Bull Feeling Sends Grains Up, "Wheat in Lead Belief Prevail* That All Line* Have Been Carried Too Low; Shorts Buy —— Freely. Hr CHAKI.ES J. LEYDEN. I nliersal Service Stuff C orrespondent. Chicago, April 4.—A belief that all grain* had been carried too low apread rapidly through the trade today and led to an appreciable* advance for the Hat. M'h<*at blazed the way h* short* bought freely and hull* took hold. The feeling of demoralization that gripped the grain business for the last few months seem ingly vanished in the air. Outside mar kets with the exception of Minneapolis, were relatively firmer. Locally wheat closed 2% to 4*4 cents higher: corn was 2S to 3% cent* up. c.ata were 1% to. Is* cents advanced and rye ruled 4 ** to 4% cents higher. James A. Patten was out with a state ment to the effect that in his opinion grains had been forced down to levels entirely unwarranted by actufcl conditions ar»<4 that higher prices were due. There was little change in the news, except that foreign advice* indicated no large supply of .grain In Europe. The seaboard confirmed moderate ex po*» shIhs of wheat, oats, rye and barley, l.iverpool closed 4 pence lower, in sym pathy with the sharp break in northern American markets on the previous day. Corn showed nearly as much strength today as weakness the day before. Cash demand was more general although not heavy, arid the basis was firm at the last. Commission houses were active buyers of this grain and aborts covered freely Primary receipts aggregated Ml.000 bushe'ls, compared with 5X3,000 bushels la t week, and 511,000 bushels a year ago. Oats moved ^up with the rest Strong c.i iimission houses were good buyer* of this grain. Oats are selling materially 1-hh than a year ago, nnd are said to be th>* cheapest grain in the world. live trailed wheat higher. A house with Hie re connections was a good buyer of rye. Export demand whs moderate. Provision* acted strong. Lard whs 22j4 1q :»o cents higher and rib* w-ere 17 to 27 cent* higher. CHICAGO TRICES. By Updika Cfrain Co.. Atlantic tilt. Art. I Open, I High. J I.ow, | Clo.e. I Yai. B'ht. I I I I I Jlay 1 1.37% 1.43%! 1.37%] 1.43 | 1.38% 1.38 % j.1.1 1 43% I 78% July 1 28% 1.33%j 1.2 8 % | 1.33 1.29 1 : 1.29 I.I.I 1.33% 1 29% Sap. t 1.23 1.27 | 1.23 I 1.26%! 1.22% 1.23%!. 1.16% 1.24 M J* I 1.08 ' 1.13%! 1.08 ■ 1.13 I 107 1 08%.I.I 1 07% July 1 1 nig I 1.05% 1.01%! 1.04 I 1.00 RapT ! .93 .96% .91 ■ .94% .91% May .92 % .95% .91% .95 • .93% | .91%. .93%' .92% July 96 .99%, .95% .99% .96% ....... 95%.99 % I .95% jter*. 98 1.01 l .98 ! 1.00*4 .98 .9XVfc .’. 1 01. ! .97H Mai" I .37 ' .38%! .37 ! .38%! .36% 37% .1.38 % I .26% July .29 .40%; .39 ! .40%' .38% y .29% . .I .40 % j .38% Rap. in .41%' 40 ' .41%' .40 .41 % I.41 % .40% MVy 15.85 16.12 !l5.S6 141.12 jl585 July 16.20 116.45 116 3 0 16.4j |16.1» May ' 17.25 ''17.40 117.50 117 40 17.13 July 1 7.15 1740 ilT.ln llc.40 117.4.0 >>w York (.rain. Vow York. April 4.—Ryo—Firm: No. 2 wi«tPin $1.21**. f o. b.. New York, ana $1 20. r. i f . export. Bariev—Barelv Steady; malting. 98c 0 J1 o;. «• j. f . New York. Wheat—8pot Steady: No. 1 dark north ern spring. 1. f.. New York, lake and ra 1. $1.72: No. 2 hard winter, f. o. b., lakP and rail. $1.54; No. 2 mixed durum. d<> $1.53%: No. 1 Manitoba, do.. In bond. $1.59. Corn--Spot Stoady; No. t yellow, e. 1 f trnrU. New York, all rail. $1.16%; No. 2 Mixed, do. $1.15. • _ ... ..^ Oats Spot Steady: No. 1 white, 490 ( f aid Firm: mtddlewest, $16.65016.76.! Other articles were unchanged. Minneapolis C'aah Grain. Minneapolis April 4—Wheat—Cash. No, 1 northern. $1 .ifi© 1.39; No. I dark north-1 **rn sprinc. choice to fancy, $1.6401.69; good to choice. $1 4301.53: ordinary to good. $1.3701.42: No. 1 hard spring. *1.69 01.79- No. I dark Montana, on track. $1.3301.61: to arrive. $1.3301 61; May, $1.35: .Inly. *136. • Torn No. 3 yellow. 87%0>89%c. i»-its—No. 3 white. 35%fiJ36%0. Barley—64 ©79c. live No 2. *1 ns% 01 07. Flax—No. 1. $2.73% ©2.76 <4. Chicago (ash Grain. Chicago April 4.—Wheat—None. Corn—No. 2 mixed, 94094%c; No. 2 yellow, 9S% <0 99%e. oats—No. 2 white, 43 %c; No. 3 white, 37 % 1? 41c. Five—Non®. Barely—30 © 95c Timothy Seed—15.6906.59. Clov*»r Seed—fl9.5o@26.90. Lard—116.12. Rihi—$17.60. R. Hies—$29.12. Kan*o« City Caeh Grain. Kansas City. April 4.—Wheat—No. 2 hard, It 8501.57: No. J red. $1 5701.65; May. $1.87; July. *1.25; September, II 19%. Corn—No. 3 white. 36088c: No 2 yel low, 99095c: No. 3 yellow. 99091c; No. 2 mixed. 950>89c; Me. 87%c; July, 91c; Scot ember. 93%093%c. Hay—Unchanged to 59c lower; No. 1 prairie, $10.00011.oo: others unchanged. Duluth Flax. Duluth. Minn.. April 4.— Close; Flax— April. *2.69 asked; May, $2.68 % asked; July. *2.71 asked. \7Tv E RT18EMKN T —to have a goof Appetite / “Yes! thank you.” A GOOD appetite means a cheer* ful disposition. You may have a good appetite If the blood that goes constantly to your vital organs Is pure. S.S.S. purifies the blood—a good appetite follows and you will have a clear complexion and will be strong, cheerful and healthy. > Don't go on feeling up one day and, down the next—hardly sick but never well—losing ‘'pep," puhph and ambition. Hearty eaters are the red-blooded men and women. Enjoy your food! Get back your strength and energy! Reclaim yourself before It Is too late! People In a physically run down condition are an easy prey to disease. S.S.S. is what Is needed. Your blood needs purifying. Your blood Cells supply the energy which keeps your body well and fit. S.S.S. aids Nature In supplying new red blood-cells,—the spark that rejogs your system. Carefully selected, scientifically proportioned and prepared herbs and barks make up S.S.S.—the great blood purifier yrhlch gives Nature a helping band. Get back the lost appetite, the missing vitality, the keen, spark ling eyes, that look of determina tion. S.S.S. will give you more mergy, vitality and vigor and a more up and going appearance. 11.1 b aoM at all gooi dm# atorw la two al»a. Tha larfar aim b awn economical. ^VfiJies You Fed. • Qkc Vwiwdtf Aftis f... — m , Omaha Grain ___/ Omaha, April 4. Caah wheatcwaa quoted on the tables nominally hignbr. A good demand was evident after yesterday * break Jn futures, but offerings were too light to permit of much trading and only a few cars were aold. Receipts were 6 cars. Corn wa* in fair demand at unchanged prices to lc higher. Receipts. )U * ars. Oats sold at about unchanged price*. Rye and barley quoted nominally un changed. Omaha ('■riot Sale*. WHEAT. No. 1 hard: l car, $1.45 V4; 1 car*, $ l 40; 1 car. $1 38. No. 3 hard: 1 car. ft 39; 2 cara, $1.38. No. 3 hard: 1 car. $1.41; l car, $137. No. 4 hard: 2-8 car. $1 37. Sample hard: )-3 car, $1.34. No. 1 spring: 1 car. $165. CORN. No. 2 yellow: 1 car. 94c. No. 4 yellow: 2 cara, 86c. No. 5 yellow: 1 car, 81c. Sample yellow: 1 car. 70c. • OATS. No, 2 white: 1 car. 42c. No. 3 white; 1 car. 40*4c; 1 car, 40i,ac; 1 -ar, 40c. No. 4 white: 1 car. SSHc; 1 car, 39c. Sample white: 1 car, 38c. Daily Inspection of Grain Received. WHEAT. Hard: 6 car* No. 1, 8 cars No. 2, 2 car* No. 3, 1 car No. 4. Mixed: 1 car No. 1. Spring: l car No. 2. Total. 19 car*. CORN. Yellow: 3 car* No. 2 cara No. 3, 1 car No. 4. 2 cara No. 5, White: 3 rare No. 3. 1 enr No. 4. Mixed: l car No 2. 1 car No. 3, 1 car No. 4. 1 car No. 6. Total, 16 car*. OATS. White: 19 caril No. 3, 9 cars No. 4. 