Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, December 04, 1856, Image 2

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r r I. I ii tun v
TliritSDAV, IW'.CK.MHKH 1. ln.
Tlit- Drmucralic lliml.
AYo see hy tho Nehrn.-kian, that tin
Democracy of the Territory tire invited
to "In present nt iind participate in n
lirantl Democratic 1'chtivul, to be held ut
Omahn," on the 10th of next month.
This ii right, and we want lo ! consid
ered in. Our brethren m tin Slates cur
ry victorious limners after the most im
portant sti iigIo ever recorded in tho un
imls of politic n Mnnmle fraught with
the denrest inioreM.i, not only of tin na
tion, but if entire hiimnnity a Mrucmlo
whose lessons niul results will be rule
for our guidance, nud theini's for our re
joicing for till time to mine. (i lot ions
victory ! ! stupendous stni;Ti, J ; Brother
of Nebraska, let us show our friend. in
iImi States that we rejoice at their grand
tichicvemeiit, nud let ui ratify it with a
voico which shall resound from tho l'nci
ftc to the Atlantic, nud from the tepid wa
ters of tho pulf stream to the froen re
gions of tho North. Let all true Denm
crats, who have il in their power, be pre
sent on this festival occasion, and together
let us rejoice that tho Union is safe, unci
that tho star of our nation's dettiny burns
with n. brighter glow at it lights op the
pttthwuy to a glorious future.
We would also suggest that tho occa
sion of tho jubilee bo used for tho organ
ization of our party in Nebraska. It is
time that something was done in this mat
ter, l'very hour's delay will inal.o it
more dillirult of accomplishment. Wo
have seen enough of "peoples' parties"
nnl peoples' tickets," even in Nebraska,
to satisfy us that delay is dangerous, and
that tho day we thoroughly organize will
be the dawn of n bright political career
for our vigorous and healthy young ter
ritory. What suy our brothers of the
press to this suggestion i Think upon it,
niul if we can uct in concert, lot us at
once to work.
Our ot enior.
Wo had the pleasure of meeting last
week, at. tho Capital, His Excellency,
Gov. Izard. We were pleased to find
thut the Governor lias entirely recovered
from the effects of his recent fall, and is
now in good health niul fine rpiiits. So
far, our Territory has had no cause to re
gret the appointment of Gov. Izard. As
a gentleman, he is polite, a liable, ngreea
ble, and decidedly popular in his manners ;
and what has done more than all else to
insure peace and quiet to this Territory,
while Kansas has been in a state of con
fusion and disorder, is the fact that Gov.
Izard, as a true Democrat, bus ever re
spected and represented the popular will.
Long may he continue to enjoy the con
fidence and respect of tho people whose
wishes ho thus respects.
A New CHy Trailers 1'oint.
Mr. Thomas Hemh, and other gentle
men from the Knst connected with the
Davenport and Missouri river railroad,
have recently pur based fix hundred acres
of land of Daniel Hereford and others,
at old Traders Point, and are laying off a
town. A new hotel is in progress' of
building, and we undej-stand from those
who made the purchase, it is their design
to make it something more than a jmper
or a speculative town, by the expenditure
of enough capital in substantial improve
ments. We are now, and always have
lwen, of the opinion, that this is the only
feasable point of ingress and erri'ss
through IMlevue to the Great IMatte Vul
ley. At this point, the great turbulent
(and in almost every other point contin
ually changing) Missouri is confined
within narrower limits than in almost
any other point from St. Louis to the
Yellow Stone ; besides the narrowness of
the channel and the depth of water
making it a superior point for ferrying
on the Western or llellevue side, the
river washes a rock shore for two miles,
while upon the East, the main land is
overgrown with tall Cottonwood, ivrosista
bly convincing the beholder that ut this
point, for ages at Uat, the ever-changing
and turbulent Missouri has been confined
Jto this same deep, changeless and narrow
rhannel. Traders point has an alum
ilaure of all kinds of timber; rock, inex
haustable in quantity ; day, of a quality
Jo Wake thebest of brick; the Musipiito
cra4 i""iing directly through tho new
lowi-f t :r: :..:i always a good supply of
resh w.aer lor j-arious purposes ; and
(A'hen we udd, the Company liave opened
coed ytyn of not less ihaii four feet
Uck,-Ve can safely my the inv town
fias all rho (.dements cojolined to moke a
plan? of importance; and with nit these
advantages, the roje, t of buildine; ft new
tow u iiiii t Micceed.
