Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, December 04, 1856, Image 4

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The Farmer.
The farmer i happy man,
He rail"1!" H he need, sir.
The foremost slands of all tin1 M
All occupations leads, Mr.
Hi. .vV
II, -I'..
furnish beef enough,
p. :i Heap or wool, mr,
Hi Ii i .. i -i i hearty and tough,
1 1 in collets alwaw full. ir.
Mi burn nre Virgc . iil well' Idled,
With hay, nn. I corn, inul rye, nil',
Hi oreloud rii'li. hi hind well tilled,
lloth fruit niul food supply sir.
Iliit cellar in the autumn show.
Of root, ft bounteous store, sir,
lie's well prepared fur wint it" snows
What could a nun more, sir?
I In hoists kepi in firl rale trim,
Tor wagon, chaise, or sleigh, sir,
Arc ready now, to carry him
At Buy time of day, sir.
Hid rnwi nre nimy. n nl the best
Thi country ran a third, fir,
IJis butter, cheese, Mini milk attest.
Hi barn hove been well stored, Hir.
Km pin are of the Suffolk ort.
You never hear them siptcal, sir,
Heeausc they necr lire kept ithort,
Hut filled wilh coin a ml meal, Hir.
His hens are not of SIihiiIih! sort,
lie choose not by sixe, sir,
An egg's n egg, and when 'tis nought
Ai large a roln supplies, sir.
Hi turkey and his geese are fine,
Of bo'h he ha n store, sir.
In fart, the farmer ha n mine
Richer thnn golden ore, ir.
Hi very hees are " lmy," too,
And fill hi hive with comb, sir,
Tliey have n much ns they ran do,
To tiring hi luuiey home, nir.
Who would not choose the farmer's lot I
What though he has to work, nir,
Much tiaRplnes ly toil is got,
Hut who would like a shirk, nir?
There' land enough for all young men,
Our country is n great one,
Jimt pull lip stakes and hasten (lien,
Where fortunes rich await one.
Migur l ane.
The Now York I fi'inM uny: Tlie
Chinese Mitrnr-cnne sm'd, iliMrilmied ly
the PuU'iit titlii'e Inst Sjirini;, ju-omiwa to
be a complete success ut tli JNorth. A
package of seed was planted in Hacks co.,
l'a., lutitiKie 4(1 1-J decrees INorth, niul
nas arrived nt mummy, ine nmxiinuin
height of the stock was ten feet, and the
product in grain much prenter than any
cereal under cultivation. The stalk is
perfectly irreen nfter the seed hus reached
maturitv, and the sncharine principle is
.1 r .li.. .1 i I 'i'i. i.: i. : .
Tho juice which is
UKl Illlty UfV I'lOJIOW. IIMT jlllil
most alnimlaiit, is voiy saccharine, quite
as much s-o n.- the variety of cane cultiva
ted nt the South. Whether the juice
contains tho Mime amount of chrystaliza
ble suejar. vuinins to be tested. Should
it be foutul e.pial to ordinary cane in that
respect, a new era in the agriculture f
the North will be inaugurated, and an im
mense breadth of land be devoted to cul
ture, as soon as the necessary seed can
be obtained, which will reouiro another
year at least. The seed having been
distributed late in the Spring, which was
cold and backward, there is gmxl reason
to believe that much planted did not reach
maturity. Should the plant fail, so far as
tho manufacture of sugar is concerned,
yet its value as a forage crop cannot be
overestimated at the North. Cattle, hogs
and horses eat the entire stock with avidi
ty, and no doubt would fatten rapidly on
it. The seed, which is small, has a thin
black hull which can be taken oil", leaving
a fine white flour ns the residue. We
have no means at present of estimating
the value of this hour as an article of food;
but no doubt its merits will lie fully inves
tigated. The culture required for the
plant is similar to that adopted for iudian
corn when plintcd in rows, and the seed
should be put into the ground aN'Ut the
same time. As it is a quick and strong
growing plant, it should be well manured.
