"f - -- ? r 1 Vi BELLEVUE GAZETTE. rv i 1 1 it t n T . . STUICHLATiD 6c 8. A, CO., THrUSDAV, UCTOHElOS-l, &A -"Thh i oir;ftrt fc'-iml.-er, : U n br.re the rmbiio nnd make tj-.ir editorial Ixnv. It ii out wldi to j.loaso and to I Aisefid. ' Ve k&nv thnt a 1icv,rmner ia needvl i:i this place, and we have under--aa'.ca M nipjily this .vaiit We are f!'.y ' identified with lb popl! if tho Southern llitri:t of laughs county, ami hope to represent their wishes and prcn'iilp inn " slimont wiimlilfi" to tlir tast-s. W ara fully identified with the iplu of Nebraska Territory, &il we wi:,h to lire with tli'Ma ni brother partaking of the sunr-hina of cur glorious c'hr.u'.e, and ft- v .. .. Jyui'T the rich fruits of our teewtrijr . - - .,. t.J : . u,ui gfrt clnd of it. In- dastry, tuterprie and prwajwrity abound on -every ido, and we hope to float with ' ' the generous current.' We r"-ini!( to do ' ' our, best to merit support; ahall ei denror to catcj-for the wanu.of ourtead-- t-' r to disaeininnte UMfl hiformation . V to ineulcnto good morals to encourage f , enterprise and industry and to advocate '" " ' the righu of man at all times and every- '' ' w where; ' " ( , We believe in the constitution of the , . . Unitod States, and in the ciuality of lh Statos. We Ijelicve in the equality of the people of each and every State and Ter " ritory, and Uiat tin people of n Territory . are jut na (rood, and just as Competent to -'"-'- gUVern tlemsolvcs as the peoplo of the - - States. i r- We JuiU have a hand in encouraging . Agriculture, and invite farmers to write out their - experience for the Gazdfc. Theirs is a noble calling, and lies at the formation of every other pursuit. With such a soil as wo have in Nebraska, the farmer must indeed become the "lords of the land." ' - , To our brethren, of the Tress, we ex-1 v j tend our right hand, diffidently, it is true, 'Z ,aRA B8k ! be admitted into fellowship. " v -Wq will kbor with yoa, brothers, in the J',-: ' , - $ witiutmlion " of nBefuI.knowledge. the m&r-4 "support .of truth, aoil iit 4he accuracy of x, i equal rhiI exwri justice to all men. " '' - , ' v: We have bu a won! mor t Wy, and . , ' that is to trw ladies. We admire the la dies, and they knowlt. ' We shall not forget them nor their cause in our paper, , , and so long as they remain the friends of union, we shall be with them. District Court. ""js Vr - . - OMiUA,.Tuesday. Ocu 21, 1S56.- f There was a large attendance at the -- " " . -District Court convened here to-day. His 9 Honor, Judge Furguson, presided, and the Court being duly opened and organ- wed. Messrs. Estabrook, Strickland and Gmnt were appointed a Committee to ex- 'amine candidates desiring admission to the bar. The following named gentle men wero found to be duly qualified, and - were sworn in, as competent to do duty at all the bars of Nebraska: J. N. II. ratrick, G. L. Halbach, J. L. Stewart, , Albert G. Clarke, Jolm C Turk, John II. Lahler, Jesse Lowe and Lyman G. Willcox.- The counsel, for the most part, , were unprepared to go to trial on account of the absence of . witnesses, end the Court adjourned until 9 o'clock to-morrow, with the understanding taat it would then adjourn until the first Monday in ISovember. t:. r.' ' . Schools. At the regular senii-anmial meeticg of :'' F. yg-hool district, it wm 'Siho'.J ehwU no longer-be felt here, and . auch measures hire been taken as to in sure to our citizens a good, comfortable School House for the coming winter. The nperihteudiince of the work has been entrusted to II. T. Clarke, W.H. Cook and S. A. Strickland, who are go-a-head men, and will likely have it completed during tho month of November. It is hoped every citizen of our, district is ready to hand out the shiners for such a desirable work. Election Returns. The reports of the Elections in Penn sylvania, Ohio and Indiana, are so cou t flirting, that we do not deem them worthy . of publicatiop, but shall endeavor to have ihe reliable returns from those States, in uur next. , Uur Merchants and lkisiness men have been exceedingly busy for tint lust few dityi, on accovnt of the large number of Steamboats that are daily crowding o;- l.vce, fr?!jht?d infwtly for- this point, Alxnit twvd-a-hnlf miles north if Oie mouth of tho Dntte river, the Pupil !im crrrk empties iu waters into the Missouri. Thi crei-k rises mar the l;!khrn river, and runs through as fine i iH.Yc.y s the 'win ever alum tipon. t.'u-lkn Brj.alJrtoi! wi'li lirnbervihich, in ni.iy. 