The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 17, 1925, Image 11
BANKS SUED FOR SOUDER DEFICIT Bonding Companies of F.x County Treasurer Seeks to Recover $11,968. Two suits in connection with the 'Urged shortage in the accounts of ■l. M. Souder, former treasurer of ,Inroln county, were filed In United 'tales district court Tuesday by the Fidelity and Deposit company and he United States Fidelity and Hoar nnty company, both of Baltimore, and the American Surety company "f New York, through their at torneys, Montgomery, Hall & Young, Omaha, an,i William K. Shuman. North Platte. The defendants arr he Union State hank of North Platte nd the Farmers' State ba,nk of Sutherland. I he bonding companies ask a judgment of $30,000 against the 1 nion State bank and a judgment of Y.,068.03 against the Farmers' State hank. Claim $00,000 Loss. The three companies alleged they furnished bonds for Souder and paid more than $fi!t,000 to Lincoln county to cover the county treasurer’s shortage. They now seek to re cover a portion of the amount paid by them to cover the deficit. Tn their first petition, the bond ing companies charge that the Union state bank aided Souder tn convert ing $30,000 of the county's money, claiming that the former county treasurer deposited with that bank to his personal account Liberty bonds and securities of I.iucolu county. b^g^The deposits were made, they allege, ^ to cover Bonder's overdrafts on the hank. Charge Names Forged. The petition charges that Souder, with the assistance and connivance of the bank, employed several methods of converting county money to his own use. Some of these alleged met It ods are: Drawing of county treasurer checks for county moneys payable to the Union State bank, which would endlrse the checks ami dc posit them to Souder's personal ac count. Drawing of county checks payable j to himself and depositing them in ! Ills personal account. Drawing county checks payable j to various citizens of the county, forging their names on the backs of th° che. s and depositing them to his accdunt. Depositing to his personal ac count many checks of taxpayers, county securities and Liberty bonds. The plaintiffs ask tile court for an investigation and accounting of all the moneys taken by Souder through the bank and that they he given judg ment #or the amount found so con verted. 1 i mm illegally Drawn. In the petition against the Farm ers' State hank the bonding com panies claim that drainage district money deposited in the bank could only ho drawn out upon warrants signed by the chairman and counter signed hy the secretary of the hoard of county supervisors, hut that this L Link Ignored this provision and per P’1*-lotted Souder tn cheek out this money and convert It to his own use. Representatives of the bonding companies, who made an investiga tion of the facts in conneellon with Souder's shortage, state that these are the only suits which will he start ed against any banks on account of i he Souder alleged shortage, as no Jther hanks were connected with al leged questionable transactions. Souder was found guilty in connec tion with tlie burning of the Lincoln county court house on April 2n, I!i23. by a jury on December 22. 1!)23. lie immediately appealed)1 ills ease. Souder Serving Term. Souder Is now serving a sentence] of from one to 20 years In the state penitentiary on the arson charge. Souder, Arthur S. Allen, Lincoln county treasurer, and t ail R. Gouch er, salesman of the Omaha Printing company, were arrested following the investigation into the burning of the courthouse at North Platte. It was charged at thetr trials that the struc ture was fired tn an attempt to de stroy the evidence of Souder's em bezzlements. Allen is now serving an indetermi nate sentence of one to 10 years in the penitentiary. Goucher received! the same sentence on a forgery charge In Lincoln county district court. He to the state su premo court, which Thursday re versed the eentence of the lower court on a technicality and remanded tlie case to district court for new trial. Not I'nder Stulule. " ^^^loueher was tried on one of many alleged counts against him. lie was charged with obtaining a warrant for $345 in favor of the Omaha Printing company for printing which was never done, from Allen. It was alleged at the trial-that Allen issued many such warrants to Goucher and the pair spilt the profits. In Its review of the ease, the su preme court stated that there was no doubt that Goucher and Allen were guilty of making a false Instrument, hut that did not fnll under tlie slate forgery statute. Goucher was a trusted employe of the Omaha Printing company and mid printing throughout Nebraska for nearly 40 years, it is said, A11<1 • 11>on Banker's ^ iff* n-ul qt Hnllvwoml, Cal. Atlantic, la., April 16.—Mrs. Emil Hi, woe ot an Audubon tin.I hanker. Is dead at their home in Hollywood, ChI.. according to a mes sage received here. Site was past 63 years of age. Interment will he made tn California A stepson and step daughter survive. Skeleton <>f Baby Found in Box Hidden Under House Villieca, In.. April 16.