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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1925)
ArtVMTI.OEM ENT, Free to Asthma and Hay Fever Sufferers *Ftm Trial of Method That Anyone Cab I'm Without Discomfort or Loss at Time W# have a method for the control o'1 Asthma, and we want you to try It at' our expense. Ne matter whether your Caee Is of long aland.nte or u Uu uevelop Went, whether it is piesr-nt Urnftit Asthma or Hay Fever, you should :->*n«1 for a free Trial of our method No matter In what climate you live, no matter what jour age or occupation. If you are troubled with Asthma or Hay Fever, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send It to those apparently hopeles? case*. where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparation?, fume?, “patent smoke?." etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our expense, that, our method fa designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms. This free offer Is too Important to n«p !e< t a single day. Write now and begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply ma’l coupon below. Do It Today— >ou even do not pay postage. FREE TRIAL COl PON. FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room li&C Nlagaria and Hudson Sts . Buffalo, N. Y. Send fr<& trial of your method to: CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. (Continued from Page Eleven). West Leavenworth Hal! Assoc iation, Lot 3, Block J, West Side Addition. 10.51 Amelia YanDttsen. Lot 4. Block t, West Hide Addition. 10.51 Alary Kelley, North 1 Vi feet Lot 5, Block 1. West Side Ad dition . 10.51 Baum Realty Co.. T.ot 6, Block 146. City of Omaha. 1,320.00 Oeorge A. Hoagland. Lot 6, Block 146, City of Omaha.... 1,320.00 George A. Hoagland, Lot 7, Block 146, City of Omaha.... 1,320.00 George A. llnagland. Lot 8, Block 146, City of Omaha.... 1,320.00 ^j^John R. Webster Co. et al. T.ot 0, Block 147. City of Omaha . . 1,056.00 John R. Webster Co et cl. Lot b. Block 147, City of Omaha. . 644.80 W. M. Bushman. East 1-.'l Lot 7, Block 147. City of Omaha. .. 211.20 W. Al. Bushman. West 2-3 Lot 7. Block 147. City of Omaha. 422.40 Xarbarh Realty Co.. T.ot 8. Block 147. City of Omaha.... 422.40 Carlton Realty Co.. J.ot 5, Block 148, City of Omaha.... 4 22.40 Carlton Realty Co.. Lot C. Block 148. City <>f Omaha.... 352.44 James B. Kllkenney Realty < o . East Vs Lot 7, Block 14 8, City of Omuliu . . 1 40.fl V astern Printing Co., Went 'a Lot 7, Block 148, City of , Omaha . 1 40 91 A F. Ziegeufus. North L;i Lot 8. Block 14K. City of Omaha.. 43.28 James H. Kllkenney Realty Co., -North 1-3 Lot 8. Block 143, City of Omaha. 6 8.08 Independent Really Co.. .Smith 13 Lot 8, Block 148, City of Omaha . 99.84 fwary O. Gorman, Eat., Lot 5, Block 149, Cltv of Omaha.... 211.20 Virginia F. Peabody. Lot 6. Block 149. City of Omaha.... 165.28 John H. Cryer, South 84 feet West Vj Lot 7. Block 119, City of Omaha «S.TJ John H. Cryer et al. North 48 feet West 12 feet Lot 7. Block 149. City of Omaha ... . «. SS Julius Treltsehke. (Except East. • S feet South 66 feet). South 7 8 feet East 14, Lot 7. Block 149, City of Omaha. 62.46 Patrick Manning, East 54 feet • -North 44 feet J.ot 7. North 4 3 1-3 feet Lot 8. Block 149, . ‘ ity of Omaha. 60.91 Edward T. Water-, South 4 feet North 48 feet East 54 feet Lrf>t 7 North 6 feet South 84 feet. East Jj Lot 7; South 22 2-3 feet North Vs Lot S. Block 1-19, City of Omaha..., 30.17 Joseph Block. East 5 f»et South •4 Lot 7; North 38 feet South 11* Lot 8. Block 149, City of • >mah.a . 62.79 Benja- iin Ooodbind< r et «I South 28 feet Lot 8, Block 149, Oily of Omaha. 52 83 Fete, Al , < .\ rth 44 reft Lot 5. Block 150. City of Omaha . 25 40 Feter .'1 • lij.»i\st South 22 feet •\vrt:i a f..P 1 ,,„i 5i Block L»0, City of Omaha. 17.94 Uhite et al. South m; feer Lot 5, Block 150. City of <>mnha . .... «o .61 Betei- \ it-,, .|B, West 1 - ; Lot b, Block 150 City of Omaha. 36.32 A. •. Root. Eaat 2 - 3 Lot Block. 150. City of Omaha. 72.64 A I. Root, West 14 feet Lot 7, Block 150 City of Omaha.... 72.64 Joseph Cahrn, hast 22 feet. Lot 7. and Lot 8. Block 150, City of Omaha . 145 **8 F I. Burl.ley, Lot 5, Block 151. City of Omah'4 72 6 4 F J. Burk ley. Lot 6. Block 151, City of Omaha 72.6 4 P. 1). Mercer Co.. Lot 7. Block 131. City of Omaha. 72.64 P T> Mercer Co.. Lot s. Block 151, City of Omaha.. . . 72 64 Llhbe Abrams, Lot 5, Block 152, • tty of Omaha . 5 4 48 David Cole, East Vi Lot 6. Block 152, City of Omaha . 27.24 J. E. Gilinsky. West >, Lot 6, Block 162, City of Omaha.... 27.24 Sophia Libman. Lot 7, Block 152, City of Omaha. 33.10 ftnphla Libman, West 62 feet Lot 8, Block 152, City of onmh.i . 33.23 P l>. .Mercer Co, East 70 feet T.ot 3. Block 152, City of Omaha . 37.67 American Radiator Co. J.ot 6. Block 153, City of Omaha... 19.64 John Deere Bldg. Co., Lot l. Block 153, City of Omaha.... 36.52 John Deere Bldg Co. Lot 7. Block 153, City of Omaha ... 39.C4 John Deora Bldg Co., Lot 8, Block 153, City of Omaha . 36.B2 Ant op Drelbus, Lot 1, Block 163, City of Omaha. 36.52 Anton C. Drelbus, Lot 2, Block 1G3, City of Omaha. 19.84 X>avtd Cole. Lot 3, Block 163, City of Omaha . 36.52 XV tight A Wilhelmy Co., North 1- 3 J.ot 4, Block 163, City of Omaha. 1.11 V right <fc Wilhelmy Co.. South 2- 3 Lot 4. Block 163, City of • Jmaha . 11.4* Wright A Wilhelmy Co.. Lot 6, Block 163, City of Omaha.... 19.64 Wright & Wilhelmy. T#nt 6. Block 163. City of Omaha ... 36.52 Richardson Drug Co.. Lot 7, Block 163. City of Omaha... It 64 Richardson Drug Co., Lot 8, Block 163. City of Omaha. 36.52 Rarney Gilinsky. Lot 1, Block 164. City of Omaha. 70.85 Ramey GilinSky. Lot 2, Block 164. City of Omaha. 18.10 K. Gilinsky. J.ot 3, Block 164, City of Omaha. 84.48 ft D. Mercer. North 99 feet T.ot 4. Block 164. City of Omaha. 46.59 Rarer Rocco, et al.. South 33 fret Lot 4. Block 164, ('By of Omaha .. fttnwtha Wholesale Pro. M H. Co.. Lot 6. Block 164. City of Omaha . 54.48 Rriiaha Whole**!* Pro. M. U Co.. Lot 6. Block 164. City of Omaha . 54.48 Lydlg Mills. North Vi Lot 7. West 32 feet South ‘4 Lot 7, Block 164. City of Omaha 21.16 ftjax Lashlnsky. East 100 fee t South 14 Lot 7. Block 164 City of Omaha • 18.92 Cassell Realty Co., T.ot 8, Block 164. City r>f Omaha 70 85 llrlon Outfitting T.ot 1. Block 165. City of Omaha . 