Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, December 18, 1856, Image 4
1 J X i -Jr 5 ! I 3 I il : r1 'I' ft if hi r 11 'i $1 8 " 1 .is.; i i : s r ! II All 1 1 ? 3 v 3 POETRY. A I. a j of -Mn Tlmi K. V 1. I., w. One morning 'f 1 1" and I"''!'. Poor Adam iinil In' !u id" Rat in llii shade of Eden'a wiill Hilt on tli P outer side. Mic, Mushing III her fn leaf mm!!, l'nr Ihe fhastp gaih of old ; ll., k ijrli i mjt o'er his l it t r fi int. l'nr Eden's grnpr of gold, Behind them miii I i ri ix in the morn, Tliplr fnrfrit fr-' r! i'ii l.iy t llefore tliriii wild willi roi k ninl thorn. I'lii" desert strctch-nl away. Tiny heard tin' nir nhnve tin-in I.hhh'iI, A UkIiI.dIi'P "" the sward i Ami lol they saw lii-forr tin-in sIhiiiI The nnge of the Lord ! " Arise 1" lie said '' why look hihind, WlitMi hope In nil lii-Tore, A iiit patient hand nml willing mi ml Your loss m.'iy yet restore? ' I leave with you a spell whose power Can make tin1 desert ghnl, Ami rail nrouiul you fruit nml ibmcr As fair ns r.ili-n had. " I clolhc your hands with power In lift 'Hip curse from nil' your mm! : Your very iloom hIhiII ni-i-mi a gift, Your los a gain through 'i'oii.. " (o, cheerful ns you humming-bees To lalior on In play ;"' While glimmering orr Eden's trees. The angel passed away. Tlii' pilgrim of the world wont forth. Obedient to tlu word ; Ami fiuiiiil, where'er ttn-y tilli-d the earth, A garden of thn Lord ! Tim thorn tree cast its evil fruit. And MiihIipiI willi plum nml n-n r ; And seeded grass nml troddi'ti root drew nwi-i-1 beneath tlu-ir can-, We share our primal pan-ids' fair, And In our turn nml day Look hai-k on Eden's sworded gate, As nail mid lost m they. But still for ii h his native skies v Tlip pit j iiii; angel lent rs. And leads t li runtrti Toil to Paradise i-w Adams mid ni-w Eves. AGRICULTURAL. 1V'iu5ils mi (I ItlrsiHiiiTH Of various Farm Vnulurts an-l oilier things in furious Countries. cONn.unrn. J Government I.'iwt mWjisitrf. A town is six mill's si uni t', and cuit:i ins .'1(5 KiTtioii, 2U.010 ucrt'rt. A si-ttion, ono mile sqimro, (5 10 neros. A nartor-M'f-tiin, half n iniie Miiart, acres. As this is KW rutin sijuare, a Mrip hih roil witK. nr every rml in wiihh, i t an uric. A Imlf-tniarti-r sti-iiuii is a half ini'e lon, north ami south, iilni.v-t univorally, ami a fourth of a uiilo viih, K) arros. A ilimrter-iiunrti-r si'ilion is oiic-fniirih nf n milo square, 10 arr.-s. au, is tin? Kinalli't sizoJ tract, except fruitions, ever sold hy the government. The price is 81 an acre. Measure of a ,Me. "Vliil eiiira-'i-d in the compilation of this vnlimUi; article, wo received the following tahle from a friend in Maine, who, in remarking upon the indisposition of some persons to tuko cm agricultural paper, "hecause," they ny, "it pertains to the cyMem of hook fanning,' says some nhject to the "Plow" because "they can't allord it." W'e ate sorry for their poverty, lmt more so for tln ir ignorance and stupid determination to remain in it. This single article, which if less than the fiftieth part of what we give them for fifty cents, would cost nnv one of them fifty times the price of the "I'low, in lalKir to glean this informa tion from fifty dollars' wonh of hooks. Our measure of distance is hy the stand ard English mile, which is oiSO feet in length, or l?t0 yards, or 5110 rods. An English geographical mile is equal lo t0 i0 yards. Ancient Seol'h mile 1 mile Fdir'h and 221 yds. Anriput Irish mile I jso' (ieniisn whort mile il ( loa; mile . 1 iT.t i:2i " I'I'.I ' ts if.': " 52;)1 1 II") ::i:i .:.:) Hi.) as-.t l.'sn than Hanoverian ;ii.l Tuscan mile Iiiusiaii in i lu Danish mile D.tnUic milo Htinparian mile Swisj mile Svee.i!i mile Arahian mile t Modern Human lailc'l'.U LiiL' l.rxt.Tit or i i.aci r. I'r'l: pos'ini; le.i.if -2 mi'i j!i aud74 t i!. 1'ieiicll league II r. iiiiii ii-,t."ii :t Sp'U jiulii i-au l'orlusal i-a-;ue Flamli-rs league Spanish com. do " 11 la : m) .. :j - i.v;t " " J7ii i.r.NOTii or ii i'h v.r "r.Aii Hi... I'ersiaiiaratiaiig :t mil s I'li'h anJMMi yd. Russian w erst it O'.i.'l " ' Turkish brln 1 A Oeriiian geogr mile U -oua (o 4 Lnghsh miles, or Slot! yaids. ' SCKIl'llHE MIMVI air. ".f fiMath Day's Jaiirneij" is 1,1.") yards about iwivthirds of "a mile. 7 Day's Journey is 33 1-3 miles. . R,r. is IJ feet 11 1-'.1 in-hes. . '..,; is 3 inches. f Fathom is (i feet. . ',rek Foot is 12 l-'J inches. . ll,l,r,r Fo il is 1 212-1000 Ihigli-h foot. . nut is -2 feet. .1 Great Cubit is II (,a.t. Ffryf)tian Cubit is 21 SS-KKX) inches .1 Smn is 10 9 J1-KMMI imhes. As the 8iiperfices of all our States ami counties are expressed in square miles, it should be borne ia mind that the contents vt a mile is 610 acres. fijvtrs Ynrti in an ,1trr. English. Ml); Scotch, r,li); liih. "Mil; II u-.i-htirg, II. All; Ani-tciiliiii. 