'places," rxtrnds a considerable ui,Ui a t-i.l, and forms fccamiru! groins of from oil? "i throe hundred arrev Oil either i'U, -ie brwul and beautiful bot toms and prriria lands, needing only the Knl of iixlu try to turn ihem into soirees of wealth nitl comfort. The r'mtte river, frasn its tr.otjh, lukes a southwesterly ili rfiynn fofi considerahlo Ui-.f.iire, end lUa Fajjlli'n creek runs to the north and tionii-wrsierly for some six or seven tnile,. wen it. fyks, one branch coining in fmn lh nortJi, called tlin north 1'np pillion, p,J!'! ! ther corning in from tho west, t: J t tlie wort Tapillion. The i-cr , ' i, the two 'Vmiv'hes of the '-. r -:!, w-st fnm I;llevue, !, routintics ia ''near! 1 f'ireciimi to lis aoi.rct. .Tbe rend .'"tyliijf between the Plao ! !-tr t1) Wnrt Panil'i.in '5. withoirt douk,ht pnrJu "apot of tlie Territory.' The jHrnrrics are well watered with nu merous' spring, gwhing up from the foimtains yeueath. Timk-r, such as ouk, black whIjhH, red cedar juid COtlon wood, with Various other kiiids, aljounds in far greater plenty than in any other part of the Territory at present open to settle ment; arid several beds cf limestone, of superior quality, are already opened and worked. Coal, too, has been discovered, and the! 9 can be iio doubt of its existence in irreat abundance on' the north side of the .Platte." . The inviting character of the region sjwlatn s tmdy covered t wivh an enterprising and prosperous population, and all the way from IJelle vue to the Klkhorn, the hand of industry is at work. We venture to say that no part of tlie Territory is better settled, or settled with a better class of inhabitants, than tlie country hack, or west, of IJelle- vue. To all this region of country, as well as to a vast region' farth't inland, Bellevui is the natural outlet. It will le tho market place for the pro duce of the soil. It will be the store house of merchandise, whence-the agri cultural population will derive its supplies. 'On the north and astt bank; cf -ihe PapilHon, about a mile and-a-half from its Mouth, cojomences-.a plateau uno qiuiutMr ihbi'auty, ami "ex tending easlJny and northerly for two or three miles, and imtli ha northern pert is washed by the turbid waters of the Missouri. On the eastern part of the plateau, fronting on the river, our city, Uellevue, is situated, and from the southernmost to the north ernmost point, we look down upon its waters. The river bank for one-half a mile, in front of the northern part of the town, is one solid body of limestone, extending under the 1hi1 of the-(ream, and rising on shore from ten to fifteen feet This rock Is easily quarried, and will furnish sufficient material for the building of a large city. At this point the Missouri is very narrow, and the bed of the stream unchangeable t and here is, undoubtedly, the best crossing, for boat or bridge, to be found along its en tire length. Our town is as yet in its infancy. No extraordinary efforts have beeu inudo to build it up. The city lots were divided but a few weeks ago, until which no sales could be made, and hence building was retarded.". Several large aud substantial dwellings have been built, have'er, and many more ore in course of construction. The demand for lumber and mechanics' is far beyond the supply. Ninety thousand feet of pine luniler lund ed at our levee last week, was disposed of almost as soon as landed. The machinery for a nowerful uuw-uiill has just arrived, and is to be put in operutiotr as soon as possible, and this will aid our citizens in