The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 18, 1925, Page 13, Image 13

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    Wayland Dean Holds Braves to Four Singles, Giants Winning, 2 to 0
► - v
McGraw Hurler
Alsd Accounts
for First Tally
Neis Plays Sprctacular Field
ing Game, Making Two
Great Catches in Deep
Braves Field, Boston, April 17.—
The Giants took the odd game of
1 heir series with the Braves today,
7 to n. with the Wayland Dean hold
ing the tribe to four hits, all singles.
1 lean's single in the fifth, after
Mickey Devine had doubled, sent over
the first Gotham tally. Nets made
two gdeat catches in deep center.
«b r ho*. nb.r.h.o.n
W*lkci cf 4 ft 1 1 (1 N>1* rf 4 0 0 5 0,
Erlich 1b 4 0 1 0 0 Ran'oft *s 3 A ft 1 4
Young rf 4 0 12 1 Mar'ott 3b 4 0 1 1 1
Kelly 2b .4 0 0 1 5 Harris If 3 0 1 3 0,
Terry lb 4 11 13 2 Welsh rf 3 0 0 0 1 1
Wilson If 4 0 2 0 H Btirrus 1b 3 0 0 9 1
.taukson ** 3 0 1 4 ft* L’b 2 0 113
Pevine c .4114 2 Gibson c 3 o i ft *
]>ean p 3 0 1 2 2 Gen'Inch p 1 A A 0 1
-—— Orghnnt p loooo
Total* 34 2 9 27 18 vStrngH 1 o o o oj
Mnr'ard p n ft o 0 1 ;
Total* '!h 0 4 27 14
zBatterl for Graham In eighth.
Score by inning.*:
NVw York .non mo om—2,
Boston .„■ non ooo—0
Summary—Error: Welsh Two-base
t t pevine. Sacrifice hit: .Tackion
S’nlen bAM: Young. l.eft on base*. New
York, 7; Boston 3. Base on ball*: off
Mean 2. Struck out: By Penn. 4; by
*00 0*»n*Yvlrh, 1: bv Graham. 1. Wild pitch:
(Paha 10. Umpire*: Klem and McCormick
Time 1:43.
Reds Win Streak Ends.
Cincinnati, April 17.—Cincinnati’s
winning streak of three straight end
ed h»re today when the Cards won, 8
to fi. in 11 innings. St. Louis
hunched hits with passes off Sheehan
for a five run lead in the first inn
ing but the Reds caught Up with the
Cards in the seventh and then failed
In take advantage of big opportuni
ties to w-in in the seventh and 10th.
The winning runs scored when Bress
)er dropped Pinelli’s low throw on
Holm with two out in the 11th.
The score:
ab.r.h o i. ab.r.h o.n
Blades, If ft 1 1 2 0 Critx. 2b 6 t 1 1 3
11nlni, rf 8 1 2 5 0 PInelli, 3b 5 1 3 3 2
Hor’by. 2b 4 1 1 1 4 Rouah, cf 6 0 2 1 0
Bot’lev. lb 4 1 2 9 OBr’ler. Ib 5 0 0 18 0
Bell, ib 4 10 3 1 Walker, rf 4 1 1 1 0
Mu’ler. cf 1111 0 Zlt’nn. If 2 1110
Point, cf 4 0 1 4 0 Smith. If 2 113 1
Schmidt, c 3 0 1 3 ICav’ey, ** 6 0 10ft
\Shinner* 1 A 0 0 OHa’ave, c 5 0 0 5 <•
Oon’lwi. c 1 1 1 1 OSh’han. p o ft 0 0 0
The’ow. an 5 1 1 4 4 Benton, d 3 \ 1 0 2
Rhem, p 30001 zBohne o 1 o 0 0
X M vers 1 0 0 0 0.T, May. D 1 0 0 0 0
Soth’on, p 1 0 0 0 0zDre*gen 1 0 n 0 0
Total* 4 4 8 lT33 11 Total* 43 ft 11 13 U
^Grounded out for Schmidt in eighth
rGrou-nded our for Rhem in eighth.
rRan for Benton in seventh,
zftatttd for May in 11th.
Score bv Inning*:
Jtf I,utils . 600 1ft0 A2—*
Cincinnati . 200 C01 10A 00—5
Summary—Error*: Thevenow t2>
Rhem. PInelli (2). Br***ler. Two-bate
hii*: Smith. Benton. Thevenow. Three
baae hit*: Bottomley. Walker. Stolen
ba*#i Bell. Roush. Sacrifice; Crltz
Double play*: Bell to Hornabv to Bof
tomlev; Hornsby to Thevenow to Bottom
lev. Smith to Bre»*le.r. Struck out: By
Rhem. 2. by Sothoron. 1: by Benton. 3:
by Mav. 1. Base* on ball*: Off Rhem. 1
off Sothoron. 1: off She*»han. 2; off B*n
Ipn. 2. Wild pitch: Rhem Hit*: Off
Tth*m. 9 In 7 Innings: off Sothoron. ? In
4 Innings, off Sheehan. 3 in 1-3 inning;
off Benton. 8 in 6 2-3 innings, off May.
