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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1856)
SUV? 'mm L . ","0 t I . I A Family Newspaper Devoted to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusements and General Intelligence. V II U ' Jy AV v ' i I m 1 i i i X 11 VOL. 1. BKLLKVUK, NKIMvASKA, THURSDAY, DKCKMIUOU. Lr, 185(1. NO. 10. $eUcbnc u5 ;i 3 c 1 1 c . ruRLim:n tvr.RY thirsdav at BELLEYIE (111, X. T. BY S. A. STRICKLAND & CO. Terras of Subscription. Two Dollar per annum, if paid in advance or $2 .r0 it not paid within the year. to ci.rBS : Three copies to one address, in advance $" 00 Seven lo do do 10 (ill Fifteen do do '!1(12"0!! A 'lidi of seven subscribers, at $!, will entitle the person making it up to a copy for nix months; a clnh of fifteen, at $20, to a copy rluh of subscribers 1 ill line mi. , . has been forwarded, additions may be tna.te to it, on the same terms BUSINESS CARDS. KELLF.WE ADYERTISEMEM'S. viior,r.s.i a: a- Kinwin STORE IN BELLEVUE. VK would respectfully invite the citizens of Hellenic, and Hondas Co.. to examine our larire and well selected assortment of DHY COODS, (. K h 1 .1; 1 1 .s. CROCKERY, 1 1 A 1( I)v KI., BOOTS. SHOES, DRFCS. ME1MCINES, II ATS & CAPS, DOORS, SASH, &.C he. And in fact every variety usually called for in the West. We are ronfiilent that any one wishing to purchase pioiH will he entirely satisfied, and find It will he to their interest to call and examine our large and Well selected assortment of goods. SARPY it K1XXEY. Bellcvue, Oct. 23, lti. 1-tf SPLENDID GOODS, at Tin: liEM.EUE nu:uriM:Mi:Ms. C1IV1I Del Ohnrlcs E. Watson, 1IVIL EXCIXEER AN H SIRYEYOH. Ilcvuc City, Nebraska Territory, pro. to he " posted" in the lav of the land in this vicinity, and oilers his services to such as may need them, on reasonable terms. jliv" lie wili also acl as agent, for the pur chase or sab1 of Heal Eit.i'e, in ih. Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished upon application. Declarations filed and pre-emptions obtained. l-!f 'I A. Scliimonsky, KH'OCRAIMIIC ENGINEER, Cvrcirtea Topo.ri a pliic, I'aiicy and Plain Drawing of every style and ibcnp: ion. Fancy, Orna mental and Plain Painting evecnied to frier. Ollice at the Hellevue House, l!. '.leue, X. T. Ret hhncf.s : V. A. Siirpy, St. Mary, low a; Judge Oiiltnnrc, Hellevue. 1-tf Bowcn & Strickland, A TTORXEYS AT LAW. Heal Estate, rii Tots and Claims bomrht and sold. Purchasers will do well to call at our office nn.l va, nur list of City Lots, &.C., before nun-hasi'iir elsewhere. Olhce in Cook's new building, corner of Fifth ami Main streets. L. Tj. Bowen, k TTftnxvv AM) COUNSELLOR AT A T.AW. Rellevue. N. T. 1-tf S. A. Strickland, i TTnnr.V AND COUNSELLOR AT JV LAW, Bellcvue, N. T. 1-tf C. T. Holloway, ATTORN F.Y AND COUXSF.LLOR AT LAW, Bellcvue, N. T. 1-tf T. B. CUMING. JOHN C. TURK. Cuming & Turk, Jltiornrysat Low and Real Ksfitc Jgrufs. OMAHA CITY, N. T., WILL attend faithfully and promptly to all business entrusted to them, in the Territorial or Iowa courts, to the purchase of Ik's and lands, entries and pre-emptions, col lections, Jte. ; - Oifiee in the second story of Henry & Roots 'new huildlltr, nenrly opposite the Western I'xelnn:" !li,k. 1'tniham street. IVipcri i:i this Territory, Council Bluffs Bu gle and Kf.'knk Times, please tony and charge N-bnini! n trice. VARIETY STORE OF IT. VALE. TIIF. Suhscriher having just opened at Ms store