I lore, ut old Traders
Point, u , d t
( tom j in herds the wild j
Rtlliilo, the Indians, in tubes, the Cali
fornia emigrants, by thousands, and
lastly, coiner the wise men from the Last,
looking for a gokl, substantial and pen
mmirul point to invest their capital, and
after ttav cr.-ing up and down the Mis
souri for hundreds of miles, they are sat
isfied this is the only point oil the l iver
which ran be nppro.u hed safely with a
.Heeling of the f Hie
lioiiKlas ( iiiuilj llnr.
The members of the Douglas county
bar lie-t at Uiclmrd.ion and Thayer's of
fice, en Thur. day, the '.Nth of November,
when, on motion of Col. llanscom, the
mei-ling was culled to order by electing
Gon'l J. M. Thayer, President, and J. N.
II. Patrick, Secretary.
The President having stilted the object
of the melting, A. J. Poppleton was call
ed out ami addressed the meeting.
On motion of Col. llanscom, the Pres
ident appointed the following a committee
to dealt resolutions: .hums N.-ely, A. .1.
Poppleton, Col. A. J. llanscom and Gon'l
E. Lastahronk.
The meeting thou adjourned, to meet
at the Slate House on Saturday, tho 2'llh,
at half-past one o'clock.
On Saturday, in pursuance of the ad
journment, the meeting was called to or
der by the President.
Tho Chairman of the Committee on.
Resolution.-:, reported the following pre-'
uinble and resolutions, which, after being
ably, warmly and feelingly discussed by
Messrs. Poppleton, llanscom, Rankin,
Seely, Strickland, Taylor, Stewart, Wil
cox, Cuming, Turk and others, were
The undersigned, members of the
Douglas Co. liar, who were appointed a
committee to draft and report resolutions
expressive of the sense of said bar, in re
lation to the Honorable Chief Justice F.
Ferguson, beg leave to report the follow
ing preamble and resolutions, and re
spectfully usk the concurrence of all the
members of die Par therein., We have observed, with
much regret, in the columns of the "Ne
braskian," of date Nov. tth, lH.r(, un
article well calculated, and, as is believed,
(intended) to reded discredit on the judi
cial character of the Honorable Chief
Justice F. FiMSKi-sox, who presided at
the late term of our Court, therefore
AVWivfr, That we, the members of tho
Douglas County Rar, fully recognize, in
tho person of Chief Justice F. l'nu.i o.,
an cllirient Judge and sound Lawyer, a
social gentleman and a worthy and exem
plary man.
iiVWrW, That the article uUwe re
ferred to is, in itself, unjust, undeserved
and untrue, and if published at the dicta
tion, or with the knowledge or consent, of
the proprietors of said paper, we can only
regard it'as the result of ungrounded per
sonal animosities, stimulated by unsuc
cessful litigation at the recent term of this
On motion of Col. llanscom,
AV.voiW, That the proceedings be sign
ed by the officers, and published in all the
papers of the Territory. The meeting
then adjourned, sine die.
J. M. THAYER, PmhlnJ.
J. N. II. Patkuk, Secretary.
The Difference.
Persons who come into our Territory
to settle, should bear in mind that Helle
vue is not only the acknowledged garden-
spot of Nebraska, as far as the beauty of
the country is concerned, but we are also
the favored locality, as far as snow
storms and cold-weather goes, as will be
seen by comparing the following items
as they appeared in the last week's addi
tion of the papers published in the Terri
tory :
The "Nebraska Democrat," published
at Omaha, says: "Snow fell to the depth
of a foot on level ground, on Monday
evening, and everything now has the up--pearance
of winter."
The "Wyoming Telescope," published
at Wyoming, says :
'We have had the most disagreeable
weather for the last ten days that we
have ever seen in this section of the coun
try ut this time of year. There bus been
rain, snow, high-winds, hard freeinr.
.... -
The "IVllevue (lazett." says "Our
dtiens were visited on .Monday last lv
a slight fall of snow, which lays on the
m'oiuid at the time of working on" our
paper. There is not, however, Mitiicieni
to allow of the running of ideighs, and
then fore, with tho exception of ,hoo who1
, , 1 1 1 e ,. , . i
i r .V1:.' 'J.!' mlnA:
very l ad waikine;.
