Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, November 13, 1856, Image 4

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A l iom 1I Poiilli j ml.
I had a 11. irk of chirkem,
The sweetest little t liinr,
Willi tiny coals of creamy down,
And little li inl of wing
And bills like lines! Ivory
From f ml ii it Jungles In i .-V,
Ami nli'inlir io1Ulii'd If Hi., I seemed
Cornelian finely wrought.
It. w pretty their bright heady ejc.,
And cunning sidelong peep,
A 'ncntli their clucking ninther'a wines.
They nestled down to n ! p 1
How sweet lli-ir i-hirplng twitter,
A they Instrrcd Hi her ni li-!
How nimbly on Iit slippery back
The) hopped up for tide I
How ilsintilv they seemed to pick
The crumbs I loved to scatter 1
How pri'ltily the) uhmI to up
'I lii wntrr from t li platter
All I H would take Hip graphic pen
Of Hawthorn' or of Dickens,
To picture half the beauties
Of my charming little chickens.
I fixed for them a roy roup,
To shield them fiom the storm,
And made s nest of softest hay
To keep thrm snug and warm
Hut " ever t Imih from childhood's hour
Our fondest hopes demy !"
I would there was sir much of truth
In tin If (lie poets nay !
Ah, t ain was all my lender cnrel
Wild March with stormy hreath.
Ilrhathcd on my little nurslings,
Three slept the sleep of death (
And three of these stern March had spared,
In one sad baleful hour,
A wicked, cruel, murderous cat,
Dili ruthless!) devour.
Mont earnestly the rest 1 strove
To Hhield from hurt or harm,
And fortune seemed to favor me
The air grew soft and warm :
I deemed them safe, when, one by one,
To crown the gad mishaps,
The remnant of my little lloek
Fell victims to tli" " gapes."
Alas! a!as! all words seem vain
To picture my dimii.iy!
And vainer still, poor mother hen,
Thy sorrow to portray
A Voirelr-HS, tearless Niohe,
By fate's fell arrows stricken
Thou Blandest hy the empty coop,
Bereft of every chicken
No need of matron morn or eve,
The dainty crumbs to bring j
No need of thee poor lonely hen,
To spread thy shivering wins.
I gaze around and o'er my eye
A dewy dimness thickens.
And with a wailing voice I cry,
My chickens I Oh, my chickens I
C'rrtulii ItuN't in running.
A curiTspoiulcnt of the Ma.v.acliti.setts
Plowman gives in n ncont number of that
paper, the following short, yh'm nutl
practical rules:
1st. Collect nuJ fcc-curi' fr 'I,.' wast
in"; infliio ncos of the sun and lam (either
in a cellar or under s-heils,) all the ma
nure possible.
2. Make a judicious and liberal appli
cation of it to the Mil you would cultivate
according to the nutlity ;f it, and of the
crop to be raised from it.
3. Cultivate no more round than you
can attend to in die best time and manner.
4. Keep no more Mock on your farm
than you can have in a thriving condition;
and in order for this, pay attention to the
root culture, and especially be particular
to secure the hay crop in Uio proper sea
son and in the best manner, so that its en
riching properties may be retained
. Set out no more fresh fruit trees
than you can give ample room, and keep
in cultivated grounds well enriched. Rear
your own trees, or otherwise procure them
of none but experienced or nvnnsible
nurseryman. (Jet the best rind most
thrifty trees, not even accepting as a ir if t
rvy of lb refuse ones, riant them out
with the greatest care, so that they may
not be retarded in their growth. Shape
their tops from ji-ir to year as they may
nead by pruning. These rules, of course
admit of much uiup'itkution, as, for instance
that in regard to the cultivation of the
crop, it implies deep and clean vulture,
frequent stirring of the ground in the
right season.
But I am aware, brother farmers, you
will say these are but common place re
mark, no new truths we knew them all
before this. Very well, let me tell you,
truths pertaining to agriculture, like moral
truths, need frequent inculcation. And
here I will reuture to at'.irm that not one
fanner in ten follows so closely these rules
as hi might. Therefore, be iersv.aded
to try them carefully for a period of five
years, and I xvill venture to predict that
you will be greatly benefitted and be ready
to tbank the writer for his suggestions.