in Hellevue, a fysh supply of goods, of every description, would call the attention of purchasers, to the fact, that helms the largest and best selected stock of Cioods, to be found in Nebraska, and that they will find him sup plied at all times, with ' , SILKS, SATINS, M1T.L1NAUY DHY fJOODS, CROCF.H1F.S. LIQUORS,, shop, j y d HARDWARE, HOOTS, SHOF.S.Jte.,&e. All of which has been selected by himself from the best, establishments in the country, aim which he will sell lower lor cash, man trie same quality of goods can be purchased at, in any Btorc in this section of country. He has also, a large ana well eeiecieu siock of HFADY-MADL G W. II. Cook, r.VF.H AL LAND AND REAL F.STATF. GLNT, Hellevue City, Nebraska, i-u B. P. Rankin, A TTORNEY AND COLN'SNLLOR AT iV LAW, La Plitte, N. T. 1-tf J. Seelcy, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Omaha, N. T. 1-tf John W. Pattison, NOTARY PUBLIC AND HEAL ESTATE AC EXT, Fontenelle, N. T. 1-tf James S.. Izard & Co. LAND At! K NTS, Omaha, Douglas Couniy, Nebraska Territory. 1-tf Drs. Malcomb & Peck, M MIA CITY. Olhce on Harney street, I I nnnnnitn the Tost Ollice. J'articular at 4antion given to Surgery. 1-tf P. E. Shannon, -rF. L ESTATE AGENCY, Cerro Gordo X rost Olfice, St. Mary, Mills Co., Iowa. 2 P. E. Shannon, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MER CHANT, St. Mary's Landing Mills Co., 2-tf Peter A. Sarpy, TORWAHDIXG St COMMISSION MER CHANT, Bellcvue, N. T., Wniolesale Dealer In Indian Goods, Horses, Mules, and Cattle. 1-tf D. J. Sullivan, M. D., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office Head of Broadway, Council BIu.Tj, lovva. nov. 13 ' XAU ; D. II. Solomon, A TTORXEY and COUNSELLOR AT ii. LAW, (Jlenwood, Mills Co., Iowa, prac tices in all the Courts of western Iowa and Nebraska, and the Supreme Court of Iowa. Land Agency not in the Programme, no 4-tf EO. INTPKI) JOHN II. SHERMAN. Sayder & Sherman,. ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT LAW, and NOTARIES PUBLIC, Coun cil Binds, Iowa, will practice their profession in all the Courts of Iowa and Nebraska. All collections entnnted to their care, at tended to promptly. Especial attention given to buying and sell ing real estate, and making pre-emptions in Nebraska. Deeds, Mortages. and other instruments or writin" drawn with dispatch; acknowledg ments taken, 4i.e., tc. ',V" Ollice west side of Madison street, inat atinve Kroadwav. DOV 13 l'lf Johnson, Casady & Tost, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, ATTOR N FYS AN I) COU NSELLORS AT LA W, Council lllutls, Iowa, will promptly attend ta Land Agncies, Collections, Investing Money, locating and Selling Land Warrjiits, and all itber biisiiiesi ner:aini:ii: to their profession. in Western Iowa and Xehiaska. 1-tf Of every description, best cpiali'y and finish, and inferior to none in Nebraska. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a con tinuance of public patronage, and hopes that purchasers will call and examine his goods, before bnyitie elsewhere. H. VALE. Bcllevue, Oct. 2:t, 1 Vjti. 1-tf NEVvTr RIVALS AT THE THE Subscriber respectfully invites the at tention of piu chasec.s, to his large and bplendid stock of (loods, consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HA IN BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES, TOHACCO, PATENT MEDICINES, &c, itc. Ml ,.t wtoeli lie warrants of the best df -u-iip- t'ion, and bought expressly for this market. He has also a well seiecie.i biock oi UF.ADY-MADK CLOTHING, Made after the L ATEST F A SH 1 0 X S, of the BEST MATERIALS,, and by EXPERI ENCED WORKMEN, all of which he s'll ClIE P FOR CASH. LU ' JOHN CHASE. Bellcvue, Oct. 23, 1S.V). 