Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, December 04, 1856, Image 3

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t -1
Till 'USDAV, !)K(T..MHKK 1, is.',,?.
'' We w i respectfully request n ir .
' - I-. i i . . I . I tl . I
i irrt-miiiiiii i-n i in ill iiirii 1 1 1 j iiiwii I, i - '
t ntjiti on. or iM-rnr.1. Tuesday mr:iin!j. Neg
lect to ilo .i nmv ratise their lun'.ponemeut
till the fell i.ving week.
Claim Isriorlnlioii Mct'ltiifc.
At a meeting i'f the Bellevue ami Platte
Valley Claim Association, It was
Hkoi.vmi. That tin member he requested
to make h plat of their scleral claims, show
ing ut near an possible, tlirir connection with
tin' (invernturnt Surveys, and also the streams
ami roads that pass through or bound them,
tii that a map may he made for the use of the
Aoeiatinn. and that such plats he handed to
lh' Secretary a" soon as poihle.
' JOSEPH DYSOX, President.
Yv'. IL Cook, Secretary.
Dr. T. J. Moykin and Mr. ltiliiiMi),
late from North Cnroluci, aro now on n
i.-it to our hciiutiful rity. We hope that
they will In; pleased with our lorality,
and hoeoine residents ninonst us.
On motion of (jen. L.-L. llowen, V.
I It. Sniilli, formerly a member of llie liar
1 iii IVimsylvniiin, niid now a resident of
Hellevue, was admitted to practice in the
I'veral courts of this Territory.
'elraska Democrat."
From the lat nuniher of this paper, we
find that Hon. I lad ley 1). Johnson, former
editor and proprietor, lias disposed of all
ritrht and title in that paper, and retires
from the business to the peaceful pur
suits of a fanner. We are sorry to loose
surh an able co-laborer in the editorial
field, but wi.dt Mr. Johnson all the suc
cess in his new undertaking that his in
dustry and perseverance entitles him to.
PCV We call the attention of the
t'uv' lintr public to lluliman's advertise
ment in oiir paper. The public will see
that this line between Glemvood and
15 lit vue, vin. St. Marys, has been es
'a' l;b d for their particular benefit.
i hiicr
to jj.i to (ilenw ii)d fivlll
.-"' f .id it living time nnd ex
p ,.. t) la'ie tii i line. Comfortable
hack, oim1 team, careful drivers, and
every atf nt ion paid to travele rs on this Fri nd.i of Bel: vue. St. Marys
and (ib nwood, support this line, and
show by youilibural patronage you have
an interest in thus connecting more inti
mately those three places, so absolutely
connected in interest now, and by railroad
inevitably in the future.
j "Honor i iiimi iiuiiki in unci
1 Tlie officers who are selling the Dela-
1 ware Trust lands, in Kansas, made it
-3 known on the opening of the sales, that
all who had been driven from their claims
by the late disturbers of the peace, in that
Territory, would have their claims reserved
for the next sale, when they would have
I an opportunity of bidding them in. This
is un act of justice to those Squatters, and
reflects credit on all concerned.
JVelraska Farmer."
We understand that B. W. Flhnas,
Esq., of the Brownsville Advertiser, has
made all the arrangements for the publi
cation of a monthly paper, under this title,
to be devoted solely to the interests of our
own Farmers. We wish the " Farmer"
Sale of the Delaware Trust Land.
The first three days of the sale of these
lands, there was 18,012 03-100 acres dis
posed of, realizing &3S,33u 77-100, aver
aging S2 12 per acre, ontheajiiouiit sold.
Of this amount 4- claims was held by
I Stjuatters, who received them at the gov-
eminent valuation, being from SI 25, to
SI 50 per acre.
i !tlisery I.ovcsColllllally.,
We see by the " Nobrakiau" that they
Jike ourselves are suffering for want of
mail matter, but they more lucky than us,
have discovered tlie fault. Now we don't
care who is to blame, but know that there
is something w rong, the Ncbraskian came
to hand on Satarday last, when it should
have been received on Thursday and such
Jike annoyances are continually occurring,
and if the present 1'. M's, don't attend to
their duties better, they will have very
few mourners if the next Administration
i iits of their heads.
I.uikI Ollice.
We clip the following notice from the
"Nebra kian" of the 20th, as i mny i f
our n ailers are interested:
Many eiupiiries having been made
'when the Land Olhce will be epemd
for 1'rc-emption" we have to state that
our Trait Books were sent from Wash
ington on the i)ih in-t. (via St. Louis).
A soon as received, we will give notice
wiikm Pre-empt, us can prove, 8u, ac
companied with extracts from the pre
eiiipiion laws, showing what will be re
quired of those claiming the benefit of
the same.
