Bloomfield Mav i:: Build Lieht Plant Enpineer Estimates Co«t at $50,000 in Report to Taxpayers. i|ti Bloomfield. April lfi.—A mass meet lng of taxpayers of the city was Held at the city hall to hear the re port of H. I.. Cory, engineer, on the cost of installing and operating a mu nlripal electric light and power plant. According to Mr. Cory’s report, the coat of a paint large enough to supply (Ut the electric power and light neres sary for the city would he $50,000. Hates averaging 12 cents per kilowatt hour would produce a revenue of ap proximately $22.nod. After allowing for operating cost, interest on bonds. jjj-— I I ' ^ * dsprscintlon, upkaap and main tananca, tha nat profit, would ha sp prnxlmataly M.400. H II Hanlay, prastdant of 'ha Tri Stats Ftllitlas company, announcad tha company would furnish light and power at an average rata of 10 cents tier kilowatt hour, conditioned on the city a agreeing to use 191,000 kilowatt hours during the year, the amount which the engineer had taken aa the hasls for his computations. A mo tion prevailed that the city council and th» Executive committee of the commercial club meet and consider Mr. Henley's offer and. In the event It did not -prove satisfactory, be em powered to proceed with the neces sary steps for railing a bond election to install a municipal plant. Burt Farm Bureau Has Unique Record ) Oft Per Cent Scored in Drive for Eradication of Tuber culosis in Cattle. Tekamah, April 16.—The annual business meeting of the Burt county farm bureau at the court house was attended by farmers from all parts of the county. This was the bureau a third year and its activities have Riven satisfaction. The drive for the eradication of tuberculosis in cattle last year, which resulted in 100 peri cent, the first record of its kind in the history of tlie department, wnsj sponsored by the farm bureau. If. L. Webster of Tekamah, presi dent of the organization since its start, was continued for another year. Will Peterson of Craig was elected vice president and Llovd Palmer of Tekamah secretary-treasurer. Charles Stewart, secretary of the State Farm Bureau federation, gave an address upon the work of the bureau, and Prof. Holland of the ex tension department of the college of agriculture at Lincoln, spoke of the development of that branch In in creasing farm production in land, live stock and marketing. Seventh District Rcbckah Convention Hcbl at Ashland Ashland, April 16.—The forty-sixth semi-annual session of the Seventh district, Rcbckah lodges, I. O. o. F., composed of the lodges of I.incoln. Greenwood, Havelock. Palmyra, Ini varsity Place, Milford, Seward. Val paraiso, Wahoo, Roca, w-as held here with about 306 delegates In attend ance. The newly elected officers for the ensuing term are: President, Knima I’omptnn, No. 90, I.incoln: vice president, Mrs. Henry Ost, No. 71, Ashland: warden. Mable Matheny, No. 375, Havelock: secretary, Mrs. Drown, No. 353, Seward: treasurer, Pearl Sharp, Gharlty lodge No. 2. Have lock was chosen as the next meeting place. Car Ditched as Driver Dozes; Everett Brandt Is Injured Columbus. April 16.—Everett Brandt, local sale.* manager, had his nose and two riba broken and waa otherwise injured when Leo Abbott, with whom he waa returning from a business trip to .Sioux City, dozed at the wheel and th* car in which they were riding plunged into a ditch near Xorth Bend Other membera of the party, M. V. Krskine and M. L. Ab bott. also Columbua men, escaped any injury. Ousted Pastor at Conference Dr. Rtirknor Attend* M. E. Distrift Meeting at Aurora. Aurora, April 16—Most of the pas tors in the Hastings district of the Methodist church attended the an nual conference in Aurora which be gan Tuesday and closed Wednesday.: Bishops K. T. Keeney of Omaha and George A. Miller of Mexico were pres ent. Hr. J. P. M. Buckner, now of coin, formerly pastor of this church, and a member of the conference, al though not located as a pastor, was in attendance. In 1922 at the close of Or. Buckner’s pastorate here he was refused a location by the conference at Omaha upon recommendation of Bishop Stuntz. now deceased. J. F. Colt Ingham, superintendent of Manila district, Philippine islands. Charles Lipp of India, Charles M. Worthington of Borneo and Dr. pali soul of Paris, France, delivered ad dt esses. Others on the program were Arthur C. Bates. Everett H. Maynard, Earl M. Campbell. A. G. Swanson, C. H. Bind, W. B. Alexander, V. C. Wright. Earl E. Bowen, Charles N. Dawson. William Boyers and F. E. Wells. Rev. M. F. Mulvanev of Aurora, I he entertaining pastor, had charge of the meeting. Optometrists Hold Clinic at Broken Bow Broken Bow, April }6.