Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, November 20, 1856, Image 3

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(fy We would respectfully request our
Correspondents to hand in their communica
tions on. or before, Tuesday morning. Neg
lect to do so mar cause their postponement
till the following week.
Claim Association Meeting.
At a meeting of the Bellevue and Platte
Valley Claim Association, it was
Ktso'.vr.n, That the members be requested
to make a plat of their several claims, show
ing as near as possible, their connection with
the Government Surveys, and also the streams
and roads that pass through or bound them,
so that a map may be made for the use of the
Association, and that such plats be handed to
the Secretary as anon as possible.
JOSKPH DYSON, President.
W. H. Cook, Secretary.
Ho! for Glenwood.
The people of Bellevue will be pleased
to learn that our enterprising citizen of
Glenwood, Robert Huffman, has estab
lished a line of stages, which will run
regularly, as will be seen by his adver
tisement, between our city, via. St. Marys
to Glenwood. This line will make regular
connection at Bellevue with the Omaha
city and Nebraska city stage lines ; at St.
Marys, with the Council Bluffs and St.
Joseph stages ; and at Glenwood, with
the Burlington line of stages from the
East. We hail this enterprise as not
among the least for the great benefit it
will confer upon the traveling public in
general, and the facilities it will afford to
citizens of the three places, Bellevue, St.
Marys and Glenwood. We are not say
ing too much, when we remark that the
interest of these three places are identi
cal. St. Marys and Bellevue, lying due
west from Glenwood, it is reasonable to
believe that, inasmuch as our Glenwood
neighbors have much confidence in the
railroad passing through that place to its
terminus on the Missouri, at or near the
mouth of the Platte river, it will neces
sarily reach St. Majy, and finally ap
proach the Missouri river near Bellevue.
Glenwood is the county seat of a well
watered, well-timbered, and rich, fertile
country, it is a business place of no
small importance in the West, and has
some advantages unknown to other cities
not a hundred miles from this place. It
is a good market for produce, and does,
by the enterprise of its merchants, furnish
the surrounding country with a large sup
ply of goods ; and its unsurpassed beauti
ful location for healthy residences, make
it very desirable, and is sought for by
many who seek a home in the West,
while St. Marys, in a line due west on
the Missouri river, is a fast-growing and
flourishing town of no small importance
now, and with a future worthy of its en
terprising, intelligent and fast-going resi
dents. It has a good landing, and does a
large business, and is surrounded by a
county that will make it the center of
much inland business. We say success
to the enterprise and its enterprising pro
jector, and may he reap that rich reward
that his energy deserves.
' On our late visit to St. Marys we
were agreeably surprised, on entering
the Iowa House, to find it in such excel
lent trim the house new furniture new
proprietors new, and in fact everything
and everybody new. Messrs. Rick &
Sperling deserves great credit in estab
lishing their new hotel, and they show
by their acts, that indomitable spirit which
characterizes the good people of that city
and we would advise all our friends Tisit
ing St. Marys, to call at the Iowa House
and see for themselves, as these gentle
men are always ready to minister to the
creature comforts of their visitors in such
a way as to give entire satisfaction. Suc
cess attend you friends Reck & Sperling,
J5 We take pleasure in calling the
attention of our readers to the advertise
ment of our particular friend, Mr. WiL'
mam Allen, in another column, and can
testify to the fact that he kills none but
the best cattle, and that his customers
will find him (though short), quite a la!
business man, and one who supplies food
for the intellect as well as for the inner
man. Success attend friend Billy.
We take pleasure in calling the
attention of our readers to the advertise
ment of Messrs. Kphl ta Kayser, of St.
Marys, and would recommend them on
visiting that place to give them a cll,as they
have a superior slock of goods sell cheap
for cash and are first-rate fellows gen
Steamboat Arrival.
Just as we were going to press we have
to announce the arrival of the Steamer
Castle Gamcem, which owing to the low
stage of water, proceeds but slowly up the
river to Council Bluffs.