J. A. PiHklu, Ilegi'-ter.
A. H. (jILLMOKI:, Heei'ivtT.
Omuii, N"V. 22. Wit).
i. s r ihites, one huii'lred ninl r
At i.isr .hues, one hundred niidixtee,,
uilent hud entered the Stale I'liiver.sitv,
ut C'oUiuil ii, for the present session.
or K.ns. A tram of emigrants
for Kansas lift Iowa City on the -Oil. i,,M..
conducted by (.en. Lane. j
Two I i' nor in thousand dollars have '
been contributed for the establishment, in
tlie South, of a Theologii al for
the Baptist denomination. . j
Sct...r.N Dr vn.. On Friday the 21st
ult., Dr. (ieo. W. Moore, formerly of
Oetroit, Michigan, died very suddenly of 1
inllamation ofthe slouiach, at Council
Blull's Iowa.
Tin: lVsi.lent has appointed Thomas
S. Cuiuiingliaiii, F,s(., of Beaver Co., I'a.,
Assihiate Judge of the Supreme Court of
Kansas, to till the vacancy occasioned by
the death of Judge B.irrell. ;
The Lagrange Bulletin, of the Uth itist.,
estimates tlie number of liogs. that will Ik!
n n l i il i i hut town ibis wion-r. nt l.Vtllll).
Contracts have been math? at !jl to
per cwt.
Tin: first theatre ever established in
America was at Williamsburg, a., Sep
tember , 17o2. "The Merchant of
Venice," and (iarriuk's farce of " Lethe"
were performed.
Tin: Triennial Convention of the (Jer-
man Reformed Church were not able to
obtain a quorum. I hey sat four days.
A Committee, of which Or. Shall" was
Chairman, propose to constitute a Oelieral
Synod, instead of a convention. j
Tin: harder a man works the less he i
gets. line tlie )oor Uevus wno uig our
1 1 'I I 1 - -
anals get live shillings a day, the milled
shirt that oversees them gels live dollars.
Queer world, isn't it ( Bees starve their
drones, we starve our"workers.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. !
The Baltimore American states that the
gross receipts of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, for the month of October, have
been very large, exceeding by about ten
thousawrd dollars the receipts for Septem-
her, which were $ L5(.),H1'J 18.
On Monday, Oct. 13th, an amendment to
article 2nd of the Church was adopted,
permitting none, but communicants to be
members of the General invention i the
lVotcstant Fpiscopai Church of the L nited
Slates. I
Pori-LAu Von:. Actual and estima-'
ted returns of the late Presidental election,
stand about thus: I
Buchanan, 1,750,000
Fremont, 1,250,000
Iiie conijiietion ot ine uraim l tuiik
Uailray from Montreal to loronto, will
place th" former city in railway connexion
i .i i .. i . i ic , ,.,,,,
tilth the seaboard and estern Slates.
The distance from Montreal to loronto,
by rail, is .'133 miles. A train has al-
readv passed over the road from Montreal
to loronto.
k r 11
I'lRrS IS rSORFOLK. A llie broke OUt
in Norfolk, Virginia, onMouday morning
about 2
o clock, which is atateu to have .
destroyed the
office of the Norfolk I
. ,, , l i I
Ainericau" and greatly injured an nd-:
joining building. A rumor prevailed that
parties suspicioned of having lired the
"American" office were under arrest. A
second fire had also occurred in Ports
mouth, destroying six small tenements of
little vulue.
The following is a " correct list or tne
names just given in baptism to the infant
daughter of the Duchess de Monpensier:
"Marie de Kegla, Francisca de Assis,
... i , i r, a
, . , i - i it : ... I.. .. r I .
Isabel, Aueiaiua, nrisiiiia, joseia,
cpiina, Justa, llefina, Lufgarda, Carolina,
Bibiana, l'olonia, . Gaspara, Melchiora,
Ikiltasara, Ana, Aguada, Lucia, Francisca
de Paula, Rainona, Todos los Santos,
Brigidia, Dionisia."
Gko. Biioudix, tried in Toronto, Canada
for the alleged murder of Thomas Hen- in all parts of the worltt. ami or in-n an. man
I i i .. l ii . 1. ner, altogether makiijx a paper cnlirelv ori-
derson, has been acqumeil. Henderson ( ju Anifn n ,. clilfry ,u pi,0(1
was the bosom friend of Brogdin his roi.iah, views of rvrrv populous city in the
schoolmate, and the companion of his ad- known world, of all buildings of note in ihe
vancin-' ma.iho.xl j the latter took Hen- eastern or western I.emiHphere of ll the pri.i-
, ' 1" , i i -i i cinal ships and steamers of the navy and
derson to his house, and while there se- mrrnant service, with fine and accurate ror-
duced Brogin's wife and stole her away trnita of rvrrv noted character in the world,
from him. Bro"thn followed him tor
...bu f...llv ciurhi him nr..l shot
1 1141 II r " n-l j .. ...... ...
him dead. The verdict of a Toronto jury
was, that he " served him right.
Nebraska Legislature.
