Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, January 08, 1857, Image 2
BELLEVUE GA'ETT f). U n I. t ll I: i n . fc, a. Strickland & Co.. ; i DELLEVUC, Mi T. ? THURSDAY. JA M. TJ.Y''"-. H67. .LJ," .riu it ai:iotV ittii U 0 Wlsii in mil nurniiDii i i me unpo Ions scheme now' pending in Chii.tcv Under the nlmve name- n m-Ik-dio liilod with inonsU'HiiVa..ittU rightsof the settlers of Nebra--h:i, cm-i ur u( ih'u Ti-iriioi y irof dm TiMritory. Thi, I ill. a, ro-1 111., , 1 1 1 lortqrllT tho V"Vml'"'" I 'd Laid ; , L. ( XJr . . mVihhcUmfrfmm-, I., have an , oA Railroad Wane itoWi!' AM,W U, fy v,itnf,,. of porKrilT the YVymitti cial to fT hmlrl fiivt Jiffy 1 tho'piiMic ilnmnlii ; ainl'tii'i oiiltiiT n roinpiitniiiin (T iu'u)i,' it rtnfivi 'up t'.f i n onnoiis Biiumnt of V'fi Hinnli'ifl Mi!'!' ;i; of Hero. A nmiiilii i nt swiii'l'i', tn;l ! AH dio Xvih st:IiiMiies of pill cry 'puh lie jihimtiT hutrhiMl in Oiai I f r'T- ruplion, Vnljliiij;i ui, Vui intii iiii 'ii'f! rflnro when coiiipurnl ,to tlii- l:rt "rsm! vhVi ui v tuunia ... run ' 1 .1" . .1 ' , ' I rem that tin' M'tu-Iu .1 M; i;f -1 Mtvxl it lncii S'ain are i,i ,'i t; and are iiclonninen jiever to te;( a t- tie ip I10U, so jonj: us Utalllv l vi.ia!n ;, J.'i ll u ' it. ' hhaiHJ of ruUii" f -aiul.--. ' ." " .-j 1 ... ) ..... n ., 1 1 .1 1. , - ', AUlIle.iaiUS 111 UH) Male.: tii'.e 1 c l( BlorlxjO, yiilk lliO vxcLplion t f a ;ji..ili i .' qimiaity in Iowu, tiuj t n iv tjie l. .-i j i leeches have turned their auriiiinu 1 ',v! rl own ,1'CnutH'il . ierruoty, qijiI t mi.t. r Ho; pntteiiso of givmj; iis,Ka!tnnt fa. iji'iysi sock to rub us tf . ,tli toils and Lit;':': of years. 1m us nnalyze tli;.s 'hi!l, im.! . K. what AVlll ho ti, itiioi c f" re'.id.'iit. of Nebraska midcr iu provi ioiw. 1st. Tho liU piuviJe for a, jjn.ut of laud, 0i! w iln n'i, to the unniiunu mmi tL J'.li.(1.Wt u. Jcifie. Kuilroad Ci.,,of .'M-isffuri.: . i a... . ... Durlington: ajid . Mis;Hiri iliwr, liujl-l rojUvA.ii.i .ii' sx . ' .. 4,hikdelj)hi4,..Fort,JBymf rluJ J'i.m jirvr Air J.iuii' ...A j. . , , , . Mississippi and JVlisNouri Gi. . ,'. ,-. Iowa Central Air Liuo. . . . i ,.; Debuquc and aejtio Rniiicad. . ' Northern Iowa' and Miutiooota Co. ; . This rontituioii utrip of In ml, one mile wijo, to eaci wf Col omiiiv;s, Iii 'riir. r : k t at the JMissoiui rives and 'Und Ui IVt Kearney, ahsorhjinj UJ7C00 acres to that poiut; a union is there eHijctod, nud one. main trunk Joad;U to' -reach, die Vacilio, with a grant o,aliHrnate seoions ill) wile wide to California, and . ; ( r 2nd. It is furthor provided Uiat ii in any jdace whore the roads run,- jroo. idivl cannot be fvund, Ae Comjvmi'es m iy stltrt from fW nearest , InmU of belter ninthly. Marklhut.squaucrsof Nebraska. -Thorn is Boinothinjr for you to think ylwirt. 1 It is-worthy of your profoundtst ri!lluctina it may rausft . you a few re-ttrsj....i-!i:s ipin your pillowi hut it id ncconMiry fori lv, wr'.h, or a' i'itv.' To the CounciL h the protection of yom; farms, your homes, j h n sent Col. W. 'Clancy, with d Ten ito-your-wife' and liule onrs. Undor t!:at 11111 11"1 ' l-i'iislaii'n too wwll known clause, when the Railed . 'roa.Vs tho Wr1 Ly Haiaus t., ed far West, and finds inferior larnl on the route, they cau Jay their vn,;iro hands on the Cue. farms aud rich lj, Uom lands near the Missouri.' Citixens of .JSrU'iw ka, are you prepared for Uus?:' J.epie Bintatives of the people tu ajsemUt d to deliberate, and to usa laws for tht pro-, tectidnuf your CQiistituenis, no dtdies to perforin in the crisij I I Uiii kl hear an affiinptivcire.-ponfe li- This I'm 'i fM3 Railroad scheme i withy of ! gisia tive action; and it it in thepower of die ciistint- Jejfislature lo dv'Vie au 1 pass fair i,,iiml.l I...I 1...W. ... mil ;u,.lu;,. -,Ki.,' :. :.. rl ' 1 i a 1 ... - , , - The road shottM beem at nie Vh :i the"MisBouri river, -r.e.