' r '". 1'"J "mm-s
We see hy the "Nehraska Democrat,"
that the new Methodist r.piseopal Church
of Onmha will he dedicated (providence
perinittino;), to the service of Almighty
(Jod on Sunday, the 7th of Decemher
next, ut 10 1-2 o' l.v U, A. M. The pub
lic are respectful." invited io nttend.
Ileinoi i ufic ( i-Irliration.
Tl... I l..iiiiti't!if ,.r Ii..;, -I i ; r.:i.iv met
at II. million H ill on Saturday, the 'Jilth
day of November, for the purpose of
making arrangements for celebrating the
recent triumph of the Democratic I'urty,
on the 10th of the present month.
On motion of .Mar.-ha I Rankin, the
meeting was organized by appointing
CJol. A. R. Gilliuorc, Chairman, and S.
A. Strickland, Secretary.
The following Committees were then
appointed by tin meeting:
Committm: or A rha n; v.m i:n i s.
A. J. Poppleton, Lsj.,
A. D. Jones,
W. W. Wy.nan,
Dr. C. A. H-'iiry,
Jese Lowe, Esq.
Gov. T. IJ. Cuming,
Com mi i ti:i: or Flit A nc i:.
Cl. A. J. llanscom,
Hon. A. F. Salisbury,
Hon. Geo. Armstrong,
dipt. Downs,
Hon. S. A. Strickland,
Dr. A. Ii. Malcolm,
Committm: or Coiih:spomi:nt:.
Marshal H. P. Rankin,
A. 1). Jones, Esq.,
J. W. Paddock, Esq.
MwAci'KS rou tiii: 1 1 v i:n i Mi Corn. Pautv.
Charles Hamilton,
Hon. Jonas Seely,
Hon. Joseph Dyson,
J. N. II. Patrick,
J. C. Turk,
J. W. Paddock,
Albert Stewart,
Charles F.. Watson.
On motion of Hon. T. 15. Cuming, il
7VWrW, That the Committee of Ar
rangements be instructed to write the citi
zens of Council Hlntl's to participate in
the celebration, and to procure the ser
vices of the Council Rlull's Rrass Rand for
the day.
The following gentlemen were ap
pointed ollieers for the meeting:
Col. A. R. G I I.MOH t.
Vice PiiEKinrsTS.
Hon. John Finney", of Rellevue,
11. A. Steele, of Florence,
V.. II. Clark, of Washington county,
Stephen Decatur, of Run "
A. W. Knett, of Decatur
.1. W. Richardson, of Dodge "
Thos. Patterson, of Caas "
John Lorton, of Otoe "
James Coleman, of Nemaha "
Neal J. Sharp, of Richardson "
Judge Robst, of Pawnee "
J. N. H. Patrick, of Omaha.
Sterling Morton, of Otoe county,
O. F. Lake, Nemaha " " I
On motion,
Rr.iohvil, That the proceedings of this
meeting Ikj signed by the officers, and
published in ull the Democratic papers
in the Territory, and in the "Council
Hluffs Rugle."
A. R. GILMORK, President.
S. A. Strickland, Secretary.
(ov. ticai-)- at Leavenworth.
The " Leavenworth Journal" of the
20th ult., contains a speech delivered by
Gov. Geary, on his late visit to that city,
from which we make the following ex
tracts :
" I have just completed an extensive
tour of observation through the Southern
and Western portions of this Territory,
and am happy to inform you, that the
benign influences of peace, w hich I have
every reason to believe will be permanent,
now reign throughout all its liordcrs.
Solicitude for the continuance of this
aiiiciou.s state r nllairs, is the only rea-
son I huve to ollVr for my presence among
you upon tltH important occasion.
laL truly gLlied to learn that the
niost niuiiahle and iHnceful feeliii'' ani-
mates the hearts of the lario concourse of flm f:,.n,nr ih.. . j,f . ,.i . ' '" A 'o'"Tto,, Surveyor and Drauphts
ooonl... .his ,l:,v ,.....!.l...lfr It I lliL l'''rir'n'" HKide a few remarks, , always in readiness to ...nrev lands, find
of the Union, to witness these Land Sale.,
In order that niy reuiarks, upon an oc -
casion, so replete with interest, nmv not
he misunderM.HKl, or misrepresented. I
leg your special attention to the few re
marks I propose making with reference to
this subject.