10 22; D.mi. ii-, (iti"l; I'litin-o, (li -i ll.i.C'J; rtn-i;i, (iiin-ijrii ) :m.':i. Mt.iiuf rr.-- Tlii- i p-'-WTillly I I.., .i... I I ..!.;.!.;. ... i ..I I 'llll'll 1 1 I', 111" ll'llll, llll' II U'I Uli'ill iih ilcliinii' in tlio iirn.4o "nliiuit im I i r n u ' i' i f i linlk." It niiolit to l o mi-ii-miIi il lV l!io i iil ii- ar.l ir ciiril. A rnMc :ir. i-i .'7 fiTt.riiili ul' wliiili nml. mis i I.', rnliic iii'liri. A nili.-tunl is 1- rlil ii- foci. As llii iim.-l i. LiliiH r.-i luivo ! .in in lln-il- limit i.C tin' sii- nf n l.llo . : . . . v i f u. ii n H'iiliiiinii!-r a nuil, tiny . ...i ,i I'l-.'iilily tiiiiqiari' thnt with tin: quantity nf manure, if staled in cmc. Eerycnrt it wagnti Vox, ln.foli' it leaves tin ma-ki-r's shop, ou:;lit to have thn cul.i.; ft-i t and inches it will contain indi-lilily mai ki-d upon il. Tlii. would etiahln tin; owner, who Iris read "The I'low," to calculate the iiinouiit (f his load of gtnin, toots, earth, stone or inanure. H'eiilif of .M.innre. A solid foot of half rolled MaUe manure w ill wi i.:h, upon -. t , ... mi iim la-'e, .ill iiiiiiiiiH. It it is ivnr.iUor dry, it will Hverngif -IS j'nuuds to the foot tlloiiit of manure, or 'M culiic ft-i I, nf lir . I quality, will wei-ih HHO jioiinds ; of siiiurl quality, 1,7'iS puiinds. Height to the tint. ljoht loads nf lirst kind weighing KUy iiounds, will i;ive 1US pounds lo each fquriie rod, and less than tun mid n half pounds to each square foot I'ivo loads w ill uic (ill pounds to tin- rod An iu-re coiilainiii,' IM.JCiO miicuc feet tho calculatioii of pounds per foot, of any qunility per ai re, is ca.-ily made. 77p measure of mi ml may he tonsider- ahly eviiiiidi-d in i-ni'V Youth who wi . 1 1 . .i .i ... ram uny sillily tiii-so p;iges, whi' li wc have pt epari d i h a measure of lahor especially for the lieiicfit of all who mea sure lh" capacity of our intellect to mvt useful inuiriiiiuion hy l(1,r muiilhly cliron- i.'ii's i i matter.; ( alculated, or at h.-a.-.t in tended to i le;ilo !u; inind.i nf our readei : iuiiiii a-iua! !y iihove tliose win are stii groping in the darl.nesa of willful ignor ance, iiocause n lin-ir nu--pnoeil ecoiioiny in not patronimir ngriculiuial jiajn-rs and sciioois. - l lie i'low. i,i.wiiis imaui i-i-iiji mi iiimm.iKm w'. USEFUL RECEIPTS. Ii(i((d Corn riidiliiie. Ii well together: .'1 ciqis Indian meal ; Z cups ol liiitteriiiiik : I cup of water ; halt a cup ol luiiti r; half a cup of sugar; tea-pooie fill cooking :oi!a, nml "2 lu aten eggs. Put into a tin mould covering tin toil with a clolli firmly tied on, ami hoi three to lour hours. A convenient mould may he mad" by cutting oli' the top f an oyster can, nml liending the edge oern wire. Serve with sweetened cream, Ha vered with nutmeg; or with butter and sugar melted with a little water, and n few spoonsful of currant jelly. The addition of fruit, either fresh or dried, is a great improvement to many persons at least. J'lly fiirrsc. Clean, very carefully, two sets uf ni-s feet, put them into hot, salted water, suf- licient to cover them, let them boil slow ly until perfectly tender, tind the meat falls from the boii". Then put ihein on a dLli, and take out nil tins hones, cut up the meat into small pieces, mid return it to the ket tle, and stir well with two quarts of the liquor in which they were boiled. Then season with salt, cayenne, sage, sweet marjoram, and lour or five red pepin-rs, cut line. Stir all well together, and after letting it simmer slowly ten minutes, put it into tiei-p iiisnes : wnen com, rut into s ices, ami warm m a pin with u littli or eat cold, if preferred. vit.egar, Valuable Itccript. Mr. A. P.ionson, of Meadville, Pa., says: " I'mni fifteen years experience, I find that Indian Meal poultice covered over with young hyson tea, softened with hot watt r, and laid over burns or frozen llesh, ns hot as can he borne, w ill relieve the pain in live minuies. If blisters have j n 't arisen before, th'-y w ill not after it i put on, an.I on" poultice is generally sulli cient to el Pet t a cure." W e never knew any thing warm to I e used on frozen llesh, but this remedy might he good notwithstanding. En. Sail Tor Stables. If a compound t f gypsum iu,.l hidphate of iii.igne-ia he us -d on the floors of .v.a. bios, it will absorb tin moisture, and am mount, nml keep tho .stable dry and free trom t.ilensive smell. I he compound salt, after it has absoibed all the moi-ture pos sible, is removed io be u.,ed for manure, and fresh salts applied in the same way. This is an excellent plan for keepirg sta bles dry and healthy. To Cure a Uullo Horse. Tl. , r n ... .ii. i in: . mowing ineinuii been tried s ic.