Three men were killed near Sioui
city a few days since, while attempting
the arrest of several deserters from Fort
Pierre. We understand ' that the mur
derers are in the hands of the authorities
at Council Bluffs.
or the
The management of this new and popular
nstitution announce, with pleasure, that ar
rangements for the third year have been com-
leted on the most extensive scale. Works of
American Art, and the encouragement of
American genius, have not been overlooked.
Commissions have been issued to many dis
tinguished American Artists, and a special
agent has visited the great Art Repositories
hurope anil made carerui selections or
choice Paintings, Bronze and Marble Statuary,
Ac, Ac. Among which are the following ex
quisite pieces of Sculpture, executed from the
finest Carara marble.
The New and Beautiful Statue of the
The Busts of the Three Great American
Palmer's Exquisite Ideal Bust,
Together with the Busts and Statues in Mar
ble of
The Struggle for the Heart, Psvche, Venus
and Apple, Child of the Sea, Magdalen,
Innocence, The Little Truant, and
The Captive Bird.
Besides which, are numerous Statuettes In
Bronze, Medallions, and a large and choice
collection of beautiful
by leading Artists : the whole of which are to
be distributed or allotted to subscribers of the
Association gratimtousi.v, at the next An
nual Distribution on the 2Sth of JANUARY
The payment of Three Dollars constitutes
anv person a Member of the Association, and
entitles him to
FIRST The large and cosily steel Engraving
"Saturday Night, or any of the monthly
Magazines given below, one year.
SECOND A copy of the Cosmopolitan Art
Journal, one year an illustrated Magazine
or Art.
THIRD A share in the Annual Distribution
of Works of Art, comprising a large num
ber of Paintings, Sculpture, Ac, Ac.
The following Magazines are furnished to
those who prefer them to the Engraving
Harper'a Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book,
Knickerbocker .magazine, Uraliain s Maea
zine, Blackwood's Magazine, Southern Lite,
rary Messenger, U. 8. Magazine, Mrs. Steph
ens' INew Monthly, and the British Quarterly
Reviews. Litteli's Living Age, (Weekly,)
ana two Memberships, tor n.
Thus It Is seen, that for every $3 raid, the
subscriber not only gets a three dollar Maga
zine or Engraving, but also the Art Journal
one year, and a Ticket in the Distribution of
Works of Art, making four dollars worth of
reading matter, besides the ticket, which may,
in addition, draw a Beautiful Painting, Statue,
or otner work or Art, or great value.
No person is restricted to a single share.
Those taking five memberships are entitled to
six Engravings, or any five of the Magazines,
one year, ana to six rickets in me Distribu
Persona, in remitting funds for membership,
will please give their Post Office address In
full, stating the month they wish the Maga
zine to commence, and register the letter at
the Post Office to prevent loss ( on the receipt
of which, a Certificate of Membership, to
gether with the Engraving or Magazine de
sired, will be forwarded to any part of the
country, t or Membership, address
C. L. DERBY, Actuary, C. A. A.
At Eastern Office, 343 Broadway, New York,
or Western umce, loo water street, San
dusky, UMO.
"From the New York Evening Mirror."
Throughout the country there are thousands
of persons who purchase or subscribe for the
leading magazines, at book stores, all of
whom, by joining this Association, will not
only receive their literature lor tne same
money as before, but will be, in addition
equal and free participants in a rare art-work
distribution, iney aiso receive mat beauti
ful quarterly, the "Art Journal," free.
Such an enterprise cannot fail to command
the approval and patronage of the public. It
has a basis as firm and pure as its objects are
beneficial and noble, mere la no reason why
it should not become national, in its claims
upon the people. Originated and conducted
by intelligent, reliable parties, the new Asso
ciation is entitled to every confidence."
I trust the Association will be eminently
successful. Its very liberal lodgements com
mend it strongly to the patronage of the pub
lic. Bayard Taylor.
"From the Louisville Co'-rier."
