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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1925)
Timely Support in May Delivery J y Leads Wheat Up ) olume of Trade Not Large, With July Inclined to Market Recovers Readily. Ily rilARl.KA .1. I.FADKN, l uiverMul Servlet Staff ( orrmpumlrnt. t'hicago, April 1.—Timely support, con c iiirtillng in the May delivery, hovered In the wheat pit today on all dips and led t•» »» higher anil strong finish- \ ol ume of business was not large with the Jui.v wheat inclined to drag because of fur. iter t ains over the southwest, but gen ci ally there was a lack of pressure such a* lias been witnessed ot late, and Inc market recovered readily from all weak spots. Wheat finished ,k#3'.1c higher, corn was unchanged to higher, oats wer« ■\<i * j« higher and rye ruled 3#3Vfec ad vanced. outside Interest in wheat is small, the support rendered the last two days be ing largely professional. One of ihe prominent operators was credited with buying wheat today fur the first time. Minneapolis showed relative stability, sell ing »t 7 cents under Chicago early, but closing 7%#8c under. The seaboard confirmed export sales of 3.000,000 to 1,250.000 bushels of wheat, mostly Manitoba* and home Duluth springs. J-.verpool closed 3!4#3V6 pence up. Corn had an Irregular day. Prices were on the upgrade early, sold off under com mission house pressure and then firmed «i the last with wheat. A much better shipping demand for corn, combined with export inquiry. attracted considerable attention. Buying power in the pit, how ever, was hesitant. Cats, acted in healthy fashion. Best ing orders to buy through leading com mission houses absorbed all the offerings. U.> <• moved up with wheat. Export n >s s whs still encouraging and there was I.L demand in the pit from the sea board. "i’lMvisiopfl closed firm. I.ard was 25# -11/' higher ar.d ribs were 20# 30c in/tier. Pit Notes. The wheat market appears to have del ini'ely settled down, tollowing its re cni r Ileal declines. The general belief prevails that some sort of recovery 1* one. the extent of which is contingent upon export news, speculative develop ment a and crop reports from the tmuth W-SI. Wlieat is off over tin cents from its high point of the year, and while there Is no scarcity of supplies anywhere, the figures show an appreciably close ad justment of supply and demand. What wheat is worth must be deter mined by developments during the next few weeks, but In an much as there bus be.-n such aseveredeclineinprices. the odds nppear to be in the buyers favor at tiie moment. Liverpool at last night’s close was around 23 cents over the Chicago May. a premium sufficiently large to e.icoui age support locally. News from the seaboard had it that there whs improved demand for wheat In nearby positions. This, if true, appears significant in that supplies on the ocean »'e large and arrivals on the other side have been heavy the last few weeks. Should foreign market continue to fol low with readiness prices advances In this country, bulls will probably derive much confidence therefrom. The forecast for Kansas and Nebraska Indicated still further rainfall over the big regions of the belt. While the crop to date has not received enough moisture except to carry It along for a few days, should precipitation continue. fear of widespread abandonment might easily be allayed. J.ocal experts. In their April es timates, forecasted the probable wheat Melds this year from 610.000,0«U to 634, 000,000 bushel*. CHICAGO PRICES. By Vpdike Grain Co., Atlantic 631?. Art. I Open. | High. I Low. | Close. | Yea. May i 46~j l DM l.4*cvTm;l l.4~ I ’ <9 .,.I 1 49% 1.46% July 1 39V 13#% 1.3S % i 1.37% 1.37% 139% . 1.37%! 1.37% Pep. 1.31 1.31 T4| 1 29% 1.30% I 1 29% ^ ' 1 31 v . . . Hya I I I i i May 1 1.21 i 1.23V l.?0%! 1 23 1 1.1#% July 1 10 1.13% | 1 in i n l.o«% Sep. 1.00 , 1 02% 1 no 1.03 .99 % Corn I I ! | ) May 1.06% 1.07 ' 1.02% 1.04%' 1.04% , .!. ' 1 04% | 1.04% July 1 09% 1.10*4 1.07% I 08%, 1.03% 1 09% I. 1.03% |. Sep. 1 1,11 % 1 09 1.09% 1.09% 1 10% .i 1.09% 1.09% Gate ! i May .42 .42% .41% .41%! .41% • H%.'. July .44% 4::%1 4:s%f .43% -L»*V.4 3 % I .43% U .1 .4 4 4 4 %: .44 .44%. T.ard i I May jit,.27 |K.O0 16.15 1590 16.10 |... July i6.:!0 it..2& 16 : i n, 4 7 10 20 16 4 U .. Riba ! i I May 10.95 17.10 !1« 95 11 7,05 16 80 July_1 7. nO_ 17. .'U (17. In 17.15 |16.36 Corn niul Wheat Region Bulletin 1 a; 2 4 hours ending at S a m. Wed ns- day. «t ..n» - High. Low. Rain. Avih-ml. cloi’dy .65 49 0.0u Auburn, doudv . 7n 44 o.oo Broken How, cloudy . 1 4’» Columbine. cloudy .6H 42 0.00 ('tiIherter.n, doudv .73 46 0.00 xFnirhury. cloudy .71 50 0.18 xFalrmont, cloudy .66 45 0.00 Grand Isiand. foggy . ...7fr 47. 