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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1925)
^Leftv” Hubbells Pitching and Triple Enables Indians to Defeat Buffaloes Champions Lose Second Contest of Series, 4 to 7 ‘"Sad Har\e\ Harris Pounded Hard liy Oklahoma City: , ,\f 1 Griggs. Omaha Man ager Hit? Home Hun. % _ Oklahoma City, April II.—In addi tion to pit' liinc a fine uninr, "l,eft>” Huhhell drove in runs with his Hirer bacser ami single and Oklahoma City made it two straiuht from (lie West rrn leacne champions. The score was i to 4. The score: 0.11 til t. \n. ii. ii. eo. t. i: Mnnroe. 21) 3 2 I S 'J 4? O'Velll. lb » «» \ -i o p lOihiot it. rf ■’» t» I 4 o I) King, rf I » 3 « O-hnrn. If • 41 0 A I 0 Griggs. II) I I I r, i) 0 CimtoII. «.<» 4 0 1111 Wilder. V. I o i :t n o I1f»rr|«. t) :ioill o vLcneliai. I 0 0 0 0 C I'otn I* 15 I .1 5 i Ohl AHOMX ( ITV. Ml. II. II. 1*0. \. f Tate. 3h .1*10 4 4 llngermun. If 3 0 0 2 0 « Funk, rf 3 2 2 o 0 r ► elbor. rf . 0 0 u o o 0 Hr Daniel 1b .4 0 2 * 1 0 Tl)<»mntM)ii. rf .3 it II * It It WcKnlh. 21) 1 I 2 2 2 l* flenn. c . > 4 0 2 1A t> 1 Kluulnt. m 4 I 2 I 1 J Ifiibhell. i) 4 0 2 12 A Total* M 1 18 .'7 I* vflnttiul for Harris in ninth. >cnr b> Innings: Omaha III mm no*—I Oklahoma (It) 102 100 12*—7 SlHnmar)—Tw4»-I*«im* bits: >lonn>e. Car roll. W ilder. Tat«*. MeNull> 42.) Tliree-lmse hits: Hnbbell. Kharlot. Home run: tirigg*. stfllrr base*- King Tate. llngerinnn. Ruse* <»n balls: Off llubbrll. 8; off Harris. Wit! bv pHrlietl boll: Monroe by Huhhell. Struck nut: lb Huhhell. 7 ■ hy Harris. J>. Deft on hose*: Omaha. 8* Oklahoma Cit>. 10. Time: 2:10. 1 mp'rc*: Powell und Shan non. Frrors Aid XX itelie? to XX in. s Wichita Kap , April IT Denver inn 'nine a bis lead nt the .- lKht Ii today and flf'l the score, but Wichita took the lead Again In its half and won out. 11 t<> 10. \fciny walk* and Denver errors helped Wichita. Score #...v DENVER 4 X\ * XX It 11 IT A (XX) ab.r.h.o.a. ab r.h.o.a • ror’an, 2b X 2 0 4 •Jt'h'rne. rf 4 10 1 ft Fiercer ss 3 3 2 2 XX'ano. 1b 3 10 14" c5fn*'.ll, if l A 2 1 <1 Draff. 5b • 2110 Itnlsht. ill 1 o 5 1 Psync. If 1 1 J 0"Bri'r. of X no 4 ft XX ales, rf .: 1 1 * 1 Falk, rf X l 1 - o t 'organ, - 1 " I "• Smith v 3 2 2 3 2 M'hart. 2b 3 2 1 .. Docker. 3b 5 1 3 0 l Rohrer. « 2 1 1 " i*j reer. p 0 0 ft ft ft Jolley, p 3 ft L ft flodge#, p 3 ft ft 1 1 Ca bell p ft 0 0 U I xfokan. p ft ft 0 0 ft vHandley 111°" .CWhallng 1 0 o ft ft __ Total# 39 10 13 24 9 Total* . 7 11 7 27 13 Batted for Hodge# in eighth. \Batted for ''token in mn;h isro*-# by inning.* . ... , —, iA Denver . !JJ IS1" ]? X\|ehH» . .... ,.*ft ftftft 0-x—11 Nummary—Errors. Fall XX .mo, .More >i«rt r wo-base hii*' .1 alley (2). Payne. rSlk Knitfht. Docker. Three-ha ye hit Bcger Stolen base#: Ginglarrii. < organ Gorman Sacrifice hit* » organ. Rohrer. 4' ivipbell. XX'ano. Double play: Jolley to More hart to XX'ano. l.eft on base#; Wichita. f> Denver. 10. Base* on ball? Ore .Toller 6: off Greer. 3; off Hodge*, j; off Mokan. 1: off Campbell. 1 Struck out: Bv Hodges. 2: bv Jolley, 1; by Campbell. 2. Hit#: Off Greer In one ■ bird Innings. 1 and 1 run: off Jolley In 7 1 •: inning*. 11 and 7 runs; -ff Hodge* *n 6 2-3 inning.*. « and * runs: <-ff Mokan n one inning, none and 2 runs -in by ,itched ball- Hy Hodge* tXVnh st. XX lid nlLh Campbell. Winning pitcher: ‘Xmpbell. Doalng pitcher: Moksn. I m Tdfes: Johnson and Daross. Time . "S. Cassity Stable Arrives at Ak-Sar-Ben Field I.. O. and W. Cassity arrived from ; Phoenix, Ariz., Thursday with 13 thoroughbreds that he will race at i|ie Ak-Sar-Ben races. June 3-27. Amnnar the shipment are oPrter 1711a. ti&p and Gown. Neg. IBttern, .Miss Iliberty. Colonel Murphy, Dode Adams, Pfcginini and four others. This stable has wintered at Phoenix -and is in j fine condition. m HK'Mb 1 B| m |3H.2 m K iw jK81 |H[) u^ 9 '^B I^Ji OMAHA V V |Q Colorado I and return | Dally* June X to September 30 m »X6» I Ifellowstonel and return 1 Dally* June 1 to September 13 I $4606 I California I and return I Dally* May IS to September 30 | $7X06 I Op pim way; return anpthar Stpp-pvar Anywhere 3 Fa.t PehePulee Luaurfteua Trelpa jfi| rocky Mountain Limited to Colorado [only m direct routs to both Denver and Colorado Springs]. fl Rock Island it also the routs of the all-Pullman GOLDEN STATE LIMITED to and from California ■ s Other fast trains west on convenient schedules. Ail H meals in dining car. H For fret boohi, compUti information antI iffl aid in planning your tour, apply jfpj F. P. Rutherford. Agent ||^| Union Ticket Office. Ill B. Iftth 8t . Phone A limit I/d |*H Wilhemt. City Paep'r A|t , 1 8. MrNsIly. Du .Psm'i Aft £m| Rock Mend Lines. Mo W. O W. Bldg. mm. Phone jawkeon 0449, Omaha, Neb. j/||| Hock Island Lines 1 JOSEPH KIJ NGKIJIOKFER. Pitcher, oMahniiin City. Born. Baltimore, Mil.. September 1. 