In Washhotali Valley, Utah, there are
! 1. 1.
i :. vf .l.
ien ooi in? N.rnip, ..... .r k.cuv iuuu-
ral runosities. They are tituated on the
banks of a stream and jwur out their wa-
ters seething hot, with a great noiseJTLe
waters hiss and dash over jffgged rocks,
and jets of Bteam, hot enough to wald the
hand, is also forced out.
Taking Care of I'tirmlin il'nicii
I'.veiy firmer sluuil.l have n hoiwo fr
ki i pile; I. is inipliiite n's. It ;h"iiM I e
tight and dry ; nnd adapn-tl for ripnrinf,
altering, i leaning and (diarprnini: them,
r.very iuiplitiifnt, wh"ii ti"t rnquirvd fer
use, slmiiM have its proper place, and be
fore it is laid pay! for winter, u!l the bright belonging to it should be carefully
li i. d and well tr a-ed in prevent rietiiiL'.
Hu t i a viper vhili poisons th1 farmer's
pui.-e; many furuir allow their lows,
barrows ninl cultivat-ir to ru l and rot in
the corner-' of open, damp sheds, during
six month of the year, and they seem
surpiised that tin ir impliui"iit.i do not la.-t
A II farm implement, after lia imr K"-n
used diirint,' suiiii.', summer, and fall,
shotibl ha! th'ir wihhI work painted. aNo
their conrs' tto'tal work ; and very Ih Ii
and nut should be tiiled. The loss of an
ounce of iron by rust, is cipml to the los
of an ounce of gold. Carefulness in all
thiiii,rs is economy, and a little extra trou
ble saves extra expense,
ilv lien Meat.
Many persons cotn'laiu that their hens
will not lay, and that notwithstanding their
assiduity in furnishing them with all the
articles ordinarily recommended to ensure
fecundity, the eirtrs they produce will not
" half pay the expenses." Now, we pre
sume their is something lacking, or the
fowls would certainly not run their owners
in debt. It is not generally understood,
even by those who profess to be most
deeply versed in the mysteries of " hen
olorjy," that the hen, being omnivorous,
requires, to ensure fecundity, a very libe
ral allowance of meat. When enjoying
her liberty in the fields, pastures, or door
yards, the principal part of her sustenance
is derived from insects, worms, &.r. She
partakes but sparingly tit such times of
grain, and often when that nrticle is sup
plied, leaves it for the more inviting food
which nature supplies her with, in her
favorite haunts.
Now, if vu confine her where the natu
ral propensity for this description of food
cannot be gratified, even though we sup
ply the best of grain, and in abundance,
she will cease to lay. The privation af
fects her health, and will necessarily be
tin nu l profit until the tieliciem y is
When fresh meat or fresh fish cannot
be supplied, the common scraps of the
butcher, which are hard and compact, and
can be kept any length of time, answer
all the desired purpose. New J'ngland
Apple Toasl.
Cut six apples in four quarters each,
take the core out, peel and cut them jn
slices; put in a saucepan an ounce of but
ter, then throw over the apples about two
ounces (if white pounded sugar and two
table-spooiifiilsof water: put the saucepan
on the lire, let it stew quickly, toss them
up, or stir with n spoon ; a few minutes
will do them. When tender, cut two or
three slices of bread half an inch thick,
put in u frying-pan two ounces of butler,
put on the fire ; when the butter is melted
put in your bread, which fry a nice yeh
hutish color ; when nice and crisp, take
them out, place them on a dish, a little
white sugar over the apples about nn inch
thick. Serve hot.
Ditto, with Imi-hov i:mlmts. 1-Vg
the top of the apples, bread-crumb, and
put a little butter over ; put llu-m in the
oren for half an hour, sprinkle over with
sugar, and serve. They arc-also goo.
cold. A table-spoonful of currant icily or
any nice jam. or a glass of ort, sherry,
or brandy poured over it, is excellent.
The bread may be well toasted, buttered
and sugared over ; it also may he cut in
any t-hape you may fancy, either round
or in dice; they will dish well in crown
shapo. A glass of rum or brandy may
be placed in the centre, and set on lire
when sent to table. If served cold, whip
ped cream may be put over.