72 64 Fnlon Outfitting Co Lot 2. Block 165. City of Omaha . 72.64 Peter E. Tier, T.ot 3. Block 165, City of Omaha. 7 2.84 X R Deputy Co.. North *8 feet Lot. 4. Block 165, City of Omaha .. 57.1 s ftherman A McConnell Drug Comps ny. South 4 4 feet Lot. 1. Block 165. Cltv of Omaha 14.88 fttamlard Oil Co. Lot 5. Block 165. City of Omaha *2 64 peter E. Her, Lot 6, Block 165. city of Omaha . 72.64 Julia Callaham. Lot 7, Block 165, City of Omaha. . 72 64 Sinclair Refining Co., Lot 1. Block 166. City of Omaha. 108 96 Cj run B. Bowman, East 20 feet J,nt 2, Block 166. City of Omaha . 33.02 Rerry A Co., Inc.. East 24 feet West 46 feet* Lot 2. Block 166, City of Omaha . 39.82 Falter V. Hoagland West 22 feet Lot 2. Block 166. City of Omaha . 36.9? Charles R. Hhermnn, Fast 2-3 Lot 3. Block 16b, City of Omaha . 72 84 Reo Baroch, West T-3 Lot 3. Block 166. City of Omaha 38.33 Patrick Manning. North 6« 2-3 feet Lot 4. Block 168. City of Omaha . 11.25 ftVrda E. Williams. South 65 11 feet. Lot 4. Block J 66, City of Omaha . 43.71 ftanipson Rogers et al, North Vi feet Lot 5. North 22 feel West 11 feet T.ot 6, Block *4* 166. City of orneha 13.22 Rolls* A Roger*. Mouth 22 feet North 44 feet T.ot 6 Mouth 22 feet North 44 feet Weet 11 feet Lot 6. Block 166. city of Omaha . ... .. 16.42 Rr.ral Hldmsn. South 22 feet North 86 feet Lot 5. South 22 fast North 86 feet West 11 feet Lot 6, Block 166, City of Omaha . 10.14 Fohn P Moore, South 22 feet North 88 feet Let f, South ll c m OUK hl. MHICK8. feet 'oiih feet West l» feet |,ot 6, Plf** I 1,.*. Fit) of «>maha 26.81 W. Art hill South 22 feer North 11 ft feet Lot 6, South 22 f'et North 110 feel Weii 11 fe* i L*u a. Rio* k 16**, FJty^.f Omaha 21.25 Fred Vogel, 1r.. South 22 ft*et l.ot 5. South 23 feet West il feet l.ot 6. Block 166. City of Otnahi . . . *7.12 Florence Mangan East 5,» feet Lot *». Block 16«. Fity of Omaha . .. 90.79 George A. Sargent. t,oi 7. Bin* k Fity of Omaha. 108.96 Otie Elevator Co.. Lot 8. Block lfifi. Fity of Omaha .. 108.16 A. Kreetul et al. North 44 feet Lot 1. Block 167. City of Omaha 78.13 Frank Jacob", South 22 feet North 66 fert Lot 1. Block 167, Fity of Omaha . 29.35 Peter Panes, et al. South 22 f**ct, North 88 feet. Lot 1. Block 167. Fity of Omaha. . 23.93 Oraie Iirogna. South 22 feet. North 11U feet, l.ot 1. Block 167, City of Omaha . 18.76 Carl \V. Garnett, South 22 feet, l.ot !, Block 1 ti 7. City of Omaha. . 15.10 Val .1 Peter.**, Eh at V* Lot 2. Block 167, City nf Omaha 82.61 Howard Investment Co.. West H, l.ot 2, Block 167, City of Omaha . 82.64 Howard Investment Co.. East 26 feet. Lot 3, Block 1G7, City of Omaha . 6 5.11 Howard Investment Co.. West 2 6 feet. Ea.d 52 fret. Lot :t. Block 167 Fity of Omaha. 65.11 Ernest P. Buffett, et al. West 14 feet. Lot Eaat 81 feet Lot 4, Block 167. City c-f Omaha. . 112.69 George A. .Toslyn, West 35 feet, l.ot 4. Block 167. City of Omaha . .. 112.00 Julius F. Sharp. l.ot 5, Block 167, City of Omaha. 211.20 Patrick Manning, et al. Lot 6, Block 167, Fity of Omaha . . 165.28 M. Callahan, *;t al. Lot 7, .. Block 167. City of Omaha .. 166.-8 E. M. F. Leflang, North 33 feet Lot S, Block 167. City of Omaha . -3.13 Harold Brown. Smith 3;> fen. North 66 feet Lot 8, Block 167, City of Omaha . 33.8i E. M. F. j.eflang, South 66 feet Lot, 8. Block 167. City of Omaha . 10<.43 Mary F. Bourke. Lot 5, Block 168, City of Omaha . 316.80 F. J. V tzgerald. l.ot 6, Block 168. City of Omaha. -31.16 Andrew Murphy A Son, West 44 feet. Lot 7. Block 168. City of Omaha ... • 164.12 Andrew’ Murphy A Son. East 2 2 feet. Lot 7. Block 168, City of Omaha . 8-.06 Andrew Murphy & Son. Lot 8, Block 168. City of Omaha... 211.20 George A. Joalyn, Lot 1. Block 169. City of Omaha . 4-2.40 Bertha Levy. Lot 2, Block 169, City of Omaha . 6 3 3.60 John J. Hantghen. Lot 3, Block 169. City of Omaha 844.50 John W. Hill. jr . et al. Lot 4. Block 169. Fit) of Omaha... LOU.00 Rome Miller. North 44 feet. Lot 5 Block 169. Fit v cf Omaha.. 16.66 Rom ■ .Miller. South 83 feet, Lot 5. Block 169. Fity of Omaha 33&.I4 Rome Miller. J.nt 6. Block 169, City of Omaha . Rome Miller. Lot 7. Block 1«9, City of Omaha . 1,51 •'* Rome Miller. Lot 8. Block 169. City of Omaha . Flank .1. Burkley. 1 foot adjoin ing on South and Lot 1, Block 171, Fity of Omaha . Frank J. Burkley. et al. I foot adjoining on South and Lot 2 Block 171. Fity of Omaha. 3&i.<s Frederick R. John. 1 foot ad joining on South and Lot 3, Block 171, Fity of Omaha.. .,56.76 Kennedy Investment Co.. 1 foot adjoining on South and Lot 4. Block 171. Cit> or Omaha . . 4*-. 40 Story. Beverage and Ice Co. North ’a Lot 1. Block 1.-. City of Omaha •••*••• v '* 13 Daniel Baum. jr.. South ’4 Lot 1 Block 172. Fity of Omaha 73. James S. Davis. East U Lot 2. Block 172. Fity of Omaha . Mary A. Wearne Meet L°t 2, Block 172 City of Omaha 1-8.09 Omaha Sanitary Supply Co.. l.ot 3. Block 172. City of Omaha . 281.15 Omaha Sanitary Supply Co.. Lot 4. Block 172. City of Omaha ...• •: 111 * Skinner Manufacturing Co Lot I. Block 173. City of Omaha 145.28 Skinner Manufacturing Co.. Lot 2 Block 173. City of Omaha 145. X3 Skinner Manufacturing Co.. Lot 3, Block 173, City of Omaha 184.18 Skinner Manufacturing Co.. Lot 4, Block 173. City of Omaha 211.20 Fairmont Creamery Co.. Lot I, Block 174. City of Omaha 108.98 Fairmont Creamery Co.. Lot ■j Block 174, City nf Omaha IDS . 96 York Product* Co.. Lot 3. Block 174 Fity of omaha . 105 Annie Huntley. North >j Lot 4. Block 174. City of Omaha .. I«.8i George Olacomlnl Katate. South Lot ♦. Block 174, Fity of Omaha .43 35 Ralph Emerson. North 121 feet Lot 1. Block 175. City of Omaha .•••••••/•; ' 50 Ralph Emerson. North. 121 feet Lot 2. Block 175, City of omaha . *».*• P.Peftah Hakinu * <>. North 12L fert 1,01 3, Block 175. City of Omaha . " PcK-au HaklnK Co. North 1*1 fart l.nt «. Block 175, Ciiy of Omaha . •* Union Pacific Railway Co.. ■South 11 fc»t. l.ot a 1. 3. 3 an.I 4. Block 175. City of Omaha ..1JM Union Pacific Ra.lwav Cn On! 1, Block 17(1. City of Omaha .. • • " " Union Pacific Railway Co l.nt 7. Block 176. City of Omaha.. ”•« I rion Pacific Railway Cn , l.ot 3. Block 176. City of Omaha . .. 