The following gentlemen, composes the sixteen octavo page. Kadi six month ma
, , . . , ... king a volume af 4 1 pages, with about one
two Houses of the Nebraska Legislature, t,,lsiilu splendid engraving.
for the next session :
Charles McDonald, A. A. Bradfrhd,
William Clancy, M. S. Reeves,
S. E. Rogers, Jacob Sall'onl,
J. L. Miller, R. W. Furnas,
. F. Salisbury, James Allan,
L. L. Howeii, ' A. W. Ptictt,
S. M. Kirkpatrick,
John A. Singleton,
A. F. Cromwell,
N. J. Sharp,
George Armstrong,
W. E. Moore,
A. J. H inscom,
J. C. Srewart,
II. P. I)il.,
J C. Ellis,
J. 1). White,
W. U. Hail,
N. C. Cow les,
I. L. Gibbs,
X. A. Finney,
I. C. Lawrence,
R. A. Chamber,
William M. Slaughter,
James Cardwell,
S. E. Seely.
J. A. S'iuberger,
Jonas Seeley,
Richanl Kimball,
II irrisou Johnson,
M. Murphy,
S. A. Slrrklaml,
C. T. llolloway,
Joseph Dyson,
John Finney,
William Conner,
P. E. Slout,
A virtuous life is in itsi lf a source of
Cutf Iiik Timber on ruble I. audi.
Tlie following communication we lake
fniu ,,, ,. x,...rnsl.i.ii..H f ,lrt ,,,
and as many of our readers are interested
llll'll ll llllll'l, II. .till 1. .111. .1.1.. .
,. . . .
' 1,r,",1N ' x i I am constantly
,v"'ivlr I-!-' '. Iron, all parts f the I er-
ritoi y, l ouml.'.i. ung of parties engaged in
culling and reiuoing timber from the
public lands. 1 am urged in these letters
as an ollieer, to adopt some mi'ans to
arrest the wate ami depredation thus
"""milted. I am informed that in so
","l't' "."1 h'tter complaints have
,,n'n. "S11""1 "' ven public
' have been held, m which was
arraigned on the charge of tailing to per-
form mv ollicial duties.
x,,.; M r. Fditor. if you will allow me
Iin,. sjM(.(. j,, yur j;..r j xvjj briefly
reply to these charges:
lt ,R. (irst j,.l(?0) ,,,.,,, Wl,u, sIuU,
that there is a jeni ral misapprehension
nl" "'Hies and powers of the Marshal
m the premises. Whilst, with all good
citizens, I deplore the havoc whit li is
made with our timber, and whilst I espe
cially regret that ciliens of other slates
have stolen ibis timber and still go " uu
whipt of justice," as an ollieer 1 am en
tirely powerless. My olliec is purely
executive, and until the proper papers are
placed in my hands, by llie proper ollieer,
1 can do no inure than any other citizen.
1 am net the timber agent, nor am I
'vested with any of his powers. I he olhce
l ageni, I in-lieve, is atioiisiieit,
and the duties once pertaining to it now
devolve upon the Register and Receiver
'f ihe Land Ollice. I do not know that
I lllir IIIMIIMIT Illlll llfil'M 1 II'IVH riM tMIIMI
.,., ., i... ...,i. ...... i
any instructions upon the subject, but per
sons who know of trespasses would do well
tti call iiMin them and give the proper in
fin'matiou, that they may take the steps
pointed out by law to bring the offenders
to justice or they can be reached through
a grand jury. This institution has been
in operation in each of the three districts
of the Territory within the last six mouths,
and persons who have telt aggrieved,
either personally or lor the public good,
should have lain their information before
it. In many cases indictment have al-
ready been found, and whenever I have
,.,,.. nl,,, . ...C,,.., Iirn,sN. n.l .(, hldires
have (m our efficient I)i-trict
Attorney, (Jeneral Jvstabrook, has shown
a determination to put them through. This
no,e of punishment trespassers is plain
luu ,,,,,1,., nni l(1p0 tmt persons will
wreiiftir tbroinrli ii kiiL that redress
!1, h 'V l,,'s'r?' mid not complain of
""""rs f',r " d,,1S lhat whldl lhe-V hilve
no power to do.
ft e , ;
Nov. i5th, 1ST).').
Tootle & Greene,
-r-m rnoi.F.SAM' & UF.TAII. DKALF.RS,
VV (ilenwood, Iowa.
Yv hrir leavf to
call the attention of the t.oorf I'eopte or Mills,
Fotla wattamie, Mniitjrnmiry nml Cass conn-
ti,s p,wn . a,;, 1)onirlas Cu counties
ehraka, o our larire and late supply of every
kind of MF.KCH ANDISK, usually kept in
Western Iowa. Our stock of Groceries In
larce and rotnplete, having been nought and
nhipped a little lower than our neighbors.
Our stork of Hardware, Queensware, YVood-
.. n,wit. an,l Slt,,e. Hat. an.l rn ami
Re.nly-Made Clothing.haveall been purchased
in tlie l.astern tlie lowest rash prices.
Live us a ran oeiore you piircnaHe, nti ir
we tlo mil Hen you cnritii kuuuc, we Hll llldHV
olir pi ,,,,, ;lo BOi
(Ti?" Remember the cheapest house in town.