There is no danger of by this Insti
tution ; it is no chance sfiair ; you get the full
wortn or your mone, and nave tne tausrac
tion of aiding the Fine Arts."
"From thi Water Curt Journal."
The Cosmopolitan Art Association seems
to prove highly successful, as it is beneficial.
The plan on which it is founded is an excel
lent one.
. "From the Buffalo Morning Express."
Let each individual remember three things t
that by his subscription he secures a fund of
pleasant and profitable reading, or a splendid
Engraving, and entitles himself to a fair
chance in the distribution, which disseminates
and encourages good reading and a taste for
the beautiful and elevating. How can $3 be
more profitably expended ?
"From the New York Evening Mirror."
We are not surprised to hear that hundreds
of subscribers are pouring in daily. Our only
surprise is, that the hundreds do not swell to
thousands, aince every subscriber gets tils
money back certain, in the best literature, or
an elegant Engraving, and bis art chances
"From the Louisville Courier."
The Cosmopolitan Art Association have re
eeived and are constantly receiving large num.
bers of subscribers from ell quarter. We do
not wonder "t it. Almost every individual is
struck by the advantages offered by this in
stitution. Each member receives a splendid
Engraving, or becomes a subscriber to some
one of our excellent Magazines, and receives
it regularly for one year, paying no more than
the subscription price. He also receives that
beautiful publication, the 'Art Journal,' free
of charge, and, at the same time, stands a
chance of drawing some one of the numerous
Works of Art to be distributed. Therefore.
It simply amounts to this: if you are taking
soma Magazines, renew your subscriptions
with the Cosmopolitan Art Association, If
you dj not take a Magazine, then send your
name in, by all means, and supply yourself
with reading matter, at the same time helping
to ditsemtna'e art over emr iani.
devoted to polite literature, wit and humor,
prose and poetic gems, and original tales,
written expressly for the paper. In politics,
and on ail sectarian questions. It Is strictly
neutral, therefore making It emphatically
and a welcome visitor to the home circle. It
contains the foreign and domestic news of the
day, so condensed as to present the greatest
possible amount ." intelligence. INo adver-
isements are admitted to the paper, thus of
fering the entire sheet, which is of
for the Instruction and amusement of the gen
eral reader. An unrivalled corps of contri
butors are regularly engaged, and every de-
f art ment Is under the most finished and per
ect system that experience can suggest,
forming an
The Flao is printed on fine white paper,
with new and heautirui type, and contains
1240 square inches, being large weekly pa
per of eight super-royal quarto pages.
1 subscriber, one year, $2 00
4 subscribers, " " 7 00
10 - 15 00
Anv person sending us "twelve" subscribers.
at the last rate, shall receive the "thirteenth '
conv gratia.
One ropy of the Hag of our Union, and one
copy of Rallou's Pictorial, wh?n taken to
gether, by one person, $4 (Ml per annum.
Traveling agents are not employed on
this paper.
Published every Saturday, by
No. 22 Winter St., Boston, Mass.
S. French, 121 Nassau street, New York;
A Winch, lift Chestnut street, Philadelphia
Henry Tavlor, 111 Baltimore street, Haiti'
more; A C Bagley, loii vine street, between
4th and 5th, Cincinnati j J. A. Roys, 43 Wood
ward Avenue, Detroit t E. K. Woodward, cor
ner of 4th and Chesnut streets, St. Louis
Samuel Ringgold. Louisville, Ky.; Wallace,
Austen A Buel, 25 Clark street, Chicago.
Encouraged by the unprecedented success
which this popular monthly has met with, and
the rapidity with which it has increased its
circulation, the proprietor has resolved to
make it still more worthy of the patronage of
the public. Hint this admirable work is a
"Miracle of Cheapness," is admitted by
every one, containing, as it does, "one nun
dred pages" of reading matter in each num
ber, and forming two volumes a year of six
hundred pages each, or "twelve hundred"
pages of reading matter per annum, for ONE
Ballou'a Dollar Monthly Is printed with
new tvpe. upon fine white paper, and its mat
ter is carefully compiled and arranged by the
hands of the editor and proprietor, who has
been known to the pnbiic as connected with
the Boston press for nearly fifteen years. Its
pages contain
from the beat and most popular writers In the
country. It is also spiced with a record of
the notable events of the times, of peace and
war, of discoveries and improvements occur
ing in either hemisphere, forming an agreea
ble companion for a leisure moment or hour,
anywhere, at home or abroad, each number
being complete in itself.