2 in 4 inning*. Time; 2:25. Umpire*:
O’Day. Pftrman and Sweeney.
Hitting Wins for Cubs.
Chicngo, April 17.—Sensational club
bing of "Hank" Miller and “Gabby"
Hartnett, was the outstanding feature
of the Cubs 9 to 6 win over Pitts
burgh this afternoon. Hartnett banged
a homer, making it four in three
games. He also accomplished two
other hits. Miller's record was four
hits in as many times at hat. Arnold
Statz ahared in the laurels, by hit
ting a home run with a man on. Hart
nett and Statz's homers both came in
the third inning. The Cub* got the
lies! of the series by making three
out of four.'
A I), i h.<> a. * b r h «.*
Ft ghee If 4 2 7 2 1 M A'ley AA 4 1 n 6 1
, ir.v rf 4 112 1 He,'' r a rf 4 2 2 1 «
ttonra 2h 4 0 7 2 4 Adama 2b 2 0 1*2
Trav'r r.b 4 0 n | n HArinett e 4 2 7 S 3
Cuvier rf 3 0 0 0 1 pr|b'* 3b 3 1 « J 1
Or, am lb 4 0 o » 0 Miller If 4 14 2 0
Wright as 4 0 0 2 3 Stats cf 4 12 2 1
Gooeh r. 3 3 2 * 4 Orlmm lb 3 0 J 4 0
Mor'*o,n b J 0 0 o 1 Kayfnn p 4 0 0 0 0
Koopal p 10000
Sonser p n o o o o
xSmtth t 0 0 0 0
xBarnhart 1 0 " 0 o _____
Total, 34*0241* Total, 33 1 13 37 3
iRotff for Koupal in •events.
xft*ued for Songer In ninth.
Score hy Inning*: ,_.
riMtbtirah .102 *** t""—*
Chleagn..3'3 >00 ""a-5
Summarv-^Errora: Ortnth»m. Wright
(21. McAulay- Two bate hit*: Onnch tJI.
tt'abee. Orlmm Horn, run*: Hartnett,
stati. Sacrlflo* hit-: Adam*. Frlber*.
Stolen baaca: Heathrote, Adama. TJaa* on
tall*: Off Kaufmann. Cuyler Doorn; KU
t,ee, off Morrlaon. Heathrote; off Kou
pal Orlmm struck out: By 8on*er.
stat*. Kaufmann, MoAuley, Hit hy
K I Itrhed ball: Ity Morrlaon. MoAuley; by
Kaufmann, Carey. Double play: Moore
^*1,, Wriaht to Oranthant. Umpire*: wull
lcy, Moran and Wilaon.
Dorothy Richard* Near*
Title in Coast Golf Play
San Francisco, April 17.—Miss
Dorothy Richards. Cleveland, O., was
within sight of the California state
women's golf championship today
when she defeated Mrs. Isolds Deng
feld of San Mateo, Cal., 3 and 2, on
the Dake Merced golf course. She
will meet Mrs. A. B. Swlnerton of
San Francisco for the titular honor
Mr*. Swlnerton qualified for the
title match hy defeating Mrs. Frsnk
Sheedv, Kan Francisco city champion,
2 and 1. in the semi-finals today.
Yale Stroke Ineligible.
New Haven. Conn., April 17.—A.
D. Dlndley, stroke of the Vale cham
pionship crew In the Olympics last
' year, has been declared Ineligible for
ihe Vale crew this year because of
his scholastic standing and has been
replaced by Thomas I. Daughlln, *27
of Providence, R. I., as stroke of the
varsity, It whs announced tonight by
Coach Ed Deader. Dlndley will do
no more rowing this year, It was
I Coast League
Oak lend. Cel. April 17 • « >' K„
and See(I.
id Tobin, Kent city. April 17 - n It K
V 1 ■ -. ' ■. - . ■ -- 1 - ■ .."■
| Outdoor Sports By Tadj
W. L. Pet. W. 1..
Oklahoma City .2 0 1.000 1.000 .667
St. JosepJh .I 0 1.000 1,000 .500
Denver 1 1 .600 .667 .333
Tulaa .I 1 .600 .667 .333
Wichita . 1 1 .500 .667 .333
Dea .NPolnea .I 1 .500 .667 .383
Omaha.O ? .OOO .333 .000
Lincoln . 0 1 .000 .500 .000
Oklahoma City. 7: Omaha, 4.