0 on Partington, foggy .70 41 O.On x Hasting*, cloudy.69 45 o.oo Holdrege. clear . 75 47 o.oo Lincoln, cloudy .*8 60 n on xN'orth Loup, cloudy .77 45 n no North Platte, dourly.70 48 n mi Oakdale, cloudy .73 37 0.00 Omaha, doudy .65 48 n on O'Neill, foggv .75 41 non Red (loud, doudv .68 43 O.00 Tekainah. doudy .6f> 40 n no A'alentine, doudy .70 40 0 00 Highest and lowest durntng 12 houra ending at 8 a m. 7nth meridian time ex cept marked thus x. Chicago Butter enil Rgg Futures. Chlrago. April 1 —Quotations furnished by Georg# K. Clark company, 1003 VA'oorl juen of the World building. Phones JA. 1 19' AT. 9166, KGOS. I c#rs. I Open. I High. I Low t Cloae April |||]j St K 3* j .30 ! .30% .30 I .80% May ! /U I .39%! .399» .29% Ijv. I m I .3.:12%I .92%! .39 \ RI~*TTKR. | Cara. | Open. | High, I 1a>w. I Clo*e. A I t i 1 ~ 37" ~i %2 j vT%] .41% .4 2% May .j...[. 38% June ....39 J»e« 11 | .41 Tk j -41%; 41% „ - 4 1 % Chicago Cotton. Quotations furnished by J. fl. Bache A Co. 224 Omaha National Bank building. Phones Jackaon 6187, 6188, 61MJL I Open. | High. I Low. | Close. 1 Yew. May !24 66 (24.59 124.40 124 58 |24.51 July 4 83 24.82 124 63 '24.77 24.72 Oct. 124 08 |24 10 123.94 <24 10 24.10 per. 124.10 24.1 5 123.99 12 4.1 ft 24 00 Jan 23 90 123 95 123 90 123 95 '23 87. New York Sugar. Quotations furnished by J. S. Bacbe A Co , 2*4 Omaha National Bank building Phones Jackson 5187. fiht, 5189: Open ! High. I Low. | Close. | Yew Mev 2Tf» ("2.92 I 2 88 I 2 91 I 2 «9 July ! 3 06 |3 08 I 3.04 | 3 07 3 05 S-pt. 3 19 1 3.22 j 3.1 7 3 21 f I 19 pec. 3 27 I 3.30 ; 3 25 5 30 3.28 Jan. .3 15 13 17, | 3.14 1 18 13 17, \>W York General. New York. April I. Cornineal-Unset tled fine white and fine yellow granu lated. S3 19© 3.15. flyr—Firm: Np. 2 weattern. SI 34% for Ne%v York and 11.32%. c. i. f. export Barley—Firm; malting. $1.01 ©1.06, c. 1. f New York. * AVh at. Spot Firm; No. 1 dark north ern Mprimr. < 1. f . New York, lake and ra'l. 4 I '21-: No. 2 hard winter, f o. h . lave a nd rail and No. 2 mixed Durum, do. $163%: No. 1 Manlttoba. do.. In bond. $1.6#%. Corn. Hpol Steady; No. 2 yellow, c I. f. 1 rack, New York, all rail. $1.24%; No. 2 mix* d. do . $1.23%. Oats, Hpot—Steady; No. 2 white, 63© 63 %c. IIav—Eery; No. 1 $2500; No. J. $22 00 © 23 00. 1a J, $ 19.00© 2 l.OO; an in pie, $14.0017 00. Lard—Firm; mlddleweet. $16.70© 1S.S0. New York Coffee Future*. New York. April 1- A further decline of 3 to 12 polnta at the opening of the market for coffee futures toilav teemed to attract covering and a llttla trade bwvlng. July milled from 17 10c- to 17 40c end dosing prices were at about the be»f »>f Hie day. showing net advances of 5 tn 15 points Rales were estimated at 79 onn bn#s Closing quotations; May, $8 40c; July. 17.40c. September. 14 ; Oc toher. 18.40c, December, 16.03c; March, ir. 4t»c. Spot coffee: pull; Rio 7a, 20r; Santna 4- t(l 1 %4 Olio and Rosin. Savannah. Oa.. April 1. -.Turpentine r‘rm, 83%c: ealee. 319 Mils . receipts. 89 table ; ehlpmenta. 103 table ; stock, 1.096 hbie. Roein Firm: raeelpta, $83 reska: ahlp j©.«nt«. 420 caake: stock, 6120# casks. f> 'Quotations unchanged. r~ Omaha Grain v_✓ Omaha. April 1. 1925. Cash wheat ao'»l on the tables today from .1c to he higher, with a good de mand. Tables were well cleared of sam ples «t the close Receipts were 17 cars. Corn sold from 1< to 3c higher, with a fair demand. Receipts were 12 cars. <>ats sold from 4c to 14c higher. Re* celpts, 12 ears. Rye and barley were quoted nominally about unchanged. Omaha Carlo! Rales. WHEAT. No. hard: 1 car, $1.45. No. 2 hard: 1 car. $1 47; 1 car. *1 46 2 ears $1.4.; 1 car. $143. No. 3 hard; 1 car, $1.43; 1 car, $1.44; 1 < ar, $1.40. No. 4 liHid: 1 car. $1.42. No. 2 mixed: 1 <ur, $1.40. CORN. No. 3 yellow: 1 rut, $1.01. No. 3 yellow: 2 cats. 9so. No. 4 xcllow: 1 chi*. 96c. No. 4 mixed: 2 cur.-. 93c. OAT.*. No. 1 white: 2 cars. 4 4c; 1 cor, 43c. No 4 white: l car. 41 %c. Halls' Inspection of brain Received. WHEAT. Hard: 12 cars No. 2. 1 car No. 4. 1 chi*, sample. Total: 15 cars. CORN. Yellow: 1 car No. 2. 2 cars No. 3. 1 car No. 6. Mixed: 2 rati No. 3. 2 cars No. 4. Total: H car*. OATS. White: « cam No. 3, 1 car No. 4. I car sample. Total: 14 cars. Total, all grains: 33 cars. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Ca riots). ttec^lptg— Today Wk.Aso Yr.Ago| Wheat . 1" -1 Corn . 13 13 1J Oats . 12 11 4 Barley . 1 •• 1 Shipments— Wheat . 12 49 Corn . 4 . IS ««» Oats . 2 2 4» 60 Rye . 2 , •• Barley . 2 CHICAGO RECEIPTS Carlots: Today. W k Ago. Y'r Ago. Wheat . 14 27 Corn .122 Va Oa t s ..I * 3 9 * KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Wheat . 