^ heeler to Ask That Blair Coan mi Appear at Trial 1 allure to Summon Former Krpuhliran Committee Em ploye Called Attempt to Hide Politieal V-peets. By The A c«| I'rmi, Great Falls. Mont., April 11.—He pons that the government would not I subpoena Blair Coan. formerly an em plbye. of the republican national com utilise, to testify against Senator Bur ton 1C. Wheeler in his trial here next week caused the Montana senator to announce tonight, that he would rec ommend that Coan be summoned as a defense witness. Although District Attorney John R. Slattery and Special Assistant Attor ney General H. P. Stewart, Wheeler's prosecutors, would not confirm the re port that they could not call Coan, they admitted that he had not yet been subpoenaed as a government an it ness. Branding 1he apparent failure of the prosecution to call the former re publican committee employe as an at tempt to conceal the political aspects of the case. Senator Wheeler Said he Avottld recommend to Senator Thomas .1 Walsh, his chief counsel, that Coan be required to testify in the trial. “Since the matter rests entirely Avitli Senator Walsh, I will not posi tively say that Coan will he sum moned/* said Senator Wheeler, "but I shall ask that this be done." Coan testified before the senate committee which Investigated the in diriment of Senator Wheeler that he was sent here hv George R. Rock wood of the republican national committee to investigate Wheeler and "another senator'* with the view to obtaining publicity material foi the republican campaign. Coan was in Great Falls when the grand jury that indicted Wheeler was in session. Senator Wheeler declared that Coan's references to a. meeting in a Great Falls hotel between Wheeler. Gorden Campbell, Montana oil pro moter, and Clyde Glosser, Campbell’s .secretary, are wanted by the defense as a part of the case. Glosser Is said to have declared that in the hotel meeting Wheeler asserted that Camp bell’s oil prospecting lease application before the Department of the Interior "would be taken rare of." The whereabouts of Coan are un kuo wn. Senator Wheeler was indicted for accepting money from Campbell in ap pearing before t lie Department of the Interior in connection with the lat ter n applications for oil and gas pros peeling leases In northern Montana. It is alleged that Wheeler did this after being elected to the senate. It is a Aiolatlon of the federal statutes for a member of congress to accept fees for appearing for a client before a government department. PHONE OPERATORS GET HERO MEDALS Lincoln. April 11.—Miss Marjorie _Twiss. chief operator and manager of telephone exchange at the town of Louisville, and her assistant. Miss Lydia Pautach. were the guests of honor Friday evening at a banquet in Louisville, at the conclusion of which they were presented with bronze medals and citations for heroic conduct in helping save the lives of residents of the town during !< flood on the night of September 2$, 1022. Tiie medals are of a number given each year by the widow of Theodore N. Vail, former head of the Hell Tele phone company. 'Hie two young women remained at their posts with the room flooded, giving alarms end aiendlhg calls for help at their own peril, A dumber of people lost their j live1* in the flood. COTTON REPORTS MEET DISFAVOR N»w Orleans, l^a.. April It.—The American Cotton Manufacturers as sociation today adopted resolutions asking that the federal crop report ing bureau discontinue during June, July and August the semimonthly cotton crop forecast on the ground that such reports disorganize the sta bility of values and react unfavor ably on the textile Industry. The resolution, one of many adopt ed at the closing session of the asso ciation's annual convention here, said the summer semimonthly re ports which were inaugurated last year In compliance with an act of ^^^''ongreas, furnish forecasts of pro duction that are not reliable enough for legittmate trade and are used largely for speculative purposes. 2ND ELECTION TO END CONTROVERSY A second election of school trustees of McClelland, la., will be held April 27, as the result of a contest over the election held on March », It waa derided Friday at a hearing on the controversy. The election vas contested on the giounds that the name* of several winning candidates were written In on the ballots. Candidates for the second election hsve been notified to tile nomination papers 10 days prior to election. SCIENTIFIC PARTY IS REPORTED SAFE Washington, April 11.—The steam er Arcturua, bearing a party of dis tinguished American scientists. In search of tha mysterious "Humboldt current," la safe In the South Pacific ocean, according to a radiogram re ceived her# tonight by the naval In telligence bureau. Tha vessel waa located by the navy department off tha Glapagos Island, opposila Kcuador, after relatives of the scientist# appealed for aid. Visitor* Picnir. Tara Angalea, April 11.