5* *1 Union Pacific Railway Co. l.ot 4, Block 176. City of Omaha . " " Union Pacific Rail wav Co., l.ot 1. Block 17o' City of Omaha . 71 01 Union Pacific Railway Co., l.ot 2. Block 177. City of Omaha . **•»*. Union Pacific p. illwav Co.. J. ot II Block 177, City of Omaha . Union Pacific Kailwat Co. l.ot 6. Block 177. City or t Buuha .. 25.05 Union Pacific Hallway Co, l.ot 4 Block 175, City of Omaha . **•»* Croiahton llnlvcralty. l.ot 6. Block H. City of Omaha . . 21.05 Thomaa liavla Real Katata Co. l.ot 4. Block 1 City of Omaha 25.05 Thomaa Davis Real Batata Co. Dot 5. Block I. City of Omaha 25.05 Standard Oil Co. fKycapt Street,. North a 2 fc»' Waal 12.5 feat Rub Rot l Tax I,ot In. Section 14-15-13 ......... 20.15 Anna C. Nielsen. South 132 feet North 165 fee, Kast 1.63 acres Tax Dot 11. Section 14 15-13 . »7 Holy Sepulcher Cemetery A» aoclaiion (Except Rallrord niaht of Way and Street ). North 130 feet South 16:| fee, North Kart South Ksat >. Seel Ion 19-15-1* . 145 61 Marlin .1. Keenan. Tax Dot 24. Section 20 -1 5-13 . 34 55 Th- Derby Oil Co . Trleneuler niece Kaet of Saddle Creek Road West 5, Northwest '* of Southweat 54, Section 2U 15-13. 21 • *2 Bishop .7. ,1. Harty, North 127.3 , feet South 160." feet K»"t 360 feet Went 54 Northwest >4 nf Southweat 54. Section 20-15-13 . 154.12 Harrla Goldstein, North 100 feet South 220 feet Kant 130 feet. Tex Lot 24 Section 21-15-13 134.10 Harrla Goldstein (Except Street), Hub Lot 7. Tax Lot 24. Section 21-16-13. 723.89 Lora Power, (Except Street*. Hub Lot 1. Tax Lot 8, Section 22-16-11 .. 787.44 Lora Power, (Except Street), and (Except Sub Lot J), North 166 feet Tax Lot 8. Section 22 16-13 . 1.997.88 Wm. P Drake. South 1 on feet Tax Lot 14, Section 23-16-13 . 687.62 Anna M. Crary. (Except Street) North 15*2 fee* Tax Lot 14. Section 22-16-13 3.335.25 Samuel Ravits, (Except Street), North 114.6 feet Tux Lot 16. .Section 22-1 5-13 1.357.43 Geo Warren Smith. Smith 67 feet Tax Lot 18, Section 22-15-13 .' 349.10 May Theodore. Eeat 18 2.76 feet Sub T.#ot l. Tax Lot 17, .Section 22-15-13 . 196.44 Yellow Fgb A Baggage Fo., Sub. Lot 3, Tax Lot 17. flec tion 22 16-13 . 109.42 Yellow Fab A f luggage Fo . Hub T^ot & Tax Lot 17. Section 22-16-13 . 111.71 Frank McOInty. Eaat 81 feet Tax Lot 22. Section 22-15-13. 249.17 Roy A. Ralph et nl, Weet f»l feet Tax Lot 22, South 92 feet Eaat 30.76 feet Tax Lot 28.* Section 22-15-13 . 261.49 Elita Withrow, Tax Lot 23, Tax Lot ?4. South II feat Tax Lot 26. North ill feet South 2u:i f**et Eaat 30 76 feet Tax Lot 26, Section 21-15-13 . 1,711.97 Oe*i F. Krolle et al, (Except Street), Weat 20 76 feet Tax Lot 26, Section 22-15 n _ 418 28 Total .U4h.613.60 S«* lion 2. That eai*l •mot In I taxe* lev ied nforeaalri oil anhl lota, rnape* tlvelv, "ball become delinquent ae followe: One tenth of the total amount no levied on **ach of aald lot* ahall become delinquent in fifty day a from the pneaego an, I ap proval nf thla ordinance; o»« tenth in nnn year; one-tenth In two year*. one tenth In three yeara; one-tenth In four > eare; one tenth In five yeara; one-tenth In atx yeara, one tenth In eeven yeara, one-teith In eight yeara; one-tenth In nine yeara after aald levy, and being from paejage and approval of ihls ordl nnnoe Ka* h of aald tnelallmenta. ex* ept • he firat ahall draw Intereei a*, the rate •if elx per cent per annum from the ttma CITY orilCIAL NOTICES. of th»* le y afore i* id, until the same shall become delinquent Interest at the rate o* ore pet * ypi per month, payable in | advance, shall he. paid on each delln tjiteni installment. Section 3 That the entire aMiount of tax *•» lei'ied and assessed on any of said lota may be paid by tin* own-r of any lot. nr the entire equal pro rata propor tion of sold tax on any of said lots may be paid by any j'*re:»u on any part of s h Id lots within fifty days from said p vy ami thereupon, said lota or parts of lots shall he exempt from any lien or charge i hereto. Section *. That this ordinance shall take • ffect fifteen days after ila pas sage and be in force thereafter. Passed March 24. 1925. JAMES C DA H I. MAN, Mayor and President of Citv Council. A tie-, JAMES P. H"i'TOR. (SEAL t t' i t t'leiK. BEE CLASSIFIED” AD RATES 19c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 17c per line each day, 2 or 6 days. 16c per line each day, 7 days, loc per line each day. 30 days. Telephone AT-lantic 1000 THE EVENING BEE the u.MAiiv morning bee. ANN 01’ N CK MENTS. Funeral Notices. 11 SILK—Mre. Mary, widow of the iate James, age 79 years. She Is survived by three sons, Peter, Thomas and Janus, four daughters, Mrs. Edward Coyle. Mrs. John Jtinan, Mrs. George Clastic, Mrs. John Murphy. Funeral Friday morning ft«*m residence. 18oh Sherman Ave. at 8:30 a. in. to Holy Family church 9 a. tn. Inter ment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. John A. Gentleman service. VVKRNINGHOFF—Mrs. Henry, died March 31 at tin* home of her mother, Mrs. Mary AVjdmauer, 2608 Meredith Ave. Survived by her husband, mother and sister, Louise, and four brothers, Har old. William, Robert and Edwin. Funeral Thursday morning at 9 from the Holy Angel church. 28th and Fow ler Ave. Interment at St. Joseph ceme tery, Council Rlutfs. M HR ROW—Laura E., died March 31, at her residence, 1622 Emmet St., age 66 years. She is survived by her hus band. D. VV. Merrow; one sister, two htothers and her mother. Funeral Friday at 2 o’clock at the Nor‘h Presbyterian church. Rev. D. K. Jenkins and Rev. Charles Herron of ficiating. Interment South Elliott, \i ■ i ne. BROWN—Charier, 2404 Davenport Ft., March 31. age oj years. Survived by his widow, Sarah; two sons, William and Edward; one daughter, Mrs. C. F. Har-* man; (wo brothers and one sister. Funeral from the residence Friday at 8:15 a. m., to St. Anne's church at 9 a. ni. Interment Holy Sepulchre ceme tery. Hoffmann-Crosby service. KULL Harry V., Curtis, Neb, *r. a local hospital, March 30, age 34 years. Sur vived by his wife, Mahle; one son, Robert K., and one daughter. Kathleen Joy; two brothers and one sister. Funeral at Hoffmann-Crosby funeral loms Thursday at 2 p. in. interment Forest Lawn cemetery. OVERBAY—Mrs. Margaret Louise, age 32 years. She is survived by her husnnbd, Leslie A • her father. Richard Ebert; brother, Frank 11. Ebert, Milwaukee, Wis. Funeral Thursday afternoon from the John A. Gentlemen mortuary at 3:10 p. m Interment Forest Lawn cemetefy. LlROSTE—August H.. 1507 Leaven worth street. March 21. age 86 years. Survived by hli wife. Emma: one brother, Ed ward; one sister, Mrs. Amelia Batter ton. Funeral at Hoffman-Croaby Funeral home at 2 p. in. Friday. Interment West Lawn cemetery. WEBER—Jacob, 2425 AVlrt St. March 30. age 25 years. Survived by his parents, four brothers and four slaters. Services at Hoffmann-Crosby funeral home Thursday at S:10 a. m. Inter ment St. Mary Magdalene cemetery. STURGEON—Mellville F . age 68, died March 31 at the home of hia lister, Mrs. Israel. 