(amp Koup.
l'ut half u jwinil of silt trk in a sauce
pan, two ounces f rice, two pints and a
' of l'ollJ atcr. nnd, when boiling, let
fiminer another hour, stirring once or
' lwice 1 lreak in tix ounces of liM iiit. let it
, s"il,,l,,'n " is ,lieu ready, adding
01,0 tea-sjiomiful of sugar, and a quarter
vlw Y TPe'", f handy.
lou Soup.
Tut in your pot half a pound nf salt
nork. half a unit nf imuis. ilmw nii.rj ,f
' ' r w
i ta-sfXHuifid of, half one
i . . 1 . . , .
of lmr four M'ws veg.-talles, cut
l slices, if to be had; boil gently two
! hours, or until the pea are tender, us
some rt-quir' boiling longer than others,
and ervo.
It t I, T I M O It V,
VI'AMII.V Xr.WM'API'.il A llouseho'dl tiie'le of Hie News of the
i Co m'rv, and the World Aim uidine in l.i'e-.
I'.irv a id Miri t! ii.eo is Iteadin" Devn'cd tit
Agriculture and Mechanics mid containing
the mo. reliable Weekly ltcview fr the lial
tilnoie M.irkei . A. .
i?i:iH'CTioN ok piwi:.
The rapid and utipreerden'i d increase or the
rircul it ion of the Pallimoie W'eeklv Ameri
ca n, me o'iIv in M i rx I Hid. h it in the South
ern and Wftterii S!.ile, Ua inns jrr.i it X itig i
e Menc- tha o"r ctimt" n furnish a lirt i'l:w j
farnili- ati.l Imuiness new 'paper are fullv np- i
pieelateil ly Hie lari;1 nui'ile r of renter to I
IlilNe Intel,'. " it i i rxpecillly d"Voe.. In
foinph'tcue4 in evi'fv depai I nevil of I).mi"i- ;
tie and ron l'M nt, and I.Henrv .m l Mis
rellaiieouH Heading, and iti reliahili'y a: a .
eo!nr""'iM"i of the Commercial and nudneM
Atfiirs of H ilfimore i so uiiiver'ally admit
ted, thi it hai heroine a iiereMi'y wi'li all
piTMoiH doinir liisinei with our ei',whilit
to the general'-r i' U neknow ledeil t' he
ui'lio-.t a superiA a .1 lire -ode jo'imal.
Tin present larire circulation, i h a ron
tinu.Oion of the rapid aecrsioi to i'n su'i
si i ion list since tile 1st of J.HiiCM V, ,1ver
:ii;iiiji k ht.y (inf, mvmti:r pk.r day,
wairaiiti ui In the expect. i ion that heforetlie
close of the vear it will re.u h an unexampled
In order to render the Weekly American
stiil more aceepialde to its numerous reader",
we propose durilii; the presen year to add
larirelv to its attractive ipialiHes.aiid in doinj;
o nil HI spare neither lahor nor expense to
keep it in advance oT all its co'etnoraries. as a
its size enahlini: us to tie nearlv do dde the
amount of readini; of any o'her Weekly paper
pnhli-dicd South of Philadelphia, and con.-e-ipientlv
rendering it the
published in any of the Southern or Western
We propose to creatlv improve this depirt
meiit of the Weekly American, which will
hereaDer embrace the proil'icMons of the
ablest and most pop ilar world-renowned
with Literary gidee'ions that, cannot fail to satisfaction. It will also con
tain original mid select articles on Science
and the Arts, with Mi-ceaneo:is Reading
that will he boHi instructive and entertaining.
