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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1925)
Entire List of (drains Affected bv Vi heat Slide Liquidation in May Vt lirat Continue* Persistently l pon Market \ oid of Buying Power. H> CIIARI.KR 4. IJCV1*F..V. T nltmal Service Staff Correspondent. t'hscago, April IS. — Liquidation in May wheat today continued rather persistent ly on a market void of buying power t.(! prices faded away, showing a loss of 17 ^ cents front the high of the previous session, and closing 7 cents lower for the day. The entire grain list was affectW as holders of oil grains unloaded. Wheat finished 2 k, to 7 cents down; corn was 3J* to 4 cents lower; oats were ** to 1*4 cents lower and rye ruled h*4 to ?♦cents off. Professional traders who have been rendering wheat support off and on of la*e on the setbacks apparently hacked ivvn.y front the pit today. It seems, as the trade sees it, that wheat, especially the May delivery, will have to work down irregularly to the point where a healthier foreign and domestic demand for the cash article develops. Export wheat sales were estimated at nOO.OOO bushels, consisting of some hard winters and Duluth .Springs. Rye sales were 300.000 to 400.000 bushels and oats sales o'er 1,000.000 bushel? Liverpool closed at 5*4 to 6 pence decline. Corn stag'd a brisk rally during the early session, hut weakened and broke badly May corn slumped 6 cent* before the decline was checked. Liquidation was largely responsible for the decline. There was no especial news to account for the Lad spill ether titan the heavi ness in wheat. Demand for cash corn was fairly satisfactory and the basis was un changed at the last. Oats were forced down with other grains* News pertaining to oats ha? been encouraging from a bull standpoint of late Rye was heavy and broke further than w heat May rye closed at 2 *j rents premium over the July, the smallest so far. Provisions sagged under scattered sell ing through commission houses Lard was 12‘i to 15 cents down and ribs were la to 20 cents lower. Pit Notes. July wheat has been displaying remark able resiatance to pressure recently, hut gradually weakened today. Holders who had bought on the unfavorable crop out look became discouraged over the dis tinct. weakness that the nearby month ex hibited Buying of May wheat and. sell ing of the July by elevator interests also acted as a depressing influence in the new crop month. At the close May wheat was 8c over the July. Earlier in the day the spread was around 6c. Tables from the other side had it that foreigners had lost confidence in the mar ket and that liquidation was under way on a big sqale Cash wheat in Liverpool was off sharply with the futures World shipments, particularly those from the southern hemisphere, promise to grndu ally dwindle from now- on. Ocean sup plies. however, have not been decreasing correspondingly with the reduction in world shipments that has already taken place. The Canadian government report, show, tng around 12L000.0OQ bushels wheat left in all position, compared with 202.000.000 bushels last year, was regarded as a bear ish argument In the present market. The supplies left in Canada are indicative of a remaining exportable surplus of around 60 000,000 bushels. Despite the smaller amount of wheat In North America com pared with a year ago. th« trade will not take note of this fact until healthier buy ing makes Its appearance. Trade in wheat has been a narrow af fair for some time. Prices respond quickly to any evidence of buying or sell in? The rank and file have been kept on edge by these hectic swings, m well as the importer and the miller. What is reeded to restore confidence in the wheat market, is improved export trade or un favorable crop news The condition of the growing crop is generally below normal, but it is still early in the season, sod for this reason does not greatly concern the trade CHICAGO PRICES. Sv Uprtlk. Grain Co.. AtUntlc **H. Art. I Opwi, I Hluh. I l.o»r. I Clo«», I T«« May ! 1.5* ; 1.5* | 1.44 ' 1.4* I I f* '151 I.. .'. 1.44 V 161 >4 July I 1.4 2 1.4S», 1.37% MS I 1.4* ; 1 4214 .. 1.37 4* • 1.421* Sept. 1.34 1.3* 1-3154 I S3 1-*«H | 1.33%. 1.31V 1.34*4 Mat I 1.1* | 1.1*54 ’03 I 1.0*’4 11* July I 1.1" I 1.1"’? 1.01 | 1.01 I 10**4 ; i.ioh.f..'. Sept. 1.01 I 1.03 1.03V »3 I 1-0104 Ma'y1 I 01 ' 1 07 t 1.01 ‘ 1 02 I 1.0* 7 I i mi. _I . . . 1 ,oi \ 1 "S 'i July l.nsv 111 ' 10*’. 1.0*04 1 | OR I.. 1 06 1.99', Sept. ? <*9 1.11’ji 1.06 H. L06V l.ft»T4 1 1.09V.I 1-06 0, 1.10 Onto I i I ' Ms- ,40«, .41 I .3**4 .3*S .40’4 40 u. ’.'..... I .39 *i ;. July .43 425. .41*41 ■ 41V I .42V 42V4V . ‘2'4 Sep.. 42«i .43 ' .41V -42’k .43 La rtl > 1 1 * ) May 13.65 >15.65 (15.55 > 13 57 (15.73 .Tu!''* 1 5.97 15.97 '15.87 '16.90 16.03 Rib* I > I I Ain v '17.05 17.06 117.00 [17.00 17.16 1 u 1 v 17.00 17.10 16 95 116 95 17.13 WINNIPEG Wlieat—.Open. Fiona Mr v .$1.55 $1 4*1* Jul? 1.52 1 46 torn and Wheat Region Bulletin. Por the 24 hours ending at 8 a m. T; r?.U\ : Stations High. Low. Rain '•Mrnd. Hear . ...59 4 4 6'JbtSrii, Part cloudy..... 68 41 0.‘*1 Broken Row cloudy. . hi 4: o an •"olumhii*. part cloudy.. 64 <0 O.oo t’uloertson. cloudy .. 66 42 o.oft Fatrbury. cloudy .56 46 0.23 Fairmont, raining .66 49 o.nn •Jrand Island, raining .59 42 0 1 2 Hartington, part cloudy. 61 42 0 on Hastings, part cloudy. .58 39 0.27 Holdrege. cloudy ...... .69 41 '.m-’-'ln cioudv . ..69 43 o 02 North Loup, part cloudy 66 42 o 00 North Platte, cloudy.....60 44 n.Oft Oakdale, part cloudy.... fl 42 . f hue ha. Hear .. ...62 45 ft.p O’Neill, cloudy ..64 44 o.tjo R*r1 ‘Aloud, cloudy.71 46 0 09 Teliamah. «*lear .69 40 o.oo Valen’ifie. part cloudy...62 46 O.00 Nehruaka W eather C onriltlona. t’ooler weather prevailed over the state Wednesday. Showers re reported at a % few stations In the sou'.neastern portion. >ew tork itenemi. New York. April 16—Flour—Easy; •print? patent*. 18.25*8.75: soft winter straight*. $3 25ft8.76; hard winter atr.iiirh's $8.00ft 8.50. Rye Flour—Easy; fair to rood, 16.50ft 6. .ehoi *■ to fancy, $6.8007.00. < .r ■ r.c.,]—Steady: fine white and yel 10 cranulated. I3.20ft3.25. It-e—AVenk; No 2 western. 11.15, f o, b V'w York and $1.13%. r. i. f export '■Vheat—Spot, weak: N*o 1 dark north er" , frorinsr. r. 1 f New York, lske and ft $1.77%; No. 2 hard winter, f. n b. ■*k* and rail. $1.58%; No. 2 mixed duriiii do. $]..')$%; No. 1 Manitoba, do. h nd $1.66%. •k-in—Spot, n eak: No. 2 yellow, r. 1. f t ■ in New York, all rail, $1.23; No. 2 11 ■ -<c d. do. $1.22 % . ^■tg— Spot, easier: No 2 white, 52c. ifny—Steady; No. 7. $21,028.00. I.fcrd—Easy: mlddleweet, $16.20 016.30. Chicago htocks. Quotations furnished by .T S Bache A * 'o . 224 Omaha National Bank building. Phone* Jackson 5187, 6188, 61 89. Bid.* Asked. Armour ^ Co.. Til. pfd . 84% 85% Armour A- Co . Del , pfd. . 90 9! Albert Pick. 20 20% « a' bide .t»s % ».r, % khl^on Co.182% 133 CudAfcy . 96 96 Diamond Match ..120 122 Deaf*, pfd . 94 96 F.ddV Paper . 15 15% Moby . s% : National Leather . 4% 4% Quaker Oats .. 87 9 5 n»>u Motors . 15% 15 % Swift Hr Co.110 1. •»% Swift Int'l . 