TWVI-l 1- . 1 11 L- I. ' IS
iooi ia . vi i r. i . is r..
Glenwood, Iowa, Oct. 23, 1 ". 1-tf
r m r tut t c- 4 tirirtt i tin I'liriTt
' yhe 0i,jp,.i f the paper is to present, in Tlie
most elegant and available form, a weekly
lifrarv melange of notable events of the day.
Its rolumns are devoted to original tales,
k(lt(.,Pt, ,, ,,v tllft
i w r.. r i' v r a i r- i r. r v r ' ' wua.ab.
and the cream of the domestic and foreign
news; the whole well spiced with wit and
humor. Each paper is
with numerous accurate enirravimr. hv eini-
nenl artists, of notable objects, current events
both mate ami female. Sket. iies or beantirul
scenery, tak-u from life, will nlo be given,
with numerous specimens from the animal
kingdom, the birds of the air, and the fih of
the sea. It is printed on fine satin surface
paper, with new type, preseuti':.T in its me.
ch a iiie a I execution an elegant specimen of art.
The whole forms a mammoth weekly paper of
1 ubsrriher, one year,
4 subscriber, " "
10 ..
$3 (Ml
10 (HI
20 00
Any person sending us "twelve" subscriber
at the last rate, shall receive the "thirteenth"
copy gratis.
One copy of The Flag of our Union,
and one copy of Ballon' Pictorial, when
taken together by one person, one year, for
$1 (Hi.
Traveling agents are not employed o:i
this paper.
Published evciy Sa'ur.Uv. hv
No. 22 Winter St., Itos'on, Mas.
S. French, 121 Nasa '.reet. New York
A. Winch, lid Chestnut treet, Philadelphia $
Henry Taylor, 111 Baltimore treet, Haiti
tiinore; A. C. Baglev, M2 Vine street, be
tween lib and 5th. Cincinnati; J. A. Roy,
43 Woodward Avenue, D-troit ; E. K. Wood
ward, corner 4th and Chesnut street. St.
I.uis ; Samuel Ringgold, Louisville. Ken
tucky; Wallace, Austen & Hue!. 2 (Marie S..
Chicago; Trubiier & I o..
. . . .
i; raiernoster
i i mil E - ir.Hi -
1 Row, ilg.'tlt to,- It; i
ge'li r::!lv.
( onr.Ys vn..sT r.irour.
K T 1 1 I. liMI 11 H - lll.M I lust
YVilt hi- ofr. rr I In
n!i is.,;.
Tliin work hat t ri tho it in I ud fo;-1 tivtily
Rpvrri ypnri. Yhni an im I r iita hat hi i-ii a!
toinilftl It tun faili. i u
tin: only i. m -s imuk
v v it 1. 1 s ii r, i) i x a m i: it i c .
NI'.W I T.A'lTHI'.s roil is:,7:
How to dit'H with T.etti'. ( iuldi rn'i
I MUir I low to cut ami ronlni tlirni. I
I'aint ini on IJ:i, I'alchwoi . Thr llrrsH-i
in i k it and thr Mil'i'nT. ;
Drawim; in all it i.irirty, nsi ful to thr lie.
Cinnrr and Ihr prolicinil. I
Fashion from th" rstaldiHliini'iit ef tin1 c -
rhratrd "lliodir," will hr in rvi ry iininhcr.
F.vrrv-diy Artnalitiri nrw itrrir of;
thrr illnslralod artit lr ill hr imi.
Point, Hnisnrli, and Yrnrtiin t.arr of,
cvrrv vaiirlv. A uprriiarn of tin- slilrh to hr
iiti-il in rat h will hr p rn. I i ii.ldil imi to t lie
Our Himdiod J'ari of Ib-aditi;; will l.r
pivrn ni'iiiUilv.
(I'odrv's Splnnli I l'iiLrra Imri on tlmd.
London, I'aris ninl I'hiladrlphia Fnihloim
(Jodry'n four figured Colorrd I'nihion.
faiihronlrry Fallrin, Mmlrl Co'lasr.
Drrnn M.iUinl: wilh liiamnnn to rut hv.
lri'HS IVittrins lut'aiit' and Cliildii'ii's
drre. with ih'cripl ion how to make t In to.
All kind or Crolchrt and Ncttiii;: orl. I
The Niirt' and the Nursery Yeiy eveel- '
lent article upon these mihjrrU will ofl 'Ml he
iriven. !
(i'ODF.Y'S INYAI.t' A III. I. IM'.riH'.S '
Ml'SIC Three
tlnllil IM Worth i piveli
every year.
In the various number. for 1S.7, will hr
found the newest design for
Window Curtain, Mioib'ric Angl.iise Slipper.
llonnets, ('hp. Cloak, Fvniiiig lires, j
Fancy Arlicles, llnul Dichhcs. H.iir-
I Ire i si ui:, Kohes tie Ci .i inhlr, Ca r
l iage Orei's, UriilcK' Dr.'KH
r. Wreaths, Mantillas,
Walking Die.',
Killing II ahiis,
and Mniiiing Hresse.
