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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1856)
- r An Ind!!Ufent FaaLilV Nowspaper-Dovotod to Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusements "and General Intelligence.' VOL. 1. stllthnt cattle. rUBI.ISIIFD EVEBV T1II.HSDAY AT BCUEVIE CITY, N. T. n v S. A. STRICKLAND & Terms of Subscription. CO. Two Dollars per annum, if paid in advance, or $2 50 if not paid within the. year. to rLUii-i : Three -copies to one address, In Advance $" 00 Seven- do do do 10 00 Fifteen do do do 2:1 00 A '"liib of seven miWriWsi, at $lo, will entitle the person maki it up to a copy for six months; a clnh of fifteen, at $M, to a copy for one year. When a clnh of salisc-llter has keen forwarded, additions may be made to It, on the same terms. RATES OF ADVERTISING Square (12 lines or less) 1st insertion. .$1 ( Karh s diseijueiit insertion f 00 ro One sqnnre, one mon'h 2 50 4 00 a oo 10 00 5 no RO 00 .r oo 20 on 10 0 1 3") 00 20 00 10 00 R no 20 00 13 00 10 00 li 00 5 oo (liree mo iths " " six " ' one year Hnsiness crls ((I lines or less) 1 venr O ic co' tinn. one year (-!"-hiif column, or:'! V".ir " foirh " ' " "; eij'i'h " " " " cul nnn, six mo i'lis " Inlf eolurvi, six mn-i'li " fo ir' " " eirlitli . " co! iin . 'lime inovlei ' In'f col urn, 'lirn inovhi Pi t h ef'h'l) ' " v ii.rlnT li'es for office JOB WORK. For r-ijrVh sheet hills, p-r 100 For qnarter " " " " For hi If " " For whole " " " Kor eoiu.-a nner, imi sneet,niT tn For blanks, per q lire, first quire F.ecll suhseqnont q-iire Cirds,tW pack Ent snlisenneiit pack $2 00 4 o 1 1 1 For Ball Ticket, f incv p-pnr per IrmM 0 00 Each subsequent h iudred 4 Oil BUSINESS CARDS. L. L. Bowen, ATTORNEY ANP COUNSELLOR LAW, Bellcviie, N. T. S. A. Strickland, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR LAW, Hellevue, N. T. AT 1-tf AT 1-tf C. T. Hollow iv, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A I LAW, Bellevne, N". T. 1-tf W. II. Cook, GENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Hellevue City, Nebraska. 1-tf B. P. IUnkin, ATTORNEY AND COUNSNLLOR LAW, La PI itte, N. T. J. SejJley, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT 1-tf AT 1-tf ii. LAW, Omaha, K. T. John W. Pattison, MOTAltV PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE IN AGENT. Fontenelle. N. T. 1-tf James S. Izird & Co, 1AND AGENTS, Omaha, Douglas Comity, J Nebraska Territory. 1-tf Dr3. Milcomb & Peck, rvMAHA CITY. Ortice on Haniey street opposite the Post Olfice Particular ai- tentiou given lo Sa'rgery. P. E. Shannon, 1-tf F AT. ESTATE AGENCY. Cerro Gordo Post Office, St. Mary, Mills Co., Iowa. P. E. Shinnon, COMMISSION fe FORWARDING MER J CHANT. St. Miry' Landing Mills Co, Iowa. Ppter A. Sirpy, TORWARDINti & COMMISSION MER I1 C1IWT. Rellev le. N. T.. Wholesale Dealer in Indian Goods, Horses, M iles, an Cat'.le. TJ. J. Sullivn, M. D., 1- T'IYS'CtAN and SURGV.ON. OlTice L H"i 1 of Rro id. vav, Council Rlii'ls, low nnv. 1.T l-.f. Ti. II. Poonon, 1 tt nvr.Y a , f( )U N -SELLOU i. ',',V, G'-Tviol. M 'ls Co.,, pric- i tO lie Coo's of vri lowland 'iri a. ,. 'h S inrcm. C-tr ftf lows Vi ' I A-r'ieT no' In he Programme, no 4-'f SVOe,n, JOHN II. SIIERM.W. "".VISFVS -"I rOtTNsF.T.T.O'tS AT . VW. t.I V VfAR'F.S IM-'lUf, f'osn I ,,v , vi-.U .ifie'Ic" ' 'if lirof'Ssi"!! V ''. !.