They are my sentiments, and I desire
you to receiv e 'them, ns I utter them, in
the most conciliatory spirit.
The sale of land this day, is 1 y virtue
of a treaty with the Del.iVare Indians,
the United States mukiiiL' the Sale, as the
Trustee for tho Indians
Justice to the in tual. bona fidt settler,
and the Indian, is the purpose of the (Joy
eminent. Upon the opening of this Territory for
settlement, many of our citizens came here
settled and improved these lands. These
men left their homes in the States, and
trough with them their energy, industry,
" . i V, , f T , 1
on, .nut in spite of almost insurinounta-
l l Jine,,!,i..., ,.. have extended our
uiirontier, ereeted homos
i-s for their families.
ianteti Iii-ld.". and fenced them, and hy
their jHTM-vcrin luUir have uiven value
und conseipience to these hroad acres.
TheM lands now appraUed at, from one
dollar nnd a quarter, to twelve dollars por
acre, were previous to the advent of these
nohle and hardy pioneers, worth but the
miserable price of lioveriiment Jjind. I
also undeMand that the Uniied J
-.,,, . ... - , ,;
-ov etnine,,,, .!;,- j rtee for tho Indians.
t .- lllV pi-rmu'ed this si-plcmonl and l - v -
IpcodiMte , I labor
' having it i 1 1 the
llh. I c.;ii!ai, I y never
1 1 1 t notice to iinii,
Tin -i' niciiiiM s being eran'ed, n i-, in
my opinion, tin-duty ol tic- ( iov i rniui nt,
to protect th burnt '.'c .-'t'ler in tie' en
joyment of hii i-ipiiiah! I ij.'il -. a I id to hoe
that be is not deprived of the fieits of bis
I am, therefore, in favor of assuring to
ii.., hi.iii.ii .iiiit..i i.:. ,:it.. i.. i i ........
oi' oo i in.-, inn- uj inv iiiiiii, iij'iiii
his paying its appraised value, as fixed by
the (lovi rnmeiit
I then say, uneipiivocaily, that I earn
estly with the honest, bona file
settler, and I invoke all citizens, as they
value justice and the peace of this Terri
tory to permit the actual settler ipiietly to
take his land upon payment of the value
fixed upon it by the government.
Inle I recognise the hum of the oc- ,
enli'ii.t l,i tl... f,,!l..., l... ..u .1,. '
. ..j-,.... ... aiiiki -aiuiu, iiieii-i un oe; j
' .1- r i i 1
m iiH-ijiie oi pi.-uce arni eiputy in t no laiui,
whose value i.j chiefly owing to his posses
sion, and labor, I must remind him that it
is not a right, according to the frhnirali
lies of law, and he should not endeavor to
enforce this eipiitable right by force and
violence. This would put him in the
wrong before the bar of public opinion,
which now universally gives him support,
and present him as a wrong doer, instead,
of an honest law-loving citien. Let me
then pray you lu rest on the good sense
and justice of the people, both citeii J and
strangers, nnd be assured that all the influ
ence of those in authority, ;is far ns I can
answer for them, will ho thrown into the
scale in favor of your claims.
This position can do no injustice to the
Delaware Indians. Their inagnilicent
Reserve forty miles long by t' n wide
with a population of but one thousand, is
more than ample for all useful, agricultu
ral purX)sos, and tho purchase money of
these Trust Lands, w ill enable them to
cultivate and improve what is left. Indeed
the value of the Reserve itself will be
more than rpaidrupled by the settlement
and improvement of these Tru.-t Lands.
The enterprising and industriou.; Sipiatter
has already given value and n Horded a
market and purchasers for land which
otherwise would have been comparatively
valueless. ililis Hie I
Indian gets an in
creased price for land, which is useless to
. . . . , . , .
rum, while the actual settler and laborious
cultivator ol tho soil equitably receives the
fruits of his hard earned toil. j
Nothing will assist me so much in ren
dering permanent, and enduring, the peace
which now gladdens this beautiful country
as the sale of the public lands, nnd their
ownership by an honest, enterprising, in
dustrious, Union-loving population. I am
earnestly solicitous to see every citizen,
who desires to make his home among us,
tho proprietor of one hundred and sixty
acres of land. This policy will ensure
peace, bring prosperity and wealth, develop
the moral sentiments of. the citzens, and
make ns a model peonle, and in the not
distant future, a model Commonwealth.