28% 29 Tl'r^i’unii . . 4 ‘ % 4 7 A' J.M .16% 16% St. Louis Livestock. St Louts, April 16 —Cattlo-— Race pt* 2.700 head; market steady; native beef hteers $8.75ft 12.2'*: yearlings steer* and belfprS, $5.60012 00; i>iwk $5,0008.50, Stocker* and feeder*, $5.2501.50; ralvea, 84O0ft 10.25; earners and rutters. $2.25® 4.75. Il"ga Receipts. 7.500 head; market Tfl to 25c higher, mixed and butcher* $12 90 13 20; good heavies. 91 2.95ft 1 3.10 ; roughs $11.00011.25: lights *13.00 ft 13.20; pigs »1<iOO013 OO: bulk $13.00013 15 Sheep and Lambs- Receipts, $7,000 head maik*t steady; mutton e^es. $6.0009.50 lumbs. $13.25 ft 15.25; cannot* snd chop per*. $3.0006.00. hi. Joseph livestock. flt Joseph. Mo. April 16. Hog*—8.00(1 h id 1 o if 25r higher; top. $12.60: hulk * 1 2 40ft 12.60. Cattle—Receipt*, l,?no head, steady tr 14-- lower; bulk «f steers, 89.OO0MO.IIO: 1ot». $10 75 cow ■ and heifers, $5.60010.26 reive* $4.5009.50; stock ers and feeders 86.25 0 8.25. Sheep Receipts 3 500 head: alow and weak. lamb*. $13.80ft 14.35; *wes. $8.o< ft 9.25. OIU and final*. Savannah, «*«.. April I ♦..- -Turpentine firm. 86 Hr; sale* 1.38 bbls . receipts 291 hbisshipment*, 224 bbls. atrpek, 7,451 •bis ' Rosin Firm- soles 787 casks: receipts 1 i *. .asks shipment*. 135 caaka; stack % Of, Ora *kf. Quote M •*' 40 D. «fl 80; R, $« 10. P * IT 05; I! $7 10; T $7 2*. K *:•••• w. « »•.. N. M ». WO. It Si. WW »• n, x, mo. --— — Markets at a Glance ---; ' NEW YORK. stocks: Irregular; Maxwell aVid Willy* Overland issues al new high* Honda: Firm: liberties at year'* higliest level. Foreign Exchange: Higher; franca continue to gain. Cotton: Ijivvcr; Southern selling. Sugar: Weak; price* sink u> new low level* Coffee: Steady, favorable cables. i CHI CAGO. \\ lieat: Weak; May liquidation. Corn: Lower; favorable weather. Cattle: I/ower. Hogs: Higher. ■ 11 ■ ■ - r ' " " - <-—1 N Omaha Grain v_/ April 16. Cash wheat sold on the tables today orund 5 to 6c lower under the influence of the break In futures. Buyers were not at sll anxious to fill requirement* in face of tlie weakness in futures and trading was virtually suspended. Receipts were < car*. Corn whs in poor demand around 2 to 3c lower. Receipts were 13 cars. Oats sold around '-j to lc lower, bulk of the trades going at the full decline. Re ceipts were 12 cars. Rye and barley was nominally weak and lower Omtthn Carlot Hale*. CORN. No. 2 w hite: 1 car. f l.n 1. Nr>. 2 yellow: 1 car. $1.04 No. 3 yellow: 2 cars, $1.02. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. 96c. OATS. No. 2 white: l car, 46c. No. 3 wHiite: 1 car. 44c; 4 cars. 43c. RYE. No. 2: 1 car. SI.02. BARLEY. No. 2: 1 car. 82c. Bully Inspect ion of Brain Received. WHEAT Hard; 1 car No. 2 Total. 1 car. CORN. Yellow*: 1 car No. 3. 2 care No. 4. Total. 4 cars. OATS. White: 12 cars No. 3. 2 cats No. 4, 6 cars sample. Total, 19 cars Total cars grain received. 24 OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlots). Receipts—• Today Wk. Ago. r. Ago. Wheat . i 4 9 Corn . 13 4 Id Oats . 2 2 k 22 Rye . i Barley .. 1 1 Shipments — Whs»at . . . 12 .*'.6 17 Corn . r»;l 29 128 Oats . 28 28 18 Rye . 4 1 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. < Bushels). Receipts— Today Wk. Ngo. Yr. Ago. Wheat .. .. ..328,000 374.000 298.000 Corn . . . 262.000 317,000 593.000 Oats I 283.000 287,000 386,000 Shipments— Wheat .583.000 306,000 417.000 Corn . 646.00 466.000 6O7.000 Oats . 1.19,000 729.000 601.00U EX PORT CLE A R A N t ’ ES. Bushels— Today Yr. Ago Wheat and flour . 191.000 732,000 Oats a....*,.. . . 39.000 _ CHICAGO R ECETPTS Carlots: Today Wk. Ago. Y’r Ago. Wheat . 11 2 22 Corn . 82 122 64 Oats . 32 29 67 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Wheat . 4 2 12 26 Corn . 17 13 66 Oats . 16 3 5 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS Wheat . 1 7 34 41 Corn . .. 25 37 98 Oats . 2 8 32 54 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Minneapolis . 71 136 99 Duluth .. 59- 56 59 Winnipeg .150 ]y 301 Hlnnenimll* Cwh Grain. Minneapolis. Minn.. April 16.—Wheat— Cash No. 1 northern. $1 38% @1.40%; So. I dark northern spring, choice to fancy, f !.'>:% (m 1 7 "% ; good to choice si 4 4 % ft 1.54%; ordinary to good 81 39% @1.43%: No 1 hard spring. 81.70% ft 1.60%; N'o. 1 dark hard Montana on track. $1.34% ft 1.63% ; to arrive $1.34% @1.61% ; Mav, $1.36% : July. $1.37%. Corn—No. 7 yellow. 9*f/99c. Oats—N'o 3 white, 37% ft 35 Hr. Barley—f.PftSoc. Rye—No ; 99 % ft J.01%. rfnx—No 1. $2.72‘,®: 74>*. Chicago (nab Grain. Chicago. April 16—Wheat—None Corn—No. 2 mixed. $1.06; No. 2 yellow, $110%. Oats—No 2 white, 45%c: No. 8 white, 41 % ft 42 %c. Rye—No. 2. $1.12. Barley—S3 ft 93c. Seed —Timothy. $5.40@6 5O; clover. $20.00 ft 28.60 Provision** Card, $15 62; riba. $17.00; bellied. $19 50 Khmm«<i I'lty Cnali Grain. Kansas ISity. April 16.—Wheat—No. 2 hard. 91.42*81.6:.; No. 2 red $16001.70; May. 91.39% ft 1.39% ; July, $1.31%. Sep tember, $1.25%. Corn—No. 3 white 97nft$l 02: No 2 yellow, $1.06 ft 1.09: No. 3 yellow. $1.03 ft! 07; No. 2 mixed. STcffli oi; May, 96%c; July, 99%c; September $1.00%. Hay—No market. St. I»ula 4«rmin. St. Louie. Apnl 16—<’’o*e Wheat— May. $1 45%; July. $1 34%; September. $1.30% asked. Corn—May. $1 00% asked; July, $1 05%; September. $1.07 asked Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis April 16 — Flour—Market 5c to 30c lower; family patents. $5 60® 8.96. Bran—123.00ft 24 00. New York Sugar. New York, April 16 .. further weakness in the raw sugar market today again Hint prices into new low ground for the 'ear with spots quoted at * 40c paid. Sale* were 15.000 bag* of Cuban for prompt shipment. The weakue** In *pol* and the con tmue.j favorable crop advice* led to he*Vv liquidation of r» w sugar future* by the trade and Wall street forcing price* info new low ground for the season Stop In** order* were encountered on the hre*k and final prices were at the lowest and front 6 to in point* below fh« previous close May closed :’67c; July. 2.8or. Sep temher. 3 02c; December, 3 10c. Refined sugar wn* easier and un changed to 6 point* lower. Hat quotation* ranging from 6 70ft5.H6e for fine granu la ted with no improvement In the de mand Refined future* wee nominal. Chicago Rutter and Fgg Future*. Chicago. April I6. Quotation* furnished' by George K Clark company, ]0f»3 Wood men of the World building. Phones JA. 11 1 93. AT. 9166. EGGS. I Cars. I Open. I High. | Los | Close. Apr.F ...-*.__ . .!. 26% Apr.S 1 23 | .30 I .30 | .29%' .29% May 124 ! . 29 % | .29% .29(1 .29% Per-. | 311 1 .32%! .33 ! -32S! .*?% BUTTER.. I Cars. I Open. | High. I Low. | Close. April | 53 . 4 1 % { TT% 41 % .41% May I 9 .39% .34%, .59%; .34% Juns 3 .39 .39 .39 | .39 pec 10 I 41% 41% .11%' .41% Sioux City Urestork. Sioux Ci»>. Is . April 16.—Cattle—Re ceipts, 2.000 head: market alow; killers and stocker* weak: fat ateera and vent * lings. 1X00012.00; bulk. $9.000 10 26; fat cows and heifers, $6.60010.25; cannera and cuttera. $2.264.00; ve*1«, 0 x 50; bulla. $4 2509.00; feedsra. $6.25© 6 25; Stocker*. $5.500 6.00; stock yearling* and calve*. $4,604/6.00; feeding cows and heifers, $3.0006 00. Hogs—Receipt*. 