1899. Height, 5 feet, 9 inches. W eigrht. 173 pounds. i Throws right-handed. Hits right handed. Club in 1934—New ton. Southw est ern league. First engagement — Cumberland, Blue Ridge league, 1917. Clubs since then—New York State independent teams, 1918 in 1921 in elusive; Parksley. Eastern Shore league, 1922; Crlsfield, Eastern Shore league, 1923: Newton. 1924 record—Games. 59; innings pitched, 353: hits. 322; passes. 100: strikeouts. 254. Won 25 games and lost 111. Bed league pitchers in games won and in strikeouts. ! aints Vy in 10-Itming Game. Sr' Joseph. Mo.. April 17—The Saints '.tine Dorn behind in an extra-inning con test and defeated Lincoln here today be fore a large opening day crowd. 9 to n A beetle contest, in which four Lincoln players we> put out of the game by Umpire O'Brien, resulted in a slmkeup in 'he lineup of the visitors. After i*tem >ng the tide of hattle. Lo\e won the game in 'he loth v lib a long sacrifice fly to center. The poore: LINCOLN tWL ST. JOSEPH (Wl. ab h.o.a ab.r.h.o.a F per s.« 4 0 1 *2 QD'.M'gio If 3 2 0 1 0 .Purdy If 4 l H 2 "D'gan s* 3 0 112 M'rns 2b 4 0 n :: a D oing If 3 10 19 Be.-k 1b S 0 0 19 0 Smith - f 4 0 ; 4 1 S'nev cf 4 2 2 3 ft D'veR lb 1 1110 Shaner rf t 2 2 :: 1 Gilbert 3h A 0 1 : 1 Male- r.b 4OI01 Nufer 2b 3 t* <• 3 2 Vagit* c 4 0 1 ", 0 M tree <• A 1 2 9 M'chio j» 3 0 ft ti 2 D'port p 2 0OO2 Cooper If 1 o o n ftDtinthke p n 0 n o n \Rat.1en ss i o n 2 1 zLewan o l 0 0 Milder p ono ft OzBrooks t ft J ft o Carson p 1 ft ft o zPofrier ft ft ft ft " B'kner C ft o ft 1 ft Dove p 1 ft ft ft 2 Hurst p 0 0 o o 0 Wright es ft 0 ft 1 1 Totals 2ft '.10x29 13 Totals 33 9 7 30 12 xRan fo- Purdy In seventh. xTwt’ out when winning rtin s.-ored. /.Batted for Lantbke in seventli. /Batted fo • Corrigan in sevepth. /Han for Brook i in seventh. Score by innings: Lincoln .12ft 003 “fto 0 St Joseph .000 ttft2 :;ftft 1 -*'• Summary —Krrors: S'rmpi', Ratjetr Gil bert. Buna and hits: Of’ Davenport* 5 ;»* * ■ i x in o 2innings: off Da mbit*. none and 3 In 1 1 3 innings: off Lowe, none and none ir, :• innlncs; «iff Miirch'io. 3 and 4 in o innings: off Gilder, none and 4 in 1-2 in ning: off ' arson. 2 and 1 in 2 2-1 innings; of* Hurst, none and none in 2-3 inning. Earned runs Lincoln. : S;. Joseph t». Bases on balls Off Mur* bio. : off Car son. 8: off Hurst. 1. Stru* k «»ut By Dav enport. 2: by Dove Left on liases: Lin coln. 5: Sr Joseph. S. Two base hits: T.ei velf Purdy Sweeney, Smith. Three-base hit: Shaner Double plays; Dunning to Minetree; R.. t.jcn to .Madera-* t** Berk. Sacrifice hits: Madera*. Smith Lellveif. Love • Umpires: O'Brien and Bet ker Time: Two hour*. Stolen base: Shatter Demons Bunch Hite. Tulsa. Okla.. April 17.—Bunched hits by Des Moines batters and a home run b> Stuvengen in the ninth inning, when the hasea were full, accounted for an over balanced *oore when the Demons and the Tulsa Oilers played their second game of tha season today. Des Moines won, 11 to y Score: DES MDIVES fW) TULSA f\V) nh.r.h.o a ab.r.Ii.n a. Br'sen. 2b 2 3 1 3 Rig'ert. If ■ 1 : 7 ft Rader, se R 1 1 0 ft Huger, 21* f ill ’ LangM. . r R 2 3 3 l Mizeur. rf 4 1 : " " Griffin, rf f. 1 1 o ft Lamb, cf 4 ft 3 o ft Stu'en. lb 4 t 2 ft 0 Roche. * 4 ft 2 1 1 Wetzel, if 1 2 3 l Tyr'ell, 1b 2 ft « * « Knau'p. 2b 3 1 1 3 1 «' * - *•? . I b : " ft 4 » Lingle. 4 119’ Simon. 3h : " " -4 House, p 4 1 1 9 0 Fllppin. **31044 Jo'naon, p 3 I ft ft - Totals 4ft 11 13-77 Total* 2*i :> 11 -7 13 Scene by innings: Des Moines .... . .. 912 20ft "L»—11 Tul*a.094 "Oft 10ft— •• Summary—Error: Knaupp. Earned tuns: Des Moines. 11; Tulsa. .**. Deft on banes: Des Moines, 4: Tulsa. 1ft. Two-base hits; Wetzel. Knaupp. Rocha. Rader. Kiggert (2i. Griffin, House, Braiuen Three-base hit; Mizeur. Home run*: Dingle, .stuven gen. Stolen base; Langford. Base on ball*: Off Johnson. 1 ; off House. 6. Rturck out: By Johnson, 2: by House. 