A portion of this Territory, including
on area of about two hundred miles square
from the Missouri river westward, posses
ses all the elements of aericultural and
mineral wealth. Tor richness of soil nnd
salubrity of climate, for its finely timber
fringed streams and . excellent building
stone, itjs unsurpassed by any portion of
this continent.
Owing to the extreme productiveness of
the soil, it is capable of supporting, with
but little labor, an immense jvopulation ;
and, us fast as the Indian title is extin
guished to the Reserves within its limits,
will be populated by a thriving and indus
trious people.
There will be plenty of room fur all
good people who desire to cast their lots
among us ; and if I mistake not the people
of Kansas, they mean to make no roam
for the bad.
I will co-operate with the citizens of this
Territory, so long as I am clothed with
the 1'xecutive authority, in rendering
Kansas too hot for bandits und robbers,
and atl'ording full protection for life and
property to every good citizen
To accomplish these beneficial results,
I inns', rely upon the viitue, intelligence
1 .... .i i ..ii
iiuu piunoiisiii oi mo people, i ellow
citizens, will you uiil me thi.s day, ami
! ilurino; tli progress of these la ml -ale- to
j preserve tho nonce and injure the nr.w.
Uy of thL rZry i H1
j " 11Y 'f I'avtn worth city, and
j'1'0 'rt'1',""ry o'-rally, that though he
had born in the Territi.rv l.nt two mnnilw
h ,.p.,1 ... I,; . ...
of years had crowded thein. i.lves into i "'" ''''l ri'y, Nebraska, have on hand and are
, i . i , constantly receiving A larire and romnlete
months that he was enthusiasm.- n, his aortm-ntof Drturs, Chemicals, Patent Medi-lnis.-ioii,
und had determined to do ri"Lt, "'j111-' l) f mil. Liquors, SeC,,r3t pI(.g,.rvi.(i
ii. , ,, 1 -r-uts, ( o .teetioti.iiies, &.c.t i.c. Physicians'
ami that no power on earth could swerve orders filled on a small advance on cist, l-tf
him Iron i exulted purjiose said that
he did iiid mean t own a foot ,.f hmd while
(iove.iior of KniiMis, in order that he
might not have anything to distract him
that he did not come here for speculative
purposes, hut upon a Iul'Ii and holy mission
of patriotic duty. The (Governor was fre
ipiently interrupted I y eheers an.l other
evidences of approval, during the delivery 1
of his address.
;ir friend (i.ere Hophurii,
editor of the 'N--hrtikiun," gnos
this week on a pi
ensure trip to his old
homo in Ohio. Mr. Hepburn h.n had
charge of the colur..::., . f the
"-NMr:kiai" for some , iuht or to,,
'""li-SUiM during ,ha, lia. has well '
nnd ally conducted the paper; and ns a
gentleman und a scholar, fraternally nnd ,
. ' T " ". u as
mu'ttino rut 1 o n, 1.1.3 ...r. 1 .1
. -11.. 1 I . . .
"- " v oy 10 iroiner lo-urir,.
Ion your pleas,,.- trio, ,., ! vi i d s
1 lin,'."l I - m: - . 0 with v,r "
! i Il . "'I il'lcoli TiKO niiiir. '.Vul nil..
Joir. DtviiM-. I vrnr ami l1 liiofitli,
i i l".i -it ihm of lii-v. Jt P 1 1 In' 1 1 1 1 IV I il'il.
roKK:CT:n wekklv roil Tin: OAZKTTr..
S'lprimir, T- ck $'i no Huttpr,
iii'.n, por tuiKO. 1 on simuiacri!, i!
In lei II. nun, ilo
'n t: l.firil, (In
j (K
5 (HI
rn'iltoi'H Un
Dii-.l IV tele
" A,.-lr.