1-tf BELLEVUE Sooi: tft3 SHoo STORE. T M. BARTAY. would respectfully rr t) . inform the inhabitants ot isenevue and vicinity, that he has commenced to Manufacture DOOTS AND SHOES, Of all descriptions, from the finest finish to the coarest make. Employing none but the best workman, he will be able to warrant all ...... . ...,o at I, in establishment. nn i u"in . - .. , The highest casll price pam, in naii.-, for all descriptions of RAW HIDES. Bellevue, Oct. 30, lS.Vk 2-tf HOUSE CARPENTER AND AN BRIGGS, Takes this method of m . "forming his iend, and the public generally, that he is prepared to BllLD A in u FINISH, in the best manner Dwelling Houses Of every description of style and finish, on the most reasonable terms. Thankful lor pas favors, he solicits a continuance of public 'B.dlevii'e, Oct. 30, lS.Vi.-2-tf I'OMEXEM.E B.IXK OF r.EU.EU E. llrllt'ius Nebraska. TS prepared to transact the general business of P.aiiUing, will recive deposits. Discount short paper, buy Hills of Exchange, on all parts of the Country, and sell on S'. Louis. Chicago ami Xew York; make collections in the vicinity" and remit for the same at Current rates of Exchange, Interest allowed on special Deposits. JOHX WE A HE, President. Tiios. If. Hi. vi on, V. Pres. .lotiN.T. Town, Cashier. 1-tf Banking Hours From '. to 1, A. M., and I to 3, P.M. II. T. Clarke, I FORWARDING &. COMMISSION Ml'!! ' CH NT, Rellevue. X.d.raska. Dealer in PINE LUMBER. SIIIXGLF.S. Hekfhkncks: Gobi Jt llrother and Edward Hempstead, Water street, Chieairo;.!. W. Tl.iskius, Mihvaukie, Wis.; II. M. Xorton. Pres. Racine en. Bank, Racine. Wis.; C. Barrett, River street, Clevidat d. O. ; I'enton Prother, Cincinnati, O. ; Tibbie ,t Hays, Erie, Pa. , C. It. Wright & Co. Hankers, Pa.t C. B. Wright, Banker, Philadelphia. Pa.; Darling, Albert son Rose, Front street, N. Y. ; W. J. Wili;, Water rt... t, N. Y. ; K. Ball, Troy. N. Y.; Mr. Ilungerford, President Bank of Westfndd, Westfiebl, N. Y. ; Hon. S. Morton, Nebraska City. 1-tf EOOt c&3 SIlOC MANUFACTURER. A WRIGHT, would respectfully inform the Gentlemen of Bellc vue and vicinity, that he is prepared to manufacture, to order, every variety of BOOTS AND SIIOES, Of the best finish and Latest Fashion. He is also nrenareil to make un in the best manner Embroidered and Worked Slippers, which he will warrant to please all who favor him with the custom. Bellevue, Oct. 30, ISfiti. 2-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND WE would respcc'Cillv inform the inhabi tants of Bellcvue and vicinity that we are prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work- menlike manner. Having been engaged in the business several years, wo feel confident in stating, 'hat all who favor us with their cus torn, will be pleased with our work. 7 ' ,'1'L.-M e k."l'M)T0 V I.I iV .T1VJIVIVO. Bellevue, Oct 23, !S5ti. 1-tf BLACKSMITHING. rpHE Undersigned h z leave to inform L the Inhabitants of Douglas county,'! j tiiat they are prepared, to il- all work in their line of business, in tin' best manner, and on the most liberal terms, at their shop in Bellevue. ri"lfavimr had sevsBfi years experietic at 'HORSE-SHOEING, frl some of theb-st shops in F.a stern Cities, they will be able to give entire satisfaction, to all who favor them with their patronage, in this line. SI I A W . I C ETON. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1 .". 1-m POETRY. Cunning Oir thv Track, Scene a moonlight evening! Place no matter "wh ir ;" Passengers all a snooin ; In a railroad car.' Sudden cone s a jarring, Eery one starts hack ; "liless me, "lis n't pleasant, Huiiiiiii;' oil the 1 rack.'' Gen'leinen start upward". Ladies raise a claMer ; Evi ry one a-nsking "What can he (he mailer V" Enter hiaketnan swearing ; ' Such confounded luck !" Isn't very certain, "Guesses" we are "stuck."' Roguish -looking fellow. Doesn't need much corning, Si's Mm down and whistles, "Won't go home till morning; Babies all a-yelling. Think Ihrir throats they'd cia. k, HP si me. (is n't pleasant, Running oil' the track 1 Ancient maiden lady Looking for In r sears, Sas its awful dangerous Hiding in the cars, Says that if she c er Safe gets out of them. No one e'er will catch her Traveling agai a. Gentleman assures her, Wi ll a killing how, That he'a pretty certain No one wants to now. Then she wants her hat box, Something to unpack, Thinks it very chilly Running o:T the track. Some will keep a-groaning All (he live-long night. Oilier still are sleeping At the, broad day-light. Always when I travel. One thing may I lack, May I he excused from Running oiTlhe track. Tlio 4 iilUopr. or Miifli-al Mi-am hi1l'. Si'M ial voiirs nod, Mr. .1. ('. SimMa..!, :t mM-1iriiiii i t' Wmvi'Mi'l', nuu'civi il llio Suit ( use itf Inflili'lif. Sium- Iwvlvr months mih o ii young man, a iiioi luiiiii', well litimvn Id u luixro milii licr of mil' rriiiloi':), k ft thi i city, di'tor- iiloii t!mt i!ic s l,y llto vilirnti.iii .,f ,,,;,.,,,, tl y ,is f.u-tuno in l!io I'.l Dnn.iln S'liiif. lfo l.'l't ladiiii'l liitii a young ami 1 : 1 1 it i ft 1 1 wii'i', anil an iiini'i eiil lain; uliout ni in. milts On liis arrival in ('ulil'.inini, l!i: young loan was cngnod hm niiisino)' of u Sun I'riiiii isi i) luniso tit Siicr.inii'iitii, at a very lilioral salary. I In jmi. jii'rcil wrll, niul tin in i ; lini'iit if a sunull wiiu lio lalion witli liini to tin jjnlili'ii S't.tti;, yii'liK'd ii lai jri; (i i ill niu.t I'l iiiiini'taliyo jut cent u'o. Tint Iidjicsj wliich lunl li'il liim to part ft'im lnuiit.' ami fuinily weru niuic llinn rcnlia'd. Mi wroto liomo ofti'ii to liis wife lli. li'tt'.'ri wi.Te foiiilit'd in (In; Uindi'st t ii, niul invnriuMy incloiod lihoral ri'mitlaneoa. I lis lift I'pistlc was indited ut San Fi'ain'ixro in July, ami in it In- iiif.'i'ini'd lii wife (hat ho should mhhi i i'iiii n to hh imtivu jihico for a hiiof vi"it, anil ri"mi.'f!ti.'il her niaWo prcjmiu tinii') fur a removal to California. In fulfillment of his prnniiso, tlio hus linnd citmi! liotin; on n sti-niner which reached New York uu I'riday last. Ho Iniidetl at New Yolk in tho afternoon. linjialii'iit of tin; hours which kept him whoft' llil'i ciIlM's ihe "Mt am whla'.le i.s produt'i d, couli! Ia no iii ianed as lo ren der rtcciinili ly the "ilintimic tcale" in mtl :ac; and alt. r c jti rii m l ii i 1 1 for nuie time, he mm reeded in coiiMi'iietiti a series of hells oil whit h llie Mi'vrn notes df the oi lave could he t!iied hy Nleiiin. The ih'Hilc ratuni was now to produce a alvo ."Ullii ieutly di'licate lo rono-pnnil with the toiii h of llu; pell'iilinel' oil the Key-hoard of an orrjaii. Thiti has finally heen ( Heeled, and llie inventor has ttiken out u ateiit, imt only for (hi application of Mcain lo u series of iiiti.