( etiT'ls' I to h"ir c ire, a1 ! ' ' If I. Iv. .. i .,! I , . ii- n 'a h.'V!-r "'' ci H ,-iv-n 'a b,iv""r " ins r il es' i Ne'irasVu. nn I m iki ig pr--emp ious l)-eds. Mir'i r... nn.l n'hr ins'rum-n's vrriti ;r dr w.i wi h dispstch j acknowledu Hients takeii, tc, Ve. OIH.-e ws. si-'.j of Midison street, just above Uros.U iv. nor 13 '. 1-tf. BELhHVUE, cnLLcvic AiiVi:nTisi:iii:Ts. VJIOI,i:SAIi: AV HKTAII, STORE IN OELLEVUE. WE wonl I respectfully invite the riMem of Rellrvue, nnd Do iflas Co.. to cx imine n ir lar"e and well sel'H-'ed assor'nion of dry (;oons. (ii)o"r.itii:s, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, hoots, shoes. IHU'tJS, MEDICINES, H ATS CAPS, DOORS, SASH, At., Sir., And in f.icl every v.iriefy nsn iHv called for in the West. We' lire eniilidi'ii! that any one wishing to piirrlnse cooils will lie entirely satisfied, and ti id it will he to 'heir interest to call n u.l eximi'ie () ir brge- and well nelee'ed nasorlnifiil of froods. SRi'Y . MWI'Y. Hellevue. () I. 21. l-:f SPLENDID GOODS, at Tin: VARIETY STORE OF II. VALE. THE Subscriber having j ist npennl at his store in Hellevue, a fresh supply of goods, of everv description, would call the altention of purchasers, to the fact, tin lie has the largest and best selected stock of Good1;, to be fo md in Nebrnska, and that they will find him sup plied at all times, with SILKS. SATINS. MILL! NARY & DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, POWDER, SHOT. LEAD. HARDWARE, ROOTS, SHOES, ,tr &,c. All of which Ins been selected bv himself from the best es'nblishinents in the country, and which he will si1-lower for cash, than the sani" qua!i v of goods can be p irch ise.l at, in anv s'ore in 'his see'ion of coun'rv. H has a'so. a large anil well aelectd stock of READY-MADE OP eyerr description, best qunli'y and finish, and inferior to none In Nebraska. Thankful for past, favors, he solid's a con tinuance of public patronage, and hopes tha' purchasers wjl call and examine his woods. Bellevne, Oct. 23, Hid. 1-tf NEW ARRIVALS AT THE 1IIKA1 THE S ibscriVr resper'fullr InvPes 'lie a teution of p irclnser. tohis large ami splendid s'ock of Goods, consis' in" of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS. ROOTS. CAPS, SHOES, TOBACCO, PATENT MEDICINES, &c &c. All of which he warrants of the best descrip 'ion, and bought expressly tor uns marKct. He has also a well selecien r-ock or O lot hi: INTO, Made after the LATEST FASHIONS, of the REST MXTERIXLS, and hy r.Ai'i-.Ki- '.CED WORKMEN, all ol wiiicn ne sen CHEAP FOR CASH. , JtJI CHAM-. Hellevue, Oct. 23, 1S5H. 1-tf BELLEVUE Boot da Qlioe STORE. JM. HART AY. would respecTuliy rrlj J . inform the inhabitants of Hellevue fff and vicini'v, that he has commenced to M tn ifacture BOOTS AMD SHOES, Of all descriotio'H. from th.) finest tinisli to the coarest make. Einploving tione lint the best workimn. he will l alile to warrant an u-f.rL- iliiio at bis es' ab'lsuineut ' The highest canh price pan!, in trade, for all descriirions of RAW HtDLS Hellevue, O-t. 30. lSjo. -J-tr HOUSE CARPENTER AND A N. HR!GGS, T.ikes lliii method of iu- .. fonniug