POETRY. The I'nrmrr. The farmer in happy man, It ruinc nil Ik needs, sir. The foremost stands of nil Hie tan. All occupations leads, sir. r.i' lr furnish beef ci iohIi , His lift ji, :i Iiph p (f wool, nir. Hi i'!n..li"n hearty and tough, II in cutlers slwawn full, nir. I f in bnrnn are large ami well fillfil, Willi hay, niul rum, and rye, sir, Ilia orchard rich, hi land wo II tilled, Both fruit nml food supply iir. Hin cellar in the autumn rimwi, Of roots, ft bounteous store, sir, He's well prepared fur winter's snows What could a man waul more, Mir V I I in liois.m kept in fun! rate trim, For wnpm, chaise, or ftlelgh, nir, Arc ready now, to carry him At nny llmr of day, nir. Hill cows are many, and the host Tho country ran a flui d, sir, 1 1 in butler, cheese, Mini milk attest, llin bnrim have been well stored, nir. Hi pig arc of the Suffolk nort, Yon never hear thorn nqucnl, nir, Because they never are kept nhort, Hut filli'il with rorn ami meat, nir. llin hens are not of Stm iijiIih i nort, He i hooBcn not by site, nir, An 'KK'n an egp, ami when 'tin bought An largo a rain snpplien, nir. llin turkey ami bin gecne are fine, Of bo'll he haa a ntore, nir. In fart, the farmer ban a mine Richer than golden ore, nir. llin very been are " btiny," too, And fill hin hive with rnmb, nir, They have an much an they ran tin, To bring hin honey home, nir. Who wouM not choose the farmer's lot ! What though he has to work, Mir, Much hanplnenn by toil in got, Hut who wouM like a shirk, nir? There'll la ml enough for all young men, Our country in a great one, Junt pull up slakes ami hasten then, Where fortunes rich await one. AGRICULTURAL. Kugur Cnne. The New York Hernld sny: The Chinese suar-enne seed, distrihuled by the Putent oflico last Spring, promises to be n, complete success ut the North. A package of seed was planted in Hacks co., Pa., b'.ilude 40 decrees North, and has arrived nt maturity. The iimximum height of the stock vaj ten feet, and the preduct in praiu much greater than any cereal under cultivation. The stalk is perfectly green after the seed hus reached maturity, ami the snrhnrine principle is then fully developed. Tho juice which is most abundant, is very saccharine, quite as much so n the variety of cane cultiva ted at the South. Whether the juice contains ll same amount of chrystnliza ble sii'ur, villains to be tested. Should it be found eual to ordinary cane in that respect, a new era in the agriculture of the North will be inaugurated, and an im mense breadth of land be devoted to cul ture, as soon as the necessary seed can bo obtained, which will reouire another year at least. The seed having been distributed late in the Spring, which was cold and Iwckward, there is good reason to believe that much planted did not reach maturity. Should the plant fail, so far as tho manufacture of sugar is concerned, yet its value as a forage crop cannot bo overestimated at the North. Cattle, hogs and horses eat the entire stock with avidi ty, and no doubt would fatten rapidly on it. The seed, which is small, has a thin black hull which can be taken oil", leaving a fine white flour as tho residue. We have no means at present of estimating the value of this flour as an article of food; but no doubt its merits will be fully inves tigated. The culture required for the plant is similar to that adopted for indian corn when planted in rows, and the seed should be put into the ground alniut the same time. As it is a quick and strong growing plant, it should be well manured. In a foflner number of this paper we noticed the receipt of a small quantity of Molasses, manufactured from cane grown in our vicinity. From experiments made here, and from the successful issue of the trial in Bucks County, which we give above, there is no doubt in our mind, that the culture of this variety of enne can be made a profitable business, and the North em States, will, in the opinion of many, in a short time le able to supply a portion of that article to the consumers at home We wish the gentlemen who have some of the seed of this variety of cane, would favor us with a small quantity, as there has been several apnliiaiious made to us' , ...... i ior some iq piani me coming ssprnuj. A Thing r.very