New York ---Day by Day— By O. O. MrlNTYRE. New York, April 12.—A page from the diary of a modern Samuel Pepys: Vo and with Gene Markey, the book reviewer to gt-ee' Ashton Stevens, the dramatic critic. against his going to Europe and had a bite with Inn Claire who was in high lnoka and bravely say. And we talked very big about lit erature albeit I know very Utile about it and so to Gramercy Park to "Very good of you.Ml right, I guess that's all. Don't write ary more puzzles, though, is m,v advice to you.” Smith rose as he spoke. "You’re hardly clever enough for that.” Then they left. As they went down the hall toward Miss Minty's room, Burke opened his notebook and point ed out an item to Smith. Thp item read: "Helen Barr faints when the doctor announces death by poison.” Smith nodded his head "Anxious to make it suicide, too," he mur inured. Miss Minty Pitkin, similarly eon fronted in her room, admitted at once that site hail received the puzzle that had been slipped under her door, had worked it at once, and had reported it the next day' to Helen and Hose, and had—as she pointed out—given it to Burke on returning from the funeral, "And now about this puzzle you wrote, Miss Pitkin. Why did you write it—the one you placed under the flowers on the coffin, I mean'’" "Yes. I wrote that, and 1 11 tell vou exactly why. First, though. I'd like to know how you know I wrote it." "Tracing such handwriting as yours Isn't very difficult, Miss Pitkin. It was very easy, in fact. I suppose that your years and the nervous ten sion of the whole affair betrayed you more easily than you think." "All right. But I don’t pretend for a minute that I didn't write it. Just note that, young man. Now I'll tell you why I did it. I worked the puzzle that, was slipped under my door, as I told you. That pointed suspicion at Homer Chalfonte—whom I had suspected all along, anyway— he and that Hindu. Weil. 1 knew Hel en was frightfully worried about Grant. Almost hysterical, she was. So I went right down to her room and was going m tell her about it.” "You went to Miss Barr s room with the puzzle that was slipped under your door, eh?" Smith smiled, and glanced at Burke "I did. AVasn’t It a natural thing to do?” "Certainly.” "Well, just as T was about to rap on her door I glanced around and saw something that gave me the scare of my life." She paused, to note with lively eyes the effect of her announcement. "Ye*, go on, Miss Pitkin." "1 saw the shadow of a head on the wall, an enormous shadow—it was the shadow of a head with a turban on it! Now what that Hindu was up to. I don't know. I didn't wait to find out. I went hack to mv room as fast as I could go snd wrrote a puzzle about him, and that was the puzzle 1 slipped under the flowers on the coffin the next morning" "You couldn’t see what Mr. Bose was doing?" "No. And 1 didn't wait to find out." "On which wall wax the shadow?" "The south one. It was cast by the light burning downstairs. I've thought since that lie must have been on the landing " This Information touched Smith to action. He wondered, as he left the room with Burke, if he had been wrong in releasing Ghopal Bose. Ghoprfl, who had returned to the Dunsfnth house, was ns ready to tell what he knew, apparently, as Mis* Minty had been ready to tell about him. "Yes, T was out in the hall on that night. You know' that the emerald really belongs to the god of my pen ido. T was trying to get it, anil admit that 1 was. But t could do nothing with the safe in Mrs. Dunseath's room. Anil as 1 was returning to my room. I was aware that somebody was moving about softly, downstairs. I crouched and tried to see who it was. T couldn't see.' "Could you tell whether It whs n man or a woman?" "No—the sounds were too soft, and I could see nobody. I was about to go down when I heard somebody else moving. It must have been Miss 1*11 kin. Naturally 1 did not want to be seen prowling around. I did not know whether I had t>een seen or not. But I did not—what do you call It?