2 • ar* sample. Total. o0 cars. RYE. 1 car Nq. 2. Total, 1 car. BARLEY. 2 cars No. 2 Total, 2 cars. Total car*. 68. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlots.) ^ Week Year, Receipts— Today. Ago. Ago, Wheat . 5 21 10 Corn .. In 20 68 Oats . 14 21 15 Hatley . ] Shipment*— Wheat . 1 1 43 46 4 ’orn . 44 64 110 Oat* . 39 63 31 Harley . 1 CHICAGO RECEIPTS Week Year Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat . 27 24 9 4 orn . . . 86 126 46 Oata . 30 34 34 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Wheat . 1 8 33 1 9 14’orn . 31 48 35 I Corn ... . 6 20 20 ST. LOl’l a RECEIPTS. Wheat . 37 56 32 4’orn . 41 45 62 Oat* . 59 90 38 NORTHWESTERN W HEAT " ECEIP1 Minneapolis . 59 154 SO Duluth . 31 1 04 31 Winnipeg . 257 267 289 Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. For the 24 hours ending at 8 a m. Saturday. Precipt High. Low. tatlon. Ashland . 66 43 o tto A uburn . . . 6 7 4 a <* no Broken Row . 63 35 0.0Q Columbus . 66 4ft tt.oo, Culbertson . 61 32 0.001 Falrbury . 63 35 0,«oj Fairmont. .. . 63 49 O.OO! Grand Island . . .,. 63 37 0 00 Hartlngton . 67 37 o.oo Hasting* . 6 4 4 5 0.00 Ho Id rage . 56 39 n 00 Lincoln . 67 46 0.00 North Loup . 68 38 0.00 North Platte . 62 34 0.00 Oakdale . 65 39 o.oo Omaha .*... 69 45 0.00 O'Neill . 73 36 0 00 Red Cloud . 63 40 0 00 Tekamah . 67 39 0.00 Valentine . 62 38 0 00 St. Louis Grain. St. Louts. April 4—Wheat—Future*. May, 1143% hid; July, $1.29*4; Septem ber. $1 24 hid. Corn—May $92%o bid; July, tie asked. MlnneapolU Flour. Minneapolis. Minn . April 4.—Flour— Unchanged to 20c lower, family patents $7 *50* in Bran—$23.00023.50. Chicago Butter and Egf Fnturea. Chicago. April 4.—Quotations furnished by George F. Clark company, 1003 Wood men of the World building. Phone* JA. 1192, AT. 9105. 0KOGSj. I Car*. | Open. I High, j Low, t Cloae. April 100 .29 .29% .29 I .29% May 33 .28% .28% .2*%! .28% Dec. 1W> -31% .31% .31 %■ .31% BUTTER. 1 Can. | Open. I High. | Low. | Clo*e. April 91 I .40 ! .40% .40 | ,40% Mav 8 .38%* .38% .38% .38% June 2 ; .38% .38%! .38% .2*% I >er. 17 1 40%' 40%: |0% 40% Chicago Cotton. Quotations furnished by J. S. Barhe A Co., 224 Omaha National Bank building. Phoneg Jackson 5187. 5188, 61*9: I Open. 1 High, i Low. | Cloae. | Ye*. May j24.15 124.30 24 12 1 4 1 2 !'24.25 24 18 I.’. . July 124 50 124 54 24 40 24 41 24 58 Oct. .23 88 23.85 '23 85 >23 75 123 79 i fee. 23 90 |23 95 123.*5 23 93 123.95 Jan. 123 90 ?24 00 23 88 .23 98 24 00 »w York Sugar. Quotations furnished by J S. Barhe A Co., 224 Omaha National Bank building Phone* Jarkson 5187. 5188, 5189: l Open I High. I Low. | Cloae. | Ye*. Mav M3 2.95 2.93 I 2 95 I 2 95 July 3.10 3 11 ! 3.09 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 Sept. 3.24 3.27 3 24 3 27 3.28 Dec. 3 32 3 33 |3 32 3 32 1 3 33 Jen. 3 21 j. 3 21 New York Coffee. New York. April 4 —Coffee future* opened today at an advance of one to Hght point* on covering for over the week end. but soon eased under renewed holding encouraged by the easier ruling of Rio exchange and report* of an easier tone in the cost and fre'ght situation. July sold off fiotn 17.53c to 17.12c. and closed at 17 13c, the general market 'losing at pet decline* of 22 to 33 point* Sale* were estimated at 36.000 bag*, ‘’losing quota tions. May. 18 18c; July. 17 13c; Septem ber. 16.40.-; October. 16 25c; December. 15.82c. March. 15 33c Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7a. 20 %c; Santos 4*. 25 to 25%'. New York l»rv Goods. New York. April 4 —Cotton good* were quiet and steadier In pilnt cloths and heavy cotton divisions today. Better ln qu.r' for weaving yWrn* 'lev-loped. De liveries of raw silk to mill* during March exceeded 45,000 bale*, the largest ever known, due to a feverish rush for silk goods for spring snd summer. Stocks were quiet with expectations of lower prices from abroad, where shot time mill operai ion* are in force. Additional line* of fine worated dress goods, opened for fall, showed no price* change over spring level*. Raw silk advanced 10 cents a pound here and a feveriah market ia re ported at Yokohama. Chicago Butler mid Egg Market Chicago. April 4 Butter—Receipt*. 1 2,446 tuba; last year. 10,934 tubs,'his on track, 13 old. 6 new. exits*. 40%c; stand ards. 40 %< ; extra firsts, 3'*% 040* . firsts, 38% 039c; second*. 33 4/37%; 89 store, 39 %•-. kh score. 28c. Eggs—Receipts, 32.015 cases; last year. 20.052 cases; tars on 'tack. 58 old. 57 new; firsts. 27% ©28c; dirts. 26%r; chea, ; ♦. %r ; storage packed extra, 29 %c; stor age pa* k**d firsts 29c. Tone: Butter Weak. Egg* Weak. (hit-age rotator*. Chicago, April 4 Potatoes Early trad ing light, market dull and we*k. re ceipt*, 88 csrs; I'.tai United State* ship merit*, 765 car*; Wisconsin sa< ked round white*. 78085c; mostly 80#*2%'-; fancy. *Oc0$t.OO. Minnesota sacked round whiter 750*2%* . mostly 80< *om* tow ns 70c; sa'ked Red River *>hln*. 4ft*-© $1 00; mostly $1,00. Idaho Hacked rua*eta $2.250 2.40. Boston Boot. Bovtin. April 4 Kuyei* am still m*'k Ing time In the wool fnarkel. The policy of all branches of the trade Is to take on stock only for 'he most pressing and Immediate needs There i* a little better tone In some instance*, but the general tendency la toward lower prices Home concerns have withdrawn offerings, hii«I mv it I* useless to make further conces sion*. Savannah Turpentine. Savannah. tia April 4 Turpentine Firm; 85%c; sale*. 82 bbls.: receipts. 96 bbls., shipment*. 3 bbls . stock. 1,908 hid* Rosin — Firm: sales. 440 rasks: receipt*. 438 casks: shipments, 100 casks; slock. 48.805 casks Quote B $8 70; l>. $6 80; K. $6 96; «1. $7 00; If, $7 06. f $7 16: K. *7 60 At. $7 90 N, $8 20; W(i, $8 26; WW. $9 25, X. $9 36. New Vork I’rodm-e. New York. April 4.- Butter -Unsettled; I receipts, 9.092; creamery higher than ex tras. 43 %0 44c; do, extras 92 score, 41c; j do. firsts. 89 to 91 score. 39'4©42%c Eggs Steady; receipts. $3,169 fresli gathered firsts, 29©30c. do seconds, 28% 0 29c. Cheese—Irregular; receipts, 1 44,253 | pound*. New Vorlr Fruit. N*w York. April 4 - Evaporated Apple* ■—Slow. Prune*—-Unset tied. Apricots—St early. Teaches Steady. Raisins -Quiet Kansas City Trod tier. Kansas City. April 4.— Product—In changed. '■-;-“x Omaha Livestock -' April 4. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs- Sheep Official Monday ... 7.419 8.960 It 804 Official Tuesday .. 6,927 8.438 ll.«07 official Wednesday 6.337 7. 4 4.525 Official Thursday... 4.486 4.988 4.HI Official Friday. 1.549 4,05* 4,122 Estimate Saturday . 8.002 4,000 3,600 fciX dys this wk.26.018 38.078 39,119 Same dya last w k ...30.691 60.961 55.291 Sams dy* 2 wlca ago. 28.240 76,171 43.399 Same dys 3 wk» ■ go. 36,131 76.636 52.622 Sams dys year ago..30,449 *3,306 33.067 Cattle—Receipts. 