Farmer should Know. If you wish to drive a cut-nail into sea soned oak tmibi or bend, just hav near by and dip th and it will never carts and plows for they are generally made most of oak woou. in Btraigntening oia nans is iore using, lot it lie done on wood, and with1 easy blows. If done on iron they will be cure to break. it, una not nave it i.ieak or more tunes, with u lmiihl ot two narts niOLI.SALE .M) RETAIL STORE. c a small auautiiv of oil Moraine, and iwo nans Venetian soan. i . ' T '!,,'", Mill Co., Iowa. The uu- ,e nail before driving, ! with -JO or 30 twrts of cold solution of IvV:.? n!: fail to go. In mending caustic potassia: then add one nart of r.ict it, this is of great advantage rcarlash. and cold lev millu ieni m nrn.bii ! t-ii i ivn ii-ivti-h r.i.-.m I Itiink olc l-.iira lug. Hy tin; improved hum of engraving hank note plates, b flat piece of Mot I, of In- ivpiisito illiiiiMiHHiis, is fir.-t prepared mi. I on it tin i iiiMiixrr ruts u i.'ii"tti, n ih (i i 1 1 1 1 1 : l 1 1 1 t liiruri', or tin1 n'-ii'-tnl loi tering. Fal'li of thi'.-o parts is engraved on a separate piece, called n lied piece, nml nn in. pnioti is then taken upon n lull, lirM softened lor that purple, nml lip n Mil is'mj utMit I y hardened. These sevc nil liiinli'iii'il die nn- afterwards trans (Vrrt'il tn their appropriate places on ilio plilto to In llMi'd fur printing til'' Holes. Th" ground work ulKiut tin numerical figures is produced ly n machine (ailed n geometrical lutlii. A plan to render counterfeiting almost impossible, is to ilin peine wiili dies, :i i id lme tin; outre laic of tin lull eiioravcd on iln plate as a unit tli.it in, In have llio device iniiili' up of one connected figuers or view, with the words nml denominational figures so in terwoven and repented that no imitation of tho same (-oiild In' Hindi' with a suffi cient degree of exactness. Inirnt ciiiciit In llool A Nliors. An F.nuliuli ini'iliaiiic 1ms devisod n ihmv plan for thn coiiMtniction of boots and shoos. It consists in forming the uiidcr solo and scat of the heel (hat it may lit easily adjusted in tho scut, or ho readily removed, repuired and rolitted, or a new oiitt Hiiluinttcd. here ilesireil, pasMiies or priMives nre forined in tho inner top surf lire, which louiinumrate with the atmosphere, nml through perforations in itt the inner solo, with the foot, there is stamped, or otherwise formed from leather pitta perrha, or suitnlile material for tin; undersoil? of hoots und other like nrtirles, a piece which forms tho mile, waist and sent of the heel. Tin? sent is hollowed in th centre, niul is formed on tho inside w ith n sunk pitman or rim for the reee tion of the heel. Tho plan presents de cided advuiitaLTe.s. tuull) of Vent Jh. For some time past, gas has been man ufactured from peat, in Paris. In mea suring the comparative illuminating pow ers of coal and peat gas, the result has been found to be in favor of neat, its power being three hundred und forty-two, while that of coal is one hundred. The manufacture of peat gas is also described as more simple than that of coal. Tho neat, if put into an iron retort heated to a low red heat, all'ords immediately a mix ture of permanent gasses and viqiors which condense into nn oleaginous liquid, which two products separate on cooling. The oil is subiect to a new distillation. and resolved wholly into a permanent gas and hydrogen very richly carburretted. rueful !nt rut ions. A washing machine, on an unique plan, has been invented, the clothes being placed in a slatted cylinder, made like u squirrel cage, said cylinder having within it at earn end, an oblique corrugated loard, und when the cylinder rotates, the boards cause the clothes to tumble from one end of the machine to the other, thus assisting the cleansing. A new printing press lias licen brought to public notice It consists in the employment of a rota ting and reciprocating cylinder, and also in u peculiar inking device, niul fly, which catches the sheets as they issue from thi press. The machine is simple in ill con. struct ion, can he allonled nt u low cost, and is not liable to get out of repair. Artificial Stone. The new artificial stone made by Mr. I'a isoiiie, the inventor, is formed