1« “0 Dorn . 2* JS >J “ " ‘ ST. J.iiuis nioCEIPTS . <1 4; 43 Corn . -1 44 ,V ||„|, 41 4. 41 N( IRTIIIV KSTKUN W11 EAT RKt’KIPTP. MinnrapoMs .-1 -,;t Duluth . -‘V JJJJ Winnipeg .3s i 4"1 3># AlfiineuiH.M, Cash (train. Minneapolis. April 1.—Wheat—Cash: No. i northern. $1.42401.45!; No. 1 dark northern spring: Choice to fancy. $L604 #1) 1.75*-, ; good to choice. $1.49401.594: ordinary to good. $1 43401.48%; N<» 1 hard spring, $1.75 4 0'85; No 1 dark Montana on track, $1.39401.664; to ar rive. $1.39 4 0 1.66 4 : May, $1414 . July. $1.42 4. Corn—No. 3 yellow. 96%®98%e» lint*—No 3 white, 38 % 0 39 4 C. Barley—-G 7 083c. Rye— No 2. $1.15 4 01.17 4. Flax—No. 1, $2.7.5 4 0 2.77 4 Chicago Spot Market. Butter -Steady hi decline; receipts. 6,808 tubs last year, 8.608 tubs; cars on track. 26 old, *. new; extras. 43 4: standards, 43c; extra, firsts. 424 043c; firsts. 404c; sec onds. 33 0 38c; centralized. 89 score. 42c; centralized. 88 score. 394c. Kggs—Steadv to firm; receipts. 16.891 cases; last year, 16.219 eases cars on track. 95 old; 29 new; firsts. 28 4c: dirts. 27c; checks, 27c; storage packed extras, 30 4 030 4c, storage packed firsts. 30c. C lilcago Cash Prices. Phlcago. April 1.—-Wheat—No. - hard. Porn No, 4 mixed, 9?c0$1 00; No. 3 yellow. $1.05**0 107. < iats—l’ nquoted. Rye—None Barley — Vtc. _1Q.A Seed -Timothy, $5.2i»©o 50; clover,. 119.60 @ 2 8.00. .. „ .. . Provisions - Lard, $16.12; ribs, $17.-6. bellies, $20.50. ' Kansas City Cash Grain. Kansas City, April 1 —Wheat—Cash: No. 2 hard. $1.4001.61: No. 2 red. $169 01 66'; May. $1414; July, $1.31%; Sep tember. $1.23 Com — No 3 white, 95098c; Nn, 2 yel low $1.0101.03; No 3 yellow. 99c0$1 oj ; No. 2 mixed. 96C0I1.O1; May. 97c; July. $l.oo%; September. $1.024 Hay—Unchanged. Mtnn.npnll# FInnf. Mlrni»*pnli*. April t. — Flour—1'« changed. Bran—$23.el. At. te>ni« Brain. At. T.O'ilg. April: l —Wheat—Close: May. $1 4Ji, hid July. 11.33% bid. Corn—May, 11.02% bid; July. $1.07% asked. Chicago Butter. Chicago. April 1.—TJberal supplies end offerings of lop scores being freely made tit used another sharp decline In the but t.-r market today. Although trading at the decline wan quiet, a fairly good in quiry for butter was reported. Dealers, however. Mere Inclined to test out the market at Him present price level, and, ns u rule. wer» holding their goods close ly. Centralized <ais declined sharply and tho market at the decline ruled steady. Fresh flutter 92 score, 43 44c; 91 score, 43c; 9o score. 42*4 c; 8 9 score. 4 2c; <5 8 score, 4Ql4c; S7 score, 38i.; 86 score. 33c. Centralized Cara 9n score. 43c, 89 score, 42 ‘ac; 84 score. 39c. New York Sugitr. New York. April 1 —The price of raw sugar Mas unchanged today, sale* being made hi ihe basis of 4.69c for spot, duty paid. They Included 5.000 t»ags of Porto Rican for shipment April 15. and 13.000 bass of Cubans In port. Raw sugar futures were quiet and fair ly steady until near the close when cov ering and trade •buying caused moderate advances. L.ast prices were 1 to 3 points net. higher. May closed. 2 91c; July. 3.07c; September. 3 2lr. December, 3.30r. Refined sugar was dull at the former range of 5.80c to 6.00c for fine granulat ed. It was reported that the trade has enough sugar on hand for the next 10 da vs or two weeks. Refined futures were nominal. New York Dry Bond*. New York. April 1.—Cotton goods were very quiet today, agents being willing io sell gray goods at lower prices when firm bids were made. Yarns were quiet. 1’nnted fine goods, novelty wash fabrics, some of the .mitings and fine ginghutns Isold moderately. Raw silk eased off 6c | ;i pound on reports of bearish speculation In Yokohama. Hurl-tpa were quiet. New textures In fine dress goods for the fall were being bought freely by large cut ters. Boston Wool. Roston. Mass.. April 1.—There 1a a little more confidence In the wool trade. Holders are less inclined to make even a small concession to move stock. Although fine staple territories have been quoted at around $1.50 of late, the market today *vns nearer $1.40 and $1.45 and one fourth blood territories have been offered at slightly above $1.0U per pound clean basis. New Y'ork Produce. New York, April 1.—Rutter—Steady; 'receipts, 6.956 tubi; creamery higher than ♦ xtras. 4644046c; do etttas <92 score), 45c; do firsts (8$ to 91 scare), 40 <4 0 44 44 c. i.gga—Weak; receipts. 52,276- fresh gathered , extra first*. 4144 032r; do. stor age packed, 28 44 033c; do, firsts, 20031c; do, storage packed, 3144 032c; no, sec onds. 2144 0 2$ r. Cheese—Steady; receipts. 169.1 87 pound* ; slut* whole milk, flats, fresh, fancy, 24 0 2 < V4 «. _ Chicago Potatoes. Fhlcego. April 1.