7. Mild pitch; Johnson. Hit by pitched ball: Stuvengen. b\ Johnson. Double plays: Krueger to Fllppin. to Tyrrell; Wetzel^ to 1 .ingle: Simon to Krueger to C**ey. Um pire*: Deidy and Fitzpa'rick Tim* -' 1 *• Ruth May Not Join Yankees for Thirty Days Bambino \\ ill Go ( nder Knife Today—Club Owners Alarmed 0\er “Babe's” (Condition. IV HAMS .1. WALSH. EM" YORK, April 17. Babe ’’ Ruth will go under the knife at St. Vin cent hospital to day for what is termed a "minor operation." a nd feeling 1 s ftist gaining strength that hit se ball's greatest attraction Is a much sicker man than has been Indicated by the reports those ' in attendance have seen fit to issue. Ruth will be operated upon for intestinal abscesses. Inquisitive persons, however, arc asking why it is that everyone has hern denied admittance to the sick room with the exception of Mrs. Until, baby Dorothy and Kd Barrow, business manager of Ihe club. This, it is contended, is not compatible with t lie physicians' announcement that they 'feel no concern over Uuth's conditions.” Ruth will now be lost to the leant for at least a month, a fact with which officials of the Yankees were not fa miliar as late ns 24 hours ago. They said then that the slugger was on the mend and hoped to hate him with the team when it goes on the road next Tuesday. It'was not mentioned in the official bulletins that Ruth’s temperature had not reacted to treatment, and con tinued to range around 101. and above. Hudkins Signs v.' to Box Mandell I .ns A hr olos. \nril 17.—*- \t «* llurl l.iu*. the red-headed Nebraska lightweight, tentative!' signed to day for two contest*. He agreed to meet Sammy Mandel, New York star, here in .lime, and to hox 12 round* with an opponent a* yet it" selected, in a bout next month in Hollywood. MAHONEY TO JOIN PITTSBURGH CLUB Prank (Ike) Mahoney, manager anil shortstop of ibe Muiphy-tMd-Ita lwll team. 1924 city amateur cham pion* anil all-around athlete at Creighton university, will report to the Pittsburg Pirate* Monday morn ing. This Infovtnatinn comes from one of Mahoney's friend*. Mahoney'* present plan* are to leave Saturday evening at 6 over the Milwaukee for Chicago from whence ho will proceed to the Smoky city. Mahoney's contract with the Pirates, it is said, call* fid a monthly salary of *500. In the event that Mahoney should tail to make good, tumors have been spread to the ef fect that the Pirate* will farm the nnateui ball player to the Omaha Westen league hall team Injured Player Improve*. Fred Krajicek". Woodmen of th* World hall player, who waw injured last Sunday during i prarthe game, ha* Improved to suich an extent that h* will leav* tha Nicholas Serin ho*, pital pome time today. Dr. Holov tchincr. attending phy-tcian, atatad laat night that from present indlca tjon* Krajicek would ha able to take his plac* in the Woodmen lineup, Sunday. r > Nine-Hundred Mile Horse Race V___' If X Th# Associated Pr**s». Bl KNOM AIKKN. April, 17.—A not) utile horse race with 38 rimtief* which probably will hist * month began Wednesday nil a course of about 20 mile* at a ranch near here. The contest is to determine whether I he f riollo, the native Argentine horse of the Pampas, (anted for It* endurance, I* superior to (lie l>e*t horse* of pure hcecil. | Tee Off at the— DUNDEE| Golf Course« Open to the Public. Blind Bogey Contest Saturday RtTIS - Waak l»«)«.$1.00 .$1.25 Similar . $1.50 I m'i'. I.urkar* anil Shnwira. >» l»ola»*. lima RMartatlan*. WA lnut llOBl DUNDEE OOLf COURSE Keeps Walking From Lost “Arts'1 The auto may I>e putting the healthful exercise of walking in to the discard but Willie Plant, New York athlete, is doing his best to keep the sport in ath letics. His victories over Ugo Frigerio, Italian invader, have proved Plant's greatness as a heel and toe expert Ritola Sets New World Records S T RAI L, \pcil 17 Willi* Ritola | to * tarred with Paavo Nurmi at the opening of the two-day Ken nla club games last night hy estab lishing a new world * record in thej 5,000-y a id run. Retting the old mark held hy himself b\ six. seconds. Rit-*ia was clocked in 13:39. Nurmi. «tiil suffering from the ef ■ feet* <if his recent Ulne.-.- jogged io an easy win over Jim Connolly of Washington in the three quarter mile; race, the feature e\eftt on the pr<. grain, hut failed 11» molest his present j record for the distant *». Nurmi's time! was 3:14. Willie Riant f«»e .nd heel artist j oi the Morningside Athletic club tf New York, tied his own wood's rec ord for the 2.500-meter walk going the distance in 10:37. An uncarded feature of the was an exhibition 50 yard race by J. C. Harper of Knderlin. N. D, »IS year-old athlete, wlio negotiated the distance in :07 2-5 tfter issuing a <*hnl j lenge "to take on nil comers >0 years • or ov'er” at 100 yards. . Vi ant Practice Gainr. The West Benson Boosters \ . i , practice game Sunday. April R* Call! Walt Conrey. Alb 0113 or WA 0305 F 2 evenings t—j-a Clocker’s Selections V___J IIAYKK I IB CiRACK. I. MmIiiioii rntr>. Ilapiirr l.trl, I'liirimi. •?. t umh Klit. Trip Miliolita .!. |>«trr. Tlir 4 \ Intner. Tin- llat. I. Illg Itlnrr MiipHrilrkt. 