FoitF.ifi i; F.xcn
is another preat feature of the Weekly Amer
ican, in which we nre sure its readers for the
past j ear will hear w itness to its heiiir wi'li
o it a superior among the Weekly papers of
the count i v. Receiving regularly full I'des of
F.uropean journal, our compendium of Foreign
Intelligence is made up from the fountain
head, and is furnished in interesting detail,
with a care in selection that bus given univer
sal satisfaction.
emhraring the affairs of the whole country, as
well as of our own State and the Local Mat
ters of the also a feature of the Week
ly American that cannot tail to give to its
new subscribers, as it has to its old friends,
the most universal satisfaction. The many
hundred copies weekly mailed by our city
readers to their friends in the country, and
absent relatives, is an evidence of its great
superiority in this respect.
thf. AGRicrrnR r. df.partmf.nt
will hereafter receive special attention, and a
column will always he touml on our toiirlti
pace containing a variety of useful and valu
able information to the Farmer. It will em
brace original and selected essays from the
most' aide and experienced writers.
has obtained a character for completeness
and accuracy not surpassed hy any other pa
per in the Union. As a basis of this asser
tion, it may he stated that at many llour
mills. stores, and distilleries, so much reli
ance is placed on its market reports, that
sales of grain and other produce are made in
advance, prices being, by mutual agreement,
tiasc I upou Hie quotations given tu its com
mercial review or the ll.iltiuiorp markets.
It also contains a regular report of the mar
ket of Philadelphia and New York, w ith the.
l itest reports of the Cattle market of lialti
moie and all the Northern cities.
The Weekly American will hereafter he
published at
For single copies. It being nearly double the
sue, and containing double the amount of
reading m it'er of any o'her weekly newspa
per published South of Philadelphia.
Subscriber 1 1 aiismi'ting two dollars will
recehe the pap.-r sixteen months, or eight
months for one dollar.
Club of four copies, one year, $.".
Club of eight copies, one year, $10.
Club of fourteen copies, one year, $13.
Club of twenty ,.,ues, one year, $J(1.
Club of thirty copies, one year, $J!.
Cliih of forty copies, .one year, $Hs.
Ciu'o of fif'y conies, one year, $t.
Club of seeuty copies, one year, $!.. j
Club of one hundred copies, one year, if HO. j
The postage on the Weekly American to i
any part of Maryland, is 3 l-i ceuts per quar
ter, and to any olJ'ce i'l the I'uited States, out
of Maryland, t l-l centu per quarter, payable
in advance at the ollice where the paper is
delivered to the subscriber.
Postmasters and others raising Clubs of
eight or more, will be entitled to one copy free
of charge.
!V Payment must be made in advance,
ana the siitiscriplioii is promptly discontinued
at the end of the time paid for. unless re-
liewcd. DOBBIN & ITI.TON.
American Building.
Baltimore, Aid.
- - . -
Greene. Weare & Benton.
1 IVLTCJ IU' ITrot-n- Iv.iti,v.i.
L:''""""' n 11 .v.m.j-., ;
and Land Agents, Council Bluffs, lovvu. ,
Notes and Bills collected and remitted to any
part of the I'uited Slates. Macy received on
deposit, and interest allowed. ' Eastern or
Southern Drafts furnished in sums to suit pur- '.
chasers Land Ollice funds paid for Currency j
or bills of Evch tuge. Ii.ins ctt'ected on goo'l
security. Taxes paid, titles examined, and
Real Estato bought and sold on Commission. !
Lands en'er.-d for settlers and time given fori
payment. Ollice opposite the Pacific Huuse, i
111 west lower room of Lend Otlice.
Kki-krencks: F. S. Je.up Co.; AY. J.
Barney Co., Bankers. Dubuque, Iowa ; Cook
i. Surge,!, Hankers. Davenport, Iowa j Cul-
bert-ui A. Reno, B inkers, Iowa City, Iowa;
People Bank, New York City; Ketchein,
Rogers &. Rennet, Bankers. New York City;
Selkon, W Khers At, Co., Washington, 1). C. ;
Hon. thai. Mason, Com. 0 Patent, Wash-
iigtou, D. C. ; Hon. A. C. DotLe. S. IV S.
H irlington, Iowa , Hon. G. W. Jones. S. I'.
S Dubuque, wa , Hon. Joseph Williams,
C luef Justice, M iscatine. Iowa.
Council RlnnV Oe
' l""V-l-'f
orrais i:vi:ry
To thj Public, and will render
To the vtui of JUS (ii KSTS.