bis fiiemU. ;.J the p ih ic ge ienllv, tha' he is pien ire 1 to HI II. D AND FINISH, in the Pest m inner Dwelling Houses Of every e icription of s' vle and finish, on the most reasonable terms. ' Thankful for pas favors, he solicits a continuance of public patronage. Hellevue, Oct. 30, ls:ni. 2-tt STONE MASON AND rlaGtorer. mm' I' ,.i..roi.nefl hivin" comme'icel the I above business In Hellevue, is prepared T to do all work In bis line, nt the shoriest no lice, in lh best manner, and on Jbe "io rea- mnah'e terms. M. ILl;.l. cous'ani einp vm-u't " h""" " -- - -i ' . , t.w l ,..i(..B fin an. pliea'ion to vo-ni.ow. Hellevue, Oct. fltl, ISM. '2-tf I CAME TO STAY. Tub undernL'uei vvo.ild respcclfjlly an no .nee to the ci'i'ens or Hellevue and vicinity, that b" is (iretvirr I to do II OITR SKIN AND n-MMINTU n.MNTINC, m r. ll:. MMlill.KlNC. if., in all it various branch. of PAPER HANGING Executed In th neatest n'yle. V Puiuti mixeJ to crier, .id- .l''-" N KBRASKA, TJ 1 U i:;:i,i.iai i; aii:uiisi:mi: is, Chorlcs E. Wat son, piVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, V lli'llevne Citv, Nebraska '1'errilorv, pro fesses to be'ed-' in the l.iv of Hie 'land in IhU vicini'v, and nil'-M his services to hiicIi as ul IV need them, i ri'asonable terms. r'-r. f He will a'"o hp' as agen', 'he ptir chae or sale of Re al Es'ate. in the Territory, or Wes'ein Iowa. Iiil'ornia'ioii furnishnd HpAu applicTion. tiled and pre-emptions nb'.aiucd. ..f A. ScliimonsTtv, 1 110PO(;UAI"IIC ENGINEER, Executes -L Topographic, I'.mcv mid Plain Drawing of cverv s'vle ,it,d descrip'ion. Fancy, Ornn ment'il and Plain P.iiu'i ig cxecutd to order. Oilice at til" llellev ie Hivian, Ilclleviir. N. T. Hkkk.hkni ks: P. A.Snrny.Sl. M iry, in'w.i; ! dge (iilmore, lirlli vne. ' ' HfSfcviir, IirasKii. TS prepared to transact (he general businrss of Ranking, will receive deposits. Discount on paper, liny Kills of Exrhmgc, on nil of par s ol llie t o inlrv, and sell ,n St Louis, i nicagoan.l rvew ork: make colleet ioi, the vicinity' and remit for the same at Current rates of Exidiange. L" Interest allowed on special Deposits JOHN WEARE. President. Tnos. II. Hknton, Y. Pics. .Iiuin.T. Town. Cashier. .if Hanking Ho irn From it to 12, A. M., and 1 to 3, P. M. . II. T. Clnrko, OR WARDING &, COMMISSION MER J. CHANT. Hellevue, Nebraskn. Dealer in PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH.&c. (.old & Brother and Edward Heinpstrad. Water street, Chicago! .1. W. Hi-kin-, Milwaukie, Wis.; R. M. Noiton, Pres. Racine co. Bank. Racine. Wis.! C Barrett. River MreM. CUvetaml. O. Fent0r. .V. Bro'her, Cincinnali, O. ; Tibbie k. Hays Erie, Pa.; C. B. Wright & Co. Hankers, Erie Pa.: C. B. Wriglit. Bat.krr. Pbilarleinhin . DarlitiT, Albertnn Rose, Front street. N ., . j. miis, wa'er s'reer, y,. ( Ball, Trov. N. Y. ; Mr. Huiigerford. President Rank of AYes'field, Weslfield, N. Y. , Hon. S. Morton. Nebraska City. j-tf MANUFACTURER. A 'Wll 2. info WRIGHT, would respectfully r rm the Gen'iemni of Belle- ir vue and vicinity, that he is prepared to manufacture, to order, every vniie'y of BOOTS ANO SIIOE3, Of 'he best finish and I. a'est Fashion. He is also prepared to m 'ke up in the best manner. Embroidered and Worked Slippers, which he will warrant to please all whB favor him with th cii,toni. Hellt v ie, Oct. 30, ISjll. 