In a foflner number of this paper we
noticed the receipt of a small quantity of
Molasses, manufactured from cane grown
in our vicinity. From experiments made
here, and from the successful issue of the
trial in Bucks County, which we give
above, there is no doubt in our mind, that
the culture of this variety of cane can be
made a profitable business, and the North
ern States, will, in the opinion of many,
in a short time be able to supply a portion
of that article to the consumers at home
We wish the gentlemen who have some
of the seed of this variety of cane, would
favor us with a small quantity, as there
has been several applications made to
for some tq plant the coming Spring.
A Thing i:very Farmer Should
If you wish to drive a cut-nail into sea-
noned oak timber, and not have n break
j . . . .
or bend, just have a small quantity of oil
near by and dip the nail U'fore di ivi-jg,
and it will never fail to go. In mending
carts and plows thu is of great advantage
for they are generally made most of oak
wood. In straightening old nails U'fore
using, lot it be done on wood, and with1
easy mows, ir none on iron tney win re
sure to break.
II . 'Ml
Hunk Xote r.nirut lug.
lly tho improved iiiihI.' of engraving
hunk i nt i plates, n flat piece of steel, of
l!i" requisite dimi'leioii.s, is firM prepared
lltl'l oil it till- MIlM'.IMT Cm!- ll ilftt' It
ill iioiiiin:iii'Uiiil li:r'in or the omiumiI ! t
ti l ing. I'll' ll of tho.o : i r t n is I'tigraved
on ii M'piimtP piece, culled a bod piece,
niul mi iii.preVnon is tli"ii taken upon
loll, lirt softened for that piitp
llii ii Milisi'ouohlly liai'iloiii'il. These
1 SI'Vf
I i n ti.--
nil liui'il' iii'il die mi' ufhTWiii'il
fi'i iftl to their iippropi iato pi n es on tho
plate to be used for printing the notes.
The ground work ultout the numerical
figures is produced by a machine culled a
geometrical lathe. A plan to render
coiiiiierft-ivng iilmoM iiiipnv-ililo, is to tlis
p i)e with dies, and have the outre hu e
of the lull enslaved on the plate lis a unit
-- that is, to have the device made up of
one connected liguers or view, with the
words ami denominational figures so in
terwoven and repeated that no imitation
of the same con Id be madt with :i sulli
cient degree of exactness.
Iniprot cm fill in Hoots At Shoes.
An English mechanic has devised a
new plan for the construction of boots niul
shoes. It consists in forming the under
sole and seat of (he heel that it may be
easily adjusted in the seal, or be readily
removed, repaired and refilled, or u new
one submitted. Where desired, passages
or grooves are formed in the inner top
surface, which communicate with the
atmosphere, and through perforations in
in the inner sole, with the foot, there is
stamped, or otherwise formed from leather
gutta percha, or suitable material for the
underside of hoots ami other like articles,
a piece which forms the sole, wnist and
Neat of the heel. The seat is hollowed in
the centre, and is formed on the inside,
with a sunk plunge or rim for the recep-1
lion of iho heel. The plan presents de
cided advantages.
((utility or IVal tin.
For some time past, gas has been man
ufactured from peat, in Paris. In mea
suring the comparative illuminating pow
ers of coal anil peat gas, the result has
been found to be in lavor ot neat, its
power being three hundred nud forty-two,
while that of coal is one hundred. The
manufacture of pent gas is also described
as more simple than that of coal. The
petit, if put into an iron retort heated to a
low red heat, allords iuuuediately a mix
ture of permanent gasses and vapors
which condense into an oleaginous liquid,
which two products separate on cooling.
The oil is subject to a new distillation,
and resolved wholly into a permanent gas
and hydrogen very richly carlmrretted.
IXt'ful Im riilioii.
washing machine, on an
1 if mi 1 1 1., I
plan, has been invented, the clothes being
placed in u slatted cylinder, made like u
squirrel cage, said cylinder having within
it at each end, an oblique corrugated
Isnird, and when the cylinder rotates, the
hoards cause the clothes to tumble trom
one end of the machine to the other, thus
assisting the demising. A new printing
press has been brought to public notice.