J. T. .w.Lr.v.
l!.-..viie, Oct. l-i r
Charles A. Henry, M. D.,
XIIIVSICIAN" AM) SiriU.Ku.v. ReHpeet
lully infoi ms the citinii of Neuraskii,
that haini; permaiiently located in Omaha
fit v. and hatha: liad several years experience
in the treatment, of Diseases incident to the
Wct, v.nw olfers his profeiovtl Hervices to
those w ho may favor him with their patronage,
otlice in i . A. Ilei.ry & t o s, Drug ami va
riety S'.orc, Omaha city, N. T. t-tf
Boot C&3 Slioc
A WRIGHT, would resp.clfiill
respectfully r- i j
id (ienl leinen O tj
hat he is pre- '
j , inform the Ladies am
ot Helleviie ami vi'jmitv, lliKt lie is pre
pared to manufacture, to order, every variety of
Of the best finish and Latest Fashion. He is
also prepared to make up In the best manner,
Embroiderer! and Worked Slippers, which he
will warrant to please all who favor him with
the eiis'om.
Hcllcvue, Or'.. ?,(), O-tf
THE Subscriber has on hand a fine lot of
EX TRA FAMILY FLOl'R, from Waverly
Mills, Mo. II. T. CLARKE. '
Forwarding & Commission Merchant.
Rellcvue, Oct. -'.I, ISati. 1-tf
Wi: would respectfully inform the inhabi
tants of riellev'i" and vicinity that we are
prepared to ERECT and FINISH
Buildings of all Descriptions,
On the shortest notice, and in the most work
menlike manner. Having been engaged in the
business several years, we feel confident in
stating, that all who faor us with their cus
tom, will he pleased with our work.
Rellcvue, Oct 23, ls.-.ii. l-if
f piIF. Proprietor of the above Sa--L
loon, takes great pleasure in
announcing to the public, that he is
now prepared to serve at all hours, and in the
best manlier,
Together wi'h every thing that is usually
found in a FIRST CLASS
Refreshment Saloon.
Having had considerable experience in ca
tering for the pulilic taste, he is sure that all
who favor him xvith a call, will be sa'isfieil.
Bellevue, Oct. 23, lHrl. 1-tf
"pilK Undersigned beg leave to inform
L the Inhabitants of Douirlas county,
that they ar prepared, to do 'ill work in
their line of busines, in the bmi m i nner. .a rid
on the Rlnral terms, at tlu ir shop in
Having had several ye?rs experience
at HORSE-SHOEING, in some of the best
ohops in Eastern Ci'ies, they will be able to
give entire sat isfaction, to all who favor them
with their patronage. in this line.
Bellevue, Oct. i.'l, lM.Vi. l-lini
rrillE undersigned t.ikes pleasure in nn--L
iio incing to '.be inhabitants of Rellevue
an.! vicinity, licit tbev are now prepared to
Bl'ILD AND FINISH, in the best manner,
all styles of
Dwelling Houses, Cottages, &e., &c,
On the shortest notice, and in the most ap
proved style of workmanship. They will he
also happy to do any work in their line of
business, which their friends may stand in
need of. MYERS k HILLYARD.
Bellevue, Oct. 30. ls.'ni. -J-tf
Tootle & Jackson,
. CHANTS. Council Blutrs ci'y. Iowa.
Having a Larue and Commodious Warehouse
on the Levee at tha Council Bluffs lauding,
are now prepared to receive and Btore, all
kinds of merchandise and produce, will receive
and pay charges on all kinds of freigths so
that S'.eam Boats will not be detained as they
have been heretofore, in getting some one to
receive freight, when the consignees are absent.
liCri'm.Mesi l.'veiinoore &. Coo ey. S. C.
Davis & Co. and II iinphrey, Pu't t Tory, St,
! I.'.ls. Mi.; To.'le . Faiilei-rh, St. Joseph.
' M'. ; J. S. Chenevvorth St Co., Cinciuna'i Ohio;
I V. F. Co ilboug't, Burlington, Iowa. 1-tf
l.f.TTF.Il IJST.
