j 1 I' . V it ".-I ill it:: i i ii t T r 1 ' i j 1 i BELLEVUE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1850. Correctio. We hope the Editor of the ' Nehraxkian," will excuse us in cor recting their notice of Lieutenant Gov. McCoinos, of Virginia. That gentleman instead of " Ex," is the "acting" Lt. Gov. Map of Nebraska & Kansas. We have been informed hy a gentl. mnn, in whom we have implicit confidence, that R. L. Ream, Esq., formerly Chief Clerk in the Surveyor General's Ollice, nt Wyandotte, K. T U about to puMidi a section map of Nebraska and Kansas Ter ritories. Fnm knowing the al ililio, and orp.irtunitien afl'ord. d this gentlernan, we haw no hesitation in n Cumini nding his map t( the public. ttrulul Attack on Father Flnlej-. We learn from the Ohio papers, that tin; Rev. .1. 11. Fiuley, one of the oldest M. ihodi.t Cl.TL'Viiian i:i Ohn. and n arly si-vi uty ve:ir? ofn'e. wa bru'nlly knoi'k" d ilnwii hji.1 K fi i:i:-t'iiillr by his a sii'ant. al I.i'wi-luir.r, Rreble Co.. ).. on tilt' loth ah. 5Ir. Kinky wis aiU'iidin a R.pub ii' an meeting, and on I'l tiiii;1.' from tin I'l 'ii). wa'j ns.-!ii!ei! wi'h a 1 1. 'Ir''''ii. 1 y itr.' f t'ciuudrc!, and h-ll in that condition. Slave Liberated. Gkoiii.i: W. Johnson, one of the large Sugar planters on the Mississippi below New Orleans, who died recently, has lift an estate valued at not less than $71)0,000. II has by his will manumitted all his slaves, 200 in number. They are all to be .sent to Liberia in four years from his death, and each one is to be furnished with $50. Revenue oflYortli Carolina. The statement of the comptroller of North Cerolina, shows the receipts of taxes for the fiscal year just ended to be 363, 804 28, being an increase of 879,508 49 on the taxes received last year. The Cotton Crop. The accounts from the cotton crop con tinue to grow worse daily, tmd not one in fifty believes in three million bales. In- ? deed, there are many reliable and well in " formed houses in New Orleans, who put . K the crop estimates at not over 2,500,000. jKsS-IIon. Albert Pic, of Arkansas, . ?t j recently gained n suit nt law for which he ', "gets the comfortable fee of $160,000. j The case was an Indian claim to the value t iof $320,000, which he has been prosecu i .' ting for several years, upon an agree Z ' inent if he gained the suit he would le entitled to one half ; if not, nothing. The suit was lately decided by the United States Supreme Court at AYashington in favor of his clients. The strangest part of the story is, that Mr. Pike is a Poet as well as a lawyer. Who ever knew a poet so lucky before T EaT" He alone enjoys independence ' whose mind is unfettered. In fact, what is freedom It consists in jhe power of ? acting conformably with our desires. I And who is he that lives as he wishes ? Certainly not he who is compelled to act j rightly Ly fear. But is it nut he who is1 dt vo'i d to justice, who adheres to his duly fi'i'in principle, who prescribes to himself a moral rule of conduct, who delights in propriety because there is nothing bo eli 5ille ; in short, he who acu without con straint, wlmsi; every thought and action is Olh-.JT a mtiojia! p irpnse; who relies n his own judgment, and forms his ou-.iih teimm .tkuis; und who, in the end. i.-. i.ivii jn.li'hljt 'f toi'tltue itself. CniMtAN IIr;noi:s S Mi:bus. The Monti eat -LI.ING I II 1:1 R of t.'