18.000 head; markat 5 to 10c higher; top $12.6'.: bulk. $12 250 12 60; light*. $12.15012.50; butcher*. $12.60012,65; mixed. $12.25012.50; heavy packers. Ill 65 012 : slugs, tlO.000 10 H pig*. $11 10012.00 Hh**ep— Rersipta, 500 head; market stead}, lambs, $ 14.50; ewe*. $100. New York Produce. New York. Apt ll 14 Butter—Easy; receipt*. 6.641. Cregmary extra*, 92 score, 4 I % 0 44<‘. creamery flrata. 96 to 91 «' < i • 4 1 0- 43 %c. Kggs- Firm. receipt* 39 J$o rase*; fresh gathered extra firsts. 81U052*; 'te^h rh tinted storage pa< ked. 32% <1^ .39c; fiesh gathered firsts, 3'»%,3l%r 0 fresh •*xtra storage pat ked, 31% 032c; fresh gathered seconds. 29%03O<*; nearby hen nery whites, closely ante, ted extiaa. .'.Off/ : nearby and nearby western hen nery whites, fl/sts f„ average extras. 32 < ;6c. Pacific cogst. whites, exit as 39e. t.'hcese—Htssdy ; receipt* 21,103 pounds New York Sugar. Quotations furnished by J *. Bs*he A Co.. 224 Omaha National Bank building Phon««s Jaekson 5167. 51 69. 5169: I Open. I High. I Low. | Closs. 1 Yss. •Mav 2.7 2 I 2.7 2 1 2.67 2.67_ 2.76 " duly 2.90 12 91 2.65 2 15 2 9b Kept. 3 0g ! 3.0* I 3 01 8 02 3 10 ' •*" |.14 314 3 10 2.10 5 16 d*«n 3 nr. i 3 or, ! s ol n.01 1 3 or * Chicago Cotton. Quotations furnished by J. *. Bachs A L;®* * Omaha National Bank building Phone* dackwon Cl 67, 616 6. 6199 _* OP»n 1 High. | Low. I Close | Ves May :"4 64 24 ',4 2 4 IK *J 4 I • 74.53 Inly .74 90 i:-4 90 .'4 r.o 24.59 l?4 66 OcL 2130 2 4 39 $24.09 4 l| 24.2* >»•' » ‘2 ]24 20 24 25 24 29 •r»n ’< r’ 4 3 7 7 4 2 6 24 26 7 4 16 New York Poultry. New Y.ui, April |g I <l \ e Poultry - P.msv : rhbkens, b} freight 1*093c; broil ers. bv freight. 4 0 H ⪼ hy express 3. U «'». fowls |,y ft eight. 21081*: by e» 29011c. roostsrs »-• f 1 sigh' it I *re• » d Poultry—Firm. prloss un changed. \f Omaha Livestock . receipt* at the principal mar ket* Thursday were: _ . tattle. Ilrti*. Mieep. Omaha ...... 5,500 l*,«MMi id.OOp t hleagn .12.000 *4.000 0,000 Kansas < *♦> . «.ftOO :t.50« ff.'XMl M«n\ City. 2.000 13.000 54)0 81. l/onis .2.700 7.500 7,000 n April 16. pl2: , Cattle Hogs Sheep'ial Monday ... 6.476 7,SIS 9 6 46 Official Tuesday .. 7.274 11.075 in.122 official Wednesday. 12,166 12.477 10.213 batimaie Thursday. 5,500 1 3.000 10,000 Four dvs this wk ..31.4.18 4.J.M70 ::9.981 Same dya last wk..2.>,736 33,310 36.M75 Same dys 2 wki ago.24.169 3o]oin "1.41*7 Same dya 3 wks ago.25.729 45.5')7 4n,92H Same dya year ago..32.442 40.7S7 31,427 Cattle—Receipts. fi.ftOO head. Tn the absence .of a broad ahlplng demand I nuraday a liberal run of cattle moved very slowly at about Wednesday's lowest levels, the market showing a 25to50c do S'"* f°r th* t'lp day»- The advance of Monday and Tuesday has been com 1(?at and ^Prices are now all of " Vc’C lov er than the close of la*t Comparatively few desirable *? . rat,le "rre offered and bear of tin be^*** "er* around ? JL:6?10'60 Cow* and heifers were in limited supply good demand and quot ably steady and there were hardy enough a"d f“eding sterna on sale !°, blsh ouotations although the ablyflrm t0 ’h9 marh,,t la unqueation Quotatlons ..n rattle: i'Jon.1 to choir# yearlings 19.90911.00; fair to good iar 19.0099.85; common to *»“? ™ ,*ood -thole** stecra, 99.96011.10, fair to good steers, |9 OOto fommon to fair at errs. $*.nn© snn: traahy "arr»ied up caitle. $ 7.00 0) *10°: n ,n cho,ca fpfl heifrrs. *9.25 fit Jrn?°V a,r 10 *0<¥» fefl keifera. |8.00to rrs°nn .comPlon to fair fed heifers, X; no rkoice to prime rows *R *>5 ?«#?°L «r»od to choice fed eowg. ’ f 7.26 to! S..5, fair to good fed rows, 35.7597 00 r^ITom0n 4o. falr r’d ro"». $4.onft!50; ranners and cutter,. 12.0063.75; good to S"- - - lrl‘ fnnimon to fair *t0ck V **•*•''ft •».-;*: trashy stackers. *4.50'-/ 5-2o: 1‘bck heifers. *4.75 to 6.7.5- stock inX*’* J2-1**®*-0®: Stack calves. ’ |5.00to air' 11*00 9?5Va'S' 0.09010.00; bun,. ».^.0r,i.VR,"'‘'lp'" ’'■S01’ h"><’ Trade S™11, "aa of an active character with both shipper and packer interest |n the yards early after the best butcher frfrl.” #’*nrt,, p?5'ln* full.'' 10«t5c blgli.T claskea f°follow r f^uirements tvllh other Masse# following the upturn. fjulk of 312.85** ''as at *1J-3S®1255 with top, »*>«»*> and I-anihe—Receipt,. 8,nno head Jicrli . >»rR'‘„supplle» again proved a V jrpJa nf Influence on fat lamb prjet* ftnd further weakness was apparer* «n wre0rU.n'1.,„J’a:.'!7a »",d -»..nPnrga Um'bs ac"c,albr U KT Vfh ?*'d ,'h-ep Quotations on sheen and lambs- t ,4™h. good to Choice. 8H.9aW1;.30; „,nh, rf,rr 81’ !'*•*"«'3-j5; e.trenm h,av|ae',: aiii.Vi?.. i1*'V 1 lp2ad ,ar"b". 110 611,75 90 Vn»,*n m5a- *13-506 13.75; w-etll-rs 99.50*10 50; fa, 37.00 6 9 00 , ,.r lings. 311.00*1200 * ”, J ear VnPnn <H*PO»mon of livestock . he litmn "•'■rkyarde iimahe Net, f„r .< hours end ■ * «t 3 p. m. April u receipts—carrot r. ... .. lloreee and , Cat tie. lTpsa-Sli’p. Mules. Mlaaourf Pacific i 4 Union Pacific . «« 4* 1J C. * H ., eaat. . .. 2 I C ?, T Jf1 * °-26 1« 2 C. B. & Q. salt_ 22 4 C. R * Q . went.... 27 JT At C* R. T. A- p, east.. 5 2 tY„R' «1 A p woat.. 2 6 Illinois Central .... i I C. C,. W.' Total rerelpt^ .. C09 133 44 #> DISPOSITION HEAD. Armour * re. ... "."ffj 8h17»i n«i!?hp f-o....l645 3 7 70 jJgJi Hold Pa<-k. t.n ... on 914 ”wt7,'*ar*rk- c° •••• 791 '•'«! ’'«« b W J f t «f• Co. 119 9 T k 1 - n • n „ Hoffman Rro, U"J 1 '" -"9* Mnyerovlch A Vail.. '« Midwest Pack. Co.. . . « Omaha Park Co li S Omaha Park Co 75 Murphy, r. w. * int lalncoln Pack. Co. . . *5 Sinclair Pack Co.. m Dowd A Keefe . 99 Konnath.M urrajr ... Anderaon A Ron 12S Renton VS A- Hughe* * Rulla. .T H 13 Cheek. W H . 4 3 P*nnl» A Francla . . . 55 Fills A Co . 7 Harvey, .John . . 3*1 Inrhram T r **7 Kellogg F fJ. 5* Kirkpatrick Flro« s r."nam»n Proa ]39 Luberger, Henrv S M K C A (' i'o , S Roof J H Mr Co. .55 Roaenatock Rroa. . . 9 Sargent A Finnegan 59 Smiley Rroa. .... . 12 .Sullivan Rroa 9 Wertheimer A Degen { Other buyer* . *99 235" Total* .5125 10979 9132 , < hlcggo Ureatofk. ,ShJr:,*n April 7* —Ho** Recfipt■ 24 ooo h*p.] market fairly active; moatlv to yard traders shippers and small packers. • tr> inc higher than Wednesdays aver ***• hulk 140 to 165-pound average $17 46 d t *. 9 0 ; atronf weight slaughter pigs mostly around. 112.60; hulk smooth rack int sow a. $11.400-11 R* heavyweight hcg*. $12,800 t$ 10; medium $12 7671 )Lthf II? 5001.7.10; light lfrght . Zr 1 2 h • 0*r'I<i0(r hog*, amooth. $11 3n .. V- 5hog* rough $10,900 11.30, slaughter pigs. $11.000 12.6$ • attle—Receipt*. l?.ftfto head: moat grades fed steers and light beef heifers weak to 26e lower; slow at decline kill Ing quality largely medium to good with liberal sprinkling good to chole# weighty steers: latter ahowln* largest decline, early top matured steera. $11.58: average weight. 1.18$ pounds; soma 1.422-pound JW'I'f 011.2*: few loads of heavies. $1O«0fM1 00; bulk fed steers and year •‘"5" $9 25010 60; nKht yearling heifers. nn.90; look* sharply under w.