—E. II. White, When raising his house to put In a new foundation, found a wooden box which contained the skeleton of a babe which apparently had been desd for years. ^ .Atlantic Dog Prize Winner. P A t da title. In., April tl, Mapde C, ' a pet hull terrier owned hy "Hilly" Roneh, who has ehni’ge of the clonk rooms *f the etste house, was a blue rlhbon winner st the dog show staged by the Greater Res Moines Kennel olub|| ItRIEF CITY \Eff S. ) V-—/ Kiuani* Hear* \U Tnlk* Ak Sat Ren membership drive leader* will *ieak before the Iviwania club at It* regular meeting Friday noon at Rome hotel. Printer*' \u\iltar\ Luncheon The .Ahamo auxiliary of the International Typographical union will give a lunch eon next Tuesday at the Mlarkstone hotel. Act*’ Meet Discussed Plans for tho Disabled American Veterans' conven-i tson to bp held here were discussed] Wednesday evening «t a meeting of the Omaha Restaurant association. Viking President Here Mrs. Anna; Olson Chicago, national president of! the Viking lodge, arrived for an of Acini visit in Omaha Wednesday. She was the guest of 50 men)hers of the k cal* chapter at luncheon at Hotel Fontenelle. Krebs’ Disciples Organize—Disci pies of Dr. Stanley Krebs’ philosophy of rife organized the Lifll club at aj meeting Wednesday night at Hotel1 Fontenelle. "Lifll” Is an abbreviation oi "life" and "philosophy.* Officers; are: Miss Mary Krebs, president: Miss I Fllzabeth Allen, vice president: K. J. Iloracek. secretary and treasurer. Dr. Krebs will deliver the final lec ture of a series at Kountze Memorial church next Sunday before returning u New York. Rev. Fred E. Hammill Called to Denison Church Pastorate Dpnison, Ta.. April 16.—Rev. Fred E. llaimnlll of Royal, Flay county, has been extended a call to become pastor of the Presbyterian church of Ibis city, takl-ny the place of Rev. Mr. Fulcomer, who has gone to St. Peters hurp-. Fla. '-N | Out of the Records | _/ 1 >ir111s and Deaths. ItirtlK IMinund anil Irene Brader, 2594 Whit more avenue, girl. mu‘1 and Rose Kidder, 3112 California Strepy Kir I Carl and Klise Hetimnnn, 2422 North Fiftv sixth street, Kiri. Frank and Martha Sain*. f» 6 0 7 South Twenix-ninth street. boy. Ftladelfo and Ciuscppa Vacantl, 1539 North Twentieth street. hoy. (irotann and Agata Vacantl. 1416 North Seven'eenth street, boy. AJfin and Maria Vacantl, 1543 North Seventeenth street, girl .1 oseph and Anna Bart, a, 5629 South Fifteenth street, hoy. Peter and Evan HerRcr, Bellevue, Neb-, boy. Deaths. Mrs. Celia Z. Titus, 44«‘9 South Twenty second street, 77 years. Kdward W. Rierbnwer. hospital, infant. Sebastian Fisharn, hospital, 37 years. Dorothy Shtiput. 2923 R street, t, years Raymond Miller, Fift y. seventh and I* streets. 14 . ears. Roy T. Hayes, hospital. 32 years, l.illian Lotta. 839 South Twenty-first street, infant, John Ley. hospital, 62 years, Mrs. .loose Lasalo, 2219 South Twelfth street, 31 years. .lenstne M. Merrill, 2127 Folk street, infant. C .ink Skoc*. 2912 Arbor street, infant. Michael Shea. 37)9 X' street, 65 years. Mary Krtfhal. hospital. 39 years Mary l’ier* e. 9<>9 South Fifty-fifth street. 59 years. Howard Iverson. 1115 South Thirty second atreet. 4 years. Marriage Licenses. Baron Ward Welsh. ?.5, Omaha, and Ann» Frederick Mann. 31, Omaha. Lawrence K. (»ran«taff. 23, St Louis. M" . and Louise Chappell Holt, 21. Omaha. Thomas B. Carey. 26. Manilla, la., and Fern PL Farley, 2 4, Vail, la. In Divorce Court. Petitions. rear! Christie against Albert Christie, desert ion. Lurile Wise against Carl Elmer Wlia. gruelty. Lizzie Jones against Boner Jones, cruelty. Rtiildinp Permit8; Grover A- Co . 4’7s Lafayette avenue, frame dwelling. $3,500. On r rot In A Catania, i r n 4 - n g c*p«s street, brick store and rooming house, $'.,500. Real Estate Transfers. Marla Pojar to Bertha E. TV he. 'Meredith Ave . 44 feet e. of 27th Ht.. n. vide, 48x103 .$ 5.250 Henry Quade. jr., and wife to James Kuzelka. Monm« St.. 200 feet e of iOttl St.. * side, JOOxllU 40o Gen til Veya and wife to Arthur Fen;an r. nd wife, l: St . ]00 feet w. of 41st Ht.. v aide. 50x128... 5,600 Elmer A. Hoot and wife to A iron G. Kalman et a I, Cans Ht.. 14 1 feet \y. of 32d St . n. side, 13x120 ... 6,200 Edmund liuehr and wife t., Oliver G. King, et «I Bedford Ht . 160 /••et W. of 61st St., |l. Vide, I25x *26 . 3.000 Mub»-1 I* Osborne a rid husband to Caroline K. String**, . i;i*t Sr 64 feet s. of Bedford St . w. siile, '64x10*1 .... 2,400 \’> Gross and husband to Emily Carroll, n. e. corner 33d and Young Sts , fi 5x1 :t2, exchange and 1 Eugene M. Miller to Northern Mortgage A- Finance Co.. Cald well Ave.. 57 feet n. of Oak Ht . W. side. 57x148 2.300 George ( . Flack ami wife to Ed - "ard E. pembrook. Valley St . 414 feet* * «>f Hivcrvlew Blvd . • side, 4'»xl ! <*.3. . 450 Sn • e K Klever to Eugene M. Mil ler. 36th Ave. 160 feet s. of Hun Hiding St . w. side 40*1 34 . 1 Art'ceur Sorensen to Helms Olson. 29th St.. 98 feet n. of Nicholas St , w. side. 27x1 0 3 . . . 2,500 Mery C Greenland and husband to James T. Sharp, et al. 18th St.. 11° feet s. of Manderson St . w. side sort 4n . . . 