2-tf HO'Sr. CA?wFNTEflS AND AVE would respectfully inform the inhabi tants of Bellevne and vicini'v 'hat wo arc prepared to ERECT mid FINISH Buildings orall Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work- menhke manner. Having been engageil in the business several years, we Ice! conlnleut m s'ating. that all who favor us wi'ti their cus tom, will be pleased with our work. ' ' hi ii. irn . rrr uno Hellevue, Oct 23, 18jii. 1-tf " dlacksmitring", rrMIE Undersigned beg leave ( inform L tb e Inhalniants or Jjougias couniv, u , ey are prepared, to do all work in ' that they their line of business, in the best manner, and on the mot liberal terms, t their shop In IlWnc. rf Ilivin" bid several years enivrience n HORsr.-SlIOl'.INO. i i om of th lies' uliops in'ern Ciie, thev will be able to (rive en'ire satisfaction, to all who 1'dvor them wilb their patronage, in this li'ie. 1 SHAW fc ICF.TON-. nellevue, Oct. 21, IKa-i. t-fim 3S US L Xj 3Z5 "V TJ 13 flIIK projrietir of the above Sa-v e JL loon, 'iiK' s P"' CI---S vv ,..,i.i;.. tl.-.t l.u ! nnnouiiriu': iu e ' - now (irej.aroil to serve at all hours, and in the b-'st manner, V.WllM OH ''OLD MF.ALS. OYKTF.H -A. COOKF.l) IN' F.VF.HV STYLF. SAH 1)1 M.s. I'11'' ' '' M"KI.FI) TONCI F.. iiou.r.1) i.(;t;s am) i: mk in season. To'elber wi h every thing that is u.suam found in a Flit ST CI.VSS Rcroshmcnt Saloon. ir.iriiir hnd ronsiderab'.e yterieiire in ra- terine for the unblie tns'e. he is ure that all who favor hiui ..itli a rail, will be sa'infied. CIIAIILF.S JOHNSON. Bellevne, Oct. 23, ls.m.l-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND JOINF.HS. fllllF undersi''nd jdeasure in n I ..,.; to the Inh ibitant of Bellevne an.i i thut iI.pv am now jireeured to HI II.l) AM) FINISH, in the best manner, all nvlcs of Dwelling Honses, Cottages, &c, tc., On the shor'est no'iee, and in ihe most ap. liroved n'yleof worUin,i-.-hi.. They will lie . . i -l. 1.. l..i liu lf also liappv to no anv -, buKiness, which their friends may Htaml in nne of. Ml hits 4i. ii ui -iivw. Bellevne, Ocf. fri. .'-'I Ho! For Fresh Water. Till.' ..r.l..ri. ied resnec'fullv infornis tb ,ki. ...... n Itelleviie and the slirrounilin .,.'. tl.i be is nremr4 lo der and liaitll, WELLS A3ID CISTERNS. V 'i! nhor'.est notice, and on the most rea nnsble term-. I). A. LOU AN. Bellevne. Oet. 23. IW.-l-K It S DAY, DEC KAI POETRY. To !l Mll XU'Cv. II V T. S. Sweet Blanche, !bo i art lovely child, Aye I a huclv (lower ail thou; The rose is budding on thy cheek, And the lilly on thy brow. Thine eyes are of slarry luster, Llllle eyes of laughing blue, And around Ihy head does clusler Waving hair of golden hue. There is music in thy whisper, rvecter than tin- singing bird, For thou ait a ceaseless lisper, Fond of many a prct'y word. Long may'st thou be a rhilj at heart, As jdai ful and as Iree As now thou art, my little niece, In the days of Ihy childhood's glee. MISCELLANEOUS tiii: iia;k .iiuutOK. iiy nniiNAi.n vr.nsos. Towards die close of evciiino;, on a line uiitninti day, nnd jut as the slnules of nitjht were lieifinnitio; lo enwrnp the city of Florence, Cornelius Aurippu heard nij't'-t now. 1 ijj ht tiip nl liis door, and saw u Mraner enter the room where he sal :,iiidyinr. 