Dresses for Infant ntul Young Misses,
Hoy' Dresses, Capes and Cloaks of Fur in
season, Pattern for Neeille-work of all kind
anil patterns to cut dresses by are given
Crochet and Netting Work in Colors, Slip
pers in Colors.
Drawing Lessons for Youth.
Send in vour order soon, a we expect o ir
list for 1S.Y7 will reach UHI.UIWI ropies. The
best plan of subscribing I to eud your money
direct, to Ihe publisher. Those who send
large amount had better send drafis, hut
note will answer if draft cannot ho pro
cured. We think we can show how much cheaper
it is to take the Lady's Hook at Three Dol
lars than any other magazine nt Two Dollars.
We will take a lair number of both. The
Two Dollar Magazine contained ."hi nrticlus,
thr Lady's llook i2.
Tlie Two Dollar Magazine contained en
gravings, the Lady's Hook S'i.
The Two Dollar Magazine contained (l pa
ges, tint I. ally's Hook I'M).
Twenty-four more engravings, twenty-six
more articles, and thirty-six more pages,
nearly double the quantity. The lowest club
price of the Two Dollar Magazine i$l,M;
lowest club price of Lady's llook $1,117, only
12 cents dlUVretice in the price, whit h is three
and a half cents on each number, and for that
sum (three ami a half cuts), you receive
twenty-six more arlicles. twenty-four more
engraving, and thirty-six more page month
ly certainly a very cheap three and n half
cen'.' wor'h. ' This view of the case ha i
probably never lief ore been prrsrntri), hat it m
a true statement, which any l.idv can con
vince herself of by comparing the two maga
One ropy, one year, $U. Two copies, one
year, $". Three copies, one year. li.
Five copies one year, and an extra copy to
the person sending the club, making six
copies $111.
F.ight copies one year and an extra copy to
the pel son sending the chili, making nine
copies $15.
Eleven copies one year, and an extra ropy to
the person sending the club, making t welve
rojiiei f it).
(i'l" Tlie above terms cannot be deviated
from, no matter how many are ordered.
Gotley's Lady's Hook and Arthur's Home
Magazines both one year for $A "tl.
Gotley's Lady's Book and Harper's Maga
zine both one year for $1 f0.
Godey's Lady's Hook. Harper's Magazine,
ami Arthur's Home Magazine one ear $ i.
The above is the only way we ran club with
Harper's Magazine.
The money must all be sent at one time for
anv of the Clubs.
Subscribers in the llritih Provinces who
send for clubs, must remit cent rx'ia on
every subscriber, to pay the American post
age to the lines. AddiiM.
L. A. GO I) FY,
113 Chesnut St., Plulada., Pa.
A First-Class Family Newspaper, devoted
to New. Literature, Science, and the Arts;
to Entertainment, Improvement, and Progress.
One of the Best Weekly Newspaper in the
World. $1 a year, or $1 fur h-If a year. j
The Scientific American say.;: "It of j
large size and fault hiss typography. Almost!
every branch of human knowledge is treaied 1
by able writers. The II. I. Id-former pro- I
I niuinces it "the most lwau'if'.d We. My in the
L moil. '
Devoted to Hydropathy, it Philosophy ami I
Practice j to Physiology and Anatomy, wi'.'i J
iiiuniTo'is Illustration t ami l mose laws
winch govern Life .1 ml Health. $1 a year, or
ftd cents for half a year
"We know of no periodical which pre":i'
a greater abundance of valuable inform itio i
on all 8iibecls relating to human progresi and
welfare." New York Tribune.
"The Water-Cure Journal is the most popu
lar Health Journal in tlie world." (.N. Y.
Evening Post.
Devoted to Phrenology, Education, Self-
culture, and all those progressive measures
designed for the l.levatiou ami Improvement
of Mankind. $1 a year, or f0 cents for six
"Devoted to the highest happiness ami iu-
t.rem of man, written in a clear ami liveiy j
etyle, a If Tiled at the 'low price' of one dollar j
a year, it must succeed in running up ils pre-
ent large circulation lo a mucli ingiu-r ligurr.
Standard aiithorilv in all mat'ers pertain
ing to Phrenology.' The beau'irut typography,
and the superior character of the numerous
illustrations, nre not exceeded In any work
with whicJi we are acjual-ited."
! V o inrr jonars a rnpi u i
each of these three Jo trnal w ill he en' m e
year; for Two Dollar, half a year. Please,
. ' . . m I I I ' I 1 .
aiii m u I ii"irr.. iirrn.n.i. I, I i nw i : I
. .. ii - .:i . r . 1 1
- , - -1
. v.. :u iii ., i v . . v ,v y ..k.