--t 'adapted, ly ffoogrophira! position,1 :H Mh Karn terniinns, and afTordiiig the be-1 r.:Vl rrt'-t ., ' .... ,.. " . , !k.' .J...'-.l 'I I'" i er snouiii ee ;;ra:i;fu i i re?;i;"r-..T nn dtizens of 'Nebraska, an1 th MM h "' le frataed,' In' a!l it-i proiT,m, t t.v;i?j ijie wauls of the Territory, and the--vtv.v'l of the yeojdi, whose interest It isde?ir:p,'! o serve.' Such a fh.nner, eith ' its csr poratorsi ' c'oujd be r.vilmt-ndei"! 't.)'t!V General Oover'ut:ej'.t, "a:"..! Lnds Toad. gsked for the o '?r.;.ii.nrtf the The delo5Lof cbiiv-t ;Ji. t'. i. a . . .. . . ;. . ... , 4 ixuons ami sjovernnic'.ii Meres, rz:,:. ti: :.' I -i'i c r " ttnaiieil us a ji.m iro ina tor Hi" frra.' jf )"d. ' Such a' li!!,' as thus pro p :.: . would urH .' with unlvir-al hroughoui thij i Tenkury, m. be tientjy liberal to eijjst iu us cau.-.Ni.:,-. ' "brn capital ,W couiiHcwe Cie cjiuri;-1 ipf the road,,,. The whulo euljea i . i . ' vested with guclt va. impoitaii. tl at i; reijuires i-nrly ii.jion at the ban -ti present Legislatures ar.d 1 irutt ii v.i.l re ceive proinjt attention. This way of i la I ' I ! V V I i.' ' II I 1:1 'i 1 c. at V.ii-lii '" a-! I ,. ' i in .i 'ii ml 1 1 l . t srh i.iv-t I j i . 4. M 1 ' . '..iMi.i .'B.iiYpani.'ii . : .1 ' :. i i I UK u I i ' v ,. 4 i i ji ........ . -r . - i 6 f . .hi , 1 TefriUri'V mil 1 M l'i iplt 'I. Njjnni:RA wnt' lAi'i'i MaJi n ' i 0" bul ul'R l.lo,i''l;..t Uilll'f t'l .mC.-H'.-.I Vl, l.vllA i-.ii.l l ul, I v ill'' l ) 'cmfii' '. r scheme ... . i " n 1 1 ; .ire i .:i : n-. ' i. mi m ''J Omwh Ct. r.;h. x.-,7. ,!:rM.':""r ' .'.''i! J' ('' I:,lis' L l" ,JiU,!'' vi r 1 '' ! 11 1,1 "I one I ui ' 1 r till It Milt v . ' ',...-. , r , . . l J ' , T , t. . , . . . Uli' 1 1 u ' ' y"'' Ivoii itjthe r t r r,,NV JsiAabhr wl f 7.. .1 . A. Card- , ,,. , Ai.tfa- ,H Tapitl. .Ul W. M. Mariner, Henry C. Wnli.h, 1 .!, , Yr. t',,i ;. I,. I, l?owP,l '.v,,,,,',, ,Vruf of Jhaitlts. S. A. ' !; ,,r,,;"'T ,.'. !',"!'i'U"" T- ,,olK,wa'' J"lm Il'.i'rvil. 1ml Mr. I.f.kf, l l;' I. Ill ri:i!l.-, t'li i T I ""it,-. y)r. ( iTuhiii r i.iiiiMini'r, '.'tii.ix! 'K'lk, n Mil Alr.'l i win, T:i i!n ll. . , I. I il.l;-, Kfln-nska Ciiv, .m ; il-ir.l Sp, J. II. IJi-.-wn, ( 'r,r---;v;,n:;rv;t'r,!rfr!c'r'f, h.-.m. i;i;:!.':i iniiity, - iyi iint-rit-Al-'i'i', 'iui'l 'I'l.i.. i . l' 1 111..:' i ..ii- Sr - I, III. ,,...,,. -t i ' , i " I T , 1 S i t - I li'' 1 ' ivL i t, Vv i s I it ,v ' i i . , T, , .. ,, ,1 1 ;, . 1 1 fi r 1 1 . 11 1 1.. w 1 m .1.1 ui' .1 , .111111. . 1 ' i I to , I.ol . e, iu. t a:il iii,;r;i'''!i i I ! r. . I'i.l! p,-,-. i, .. , Tue'i ' 1 !. i,.i i . l.:is ii ; i infill. Cor- ,u;i V V !,'.t If evii rum,' flri'l i v.n!..i! ', i.i a--..i:V iiiMt-'r the ev ivriiiiui t,...iii.a il a jiiMt'iui'l de,erfJ "UUlve'-i j .,i wi. :i ; .. j,., ., ".- '''' fi i:il ; !.:i).M-r.-., perp;'!;-at.y! ! ' 'V rt',1 f It. I'll) ifllofllilV' i.l t ll" pv t,i, two. Ivn.'i 'nfi ' i i a iflore i i' recoil h,-a 1.; this hy litis Will' lluuhlc . 1 1: dif in llie 'one livr-cf.rdijiff I II"'J i 1 liwA ! .; iij'i . o' f,',, l''l i,l;t the i;', i !;V If I J-Te!-1 til" W,1 f-i r,V fr, o:r, '('lis. '(v iverniTs Sei-i-elarie-i haic dotiniuakin'r LiicisJatiiri'Si for iliu ,St;ufUUir i'"i Milium :of jNi.bra.fl.a. I.t-eulalures coui .' u;i !) re i"i'.-:!i from the Lauds of the lT.Oi'i.r.: :;:l';it i', n r:iW ratilica- t: ii t-1 "i ' l.rv r-.::: tvi i".rc rvttri i-nun-irtn .-!': I cat.iiue vvi:h sm-hrnect -deter ,.,,;,,,; (1 , lim;v,. xvi.fVi"l woik in .U..t,w m- ,nro re.l-eui the. eliaractor i-f !!. latimt in K-l:-a.l:i IU.-h:ir.I...!i an,! r.l'.Yiii e Ci uii'-.rr, have .