Wichita. 11; Denver, lo.
St. Joseph, 4; Lincoln. 6 (10 Innings.)
Dea Moines. Jl. Tulsa. 6.
Omaha at Oklahoma City.
Lincoln at Sr Joseph.
Dea Moines at Tulaa.
Denver at Wichita.
W. L. Pet. Win Loss
Cincinnati .3 1 .756 .800 .666
Chicago . 3 1 .750 .860 .606
Brooklyn . 2 1 ,447 .756 .566
New fork . 2 l ' 467 .750 .50n
Boaton .1 2 53* .566 .256
Philadelphia 1 2 .353 .566 ,256
Pittsburgh .1 3 .250 .466 ,20n
St. Louia 1 3 "50 .400 .200
Yesterday*a Results.
New York. 2: Boston. 6
Chicago. 9 Pittsburgh 6
St. Louia. 8; Cincinnati* 4 (11 Innings)
Only games plaved.
Onme* Todar.
St. Louis at Chicago
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati.
Phllndelnhla at Boaton.
New York at Brooklyn.
W. L. Pet. Win. Lose
Cleveland . 3 0 1.000 1.000 .750
Philadelphia . 3 1 .750 .800 .647
Washington . 3 1 .760 .800 .647
Chicago .2 2 .500 .600 .400
Detroit . 2 2 .500 .400 .400
New York .I 3 .250 .400 .200
Boaton . 1 3 .250 400 .200
St. Louia .0 3 .000 .350 .000
Res u Ha. _
Boston. 4; Philadelphia. J. CFlva In
nings. >
Detroit. 9: Chicago. 8.
Washington. 6: New York. 1.
Cleveland. 1: Ht. Louis, o.
Lames Today.
Chicago at Ht. IjOUla.
Cleveland at Detroit.
Boston st New York.
Washington aj. Philadelphia.
W L. P«t. Win Lose
ft Paul . 3 1 .750 .806 .600
Louisville . 2 1 467 .750 .800
Indianapolis . 2 1 467 .750 .500
Toledo .2 2 .500 .400 .400
Milwaukea .1 l 393
Columbua . I * J*1* ■«"»
Yeaterday'a Hwnlt*.
St Paul. 4: Columbua, 4.
Toledo. 14: Mlnneapolia. «
Loulavtlla, J; Milwaukea, 9 (19 Innlntt,
callad >.
Kaneaa Ctty-lndlanarnlta. rain.
(,imM Today. at Indtanapolla.
Kan.aa City at Loulavllle.
St. raul at Toledo,
Mlnnaapolia at Columbua.
Tort Worth, 7; Pallia, 9
Shreveport. 11: Wtrhlta Falla. 1.
San Antonio, IS: Beaumont, 11.
Houaton, S; Waco, 3.
•T.ra.y Cltv, 0; Buffalo. 1.
Newark. 3 Svranui#. 11.
Readin*, 9; Roeheater, I. (Saven In
" Toronto at Baltimore played April 14
Minneapolis, Minn.. April 17.
Paavo Nurmi, the fleetest of all
modern runners, will compete In only
four outdoor track events in the
United States before leaving for his
native Finland late In May. Hugo
Quint, manager, aald today.
According to Qulst. Nurmi’s final
appearance In America will he In the
Yankee atadiuni in an athletic car
Before those games Nurmi Is aisled
tn appear *t Grant park. Chicago.
He will leave there for the Pacific
coast to run In Una Angeles and San
Boxer Injured in Bout. Angeles. April 17.—Harry
Slmonee, Boston welterweight, who
Isst night In San Bernardino lost a
10-roijnd decision to Bobby Allen, to
day is unconscious at Ih* general hoe
pltal her* with a poaslble fracture of
the skull. Slmonee collapsed laat
night on the way lutrlj from San Ber
nardino. He waa taken to the hos
Louisville, Ky.. April IT.— Jt S E.
Milwaukee.»« J
Louisville . . .1 B *
n«derive- Hell end Skiff; Tlneup, Mey
• r* and Hrottam
t’allnd nnd lath Inning, darknr**.
