The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 02, 1925, Page 3, Image 3
Welcome Rotarians to Omaha WS&E3BM. ■ - •—r_. _ D ^ and “rT\* Will Be at The Brandcis Store AH Day Friday DUStCr brown His UOg llgC and at The Brandeis Theatre Saturday Morning | Buster Brown Is Coming Hc3r John McContiacK to til* Brandon Ktoro Baa tor Brown Shoo ~ V •mmr- ^pgp fl W SB "p" ^ JflBB on Victor Record* In our Phonograph De from ■ B^^PI A Bjh B B BH^ ”B^^ ■ ^B partment—than hear him at tha Auditorium, to ■ paj B^ B_^P MM K4 (SB 1 B M lBv ■■ carry a complete B 1 1 L Lfl\ M Itl^. X ^✓XVXd Vidor and Brunswick Records ■ tickets can be had by calling at the Buster aJtkk*. -JHL JKL. * Main Floor_Weal. lirovrn Dept., Third Floor, The Brandcis Store. ■ ■ ■■■—— . ■■■ — ■ ~~ ■"*■■ " rn . ^ Turning | to Easter With the knowledge that Easter is just NINE shopping days away, all feminine Oma ha is coming a-shopping to the Brandeis' Store these days. And what a wealth of new spring merchandise they are finding. —Spring apparel, fresh and new—and as inviling as the first spring blossoms. —Style accessories that mean so much to the costume this season. Beautiful materials that make it easy to create your own becoming apparel. -—Aisle after aisle of pew merchandise displayed throughout the store in an abundance that makes shop ping: a distinct pleasure dur ing this happy Easter season. — Fur Storage Now is the time to plan care fully for storing your furs during the summer months. Ask about, our. moth-proof, fire-proof, cold storage vaults. Second Floor i N e w— I Trifles of Importance I] . ^ f I ^p 1 bring thee violets— sang the old refrain. But one boutonnaire is as smart as an other just so its “flowery.” Gardenias — red yellow or white, carnations, violets or orchids—you’re assured of be ing style-right with any posie. r.oo to 1.50 The approved Jabot— It may be of lace, or I bright color ed georgette —but it is ure to help i familiar ■ r i) r k to f r e s h n e=s. Many differ ent styles, 08c* to 1.08 Flaunt a scarf— —and let it, by all means, he audacious in color. Vivid stripes perhaps for daytime and winsome ombre georgette, fringed with silk for your •lance • dress. Main Floor Neckwear. 1.08 to 7.50. Flourish a kerchief— — and the brighter the » \*r season. Let us show you our very new of chiffons and sheer voile. And they are only The “ensemble'” choker— —quite the most fascinat ing nerk piece is this hand of fur that wraps tightly about your neck, nnd fastens itself (ill with a rose. And when you | unbutton your wrap, it is slipped around vour wrist, 10.75 to 40.50. . Wherever she goes— —you will find her gloves are ruffed. They may turn hack or they mnv turn down, but ruffed they are. Softest of suede in the-new Dove or Co coa shades 5.50. S_ I '"■l! Important Coat Values Choose This Most Essential Garment for Your Easter Wardrobe—Here With the Advantage of Immense Selec tions and Worth-While Values NEW Poiret Sheen, Kasha, Flannel, Twills, Charmettes, Velvettes—developed into straight line silhouettes or the popular flare styles. These make up a coat selection of marked distinction. There are plain and fur trimmed models. All are silk lined. \ Tan Blue Green Powclre Olive Drab Tiger Eye Rouge Henna Rusts Wood Shades s vh The Brandeia Store—Second Floor. \( Distinctive Easter Frocks A Selection of Most Beautiful Neiv Models for Springtime. They Are in an Almost End less Variety of Gay Colorings and Co7nbinations. 15“ EVERY preference of line and color Is satiat ed in this delightful group of frocks. Love ly new satins, new crepes in vivid tints—exqui site printed crepes and georgettes—Every new fashion note has found expression here, and at a modestly low price. Soft Satin Brilliant Crepes Tub Silks Printed Georgette Awning Stripes Flower Effects Printed Crepes The Brandeis Store—Second Floor. Spring Coats for the Younger Miss of 6 to H 975 Spring coats that o will meet the most l\0$e, exacting require- .... r ments of ttie little ' miss, at a price that will meet with her Henna, mother’s approval. Included are some Rust, lecidedly “dress-up coats,” while others Tan and are plain little tail ored models for Blue school wear. Girls’New Dresses of Importance J0% for Easter White I)resses fr) -t98 1975 M White dresses of georgette, organdy, net ] /h\ slid voile, daintily trimmed with laces, rib- 1 /Jlc bons and ruffles. They are especially fjft suited for Easter, confirmation and gradu- I /; ation frocks. 