720 Park Ave. Funeral services will be held Wednes day ar 3 p. m. from the Burket chapel, .1405 Farnam St. LEE—Frank P., age 67 years, died Mon day. Funeral Wednesday. .1 p. m , from the residence. 4008 N. 2lrd. Burial Grace land Park cemetery. Funeral Directors 3 HEAFEY 3b HEAFEY. Undertakers and Embalraers. Phone. AT. 2531. Office. 2611 Farnam. < ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882 1 LESLIE O. MOORE 24th and Wirt Str AVR. 0647. 55th and Military Ave. W’A. 9090. HULSH A niEPKN. At Your Service. 2222-24 Cuming St.JA. 1228. Brailey & Dorrance N. T. SWANSON. 17th and Cuming. Quiet, Dignified Supervision. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. * HA. 1664 _3411 Farnam St. H. K. BURKET A SOs] 1406 Farnam. Eat, 1876. HA. 0699. Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN. Purchase a family lot In Omaha's moat beautiful cemetery. Offices at that ceme tery, west of Florence, and 72(1 Bran deia Theater Bldg. Tersonals. 9 THE SALVATION " ARM T Industrial home aolicitn your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. I'hone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Cell and Inspect our new horns. 201 N. nth st. BATHS—Solnr, Steam. Mineral Electric, Osteupathlc nnd Elec tric Treatments. Swedish Mae sage. SOLAR CLINIC AND SANITARIUM. 19th and Doug la». Open day and night. WILL person seeing accident to colored lady getting off northbound Cross Town car, 24th and •ir;ic< Sts 7 p. m Christmas please rail JA. 4210 days or WA. 0171 evenings ELECTRIC treatment and body massage. Hours; 9 a. in. to 9 p. m. Mra. Crowe* Place Apt. 2. 213 S. 2«th Av. AT. 3194. INVESTIGATIONS*. mUsing persons. heir’s estate*, property. DorttfiMn caaes. Confidential. Address Box D-113, Oma ha Bcp. STEAM hatha, alcohol rubs, mass* ge. elec. treatm'ts. 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. 35 Doug hlk. EXPERT hand massage, all hours. Sun day appt. Edith Taylor, 101 N. 13th Ht. MASSAGE—Expert treatment; ladv oprr ator; (pen till 9 p. m. 210 N. 17th Ht, COSTUME, theatrical, historical masque costumes to rent. Lichen, 1514 Howard. ELWOOD Sanitarium Steam baths mas. sage. G. Jacobs, 320 Arthur Bldg. AT. 4946. EXPERT massage, steam barns. Fisher Baths. 206 Agnlla Court. AT. 1072. MRS. JEN NFS MOHR. MEDIUM. 2021 CALIFORNIA HT. AT. 9141. JLoftt and Found. 10 BEADED Bug—Lost Tuesday night st Rossland Garden. Finder «all Council Bluffs 113. Reward. LOST—Diamond fraternity pin on 18th Sf . Tuesday noon Reward WA, 4314 LAJST—^hell rim gl*'»es in”*"leather case Reward Walnut *72** BtfrlNBMft 8KKV1C B Butdneaa Services Offered. 21 SUBLET AND WINN—Tree expert! and landscape gardeners Dealers In high claaa flowers and shrubs. Phone AT. til Ag. Millinery—I>rr*«niaking. fft ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles: hem stitching; buttonholes. Writ# Ideal Hutton and Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 19S6. NEB PLEATINfi CO , Hemstitching Covered Iluttons. 1304 Farnatn Second Floor. JA. 1670. Moving—Trucking—Storage. 2fl OOROON'S Kill HIPROOF WIlHH * VAN, 211 North 11th Ht. Phon. JA. 2012. Moving, parking, .tor.,., .hlpt.lnn, BKKINH OMAHA VAN A SroltAOK. l«th and Leavenworth Hts. Pinking. moving, storage, shipping. JA. 4161. ftilnfliiK mid rape ring. 27 PAINTINO, PAI'Un MANCIINC, .nit |iKl'. , tlllATINO. as good n a the beat, end bettor .hen the test, AT 9 7.U A .1 Preglej. WALLPAPER. paperhanging. Minting. Fred Parks, 4761 B. 24ih Bt. MA. 0101; AT. 7464. PAINTINO and paperhar gin* . flr*t class ‘"work, estimate fre» Call KB 9*63, hanging and painting; low est cost, ffpenrsr Bros., AT. 3247. AUTOMOBILES. _AUTOMltHILKS._ Automobiles for Sale. 11 Automobiles (or Sale. 11 A Safe Investment Cadillac 57, touring. Packard 126, Six, touring Packard 225, Twin Six, touring. Ford coupe, 1924. Ford sedan, 1922. Chevrolet sedan. 1924. Buick tourin*. 1922. Chevrolet coupe, 1923. Omaha Flint Company GUY L. SMITH Pres, and Gen. Mgr. Automobiles for Sale. II \ “A Safe Place to Buy” Never before has our spring stork of re-new-ed and used cars been so complete. Yo'i may select from many different makes and models. FORD 1934 TOURING. Equipped with many extras, Including windshield sidawings. Tires ^ re practically new end car Is In A-l condition throughout. CHEVROLET TOURING. Late model In excellent condition. Tired are good and top and up holstery look like new. Priced to sell quickly. DODGE TRUCK. This light de livery' truck is In good running condition and ran be driven out fur 175.00. S^e it today. OLDSMOBILE SPORT. Late 1924 model In fine condition through out. Has many extras and Is finished in a green duco. Equipped with disc. v. heels and la a real snappy looker. PACKARD THIRD SERIES, I PASS. TOURING. Just com pletely gone over !n our shop and refinished in a beautiful a ray. Tires are good. Looks like new. Will sacrifice to dis pose of immediately. REMEMBER—WE HAVE A VERY LIBERAL PAYMENT PROPOSITION FOR YOUR CON VENIENCE. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., AT. 2570. Farnam St. at I6th Av. For Three Days Only • B.Oft AND 110.96 DOWN. )6 "0 PER WEEK. NO FINANCE CHARGE. Willys-Overland, Inc. AT. 3421. 2562-4 Farnam OPEN EVENINGS. 1924 NASH TOURING A real nice little four-cylinder touring car, ateel wheels, bumpers. Reflnlshed motor, A-l condtlon. New car wsrranty. Nash Uptown Store OPEN EVENINGS. 2074 Farnam. AT. 2116. • " LATE model cars at a big reduction. See us first. Fords from 350 and up. Terms, trade. OOI.DSTROM ATTTO SALES CO. 2112 Harney. AT 6546. Open Evening and Sunday. FOR THE RIGHT PRICE ON GOOD TIBET) CARS SEE OMAHA FLINT COMPANY. NASH VRIF.flKMA AUTO CO., USED CAR STORE. 