—Potatoes—F.srly j *radlng limited, market dull, few sales. Teotiptf. 63 cars, toisl I'nlted States shipments. 742 rara; Wisconsin tacked round white 86096c; mostly 86090c; fevs fancy higher, hulk, tniginnr, fancy. 95© $1.00; poor. 70c; Minnesota sacked round whites mostly. 8O0gj»r; sa< ked Red River Ohio* $1 0501.10; Idaho sacked russets, $2.3002.60. Chicago Produce. Chicago, April 1 Rutter—T.ower; creamery extras. 43 44c; standards 43c. extra firsts. 4244 043c; firsts, 40 V* 0 41 V»c ; seconds, 33038c. Eggs— Untimnged ; receipts. 18,981 cast*, j New York Cotton Futures (’lone, New York, April 1 —Cotton—Futures i steady, 3010c higher; May, 24.62024 63c, July. 24 87024 *H< ; October. 24 32c; De cember, 24.63024 35c; January, 24.12c, HI mii City livestock. MioUX City. Im . April 1 «’attle Re ceipt*. 2.000 head; market active, kilters. 15026(1 higher. stockeri steady; fat steers am! yearlings, $8 00012 00; bulk, $9.00010.60: fat cow# and heifers. $4,600 1 0.00; rmnners and (utters. $2 5004.00; veals. $6.0009.00; bulla. $4.6006.50, feed ers. $1.500100; stockers, $5.6007.50; stock yearlings and calve*. $6 0007,60, feeding cow* and heifer*, $3 2606.00. Hogs—Receipts, 9.00$ head; market steady, I f»o higher; top. $12 06; bunt of -ales. $12.60 012. *0; lights. $1175012.40; butchers, $12.40012 00. mixed.' $12,000 12.60; puckers. $11 Ibtffl! 7 i>; stag*. $9-600 10 00; native nigs $10 60011 00 Sheep and T,amhn-—Rei elpts, 500 head, market strong, lambs. $15.36, ewes. $9 26 8|. Joseph l.liMiork. PR. Jo«eph. 51n . April 1 Hot* Re > elpts 4. r»4»0 bend, steady to 10c. higher; top. $12.76, bulk. $12 25012 86. FsttU Rf' elpts, 3.300 brad, stesdv to 15c lover; bulk of steers. $8.76010,26; bulk. $ 10 : o, cows and heifers. 93.50C" |0.00; calves, $4 6009 ,.0, slo< kers and feeder*. $5.01108.25. Sheep and I, i mhe—-Receipts. 4.500 head, lambs, $11.00015.36; ewes. $8.250960, New York Cotton. New Y r>f u April 1 Th# Ifl ton merket closed steady at net advances of I t* 10 point#. N Omaha Livestock N.-' I.lveetiick receipts sit Hie principal mar kets H e*hies«la.v were: t attle. does, sheep. Omaha 5..MHI 1..»*Mi 4.Mm* < hiragn CHMl 11.000 M.tHKl h.insas City .VMM* .7.000 .V*MN* Mmix rtfi . .’.ooo .MM* St. I.nuis. I.HOO li.OOO ft. OOO St. Joseph . .{.:?00 t ,*hio 4 ..700 Omaha .April 1. 1925. Receipt* were: Tuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday .... 7.41 :♦ *.960 11.#»"4 * Ifflcial Tuea.luv ... *..5*27 8,4.3* 11.0". Estimate Wednesday. 5.5<ic) 7,3*'0 4. Three ilavs this wk.19.846 24 *9* 27.31 l Same days last week. 23,'>46 Jt. '-vt 35..M2 SameOttn w'ks ago.. 23,843 4 4.x".' .10.817 Same three w’ks ago.26.931 4'.*o7 34.0*1 Same days y ear ago. 23.891* 45,356 27.071 Receipts an-1 disposition of livestock nt the 11 m >n ?■ toekyu rds. Omaha, Neb, for 2 1 hours ending at 3 p in., April 1 RECEIPTS CAR Id »T Tattle No Sh'p. T.. M. & St. P. ti 3 Wabash . 3 Missouri Pacific . 7 I’nion Pacific . 5 7 15 13 T. Ac N. W., east.......... 7 2 T. Ar N. W W-st. 2 1 2 7 T. St. P.. M. A* 0. 12 3 *\. B. A- Q.. east. 12 1 * \ , It A- Q . West. 2 5 16 1 T., R. A: P., east. 22 T.. R. I A- I'., west. 3 l f. C. R. K. 5 1 C. Cl. W. R. R. 4 1 Total receipts . 1 *7 79 II* DISPOSI rioN H HA D Armour A- Co. 729 2.** I 6 1.3.15 Tudahv Pkg. To.... 957 1,4<'6 2,tth7 Dold Pkg. Co. 255 9 27 .... Swift A Co.1,215 627 2.256 Glasaburg. M. 4 .... .... Hoffman Rios. ... 14 .... .... Mayerowlch Al Vail. 28 .... .... Midwest Pkg. Co.. 6 .... .... Omaha Pkg. Co.. . 18 .... .... John Roth A Sons. 33 .... .... S. Omaha Pkg. To.. 20 . .. .... Murphy J. W. 1,07 5 .... Lincoln Pkg. To.... 29 .... .... Nagle PUc. To.... 166 .... ' .... Sinclair Pkg. To.... 4 6 * .... .... Wilson Pkg. To_ 83 .... .... Krnneth A- Munrray . . . . 4 70 .... Anderson A- Son.. . 142 .... .... Cheek. W. H. la .... .... Dennis A- Fra nils. 13 .... .... Hills A- Co. 8 .... .... Harvey. John.. .. 334 .... .... Inghrarn. T. J. 30 .... .... Kellogg. F. 4!. 55 .... .... Kirkpatrick Bros... 34 .... .... .ongmnn Bros *1 .... .... ube. ger. Hcnrv S. 40 .... .... tot. J. P.. A To. . 4 1 .... .... Ntrgent & Finnegan 8 7 .... .... Smiley Bros. 62 .... .... Sullivan Bros. 2 .... .... W’theirner A Degen 15 .... .... Other buyers . 492 .... 