II i i. r i m o ii i;
IAMII.Y NI.WSI'MM H - IIi.ohi lni',1
In 'nil - i i d' N.'W-i nl' ihr
Ci'H'i'l , and 'lir W'.ii Id - !i.. nidr ir In l.ilr-
rarv atnl Mi ' II nn'iim Ki adiic -MrM I to
i ;ricnll urr and M"i h initi ind emit lininij
itlir im..' n lialdr Wn-kly ltrirw of Ihr llal
timoic l iili !!. A i'.
urncciius ir I'ltici:.
Th" r ipiil and nntir- 'i'drntril inrrrnsr nf ?!ir
I'lli'ii! limn ul tin- li.i Ii iinoir WriklV Vie'll
i e . 1 1 1 . 1 1 i . oidv in M n land, lint in lie' Siki'Ii
! fin and Wruli'ta SI airti, i ! inoit L'lal i' inir
t idi iii'r that n ir . : 1 " 1 1 to fin ni ih a timi claH
I i in i 1 v a tul hntnn'Mit nrtVMji i prr arc fully lip
pirn all-d l Ihr liilX'1 liiliiilnr of rradrr to
lll'si' I'll I'l ml N It iM I'SpIT ii II y ilrvtit rd. Im
I'ninpli I mii'si in I'vrry ili'parlinrnt, of Hamr
ti a-.d Fort i I-ii Nrw. and 1 .11 'ia i v a ml Mi.
frllanriins c,idita;. mid It I'rliahiliiv' a a
fKini'i'inli iiii . . T Ihr ( 'oihii'.imtI.iI and lnint'
Vliiisnl' I: ii iiniirr i ho iiniit'i sally iiilniit-
Ird. thai ii I i liri'iiinr a i t i ' v ui'h all
ptrioa tloim; luisinr Willi our fit V, w Inl-il
la Ihr iv"" ral ii-ad'T il is arl, nirvlrdL't'd to hr
v 1 1 1 1 1 t it .1 Hiip 'M 'i a i lii i'i I" jmii nal.
Ihr prr":!1 I.Ur CUflll lll 'tl, with a full-
, t i i n t i i 'ti i.l' th.- rapid aiviiiin to it niiIi-bi-i
iption li- I'i.ii i' thf I it of January, avt r
; arinit
u arrant in in Ihe i'kii.'iI il in'. Mini herorrthr !
clnie ..I' the yen ii will i " ndi an iiic,nn;ilr,l
c il en! It inn. i
In order to I' lider th" weekly Ameiiran I
'ill niorr nm 'plnhlr to ii ir. imi rea tier.
e pinpute ihni.ii; the pir-enl year to add i
laiclv lo ii. at'.rac! ir i i.ilh ir.-t, .ind iii ilohip; ,
paff iieither lahur I "r eirne to
' I " ' f'ti einiit .t i ie. a II
il si.r enabling u to giv nrarlv double the '
amount of rradnig of ...,v oile r Wrrklv
pllhlitln d Soillh of Philadelphia, and colinr
iplrlltly redder ing P Ihe
p 1M1 .1
in iii-y of the Suiilh' lli or Western
We propose lo gre rllv improve this depart
ment of Hie Weekly Vun'riean, which will
heiearter eiiibrace Ihe proline! ion of Ihe
abb "it and most popular wmld-rriiowned
villi Literary srlrcMons thai cannot fail to
gu it iinivi i sal satisfaction. Il will also con
tain original hiuI select article on Science
and the Arts, wilh Micriiiieon Reading
lhat will be bolh instructive and enterta Ining.
i another ureal, feat are of the Weekly Amer
ican, in which we nre. sure its reader for the
past car w ill hear witness lo its being with
out a superior "moiig the Weekly papers of
Ihr country. It. citii.g regularly full tile of
t'.iimjw aii joiirna I, our i otnpf mlinui of Foreign
Inl elligeiice is mad" up from Ihr fountain
head, and is fiirni the. I in liitrn st ing .b'lail,
with a care in select ion that has ghen univer
sal sat ist'. ui ion.
embracing the allah s of the whole country, as
well ns of our own State and the Local Mat
ters of Hie City, is also a feature of the Week
ly American Mri cnnnol fail lo jrive to it
licw subscribers, as it ha lo its old friend,
the most universal satisfaction. The many
hundred copies weekly mailed by our city
readers to their friends In the rountry, and
absent relative, i an evidence, of its great
superiority in this respect.
will hereafter receive speehil attention, nml a
column will always be found on our fourth
pa ii' coni liniug a arir!y of u-teful and vala
a'de irifornntioa to the Farmer. It will em
brace original and selected essay from the
mot able nnd experienced writers.
has obtained a character for completeness
and accuracy not surpassed hv any other pa
per in the Union. As a basis of this asser
tion, il may be staled that at many Hour
mills, stores, and distilleries, so much reli
ance 1 placed on it i market report, that
sales of grain and other produce are made In
advance, prices being, by mutual agreement,
based upon the ((notation given in its com
mercial review of the Baltimore markets.
It nlo contain a regular repolt T the mar
ket of Philadelphia and New Yor k, with the
latest reports of ihe Cattle markets of Haiti
more ami all the Northern cities.