LIST of Letters remaining in the Post Office
VJ:':, v... c
1 - .!
nrailli.y. William
Rennet', Gideon
Butcher, Simpsoa
lluiln, Leouisanua
Caldwell, Henry
Cumings, Henry
Detw IJ.r, j.1.0',1
Detwiler, J.ieop R.
D. lvviler. J. J.
Drexel, Tereidrih
Deets, Joseph 2
Dorr, Joseph
Ellis, John J
Ford, C. A.
Fos'er, Ephraim 2
Fo.U-r, Nathai.icl
F.ilkner, F. B.
George, William'
Gvthe'., Valentin
Gihlut, Rengimen
Holister. A." W. 3
Harvy, Betsey
linn. imi. s.
Jones, William J.
Jonson, Hartm
Knepp.'ii, Samuel
K me, R.
Miller, Charles T.
Mii'ou, Geoi'e
Mi!!s, George M.
Putmaii, J. J. 2
Pease, Samuel
Ran, II. B.
Race, John D.
Reno, H. B.
Robinson, C. D.
Swi.-kird, Ezra 2
S'.cvei.s, Charles W.
Toiupson, Robert
Williams, Charles
Wright, S. B.
' Persons calUng for any of the above, will
ph ase say advertised. ' "
' s u l-ivvi-v i r
ll-llevue. Oct. 21. Isvt.t.'o.' ''
ncucun advertisejiexts.
(Jenncr JeiuiltiK, Proprietor.
THIS House is situated in the pleasautest
part of Hellenic, in a beautiful and healthy
location ami command a view of country,
which for beaut v cannot he excelled in this
Territory. It is fitted up in the best manner,
and no "pains will be spared to make all who
may favor him with their patronage, feel at
Will always be supplied with all the delicacies
the mirket a Hbrds.
Attached to this Hotel js an excellent
which we shall always have attended hy com
petent and i.tti.iiiiu usiiers.
lteevue,()ct. 23, IS.Y1. t-tf
.M iNOXS w.iti:i.
Y scriher 111 Itellevue. SIX (iOOD M -SONS.
to whom GOOD WAGES, and CON
STANT Employment, will he en en.
Helleviie, Oct. 23, 1H.V.. 1-tf
Itellevue, Nebraska.
IS prepared to transact the general business
of Hanking, will receive deposits, Discount
short paper, buy Rills of Exchange, on all
parts of the Country, find sell on St. Louis,
Chicago and New Yoik; make collections in
the vicinity' and remit for the same at Current
rates of Exchange.
Z'if Interest allowed on special Deposits.
JOHN WE A RE, President.
Titos. H. Bentox, V. Pres.
John.!. Tow n, Cashier. 1-tf
Hanking Hours From to 12, A. M., and
1 to 3, P. M.
II. T. Clarke,
CHANT, Rellcvue, Nebraska. Dealer
I'l.i K.nKNcr.s : Gold & Brother and Edward
llemtw'ead. Wafer street, Chicago;.!. W.
Haskius, Milw.iukie, Wis.; R. M. Norton,
Pres. Racine co. Pack, Racine, Wis.; C.
Barrett, River street, Cleveland, O. ; Fentn
& Brother, Cincinnati. O. ; Tibbie & Havs.
Erie. Pa. ; C. B. Wright & Co. Bankers, Erie
Pa. ; C. H. Wright, Banker, Philadelphia, Pa.;
Darling, Alhertson & Rose, Front street, N-.
Y. , W. J. Willis, Water street, N. Y. ; R.
Hall. Trov, N. Y. ; Mr. Hungerford, President
Ilsnk of Westfield. Westtield, N. Y. ; Hon. S.
Morton. Nebraska City. 1-tf
a vatit. or, aim
"EOjFL sale.
The undersigned oilers for sale his claim of
in acres, situated four miles West of Bellevue,
in Township 13. Range 13.
This claim is well situated, has several
Never Failing Stream of Water,
Four acres of land broke, and a good LOG
CA Bl N on the place. Title undisputed. Pos
session given immediately.
Dellevue, Oct. 23, ISM. 1-tf
Bellevue, TNT. T.