— More than sd* l.ii'iu southern Californians gathered tieie today to attend picnics given by the stale Boctetles of New 1'nrk, Washington, Rhode Island and Con necticut. Thia afternoon picnics were also held by members of the Month J'.end, Ind . sod Ml. Joseph county, iinhiinu, organizations. U. S. Cavern 600,000 Years Old, Scientists Say r~ " -----— . —- ■ ■ i Geologists estimate ttiut tile recently explored Carlsbad cavern in New Mexico is between 560,000 anil 600,000 years old. A flashlight photo shows Hie beauty of the stala smites—nature’s totem poles—in one massive chaml>yr of the subterranean wonderland, now being called the most wonderful cavern in the world. Chapman Plans for Legal Battle Appeal Papers to Be Filed Tuesday Will Allege That Kxhiliitsl iijustly Filtered. New York. Apiil 11.—(leiaid Chap man is not going to the gallows with out the bitterest sort of fight. The condemned criminal’s thrrte at torneys. Frederick J. Groehl of New York, Nathan O. Freedman of Hart ford and, Charles \v. Murphy of Dan bury met In the New York offices of the former yesterday and decided to exhaust ev ery legal expedient befoi» they permit Hie black hood to he drawn over Chapman’s fare at one minute after midnight the night of June 1’4 1'r. next. Freedman i-aine t > New York al most directly from the solitary cell of (lie bandit in Wethersfield prison, near Hartford, and he bore this mes sage from Chapman: ''We’ve got a chance. T.et’s make the most of it. If you fellows keep your nerve we shall l>e sole to con vinca the court of appeals r never killed that poor cop and l didn't gel a fair trial.'* Mr. Groehl told the Universal Serv Ice that appeal papers would he filed on Tuesday with the supreme court of appeals of Connecticut. The appeal papers will set forth as a basis of a request for a new trial exceptions taken to the conduct of! the trial and admission of evidence alleged to have been prejudicial to the defense by Superior Court Judge Newell Jennings. It will be charged that State’s At torney Hugh M. Alcorn, in his eager ness to convict Chapman, illegally in troduced such exhibits as shotguns, electric drills, revolvers, two bottles of nitroglycerin and other para phernalia of safe blowers, stick up men and burglars, and thereby cre ated Mich an atmosphere that Chap man, tlie “criminal trade mark. * nut chapman, alleged »iurderer of Ik lice man HkellY, was on trial. After filing of the appeal papers events will move swiftly. Within a fortnight the court of appeals will set a date for argument. This will prob ably come in May. A deck-don wdll he rendered prob ably In May also. A noted Connect! nit lawyer may be retained to argue the appeal. AMERICANS FIND ANCIENT CONDUITS Washington. April 11.—Conduits which supplied the fountain of Olauce, erected to the wife of Jason, the Argonaut. In ancient Corinth, have been rediscovered by an Ameri can exploration parly. Several pieces of statuary and pot lerv in excellent condition alao have been unearthed, the Hellenic informa tion service announced today, while more important finds aie expected from the operations of n second party at work "at the she of the Argive Heraeum, near Mycenae in Argolls." Both expeditions were financed by a rift from the estate of the lale J. C. Hoppln of Boston. Spruce From Canada for Knglitdi Planes Vancouver, B. C. Apt II 11.—Kng lands renewed activity In building airplanes lias resulted In the placing of the largest order for spruce from British Columbia, for I lie construc tion of planes slnee the world war. it was announced here. The contract plated by Vh kers, Ud., Knglish air plane mantifacS tiret a, with a local lumber company, calls for the delivery of 2,1100,000 feet of spruce during 1025. The spruce will he logged on the Queen Charlotte islands, tiff the eoasl of British Columbia, and milled in Vancouver. American Families Show Bif? Increase By InlrriMlInnHl \>uw *#rvhe. Detroit, Mich., April 11.-—American families in moderate circumstances aro shrinking rapidly In sir.e rnm pared wll h those of til air immediate forebears, according to A. W. Frye, supreme commander of the Maccn beee In an address hers. Snowstorm Hliplil* Faster Finery Parade ngdeneburg, K, V., April I. A enow slot III, sweeping across thn HI. I.swrsin* river on the wings of a chilling northwester, tonight blasted the hopes of owners of new Kaster finery that 1hcy would he a|,|e to di« pLav It In the annual Kanin- pantile here tomorrow. A while blanket overed Hit ground tonight. “AK" WORKERS TO HOLD RALLY Majors, captains and woiker* in the ranks of Ak-Sav-Reu will meet for a big rally at Hotel Kontenelle Tuesday evening at 6:30. Workers who will