The Wn-kly American will hereafter be
published at
For single copies, ii being nearly double the
size, and roiil.iioing double Ihe amount el'
reading mailer of any o'hrr weekly newspa
per published South of Philadelphia.
Subscribers transmit ting two dollar will
receive the paper sixteen months, or eight
ino.ii.hs for one dollar.
Club of four copies, one year, $.".
Club of eight copie. one year, $llr.
Club of fourteen copies, one year, $13.
Club of twenty copies, one year, $'i'l.
Club of thirty copies, one yerr.
Club ef forty copies, nun year, $:)H.
Club of fif' v copies, one year, $h.
Club of eel flit V copie:., one year, $'").
Cl ih of one hundred copies, one yer-r, $W.
The postag" on the Weekly American to
..ny par! of M irvlainl, U 3 1-1 Vent per quar
ter, and to any ollice in the United States, out
of Maryland. i 1-1 cents per ij iarter, pay .(.
in advance ,V Hie i,r:ice wher
delivered 'n the sfbsi-riber.
the paper is
...... . . ..... .
TO POSTMAsllRs AM) Orill.RS.
Poslnnsten and o'.lii r. raising ("nibs of
i 'h or m ile, w ill be entitled to onecotiy Lee
of cbarire
f Payment nei' be mt'l" in advance,
and ihe subscription i prompt ly ihnton'iiiued
at the end ef the tim- paid nr. unless re-i,r-,v,...
Aim i i'"" n Building.
Baltimore, M l.
the Public, and will render
4hill1I-ftl M ITTCVTKIV
. -
to lit v-infi oj ( , I .N.V
! T. 1. M r.N,
! :'ev . o . r v'v.--1 'f
sr. .liiKf ih:kiiskm;ms.
Wlioleiuiln A; Jtctait Mcrehaut,
lllllMII til Mil AMI l:rilil iTM.r.Tt,
ST. Nt A U V, low A.
HAS jiit rrri'iii'd ninl now ban for unle, a
latirr :iuitiiiihi ff mdoi'lcd rti'-i rlmiitlina
lldap'rd to tin' wanU of nil ill tlli llt'W dlltl
I luit iii.ri nniin on , whn ti hr ran nrll rlirap
a ran hr oil t "d i l irwhi'i " no hii;h upon the
Miomi riif. Hit I'noilt havo lir imi iii'h'ctpil
hv .in rxperti'iiri'il pin .'hnrr, with uprrlal
refei fii. i" to Ihr c iiriini'tl a iifr nml MantK of
all t latr ul' Mi ltlrr in a nrw country. Ln
ilii'H and prnl h inrii, i hililrrn and yiinth, all
can hr niipplii'd. Call and urr fur y mil r vm.
Hi tork coiiHht of thr following, nniniiK a
crrat many other itilirlr i caniiot now nui
in' ralr : A numrj hi
IM) (.ooih,
May hr found Wonh'ii nml Halini'l Clothfi,
Ca stini 1 1, Tivt'i'ilii, '. 1 1 n i r l I'M, dnrVK,
I I nun I, linl, Whitr, (ir.iv nnd llhir, CaHpiaa
I'l. lilt, ('..'loll (Joilil, Shrrl illp'l I'llll Shiilimn,
lUrai hril and I addrat hril, I'.lnr and hllf,
Ihiilui!:. o-iiiliiivc, Hi'd rukiiijr, Hickory
Check, ,Vr., Kr.
I'aury ;ols.
A liran' il'nl iitniitinriit ff fancy print! of
cm rv i.ii n'U ul ul s Ir ami pattrrn. liiiii;liain,
I, awn, rimmed Alp.iccn. Ilinnha ine, llolli-
havrlt. Shawl. Scarf II nidKerchief. NHtk-
rubicf.', C 'r.-i ;!., Mm lie, I M.rinH, ItiMmim,
V i'., ,S r.
A well m'leclcd mock of Siiinmer, Fall ami
Wii.ter !! 1 1 i i f, coir;;! iiur in part of lino
lire Coal. I'ant anil Vest a Inn, pood
Snminer Clolhinu' ol all destript ion, and heavy
t 1 1 ' 1 1 1 11 lor I a II a I Ml I ii i it lli'. :A ln, Ml in,
Knit I'l. iiiiii'I llrawi'M and I 'iiilrrhlrt. Sock,
. .. M , .... I I, .. , II ... I d1.
' """ "'" , ' "P";
ma . t.iHhio,,, ipiahi,. nod prices. Hoots ft
nl i'tciy ib-sci iption, for M'Ui, Women, and
( hildi en's use.
Cm dn',1, Clarified. I.u.if and llrown Sugar,
Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup,
Superior Tea, Rio and Java Codei', Sassafras,
Gingri, Pepper, Cloves, Spire, Cinnamon,
ground Ginger, Nutmeg, Suiill, Tobacco,
Cigar, Pipe, Soap. (' intlles, Vinegar, Pickle
Pepper-Sauce, ,.'., Kf,
large assortment nf Flour, of vniiou
qualities and prices; Corn Meal and all the
varum products of the Farm and Garden ;
Hacon, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches,
Currants, Raisins, dr.