HAYING removed into our large new store,
on Main street, we are noiv enabled to otFer to
the Citizens of Douglas county, one of the
Largest, Cheapest and best S"iicted Stock of
Goods, ever opened in this city, consisting in
part of
Dry Goods,
Hats & Caps,
Provisions, &c,
I i natiKi ui ior rue nnerai patronage nereto-
tore extended to us, we earnestly solicit its
continuance, feeling confident that the quality
and price of our goods, cannot fail to please.
Bellevue, Oct. 23, 18,Vi. 1-tf
To all whom it may Concern.
I HAVE ill store ONE BOX'and ONE
BARREL. of Household goods, market (
W. THOM AS, Omaha, Nebraska, care of
lootle k Jackson' The goods were left with
me ou the last down trip of the Steamer A. C.
Godden. The owner will please call, pay
cnarges and receive iiie goons.
Forwarding and Cominisiion Merchant.
Bellevue, Oct. 23, ISoti. 1-tf
Ho! For Fresh Water.
I ME undersigned respectfully informs the
inhabitants of Bellevue and the surrounding
country, that he is prepared to dig and finHi,
At the shortest notice, and on the most re,v
souable terms. D. A. LOG V
Bellevue, Oct. 23, lfOn. 1-tf
Wur.HSAS, It has been usual for the Execu
tive of the several States and Territories to
set apart one d;: y for thn returning of thanks
to the Allwise disposor of human events, for
the manifold blessings which, in His gracious
providence. He has hem pleased to confer
upon us, both as a nation and as individuals;
and whereas. The people of Nebraska have
abundant reason to be grateful for the con
tinued health, peace and prosperity with
which they have been blessed during the past
year, therefore
I. Mark V. IARn. Governor of the Terri
tory of Nebraska, do hereby set apart Tiium
pav, the day of November, H5ii, a a
day of general thjnksuiviig, and recommend
that on that day all denominations of Christ
ians throughout tne Territory do assemble at
their respective places of worship, and that
the citizens generally unite with them in re
turning grateful acknowledgments to that Al
mighty Being who hath hitherto so signally
blessrd our infant community, and that fervent
prayers be oth-red up for a continuance of His
kind guardianship and protection, and that the
civil strife that now seems to threaten the
stability of our glorious Union may l.e speed
ily allayed, and peace and good will be re
stored to our b -ioved confederacy.
In testimony whereof, I have' hereunto ret
my hand and caused the great seal of the
lerritory to be affixed, at Omaha city, this,
2u day of October. A. D., lSSii.
r u MARK W- IZAKI1. Governor.
I. H. Cr-MiKij, Secretary.
V" All pspsrt in lbs Territory pli ropy.
C. A. Henry & Co.,
GISTS, At the Nebraska Dsro St.h,
Omaha city, Nebraska, have on hand and ar
constantly receiving a large and complete
assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Mej).
tines, Dye Slutl", Liquors, Segam, Preserved
Fruits, Confectioiiaries, &c.,&.c. Physician,,
orders filled on a small advance on cost,
ANPnr.w J. I'orri.KTov. wim.iam n. Yt,
Poppleton &!ByerB,
1Y RAL LAND AGENTS, Omaha "city"
Nebraska. Land Warrants bought and tnf,
Land Entered on Time. Special attentj,,,',
given to the selection ami entry of Laiuls for
Settlers, and all others desiring choice (,cii.
Hons. Land Claims, Town lots and all k-js
of Real Estate, bought and sold and invest.
liienis inane ior wihihiu. jeaiers.
C V Competent Surveyor and Draught
man always in readiness to survey lands, flrui
and select' Lands and Town lots, and driift
City Plats
KIMBALL, Having purchased this well known
and popular Saloon, in Omaha city, would
respectfully inform the public, that they ar
now prepared to furnish their customers at
all hours, with HOT MEALS, OYSTFRs
l ONGCE, GAME, and other
1 1 :ri IKS 1 1 MENTS,
Comprising all the Delicacies of the season.
Come ye that hunger and thirst Come to
the APEX and ye shall be filled.
Tootle & Greene,
V T Glenwood, Iowa. We beg leave to
call the attention of the Good People of Mills
Pottawattamie, Montgomery and Cass coun
ties, Iowa; also, Douglas and Cass counti,
Nebraska, to ottrlargeand late supply of evrv
kind of MERCHANDISE, usually" kept iQ
Western Iowa. Our stock of Groceries ii
large and complete, having been bought and
shipped a little lower than our neighbor.
