13ELLEVUE GAZETTE. r r n i. i ii r. n by 8. A. STRICKLAND & CO., BELLEVUE, N. T. THURSDAY, NOVF.MnKRUO, IH.W. rrllrntlal r.lrcflou. Adjourned It ail road Hireling. From nil th reports tlint hnve came to Alan Adjourned Railroad Meeting, hand, there is but liltle doubts of the elec held at the Hellcvue House, in this city, on lion of the Hon. JAMF.S lll'CHANAN, Saturday, Nov. IS, 1S.KJ, JntS, Allah f..r President awl lion. Jon. i V. Dri.gkcic in the Chair, C. K. Watson Secretary, S. aiiint, for Vire President. The follow- M. Curran reporter, the minutes of last ing is n list as reported, of the States, with meeting were rend and adopted. The com- their several eloctorul votes for ench of mittee appointed to confer with l ot. 1 nos. FOREIGN NEWS. A KHIVA I. OF Till: CANADIAN. BELLEVUE MARKETS CORRECTED WCI.KLT fOR THE OA1F.TTE SMiiFlonr.VRsrktO WW Butter, Trb Wheat, per bush. 1 no Shoulders, do The steamship Canada, from Boston, Corn, do S Hams, do i t i .i... io.l i.:. I Mats do .iiaru, no arrive.1 ai i.nerii on me im. i p,,, do , M Km, per do, reported that Ixml Palmerston is prepar- Dried Peaches, do 3 2d Salt, per sark inir a new Reform Hill. Lord John Russell threatened a similar In our Inst, appeared an article on the Presidential I'lection. We resume the subject this week, and are pleased as the returns come in from the I-'ust with the gratifying intelligence of the election of llurlmnuu. The news well confirms now tlint Wisconsin, Illinois, and even Mary land, so loin; doulitful, have all given ma jorities for the Democratic cnndidates ; and we think this triumph of Democratic national principles, in the election of Uu chaiiiiu, is lull the just senl of disnpprolia tiou and condemnation placed by the peo ple, upon fanaticism, sectionalism, and dis loyalty to the Union. We are of those who believe in the permanency and the perpetuity of this glorious I'nion, the constitutional rights of tho Slates unim paired, the supremacy of nalioiml and constitutional law over every seciiona! ism, isms or schism, that has arisen or may arise in the fruitful imagination of worn out ami rejected politicians who la bor so assiduously and industriously for men, for Jire, and for ivr, and whose motto is ric or ruin, doing all in their might and power, whether fnir or foul, for wirii, and nothing for a cause or a principle. In tho election of James Uu chnnan to the Presidency, we recognize tho wise and sagacious Statesman, the learned ami able Diplomatist, the truo scholastic and self-taught American ge nius who has carved out his own fortune and emblazoned his name and national fame in characters of perpetual remem brance, to live long after monumental glory and martial honor shall have crum bled to dust ; and nlthough a northern man, born, bred and educated in the North, still, whatever might be his per sonal proclivities as an individual, arising from his birth and education, as the Pres ident of the jtropk of the wiiM thirty-one States, he will rise high alnivo every sec tional and lien! question, and, as was remarked by one before hiin, ho will 1 - 1". . 1 K T Know no r.ast, no nest, no jNortn, no South, but will bo tho President of the whole people. It is a proud spectacle for an American citizen, who has n spark of the revolutionary patriotism of 70, to be hold, amidst this fanaticism, this wild and mad local excitement, tho Southern States still loyal to the Constitution and the North. No less so, all have been ready to make every sacrifice, prompted by the loftiest kind of national patriotism, in the election of a northern man with ntl'uma principles to the Presidency, not doubting but the wisdom, the patriotism, and states manlike ability, national in its long step, that has marked the course hitherto of tho illustrious lludmuan as the repre sentative and exponent of Democratic principles, and the embodiment of ull that constitutional union-loving American citi zens so much desire, will all lie fully re alized in President Buchanan. the Cnndidates: men nn. Virginia,' Krntiti Uy. Smith CnrnliliH,. North Carolina, ((ruin, TeiiM'SHee, Arkansas, Trxas, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, IHaware, Pennsylvania, Indiana, New Jersey. Louisiana Illinois, FRKMO.VT. t.')Nw York, i Miine i X; New llain"liit'V II Vermont ,' 10 Massachusetts, 12; Klio.ln Island,.... 