I no I'.irus, per ilu.
a, ilu II 'Jo ".tl1, 'T snck
i, ilu i 7") II i v, p'T tea
mill'. I'NDr.USIlJNT.n UUn pleasure in
JL annoiinciiiL; to tli" inhahitaiits of llelle
vue and vicinity, that I have commenced the
above business in this city, and will be pleased
t servo them at all tiin.'i with
V K Ai
re )HK,
of the best ijii.ilitv. H.lviiic had nevvral
yearn experience in the business. I feel confi
dent in saying that nil who will favor nie with
a call, wifl be pleased with the quality of my
meats, and heroine regular customers. I am
also inakinsr arr.mcemeiits to supply my cus
tomers with the best nnalitv of K.nis'age.
to. r.-tc Svir.LiAM au.i:v.
ZOoiaovil.o, TT. T.
Jl A'IN(, removed inlo oar larpe new store,
on Main Hlree', we are now enabled to oiler to
the Cili.ens of Douglas countv, one of the
Largest, I'heapest and best Keerted Stoek of
(ii)ods, ever opened in this city, consisting in
part of
Dry 0ood,
Hardware, '
Ilats & Caps,
Provisions, &c,
Tlnnhfol fur the liberal pat.ronn!i hereto
fore extended to ns, we earnestly solid Its
contiicnnce, feelinir confident that the nnalitv
. .. I . v l . -i . . J i "
iiuu eiicr ui mil iooiii, i-nieioi iao i(i iie;ise.
SK TO ltOvr.F
Rellevue, Oct. ?3, !:. 1 f
;cMne Jennings, Proprietor.
TIMS House is situated in the plensantest
part of llellevue, in a beautiful and healthy
location and commands a view of country,
which for beauty cannot be excrlled in this
Territory. It is fitted up in the best manner,
and no pains will be spared to make all who
may favor him with their patronage, feel at
Will always he supplied with all the delicacies
the market n fiords.
Attached to this Hotel i an excellent
which we shall always have attended by com
petent acd faithful O'-olers.
Hell-v.ic, Oct. 23. 1S53. l-tf
-Tl A SO W A T I J !.
WANTK1) IM.UF.W ATI-XY. by the suh
srriber in Hellevue, SIX (;(()!) M .
SON'S, to whom GOOD WAfiKS, and CON
STANT Kmplovment, will be piven.
llellevue, Oct. 23, l5i. l-tf
TP O S -A. I. EJ .
The undersigned oftera for sale his claim of
MO acres, situated four miles West of llellevue,
in Township 13, Kanjje 13.
This claim is well situated, hag several
Never Failing Stream of Water,
Four acres of land broke, and a pood LOG
CABIN on the place. Title undisputed. Pos
gessiou given immediately.
1). A. LOGAN'.
HcHcvue, ), t. 23, lS5ti. l-tf
Toppleton & Byers,
RAL LAND AG F. NTS, Omaha civ.
flm-kn Lain! Wurrinlj Kni,..h ri
! I'ai'l F.n'ered on Time. Special attention
?ivp," U,, "'',,,,f '"try of Lands for
' U h'ra" ' " "1"ts desirinp rboice loca-
inents made fur Distant Dealers.
, La!:,la a"'1 Tuw lot"-
j --'
I c- A- Henry & Co.,
and draft,
At the Nfbbaska Drit. Stork,
Charles A. Henry, M. D.,
X fully informs the citiens of Nebi iski,
that having' penn.inentlv located in Omaha'
city, and having had several years experienni
in me iiediiin-ill oi diseases incident to the
West, now oilers his professional services to
those who may favor him wi'h their patronaire.
Otliee in ('. A. Henrv & (Vs. Dru; and Va
riety Store, Omaha city, N. T. l-tf
iil is. l.l., II ivi:iL'p"rrli isedtlils well knovvi
n:,u il...,.ir -,!,. ,,, i),,M ,.Vt VW,.,J
respec-flllly i ! t. ihli,-, th ,1 t,, V ,;re
l.ow prepared t;.,i -heir fus' nf
all le..!r. with HOP MEALS, oysTFRs
ro.NGUE. (J AMI'., and o'lier
c",,"l'risi'-' j1" Helicaciei of il..- season.
the A rVx a" y C'f,ttlriV,'m' '
. .