.e yd ult., .yiys; "AVo regret very much to ht ar that boine nt the Mildn rs of the JUth, either ; ihi ir pulpits into hustings, from which the tempted by a love of drink, or so utterly ,uosl illil.oral political harangus have beer, laseas to be careless of the honorable ... . ., ., , . ,, . dialinrtioiiwliichaCriiiieaiiiiuMUl(rive.del,vm,d SaUa,h after Su,b-a;h- a,lJ have been induced to ollVr their medals hurled anathemas at the heads of all who for sale. Some men had honor enough professed a different political faith than to refuse to buy th-un. Others were their own, found despicably mean enough to pur-1 chase them. .These are, if possible, one I "e "ave written this freely, because it degree baser than the soldiers selling to has long been a notorious fact, that in them. The soldiers are being tried by many churches East, u id in some .Vest, coun-iiianiai. i ne purcnasers, we sup- pose, are noi name io punisnment, but the stocks should be revived for their tienefit. MARRIED. On the banks of the Elk Horn, near Foute nelle, mi the Istinst., by Rev. S. J. Francis, Cap. John W. Pattison, and Miss Henri etta ItEDi-oua all of Fontenellc. At the game time and place, by the same, Mr. 1-bancis W. Fox, and Miss IUssilt Whitties, ail of Fontenelle. BELLEVUE MARKETS. rosaccTr.D weekly rot the gazette. SunFlo ir,"F sack $ti 00 Butter, "j lb H heat, per bush. 1 00 Shoulders, do Corn, Jdo tiSHams, do ats do 75 Lard. t I'otatoea do 1 00 Eggs, per doz. 3o Dried Peaches, do 3 20 Salt, per sack 5 " Apples, do i 75,Hay, per ton 5 00 Apples are selling t $2 f bushel t fiweet Potato... 1 00 V bushel, and bo'h scarce. For the Bellevue Gatette. the Death of Miss V. V, On DY T. 8. Sleep sweetly, lov'd o -,e, thou art at rut, Thy matchless form no more I'll see, For thought of anguish fill the breast Of him who weeps for the; Tin1 bridal flower they wrea'h'd for thee, To deck thv hrow in life's bright noon, With nil their former purity They deck thee for the tomh. Those eves no more wi'h love's pure light Shall he.im with hope and jv for tn They're shrouded now, in dca'h's ilark nlsrlit, Ttiy spirit is forever free ; The anguish that now fi'ls mv brest. To weep he lov'd and lost one dear, Tliv spirit f.i in would find 'he rest It never can again know here. Tlio'crh friends around thy form may weep, Awl feel the loss of one so tieajjl Oh! how mv hear, with anguish deep, M ist, burn for one so donhlv dear; And as through life's dirk vale I roam, Oh! mav tiv spirit he near To sno'he the heart and Ugh 'he gloom Of him who was to 'hee so dear. In sorrow's ho ir. wh'i all is drear, Thv nic'ure of I seek i 'd Tire l'n li v ima t; I se"n 'o hear Tli" voire of o'her days j Tliv "trr:1 a' snrh 'imes Is near, I' fi' i mv -o i! wi'h hop and 'ov, Vd wf's mv so 'I frotn eir'h so drear To th i' brigh' lie i ven ahnve. Ctvld I recall 'hee hark 'o life, (Oil ! miv 'h" tho 'gh'. b;it be forgiven,) I wo 'Id no 'ha1 ., ij,is world of s'rife Thou slio dd dwell, a nil leave thv Heaven. But when life's journeys all are o'er, Bv iin and sorrow free and forgiven, Oli! may o ir spirits meit once more, Ami dwell beneath the smiles of Heaven. A C ard. Messrs. Editors: In your last issue my name appears as a candidate for Joint Councilman for the counties of Kurt, Wash ington, and the Southern District of Doug las, at the approaching election. To those who know my sentiments, I need not say my name was placed there without my knowledge or consent. As politicians, however, are not very good Theologians, I presume no harm was intended ; but they must permit me to differ with them in regard to the propriety or expediency of trying to serve our town and comity in that way, as I firmly believe I can better promote their true interests by continuing in my present position, than by entering upon another, which I do not want, which my conscience cannot approve, and for which so many, (some, at least, qualified, I hope,) are wilhno; to lie candidates. 1 frankly confess I have no sympathy with those laws which deprive clertryuipn of any of their political rights, hut I as freely confess that I see no reason why milli ters should even desire to exchange their appropriate laWs, for any others not connected with their calling. I am not. therefore, a candidate for that or any oth er otiice. Respectfully yours, etc., W M. II KMILTOJI. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 1 .. We find the above in the Bellevue Ga zette of the 30th ult., and cannot hut no tice the difference between the honorable, manly position of Mr. Hamilton, and the course many of the Kastern clergymen have thntip-ht proper to pursue. As a minister of the go.-pel. Mr. II. thinks he can better promote the interests of religion and society by a faithful discharge of his legitimate ministerial duties, than by 'dab- j hling in the turbid pool of politics,' and , what candid person of either party does 1 not approve of his conduct ? I How different the position of those cler gymen, wh) at a time when our country is agitated by the greatest political excite ment known in the history of this union ; when the moat laneful Missions of man arp roust u 10 moir nignesi pitcn, niveau of ' ro,,r'''-,r " U1K1" the troubled waters; 1. ii i instead of tryinp to allay the dangerous, ; ex:'itrin. 'nt, have used their best endea vor to fan tho flanio of mutual ' aired and dis rotd haw prostituted their high calling the latest of p-iliiicul purpiisL's.convt rti d a supporter of Mr. Hlciianan or Mr. Fillmore, could not sit a single Suhhath without having his feelings injured ly paltry flings at his political faith; and we are happy to know that there is at lea.t one clergyman in Nehranka. who thinks : ; .1..,.. . .... i . . .i. . i .v u., lu ur..u iu uio r..inuiai inier- tw ui uio lieoiue, insieud ill lenilliT Uietll how to vote, and try ing to contrgl the po- 1 litical uction of the country. Who do s not admire the course of conduct pursued 1V Mr. Hamilton in this matter i Wlm -.j . . I' 3 ni.i ii.m ,,., ..in ui. uui.i,, i un-imiuii ui 12 parsons? Nehraskian. We should be careful how we conduct ourselves in our own dwellings, and . should do nothing at home for winch we might Mush wer it known abroad. IILL1X.Y1K !YEKTIS1'MLTS. "BENTON llOUSEr f'rorgr Jennings, 1'roprletur. THIS lluuse is situated in the pleassntest part of Bellevue, in R beautiful and healthy location and commands a view of country, whirh for beauty cannot he excelled in this Territory. It i feted up in the best manner, and no pains will be spared to make all who mav favor him wi'h their patronage, feel at home. niS TABLE. Will alwavs he supplied with all the delicacies the market alli)rds. Attached to this Hotel Is an excellent STABLE, which we shall alwavs have attended by com print and fai'hful O tiers. Bellevue, Oct. 2:1. 1Ci3. t-tf MASOXH W.IXTI'.D. WVNTEl) I MMKDI ATELY. by the sub scriber in Bellevue, SIX GOOD MA SON, to whom GOOD WAGES, and CON SPA NT Employment, will he given. M.SHAW. t Bellevue, Oct. 23, ISM!. l-tf FOMEXELLE RIXK OF RELLEYI C. Ilellevue, Nebraska. TS nretiarrd to transact the eeneral business of nankin1', will receive deposits, Discount short paper, buy Bills of Exchange, on all pir's of 'he Country, and sell on St. Louis, ("hicai'o and New York; make collections in the victnKv' and remit for the same at Current ra'es of Exchange. tS" In'erest allowed on special Deposits. JOHN WE Mtr., President. Tiios. H. Bi'.nton. V. Pres. John J. Town, Cashier. 1-tf Bankine- Honrs From tt to 12, A. M., and 1 to 3, P. M. II. T. Clarke, TTnnWARDINO ft. COMMISSION MF.Tt- X CHANT. Beltevne. Nehraska. Dealer in PINK I.l'MnT.K, SHINOT.F.S, LATH.&c. Hkkk.rkncv.s : ('old 4. Brother and F.dward Hemps'eail. Water street, Cbicaeoj J. W. Hawkins, Milwankie, Wis. ; It. M. Norton, Pres. Racine co. Bank, Racine, Wis.; C. Barrett, River street, Cleveland, O. ; Kenton is. Brother, Cincinnati, O. ; Tibbie & llavs, F.rie, Pa. ; C. B. Wright &. Co. Bankers, F.rie Pa.; C. B. Wright, Banker, Philadelphia, Pa.; Darling, Albertson .V Rose, Front street, N. Y. ; W. J. Willis, Water street, N. Y. ; R. Ball, Trov, N. Y. ; Mr. Hungerford, President Bank of WestftVId, West field, N. Y. J Hon. S. Morton, Nebraska City. 1-lf A VAIUAWn Cr.AIAT The undersigned oilers for sale his claim of lt() acres, situated four miles West of Bellevue, in Township 13, Range 13. Tii i ri claim is well situated, La several FINE SPRINGS, a Never Failing Stream of Water, About EIGHT ACRES OF FINE TIMBER, Four acres of land broke, and a good LOG CABIN on the place. Title undisputed. Pos session given immediately. ' D. A. LOGAN. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lSo'i.l-tf ararr r rii '"v-"T" j yj V 5 JL O XV Jli SEAT0X & KCV7LES. Bellevue, TJ. T. II WING removed iu'o our large new store, on Main street, we are now enaliled to ofler to he Ci'i.eus of Douglas county, one of the Larf'st, Cheapesl and best Siecied Stock of Goods, ever opened in this city, consisting in liar' of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Stoveware, Hardware, Clothing;, Boots, Shoes, Eats & Caps, Woodenware, Provisions, &c, Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to us, we earnestly solicit it continuance, feeling confident that the quality and price of our goods, cannot fail to please. SEATO.N fc ROWLES. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1S56. 1-tf NOTICE, To ill whom it may Concern. I H WE in store ONE BOX and ONE nRRKL. of Household goods, marked " O. W. THOMAS, Omaha, Nebraska, care of Tootle fc Jackson." The eoods were left with me on the last down trip of the Steamer A. C. Godden. The owner will please call, pay charges and receive the roods. H. T. CL ARKE, Forwardlnsr and Commission Merchant. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 185tl.l-tf Ho! For Fresh Water. 1 nr. untiersiirnert respectfully inform-, the inform inhabitants of rlellevue and the '.irrounding co intrv. 'hat li is prepared to dig and finish, WELLS jUJL CISTEEK8, At the shor'est notice, and on the most rea- sonanie irms. IJ. A. LOGAN. Be hevue, Oct. 23, lS'io. l-tf PHO(LAMATIO.. THANKSUIV1NO. WursKAs, It has been usual for the Execu tive of the several States and Territories to set apar one dav for the returning of thanks to Ihe Allwise disposer of human events, for the manifold blessings which, in His gracious i providence, He has beeu pleased to confer j upon us, bo'h as a nation and as individuals ; and whereas, The people of Nebraska have abundant reason to he grateful for the con tinued health, peace and prosperity with which they have been blessed during the past year, therefore I I, Mask W. IzAsn, Governor of the Terrl toryof Nebraska, do hereby set apart Thcsi l:, that on that day all denominations of Christ- ians throughout the Territory do assemble at ttlPir reMpp(.,ive par(,t ()f wor,hip, and that u" cmzens Reneraiiv uiii'e wiiii uiem in re- nil III.IK Kiflivnu ikiivNinuiiinui lu IIINI m- ' Hiiirhv Heine who hi'h hitherto so signally blessed our infant community, and that fervent prayers be offered up for a continuance of His i kind guardianship and protection, and tht the civil strife that now seems to threaten the . i ","ui,,l.V oi our Rionoim i nion may pe ipera- .,:,:.. . i : it : i j iiy allayed, amt peace and 1:00,1 will be re stored to our beloved confederacy. In testimony whereof, have hereunto set mv hind and caused the rrest seal of the Territory to he affixed, at Omaha city, this, 20 day of 0-,nhr, K. D.. IH.Vi. M ARK W. IZARD, Governor. T. B. Ccjsimo, Secretary. All papers In the Territiry plMseepT. j ltr.IM.Vi r. ADTERTlsnMEXTfa. WlIOT.rcSATJS 1IF.TAIL. STORE IN BELLEVUE, WF. would repc!fnl!y invite the citizens of Bellevue, ami Douglas Co., to examine our larpe and well selected assor'meut of DRY (loon's, (IROfF.RlF.S, CROCKF.RY, H A R t W A It F., BOOTS, snors, DRl'US, MF.niCINF.S, H ATS V C APS, DOORS, SASH, He, fcc, And In fact every variety usually called for in the West. We are confident that any one wishing to purchase poods will he entirely satisfied, nnd t'lud it will be to their interest to call and examine our large and well selected HMNortineiil of goods. SAHPY it KINNEY. Bellruic, Oct. 23, mriV. l-tf FAMILY FLOUR. THE Subscriber has on hand