It consists in tho employment of a rota
ting and reciprocating cylinder, and also
in u (H-culiar inking device, and lly, which
catches the sheets as they issue f'roin the
press. 1 he machine is simple in Us con
struction, can be atlonled tit a low cot,
and is not liable to get out of repair.
Artificial stone.
The new artificial stone made by Mr,
l'a iomt", the inventor, is formed ley mix'
ii g the fluid silicia of smla with am and
other material, varying according to the
required result, and thus forming a kind
of thick paste, moulded readily into any
shape. Kx posed for a time to the air,
this gradually hardens by evaporation of
part of the water, and when put into a
kiln, the water is more rapidly and com
pletely given olf, the result being a per
fectly soli'd mass, the original particles of
sand being now cemented together by a
kind of glass, formed by the silicate of
soda raised to a red heat.
fuii ii fart lire or Mineral Trelli.
Artificial tooth are now made us hard
as the natural. They are formed of
flints or quartz rock, and feldspar. Iiuart2
and feldspar are both very hard sub
stances, but rendered still harder when
mixed or fused together. A given pro
Htrtion or feldspar and of flint are ground
together, in a mortar or on a slab, to an
almost impalpable powder, and a paste
made of this powder is fashioned into
the ceneral thane which mav be desired i
for the teeth.
evv Iude of Propulsion.
An improvement has been made in
propelling Units, consisting in an arrange
ment and combination of the ordinary
endless chain horse-power, with paddle-
wheels, whereby the raising and lowering
of the paddle-whei ls to sui
dlTths ut wlml ,i0al
suit the various
ks ill the wa-
ter, nl.-o produce a variable inclination of
. '
s .1. . .... ii ..v.. . I. .. :. . ..
lilt" riiuirss i ini in tun st jhjw rr in propoi -
tiuu iu ui- ut-lyhi ut tne load.
Marbrlizing Plasirr Objri 1.
Objects in plaster of Paris are now ren
dered like mail !e. by renting them, one
or more times, with a huuid of two nans
Moraine, .and two parts Venetian soap,
with -jo or 3t) jmrts of cold solution of
'caustic potassia; then add one part of
pearlash, and cold ley suliicient to produce
perfect flexibility,
S:igai-iy in s.-Iocting the truth.
courage to honor it, according to its ib
determine our own degree of goodness.
! AMI. Hit" N M OllK.IV L.
Kmirn av Liiui (Miipn Ct sk.
t pill", number for January. IVili, begin the
I Forty-Second olume of the Knickerbock
er M.igiiin'.
Since t It pric of s ibui ipl ion li.n heen r
il'iced fiom I'n e to tl.fe a tear, the
circulation of llie Kmkhh.kk r has been
increased nearly four to one. In many places
ten are taken wln-ie there was hut one before,
ntnl through the year it has heen steadily in-
rreasins. It is now olteieil s cheap ns any
of the Macaincs, nil tliimr considered. In
stead of tiiakiiu: new and prodicions promises,
we Nuhmi' a few extracts from notices of late
iiuiiiliii h. which we minht evtend to a miinher
of p iffes.
"Those familiar with the r.di'or's Mon'hly
'Cossip with his Headers,' have doubtless,
with ourselves, admired the pareunia! source
of its wit mid jovoiisness. In this number
' The liossip' holds on its way like some fair
riwib't irlani iiiL' and ilanciiu; iti the s:mliine of
a Miy iik.i ninir. We used to wonder how'
Mr. CI atk could bold out. evpect ,nz In- must
cirlaiidv Met down' in tie" coining number:
but Mii' number fixes no si:'u of cxliamt urn."
National Inleilijreiicer, aslunsion.
'Pleasant, cenial, delightful 'Old Knick 1"
I'bv name is a siiL'L'estion of thincs delectable :
the siirht of thy modest, Tresh cover, a balm
to spirittuil sore eves; a dance within thee,
best antidote fur the blues. Tlnm hast i;iven
to kindly humor, to piipiant delineation, and
to Kide-splittiiii; fun, a 'local habitation,'
without which they inie;ht ro watulei inir over
the domain of letteis, calling now and then
where a friendly door opened to them but re
fusiiur to be comforted for the loss of their
old dear home." Courier, Ibalinjcton. Vt.