6,250 C IV Pollard and wife to Maurlle H I.undstrorh. ■ w. corner 43d and Davenport St. 59x1 25 . 2.250 James Dolan and wife to Shirley l> Lew iw. Burdette St.. 10.1 feet r of 48th St ■_ aide. 100x 1 28.. 1.300 Eleanor J. DeWaal and husband f<• Ella M Flnnev. Mason Ht . 55 feet e of .Hth St., s. aide *,5xHi7 6.850 W If. Wrivhtaon and wife to Fred Kuvnn, 48th Ht . 90 feet n. «.f Grant Ht . w. wide, 45x128. 1 John Orrllie him! wife to Sal vatore Hnndazzo. e» al Martha St . 90 feel V „f 12th SC, n. wide. \ I> v ehtiVfaient. Women, Guard Your Health It Is a Priceless Treasure -Photo l>y Christopher. Tojteka, Kans.— "1 became all run down In health, more or Ihhm, at nev* eral different time* while I was bringing up my family. 1 do not know how 1 could have succeeded hnd It not been for Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription. It always built me up In strength and gave me courage. I certainly can recommend the 'Favorite Prescription' for women who sr<* rearing a family." Mrs. Lillie M Johnson. 126 Harrison Ht. The use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription lies made many women happy by making (hem healths , (let It at once from your nearest drug gist. In tablets nr liquid, or send po to Dr Pierre’s Invalids Hotel. Puf falo, N. V., for trial pkg. * * John C. Thompson anrl wife in Hasp Hmihrr*. Metedlth Ave . *>00 feet w of 4?d St . a. aid*. 50*t '!* tt Mat Raret I.. *’ork|n and husband to J. I* Johnson. Decatur St., 102 feet e. of 30lh St . n .sld*. 4*xlSTu .. 1.000 M L. Kndree to State Having* and Loan association. 25th St . Iito feel a of Poppleton Axe . w eld* 0x127 . 1.000 Victor Zm ker and wife to Max Orkin. Vane St 211 V* feet xv. of 2»th Ave « aid* 42*115 .. 1 Margaret N’onn to School District of <>maha. 31*t St . :<»4 2-3 f**t n of Leavenworth St., w. aid* 14 1-3x3 4 . ..750 Mary Welch to School District of ‘•maha. 3at St. 30t* feet a. nf Jurlixnn St . v. aide. :>0\ .4 . x.imwi Hairy D (’on* and xvife to School District of Omaha 1st St., l*iR l-et a. of Jackson St . e. aid*. :»0*tr,4 . Ml 2 Hen-y Laufenhurir and wife to >■ hon! District of Omaha, ."1st St. 205 feet a. of Jaikaon St., c. aide 50x134 . 7. ** 7 .*> Want Ad Agencies of The Omaha Bee Carter Lake Pharmacy 16th and Sprague Sts. Castelar Drug Co. 2322 South 20th St. McAuley Drug Co. 16th and California Sts. Reid-Duffy Pharmacy 24th and Lake Sts. Sturgeon & Son 1306 North 24th St, BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 19c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 17c per line cat h day, 3 or G days. lGc per ime each day, 7 days, lac per line each dav. 30 days. Telephone AT.lantir 1000 THK EVENING HEE TTIK UMAHA MORNING DEE. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notices. 1 KKSSLER—William Henry, 22111 South Twentieth street. April 14. ns« 49 > < a r* Survived by hi* wife. Julia; three daughters. Mr*. J. A. Schuhart. Mrs. F. Ouorialo, Mr*. Frank Elsltire; three grandchildren, four sisters. Mr*. Adolph Bran.le*. Mrs Otto Kinder Mrs. Fred Timm and Mr.- Joseph Key nek; two brothers, Herman and Charles. Services h< Hoffmann-Cro*by Funeral Horn®, Friday Z p. m. Interment Weal l. » Wn cemetery. GLYNN Mrs. Mary A. beloved wife of Herman H. She is survived, besides her husband, by one daughter. Mr*. George Mary of Oconto, Neb Funeral Saturday morning from resl dance. 3522 North Sixteenth street, at V 30 a. m to Sacred Heart church at 9 a nt Interment Oconto. Neb.. Sun day John A Gent kntw n set \ i< e. St'AT Mrs Elisabeth, beloved wife of Henry. She is survived, besides her husband, by two sons. Raymond and Edward J.. one daughter. Miss Marie. Funeral Saturday morning from resl. tlencp, til9 North Fortieth street, at 8:30 a n. to St Cecilia cjturch at '• a nt Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery.! John A. Gentleman service. *■ - ■ - -■ i BEARDSLEY—Edgar L.. 422 South Twen ty-sixth street. April 15, aged -*G yen is Survived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs George Beardsley. Bridgeport, Conn.: four sister*, and one brother. Remain* sent from H nffma nn-Crosby funeral home to OtThard, Neb., for in ferment. v LASALO—Ml* Joste 2210 S. 12th . April 15, age 31 years. Survived by her husband. Angelo, and two children. Funeral from residence Thursday at 1:15 p. m. to St. Ann church at 2 p. m. Inter neat Holy Sepulcher ceme tery'. Hoffmann-Cronbv service. | LEHMANN Christian H, ago 50 years.; He is survived by his wife, one son. , two daughters Ins parents, one oroth er and two sisters. Kunors 1 Friday afternoon from John A. Gentleman mortuary at 2 p. rn. Interment Forest l.a w~n cemetery BARBER—Fred S.. 08 years, died April 16. . _ Kup*ral Friday. 11 a tn. at < . C Havnes funeral home 3920 North Twen ty-fourth street Burial. Forest Lawn WART) Harry R age E>7 years, rtal dence 120.1 Dominion St. Ma«onle funeral service* from Cr!e McKay mortuary. 3*12 Farnam. Thurs day, at 2 30 p. hi. Friends welcome. WRAY—Ethel. sg<t 31 years, ti months. _7 dny*. Funeral from the Stock mortuary. 