97') Totals.5.790 6.S90 6,62'.); Cattle—Receipts, 6.500 bend. With light er receipt* at all points today. Steers and yearlings ruled active at prices that werol fully 10ft 15c and in Home cases 26c higher. ''hm<e handy weight beeves res bed $11 25 and heavy steer* sold as high as, $11.10. Good grades of she stock were! also active anti 10026c higher, while! commoner cows continue dull at no|mor>| than steady prices. Stocker and feeder | offerings were very limited and prices; were unchanged. Quotations .in Cattle Good to choice! yearlings, $9.75011 10; fair to good year lings. $8.90 0 9.7a, common to lair year-! Iln<r*. *7.76 0 8.95. good to choice steers.! $10.00011 25; fair to good steers, $9 00ft 10.00, common to fair si* -I... $*00 0 9.011. trashy warmedup tattle. $7.0007.75; good to choice fed heifers, $8.75ft 10.CO; fair to good fed heifers, $7.50ft S 75 • common to fair fed heifers. $6.5007.50; good tc i choice fed cows. $7.0oft8.25; fair to go*,d fed cotvs. $5,5005 75; common to fair; cows. $2.."54-* ‘>.25 ; good to choice feed* re j $8 0009.00; fair t*> k <*d feeders, $7.00ft ; 7.86; common to fair feeders $5.7606.86; good to choice stocker.s. $7.6508.75; fair to good stockers. $6.75 ft 7.65; common to fair stocker*. $6.7600 7Sj trash)! Stockers, $5 no ft 5.75; stock heifers. $4.50 0 6.25; stock cows, $3.0004 25; s'oek ; * •alv s. $5.6008.50; veal ''Hlve<, JlS.UOft 9.00; bulls. Stags, etc.. $2.7507.25. Representativi sales. BI;f;p STRERJL No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr 10 .1120 $* 00 10. 754 IS 50 32.117 8 9 25 29.99') 9 40 7 . 892 9 50 1 5. 6 50 9 60 .33 . 1 1 17 9 65 *28 . 1 341 9 75 14.1 1 27 9 85 16.10*0 9 90 38.1034 10 00 2 2.1104 10 (mi 8 .1090 10 25 1 2.1 416 10 MS 16 .109.3 10 40 ]S. 983 10 i » M. 1069 10 5 5 16.1.3*5 1 0*. 1 *. 1415 10 76 20. 1 537 1 lV.. 37.1 427 1 1 10 20.1159 1 L 2#'| PTCERS AND HEIFER? 1. 90.3 7 75 6 610 * 2 8. 672 9 0/$ 10. ..... 621 9 2 ! 34. 6«6 9 40 IS. 643 9 I 24. 8*1 1* 00 / row? 6. 920 6 00 3 . * * 3 7 0 3. 1 256 7 23 6 . 1091 7 5 11 . 1 11 9 7 60 7 . 1 421 * 0 1 *.114.3 * no in.1171 8 : HEIFER?. 10. 709 8 25 5 924 * 3 17 . 715 S 75 36. 793 9 2 # inn,!.?. 1.1180 5 00 1.1530 7 0 CALVE? 1 . 2.30 6 50 2. 4.15 6 7 1 . 410 7 50 ST. 381 7 7 5 1.... 180 9 00 f STOCKERS AND FEEDER?. 14. 121 •; ft 6 Hogs Receipts. 7,500 bead. A trifie better tone dominated the market all around this morning, with sales to ship per* largely steady to strong, while the packer market was alow at little change in quotations. Early top via* $12 50, with bull: of sales at $12.10012 50. Representative saien HOG? No. Av. ?h. Pr No. Av. Sh. Pr 2*..166 ,.$1175 25. 226 $12 40 61 190 ... 1245 78.273 12 RU Sheep—Receipts, 4.600 head. An urgent demand was apparent f«»r the beat light lambs today, end the*** class*-* ruled fully 25c higher than Tuesday. Shearers were slow and around stead)', with aged sheep ruling firm. Quota* Ion* on Sheep'". good to choice, $14.75015 65; lambs, fair to good. SI 4.000 1 4.50 ; lambs. extreme heavies. $13 50ft 13 75; shearing lambs. $14000 wethers. 19 5001*4.59. fat ewes. $7.no09 ;r> i e*rllngs. $11."0012 25. Representstiv# sales: FAT LAMB? No. A vs. Tr 264 fed.71 S1 4 90 Chicago Livestock. fhlrseo, April 1 ((’nlted States P* partment of Agriculture i, — lings - Re. celpts, 11000 head; mostly 1 Ml J> high er than Tuesday's average, jm king sows largely unchanged, top. 117.25; bulk de sirable 1 fit) to 225-pound average", $12.00 913.25; bulk. 24o to .125 pound butchers. $12.75 911 16; MO to 150-pound kind largelj $12.60© 12 *5: hulk packing sows $11.70©12.00; majority strong weight slaughter pigs. $11.759122.. heavy wejeht $12 90911.25; medium weight. $1 2.90(911.25 ; light weight. $12 7691125; light lights. $11.50© 13.10; packing hogs smooth. $12.00© 12.25; picking h<>ga rough. $)1.60© 12.00; slaughter pigs, $1 1 00 912.25. t'attle Receipts. 7.000 head; fed Steers nnd yearling*, 16©I5c higher; better grad* weighty steers showing most ud vance; shipping demand broad, quality showing Improvement over Tuesday, nu merous sales above $11.00; top yearlings. $12 60; handv weight* averaging 1.114 pound*. $12 50; several loads yearlings. $11 50 (0 12.26; mixed yearling*. $11.50© 12.25* mixed steers nnd heifers at Inside prices matured steers upward to $11 average weight 1.409 pound* ato-kers and feeders slow at recent decline, killers taking practically everything showing de cant flesh covering; she stock steady to strong; hull* very active; numerous we ghty bologna bulls. $5 00; bulk, $4 5049 6.00; veslers very uneven; kinds suitable for shluptnr purpose* unevenly higher; eholc# handy weights ^upward to $13.00; light calves mostly $io no downward Sheep—Receipt* 9.000 }\rad, far lambs strong to 2 f>c higher, good bandy weight*. $15 50© 14 00; best held higher, weighty kind mostly $1 4.60© 1 6 <ir>; choice 71 to 77 pound flippers. $1 7 00. hulk downward to $l?.0n: fat sheep and ►hearing lambs un< hanged. Knmni City Livestock. K*n**x t “1 tv. April 1 —(United states Department of Agrtculturs > ' ittle Re ceipts. 6 600 head; calves. 