a fine lot of EXTRA FAMILY Fl.OI'R. from Waverly Mills, M.i. 11. T. CLARKE. Forwarding k. Commission Merchant. Bellevue, Oct. 23, IHMt. 1-tf SPLENDID GOODS, AT THE VARIETY STORE OP II. VALE. THE Subscriber hitt ing just opened at his store in Bellevue, a fresh supply of goods, of every description, xould call the attention of pun-baser, to the fact, lliat he has the largest and best selected s'nek of (ioods, to be found in Nebraska, and that they will find him sup plied at all times, with SILKS. SATINS, MILLINARY t DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LhjFORS, POWDER, SHOT, LEAD. HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, fcc., fcc. All of which hasbeen selected by himself from the best establishments in the country, and which he will sell lower for cash, than the same quality of goods can be pturhased at, in anv store in this section of country. He has also, a large and well selected stork of READY-MADE Of every description, best quality and finish, aim interior to none in iNeoraska. Thankful for past favors, ho solicits con tinuance of public patronage, and hopes that purchasers will call and examine his eoods, nefore buying elsewhere. H. VALE. Bellevue, Oct. '23, lK.rtt. 1 If HOUSE CARPENTERS AND WE would respectfully inform the inhabi tants of Bellevue and vicinity that ws are prepared to EllLiCT and FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work- metilike manner. Having been engaged in the business several years, we feel confident in staling, that all who favor us with their cus torn, will be pleased with our work. WEST fc STORRS. Bellevue, Oct 23, 1-tf rpiIE Proprietor of the above Ra- T JL loon, takes great pleasure uiinouncine to the iniblic. that ha is now prepared to serve at all hours, and in the bust manner, WARM OR COLD ME LS OYSTERS. COOKED IN EVERY STYLE. SARDINES. PIGS FEET, PICKLED TONGUE, BOILED EGGS N ) G M E IN SE ASON. Together wi'h every thing that is usiully found in a FIRST CLASS j Be'"re8hmeiit Siloon. Having had considerable experience in ca tering for the public taste, he is sure that all who favor him with a call, will he satisfied. CHARLES JOHNSON. Bellevue, 6ct. 23, lS5lt. 1-tf ELACKSMITHING. riIHE Undersigned be leave to inform ff L the Inhabitants of Douglas county that they are prepared, to do all work tneir line or nusines, In the best manner, ana on the most liberal terms, at their shop in Bellevue. (V Having had several years experience at HORSE-SHOEING, hi some of lbs best i shops in Eastern Cities, they will he able to give entire satisfaction, to all who favor them with their patronage, in this line. SHAW fc ICETON. Bellevue, Oct. 23, ISoll. 1-liin I CAME TO STAY. Tiik undersigned would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Bellevue B'.id vicinity, that he is prepared to do HOITKK SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. GRAINING, MARBLEING, fee., in all its various branches. PAPER HANGING Executed in the neatest Style, T Paints mixed to order, and for sale, oct. 11, 1 J. T. WHITE. NEW ARRIVALS AT THE CIIKAP (DASH ai'iii THE Subscriber respectfully invites the at tention of purchasers, to his large and splendid stock of Goods, consist ine of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, . HATS, BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES, TOBACCO, PATENT MEDICINES, fcc. fcc. All of which he warrants of the best descrip tion, and bought expressly for this market. He has also well selected slock of nr. tw-m ni: Made after the L ATEST FASHIONS, of the BEST MATERIALS, and by EXPERI ENCED WORKMEN, all of which he sell CHEAP ')R CASH. " JOHN CH ASE. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS.'Hi. l-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND .toinkhs. flUIE undersigned takes pleasure In an- X nouiielng to the inhabitants of Bellevue and vicinity, that they are now prepared to Bl'ILD AND FINISH, in the best maimer, aiistvicsof Dwelling HontM, CotUyea. Ac, &e., On the shortest no'ice, and In he most an. proved s'yle of workmanship. They will b also happy to do any work In heir li- of business, wbLli their friends may s'siul In neeu 01. .111 1.111 ill 1 1 U. Hellene, Oct, n. lK.Vt.-.i rOl'M'H BU1TS AMEUTISEIIEWS. Greene, Wo tro fU Denton, BVNIvERS, DEALERS IN EX( H ANGE, and Land Agen's, Council Bluff-i, Iowa. No es anil Bills collected and remitted to any part of the 1,'uitcd SM'cs, M i icy received on deposit, a 'ul (uteres! allowed. ' Eastern or Koilliern Drafts furnished in s uns to suit pur chasers. Land Ollice funds paid forC irrency or hills of Esrh inge. Loans chVcted on good security. Taxes piid, titles examined, and Real Estate ho igh' and sold on Coiiiinissio i, Lands entered forset'lers and tiin given for payment. Ollice opposite the pacific ll uise, in west lower room of Land OthVe. Rr.iKSKNiKs i F. S. .lesnp (t Co.; W. .T. Barney .V. Co., Bankers, D ibmie, low I ; Conk fc Sargent, Bankers, Davenport. Iowa t Cul- berton fc Reno. Banker''. Iowa Cilv, lows; People's Hank, New York Ci'y; Ketilnun, Rogers fc Rennet , Bankers, New Yoik Ci'v; Selkon, Withers fc Co., Washington, D. C. ; lloti. ("has. M mm, Com. of Patents, Wash ington, D. C. ; Hon. A. C. Hodge, S. I. S. Btirllnelon, Iowa; Hon. i. W. Jones. S. V, S . I) ibunue, Iowa; Hon. Joseph Williams, Chief Jus'ice, Muscatine, Iowa. Council Hlulls, Oct. '2:1, lH.ui. 1-tf Tootlo & Jtcknon, VKDINGfc COMMISSION MER I.VIRW JU CHANTS, C , i lilufls ci'v, lows. Hiving a Lnrge and Comiiioilloiis Warehouse on the Levee at the Council Blurt's laiidlmr, me now prepared to receive and store, all kinds of merchandise and produce, will receive and pay charges on all kinds of freigths so that Steam Boats will not be detained as they have been heretofore. In getting some one to receive frcigh', w lnui the consignees are absent. RKKfiirvi i:s : l.ivermoore fc Conl-v, S. C. Davis fc Co. and Humphrey. Putt fc Tory, St. Louis, Mo, ; Tootle fc Falrleigli, SI. Josetdi,' Mo. J. S. Clictieworth fc Co., Cincinnati Ohio: W. F. Coullmugh, Burlington, lows. 1-tf M'TTI.U LIST. LIST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Bellevue, October 1, Bedswortll. Joseph 'i Iligl'V, E.ra 8. Bradley', William Harvv, Betsey Holland. S. Jones, William J. Jons. in, Bart us Kneppen, Samuel Kane, R. Miller, Charles T. Mil'on, (ienrire Mills, George M. Pil in in. J. J. 2 Pease, Samuel Ran, II. B. Race, John D. Reno. II. B. Robinson, ('. D. Swickard, Ezra 2 Sevmore, S'eveus, Charles W. Tomiison. Robert. Williams, Charles Wright, S. B. Beimel, Gideon Bart ay. Butcher, Simpson Burin. Lennisaniiu Caldwell, Henry CumitiL'ii, Henry Detwilder, JacripS Dctwilcr, Jarop R. Delwiler. J. J. Drexel. Tereidrih Deets, Joseph 2 Dorr, Joseph Ellis, John J Ford, C. A. Fos'er, Enhraim 1 Foster, N'n'hanicl Fitkuer, F. B. Georje, William Gethet, Valentin Giblut, Beni;im"n Hotister, A. W. 3 Persons calling for any of the above, will please say advertised. S. B. KINNEY, P. M. Beltevne, Oct. 21, IS.Vi. l-2t BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE LARGE AND POPULAR O T EL, m m fifl I I I OFFERS L'VEJiY . the Public, and will render ASSmi'Ol ATTEXTIO To To the wards of II IS GUESTS. J. T. ALLEN. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS.-)u. 1-tf STONE MA SON AND Plasterer. TI IE Fndersigned having commenced 'be above business in Bellevue, is prensred to do all work in bis line, at the shortest no tice, in the best manner, and ou the most rea sonsbie terms. WM. WILEY. fi?" Four or five good Plasterers, will find constant eiiiptoviueiit, ud good wages, on ap plication to the above, Bellevue, Oct. 30, 1Sj:'. 