11 o’cloct: Friday. Interment Forest I.awn cemetery. _ IIA YES—Hoy F.. April 1*. uge 32 ..ran* ReinatnM sent front llofftnanri-Crosby Funeral Homo to Chad run. Neb., for . Interment. _ Funeral Directors S UFA FEY A HE A FEY. Undertaker* and Etubaimera. phono AT. 253 1. Office ^t; 1 i Farnam. iKSTAHi.lSm:it SINCE 1882 1 1. ESI. IE O. MOORE 24th am! Wirt St<* WE. 0047. and Military Aye WA 909C HUL8R A RIKPEN. At Your Service. :;;:-24 Cuming St. JA. 1226 HOFFM ,\N -rn< >SBY. Funeral Director*. Ambulance Dodge and 24th. .1A. 2601. Brailey & Dorrance N. P StVANSON. 17th *nd Cuming. Quiet. Dignified Supervision, JOHN A. OENTLEMAN. HA. 1664.3411 Farnam St. Tf K. BI’RKRT A SON, 3405 Farnam. Est. 1875 !1A. 0090. Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN. Purchase a family lot In Omaha'* moat beautiful cemetery. Office* at the ceme- , tery, west of Fldtence, and 720 Bren* ! dels Theater Bldg. HIIKI.KV ANI> WIN? - Tr,. «nU landscape gardener*. Dealeta in htgh-| t lass flower* and *hrub*. Plume AT. <>108. Pergonal*. 9 THE SALVATION ARMY Industrial home • olicltf your old clothing, furniture, magazine*. We collect. We distribute Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call Call and inspect our new home. 309 N 13th St. M TELLER ,v JOHNSON, the expert fur ntt e men. * i e mo ring fi ora 1114 Co ae St. to 9 19 North 24th St. where they ate prepared to take cate of old na well » * new < ustotlier *. ELECTRIC treatment end body mileage Houre: 9 a. in. to 9 r. rn. Mr* Crowe* Place Apt 2 2U S 28th Av*. AT. 2194 , STEAM bath*, ab ohol rtiba. ma*e*ge. eler treatm t* 8 a. ift. to 9 p. m. 26 Doug hi k.__ MASSAGE Expert treatment; ladv oper ator. open till 9 fi. in 210 N. 17th St. COSTUME, theatrical, historical m a aqu* rnsGirnc* to rent. Lichen. 1514 Howard. PJLWOOD Sanitarium Steam l»*th*. m*s I «ege G. Jacobs. 320 Arthur Bldg. AT. 4948. MRP JENNES MOHR. MEDIUM. 2.12 1 CALIFORNIA ST_AT. 9141. JERRY ON THE JOB HERMAN IS HOPELESS. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban. _ _ (Copyright 1915) 3 WlSWouD St>EiA«. Tb '-v YIEBmAiu AMO'Tl.V'Tb CbMvjlMCE^ Wiw\ THAT we, OUGHT Tb >—* Get a joq *• ay _r' v—f 0iSX3S*ce*uIaA ■■ >v - ilM r A1 i \nwat Oo X \NAvrr ) ^ Vmttu AAOw^V f fibs <eOSU * \MW5Vj NOVI - f <3lT A LON- cj MOMCV ] / Moou. ^E \KDEV>E>tfOEWT ) 1 Ay*O W'VJOvn NAVTa r> AN NO! NTEMKNTS. lYrsutml*. V EXPERT inaasai**, si* am bains. Fisher Hiih*. "<>'■ Au’ills Court AT !»?> Ixwrt and Found. 10 l.i »*T M own handbag containing aimo*! lino, kp>s and papers. In Cent, o' Mar ket or 18th end Douglas Money widow s payment on home. Liberal reward. Kinder write Rot A-1-0. Omaha Pee MAR PIN’ LOST—I*MdV* gold mounting 2Mh and Htrkory or Fust Christian church . keepsake H V 4Hf*4 GRAY rimmed glasses lost Wed need a' at t. no. '’all linen department Brandeis Store. Reward IKK) 1.1 *ST Herman police, female, C' I • and crom color; reward. WA IUI RENTAL hridgework at Re Luxe Dancing Rcadrnn Reward. « all AT. 1571. REWARD for diamond-shaped bar pin. r. small stone? .1A 5 3 5 3. A1 TOMOBILKS. Automobile* fur Sale. 11 MANY MILKS OK SERVICE IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CARS. Chevro't Sedan.$25 llupimmile Touring . 37 5 Maxwell Touring . 4 •" Oakland Sedan . 2P5 Oakland Sport 'I’ouring. 4 50 •t 4 1 Oakland Sedan . 750 1924 Oakland 4-wheel brakes. glass enclosures . 750 Oakland Touring . 150 Oakland Touring . 1*5 OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO. New Location. Open Evenings. AT. 2920 2423 Farnam St Don’t Forget No Finance Charge Small down payment on all used eara bought here. All makes of automobiles, | any model, coupes. sedan, roadatera and touring. See Us First No Finance Charge Willys-Overland, Inc.,1 AT. 3421. 2561 Farnam. OPEN EVENINGS. STEWART MOTOR CO. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 1 f-J4 Sttnlehaker Roadater Dike n#w 19:.; Hun Roadster. Peifect. 1922 Dodge Roadster. Good. 1923 Hup Touring Beautiful. 11' J 4 Hup 4-Pa«. Coupe. Balloon tlrea; bea at Irul 19::’ Hun Touring Good buy. II'" Hup 4-Phss. Coupe. Good b%y 19. Ford Sedan. This <ar has had good «*h re We Have Many Other Good Cara and Good Prices. Coma In and Se# Them, Or Call MR MAHAN AT. 5242. :9th and Harney Sts. V C ! f A\ E SOME VERY ATTRACTIVE BEYS IN GOOD USED CAR8. 1923 Nash Roadster. 1922 Nash Sport. D*. J ,\ h ■> h Touring 19.4 olds Coupe. 4 pass 19.' Maxwell Coupe, 4-rasa. !''2! Ma x well Coupe. 2-pass. 1924 \'a**h 4 Sedi^i 6 pass. 1921 Nash Coupe 4-pass. 1923 Jordan Touring. NASH UPTOWN STORE *054 FARNAM AT 291«. OPEN EVENINGS .. 100 DATE model ears «t a big reduction. Se*» us first Fulda from $50 and up. Terms, trade. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. 2112 Ha rue v. AT «* "* 4r.. Open Evening and Hundav Nash Uptown Store 1 924 olds Coup#. 1 924 N.i*h Heuan, 5-past 1 9 23 Maxwell Coup*. 1 922 Nash Touring. 2u5l F.irnh’it AT. Silt ! OPE V E V E XI NOf» FOR THE RIGHT PRICE ON GOOD j USED CARS SEE OMAHA FLINT COMPANY. | NASH • VftIKS' :M A AUTO CO.” USED CAB STOBE, *04! Farnam. AT mi. ' Bt SINENS SERVICE. Kiiaincss Services Orfered. 21 FOR first class house cleaning of all kind*, please call WE. 3 7 3ft. Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, aide, knife, bo* pleating, covered buttons. all «ty]ea: hetr stitching; buttonhole#. Writ* Ideal Hutton and Floating Co.. .30* Brown Block Omaha Neb. Telephone JA. 1*26. NEB I'LEATI.NO CO., Hemstitching Covered Huttons. 1204 Eainani Second Floor. JA. 1170 Moving—Trucking—Storage. 26 GORDON’S FIREPROOF WlfsTT At VAN, 211 North 11th 8t. Phone JA. $012. Moving, racking, atorage, shipping. BEK INS OMAHA VAN * STORAGE.; 16th and Leavenworth Sta. Packing, moving, atorag#. shipping JA. 4163. Painting and Tapering. -’7 WALLPAPER, paperhanging, painting. Fred Parka, 4708 8. 24th 8t. MA. 0101; AT. 7404. EXPERT panerhanglng and painting; low eat coat. Spencer Bros.. AT. 3347. Talent Attorneys. tt J. W. MARTIN, *2* Patera Trust BElg’. j Omaha; alao Washington Doubt# ser\-j Ice, alngl# fee. Also help ar|| patents VII.AH C SW eT:T. Polk R . ~Dea Moines, lows 8p#clsI rummer prices now. Printing—stationery. gg COM MERC! AT, PRINTING Eddy Printing Cr, 212 S 13th St Ph me. JA. .'«f Repairmg. ,11 WE REPAIR sewing ma< bines Viet ro la a. I planoa. Mltkels, 16th arnl Barney. A1 438 1. i _ ^ HII'I.IM MKM Hrl|i \\ inidi—l<<\ 36 l. A DIES Mi*hu'. work pay* he money | when learned at Mofer's Pay~nr night * lasses. tall of write fur our blue book , of beauty culture. Moler College, 109 ■- i.'t. s; Help W .mini—Male. 37 «»Kl'!fE assistant wdh *i lendid chanc e for dei shipment In in rstment hu»i n.*c* young man college k'-« dimto— single—at least year business experl * r* o. Write full qualificatton*, lln A f 123. Omaha Wee. EN I,e«rn barber trade Pay or night. High paid profession. Moler grndu.foa are expert operators. Always in de mand. fall or write for catalog. Moler Hariif-r I'oll-ttiv 1 on s 1 th St VI.I. men. women, hoc*, girls. 17 to 66,. wtlljng 'o ac-rept government position*. $1 17 $2..0 (traveling nr stationary 1, j un'o Mr. figment. h« St Louis. \!o. Sales turn ami Agt’ttt*. 39 salesmen wanted. StRrting next Monday, the Oakland Motor Co. will conduct a school for the In struction of automobile salesmen. We need 5 good men in our retail store at 2423 ITa main. Ask for manager. SALESMEN accustomed t0 making big money: We have openings for several aggressive specialty salesmen to travel and sell our advcMtising service to bank ers anil merchants; clean, dignifed, legitimate and established business, ex clusive territory; < otnmlsiinn paid, daily or weakly; experience in our line, while desirable, not necessary. Telephone 9 to 12 mornings. Edgar W. l’ohlig. Kon tenelle hotel. DISTRICT agents wanted We pay $76.00 per week with extra bonus to sell our lino of high grade well shoes direct to wearer. We furnish handsome sample line. Write quick for territory. Address bloomer Shoo Company, Dept.’ 389, Car thage. Missouri. SALESMEN'- Sell coal in carload lots. Side or main line. Experience unnec-: essarv. Earn a week’s pay in an hour. I Liberal drawing u< count arrangement j Washington foal i'y„ 100S foal Ex change Bldg.. Chicago. --- . , ■ I ■■■ I. I! FINANCIAL. Itusinpss Opixirtiiiiftles. 42 For Sale—Brick Plant. We offer a fully equipped brick plant of about 11 acres of ground, eight-room house, barn, four kilns, three of which are in good condition, drying sheds for loo. not) brick ami one one-story steam dryer and one two-story steam dryer, besides a full set of machinery and die.*. For quick sale will take $*.000. This is a snap for s practical brick maker. Plant Is 'nested at Atlantic*, la., on the main line of the Rock Is land and we have three branch lines. Reason for selling is that we are no brick makers aid we operate a ce ment block factory and our plant is ton far anav from our yard to run both. Come and inspect ij Atlantic Building Supply Company, ATLANTIC. TA| Hardware Stock for Sale An unusual opportunity »o secure a long ■ established hardware business. located In the cen*er of the business district In a city <*f 40,000 inhabitants, and indust< in! e. nt*i v>:th < good farming community to draw trade from: Mo«-k and fixtures invoice about $26,000. stock and fixture* tan be’ purchased and moved or purchaser can aorure long time lea«e on the property; bus. n*-*s ir<. j<-< !w gr«» getting better ever day and now you have *n opportunity to buy into an established husineee; terms cash, banka Me collateral, or will take farm property within .'.0, nub* of Omaha or city property for port .on of purchase price on a basis of pit-sent values. Address John G. Woodward, Council Bluffs. la. FOR HALE—Small grocei v store with BMng room. Good business. 0:1 MA BAKERY for sale Good location. <96 3 j Militaiv A ve \VA 4947. Real Estate Ivonns. 44 6S AND PF,R CENT MONEY Loans on Omaha improved property at lowest rates FRANK II BINDER •'Hy National JA2541 Mo.N’KY <n Omaha houses at 6 per cent! end 6 per cent Cash i.n hand No de lay. Shopen & Co., 236 Keeline Bldg .1 A , 422*. _ SECOND mortgages or contracts pur-1 chased by Tu key Company. 