4 ntult KM. ,V lit lug (loml. t.f'/u.i Mnrnionloim. 0. Prlrrr 'I'll Til. Mo«fi Miittli . I.chcIImi V IV|c tIt^ ti Hlic. (IWHM'n. KIJ#**m»r. Ii***.(—mImiiim nitrt. Ill NTVMJTON. I. \\ ill on 1‘Tniiiui. little Pet. I hihIiim Nmokf. !, Rnlrr, Rirlntrd 'lurrut IIIrc'v Top 3. IImi t Irllr*. l^iltM PirmilH', l.lciilcilMJlt Prrkln* IJlni' Miiflii Koenoiood. Pornrll I nd. .V vtli'i Union. l-nnoil. \rrngo-.i H Hi*d ,1»r||i \nuitMc*'. I niiM’l* K. T. Kent I,.. \»-ttlr 'Int . 4Tiplnin \<lano. I4r*f fllAi'k Killer. COM MBVn. I. 4; of roll! It. Ilnlldlilr. Sr III. Frriln P. » .1 oi* .lor. 'Hlmiii. Hqiilrr "'ggiuo. t \ torn in lillr "m-Mi. I.oldrn Uni* 4. prf#*r Drrm. \ tunenienf,iMd l*i»lgr. Y F,«colnnp, I’irnlo l.olil, SciiMin. H. Nmiglil.% MOni. 4 iiptiiln 4 o«llgnn. sforni 3 long. I Inn line A»vrep«tnkr«. King Trojan j Best—Jos Join _ Franklin, Neb., Celebrates When Phillies Trounce Brooklyn Team n.VNKI.I.N, Nell. April 17. — With the p.maitile exrep t Inn nf the home (own of the win Mini; team, the S to 1 victory of the Philadelphia Nn tlniml* over the Hrnnklyn Doilirerit \ eel e rile v after noon wne rele hmleil here with innie frallin ell Ihnalnam than In nny other rmii inanity In I h e eminli y w hei r Ihe 1 •-j>.>ct i.f tl < entile w le rerolyrd Why alnnilil tin little town In IP mint hern pint nf Ihe elate lie run* ret lie.I m et tin- Phllllee lop “I'leil 11, pin .liwl In-, ail*, nne i Pn.-ip Mll.'liell, who 111 cm here pm hnl fin Hu yitekri i it' .. Mitchell i» uue ol it group ol ('onihiisker pltcliera — including i “IIiii?)" Vance and tinner \lev ander*—which in making the stale ( iis renowed for developing big j league liurlers as it has always hern for producing foofhall teams and champion wrestlers. In addition to dispatching tele grains of congratulation to the whi ning pitcher, Franklin cltUen* staged an iniproniplii dinner and dance in honor of the occasion. Mrs. Marlon Mitchell, the hurlei's wife, was guest of honor. All last winter. Mitchell eondi tinned hlmaelf h.v hunting rabhlta and coyotes ill the contiguous Vast Open spa« es oi NehraskA ninl Kansas, lie maintain* •* pink ot biintlng dogs here and m • 11> everv day duiinc the winter lie Is seen driving avvav from town with ids d"g* |mickrd In the automobile with him Vi* Mil-hdl e \ peel * to leave Cm i tin cast to join her flush* nd In ghoul a week, Bulldogs V> ill Come Here for Games on May 16 Meet Will Be Held at New Creighton Field—Big Boost for Athletics at Bine and \\ hite School. Bv "\V \<L" JIK Drake univer sity track and field leant. considered one of llie strong est In the Missouri valley, will com pete against Creighton univer sity in a dual meet at Creighton field on Saturday, May 16, It was an nounced tills morn ing by A. A. Sclta binger, athletic di rector. Signing of Drake to meet Creighton In a dual meet is a big boost for athletics, especially track, at the Blue and While knowl edge foundry. Drake Is considered one of the strongest track and field teams in the Missouri valley confer ence. Tile signing of the two univer sities for a track meet is another step in the way of enlarging athletic com petition between Missouri valley schools and Creighton. The Bluejays played Drake in basket hall last winter. The Creighton track schedule Ibis year is the biggest and best sched ule oT this character ever drawn up at the university. After the Kansas relays Saturday Creighton will com pete in the Drake relays. South Dakota track meet, annual north central conference meet and the Dakota relays. May ?. ( oaclt < lift Wynne of the Creigh ton track team, together with five Bluejay cinder-kickers, leave to night for law fence, Kan., where the Creighton runners will compete In the annual Kansas relays Satur day. Athletic Director Scliabinger left for Lawrence Thursday evening. (oach Wynne is taking Captain Stewart. ' Bendon, Trautnian and Morrissey. Tills quartet is entered in tlie two-mile relay. ■•Sas" Keane, fastest human at t reighton. will enter the special loti yard run at Lawrence. He stepped tile century in Hi seconds e\en in it practice spin tills week. All depends on the showing of the two-mile cela y ten ill Saturday whet her or not Coucli Wvnne ships the run ners to the Drake4relays a week from Saturday. <'reighton will enter the quarter-mile and half-mile relays at Drake, however. ‘STRANGLER’ LEWIS THROWS LUNDEN Boston. April IT—Ed (Strangler! Lewis of Chicago, former world's heavyweight wrestling champion, won two out of three falls from Alex Lull den. Pacific coast wrestler. In tlie Boston arena last night. 