Toledo O, April 17 R >» K
M lnn*a poll* . . s ........ * U &
Toledo . . ).. h U 1
Hh 11 #rl*»E lla imn>lnH Kdm«>nd*on and
M#ngatnrU Wirt*. Cinivin, Johnson, .Inn
iiHid and <la*tnn
f'olumbti*. O . April It.— R H K
Ml I * B III .■« • }
r'nluinbu* ..414 a
HatiierUa: H »lxh* uaer, Knlp and t'ol
I In* I'oit and Urban
fndianannlia April 17 K*naa* Clty
Indtanapolia gania potbponad, w«( ground*
Permanent Wave Shows Class
to Win Havre de Grace Feature
Havre de grace, mic, April
17.—Ral Parr's Chesapeake anil
Pimlico Oaks hope. Permanent
Wave showed first class form here
this afternoon in the feature race of
the Harford association’s card. One
of Willis Share Kilmer's Preakness
mid derby aspirants, Saratoga Maje,
looked bad. Saratoga Maje. a son of
Old Koenig and a winner In muddy
going at Laurel park last fall, was
thought to be at home on a sloppy
track. The track was sloppy In ron
Msiiienre of rain that fell steadily
rrotn about 7:30 on. Permanent Wave
and Saratoga Maje along with Ra
mon Runyon. Silver Rock, Chink, En
sign, Lightship and Lome were sum
moned from the paddock for a dash
of six furlongs.
Saratoga Maje was the hottest kind
of favorite. Damon Kunyon gave
the few who had backed him a pro
longed thrill. In front for five* fur
longs he made Permanent Wave do
her best down to the last furlong. In
the last furlong he weakened Borne
and the daughter of Wrack and
Queen of the Sea drew away to take
the big end of a »1.200 purse by three
or four lengths In 1:14, rattling good
C hink caught Damon Runyon a
sixteenth out ant) beat hint for place
money. Saratoga Maje made Borne
thing of a bluff in the far turn, hut
faded quickly.
Permanent Wave will take a lot of
beating over a distance, particularly
in muddy going.
_ I
Des Moines, la.. April 17.—Final
entries for the Drake relays. April 24
and 25. were received today from six
The colleges to file their final blanks
were Grlnnell, Simpson and Iowa
Wesleyan In Iowa; Nebraska State
Teachers, Peru; Augustana college,
Rock Island, 111., and the Oregon Ag
ricultural college at Corvallis, Ore.
1.0*. Angeles. April 17.—Bartley Mad
den. Iriiih heavyweight, will too the next
opponent of George Godfrey, Philadelphia
negro heavy, who haa been performing
for the la*t aeyeral week* In aouthern
< 'h llforn la ring*. It w»» announced h**r*
today by Jim Daugherty, Godfrey'* ntan
Grand Inland, Neh., April 17.
Grand Island college today defeated
Kearnev Normal In the first track and
field meet by the score of 67 to 64
The Kearney Normality* excelled In
the field events and Grand Island col
lege in the track events. The gcore
was 64 to 62 In favor of Kearney
until by a close margin the Grand
Island college took the relay race
and five points.
Sen Bernardino, 4’nl.. April IT.—Hobby
Ail*n. Boa Angefrs welterweight .eaaiiy
defeated Harry Simonee of Boston in the
ln-ruund main event here last night.
Allen took every round end bettered hie
opponent all around the ring hut »i*
unable to ■» ora a knockout.
Firat race: Two mile*:
Lieut, Seaa. 145 (McDonald 5.00 3.i" 3 2"
Herlard. 145 (G Smoot).4 00 3 4"
Henry Dattner. 130 (Diamond) • • . .4 *0
Time: 4 10. Governor Smith Red Clov
er, Broad Run and Yicalie alao fan.
Second race: Four furlonga:
\a f Kvsmi, 115 <c*rter> ....4.70 4.70 4 |0
Blaa Blaze, 1"4 (McAullffe ) ..24 40 11.00
Krackalatte. lo* (Scoble) .14 10
Time- :4* Guinea Gold Facet, Julia
(" , Lucky Pick, Twinola. Vulgate, Butter
'’up Pheaaant. Bruah By Terrible Man,
Outlawed and Zend aleo ran.
Third race: Six furlonga:
Alex V dliffc, 05 (McT'gue). .1 30 3 10 3 4"
Dr. Glenn. 113 (Harvey) . 2 70 2 3"
Rodeo, 102 (Hudgln*) .2 50
Time: 1:14 3-6. Rln Tin Tin. Wlaei HI*
ter Hue. Toney Hue, Ro| Confidence, Ruao
vla anti Eddie, Jr., aiao ran.
Fourth race: Six furlonga
Sea Sand. 113 (Ambrneei ...3 *0 2 *0 3 5"
Muak allonge. 113 (McAtee) .4.10 1.1"
Racket, 104 (Hunt) . •• 5 4"
Time: 1:15 2-5. Orar« Troaler, Maiy
Roan Stay On, McKenna Watch ( harm
Saddle and Boot*. Ormaletgh, Sun Rajah.
North Br**e/.e alao ran.