obtaining lumber; but we have no idea it will half supply the demand. We have now two large hotels, which will compare favorably with any in tlie western country. We have four stores, but from present indications we fear our merchants under-estimated the demand for goods, and that before mid-winter their stocks will be exhausted. The "Fonteuelle Ikink of Bellevue," lately established, is doing a flourishing busi uess. The farmers are brindncr the fruits of their industry to market, and every pursuit seems to be fluurishimr. Lots are cheap compared with other places, ana a uuerai disposition manifested, by holders to encourage settler. - Ik-llevue evidently has a bright future before her. She can wand, and she' is willing to stand, upon- her own merits. She descends to no unfair rivalry with any place. With all her local advan tages, and with enterprise and industry, the can take care of nerself, and at the same time rejoice in tlie prosperity of her j sister rities io the Territory. rncitlc IliilJro !. A few days before C n-lj 't'i ! Of ;!tc Congress, Mr. peuvf-r reit.C'- whir.h had been prepared 'V a c- of thirteen inemlKTs of- trie Ito" resentntives,' providing for the '. tion of several raiWid , to th' const. Il Was made. tif spocinl, f ( an early day in December, X jgerintM-Iy the House CiMnmitfre lie Lands reported this some li'l ' thus the .endorsement of two t-jr.i it is presumable that, 'airorn? cf bo made to pass if. It -prov'o ill an extension of the Tueinc. HauhiUil $t. Joseph Railroad, of, TliH--n;u-ii'rv Towa railroad.", from the West lint Stnte of Missouri and Icr.r.i Wfj. to Fort Kearney, on thriatte ri grants to each company' six vr land per mile, to enable thetn t? r; railways.. From Fort Kent"'-' six " iho -nd U.e ',AVS .iud ,iy, these companies jointly to bus. to California,' and "fw'a tlwm . lions of land per mile, part o. and, fortyctions Imaindtjr as materia rial -id v&'lcc f tioru Thie wnntwe pre ti ncuive f-500 per milo for-carrying the maila. The bill provides, that when ths jciiH railway reaches the Western' base of he Sierra Nevada, it shall diflJe then), anil one branch proceed directly to San." "ran ciwoj, while the other goes," to (lie left along the base of the mountains, through the cities of Marysille, Sacramento', and Stockton, to San Joes. : A grant ef land ia also provided to secure tlie constniction of a railroad from llenicia to Sacramento. For tho Northern route from Lake Supe rior to Paget's Sound, the grant of land embraces twenty sections per mile. AVeat of the itpcky-Mountaiiis, a orancto njn- dicated, to run to a point on tho Columbia river, at of near the mouth the Willa mette, to which a grant of forty eclPms per mile is mado. The Southern tailroad to the ruciflc, Congress can only aid par tially, as all the lands in Texas nut owned by private hands, belong to the Stfile"of Texas. The latter has long been vainly endeavoring to build a railway from the Louisiana line, near Shrcvepott, to a point in New Mexico, near El Taso, The bill before Congress grants land, td aid in building roads to connect with me East end of this road, and leading to New ON leans, Springfield, Mo., Meuimfis, St Louis, eta., and with the wet end in J$evr Mexico. From the latter point, the 1-had lico. Frora the latter point, the ima i to- San Francisco and . Sp sroes 1 orty sections of land per ni litj 6, ed in aid of this Western division, and the whole of' the roods are to receive the same price for carrying, tlie maiTasthe Northern roads. ' ! . ' i The provisions of this bill seem to be sufficient for tlie purpose designed, and should it become a law, it will, no doubt, greatly expedite the settlement if the Western wilderness. It looka to the con-, struction. of three trunk rpada ofily, the Northern, die middle, and the ScAtthcrn. The trunk of the middle route lies en tirely in Nebraska Territory, and in a straight lino with the railways leading from Philadelphia and New York to and through I6wa, crowing the III Uifntfi river