1 .* was a substitute for Wayne (Big' Muim. no v ill in Philadelphia and who Wednes day night lost his v*< Id's title to Stanislaus Zbyszko. Lunden won the first fall with a reverse double arm lock and a bodv left In k’l minutes, but Lewis took the second In 11*3 minutes with a b*i k crotch anil a body* left. Lun den was stunned in this em-ounte • and was thrown in the third fall tn •o, minutes yvith a head lock WANTS SANDE TO RIDE MARK MASTER Chicago. Void IT Effort* to oh-I lain Karl Sande who has broken off with the Bancocas stable and signed with Joseph K. Wlldener, to i Me Herbert Shlinp's colt. Mark Master, in the Kentucky derby, are being made by Mr. Sliimp, Chicago broker and owner of the Interna tional stable Shltnp indicated it might be worth *5,(100 lo have Sande. who piloted Zev to fame, astride *tark Master, now training at Doug las P rk. lioiiisville. Two offeis of *40.000 for Mark Master nre undet consideration, Xhimp said. Drake Trarkster* liijuretl. P»4t« Mnliie.*, I i . \pril 17.— Week f»u<| plan,4- for the Piake university tiark tram were up*et today a* a result of injuries to Johnny Oustln. .•printer, and Hay l'alhv. pole vault ci. Neither Dalln nor Sam nre hough, hurdler, will rompet* In thf Ohio relax* Orebaugh in 111 be *ent to the Kanaaa relay* Sat unlay t<» eubutltiite for DtuMln on the quarter and half mile relay team*. \|»ril 1T.— BfifUiixr 'Ho* k Holm iiijlhV »»hlbtt public profen-cei,! lnxlnB tint )»■>• lit# |)iopf»*ed ».*.%! •' * * Dr: »* i.. l.u * \ng*| Flrpo .\r«entlni Ii<*kv\H'fifht. iind Hnri> P#rMon *uMtlxh iieavywelKht • Imnipion proUabl) wtlt br h ha intoned II wan a* tit Yanks Try Out Johnson on Hill But Not Walter The Yankees have a .Johnson on their pitching roster this year —or did have when the photo grapher took the above photo at the training camp in St. Peters-’ burg. But his name is Henry! and not Walter. Henry was signed on the word of AI I.ang and oilier Florida league follow ers that he showed promise. Homes in Bradenton Ha., across the bay from St Peters burc RAGAN TO DEFEND SHOOT TROPHY John F. Ragan, holder of the Faster diamond challenge trophy, r-mblama ic of the trap shooting j harnplonship rf c -tern Nebraska. <mI1 defend his title in a shoot at the Jmaha Gun Hub grounds Hunuaj itfternoon. Ragan won his u.»ph> "ti St.'nifty. April u. in addition to the special snoot, ihe Gun club will hold i lOu-target, 16 yard singles registered shoo'. Beatrice Fans Want “Two-Bit” Baseball Games Bl VIHM K, Nel.., April 17 — MHmiubIi tlic nuijartty of tails line fawn- iiiiliisiini nt IleatHc-e in llie |irn|Miseil Slate InLsehall league, they ileelareil that »UKB**slnl ailnilsshm price of a 3 cents Is far beyond (lie limit. The old time “two hits" or possibly 30 cents is all linal fans will |iay, say In mfers here. v_/ Iowa Traeksters in Coast Meet IOWA City, la., April 17.—Iowa’s Olympic stars will l»e on hand when the National A. A. I', junior and senior track and field champion ships are held in San Francisco July 8. -1 and 5, according to the plans of George T. Bresnahan, llawkeye track coach. Brookine. who hopes to establish a new National A. A. 1*. low hurdles imark—the only important record he does not now hold, has outlined a stiff [training season this spring to prepare I himself for the event. Coach Bresnahan hopes to gather together a mile relay quartet to win hack the 4700 Geiger cup which was not defended at the A. A. 1*. meet last fall. Kr < Wilson, Chan Coulter, and Harold Phelps, the other Hawkeye Olympic men. hope to compete in the national championships. A number of new Iowa stars may also be on hand for the meet, including Ilaj Dauber, shot putter; Klvin Handy, hammer thrower; John Hancock, dis cus thrower; O. T. Roberts, sprinter, and Lowell Phelps, low hurdler. SOUTH TO ENTER DRAKE RELAYS Smith High school will 1>p represented l.i the annual Drake relays in De* Moines. Saturday, April -i, by a re lay team, it was announced this morning by Coach (Rabbit) Cook. The Packer coach will select 1b team after the dual meet with Creighton Preps next week. Secretary Dennison Has 800 Munv Contracts on File When Secretary John Dennison of | the Municipal Baseball association! •dosed his office la«t night at ."