4,('oiiiierlii,ut, . A (ihlo, i; Michigan, . 0 Iowa, . 7 . 0 Total, . .1 13 til H Vt . 5 . ft n . 4 . ii 23 fili.mork. Maryland, 4 1(H) DOUBTFUL. California, 170 Wisconsin, II. Hento:, Jr. reported his inability to go as Delegate, to llurlington. On motion. S. A. Strickland, George Jennings and Maj. Watson, was appointed a committee to draft resolutions expres sive of tho sentiments of the meeting. During the absence of the committee, . ft the meeting wns addressed at some length. by Messrs. Holloway and Dyson, of Hellc vue, and P ach of Ohio, on the importance to the interests of this city, die location of the western terminus of the llurlington and Missouri River Railroad, at a point opposite our city. The committee then reported the following resolutions, which were read by sections, amended and adopted : Resolved, That we deem it necessary and expedient, for the best interests of this place, to send a Delegate to Burlington, to represent Ilellevue. Resolved, That we, the citizens of Jlelle- ineasure. Kngland and France have suspended iplomatic intercourse with Naples. o hostilities have yet occurred. A terrible accident occurred in London While Rev. Mr. Spurgeon, the famous to serve them nt nil times with Baptist preacher, was preaching at Inn- BEEF, pprt Ilnll. n fnlsr nlnrm of fire was raised. VEAI persons MUTTON, VENISON, fcc. causing a stampede. oeverai were trampled to death. mi .. . .L. v ......... ..,.! l ne statement mm rinnn- Fiuiiiiimiru , .. . . ..... ,,., i Austria to evacuate the 1 rincijialities is yMrB experience In the business, I feel confi- nol rreuueu. ient in saying inai an wno win ravor me wiui . i .. .i an ed to the original protocol respecting uie tomers with the best quality of Sausage. Sound Dues. A Ministerial crisis and financial diffi- Total, Ilttttle In INIcnrngua. Cnpt. Villiains, who arrived in New Orleans on the Pennsylvania, furnishes the following account of the battles of Malaya and (Jruundu, in the latter of which he took part : "(Jen. Walker was vuo and vicinity, subscribe Two Hundred oll mlvw..,! ..f ifw mnvoniHiiis nf the ene- Thousand Dollars stock, to the Burlington i . m u- . . i i. and Missouri River Railroad, and a like mv, but wih his usual caution ho kept his . ... ' 1 .. amount to the Davenport and Missouri information and plans from the public. Rj Rttjlroad. on condition that the About the 1st of Octolier, the order was western terminus of said roads, be made given for the out garrisons at San Carlos, at a suitable point, or points opposite this Illt-no Tinittittii nrwl Afnnniriin tn rniirnn. city ' ; , .,, . ' ,. , . RrsolivJ, That in the opinion of this tra.e on (.ranada. Shortly afterward the Umt Jf chher both of snid advanced guard at Massaya was ordered ron,s Bhol,lJ terminate between St. Marys to fall back upon the capital. It at once and Trader's Point, on the Missouri river, became evident that Gen. Walker had de- will be considered a suitable point or . :...! ... .1 i. . . .a points. iri lllllll'U iw Ulflw liiu t'lll'lliy nil, uuu - nil rrM . 1 , . , , , ; , Resolved, That we propose to donate cnoose ins own groium ior me name. xhne iiunurej atl(i Twenty acres of land On tho evening of the 11th he left for Depots or other purposes, to each of Grnnada with 1,100 men for Massaya. said Compnny , as an inducement to lo- Tbi U r lou-n Rltunted so.i.p fifteen miles ratP c terminus ot their roads, as suited r o 1 . : .1 .... o Ann . alxwe. iron. ,.n.,M.ua, comu.on.g Ilollul o,wu R,,soI Thnt our Delefrate be author habitants, rsatlllft Ims endowed It With nnil instrmted. to us nil bonornbln many advantages. It has two plazas; in and fair means, to impress upon tho Presi the centre of the rrincinal one stands a Mt and Directors ot said roads, the facili i culties exist at Constantinople. W X J It li . The Ministerial crisis resulted in the avirrm a pawTtTQ reinstallation of the old Ministry. tt m The r rench commercial crisis assumes -- v?j-a.v? v a.9 morn favorable nsnect. HA