1 Altho:io- the Mratioyr's Ilinre was I food, and his l otintciiaiii e irentle mid die-! iiified, lliere was somi tliin"; iiiidelinaiily j iny-it'-rions nhoiit linn, that inrpiivd a de- , pree if fear und reuil.-ioii. It would ' have I cen dillieuli to rursa liis years, as the iittriliiiics of vc.tali were btrnnci'lv I blended in his whole person with the char ucierisiics of npe. Ihns, thotifrh not n Iinniy, his form lioweil doutilij liu: weight f years; his liii' l; nnd aliun dant locks were ahiuv-t white, and his lntn hinir nnd liiel.Klious voice was weak (nnvriiir. wor,' I'loroniiiie ivMnme, though he curried a jultrriin's Mai!, ami his wnist wns flirt I y u I road m1I wi di, on which were ioiiroi'lercd some Urietital words, llnniuli his lace was pule us den ill, his features were i! remnrknUe beauty, nnd uuve token of leep wisdom, while exjueasive, nl llie ame lime, of the most jmiu'iiaiit mental i uiiirm.-ii. 'l'arden this intrusion, t-uid he to A.'iinri:!. "The fame of our m-iencc T ' 1 . . i i I i .... i 1 14 ' 1 1 1 ' r SlueUU Ultl inn oil'., ? i i i ..... i.;. : d over llie wori'i. aim iuimiiu reached mv ems, i wouiu nui n-uv una, fa r iy wuhou. having - en v," "Vo . are welcome, sir," snBI Airrip,; ... "Ill I ' but I am afraid n'r cuno.siiy will I e ens- appoinled, for you will only hud in me n man who, far from upending his lite in acquiring honors nnd riches, as all wise people do, 1ms only wasted long years in pu inful study, und in the endeavor to sur- nnd to' nn.-e Home ol nature wun ift the veil concealing the occult sn encos." t, . II. .vi- i nn vou talk of lung V'ari, in i. riu...l tin. triiii!er. with a inelau' liolv eighty f,riiii.'s, und when llie tomb is al ready stretching; forth its friendly nnns to .-a I .... I 'I I eternal lest ? In my child - IliVlie vou i" tritii. .v.:. - i i , . . ... , reinble ,1, mu. ia it i veriuMin-. Urious career. . t i ...,i...r j..rt ii. tb.. i.ui.Ii nut now, i wouiu mm' i - that, emulate him. This . venin- he .el 1 1 . . .,t i ,i tt.'iii,' Lilt luA l( r(-rl No, to coi.tume his tar. i-r, u iisri.t t:ie .r 1. In. ions. I'.ver the KUII'J I"' K v 'u"m" - same There is in gruve for Imu ! And slen ihe t II. VC.I 1 I I I) t L11.1L ll.-llis.. II ....... carta niiditand ruiiK are but the toarj ue d over his unhappy fate!" . . nnssion; me admirer ol the beauties oi nature, and a jirofoui.d observer ot her various phenomena, Arii'u had often indulged in Miiidar thou.'ht; yel toe btran-'er imjre.-)Uni una turn i i.iinti wererso dillereiit from lii, lhat ho felt unable fur a while to return him ny fewer. Presently tho 8tran!?fr resumed: "I have been told wonderi of a mirror falw ioned by your innryelous art, nnd thnt thi mirror can recall the visarra of u dead or Hlixenl Jielson, viuose iniiuu-i '-", wi?h to irae upon. Altu! there u no thin? on arth thnt can charm my iirht. The t sub hus nvtill.Hved lip al! trie l iects of mV aHection. nnd time has robbed me of evcrytinni? in " 11K 13 m"'" rA' 1 " I ,L" .1. . ...... .. kll.t.l til cure nnppy. ninny in""i"i this world, not one l t-hed for ne' ; ninl ihe our e