-ietil hells, hut also for a new delicate "vrtlvc" for the admission of fteam into the hell ,i. The Calliope, then, as now exhihited, con-i I i of a hiiiy series of hells, varyin;? int-io ini'l h iii;th iiccoidiii;; lo llu) tone to la; produced, and riiiniin:,r throtiejh four or live octaves. The steam i. admitted to these hells hy means of a m secies of con espondine; tules, inetied in a small cvlmder con- necled w ith tin) hoiler. A wiru cotmeels tho valve in rn-h tuho with a hey, i. e. n ! from tlio nrms of Ins wile, lie Iclt Ins liag- fnitrer-ltoarir lilce that of a juano-furlo li'W in that city, and with nothing nave or ocean ; iiml tins, m a ttcamuuiu, may i ms uno m n.oei, .nn,K.- Vn he placed in tho ladies' (.ahin, whih; the afternoon train on tho Hudson. River Itail- hclla them.'tt'lvr:; are in a diMant part of Job Printing and cxiioditiontily reaBonablc terms, at this Olliee. "VTEATLY and expeditiously executed, on 1TI STONE MASON AND -ri nstcrer. .... ... . i ..i ...n.l liavimr roininenced the rrMV" l" : i B IWt. is rrepared I anove iiiiioi' . , to do all work in his line, -it the shortest iih Uce, in the best manner, and $: sonal'te lernm. . ,,, --- ,,, r 'lf Four r five gooa rias-eie,,, constant employment, and good wages, on ap plication to the above. ' Bellevue, Oct. 3', l.l..-'2-tf I CAME TO STAY. Tl.F un leagued would respectfully nounce to the cfti,cns of that he U prepared ta do 4.,. HOITSK.SKIX ANI ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, GRAINING, MARHLT.IXG, fcc, m all i. various branches. PAPER HANGING Executed in the neatest style. r ',)' Pain' i miV.'J '.o oraei. T3 IHLL.EVTJE rpHE Proprietor of th" above Si-'".n fc I loon, takes irreat I lea eire inX,.. aiinonncing to the p.ihlic, that he is " now. prepared to serve at all Hours, ai.u iu uic best manner. W A 11 M OH COLD Ml'. A I.N OYSTERS, COOiiEO IN EVERY STYLE. SARDINES. riosil.l.l, PICKLED TOXGI F. BOILED EliGS AND GAME IX SEASON', TogetleT wi'li tverv tiling tu;il a usuanj f.nind iu a FIRST U..s.- Refreshment Saloon. Having had considerable In ca teriiis: for Hie public taste, he is sure that all who favor him with a call, will be saified. CHARLES JOHNSON. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS.Vi. 1 -tf HOUSE CAItPENTEES AND .JOINKUS. fnllF iiiiderHii'iu-d tikes ideasuie in an I iioiiuein" t i the inhabitants of B-d'.evr.e MISCELLANEOUS. i Quaker's I.i'tfrr to Ills Wulcli mitki'i . I herewith bend tliee my pocket clock, which "reatly stnndeth in need of thy friendly correction. The last linn; he was at thy friendly school he was noways reformed, nor in the least hcnefitted there by, for I perceive ly the index ot ins mind that he is a liar, ami the truth is not ;.,'l,;.n that his motion. are waving mid irregular; that his puke is unm times slow which beukeneth not an even temper; at other times it waxeth tdiicjish, notwith standing 1 frcipiently ur";e him; when he hould be on his duty, us thou knowest his usual name denotelh, I find him felum- berincr or tleepin!? or, as the vanity of human reason phrases il, I "catch him nnnniii'f." Kxamine him. therefore, and prove him, I beseech thee, thoroughly, that thou mayest, bein;r well ac.piainted with his inward fcnni-j and di-po'dtion, draw Tn a from the error cf hi ways, ai.d sho.v him the ia:h wherein he should go. It o-ricves rue to think, and when 1 ponder thereon, I urn verily of the opinion that his body is f .ul, and the whole intus cor rupted. Cleanse him, therefore, W illi tl.y chacmim' pl.Vic, from all p.