2045 Farnam. AT fill. OaraKf* for Kent. 20 :*TH * PACIFIC »TS.-I,nr««, n«w. fire, pr-' f garage. Ideal location for stor age and repair work. Reasonable rent. Phone ,TA. 1422. _BUSINESS SERVICE. Paten^^ttomey*. 28 J. w. MARTIN, «:« P.t.r* Tru.t UMiT. Omaha; alao Washington. Double serv ice. alngle fee, Alao help aell patent*. Bl I, AS C. SWEET, reg. pai. atty., IM Either Dea Mol nr a, la., or Danver, Colo. Printing—Stationery. 29 COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Eddy Printing Co., 212 S. 13th St. Phone. JA, 606L Repairing. 31 WE J1EPAIH sawing machine*. Vlctrolaa, planoa. Mickela. 16th and liarnay. AT, 4161. EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female. 36 LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE. Our couraa offer* ummtted possibilities Dav or night claese*. Demand for Moler operator* Increasing daily. Call or write for catalog. MiH.KR ri'Ll.Kilh, D19 F. 16th Ft. FALESLADIL’F We have *n opening for rwo HaleslMdiea to represent Collier'* Hi* hour*’ work a day will pay you p*»r we* k. He* Vfr Llpaut, !» to II a. m and i to 6 r. m . 30s Baird Bldg, llrlp \Vnnt<-,l—M;iIp. 87 RELIABLE man in avery town and city to distribute free sample* advertising matter, etc. No selling. Tart or full lima outdoor work. Writ# quickly, send tng atamap for contract. Manager Co • lotnbe, 6153 North Clark St., Chicago, III, _ BE A BARBER. Big wags* for Moler trained men. Dav or night aesRions W# place you In good Job*. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 109 S. 15th Ft ALL men. women, hoy*, glrla, 17 to *» >. willing to accept government position*. $117-1250 (traveling or atationary), writ# M ' - I8l || Loul Mo Sale*ni.n anil Acpiifs. 30 SALESMEN—Wa have an opening for two salesmen to represent Colter’*. Only four order* * d*\ will pay you $*." <r» per week Cltv and road work See Sale* .Manager, i» t.» tl « in, and .t to p m . 503 Baird Bldg WANTED Live wires rmw veiling piano*, domestic appliances farmhght* auto*-. etc , to hanuie profitable furniture side line froin factory t" lonmimri .1 H. Foster, 610 Riverside A \ ** , Evansville, Ind. ftUiutfion* WantrA—Fnnalr. 40 HIGH |choo| gmduata seeking steno. graphic or offh e work. AT $i $4. GIRL want* work on farm or In lowrn Y 2876, Omaha lie**. I IN AM I \l IliiaiiiCN. 0|i|i(>iuiiiIi1hi. 42 I1<JWI.IN(1 am.kC for haTTtT Good room, 4 runs and one set ha< U alley, ail fully aqulpped. heat snd light fur nished: well located In Hasting** Net* ; rent only $3* per month splendid •‘having for active young man to get Into a good business For further par Oculars son or write to Manager, .Strand theater, Hustings. Neb. GARAGE for sale. All equipped with tools snd stock. Good business Work for two men. The only gnrage In town. Write H. W. White. Dunning. Neb. FOR HAt-K Well equipped meat market In a live Nehrasku town, at a real bar* guilt Y 2 <7 4. i »ma It i Her Money to I«onn. 4ft AND a PER CENT MONEY Loan* on Omaha improved proparty at lowest rates. FRANK H BINDER. III City National. JAIML FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. 44 MONEY TO LOAN On first and second mortgage*. We buy outright for cash Existing mortgages and land contracts Prompt action. II. A. WOLP CO. 5*5 Saunderw-Kennedy Bldg. AT. 2160 MONEY on Omaha houses at 6 per cent and 6'» per cent, ( ash on hand. No de lay. Snopen & Co., 236 Kceline Bldg JA.. 422*. 24-HOUR SERVICE on loans after accep tance of abstract. $G00 to $10,000 on City property. No month!v payments. GRAHAM, 7G4 Peters Tr. Bldg. OMAHA HO M E8— EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE RE AI. ESTATE CO. 1015 Omaha Nnt Hank Bldg. JA. 2712 SECOND mortgages or contract! pur chased by Tukey Company, 620 First National Bank. JA. 3223. $100 »o f 10,000 loaned; prompt service. F. D. Wead A D. II. Bowman, Wead Bldg. 6H AND 5 PER CENT—NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 64f. Omaha Nat Bldg. FARM loans on West. Neb. and N. E. Colo farms. Kloke Investment Co. Omaha. Money to Loan. 43 SEE US TODAY If you want money for any purpose. A loan of $30 will receive the same prompt attention as one <,f $500. You get the full amount In cash, no fees deducted, no publicity or unpleasant in vestigation. Oldest established and most reliable In Omaha. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. R. 506 Karbach Block. Phone JA. 2295 209 S lGth St. LOANS! LOANS! LOANS! diamonds, watches jewelry. PRIVACY SWARTZ JEWELRY A LOAN CO., 1514 DODGE. MONEY loaned on diamonds. Diamond Loan Bank. 213 City Nat. Bk. bldg, hist. 1*94 Reliability, low rate, privacy. EI)CC.4TIOXAL • Local Instruction Classes. 48 DAY SCHOOL. NIOHT SCHOOL. Complete course In all commercial branches. Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy. salesmanship, civil service. Phone JA. 1565. Complete catalog free BOYLES COLLEGE. l**h and Harney Sts. Omaha. Neb. TRLCity BARBER COLLEGE. 1403 Dodge St. 1308 Douglas St. Call or write for Information. Musical—Dramatic. 49 PIANISTS—Learn popular music. E. M. Kann, Mlckel Bldg. AT. 4361. Dancing Academies. 50 KEL-PINE—Farnam at 25th. Class and assembly, Monday and Thursday night*, l'lerrott orchestra; 25 Instructor*. Pri vate lessons any time. JA. 97G9. KEEP’8 CINDERELLA ROOF 10th and DOUGLAS STS. JA. S47S. LIVESTOCK. Dog*. C'aU and Fets. 53 A LITTER of German Shepherd police pupa; ailver gray, eligible for registra tion; also imported boodinatrau 3 years old. Box 4 4 4. Washington. Kan. Ilnraea, Cattle, Vehicle*. 54 HIGH-GRADE harness at first coat, made In our own shops and aold direct to farmers; prices from $65 to $110. Alfred Cornish, 1210 Farnsm St.. Omaha. Fmiltry and Supplies. 55 BABY rhlcks. fOOQ • q white leghorns and R. t\ white Wyandot*** per week. R**sf quality In th» middle west. Im mediate shipment. Free catalog.'Spencer Chick Hatchery. Spencer, la. YOU buy the best rhlcks for the least money; guaranteed. shipped every where; 10 to 20 c*nta, r. o d. Colwell Hatchery, Smith Center, Kan. MERCHANDISE. Article# for Sale. 57 FOR SALE—Sit feet standard dot water radiator. Reasonabls. 