-. Tit tV !h;- ' r,et-!'' IMVOaimld in (' iint it; '(Voiiiwc'l, Irerlet iji mid Mmrp epref.eiifttivi, uU gotnl" men -tin J true. JWinwtjJi c-miylo the ( 'uueil, J'urua.s, to, I hi; J!:."ii', Chamhei-ii, Kiuuey tuid I..)w rciife, ' ti!! '..I'.'fMcdly Woplr.' nMi, 'ami : Uien'of 'nViility. " ('Jt'if cr. inty Las sent to XMmvil, ,!nd2;e -Jtrmlfurl, . SaH'ord and UwuveHj ,jiv,i!ie ' Jpwci- , House, Hail, 1XW')J Cvu '';. ' eh, While, and .l'.pfa-. er i . i I I is. ii ;tar i c edition that I) i0 innv well' he 'ptVii.'T (,f' '.riittt-f;etic, working, jit-otnpt nn ( Uicifnt men. ' ('ass sends to tho Ciuiiic.i, KirkpatrivkiAVe'.i nml favor aljy known ai u man of ititeri'ity and anility, m llie j'jwiotis I.euri-l::ture, and to the' Lower ' I loti.-o,-Slaughter, Cardwell, on nn" ( vi men of ihat htrh moral clianiitor' that Oamlia' line not motley etjottli to huy nor corner wis tu corrupt. They cotuf here reinpn.)lertn the 1 em lentiarv swindle of lat, winter, 'and tlio tlcniand and one premie made to nVir diMe,Tafi(i!i )V tho' Omaha, ('litiue, nil of whieli vfre I'ttdiCti Ud easily at ko many r.vie of band. - ujiiir;t':i eo'itity i.t not l.'hiud w-ith Nov 17 p ore , iit:ii'0.' .'ill. or :e tri eitprrr?. 3 c 'miii' ii; in me i .owe i iioue. r!ie htis her J-hut hr. I ' Ceiinor, who nve not only of' t?t h.Ti ..-hold 'of iho. faithful in the t'n at work tf c irrottin j tLo mauy wrou rs perjietiMted heretiif.ce ly previ ous !."i-!-! l-:,t ih -'V are lasrd-workin ntid n i L.t iei t mon . ns nn: he found. Hull, too; in lYproBciitcd l.y lur Chilcoit, n ;,i..n who is u,t enjy tli--; li;t-!ooki:ii l.rr.i i; t!ie Tf .il;.... hut is : iu:in that will ('.' tic -,' for 'an !io:ieft n;rp..-f. T)ah krt,,,.h !r !'. !: r V:ot imw! Jon' s, hoth ory 'vniuirr men, Imt of nerve und oul ll'IlJl'. VliVll ,h t,i, 'pi Oii: AVil! ' 1 rill. hl l I. fahy U v- lyf'iv.-t.; of ill ir coiiuuents I'V . n 1 Wll.l v V i..;i jv'5 ity- With' -:,' j':?i'-e will ha P... I (. rn n n' m tal" r,:n:,r " I" 1 iy,M liu ;.al all tuc.-pcj ; n,l i.u.::. nni the tmaaee of the j " ij' ty u-rr;v. .1 T that jn.-l and leiti- ( ' ' "; ;; r!':r ''; ,n Fineijiesj ,i i . ' i i i , Mtiiiiuij in vhoia wi haw imhj Mh..m1 und i . . . . . i -i.-l cfti.:.uCiK-., t -aileuan a rare ..i. ;;'.-..,: ji.-vsja I;- pr;.fe.-..t hi, wiji .,i.,v ,.!,.(tt,,l in Otoe county, and further ::" ;'; 1Vii.,:,,i., iV:,V,"!; 50n;v!: l'i:-f I tho aforesaid persons were elected V1'1' 1 :,","' ,:? '-' f,,r !V at ihe lat election, to die ofiice of Repre- .irv?.rep.-MM'-l.: trust r. f i. hfta. : : ,. niative in the counties mentioned above, .As .uJt..iJ, i..-vat) J :.ey:moli, ,-r ,he present scsaon el the Legislature, fVi' i.. iaa..t, .iy,;uul 1 may j f r -iVrritory of Nebraska. All of ay ,w:d . ; h f ,::! w. e;, put in the uUi repeclfuhy submit. Jl VFN1LK. w lih pleasure that we p'lb- iiiil LfKl I li Iliill'Vi .-. mn.rr.NngC..!. I '.i.'ii if u..r fii. uJ, re- ! U'-l.S A. M. I KS, .'.i et in ey ir-iii ii-.-r:-.! of Ne- MM. a : i:;,i'a,:i'j i'i at .:;lv i a .l rt the hea l ,'f T;.': it. i'V, w )..ld l.ts, already I, i:i- i '. 's ti l:i re . ' I'i-.ifi-.-. r . n. r. .-?.rr." c:.t!,m M,u-iy we a-.-c pt n--il f i -sy, nrrici d af home (Ilainl well, Mu aeiao), nn iiH-f-whi i I) !. iU-r. He was in f.iod hfallli atid inj, yiuvr the fine sl' i .'hii'e; of that n untrv. M.liltts.. 1 I.I 4. IM.i l i in:. iiDi si: or nr.riu'.si:NTATiVKs. , January ."th 1.17, 'J n'rlm li p. in. ThM. Kin the day appointed I iy low f r '.' omini.rH.iiig f tin1 Legislator of i .1 . .i. it . . . ti . uunwiin, me notify oi m iuoM ni;uiven . . . uici. nii'i mi ni 'ill , , . . . . - mi of Mr. Hollow-ay, of 1) iiphij J. H. Uroun, win i liD.n'ii Chi' f UliTli J7. (. 0 iiitiin of iMr. .M.iHn'. nf Douglas ciiiiiiiic." in ilv irorilcr, iiinl iln- fiillmvin j mcinlicr pri'si'iitrd tbcir I'l't'ili'iitiiil.