of tears eein lined up in my liMrt. . Yet I would fain see ili;W ir ile cv. nd that siHitleM brow on w hi'h ihe Almichtv hand had impressed fii no blest teal. Tho Hjrht of her imairc would I? more welcome to my heart than all the universo ha to olllr exc jl a prave." It was nhvnvn dilli-u!i obtain of 15 Hit I I. LS5(i. Aorippa pi Tinisioii lo riuistili liis limbic mii iMr ; yet iho m! i-m n.f'cr'ri words u sn ejn nl mi iniii'oMi(iii iipmi liim, iliut In; I'UMSi'lili'tl ill tmro to i; nil i I y linn. "W ll-llll (1.) ynii wi.di to In-lioLl ?" asK-.-I !i-. ".My tl.iujrliirr my inv uml loving M ii inm !" ("onii'litio closml iiji i vory npcrluro lliroii.'li ulii. li tin' tli'cliiiin I, ,1a ,,f ,aV I'uiiM liuvi' ju'iii'liahul, uml liuvin plucd lln fliaii;;i0' tui liis li;;lil, lie lici'uo ! rliant wmic lyrii vitm-n in un iiinlor vnicc, ninl in a nirntii' Innejiunr,!. Sovcral linii'8 l!u Klihno-iT J'uni it J he licuid li Vuiri! t'i'-jniliilin lo thut ul lln miiic i.iu, Inil tin- sounds were tn fm ll that it y uild 1 1 n v. Imu li dilTimill to :1V. A liilc lln inuii inn c. t ii i i im i liniiliti";, llio t liniiilirr lu i aiiii' illumined I,y di;. jl i'i's, hut w ithout its Initio; lippni i t.t wlicni ' JiliH Cinloil the li:'!il. At l:i l lli" Mriinir-T jirrciivcd m uii' ciul of tlio rmuii n l-iro-t' mirror tlmt covrrcd tin wliolo wall, iiito-h whose Hurl'nce n thirl, rlond lit-jit llimti ' to mid fro. "Did your daughter di inuiriud I" a !;od t'urni'litis. "No, she diril n virgin." 'How innny yt firs no did the grnvc i'loi' ovrr her '' Thi' htr.invt'r'fi liiow was und lie inpliod with ii drurcii of petulance, "Many ynir limn I Imvo time lo contii "Yet I initst Know llie liiniilior." said 7 trrij):i ; "lor this wand intist truce as maiiy tir.'h s as there arc! li tu of y.-ar.s hinee your danirhier's death ; atnl ii '"i!y w hen the la -I cin ! .shall have hceii nee 'iiiphshod lhat yon will l.e enabled to rop her nppetir in tli niii rnr," "Heirin irurintf your circles, .tlieii," '1 he siraiirer, witlj ti Litter s-v'U; and above ail, tal,e jiatiuice. Iriitated hv this iiiipeiintis tone, the fortunes 1:m L'tiest seemed to have expe. lieined. Mis hand novv l.eiui lo trace circle after circle, 1ml it sreme'l us if lue wnnd had luM its j'ower, for the M.rfnce uf the mirror wns Mill dimmed hy the cloud. L'orneliiu then turned towards llie stranger, saying, "Von singular hcing! who can you he, for your jircicnce ilm hi di-turh my innititnthns i This wnnd. 1 guided hy lh'' rules of my art, h:u now 1 described ii space of four hundred year, yet ihe surfuce of the mirror is still llie j same. Answer me ! Would you mock j me, and has the per-en V"'' desenhe never existed i '(Jo on go only reply. i'.' wa the btranger! i j . . . r'..r.nd us went on tracin'' the circh - -- t . will. wand. I'.y dint of turning round "d l""!- B'w "'. In lU.llvll If 1111 Hilt tkilll)lllll. "' . 'y-' " '". ' . "V IliriUlUg VOICi; Ol liu: ril.illi-i .. ...... to persevere with the words, "Ho on iro nn'" nd on ho went ; nor was- it until. nccordin,' to his cnlcula'ions, the wnnd l.nd coin! over n period of m ro limn twelve hundred years lliut the ( loud mi a the surface of the mirror rolled away ; on seeing which, tb' Strang, r littered an exclatu ition of delight, and rretrg from i his seat, trnzed in no lacy at the st ein thnt A splendid l.inds'.ap'j Iny belore mm, intersecffl bv a rapid torrent, and belled 1 by hi"h mountains crowned with ma-nili- ; j - . . . j e rent cedars In the forenrround fi few cHir.