by mix it g tho lluid silicia of soda with sand and other material, varying according to the required result, And thus forming a kind of thick paste, moulded readily into any shape. Kxposed for a time to the air, this gradually hardens by evaporation of pari of the water, and when put into a kiln, the water is more rapidly and com pletely given oil', the result being a per fectly soliM mass, the original jHirticles of sand lioing now cemented together by a kind of glass, forined by the silicate of soda raised to a red heat. Manufacture of Mineral Teotli. Artificial teeth are now made as hard as the natural. They are forined of flints or quartz rock, and feldspar. Quartz and feldfHir are both very hard sub stances, but rendered still harder when mixed or fused toy-ether. A iriven pro- Hirtion or feldspar and of flint are ground together, in a mortar or on a .slab, to an ,- . i ,i .1 i uuili'r'l llllUIIJ'tllilt iwwi(-, Llllll 11 UI3lc made of this powder is fashioned into the general shajie which may be desired for the teeth. c Mode of Propulsion. An improvement has been made in propelling boats, coiu-istino; "m an arran-.-incut and combination of the ordinary endless chain norse-jniwer, with puddle I i ,i - , - wheels, whereby the raising and lowering ol tne paiMie-wneeis to suit the various Ol I II It depths at which the boat i nks in the va- , ' ,', . , the endless chain horse fr( ni. jirothicrt t varpii'le itichiKitton of power in propor tion to the weight of the load. Marbrliring Plaster Object. Objects in plaster of Paris are now ren dered like mai l le, by cent in; l!u 'in, one ! perfect flexibility Fan-ity in soI-cting the truth, and courage to honor it, uivordiicr to its degree, determine our own decree of 'jnodne-.s. SCIENCE AND ART. AMEKIC N AMI OHM. IN M. THE KNICKEE BOCKER MAGAZINE. Ki'iirn nv I,iilm (iriin Ciark. f I1HK number fur .famiarv. I"iil, beinn the .1. Korty-Seriiml Volume of the Knickerbock er M.igiino. Since lli p r i t-r nf n ilisi ripl ion h.n been rc- iluceil fioiu I'm- to llit lull. im a year, the nn nl. ih. m nf tin- K mi k ninii k I R li-n been increancil nearly four to one. In many places ten are taken where there wan but one before, niul through the year it ban been steadily in cre.miii''. It in now nlo-reil an cheap as any of the Magaine. all tbincn eonniilered. In nleml of funking new nml proiligioun promises, we submit a few extracts from notices of late ii it in ! t H. which we might extend to n number of p'lgen. "Those familiar wiili the I'diior's Muii'blv '(lossip with his Headers,' have doubtless, with ourselves, admired the pareimial source of its wit and joousness. In this nuiiihrr ' The (insHii' holds on its way like koiiic fair rivulet cjlanrini; anil danciiu: in the sunshine of a Miv nun iiiiur. He used to wonder how Mr. Claik could bold out. evpect iiiur be must cirl.iinly 'let down' in the coming number: but thin number ciw no nii'n of ruliamlioii." National Intelligencer, Washing!'"". "Pleasant, peiiirtl, ilelijrhlful 'Old Knick 1" 'Iliy name is a nii(ritestion of things delectable ; the sight of thy modest, fresh cover, a balm to spiritual sore eves; a glance within thee, best antidote fur the blues. Thou nasi given to kindly humor, to piquant delineation, a ml to side.sililling fun, a 'local habitation,' without which they might go wandering over the domain of lettern, railing now and then where a friendly door opened to them but re fusing to be comforted for the loss of their old dear home.' Courier, Huiliiigton, VI. "'Hie great rare evinced in the selection of articles that adorn its pages, is a snllicient gnaranlvtli.it nn contribution meets the eve of the reader but those which are known lobe worthy of hin perusal. When storms anil wild tempests are sweeping o'er our bill-side village in these chill winter hours, and Is drear and desolate without, we ask for nf) more agreeable companion than the 'Knick rmioi kkh' t, for while its contents impart valuable information, its sallies of genuine wit are a sovereign specific for all fits of the blues or attacks nf the horrors, and time passes merrily on." Democrat, l)oj lestown, retm. "The KNirKrnnncKF.H has been ami will be a fact of itn own ; a genuine living thing, all the more desirable now that the new crop of magazines, filled with articles pirated from Knglish authnra, makes fresh home creations more conspicuous and welcome. New York Christian Inquirer. Rev. F. W. Shelton, Author of Letters from 'lTn the River,' etc., will be a regular con tributor. The brst talent in the country will be cn lii.ted, and no expense or effort spared, to make the Knii kkiiikx kf.b more than ever de serving of the first position unions our ori ginal American Magazines. I f.HMS. Ihree dollars .1 year, strictly in advance there will be no deviation from this condition; Two copies for $." 