-llution, that he may vibrate and circulate according to the truth. I will place nun a few tlays under thy care, and pay for his board as thou reuuircst it. I entreat thee, friend i , John, to demean thyself on this occa:.ion llie boat. , full e nd of i iht notes may bo struck at once, as upon the organ ; and it i iieedleM to say that the ell'ei t of mich n combination of mu.-'ical tones is remarka bly grand and Mihlime. Think of u bteamer, with one of these "mighty musi cians" on board, ploughing its way up the Mississippi, and unking thoso vast wli- ludes with its trumpet breathings ! On the ocean the Calliope can be heard for hventy miles, discoursing the "Mar Spangled llanner" and "Hail Columbia" with accuracy. The action of the vaives sm nice mid perfect that tie? quickest tunes, as "I'i.lier's llornjiipe," "Money Musk," and "Mary'ri Yedding," rati be performed with ease, and all tin; accom panying parts distinctly given. The (Ilencoe, between New York and Albany, has one of these, instruments on board, and it is said tho boat has doubled her number of passengers ly means of it. The Calliope is capable of being played with a crank as a common hand-organ; and in this form wiil doubtless take the place of tho shrill bteam whistle on the railroad ; but its greater utility will be, it seems to us, as a t-ignal between our steamships on the ocean, and as a diver sion to the pu.seiigois on their voyages. The consumption of steam by it is said to be rpiile inconsiderable. Traveler. fold Ui'Kiou r,l-iiiliiig. It is weil known as a matter of history, thnt when ( was discovered, it road, which reached here lule ut night. lie hurried to his home. The door was locked and the windows dark. Ho knocked again and again, but there was no response. At last, presuming that his wife tnigL, be (in a visit to tho house of his mother in West Troy, he hastened over there. . Jlia parents met him more in sorrow than in joy. His first inquiry was for his wife. For a time ho received no answer, hut at length ihey informed him that his wife had proven faithless and recreant during his absence ; that the had engaged in an illicit amour with a young man employed as deck in a dry-goods house in Alltany ; that her guilt having become, evident and notorious, they (his parents) had forbidden her cco-sing their threshold; that but a day or two previous to his arrival, she had gone of!" on the cars for the West with the voting man. For a time tho husband refused to credit tho fearful tab;; but iu qtu'ry persuaded him that it was too true. His wife had cviJenily encouraged tho advances of the adulturer, and favored him in his suit. Tho means which ho had sent her from California, bhe had wasted upon him. And on Wednesday sdio had left the ciiy with him for tho West. Her babo was left in charge of a family . iu South Troy, who agreed lo pcovido for it a regular weekly stipend. Ye. terday enw the fadier and child ou their way to New York City. They will leave for California thb week. Heart sick and desolate, the betrayed husband and father han turned his Rteps from his ...:.. r.-iv.-r n-iia to rf-tuLli.' , , , . .1 llUil.V tu,i o possesses a mum warmer cumi.. , Wh).,,K.r lhe faW wlf ,m9 turned from docs at present. 