No sectarian subjects are admitted into its
Dates i there are enough controversial publi
cations, each devoted to its peculiar sect or
clique. This work is intended ror int.
MILLION, north or south, east or west, and
is filled to the brim each month with chaste,
popular and graphic miscellany, just such as
any father, brother or friend would place in
the hands of a family circle. It is in all Its
departments fresh and original, and, what it
purports to be, the cheapest magazine in the
(f A new attraction has just been added,
in the form or a Humorous illustrated,
Any person enclosing one dollar to the pro
prietor, aa below, shall receive the Magazine
for one year ; or any person sending us eight
subscribers and eight dollars, at one time,
aba II receive a copy gratis.
Ijy Sample copies sent when desired.
M. M. BALLOU, Pub. and Proprietor,
No. 22 Winter St., Boston, Mass.
A First-Class Family Newspaper, devoted
to News, Literature, Science, and the Arts;
to Entertainment, Improvement, and Progress,
Oi nf the Rest Weekly Newspapers in the
World. $2 a year, or Si lor naif a year.
The Scientific American aays: "It is of
tarir size and faultless tvnoeranhv. Alinotit
every branch of human knowledge is treated
by able writers. The R. I. Reformer pro
nounces It "the most beautiful Weekly in the
Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and
Practice t to Physiology and Anatomy, with
numerous Illustrations and to those laws
which govern Life and Health. $1 a year, or
50 cents ror hair a year.
"We know of no periodical which presents
a greater abundance of valuable information
on all subjects relating to oilman progress and
welfare." Livew lfork jribune.
"The Water-Cure Journal Is the most popu
lar Health Journal in the world." N. Y.
Evening Post.
Devoted to Phrenology, Education, Self
culture, and all those progressive measures
designed for the Elevation and Improvement
of Mankind, si a year, or DO cents for six
"Devoted to the highest happiness and in.
terest of man, written In a clear and lively
style, afforded at the 'low price' of one dollar
a year, it must aucceed in running up its pres
ent large1 circulation to a much higher figure."
"Standard authority in all matters pertain
ing to Phrenology. The beautiful typography,
and the superior cnaracter or tne numerous
illustrations, are not exceeded in any work
with which we are acquainted." American
For Three Dollars $31, a copy of
each of these three Journals will be sent one
year; for Two Dollars, half a year. Please
address all letters, prepaid, aa follows l
No. 308 Broadway, New York
THE Subscriber has on hand a fine lot of
Mills, MO. H. I. IL.AK1E.
Forwarding at Commission Merchant,
' Bellevue, Oct. 1.V.. 1-tf
I'.niTitn v Loiit (lAvtosn Clank.
fTIHE number for January, IKftrt, begins the
A Forty-Second Volume of the Knickerbock
er Magazine.
Since the price of subscription has been re
duced from five to three dollars a vear. the
circulation of the KMii-RKMsnrxr.a lias been
increased nearly four to one. In many places
ten are taken where there was but one brfore,
and through the year it has been steadily In
rreasinr. It is now offered as cheap as any
of the Maga.lnea, all things considered. In
stead of making new and prodigious promises,
we submit a few extracts from notices of lute
numbers, which we might extend to a number
of pages.
"Those familiar with the Editor's Monthly
'Gossip with his Readers, have doubtless,
with ourselves, admired tne parenmai source
of Its wit anil oyonaness. In this number
'The Gossip' holds on its way like some fair
rivulet glanrlng and mincing in the sunshine or
a May morning. We used to wonder how
Mr. Clark could hold nut, expecting he must
certainly Met down' in the coming number t
but this number gives no sign of exhaustion."