00; Five co pies, ami upwanls, (H) each. Hooksedlers and Postmasters arc requested to act as Agents. Those who will undertake to pro cure subscribers will receive favorable terms. Specimen numbers will be sent gratis on ap plicul ion, post pa id. I N U U C V. M V. .N J S KOK CLU I 11 1 XG. The K n i r k F Riior k i. a. nml llarner's, Putnam's. Graham's or Godey's Lady's Book will be sent one year for five dollars; the Knickfr- rockgr ami Home Journal for four dollars a year. POST A Gn. Two cents per number, pre piid at the office where the works is deliver ed, quarterly in advance. Ail remittances ami all business communl cations must be addressed, post-paid, to SAM I I.L HUKSTOX, 3 IS Kroadway, New York. HALLOl'-S PICTORIAL DHAWING-ROOM COMPANION. A rtSCOHO OK TIIF. IIF.AVTIFCL AND USF.VCL IS ART. The object of the paper in to present, in the most elegant ami avanahle rorm, a weekly literary melange of notable events of the dav. Its columns are devoted to original talc3, sketches and poems, liy Hie BEST AMERICAN AUTHORS, and the cream of the domestic and foreign news; the whole well spiced with wit and humor. Each paper is BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED with numerous accurate engravings, by emi nent artists, or notable obieets, current events in all pins of the world, and of men and man ners, altogether making a paper entirely ori ginal in us iiesign in tins country. Its pages contain views of every populous city in the known world, of all buildings of note In the eastern or western hemisphere, of all the nrin cipal ships and steamers of the navy and merchant service, with tine and accurate por traits of every noted character in the world both male and female. Sketches of beautiful scenery, ken from life, will also be given, with numerous specimens from the animal kingdom, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. It is printed on fine nalin surface paper, with new type, presenting in itn me chanical execution an elegant specimen of art. The whole forms n mammoth weekly paper of sixteen octavo pages. Each six monihs ma king a volume af 4lrt pages, with about one thousand splendid engravings. PERMSINVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. 1 subscriber, one year, 4 subscribers, ' 10 " " $3 on to oo 20 (Ml Any person sending us "twelve" subscribers ' ni (1e last. rate, shall receive the "thirteenth" I ''"nv -r ,,'!'- . I . O.ie copy of Ihe Hag of our I num. anil one copy of Balloii's Pictorial, when taken together by one person, one year, for $1 00. 'V Traveling agents are not employed on thin paper. Published every Saturday, by M. M. BALLOU. No. 22 Winter St., Boston, Mass. W HO L E SAL E A G F. N TS. S. French, 121 Nassui ntreet. New York : . 11 : l. ,t.i tl . . r.L , t t t a. nu n, i in i nesiiiui sireei, rmiaiieipnia ! , n,nry Tayori m Baltimore street, Balti- limore; A. l H.igley, in Vine street, be- tween 4'.h and 5th, Cincinnati; J. A. Roys, 111 Woodward Avenue, Detroit ; E. K. Wood v."rl, corner 1th and chennut streets. St. Louis; Samuel Ringgold, Louisville. Ken tucky; Ws'lace, Austen k Buel. i" ClarK St., Chicago; Trubner &. Co., Paternoster Row, agent for Oreat Britain and Europe generally. Nuckolls & Co. Which for prire and durability are unsur passed in Western lows, which hi addition to o ;r Summer s'.i'k of C. ROCF.RI I'.S, ,.r., o-i hau l. tiMkes it one of the most desirable oeks of OHODS in tb" Western Country. (iletiw'Hid, Iowa, O.