—The first meeting held here of optometrists of this section of the state was pro nounced successful by those present. The clinic was held In the basement of the Baptist church, which was equipped for the event. Dr. A. M. Skeffington. doctor of op tometry, who is chairman of the clin ical committee of associated optom etrists. was In charge of the clinic. Dr. Skeffington will have charge of the clinical meetings of the national association, whirh will meet at T.ouis vIlle.'Ky., dune IS. Dr.'-Q. H. Stevpns of Rroken Bow was chairman of the Duster county committee on arrange ments for the local meeting. Members of the Hotary club were hosts at a dinner to Dr. Skeffinglon and optometrists who attended the meeting. Dr. Skeffington was the principal speaker. Judge Landis to Preside at Aurora Court Session Aurora, April 16.—Judge Harry D. r^andia of Seward will preside at tiie next term of the district court begin ning April 27. I«andls plans to call a special petit Jury7 for the trials under indictments returned recently by the grand jury. Kimball (.raveling Delayed. Kimball, April 16.— Kimball city council has issued an order to the street commissioner to hold up grav eling of the main street, until it can be ascertained whether this work (h<‘ time Jimmy got hark to hi* old home the neat morning he was hi? usual happy self. H.v that lime lie had remembered. He had re membered that something very like this had happened before, and so he had quite recovered from the shock. It was spring and hp hadn't a worry in the world. Mo he thought, anyway, until it popped into hts heart that if Fat.oer Brown should discover that Mrs. Jimmv i\s< living under his hen hn .se there might he trouble for her. She ought to have known better than to dig under that henhouse." thought Jimmy. "Yes. sir. she ought to have known better. If anything happens to any of Farmer Brown's chicken? spell he blamed for It. If she had to have a new home 1 wish shp had made it somewhere else. It is useless for me to ?av anything ntsmt it to her. She will ha\e her own wav. She always has had it and she always will have it," Jimmy .Ighrd. Two mlnutr* latrr he w»* faM auleep. The next atory: ■ Farmer Brown rilernvera the New Home " Southern Hart of State Receive* Heavy Rainfall Wymoro. April IS A -hewer ' suring one fourth inch fell at v* more Wednesday. The rain was ac companied by a small amount of hall, which did no damage. The rain was much heavier north and west of \\ > more, an inch falling at Chester. Su perior, Red Cloud and Kdgar. accord ing to railway rejwtrts. In the north ern tier of Kansas counties three fourths of an inch fell. Hail Storm Hits York. York. April 16.—Hail the size of small marbles fell for about Hi min utes Wednesday morning in and near York. No wind accompanied the storm anti it is thought but litt!“ damage was done. Erase \Vrin\les while you Sleep! Remember when the cold morning light first showed that horrid wrinkle? Itseemedtohavecomeinthenight! Youcan make it vanish the same way—while you sleep, if you will use, before retiring, these wholesome preparations made by Jftary Quinlon The Beauty Authority of ?\eu- Torl( i For lines from nose to mouth—Quinlan Wrinkle Cream.$200 For crow's-feet — Quinlan Vah-Dah Eye Cream.1.00 For sagging muscles—Quinlan Double Strength Astringent . . . . j 00 For a shriveled skm—Quinlan Run Food.. 1. jo Everv skin needs Quinlan Cleansing Oil ». assist* i-oo In Omaha at nhnmpson Belden _ _1 ■ I ■ Exceptional Offer on Excel Cookers E g From April 15th to May 16th g _ J In order to show Omaha .house- we are offering this cooker at a | » \ wives the wonderful cooking quali- very low price and exceptionally « ■ ties of the Excel Electric Cooker, liberal tenq$ for one month only. 9 I DOWN ^ 0 | Equipped 50c Per Month Costs 3c an B 1 With Hour to . I J Utensils s*p"" O Operate jj J An Excel Cooks All Foods Better! J ■ It Bakes—It Roasts—It Boils—It Fries E ■ E3 gg An Excel Cooker will prepare any foods that you _ 9 are now cooking. This cooker is light to handle; K mm can be taken on picnics; no heat; no smoke; no m 9 grime. It is a pleasure to use an Excel Cooker. Hi g —This Offer for a Limited Time Only—Buy Now— g "Electric Shops” M 9 43d and Leavenworth Sts 15th and Farnam Sts. 2314 M St. pf ■ Nebraska SS Power €. I 9 LOW RATES -COURTESY -SERVICE §| 99999999999999999999999999 9