The Daily Cross-Word Puzzle --- J By RICHARD H. TIXGIJEY. 9 « * i « » i % Horizontal. t.—The Holy Land. S—City In Nebraska. 11—Late president of the German re public. ' 12—To omit in pronouncing or writ ing a word. ' It—Finished. 15—III treatment. I 16—Musical note. 17—Girls name. ! 18—Raw. fr • 19—To wash out gold by hand. 20—Apart (prefix). 71—Laminated rock. 22— A meadow mouse. 23— A queen who paid a visit to King Solomon. 24— Spanish money unit. 25— Not seeming to grow old. 28—Cat like. 30— Gentlewoman. 31— Covered with long wool-like hairs. ^ 32—Step of a lame person. •" 33—A tree that grew In Lebanon. 34—Festival. ™ 35—Nick Lnngworth's newly acquired *a» weapon. , 36— Two hundred. 37— Opposite from "outs". ■». 38—Founded upon. “ 39—Grassy meadow. 40— Georgia (abbr). 41— South American herbivorous mammal. »- 47—Inclination, JJJ 43—City in Germany. 44—The air in music. «•« 45—To lessen gradually. JS;' 46—Ruler. *» Vertical. - ue JJJ 1—A base for a atatue. 2— Higher up. 3— River in Siberia. cm* 4—Refore. 5—Saint (abbr). »» 6—Gaseous body In the air. ST 7—To baffle. J, S—A poem. *. 0—Personal pronoun. J2. 10—To fall into line. 13—.Suffix denoting quality or condi tion. 15—People who live in Arabia, e* IS—Town in Franklin county, N. Y. IS—An indoor game, ijj*, 39—To affirm. »■* 21—Ruminant quadruped. IHi 22—Pertaining to a velum. ££ 23—Sticky mud. ■K 24—Pertaining to Judicia punish «•, rnent. “ 26— J*ead. 27— Reviews manuscripts for publi f.‘ cation. r 28—Revalue dull or indistinct. .»< 29- Instructor. for twine. S3—A room or building for public di *4t * r,»—Yawned. ♦ Hg—Literary or musical medley. 2t 38—Evil. «m» 33—Loaned. »•' Solution of yesterday's puzzle. mm « trm mm mm mm rntr mm mm* IK) Hpi *« E S«> mm mm MP —... ,—-. ■ . , --1 **