> more than *00 amateur baseljall contracts had 1-een filed AH of the leagues with the <-.\cep ' tion of the x\ill open next ! Saturday and Sunday. All of thej teams have filed their contracts furl players w ho will l>e eligible to play I Sunda v * TTA .11 AN V Fir*t ra * Fix e furlong* purer $199; 2->eai-olile. handicap: a Minnie Bi>mba. ?" aPrhurM Harrell f*9 bSlr Alaurke... . 31 Island Fairy . . . Shasta So! . . 9* bSai i«ron .'•nnaiucj .M»i c* titles a the Time 106 cUeorg* O'Neil. 198 aC'hrintenaen entry, b3wring Along entry; ■ KaMrunn entry. Second race: Four and one half fur long pur** $600: marcr; 4-year-olda and or. claiming. xllstlon .10$ x Midnight Belle. H'j xlgidy Tfptoe ..!«»£ \York*hlre Maldl'Nr 'l.ady Small. 1 «*5 • umiar^a .119 Kt he] Rm,‘ n 11 ti \ a re - «n ... \V*4|j* | • •> xMa s Madison . 1 •>£ xF yn ilarrasn 1" .smiling .... . UQx.Vi** Irauland !«• . Third rare siv furh>ng* pur.-- $700; year-old* and up; claiming: \ I .e 11e» F 91 x Sieve K 9 7 xCain*el|auoi» ‘ 93 Fhopat ' ks P‘n xB'Ssle Mack II 1**.'. > Mart Mum h !«•; \ No Wonder "‘8 Rosa \ f 1; JO* kt»!,xup»i H‘3 Kimta W dliatn* t • \Xan M* K nn- \ lit* xUoldrn Red 112 Fourth race: Six furlora*. purse $7t*v; x-S'-old* and up. i ;*lt» n| Kinkavoy* :*7 iteeju-i 117 ’.•Twin Fox 104 xRosemlnt i«>2 •.f.arvreime . M %* I’cp* 1*4 Mann ntc 1 • M;> on North. 1"7 .aSly Fox . M'9« *dmU« . 1«9 xKUitU'-a I "9 Plow Steel ... Ill j Kirkwood l!4Ja«k l.cdi 114 aW*ait entry. Flf’h i ■> ■ t»n* ami on* sixteenth mil**, pi!*- $6'" , ; v*. a . and up. cla :111ms xaShasta spring* *7 * d'f-n 1 *2 x Rill a l.U'-k I"8 xTroma .10* xFlreworth . lllx.Vti Rexotr Ml xlioti|fho'*|ati H lx War Fenny .. Ml t'aatl* F’-nu n . 1 11 \ \l mopoly 112 \ l.ady l.illlan . . 11 2 xbHIgh 4 \Freddie Feat ... 11 4 Settee 111 XbTag I 114 as>*aatika atahle entry bN bh« entry. Sixth !»•* • »ne • 111 h purs* lion 3 *’•}»« old* ami up, claim';.g Sing t *n . Ilxltuit l.*<t x.MI*> Omond 94 Irvington '.Shasta Rapid* 9* l.ady Rn tett 99 xSmart Hor** P 1 xCuha I"1 \Klng W**rth 1» • .n-ea 1°* xl.nve Song Mn.Smile Again Ml xRiB Indian 10s \K1d1tnenl * 1 x x«’hllllw f" k lftrtxl.nke Fhapala 1°3 Sexenth fjyc One and one eighth mile* purse $7»‘9. ]•« r.o -olds ami up claiming x Sportsman lf*t»ld * Right M» \Z*ltlOl lO.’xBla'k Shaeta 99 llalu . 119 x Bosh PM *Flarkson IO$\M*ri*y Foie* 1M Rig’ll race Mile and 79 yard* put*. $;"9. 3 year tdd* and up ila'mmg xJollv Ronlt* 9x \Jo* I’ o'en 1"" \YIbrat nr 112 Ti* Seth M * xl.ady l.enmd M 2 xT J Pendergt M« v.lrt* Robert* 114x11 Warren lit \Fy * Bright 1 I4xP** * M 4 M's* Prosperity 117 \Si John Yerg no M7 x H -uistnn* 117 »! •« \ •• xPoor I’u** II 2 v\Y* ■ W oner 114 Ninth rue Si\ furlong* \on *« 3 ' ea nlde *tid up • Ulndng xjilnon Child . . 4«\\>iu» Shot **u Cordon Rouge 99 i|1|i>u'«il l‘ 1 \ixix i if K* n I'R'xM lx Todd x RIM McFInx M*'x Matin** Idol . . 119 xPIrliic M.'\.ln" 1! 112 x Apprens allowance < »»tm d W ealhet cleg! Track fa*t t Oi l Mill > Pm at rurp 1‘ur’p !• -mi old" allowance* 4 »* furlnnge Safety P'4 Kim Torcher 1"4 V*i’h« »n M*« 1 •’* t{>» Through Ml Mull■«»!' >M Methihle Seth M Fretie P Mr Second race Pure** f'n". I >» «r olda "d up 1 lalmriR .. S fur lunge |lr*«ie Hone l"Sl.t»ns Drc n 107 Summer Sigh l«7 ,<»* J* . I »»7 l.oyallx l"i tor John. Jr, ... |i»7 .line i"7 St Dr 1 a rd l " « I ton plan M •» 4'oncegl .logs,,nine Wigsine II* Shine on I'arex*ell l‘ap* \Prlxate Peat to*. I'll rd r«< i* Puree PRO". year-old*, claiming. .'•*% furlong - xRpil Squirrel inflxMarx Deal.... 1n“ x(«n|<l*ti l.ocke HM Dull" l.ou . . D'4 T eei of Time ln« Stmuaihal . 1"* Hole* aid . 1 of A ton 1 In .... MO The \blmlt III Mm Naticv .Ml I'txaial Moer . . . M ! Idle Seth ..,.116 Pei fat MO Fourth iacr Puree ICO't ." \#ar*oIda and up claiming, 6 furlong* Peter Decoy ** xFranco* Sharp# to* Drex Ho. I . . 104 Si cp hy Step D-4 Daxe Do Idle ... I<>4 Altamoui ,. .. DM x Mhl Paige . . tlrtlocle A he MO | « at it a 1 x on . ., . t dt * t nn»*ment M “ l.ucUx Hun .. . MS Jaime Mar It:. I.lttlr \xon noPhxll.a Rlentry t‘».* Prlttceaa Jane I"t Melbourne .Mo Fifth 'ace Puree 61 "on «M<ulah Vaik Inauguiei hxrd api S >e:t» ohl* and UP mile and 70 x ai d* lljbaotx M r <’a*e> 1' wFacolane |®0 Sci4UttXI*a tot I n« .11 r tlo'd to; Help . . !• h I** iiuia M •> nltlnleah atahle end* Six it' t*'- Puree 11*00 4 \#af ohla .