Fifth race: Si* furlong*
Permanent Wave. 106 (MrAu
I iff * ) . 1 1 50 5 1 0 4 1 0
Chink. 110 (McAtee) .6.00 6 5"
Damon Runyon. 11.' (Malben) . 1*20
Time: 1.14. Llahtship. Come. Silver
Rock. Enalgn. Head Cover. Saraioga Maje
alao ran
Sixth rar*: Mile and 70 yard*
Roee Cloud, 10*. (Hullman) 12 7" * 4" 4 40
Slate. I "a (Breuning) .10.5# 6""
Oragetia* 05 (McTague) .... 4 40
Time 1.40 3 5 Valentino. While
Marehn. Dorothy Adam*. Waratah, *'ath
leen NT Houlihan, Ren Franklin, Clique
ale.* ran.
Seventh race: 1 1 14 mile*
Wonrtlnk* 1JW (Lang* .14 *0 5 7ft 3 0"
Eagernc** 106 i Hudgln*) . 4.20 3 7"
Moakeg 107 (Wallace) 3.’"
Time 1:50 Rork. Gray Gable* Juet
Stockade Rurado. Kplaod* Kirkcaldy,
The Archer, Squarann Vulnad al*« ran.
Firat rare Five and one half furlong*
H!o**nm* 10* (Oarrity) . 4 44 3 "" 4"
Hard Guea*. 113 (Smith) . 4 50 3 ""
Oneida. 1"« (Wlnan*) .3 40
Time: 10* 2*6 My Lorraine, L. Gen
try. Callfa. Arapahoe alao ran
Second race; Five and one half fur
Forewarn 110 (Starkey) * 4" 4 *0 4 r,n
Black Monkey II" (Maakrld) .. *2" 4*"
Hlllv Patleraon. 10" (Carroll) .7 40
Time: 1 OS 4 6 Steve. Blue Mle*. Fur
ty Two. J ncnhea n al*<* tan
Third race Five and fine half furlong*
Old Pop. 110 ( W1 nans) 4* 4" 12 *0 i «•»
London Smoke It" (Froat) 4.00 3 70
Skyman, 1 1» (Roach) . 3 (»" |
Time 10* 1-6. Lucky Lou, Caaaie
Ann. Ed Garrlaon *l*«i tan.
Fourth race; Five and one half fur
Chow Chow. 100 (St'rkeyi 2* 40 1 3 40 5 40
|)r F T Adam*. 1"l (Wllaon) 4 20 2 4"
Fictile 113 (Wayt) .......... 40"
Time: 1:0*. Green Briar Cgardnm.
Cedric, Havana Electric, Heth'a l>ieatn
al*e ran „
Fifth ra<e: Six furlong*
Hoover. 112 (Allen) • It t 40 ? 4"
Royal Spring* 10* (Wllaon) 4*0 140
Firat Puller M2 (.tone*) . . ? *"
Time I 14 3 6 Paithema. Little Black
Sheen |t, the Ra * n Do ran
Sixth race One and nne-alvtaanth
I .h < oh 1"7 (Wllaon) MM M 1 di
Midnight Sim |e*. 104 M'harlea* f> *0 I nn
Rih k Self 104 (Allen) . 1 *<•
Time | 40 Eternity, Amelia S. Black
To" a I an ran.
Seventh race Flva and on# half fur
Betty Mae JftO (Allen) 5 |0 3 70 • 4"
Zalner ) 07 ( Buell 1 ... , .7 "ft ’ 4"
St *»lane ftf (Wllaon) 7 40
Time 1 mi-* Clean Red. Duo De
Quite. Little Pal alao ran
Flrat raca: Four and ona-htlf furlong*
Flax****d. 1«7 <Schaefer).. 1200 5 20 5 20
Norcros*. 112 (Roberta . 3 30 5.40
Friend Jo*. 107 (Johnson) . 5.«#
Time .59 J-4. Tollrha. Al Krtpp
Swift Ladv. Cleola. Rochester, Chiapa*
Hag jar King. Claremont. lr.. Country
Life. Shaat, I>onr a alao ran.
f»*mn4 rar*: Five and on* halt fur
Jn»"k Fountain. 101 (Rlaton).lgO 2 10 S go
Olympian King 07 (Craig) ....3 20 2.go
Th** Colonel, jog (Hoagland) .J90
Time 1:07. Rifla. Vodka. Chat G
[ri«h Key. Chopatlrka. Gold Grafton, Ac
quitted. Black Foot. Athanna alao ran.
Third rare; Flva furlong*:
Lot of Style. 105 (H al'd) 19 10 1* 20 g go
Love Song. 107 (Klaton) . 9 90 g 00
Hhaata Rapid*, 100 (Pendararaaa>. ... I 90
Time 1:02. Guinea Olrl. Bonita, Neat
Pe»*«r Patter, Botonera, Mabta Rowe
Fourth race: Mile and 70 yarda:
Harry Maxim. 117 (Johnron)
. 7.40 4 00 4 00
Mannikin. II 10* (Srhaaf**r>.4 90 5 On
Olympaid. 110 (Baker) .2*go
Time 1:14 1-5. Au Ravolr. Full O' Fun.