300 head. Arrivals of cattle today were practically all directa and the market was nominally steady on all classes. For «he week steers are unevenly 25 050c higher as a result of moderate receipts at all markets. Heavy <;itt!e show the greatest advance. Tup on heavy sleers reached $11.16, and handy weights and long' yearlings sold uu lo $11.25. Good to choice grades of cows and heifers were 25050c higher, but com mon cows broke 25c or more. Stockers and feeders were dull all week, and are unevenly25075c lower than 10 days ago. Feat fleshy feeders have escaped de clines because of packer competition. Quotation;* On Cattle. Good to choice yearlings, $0.85011.10; fair to good year, lings, $9.0001.8*; common to fair year lings. $8.000)9.01*; good to choice steers. $10.40011.35; fair to good steers. $9,400 10.35; common to fair steers. $8.2509.25; trashy warmedup cattle. $7.2508.00; good to choice fe«l heifers. $9.25010.25; fair to good fed heifers, $8.000 9.00; common lo fair fed heifers. $7.0008.00; good to choice fed cows. $7.35 08.50; fair to good fed cow*. $6.7507.00; common to fair cows. $1 0005.50; ranners and cutters. $2.8100:5.75; good to choice feeders. $7.86 08.85; fair to good feeders. $6.7507.76; eutnmon to fair feeders. $5.7506.75; good to choice st u lcers. $7.5008.50; fair to good stockera. $6.3507.35; common to fair stockers, $5.2506.25; trashy stockera, $4.5005.25; stock heifers. $4.5O06.3§; stock cows, $3.00 04.25: stock calves, $5.5008.50; veal calves, $3.0009.50; bulls, slags, etc.. $3.5007.25. Hogs -Receipts. 4.000 head. Under just a fair demand and Indiffereni reports from r.ther important centers trade. In both the shipper and packer division was of a drangy character at prices largely steady lo strong. Hulk of all sales. $12.75013.10; top, $13.15. Prices are closing the week unevenly, 100 25c high er. HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr No. Av. Sh. Pr. 83.. 190 ... $12 80 80..200 70 $12 8ft 80. .198 40 1 2 90 85. .236 ... 12 95 137.207 110 13 00 72..225 ... 13 05 71. 230 13 10 67. 230 140 13 15 Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 3,600 head. All classes nominally steady. Under a broad demand from all quarters and de • reused supplies fat lambs scored a 50c 0 $1.50 advance thin week, heavy rlassea being up moat. Shearers are around a half dollar low'er with aged sheep a (Itarter off. Quotations on Sheep: Larnhs. good to choice. $16.50016.00; lambs, fair to good, $14.75015.26; Iambs. cllppd. $11,000 12.50; shearing lamgs, $14.25015.00; wethers. $9.50010 50; fat ewes. $7,000 9 50. yearlings, $11.00012.50. Receipts and disposition of livestock at the 1'nlon stockyards. Omaha, Neb , for 24 hours, ending at 3 p tn April 4. RECEIPTS—CAR I.OT. Horses ft Cattle. Hogs. shp. Mis. Mo. Par. Rv. 3 . U. P. R R. 6 17 13 .... C. ft N. \V . eas . ] C. ft V W . west . 18 .... .... C. St. P. M. ft 0. 4 . <\ R. ft Q. w*est ..5 6 . r. n i & p . west _ 1 . I. r. R R. 2 . C. G. \v. H R... 1 . Total Receipts 11 61 12 1 DISPOSITION—HEAD. Cattle. Hgs. Shp. Armour ft Co. 1161 .... Cudahv Pack. Co. ] 033 .... Hold Pack. Co . 656 .... Morris Pack. Co. 563 .... Swiff ft Co . v 844 .... GJasbUrg K M. 329 «... Armour, Colo. 181 .... Cudahy. Colo. 491 Swift Colo. 1990 Murphy, J. W. 1375 . Totals . . 1*1 6973 2481 Chicago Livestock. Chicago. April 4.—Hoff*—Receipts. 4.000 head; marker, uneven, steady to mostly 10 cents lower than Friday « best prices; light weights show minimum decline; top. 113.9ft; bulk 170 to 300-pound weights. $13.70 to $13 : hulk 140 to 150-pound de scription. $13.30013.60; packing sows largely $12.00012.25. majority strong weight slaughter pigs $12.50012.75: esti mated holdovers 4.000; heavy weight. $13 40013.90; medium weight. $13.55© 13.90; tight weight. $1 3.35 © 1 3*0 ; light light. $12 50 to $13 75 ; narking hogs, smooth $12.25012.50; packing hogs, much. $11.75012.25; slaughter pigs, $11.50 to $13 oo. Cattle--Receipts. 600 head: market com parpd with a week ago Fed steers of value to sell at $9 50 upward. 25 to 40o higher; weighty kind at seasons high time, quality considered: kinds below $9.50: she stock and hulls, strong, strong to 25c higher; better grade she stork and beef bulls showing most advance: stock ers and feeders, narrow county demand: weak. spot* lower. light weight \ ea I calves mostly $1 00 lower; bandy weights on shipnlng account. $1 00 higher: top for week; Long yearling steers $12.40: heavy steers, $t1 *5; light heifers. $11 5ft; bulk prices follow Reef steers. $9 00011.26; fat cows. $'• 2607.60; heifers. $7 ~bfo 9 50 f anners and cutter®, $2 9003.90; light veal calves. $4 50010 00; stockers and feeders. $7 oo©* 25. Sheep — Receipts, 6.000 head; mostly di rer-1, for week, around 27 Oftft head dirert and 133 cars from feed'ng stations: com uared a week ago: Fed lambs. 25 to 50c higher, aged sheen, steady to 25c lower; feeding lambs. 60076c lower; bulk price for week Desirable handy weight wool lambs. $16.75014 00; top. $14.10 closing top quotable. 914 60; weightier kind, most ly $14.50016 ?5. extremely weighty lambs $13 60 0 14 00; clippers scaling under 90 pounds, tnnn’ly $1 2 00013 00; fine hjujdv weights. $13 50; shorn ewe* $7 45 f/ * ’ ; ■ shearing lambs. $14.50015.00; top, $13-25. 9«k. Kansas City. Mo.. April 4 —ft n tod State-. Department of Agriculture)— to 130-pound plus. $12.26012.76, pecker sows. $12.00012.25. Cuttle Receipts 300 head; compared with week ago. beef steers steady to 25c higher; rows 25c higher; good and choice light veaters $1.600175 higher; all other f lusees steady; fop for week, matured steers. $10 36; tight yearling steers. $11.00; heifers. $10.50; hulk for week. Steers. $M 250|OOO light yearlings am! heifers. $*000*50; cows. $5.6007 00; (nonets. $2.2503.00; bologna bulls, $4.5(1 0 5.0(1. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, nominal; week’s trade steady to 26c lower largely, mostly 26c lower on aged sheep, top wool lambs. $15.50 in packers; part load. $ 1 6 76 to outsiders; hulk for week $14 75 ©16.50; flipped lambs, largely heavies, at $to 25© 11 75; choice Imody weights qi-ntHble Ht $13.00; top wool ewes, $9.60, clipped, on. Nluiix 4 llv (livestock. Sioux City. April 4 Cattle Receipts *fto He»d; market compared with week ng#i f.it steers and yearling* 25c higher, bulk, $9.000 10 60 lop. fit :#o. fat cows snd heifers 25( h'ghrt; tanners and rut bM steady: veals stead' . top. $9 on hulls. 16 to 25r higher; feeders. 26r lower, atocksr* 15050c lower, stock yearlings nnd f elves. Mi 5Of lower, feeding cows and heifers, 26« lower Hogs- He. eipts, 5.000 head; market steady* 10e lower; ‘op $11.30; bulk. $12 *6 013.26- lights. $12.60013.10 butchers, gad ttsekers $12 250 1:50. stags. $10 000 10 "6; native tdgs $11 00011 26. Bheey and Lambs It#*, eipts. 500 head marltet compared wllh week sg*». lambs 50c higher lamb" $14(10. IMP. 2606OC higher, ewe#. $976. Ml. Louis Livestock. 591 Louis April 4 Cuttle Receipts 450 head: m irket steady: native beef steers,, I* 60 012.26, vending steers snd heifers. 1 -i w " - ei nnd feeders. $5 2604.50; ( Hives. $4 00© j 1 2 75; ( iin^eiM and cutlers. *2 2604 76. Hogs Receipts. 4,00(1 hend. market steed) mixed and butnhera. $13 $0019 good hen vies $13.66013 75: roughs ft? on 0 12.26: lights. $1 3.60 013.7 6 t.lgs #10 60 013.60; bulk of sales. $13 40 0(1.78. Mhesp—No receipts inatket steady: mutton ewes. $0.0000,(0; lamia, $14 «)0 01675: cannera and choppers, $3 $#06 60. Ml. Joseph I,It eat oik Sf Joseph Mo April 4 «’at tie—He • eipts. 