1 r.e ue pa:. nave the West we aro not informed ; but who shall predict tho measure of her remcrse when the fearful results of her perlideoiu been extending i-outh from the jndar re gions for some centuries, an'l the Norih- . . 1 . n .1.1 east coasts cl o..r comment are ...... """'-I ........ .,...n . ,.!., Lr.mher.- I 1111111,11 L D1MII - ago. . i .t . 1 ..v i 1,i,.u i'rtiit Itf'll'Q er man u-y T;,. The cause of this U lvH well understood, I ;et Murrleil t Marry, let the risk be what it may it gives dignity to your j.p .fusion, inspires confidence, and coinmati'ls respect. Vilh nd vicinity, that they are now prepared to Bl'lI.U AX1) I IMMI, in Hi" I""" in u.ner, all styles of Dwelling Honccs, Cottages, &c, On the shortest notice, e-,,1 in t'te inot np ,.r,v.,l a'vle of woikinanfliin. They will be i i. i.. '.. u.irt i:i their l.iie of r di,it lei t'f . - . . bi.ine-s. wliich ibeif friends lit V s'and in ll(.eli,r. NVERSi. II ILLY Mil). B-tlevue, O t. :i". 1 t.j..r the fact only is known. It is Udieved by some persons that there is a great eddy in some part of the polar ocean which sometimes t!nt!'cs its di;ei .lion, and by drifiiti" lar 'e icebergs from one lace to j ,;ie lawyers are more trusty, tho with right judgment, according to the gift j nilolj,,.r changes the climate of those jlK-u,r more esteemed, the mechanic places whence they ore drifted by t.;e j mrows the hammer w ith increased power, presence of such masses of ice diffusing ; nnJ shoves the plane with a more dexter- their low temperatures to great di-tasu es. ; uus l,;u,d, the merchant gets a lettet which U in thee, and prove tliyse.l a workman. And when ihon layest thy correcting hand upon him, let it be with out passion, le.t thou drive him to de struction. Do thou regulafi; his motion f,,r the time to come ly the lii'ht that In the month i f July list, the White Sea was blocked ui with huge mountains of cridii in sliort, a man without a wu no man at all! She nurses while ick, V"!''''"' 1,11 oct. 11. t J. T. Will I E. Ho! For Fresh Water. THE undersigned iespec:f llv infoi ins the ;,.tnl.iiants u! Hellenic. HU1 tin- surionn ting eo.nlrv. 'hi le is ereiiirel to d'lT snd Iinia!i, ' VELL3 AND CISTERNS, it.! i. C.if e. and on the lie--' re.l- ..".,, hie terms. . LOi: N. B.-Uevu". t. 3.1, t ".. -l-'l by the li?ht that j i v, ,.,,-,,. ,,f Archangi I i watches f .r liia in health. Gentle when thou liode'h u j something which never hapjM-n-1 UlCll) .., t a wli'. a pielty one if you like tinned, then do wild him home with a iust bill of charges, drawn out by the the day, and him converted from the error of hi- ways i i.,f,,n. a i!,.. Faroe Islands, mow . .t,,.,,, )(.st a t;.vl one, if ehe is to be and more conformable to the above-men- j , ,j i;1 vaj;4.yS in the middle if Jidy, fj,,nd-Hnd a rich etie if you can get her. the like of whUi also never happened l-e- fore. If thii drift of ice continues regu larly f.c a few seasons, the coasts i f the V1 ite Sea w ill la come as inhospitable as ih.e of Greenland now ace. Scientific : other men : M-lf. spiliiof lii.Hleialioii, und il bhull lie will to thee, in the roi l of all evil. Justice, and n l valor, merits the first j p'.u.v in our e ( em. Hewhokn -ws not him v'.f. und is de ceived respecting his own al ilities, knows no letter how to form a correct opinion of that! he does to estimate him American.