, SnbscnW ,,,, hand a fine lot of
iaiu.v i.vil, 1 l.Ol i, from Wav
M'IN- M"- II. T. CI. I5KE
. Forwarding Jc Commissi,,., M-r.-hant
!!!. Vile. He,. .... tv.,,, .-
(.I.LNU ood m kktisi:iif.nts.
Olcnwood, Iowa.
HAVINt; ri cm," Jy Iciscil tl'U well-known
1 1 -! fer ;i iiiimliir of years, ami fitted
it up in a mipprinr )'!. thi Iroprirtnr flat
I tirs liimsrlf ihat tho pHiioti.'izn he heretdlerp
rctfivcil from his frienils nml tli- puMic in
3. itmhthI will now be rxleinloil. Mv taMt- jo
12 fiiriiisln il vviii thf choicest delicacies of the
neanoti. Ailjoitiinc the house are exteimive
utalileH. and good liosMrrs will always be in
attend nice.
Come on, ye that hunger and thirst for the
irnnd of thin world, and yon will always find
Jesse on hand to mini. tier to vonr wants.
Jl'.SSi: A. PAlNiT.K.
tin .j-Din.
i v i f i.' v iiwm n
MAlil. I.I. -Nr..
I TI'FFMAVS UNF. will leave tilmmood,
IJL via. St. Marys for Uellevue, on Mon
day's, Wednesday's and Saturday', at 1(1
o'clock. A. M., and will leave the Benton
House, Belb vue, v ia. St. Marys for Glcnwood,
on the same days at 1 o'clock, P. M.
This Line connects at St. Marys, with the
Council llliiils and St. Joseph Stapes, and at
Glenwood with the v arious lines from the Mig
sissippi to the Missouri Rivers.
Travelers on thin Line will find every con
venience and accommodation, to make their
trips pleasant and speedy. Comfortable
Coaches, Careful Drivers and well-fed
no ."i-tf.
A Larire and Well Selected Stock (F.xpreis
ly for THIS Maukkt) of
qflf.f.nsw ai;i:.
HOOT-: ..
I':';', iiwuiis.
N M.'.s.
. -;r.
IT A 1. 1: v
I'C I'I,! !, .
l u u .
! 1 1 1
WINDOW MliTI'i x. . ,. .
n. v im; .. , 1 ,i.i, ,,,: ! . i .,
li o.. i, we 0 i' - i . . 1
o "if r - eh i- d-i 4 3 " f T -
v.ns imv- o h, I- . ..i... ...
We ask an exnininVio - of oc l,,i 1 ;
prices, before p irch isiiur elsewhere. Tli ' , -Jtes
will find at our Stor a larire stock o
3 rj
1) U
PLAID SILKS, &c, ic,
All of which will be sold very LOW.
G i.f.n wood, Mills Co., Iowa. no l-tf.
New Everj thing, at the Old Stand of
HAS the honor to inform the people of the
Southern District of Douglas and the adjoin
iiiR counties, Nebraska, that he is now open
ing one of the largeHt Stocks of GOODS ever
brought to Glcnwood, Millu county, Iowa,
consisting of
And everything that may be found generally
in city stores, all of which he will sell
DUCE taKen in exchenge for Goods. Buy
ers from town or country wishing good and
cheap Goods, either at wholesale or retail,
will save money by calling and examining his
stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they
will find good bargains and fair dealing.
Gi.ENwoon, Iowa. no 4-tf
St. Mary, Mills County Iowa.
"VE would respectfully announce to the
f people of Mills and adjoining counties,
that we have located ourselves in the new
Prick store on the corner of Front s'reet -ml
Sire's Ave-i-e. in SI. Miry, ,i'h row liny., oi,
hand a full , w,.i) ,.', ,-....! ...;
adapted to the wo,, o,' -h.
sisting of
DRY t;or
H I!'1W RE.
ROOT-; jv- ;it :
1)1! I 'G - , " ,
F'.v ,,.
SA!I. .v....
We ar de'ermiued to sell o ca-di c
iikth lower tlnu any o'her e',iblihi,ie i, n
this por'ion of the S'a'e. An exami-.Tiou of
our stock and prices will be all tha' is necrs-.
ary to conv ince j ou of the fact. Look out
for the
''V -Ml kinds tf country produce taken in
ev. halite fur G Is.
" "-'! . K I ' II I. .V K WSER.