at or near Bellevue, Nebraska Territory. It is the one which appcala most dijaetly to the interests of these two great t4ern cities, and should receive all th aid which their capital and energy can grre it. , To the Public. We, the Committee appointed at a Peo ples' Convention (held at Bellevue on the 11th inst.,) for the purpose of Tiominating a person to be supported at the ensuing election for the office of Joint Councilman (said Council District including thatoun ties of Burt, Washington and Soijtheru Douglas) beg leave to report w they have unanimously nominated WiIliam Hamilton, of Bellevue, and recommend him to the people of said Distrf iju a suitable person, and in every v, quali fied to represent the best interests ,of the ptiople. j A. Lomwooi), " II. T. Clahk,, R. McCabtes, II. A. LoNGiwoKr, Ik P. R5KI1. Bellevui, Oct. 21, 1856. Our Nominee for Coiuiulioner. In Piiilandeb Cooa, we repSse con fidence, he being one of to first settlers in this vicinity, and being a man of honor and ability, we earnestly desire his election, hoping that he will be supported by the squatters of Omaha Dis trict, as they will readily discover that we claim but one of the three Commkiioners. fcjS'j Nebraskian and Dnnot pleas copy. ' We see by the Chicago papers, that the .Pioneer" and "Wenoua" boat cjulhave entered their boats for the regatta, to take place at Slilwaukie ( Wis. ) on Wednes day, the 31t inst. To ay Rci. J In presenting this, our fire-t-nVmiber, to thft imblic.'e think it prp-" j follow an T old established rule, amf, i them of our proposed manne'of wn ling the Gazttfe. As will be seen cn our first page, the paper will be IsnirtKntaT in everything, Neuthal' in 'nothing, e? fnr n tb miblic FOxl is CCL'lferncd. Iu 1wnl politics we arc in favoHHf no pi'.rty, and shall always use our abilities and in fluence for the promotion of liarmony among our citizens Having the inter ests "uf IWlerue always at heart, we shall uphold all U.nos movementn, and shall, condemn all party action whpn we think that the prospects of our town will be put in danger thereby. Our best en deavors will be used to vnnk our papr welcome to all our citizens at all tunes, and we aim to present them with & paper thul they will welcome to their homes and firesides, and that old and young will find something to amuse and instruct in our columns. To the mechanic wa would say wo-Jtl at M ,tiines-ndeavorto publish a dostTntioa of s!r'r- inventions and improvements in tlie Mechanic arts, and shall take pleasure at any time in publishing articles from tlie pens of our ow n mcchaiucs on anything pertaining to hhat subject. The Agriculturists will always find a portion devoted to their par ticular use, in which hey will find such articles as we think would be of interest to Farmers of our vicinity. To them, too, we extend an invitation to contribute to cur columns and make it a medium of communication and instruction to all. The Housekeeper will also find a corner occu pied .by stray receipts, which may prove useful to them at times, and in which we shall be pleased to insert any receipts that might make that department more useful. We have also a corner devoted to "varieties," which we know will please some of our readers, if not all, and in which we fehall endeavor always to have some laughter-provoking jokes, &c. In deed, we have made up our minds to matte, as far as our abilities will allow, a paper for tho million, and shall endeavor to .have every department represented weekly. . a We acknowledge ourselves indebted to our friend II. T. Clarke, Esq., for copies of St. Louis papers. . , . The Inauguration of the Frank ' tin- Statue in Boston. . . The Inbu'rurntionof the stutue ofj "i.r .'i-ivW-4 nesaay oi jaw wees. was a grana ai fair, surpassing, in some of its more im posing details, the great civic event of in troducinsr Cochituate water. The pro fession, embracing nine divisions, was es corted by tho first Brigade oiUassachu setts Militia, including the Boston Light Artillery, the