400 hen ft. market nominal, bulk of steers for week $1 iM4|t) Ml ton, tin 71 • ows snd heifers $3 500 10 60, catvss, $4 500 9(0; stocker* and feeders, $5 00 0* 25 Hogs Receipts. I.ooo head: ntarket 100 20i higher: top. 113 In. bulk of snki, $ 1 7 90 0 | fl 30. kheep Receipt» 2*00 head. mark** steady, lambs. $ 1 4 50015*5; awe*. $9.00 0 9 7 It. r-;--- v! Financial News | New York, April 4—Stock price* rel lied briskly today under the leadership of the motor shares, ignoring a further unset 1 lenient In the grain market. Buying of the motors was In further reflection of the sale of Dodge Brothers to a pow erful banking group which has been ron* attued as an Indication of Wall Street's faith in the motor industry snd reports that spring sales of cars were running at high levels. Nash Motors aoared 1 4 U points to a record top at 317*4 and Max well Motora A and B touched new peak prices at 11*4 and 40%. up 2\ and 4 44. respectively Bosch Magneto. iPerce Ar row preferred and Jordan also moved up 2 to 3 points Delaware & Hudson Jumped 6\ points on the announcement of the proposed segregation of its anthracite properties. Good exhibition* of group strength also were given by public utili ties. steels. oils and equipments with Cali fornia Petroleum preferred. United States fast Iron Pipe. Radio Corporation. United Railways Investment and Otis Steel pre ferred as points of outstanding strength. The •losing was strong. Sales approxi mated 45A.OO0 shares. New York. April 4.—Slight gains were general at the opening of business today with several of yesterday’s strong fea tures again In demand. Radio Corpora tion and United Stntes Cast Iron Piep preferred, wold a point higher with Cen tral Leather preferred. American Woolen and Mack Trucks showing large frac tional gains. Stork prices swung upward soon after the opening with hutllsn demonstrations vigorously conducted in a select list of motors, oils and rails. Maxwell Motors B was in brisk demand, rising 2*4 points; Nash Motors jumped f» and Pierce-Arrow preferred and prior pre ferred and Mack Trucks each extended their early gains to a point or more. The demand for the rails centered In Delaware and Hudson which moved tip 3 points and Gulf. Mobile and Northern common and preferred, which advanced 2*4 at d 1 \ points respectively. St. Paul common yielded fractionally to f>. dupli cating its record low price. California Petroleum preferred climbed 2 points in reflection of reports that the stock was to he retired. Other strong spots in cluded United States Cast Iron Pipe, Pan-American B. Bush Terminal. Ameri can Can and Otis Steel preferred, up to nearly 3 points. Foreign exchanges open ed firm, demand sterling ruling around $4.78*4 and French francs around 6.18 */*c, r- " "V New York Quotations — New York Stock exchange quotations furnished bf .T. S. Bach* &. Co., 224 Oma ha National Bank building. Frl. High. Low. Cloae. Close. Agrlcul Chem . 16% Air Reduction ...100% 99% 100 99 Ajax Rubber . 12 11% Allied Chem .95 93% 84% 93 A llia-Cha I . 80% 79% 79% 79% Amer Beet S . 41 Am B H F . 9 5 Amer ('an . 165 1 62 1 64 % 162 Amer Car A F . 201 198 201 197% Amer H & I.eath. 10 Amer H A L pfd. 638; 63% 63*4 63% Amer Inter C . 34 Amer Lin Oil ... 25% 24% 24% 24% Amer Loco .124% 123% 124% 123% Amer Radiator . 96% Am S A Com . lo% 11 Amer Smelt .94% 93% 94 93% Amer Smelt, pfd.107 Amer Sf| F . 49 Amer Sugar . 66% 65% 6»% 6 6 Amer Sumatra. 15 14% Am- r T A T .133% 133% 133% 133% Amer Tobacco . . 98% 88% 88% 88% Am W A Elec... 47% 46% 46% 47 American Wool .. 38 37 39 36 % Anaconda . 38 37 % 38 38 Associated D Ode.190% 177 180% 175% Associated Oil ... 34% 33% 34% 34 Atchison .118% 117% 118% 118 I Atl Coast Line.160 150 Atl Gulf A W I. 36% 36% Atl Refin Co.105 103 10.3 305 Austin-Nichols ... 24 23% 24 23% Baldwin .114 112% 313% 112% Raltl A Ohio. 74% 73% 74% 73% Barnsdall A .23% 22% 23% 22% j Bethlehem Steel.. 40% 40% 40% 40% Bosch Magneto ... 3 3 30% 32% 30% Bkyn-Manhat Rv. 37% 37% 37% 37% RkvnaManhat pfd. 75% 76% Bkyn-Edlson Co. .. 128 Cal Packing .1*3% 103% 10?.% 104% Cal Petroleum 29% 29 29% 2*% Cal A Aria Mining . 60 Canadian Pacific.341% 140% Cent. Leather . 16 V; 16% Cent Leather pfd. 67% 67 67% 67 Cerrn do Pasco. . 46% 46% 45% 46 Chandler Motor* 36% 35% 36% 36% Chesapeake A Ohfe. 90% 40% Chi Ot West com . . 9% 1* Chi Gt West pfd . 22% 21% 22% 21% C A N W . 54% 53% 64% 6.3% C M A St P. 6% 6 6% 6% C M A St P pfd.. 8% s% 8% s% C R 1 A P. 4 2 8; 42 42 % 42% Chile Copper .... 32% 32% 32% 32 Chino . . 21% 20 % (Tuett-peabodv ... 62% Coca-Cola . «2% 91% 92% 91% Colo Fuel A Tron . 34 33 % 34 31 % Columbian Carbon.46% 46* Columbia Gas 64% 64% 54% 64% Com Solvents B.. . 128 132 Congoleum .. 36% 36 36% 35% Cons Clgars . ... . 29 Con a Gas .. 76% 76% 7 6 % 76% Continental Can 62% 62% 62% 62% Continents! Motor* 9% 9 4% 4% Corn Product* ...38% 38% 38% 38% Crucible . 68 67 67% 67 Cuba C Sugar .. 13% Cuba C Sugar pfd. 67% 67% 67% 67% Cuba-Am Sugar. 29% 24% Cuystnel Fruit.. 63% 63% Panlel Boone. I Davidson Chemical 34% 54 14% *3 Delaware A L . ... 130 130 % Delaware A Hud . 145% 1 40 1 45 % 137% Dupont De N.... 141 *39% 141 140 Dome Mines .. 13% Eastman K ->dak. . . ... .310 Erie . 29 28 % 29 28 % Endlcott-Jnhnson. . . ., . 63% Elec Str. Batttery 62 61 % 61% 61% Famous Players . 93% 91 93% »3 % Fifty Ave Bus L. .14% Fisk Rubber . 11% 11% 11% 11% Klelschmann's Y . 76% 76% 76% 76% Gen’l Asphalt... 45% 45 Gen'| Electric .... 260% 168 260% 257 Gen 1 Motors. 70% 69% 70% 70 Gold Dust .. 37 % Goodrich .63% 62% 63% 62% Gt Northern Ore . ?9 28 % 28% 29% Gt Nor. Rv pfd 6 % 62% 62% 6 2 Gulf States Steel.. 70% 70% 70% 70% Hartmann Trunk. . 2* % Hayes Wheel . 32% 33% Hudson Motors . 43% 45 43% 43% Homes! ake M. Co. . 43% Houston Oil. 62% 62% llupp Motors. 1 6 3 5 % 16 15% Illinois Central.Ill % 112% Inspiration . 23 Inf Eng Com Cp. 37% 37 37 % 37 Tnt’1 Harvester.... 104 103% I04 lo,8 lnfl M. Marine. . . 11 % 11 lnfl M M pfd ... 4n% 40% 40% 40% lnfl Nickel. 27% 27 27 % 27% lnfl Paper. 50 43 % 43% 49 Inf T A T. 88% 87% 88% 87% Indep Gas . 24% 24% 24% 23% .lone* Tea. . 16 % Jordan Motor .... 47% 46 67% 45 K O* Southe'n . . . . 30% "0% Kelly Springfield . 1 % 15% 16% 15% Kennerott . 4*% 47% 48% 46 I^ee Rubber . 12% 12 Lehigh Valley ... 71% 71% 71% 71% Lima Loco . 63% 6.1*4 65% 63 Louisiana Oil _ 16% 16% 16% 16% Loose-WU*a . 82% 84% Lon A Nash . . 1 OS Lndlum Steel .... 37 ?6% 36% 36% Mack Truck .137% 135% 136% 136% May Dept Store 104% 103% 104*4 103% Maxwell Motor A. 91 % 98 % 91% 88% Maxwell Motor B. 6n% 66% 60% 95% Mar land . . • 3 6% 36 36 % 36 Mexican Seaboard. 1 ♦ *4 13*4 1 4 14 1* Miami Copper .... 1" % 10 % 10% 10% Mid-Cont OH . 28% 28 -s% 2« M K A T Rjr _ 30% 30 30% 30% Mo Par.33% 3 1 33% S3 Mo Par pfd .74 73 % 7 4 T t U Montgomery-Ward. 4 5% 44% 46% 44% Mother Lode ...... 7 7 Saab Motors .319% 308 |!9% |0J Natlon.il Biscuit . 66% 66 66 % 66% National Enamel ... .. .30% "31 National l«e*d . .. 1 46 146 % N Y Air Brake . . 46% 4 6 N Y Central _US 11«% Hi 114 NY C 4 St Louis . 125 V Y N 11 A II ... 30*4 30 *0 30 North American . . 44% 4 4 % Nor* hern Paclflo .61% 61 61% 6 1 N A W Rv .126 125% 126 1 ?5 % Orpheum ... . . . . \ Owen* Bottle ... 44% 44% Pacific (Ml . 56 % 66 f,:> % Packard Motor ..10% 19% 19% 19% Pan-American ... 76 7 5 *4 7 5% 76 I an Amer "H’* .. 75% 7 5% 76 75 Penn R R . 45% 4 % 4»% 15% People* Oft■ ....... 115 Pare Marquette .... 6 1 Phils Cp . . 61 % Phillips Petroleum 74% 37% "•*% r.7% Pier* * A trow 14 % 13% *4 13'* I’ostum Cere*! .106% jor, 1*6% 10.3% Pressed Sleel Car. . . Ptnd and Refin % 7; % Pullman 194 1 * 1 % 1 3 4 1 3 3 % Punt a Alegre Hug 4 Pure Oil.26 % 2*% 26% ? '• % Radio Corp .6% 62% f • % f,?% Rail Steel Spring 1?'\ Bay Consol . ...17*; 12% 12% 1.3% Reading . 