I'he creat care evinced in the selection of
articles that adorn its iul'cs, is a sulhcieiit
iruaranlv that no contribution meet (lie eye of
the reader but those which are known tube
worthy of hi nerusal. When stoiuis and
wild tempest are sweeping o'er our hill-side
village in these rlnll winter nours, aim
hear ntnl desolate without, we ask for no
more agreeable companion than the 'Knick
i:hmoi kkh' ; for while it contents impart
valuable information, its sallies of genuine
wit are a sovereign specific for all fits of the
blues or attack of the horrors, ntnl time
Iiasses ineriily on." Democrat, Doy lest own,
"The Knickf.rbockf.h has been and will be
a factor it own; a genuine living thing, all
the more desirable now that the new crop of
magazines, lined with articles pirated from
F.nglish authors, makes fresh home creations
more conspicuous amt welcome." I icw
York Christian Inquirer.
Kev. F. W. Shelton, Author of Letters from
To the River,' etc., will he a regular con-
The best talent in the country will be en
bated, and no expense or effort spared, to
make the Knk kchhik ker more than ever de
serving of the first position among our ori
ginal American .Magazines.
TI'H.MS. Three dollars a year, strictly In
advance there will be no deviation from this
conditions Two conies for $.i 00; Five co
pies, and upwards, $'.! 00 each. Bookseller
and Postmaster arc requested to act a
Agents. I hose who will uiutertake to tin
cure subscribers w ill receive favorable terms.
Specimen numbers will be sent gratis on ap-
plll rtl loll, I He. I li.llil
Knickkkhoi kkr and Harper's, Putnam's,
Graham' or tJodev' Lady's Hook will be
sent one year for five dollar; the Knkkf.r
bock er. Bud Home Journal for four dollar a
POST A OH. Two rents iter number, pre
nili.l al tlm nllieM ,vlmr tlii wrl- (, rli'
I .
ei I. ouarterlv in atlvanre.
All remittances and all business communi
cations must be addressed, post-paid, to
3 IS Hroadwav, New York
The object of the paper is to present, in the
most elegant and available form, a weekly
literary melange of notable events of the day.
Its columns nre devoted to original tales,
sketches and poems, by the
and the cream of the domestic and foreign
news; the whole well spiced with wit and
humor. Each paper is
with numerous accurate engravings, by emi
nent artists, of notable obiects, current events
in all parts of the world, and of men ami man
ners, altogether making a paper entirely ori
ginal in its design in this country. It pages
contain views of every populous city in the
known world, of all building of note In the
eastern or western hemisphere, of all the prin
cipal ships ami steamer of the navy and
merchant service, with fine and accurate por
traits of every noted character in the world,
both m lie and female. Sk"tches of beautiful
scenery, taken from life, will also be giver,
with numerous specimens from the animal
kingdom, the birds of the air, and the fish of
the sea. It Is printed on fine satin tuuface
paper, with new type, presenting in its nw
chanical execution an elegant specimen of art
The whole form a mammoth weekly paper of
sixteen octavo pages, r.acii six months ma
king a volume af lltl pages, with about oi.e
thousand splendid engraving.
1 Htibsertber, one year, $: 0o
4 subscribers, " ' 10(10
10 " " " 20 (HI
Any person sending us "twelve" subscribers
nt the la st. rate, shall receive the 'thirteenth"
copy gr it is.
. O ie copy of The Flag of our Union,
and one ropy of Ba lion's Pictorial, when
taken together by one person, one year, for
I'TV Traveling agents are not employed on
tht paper.
Published everv Saturday, bv
No. ii Winter St., Boston, Mas.
S. French, 121 Nassau street. New York ;
A. Winch, Ud Chestnut street, Philadelphia ;
Henrv T.lvlor. ill Baltimore afreet H.ilti-
timore ; A". C. Baglev, li2 Vine street, be.
-Ph and oth, Cincinnati; J. A. Roys,
"""' "", K-
war', corner lilt .m.l ( tiesnnl air.. . ;
. V,m,,,l 1?;tV'L"H. I-THSI iNe. K.-.H.
tuckv ; Wallace, Austen i. Bind. i" ClarK St..