H. Warren, I»onat*lU>, George Jama*,
t.iatle Brown. Fteala, Napan, Too ter a and
Herald alao tan
Fifth rare: Mil*'
White Light*. 104 ( Raker). II *• 4 40 4 00
Royal Oak, 111 (Kelaay).. 4.20 5 20
The Lamb, 1**4 (McHugh). 4 9o
Tim*- I 4 1 1-. A 11unut var. Was Girl.
Kealala. Runleigh, Hal Mabray.
Sixth rat# Claiming, purae 1700, 4
vear olds and tip mile and sixteenth
A in moil ■ . J01 (Schaeffer) .17 90 7 00 4 20
Brimstone. 109 (Griffin* . 4 oo 4 20
Mine Prosperity. lot i Maker) 5 20
Tune 1 4 H 1-5 Nebraska Lad. Crack
i)T)Hxn. Tlk*h. Sweet and l*rw. Town
•end. Wynn* wood also ran.
Seventh ra*e Glory hand) ■*.>, p«irae
41,000; l.yaHi old* and up. mil*
I *..m inbju*,. J no (Schaefer). 4 20 3 to f *r>
Depul* 90 (Kdwnrda* .* * *0 4"
Th* Cheetah 99 (Riston).. 1 4°
Time 1 19 2 Mi. Clark. Sunny
Land. Kmlnent also ran •
R ghth rar*: Three year old* six fur
long*. 1700
h we* turn ] 1 3 (Cra lg > . ?t70 1l«oin5n
Sieve F 11 0 (H uni a mer) 1110*40
Mteat Omond. log <n Johnson). goo
Time 1114 5 Polo Star Sing «‘n
T. ndy Merllldon. Seq*ran. Cockaur*. J*iat
Folka also ran
Ninth race. Claiming purae. |900. 4
* ear old* and up. one mil*'
Mla> k Wiind log ((} Johnson).
» 40 1 90 2 4"
The Mohawk III. 1 n& (Griffin) 4 40 1 90
Mat* Cp, 11A (Hutitamei) « 40
Time 1:45 Wild Heather l*oa<al«a.
FI la 1 (>, Llaelte Duty Roy also inn.
Zion National Turk Open
This supreme color land Including;
Hryca Canyon and Cedar Break*, In
Houthern Utah and North Him Grand
Canyon rendy this summer Semi for
fre# book In naturttl colms. It will help
you plan the most satisfying vacation
of your life Address I*. Beindorff.
U. 1*. System, 1513 Farnnm Ht.,
Huskers Depart
for Kansas Meet
□ INCOLN, April 17.—When tin
Iliisker track team pulled oul
over the Missouri Pacific to
night for Lawrence, Kan., to entei
the Kansas relays. Coach Sliulte ha<
only 17 men with him. Wirsig, win
was expected to enter the pole vault
was unable to go on account of a ha<
foot. Gleason will be the only mar
In that event.
The veteran roach staled tluit on ar
count of taking but 17 men. the nuin
her allowed by the athletic depart
mrnt to go on the trip, he wouh
have to rearrange Ills schedule some
what. It Is likely tlirgt he may not
enter the one-mile and two-mile re
lays. This depends largely on the mil
ditlon of the Huskers at the time flu
events lake place. If Jimmy I/ewis
star miler. Is able to run in till?
event. Schulte may u»e him and Slier
rick and ('rites or Dailey and Hein
He said lie would enter Zlmmermar
and Hays and Rose and MrCartnej
in the four mile relay.
He expects to enter a good teair
in the medley relay, probably usinj
I^ewds, Locke, Houdcrscheldt a nr
Dailey or Ross. Ha also stated thal
A. Mandery may enter the broat
Jump but he will have no one in th«
high Jump. He expects to conservi
his men as much as possible and yel
entered as many events as he can. Th«
Huskers have no one who can com
pete with stars that will be at the
Kansas relays In the high Jump.
Bee Want Ads produce results.
Injury or disease |
of the gums !
causes the loss
of as many teeth
as tooth decay !
Dental Cream,
made with
Squibbs Milk
of Magnesia j
protects the
gums from add
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I for everybody.
Shaute Hurls
Indians to 1-0
Win Over Browns
Speaker's Slow Roller En
ables Jamieson to Score
Trihe’s Lone Tally; Four
Hits for Sisler Crew.
St. Louis, April 17.—Jr* Shaute
pitched > 1 to ii victory for the In
dlamTover the Brown* today. Speaker
also played a prominent part In the
victory as his glow roller to Sisler
allowed Jamieson to score from third
in the first inning and in the seventh
he made a perfect throw from deep
center after catching Bennett'* fly
and caught William* trying to go
from second to third. The Browns
did not get a runner past aecond
against Shaute.
f»b r.h.o.a. ab.r.h.o t.