2201 3 16tl> Sf, HARVARD classics, complete, 61 volumes. $30. WA 6130. Ituaine*# Equipment#. 68 TYPEWRITERS — Reasonable RENTAL rates. New and second-hand machines for sale. Have you seen the Standard Keystone Remington Portable? What-! ever y©jr needs In the typewriter line I c all Remington Typewriter Co.. 210 S. , IMh St. JA. 2676. WK BUY. sell safe*, make deske. show 1 cases, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply • ’n., 3. w. Corner 11th and Douglas.! JA 27 2 4 Fu#*l nnd Ft»f*d. 61 KINDLING—$5 truck load delivered; -.awdns*; haled, shavings. JA. 6740. $7.00. ILL. NUT. 1 7 60, Hi. Egg. I Jon Coal Co. WK. 2605. I Household Good#. 61 GOOD handpnwer vacuum washing ma chine anil wringer. $5. HA 4 47 1 DINING room table, round for sole, In _K"Q<1 condition. $14 WA. 4724. DA-RED, Ilk** new; other articles. 1446 ' Mmllinery anil Tools. 67 NEW end sc- uid-hmid motors, dynamoa T.eBron Electrical Works. 214-20 8. 12th. Wanted to Buy. 71 DESKS DESKS I .USE S New desks used desks, bought, sold. D*d*d. j c. Reed. 1.07 Fsrnam. AT \N ANTED tn buy * small stock of gro 1 —■ ir« V <7 ■, i maha Bee ROOMS FOR KENT. Room# With Boatd. 71 MERRIAM HOTEL, residential, bv day, w*»«»k or month gidh and Podge. I in iihtfird Rooiu.v IS 612 BANCROFT— Furnished room, prl \nte home, modern, K.-irage. AT 0396. Rooiiim for llutiMrUt'ophiK. 76 toM l»AVENl*tlRT I-room housekeeping apartment reasonable. Also sleeping room. JA 356S. Room#, I nfurnUlied. 7? TWO unfurnished • m* All modern. No children ill 4 S 3.Id M Where to Stop In Town. 78 MOTEL ft AN Ft 4R l>—ltt h snd Farnsm HOTEL IIFNMI1AW«—mth and Farnsm. #pec|al Rales to Permanent Guests Apartment* of Biiildhu; Owner* and __ ManaKer* WsmlrttIon. Furtihhed. 80* HUNTER INN ttoins for the traveling man l*i leave h|s wife for comfort and safety |cm 1 ipdge AT. 6 9fli» 1 nt ur malted. 8<U» CHIODO—-tl§ H 2Mh A vs. f srg*. reomy 4 room apartment, with 5 nmm accotn mrMl#ttons Renllv must be seen to be • rprse^a t*d. Janitor, Apt. L. Phone J A. I42a, Apartment* of lluilditii: Owners and Managers Association. Unfurnished. 80b CARBERRT. New. fireproof. 40th and Cass. A very choice 4-room apart ment with 5-room accommoda tion : living room, dining room, kitchen. full siaed bedroom, dressing room big enough for dav bed or dsn, and tiled l>ath $62 5" and rail DHAKK RENTAL AGENCY. ,!A. 2805, HA. 4121, HA. 5818. AUSTIN New. fireproof. 118th end Daven port. A very choice 4-room apartment with 5-rooni ac commodation. Living room, dining room, kitchen, full bed room. dressing room big enough for day bed or den. and tiled hath. $62.50 and $70.00. Tall DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. .1A. 2805. HA. 4121. HA. 68CS. —j---— DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Omaha's moat conveniently lo rnied walking distance apart ment of 1. 2 and 3 rooms. De lated at 22d and .Tom*. Mu.*t bo neon to appreciate, fall JA. 2S05. HA. 5868 or rnnm to of fice, 1702 Howaid stre» t APARTMENTS and fiats for rent. ^ W. J. PALMER CO. AT. 8980 Km son Management Spccinllata. PETERS TRUST GOMPANV, "WHERE OMAHA RENTS" AT. 0544. 17th and Kartiam St«. REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—Unfurnished. 81 FOR RENT—Six rooms, all modern, brick flat, located close 10 school, car line; reasonable, rent, reference required. Tel. JA. liSTQ. After t; o'clock. WA. 1 :;0Q. HIGH CLASS APTS rod flats under su pervision of Owners. "Service that pleases” Trsver Bros., 819 F. N. Block AT. 6889 _ GOOD 4-room apartment; close In—every convenience. Good condition. Rental, $65 per month. GRAHAM. JA. 1638. NEW DUPLEXES FOR RENT. N. J. SKOGMAN Sc SONS. 3118 Cuming St.HA. 7045. MODERN apartments; low rent; close In G. P Stebbins, 1610 Chicago St. THE ADELAIDE APTS— 4908 Dodge St. $97.50. WA. '<967. Business Places for Rent. 82 FOR RENT—Store building in North Platte. Strictly modern new building. Sire 33 wide. 134 tonic. First Glass front. Good location. Opposite from blit new- theater. Will rent for $100 per month. Write H. G. Lamb, 717 East 9tb St.. North Plat iC. Neb. Houses for Rent. 83 3318 N. 18T1I—7 rooms, all modern; very good garage. HA. 6314. Houses—Furnished. 81 7-ROOM bonie and garscO. completely fur nished on Prettiest Mile. KH. 1836. REAL ESTATE—FOR BALK. Business Property. 91 TRACKAGE CORNER—BARGAIN. ■TOBPING DISTRICT—135x114 A real honest to goodness sacrifice of $10,000 for quick sale. Art quick If you can use a good corner * ell lo cated. GLOVER A SPAIN, JA. 286". Real Estate—Investments. 92 CONSULT HARRISON A MORTON. f40th tear'. Jackron 0314. 19.1 Farnara. Farms and Lands for Sale. 93 A REAL BARGAIN—For quick sal*. 2.S«0 acres good Lane county wheat land. Improvements tnd fences; 1.600 acres good growing wheat goes with sale at $30 per acre. Terms. First National tank. Light i in, Kan. $15 an acre and ud for land and Improv ed farm? In Barron county. Wisconsin. The leading dairy country. Easy terms affered. Citizens State Bank, Rice Lake. Wis. City Acreage for Sale. 94 BMN SON VIEW ACHES ACROSS FROM COUNTRY CLUB. ON NORTH 60TH STREET. A few cHim 4 acre* In thta addition at original prices. Work has now started on the new Omaha Country club. No acre over 2 blocks from paved road. Choice high, sightly "Little Farina." ground, >*n rarllne and paying. $1,000 Cash. $10 a month. HASTINGS A IiEYDEN, Realtors. 1*14 Harney StAT 0656. A''RE* HIGH AND SIGHTLY. 3 ACRES BEARING GRAPES. NORTH OF MILITARY AVE Close to 72<1 St. This la owned by a 1 ron-reaident and is worth $1,600 an ( acra. Price If sol dat once. $575 an acre. HASTINGS <% IIEYDEN. Realtor* 1*14 Harney StAT l ACRE. 49th and Fowler Avi. City water. Close to school and car. AT. 3024 GKO ROD X CO. REALTORS SIX rooms, modern, and an acra of ground, on carline and paving, $1.00 cash w ill handle Call W A. 0713. Houses for SaJe. 95 Special Bargain Naw broom bungalow, exceptionally well finished. Oak and enamel. Fine location, corner, south and east front. Close to < nr. Pries $6,250. Benson & Carmichael, <42 Paxton Block.AT 3540, BEAUTIFUL STUCCO BUNGALOW WITH HALF ACRE ON PAVING New. 5 rooms, colonial bungalnw. on corner. Kast front. This home has all city advantages. Fireplace atalre to attic; a tnoi«* rooms . *n be finished If desired. Fine la-ga porch. You will like this home. Terms $506 «ash. HASTINGS Jk HEYDKN. Realtors, 1*14 Harney St. AT. 6686. BUNGALOWS. Now und*r construction ranging In price from $3,560 to $6,000. Well lo< ated. For sale on easy terms. B F. LEWIS. KE. 6314. IF you have a lpt and want to build a home, afore or duple* rail WA, *636. We furnish plans and estimates. House*—North. 