National Intelligencer, Washington.
"Pleasant, genial, delightful 'Old Knl.k I"
Thv name is a suggestion of things delectable ;
the' sight of thy modest, fresh cover, a balm
to spiritual sore eyes; a glance within thee,
best antidote ror tne nines, inou nasi given
to kindly humor, to piquant delineation, and
to side-splitting fun, a 'local habitation,'
without which they might go wandering over
the domain of letters, calling now ai d then
where a friendly door opened to them but re
fusing to be comforted for the loss of their
old dear home." Courier, Burlington, Vt.
"The gTeat care evinced In the selection of
articles that adorn its pages, is a sufficient
guaranty that no contribution meets the eye of
the reader but those which are known lo be
worthy of his perusal. When storms and
wild tempests are sweeping o'er our hill-side
village in these chill winter hours, and Is
drear and desolate without, we ask for no
more agreeable companion than the 'Knick
erbocker's ror while Its contents impart
valuable information, its sallies of genuine
wit are a sovereign specific for all fits of the
blues or attacks of the horrors, and time
passes merrily on." Democrat, Doylestown,
"The Kxicacasoc in has been and will be
a fact of its own i a genuine living thing, all
the more desirable now that the new crop of
magazines, tilled with articles pirated from
l'.ngliah authors, makes fresh home creations
more conspicuous and welcome." i:ew
York Christian Inquirer.
Rev. F. W. Shellon, Author of Letters from
'Up the River,' etc., will be a regular con
tributor. The best talent In the country will be en
listed, and no expense or effort spared, to
make the Knickekhockf. a more than ever de
serving of the first position among our ori
ginal American Magazines.
I fcKMS. Three dollars a year, strictly in
advance there will be no deviation from this
conditions Two copies for $5 00 1 Five co.
pies, and upwards, VI tiu each, jiookaeiiors
and Postmasters are requested to act as
Agents. Those who will undertake to pro
cure subscribers will receive favorable terms
Specimen numbers will be sent gratia on ap
Dlication. nost naid.
lIMUUCt-MkN 19 1UH LliU lUIIl. me
Knickerbocker and Harper'a, Putnam's,
Graham's or Godev'a Ladv's Hook will he
sent one year for five dollars; the Knicker
bocker and Home journal ror four dollars a
POSTAGE. Two cents per number, pre
paid at the office where the works Is deliver
ed, quarterly in advance.
All remittances and all business communi
. .....
cations must be addressed, post-paid, to
348 Broadway, New York.
The object of the paper la to present, In the
most elegant and available form, a weekly
literarv melange or notable events of the day,
Its columns are devoted to original tales,
sketches and poems, by the
and the cream of the domestic and foreign
news t the whole well spiced with wit and
humor. Each paper la
with numerous accurate engravings, by emi
nent artists, of notable objects, current events
in all parts of the world, and of men and man,
ners. altogether making a paper entirely ori
ginai in its design in this country. Its pages
contain views of every populous city in the
known world, of all buildings of note in the
eastern or western hemisphere, of all the prin
cipal ships and steamers of the navy and
merchant service, with nne ana accurate pnr-
HAILS VI srcil iwu vu.ioiui i.iv nvi iu
both male and female. Sketches of beautiful
scenery, taken from life, will also he given,
with numerous specimens from the animal
kingdom, the bh-da of the air, and the fish of
the sea. it is printed on nne satin surface
paper, with new type, presenting in its me
chanical execution an elegant specimen of art.
The whole forms a mammoth weekly paper of
sixteen octavo pages. l.ach six montiia ma
king a volume af 410 pages, with about one
thousand splendid engravings.
1 subscriber, one year,
4 tubacribers, " "
1 00
10 Oil
20 00
10 " MM
Anv person sending us "twelve" subscribers
at the last rate, shall receive the "thirteenth"
copy gratis.