-Ta m’»on If 3 1 1 3 OTobln* rf 4 0 110
Spu*'n 3b 4 0 2 1 4Rob’t'n 3b 3 0 0 10
Speaker • f 3 0 0 0 1 Sialer lb 4 0 1112
.1 Sew*l ea 4 0 0 2 2 Willi * If 3 0 2 4 0
Myatt < 4 o 0 1 lM’M’us 2b 3 0 0 2 .8
Stsph'n rf 3 0 12 Didn't rf 3 0 0 2 0
Knode 1b 4 o i ion Dixon c 3 0 0 3 0
FVeter 2b 3 0 0 3 5 Gerber ** 2 0 0 1 2
Shaute p 3 0 0 0 1 Lam te *■ 0 0 o o 0
— ——— Gam on p 3 o o 2 0
Tot? 1* 31 1 6 27 ] 4 r Bunh 1 0 0 0 0
Total* 20 0 4 27 12
sBatted for Gerber in eighth Inning
S«-ore by inning*:
Cleveland ..100 000 OOO—1
St Louis .ooo 000 000—0
Summary—Stolen has?: Bennett. Dou
ble ida vs Gerber, McManu*. Sialer
Sneaker: J. c< '• ell Butte on belle: Off
GaMon, 3; off Shaut?. 3. Struck out: By
Gaston. 3; by Shaute.1. Left on bases:
St Louie. Cleveland. *». Time: 1:33.
Umpire* Owens. Evan* and Rowland.
Hompr Wins for Senators.
New York, April 17.—A home run
by Judge In the fourth Inning with
the bases loaded gave Washington an
other victory over the Yanks this aft
ernoon. The score was 6 to 1. It
was the third victory for Waahington
In their four-game aeries with the
New Yorkers.
abrh o.a sb.r.h.n.a
McNu'ly cf 4 0 13 0 Dugan 3b 5 12 0 4
Harr la 2b 11114 Comb* cf 5 0 2 3 0
Rim rf 3 10 3 1 Meuaal cf 4 0 n 1 ft
Goalin If 3 2 2 1 0 Pan h i rf 4 0 13 0
Judge lb 4 2 2 1 1 '• Plpp lb 4 0 110 0
P'k'np gh 3 0 111 Ward 2b 3 0 111
Rue| c 3 0151 Scott «■ 3 0 15 4
McNally 3b 4 0 o i i O'Neill c 3 0 14 4
Bcuther p 3 0 1 0 IShawky p 2 0 10 0
-aShanka 1 0 0 0 0
Total* 30 6 9 27 9 Fram i* p 0 0 0 0 0
zHoffman 1 o o 0 0
H Jo i n p 0 0 0 0 0
Total* 35 1 10 27 15
* Ratted for Shawkey in alxth.
/.Batted for Francis in eighth.
Score by Inning*
Waahington ....OKI 401 000—4
New T«.rk . .1A9 Oft* O00—]
Summary—Error: Harrir Two-baae
hit* Ward. Judge Home run: Judge
Sacrifice hit: Pecklnpaugh. Stolen be**.
Goalin Double pliya: Ruel to Pekin
paugh: O'.Nalll to Scott Left on ba*e*
Waahington 3: New York 11 Ba*ea on
ball* Off Reuther 4 off Shawkey. 2.
St ruck ouf By Reuther, 4: by Shawkey.
1 by Fran**i* 1 Hit by pitched bail: By
Shawkev. » tOoalin and Harria) Umpire#
Nallin and Connolly. Attendance: * 009.
Athletics Finally Lose.
Philadelphia. April ’l7.—Between
the antics of old Jupe Pluvius and
wildness of "Lefty" Groves, the Ath
letics’ winning streak of three
straight games cam* to an abrupt
ending at Shibe park this afternoon.
Rain, which started falling before
game time, increased as the battle
progressed and became so heavy that
the fray waa rilled in the sixth, with
the Red Sox on the long end of a 4
to-3 acore.
It waa a close and unfortunate set
back for the Mack men. The fourth
and deciding run of the visitors came
shortly before the game waa called.
In the first half of the fifth with
the score knotted at three-all, Joe
Harria tripled off the right field wall
and Rogel!'* double brought home the
deriding run.