«ek‘a high time; hulk fat cows. $*.2505 76: hulls easy; spots lower- few weighty bo If Pa* abov $6 15: hulk. $4.76098.00; \»aler* un even, good to rholce. $1.700 5 20- calves upward to $10,000 in.SO: kind* averaging no pounds downward, mostly $$.6009.0*. afockera and feeders, scarce; firm at week’c alight advance p|, sen— Receipt* 9,000 head: market • low fat lamb* opening around ?So iJlv er; choice 81-pound clippers $12.50 good handy weight wool lamha. hid. $9 75: most sarlv hlda. 25 to 60c lower; medium to gnod Navajo lamb*. $11.50; two cars of good to rholce California springer*. aver atrlrig 74 pounds, at *16 60 straight; f»»t sheep, dull, mostly 25c lower, shearing lamb*, weak to 25c off Kaat SI. I .mil* Mvsalork. Rust St. T.otil*. Ill April 1*1 Hog*— Receipt*. 7.R00 head; early market active 15 to 25c higher top. $13 20: bulk of anle*. $13 00013 10; cloning very dull and weak; moat of earlv advatir* lost; late •n|es to packers. $18*0018.00; some un sold light light* and pig* sold moatlv at early advance; good 140 f.» 150 pnutid kind*. *1 2 75 0)11.90; good weight killing nig* *12 00012.60; packer now*. SHOOfi 11 14 • *b t • I e Receipt*. 1.8** head: beef Meets fa* light yearling* heifers and bologna hulls steady cannera and medium heifers - 5 c lower, beef cows shade lower: not enough ennnera Into make a market: good and choice light vealera ateadv to f»0« lower n* 810.00010 60; ateer quality plain bulk. $8.7609 60: fat llirht yearling* $75 fi 10 00; moat COW*. $3.6007.00; hulls largely, $4.7608.25 Sheep «nd l.nmbs Receipts, 700 bend fat lambs. 25 to 50c tower- good 79 pound wool lambs. 114.2R: no choice kind* on ■ale: heat clipped lamha *11 2R: weight 80 pound*, need ahe**p. ?5e loner bent wool ewes $9**- clipped ewes *7**f» 7 50, plain quality 94 pound clipped wethers, >7.8 3. Kansas 4 Hr l.lreetock. Kansas Oty. April 16 -(t'nlied States Department of Agriculture > «',a*t1e Re • elpts. 1.500 head: calves. 300 head, mar ket very alow; few early sales; fed steer* and yearling* weak to 16c lower; better grades off tnnit klllfng quality rather rdatn; hulk I8 6O0IO25* top long year ling* $|0 60; ehV eioi U ateadv; hulk butcher cow* and heifer* $6 2609 **: calve* weak to 26c lower; practical veal lop, |9 50; hull* atrong to 16c higher; bologna* moatlv *4 360 4 76; ator-ker* and leader# dull, about steady. flogs Receipts J.R0* head; shipper market active. 10c to tRr higher moatlv 1 Rc higher: top $12.80: hulk of sales. $12 $5012 66: hulk desirable 190 to ?7* pound average* $12 600 12.8* packers bidding ateadv: 14* to 18* pounds. *17 160 12 60; packing sows $11.40011 80; stock pig* ateadv. $11.250 12 25. Sheep - Receipts 4.00* head. killing claasea around 8*c lower top worded lamb* to ahinper* $14 15 nihers te pack era $19 8*014 *6 clipper. *116* im loads Aclsenn anripg 1emh« 114 6* • tiktfbt. thorn !•*»• ntlUtit. Cast Iron Pipe Causes Another Big Commotion Stock Breaks Under lVrM»* tent Selling. I.eadinu Bears to Slape Attack on Market. IlN Rlt II \kii simi.i am; I nitertatl Nervier liimmiitl Editor. lork, April irt.—United State* * ,rOTl Pipe, which disturbed the istnek mmket at various times this year and •**t by its remarkable conduct, caused another commotion today. Under per sistent. hut pot particularly henw selling or 2r?PP*d, points to 155. That is ?’*. P°Jnt" <lo'vn from Its high of the war. I ne hears took advantage of its break, together with rumors current that tb« company has been womew hat affected bv foreign competition, to stage «n attack <>n It didn’t have much «m cess. ’ I he iharket, ns t> whole, was spotted and irregular, but made a fair dispin v Of underlying strength. Tnltcd .State's Nteoi again being pushed into leadership. Nome questionable reports were circulated .’I1* *kat the steel corporation’s dividend late was to be increased at the meetmg of April 28. to in per cent per cent regular and per cent extra. Evi dently this was not taken serlouslv. for arter steel had gone to a new high of 11. It slid off. .closing nt 11U%. a loss of 1 1. f >r t be day. R.nUs Were the strongest of the groups. Texas A Pacific doing particularly Well. Most of tite motor stocks were dull hut not so With Maxwell which was up 5 points and held most nf the gain •Now highs were made h.v various of the easily ’ f’"' hUt the lndus,rla,« gold off The nils were weak and Hiere wss little nterest In the roppers. outside nf a few Issues Magma among them Resumption of dfvhlends by that company was not tsken as suggestive ,,f general conditions In the copper industry. The Chemical issues were strong American Agricultural Chemical was up sharply and \irginln-Carolina, preferred was up The great improvement In th» fertiliser business has led to expects tion of Mrgtnm-Uarollna being taken out of rece|ver«hip nt an early date Tite bonds of this latter company have hnd a sharp rise recently and so have the common and preferred. Sugars, which recently were verv strong* war* soft. Slid Industrials generally were Inclined In droop Business was in somewhat larger Vol ume than recently hut there |. rm er|. tlorC "* vet of <r,“nf'»l public partlclpa. ------s New York Quotations ^ _ j T0r.k Sioc,i •**»»«»»*• quotations furnished by r a nUr he a Co. 22 4 Uma na National Rank building. Wed. , , High. l,nvr. Close. Close. Agricu! (.hem 21% 1 a % »<*% 10% **r Keiiuetlon ,,tr’ t l«i% 103 101 U Ajax Hub 13% ]2% n-14 l % A |l||Pdpi'’1?em 86% 8 % 86 86 A Ilia-l halm or* . .. 79% 79% 79% H0% Amer Be»*t Sug . u i Am B s F .tni% 102% 1 n:’i % 103 Amer Can . . 174 171% 172% 172% Amer (’A C 201 % 200 201 % 2"(i Amer Hide A- I,. oil Jn Amer H A L pfd 6.5% 64% r,t% ( % Amer Inter Oorp. 34 33 % ”;:% i % Amer Lin 011 "4% •• i % Amer Loco .123% 122% 123 123% Amer Radiator . <j,t* Am Ship A c . . 11 % 11 i i " i i % Amer Smelt . 95% 95 95 95% Amer Smelt pfd Amer Stl F . 50% 50 50 ' 50 Amer Sugar .. 68 67 .,7% 68% Amer Sumatra ... .14 14% Amer Tei a, Te! 135% in;. 135% 135 Amer Tob . *9% co% ,0. Hl4 Amer W W A F 4 7’, 45% 46% 45% Amor W , 4 1 % 40% 40% 41 % Anaconda 38 % 40% *«% 30 Aaaocl I> Ods .18 ;,% l v . % Associated Oil 33 33 A t rhIson 122 121 1:1% 1 21 AM ('oast I, ....... . ..154% ] 55 AH O A \V f 6% 36% 36% 7 6% Atl Refin c„ 103% 104 A ustln-N’ichol* 2'. 24% *4** ’5 R» 1.1 w i r» . 114% 112% 113% 114% Haiti A n 77 ^4 % 76 % 76 % Harris ".V" . 2.’% 21% 21% 2.’% Bethlehem Steej 4 3 4 1 % 4 4 3 Hoaoh Magnate*. . 33% 31% .32 .3 1% Brooklyn Man. Rv 40% 40% 4"% 41 Brooklyn.Man. pfd. ... 76% Brooklyn Kd. Co 129% 129 129% 129% i'al. Packing ... 104% 104 104% ]r>4 Cal. Petroleum 29% 28 s, 29% 29% i'al. A Arir. M . .. 47% 4 9% 1 alurnet A Heel* 1 3 % Canadian Pacific. 1 44 1 43 % 143% 143 Cent’l Leather . .. 16% Cen. Leather, pfd. r»6 r.5% 55V 56% Cerro de Pasco . 46% 46% 46% 46% ('handler Motors 37% 36 36 % 36% Chesapeake A O. '* % 91% 92% 91 Chicago M W com lo% ift% 10% jn ChlcagoG. W. r»f*!. '."!% 23 23 % J2% Chicago A N W. 60 % 49% 49% 49 % C. M A at P • '% M. A Ft P pfd. 9 % 9 9 9 % • R T A P 4 4 % 4 3 % 4 8 % 43% Chile Copper . 52'* 32% 3? *6 3 - % Chino 21 21 Cluett-Peabody. 68 63 l oi-a Cols .99% 98 9* «is % Colo. Fuel A Iron .3 4% 3 4 3 4 % 3 4 Col. Carbon. 4«% 48% Columbia CJa« . . 66% 6% Com So| v. R 1 1* 15'. 155 15*11 Congoleum 30% 29 39% 50% Consolidated C|g s . . ?