Our stock nf Hardware, Queensware. Wood,
envvare. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps and
Ready-Made Clothing, have all been purchased
in the Eastern cities, at the lowest cash prices.
ti'i e us a call before you purchase, and if
we do not sell you cheap goods, we will make
our neighbors b so.
Q V Remember the cheapest house in town.
GJcnvynod, Iowa, Oct. 23, lH;)rt. 1-tf
Nuckolls & Co.
Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa. The un
dersigned beg leave to call the attention of the
People of Mills and adjoining Counties to the
fact that they are in receipt of their
Which for price and durability are unsur
passed in 'Western Iowa, which in addition to
our Summer stock or GROCERIES, tc, on
hand, makes it one of the most desirable stocki
of GOODS in the Western Country.
Glenwood, Iowa, Oct. 23, mfifl.l-tf
Wholesale & Retail Merchant,
HAS just received and now has for sale,
large assortment of selected merchandise
adapted to the wants of all in this new and
thriving community, w hich he can sell as cheap
as can be offered elsewhere so high upon the
Missouri river. His goods have been selected
by an experienced purchaser, with special
reference to the circumstances and wants of
all classes of settler in a new country. La
dies and gentlemen, children and yo'uth, all
can be supplied. Call and see for yourselves.
His stock consists of the following, among a
great many other articles he cannot now enu
merate : Among hia
Dry Goods,
May he found Woolen and Satinet Cloths,
Cassinets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Linseys,
Flannel, Red, White, Gray and Blue, Caspian
Plaids, Cotton Goods, Sheetings and Shirtings,
Bleached and Unbleached. Blue and White,
Drillings, Osnaburg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory
(hecks, &.c, ic.
Fancy Goods.
A beautiful assortment of fancy prints of
every variety of style and pattern. 'Ginghams,
Lawns, Figured Alpacca, Bombazines, Bom
baetts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck
erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons,
A well selected stock of Summer, Fall and
winter Clothing, consisting in part of fins
Dress Coats, Pants and Vests; also, good
Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy
Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts,
Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks,
&c. Mens' and Boys' Hats and Cap, of va
rious fashions, qualities and prices. Boot ft
Shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished,
or every description, for Men, Women, and
Children use.
Crushed, Clarified. and Brown Sugar,
Molasses. Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup,
Superior Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Sassafras,
Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon,
ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snuffs, Tobacco,
Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Picklei
Pepper-Sauce, &c., 4c.
A large assortment of Flour, of varioui
qualities and varices j Corn Meal and all tlis
various products of the Farm and Garden j
Bacon, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches,
Currants, Raisins, &r.
Stov es of various patterns, for Cooking and
Heating rooms, Stove-pipe and Elbows, larg
and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets
Hand-Irons, Shovels and Tongues, Manure and
Hay Forks, Scythes, Shovels and Spades, Log
and Trace Chains. Axes, Hammers, Pincer
Iron and Steel, Nails, Horse-Rasps, Files
Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ra
zors, Butt and Screws, Door Handles, Kiiotv
Locks, &.c., &.c.
A general assortment kept for liousehok
Wood ware,
Wash-tubs, Shaker Pail, Wood and Ziuc '
Sole Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide,
Kit) Skills. Cilf -a-in. I ii.,, . a HI. ...teen.
1 .... . , nii.i ..', - ,
Saddles, Bridles, H alters, Lariats, Circingle.
iihu-imii, nriviiig-lines, Collar, Uacl
straps, Girths, Blind-bridles, &.c, Ac. ;
A general assortment of Medicines, for
Fevers, Fever and Airue. and th common
coinnlainla r.e li. nnir f', f. ,'.
j --.' v , 1. II. u ., , , . , , , V- V. . , . . " ,
Sappenyton', Bragg' and Jaynes' Pills, Q"'-
luuiLs, huh various ninu or ncinimu
viiouv nes, i.noments, ami otlicr article ni"-
ry for th irk and the invalid.