2-tf Chirles A. Henrr, M. D., PHVSICIAN AND SFHGEOV, Respect fully informs the citizens of Nebraska, that havinir permanently located in Omaha city, and having had several years experience in the treatment of Diseases incident to Ihe West, now offers his professional services to those who may favor him wi'h lli"ir pstro ir. Ollice In I. A. Henry i t.u's, Jiue au.t V riety Store, Omaha city, X. T. l-tf FAST IIONWTU.F, C3 SllOO MANUFACTURER. A. WRIGHT, would respectfully 5 Jf I I f(2 inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Bellevue and viciuitv, tkat he is pre pared to manufacture, to order, every variety of BOOTS AND 81IOB3, Of the best finish and Lfttest Fashion. He is also prepared to make up in the best mviner. Embroidered and Worked S'ippers, which he will warrant to please all who favor him with the cus'oia. Bellevue Oct. , 1.). 2-tf HOUSE CARPENTER AND JOZTXTIUIR-. VN. URiGGS, Takes Ibis mottio.1 of in . forming his friends, and th public generally, that he is prepared to bTILD AND FINISH, in the best manner Dwelling House. Of every description of s'yle and finish, on the most reasonable terms. Thankful f-r past favors, he solicits a continuance of public patrouaife. Bellevue, Oct. S'l, lK.Vi. S-tf BELLEVUE STORE. T M. BMtTAV, would respectfully r rti J , Inform 'he inhabi'snts of Bellevue and vicinity, that he lias commenced to Miu ificture BOOTS AND SHOES, I w M rtwHp(oil.t th finMl flht, the coarest make. Employing none b it th kent workman, he will be able to warrant all tvork do- st h's es'abtishme'it. " tTbe h!?bst cssh ice paM for all I jes-ri :o:s ot H.v llUlf.X I p.Uerue, Oc. 9rt, I X -?-rf OMUU AIIVEKTISE1IEXTS. O. A. Henry Si Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GISTS, At the Nkrraska Dscu Si-oat, Omaha city, N'1raka, have on hand and art constantly receiving a large and complete assort meiil of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi cines, Dve S'nirs, Lbpiors, Segars, Preserved Fruits, Cniifeeilon'irirs, fcc., fcc. Physicians' orders filled on it small udvance mi cost. 1-tf anpiikw i. rorri.r'.rov. wii.liam h. bveri. ropplclon &LDycri, VTTORXEVS AT LWV, AND GENF. R I. LAND AGENTS, Omaha city, Ncliniska. Li ml Warrants bought, and sold. Land Entered on Time. Special attention given to the selec'lou nnd entry of Lands for Sell.hus, and all o hers desiring choice loca tions, Laud Claims. Town lots and all kinds of Real I'.s'a'e, bought and sold and invest ments m ule for Distant Dealers. I'V" Competent Surveyor and Draughts man always in readiness to survey lauds, find and select Lands and Town lots, and draft City Plats Ult CHARLES D.GREEN AND RICHARD KIM II ALL, II iviug purchased this well known and popular Saloon, in Omaha city, would respectfully inform tiie public, that they are now prepared to furnish 'heir customers, at all hours, wilh HOT MEALS, OYSTERS, SARDINES. PIGS FEET, PICKLED TONGt'E, G AME, nnd o'her nnnu:siiMi:xTs, Comprising nil the Delicacies of the season. Come ye that hunger and thirst Come to Die APEX and ye shall be filled. 1-tf (iREEN fc KIMBALL. ' UXXWOOU D V Ell liSC K EX fsT" Tootlo ti Greene, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS, Glenwond, Iowa. We beg leave to call the atteu'ion of the Good People of Mills, Pottawattamie, Montgomery nnd Cass coun ties, Iowa; also, Douglas and Cass con ities, Nebraska, to our large and late supply of every kind of MERCHANDISE, usually kept in Western Iowa. Our stock of Groceries is larire and complete, having been bought .md shipped a little lower than our neighbors. Our stock of Hardware, (jueensware, Wood eiiwaie, Boots nnd Shoes, Hats and Caps and Ready-M nle Clothing, have all been purchased In the Eastern cities, at the lowest cash prices. (live us a call before you purchase, and if we do not sell you cheap goods, we will make our nei'rb'iors do so. ( j?" Remember the cheapest house in town. TOOTLE- fc GREENE. Glenwood, Iowa, Oct. 23, lS.aii.l-tf Nuckolls & Co. WHOLESALE ND RETAIL STORE, Glenwood, Mills Co., lows. The un dersigned lieu leave to call the attention of the People of Mills and adjoining Counties to the fact that thi-y are in receipt of their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which for price and durability are unsur passed in Western Iowa, whirh In addition to our Hummer slock of GROCERIES, fcc, on hand, makes it one of the most desirable slocks of GOODS In the Western Country. Ulenwooil, lowa, Uct. 