96 For go LOR ED, A REAL BUY An extra g < <1 .; room house in the best of repair In an extra good neighbor hood. strictly modern in every reaped, ell ipr< ! ^ pn id for; clo#e icar line and echoes, largo scut h front lot. If you want u real home let us show you this. t all Lewis. WA 1422 R F ULARV ni, Realtors AT. 3*74. BEAUTIFUL BELVEDERE HEIGHTS 3 high and sightly 1" 'ton close to Mil ler Tark. 5 good sited rooms, strictly modern and the attic finished Don the garage Caved a reet, east front Will take a good used cat as first psj ment JA. J614, daxs Carte. WILL build ami finance your horde on eisv terms $«* us for plana J C _Wehmlf. M3 Omaha National JA 179? 8TRICTLY MODERN new” hombTIIoJ DOWN BUILT IN FU A TURFS. OAK FI.OORS PAYNE X SONS JA 1616 D U. RUCK X CO., buy and sell homes Large Lot Bargain North and east front on Popphion Axe and 44th St. Average xvldth of S< feel by 138 feet deep. Only $1,500 This is Morton Meadows, carefully restricted addition; ptvtd streets, underground a-irea and ornamental street lumineers. TVulve new houses building in the ad dition now. including a brick homo on the lot adjoining this. Wa hava sold 30 lota in the addition, hut we think this is one of the biggest bargains we had there. This lot is specially suited f«»r a bungalow, or a rambling one story cottage that can l»e mad# very homey. Why not haxe a spacious yard and garden when it ran b* had at this low price? We haxe a fexv other lots and some nexv houses In Morton Mead ows. We Invite you to drixa through We are proud *( the fklWKtW of the development and v< u may be surprised Ask for a plat We will help you build and finance your home. Hirrison&Morton inti I »t. T»l. JA 0JM. - REAL ESTATE—-FOR SALE. Houses—North. 96 BIG VALUES GOOD HOMES! 15.750 buys 7-r. »nd s»r»g«. l»07 Spso cer St. $5 "0 buy* 7-r. and large. 1422 Sher wood Ava, .... _ . $3,976 buya » r. and gara«*. 1621 LaA# 14.7.00 buys J»30 N. 17th St.. l-r. »od 14*0*0** buys all modsrn boms at 1*61 KlUaon Av* . 6 rnoml. larga lot 13 25ii buys 6-r. modern. gsrags, 4005 D E. Buck & Co., Realtors 743 Omaha Nat'l. JA. 2000. .Salesmen: Baker. WA. *592: ^pvgren. ■ KR 0304; Box. KE. 0252; Buk. KE. 28 34. BRAND NEW CORNER LOT. Located at 2oth and Vana St*. 5 large rooms and bath Rnoma very large and very well arranged. A lot or wall Hpace for placing furniture. Fxecop ttonnlly nice lighting fixtures, clothes chute, linen closet, breakfast nook, re frigerator room. 1-ear garage, cement drive. ?850 cash. $60 a month handles this fine bungalow. Beautiful level_ lot. • All Sunday and evenings, KE. 252a, or HA. 34J8. RASr BROB-. Realtor*. Horn* Builder*. 212 Keelina Bldg. -AT. 07.1. Your Dream Has Come True. No doubt you have dreamed of owning h beautiful home, with luxuriously pleasant environments in every detail of 1 tzi arrangements, with spacious and restful appointments, elegant, large sun parlor, beautiful kitchen arrangements, easy stair* and iarg'. coxy chambers, with real closets; th* baths are a .Irram—two. I have this home, yet destiny forces me to sell it. But my HHcrifice is your gain. No reasonable offer refused. Call Riegel. JA. 6S40 or KE. 3963 evenings LARGE BEDROOMS, NEW Five room* on one floor, oak floors, cast front, half block to good car line, beautiful lot. about 14 years old. heautiful deep porch, modern In every rpptiect. This is cheaper than can be built new now. Only f T*®®- . vrir A MERIC AN MORTGAGE AND FINANCE CO. AT. 4^66 Oourtncy Bldg KE-1 732. 5-Rm. Bungalow and garage $6 930. Three blks. north of Technical High Large living rm. with f#oplace. Fine arrangement. 2 blks to car Price reduced from $i.»00 for quick sale. Terms. J. L. Hiatt Co. AT. 9900. A PI.ATE YOU’D BE PROUD OF. A dandy n-w 4-room modern bungalow with every thing complete, large built in kitchen cabinet, breakfast nook with table and benches, full cement basement with floor drain, has a 16 year guaranteed furnace, steel window' pash and coal chute, can be bought on terms of $250 down and $37.50 per month. Lewis. WA. 1422. AT. 367$. *5*2 N 59TH ST. —5-room. $750 cash Creich. 603 Bee. JA. Q20*. Houses—South. 97 Field Club District Ore of the best houses In th!* exclusive district must be »o!d Immediately. Exceptionally well built and beautifully finished. Four corner bedjooms and large tile bath Face* cast on corner lot. 105x127. Garage with cement drive. Very fine ly landscaped. C:ose to car ling and good school Call Mr. Undeland. wh<» will be very glad to »howr thia to you. HA Shuler & Cary, Realtor* JA. 507432$ Keelina Bldg. FIELD CLUB SPECIAL Seven-room two-etory frame and *tucco; beautiful lunroom. extra large living room with fireplace; built-in features, ’ tile bath, three bedrooms and sleeping; porch, garage, choice south front lot,1 close to Field club and Field achool. Let us *how you. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 530 Peter* Trust Bldg. JA 2212. Six Rooms and Sun Room Fin# neighborhood, southwest of Han *coni park; oak floor# and finish; can b# bought at a bargain. TV. FVRNAM SMITH A CO.. I .TA. 056 4. Evenings. HA. 2298 or HA. 251$. | Houses—West. 9* Park Ave.