620 First National Bank. JA. 3223 OMAHA IIOMKH—RAST NEB FARMS ! O1 KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1013 OmaMi N it Lank Bidg. JA. 2712. i $100 to llufiu loaned; prompt service. | F. D. Wead A }J. li. Bum man. Wead; Bide_ I FARM loan* uii West. Neb. and N. K Colo , far? is Kb-k* Investment •*.; Omaha 6S AND »; PER CENT —No DELAY* GARVIN BROS H Omaha Nat B;dg. money to loan On f!r»*t and second mortgages. We buy outright fur cash Exist r.g mortgages Hn«1 land contracts Prompt action. H A WOLF CO. ”«i!f Kent ei!v Bldg. AT 2160 j Money to Loan, 45! SEE rs TODAY If you want money fnr any purpose.! A loan of $30 will receive the same1 ptompt attention »a one t.t $i09. Y u get the full amount in real) no feral deducted no puhlicit)* or unpleasant in vestigation. Oldest established and most reliable In Omaha. oMAHK LOAN COMPANY. R. 106 Karhsch Block. Phone JA. 129ft 2ft» 9 15th St I #0 A N S! LOANS’ LOANS! DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. PRIVACY SWART’/. IRWEI.RY A LOAN ro, LSI 4 DODGE MONEY maned on diamonds. Diamond Loan Bank. ?13 City Nat. Rk. bldg Eet 1*94 Reliability, low rate, privacy. KOI i \ l IOXAL (’orrMiwndence Courses. 47 CLERKS—Railway mail. postal. other good position*. $ 1.400-12.3«u» yearly; ex per'em •• unnecessary: instruction fur government examination, full partbu Urs fre« bv writing G. W. Bobbin*. 171 BurcheJI Bldg. Washington. D C. I*mn| liiMtriBtion Classes. 48 DAY Nt’HOOh NIGHT SCHOOL. Comp! • *i course in all commercial brandies. Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy. «h I*-smaii ship, civil ear vice. Phone JA I ■ r. Complete catalog free BOYLES COLLEGE. i*’h and Harney st* <>inaha Neb THI I ty BARBER ml.T.EGK 1402 1 • La Si 1104 Dougina St Cull nr write for Information Miialral—rimmaUr. 4!* PIANISTS I.earn popular music. K. M Maitrltm Xrdtlrmie*. 50 KF.L RINK I irnim st IMh. Clas* and1 assembly. Monday and Thursdsv nights j Re- ■ ■ * t or.-hestra. 25 lns’rucfnt* Trl vato lessons mu time. JA. 976ft. KEEP’S ''IND1-’. 11 EI LA ID *0 f! 10th and PCH’GLAX STS JA 6470 LIVESTOCK. Ilngx, Cat* and I’rt*. 53 inn SAI.I-: Mtepherd p.tllin ,!..«« ■ number ..f voting *nd old prdigrned, i • m t n right prke ntt(l best blond lines \ M l.i-.ib* Portsmouth la | MKH( IMMHSE. IliisitiksH Ki|tiipmrnt*. I 58 TYPEWRITERS — Reasonable RENTAL! rote*. New and eecnnd-hHnd machines; for sale. Have you seen the Standard 1 Kevsmne Remington Portable? What ever jro If needs in the g r line • all Remington Typewriter Co. 210 S 1 K'h St. TA 2*76 WE PUT, sell safes, make desks, show rases, etr. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. S W. Corner 11th nnd Douglas. •TA. 2 724_ ICE 'ream tables anti chair for sale. AT., 4652 _ j Furl and Ferd. 61 KINDLIN’: -15 truck load delivered, sawdust . baled shavings ,IA. 6740. 17 00 ILL. NIT. 17 50. 111. Egg. Lion Coal Co WE 2605. Household Goods. 64 stuffed suites Must be sold at on. e we 219f» 1618 V. 24th. Swap Column. 65 COMPLETE X Ray equipment, Radio graphic, Fluroscouic unit, high Hass, complete accessories Cash or trade, western land. What have you? Box t' 119 Omaha Rep WILL trade Ukoma membership for membership In Carter Lake club. Box , D-124. Omaha llee Machinery and Tools. 67 NHW and second-hand motors, dynamos. LeBron Electrical Works. 318-20 s. J2lh. | Wanted so Huy. 7$ DKSK< DESKS DESKS" New deaks u*- d desk*, bought, aold traded. J- C. Reed. 12U7 Furnain. AT i 6146 ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. Tt MEKRIAM HOTEL, residential, by day. week or month. 25th and Dodge. Rooms for Housekeeping. 76 3 MODERN, 'l**an room* furnished for light housekeeping. 3215 N. 25th St. WK. 2566. one large front room with kitchenette. Everything furnished. Close In. JA. 15 4 2. 3 COOL, modern, first floor. Nice yard, shade, porches. HA. 0496. Rooms, Infiirnished. <7 THIRTY-FIFTH ST. *36 H—Four un furnished r< >ms. Reasonable HA 4241 Where in Stop in Town. 78 | HOTEL SANFORD—19?n and Farnam. HOTEL H KNSHAW—16th and Farnam. Sperial Rates to Permanent Guests FI.OMAR HOTEL—Nice, comfortable room* Snerial summer rates. 17th and <’anl»ol Ave. ■■ ■■■ ■ —| Apartments of Ituihhng Owners and Managers Association. Furnished. 80a lil'NTKK INN—Home for the traveling men to l»8\e hi, w;f-. for comfort end 1 >.-f«0 -tfx Hodge. AT. C*«t). I Unfurnished. 80b AT'STIN. New firepro- f aStti and Dsven port. A vrv choice 4 -room it pa it men t wt'h 5-room ac com modat ion. Living room, dining rftfiuj. kitc hen, full bed room room big enough for da;. bed or den. and tiled bath $'•- 50 and $70. Call DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. _JA. :»■«.. HA 4121. HA. 5*6* 26 1 y 26TH AVE 7 room* 4 bedrooms. <>ik finish all modern. 97" 5f*. 9 f*7. N. 17* h 6 rooms, newly decors ted. janitor servic e all mod' rn. summer rent, $32 5'*. RAfil- HR08 112 Keeline Bldg. AT 0721 UiQ Cast ■* h a h ri mpu*. < oom «';pf , N • 7 Flo I.r - 20th and Capitol Ave.. $'.j :*o. PETERS TRC8T COMPANY • Who •* Omaha Rents ” ■A T 6 < 4 17»h and Farnam. j APARTMENTS and fiats for rent. W I. PALMER CO AT *9|0 Real Est.-ite Management Specialists. PIT E!!« TMl'RT COMPANY. Where omaha rents** AT ( 44 17th a nd Earnam St a REAL !> 11 A |I F—FOR RKXT. \p:irt merits—Furnished. 80 • . s 2 till ST.