Ha nl ware,
Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking and
Healing rooms, Stove-pipe and Elbow, largt
ami small Iron Kelt es, Fi ving Pans. Skillets
Hand-Iron, Shot els and Tongue, Manure,ind
1 1 .1 v Forks, St yihe, Shovels and Spades, Ioj
and Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers
Iron I th I Steel, Nail., Horse-Rasps, File
Saws, Knives nnd Forks, Pocket Knives, Har
zors, Hutlsand Screws, Door Handle, Knob,
Locus, &.C., dr.
I in ware
A general atsortinent kept for houaehob
Wash-tubs, Shaker Pails, Wood and Zinc
Sole Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide,
Kin Skins, Calf Skins, Lining ami Morocco,
Saddles, Bridle. II tpers, Larlnts, Circl'ie'e,
Belly-bands, Driving-line, Collars, Tick
strap, Girllis, Blind-briillcs, dr., dc.
Ilfdii hies,
A general assortment of Medieinis, for
Fevers, Feier and Ague, and the common
complaint of the country. Cook's. Lee's,
S.ippenvton's. Brafg's and .lavnes' Pills, Qui
nine. Tonics, and various kinds of Siimnlarts,
Anodyne, IJuiinen', and other article neces
sary for the sick nnd the invalid. 1-tf
Oustav Sceger,
X NF.I'.R, Exeotite Drawing and Painting
of every vie and description. Also, all
business in hi line. (lTce on Gregory street,
St. Mary, Mills county, Iowa. 1-tf
un m il ri.itfs imnn isKMnNTs.
Greono, Wearo & Benton,
and 4. a ml Agents-, Council Mulls, Iowa.
Note and Hills collected and remitted to any
part of the United States. Money received on
deposit, and interest allowed. Eastern or
Southern Drafts furnished in ums to suit pur
chaser. Land (lliice fuiui paid for Currency
or bills of Exchange. J,oans effected on pootl
security. Taxes paid, titles examined, and
Ral l.htate bought and sold on Commission.
Lands entered for settlers and time given for
payment. Ollice opposite the Pacific House,
in west lower room of Land Ollice.
RrrKRKNCK! F. S. .lesup L Co.; W. J.
Barney d Co., Bankers. Duhuipie, Iowa ; Cook
t Sargent, Hankers, Davenport, Iowa ; Cul
berton d Reno, Banker. Iowa City, Iowa ;
People's Bank, New Yoik City; Ketrhem,
Hoger d Rennet , Bankers. New YorkCil?;
Sclkon, Wither . Co., Washington, D. C. j
Hon. Clias. Mason, Coin, of Patent, Wah
inglon, D. C. ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, S. V. S.
liill'tiligtoll, JoW.1 ; Hun. G. W. Jones, 8. U.
S , D'llmipie, !.. ; nu. Joseph William,
Chief Justice, M iscaline, Iowa.
Council Blurts, Oct. 23, l"t 1-tf
Tootle & Jackson,
CHANTS. Council Hlutl civ. Iowa.
! Having a Lsrge nnd Commodiou Warehouse
j on the L'-vee nt Ihe Council Hlurf s landini.
I h re now prepare,! in receive ami store, an
j Ui,iH f ,nrrchandise and ,o,luce. will receive
I and pay charge on all kinds of freigths o
, that Steam Boat will nut be detained as they
Itate lieeii iirir:m"ir, t:i ;,-itiiic piinir f,it ,u
receive freight, when the consignee are absent.
Rl.KI i n. 1 s : I.iverueiore d Cooley, S. C
Davis d Co. a- d Humphrey, Putt Al Tory, St.
l-ouis, M.i. j T'wi'V I: Fsitleigh, St. Joseph,
Mo. ; J. S. Chenew orth Co., Cincinnati Ohio;
W. F. Cnulbough, Burlington, Iowa, 1-tf
Johnson, Cusady & Test,
Council Hlulls, Iowa, will promptly attend to
Land Agencies. Collections, Investing Money,
Lm-a'iiig and Selling Ijind Warrant, and all
other business prrtaming to their profession.
In Western Iowa anil Nebraska. 1-tf
undersigned' having recently taken
I ami relitted the above well-known and
popular Public House, lie (.nut hv th strict
studious attention to the wants of his guests,
lo merit a liberal share of public favor, ronfi
iletire and patronage. His table will ba
spread w ith the best the market tford. anil
no pain will be spared to' make hi jueU
agreeably at home and comfortable.
Council BltiiT, Iowa. nov 13-tf.
Greene, Wearo & Bentou,
I lilalf. Potowattamie cnutv, lows.
I Greene d Wcare, Cedar Rapid. Iowa.
Greene, Wear d luce, Vort Ie Monies, la.
(d!vii:is made; Taxes paid; and La' da
pi.irliin ' I, i i ?i v p."t of lows, 1-tf