Nation Lancers, and Light Dragoons. Tlfcprocession was over two hours in passing a j;iven point, and represented nearly every mechani cal trade and manufacture. Among the special attractions was a new and beaitfi ful locomotive and tender, named Benja min Franklin, mounted on trucks and drawn by eighteen horses; a sugar- grinding mill, for Cuba, drawn by twelve horses ; the House and Morse telegraph instruments; the electric fire alarm; Franklin's old printing press, on which was being struck off and scattered to the crowd a fac simile of his newspaper. dated 1723; x immense structures on wheels reprCseuting school rooms filled with scholar at the desks ; and a vast number of other novel and interesting features made up one of tho grandest dis plays ever witnessed. - The Masonic fra ternity, the Firemen, and Mechanics' Charitable Association, and numerous other charitable Societies of Boston, and Mechanic and other Societies from the adjoining cities and towns, were out in full force." Also, the Franklin Medal Scholars, children of the Public Schools, and others. The procession reached the site of the Statue at the west front of the City Hall soon after 3 o'clock. Here several thousand took possession of the temporary seats and platform, while other thousands filled every sianding-place in the vicinity. The drapery which had hitherto .concealed the Statue was then raised, when it was greeted with thunders of applause. The exercises consisted of music by the band, singing by the pupils of the Kiblio Schools, prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bladgent.iddresse by Mayor Rice, Masonic ceremonies of inauguration, &c. The oration was then pronounced by the Il.ni- TliiH rV W'iiiiKi-r.n nml nrrnnip! ; " " " v. rv' 4 ,7 mi uuui aim a tjuurier iu us uvuvciy. i was listened to with close attention, bro ken oidy by repeated outbursts of ap- 1 plause. Tho hymn of - Old Hundred was : sung iy tne vast audience, jind a oene diction by Bishop Lastburn closed the in- construction tram of the bouthern 31icru auguration. The number of strangers gan and Northern Indiana Railroad Co., and citizens that thronged to witness the j naa a coilis;0n with a freight train on that pageant was greater than ever before my. The sidewalks, bal- e entire route of the pro- seen 111 Uiat conies, and tne entire route of .tuo i a cession were crowded. Many buildings and streets were handsomely decorated, iinn- me oration ana me omer oxer- ted to and answers received and read from the Mayors of Portland, New York, Phibvdinbia ll:,i;f. Tr.w A tbnv. Springfield, Dover, Pittsfield and other titie. Httrnfrtsof the Steamer Niagara on Lake Michigan. Tho steamer Niagara, of the Cotling wxvl line, was destroyed by fire near Tort Washington, on Lake Michigan, at 4 o'clock, P. M., ou Wednesday,. Sept. 21tl. The particulars are as follows: The Ningarn left Collingwood on Mon- dny afternoon at c'ctoHt , fn place of th UeVstone Stae, tlie regular steamer for that day. She started with from 'on hundred and fifty to one hundrod and seventy-five passengers, twenty-five or thirty of whom she landed at Sheboygan, the gre.'iter portion of whom were steer age pctrssf ngers. At about 2 o'clock, P. M., cf Wednesday, the Niaeara left She- lioygan, and about two hours afterwards was discovered, to bo on fire. When the fire was first" discovered there was but little sea ou, awl the wind was about south-east, and light. At this time the Niagara was from three to four miles off North Point Washinon,, and some ten miles or more this side , of Sheboygan. As soon as the fire was discovered, Capt, Miller, who a.ileJji. was called, nnd the Bteam-puaTps xet .to-work. '"A few moments after this, the passengers be came aware that the boat was on fire, and scene ensued, which, said a passenger. "beggars all description consternation seized" upon almost every one, and men women and children rushed to and fro about the boat, shouting and crying. Not half-a-dozen passengers guve any old to the