VINO removed Into our larce new store, ... . ... - I mi - . i I I . . . - Persia solicits the mediation of France "i," l" ll , "ow r,,"u,culu u"ir..1" in her difficulties with Lngland. r.arD-Pi. c,ni ami r,et selected stork of r i - large church, on cither side a few shops. The houses are principally built of adobe. It was here that Gen. Walker had deter mined to meet tho forces of the Allies. The troops marched nearly all night over a very muddy and slippery road, and be fore the morning of the 12ih were before ties and natural advantages, to be derived by locating at these points : and that he be requested to carry out as far as possible the provisions and conditions of the above resolutions, On motion of A. Lockwood, Mr. Geo Jennings was appointed said Delegate On motion, Messrs. Lockwood, Bowen Public Meeting. Several of our citizens have requested ns to invite, through the columns of the Gazette, all those who do not feel inclined to receive the visit of the Pawnees, which commences in a few days, to last through the coming winter, to meet at the Bellevue House on Saturday evening next, to take the necessary steps to notify this tribe that their room is preferable to their company We have at present a few of these gentry amongst us, and find them anything but agreeable and profitable visitors, as they are pretty well versed in the art of Imr rowing articles, which their customs for bids them to return. We hope to see a good turn-out, for every one knows that they are not wanted in our neighborhood The Loudon police are on tho lookout for the recovery of a casket of jewels recently stolen from the Baroness Anselme do Rothschild. The robbery was committed at the country residence of the Baroness, at Frankfort-on-the-Maine The jewels were in a casket, and in brown leather jewel case, the value of the contents being estimated at 200,000 francs. For the most part, the jewels from their remarkable rarity and beauty may be easily recognized. Among them were tho following : Four rows cf large pearls, of which three rows were of ten to twelve grain pearls, and one row of twenty to thirty grain pearls, the last alone bein,r north 40,000 francs, and the whole fr.u H),000 to 1 06, 000 francs ; a large oviemul onyx, surrounded with dia monds, valued at 10,000 francs; a ser pent ring, with diamond, the interior en graved, "In memory of Hannah de Roths child; lour large pearl buttons, sur rounded with diamonds; six bracelets of diamonds, emerald and rubie. Apples, do 2 75 Hay, per ton 3.-) 12 15 12 30 5 or 5 00 BUTCHERING. rilllE UNDF.RSIC.NED takes pleasure la X announcing to the inhabitants of Belle vim an I vii'initv. that i have commenced the above business in this city, anil will be pleased 'pork, The Cologne Gazette says, all powers, " call, ' phased with the quality of my centino- the Toiled States have assent- m,,atl, nn1 become regular customers. I am cepting uie umuu Mates, nave assent Mmj makin? arrilnKPmpnts to supply my cus- quality of Matisaee. WILLIAM ALLEN. no 5-tf ARIUVAL OF THE VIGO. The steamer Vigo brings five days ater news from the Continent. The aris Conference was to re-assemble on the 15th. German papers state that the King of Naples had urged the Cabinets of t. 'etersburg, Vienna and Berlin to con clude in favor of the integrity of the king dom of the two Sicilies, and a treaty ana- ogious to that guaranteeing the integrity of the Ottoman Lmpire. The latest advices state that prepara- tions for a descent upon Naples were re doubled. No modification of the Ministery had taken place. Goods, ever opened in this city, consisting in part or Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Stoveware, Hardware, Clothing, Soots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, Woodenware, Provisions, &c, Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to us, we earnestly solicit its continuance, feelins confident that the qnality and price of our goods, cannot fail to iiieaae. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1850. 