he present should notify Samson in the Ak-Sar Ben of fice at the courthouse, so that places will he saved for them. A Good menu has been planned. W. F. Gurley will speak. The Kiwanls quartet will sing. 5 Naval Officers Faee Rum Charges W ilhtir Approves Court Mar tial Order Aflrr Liquor Is Found on Ship. Hr l ulversul Service. Washington, April 11- Charge* against the captain and five othci officer* of the navy transport Beau fort, In connection with the discovery by tlie captain of the yard at Norfolk, Va., of a quantity of liquor on board, have been approved by Secretary Wil bur, It was announced today. Tlie officers who face court martial, probably next week, are Commander I >. W. Fuller, commander of the Beaufort: Lieut, (junior grade) Ft. D. Hill, Lieut F. M. Jtohow, medical corps: Lieut. < \ W. Baker, supply corps. Machinist F. M. Hendricks and Chief Pay Clerk .1. P. Gallagher. The liquor- was discovered in a raid on the vessel when if docked at Hampton Roads, Va., on February 2, following a cruise in the Caribbean. The case was investigated by a spe cial board of inquiry, on whose report to the secretary the charge* are based. Commander Fuller will be ac cused of negligence, and the other de fendants of illegally possession liquor. Final pipers in the case will be ready Monday or Tuesday, It was an- i tiourn ed. The trials will he held at the naval operating base, Hampton Hoads. Kach officer will be given a separate trial, but all will probably be lu»«rd In- the some court. . . .... _ _ IUDGE DISMISSES 4 BOY PROWLERS Knur i'nuncll Bluff* hnv*. charged ' 1th breaking intn the Squire reel Hence at Third atreet and Worth • treet, were brought Intn Juvenile court Saturday. The bnya are Henry Ault, 14. 310 South Nineteenth at reel: Otla Reason, 11, 1422 Sixth avenue; Hubert Davl*, 11. 2410 Fourth a\e rue, and Lawrence Tapa^ 10, 2717 Second avenue. The youths admitted their pro*, encp In the vacant house and were dlamisaed following a lecture from Judge J. I.. Blanchard. According lo Information given by police Saturday, the old Squirt resi dence has been broken Into several tiroes by gangs of hoys, evidently In searrh of the relics which belonged to ihe elder Squire. The home is owned now hf I ,ew Squire. FIRE BREAKS OUT IN ARMY HOSPITAL Ran Antonio, Tex., April 11. Hun died* nf soldier* and * x service pn tleni* were endangered when fire broke out In the renter of the army base hospital here late thie afternoon. Quirk work on the part of the army fire fighter* kept the fire from spread ing to ihe adjoining ward*. Mr*. J fa. Klinn of Wichita Kail*, wife nf n patient, narrowly escaped death when she wa* trapped In the horning hutlding. enlisted men ear* lied her out through a window. R« en erv In the Red Cross building caught fire from some unknown reason and the flames quickly spread. Burglar Suspect In Returned In Oklahoma TJnroln, April 11.—Elmer Grey. sr rested here on advlcec from Fair view, Ok la., ask Ing that he be detain ed on a charge nf burglary, left this evening for FVtirvlew In ruatody of Sheriff llurwell of that place. Earlier in the clay Grey, through attorneys, sought release on a writ of habeas corpus, claiming ha was illegally held. District Judge Wheeler, following a hearing, dim I teed ihe pe tltlon, dcclailng there was no merit in It and that the arrest nf Gray by the sheriff at l.tncoln was justified. jtcipicsl Refused. Dondon. April II In accordance with custom ihe king of England ha* tefuatd a bequest of a 9.50,01)0 left him hv the will «»f Wlnlfi'ed Doubt ess i of Dundonald. i he rstat# will he i turntd un lu uhttilt)'. Undraped Knees Banned bv Pastor * Minister Turns Pale as He Finds Chorus Practising Danre for Church Frolic. Washington, April 11.—Undraped feminine knees are all right 1n their place, but a rresbyterian community hall is not the place. The Key. Thomas C. Clark, pastor of the Takoma Park Presbyterian church, uttered that edict today after attending a rehearsal of “The Min strel Follies,’’ an amateur production scheduled to be given in the commun ity hall Monday night by the Takoma Park volunteer fire department. When the pastor dropped in to see the rehearsal, he gasped. Kleven pairs of shapely knees, some of them unmistakably dimpled, twinkled at him as the owners went through the intricate steps of a dance feat tiring tliH number, "Mtulple Days.” Polled dow n stockings and rompers formed a combination that shocked the sensibilities of the pastor. He immediately gave notice that the girls must be “properly clothed.’’ or the performance be given el sew her#. “Properly clothed.’’ the pastor made plain, means knee* concealed by slot-kings. The sponsors of the show take issue with him and have Invited all the elders of the church to pass upon the propriety of the moot cos tumes. KIWANIS CLUB TO HOLD EGG HUNTS An Easter egg hunt will he held at the public and parochial schools of Council Bluff* at 3 Monday after noon, under the auspices of the Ki wanis club. A number of Easter eggs, each bearing the letter “K.” will he hidden fur the children to find. Every stu dent who finds an egg hearing that Idler will be awarded a prize. In addition, a large chocolate egg will be given to every student. Members of the Klwanls club are asked to report at the various schools lo a Id - in llie festivities. The organ izat'un of the hunt will he arranged by principals and teachers st the schools. The hunt will be confined to student* In Ihe kindergarten, first and second grade*. INSURGENTS LOSE AT SAINTS MEET Independence, Mo., AprJl 11.—By a vote of more than two to one, the general conference of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Hay Saints voted down here late fodav a document aimed hv insurgent dele gates at centralization of directional control In the church presidency. The document, signed by about 3ft0 delegates at a meeting last Sunday, opposed a plan presented by Frederick M. Smith, president of the church, who has been seeking through a week of often acrimonious debate, adoption of Ills plan for a centralized church government. FRIEND TEAM WINS IN STOCK JUDGING Lincoln, April 11 The high school livestock judging team of Friend ranked highest In all classes of the annual state judging contests, it was announced today. The team scored l.fiK.I point* out of a possible 2,100. Leonard W ebber of Friend was liigh ranking Individual, both In judging all classes and in judging swine. Walter Johnson of Weeping Water was high individual In judging sheep. Twenty three high schools were represented and more than 12.'» students partb-i paled In the contests, which were held Thursday and Friday at the agrlcul tural college. MENERAY ESCAPES HURT IN CAR CRASH W. K. Me net ay, R02 Fast Broad way. Council Bluff*, had s miraculous rscaps from death Saturday after noon, when a light truck he was drlv ing, ran wild down L«»geti street hill and at the foot of the street crashed into two automobile* parked in front of the Mercy hospital. Flight Plan* Mml<\ Rome, April 11. The propose I flight of* (‘ommsnder France*! -o d* l inedo, chief of the Italian ,iit fT. from Italy to Australia and Japan, will he made In a hydro airplane In Kit Imps, covering a total distance of f non kilometer* (approximately H.L'./i tullest Linedo will start from Ibuue pi "bnId.v about the end of the month* Curtis' Promise of Half Billion Tax Cut Ridiculed Treasury Officials Kslimatr $200,000,000 as Maximum Amount of December Cut. Rj RORKRT S. TItORNHI Kl. II, Intmiat tonal Vem Servlra Staff C«»r reaponilenf. Washington. April 11.—A sharp difference of opinion arose today be tween congressional leaders and the treasury as to the extent of next TV cembers tax reduction. With Senator Curtis, republican, of Kansas, leaving the capital with the, promise of $560,000,000 cut In the tax bill of the American people. Secretary Mellon’s advisers insisted that such a slash is out of the question if the government is to continue, its normal functions. Treasury officials estimate that $200,000,000 can be rut off the tax bill with safety. A reduction greater than this figure would be dangerous, in view of the estimated receipts and expenditures for the next two years, they held. Preparation of statistics which will he considered bv congressional com mittees in drafting the new tax legis lation started at the, treasury today. It was declared that the surplus for i he year ending June 30, 1925, w ill exceed $100,006,000, against the earlier estimate of $63,000,000 Postal Raise Lowers Surplus. The treasury now estimates the 1926 surplus, upon which the next tax reduction will' be based, at over 3350,606.000, but it was explained that the figure may vary widely. Already congress has provided for a $60,000, n00 increase in salaries to postal em ployes, part of which must be ab sorbed by the treasury, and has boosted the pay of its own members as well as other officials. These addi tional expenses were not contemplated in fixing the 1325 surplus. Officials also said the government would exceed the estimated $3,533,000, 000 expenditures for the year ending June 30. Collection of Income taxes Is ex pected to exceed the $1,660,000,000 estimate by about $36,000,000. Collec tion* from July 1, 1924, to April 9, were $1,303,000,000, and for the re mainder of the fiscal year are esti mated at approximately $400,000,000. Payroll Cute Impossible. Estimates of expenditures for 1926 are $3,267,551,000. about $267,000,600 under governmental cost for 1925. Among the important reductions next year will be « $35,000,000 cut in inter e*t payments from the $$65,000,000 of 