! Animal .Sale ' ... »•"">* 2M *' r,Animal Sale | f1 rUlt Bulbs Kerchiefs Hlouses , Keiehiets Croquettes F]"Ult | T„„„c Ea Dress pumps for growing girls lasts, 5.00 in leather or sunset Oxfords and Shoes 2* to 7. 5.00 For dress and play wear, in the Oxfoi’dS) toi* new shades and best materials, rj„„n tj both elk Hiid ealf. k^mall DOyb Sizes 121* to 2, It and D Tan calf, broad-toed oxfords lasts, 3.50 In 5.00 with strong soles. | Sizes 2 It to ti, R and D Sizes 4 to 8, 3.INI lasts, 4.00 and 5.50 Sizes 8'* to 11. 3.25 Brandoia Store —Fourth Floor Brandeit Store—Third Floor -1— r There's Beauty and Practicability in Munsing Silk Hose For They're Finely Fash ioned of Lustrous Silks Service | Chiffon Weights Weights Heavy silk thread. T.hrp*d .ilk and with lisle tap. and ?hLffon. h.°"; reinforced heel and intoned heel and toe. In beaver, pic- t®w *"d e'* * P< adilly, a ire dale, £,h« tot ro"*’ fawn, black, gun- >rfnch taupe, sire metal, piping rock <*•!•. nude, piping and polo *1 CA rV,k' *tnL°*pjlf£? l-50 “ii" 1.75 j Thread Silks ?f|"r Chiffons Silk from top to \S ith lisle top and toe. The ho.e you reinforced heel and want for dre»s-up toe. Thi. ho.e wear. Unbelievably comes in the follow- .oft and clear in ing shades—atmos- texture. Comes in p'nere, French nude. black and the want gunmetal | Qff ed colors. O CH ind black. S *03 \\ « Children’s Munsing Hose ! At ‘25c At 50c Fine cotton ho.e in black and , ... . ., , " brown. A splendid ho.e for hlne h"*(' >" W»''k- whitw. ICbool WHf brOWB ar.1 Mfiovsn 1 he Brandeia Slora—Main Floor