crew, and but few attempted to make provision for their own or friends escape, It was but a short time from the first dis covery of the firo until the whole upper cabin was in flames. During this time a large number of passengers had jumped overboard without anything to support them in the water, and- in a few moments sank. Mothers threw their children into the lake and wildly sprang after them. The water was intensely cold, and none but the hardiest persons could live in it more than a few moments. A large number of passengers, before the steamer fetopped, in 6pite of the appeals of the mate, got into the stern boat and lowered it, when it instantly swamped, and all in it were drowned. Another portion of the passengers filled tho starboard quarter boat, and lowered that atao, and all found a watery grave. Before the upper cabin was in flames, a . portion of the more self-possessed of the passengers wrenched the state-room doors off and threw them into the water, r -wgther -with tdUf chairSfstoolfl-&c. .0 r. . , , and upon these nJany of those in the water saved themselves. After it had become- nseless to remain on board any longer, the second engineer, carpenter, and a portion of the crew, together with a number of passengers twenty-two per sons in all lowered away the larboard quarter boat and pulled to the shore, where the passengers were landed, and tlie crew returned with the boat to render any assistance they might be able. Capt. Miller, with a number of others, saved themselves by clinging to the wheel, and were picked up by the boats. The steamer Traveler, propeller Il linois, schooner Dan Marble, and two small schooners and the life-boat at Port Washington, came to .the assistance of the Niagara, and made every possible exer tion to save life. Their boats were all manned ' and lowered as soon as they came near enough the burning wreck to be of any service, and kept at work until nearly 9 o'clock at night, when all Ihe persons who could be found in the water, after thorough seaching for a considerable distance round the wreck, were carried into Port Washington. The propeller Illinois picked up some thirty persons, and landed them at Tort Washington, but when the Traveler left it was impossible J obtain their names, It is supposed that .but two women were saved, though there wore some twenty on 1 1 ' 1 nm .' : V... OOCtru. lllt'rB is limu uuuui uui luai nearly all the crew were saved. AU the baggage of the . passengers was lost. There is a rumor that the boat was set on fire, and that soon after the fire was discovered, a keg of powder ex ploded, blowing the flames in every di- 1 remon. The latest accounts state the number of the lost at sixty-six. - Terrible Itailroad Accident. Ou Saturday evening, Sept. 27, the , resahed in me death of seven ..... , & laboring hands of the road and the wounding of some twenty others. The blame of the accident ia laid to the men having ch of e Mrmi(m Mr, Collins, the celebrated Irish come- ! ,'. , ,. 4 . , ! dian vocalist, has commenced an en gagement at the "NationaP theatre, Chi- I raro. BELLEVTJE MARKETS. COSBECTT.B Wr.r.KLT roa TUB OAttTTt," Flonr. pfrsnrV fS AO Buttfr, pnf lb. ' 8i Wheat, pr bush. 1 00 ShouMtrs, Jo U Cora, in N) Hams, do Oils do v 7.",TrJ, do JIJ PoUtopg do 7.' t'etra, pr dor.. ' Ti. Dried Ppartws, do 8 Jo Salt, pe r ack 5 OC " Apple, do2 73'Ht, perton 3 20 OBITUARY. DIED In this CHv, on Wednfcsrtnr niffht lnt, Mr. JOHN PETERS, In th 5tth vest of liii spe. , It Is with much regret, that we sr called on in our first 1sse, to record the death of one ot onr citizens. Mr. PrTF.as, was born In the State of Virginia, birt left the place of his birth many years sic, and removed to Bristol, Trumbull eounty, Ohio, where he resided till l"t Spring, whfn be cme to our city. He wag much froprctrd by all who knew him, for" his many vliif, and has left a large family,' who, with hie many friends, will longcritlnna to mourn his losn.fl'-D. ' BaMraflSMkW DELLEYU' ABVERTISEMESTS. , ' iy it. Cook, ... . . GF.NETtAL' H.vND AC 3'T, Believes City. Nebraska. " ' 1-t , II. T. Clarke, -.. IOUWAltDIKO fc COMMISSION MEIt CHANT, BeiVrvud, Nebraska. Dealer to PINE(LUMBEIt SHINGLES, LATH, fce.v TiKFRREKCE: CoW t Brother and Edward Hempstead, Water gtreet, Chicago J. W. Ha skins, Milwaukie, Wie. j R. M. Norton Pres. Racine co. IJank, Racine, Wis. C. Barrett, River street, Cleveland, O. JKenton & Brother, Cincinnati. 