7°% 71% 72% 71 % Raping 1** 15 14% 14*4 16 Rep Iron A M ..47% 46% 47% 45 R Dutch N Y ..60% 50 49% Ht 1. A Sen F .64% 64% 61% 6 4 Sf 1. A S W . 4.7% 45% 4,% 4*% Schulte Cigar N»nr lit 110% Neat* Roebuck ...163 1 55 1 53 1 52 % Mb* II Ft, Oil .... 24% 2 4 2 4*4 " 4 % Simmons Co .... 7 4 31*4 3 4 '.4 Rim lair Oil .2'*% 19% 19% 1»% Sinclair pfd ...... 86 % *’•% Hina- Sheffield ... 84% Hkellv Gil ... *« H 23% 24 % -'4 Mouth Paelflo . .1(10% HH»% 1*"*% l«o% Mouth Rail ... 84% R 3% 84% 84 Ml oil Of Calif . r.9% 1,t ■, 59% r>9% Ht 4 Ml of N I . . 42 4 1 *|| 4 2 4 1 •. Stand Plate 4lli»s* 1 ’ % Stewart-Warner 60% 69 6*»% Mtromberg Car ., 6‘J Htudehaker . 44% 4 1*4 4 1% 4!*; Hub Host .. . 9 *ii Texas Co 4 4% 44 % 4 4 % 4 4 % Texas % Total sales Friday. 844 llin. Today’s 11 a m. salea, 197.8®®. --;— -- \ New York Bonds v — • New York. April 4.—After a period of hesitation the bond market ended the we* k with a firmer tone. attributed partly to the easier money conditions which prevailed over the week-end and the recuperative power shown by the French obligations. _ . Dcaplte the uncertainty over the Frencn financial aituation and the threats of a capital lew. the governmental and mu nicipal bonds st ored Irregular recovery in response to indications that serious at tempts were being made to restore h rench finances to a sound tiasis. Todays gains averaged about a point for the three re public issues anti the Seine 7s. Bordeaux 6a and Paris-I.yons Mediterranean 6s. Trading in railroad liens was enlivened bv a spurt of more than 1 points in Dela ware .v Hudson convertible f»* following announcement of the railroad’s plans to segregate its coal properties. The ad vance In the bontls followed a jump of » points in the company’s stock, which at tained a record higher level at 145 %. A moderate demand developed for other rail issues and popular oil, motor and sugar company bonds. Interhorough Rapid Transit mortgages experienced another sinking spell as a re-I suit of the court decision requiring rhe company to pay hack dividends io dis senting stockholders of leaned lines. Relief over the easier tendency of money and the maintenance of the fed eral reserve rediscount rate at 3% per cent was reflected in the establishment of new 1925 top prices by several Liberty ( bonds. New York. April 4—Following are to day's high, low and closing prices of bonds on the New York Stock Exchange, and the total sales of each bond: United States nHnds. (United States government bonis In dol lars and thirty-seconds of dollars.) (Sales in ll.0®0) High. Low. Close. 423 Liberty .3%s -101.19 101.13 101.13 191 Liberty 2d 4%s.101.5 101.1 101.6 16 Liberty 3d 4%*.. 101.23 101.11 101.21 139 Liberty 4th 4%s..l02.5 102. 102.2 2 U S Treas 4s - 100.24 100.21 100.21 Foreign. 36 Antnn Jurgen 6s . . 93% 93% *3% 3 Argentine 7s .102% 102% *22!? 60 Argentine 6s . 96% 96% ••% 17 Austrian gtd In 7s. 9.'.% 95 9.->% 7 Bordeaux 6s . *3 82% *2 * 2 Copenhagen 5%s .. 96% 96% 9*> *8 10 Greater Prague 7%s 90 90 90 2 Rio d Janeiro ®s 47 92% 92% 92% 12 Czechoslovak 8s 52. 99 % 99 ®9 * 24 Dept Seine 7s ... 87 85 6r*% 20 Dominican Rep 5%s 92 93 9_ 13 Dorn Fan 5%s 29.102% 102% J®2% 27 Dom Can 5s 52 - 103% 103% 10.,% 8 Dtch K In*l 6* 62 .10n% 100% lo0 % 20 Dtch E Tnd 5%s 53 97% 97% 9.% 2 Framer lean 7%s .. 91 jo% •! 30 French Rep Ss -100% 99% 100% 121 French Rep 7*. 88 86 % liH 6 G ex loan 7s rets 94% 94% 94% 38 Jap 6 *,s . 90% 90% 90% , 2 Japanese 4« . 81% 81% *1 ? 31 Kinsr of Bel 7%s. .107% 107% 107% 14 K of Bel 6 %• -- 92% 92% 92% 17 K of Pen 6s . ...101% 101 101% 4 K of Hun 7%s- «7% 87% 87% 6 K of N 6s ’72 . .10.3% 103% 10.3% 15 K Of Neth 6s '54.. 10.3 102% 103 22 K of N 6s ’44 .... ®o% 9®% ®9% 16 K S C S «S. 87 86 % 8. 6 K of Swed 6 %s. . 59% 9® % 99% 8 Nord Rvs 6%s .. 80% NO’i 80% 25 Paris-L-M 6s . 75% 74 74 % 6 Rep of B 8S - 9.3 92% 93 3 R of C 8s ’41_107% 107% 10?% 12 Rep of Chile 7s.. 99% 9®% 59% 3 R of r.l 6%s . ... 1®0 % 1®0% 100% 41 Rep Of Cuba 5%s.. 98% 98% 9*% 1 Rep of Fin 6s .. 8.3% 8-.% 83% 5 Rep Of Haiti 6s . 94 94 94 2 S of Q 6s.105 1®4 105 5 S of S P s f 8s .100% 100 l®n% 5 Swiss Con 8s ....114 114 114 7 S (1 6 % s '46 ....101% l®i% 101% 61 1 *K ofGBA IB %s'29 116% 116 116% 5 UK of G BA-15% 837.106 % 1«6% lft6% 8 U S of Hr Re ... 96 9 % 95% 11 U 8 of B-CRE17* 81% 81% 81 % Domestic. 6 Am A» Chem 7%s 8*% 97% 98% 3 Am Chain sf deb 6s ®"% 9, % 9. 4 19 Am Smelting 5s.... 97 97 9? 2 Am Sugar 6s......102 1®2 102 13 Am TAT 5 %s. 102% l‘\|% 102% 2 Am TAT col tr Se.,100% 100% inn% 20 Am T\-T col tr 4s 96% 96% 96% 2 Am W W A E 5a. . 95%, 93% 95% 9 Ana Cop 8s *30.... 1 oo pto % 1 oo % 2® Apa Cop to ■».<.. . 99ft* 99% 99% 5 Armour Co De! 5%a 92% 92 92 20 ATA-SF gen 4s 89% 89% 89% 1 At Cat LLAN col 4s 8 6 »4 86% 86% 8 RAO rfg 6s 95 ... 102 101% 101% 11 MAO 1st 5s ctfs. . .100% 100% i(io% 22 MAO evt 4 % s. . . 92 92 92 2 Mel! Te| Pa 1st 5s. 101*; 101 lf»l% 5 Beth St con A 94 % 9 4% 94 % * Beth St p mon os. . ®1 90% 91 17 P.kyn Ed gen 5* A loo% ioo 10o% 8 6 Rkyn-Man tr sf 6s. 83% 8 4% 85*, 5 B R A- P 4 % s. 8 4 % «4% 84', t Calif Pet 6 *, s ...191 10.? 103 7 Can No deb 6%s 117% 117% 117% 1® Central Pac gtd 4s 87% 87% «7 % 5 Ches A O evt 4%s 96% 94% 96% t Chic A- Alton 3 %s 6.3 53 83 1 CBAQ rfg 5s A .100% inn % ion % 2 CBAQ gen 4s 90 00 90 11 Chic A F.ast 111 5s. 75% 76% 75% 11 Chic Gt W 4 s . 61 % 61% 61% 32 CMASt P evt 4 % s. 45% 45% 45% 24 CMASt P rfg 4%s.. 46% 45% 4* 49 CMASt P 4s ’25 48 % 47% 4* % 3 C A V W rfg 5s 99', 99% *9% 39 Chicago Rvs 5s ... *1 80% 81 50 Chi R I A P gen 4a «i% 83% 83% 21 C R T A P rfg 4s. 87% *7 87 % 10 CTHASE Inc 5s 58% M% 58% 5 (’hie A West Ind 4s 77% 77s, 77% 27 Chile Copper 6s i®6% 1®6 3®6% 3 CCCASt I. rfg 5s D 96% 96% 96% 3 Com Pow 6« 300% 300% Joo% 14 Cons « oaI of Md 5s 82% 81% *2% 5 C C S deh 8s stpd 100% 100% * MI% 183 Dela A Hud evt 5s 105% lo;% H»s% IDA R O con 4s 82% *2% «2% 3 Detroit F. rf*-6a..1®7% 107% 107% ]0 DuP de Nem 7%s 107% 107% 107% 4 Duq Light 6s . 1«« 105% 103% 9 East 4' Sug .7%s 1®5 105 l*iS 31 En.p G A F 7 %s ini% 1"1 1®1 % 1 Erie gen lien 4s. 63 6.1 63 2 Fisk Rub 8s .111% 111% 111% .3 F A K C Rv 5s 94% ®4% 94% 4 Gen E deb 3s_1®4 1«4 1«4 27 Goodrich 6%s .. 104% 104 104 3 Goodv T 8s 31.. . 109 108% lo<*% 12 tioodv T 6s '41... 12®% 120 12® 18 (It N 7s A .109% 109% 109% 3 Gt N 5s .93% 95% 93% 10 H A M rfg 5s A 87% 67% *7% 25 H A M aditncB* 70% 70 7n% 3 H Oil A R 5 % s .101 1**1 10! 78 PI B Tel rfg 5s. 100 99% 99% 1 111 <>n S * j a .102% 102% 1"2% 6 ICCPtl.AXO tfg 5s 98 97% 97% 6 HI S deb 4 % s . ® 4 % 9(% 94% 37 inter Rap T 7s .. 85% 85 8 3 ** 19 Infer Rap T 6« 64’, 64% *4% Hint R T rfg 5 s s 6* 61 % 61 % 29 lb A Gt N adj 6s 66% 66% 66% 4 In A Gt N 1st »* 104% 104% 104% 29 In M M s f 6* 8 9 R8% 88% 8 Inter Pap rvt 5a A 89 88 % 6ft % I K c Ft H A M 4S 83% 6.3% 6" , 20 K Cltv P A L 5* 97% 97% 97 8, 3 K C BOUth 5s . .. *6% 6 6% 88% 1 K City Term 4s.. 84% 64% 84% 4 K Gas A El 6* .10]% 10! % 101% 1 Kelly Spring T 8s 97 97 97 10 Lari G of Sf L 5 % a 99 98% 98 8* 1 Llg A Myers &s .100% 166% lftf.% 10 I. A Na 1st rf 4%s 93% 13% 93% i L Gas A El 5s . . 93% 93% 9i% 10 Magma Cop 7«_1H% 118% IIP, 1 M a n m 11 Hug 7%s . 99% 99 *, 99*, 2 Mnrket St Rv 7s . 08 *4 98% 98% 16 Mid Steel evt 5s. .. 90% ®t)% 90 »* 1 M El Ry A Lt rf 6s 90% 90% ana. 2 MKA T pr ll 6s C 1**4% 104'* 104% 14 MKAT n pr 11 5a A 90 % 90% 90% 20 MKAT ne ad f>a A 83% 83', 63% 14 Mo Pan 1st 6s . ,1m 100% 101 12 Mr/ Phc gen 4? ... 