Chicago; Truhner & Co., i Paternoster
Row, agents for (Jreat Britain and Europe
Nuckolls Si Co.
t;ieiovoo,l. Mill Co., Iowa. The un
dersigned beg leave to call the attention of the
People of Mills and adjoining Counties to the
fact that they are in receipt of their
Which for price and durability are unsur
passed iu Western low, whicli hi addition to
o-:r Slimmer stu'k of C ROCEKI I'.S. ie.. ou
hand, makes it one nflhe must desira!
!e s ocks
ir (.O'MIN in th" Western Country.
tileiiw'ood, Iowa, I let. j;t, lWi,.tf
an i i nioiT, vosvt. nn arrixrn
devoted to polite literature, wit and humor,
prime and poetic gem, and original tales,
written expicsv for th pap-r. In politics,
and on all sectarian (pies', ions, it is study
neu', there) ,. ie making it ic ally
lllH ;, welcome visitor to the home rircle. It
rhtains the foreign and dotm stir new s of the
day, so condensed a to present the greatest
possible amount of intelligence. No adver
tisement are admitted to the paper, thus of
fering the entire cb"et. which is of
Tin: MAMMOTH Hii:,
for the instruction ami amusement of the gen
eral render. An unrivalled corps of contri
butors are regulurlv engaged, anil every de
partment i under the most finished Slid per
fect system that experience can suggest,
forming an
Th" I'l.wi is printed on fine white paper,
wiih new and beautiful type, and contains
I 'lOsunare inches, being a large weekly pa
per of eight uper-riyal quarto page.
1 subscriber, one year, $2 00
4 subscribers, " " 7 (XI
10 " " l l 00
Anv person sending it "twelve" subscribers.
at the last rate, shall receive the "thirteenth''
opv gratis.
One copy of the Flag of our Tiiion, and one
copy or nation s rictonai, wnen iancn to
gether, by one person, $1 00 per annum.
. Traveling agent are not employed on
this paper.
rultliHlieil every haturilav, nv
No. 22 Winter St., Boston, Mass.
S.' French, 121 Nassau street. New York;
A Winch, 1 lo Chestnut; street, Philadelphia;
Henry Taylor, 111 Baltimore street, Balti
more; A l . Ilagtey, ins vine street, nerween
1th and rub, Cincinnati ; J. A. Roys, -411 Wood
ward Avenue, Detroit ; E. K. Woodward, cor
ner of -Jilt anil Chestiut streets, St. Louis;
Samuel Ringgold, laiuisville, Kv.; Wallace,
Austen & Huel, Clark street, Chicago.
Encouraged bv the unprecedented success
which this popular monthly has met wilh, and
the rapidity with which it has increased its
circulation, the proprietor hag resolved to
make it till more worthy or the patronage or
the public. That tins ailtmrable work is a
"Miracle of Cheapness," is ndiniiled by
every one, containing, ns it does, "one hun
dred' pages" of reading matter in each num
ber, and forming two volumes a year of six
hundred page each, or "twelve hundred"
pages of reading matter per annum, for OXE
Ballon' Dollar Monthly is printed wilh
new type, upon fine white paper, and its mat
ter is carefully compiled and arranged by the
hands of the editor and pioprietor, who has
been known to the public as connected wiih
the Boston press for nearly fifteen yeara. Its
page contain
from the best and most popular writers in the
country. It is also spiced with a record of
the notable events of the times, of peace and
war, of discoveries and improvement occur
ing in either hemisphere, forming an agreea
ble companion for a leisure moment or hour,
anywhere, at home or abroad, each number
being complete in itself.
No sectarian subjects are admitted into its
panes; there nre enough controversial putili
cal ions, each devoted to its peculiar sector
clique. This work is intended for THE
MILLION, north or south, east or west, and
is filled to i he brim each month with chaste,
popular and graphic miscellany, just such as
any father, brother or friend would jdace in
the hands of a family circle. It is in all its
department fresh and original, and, what it
purports to be, the cheapest magazine in the
A new attraction has just been added,
in the form of a Humorous Illustrated De
partment. Any person enclosing one dollar to the pro
prietor, ns below, shall receive the Magazine
for one year; or any person Rending us eight
subscribers and eiht dollars, at one time,
shall receive a copy gratis.
f'i?" Sample copies sent when desired.