-.-.-sliilly on horses that " would m t I ni in me loot nt a lull. Tie a hand kerchief over the horse's eyes uud ti ll hill tog i. lie wilUt-p like a blind hoise and draw as if there wire no hill I fore linn. I.el thoM' who have tho: pests lit go.n temper, tjiiky n.-rses, try this simple expedient. To (bc Ink Main-, out r a-lnliogniiy. I . .... . . Put a few drops t.f spirits of in a teasKHinful of wd't-r, toiiih llie with a feather tlij'ped in the mi.Miue, and mi ihe ink tiisapiu aring, rub it owr iitiuiediately with a rag wetted in cold water, t r there w ill be a while mark which will not be i iisily ellaced. To lukf Mulrr Soft. A corresjtondent of the .Maine Farmer itllli' tlmt ft I, It -It. I.. ..t.. I I. .1 into the water, will, fr. .1.,..., ... e i t i lim e t lour jimis oi nam water. Tins is a vain able rect ijit fur housi krepers, and which may be easily t- M'-d. etie A MI'.KICAN AM) oitUilNAL. THE KNICKErUOCXEP, I1A0AZINE. r.oiiin ii v Lo-. ii (Jwii'fin Ci.vhk. 'P'll-. n nn!-r for .1, .L l'nr'y-s -roiiil ol. I.ui'iarv, IVil, l.i-iris lln" nil" l 1 1 if Ivnu if tiock - i-r Ma.i.iiiP, Siiii.i- llii- pi irf of h i'i Trip! inn li m lu cn re d ii-rd fiinii I'm' In tlnpp d illars a v-ar. (In i-n mI i I inn of Ho- Kvn in mini Ki n lii-ni i tit-1 i-iiMi'd in in fuiir In oiip. In iiiinv darri i.L,... ,.i,,,,.. r.. ..... I...I..,.. ;i, ii,,,,,,.!, h,,. p in l ., m.M.iiiy In- i -i .iiii:. is now nllpird lis rlirnp as liny of Hip M "iil-ii i, nil tiling r.iii'nli-ri-d. In'- . l I tt l.lrl fiT tti'iLin.r l.ltv ;lli.l tir-inli-riiiliu l.rtttlliul. i - ... i j...... , W P ....,.... .. r i I .. r il... - ..r I . i Mini .1 ii'i, i i.o i- I'oni nut irri in idii- iiumlii'l s, uhn II we l.ii'.'.iil i v o" pa-;iM. to a iiuuilii-r j I "Tim .e f i mili.i r " i. h ti" Monsip t i'li hi i llradei , Witti oillTlves, jliltiitl id ill" of ils wit ami o oimiiims, r.iiitorv Men. hu ll ivp d-rllC I'-i-i, p.ii'iiiii.i so. in e I l lhi lilllnli'-r ' I II" tol-'Op' Mollis I il ol,! lil.ini ing urn on ns u ii y like Home lair il'i 'I'-iii? in the HUn-dum- of ! a M ix ni.iinii V. I In wonder how Mr. flai'k rould In eel' linly 'I. I ilo-v-i hut i Ii is iiiiiniii-r giv- M nil' . e ;ii--' i'i:; he ih'hI in the i iiiiii-i'C iniinlier ; ! a im si" ! of I'vhaiistion.' ; National In'elhceiirel, '.ishiiiutoii. -Pleanii!. genial. ileli-hUnl 'Old Kuick !" 'J liv mime is a H ip :e it ioa of tliiinjs ileleelnhle ; the niirhi- of 1 1 iv uiodest, fresh cover, a balm . u Kpirituiil noi" eyes; a glniiep within thee, I hesl innidnte Cor Ihe hhies. Thou Inst given to liinlly h itnor, to piipiant ilelineation. iiml lo Kii!i'-'.,il -1 ui..- fun, a 'local ha ion,' 1 without whieh tln-v lliil'llt iro W.llcleri'l'r overj the ilonnin of letlern, eillinj now nml llu-ii where n frieinllv door npeneil t them h-i' r-- i lu-otig to lie riunl'irteil lor the lots i I tlu-ir old i.-ar hoii'.e." t'o'liirr, Ihllling'on, VI, " The ereat rare etineed in the Neh i lion of iiilicles ililoni I's pnjen, is a millieierit "iinrnti'v that no po:iirihiitioii meets the eye of tli" reader lmt those v liith are known to he Worlliv of his perusal. Wlo-h hIoiiiis ;:-nl w lid ti-i-ipi'il s are Nweeping o'er nnr hill-side village in these chill winter hours, and is .hear reel i'e.olite without, we ask f.