-i : i:iri,tr.l.-:im ami Ptiwnrt. A. I', Crom well. N .1. Slinrp. -.mafi'f:-W.'A. Finnpy, J. C. l.nw- rr'iv.'t", finiiMH I A. Cliuiiilirr.-i. IK.OiiH. T. DowmU, J. I). White II. I'iiil t.v. Jo-tiTill l)V)tl. I ' .V, .( ;, HMiil uf J),uijhis.-W . I'. j M.,,,,,, II. ,l.i!in.(iii, "J. StciiilnTi'r, M. lau.t-iiii, (it;o. Arin.7tr.ii. i i ),!,; Silas I'.. Si't'li-y. J. L. Siowart, fvr-l,,,. 'Coi.ii-r, K. i s..ut, ?,r. j ; Mi'.r. Jom-s nml Wntts tliiiiin;1 w-ats 1 I nt !.,( ! , r ii.i inl j ,. ., nr.! r.w, nr. . . . r-. . i,.'iM iv llii 1 iiii.-i'. K ,r 11 11 iv."'.ii mii'ivii ui'.; I'Mio.viiiir i t'so- iutioi) : , Ht'sofv-.f, That we admit those mem- 1 . h-- I., ..."ll.: i.-li.i ,, l,i,l 1. til rTi.fh.n. ttihl.... Aft.-r miiio delatn tlie motion was with- .awn. ( ) motion of Mr. Hollaway, Mr. Strick- ., i ..1 ,,..,.1.1 .,.,t tn,wl.-i,i. ...,, i 1.,'j , , i, i .ii,. i .... On iri, ti"ti of Mr. Dyson, the following vfiii-' is were elected pro Ian: M. Cm-ran', as Assistant Clerk; P. Itf unh, 'rre;cant-nt-Armr;, and J. Citinp 1 1 II, Daor-Keeper. ' The followim messaiie was received fr vn Mr. Secretary Cuming: Sei irtnry'3 Oilirr., Jan. .'5, S57. To tli" Hon irablr, tin; Council and House f f IieprfM'jitativps. The ii!ider.-ie;iied begs leave to slate ilia! thf Treasury Department of the llni ted Stiitfs, has allowed all the payments inade to olli 'ers of the last (ieneral As M'liiMy, other than those named in the or i;.niir I.nw. The Secretary has paid the 'nine and charged the amount to the Ter ritory, but tio farther advancements will he made by him of n similar character. He h authorised to pay the Chief Clerk, one Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms and one Iwor-ivceper, for each Hjiisc and no other. A message was received from the Coun cil by a Committee of three, announcing that body as permanently organized, hav ing elected Hon. L. L. Howen. of Doug las, President, Mr. Lake, Chief Clerk, Mr. Robinson, Assistant Clerk, and Mr. Lewis, Sereant-at-Arms, and were ready to confer with tho House in business of Legislation. Mr. Finney, of Nemaha, moved that a committee of live be elected to examine the credentials of members. On motion of Mr. Dyson, the following members, were put in nomination, Messrs. Hail, Finney, of Nemaha, Stout, Slaueh- Itcr and Holloway, with the following result: Hail til, Kinney i., Stout 21, Slaugh ter 21, Ilolloway 2-2, Dyson l, Sharp 1, Clancy 1, Hanseom 1, Seeley 1, Moore 1, Planks 4. The five hist were declared duly elected. After a short absence the committee made the following report: The comsiiuiee to whom was referred the credentials of those claiming to be clecti d ; beg leavw to report, that they have examined tho same, and find, that Jiroad Cole, James A. Curd well, Win. P. Slaughter and H. C. Wolf, were duly I'h.s ti d Representatives in Cas county. Jones Seeley, A. J. Hanseom, (eor2;e Arnistronir, M. Murphy, R. Kimball, H. Johnson, J. Steinberger, W. I). Moore, S. A. Strickland, Charles T. Holloway, John Fiiuiey and Joseph Dyson, vvero duly elected iu Douglas county. Ceo. iil. Chilcutt, was duly elected in 1 In i t county. J. Stewart, was duly elected in Wa:,h in 't on county. A. P. Cromwell. N.J. Sharp, was dulv in PcLuJBo county W. A. Fimiev, S. A. Chambers, J. C. ljtwrt,KVt u-'duly clvcled in Nemaha (-oiiti'.y, (j, Smley, was duly elected iu Dodge .ouni. i c y ;s p yt it p r.iles , i. n White. W. 11 Hail. I. L. (;ibhs. was CT. Ilolloway, C.iuinuan O.i motion of Mr. Finney of Nemaha, II wi. T. Ii. Cuming came will. in the bar and administered the uath of cilice to the memlx-nt. On motion of Mr. Holloiviy( i.he Ho'.tse priH-eeded to elect a speaker. . Mr. Strickland nominated I. L. Gills. .Mr. lI.tiiM.oiu moved ihat Mr, GiLhs ho iiectcd Spi'ukt-r ly acclamaiion. Carried. Mes. rs. Holl.'way, Hanseoui und Fin ney of Nemaha conducted the Speaker to '.he chair. Mr. Holl oway moved that J. II. Brown be i h i ted Chief Clerk ly acclamation, which was 1,,-t. Mr. Moore moved to elect Chief Clerk nV.f ror. fr. StriiUlan-l 11 ininal '.I .1. II. Ii.