—Two apartments on first! floor. Private bath Apartment*—I nfiirnMieU. 81 HIGH CLASS APTg and flats under su I per . i* n of d*ner». "Service that , pleases Traver Bros.. 119 F. N. Block , AT. 6 * * $ j FOR REN”. - x rooms. aU modern, brick: flat b .< a ted 'lose t«* school, car line; reasonable. r**nt reference required Tel. t \ • Vf • r *. .. ‘ to, k. W K 1100. NEW DI P LEX ES FOB RENT N .1 8KOGMAN & SONS, 3118 Cuming Si HA. 7041. NORMANDY. 1IP2 Park Ave.—-7 rooms, j •liable after April, 1&; also 3 rooms. , I be> bold, HA '**5;. MODERN apartments: lowr rent; close In G. P Stebblns. 1610 Chicago 8t. Houses for Kent. 83 A Rental Bargain Brand new 5 and 6 room duplet apart ments. A 1926 model: everything the fincet; carefully arranged for comfort an»l torn entente 5 minutes to town, southeast '..rner of 35th Ave. and Pewev Don't rent before you see these '» Itl apartment* It w J be well worth jour while Rental $60 and up T. H. Maenner Co., AT. 3392. 523 Omaha Loan Bldg Six Rooms and Garage. Best location 1n Dundee Convenient to * hot * l and ' a r, beautifully decorated, tile bath; toilet In basement. J. L. Hiatt Company, _ATLANTIC 996P ?9 4 s J$TH AW ■ 7 room* 4 bedroom*. «ak finish. all modern. $77 $0 96' v 17* h 6 rooms, newlj decorated j janitor service; all modern. Pummtr ! »•mt. 13 • f.n RAM* BID'S. 212 k>( line Bldg AT. 9711. I 343* TITt’S A\ F Seven 1-ivetv room* j nP-elv det orated, beautiful var.l and ga nr*, $70 f> r Ht l’K A C»r J A 2006 f 7.'1$ N. PTH - 7 rooms, all modern, in I very go »d condition Garage HA. 5914 j 8 Rooms strittly modern. Corner of 33d anti Miami WE *99* 1$2° N 19TH ST walking distance, mod em. 5 rtrouts. $.’5. RKAI. KSTATB-rOH RF.NT Houses—Furnlslieil. 81 , ; ROOM home and garage. completely fur- J niehed tin Prettiest Mils. KK. 1116 Summer Plate (or Rent. 8# LAKKVIEVS park au miner and year around cottage* fm rent AT 6250 REAL ESTATE—FOB SAIJ!. Real Kslate— Investments. 82 A Good Investment \Vhave in offer for n few days, a presacil-tirlrk duplex. for levs than It would cost fn build Finished In oak throughout: tiled baths, hot water heat Double brick ga rage Well rented. Gallagher & Company, | 1 M3 Dodge Street, l.\ 33*2. HA. 625*. KK. 2*45. AT. 5039 CONSULT HARRISON & MORTON. (40th year) Jackson 0.314 1921 Farnani Parking Courtesy to Our Patrons. Farms and I.ands for Sale. 93 iODO agricultural, grans and fruit land, any size tract from 40 acres up at from $5 to $25 per acre no inflated prices Cunningham & McClellan, Eminem*# Mo _ City Acreage for Sale. 94 1 ACRE, 40th and Fowler Ave. City water. Clone to achool and car. AT . 624. GEORGE & CO. REALTORS. - --*-* Houses (or Sale. 9.> — Your Building Job. It- fore iMting the contract let us figure it. Estimates returned within 24 hours. Nj» expense, no obligation on your part. We ha vi been building ami financing! home* since 1912. fall tonight, open I to 9 p. m. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, AT Mill !10 H 19th. Arthur Bids I Houses—North. 96 No. 69. Real Snap Beautiful Location $500 Cash Price $4,200 Nifty modern bungalow. 5 nice rooms on fir* floor. 2 rooms and bath on sec. ■ d floor. Cement basement Large f ont porch (screened-in • Lot 40x114 fer- n.c#» lawn: good garage f'nn cash ha'ance $40 a month. See this today. Phone D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors, 742 Omaha Nat 1 JA. 2A(in Salesmen L«vgren. KF 0304; Rox. KK n2...'. Bake- wa 3393: Ruck. KK 2*34 Here Is a Real Buy 5 Ft .MS LARGE ATTIC* $5,406. 2*iX$6 BEAUTIFUL FINISH. A new house all decorated, on east fron* lot near school. • ar and park. The best j located atid i*est built in the north for $S 600. Terms. $4<‘>0 cash. $52 per mont h. T. H. Maenner Co., Realtors. AT. 3362 Burrell KK 641* Perrou. WE. 0# 32; Russell K K 4*36. See This Sure Brand pew modern bungalow, complete in ever) respect Int luding wall dec orating Heavy oak floors Oak and ■ y "name trim. Best plumninjr light fixtures, shades. etc. 4 large rooms with upstairs where two large bedroom* -an be finished at small * ost, making a 4-roora home. From n«ner at nnlv .13.160 Small down payment ' '!o«e 10 24th avenue and Sprague \VA. 5704. AN OPPORTUNITY NEAP. MILLER PARK ■ o own a 5-room house, all modern bungalow. paved stree', beautiful loca tion. paved street, ail oak floors and trim kitchen and bath room have built in features wah tiia floors. Will take in a lot or an old house as down pay ment balance on easy terms. CalL Mr Ix*< kwood, HA 2 170 eve.. da>s AT 7412. .11ST LISTED ! A HEAT, BARGAIN. We have Juei listed thia dandy 5-room all modern house. It ia exceptionally well I lot tied, dose t«» hoth parochial I and public st hoola. all thun hr*. three ido< ks to «a r one. j>u\ed aireel, garage It is priced for quirk sale at ft 0AO. with only HO® cash balance rooniiilj I Dill this e\enng Lewi-. \VA 1 422. j H F CLARY rn. Realtors AT. 1C7». CLIFTON HILf, bungalow large five' rt*oiP* new ly decuraied. < orner lot, close i t,, t ar. school and church Faav terms, j Evenings 'ad Meit-alfe \V A *557. MF.TCALKK COMPANY Ground Floor. 