M. M. BALLOU. Pub. and Proprietor,
No. 22 Wither St., Boston, Mass.
A First-Class F"mily Newspaper, devoted
to News, Literature, Science, and the Art;
to Entertainment, Improvement, and Progress.
One of the Best Weekly Newspapers iu the
World. $i a year, or $1 for half a year.
The Scientific American says; "It is of
large size and faultless typography. Almost
every branch of human knowledge is treated
by able writer. The R. I. Reformer pro
nounce it "the most beautiful Weekly in the
Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and
Practice; to Physiology' and Anatomy, with
numerous Illustrations; and to those laws
whicli govern Life and Health. $1 a year, or
50 cents for half a year.
'We know of no periodical which presents
a greater abundance of valuable information
on all subects relating to human progress and
welfare." New York Tribune.
"The Water-Cure Journal is the most popu
lar Health Journal in the world." N. Y.
Evening Post.
Devoted to Phrenology, Education, Self
culture, and all those progressive measures
designed for the Elevation and Improvement
of Minkind. $1 a year, or M cents for six
'Devoted to the highest happiness and in
terest of man, written iu a clear and lively
style, afforded at the Mow price' of one dollar
a year, it must succeed in running up its pres
ent large circulation to a much higher figure."
"Standard authority in all matter pertain
ii.g to I iiieiiu'iogy. ine beautiful typography,
and the superior character of the numerous
illustrations, are not exceeded in any work
with which we are acquainted." American
C.y For Three Dollar $3, a eopv of
each of these three Journals will be gent' nr.
ye-ir; far Two Dollars, half a year. Please
addres all letters, prepaid, as follows :
No. 30 Broadway, New York.
Greene, Woaro & Benton,
Bluir. Piitow.Vatiiie comity. Iowa.
Greene & Weir-, (VI ir Rapids" Iowa.
Greene, Weare K ce, Fort lies Moines, pi.
Collections made; T.Ives paid; and Lands
purchase! an I sold, is any p 1 1 ol l a. -tf
O S M O 1 O M T A .
The management of this new and popular
Institution atino'ince, wi'h pleasure, (bat ar
rangements for lb" third year have been com
pleted on the most extensive scale. Works of
American Art, and the encouragement of
American genius, have not been overlooked.
Commission have been issued to many dis
tinguished American Artists, niul a special
agent has visited the gr"a Art Repositories
of l'u'ope n ml made careful selections of
choice Paintings, Bronze and Marble Statuary,
4lc, fcc. Among which are the following ex
quisite pieces of Sculpture, executed from the
finest Carara marble.
The New and Beautiful Statue of the
The Bus's of the Three Great American
Palmer's Exquiaite Ideal Bust,
Together with the Bust and Statues in Mar
ble of
'Hie Struggle for th Heart, Psvche, Venus
and Apple, Child of the Sea, Magdalen,
Innocence, The Little Truant, and
The Captive Bird.
Beside which, are numerous Statnctteg in
Bron.e, Medallions, and a large and choice
collection of beautiful
bv leading Artists ; the whole of which are to
be distributed or allotted to subscribers of the
Association oR.VTcnocsr.Y, nt the next An
nual Distribution on the 2Sth of JANUARY
The payment of Three Dollars constitutes
any person a Member of the Association, and
entitle him to
FIRST The large and costly steel Engraving
"Saturday Night, or any' of the monthly
Magazines given below, one year.
SECOND A copy of the Cosmopolitan Art
Journal, one year an illustrated Magazine
of Art.
THIRD A share in the Annual Distribution
of Works of Art, comprising a large num
ber of Paintings, Sculpture, &.c, Sic.