1 non head, bref steer* and yearlings active, uneven ly 10 to 25r higher; shipping demand fair IV broad: bulk fed offering $*75401075; lop yearlings handy weights and heavies. $11 On. ah* stock steady to l!>c higher, bulk bull her cows. $4 05 © 7 00; heifer*. $7.0019 9.00: load lots upward to $ I n *46; fanners and cutters. $2 76 9 4 26; calves. 26 to 60a higher; veal* UP most; prac tical veal top $lk 0; bulla steady; bologn as. $4 25® 4.76, Hlght butcher bulls up ward to ffi.Ofl, Stocker and feeder steer* strung to a shad" higher; stock cows and heifer* steady to ntrong. stock calves steady. Hog* Receipts. 6 000 bead, enrly ship per market 10 In 16o higher Ilian Muss day's pucker market ; spot* tip more on liglil hog*, lop $12 76; bulk *nl*« $12 26 4012.70; bulk desirable 190 to ‘-'40 pound averages $1 2 65(9 1 2 70; packers l°u lower. $12 50 bid on choice heavy butch era; light light* and stock pig* strong to 26o higher, 130 t-» 160 pounds, $11 3 5(0 12 00; stock nigs. $10 50911 60, packing Sow*, $11 76© II 90. (Sheep and Lambs -Receipts. 6.000 head wonled and spring lamt»* around 26* higher; ton wnolad lamb* to shipper*. $16.UO; other beaver kinds to packer*. $1 4 76# 16 36: nmund 1.100 pound Arlsona sotdn *»1 Ism'** $ 16 60, with 10 per cent nt $13 00; "hasp steady to ?.hn lower, ■ horn Arlsona ewes. $7 0097 00. Fast W. I amis Livestock. Plant Mt I-ml* III . April 1 ffoga— llw * ptn. 17.000 head higher; heavy nil 1 c her. $1100(91?!!, light and plainer kind*. $! 2 $5917 nil. pig*. $1 2 00©13 76; par Uer sows. $11.76. t'attle Receipt* 2 $on head stsady to •iron* cow* 16 to 2 V higher: good sod choice light vesler* 6o to 75c hlaher; bulk $17.00 steers. 1$ 26#9*6, mixed vesrltnas $10.76 halter* $10 6n. «ow •. $6 75(1 7 n0 earner* • '* l&ffVOO, in oat bologna, hull*. $4 60(7 6 00 • 4h*ep Receipt* n<t head? Stead' strong. $/ pound wool Imnl* $1$ , culls largsly, 111 00; a«ta. 19 80; ctipp'J • 11 ou e Motors and Tires Principal Stocks on Market Upside Mack Trucks Lear] Other Is sues in Advance and Bank ers Declare Climb Will Continue. By T. c. J.\NN. 1 Service l-'initn« lu| Corretpoiulent.! New Vork. April 1 -Motor and tire stork* vcr.. tlie principal performer* un tic upside of the stork market today mder 1 adershlp of Mack Truck*, which ndvitwlng pi aspects of a split-up of the aha re*. I’nited Slates Steel crossed 116 and Baldwin 1H. Bunker* declared today that the good sleek* will continue higher and seek !••• 1* in line with earning# and pros ■ Is. This included such stock* a* Mi" k Truck*. Lehigh Valley. Woolworth, • as| Iron I’ipe ruse I points on buying, s.iiil to he for the account of Influential interests and IVrcy Lockcfelbr slock— I’nited State* Industrial Alcohol—showed considerable life at rising prices, Goodyear Tire ai»-» Lubber on the curb is expected to profit by the Bodge deal a* the same interests are now in con trol .if both companies. Most of the Bodge lire business has gone to Firestone But with i he new combination Goodyear may get It. Bne reason for the buying of the motor storks is the belief that the first and second quarter profits should lie belter than last year. Studebaker is favored in certain quarters. Wheat recovered sharply following «n early break and closed 3«: higher. t’orn uhs up slightly at the close and cotton > to 10 points, higher on covering opera-| Ben*. The French franc was weak at times but recovered. Sterling maintained -i si* ady tone. /• —-— -- ■ — ■ v New York Quotations v______)\ New York Stock Exchange quotation!) furnished b' .T. S. Harhe Hr Co., 224 (tin* ha Natiumtl Hank building: Tuea. High. Low. Close. Close. Agrl Chem . .. j 4 % Air Reduction .... 99% 96% 99 9 7 % A i i \ Hu hber. 11% 10% 11% 11 Allied • ’hero . . . . x:i 82 83 82 A Ilia.Chalmers .... 79% 7* 79% 77% Am lb •* i Sugar .. 40% 4"% 4U% 40 Am Brake Shoe. . 9(i% | Am «'tn ....164% 1H1 163% 162% I Am Car ,t- Fdry ..202 199 202 197 % Am ll A R ... 1" % 9 % 9 % V V* Am H .V I. pfd .. 63 % 62 62 63 j A tu Int Oorp ..... . . 34 34 1 Am I.inseed Oil .... 21% 71% Am Horn .125 123% 174% 1.4 Am Radiator .... 96% 9 o 96% 96% Am Ship A- Com.. .. .. 11 11 Am Smelt . 93% 92 9 5 % 92% Ani Snt**lt pfd . 107 107 Am Steel Fdra .. 49% 4* % 48% 49% Am Sugar . 65% 62% 65 62 % 5 m Sumatra .. .. 14 % 1% 14% 13% A m T * r . 1 3 3 % 12 % 1 33 % 1 3 < % Am Tobacco . #8% 87% 88% 87% Am \V W H. Klee.. 4 6% 4 5 % 45% 46% Am Woolen . 4o% 37% 37% 39% Anaconda .2 7% .36 37 % 35% Asm Dry Goods ..176% 175 176 174 % Amo Oil . 3 3 32% Atchison .118% 118% 118% 118 At Coast T.ine ....1 57 1 52 1 52 1 4 9 % At G Hr W X - 37% 15% 37% 38 At Ref C,» .161% 100% 101% 1 «»•* Austin Nichole . 25 24 Ha Id win .114% 111 % 114 111% Halt .» Ohio . 