1925. Unless there Is a drastic reduction of payroll and other expense* it was said to 1*» unlikely that the govern ment can keep within the 1926 esti mate. Treasury officials said that ma terial cuts in pel sonnet are apparently impossible excepting in the War de partment and veterans bureau, where additional clerks were employed to carry out administration of the sol diers’ bonus. With the rush of get »ing the bonus certificates virtually over these departments will be re duced. MAN MADE BOOZE TO THWART WOLF fJeorfr* K. Hooker, 2112 South Tonth street, sentenced by District .Tuda* Wheeler Saturday to Mrv« five month* in the county Ja 11 on a liquor nulaame charge, told the court that lie hail been forced to depend on a rn-callon atill to nave himself and family from starvation. Hooker raid he moved to Council Fluff* three month* mgo, *nd, being: unable to obtain employment, started to manufacture whisky for * liveli hood. He said he wa* formerly em ployed a* a road worker In Mill* county. POULTRY THIEF GIVEN 2 YEARS Dwight Miller, was sentenced Saturday by District Judge O, D. Wheeler to seive two years In the state reformatory for the theft of poultry. Miller plesded guilty. Miller was captured by * squad of «lx policemen a week ago, when one of the officers fired a shot at his heels as he was making a getaway. Ha was charged with raiding the poultry pens of J. T. Wilcox on Feb ruary 10. Want Ad Agencies of The Omaha Bee Carter Lake Pharmacy 16th snd Sprague Sts. Castelar Drug Co. 2322 South 20th St. McAulev Drug Co. 16th and California Sts. Reid-Duffv Pharmacy 24th and Lake Sts. Sturgeon & Son 1306 North 24th St. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES lie par linn Mrh day, 1 er f days. 17c per |tn* cm h day, S or $ day a. U' per Itna each day, 7 daya. 16o par lina each dav. SO daya. Talaphon* AT lanlic 1odO THK KVhiNINfi HRR TTIF, OMAHA MonNlNQ WE«L ANNO! N( KMKNTJI. Ftinrrjil Nn|im. 1 IIKANm David F, m* 7fc yaata died Apt II 1* Ml III* Horn*, r.vin .s sim Ml Funeral **rvi« *« will l«* held Mnudav a< i io p m At ih* rltapal of th* Flrai « ttnarctallnna! t huu b IntantiMit Fot 1 awn Imiuiri** may |««« aridtcaaad I Iha liurkrl I'hapat IIA «H4»* I \ Nil MYa ilarlrud*. 4 4 in M lltli Mi April ||. age 71 > par* Murvlwi by 1 anna ami 4 datigltl*if Mamaina a*«t from Hoffmann I'rnaH* Funaral limn*, Mmtdio . p m . la Ml out <*Hy. I* far Intnrinnnt i» ill. A IlN John. aga bJ tear*. tiled April IS. 192*. Funeral Tnnada) nminitu Tram I ha real «1*n< t« of h1* wlatai \l • • |>! Hat duo It** Kama i A'* a I a 4 a a m In 1 at m•*! mi 11 i-tmatari. John A Uantlani * aaitka. ANNUt MEMK.NTS. Funml \ntlrfi. 1 SKI.LKr'K l.ouln* M . widow of the late t’harles Sellerk. April 11. at t h<* resi dents of her daughter. Mri. Dili** E. Berg 111 3 11th A' e Funeral wrvlt-M will ♦*# held a’ the lli’flt resident e Tuesday. April 14 at 1**0 a m.. to l»e followed 1*\ cremation at Forest f.awn (>«mitorv The family request friends to please mint flow’ers Inquiries m*v He addra^sad lo I he Ural ley ft |u»ri and F Iveraon Died April 1*. nt h*s horn-, 1115 S 32d Si. Private funeral services were held Sat nrdav at 4 : ?0 p. nr. at the Burket i lo ped. Funeral Directors S HEAFEY ft HEAFEY TTndertakera and Kmbalmera. Phon* AT. 2531 Office 2K11 Farnam. t ESTA BUSHED SINCE 1SS2 > HULSE ft R1EPEN. At Your Service. 2**? "4 Cuming St..1 A. !??« Brailey & Dorrance N. P. SWANSON. 17th and Cuming. Quiet, Dignified Supervision. JOHN aT"0ENTLEMAn'. ha. 1 *4H4.3411 Farnam St. H K BURKET ft SON. 34*5 Farnam. Eat. 187S HA. **90 LESLIE O. MOORE 241 h and Wirt Sta. WE. *947. noth and Military Ave. WA. 9*90. Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN Purchase a family lot in Omaha'i moat beautiful cemetery. Offices at the ceme tery. weat of Florence, and 720 Bran defa Theater Bldg. Pergonal*. 9 THE SALVATION ARMY Industrial home solicit a your old r lothint. furniture, magazines. We collect. We dlatrlbufc Phone .IA. 4135 and our wagon will call • ’all and inspect our new home. 203 N nth Sr. MUKLLKIt ft JOHNSON, the expert, fur nace men. are nro\ ing from 1514 Uass Si to 933 North 24th Si . wheie the> a e prepared to lake r are yr old aa well as new' customers. IXV ESTIMATIONS. rula/tng 'persons, heir's estates, property / l»nrneaf.cases. UnnfidentiaI. Addiesa Box D-113, Oma ha Rer. STEAM Hail a alcohol rubs, massage, elec, treatm’t.v 3 a. m. to t p. m. 35 Doug. hi k. ELECT Bit* treatment and body massage Hour*: 9 a. in. to 9 p. m. Mrs. Crowes Place. Apt. 2 213 3, 24th Ave. AT. 3194 MRS J ENNE8 MOHR. MEDIUM 2021 CALIFORNIA 8T- AT. 9141. MASSAGE—Expert treatment; lady oper. ator; open till 9 p. m. 210 N. 17th St. COSTUME, theatrical, historical masque cmd.umea to tent Lieben. 1514 Howard. EL WOOD Sanitarium. Steam Hatha mas sage. O. Jacobs. 