—$6,250 Near car line. Meal location for room ers. Racept;on hall, living room, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor, j five bedrooms and bath ou second j floor, sub divided basement and floored attic Small cash payment, balance monthly Payne & Sons, Realtors *1» S. 19th St JA. m*. Evening* call J. H Payne. WA. 70S*, or C. P. Allen, KE. *744 ■ - * — - - MONTCLAIR SACRIFICE. OWNER WANTS OFFER. A big :-room semi-bungalow, with large, living room way across, sunny dining room and large kitchen down; f bed rooms with lota of closet apace up: close to car; convenient to Tech High; paving paid. Asking 9*.S0e. with rea sonable <a*h payment, but want offer, aa owner says must sell. Call Jack ton 22*2 OSBORNE REALTY CO. 620 Peters Trust Bldg BEST buy in new T room house; strictly modern, now complete. PACE-HANSEN CO. KE. HI*. JA 2<*». NEW BUNGALOW tf *00 TWO BLOCKS TO CLIFTON HILL SCHOOL Ext-a Urge flve-goom bungalow, choice oak finish, t-.le bath, wall tub; large lot; 2 block* to car OSBORNE REALTY CO. 12* Pet*rs Trust Bldg Jackson 72*2 \ ERY attractive brick cottage. S splendid large rooms on first floor; 2 artletio dormer bedrooms and bath on 2d floor. Living room across entire end of house, "1th nice fireplace, French doore to terrace; wide lot; new neighborhood. Price only $7 SO* Eaav terms. HARRIS 'N A MORTON JA. 0J14. Dundee—$7,500 Beautiful 7-room hone. gH'ag* and drive Near . th and California. ASF 4**4, or A. M. Erickson & Co., JA. 0415 BRAND new bungalow. Clalrmont. close to car; oak throughout; Hied bath; brick \ enter foundation. |7*0 cash. WA 07 IS. SEE Morris.-9 >n Lumber for prices on ca» ages. P it construction at mini mum cost. WE I'll SIX Room semi-bungalow, oil burner, 1 orner lot. close to car nnd school. Mum sell, ja CLAsSY lid gen 'M bungalow, * room*. * fireplace, breakfast nook- corner lot. i Call ja. ns.t* GOING TO BUILD? GET A FIGURE FROM Ground Floor, 203 S. 19th AT-5415 They Are Building in BONITA ^■ RF.Al. KSTATF—FOH SA1.E. Huuiifi*—West. W Mr. Working Man IS 600 will buy you a vary good 6-room house near 37th and Leavenworth street*. Lot €6x 149; close to both public and parochial school. Abundance of small fruit. Ever-bearing straw berry bed, etc. This home l» modern except heat, in good re pair. Full brick basement mak ing It easy to inetall a furnaea. Very reasonable terms. George & Co., Realtors AT. M2 6. 372 N. 43d St. Located Juet west of tha Cathedral, you will find a 6-room house In excellent condition. Oak floors and finish, three corner bedrooms. l^ot 60x128. One car garage. Price. $7,150. Eve call Mr, Bradley, JA. 6726. Maurice B. Griffin Co. 1106 First Natl. Hank Bldf. AT Untie 0617. Houses—Benson. M All Kinds of Fruit ■WONDERFUL 12-ROOM HOUSE. Just listed Gorton Roth's home in beat part of Benson, with ground 146x126; large variety of frutt troj*a- and berries, a complete well built home with every convenience. If you appreciate a home of this kind, arrange with ua for in spection. ., GLOVER A SPAIN, Realtors. JA. 2860. ■■■■—■ 11 1 "g For Sale—Dundee. 100 $800 Cash and a Reputation 7 ROOMS. BRAND NEW. DUNDEE. On the corner south, east and north front, not very often you get a home of this kind that has extra large living room with fireplao#. beautiful lining room; oak floors the entire house and oak finish down. Balcony has reading and sun room with fireplace, on second floor are 3 extra large corner bed rooms with tile bath, even the walls and built-in tub: pedestal lavatory; if you have been figuring on spending $12*000. *ee this one as. the price is only $10,000; also heated garage. Stop paying rent, own your home. Payne Investment Co., AT lantic 5960 Newlon. KE. 1148. Gibson. KE. 3227. IZARD. BETWEEN 5*TH AND 51ST. Splendidly located Attractive southern type semi-bungalow with central hall arrangement. Living room, 32x16, with fireplace. Unusually large dining room and kitchen Two bedroom* and bath up. Light and airy throughout. By appointment only. SHEDD INVESTMENT CO . Realtor* JA. 4254. Evenings, WA. 6196 REAL sacrifice—New English colonial— 7 rooms—Splendid location—Corner iot —Tear old—Perfect arrangement—Call Easton. JA. 0687. 6-ROOM bungalow, practically new. very attractive, Dundee district. Call 1VA. 0716. Lots tor Sale. 103 Are You Going to Build? W" have a few fine building lota in the Edgewood bungalow district, $1,250 and $!.2ft0. Water, sewer, gas and sidewalk paid. Your last chance to get a lot in this rapidly improving district at anywhere near these prices. W# will also build to your order on these lot* For full information call Grant Benson, Walnut 1580. Benson & Carmichael A GOOD NAME IN THE BUILDING GAME 64$ Paxton Block. Atlantic $540. HAVE a few wall located lots in Edge wood for sale For prices call C. A Grimmel, JA. 1615. Wanted—Beal Estate. 105 Inquiries Coming in for larg*. well-located homes. You don’t need to five your properties away but simply approach earth in values. • can get the each. Come in or write use. Amos Grant Co., Realtors AT. *3»0. SID 8. uth, Arthur Bid*. Off}, e open evenings until 9 p. m. Wanted—Duplexs Show us real value, we can get the cash. Come in and talk it over with our aaleemen. Amos Grant Co.. Realtors AT. ?3S0. Tl* 3. 16th. Arthur Bldg. '•■pen cver.:»'gs unt,, P p. FOR results list your property with FIRST TRUST CO . AT q:r*4Cf> First Natl. Back. WE SELL Dundee home* List your prop* erty with us for results. Burt C. Fowler Co Realtors. JA. 1426. HAVE BUYERS for small properties, cash and terms immediate inspection. Frank C Pc«t. AT €135. WE fr«. HA 6148. C. D HUTCHINSON CO.. R*a! Estate Ins 1621 Farnam. JA. t4lt. SORTED OUT and ready to do business Southwest Comer of 50th and S $2 575—4 new bungalows; prices 52.250 to $2,575. $K»0 down. If you have a lot somewhere we might take it in. 4224 Brown $8.§00—4 rras. and suena.. Hty water, furnace, electHe lights, double garage. Only ISM down. 3415 North 60th f4 950—Very attractive bungalow in (j Reerpn. Oak finished Colonnade and cabinets, street paved, garage. \ $500 cash. $45 monthly. 3841 Decatur $5.000—This is cheap, no or.e can !j eomplain about price when they get a full two-story modern bouse. 4 bedrooms. late style, large lot and garage for $5,000--* $750 cash, $40 monthly. It U I in the finest condition. We believe in these 4 properties and want you to look them over with us. Call offiae at 9 P. M. AMOS GRANT CO., Realtors At. UM 210 South 18th St. Arthur Bldg. 1 —— > Make Your Spare Time Pay You Dollars The Omaha Be* will pay you a liberal commission for bo liciting: new and renewal ma>’ 1 subscriptions in out-state ter ritories. Many representatives are nov sarning $10 to S2.» ever' month in their s-s-e time Write for futl particular* to day. You'll be »urp’- «ed t find out how easy it is to in crease your present income Thi* work is to be done out aide of Omaha, therefore only out-»tato applicants need apply. THE OMAHA BEE ’ Country Circulation Department I