- h were praiotr, nnd not far lrom ' ihe.n ra:i a little stream, to which a herd . . i i .i .i , . ; of sheep had erne M bcr ihtr.t , ! 1 Will!' Ull I'T 1 iK . wb-i.b. i f i in ti tall pilm tree , sat a v-juic,' , dressed in ,11.1 . , . i a very cosily Orieniul garh, , Ir.. .t , li.l ; eo;uiy wienei eu ihuh u le Min. htruni . i , .1... 1 I ...... nl.h.,1 I., m.'i ... - i u wie : himh-. umi ui- , vencinoiroy ; '' . .. . toward th -o.rnr wl.en Corue ,u. wul. i 'l-w noi mm i"-1' . i sstrair'-r for every p you fil.e to sip preach tin; mirror, will only dun the ob- ! , i . r ...l ....... i le rtS (lepiiteil oil lis Miriace, nii'i roon ; inale tbeui vtinish entirelv wor.l re.-trameil the siraticer ; but s i Ki'-nt was hi-: uri:atioii that he was obliged to lean for Mipport on the magi cian's arm. lin'ohercnt expressions of surprise, pnin, or jilea-ure, burst every now unJ lie n from hi lijw. "Ti she '." rejvated he. "Sho is alive -. i i. l oiu'.i'nl th' I-1.!'. Miriam. i:.V child. SDL-UX to Hie. J.l, lienwin! she 111 w- s her lull.'l Oh! for one wr!, my Hill i'S 'V' danhier only iw word fr m your lips ! Nay. wci it bii a bi:rh h't hear you bnaihi. -Mas! all is silent and dreary as my own lieari ! V t sle smiles again 'tis die i-inile. the remeu.braiKe of whii h not fven the shadow of a ihou- n- sail I winter hivo cliiiled within thi heart, lu vain you ' lu iv-straui mc, old man," contiuied he, addressing Acnppa ; "I must press her in ny arms." So sayin-T, he ru.hed fraii'.''.y t- i wa-i's I i, wnen ii:- NO. 8. Miinily Minished, n cloud uncn morfl not iled on the sot lin e ol' ihe glues, and tlic si ranger fell senseless on tho floor. On recovering his senses, he found himself in Aerijipa's nrms, who was iriiie.r at him with liHks of mingled ur ju iso nnd fenr. Then suddenly master ing his weakness, he Minted to his feet, and iressing Agrim's hand, said, "I am thankful fur your kindness, and for the service yon hnve tjono mo in bhowing rtio ihe nweet hut laninhzing iuinge of my be loved daughter." At llie same time hit sliiod a purse inlo ( 'ortieliu.'s hand, whicii the lalter imiiiediaiely returned, saying, "Take hnck your gold. I do not want to inquire, how far it would become il Christian to accejit it ; ihe only jitiymenl I ask of you is lo tell we who you are." "Look !" mi id the straiieor. nuintiiH' to ! a hi torii nl picture hanging on the wall. ' It is the mnslerpieee of one of our most nncieni puinters, nnd reprewntH Christ healing the cross," observed Agiippa. "Ve, but look there," continued the Ftnni'rer, casting r midnncholy look nt Atrrippn. in he pointed to a persoriago on llie left Kide of ihe J'icture. (Cornelius nv:iin rnisei! his eyes, nnd saw. to h's astonishment, that which lie hnd not remarked before namely, the Ntrikiiur likeneHs thnt existed between the countenance nf the jiersonago depicted find that of the Mrnnger. "Why," said he, "would you hnvn m look nl llie wretched infidel who dared to strike our divine Savior, while he was benriii? his rrosM, in order to urge, him to creator pecd, nnd who for this baso ac tion i condemn"! to ivnndfr nl.