63% 63% 63% 1 Mont Pow 5a A . . . . ox*, 98 », vs % 8 7 NETAT 1st 5s .100 100 loo 2 NoTAMex 5%s .100 100 jliO 31 N Y Cen deb c* . ,li»9% 109*4 109% 14 NYC rfgAtmp 5s .100% 100% ion % :o NYCAStL 6 % s 95% 95% 9 > % 11 NY'Nil AH «• 6s 4 8. 6 8 % ft-* 68 3 V Y K*\ » 4« ctfs 4 9 4 9 40 16 N V T rfg 6S «1.. 107 *4 107% 107*4 3 N Y W A n 4%s 64 6 4 6 4 2 Nor A- West ron 4s 89% *9% 8 9 4* 22 N V v:*fl s f 6* inn% 100*, 100 *. 2 N Pur rfg 6* H 107% I07 % I07«, 6 Nor Pa* new 8s D 96 ** 96% 96% 3 Nor Phc pr lien 4s *4*, 84% 8 4*, in V s Power 1st 5s A 95% 9 r. % 9 5% 3 lire Short L rfg 4a 96% 9ft % 96% 5 tors W R R A N 4s 82% 82% « ’ *7 1 Pa. Gas A E 8s 95% O'*'. 95% 3 Pac T TA >a *52 9 .*, |a% 95% 12 PA Pet A T 6s 1in% U0% 3to% 1 Pa R R «%«..... lto% 110% lio % 12 Pa R R temn 3s '64 97% 97% ®7% 2 Pere Mar rfg U..190 09% 10® 4 Phlla Co ifg to .104% 104% 1"4% 2 Phlla Co 5' S ®*% 96*4, to % 4 Phlla A R CAT 5a..ltm% 10ft>, 100*% 19 Ptet*** Arrow 8 s 95% 94% 9 5% I Reading gen 4*,s 9 3 % 93% 93% 5 Hl« it W col tr 4a 73 >4 73 7 3 6 It I A A L 4 », s 86 «4 86 % ft6 % 1 HI LI MAS rf 4s «4% 94% 9 4 8. H Ft LIMAS 4s RaG d *7 »»'.% 8 7 2 8 Ftl.AFF pr li 4s A 74 6, 74% 74% 16 Si I, A San F M«1 6S 8 6% 86% 86% 15 St LA Hun Fratt in 6s NO 80 8 0 If. Ft 1. So con 4s 81 88 n» |5 St L Fn con 4* 8 8 8 8 8« 5 Scab All I. a»t| 6a 74% 74** .4’, f. Sen b A L ifg 4- 66% 66% 66 % 21 Sin* •'in Oil col 7a 92% 9"% 92% 5 Sim I t;on Oil •>%• N8% 88 *4 8 8 % 4 Him 1*1 *>e Line f,s 8484*% 84% 7 Shellv 'HI 6 %s .1**9% 1 n| % 1®® % 6 Mouth »%* evt 4s . 9h% 96% 96% II So Pm* ifg 4s 00% 90 90*, 2 So Pn•/ col tr 4s... 87 87 NT 10 So Itjifl gen 6%« ..108% 108% 1(.^% 11 So Hall gen 6s 104% H4 1®4 H S*i Rail gen 4" “6% 71 % 76% I S*» Hell Tel • fg 5s 9s% 98% 98% t steel Tube 7s 10f % 107% 10? % 6 T.-pn Elec »fg 6s .100% 100% 10l*84 2 T 9 a.ll 5s ... 18% 38% 38 % 7 T Ave ifg 4s .. 54 53 % 54 4 Toledo Ed I 7s .. 10®»» 1®9 ’» 109% 4 I’n Par * vt 4s. . . 99 % 99 % 99 *4 I® Un Ps*- rfg 4s 85 % «5% 85% 7 V a Ruh 5s 61% 85% 85% 14 V F F • f Rs 105% 105% 105 % 19 Y’a C C 7*,« w w 47% 4 7 4 7 6 8 Va Car Ch*m 7s . 8 7 % 8 8 *, 8 4 % 12 \ Ir RAP rfg 5s ®4 95*, 9^ 4 \ Ir Ry 5a ....... 17% t:% •:% \ New York Curb Market V---i-' New York. April 4 —Pronounced strength In the public utility list, with several issues recording substantial ad vances at the opening, featured a com paratively quiet half holiday session on the curb exchange today. Of chief in terest was the sharp upturn In Ten n esse a Electric Power, which, ruse 4% points to 19 %c. Commonwealth rower advanced 8 points. Petroleum shares were neglected and alight recessions were registered in the more prominent Issues. Standard Oil of Indiana opened a point higher but failed to maintain the advance. Creole continued in demand, moving up to 13%. Tbs failura announced early in the week had an acutely unsettling influ ence on many stocks when the suspension was announced, one stock, Royal Canadian, then falling from 7 to 1%, and several other stocks which had been carried for account of the failed firm broke in about the same manner, a large number of Issues being traded in under the rule to close accounts. After this episode the market quickly developed a steadier tone. Standard Oil Issues came Into prom Ipence following the announcement of ab sorption of Pan-American by Standard Oil of Indiana on Wednesday, the Indiana shares making an advance of 4 points and selling at a new high for recent trading Many of the other Standard Oil issues, including New York. Prairie Oil and South Penn, advanced 2 to 5 points from their low levels. Miscel laneous oil stocks also were active and strong. Salt Creek, which declared an extra dividend distribution, moved up over 2 points. Continental Oil also rose over 2 points. The week's trading Included bullish ac tivities in several radio isaues as a result of the settlement reached with the French patentee. New York. April . 4.—-Total sales of stocks. 172. .">00 sharps. Total sales of bonds $519,000. Following is the official list of transac tions on the New York Curb exchange, giving all slocks and bonds traded In: Industrial!*. Sab s. High I.ow. Close. 000 Adirondack P4I*.. 45% 45 45% .300 Allied Pack pr pfd 50% 50 fO Son A in GAE new. 69 69 69 50 Am Lt A True... 14 7% 147% 147% 6«'o Am PAL new- 62% 52% 52% 10 Am PAL pfd. 86 86 86 200 Ain Superpower B 28 27 % 2S 100 A pcO Mfg A. 25% 25% 25% 300 Armour Co B ctfs 12 12 100 Artloom Corp . . . 29 39 39 ]00 Artloom Corp pfd. 99 99 99 500 Ossd OAK new... 26 26 26 600*Atlantlc Fruit Co. 98 97 98 900*Bolssonault Co .. 100 90 100 170 Borden s Milk _14 5% 141% 143 20 Borden’- Milk pfd. 109% 109% 109% 200 Bkvn City RR ... 8% 8% 8% 1 400 Car Light . 4 5% 4 100 Cent Pipe Corn... 14 14 14 6OH Chapin Sacks Inc. 21 20 20% 200 Chatterton A Sons 17% 17% 17% 200 Cleveland Auto ..21% 21% 21% 850 Com Pow Corp ..1 15 108 214 400 c OAK Balt new.. 54% 34% 34% 500 Cont Bak A.118% 117% 118% 2P'0 Cont Bak B . 25 24 % 24% 100 Cont Bak r.fd. 93% 93% 93% 300 I>e Forest Rad ctfs 22 21 % 22 25 Pel LAW Coal... 126 125 125 200 Doehler Pie Cstg. 14% 14 14 300 Dubllier CAR new 15 14% 15 100 Du Pont Motor... 60 60 60 1900 Durant Motors .18% 1*% 1«% 200 Du* Co Inc. 26 26 26 2100 Kl B«i A Sh new. 57% 66 56% 30 El Bd A Sh pfd.. 10.3% 103% 103% 700 Elec Investors . .. 41 40% 40% loft Freed Ei-emann.. . 11% 11% 11% 20ft Freshman Co .... 11% 10% 31% 900 Garod Corp 3% 3 3% 7oo Gen Outdoor A... 46% 46% 46% 300 Ga Light A Rv... 62 59 59 30ft Gillette Raz new.. 61% 61% 61% 100 Glen Aldan Coal..130 126 % 327% 700 Goodyear Tire .. 29% 28% 29 900 Happ Candy St A. D, 6% 6% l«no Hazeltlne Corp... 22% 21 22% 1 *i0 Intercon Rubber . 7 7 200 Inter Ocean Radio 5 4% 5 loo Kelnet Wll Stamp 22 22 22 200 Kelvinator Corp.. 23 22 % 23 900 Lrhign Ya 1 Coal.. 38% 3*% 38% 75 Lehigh Coal Sales 81% 81 81 600 Liberty R C 8tores 8% *% 8% loo Mesabl Iron . . .3 3 400 Middle West Util. 9 2% 91 92% 200 Moore Drop Forge 66 66% 66 200 Motion Pictures 17% 17% 17% 700 Motor Wheel new. 18% ]*% 18% 500 Music Master .... 10 9 % 10 M0 Nat Pow A Lt . ... 2 5 4 235% 234 no Nat Tea Co new..239 259 239 120 New Jersey % Inc. 187% 185 147% 100 Nickel Plate w; .84% *4% 84% 600 Omnibus Corp ctf. 16% 16% 15% 125 Path- Exrh A .47% 4 7 4 7 10ft Reo Motor Car.... 21 21 21 900 Aeagrove Corn . . 13% 13 13% 60ft0*South Coal A Iron 5 5 5 16* Spear & Co 24% 24% 24% 6ti0 Cfandard Puo. ... 65% 66% 65% 7fto Stutx Motor. 7% 6% 7% loo Swift lnt l .28% 28% 28% 1500 Tenn FI Pow . 58% 65 57 100 Tenn El Pw 2d pfd 74% 74** 74% Ton Thermlodyne R . *t% 7% 7% J Oft Toh Prod Exports. 3% 3% 3% 20 C S Gypsum . 133 133 133 40 Victor Talking M. 7ft 7o 70 loft Ware Radio Corp. 11 11 11 700 Warner Bros Pic A 15% 16 % 16% 100 Western Power .. 31% 31s* "1% 200 White Rock . 23% !*!% 23% 100 Wickwire S Steel n 4% 4’* 4% Standard Oils. 1 200 A n gin-Am Oil.. .. .2% 22% 22% 3000 Coni'nelital Oil ... 24% 24 24 % 10 Eureka Pipe L. ... 80 8ft mi* 1"'i Humble 4»,l 44% 44% 44% 600 Imp Oil Can n . . 29% 29% 2 9% fcno International Pet 2 4 23 % 2 4 70 Magnolia Pet . 139 1 37 1 39 200 Ohio • »il.*.6 65% 66 1«ft Penn Hex Fuel .. 39 39 39 600 Prairie Oil new. 54% 64 64 % 40 Prairie Pipe IJne.11? 116% 117 3ft South Penn Oil... 166 166 166 6700 St d Oil of Ind. ... 