-r no more n;rri-eahe i-ainpiiiion thna (he 'Kmck p.n hoi k i n' ; for while its cou'ents impart vnlnnhle Informntinn, its sallies i.f gennine wil are a sovereign specific for nil fiisof the 1 t i s or iiII.H'ks of Ihe horrors, and time pTsios merrily on." Democrat, Dojh stown, I'eim. "The K sk k i mini k i ii has hern and will h" n f.u t of its own j n creiciine living thing, all Ihe more deiir ihle now that the new crop of iivi'gaines, filled wiih ariictes pirated from lai'.;!i'h nil hors, mak's fresh home creations more rim: picuoim nml welcomi'.'" .New York Clirlsl i in Inquirer. IJev. K. V. Sliellon, Anihor of Letlers fiom l"i the Kiver,' etc., will he a legale. r con tiihutor. Tin- h"sl lah-at in the country will lie en lii!ed, ninl ho pxpeiisn or ellint. t.p.ired. to in ike the l mi k i Hiioi k l it more than everile. s-iiiiujof (he first position among our ori ginal iii'-ric.t ii M ngazines. TI'.UMS. Three doll irs a year, si rietlv in .int. nee mere win lie no ,iev,n irom tins ." , .,'. ."j'n--. mi ,7i f in.; i ne lo- pies, ,-im upwards, )s2 (Ml each. Hooksellers and I'ostuiis'ers are reipiested to net in Agents. 'I'ho-e who will under'ake to pro cure subscribers will receive ii-rms. "cimen nuiiilicrs will he sent e-r.ilts on nn- plie iljou, pott mid. I M" I I-. M I : N I S FOR CLt'R 11 1 Vf ;. The ICmi -kkhiioi mai and Hainer's. Putnam's. (iraham's or (Jodey's Lady's Hook will he sent one year for five dollars; the Kvn kkh iioi ki a ami llonie Journal for four dollars a year. IOsr.(tl,. Two renls opr number, ore. paid nt the office where the works is deliver ed, ipi arterlv in ndt ance. All remi'lances nnd nil business communi cations must he addressed, iiosi-nnid. to SXMUF.L IIUF.STOY. MIS liroadw.ay. New York. Nuckolls & Co. ES ALE AND RETAIL Vtrnoi. STORE, (.leiiwooit. Mills Co., Iowa. The un- teisigneil leg leave toeal the nUention of the People of Mills nnd ndioiniiif Co inlie t, il. fact that they nrp in receipt of tlu-ir FALL AND WINTER (JOODS, Which for erire nnd durability nre uusur passed in Western Iowa, which in addition to our Summer slock of ti R( )(' l-'.RI I'.S, See., on In nd. makes it one of the most d-sirahle stocks or OOODS in the Western Country, (ileuwood, Iowa, Oct. '2;t, i.")i. 1-tf HALLOU'S PICTORIAL DRAWING-ROOM COMPANION. a nr.tonit or THE lllACTiri I. AN n usr.rci. IN- A nr. l-l. ..i . v . . no- ooji-ci or me paper is lo present, in the iiion elegant ami available form, a weekly 'eerai v melange of notable events of the iliiy. Its columns are devoted to original tales, sketches and poems, hy (he BEST AMERICAN AUTHORS, o...l llm e ,1... .1 .- . - ...... in-- ...,,.ii ,M nn- (loaicsiic ami lort-ign news; tl Whole well spiced with wit and humor. acu paper is 11EAFTI FI LLY ILLUSTRATED with numerous accurate engrat iii"s. hv end nen artists, of notable objects, current events in all parts of the world, and of men nnd iii-iii- s. altogether making n naner i.,,ii,l- ,i. - I in ill deaiirn ... no- 1 :' ' ' " -mm iniii II contain views of every populous city in the know. i world, of all huil,j,g3 f note in tho i cm in w.-iterii In-misphi re, of all the prin- ' cipal tdiips and dteamers of the navy and1 meii-haiit service, vtilh line ami accurate por- Iiairiw . . rv' rV '-,:r-' cr.nrr.rtcr ia the w .!.!, i.u.u ,iini ie,u lie. M.e-eli -s or lieau ifu sei-iicry.iak.eii mini iiiv, will iiK ,e given. wkii liuiiieiiras specimens f.'ol'l I: 1 i..-i .. .. the animal ;i;.i'ui, uie nirus or llie ;nr, and the lisli !' the 8i-a. It is printed line satin mirface -en'ing in nie- n iper, v. itii new iv c.i laical i-xi-cu! Km an e enni sn..eii...... ..r I'he whole l'onns a maiuiiio'h wcekK paper t.f -i:. .-a oi-mvo jiages. r.,,,-1, :v ,,., 1S I1U. kl g a VO.liHie Ill'l U:'i I. vi-!i al I it!l""sni1 in I ii, -s. i TERMS INVAP.I All!. Y i IN ADVANCE 1, one year, I suhserihers, ' It) , on 10 HO Any person s mliug us 't t , fh.ill receite ' sulnerilieri Ihii ti-i iith" , at the .nt rate i coi-v gr it ,s. One copy of The I'l,.,, I and one copy of Halloa's af our Union, rial, when ! I IK n VOgeun-r Ii V one ihtiih. S IIO. ' ' - year, for ? 1 ravelin; agents are tilii l. i per. not employed on Piildished every Saturday, by M.M.BALI.O! t. t inter S .. I: iioston Mass. WHOl.ESALI At; i:rs. S. French 121 Xls.m s'reet. V. v..,l, . I Wl,!. l" ,','""", 'r , Phihidelphia ! ll-nry I.iyh.r, 111 j;l,imi,r, rr,.t , imore; A. C. H,gl,.v. n Vi. .rJ T Ue.-., 4-1, and Cincinnati ; .!. Vh U Uoodtvanl Avenue. )..i, .',;. KVV , d.' ward, corner .!, ami CI,., . .. .. ... ' I A. Winch I J . .. ... 'esmit streets . St. i ........ , oiaiiiei Klliggulil I....:....:... . i nu-ky ; Wallace. Au,? Ktt c V 1 Chicago ; irut.ner A. Co.. 12 I'ai.-r , How, agcnn gvneralh . . - 4 .. . . , , ..c.iT , , ,- , THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. 