71 % 7:i % 74% 7;; a . 22% 22% 22% 21% Bethlehem St .... 41% 40% 4 1% 4! l*os. b Mag .29% 28% 2<% 2t I Hi ook-.Man Ky . . . . 39% 2i% ls% 35%, Man pfd 76% PHlyrt Fdl Co . .. 1 28 1 27 % 127% 126% «’a I Harking .. J 04 102 % ‘ -I Petroleum .. :!<• 2 8% 28% 29% Col & Aria Min . 49% 48 49% 47 < 'a Iusuet He II . . 14 « triad ian Pacific 14 i % 14 *> 141% 14 1% Central Leather . 15% 15 15% 16 ' ’>*n Ren pfd . 52% 52 62% 63% Cetro de Pasco .. 4 4 4-3 % 4 4 43 % ''handler Motor* . .35% "4% 35% 34% -Met He Ohio. 91% 91% 91% 91% 'hi Gt We*t torn 10% 10 10% •% hi C.f West pfd . 22 % 21% 22 21% 'hi . N W .. 5 % 5 4 % 68 4 64 % ' ' M Hr St P .6 6% 6% 6 M Sr S» P pfd . 9% 9% 9% 9% '• n 1 * P . 42% 4 2 4 2 % 4: hil* Copper . .71% ,10% 31 3ft% Chino . 20 20 ' luett - Peabody .. •. R2% "a - cola .... 92 % 92 92 91% Colo FU*I Sr Iron 34% 33% .33% 33% Col Carbon .. . 4 6 45% Cn| Gas . 64% 64 64 % 54% Com Sol R . .126 • ‘ongoleum . ?*i% .3 5% 35% .5 6% ' on <^:ars . 2 9 2s % 2 9 28 % Con '..i* . 75% 7 5 4 76 % 75% • -in C»n • • 6 4 % 6.1 4 63 % 4 '• % rfitinentsl Motors » ('urn Pi luit* .. b 38% 38% 38% • l. n . 2. % 27 27 % 27 % '' rtu it le ..»■'» 67 % 67 % 17 % t'uim ''ana Sugar 1: , 1:: 1H% 13 • libs C Sug |>r<I . 58 % 57% 51% 57 « ib.i Amer Sug 2«% 29% 7. » % 2 9 % «'o. dnie 1 Fruit . . -5 63 61 65 Hamel H,,on« . 3 3% Da i Id Chem . 33% 32% 32% S3 D-la He J.jcka .120% 129% 1 29 % 1 1 9 He..* ,v Hud . .136% 13,*» 1 < 6 % 136 Hupoi.t iiu Nern. 141 1 is % 141 ]4U % H.ioie Mines . 1 i 13% 14 14% .ustinaii Kodak . . . . 1 » Erie .... 29 28 % 29 21% Endicot t - John .. . . t*% ‘lei Slot Hat. ..63 61 % 61 % 11 % loimouc Plavere 9-*% 94% 95% 94% Fifth A \ e H it. 14% Fisk Rubber . 11% 11 ll n F i e i sc h rn a n' a Y . . 7 7 % 7 7 % 7 7 % 7 7 % Gen Asphalt . 48% 4§ 46% 46 Gen Klee . 26 4 % 261 2«1 2*2% Gen Mo tore . . .... 10< 69% 70% 70 Gold l>u*t . . 3 • % Goodrich . 54 « 63% 64 63’* Gt Nor Ore. 3 1% 31 .11% 33% Gt Nor Ry pf.1 , 6.1% 62% 63% 62% Gulf State* Stl . .71% 71 71% 70% Hartmann Trunk. 21% 2*% 2*% ?»% Hn yea W heel . 31% 31% Hudson Motors .43% 43% 43% 42% Honiettaka St Co.. 4.1% 4 4 Houston Oil . 64% 62% 6«% 61% Hupp Motor! .... 15% 16% 16% 16% III central .112 Inspiration . 23% 22% 22% 22% Int K Com C. 37% -16% 77% 76% Ir.ler Hat V .101% 101% 101% 101% Int Mere M ... 11 % It,'. M M »• ns pfd 41 % 41 41 % 41 Inter Nickel . 27% % 27 26 % Inter Paper .51% 49% 60% 50% Inter Tel He T... 89 87% 89 67 % Indep Gas . 24% 23 % 2,7% 23% . I one* Tea . . 17% 36% .Iordan Motor ... 46% 46% 46% 46 K c Souther n .. . . .11 % 30 31 % 30% Kell v Spi Ing _ 14% 14 14% 14 Kennecott . 48 % 47% 48% 47 Re* Rubber ..... 12 Re high Valley ... 71% 71 71 70% Rlma Rot unto.. 63 62 Rot-e Wilt* . 85 11 85 81 Routs A NaJfh ... .108 1«7 Rudluin Steal .... 31% 36% 38% 37% Murk Truck .....137% 128% 115% 128% May I>ept Store . .103% 103 103% 101 Maxwell Motor A. 3 8 % 88 88% 87% Maxwell \rutor B67% 66% 66% 66% Mm. land . .15% 34% 35% .14% Mexitan Reab .... 13 12% 12% 13% Miami Copper ... 11% 11 11% 11 M K Sr T R y .... .11% .31 81 30% Mo Pec . 3 3 32 % 1 32% Mo Par pfd .... 74% 7 4 74 % 7.1% Montgomery* Ward 46% 4 4 45 % 43% Mother Rode _ 7 6% 7 6% Nash Motor* ....300 29?% 309 286 Nat Biscuit . 67% 66% 7 % **% Nat Enamel . 31% 11 11 11 Nat Read .14 7% 1 46 1 4 7 % 144% N Y Air Brake.45% 45% N Y Central .. .116 115 1 16 % 116% NYC He Nf R.127% 1?4 N Y N H Sr H .. J4% -f% :*% ;9 v orth A titer ... . 4 5 4 4 % 44% 44% North Pan . *1 % 61% 61% «l% N S XV Ry .127% 136% 126% l?fi % c-rpheum . . .. 27% 37% ' • Ui* Bolt's . . . 4 5 4 4 % 45 4 t Pacific nil . 65% 64% 64% MS I'l ksrd Motor ..19% 1«% 18 i«% p.m American .... 7*% 7 c % 76% 77% Pan-American R .. 79% 76% 76% 77% el'ttn R R . 4 5 4 5 People* Gse ..... .. 115 J ' 5 P 'te Marq . . . ,. 6 3 Phlbi co . 5 ' % 6? % 5" % -4, Phillips ePt . 37% .16% 37 17 Plane Arrow . 13% 11% 12 % 11% Poatum Cereal ...197% JO >% 196 lor, % Pressed Nt Cur .... 5.1% 61 Pro S Ref . 2 1% 23 21 % 23% Pullman .133 1.11 13.1 Ml Ptints A leg Rug .. 4 2% 4 1 % 4? % 41% Puri* nil . 27 2rt% 27 ?6 Radio Corp . 62 % 61 61% 62 Ry Nteel Spring .124% 1 1 t % 123% 12.1% Rav Con . 12 6, 12% 12% 12% Rending .7 :■ % 7 % 72% 7? % He plug Is . 15% r,% 16% 15% Rep I S■ Steel ... 47% 41. % 47% 4». % I Coy 111 inch NT.. 611% 6»% 60% 60 Nt R A 8 F . .. 6.% 64% 65% 64% Nt R A 8 W _ 46 4 . % 4 . % 4 <5 % NchUlte Cigar* .11 • 111 112 109 Neste Roebuck . ...16ft 162% 163 163 % Shell Colon Oil... 24 2 1% 23% 23% Simmons co . 34% .".3 (4 32 % Sinclair Oil . 19% 18% 19% 18% Sinclair pfd . 86% 86 Sins* S» effield .... 44% 83% 84% 82 Nkelly nil . :•.»% : t >;'.% 22% South Pa* f fin ...lot% 1 on % 101 100% South Ry . 84% 83% 84% 8 4 stand n|| Cal . 