«% 2*’*. Consolidated Can. 77% 77 77 77% Continental Can.. 67% «• 67 67% fort | Motors 9 5, 9% 4% 9 % Corn Products 99% 79% .79% 39% Mid Cont i 011 7 % 26% 57% Crucible 6 * % 67 67.% 6«% Cuba C«be Sugar 1 % ! ’% 1 *’% 1" Cuba O FUg pfd 57% .55 5 5 7% Cuba Am Sugar 29% 29% 39’, "t’i Cnyamel Fruit ,35 88% Podge Bros pfd. ion Jen DanleJ Boope 2% Davidson Chen, ..35% 7 5 75 74% Del A T-arka , \ 3 2 171 131% 1.30 1 *e| a- Tl ltd IIs 1 4 7 1 4 7 1 4 6 % Dupont Nemours 146 146 145% 145% Pom* Mines 17% 13 Kastman Kodak 109% Fr|e 5 0 24% 2 4 % ;4% Kndlcof t-.Iohnaon 65% 6 5 68 65% Filec S(or Bet * 4 % 64 64 67 s, Fatnous Pla%er . 97% 95% 97% «•;% Fifth A\e Rue Lna 14% Ftek Rubber 1." 14 12% It ’ ** % Flelsrbman'e Tesat Men A»pha1t 50% 49 50% 49% Men Klectrte . 273 ?69 2f.4 J72% Men Motor. 73% 72% 7.7% 7°% liold Dust . 44 40% Goodrich 81% 60% 61 51s, Cb»rt»r No. 1633. Rnm-« DUtrlet No. 10. report or condition op THE OMAHA NATIONAL BANK AT OMAHA. IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. AT THE CLOSE Or BUSINESS ON APRIL 6. 1925. RESOURCES. T, oan« and discounts. Including rediscounts. 917.1ft9.2M.01 Overdrafts, unsecured. 6,Ml 8ft U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value)! 1,060,060.Oft AH other United States government securities.. . . 200.000 00- 1.266.666 60 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc.:. 1 566.6(1.0* Ranking house ... 1.600.000 00 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank. 1.709.02* 6* Items with Federal Reserve hank in process of collection 769.616.10 Cash in \jmiIi and amount due from National banks 2.570.*67.25 Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust com panies in the United States. 8.C06t'87.99 Exchanges for clearing house. 7t4 ‘-92.95 Check* on other hanks in the same city or town as reporting bank .. 1*2.111.22 Check* and draft* on bank* (including Federal Reserve bank) located outida of city or town of reporting bank 2 1 1.207.80 Miscellaneous cash item* . ... .. ...... . 30.8.411 29 10.SS0.28S.6S Redemption fund with U. P. treasurer and dug from U. S. treasurer. .. 50.000 06 Other assets, interest earned but not collected . 72,188.22 •• . *81,828.865 24 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. ... .... % 1 000,006 00 Surplus fund .. Undivided profits .f. % 168.2*4 91 Less current expanses paid . 20.566.90 147,919.61 Reserved for taxes. Intel '^t, etc . accrued .... H. .... , 4.9*0 09 Circulating notes 'nitstanding .. .. 99.V2fto.oO Amount due to National banks 4.987,279.0* Amount due to State banks, hanker*, and trust com panies in the United State* and foreign countrl** 6.496,759.54 Certified checks outstanding .. 59.490 IP Cashier’s checks outstanding . 262.559 Demand deposits (other than hark deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 90 days): Individual deposits subject to check . 13,991,484 I Certificate* of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed 1 . 56.386 99 State, rounty, or other municipal deposit* secured by pledge of assets of this bank or surety bond tibVOOO 00 Dividends unpaid . . . 11,756 00 Other demand deposits ... ... 77.39* 0.’ Tima deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 da>s. or subject to 90 days or more not lee, %nd postal savings) : Certificates of deposit (other than for no ney borrowed) Other time deposits . . 1/207.697.81’ Postal savings deposits . . . 26,762.82 United States deposits (other than postal savings!, in eluding war loan deposit account and deposits of United State* disbursing officer, 34.>64.39 28.175,818 26 f.ettees of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash and outstanding 401 09 Total $91,928,865 24 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas. *• I. O. T. Alvison. Cashier of the above-named bank, d*> solemnly swear that tha above statement is true t<» the best of my knowledge and belief. O. 1 ALVLSON. Casbiet Correct Attest tlKO BKANIIE1S. t 11 A RI hs t Ut.ORGt I ( NASH Directors Suhktribfd ami taunt c* itiuis ins this l*<h day of April. 1026 (l REALJ H. a HAWKtNO, Notary fublit, i lilt .North toe . £*** 21% •in North 14 V pfd '..% •-% '%% *;% .u;f si,<tm >« ..;»■* « *« II • i •* I la i t it< a n it link .. .. 9 -• ha)*** Wheel ... . ,4% .1 Hw '- -n Mot-" a . .■ 4 *0% ‘ « * Home ,lK* Mm 4*44 Houston Oil . *> 7 % ••-' *>2% 62% Hupp It IT 1 f16 12 4 Inspnatton 23 - % .2% 28% Ini Lug Coin Crp .'7% ,% 56 37% Ini Harvester ....105% 10.,% 105% 1 '4 * Ini W II .. 11 lot M M pfd .... 42 4**% 4'»% 41% Ini Nickel . '-'9 ' \ -k% TV1* Int Paper . 54% 63% 53% »>j% Inter T tk T _ 90% 89 % l*o 90 Indep «tU8 ...... 23 23% 23** 24 Ji nes Tea . . . . . . 1*»% ]*' ■* .h-idan Motor ... 5- * •* M • '* % 5 I % k •' Soul hern .... 35 % 4 34% 34% Kelly - So . 17 16% 16 % J7 Ketinecoti . 4-,% 4> •* 48% 48 * I .re Rubber ..... 13% 13% 13% 18 % l.oew’s Circuit ... -'8 27 % 27% 27% l.ehtgh Valley .. 79% 18 18 19 Lima Locomotive . . 64% 64% l.ouiMtatui nil ..16% 16 16 16% I .ooae Wiles . 84% 85% & Nashville 110 100% 119 lOtJi l.udlum Steel . 56% 34% 34% 5.,% Mack Truck .146% 143 144% 14«>% May I »cpt Store l"4% 104 1 '• 4 ’ «* 1"4% Max Motor A _U"i 104 104 % 103% Mux Motor H . .. 79% 75 77 % 73% Mur land .56% 35% 35% 56_% .VI cx Seaboard ... 17 % 16% 17 17% Miami Copper ... H»% 10% 1"% 1"% M K & T R.V ... '•■'.% 3 4% 34% 54% Mo Pacific . 56 35% 55% 3a % Mo Pac pfd . 79% 78% 78% ,8% Mont Ward _ 48 47 % 4,% 4,,% Mother Lode . .. 7 6% ';7* Nash Motors .3<7•• 3.« > 36a 3-;6 National Biscuit . 6% 66% 66% 66% National Enamel . 31 30% National Lead ..145% 115 14o 146 N Y Air Brake.. N Y Central .. 117 116% 116% 116% N Y C & St I. ...129*4 124 12, 123 N Y N h & H ... 31% 30% 31 31% North American . 45% 45% 4.«% 4.»% Northern Pacific . 61% 60% 61% Orplteum ... • *° ,* N .8- VY Ry .J •"% 128% 128% 128% Owens Bottle .... 4 5% 45 45 45 % Pacific Oil .... 55% 54% o.» oj l’ackurd Motor .. 22 21 21% -- Par, Amer . 74% 7 2% ,2% «4 * Pan-A in "B" .... 7 •% 72.% 73% , 4 * I-'ennsyl U R - 44% 44% 44% 44% Peoples i»as .. •••• 113% pern Marti. 60 66 Phlladnl Co ..• - • »2% Phillips Petrol ... 39 38% 38% 30 Pierce-Arrow .. 14% 14 14 14 Postum Cereal .116% 115 115 114 Pressed Steel Car ... 5a Prod and Kef .... 23% 25 23 23% Pullman .. . . 131 % 131% 131% 13- A Punta Alegre Sug 43% 43% 43% 44% Pure Oil ..... 26 'a 26 26 26% Rad to Corp •• 50% 57% 50 57 % Bail Steel Spring.126% 1 26 1 26 126 % Kay Consol Id 12s* 12% 12% 12% Reading Kxrl) 01 74% 73% 73% 74% Replug lo . .. 15 14*3 14% 15% Hep Iron & Steel. 46% 45% 4. % 47% Royal I» N V . . 4*% 48% 48% 49% St I. .C S Fran ... 68 % 67 67 % 67 St J, it R \V _ ‘ 7 46 % 46% 4 7 ! Savage Arms .... 67 66 66 68 “a Schulte Pig St . . . .111% Sears-R«,«»buck ...156% 154% 154% 156 Shell Pnion Oil 23 % 23% 23% 24 Simmons Co .... .. 36 36 Sinclair Oil . .. 19% 18% 18% 19% Sine pfd . 89 88 88 88 Sloes-Sheffield ... 8 4% 84% M\ 84% Shelly Oil .. 23% 23 23 23% (South Pac. ...105% 102 102 162% I South Bail .. *7% 86 % 87% 86% Stand Oil of Cal . f.8% 67% 68% 58% (Siand “il of N 1 41% 40% 40% 41 (Stand Plate Glass ... 1 l % 12 S t e wat*t - W a rner . 