1-tf GLENWOOD nOTEL. Glen wood, Iowa. HAVING recently leased this well-known Hotel for a number of years, and fitted It up la a superior style, the Proprietor flat ters himself that the patronape he heretofore received from his friends and the public In general will now be extended. My table in iimislied witn tne cnoicesi aeucacies or the season. ArtjoinniR uie nonae are extensive atables, and pood hostlers will always be in ttendanre. Come on. ve that huneer and thirst for the Cood of this world, and you will alwaya fin, ease on liana lo minister to vour wants. JKSSE A. FAINTER. no 5-3m. huffmn'sItIj BELLEVUE, ST. MARYS AM) liLKNWUUD STAGE LINE. HUFFMAN'S LINE will leave Glenwood via. St. Marys for Bellevue. on Mon! day's, Wednesday's and Saturday's, at 10 clock, A. M., and will leave the Benton House, Bellevue, via. St. Marys for Glenwood. on the same days at I o'clock, P. M. This Line connects at St. Marys, with the Council Bluffs and St. Joseph Stages, and at Glenwood with the various lines from the Mil- issippl to ths Missouri Kivers. Travelers on this Line will find every eon. venience and accommodation, to make their trips pleasant and speedy. Comfortable roaches, careiui unvers ana well-fed Horses. ROBERT HUFFMAN. no 5-tf. Iost Ofllce Ilobbery. Dr. E. F. Fellows, a clerk in the post office in this city, was this morning arrested BARREL, of Household poods, marked "O. NOTICE, To all whom it may Concern I HAVE in store ONE BOX and ONE by Mr. J. K. Tyler, on complaint of W. THOMAS, Omaha, Nebraska, care or Major Dickie, the P. M., on a charge of Tootle & Jackson." The coods were left with ,y. , ' i -i 6 me on the last down trip of the Steamer A. C. robbing letters passing in the mail. Godden. The owner will please call, pay H. T. CLARKE, Forwarding and Commission Merchant. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 185ft. 1-tf It has been pretty well understood for charges and receive the poods. the past six months, by Major Dickie and one or two of the special agents of the Department, that many money letters posted in western offices and destined to offices in the interior and eastern parts of this State, have been opened, their con tents abstracted, and the letters re-sealed and sent to their destination. These cases the town which was in possession of the and Strickland, were appointed a committee enemy, who were said to be about 4,000 t0 conference with said Delegate. On motion, C. T. Holloway, was ap ronf' , pointed to solicit sulwcriptions to defray iKiug uuwsi-u oi uie upproucu oi ureu. tne expenses of said Delegate Walker, they had advanced on the road On motion the meeting adjourned, sub- from the town with a stronir bodv of J? to the call of the president ,r,.,n. i';,i...r ui.u f ,h r.,,A ii,,,l James S. Allak, President, .7 7 . , , , 7 V C. E. Watson, Secretary with high bushes and cactus. At day-1 break, Gen. Walker formed his men in Excursion In a Balloon. column, and ordered a charge at once. Those who participated in the balloon The rush was made, and the enemy broke ""irsion 001aru; on i nursaiiy tati, i i i i. i reiumeu to una cny un r ritiay, nueu Wltn and fled before the head of the column adlniratioI d deliirhted with their trin. i i t .1 rwM a i I . ... . . . " I oum reacn mem. i ne Americans Kepi The balloon left the enclosure at Chesnut on and followed the enemy into the town, and Twenty-first streets, at four and a ha . . . I . .i ... i : n r i.ii , j , , where they were strongly posted in the , l"K1"Kl T ir- u'uum unu iaay n ...,.1 u iv -...., ... n it...,.!: i i .laas and streets. After a gallant fight, , ' " ' .V. ri Yi. B ' , T which had lasted ail tnrougn tne aay ana of Osman Reed & Ca After ascendintr evening, Gen. Walker was in jiosition at to an elevation of 13,000 feet, the balloon 11 v. m., with his howitzers before the was wafted in a north-westerly direction, ,1., ron.k- i .v,n .Ko on. M"1" a' lengin reacneu tne vicinity ot Uhes 1 " " I ,ar l;,.U of.r R ',.1,,K c f .u my in the morning. The artillery had Ly feelinff hungrV) Mr- Godard ,et m,t wen orougm up uirougn ine wans oi me d iwrtion of gas, and descended to a farm houses, which were cut through for this house, where their creature comforts were nurnose. The troons were order.nl at ultended to. hile here they were met . i ... ... rp,... by Mr. Felion, President of the Philadel , , . , , , , , , ' phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad ha.iougnt nam, ami mey slept well. Comiwiiy, who invited the iwty to his About half-past 12, a. m., an express house. A number of persons seized a train from (Jranada, arrived, advising rope, and pulled the balloon to the house, Gen. Walker that that city had been at- whe ''l e,ni'pd fastened until the visi- . , . . , , . , ters had been hospitably entertained bv uukcu m oi , u, preMous, uy a Mr Fel(0u The josin? of fcy force of nearly 1,400 men. These were descent, and its condensation by the night from the hacienda of San Jacinto, and air, induced Messrs. I lewling and Butcher had Wit ioined bv bodies of troons from t0 remain at Mr. b elton s, while the re San Salvador and Guatemala, with a few ,lin,nin? P8 got into the basket and , , , , ascended again, at a few minutes before namorristas. ! ney nau aavanceu upon eight 0clocU. In a half hour Wilmington tiranaaa uy a uuiciem roau irom thai was reached, and Mr. uodard descended leading to Massaya, and had surrounded sufficiently low to converse with a mini tin ritv iiltnrL'mir it nn nil siflAtf TKam ber of citizens of that place. He airain r . i . . . ascended, and came down olontr the road, were very few troois, which, with the v i , , .. , .V . , ' .. ' . . . ... and shook hands with several astonished American citizens leu in me cny, uiu not individuals. At about 10 o'clock Mr amount to over 150 men. These took Godard made his descent in safety and possession of the ordnance derjartmeut. with ease, about four miles from North jruard-house.ha-.pita! and principal church. East' C..eciI1 Md- havinS mtt(ie a dis- tj a BENTON HOUSE. George Jennings, Proprietor THIS House is situated in the pleasanteat norl nf n11fl,ri, In O Kaiti f i tnl an4 fkn1thtf of pilfering were very frequent, and called location and commands a view of country, for a thorough investigation bv the post I which for beauty cannot be excelled in this office authorities. After some time spent Territory. It is fitted up in the best manner, t. , .,,: vm ana po paina win De spared 10 mave an wno in observation, it became apparent that m favrhlm wRh teif patronag, fee, tt llli'oc; iCiiciD uric uicuu ill viiiui? I fiome. in this city. For two or three months fils TABLE. past, constant watchfulness has been kept Will always be supplied with all the delicacies epon the clerks in the office ; their habits, tne-maritei anoras. X f Attached to this Hotel is an excellent whirh rpsultd m hxinfr Riisnirion iinon I oiMUja, the person this morninr arrested. In or- whir1 w'.8l,a.!l lwiys.have tniti by com , . , . petent ana raitnrui ustiera. dcrto ascertain the fact to a certainty, r Bellevue, Oct. 23,1853. 1-tf the 1'ostmaster tor manv mornino-s during lh( nnst kit wppL-9 bna Vippn fin tho wntrK I MASONS WANTED. .. , . visiting the office secretely, at 3 and 4 "VANTEDIMMEDIATELY b h ,,b o'clock in the morning, in order to over- ' ' B" l"",a FAZnllrfeJr,, , , ., , 1r t, ii , SONS, to whom GOOD WAGES, and CON iook tne proceeaings or ur. t enows, whose STANT Employment, will be given. jiiatin e ii iiua iu go 10 uie oiuie in a very M. SHAW, early hour, without any ostensilie object. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1856. 1-tf In these visitations the Postmaster has T tT t t t i tit rrT a ttv t seen Fellows opening letter bags, and d a a T nvprhnnlinfT nnil nru.n I mr nnrL-nrrua X.- r I -- e v " nnd rlnincr nihpr tbinon PiitirAlu nut'nf tKo Tne undersigned offers for sale his claim of and doing other thmgs entirely out of the 160 acres, situited four mile. West of Bellevue, IV Yl " umi,o. tino muiiuiig aixnjui I m lownanip u, nange is. Dickie was on the watch again, as early This claim is well situated, has several as 3 o clock, having passed the night in bfkimus, a the office, and after observing similar Never Failing Stream of Water, proceedings on the part of Fellows, and About EIGHT ACRES OF FINE TIMBER running imminent risk of being discovered Eo"I"cTres ,of ,and broke, and a good LOG v J A. V.l Ulb piatCi x 111 session given immediately Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1856. 