-t. :!, S ii-,.tf I THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. av rtriMKT, mo mi. ano Rrrtn MISCELLANEOUS FAMILY JOURNAL devoted to polite literature, wit and humor, prose and poetic gems, and original tales, written exprcsntv for th pap-r. In politics, and on all sectarian ipies'.ioiis. it is s'lic'lv neutral, th-rel making i'. euipba' ica llv A PAPI.U Foil Till: MILLION, and a welcome visitor to the home circle. It contains the foreign and doun stic news of the day, so condensed an to present the greatest possible amount or intelligence. No adver tisements urn admitted to the paper, thus of fering the entire tle'et, which is of Til F. MAMMOTH SlF, fur the instruction and amusement of the gen eral render. An unrivalled corps of contri butors are regularly engaged, and every de partment In under the most finished and per fect system that experience can suggest, forming an (lit IG IN A L PAPLK. Th" l't.xi; is printed on fine while paper, with new and beautiful type, and contains 1210 square inches, being a large weekly pa per (if eight super-royal quarto pages. T F. H M S INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. 1 subscriber, one year, $2 "0 A subscribers, " " 7 Of) 10 ' " " 1") (Ml Any person sending un "twelve" subscribers, at the last rate, shall receive the "thirteenth" copv gratis. One copy of the Flajr of our I'nion, and one copy of llallou'a Pictorial, when taken to gether, by one person, $1 (X) per annum. Traveling agents are not employed on this paper. Published every Saturday, bv M. M. BALLOtT, No. 22 Winter St., Boston, Mass. WHOLESALE AGENTS. 8.' French, 121 Nassau street. New York A Winch, lift Chestnut street, Philadelphia) Henry Taylor, 111 Baltimore street, Balti more! A C. Bagley, lti2 Vine street, between 4t.h and 3th, Cincinnati ; J. A. Roys, 4:1 Wood ward Avenue, Detroit ; E. K. Woodward, cor ner (r lib and Chesnut streets, St. Louis; Samuel Ringgold, f.oiiisville, Kv.; Wallace, Austen & Buel, 25 Clark street, Chicago. CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IN TIIE WOHLD. BALLOU'S DOLLAR MONTHLY. Encouraged bv the unprecedented success which this popular monthly has met with, and the rapidity with which it has increased its circulation, the proprietor has resolved to make tt still more worthy or the patronage or the public. That thin admirable work in a "Miracle of Cheapness," is admitted bv everyone, containing, as it does, "one huu- Ired pages" of reading matter in each num ber, and forming two volumes a year of six hundred pages each, or "twelve hundred" pages of reading matter per annum, for ONE DOLLAR 1 Ballon Dollar Monthly is printed with new type, upon fine white paper, and its mat ter is carefully compiled and arranged by the hands of the editor and pioprietor, who has been known to the public as connected with the Boston press for nearly fifteen years. Its pages contain NEWS, TALES, POEMS, STORIES OF THE SEA. SKETCHES. MISCELLA NY, ADVENTURES,' BIOGRA PHIES, WIT AND HUMOR, from the best and most popular writers in the country. It is also spiced with a record of the notable events of the times, of peace and war, of discoveries and improvements occur ing in cither hemisphere, forming an agreea. hie companion for a leisure moment or hour. anywhere, at home or abroad, each number being complete in itself. No sectarian subjects are admitted into its paies ; there are enough controversial publi cations, each devoted to its peculiar sector elione. llns work is intended for Tilt MILLION, north or south, east or west, and is filled to the brim each month with chaste, popular ami graphic misceiiativ, just such as any father, brother or friend would place in the hands of a family circle. It is in all its departments fresh and original, and, what it purports to be, the cheapest magazine in the world. fV" A new attraction has just been added, in the rorm or a Humorous Illustrated Ve pa i iinent. Any person enclosing one dollar to the pro prietor, as below, shall receive thn Magazine for one year; or any person sending us eight sunscriliers ami eight dollars, at one time shall receive a copy gratis. fi?" Sample copies sent when desired. M. M. BALLOU. Pub. and Proprietor, No. 22 Wilder St., Boston, Mass, LIFE ILLUSTRATED A First-Class Family Newspaper, devoted to ews. Literature. Science, am! the Arts to Entertainment, Improvement, and Progress One of the Best Weekly Newspapers in the world. a year, or 51 ror hair a year. The Scientific American says; "It is of large size and faultless typography. Almost every branch of human knowledge is treated by able writers. The R. I. Reformer pro nounces it "the most beautiful Weekly in the c nion. THE WATER-CURE JOURNAL. Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practice ; to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous Illustrations; and to those laws which govern Life and Health. $1 a year, or 50 cents for half a year. "We know of no periodical which presents a greater abundance of valuable information on all subects relating to human progrc0s and welfare." New York Tribune. "The Water-Cure Journal is the most popu lar Health Journal in the world." N. Y. Evening Post. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Devoted to Phrenology, Education, Self culture, and all those progressive measures d.Vigiied ,r the Elevation and Improvement of .Mankind. SI a year, or .hJ cents for six months. "Devoted to the highest happiness and in terest of man, written in a clear and lively style, afforded at the Mow price' of one dollar a year, it must ucceed in running up its pres ent large circulation to a much higher figure." Tribune. Sl.01d.ini .i.itiioi ii v in all maiiers pertain ing to Phrenology. The beautiful typography, and the superior character of the numerous illustrations, are not exceeded in any work with which we are acquainted." American Courier. fV Eor Three Dollars 11. a copy of each of these three Jo minis will be gt:,t oi,. year; f.ir Two Dollars, half a year. Phase addres all letters, prepaid, as follows : FOWLER t WELLS. No. 3uS Broadway, New York. Greene, Woare & Benton. T AXKEHS VXD LAW AGENTS, Council 1 i mum, roiow.o .nine county. Iowa. Creene A. Weir- I . I .r IM..;.!. I Wcare k;;; ivVtlMidnes. .i. I o lecions made ; Taxes paid . and Land, purchased an I sold, in any put ol l -.n. .f T II I R D V E A R of nn: t 'O S .M OI'O I. I T A X PROSPECTUS. The mai'.vcineiit of this new and popular Institution iimni'iiir", wi'h pleasure, that ar rangements for the third year have been com pleted on the most extensive scale. Works of American Art, ami the encouragement of American genius, have not been overlooked. Commissions have been issued to many din tinguisbed American Artists, and a special a gen' has visited the pea' Art Repositories of En-ope nml made careful Selections of choice Paintings, Bronze and Marble Statuary, Jkr &.C Among which are the follow ing ex oulsite pieces of Sculpture, executed from the finest Carara marble. The New and Beautiful Statue of the "WOOD NYMPH." The Ibis's of the Three Great American Statesmen, CLAY, WF.liSTF.lt AND CALHOUN. . Palmer's Exquisite Ideal Bust, "SPRING." Together with the Rusts and Statues in Mar ble of APOLLO AND DIANA. The Struggle for th Heart, Psvche, Venus and Apple, Child of the Sea, Magdalen, Innocence, The Little Truant, and The Captive Bird. Besides which, are numerous Statuettes In Bronze, Medallions, and a large and choice collection of beautiful OIL PAINTINGS, bv leading Artists s the whole of which are to be distributed or allotted to subscribers of the Association r.RATciTocsr.v, at the next An nual Distribution on the 2Xth of JANUARY next. Terms of subscription. The payment of Three Dollars constitutes any person a Member of the Association, anJ entitles In in to FIRST The large and costly steel Engraving "Saturday Night, or any of the monthly Magazines given neiow, one year. SECOND A copy of the Cosmopolitan Art journal, one year an illustrated Magazine or Art. THIRD A share in the Annual Distribution of Works of Art, comprising a largo num- hcr ot Paintings, Sculpture, &c., &c. The following Magazines are furnished to those who prefer them to tho Engraving Harper's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Knickerhocker Magazine, Graham's Maga zine, niackwooil's Magazine. Southern Lite rary Messenger, U. S. Magazine, Mrs. Steph ens' New Monthly, and the British Quarterly Keyiews. I.itteirs Living Age, (Weekly,) iiuii two iiieiniiersiups, ior 5o. I hus it is seen, that for every SI paid, the subscriber not only gets a three'dollar Maga zine or Engraving, but also the Art Journal one