*1 I up. « Uniilnc * furlong* |IU|e I'll •* S x 10 Meh xstoi m M"'i| t ‘ * li Doul*' Naught) Malm M0Ke»»x 11* I tto Medina ,.. .. llOllaltiul ....... M# Fair Break .ll&< aptair <'oatijran 11 7 • hie.' .sponsor 117 Monastery lit Antohla . 107 Se\-*u'. !a<e Puree. 1700; 4-year-old* an*, up; • taiming . I 1-16 mile* % K i Ts i£ T;-Jan 97 King Ge.-ge ...167 Tingling .103 Drummond . .Iu2 Hu* i: lonrs ... 104 Stonewall . !"4 Dellahtn .105 Hercules .106 Sweepstake* . . .106 Cheer Deader . .Iu9 xApprentice al.usance claimed Clear fas!. • HAVRE DfTgRAI K Firs' a* e 11.700. the Blue Craa« yea*-*lda. 4’- furlong* \urilla . 11 ** l»*'inema 115 My Colonel . IliStlver Kn n 112 nl.etnnic 117 nWornwulii 112 |rr»jd*|tth .112.John Finneg*., ' * 2 Sligo I* nr. h IJii hra'. r 11. Ki ■ 11 . viapiwr G l‘*9 Guide** Mil 10f hDletai ion i**f fh 1. i . :ftf M .1 *,* *n miry. 14*t»i R ntir;. Second ■ ■ n *1 the Combat lilQdt *at* furlong-: aCan.l* Kid 122 Surer Man ’21 Nicholas . I If l.idd) Huf,k 11 Gold Pie..* 116J.The Bat 1*> FnUand pi 7 Kdl*it«» *07 Gymkhana HG Trip laghtly 105 all. P. Whliney entry * • f i'UI* and up furlongs W l(lctM'*.M 11 * Th» Vint re Sun A It o* 112 -lo* Sim Ue ..112 T*«i<-r 1*»4 Hotter Sea . I*"* Hlurmont 1**X cThe Bat t*»6 t*real Ja*/. PG Malapert .1*3 Tuxedo 107Sr. Valentine inj hWell F»ndet 1"** Pardo .... .96 aSennlado 9**bRo1»nd 1ft2 alt T Wilson ir entry . \|r<. R. 1. Miller entry; * H P. W hftnejr entry* Fourth the Philadelphia handi • P, to 0(,t* added. 5 rear-old* and up, 1 1-16 mile?: Spot Cash ir..tB*k' Blare 115 Martingale l ly hTranamute P* <l,e*>r« rd**« l*'4Sun*lni P*x Sintle Fwt .I"7f.M\j**n Rak*-t 107 .Ten Minn,* . PMbCatvP Kid 1«4 IK Hiaaeif . 1a* (*toudian«l PM In imisIi * 1<> Setting Sun **t | Choi,*fire T-Grg 95 Balboa 9? aC.len Riddle farm entry; bH. P Whit nr* «* n t r ' rlli eem re - entry . P f»h ra*'’ Si ..«"** claiming. k~ olds *ud up • ,!!•' and 7ft card* Relphrtioria .112 Fa^tiu ll« 'Harmonious tft* Fixing • 1 OUd 1"7 Drumbeat l07\Deronda Can't >t> No I'M iLuoifer It'd Hsrian 94 S.yth is* tl > claiming. 2 * ear-old» od up m t*» a ml 7'» ^a rda Bruneil . itftvHock ,* Rye 1«* N.*i Mian* 105.liUiaon xPimce To Til I ft.* I.lewellyi, 1 •*I \S . . i *.c ... i ft>* \ M *>on Msg* Seven •*' •- f1.?aft ilalmmc t '«•*' »*bl- ,nul up. mile ,t»*d three-*i\th»: \t . 11 6 A it l*j*i*ne ’ 1 *. The \ -■ 1 llltr .1 m 111 \tt.» i * 1rt?\Ow»»n 1«»7 \K71Jesm* l',H\Fn»*h Boy P* j Rovtjen . I'dVttsmln Dm I aV*‘."‘' • l"2 olibri 99 \ | . . r the >». ril*e 9X \Apprent allow am t ilmnird Clea I fa »t Ill \ riM.TUN • ■ I'U'AI* l.’O*’ .'Ia . r x * ' *h* • •« Id a am! »i|*. fl ao ami on* half fu» loHg« t x Ft sink Sun»pl#r 1*-L«nk 1"i H • ln«\W*|Mon Klanii' ! to I xl.MOo Pal, 1 At'anlnm l*an 4. Si o« at t. . 1 rtl I*»ndon Sin.-ko : ' xl »i t«v l.uii tl.laool'OHn ... It"1 So- nn.l i l*U'w i lalunrt . av«i i»IUa itn.l up. ftA# and on* half fur long* Ld iim ■ • . . I HI a k Rule- tw Ru linrd M m i a> HIRaHuay Huh ' t*: Klrtilv l"*xl -,w* tvint* I'M alllark Ton »|* s AiMlItoa 1*'*» xt.iiuimia M l"hl't,hmiU ' 1«'> X*loh| l.oif H-l Thh .i i’ll * I'nrw fodP. t laiuiin*. 4 \ck» old* ■ iv furlong* x Han lam l*M\Quaah .... '*'* I .tout p.-iktn*.. I x Martollo M*'1 xTnlua . .'"tiji»v «;4r? x \vii aka 1 "4 »'*>«> Vxpi o.*« Lot 11# l.orrain* I "4 Ktorniiy IIS t -'U’th r.x* • Pur*o claimint. }*«• "Mi>; *tx furlong* xl*Ni'n#il Lad ... 1"" xSa mlpilo .•;* \K.%*nu»m1 ., 1 \W i •< ktaft# I'M xStar Mat ia . ... 1M Fifth ra o Pul** !«oa clnlvr "« * a ont old* *ud up. on* and on# *Ut**nlh Qua a or .. I*'** ili Avo »* “ 1 a noil ... U"\riMi‘n **!*'# Sot h'a H«> on . Sixth rao Put*o $Sft* olaliu'nt S it'll' old * and UP. Pitlo and #ta out a A*i*d« X Moll# I'» ' 4J|kl Sot h - I " 4 Sol* -. "*t\Mo»..uu 1*1 Stoio ... I xKuiAi o K I’M Amiialh’. 11 * X. uMit) I a 1*11*0 tfc'V" . I . 1 n* a oat .*h|» .a mi Up on# and amao (i'UVI I* ntlhl Lmla Lim-ai 1L x« a*»t A«la nv• l“° xFoigno.l 7.0^1 M xNfli m VI v j \ A • :1 IIOVAl ln*xK»Ut I 1*'M Vi'piontiv - alhman.