1 t IIHIHT, VOHSt. AM HHINtn MISCELLANEOUS FAMILY JOURNAL ipolod to polilp lilf-Ml'iiP. wit ami Ii iimu. pro ip nml iiiu-Hp e-ins. nml nri"iiiil tali-s. uiittPii pviirp'-lv for tin' p iji'T. In poiiiics, j nml on nil rfc'nrlan ipipsiious. rrc'nriaii ipips'ious. h is wnrni unit in t, thpipfois tiinkiiu; il i-inpliiil i'-ally a 'r.pT.n run Tin: million, anil H wi-li ii'iii- i h it or to 1 lie lumii- rirrh-. Il rnn:.iiiM llii- foi-ii;ii immI ilolinsl ii- lirws oT Hu ll. i roiid'-iin-il as to pi rsrnl I In' great est pos-ilile ainiMiit of iiiti-llii'i.i-e. No aiU'i- (isi-ini-iits are admilti-il to the paper, thus of- ! r I it... ..I I .. I.:.. I. :.. ..f i riiii.. inv i'imiii: niiii-L. n un 11 11 ,u Tin: ma m. mo in sizi:, for the Inslrnrlioa nml ninnsement of Hip iren pral render. An nnrivaUed rorps of rmitii liutors nre recnhulv engagrd. and every d" p irimeiit is under the most fmislu-d mid per- fee HVS'ein that evperiem e run Htiggesl, I forming nn OUKUNAL r.MM'.n. The I'i, ah is printed on finewhi'r paper,: whh in-w and heair il'iil tpe, nml contains' 1210 sipiare inches, heing a large weekly pa per of eight, super-loyal quarto pages. T F. IIM S I N V A 1 1 1 A 1 1 L Y t fuilisrriher, one year, 1 AOVANCT. $-2 no i I miltscrihei s, " " 7 00 III " " " I.t (in Anv pTson sending us "f w elve" suhserihers. at the last rate, shall i en-it p the "thirteenth"' copy gratis. One copy of the flag of our T'nion. nml one copy of llillon's Pictorial, when taken to gether, hy one person, $1 (K per annum. Traveling ngents nre not employed on this pnper. I'lihliuhed every Saturday, hv M. M. B A LT.OTT, o. a'2 Winter St., Huston, Mass. WirOLF.SALK A fi i:ts. S. French, 121 Nassau street. New York ; A Winch. 1 H Chestnut s'reet, Philadelphia; Henry Taylor. Ill Haiti mure street. H.illi mnre ; A V. It-ijrlev, ii2 Vine street, heiw een I h and oth. Cinel-innl i ; .T. A. Poys. l:t ward Avenue. Detroit; 1'. K. Woodward, cor ner of I'll nnd riiesnul streets, S'. Louis; Sunnel Kinggnld, Louisville, Kv.: Wallace, Austen & I!ue, li.' Clark street, Chicago. C II E A P E S T MAGAZINE IN THE WOJtlD. BALLOU'S COLLAR MONTHLY. r.neonrageil liv the iinpreei-dent ed success which II. is ponuhir monthly has met. with, nml the rapidity wiih which it has inerea o-d its circulation." Ihe proprietor has resolved to make it Ht.ill more worthy of the patronage of tne public. That this admirable work is a 'Miracle of Cheipin-sM," is admitted by every one, containing, . it does, "one hun dred pages'' of reading matter i,i each num ber, and forming two volumes a year, of six hundred pages each, or "twelve" hundred'' j n- reading mailer per annum, for ONI DOLLAR! Dallou's Dollar Monlhly is printed with new type, niton fine white paper, ami ils mat ter is carefully compiled and arranged by the hands of the editor and proprietor, w ho has been known to the public ns connected with the Huston press for nearly fifteen years. Its pages roi, tain NF.WS, TALI'S; POEMS, STORIES OF THE SEA. SKETCHES. MISCELLV NY. ADVENTURES, BIOGRA PHIES, WIT AND HUMOR, from the best and most popular writers in the count rv. It is also spiced with a record of tin; notable events of the times, of peace and war, of discoveries and improvements ocenr ing in either hemisphere, funning an nsreea ble coinpaiiio'i lor a leisure moment or hour, anvwhere, nt home or abroad, each number heing complete in i'self. No sectarian uuhjects nre admitted into its pages; there nre enough controversial publi cations, each devoted to its peculiar sect or rliipie. This work is intended for Till'. MILLION, north or sou'li, cast or west, and is filled to the brim each month with chaste, popular and graphic miscellany, just such as any father, brother or friend would place in the hands of a family circle. It is in all its departments fresh and original, anil, what it purports to he, the cheapest magazine in the world. C'-tf A new attraction has just been ndded. in the form of a Humorous " Illustrated De part ment. Any person encloiing one dollar to the pro prietor, as below, shall receive the Magazine for one year; or nnv person sending us eight subscribers and eight dollars, nt one time ! .,1... 1 1 - . ' ' , n,"," ' " ic i opj- gr.aus. S1 in tile conies sent when desire.! M. M. II ALLOC, Pub. and Proprietor, No. 22 Winter St., Roston, Mass. LIFE ILLUSTRATED! A I-irst-Claas Family Newspaper, devo'ed to News, Literature, Science, nml the Arts to Entertainment, Improvement, ami ProTess' One of the Weekly News'iapers in the World. $2 a year, or $1 for half a year. The Scientific Americnn says: "It is of large size and faultless typography. Almost . , .' '." V'"'-ige is ireare.i " wruers. llie K. I Refitrmer pro- nounces it "llie most beautiful Weekly Iii the I nioa.'' THE WATER-CURE JOURNAL. Devoted to Hydropathy, it, philosophy and Iractice; to Physiology and Anatomy." with i n,. rr.M, i,!.