6 4% 6 2 % 6 4 % 62 Strotnb Curb ... 68 66 % 68 66 % Snide baker ... . 45% 44% 45% 45% Sub Boat . 9% 9 9 »% Texas Co . 44 4 3% 44 44 Tex «S Sulphur 110% 107% 10*% 107% Tex A Pacific .. 53% 51% 63% 51% Timktn Rol Bear 12% 4 1 41% 40% To I* Products . 76V, 76% 76% 75% Toll Prod A" 98% 98% 98% 98% Tran* oil . 4% 4% 4% 4% In raciflc .141% 140% 141 140% Cniied Fruit .,215% r S 1 ’a at Ir P ...168% 155 155 168% IT S I rid AI . 84% 83 S3 % 83% V s Rubbe- . 40% 39% 39% 40 I* S Rub pfd . .. . 96% F S si eel ..117% 116% 116% 117% C S nfd . 123 122 % ,1'tnh Copper ... . . . . 85% Vanadium . 27% 27 27 % 27 V l\ audou . 16% 1 4 % 1 4 % 16% Wabash . r.:% 21% 22% 21% Wabash ‘ A" _ 6 4% 64 64% 6.5X4 Western Pac 37% 37 37% 57% West Cnlnn . ..129% 127% 129% 126% West Air Brake . 100 West Klee ... 69 68% 68% 69 White Eagle Oil ..... . . 26% 27 White Motors .63 62% 62% 63 Wool worth Co 114% 118*4 118% 119% Wit - Overland ..!«:% 15 16% 14 % Wit - Over pfd .. 94% 92% 92% 92% Wilson . 6% 6% 6% 7 Wilson pfd . . . . 22% 2:;% Worth Pump 1 % 60 51 % 50% Wrijcley Co . .. ..50 49 % 50 4« % Vel Cab Taxi Co . . . ... 49 Ye' i'8l) Mfg Co . •'. % Total *al“* Wednesday. 1.214.400 share Today's 2 p. m. sales. 1 069,700 share*. New York Bonds \***w York, April 16—Renewed ns;i*u t tonal buying: of InvMtmtnt Mevrltlex ■ tiffined the bond market today and pro** worked Into hlghet ground The outstanding strong spots weie the I’nlte I L ., established 11_f> h'gh r» ords. the JT-nrh obligations and Virgin a -t'arollna t’hern lcai bonds Indications that ther® would be no capital levy under the new ministry now in process of formation for France, con tributed to the strength of French bonds, which moM>tt tip 1 to 2*4 points. The advance of these Issue* imparted a firm er tone to th® rest of the foreign lift. The new' Polish m. wjileh have been turned over tn large volume for several days were less active, following the ex tension of the loan s\ndlca»® for another 6n days Price, ,)f these bonds and of the government's 6s Improved moder ately V irg n « i ,-v Hna t*heitv>a! liens ral ! ®d .- ireiiaj- prospect, for an early te• ■ 11n:«t m of r®ce iver-ln j» for fb® com pany Th- bond* at on® time sold from I T nomts highe- and ••lose.l with pet gam* of I to 4 t >it!»« liming was stimu lated to sr.rti* extent b- the current fa\ orebl® earnings of th® Fhemlral company. Maintenance nf the Federal Reserve bank's rediscount rate at per cent t ail#v ®d in he im 1 bv the re-ent easing of iun®\ rat®s Th • situation has beer a fa-tor In the ris® nf f.lbertv bonds some nf which attained new high levels for the year today The recent lull in new Fnanofog wl’l j h® broken tnmoi-row when Kuhn. T.oeb .1 ! f"*n. will rr.nke a miblo offer ng of |2f> nnn not) Missouri ?*a«Mflc railroad refund ing 6 rer rent bolide at M •*. Funds de rived from thte sa!e will be Used to re deem a •6.6 4 4 06n issue on \ugusf 1 and | for additional cardial expenditures V®vg York, April J- Following are to |da> s high low and closing prices of Ihond* on the N’pvr York Stock Fxchangr. land the tots' sales of each bond 1 filled Stales Itonds. fl’nlted Stales government Honda In I Jot -1 • an 8%a 29.. 103 102% 103 I .* Dotn Can bn 62.... 194 103% l"8% 17 l»tch F. lnd 6s b2..l«"% loo 4 lou% | Dteh £ 1 k> I.. If ft ■•. . If % 23# hetnh Hep 7%*.. 96% 91 „ jm» 2"J French Hep 7* .... x#% >*• % 8.'* 2.6 Germ ex lo 7a rots 91% »«% H*% 19 Gsr Gen Elec 7s. 93% 93% 93% 3 til » EPJ ,.-* rets. *7% *7% 8 7% 6 Greek Ooct 7s ...84 83% S3'1* 19 Indust H of J 6« 99% M* % 99% 4 6 .lap GoVt 6%a . . Ml % Ml % 91 la Belgium t>4* lets.. 9;% 92% 13% l. • Belgium 6s ...... 8i>% 84% *-•% 9 Denmark 6s .102 101% 101% 9 Hungary 7%s .....87% *7 87% . Netherlands 6» *72.104% l"4% D'4% 113 Netherlands t>» '64.103% lo*% 10*% ... Norway 6s '44. 99 % »» 4 '.‘M% II K S C SlOV MS. . 86 8 7% 1,9 : 9 Sweden 6%s .99% 99% 99% 115 Not'd It>s 6%s .... 81 *o si 7 9 P-L-.Mediter 6s .. 73% 71 % 73% 26 P-U B It s f g 7s. 81% 8"% 81% 5 Hep of Bolivia 8s.. 02% 92% 92% 10 Hep of Chile 8s '41.108% 1 108 11 Hep of Chile 7s ..10"% 1""% 10" % "-39 Rep of Cuba 5%s.. 99% 99 99 9 Hep of Haiti 6s . . . 93% 9 % 9 % 592 Hep of Poland 8s.. 95% 95 M5% 2 8* of RiO G do 8 8* 91% 9 4 94 12 S of S P s f 8s .10% I"" 100 1 I Swiss Uovt 5 %» '4641 U1% l"l% 101% .0 CKGUAL 5%* ’29 .116% 116% 116% 2 4 l KG Ft A I 6 % h '37.. 106 % 106% 106% 7 1 S of Brazil 8a 95% 95% 95% 4 l. S U-C Ry F. 7s. Sl% 8i% SI % 29 Am Ak Chem 7 %s.9f % 99 99% 9 Am Ch of deb 6a. 97% 97% 97% 24 Am Smelt 6s . 97% 97% 97% f.8 Amer Hugar 6s . ..103 102% 103 *15 Am Tel A Tel 5%s 102% 102% l‘»2% 178 A T A T deb 6s '60 95% 95% 95% 14 Am T A T 4s - 97% 97 97 9 A W W A K 6s .. 95% 9.4% 85% 63 Ana Cop 7s 1938 .10"% 100% i0Q% 61 Ana Cop 6m '5.3 ... 98% 99% 9y% 34 Andes Cop Min 7a . 95 94 % 94% 47 Ar A Co Del 3%s. 92% 92% 92% 21 At T A S F gen 4n. 89% 89% 69% 8 Atlantic Fte deb 6s. 99 99 99 61 Balt I A n rfg »« .102% 102% 102% 86 Haiti A O 6r ctfs .101% 101 101% 63 Balti A <> Wt 4%s 93 92% 93 4 Bell T Pa 1 rfg 5s 102 101% 1«1% 22 Beth Steel r 6aA . 95 94% 94% 23 Beth MG p iu 6s... 91% 91% 91% 5 Brier Hill .Stl 6%a. 99 98% 99 34 Bklvn Edl g 6sA .100% 100% 100% bh Bklyn-M T 6s .. 86% 86 86 6 Buf Roch A V 4 %s 83 82 % 83 7 Col el'l 6%9 .103 105 103 9 i'an No deb 6%s .117% 117% 117% 31 Can Par deb 4s .. 79% 79% 79% 15 Car Cl A O 6s ...107% 107% 107% 5 Cen Leather 6f .... 99% 99% 99% 83 Cen Par gtd 4s 88% 87% 88% 68 Ch A Ohio evt 5s..103% 103 103% 16 Ch A Ohio evt 4%s 96% 96% 96% 2* Chi A Alton 3%s.. 66 64% 54% 3 C'BAQ rfg 5s A_101% 101 % 1' 1 % 22 CBAQ grn 4s.!_ 9! 90% 90% 57 ( A E I 6s. 7 6 75 % 75% *7 Chi Ot Western 4s. 62% 62% 62% 27 C.MASfP evt 4 % m . 46% 45% 45% 60 CM A St r* rfg 4%s.. 45% 45% 46% 165 CM A.St P 4s '25 . 4 8 47 % 4 7% 5 4" A N W rfg 6s. . 93% 93% 93% • 5 Chicago Rye 6s.... 78% 78% 78% 38 CRIAP rfg 4s. 87 % 87 8 7 % 3CTHA.SE in«- 5* ... 58% 58% 68% 49 Chi l'n Sta 6s rtfs. 98% 9**% 98% 38 C A W I 6%s 97% 97% M7% 7 Chile Copper 6s.... 106% 1"6% 1"6% M c« c*SfL rfg 5m D. 98 97 % 99 2 4 C|eV l'n Term 6s.. 100% 100% 10"% 25 Colo A So 1st 4s... 98% 98% 98% 6 Col GAF. 5s «tpd...1oo% 100% 100% 15 Com Pow 6h.100% If0% lon% 21 C Coal of Md 5s... 83% 83% 83% 29 Consumers Pow 5». 95 94% 94% 7 C c' Sag d 8s stpd.100% 10"% 1""% 28 Cuba North Rye 6s 92 91% 92 7 5 I>el A Hud evt 6a 106% 106 1«6% 6 1 >en G4K 1st rfg 5s 93 92 % 92% 14 D A Ft G gen 5«. . - 7 56% 66% 7 D A R G con 4s .82% *2% 82% 1 I Jet Edison rfg 6s. 109 108 108 9 Dupont dr- N 7%s 1"8 107% 107% 4 Duque^nr Light 6s. 106 105% 105% 66 East Cuba S 7%s.l06% 1"5% 105% 8 3 Kmp G A F 7 %s. .102% 102% 1-2% 35 Erie gen lien 4s... 62% 62% 62% 62 Erie evt 4s D.. 72% %7l 72 22 Fed Metals evt 7s.103 102% 103 7 Fisk Rubber 8s... 109% 109% 109% 7 Fla A E C Ry 5s 95 95 95 61 Fia W A No 7s ... 111 % 11 <*\ 111 4 Fonda J A G 4 % * 69% 69% 69% 16 Gen Kir - d*b 5s... 106 V* 106 105% 33 Goodrfrh 6%s.10i> 104% 106 64 Good T 4* ’..1.109 % 109 1"9 14 Goodyear T 8s 41.120% 120% 120% 12 Or Tr Ry of C 7s. 116% 116% 116% 11 Gr Tr Ry of C 6s. 107% 107% 1"7% 10 Gr North 7s A.109% 109% 109% 7 Gr North 5s. 93% 93% 9:. % 28 Hud A M rfg 5s A 88 % 98% 88% 45 Hud A M adj In 6s 72% 72% 72% 1 Hum OH A R 6%s . 