63% 63% 63% 600 St,l Oil of Kan 33 31 % 33 800 Stand Oil of N T 42% 42% 42% 20 Std Oil of Ohio 349 349 34 9 3 40 Swan A F Oil Cp. 18 17% 17% *00 Vacuum Oil km $7% 68 JOO Carib Syndicate. . 3% 3% 3% 600 Cities Serv new 36% 36 36 % 60 Cities Service .182 160% 182 100 Cities Serv H rtfs 18 l« H Sftftft Colombian Synd 1% IS 1** 8 600 Corn I Ref . 12% 12 S 13% loo Derby Oil. 6% 5% 5% 1 800 Gibson Oil . 2% 2 % .% 200 Gilllla r d Oil ctfs 2% 2% 2% 300 Gulf Oil . 65 65 65 8200 La go Pet . 7 8% 6% 11000*1.atln Am Oil . . .. 6 5 6 jnovMexlian Puniiro .65 65 $5 100 Mount A Gulf Oil. 1% IS IS 809 Mountain Prod 21% 21% 21% 200 .New Bradford 5 % 0% 6% 100 N M it Ari* L Co. 8 8 8 600 Peer Oil . 1 % 1 1 loo Red Banks OH. ... 21 21 21 4 9 00 Royal Canadian 1% IS 1% 200 Ryan (,'onaolIdated 6 % 6% 6% 109 Salt Creek Cons 7% 7 s* 7 % 2600 Salt Creek Prod 27% 27% 27% ion Tidal Osage 9% 9% 9% 300 United Central 011 7 7 7 4700 Venezuelan Pet. 4% 4% 4% 9<*o Wilcox Oil a % 6% 6% 200 ‘’an a.-to Copper 3% 3% * ** 7 *>o*f hino Ext . .72 To 72 1 oo*Con.*tock Tunnel., 60 b0 60 200 Con* Cop Min 3 3 3 6000‘Diamond field BBS 6 » 2500 Eng Gold M 2% •«>% \ 8ft0ft*Kur#ka. Croesus ..20 19 20 lft00*Gold Zone DM 5 5 & looo*Haw theme M. ..It 13 13 80n Her la Min .16 14% 16 fl ‘ Howe Sound Co . 17% 17% 1 % 10ft0*lnd Lead M 1ft 1" 10 100 Jerome Verde Div l 1 1 lftOOMib Cons . 13 13 13 4400 Kay Copper . 2 1% 1 ij innn* \f, Kin - Dar Sa> age. 2* 2m 2* 500 New Cornelia .. :*» % 2* 20% 100*Ohlo Copper . 87 m7 87 2700*Plymouth Lead .. 63 59 bj 11 non* Sr. n Toy . « 4 4 IftOSo Am PAG . 2% 2% 1% ltinn-Spenrhead . 4 4 4 ] oon*spearhead . 4 4 4 l«®fl*Tonopah Bel ...to ft* to .300 Tonopah Eaten .. 2% 2% 2% 20n*U nlty Gold . 60 60 60 1100 Wenden Cop M 3% 3% 3% Ikimentir Honda. 10 Allied Packer b» . 77 76 % 76% .1 Allied Packer 8s. 87 87 *7 1 Am Beet Sug 6g.. 97% 97% 97% 14 Am GA Kl 6- . 9 7 9 7 97 1 Am Ice Co 7s - 103 103 103 10 Am PA Lt 6s . 95 95 95 1 Am PALI t>* new 95% 95% 95% , Heaver Hrd 8s .94% 93% 95% 17 Bell Tel Can is.. 98% 98 98 % J Beih St 7s ”.5 .104 103% 104 S Can N’t Ry Kup 7s 111% 111% 111% 15 Can Nat Ry 4%a .. 93% 93% y* % 5 Cities Fr\ 7- 1 >e**. 102 101% 10; is Cult*- Srv PAL 6s 94% 94 94% J 9 ('on Text 8s . .... 82 80% 80% 1 Cuban Tel 7%* 1<‘6% 1<>6% los% l Cud*by Par k $%s 93% >2% *2% 1 Deere A Co 7%e..l«4S 104% H'4% 1 I *et Edison *,« .114% 114% 114% 2. Dunlop TAR ,*...101 101 101 1 Gen Pet 6s . . 01 % 101 % 101 % 1 k r Term 5%s . 1 "I % 101% 101% 4 Morris Co 7 % • . 101% 102% 102% 1 Nat Diet Cft 7 s .1 Oft 10ft 100 7 Nat l.eath «* 1*1 % 1«1 % DM % 1 S U Pub Srv \a ^4% 89% 89% 28 »N’er Sts P 6%a. ins 107% 107% 2 Ohm Pow 5* B 9?% 92% 92% 47 Pgb Srv LAG &%* 99% 99lt 99% ? Pure 011 6 %s . 100 loo loo 6 Slvawsheen 7« ..100% loo% inn% I s., Cal Edison i, 9 5 94 % MS 6 'Stand OAEl *%* .117 116% 117 1! Swift A Co 5s ..95% 95% 95% 1 Tidal Osage 7s ..104 1M DM 2 V S Rub h%s 32 . 99% 99% 99% J V S Rub *%* 36. 97 % 97% 97% 7 Vacuum OH 7s ..106% 106% 1<»6% 5 Web Mtlls 6 % * 9 9% 98% ®l% Foreign Honda 41 Eat RR Frame 7s 81% 81% 91% 15 French Nt MSS 7a 8 1 80% 90% 5 In.l 11k Fin 7s ... 92% 92% 92% 19 Denmark 6a . ... 98% 98% 98% 7 Ktnpp (Fried 1 7s. *6 94% 94% 21 Russian 6%s NC . i4 1.1% 13% 6 Russian .'>%■ .16 16 16 10 Russian 5 %s ctf-. 14 14 14 30 Alemen A ll 7a 28. 99 99 99 I Aleman A H 7a 36 96% 96% 96% 4 Swiss &%» .DM % 101% DM % 6 Thyaaen lAAl 7s.. 99% 98% 18% •Cents * share 1 V arn Sug 7s *39 79 . 74 78 21 West Klee 6a . 9«% *<*% *9% 4 West M 1st 4s . *1% 4;t% 63% 4 West Klee 7a ....108 108 104 * West Shore is 83% 83% 8.3% 1 Wlllys o 1st f %« ion ioo loo 3 Wll a 1*0 a f *%a 72% 72% 72% I i Wll A Co 1st 6s 96% 4 % 46% 1$ Wll A Co cvl 6s . 7 3 7 % 72% • Y A A T 6a 9* % ®« 98 Total a.-lea of bond* today * *rr $6 07*. non com pa ted with 913.079,ft*® prev* ous day xnd $6.27*.oon a >ear ago. New York 4 niton New Y n r k. Ynrtl 4 The general cot ion market closed bat eh steady at net dev lines of ? to 14 points r---—” v j Omaha Produce April 4. BUTTER. Creamery—Local Jobbing price* to re* taller*. Extras. 47c; extra* in 60-lb. tub*. 46c; standards. 46c. first*. 45c. Dairy—Buyers are paying 28c for No. 1 table butler in rolsl or tub*. 21©2Ip for packing stock; fresh, sweet (unsalt*d), BUTTEnFAT. For No. 1 cream Omaha buyer* are paying 36c per lb at country *tatlon*. 42c delivered at Omaha FRESH MILK. Price quotable $-.15 per cwt. for fresh milk test-ng 3 5 butterfat. delivered on dairy platform. Omaha. EGOS. For fresh egg* delivered at Omaha Case count, around 18.00 per case. Price* shove for eggs received in new or No. 1 white wood cases; a deduction of 25c will be made for second-hand cases. In most quarters a premium is being paid for selected eggs, which must not be more than 48 hours old. uniform in size and color (meaning all solid color*—all Rami shade). The shell must be clean and sound, and the eggs weigh 25 ounces or over per dozen. Jobbing prices to retailer*: U. 8. spe dale. 32c per doz.: U. 8. extras, com monly known as selects, 30c; No. 1 small, 28 c. POULTRY. Price quotable for No. 1 stock alive, de livered Omaha: Broilers. 1925. 35c; springs, sinootil leg*, soft meat, 25c; stags, 1 'til Die; hens. heavy, 21 ©23c; hens, light, 17 tic 21c; old rooster.. 10c; ducks, fff. around 15c; K< ese. f. f f. 8@10c; capons, over 8 lbs., 32c; 7 to 8 lbs. 28c per lb.; turkeys, fat. 9 lbs. and up. around 22c; pigeons, $1.00 per dozen. Dressed—Cash prices for dressed poul try. No. 1 stock delivered Omaha, are nominally 2©3c above quotation* for live poultry. Jobbing prices of dressed poultry To retailers are nominally as follows: Springs, soft. 35c; broilers, 86©40c; hens. 254928c; duck a, 23©30c. geese, 15© 18c; turkeys. 26©38c. BEEF ('UTS. Wholesale prices quotable: No. 1 ribs, 25c; No, 2, 22c; No. 3. 16c; No. 1 loins 24c; No 2, 32c, No. 3. 19t; No. 1 rounds, 18 **c; No. 2. 17 4c: No. 3. 13 4c: No. 1 chucks. 14c;. No. 2, 134c; No. 3. 94c; No. 1 plates. 8 4c: No. 2. 8c; No. 3. 7c. FRESH FISH. Nominal Jobbing quotations ei follows: Black bass. 32a; halibut. 21c; white fish, trout, yellow pike, 39©35c: buffalo, 18<-; bullheads. 28c*: northern catfish southern catfish. 30c; fillet of haddock, 27c; black cod sable fish, 38c; red snap per, 26c; flounders, 20c; crappies, 27c, Spanish mackerel, 27c; white perch, 17c, frozen fish, 3©5c less than prices above, oyateis, $2 85ft>4 10 gallon. CHEESE. American cheese fancy g^ade Jobbing prices quotable as follows; Single daisies, 26c; double daisies. 26c: square prints. 26 4c; lomrhorns 26c brick, 27c; Itm burger. 1-lb. style, $3.5# per doz.; Swiss domestic. 38c. imported Roquefort, 68c; New York, white 52 c FRUITS. Quotable Jobbing price* for No. 1 stock. Strawberries—Louisiana, pints, $-.59© 6.75 per case. Pears—Fsncy, bushel basket*. Clalr geaus. $1.75. Oranges—Navels, extra fancy, per box. $5.00 © 7. no. Grapefruit—Florida. $3.25© 4.50. Bananas—Per lb., 39c. Cranberries—Extra fancy Howes, 33-qt carton, $5.00; 60-qt. box, $7.50. Apples—Ir. boxes: Extra fancy Wine saps $4 00: P.orne Beauties. $1.09: Newton Pippins, $3 0(t; Spit z-jn bergs, $3.50. Ir. baskets: Winesaps $2.75. In barrels: Winesaps. $*.09: Gene; on*. $7.00; Ren Davis. $7.00 © 7.59; Missouri Pippins, $8.00. Lemons—California, extra fancy, $7.50© $8.00; fancy. $6.00©7.50. VEGETABLES. Quotable Jobbing prices for No. 1 stock. Rhubarb—40-Ib. box. $4 50. New Roots—Carrots. bushel basket $2.