320 Arthur Bldg. AT. 4946. EXPERT massage. steam batns. Fraher Baths. 2WH Anulla Court. AT. 1*72. l>o*t and round. 10 HUNCH of keys in black leather holder lost in RrandeH store Saturday after noon. Finder please return to Rrandeii store lost and found dept Reward. THM MAIL arrier who picked up fur neck pl*< e In Havden s basement Mon day p|ea«s call KB. 5475. it'TOMOHi i.rcs. Automnhilr* for Kalr. II 10»* I.ATK model car* s' a big reduction. 3e« us first Fords from |5i and up. Terms, trade. UOLDSTRn.Nf AUTO SATES CO. 2112 Harney. AT 4544. Open Evening and Sunday xash-vriksema auto co.. USED CAR STORE **45 Firnim. AT till. FOR THE RIGHT FrTcE ON GOOD USED CARS SEE _OMAHA FLINT COMPANY (iaragrs for Rent. 50 STEAM-HEATED, fireproof garage 311 * 31st St. AT 9135 HI sInESjT SERVICE Business Services Offered. 21 PHET.EY ANT' NMNN Tree experts and laoda« apa gardeners and ahruba. Phone AT 41*4 Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, aide, knlfa. bog pleating, covered buttons. all atvje«; hem stitching; buttonholes. Write Tdeal Potion and Pleating Co., 3SI Brown B’ork Omaha Neb. Telephone JA. 1935. NEB. PLEATING CO. H *m*t itching Covered Buttons. ? * r> 4 Fa mam Second Floor. JA H7t. Moving—Tnirldn;—Sloricr. J6 ComxiN'S F1RKPROOF WH9K * VAN "!* North 11th Rt. Phoi>. JA. :«»: Mo\ I»• g. par king storage thipoing IlKNINS OMAHA VAN ft STORAGE 1Cth and Leaxenworth Sta. Fe< king, moving, "image shipping. JA 4143. Painting and Tapering. 3* WALT.PATER. raparhang In g. painting. Reed Tarka. 4701 S J4th 8u MA. x»H*l. AT. 7404. KXTERT panarhanging and painting; low aat ro»t, Spanrar Bros . AT. *14? Pit.nl Atl»rn»j-s. i* 3. W. MARTIN. i:« Ftt.ra Tru.t FMf , Omaha, ala" Washington Double eerx Ira, atngla fta Alan htlp aaH patania. SILAS »' SWEET To Ik F De* Moinaa. fowa Special rummer prk aa row Pi-Inline—Station.ry SI CUMMKRC1AI. PRINTING. Kddy Frlrllnf t ". .12 « 13th St. Phone. JA. 6QLS Repairing. 31 WC REPAIR sawing machines. Vlctrolaa. planoa. Mickala. lith and Harnajr. AT 4 Ul. ' ^MKXI-TV" Help Wanted—Fcoule. 36 SALBSLALICfl—Wa have an opaning f"i two salesladies to c*p» eeent I’olllara. Pleasant out door work. Shot t hours, s to * Salat' fl* ftft per week See >H Idpaut • i« 11 » m . I to 4 p. m. *n» Baud Fid* _ I.AOIKS Meau'y work paya h* ’mne' when learned at M"ler‘a Pax f MEN Lean bar her Hade l*a' mcht Midi paid profession. Mder graduates are expert operators Aiwa? ■ in de mgiid fall * S lith St \1.L men women, hoxs rlrls IT to *S. xxtlltng to acrapt goxammant r*o«tunn*. 1117 $*6ft i trs veltng or stationary), write Mr Oament. 14* St Louts. Mo liRVO dark Mxiat he expet len« ed and «agtatet#d. References required Harley Drug fo 11 n 1 O 8t . Lincoln. Neb FIREMEN Hrakamen hagtnnara. *IS0 I Jfcft t which position*! Hallway. Y-2I7I. Oiuabs Bee NiI.mii.ii and Xk.mIi. AH SALESMAN Omaha i'onr«rn haa a permanent position open for a xmmi man to • « rk in the rltx Wa furnish a i»t end nsv substantial ealatx *t>d bonus Helling expat tan • desirable but not absolute!' ne • e«aarx Would • onatdet the xouiif trien x* ho ran cogvltt* e iim that b* Is r*sdx to graduate into • Me selltna field Must he over ' 1 high a< hoot education sr bet ir •ml lux* good appearance and manner Oix# full deist's tn 'our letter Out salesmen know about this ad Replies strictly on - ftdentis'. Box h-1!2, Omaha Lee SALESMEN Three nest appearing >.» bnnk era And merchants clean. dlgntfed. iegithnate and established business. e\ ) elusive territory: commission paid if gHv | ni weekly; experience m our line while j desirable not n»*'•'«!**» r y Telephone • ' to 1 _* mornings. Edgar W Pohttg. Fob tenelle hotel j Situations Wanlnl—M»lp. 41 t‘\KKi'TIONKHY man with 1* yes** *x neriencs fountain and candy making went* pnaitlyn. Beat reference. Bex 4*3 Waboo Neb. FIRST 4-lass mechanic and battery man Referem-e*. Write Y-2180. Omaha Bee. " . ~ _ . Business Opportunity's 4? BARBER shop, two chair*, north Ne braska. good reason, sell r ight. Y 2881. Omaha Hew. Real Relate UHM. 44 MONEY Tt* LOAN On first and second mortgage*. We buy outright for » ash Exist ng mortgages and land contracts ' Prompt action. II A. WOLF CO. r*t? Saunders-Kennedv Bide. A’F 316°. .i>, AND 0 PER CENT MONEY Loans on Omaha improved property at lowest rates FRANK H BINDER *2.1 Hty NationalJ A.2661 SECOND tnerttlfN nr esetrsetl pgr* r hased by Tukey Company. €20 First National Park. JA. 3222 OMAHA HOMES - EAST NEB FARMS. O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1015 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg JA 2712 1100 to $10. *90 loaned, prompt service. P. D. Wead A D. H. Bowman. Wead Bldg HONEY on Omaha houses at 6 per cent and S’- per cent. Cash ».n hand No de lay. Sihopen A Co.. 22C Keellne Bldg JA.. 42 J 6. FARM loans on West Neb. and N E. Colo farms Kick* Investment o0. Omaha. 