-.-.r,.1o.i,! nnd to those law, U'tOcll ri,i-..rt 1 ifu .....I ll..l,l. a. ."HI rents for half a year. ' il.:'.! iii-j ill. M .1 Vim. . a year, or ; ! .u-.u-,.i I.,-.., ... T j i-Tiouir.n wrecii presents j fc.-....i iiu.iiiuiiii ii iu viinianie information ! ... tl inline. " he ater-Cure Journal is the most ' pomi- i ir neait'i journal in th ie World." N. Y. I .VPIll'lg 1 TIIF. PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. il. lotfd t l ireniiloiri-. IM,, c .o. culture, and all l!n,s- iTr.frr .....'...... " , i "'-nf u Mr uie j.i . , , . . r." Illl.l SIM I'-f i':on ami iiiiiriiir.mi.ia i Mankind. I,,,,,, ii,,,. i year, or aO cents for six Devoted to the li.'liesl ha .. a.i : i,.i-..m. ,.r i 1 lll- Yi .' .V'''' 1!1 a t'l,''r a'td stvle. a l ord.-d ,1,,. .,rt. ic,., f .a t-ar o .....1 .... , 1 llt ely lolla'r ' ' " u in running up its pres- eht lar'i-e cirenl it . . .. . ' ., I f.,. -T " '"', inucil Higher figure.' 1 I I inui.e. I V. I' . ir I I . r .. 1 il. p . V t.f I "ore ! ; .....i. ... .i '- I " ror. 1 - , ' i . -1' ir.iaU will be sent' U7rLr,;?Z":'m"' ''" ' ear. Please . I'r. ptid, as fullii-.vs : . FOWLER WELLS, -No. 30S Broadway, N.w Yorl Greene. Wenm &, timin T- IVVl 'III ..v s.iwm, I 1 '1 -it 1 I. vv I'V-N r o , ' .T lV v 11 , " l !! ..." '."" Rapids. Iowa. urriir. 12 ' - - . CoWcVou.n ...I." ' " ' M'"r-. I"-1 rur. li...,! i , '-. I ' Land , . ,,,, .,,, , Bnv jl1r( n . Iowa. .if I hen . niiVJ. A n" tnt'ters pertain- '"grating, or becomes a subscriber to mine !i fl tl . Zl , "'-'"-'""ypoWaphv, '"H' of our excellent Magazines ami rece "11 ' i J tTZ ;"aCU'r I'',1''6 ,",,"fr" li r",!'-'r.yfvrI.. year,;ayi,,g,,,0 .Vl ; n I tii'iVt i i ' ,'x,'-l''l',J "1 nnv work , tl"' "bcriptiou price, lie nlso receives Viol? I with which wc are .u a:,ai.,i..,l r a be.n.t ir.l ,.',.1.1 :,',! . ' 'V ? V'at IT. ll .... I.. ' -II 'I'. . " nf. uu j C"'iri"r i Ktii i '-",u"i -vn journa Tree " "f charge, and. at lb ;.., ... '. . I. T II I It D j Y P. A K or rur. 1 CO N M O l.l T A j PltOSPLCI'l'S. I The m.iti.tgeinent of this new .nnl"jio"l,ilr 1 liiilitii'.ioa mmoiiiice, with pleasure, that nr rangeineiits for the Ihild year hate lieen roin-ph-led on the most extensive Rt-ale. Works of Ainerican Alt, and the eiii-uiiragcinent of American genius, hate not heen overlooked. CnuiiiiisMions liav heen ismcl to many ilis-lii.gui-lu-il Ainerir.iii Ar'ists, and a ppet-ial aueiil has visited the great Art Repositories of I'.urope nml made careful selection of choice Paint inas. lirnn.eand Marble Statuary, Among which nre the following ex ipiiiite pieces of Sculpture, rxecuted from the finest Cirnt J inarhle. The New ntrl Heautifiil Statue of the "WOOD NYMPH." The llusts of the Three Cheat American Si at esineti, CLAY, WLHSIT.H AND CALHOUN. Palmer's I'xquisite Ideal Hust, "SIM! I NO." To 'elh -r wiih the IhisU and Statues in far hie of APOLLO AND DIANA. The Struggle for the l!"-H', l'sveh", Venus I nml Apple, Child or Ihe Sen, Magdalen, Innocenc", The Little Truant, and The Captive Hiyl. lieiih's whieh. nre numerous Statuctles in Ih'on'.e, M "d allium, nnd n large and clioitc collee'.ion of heaa' ifnl OIL PAINTINGS, hy leading Artls's; the whole of which nre to he ilis'rihuti-d or nllo'ted to suhserihers of the Association wi a tcitoist.v. nt the next An nual Distribution on the y.xtli of JANUARY next. o TERMS OF SUHSCUIPTION. Tli" pnymeiil of Tliree Dollars constitutes nnv person n Member of the Association, and enti'les him to FIRST The large and costlysteel F.ngrnving "Saturday Night, or any of the monthly jMig iines git en below, one year. PF.COND A copy of the Cosmopolitan Art Journal, one year an illustrated Magazine of Art. THIRD A share in the Annual Distribution of Works of Art, comprising a large num ber of Paintings, Sculpture, &c, &.c. The following Migatncs nre furnished to ! ,1,1"v", who prefer them to j .l n;"1' M.ign.ine, (Jod.-y . lv.:"t''i::,.'"'