*# claimed *ho*#r> ..... j Knapples Central Baseballers Vi in From Ashland 54 Glade Allows Three Scattered Bingles; Bleieher Clout? Mall for Home Mint: Kgan Stars. i:\TK\l. HIGH wIiimiI'n has ••halt iiuicliinc had its Ii steam roller well oiled Friday after noon when if eruni hled the Ashlund High school hase haliers under a 3 to t score. Through out the entire con test the game was a nip and tuck af fair that held the spectators on their toes. Ashlund, for merly coached by Coach F. t. Knap pip, who is now lipad supervisor of baseball at Omaha Central, was sur prised to see their former athletic director bring a vlctoiioua baseball team to defeat the local town nine. The fact of the matter was that Aah lund was not given an earned run li the box score. Hr-ni v Glade was on the mound for the Umahane and a mighty fine ball game did this Glade person turn In to to the Ashlund crew. Glade per mitted three on state boys to garner scattered singles. And had not Glad* been overanxious the Ashlund team would have Iieen blanked. Glade was credited with four wild heaves, which resulted In four runs for the Ashlund aggregation. The Ashlund boys were helpless be fore the underhand shoots that Glade was shooting over the platter. Be fore the game was ove- 10 batters f* nnd themselves victims of Glades A Golfers Interfere With Ball Game Tlie crowd that witnessed the (rntraJ- Xshland baseball game Friday afternoon at Ashland was treated with a rare bit of umpir ing on tlie part of Mr. H. Owens. The incident occurred in tlie ft nrtli inning. X few of the na tive'. of X*hland were promenad ing along the golf links. By sheer misfortune tlie “little" white pill that ti'tialh sails up and down the fairvva v longed to see live hall game and dropped into tlie renter of tlie diamond. Mr. Owen then called time to re move tlie while golf hail that the rearing spectators were laughing a hoot. Tlie (true Narazena of Ashland had h-tier not play golf near the I city baseball park. | luaeteiful hurling. Ziegenbein. v iio > - slinging f: "in the elab for tie A-'lilund , i m suc-ee-led )n whiffing MX i 'em rallies Knapples heavy steam roller start e.j to fum toion in the first half of tiie second inning. Dave Bleicher. recond man up in the inning for Central, met one of Ziegenbein's curves and sent it flying over the left fielder's head for a four ply jolt. Thus this homer j-erhaps instilled the Omahans with that no nothing policy, or* "starting ilie third inning, the Oinnhan* again started to use their heavy *tii k*. Hosvvorth and t. < had well, acting captain for the >»tral team, were flit by pitched hall- Tin ner then got on nn a lield'-r's choice. I till Kgan then came through with a timely single that counted two run* for tin Purple and White "apple" slinger*. \gain in the sixth inning. Egan started the fireworks with a sharp single to i-enter. Glade heat out a hunt. Itleicher then drew a free ticket 10 the initial comer* and Verne Key noble then came through with the single that scored two runs and pen ed In be the winning markers of the contest. for the rest of the game. Glade was sailing nn easy street. ■In the fourth inning after allow ing a hit ac t walking a man. Ols-i heaved two wild pitches which result 011 In two runs for the Ashlund boy The incident was repeated in the sixth inning Two wild pitches bem» the cause of Ashlund'* two run*. Bii ring all mint*. Glade hurled i —gt niighty fine game, considering the fact that he nursed a sprained fit, ger. p- mg the ninth inning Xshlur-1 ir * 1 xainly t - win the hall same, but to no avail. Two pinch hitters were •ent t the plate, but they retired ' is the st ikevvut route The next m«u als. yvhiffed the breeae. . 1 NTR.Xt. - si xsm x\p « It- f h t ab r h e A Oh* II Jh tlSSt T#e er. tS .* a # 1 * -- 'll- 1-e- f J a .- a a 7.1* eie e V " 1 t ■ ; * 1 - a 0 Utile- * * - 1 1 S * i i-,.- i i ; » * n \i>. d : t t * » 1 I e It Owe* i* * t 1 k - 1 l-1 e i; vi . a a a It. a- -it shape it r • s s • i; If an* xjna** rf ; a • >* )i ; i » t s At'oo.1 rt> * s • e t lens- ;iv ft s fc S - — - - Telsls l silt Vi'Milv ;l 1 i g* IS .. Iv inning* I-, * SI* «»; * v.- ,„i -as S- » S-.11 II I Heme - un Welcher t£rr*va - - - V - - - l'. a ls l \m«*ri«’Mii f ln>« I'luttTs \\ in in lntpriialinnal Plat I’.etiir Vprtl IT.— Two .Vnierioan p.irlhtpitnts in the international chess tournament a*, linden Haden sot atra> I. a tl\ ii v start when the\ donned tltch French and Herman opponent.' In the tost round. Their play was so brilliant that they are recognised as the leading contenders for first prise. t'arlos Torre, the 19 yestr-oWI Mei 1 an l»ov from New V'il>. won a particularly brilliant tlctory over Mtechln wlttle Frink Marshall, the Vmeri. .in lii unpiou. defeated Sae niiseb other results In the first round N\prf! IU'B- ’uboff s,i Thfinti* Qry#f » .* |iki,su*i* p 4, Ho»fi||t lp| Tu 'th h#At*n b» P' mu* IlmKiinl I pmh —KRUlk IUIII* e#W V'.L. *>'« »'1*(I v't Pt Nob Tp* ' • >• II