year, and a Ticket in the Distribution of Works of Art, making four dollars worth of reading matter, besides the ticket, which may, in addition, draw a Beautiful Painting, Statue, or other Work of Art, of great value. No person is restricted to a sit"le share. Those taking five memberships are entitled to six engravings, or anv hve of the Magazines, one year, and to six Tickets in the Distribu tion. Persons, in remitting funds for membership, will please give their Tost Office address in full, stating the month they wish the Maga zine to commence, and register the letter at the Post Office to prevent loss . on the receipt of which, a Certificate of Membership, to gether with the Engraving or Magazine de sired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. For Membership, address C. L. DERBY, Actuary, C. A. A., At Eastern Office, 3 IS Broadway, New York, or Western Office, ltiti Water street, San-dus-ky. Ohio. READ EDITORIAL OPINIONS. "From the New York Evening Mirror." Throughout the country there are thousands of persons who purchase or subscribe for the leading magazines, at book stores, all of whom, by joining this Association, will not only receive their literature for the same mnny as before, but will be, in addition, equal and free participants in a rare art-work distribution. They also receive that beauti ful quarterly, the "Art Journal," free. Such an enterprise cannot fail to command the approval and patronage of the public. It has a basis as firm and pure as its objects are beneficial and noble. There is no reason why it should not become national, in its claims upon the people. Originated and conducted by intelligent, reliable parties, the new Asso ciation is entitled to every confidence." I trust the Association will be eminently successful. Its very liberal inducements com mend it strongly to the patronage of the pub lic. LJitiiiiu idyior. "From the Louisville Courier." There is no danger of losing bv this Insti tution; it is no chance affair; you get the full worth of vour money, and have the satisfac tion or aiding the Fine Arts." "From the Water Cure Journal." The Cosmopolitan Art Association seems to prove highly successful, as it is beneficial. The plan on which it is founded is an excel lent one. 'From the Buffalo Morning Express." Let each individual remember thre itiinu-a that by his subscription he secures a fund of Pleasant and profitable reading, or a splendid r.ngravmg, amt entitles himself to a fair cnance 111 tne distribution, which disseminates ami encourages good reading and a taste for the beautiful and elevating. How can $3 be more proiu.iiiiy expended r "From the New York Evening Mirror." We are not surprised to hear that hundreds ot subscribers are pouring in daily. Our only surprise is, that the hundreds do not swell to thousands, since every subscriber gets his money back certain, in the best literature, or an elegant Engraving, and his art chances grans. "From the Louisville Courier." The Cosmopolitan Art Association have re ceived amt are constantly receiving large num- ners or subscribers from all quarters. We do not wonder at it. Almost every individual is utli..lr 1... II. 1 ..... .f . . ... o.., j ,r mivtimagfg oiiereu py ting in stitution. Each member receives a splendid Engraving, or becomes a subscriber to some uiie nf Our rVi'i-!!. lit Mar.17.if.r-J. -m l r.;,... it rcgiilaily for one year, paving no more than the subscription price, lle'also receives that beautiful puhlicMion. tb. .rt Journal,' free of charg, and, at the same time, stands a chance of drawing some one of the numerous Works or Art to be distributed. Therefore it simply amounts to this: if you are taking some Migazines, renew your subscriptions wi'h the Cosmopolitan Art Association If you do t.ot take a Magazine, then send your name in, by all means, and supply yourself with reading matter, at the same time' helping to disseminate art over our land FAMILY FLOUR. dir. 5 ,l.J-:i. i .... , r . . . i-v" , ' "11 "an n Mills. Vfn. . fro m Waverly ! Forwarding .V Co,',i,Hion M 're! ll.-!eU,e. Oct. :!. H.V..