-.'wn ' Mr. Moore 11 iiui.uu l I'. W. Ilamiltoii The I luu i' t!n 11 prm I'l ilt il to the lion. Avlii'li re.ii.lttil a." follow ii I ll ' 11. J. II. ! Itrown UI. ('. W. Ilamil on ISrown fin viii'j a maioriiv. was deiljrvil y tin.' Sp' ti tT duly 1 !e ti'i. On motion of Sir. Hollow-ay, S. M. ftirraii was iioniimiu ,1 for As.ii;taut Clerk. (Jn motion of Mr. Aiiiitro:iL,r, Mr. Currnii was clerti i! 1 y ai'ilaiiiation. The Home 1 !i -ii profei'ded to ( lft n StTonnt-at-Arins. Air. Ilolloway noiiiinati'd .!.(!. Secley. Tin) House then proceeded ti an elec tion, will; lv: following result : 1'. Lacoinh '-"J, .1. (i. Secley tl. Mr. Lacunb having i-"ci ivi.d a inuj.ji ity of the votes cat for " Or. m uion .f Mr. Sharp the lU-e 11 1 t i- -.1 .1 preceded to elect a D)or-Kecp,T witli the I n . .... t ,,.'. a V;1!;. T 'Z , n 1 . i ;V3 y ' JlJtlaud ,h,1 On'motio,, of Mr. Strickland. Mr. Sec rni'I ntiice, was neclaron duly ciectn.i. retary Cuming came forward and admin istered the oatli of oilice to the Speaker, Chef Clerk, Aid. t a nl Clerk, Sergeiint-at-Arms and Door-Keeper. .Mr. Holloway moved to elect a Fire man, which after some debate was with drawn. On. motion if Mr. Strickland the House adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o c lock J. H. Uudw.n, Chief Clerk. The I'nlsIaluiM". The collective wisdom of Nebraska which has twice met, deliberated, enacted and aided in the advancement of the Ter ritory In iu prosperous and enviable pre sent convenes for its third session, on Monday, January 4ih, at Omaha. Many of tin; members of the last Legis lature have been re-clcted, and us the present is a more numerous body than the last, there will be many new on ;s also. Wo have the ac.puiiiitanco of a share of both the old and the new operatives in our Territorial Law Manufactory, and we an; pleased to be able to say, that such actpuiiiitance convinces us thai the machi nery will be well run, and the grist of laws which our judiciary will have to ex ercise their profound appetites upon, will be remarkably easy of digestion. The young and promising City of Belle vuo, and its productive and beautiful agri cultural vicinity, will be well and ably represented, as also will be the Territory in part, by the talented delegation from that precinct. Messrs. Srnicki.ANn, Holloway, Fin.ney and Dvsox, mem bers of the House, are men of known and acknowledged ability; of long residence in, and intimate acquaintance with the resources and wants of the Territory. They are all right on the G. Q., whatever that same G. (J. may be, and will act with becoming solemnity, when they are called upon in discharge of their legislative du ties, to record their votes on the Hog Law,' or any other measure of corres ponding importance or public interest. Gen. Row k.n, member of the House is elected to the Council. With those who are favored with the General's acquaintance, it is unnecessary to say more than to allude to the decided credit with which ho emerged from the engulph- mg experience ot ine last iiouse. ve feel very confident that the General will stand firm unshaken hy any murderous assault of 1 town shares' or 'corner lots' but W0 1 KAlfNT TELL.' A delegation of decided merit from Otoe county, composed of gentlemen so far as our acquaintance extends, amply qualified to discharge the duties incident to the legislation of a growing and favored Territory, has