1-tf on the mam plaza, and the ladies took anJ ft ha,f hour$ on the road forl resh. refuge in the house of the American ments. They were met at the place of Minister and some of the foreign Consu- landing by several countrymen, who assis- lates. This handful of men defended the ted in rarkil,g-"P ,he lllxn, and afier- plaza successfully for twenty-two hours. n nveyi the party in a cart to ' , , i . North Last, where they remained all The enemy ransacked every house in aight. The passengers on this novel ex- search of Americans and money. Mr. cursion, say the sight from their lofty Lawless, the Rev. Mr. Wheeler, and possition was the most magnificent thut Mr. Ferguson and son were dragged into con ,e ""n?'" ; this was particularly so the street and murdered. General i.n rT.TVll'.r V U,T '"T ... . . . ... , ... began to rise, and lip hill and valley with alker s residence was pillaged, and his her silvery beams. One of the peculiar.- papers scattered over the floor in the wild ties of this night ride, was the remarks, hunt for plunder. About 10, a. m., of the lle echo at the height of some 10,000 13th, tho gallant band in the plaza had fm Mrt Gotjard "S and each .1 ( .. , , verse was as distinctly sung by an echo the first intimation tha succor was at ,3 ,weet and melodiusf as the voice which hand m the booming of the howitzers and uitered the words. The Party at this alti- the rattle of the musketry, in the attack tude could also hear the larking of dogs, of General Walker on the enemy at Jal- and even cackling of the chickens and teba Church, about three-quarter, of a ?,r m?,ern.aI Progenitor. Mr Godard ... ... , .. , .7 . it u said will make his third ascension on mile immediately l-ehmd the Ordnance Thursday iwxt, from Parkinson's Garden, Department. Chesnut street. IXillar Newspaper. Pos j-A.T. il 1 m..i . . by him, he at once confronted him, charged rT SIT .?'"XJl , unaiPutM D. A. LOGAN OMAHA ADVERTISEMENTS. ANDREW 1. rOFFLETON. WILLIAM N. BYEM Foppleton & Byers, him with crime, sent for Tyler, and before the hour for opening the office in the morning, l ellows wns arrested The investigation has been one of great difficulty, on account of the necessity of obtaining positions for overlooking Fel lows' operations without being discovered bv him : nnrl triA nrrnnrrpmnnf if iI-ia : .v.: "v. 5..T.:. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. AND GENE uuiie u nau, ui suia uuBiwereiew A RAL LAND AGENTS, Omaha citr, and much exposed. The matter has been Nebraska. Land Warrant bought and sold, well managed by Maj. Dickie, seconded Land Entered on Time. Special attention by Mr. Hecox, his assistant, and by Thos. given to the selection and entry of Lands for Fitzgerald, the porter of the office, whose gTftia 2ft'u & reauy presence oi ininu nas in several of Real Estate, bonght and sold and invest instances savea fliaj. uicuie trom prema- menta maae ior umtant ueaiers. ture discovery, and contributed essentially C" A Competeiit Surveyor and Draught m;n alwaya in readiness to survey lands, find and select Lands and Town lota, and draft City Plats 1-tf C. A. Henry & Co., "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GLEXW00D ADVERTISEMENTS, AND CHEAP GOODS. JUST RECEIVED BY NUCKOLLS & GO,, GLENWOOD, IOWA, A Large and Well Selected Stock (Expresi- ly for THIS Market) of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, CASTINGS, GROCERIES, QUEEENSWARE, HATS fc CAPS. BOOTS & SHOES, PINE DOORS, IRON, NAILS, SASH, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LOCKS, LATCHES WINDOW SHUTTERS, tc, &c. ' Having been bought and shipped at low figures, we flatter ourselves we are able to offer such inducements to CASH ni' IT ERS as have not heretofore been offered. We ask an examination of our Goods and S rices, before purchasing elsewhere. The La ies will find at our Store a large stock of CHALLI, UKKAGK, DELAINS, POPLINS, GINGHAMS, VICTORIA LAWNS, EMBROIDERED ROBES, PLAID SILKS, fee., ac, All of which will be sold very LOW. NUCKOLLS fc CO. Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa. no 4-tf. NEW STORE! NEW GOOES!! NEW PRICES!!! New Everything, at the Old Stand of SARPY fc ENGLISH. EDWARD C. B0SBYSHZLL HAS the honor to inform the people of the Southern District of Douelas and the adjoin ing counties, Nebraska, that he is now open ing one of the largest Stocks of GOODS ever brought to Glenwood, Mills county, Iowa, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS fc SHOES, HATS fc CAPS, QUEENSWARE, NAILS. LEATHER, CORDAGE, IRON, OILS, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, fcc., And everything that may be found generally in city stores, all of which he will tell CHEAP FOR CASH. (TV ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE taxen in exchange for Goods. Buy ers from town or country wishing good and cheap Goods, either at wholesale or retail, will save money by calling and examining his atocK before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find good bargains and fair dealing. Glenwood, Iowa. do 4-tf to the successful result of the investigation. Buffalo Com. Adv. We think that the confidential clerks of the Post Office Department, miirht find n fiiio finlrl fnr invostirrniinn nn I V GISTS, At the Nebraska Daeo Stoic .... i.i: T...n mhs f"y N'braaka, have on hand and are uj uiimicm iuui 1Cuuuig m jjcutrvue, constantly receiving a large and complete as continual complaints reach our ears of "0'tinent of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- , , ,. . . . ., cinea, Dve Stuffs, Liquors, Se gars, Preserved delay and losses through the mails. For Fruits, Confectionariea, fcc, fcc. Physicians' ourselves we would say that no papers of orne" n"fa on "" advance on cost, l-i any description, has cine to this office in CharleB A. Henry, M. D., ten days, and were it not for some of our PiY,?IC,IA AD SLRGEON, Respect , . , , , , , . fully informs the citizen of Nebraska, friends, we would scarcely know what that having permanently located in Omaha was going on in the world, outside of f'Y' nd "avinK had several years experience v . i in the treatment of Diseases Incident to the ISebraska. West, now offers his professional services to those who may favor him with their patronage. Mrs. King, near Kingston, rsew York, Office in C. A. Henry fc Co's. Drug and Va- was recently taken sick, and her husband seized the opportunity to elojie with a handsome servant girl named Miss Mar tin. Arriving in Albany, Miss Martin eloped with a young man named Corne lius, with Mr. King's money. Mr. King being penitent, returned home and found that his wife had eloped with a dry goods clerk named JelTers, and ail the movea ble articles in the house, whereupon Mr. K. started in pursuit, considering himself a deeply injured man. riety Store, Omaha city, N. T. 1-tf L-.Cvl,nR,L,E?,D GREEN ANn RICHARD KIMBALL, Having purchased this welt known and popular Saloon, in Omaha citv, would respectfully inform the public, that they are now prepared to furnish their customers, at all hours, with HOT MEALS, OYSTERS. SARDINES, PIGS FEET, PICKLED TONGUE, GAME, and other REFRESHMENTS, Comprising all the Delicacies of the season. Come ve that hunger and thirst Come to the APEX and ye shall be filled. , lf MtFKN k KIMBALL. KUHL & KAYSER, St. Mary, Mills County Iowa. NEW STOKE NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS. WE would respectfully announce to the people of Mills and adjoining counties, that we have located ourselves ia the new Brick store on the comer of Front street and Sj'e's Avenue, in St. Mary, and now have ea hand a full and well selected stock of ISTO77" C3rOOC3J3, adapted to the wants of this community, eoa sistuig of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, HATS fc CAPS, BOOTS fc SHOES, DRUGS fc MEDICINES, OILS, CLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, FURNITURE, PAINT, LIQUORS, WINDOW-GLASS, SASH, fcc., fcc. We are determined to sell to cash custo mers lower than any other establishment ia this portion of the State. An examination ot our stock and prices will be all that is neces sary to convince you of the fact. Look out for the MAMMOTH BRICK STORE! II FRONT STREET, ST. MARY. RV All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Goods. no &-tf. KUHL & KAYSER.