. One copy of The Flag of our Union,
and one copy of Ballou's Pictorial, when
taken together by one person, one year, for
S4 00.
ry Traveling agents are not employed on
this paper.
Published every Saturday, by
No. 22 Winter St., Boston, Mass.
S. French, 121 Nassau street, New Yo
A. Winch, 116 Chestnut street, Philadelphia ;
Henry Taylor, 111 Baltimore street, Haiti-
timoret A. C. Bagley, 1A2 Vine street, be
tween 4th and 6th, Cincinnati; J. A. Roys,
43 Woodward Avenue, Detroit i E. K. Wood
ward, corner 4th and Chesnut atreets, St
Louis i Samuel Ringgold, Louisville. Ken
tucky i Wallace, Austen A Buel, 25 Clara" St
Chicago; rrubner . uo 1 paternoster
Row, agent for Great Britain and Europe
Nuckolls & Co.
V T Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa. The tin.
dersigned beg leave to call the attention of the
People of Mills a ad adjoining Counties to the
fact mat tney are in receipt or weir
Which for price and durability are trnaur
passed In Wei'tern Iowa, which in addltioa to
our Summer stock r-f GROCERIES. Ac.. m
hand, makes tt one of the anoat desirable stocks
of GOODS In the Western Country.
Glenwood, lowa, km t. 33. nxw i-tr
n a i, t i in o n k
Journal A Gazelle of the News of the
Country, and the World Abounding In Lite
rary and Miscellaneous Reading Devoted to
Agriculture, and Mechanics and containing
the most reliable Weekly Review of the Bal
timore Markets, Ac.
The rapid and unprecedented Increase of the
circulation of the Baltimore Weekly Ameri
can, not only In Maryland, but In the South
ern and Western Stales, is a most gratifying
evidence that our efforts to furnish a first class
family and business newspaper are fully ap
preciated by the large number of readers to
whose interests it is especially devoted. Its
eompletei,e In every department of Domes
tic and Foreign News, ami Literary and Mis
cellaneous Heading, anil Its reliability as a
compendium of the Commercial and Business
All'dhsiif Ksltimore is so universally admit
ted, that it has become a necessity with all
persona doing business with our city, whilst
to the general reader it Is acknowledged lo be
without a superior as a fireside journal.
Hie present large circulation, with a con
tinuation of the rapid accession to Its sub
scription list since the 1st of January, aver-
warrants us In the expectation that before the
close of the year it will reach an unexampled
In order to render the Weekly American
still more acceptable to Its numerous readers,
we propose during the present vear to add
largely to its attractive qualities, and In doing
so shall spare neither labor nor expense lo
keep it in advance of all its cntemnraries,as a
Its size enabling us to give nearly double the
amount or reading or any other Weekly paper
published South of Philadelphia, and conse
quently rendering it the
published In any or the Southern or Western
We propose to greatly Improve this depart
ment of the Weekly American, which will
hereafter embrace the productions of the
ablest and most popular world-renowned
with Literary select ions that cannot fail to
give universal satisfaction. It will also con
tain original and select articles on Science
and the Arts, with Miscellaneous Reading
that will-be both instructive and entertaining.
is another great feature of the Weekly Amer
ican, in which we are sure its readers for the
past year will bear witness to its being with
out a superior among the Weekly papers of
the country. Receiving regularly full files of
V 1 -I. II..... ..
r.ui iiptrnn joui iidii, uiu i iiiiiiiitiiuiiiiii ui ruiri;ii
Intelligence Is made up from the fountain
head, and is furnished in interesting detail,
with a care in selection that baa given univer
sal satisfaction.
embracing the affairs of Hie whole country, as
well as of our own Stale and the Local Mat
ters of the City, Is also a feature of the Week
ly American that cannot fail to give to Its
new subscribers, as it lias to its old menus,
the most universal satisfaction. The many
hundred copies weekly mailed by our city
readers to their friends in the country, and
absent relatives, is an evidence of its great
uperiority in tula respect.
will hereafter receive special attention, and a
column will always be round on our fourth
page containing a variety of useful and valu
able information to the Farmer. It will em
brace original and selected essaya from the
most able and experienced writers.
has obtained a character for completeness
and accuracy not surpassed by any other pa
per in the Union. As a basis of this asser
tion, it may be stated that at many flour-
mills, stores, and distilleries, so mucn reli
ance is placed on its market reports, that
sales of grain and other produce are made in
advance, prices being, by mutual agreement,
based upon the quotations given in Its com
mercial review of the Baltimore markets.