!'k''1' 'V-'-y.'"e, the Engraving: t Lady's Book, raham's Maga zine, maekwnod s .Magazine. Sotcliern Lite rary Messenger, U. S. Magazine, Mrs. Steph ens' New MnnUilv. nnd the British O-iarterlv- P.eviews. Littell's Living Age, (Weekly.) and two Memberships, for SH. Thus it is seen. Hint for every $3 pnM, the subscriber not only gets n three dollar Maga zine or Engraving, but also the Art Journal one year, and a Ticket in the Distribution of Works of Art, making four dollars worth of reading matter, besides the ticket, which may, in addition, draw a Reautiful Painting, Statue, or mher Woik of Art, of great value. No persoa is restricted to a single share. Those taking (jve memberships nre entitled to six Engravings, or nnv five of the Map-nzines, one year, nnd to six Tickets in the Distribu tion. Persons, in remitting funds for membership, will please give their Post Office address in full, stating the month they wish the Maga zine to commence, nml register the letter at the Post Office to prevent loss; on the receipt of which, a Certificate of Membership, to gether with the Engraving or Magazine rhj sired, will he forwarded to any part of the country. For Membership, address C. L. DERBY. Actuary, C. A. A.,' At Eastern Olfiee, 3 IS Hrondway, New York, or Western Oilice, lt'ti Water street, San dusky, Ohio. READ EDITORIAL OPINIONS. "From the New York Evening Mirror." Throughout the country there are thousands of persons who purchase or subscribe for the lending magazines, at book stores, nil of whom, bv joining this Association, will not only receive their literature for the same monev ns before, but will be, in nddition, equal nnd free participants in a rare art-work distribution. They also receive that beauti ful tpiarterly, the "Art Journal," free. Such nn enterprise cannot fail to command the approval nnd patronage of the public. It has a basis ns firm and pure ns its objects are beneficial and noble. There is no reason why it should not become national, in its claims upon the people. Originated and eoiidnete,! by iii'elligent. reliable parties, the new Asso ciation is entitled to every confidence. " I trust the Association will he eminently successful. . Ps very liberal inducement ram. mend it strongly to the patronage of the pub lic rilii.rJ T. l. 1 . j,.-... ... ii ... mi. "From the Louisville Courier." There is no danger of losing by this Insti tution ; it is no chance affair; you get the full worth of voir money, nnd have thp satisfac tion of aiding the Pine Arts." 'From the Water Cure Journal." The Cosmopolitan Art Association seems to prove highly successful, as it is beneficial. Ihe plan on which it is rounded is an excel, lent one. From the Rulfalo Morn in Express." Let each individual remember three things : It by hU sahsi-rlp'iou be Ki-cures a fiouri' Un hy hi . J . i i.m P"-s,iiit and profitable reading, or a splendid r.ngravine. nml ei.iiil.... i,i,,iii ' ... ..i. .." : ,u '-ur ' """ m ni nisrniiiuion, winch disseminates i uco ur.iges gou-l readin and a taste for How can $3 he the. beautiful mid more profitably fxpeudi'il? "From the New York Evening Mirror." We are not surprised to hear that hundreds of subscribers are pouring in daily. Our only surprise is, that the hundreds ,o not swell to lliousiiids. since every subscriber eel his monev back certain, hi' the hesl li!eraf.. ni elegant l.ii'Tavnin- a.,.i his art chances - , "From the Louisville Courier " llie Cosmopolitan Ait Assuriatitmhnve re ceived nn.l are constantly receiving large , ! , of Hiihscnhers fi,,,,, ;,l o,)r.,.(,. We do not vvoi.dcr at it Almost every individual is ,:, .? ,'. "lltouiigis ollereil by thin j-.iit-ii meinliiT V.!'"','6 u '''''Wing Home one of the' niunr r" Art l" be ilistriliuted. There rous it simply amounts to this: if you are takim' ff.T'.i 'r;1'-'"8' rp,""w .voar mihsrriptions refore, K-ill. II. f II.- . ' . ""'I' l' t oiinopoii an ,-rt Association If you do not take a M.'g uine, the,, e.,d your name in, by all means, and supply yourself wi h reading matter. at.,he same' li,ne"V.- pi ,g ti disseminate art over our land. FAMILY FLOUR. " pv-!'i!' Si',.,,"iher has on hand a fine lot of IrV1, FAM,LV ".WW, fromWavtily Mill , M. T. CI.XRKE. forwarding & Commission Merchant B' llevne, Oct. .:, J t.;ni 1 -t f in- VARIETY. Do tlieylmisiiu.:-!! n0iU,.. II V 1 MA V l.I.l.H. in Do they .niss uie'ut Inane ?J,)o tht-y u,jM p , ' l'tvoiild be nn nsr.i.i.ince moHt, To know that my tiaiup was forgotten. As though I bad iictcr luiu lhi-ie. To know the. the tailor and 1 indlor.l. And the hanks where uiy paper is due, And the hosts whom 1 now t-ainml im-iition Had hn ni all me quite from their view. Do they miss me at home? do they miss iae ' When the market l' r money is tight., And t o.