202 8 10ih S . AT. 5415 j $3,750—Only $300 Down. 5 room* modern. paved street, rln*e j i ) Atrata in car south (rent, nice clean neighborhood close in. Th s ta a rare o»por>un!*T. To ln apect call VT «*«« KF 1722 NEW M.nne I,usa huogalow, fivo rooms Only $5,150, 1200 cash Rventngs tall1 Gehrig. KE 5030 METCALFE COMPANY Ground Floor. 203 5 10th St. AT 5415 FOR SALE—Two stories seven rooms, frame- large lot room for another house 2 4“^ Emmet 8* near ?4th St cars f’ *:<0 net. terms Eastern own er Franklin lUacbor. P O. Bo* 1051. Boston Mass WILL build and tinance your home on en«v terms S *e us for plana. J •' Schmitg. 55* Omaha National. JA 1760 STUI'TI.Y MODKRN NKW "hoMB. * "0 IHTWN BUILT-IN FRATURKS. OAK FLOORS PAYNE A SONS. JA 1016 :.bN 50TH ST.—5-rooru. 1710 cash Oeigh 403 Bee JA. 0l»» D E Ml’« KJ5 CO., buv and sell homes Haiim--—Soutti. *7 Ovvnef Wants Offer As h* wishes to sell his horns before he leaves for Denmark in June Th-s borne Is located at 100; South ?7th street, con sists of five rooms all modern except heat. There is a full brirk basement making It mm to Install a furnace I,ot **.* 140 all special taxes paid Submit all offers to George & Company, Realtors AMann. Cl K \\ \\ r \l»s IIKIMi III si i rs WEAL KSTATK—rOll RAMS. Hbu^d—Wf*(. ^ No. 2f A. 7-Room Home All Modern—Well Located $7,850 Convenient Terms 1 dandy moms and rereptl«n hall f.rsi floor, long living room l"\2t feel 4 large any hedroome and hsth up. oak floors throughout oak and enamel fin ish latest light fixtures and every room new!\ de* orated and reftnlahed. Large closets, fine built-in kilt h^n, full ce ment basement, good furnace, floored attic 2• car gnrag'' nice drive a heat tng fruit t re***.- Nleelv located on 64 f..ot. south front lot paved street, near tar and school !’ e $7.45ft; $l,ftft« cash will handle. Call D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors, 7 12 Omaha Nat I T A. 2*0" Salesmen: I.ovgrsit, KE ft.lftt Baker. W v ?,56*: Hog. KK ftk’M’ Rii'k KE. 2M4 5 Rooms, Edgewood, $7,100 V. ated '.n sth. sight!)* lot. overlooking I'HUtlflll h'.t c« just t \4 «» }p*r* old fin»> < onditlon. yp» > < lo«e to Edgewood *< hool. three hlocka t<> • *r. Owner vei ' anxinua to a* !l Can b*- handled on $1.54*0 . ash. balance monthly, r ail to ye* this. T. H. Maenner Co., Realtor*. AT. 33(2. Perron. WK ft*?,:: Ruesell, KE 4436; Wilson. I1A. 3i:h. Butrell. KE. (411. Benson Bargain 4 room roll • ■ v!ih large plena nf ground 75x256. l>,ts -if fruit and op portunlt) to build three more Iioum** without disturbing the present Im prn\* mente. I* , . ? •.70, $150 cash and balance ej-<*\ term* Can Ihslop, KE. 0415 or Pedertftn. WA. 1320. McCague Investment Co. JA. 1345. Realtor*. 40 year* dependable service. Dundee Special Brick colonial, * rooms. oak floors throughout. birch mahogany and enamel finish, fireplace *nd bookcase-, tiled vestibule and hath *»xtr* lava tones In twr, bedroom* This Is worth In. eat iga ting. See me for price and terms. C. A. Grimmel, Realtor, Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg JA. 1415 Attractive—Practical If vnu want an up-to-date bungalow look at Iftft- S. 33d Ft This is of hri< k and ** icon. six room* tiled bath extra lavatory: oak floors and fint«h firepla«* and hnokca«*»s lot 42x1!* with 2 < a r garag* This la a dandy, see me for price and term*. C. A. Grimmel, Realtor, ‘ unaha V» ' ! R=-r',, JA 1415 $300 Cash $45 Per Month own* ’hi* strictly modern 5-room o«k f msh bungalow 42d and Maple streets For quick sale. $4 4^0. WE. 6250 evenings. B. E. Price Co., 224> Keeline BldgJA 3140. MnrSK ANT* GARDEN 7-room hou*-e. elect rb lights, well arc clst»rn. barn, garage 4 lots, fruit am grapes. All for f «ftft, »erm«. Neat Center street and Beal school district. HARRISON A MOP.Ton. 1421 Fartiant St. .Invkson ftSli A DUPLEX LOCATION. Have a good lo'Rtion foe a small duplex <»n h i a 2-famlly house and sell and * ■' $* Shaid rer * for I*, ftft per tr *h E. R. Carse Ja. Iftl4 days SEE Morris* in Lumber for prices os ra»age« B- st construction st mini- ' mum »*. WE. 57.61 For Sale—Dundee. 1(K REAL sacrifice—New English colonial — 7 rooms—Splendid location—Corner lot —Tear old—Perfect arrangement—Call Easton. JA 0647. I>ota for Sale. 103 LOT AND ACRE BARGAINS. $423. East front with water and Street graded, sidewalks in. Near $3d and II irtman $9<»q «'hoi*e a- re in West Benson A ere a on Lake Sf $S • ltigge*t barga.n In Benson Garden*. Easy terms or *ili con^ der building to suit. SI k: Finn lot fating beautiful Fonte nelle park. OSH-'RNK REALTY CO 51ft Peters Trust Bldg JA. 2212. Real Fatale for Exchange. 104 SECTION good land. Brown Co Clear. Will trad** J K Mooney. 212# Yale S». Houston. Tex Wauled—Real Eitate. 10.'> FOR result* list your property with FIRST TRUST CO. AT «“?•4ft* F:r*t Nat?, Park WE SELL Dundee home*. List your prop erty with us for result* Burt C. Fowler Co . Realtor*. JA. I4!4 HAVE Inquiries for homes and 'ac*r lo:s do *. ou wart to sell yours? List it with c A Or.mmel. JA 1*11 C P HUTCHINSON CO. Rest Estate In* lira Fa mam. JA. t4lA FRIDAY NOON, II April 17th, at 20th and Dodge, 11 we will burn our | Haydite Block House