The following Magazines are furnished to
those who p.efer them to the Engraving:
Harper's Magazine, Godey' Lady's Book,
Knickerbocker Magazine, "Graham's Maga
zine, Blackwood's Magazine, Southern Lite
rary Messenger, U. S. Magazine. Mrs. Steph
ens' New Monthly, and the British Quarterly
Kevtcws. Littcll's Living Age. f Weekly. 1
and two Memberships, for
Tints it is seen, that for every $1 paid, the
subscriber not only get a three'dollar Maga
zine or Lngraving, but also the Art Journal
one year, and a Ticket in the Distribution of
Work of Art, making four dollars worth of
reading matter, beside the ticket, which may,
in addition, draw a Beautiful Painting, Statue,
or other Work of Art, of great value.
No person is restricts! to a single share.
Those taking five memberships are entitled to
six Engravings, or any five of the Magazines,
one year, and to six Tickets in the Distribution.-
Persons, in remitting funds for membership,
will please give their Post Office address in
full, stating the month they wish the Maga
zine to commence, and register the letter at
the Cost Office to prevent loss; on the receipt
of which, a Certificate of Membership, to
gether with the Engraving or Magazine de
sired, will be forwarded to anv part of the
country. For Membership, address
C. L. DERBY, Actuary, C A. A.,
At Eastern Office, 3 H Broadway, New York,
or Western Office, lOti Water Btrect, San
dufky, Ohio.
"From the New Y'ork Evening Mirror."
Throughout the country there are thousand
of person who purchase or subscribe for the
leading magazines, at book stores, all of
whom, by joining this Association, will not
only receive their literature for the same
money as before, but will be, in addition,
equal and free participants in a rare art-work
distribution. They also receive that beauti
ful quarterly, the "Art Journal," free.
Such an enterprise cannot fail to command
the approval and patronage of the public. It
ha a basis as firm and pure a its obiects are
beneficial and noble. There is no reason why
it should not become national, in its claim
upon the people. Originated and conducted
hv intelligent, reliable parties, the new Aaso
riation is entitled to every confidence."
I trust the Association will be eminently
successful. Its very liberal inducements com
mend it strongly to the patronage of the pub-
I:- r ij 1 'r , a i
m . Iiiy ciiti idyior.
"From the Louisville Courier."
There is no danger of losing by this Insti
tution; u is no cnance anair; you get the full
worm or your money, ana nave the satisfac
tion of aiding the Fine Arts."
"From the Water Cure Journal."
The Cosmopolitan Art Association seems
to prove highly successful, as it is beneficial.
The plan on which it is founded is an excel
lent one.
"From the Buffalo Morning Express."
Let each individual remember three 11.
that by his subscription he secures a fund of
pleasant ana proiitalile reading, or a splendid
Engraving, and entitles himself to a fair
chance in the distribution, which disseminates
and encourages good reading and a taste for
the beautiful and elevating. How can $3 be
more prontaniy expended?
"From the New Y'ork Evening Mirror."
We are not surprised to hear that hundred
ol subscribers are pouring in daily. Our only
surprise is, that the hundred do" not swell to
thousand, since every subscriber gets hi
money back certain, in the best literature, or
an elegant Engraving, and his art chance
"From the Louisville Courier."
The Cosmopolitan Art Association have re
ceived and are constantly receiving large num
ber of subscribers from all quarters. We do
not wonder at it. Almost every individual is
struck by the advantages offered by this in
stitution. Each member receives a nlendil
Engraving, or becomes a subscriber to some
one of our eYoU..... .M-g.-.ii;.. aJ ,.,.ive!,
it regularly for one year, paving no more than
the subscription price. He "also receive that
beautiful publication, the 'Art Journal,' free
of charge, and, at the same time, stand a
chance of drawing ome one of the numerous
Works of Art to be distributed. Therefore,
it simply amount to this: if you nre taking
some Moraztnes. renew vour i,l,srrit;...
wi'h the Cosmopolitan Art Association. If
you do not take a Magazine, then send your
name in, by all means, and supply yourself
with reading matter, at the same time' helping
to disseminate art over nor
THE Subscriber ha on hand a fine lot of
I XTKV FAMILY FLOI'rt, from Waverlv
Ml11". Mo. H. T. CL XUKE. "
Forwarding Jk Commission M erchant.