'i.t :il. 1-tr ST. TlKY ADVEUTISEIIEXTS. . P. A. SARPY, Wholesale St Retail: Merchant, CORNER Or SIAI1 ASDy CREUOBV STBEETt, ST. MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now has for sale, a large assortment of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of all in this new and fhrivlngcommunlfy. w hich he can sell as cheSD I as can be offered elsewhere so high upon the I Missouri river. His goods have been selected j by an experienced purchaser, with special reference o the circumstances ami wants of , nil classes of settlers In a new country. La dies and gentlemen, children and youth, all can he supplied. Call and see for yourselves. His stock consis's of th following, among a, great many o'her articles he cannot now enu merate : Among bis Dry Goods, Miv be found Woulen and Sitinet Cloths, t'lssiuets. Tweeds, Cashmeres, Linseys, Flannel, It-d, Whi'e, Gray and Blue, Caspian Plaids, Co'.'o i Guods, Sheetings and Shir'inirs, Weich-d a id L'ubje iched. Blue and White, Drillings, O-mahurg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory Checks, &c, tc. Fancy Goods. A beautiful sssortment of fancy prints of every variet y of style and pattern. Giughams, Liwns, Figured A'pacea. Bombazines, Bom. bare'is, Shsw's, Sesrfs Handkerchiefs, N'eck. erchiefs, Crape, A.C, .c. Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons. riiivi VlVllllllj,! A well selected stock of Summer, Fall and Winter ('lo'hiiiir. consisting in part of fine Dress Coa's, Pants and Vests; also, good S winner Clo'hing of all descriptions, and heavy Clo'liins for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, K iit F'snnel rawers aud ITndershirts, Socks, kx:. Mens' and Boys' Hi', an,j Caps, of va- '-?o:is fashions, nualitics and prices. Boot fc Shoes, thick and thin, polish! and unpolished, of every description, for Men, Women, and Children's use. (.'rorrrks. Crushed, Clarified, Loaf and Brown Sugar, .loiasses, oyrup Mousses, uoiueii ayrup, Superior Tea, Rio and Java Coiree, Sassafras, fJinrer, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon, ground Linger, .Mi'inegs, nlllls, lonacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, fcc, fce. Frovislons. A large assor'men' of Flour, of various qusti'ies and prices Corn M'al and all the various prod ic's of the Farm and Garden i Bacon, Fish, Kiln dried Applts, IVacfees, ' Currants, Raisins, fcc. Hardware. S ov.'s of various patterns, for Cooking and Ilea'ing rooms, S ove-pipe and Elbows, large and sm ill Iros Kettles, Frving Iins, Skillets, II i ml-1 runs, Shovels and Tongues, Manure and IIiv Forks, Scythes, Shovels and Spadee, Log and Trace Chains. Axes, Hammers, Pincers, Iron and Steel, Nails, Horse-Rasps, Files, Siws. Knives and Forks. Pocket Knives, Ra zors, Butts and Screws, Door Handles, Knoba Locks, fcc, fcc. Tinware. A general assortmept Lent for liousebold purposes. I Mottlviarr. Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zinc Washboards. 1 Leathers Sole Leather, H irness Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skins. Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, Saddles, Bridles, H iters, Lariats, Circingles, Beltv-bands, Driving-lines, Collars, Uack , straps, Girths, Bliud-bridlrs, fcc, fce, j Mrdlc Ines. A general assortment of Medicines, for P-vers, Fever and Ague, ami the common complaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's, gappnyton's, Bragg and Jvo Pills, Qui. nine. Tonics, and various kinds of SUiaulanta, 1 Anodvies. Linimen's, and other articles usees ' nr fr the alk tni the Invslid. l-tf