a,''
Sappi irvlon'ti, Brag' and ja yne Pill, Qui-'
nliif, Tonics, itiitl vhiIou kinds of Htimulant,,
AnoilyneH, f jniuteiiU, aud other article nece-,
ary foi' thg Miek'nnd the luvnlid. 1-lf
.:. ' 1. dilator Sccgor,., .;.
L A EEK, ExtmiileH Diawimr ami Paintiinr .
of t-very etvl and ibiacrintion. Also, all'
business in bis Rne. '' Ollice on Gregory atreet,'
St. Mary, Mill county, Iowa.- 1-tf
Orccno, Woaro & Dontori,- ""
em! f.nd Afrnts, Council BiutTs, Iowa.'
Noten m d Bills collected and remitted to any
p.irt of the United State. Money Teceived on
lepoit, mid interest .allowed.- . Eaatera tr
Soiilhern Dmrts furnhdicJ In um to auit pur-.-baser.
Land oi!ic fumls paid forCnrrency
or bills o," Ex-ch inge. Loans cllectod on (rood
jcnriiy. Tiixes paid, titles examined, and
Real Eatatu bougiiL nnd aold 011 Coinmusion.
Land entered for seUKr ami lime given ifor
imyment. 0!lbe opposite th.. Tucifle Ilou.e,'
in wet lower room of Land Olllee.' ' 1 -
U.rtKMMi f, t('u.t IV. J.
SclUoii, W'tUi.-r i'o Waiiiiijjloii,.D. (it
Hon. (has. V.ison. Coin, ft I'd tenia, Wash-1
Ington, D. C. ; ll m. , A. (. Dodge, 8. V. R. '
IturlinLtoii, loa li. W. Jones. H. IT.
S , Dulmone, I wa I (tin. Joseph WilUaraa,
Chief Ju ire. M iii:.itiiie, iowa. ,,
C..; :,.-;: 1,'niTi, (b-t. ,;;, isjiil-tf. ..
- -r - ' - -- - '
- i .1 Tootle ii Jaoltson, i .
L CHANTS, llbirt City,, Iowa.'
Having a J.Jigu and Co.uinodiuu '.'4elioue
on th-Levee at the. Council. Blurt landing,
are now prep-irtd to receive and etore, all
koeU or tiici, u.tudiau h M.l piodine, will receive pay citJieeo,! 4.1uudt . . ffoiglb to
Hint S iiuu l! .itiv,ni mil Jjl-detaineJ oa tUcy
have been her'-o'ore; in geltine tome one to
receive rrigtit, whaa iliecixtsijfnee arealteenf.
Rii-i:cv: 1-ivermore k. Cooler, 8. C,
D.iv it Co, and II utijlirey, IVt, &. Tory, tk,
I,!"'U, Mo.; Tooth: i. r.iillei-h, S.t. Josepli ,'
Mo. , .1. S. () neworMt Jk Co., Cnt Innatl Ohlot
W. y. Co:il!.'jiich.'.iriiugton, fovya,' J-tf
II IF.;gi.e.L h.tvir. recently taken'
irt refl"ivt the .1 1. fey a. Well-kiiOWIt and
liOTMilar Pn'dfe lien... h' trns's hv tl,, .trirv
j etwititt auetio 1 tf the want of hi truest,
(e U'.it: I b.jl harc of publio favor, confi-
i'lal pa' rnuajjH
d vvph the be,t I
1 i.air..ti,-Ke. n:-
table will be
the market afford, and'
no pui is win l, tpired to make Ms Rucsta
.trvwahly Uoitm and c,unfit;ibl.
. ? -s. - U. A. ROBINSON. -
Council Hi; Ifs Iowa, ... uoy 13-tf,.
GltfnwooJ, Iowa, .
f TAVINfi V;.cen'1y 1eae, Ihi well-knov'
II II I'll for a in. 11, !i,-r of year, and fitted!
it up t i a s ivrtor s'vle, the Proprietor flat.
Icim bti" hat the pal ronaire be heretofore
rciitivvd ft lit hi fuiiida and the public lav
teieiiil will now be extended. My tabla ia,"d wiili tft choicest deliraviea of .thai
ti''H. A bob-: tr' house a re 'extensive'
Uhb s, a:ni'rooil bo. tter ulll alway ketn
t:cudii-. . . . ... - 4 ,. ,.- ,
1 C.une . ye tint' hun'r aud Uiirsi far the
pooi of this world, and rou will alwav fcnd
J3e on baud (e ml isler to your want. '
Bjr:n yi. t'-., Duhutjite, Iowa J Cook
Sar.;enl, t! r 1 .1. -rt , Davenport, Iowa ; Cul-
lieitot. lleio'. Blllkors. 1.1U.-.1 fllo loua.'
People's Hank. New York ' City 5 Ketehemy
l!gcri hi. B'-iinet, Bniikera. Nuw York t'itrt'