Hellene. Oct. 2:i. is.-,ii,.f
Old John.
Old John was quite a temperate man
That no one could deny,
I To drank his water tempered with
A trifle of " old rye."
For John believed in warming drinks,
And tonic mixtures mild,
As he was often troubled with
Hid stomach's getting rye-l'd.
Old John was not a pious man
Hut yet he oft did feel
The spirit's inlluence o'er his soul
In pensive moments steal.
Old John was not to falsehood prone.
Nor truth nor virtue scoffed,
Yet, though he rarely spoke untruth
I've seen him lie full oft.
Though grim of feature and austere",
Nor oft by mirth beguiled,
And, though he very seldom laughed,
No man more often smiled.
A " hard case" he was often styled,
Hut, though a rough old fellow,
A hard case he could scarce have been,
He was so often lncllou.
They called him dissolute and loose,
As with much truth they might,
Hut yet 'tis strange they called him loose
When always getting tight.
Though flushed his face.his nose bloodred
His hair of sanguine hue, .
Yet people often would persist,
And say that John was blue.
John had no music in his soul,
It was not in him born ;
Yet though he could not raise a note
He sometimes tried a horn.
Though bold as youthful David, who
Before Goliath stood
John slew no giants with his sling
Ah! no ! 'twas he got slew'd.
But now he's gone! death called him when
His earthly toil was done,
He smiled his last and then went off
Half-cocked, like some old gun.
Mr. Ca:sar, a darkey preacher on a
southern plantation, had made an appoint
ment to preach about twenty miles from
his master s plantation, and there he made
his appearance with his saddle bags on
his arm, and gave out at once that he had
come to preach the Gospel to the niggers
" Yah ! yah !" responded a hundred
voices ; but one ot the negroes, more bold
but not worse than the rest, sung out :
" t ell, now, look a-here, nigger, if you
jis nrung a pack o cards wid you, you
mout dun sumhn, but preachm is a little
too slow for dis congregation."
Caesar remonstrated with them, as they
all seemed to fall in with the old fellow's
ideas; but they told him to go home, and
" de nex time he come to bring de cards."
Gcsar started oflT with his saddle-bags on
his arm, but halted, opened them, and
turning about as he said, " If dat's what
you must have, why, den, you must !" and
pulling out a greasy old pack, sat down
on the grass.
" Dat's de talk : O de land, iis look !
dat nigger got some little senses left arter
all : sensibul to de last !" they cried out,
one after another. The preacher com
menced operations, and after some five or
six hours' playing, had skinned every
thing around, cleaning them out of all the
loose silver they had picked ud in many a
day; Caesar shoved the documents into the
bags, and starting off again, told them, by
way of a parting benediction, that when
ever they had a little mpre money to sup
port the Gospel in that way, just to let him
The following specimen of "Young
Americanism" we think is to good to be
One night Freddy had been put to bed,
and mother nd Johnny were in an ad
joining room. Presently Johnny cut up
some caper, on which mother threatened
to take him into the other room and whip
" Mother," said Freddy's voice under
the bed clothes, " I know where I'd take
" Where ?" said the mother, whose
curiosity was excited.
" I'd take him under the left oar !"
Punch is wicked enough to print the
following paragraph under the head of
" Social Statistics." Married gentlemen
will read it and take warning :
" Thirteen married gentlemen, who,
within the last week or so, have been con
victed of having smoked in their owi
dining room, have been severally fined a
new bonnet, and in default, have been
committed to the hard labor of taking out
their wives for an nfternoon's shopping."
The New York "Dutchman" says: :
" Machinery bas reached a great state of
perfection. W'e saw some burnt rw" Plrt
into the hopper of a coffee mill the other
d:iy, and in less than two minutes it was.
occupying a plac
labelled "Old Go
e in a grocery window
overnment Java."
A Frenchman, gasconading over the
inventive genius of his countrymen, 6id :
' We invented lace ruffles!"
" Aye," said John Hull, "and we added
shirts to them !" -
The contents of gun-barrels bring more
soldiers to their bier, than any other.
They are particular in Schenectady.
A boy was arrested recently for spitting
in the n nil.