-r' or. s in liaatc are. parceling a Their tlehtors, by day nml by liight. Do the friends, who onre loaned me a "fifjy And the others who loaned me a "ten" Heave a sigh of rt grt-t as they misg ,1P Atel wish they could see me again? Do they miss me at home? Ho they miss me9 When no longer I'm seen upon "Change, And do those who were wont to assist me Say "his conduct's infernally strange v Docs the Shy lock who loaned me his money To hear me to regions tmknow, Look ii: vain for occasion to dun me, And Wish I ngu'n were nt homo? Do they miss me nt home? do (hey miss )uro 'Twould he an assurance most dear, To know thai my name was forgotten, As though 1 had never been there. lint I know that my memory lingers Around the dear place, ns I ronin, And while I've my wits and my creepem. They'll miss me they'll miss me at home. " Pete," n comical son of the Emerald Isle, who carried wood and water, built fires, ite., f,,r the "boys" nt Hamilton College, is ns rfood a specimen of ihn ! genus Hibernian OS ever toddled ill a bro- gnn. One. of the students having occasion to n -prove him one morning for dclin qiicni y, risked him where he expected to go when he died." " Expect to go to the hot place," said Pete, without wincing. " And what tlo you expect will be your portion there ?" asked the Soph, solemnly. "Oh!" growled the old fellow, as ho brushed his ear lazily with his coat tail' " bring wood and water for the hoys." A certain laron who gloried in a tre mendous pair uf reil whiskers, had collected his frit mis for n hunting parly at his chateau, and wishing to show his wit and amuse his guests, he called a gardner who was working near, and who wore no beard, and asked him why he could not wear a heard. " Sir," replied the peasant, " when tho good (iod gave out the beards I enme a little lute ; the light, the brown, the black, were all distributed, nnd none remained hut red. I preferred to go without rather than have one of such color !" The Laron was surprised to hear tho laughter of his friends, for he was quite unable to see tho joke. A Conference preacher one dav went into the house if a Wesley. Keformer, and saw, suspended on the walks, the por traits of three expelled ministers. " What," said he, " you have them there ?" O, yes, thc-y are there," was the an- wer. " Jiut one is wanted to complete the set." " Pray who is that ?" " Why, the devil, to be sure." " Ah," said the reformer, "He is not yet expelled from the Conference." A dabbler in literature and the fine arts who prided himself on his language, came upon a young.stcr a few days since, upon the l ank of a river, angling for gudgeons, and tints addressed him T "Adolescence. sire tinm not endeavoring to entice tho finney tribe, to engulph into their denticu lated mouths a barbed hook, upon whose point is aliixed a dainty alllurcment ?" " No, replied the hoy, " I'm fishing." In 1CS7, the la.vs against witchcraft being in force, one Jane Wonman was tried before Sir John Powell, a native of Worcest-hire, and her many adversaries swore that she could fly. "Prisoner," said our judge, " can you Hy?" " Yes, my Lord," replied the prisoner. " Well, then you may ;" said the judge, "(here is no law against flying." A lively imagination may he a good thing, but when it lends one to fancy that a wart on his linger is a premonitory symptom of cholera, its utility may be doubted. Young girls like lulls, yountr men like belles, brokers like bills, topers like bowls, ami (-animals like Lulls; by changing a vowel, all tastes are suited. 'I My Eves, Jack," exclaimed a tar, seeing a soldier chained to u cannon ball for punishment. If there aiut a soldier at anchor." Universal live is. liko a mitten, which fits nil bunds alike hut none closcij ; true allectipiMs like a glove fits one hand only but sets closely to thut one, A gentleman having a large sized six shooter in his hand, was u.-k'ed, " Pray, sir, is that a torse pistol '" "No, sir!" hi) rejilied, it's only a Coifs? The kind l.ndy w ho sent us a mince pic, with the request to please insrrt," is as sured that such articles are never crowded out by a press of other matter, It is said that a skipper in New York has so often erased the Atlantic that he knows every wave by sight. The 1 1 io-1 jioteni J.nbor Saving Machino is a l.-ir-'e fm iuiie left 1 v vnur mud.