6li AND 6 PER CENT—NO DELAY GARVIN BROS.. 645 Omaha Nat Bldg Money to Loan. 45 J*EF 175 TODAY if vmi want money for any purpose. A loan of $30 will receive the same prompt attention as on* (,f $509. You c*t the full amount in cash, no f-»*s deducted, no publicity or unpleasant ln \ estimation. Oldest established and most reliable in Omaha. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. R. 506 Karbarh Block. Phone JA. 2295 209 R 15th St. LOANS! 1.0 AN?' LOAN0' DIAMONDS. WATCHES JEWELRY. PRIVACY SWARTZ JEWELRY A LOAN CO.. 1514 DODGE. MONEY caned on diamonds. Diamond Loan Bank, 213 City Nat. Bk bldg Esf. 1«94. Reliability. low rate privacy KDITATIONAI. I»ra| Instruction Classes. 48 DAT SC«OOI, Nlf.HT SCHOOL. Complete course 1n all commercial branches. Shorthand typewriting, teleg raphy. saiesmanahlp. civil service. Phone JA. 1565 Complete catalog free BOYLES COLLEGE ll’h and Harnev Sts. Omaha. Neb. TRI-City BARBER COLLEGE. 1 402 Dodge St. 130$ Douglas St Call or write for infomatka Musical—Dramatic. 49 PIANISTS—Learn popular music. E. M. Kahn Mi«-krl Bldg AT 4161, Dancing Academies. 50 K EL-PINE—Farnam at 25th. Class and assembly. Monday and Thursday nights. Pierrott orchestra: 2S Instructors. Pri vate 2»**nn* any tim®. JA. 9759 KEEPS CINDERELLA ROOF 10th and nOCOLA* STS JA 547t. LIVESTOCK. I’oultrjr and Supplies. S3 SKN I> .-hi* C O l> R-tJ X»rr,d r...<-k», $14.25: Buff Orpingtons. White R **. White W>«ndo»te«. $l< r.n Wh-te Leg horn* $12 50. heavv mixed $1i . ai.t mixed. $19. If you send money v - * h order the prop is f per 1 "0 le*s “Chicken Little” Hatchery. Lincoln Neb HATCHING eggs. d*rk barred rock, trap rested show* strain.’ Paxton Foultry Yard 4i:.l N r.ath A'». KE 6.-.S7 MERCHANDISE. Business Equipments. 58 TTPEtrr. ITERS — R.sson.bl. RENTAL rates New and second-hand machines for sale. Have you seen the Standard Keystone Remington Portable? What ever v©_t needs in the typewriter Una rail Remington Typewriter Co.. 210 S l>th St. JA. 2ST€.__ WE BUY. self safes. rr*ke deans. show 'IMP *tr Omaha F »ture A Supply Co., S. W Corner 11th and Douglas JA 2 7 24 Fuel and Teed. 61 KINDLING—$• truck load delivered aswduat; haled shavings JA. 5746, 17.90. " llTE NUT $7 50. III. Egg Lion Coal Co WE. 2495. Household Good*. 64 Big Sacrifice FutniDire and furnish ng* omplste for a f|\ e-room home pearly new. Compelled t o g"* up houttkeep* ing. Call HA. 4311 or HA 4134 TEN oversruf fed suite* Mutt ha se'd at once WE :il? 1«H N :4th ————— ■ Machinery *nd Tools. 67 NKW and second-hand motors, dynamo* LeBron Electrical Works. SI*-:-- s I2th Sf«l*, Plant* and Flower*. 68 Twelve Welch's Concord grapevines : years, fl.gf. fiftv one-year. |. 100 Hsparagua II Snyder blackberry ir Kim t**v*berrie» Ihundred. 2-v rht l»arh. II. 10# Piogr^ssive and -!»»0 Dunlap strawberry planes I Five Cleaning and 5 Wealthy. |. Ten A**l «t Elm 11 Ten Compaa cherry, f- »n Three Hanska. J Opata. 2 hap* end 2 Waneta plum S3. All good 4-foot branched tree* prepaid Order from this ad. Check* accepted Satisfaction guaranteed Write fer "Truth Wc ; Told." Welch Nursery Shenandoah la MukIcxI Instruments. 7l) EXPERT tuning and repairing. Tele phone Atlantic Hi# Mchrooljer A Mueller Piano Co . 1114-14-14 Dodge St Wanted to Buy. 73 I'K^KS DESKS DESKS ~ New desks, used de«ka bought, sold traded. J C. Reed. K0? Farnatn. AT **144 _ ROOMS rOR KKNT. Room# With Board. 74 M ERR1AM HOTEL, tendentlai. b> da). neek or month. loth and Dodge Kimiiii* (or Itouarhrrplnc. 76 MonKHN housekeeping room*. j or 3 i anm . WMn 4B4 Rooms, tnfurnivhrd. 77 THIRTY-THIRD ST #14 S : 5 vn furnished, all modern rooms, no chil dren __ Wher* l*» Stop in Town, 78 11**1 El. SAN FORI' l»th aid Patna so HOTEL HEX5H AW—16th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Uueets Apartment* of Building Owners and Manager* Association. Furnished. 80* | HI’NTKR INN—Home for the traveling man to leave h!» wife for cans fort and i safety 2 40 4 Dodge AT *tj> I nfut nlsht *! 8t»li VFRT choice ene • >m w'th thtee room • *omtt»oda* Don Large living room. Ku It • osite bed closet « ith Vt* • -•'- * h»d end pOvate hath walking *4»*iance At |2T.|a and I j Call DRAKE RENTA!. AOKNTT. ,1A. • Irv ,iA jm PET* * * vis* WHERE OMAHA KENTS 4T *644 _lDh and Is am *ta * i * . tv ,t PAi Atr,r. to 4 r »m# Real Eiia.e Management thhl i Apartment* of Iftitlriinc Owner* and Manager* \*mm iation l nI in*nt**lied. Hi»li DRAKE rorRT 27D AND JUNES STREETS. oitixh* « mnst conveniently lecat* .<1 walking distance a['«n menta. <*n*. two and three room Apia. All outside At $45. $17 and $57 50. fall DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, ♦ JA. 2S95, HA. ASA*. JA. JTlI. Tx st r? NEW AND FIREPROOF MTH AND DAVENPORT. Very atfrartjvn four-room apart ment with five room accommo dation. Living room, dining mom. full bedroom kitchen and dressing room. At $•».'