101 % 10i% 101% 14 111 i B T : fg 5s ... 100 % 10" 100 4 111! Cent .'»%«.102% 102% 1»2% 6 lCCStLANO fg 5s 99% 98% 99% 13 1111 St deb 4%e 94% 9 4 9 4 t Inter Ft Trans 7s . 8 6% 86% 8t. % I* inter R T 6s *.7 ».<j% 66% 45 Int It T rf 5s sipd 62% 6 2 62% 12 Int A Gr No adj 6s 67 *5% 66% 7 Int A Gt -N 1st 6s. 10 4% 103% 103 > : Int Mer Mar a f 6s 8*% 88% »«% 14 Int Pap cv* « A 89 8^% 8v% 16 Int Ry • f c Am 7s 79 7 8 79 6 K C I t SAM 4s *3% vC-4 *•% 15 K C PA L % 97% 97 » 0 7% 49 K c Ho c hern 5* 90 *>9% >9% 73 K O Terminal 4s.. *5% 85 §5 17 Kan Gat A El lfl% 1"1% 1-1% 12 Kelly-Spring T« 9#'.% r*. 96% 14 Lei.| C, St L 51 j s. 99% 99% 99% : L S A M S d 4s 28. 98 % 9»% 98% 4 Lelngh Vs | on 5s 1"©*X * •"% 100% 9 Llg A* Myers 5s 100% lu-)% 1 "0 % I A N 1st rf 4 Us 9 "4 93 % 93% 2 LA N unified 4s. 94% 94% 94% 31 l.ou GAEl s . 95 93% 95 46 Magma t’op 7s 120% 119 119 11 Men Ity rnn 4s 69% 5s % 89% 71 Mkt St Ry 7s. . . 9" 4 9s % 9s % 9 Mid Ste*»l evt * 9"% 90% 9 % VI i 7 KjA.Lt if 6s.. 99% 99% 99% 57 MKAT n p 1 fs A. Pit 92% 92% 137 MKAT n ad 3s A. '4% 84% «ii Mo Par- 1st 6s.100% H-0% ino% 133 Me ran g*n 4* 64% 63% 64 1 1 Mont Pow 6s \ 9v% 94% 9s % 1 X Knp TAT let 5- 1«o loo 100 5 4 X* o TAM 5%* ..l*»o% 100% 100%| 5 5 V T c deb €s.lft9 104% 10* % 40 N y c R I 6s. 10] 100% loi 10 NT c#nt Imp 4%s. >1% 91 91% 24 NT 4 A StL 5 %s. . 95% 9 % 95% 115 NT Edison rfg Is 100 99% 100 dollar* and thirty-seconds of dollars > t Sales in $1 oqo. ) High. I.ow. Close 391 Liberty 5%s HM4 1«1 13 101.13 15 T.lberry 1st 4%s..l02 6 102.2 102 2 257 l.l tier tv 2d 4%s..101.14 ini.10 1«1.10 MS Liberty 3d 4,iS..llTT?9 101.34 10127 166 Liberty 4th 4 % a . 102 1 0 1 7 1<V2 8 163 r S Trwa- 4S ^101.2 PI Oft 101.2 7 2 l. f» Treat 4%, 105 17 105.11 10? 11 Foreign. v Anton Jurgen »* 9k 95 % 9' % 1 J Argn>»ine «lr.vt 7» 102% l*-2% T" 2 % 93 Argentine Govt 6« 94 96 96 45 Austrian g;-1 M 7* 9.6 9 1% 9 4% 19 Bordeaux 6s . «l *4 * % 17 Buenos Aires 6%s 96 % 9-. 94 21 Copenhagen ■, %s 9 % 97 97 2 Great Pragu# 7%«# ?" 9^ 90 RIn cl Janeiro ** 47 93% 9!*4 91% j Public Utility Bonds Subject to prior sale and advance in price, we offer and rec ommend the following high-grade Public Utility Bonds: APPROX. ISSUE MATURITY PRICE YIELD Western United Gas & Electric Co. Feb. 1, 1950 102 5.83% General Mortgage 6% Gold Bonds Continental Power & Light Co. Oct. 1, 1927 100 1.00% Three-Year 6% Gold Notes Pennsylvania-Ohio Electric Co. Sept. 1, 1938 1031 - 6,10% First Mtge. A Coll. Tr. fGold Bonds Southwest Power Company May 1, 1944 98 6.20% First Mortgage 6ae Gold bonds West Virginia Water & Electric Co. May 1, 1942 103*, 6.20% First Mortgage 20-Year tf'j'V Gold Bonds North Carolina Public Service Co. May 1. 1954 971 2 6.22% First Lien A Ref. Mtge. f% Gold Bonds National Electric Power Co. Mar. 1, 1945 97 6 25% 20-Year 6% Secured Gold Bonds Ohio Electric Power Co. July 1. 1944 102 6 30% First Mortgage Gold Bonds Northwestern Public Service Co Dec. 1, 1948 102 6.34% First Mortgage 6',% Gold Bonds Florida Public Service Co. Feb 1. 1949 102 6 35% First Mortgage Gold Bonds Accrued interest to be added to all prices Upon request we shall be glad to furnish complete information concerning any of the above bonds. We suggest that orders and inquiries be telephoned or telegraphed at our expense. J. B. FRAZIER Room 236 Grain Exchange Building, Omaha, Phone Atlantic 2612 Rtprtttnhng A.C.ALLYN™ COMPANY ■•TAM ;*hkd mi 71 W. Monroe St. CHICAGO Phone State 6440 NIW YORK PHILADELPHIA POSTON MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOIIS _ _jj Um—i ^ -- ..- ■ ■ — ■ - -— .. ■ . ■ - -r* i » 15 Ciectio ftp 9m 52 . .100 99% !<*• i .• |»e|»t Seine if.- *54 81 , **•4 11 N YNMAII vl • «v 8* „ fcfc % *' . 12 NY II) f 4a «-if* 49 4 4 9% 49 4 27 NY Tel rig b* 41.107% 107% lu7% 11 NV Tel gen 4%- 9b 4 »«% •-*••% 4 4 NY \V A H 4 % a. 64% 64 64 4 57 N At W iv! fe«_129% 12*4 l-'4 j 101 N Ac W dlt 4 ?• .. *94 !*9% *94 15 No Am Kdl *f •* 1 Oi 100% 101 10 No Ohio Tar 6a A. 96 9-% 9i4 * No Par pi hen 4f M'i *44 »1% 1.* No M I' I - d \ 96 9u% 9b 1 Ore Sh I.lne rfg h 97 ti 97 29 Ore Wuah It RAN 4a *2% '.*4 ‘ i *6 1.1 1*1.. If ■ UAE •- 9-4 '' 4 9 4 9 I’M. TAT 3.« 52 96% 96 4 »"% 11* Pan Am l\vT be 1**9% 1"*% H»hU 6 Penn lift 6%a. ..110% ll*i% 11o% * Penn HR tp <»s '64. 97% 97 4 97% 24 Penn HR gen 44a. 94% 9 4 9 4 3 4 Pare Maru rfg 5a . 99 4 99% 9!»% 3 Phtla r0 04a 9*; % 1*64 964 2* Ph A- Read »'AI **.loo% 1004 1""4 44 Pierre Arrow 96 95% 96 22 Pub Serv of NJ 6a. 9b 4 96% 96% 5 Purita Ab- Sug 7a..105% 105% 105% :i Read g 4% . .. 94% 94 4 94 4 12 Rep I Ac St 5 4a ..014 014 914 11 R Gr \V «• 1 4a. 7: 4 75% 73% 11 St L I Al 4a .94% 91% 94% 31 Si E I >1 4s K&G. M>% >b s* Kb % i.9 St I. A* H F »eA . 754 74% 75 55 St I. At S F ad | 6a. 67% 97% 87% 137 tS J. Ac S F Im .... 81 4 8"% 81 4 35 S’ I. S ion 4s .... 8H% 684 88% 2 St P A* K C 4%s.. 83% 83 83% 12 Si P I n 1> 5a.101 % ] m| % 1*11 % 1 "9 Sea A I- coll 6a... 91 90% 9i 52 Sea A I. adj Be.... 76% 75% 76 33 Sea A L rfg 4».... 6H 67% 68 15 Hon * ’on 011 7a ... 9: 92% 93 Cot* Oil 36 Son Cr Oil 6a *28.. 1004 100% 100% 5 2 Sin I* J. Ba . 9199 IS s.<% 31 Skelly Oil 6 4* .. .IOH 107% 307 4 36 So Pac evt 4h .... 97% 97 97 % 1* So Pac rfg 4a .... »<> % 90% 90% 1 So l’ac c t 4a. 85% 85% 85 % 15 So Rail g 6%a ...110% 109% 110% 16 So Rail s6 .1"5 105 105 157 So Rail g 4s . 7* 77% 71 74 So B T rig 5a. 99% 99 99% 8 Stan O A E 64* ..116 315 116 10 Tenn El rfg 6s_1*»1 100% 100% 27 Third Ave 5a . ;7% 36% 37 6 Third Ave 4s . 534 B3 63% 9 Toledo Edi 7a _109% 109 !<•«» 87 I’n Pac 1st 4a. 9 5% 95% 95% 3 I n Pacific evt 4s. 99% 99% 99% 81 I n Pac rfg 4*. 8 7 8 0% $7 1 V 8 Rubber 7%a.. 105% 106% 105% 24 t; S Rub 5a . *6% *6 *64 26 T S Steel *f 5s_105% 105% lfi5% 2 Vtah Pow A- I.t 6a 93% 9.1% 95% 4 V-CC evt 7 4* W W 68 6 6 58 613 V C Them fa . 90 *9 89% 5 V Ry A: P rfg 5s. 96 96 96 24 Virginia Ry 5s . . . 98 97% 97 % 8 Mar Sugar 7n 39 . 79 78% 7S% 25 M eat Elec 5a . 93 % 99% 93 % 55 M’eat MM 1st 4*. b4% 64% 64 4 26 M eat Pa,x ' a 93% 9" % 95 % f. West I n 6%s .110% 110% 110% 7 M’eat Elect 7a . .107% 107% 1 "7 % 11 Mi!1va-Over 1st 6%alO0% l».o 100 24 M il A Co a f 7%.s. 7! % 71% 71% 12 M'i 1 A Co 1st 6- . 9* % 98 % 9*% 6 M’ll A- Co evt 6a.. 72% 72% 72% 22 Young S A T fis. . 98% 98 98 Total sal^a of bonds today were 113. 905.000. compared with $13,822 “00 previ ous day and $13,210,000 h year ago. | New York Curb Market j New York. April 16.—Uneven pri* e movements chau Prized today * curb market, hut the tt>;nn tendency 'fax downward in sympathy with the reaction op the “big hoard." Oils were heavy in reflection of the large increase in crude production dur ing the week end'd April 11 but «th the exception «»f mountain producers, cdiio Oil and Galena Signal which fell back I or 2 points, the net Ios.-ch were limited to fractions chief Interest in the public utility sec tlr>n centered in Kjectric Power and Light, which w as bid up nearly 2 point *• to a new high record at 17% on a very heavy turnover. Adirondack Power and Light. American Light and Traction. Lehigh Power Securities and National Ppwe. fen back a point or so on realiz ing sales. Nickel Plate” 1ssu®a responded to Ilia derision of the Interstate commerce com mission denying th« petition for indef r ta postponement of the hearing on the \ an Sweringen merger plan by advancing about a point each Heavy oversubscription of the Nlzer •das* A !