It also contains a regular report of the mar
kets of Philadelphia and New York, with the
latest reports or the cattle markets or Balti
more and all the Northern cities.
The Weekly American will hereafter be
published at
For single copies, it being nearly double the
size, and containing double uie amount or
reading matter of any other weekly newspa
per published South of Philadelphia.
Subscribers transmitting two dollars will
receive the paper sixteen months, or eight
months for one dollar.
Club of four copies, one year, $5.
Club of eight copies, one year, (10.
Club of fourteen copies, one year, $15.
Club of twenty copies, one year, $20.
Club of thirty copies, one year, $2U.
Club of forty copies, one year, $118.
Club of fifty copies, one year, $ tel.
Club of seventy copies, one year, $05.
Club of one hundred copies, one year, $90,
The postage on the Weekly American to
anv part of Maryland, is 3 1-4 cents per quar
ter, and to anv office in the United States, out
of Maryland, '6 1-4 centa per quarter, payable
In advance at the orhce where Uie paper is
delivered to tne subscriber.
Postmasters and others raising Clubs of
eight or more, will be entitled to one copy free
of charge.
(TV Payment must be made in advance,
and the subscription is oromntlv discontinued
at the end of the time paid for, unless re
newed. DUBBIN k. MLIUIN,
American Building,
Baltimore, Md,
To th Public ani will reader
To tkt irani o ms r, vests.
Bellevue, Oct. 51, lj. l-tf
Wholesale) ti Retail; Merchant,
HAS just received ami now haa for sale, a
large assortment of selected merchandise
adapted to the wants of all in this new and
thriving community, which be can sell as cheap
as can be offered elsewhere so high upon the
Missouri river. His goods have been selected
by an experienced purchaser, with special
reference to the circumstances and wants of
all classes of settlers in a new country. La
dies ami gentlemen, children and youlli. all
can be supplied, ('nil and see for yourselves.
Mis stock consists of the following, among a
great many other articles he cannot now enu
merate i Among his
Dry floods,
May be found Woolen and Satinet Cloths,
Cassiuets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Linseys,
Flannel, Red, White, Gray and Blue, Caspian
Plaids, Cotton Goods, Sheetings and Shirtings,
Bleached and ITnbleached, Blue and White,
Drillings, Osnaburg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory
Checks, fcc, &c.
Knnry floods.
A beautiful assortment of fancy prints of
every variet y of style and pattern. Ginghams,
Lawns, Figured Alpacca, lloiiiliaiiies, liom
bsyetts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck
erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons,
Slc, kc.
A well selected stock of Summer, Fall and
Winter Clothing, consisting In part of fine
Dress Coats, Pants ami Vests; also, good
Summer Clothing of all descriptions, ami heavy
Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts,
Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Hocks,
Sic. Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va
rious fashions, quali'l les and prices. Boots A.
Shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished,
of every description, for Men, Women, and
Children's use.
Crushed, Clarified, Ixaf and Brown Sugar,
Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup,
Superior Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Sassafras,
Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Clnr.uinon,
ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snuffs, Tobacco,
Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles
Pepper-Sauce, &.C., tc.
A large assortment of Flour, of various
qualities and prices t Corn Meal and all the
various products of the Farm and Garden (
Baron, Fish. Kiln dried Apples, Peaches,
Currants, Raisins, Ac.