1 H 1 Sizes 6 to 14 years. ll Y Girls’ Tub Dresses \\ 3.50 to 6.98 W] Fine English prints snd striped broad- 1 1 cloth patterns. Finished with novelty 1 -ollars and touches of hand embroidery. In Tink, Rose, fireen. Yellow, Sizes fi to 14 years. )' Second Floor—-West. _fjA All Girls Will Like Buster Brown .Shoes Reasonably priced shoos that are made to make little growing feet comfortable and happy. A dress sandal in sunset calf or patent leather, Junior girls popular “Bet wilh welt roles. ly .lane" pumps in patent Sizes H'4 to 11. f,a.*i leather only. Sizes 11 'a to 2, 1,75 Sizes 11 'a to 2, 1.50 sizes 214 t® 7, 5.75 Sizes 2'* to 7, 5.50 'I be Hrandeit Store Third f loor, 'siSs: •if^rjmpxi¥WKt!arr‘T~r•-»- 'ay;.-A&a-7 art'-- a—s' I.-V.T.'isVi^ ■ t if tirr-*-— fix ,d ti ,. » .T-dhc *■ t J ... .—V, Smart Ensemble Suits The Costume That Is at Once a Smart Coat or a Lovely Frock — In Perfect Accord or Contrast of Soft Silks and Fine Woolens 33“ SMARTNESS and utility is in store for the fashionable woman who chooses an ensemble this Spring. Here are beau tiful models with matching frocks of self material or of satin or crepe. The dress fabric lines the coat. They are well suit ed to every’ occasion. Values to 59.75 Poiret Sheen Charmettes Kasha # Twills Dresses of Kasha Satins Silhs Printed Crepes The Brandeit Store —Second Floor. ~v- ' -- ■ .-r Thursday-Five Easter Specials in Brandeis Silk Week ■ Each day in this special week, brings some exceptionally low priced items. Here are five which cover comprehensively the silk mode for Spring. Einei are so straight, patterns are so easy to follow, that it's a simple matter of but a few hours, to fashion a smart Easter frock. e\v Patterns in Printed Cre 4n-inch all silk printed crepe. The material that the mode has favored above all others. Here you have it in a delightful variety of pat terns and colorings. Three yards will make a dress. Yard, Printed Canton Novelty Pongee A beautiful quality heavy weight crepe in Novelty pongee in neat rorded stripes, patterns that are individual. 10- O IQ checks, pi aide, and blazer stripes. 1 OQ inch width, 2.50 value, yard 1.75 value, yard, Striped Tub Silks Black Charmeuse 32-inch washable crepe and radiant 40-inch black charmeuse, rich, lus brondcloth striped in blue, old rose, tro„, quality. Eight enough for maize, Spanish vollow, grav, fallow, , , rt_ . almond, and orange) O 97 2.00 value, 2.75 value, \ a 1 d, 'd. j| Four-Piece Vest Suits Smart New Manly i □ Coat - Vest 2 Pair Trousers (lood looking suits—the kind the “young man” likes—tailored in woolens to stand hard, steady Mi m wear. In the mixtures Sizes 8 to 16 *hades most favored this Spring. Blue Serge Suits For Confirmation 7.85 to 19.95 Fine quality blue serge suits, in one and two pants models. Excellently tailored of good looking sturdy materials. Sizes 6 to IS. Finely tailored cap* u^^E powder and lavender. Satin lined, with unbreakable visors. /" Also blue serge styles. Brand*!* Boti' Shop—Fourth Floor. Mannish Styles in Boys’ Si Buster Brown Shoes 1 Boys like Buster Brown shoos because they are not only "good looking” j | but keep the growing boy’s feet supremely comfortable. Oxfords Boy Scout New styles in Buster Brown o| ^ oxford* in tan. brown, rr * Ot CS black calf leather. Me- .... , . , ilium or broad toe si vie. V vcehcnt for school «-ar wttb rubber heel*. and biktne In tan Hk e. . . . Ifathfr. with rubber her Is, biff' 12 4 to 2, * 3‘J° *° 4’7* $'**» >-'■* to 3.75 Sirf* ?4 to 4.50 tf 5.S0 S c* 24 t* B. -1.00