BOSTON (A) rillt.A. (A I
ih.r.h n.i ib r h «.«
riftK'd rf ll"l "Bishop 2b 2013”
Prothi o 3b 2 1 1 0 ft Hals Sb 3 11ft”
Rouns rf 2 ft ft ft ftl.amar If 3 » ft ft ft j
\ at he If 2 n 2 " ftSlm on* cf 3 l 1 1 "
Harris lb 2 119 ftMilelr rf i 1 1 " o
Gross a* 2 ft ft 1 3 Poole 1b 2 0 2 4 1
Rngall 2b 2 ft I 2 ZGalloay ** 1 « ft ft 3
Pirl’rh c 2 112 2Porh'na c 1 ft ft 7 0
Quinn P 2 ft 0 0 1 Groves p 1 ft ft ft I
--— w albert p ft ft o ft l
Total* 17 4 ft IS i
Total* 11 3 € It ft
Score by Innings:
Rnstnn . .00- 1 1 —4
Philmdelpht* . - .3"ft 3
Summary—Krror: Vacht Two-base
hit*. Hale Profhro. Ftcinlch Rogcll.
Three-base hit Harris Struck out R*
Grove*, ft. hv Quinn. 1, Base on hall* Gi'
Grove*, ft: off Quinn l. Umpire*; Dineen
Orm*by and McGowan
Datiss Puzzle White Sox.
Detroit, April 17.—George Dauef.l
veteran right-hander of the Tiger*
Mas a puzzling proposition for the
White Sox today and timely Tvallops
by the Bengal* at the expense of
Blankenship, Lyons and Mangum
gave the Detroiters a 3 to 3 victory
and an even break In the initial
aeries. The Cobblnites Jumped on
Blankenship for five runs in the first
round which proved enough to clinch
the pastime. AVillle Kamm knocked
a honier.
ab.r.h.o.a ab.r.h.o.a
Mostfl cf 4 ft 1 2 1 Blue lb 4 2 110 1
Davis as 5 0 14 2 Haney 3b 6 2 2 1 3
K Col 2b 4 12 11 Manuith cf 3 12 4"
Shely lb 4 ft 2 ft 0 Neil’an rf 6 13 2"
Falk If 6 1 2 2 0 Win go. If 41231
Harris rf 3 0 14 1 Rignev **41113
Kamm 3b 3 111 1 OR’u’ke 2b 4 0 12.
Sob*lk c 1 0 0 3ft Hascler c 31141,
Grouse c 2 " 1 1 ft Da Ufa p 3 0 ft 0 2
Rl'enship p ft ft ft 0 ft
Lyon* p 1 ft 0 ft 1 Totals 26 9 13 27 1 3
Oonnally p o ft ft 0 3
Mangum p ft ft ft ft 0
A*h, p o 0 n ft 1
xHooper 1 ft o o ft
xArrhd’a'n t ft ft ft ft
xClancy 1 0 ft ft ft
Totals 35 3 1 1 24 1 1
xBatted for Lyon* in fourth I
xRaffed for Connelly in seventh
xHattad for Minium in tifhlh.
s .re l.v^ inning*
t'b * .. im non oif 8
■.. -no 10! <11 a—*
Mo«til, E. Collin*.
Blank*n*hip Two>Imn hit*: Collin*, H*tl
m*ii Rtgnay and Haasler. Hom^ run:
Kanim Karrtfw* hit K*mm stolen
ba»ee Mo*tll. H«nev. Manuah. B»m» «n
ball* tiff Rlankenenlp. 1. off Lyons. 1;
off fonnallv. 3. off l>iu»a. 4 Struck out:
Hv Pause . by Hlankenahip. I. by Con
nally. l; b> Mangum. L Hit bv pitch*.I
ball: Hv I»auas (Schalk). Double play;
IIaney t<> R O'Rourka to Blue. Umpire*
Hildebrand. Mortality and i»el*el.
Craven Stakes
London. April IT.—The Craven
stakes for 3 year-olds, run over thn
Rowley mile at Newmarket today,
was won by the odds on favorite, .i
R. Cox's brown colt. Picaroon, by
Beppo, out of Clceronetta, 5 to 2 (Mb
P. Bullock had the winning ipoupt,
coming away to win easily by a length
and a half, a popular victory. Lor(l
Astor’s hay colt, Cross Bow, 33 to- 1
against, was second, ridden by BySni*
nan, two lengths ahead of Sir John
Rutherford's Solario, 8 to 1 against,
ridden by Beary.
After the race Mr. Cox's great <*>11.
unbeaten last season as a 2-year-old
was established a firm favorite for
the derby at Kpsom on th% first Wed
nesday in June. ‘ J,'H
-" -U1 lit
Giants, Braves Swap Players,'
Boston. April IT.—W. D. ny*«,
light-handed pitcher, was traded by
the New York Giants to Boston1
Braves for Tim McNamara and a sum
of money. ...—Joey Ssn*,r. Mll.vsgkeJ
ft Hth*rw*ight. was signed, to meetKW
Kaplun ffBthf'rw^ight champion, in Jn’n*
neapoM*. .Line 2*.
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