— wish to ‘take a chance.’ Hence 1 re tired to my own room.” Together Burke and Smith reviewed their finding* In the kitchen, the In mates nf the House having been re leased from their rooms. “Apparently, we've only cleared the Jungle of some underbrush, hut we ought lo he able to see the-hlg thing all the better. At least, we ought to he able to see where the big tilings arc. For one. I'm still convinced that the emerald’s hidden somewhere In ilie library. I have ilmi much faith in Fhall'onle's puzzle l hen. we have Helen Bari -her theory of suicide her iigltallon -which doesn't mean much In ilself Ht 111. It's clear that she len t acting npenli . as most oi lhe other- seem to be ' (In Us (unlinuid iuuivrrun.) Bozo Butts—They Drive Him Nuts. _By Rube Golv IMG TO HAVANA You’Re cRaz.Y UOrtY bOO’T You GO TO ITALY Y GlMHe A * -ncw Boic^ey room iwsibe M®.2\ • tucV^p Vi THE NEBBS . " LIZZIE. Pirated for The Om.h.. Bee by Sol He,, I i /Tsn't it funny M /iVe seen busy''\ '-I'm ci vi no a Mas a woman with' PARTY SATURDAY AND / EIGHT CHILDREN 1 WAS GOING TO AND A SHIFTLESS \ PHONE YOU TO SEE [ HUSBAND — \'M AL-. I WAYS ENGAGED 'WAY ) j AHEAD BUT l'LL /' COME TO YOUR .) — ; -— /WAVE YOU t?EEN NELLIE 0UTCMER WElT / LATELY ? I SAW HER^THE OTHER DAY ! AND SHE WANTED TO PRETEND SHE didn't SEE ME-SHE TRIED TO ACT ARlS 1 TOCRATIG BUT YOU GOT TO 0E LONGER AWAY FROM A WASM-TU0 AND WRING ER THAN SHE IS TO DO IT FANCY LIKE — . AND YOU SHOULD SEE HER HAIR — ; WHEN WE WORKED FDR MRS SHULTZ \SHE [ i Copyright 19. /and IT WAS OF NO REGULAR~~\_ /COLOR-NOW THERE IS LOTS OF IT 1 • FLUFFY-LIKE /AND SHE MU5T HAVE \ KILLED A HUNDRED HENS TO GET THE! HENNA-AND SHE'S AS BLIND AS A ] SMOKED HERRING AND DO YOU THINK j >5HE'D WEAR SPECS ?-NO - IT WOULD/ ) LOOK OLD - SHED RATHER WALK \ AROUND SQUINTING LIKE THE SUN / — WAS IN HER EYES—WELL SO'LONG^ /rvSEE YOU FRIDAY « RRINGING UP FATHFR «Rp*‘*,"ei,„ SEE jiggs and maggie in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus OIY1MV1111VJ '-'I I rt I IlLil\ U. S. Patrnt Office PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE ICowj r.aht IMS) * rt *f ' I - ' I »•- - ' - - ■—^"1 ■■■ > « ---. —_,___.___ _ _ _____ k *Oh: v/ill that I ] DENTIST EVER much longer: 019Z9 *v I nth. Fiatwi S«f*v»ce. Inc. Cretl Britain right* n***rveU\T \ s LUCKY 1^. MI MO AsMl> ‘tI'Lihat .DOM'T CARE "'ll WAV r VMHAT Time, l-i—LJ ) I COME ^oJ V ^ €-) ,1 'T AdWi till, ie , 1 \miSh ( this is My yOU'D MALE A I LUNCH HOUR., COPY OF THIS 1 MG’- SlMPKlNS. evidemce my I L AVJ VtP JUST ., 1 S:CMf 1 \t s a - :c -or siusi TUTS LAW SUIT US OR IVI Mo THE cgofy■ cam you imacumE lY ’ COMlMCn IM HERE* AT FIVE minutes to theLvr vahyh a f^lLE OF \O0CK K'y Barney Google and Spark Plug Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBecl _ . 0 » 0 _ tOorynint Today - 2^00 P.M begins tv* Great SIX DM HORSE RACE MCNUAK 1tj_EATonOAY . PURSE ~r° Sif USINAER \ 5*,ooo - SNTrRit* G> SPARK. PlUG Cp Rueaevi legs Ci> AnRSODR s TocSm BRUSH (*J CROWN GuiNRC CP ABIE S, BABY @ TgoTulE SS NlAGfGlS 0.' burnished room ci> Bum s rij1W TOiS is A TWc. (Milt, j rage Track - The wop-v making Twv. (Most caps around COPS The PlRRIES in S QG' Now - IOOK AT r YCOR UsATtW - i its s:^o ■ ■ gw — tilt HORS6S ARt STIu_^OlNa Spark WlhS mas £7 LAPS To MIS eftSOIT — Too'nufc'Ss MAG IS NEKT IwltR JM • "iMt MoRSFC SKBM TS BC MV.. POP SUPPER. MIDN&MT gUtLCTiw PlU^IS S&?OWO IN "M RlNNINNV)t 5