Stoves of various patterni for Cooking and
Heating rooms, Stove-pipe and Elbows, large,
and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets
Hand-Irons, Shovels and Tongues, Manureand
Hay Forks, Scythes. Shovels and Spades, Log
and Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers
Iron and Steel, Nails, Horse-Knaps, Files
Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Rar
zurs, Butts and Screws, Door Handles, Knob,
Locks, &.C, &c.
A general assortment kept for househob
Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zinc
Sole Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide,
Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco,
Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Lariats, Circingles,
Belly-bands, Driving-lines, Collars, Back
straps, Girths, Blind-bridles, Ac, Ac.
A general assortment of Medicines, for
Fevers, Fever and Ague, and the common
complaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's,
Ssppenyton's, Bragg's and Jaynes' Pills, Qui
nine, Tonics, and various kinds of Stimulants,
Anodynes. Liniments, and other articles neces
sary for the sick and the Invalid. 1-kf
Guntav Seeger,
NEER, Executes Drawing and Painting
of every style and description. Also, all
business in his line. Office on Gregory street,
St. Mary, Mills county, Iowa. 1-tf
coram bliffs advertisements.
Oreene, Weare Si Benton,
and Land Agents, Cour :il Bluffs, Iowa.
Notes and Bills collected and remitted to any
part of the United Stales. Money received on
deposit, and interest alloued. Eastern or
Njiithern Drafts ruruished in sums to suit pur
chasers. Land Office funds paid for Currency
or bills of Exchange. Loans effected on good
security. Taxea paid, titles examined, and
Ileal fc,tale bought and sold on commission.
Lands entered for settlers and time given for
fiaymeiit. Office opposite the Pacific House,
n west lower room of Land Office.
References i F. 8. Jesup it Co. t W. J.
Barney 4t Co., Bankers, Dubuque, Iowa ; Cook
A Sargent, Bankers, Davenport, Iowa l Cul
berton A Reno, Bankers, Iowa City, Iowa
People'a Bank, JSew lork City: Iketcnem,
Rogers A Bennet, Bankers, New York City;
Selkon, Withers t Co., Washington, D. C.
Hon. Chas. Mason, Com. of I'aleuts, Wash
ington, D. C. Hon. A. C. Podge, 8. U. S.
Builington, Iowa; lion. U. W. Jones, a. V.
S , Dubuque, Iowa ; Hon. Joseph Williams,
Chief Justice, Muscatine, Iowa.
Council Blutl, Oct, 23, lSDfl. 1-tr
Tootle & J ackaon,
' CHANTS, Council Bluffs city, Iowa.
Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse
on Uie Levee at the Council Bluffs landing,
are now prepared to receive and store, all
kinds of merchandise and produce, will receive
and pay charges on all kinds of freigths ao
that Steam Boata will not be detained as they
have been heretofore, in getting tome one to
rereWt freight, when the consignees are absent.
References: I.ivermoore a Cooler, S. V.
Davis A Co. and Humphrey, Putt A Tory, St.
Louis, Mo. ; Tootle ft. Fairleigh, St. Joseph,
Mo. ; J. S. Chenewortb A Co., Ciuclnaati Oiuot
W. F. Coulbough, Burlington, Iowa. 1-tf
Greone, Weare & Benton,
Potowattamie eonutv, Iowa,
eare, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Greene, Weare A Rice, Fort Des Moines, la.
Collections made i Taxea paid i and Lands
purchased and sold, in any part of Iowa. 1-tf
Johnson, Casady it Test,
Council Bluffs, lowa, will promptly attend to
Land Agencies, Collections, Investing Money,
Locating and 8-'lling Land Warrants, and all
other business pertaining to their profession.
in Western lowa and Nebraska. 1-tr
'rMlK undersigned having recently taken
X and refitted the above well-known and
popular Public House, he trust by the strict
studious attention to the wai ts of Us guests,
to merit a liberal share of public favor, confi
dence and patronage. His table will be
spread with the beat the market affords, ami
no pains will be spared to make hia guests
agreeably at home and comfortable.
Council Bluffs, lowa. noy 13-tf.