0. 5 Tibbie &. Hays, Erie, Pa. ; C. B. Wright & Co. Banken, Erie Pa. 5 C. B. Wright, Banker, Philadelphia, Pa.; Darling, Alhertson & Rose, Front street, N. Y.; W. J. Willis, Water street, N. Y.; R. Ball, Trov, N. V. 1 Mr. Hmigerford, President Bank of Welfield, Westfield, N. V. Hon. 8. Mortun, Nebraska City. 1-tf A VAT-iTJATUjE CL.AIM 37 O SAIiIH. Tlie undersigned offers for sale his claim of 1CKI acres, situated four miles West of Bellevue, in Township 13, Range 13. Thia claim is well situated, has several FINE SPRINGS, a Never Failing Stream of Water, About EfGHT ACRES OF FINE TIMBER, Four acres of land brokn, and a good LOG CABIN on the place. Title undisputed. Pos session given immediately. D. A. LOGAN. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 185A.1-tf NE W "STOllE" S EATON & EOWLES. Bellovue, TNT- HAVING removed into our lare new store, on Main street, we are now enabled to offer to the Citizens of Donglns countv, one of the Largest, Cheapest and best Selected Stock of Goods, ever opened in this city, consisting In part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Qneensware, .Stoveware, Hardware, . ... Clothing, Boots, Shoes, " , , . ats ; Cap " Woodenware Provisions &c., Thaiikful for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to us, we earnestly solicit its continuance, feeling confident that the qnallty and price of. our goods, cannot iau to please. SEATON &. ROWLES. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1855. 1-tf I CAME TO STAY. The underaiened would respectfully . an nounce to the citizens of Bellevue and vicinity, that he is prepared to do IIOUSK. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTINC, GRAINING, MARBLEING, lc, in all its various branches. PAPER HANGING Executed in the neatest style, (jy Paints mixed to order, and for sale, oct. 14, 1 J. L. WHITE. Ho! For Fresh Water. THE undersigned respectfully informs the inhabitants of Bellevue and the surrounding country, that he is prepared to dig and finish, WELLS AND CISTESSS, At the shortest notice, and on the most rea sonable terms. D. A. LOGAN. Belleviie, Oct. 23, 1H56. 1-tf .- AVHOLIiisALE & 31ETAIL. . STORE IN EELLVUE. WE would respectfully invite the citizens of Bellevue, and Douglas Co., to examine our I arc and well selected assortment ot DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, HATS & CAPS, DOORS, SASH, kc.f fcc, And in fact every variety usually called for la the West, We are confident that any one i wishing to purchase eoods will be entirely sansnd, and nuatt win do to tnctr interest to call and examine our large and well selected assortment of goods. SARPY it KINNEY. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1850. l-tf . NEW ARRIVALS AT THE THE Subscriber respectfully Invites the at-, tention of purchasers, to his large and splendid stock of Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, - GROCERIES. HARDWARE, HATS, BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES, TOBACCO, PATENT MEDICINES, &c., &c, ATI of which h warrants of the best descrip tion, and bought expressly for this market, He has also a well selected stock of UK A DY-M A DTC CLOTHING, Made after the LATEST FASHIONS, of the BEST MATEKIAES, and by EXPERI, ENCED WORKMEN, all of which he sell CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CHASE. Bellevue, Oct 23, 180(1. 1-tf ' FAMILY FL0TJB. . THE Subscriber' has on hand a fins lot of EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, from Waerly Mills, Mo. H. T. CLARKE. Forwarding St Commission Merchant. Bellevue, Oct, Vi, IH Kt. 1-tf i i I " if. m O It A'