been elected to the House. In the charge of such men as L. L. Gihbs Maj. White and General Downes.the in terests of the Territory iu general, and of the ' South of Platte in particular, will be guarded with peculiar fidelity. From the frozen regions of the North the wA-iciiriL Clancy, grown more than ever lynx-eyed by another years cxperi ence, wol serve tlie territory in the capacity of sentinel, to watch the avenues of Scull-Duggery, lest the I.vil One, with hools and horns, enter into our Legislative Sanctuary. The name of Win. Clancy in the legis lative history of our Territory, has become as familiar as n household word. He ha3 been long a resident of die West, and is familiar with the stirring scenes of fron tier life, ni well as tho requirements of the lerritory in the promotion of its pros perity. Air, Clancy has nn n-lventurons spirit, and ns a disciple of Nimrod, he gained undying reputation by starting a number of Elk from Black Bird Hijls, and chasing them across the turbid muddy into Chicago and other Eastern Cities, with a perseverance unsurpassed by that mighty hunter himself. Mr. Clancy has made heretofore, and we feel confident w ill continue to make a most excellent and valuable member of our Legislature. There are many others witli whom we are acquainted, equally as meritorious ns thoso we have noticed, that time and space will not permit us to make mention of. We ure howevt r, thoroughly satisfied that a majority of the b.kly are in all respects worthy ot the appellation of a ' good legis lature.' Resting perfectly undisturbed under tint shadow of this consoling confi dence, we hereby, as a disintegrated part uf the Nebraska public, deliver our portion of die Territory into their safe keeping. Florence Courier. fif Wo would call tho attention of our renders to the prospectus of the Satur day Evening Post, iu another column. Tho Post is one of tho best family news papers published in the country, and only needs an intr.hiciion in a family to become a con-taut visitor at their own request. OMlliV Ai:UilSLMi;T. vHCW Ri.r,r,Q! MPW'STflRP!! 'I"'!"'. ii'i'l'TsiLM-d Inn- of tie I, at tlirirni-w J ,(.rP ),, -li. n'r.'ct, eppiisito tie' banks, a nutr an. I pplrii.lirf n hsom t ni.-nt of DltY GOODS, (UITIIIN(5, HO, ITS nri.l SMOi:.'f.S.c. I 'oi' k of Drf ('iimli rumpris 's all kiads of LAl)ll-:s (I F.NTf .K M KN'S aid CHILD- rk.vs i)i I'.ss coons, ALL KINDS OF D01ME3TIC3 mi l rvia vtliinc tint is re.jnNito to make up n - n; j 1 t iiss.irtiin'iit of Dry (iimiln. Wi- 1i;up a larfro W of Clitliiii Mint is wcl and fifliiennlily inii).', ami out of tho hem nn'.Ti.-it. Htnrk nmsists of all kinds of lo'iits' Fntiii!lii!i (ieoiU. HOOTS and SlIOl'.S. Our ntnok of Hoots and Shoes ii tin- largest i vrr nffl'ii-d l tin1 ritlzcnsof Nebraska. TIh'V nro pMridmsel directly frntn thn manufac turers, and nro of (tie very best quality. O ir ir.imls are all new, and recently p'ir rli ised in the 1'astern cities, and we intend m'lliri! them at aatonisliiiip low prices. All tlie ciiiens of Omaha and vii inilv are rc- rpiested to call and examine our stuck, as Uiey v. ill find il to their interest to do i. II V W study to idease. no. lu-tf PATRICK &. CO. FRANK !.. KKMP. WII.I.IAM VRODSIIAM. Mew "Fork GUN AND JEWELRY STORE. Kf'.MP & rilODSH AM, DP. A LP. US In Clocks, AVatches, Jewelry, Mimical Instruments, Killed, Shot Gnus, mid Pistuls. CLOCKS. Tlilrtvhoiir and ficlit dav clock of the two best in.iniifact.ories in the Union; steamboat and ollice spring clocks. GUNS. Single and doutde shot Gun, from five lo fifty dollars; Kitles, of our own make; also, l.aitern make; Piatols rt all kmct'i; pistol Ib'sUs, plmt haps, wadding and wad rnUrrs; common and water-proof caps; colt's caps, n int numerous