-'f ' VARIETY. Old John. Old John was quite a temperate man That no one could deny, lie drank his water tempered with A trifle of " old rye." For John believed in warming drinks, And tonic mixtures mild, As he was often troubled with His stomach's getting rye-l'd. Old John was not a pious man Hut yet he oft did feel The spirit's influence o'er his soul In pensive moments steal. Old John was not to falsehood prone. Nor truth nor virtue scoffed, Yet, though he rarely spoke untruth I've seen him lie full oft. Though trrim of feature and austere", Nor oft by mirth beguiled, And, though he very seldom laughed, No man more often smiled. A " hard case" he was often styled, Hut, though a rough old fellow, A hard case he could scarce have been, lie was so often mellow. They called him dissolute and loose, As with much truth they might, Hut yet 'tis strange they called himooie When always getting tight Though flushed Ins face,his nose bloodred His hair of sanguine hue, Yet people often would persist, And say that John was blue. John had no music in his soul, It was not in him born ; Yet though he could not raise a note He sometimes tried a. horn. Though bold as youthful David, who Before Goliath stood John slew no giants with his sling Ah! no ! 'twas he got slew'd. But now he's gone! death called him when His earthly toil was done, He smiled his last and then teeiif off Half -cocked, like some old gun. Mr. Cajsar, a darkey preacher on a southern plantation, had made an appoint ment to preach about twenty miles from his master's plantation, and there he made his appearance with his saddle bags 011 his arm, and gave out at once that he had come to preach the Gospel to the niggers thereabout. " Yah ! yah !" responded a hundred voices ; but one ot the negroes, more bold but not worse than the rest, sung out: " Well, now, look a-here, nigger, if you jis brung a pack o' cards wid you, you incut dim sumhu, but preach 111 is a little too slow for dis congregation." Car-sar remonstrated with them, as they all seemed to fall in with the old fellow's ideas; but they told him to go home, and " de nex time he come to bring de cards." Cicsar started off with his saddle-bags on his arm, but halted, opened them, and turning about as he said, "If dat's what you must have, why, den, you must !" and pulling out a greasy old pack, sat down on the grass. " Dat's de talk : O de land, jis look! dat nigger got some little senses left arter all : scnsibul to de last !" they cried out, one after another. The preacher com menced operations, and after some five or six hours' playing, had skinned every thing around, cleaning them out of all the loose silver they had picked un in many a day; Caesar shoved the documents intothfr bags, and starting off again, told them, by way of a parting benediction, that when ever they had a little mpre money to sup port the Gospel in that way, just to let him know. The following specimen of "Young Americanism" we think is to good to be lost: One night Freddy had been put to bed, and mother and Johnny were in an ad joining room. Presently Johnny cut up some caper, on which mother threatened to take him into the other room and whip him. " Mother," said Freddy's voice under the bed clothes, " I know where I'd take him." " Where ?" said the mother, whose curiosity was excited. " I'd take him under the left ear !" Punch is wicked enough to print th following paragraph under the head of " Social Statistics." Married gentlemen will read it and take' warning : "Thirteen married gentlemen, who, within the last week or so, have been con victed of having smoked in their own, dining room, have been severally fined a new bonnet, and in default, have been committed to the hard labor of taking out their wives for an afternoon's shopping." The New York "Dutchman" says: " Machinery has reached a great state of perfection. We saw some burnt peas put into the hopper of a coffee mill the other day, and in less than two minutes it was, occupying n place in a grocery window, labelled " Old Government Java." A Frenchman, pasconading over the inventive genius of his countrymen, said: " We invented lace ruffles !" " Aye," said John Hull, "and we added shirts to them !" The contents of gun-1-arrcl.i bring more soldiers to their bier, than any other. They are particular in Schenectady. A boy was arrested recently for spitting in the i auul.