. GO and $70. • all DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, JA. 28Q&. JA. 2711. REAL ESTATE—FOR KENT Apartments—Furnished. 80 8MKISHKY APT.-—382# California 8t. f» rtn 8|i’ . with 6*rm accommodation*. Nt-wlv d * ora tad, brand n*»w furniture. ' 1 11A 41u:> or MA~ 0T*9 LA FAYETTE 3 11 » rooms and bath, iivdotn and complete. Reasonable. Adults. Apartments—t nfurnlstied. 81 HIGH CLASS APTS and flat, under *u per-m.n of r'wnem. "Service that plea.ee." Traver Bros., 219 F. N. Blot la. AT H.«t___ NEW DUPLEXES FOB RENT. N J. SKOGMAN At SONS. 21 LS Cuming St- _ HA- 7041. NORMANDY, 1102 Park Ave.—7 room*, available after April 15; also 3 rooms. Call Seybuld HA 0*57. COM 1*. and te» a fine Apt, V.O) De»eV An L’.wev apis Rents reduced. MODERN apartments: low rent; clo,« In. 11. P Stebbins, l' li) Ch .. ago St Business Places for Rent. 82 HTH STREET -I'orner basement, lot* rent. G. P. Stubbing, 1619 Chicago. FOR H ENT—<"f*mpletely furnished res taurant. S J*th. MA- IS 12. Houses for Kent. 83 A Rental Bargain Brand new 5 and 6-room duplex apart ment*. A 192* mndel. everything the finest; carefully arranged for comfort anil convenience; minutes to town; snutheas* corner of 35th A’-*. and Dewey. Don't rent before you a*® thee* excellent apartment*. • It will be well worth your while. Rental $60 and up. T. H. Maenner Co., AT. 3362. 523 Omaha Loan Bldg. BEDFORD AVE 47«:—6 rooms all mod ern. hot water heat; 52-ft. front lot* garaK*. cin'Kf-n f-r< r WE. 335 ■'. 1STH AND DODGE—Superior all modem 7-room house with fireplace. Must -a# inpjde. Fall 3431 podge HA. *>457 3J18 N. 1STH—7 room*, all modern, in very good condition. Garage. HA. 5314. 513 S .*! and Miami. WF "9*4. Houses—Furnished. hi PACIFIC ST .. 391*—6-room, nicely fur nished house. % car line; garage. HA. 1*46. i 7-ROOM home and garage completely fur nished on Prettiest Mile. KK 1335. REAL f>T\TK— FOK SALK. Heal Estate—Investments. 92 STRIKE ONCE IN LIFETIM E. SAFE. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENT INCOME h.:"" ONLY Slt.OOO. iOne-third **aeh: ^nt will pay balance Six brick flai*. four room* and bath ea« h. Tenant* furnish own heat Live in one yourself, You will goon have the property • iear and an - for ! A . 1 ■-i C• ' N SV LT HARR! SONMORTON. <4bth year1 .la .s- n 0314. 13-: Kdrr.q- \ Farms and Lands for Sale. 93 22 HIGHLY IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN CENTRAL SASKATCHEWAN, WESTERN CANADA. All are well situated a-s to Railway, Schoola and Churche* _ PRICE t.'t PER ACRE 1499 CASH ON EACH FARM WILL HANDLE. Baance in eight yearly Installment!, in terest 6 per cert. Pr.ce and termi have been materially reduced :n order to cine* cut an enta»e These fa^ms are s tuated in one of the beat mixed and g-a in-growing district! in Western Canada NO TRADES CAN BE CONSIDERED. For further particulars and informer n -egarc’ng special rates for inspecti n trip apply L H p«'.YD. Superintendent. Lard. Coioniaa*. on and Development Dept* CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. Fourth an 1 Tacksen Sra , ST. FALL. MINN. .'ASH FOR TOrR PROPERTY. Q I'^-k «a 1 *• * made tnywh* e Writ# rr•. • a I'arraher Real Estate Auctioneer, i v»»• r w r j t > . Net City Acre.igs for Sale. 94 l \''RF„ E RUCK .v CU buy and *eil horn** Houses—South. 97 MlW -ootn use U lift# down. I‘1 month Cal’. JA £ 1.' ■mum*—W Ml 9H Cathedral District, $3,500 Cash 7 r x nta. 3-cae ga*age 1*' el lot llxl'* fr"! paved street, all r*atd ail m®d«rn. « bedroom*. Litarv. furnace one Rlw. to Farnaui rar line, about .* block* to Cathedra! located at £ftl V 4la* Leok at outside Call the off '* for appoint merit Do not disturb people in non** un';*«s b\ apt' - ntmen? It takes iN »: oft . cash to handle Hurry’ AMERICAN MCRTtiVCK AND FIN AN* « . i - MV \N> AT 4**«. 314 14 CaurtncN Bldg KE 17 ' SEE Msrniaut Lantbsr tvr pr•> e* on gatage* R*»«? construction at mt?* - mum coat. WE M41. \rw t-rc — house and 1 * era grow* * 5; ;*ft IlfS down |3* month Ca'l ja ma. $ I I do-' ISft month. C.4 l JA. *liC_ \FW S-room h'\’*e |1 7'-' t * down. I.» month * V1 J A £ U ft For Salt'—Dundee*. 100 REAL sacrifice—New Fng' sb colonial — T ipm*-Oplendld location-—Corner lot Tear old Per vet arrangement—Call Fa 9*oo JA ft«*7 1 .'is for 8 tie HAVE a few wan treated lota tn Fdge * nod for «a'. For prices call C. A. Grlmmel JA 1#IL _ LOT Fast front Vt'nne I um Rivd., all imi'cci "**i*r»t * raid KF £*5*. Heal f Mult* for KifH«iK|«. I*4! I'ROt'M kuncilo* to school, car. Take auto . r lot KF 3*54 \\ xnt.il—Keal Cm at* JlVk FOR t vault* tat tour proparty with riRST TRl ST CAT AT * • 4***’ V NaU Banh. IVf: sfm Dundee home* Hat your prop erty H,;ri u* for result* B.»'t C IV« l»r Cv» Realtora JA 14(1 c d uTroHnNsoN co Las; L»iex* iie» Far gam. J a. 9«IR i