oilier articles suilahle for the Western trade, which neither time nor space will allow to enumerate. "V" All of tlie above articles Bold on the most reasonable terms. Repairing done to order at short notice. no tl-tf. Omaha City, N. T. Tiios. Macon. Ai.f.x. Macov. IT. O. Jonks. Macon, Brother & Co. TAW AND LAND A GKXTS, Omaha City J Nebraska Territory. no li-tf. ANDRtlV J. rOPrLF.TON. WILLI AM N. BY MS. Poppleton & Dyers, A TTOUNI. S AT LAW, AM) GF.XP. 1. UAL LAND AGF.NTS, Omaha citv, Nebraska. Land Warrants bought and sold. Land P.ntered on Time. Special attention given to the selection and entry of Lands for Settlers, and all others desiring choice loca tions. Land Claims, Town lots and all kinds of Real I'.state, bonglit and sold and invest ments made fur Distant Dealers. (. V" A Competent Surveyor and Draughts man always in readiness to survey lands, find and select J-nmls ami Iowa lots, and (trail. City Plats 1-tf CITARLF.S D. GRP.KN AND RICHARD KIMUALL, Having purchased this well known and popular Saloon, in Omaha city, would respectfully inform the public, that they are now prepared to furnish their customers, at all hours, with HOT MEALS, OYSTERS, SA1UMM.S, I'IGS M'.liT, 11CKLL.D TONGUE, GAM E, and other iu:fiu:si imi:xts, Comprising all ;ho Delicacies of the season. Come ve tlint hunger and thirst Come to the APllX and ye shall be filled. 1-tf GREEN & KIMBALL. NEW STORE. SEATON & ROWLES. Bollcvue, isr. !. HAVING removed into our large newstorc, on Main street, we are now enabled to otrer to the Citi.ens of Douglas county, one of the Largest, Cheapest a,nd best Selected Stock of Goods, ever opened in this city, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Stoveware, Hardware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, Woodenware, Provisions, &c, Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to us, we earnestly solicit ils continuance, feeling confident that the ipmlity and price of our goods, cannot tail to please. SEATON & ROWLES. Hellevue, Oct, 23, lsati. 1-tf BENTON HOUSE. ifoie Jen ui us;, Piopritlor. THIS House is situated in tlie pleagantest jiart uf Hellevue, in a beautiful and healthy location and commands a view of lountrv. I ,v,ich for beauty cannot be excelled in this I Territory. It is titled up in the best manner. and no pai'is will be spared to make all who may favor him with their patronage, fi-ul at home. HIS TABLE. Will always be supplied w ith all the delicacies the market afliirls. Attached lo Mil's Hotel is nn excellent STABLE, which we shall always have attended by com petent and faithful Ostlers. Hellevue, Oct. 23, IS 3. 1-tf masons vi A.vrr.w. WANTED IMMEDI ATELY, by the sub scriber in 11.11, vue, SIX GOOD M . SONS, to whom GOOD WAGES, and CON STANT Employment, will be given. M.S1IAW. Hellevue, Oct. 23, 1S.Vi. Mf Boot cfi3 QHoo MANUFACTURER. V WRIGHT, would respectfully r , inform the GcuMemeii of li.'lle'. vue itiKl vicinity, that he is prepared to manufacture, to order, every variety of BOOTS AND SlioES, Of the best finish and Latest Fashion. He j also prep ir.-d to make up in the best manner, Embroidered and Worked Mippcrs, which he will warrant to please all h favor him with tlie custom. H-llevue, O, t. :o, lS.Vi.2-if (.LENW 00l U LRTISIMILMS. LATE ARRIVAL!! AT GLEN WOOD, IOWA. TOOTLE & GREENE Anr Nov i nr.rr.irT or a sei rt.r or Which, when complete, v ill compose the LARGKST Ann nrsr SELECTED STOCK IN MILLS COUNTY. OI K STOCK OI' .K(K T.UIF.S Are bought at the lowest terms for cash, and consist of COFFEE, SUGAR, TEAS. i . , . t i FISH, It I CI'., CURRANTS, RAISINS. ! . CANDIES, ' MOLASSES, SYRUP, FRUIT, ! NUTS, Ac, be',, fcc imv .ooi8. Ladies and Gents, call and see them, and price for yourselves. They have not been summered ' and wintered iii fit. Louis, but bought and shipped direct from the Eastern cities. Late sivles and a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, from a ten rent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, HON NETS and PARASOLS. CI.OTIIIXl.. A fine stock old and young, fogies and 'fast' men, call Roon if you want a nice coat, vest or pants, on reasonable terms. HATS! HATS!! New styles, cheap and durable. ii.tiimvAiti:. A very large assortment, consisting iu part of Smith's Tools, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, Hues, Hells, Mill, Crosscut, and Hand Saws, Files, Augers, Axes, Uroadaxea, Adaie, Chisels, &.c, &.C, to the end of the chapter. lilUJOlX; itlATEIlIALS. A large lot, consisting of Tine Doors, Sash, Shutter Blinds, Paints, Oils, Nails, Locks, LuiU'iiea, uiass, rutty, ate. rritMTiitF. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes, Cubboars, Stands, &c. (5 We will sell cheaper for cash than any house in Western Iowa. no 8-tf. TOOTLE & GREENE. HUFFMAN'S STAGE LINE. HELLEVUE, ST. MARYS A N I) G L E N W O O 1) STAGE LINE. Iba HUFFMAN'S LINE will leave Glcnwood, ia. St. Marys for Hellevue, on Mon day's. Wednesday's and Saturday's, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and will leave the Benton House, Hellevue, via. St. Marys for Glenwood, on the same days at 1 o'clock. P. M. This Line connects at St. Marys, with the Council Hlulis and St. Joseph Stages, and at Glenwood with tlie various lines from the Mis sissippi to the Missouri Rivers. Travelers on this Line will find every con venience and accommodation, to make their trips pleasant and speedy. Comfortable Coaches, Careful Drivers and wclt-feil Horses. ROBERT HUFFMAN. no 5-tf. TNTEW GOODS AND CHEAP GOODS. JUST RECEIVED BY NUCKOLLS & CO,, GLENWOOD, IOWA, ' A Laree and Well Selected Stock (Express ly lor 1 HIS .MAKKETJ OX DRY GOODS, . I i CLOTHING, CASTINGS, GROCERIES, QUEEENSWARE, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS &, SHOES, riNK DOORS, IRON, NAILS, SASH, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LOCKS, LATCHES, WINDOW SHUTTERS, &c., fcc. Having been bought and shipped at lowr figures, we flatter ourselves we are able to otrer such inducements to CASH IIUY , FIIS as have not heretofore been orTercd. ( We ask an examination of our Goods and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. The La dies will find at our Store a large stock of CHALLI, . BERAGE, , DELAINS, POPLINS, GINGHAMS, VICTORIA LAWNS, EMBROIDERED ROBES, PLAID SILKS, itc, Ilc.t All of which will be sold very LOW. NUCKOLLS t CO. Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa. no 4-tf. , SMEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! New Eve rj thing, at the Old Stand of SARPY h ENGLISH. EDWARD C. EOSBYSHELE HAS the honor to inform tlie people of tho Southern District of Douglas and the adjoin ing counties, NtbrasKa, that he is now open-, ing one of the largest Stocks of GOODS ever brought io Glenwood, Mills county, Iowa COllHIBlillg of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HOOTS . SHOES HATS t CAPS, QUEENSWARE, NAILS, LEATHER, CORDAGE, IRON, OILS, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, READY-M ADE CLOTHING, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Jtc, And everything that mav lie found generally in city stores, all of which he will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. fr ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE taxen In excheiige for Goods. Buy ers from town or country wishing pood snd cheap Goods, either at wholesale or retail, will save money by calling and examining hi stocK befnie purchasing elsewhere, a UVjf will find good bargains ami fair dialing. ' Gii.nwooi., Iowa. uo4-tt-