*>ui resulted in the stock «-e11 ing a premium of $2 5 a a share »h<.ve the offerine price pf $r. : <• nih“r F.le trjcsj Refrigerator issues »l*n developed a -tivltv and strength, Kelvinator adven ing 1% points and Car Lighting and Power improving fractionally. Radius continued to sh>*W- * firm tone De Forest rising a point to 22%. but the other industrials were li*av Duse t k log 2% point* to 26ia Gillette Safe**. Razor slipping 1% to 66% and Durant yielding a tuMrt to 16%. Chief interest in the mining group cen tered ir> a fee. penny *.suos su- h as Jib. Kay and Hawthorne, the last named ap pf"pchig Within a • en» of the veer's high Fork Iprii Following s official list of transact ions on the New York Curb *x- hange. giving all gtuck* and bonds traded in Industrials. ^sie* High. I-ovr. Close. 5oo Adirondack P A L .’• *» . 4 54 2on Arp J.t ^ Traction . 1 4" % 139 139 600 Am Row & l.t n • , • w. • * ’* 2* Am Pow A- l.t pfd 6 6 *6 >»•'. Tm Armour Co IS! pfd *4 *4 M - 1*0 Artloom Corp. 3*% .%* % ;> % j 7** A su'd G A- K revs 2*% 2*6 26 1. "*• HolsSonault Co . 1 40 40 I 4.30 Bordens • Milk .144% 143 3 44 5*0 Brook City It R . * % »% '% in Hur Add Mch pfd 1*4 D*4 1*4 .12'*0 Car Light . .. *, % % % 4f»* fentrif Pipe c«rj*. 17% 17 17 5*" Chapin Sacks Inc. 22% 22 72% 275 Com Pow Corp.... 11 4% 11 S 114% 50 Com Tow war. 2 5 3 5 35 50* Cons G A K Bait n 7 5 "4% 54% 1100 Cont i Bakenes R. 2*% 26% 7*% 10* Con'1 Bakeries pfd. 95 95 55 I 200 Cont i Tob Inr. . . . 20% 70% •_•*%< 200 Cuban Tob rtfs . . . ?* 20 20 ; ion Curtiss Aero pm cf 16% 16% 16% *00 De F Radio ctfs. 22% 22% 22% 50n Uoehler Die Cast. 14% 14% 14% 3000 Dubl er r A R n . . 16% ] 5 % 16% . *0 Dunbill Int'l . 27'; -7% 27% frtA Durant Motors.. 19% 1 * % i«% 14A* Dos Co In< ,23 S-A* F.ler HAS new SO 9 «A 2044 Fler R A S pfd. 1*7 1*1% 1*2 *00 Kiecfrir Investors. 4' » 4 5 4S % j 2** Federated Metals “3% 37% 73% j 60* Freshman Co If*) |3 12 12 7f,n C,en Out V'lv A 4* % 4•» % 4*-% j V'AA Gillette S Rr»r new ?•- *.<* • •* % • 700 Glen \'den c«-*al 130 l*o I"o j 37*0 Cloodvear Tire "* 29% 79% 10* Grenran Rnkenes. 17 17% 37% 3 A A n TV Gr iff h D»®o Tfsppine.-e »’ St A *>% 6% «% 1*0 l( a self Ipe Corp 21% 21% 21% 1# Inter Match f»M. . 314 J*% r* .* *<sq Keivinatur (Vrp. 24 * **4 *’t« 6t»o I i>fvl,iter IIoldtnv I* ’i * * '* * * * I"0 Lehigh I'owtl Mi c , 1#» % 1»{* % !•» % IfliiV Lehigh \ «*«**aI Co, ]H 3i% 3* |#«i Libby McNeil new. *4 #4 h 4 31## Lib Ratlin Cn Ht*. . 8** 84 * 4 p«*•* Marconi W*la Lon >S *4 *4 1 on Mcf’rnry Hire w«r. 44 4 4 4 i H6U Middle Wfh l til. Mil *«% ; 300 Music Raster < orp 1# •* *9 *!* il« Nn1 I !’•>« * U...SJ" Oj, , ] oo N V Tel pfd.11-% U - 4 * * - » "* 11 "0 Nickel Plate w S.. *7 * l ««t| Nu He I I* pfd W !.. *4 4 *•<% M . f.oo Paige I irt Motor n 174 1» loO Pow Corp N Y..«. 44 4 44 4 4 1'* 3oil Reid lea Cream. . 39 4 39 314 loo Reo Motor Car. . . J.-4 J*s’» 1 •* 4 .nog Itova Radio ctfs.. * % *» n • grave • loo Sleeper Radio rtfs ‘>4 ** 4 ® 4 40 Ho Cal Edison. ...10s J0J4 107% 7000’Ho Coal a iron. ..0 6 • 10# Htulz Motor . 7 7 7 100 Km 1 ft A Co _11#411011« (too Swift Int .. 29 4 29 4 29 4 t>0# Tenn Kl Pow .... bl 60S ®, 10# 'lower Mfg Corp.. 7 4 *4 * 4 100 L'td CALI new... 3# 3# 3# In# l td LAP .\ . 46 46 4*» 100*17 S Id AH t .10# l«n 100 1 to rtii l’vvi.t a. 2 54 234 2.• 4 2<* Victor Talk Mill. *.» 4 *3 *-14 400 Warner Bros A.. 1*4 !•*% 154 1900 White Rack . .. 3" 29 4 29 4 1800 Whim I lock rtf* . 3»4 294 2*4 900 \\ ick Siifn nw 4 244 200 Yellow TaXl N V . 14 124 134 Xitndnrd OH*. 3500 Anglo Am Oil .. 23 4 27% 23 fc 10 Ruck ’-> »• Pipe .... bl 61 §1 5600 Cunt Oil . 23% 23 2 *4 jo Cumberland PipO.143 11! 145 1**0 Galana Hlg Oil .. 66 4 e'*4 4 21#0 Humble oil . 4# 4 45% 46 4 600 Imp Oil Can .... 2*4 28 2* 600 Imp Oil 1’an .... 2*4_ 24 2* 20 Indiana Pipe .... ~ ' j 72% 7:4 5400 Int Pet .23% 23 23 4 *00 Prairie OH new . 63% 63 32# Prairie Pipe . ...117 4 116 4 11 *• 4 1# South Plp«» Line. ’1 *1 81 3# Hu Penn Oil .16a 166 !#•»_ 640# Stand oil Ind ... 624 1 % t,, » 1300 Stand Oil Kan .. 314 31 31 lOo Stand Oil Ky.. .. 11 5 ■’•* 116% 11* • 6# Htaml < Ml Neb ..JO 243 24 70# Stand Oil N Y ... 41% 41% 41 4 20 Stand Oil Ohio..345 346 145 3oo Vacuum oil . *74 8*% 8* • Miscellaneous Oils. 2100 Am Mu 1 a a 1 ho 6 4 9 4 f4 loo Arkansas Nat Gas 64 «• 4 ’4 loo Carlo Syndicate . 314 314 314 2u0 Cities Serv new.. 36 4 36% 36 1 vO Cl tie* Service ...1*4 1*14 1*14 30 Cities Srv B ctf* . 1*4 1*4 16 4 l'*0 Cities brv B pfd.. 7% 7 •% 7 - 510# Colom Syndicate.. 14 1% * * 900 Creole Syndicate .174 17 13 10# Gibson Oil . .. 2 4 2 4 2 4 100 Kirby Pet . 3 4 "4 <j% 9.00 La to Pet . .... 6 4 64 6 4 270# Mtn Producers ... 2"4 J0-»* 39 * 600 New Bradford ... '• 4 * « l«t Red Banka Oil-26 26 26 S#0 Royal • an . 14 1 1 2o 0 Ryan »on ... *> 4 6% J? * l’"0 Salt Greek Con . * # • S ' » h0# Salt Creek Pro... 2 '• 2f-4 2'4 7"0 l*td 1 ent OH 7 4 7 4 * * 12"0 \ enezulean *pt 44 <4 * * 3##00*Wetd StP O&Ld 1" 1# 30 1) "0 W ilcrig OH ... 6 4 #4 f * 4000*1' Oil & 6 * 'lining. 31m a* Arizona Globe 19 3 s 3* 90# Canatny Popper 5 4 4 4 3'. ""’Chino rvxt . 77 74 77 5#0 Cun« Cop Min 3 4 3 4 lOO# Engineer* Gold Mi 41 4 2 4 4 * 7"nn*K'»i t> nine Min.. .9 :* :■ 9#0#*Ha wlhome Min. 25 21 23 500 Hccla 31 in 1 4 J -■ 4 1 4 4#0"*H illf up Min 2 2 100 Hollinger Gold Mi 14 14 d 4 1600H*.! j b C'-na * 6 1 *00 Kay ♦ ’opper .... 2 1% 1 • 24#0*Ohio Cupper . ... 94 * ■ *■’» 2«hi premier Gold .. 2 '* " •* : < 120#00*Rochester Silver., 5 5 5 1 ""’Southwest Metals. §0 *" 1000’Spearheail . 4 4 4 1000’St Silver-Lead.... 2" 2" , 2" 4**0 Tonopah Ext .... 2 4 2 4 2 4 3"0 Tonopah 31m .... 14 14 '■'* 100’T’nited Eastern... 50 60 2" nO0o#*r S Conr Mines .11 1" if 136 00 Wi-nden* (‘op Min. 4% 4 4 4 * Domestic Bonds. 1" AJP.ed Packer 6s. . 7fc 7« 7* 12 Allied Packer *s. . *r‘% '94 894 19 Am Beet Sug «s.. 95> S 9*4 0*4 52 Am Gas l FA 6s 97 96% 1 Am Pow A Lt 6s. 9'*4 954 95’, 6.Am Roil Mills 6a 101% 1"1 4 1M 4 6 A.ssd S Hdwe 64* *t4 *5 * " 1 A G A 3\ T 5s_ 67 4 67% <7 4 a Be!g" C Paper 6a 99 99 99 15 Bell Tel of Can 5* 9«4 9* 9» 4 1 Beth St 7i ".k 104 I'M 14 6 Gan Nat Rv Eq 7a. 11 2 112 112 1# Cities Serv 7s D. 102 102 3#2 X" G.Tif- Serv PAL 9 4 9 4 9 s ’1 G«*n Gas Balt 6s.. 106 4 1#6% l"6-v l Con Textile *s .. IT. 4 *5’* Cuba Co N J 6- .. 974 924 9:4 1 < u ua n Tei 7 4 s ... 11 ■ 7 1"7 3 '* 7 1 Cudahy Pack 54* 924 924 9:4 1 Deere A- Co 7 4 s.. 104 4 3 "4 4 DM 4 35 Det City Gas Is..102 4 103 10" 1 K«d Hug 6^ 93 4 97 4 9"4 1 Gair Robert 7s... *94 9*4 994 1 Galena Sig OH 7s 105 105 105 7 " Grand Tr unk 6 4s-1"* 4 1 ’ * J"» . 6 Gulf O l 6s . 99 4 99 4 9>4 3 Gulf Oil 64s '2#..1014 101 4 3014 1 Lehigh Pow Sc 88.101% l'G % 1"1 4 7 L McV A- I. 7s ...103 4 103 3 #3 11 Nat leather s* ..1014 101 4 1#1 , 9 N o P ib Ser 5s.. *Fj *9 4 *94 1 No St Pow <%*... 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