#0; beets. $2.25; turnips. $2.25. Sweet Potatoes—-Crate. $3.50; seed Jer seys. $3,90 basket. Asparagus—("alifortCa, per lb.. 20©25c. ; Cucumbers—Per doz.. $2.--n. Peppers—Green, market basket, 39c lb 1 Onions—Spanish, crate. 45 lbs 13^0. California white, in sacks, 8c lb.; reo j globe, in 44c lb ; yellow. 44c.! southern shallots “5c dozen bunches. Oid Roots—Beers, turnips, in sack* 3c lb ; rutabagas. 24c; carrot*. 34c; pars-1 nips. 34c. m Spinach—Basket. $] 25. Cauliflower—P**r crate. $773. Cabbage— Holland eee«j. crates, 24c per lb ; new cabbage, crate*. 3c per lb. Radishes—Hot house, dozen bunches 80c. Potatoes —R. R Ohio* seed. $1 cwt.; Idaho bakers, sacks. $3.59; Nebraska rus set rurals, $1.60 cwt. Lettuce— Head per crate. $' ;0; per dozen. $1 50 hor house leaf. Celery—California and Florida, fancy, dozen stalks. $t.75©3.25; California extra! fancy, crate. *9.90 Parsley—Per dozen bunches. 99c. Tomatoes—Six-basket rra*e, fancy. $9 00; lug. $5 00: basket. $j.5o „ FLOUR. P-ice* ouotab'e round lots fle*s than carload lots) f. o. b. Omaha follow F-rst patent in »*-pound begs. $*.1(>©*.20 ;*er bh! ; standard patent $?.*:> p» r hb! fsngv claar. M.tifH.M per bbl . wh t* or vellow corntneal. $2 40 per 109 lbs. FEED. Market quotable per ton. carload lota f o b. Omaha: Digester Feeding Tankage—60 per cent rrotein. $55 00 Hominy Feed—Whit# or yellow. $37 00 Cottonseed ileal—43 per cent protein 14 4 5n Buttermilk-—-Condensed for feeding. 16 bbl. Jot* l 4 c per lb ; flak* buttermilk. jC0 to 1.900 lbs . Sc lb. Mill Feeds—Bran standard. prompt $23 60. brown ahor?«. $3*.90; gray short®. $31 00. flour ro 'Idling* $34 00, r*ddog $40 90© 41 00; mixed cars of flour and teed ahound 75* more per ton. ' Egg Shells—Dried and ground. 100-lb ba*« ton lots. $25.00 per ton Alfalfa Meal—Choice prompt delivery, second-hand bags. $27 50: N l prompt delivery, second-hand bags $75 90; No. 2. prompt delivery second-hand bag*. $22 50 L inseed Meal—34 per cent protein prompt, $44 10 FIELD 8EED Nominal quotations per 100 pounds, fair average quality Alfalfa. $71.00© 27.00.1 sweet clover. S9 90&11.O0; red '-lover 1 $18.0# © *0.00 ; timothy $4 5#©.r09; sudan j grass. $3.2 3 75; common millet. $3.25© 1 1 60. German millet $1.75© 2 1'; cane, $115© 140 HAY. . Prairie hay receipt*, fair, quality of arrivals fair Sales being made general ly in line with quotations, but demand vary light and hay difficult to move prompt!} Damaged and wet prairie not wanted at any price. Alfalfa receipts light Good alfalfa selling within quota tions; some demand for low grade within quoted prices. Damaged alfalfa not wanted and can only sell at heavy discount. Alfalfa prices steady. Prairie generally lower. Nominal quotations, carload lots Upland Prairie—No. 1, $10 v$ 1#.59 ; No 2 $7 50fy? 09. No 3 $6.50 © 8 00 Midland Prairie—No. I $9.5O©|0.09 No 2 $:.506y 9 00 No 3. I 5 50 «r7 0'’ Lowland Prairie—No 1. $6 50©?.50; No -V 15.00 ©6 Mo Alfalfa—Choice. $1700 No 2. $1 5 00© 16 00 standard $11 00© 1 4 99. No. $8 00©in 0%, No 3 $6.*#©7 90 Straw—Oat, $7 00©* 00. wheat. $6.09© 7.00. HIDES WOOL TALIOW The hide market Is weak, but local buyers' quotations generally unchanged Wool ti also weak, with quotations pos sibly a little lower. The top on un washed wool Is 38c. T.iiiow and grease are weak but prices are unchanged Quotable prices dealers' weight* and selections, delivered Omaha: Hldea—SeisonaM# (cured). 9 fed wooled lambs were 25060c high er than a week ago. fed clipped steady to 25c higher Top on Thursday rear hod $16.00. Fed clipped lamb# are now sell ing at a price range of $10 90ft 12 75. heavy weights a! the low end of price spiead Tin* ?rs shipment of California springer put in appearance this week, these, a three double deck shipment, av erage 77 pound# sold at $10.75. while prni « native springer# havo cashed up ward to $1*00. Fat sheep show a net loss of 25. for the period under review-. »op oil fat ewe* at the closing $9 60. Sifarket for feeding and shearing lamb* did not re-over as quickly a# did fat rattle stock and Thursday# price list show* a net loss of 50ft75. from a week ago. f hlrugo Mock*. Quotation# furnished by J. ?. Bar he ic Co. 224 Omaha National Han* building. JA. 518 7 - if-9 : Bid. Asked. Armour fc f*o.. 111. pfd.. >*>\ Armour &■ Co.. Del. pfd.. 91 Albert Pick . 2 0 20’* Carbide . 66 4 |$J| Ed Ison Co.13 4 4 ) 14 4 Cudahy . 11 l®!)* Diamond Match .1174 11-4 Deere pfd ... 9ft ® Kddy Paper . 18 *5 Libby . . "4 <4 National Leather . 4\ •* Quaker Oa’s . :. 3f ‘> ,. Reo Mot rs . l r*4 . 1 , * Swift A Co .ID* J*' Swift International . 2$\ Thompson 45 4 4. Wahl .. 1* Foreign Exchange Rate*. Following a e today's rates of exchange as compared with the par valuation, fur nished bv the Peters National bank: Par VaL Today. Austria .20 .OAOrtlS Belgium . -19a Canada .1 00 1 i,rt„ . Czecho-Plovakia ......... -1® .A239 Denmark .27 1JJ» In gland .4 4 • *«;n France .193 .0^22 Germany .238 .-}*r Greece ...195 *®i *■> Italy .195 .0416 Jugo-Flavi.% .20 Norway .27 Switzerland .19a .194 New York Sugar. New York. April 4—The raw sugr t market was steady and unchanged tod# with snots quoted at 4 59c duty paid. The only sale reported was 16.060 bag# of Cuban to an operator for first half April shipment at 4.65c. Trading in raw' sugar futures was J4'bt and mostly of an evening-up char acter. Opening price# were 1 to 2 p corrnnission house# checked the decline and pries# raided, -losing 1 point lower to 1 point net higher. May Mused 2 9o- ; j w ] v Ur; September. 3 2Tc. De erv. ber' 3 r.2r. Th- market for ref-ned #uea- w»# <( i fr end unchanged at 5 80c to 6.00c for in# granulated. Refined fufures were nominal Sugar future# closed #teiflv; approx - S ( hirst# Produce. fhb-aro April « •—Bctep—I.. - creamerv extras. 404c; #tandards. 4rt4r: e*tr firs; * 39*4 0 4tc; firsts. J$4ti79. seconds 33ft ‘.7 4r Egg#—Lower. receipts 32.015 o*«e#; firsts 27*4ft2sc: ordinary first*. 274m storage pack extras. 294-; f:rsti. 29c. London Siixrr. London. April 4.—Bar Silver—31 7-!« per ounce Money—3% per cent. Discount Rate#—Sh rt h'Hs 4 3-1* 4 ’» pe- cent: three months bills. 4 5-16 04 4 per cent. \fvr York Rubber. New York. April 4 —Rubber—Smoked ribbed sheet#, epot 41Qc. New York Spot Cotton. New York April 4 —Cotton— Spot quiet; middling_24 40c_ MONEY IN WHEAT $12 buy* Weekly Advance* or Decline* 10.A00 bu. grain: 4c movement from Option price give* 1400 profit : Sc, * tOO. etc. No further ri*k. Market let ter, particular* free. Fidelity Broker age Co., Dept. D, Kansas City, Mo. \r*v Fsnsm>T. " * MONEY IN GRAIN 112 SO buys guarantee option on 10.00* bushels of wheat or com. No further risk. A movement of 5c from option price gives you an opportunity to t*ke 1500: 4c. $400: Sc. $"00. etc. WRITE TODAY FOR PARTICULARS aad FREE MARKET LETTER. Investors Daily Guide, 5. W. Branch Dept. $-2, 1016 Baltimore Avr., K. C-, Mo. % I t. s. bache & co. FttabHehed f New York Stock Exchange .. . t'h:cag-’ Wo-ird of Trade Members York Cotton VAc-hung# t and other leading Exchange*. New York: 42 Bro»dw.. Chicago; 108 S. LaS.Il. St. Hranehe. and eorre*pondent» located in principal citlem. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Foreign Exchange Bought ami Sold for Cash or a Carried on Conservative Margin H. E. BISHOP. Manager 224 Omaha Nat'l Bank BMg . Omaha Teltphan* JA rh«an 51*7 M "The Bache Review** sent on application-Oorreapondenee invited. #