-out the earth until the second coming of Jesus Christ.". ' . 'A Ins!" said ihe stranger, "that nTetch- cJ jnfjtlel is mvaelf I am the IVU. and disiipjieared. , An Unsifted .Man. In n quif't little i Ou vr on the Western Reserve, in Ohio, i-ays the PreaCott Tran Hcript, lliere lives n mun who, pliyhiolo licully i-on-iib red, i cerUiinly one ol the wonder of die world. Hi joinu ara cooipletely os.silied. turned lo bone, aud he is not capable of matiino; the slightest movement, except iilternntely opening and hhuitiiisr two liiii,'eri,of his nzht hand. IIh IhmIv is ns riyid as iron, and it couldn't be bent without breaking some of his hone. This singular process of ossifica tion bus been going on in his system for more ibnii twenty years. He is now about f.rty-ix yenr old, mid has not had the use of his limbs ho thnt lie could Wlk, since he was niueiei n. Ossification com menced first in his nn'Je joints, gradually FxteiidinZ ittelf through hi system until he wai entirely helpless ; tince that time be has been wholly under hi mother's care, und site waudies over him with an nnxietv only a mother can feel. When 1 1 i i a hoi it twenty-six years no nc m-cumu en tirely blind from some unknown cause, and has remained so ever tince. At about thirty he so ill-red greatly from tootbaihe, and finally had them all ex tracted. A year or two afterwards his linger nnd toe nails came off, and were sujipliet by others growing out from his fingers and toes at riirht angles and pros si niio'' the ai l) 'arance of horns. -. What is Kijll nnire singular in regard to Us iiflil, ir the end of the nail is cnt off it will bi-ed freely. Such is tlm condition ,,f ibis r-maricable man at tie preaont II- ha been i-iied by a great number of si ii'i'tinc men fr.uu ail parts ol the world, but nil have failed W givo'any plausible reason of the causn of his trans forinaiion from flesh to bone. Singular as it may apnea r. although his jaw-bone is firmlv set in his head, he not only talks fi ly, but fluently converses with his friends and those who visit hiiu. mi all or dinary topic uf the day. mid he sliowt hiin-clf well informed, and of good uiiud. He i always cheerful, ajijiears contented mi l hnj'py, and it seems prolwble that he will live many years to eome. lUpuiuhc I'outfof Bteam. flu mists havo ascertained that gun powder on ' thousand timet denerthan t'.ie atmosphere. Jf, therefore, one thou sand cubic iti ics of atmosjihere were c"innres-eI into ihh inh, the one inch li, r .1 .1. . .1. : - d''' I : Would lie ot llie ' Mrengui as on cuoiu i r . . . I w , . .j slum gunjD'wder; Steiiin ali..:,t u:ie-ha!f tl'.O cravilV Of Weight ot ihe ntmospliero : iherefore, if I,7'iS inches nf. steam, which ran be generated from one M-ig'.a cubic inch of wuter, were cou.oieas'.'d into inch, it would to come nearly twice tho strength of one cubic iu -h of eumiowder. Thi fact vill iilu-trate the great expansive power or iaaiii. ' ' " Nothing is more ridiculous than Vlaminj the faults of others when w? ejhitij tha miji faults oarv-lves.