6:»% 68% 69% 68% Stand nil NT 40% 40 40% 49 Stand Pints Glass I ? % t? 13% 11% stewart Warner .. 61'. 69% *1% 69% Strotnberg farb ..6 % •> 4 % 65% 6.1 Ntitdehakep .45% 4’’% 4’% 42% * ibftartns Rost 9% 9 9% 9% Texas Co 44% 41% 44 % 4.1 « Texas Gulf PulPh 10.1% 1 <v % 10*% 1«1% Teas* A Pacific M>% f»o% M> % 50% Timken R Bearing 39 )x% 39 iv% Tobacco Products. 73% 71% 71% ,1% Tob Prod A 98% 97 % »8 % 97 Trans, nil 4 % » 4% 4 Union Pacific. .13 9% 138% 138% 119 CnRed Fruit 2Of. % 2<»« 206 206 % F N Cast 1 Pipe 1691, 1*3 169 165 C. N Ind Aleobnl 8 % *0% 8/% 80 C S Rubber 36% 39 16% 36 C Rubber, pfd 9 4 9 3 % 04 • ’% 1 y N'eei 116% 1 |t. 116% 118% if * Neel. pfd... 1 2 3 1 2 2 % l?*% 1M% Utah CdlPtf.iiMt 11% 16 62% ll \ anadtum ........ . . 7*4 **4 Vivaudnu . 14 1 ' 4 13 4 1-’ Wabash . 2\ 4 2" 4 21 Wabash \ ... *7% *24 *-‘4 *24 W'estern Pacific... "9% 3X4 3*4 1J Western I’nion . lit 4 11' 11*4 11 1 % VVesftnghonae A H. ... 9* 4 ** WeM inKho’ Klee. *7% *7 *7% * * \\hi'« Kagie till., 2*4 • 4 .*4 % Whit® Motors ... *14 •’*'» *14 * Wool worth ..119 4 117 4 H*4 1** Willy# «> . 12 -4 17 4 12 4 12 4 WillNs-O. pfd ....8*4 *4 *5 4 *••% Wilson *4 * * '*7* Wilson, pfd.34 4 31 31 3.1 Worthington Pump 4**4 <>4 4*4 4'4 Wrigley tin . 47 4 4 7 47 4 47 4 Yellow C Taxi Co. . 4 9 Yellow C. Mf< <’o. 35 41 Total sales of stocks Tuesday, 1.223,200 aha res. Sales of Stork# up to 2 p. m Wednea. da>, 7**400 shares Kidllt blends, April 1. Xmerfcan Steel Foundries . 1 75 New York Onirnl . 1 75 l*li Uhidelphta • *o ... 1 "" Toiiami Products .. 3 .0 New York Bonds v_ ' New- York. April 1.—Bond price* I timed m-iuinl attain today In response to it fur ther ret--ivery in the slink market anti Indication* that the stiffening of monrv rate* would he only temporal \ A strong underlying demand for various French obligation* anti domestic railroad indus trial liens lifted prices 1 to 2 points. 'I’ll e recovery in French Issues took place In the face of a break In the fram which resulted from report* that the government whs considering an Increase of fi.flnn.000 000 franc* in note « ireulatlon to relieve the current money stringetuv Bonds appeared t «> be little affected by the announcement, although they closed slightly below the highest levels of the d a y. Independent strength was shown by s number of industrial lien*. which re sponded to special development*. Numer ous merger rumors In the automobile field contributed to a rally of 2 % point* In Pierce-Arrow Is. while the Wilson con vertible Issues moved up 1 to 2 points In anticipation of favorable adjournment terms under the company plan* of r** organization, which was made public late In the day. Magma Copper 7s advanced 2% points. A varied demand for rail bonds em braced Seaboard refunding 4* Frisco in come f.s. Missouri Pacific 4*. Rock Island general 4s and Chicago A Alton 3%*. which averaged gain* of about n point. New financing was quickly absorbed, the $4.'. non (ion Baltimore A Ohio 6 per cent refunding issue being oversubscribed Preparations were completed by hankers for public offering of a $14 000.000 7 perl rent loan for the I'JIgavvH Elietrir Power company of Japan, at prices to yiqld about I 7.90 per cent. A $4 000 000 loan for the Austrian province of Syria whs reported under negotiation. Ihiited States Hoods. (Sales in $1,000). High Low Close 27 Liberty 3 %s . . . 101 10 101.8 101.9 122 Libert y t«> 4%* *01.24 101.21 1" I ” 4 239 Liberty 2d 4 %*.. 100.31 100.29 100.30 69 Liberty 3d 4%s..l0l.ltt lot.Is 101.1$ '87 Liberty 4 th 4 % s . 101.31.1 (• 1.28 lol.Xl 105 IT S Treas 4s. 100.20 100.17 100.20 23 U S Trea* 4 %* .104 25 104 23 11)4.25 Foreign. 22 Ant Jur M W 6* . 93% 93% 93% 25 Argent Gov 7a.... 102% 102% 10*% 1.0 Argent Gov 8s .... 9t>% 96% 9*j , 26 AunI Gov gtd lo 7* 94% 94 94 % 22 C of Bordeaux 6s . *.,% > j % '>2 7% 1 C of (‘open 6%*.. 96 96 96 14 C of Gr Preag " %# H9 x* x* 19 (' of R do Ja 8a '47 93 9 2 22 17 Czecho-Sl R S» T*2 93 % 9 9 *:•% •f»6 Depart of Seine 7s K7 87 47 13 DofC a%% no '29.102% 102% 1o2% 19 1) of Can i,s '52 .103% 103% I "3% 16 I) East Ind 6s '62 100 % 100 , (-0 7 D E T 5 % a Noy '52 97% 97% 9 i% 11 Framerioan 7%s . !»o *9% 9 120 F'rendt Rep x*.100% 49 7% l"1* 2or, French Aep. 7s . .. x*i% *7% 87% 40 Gern an ext In 7*. 94% 94% 94% 10 Gt Con* IvP.iap 7s. 9a% 9*i 9" 29 Japanese 6%s .... 90% 9a 9o% 1 .1 a pa 4s . *1% XI % XI % 4 7 Belgium 7 % ■ ...107% J07 >o7 12 Belgium 6 % * . 9:% 9_‘% 92% 11 Denmaik .1 «i 1 % DH% 1 *> I % 10 11 u 0 g a iv 7%s . . . *■ K % k7% X 7 % 17 Netherlands 6a 72.108% l**'. % 1"’.% 9 Netherlands 8s 54 lu.% 1"2% )" ' % 12 Norway 6s 4 4 . 99 % 99'k 99% 33 Serbs Croat* s* . *<*>% *6% %•. % 5 Sweden 5 % a . 9“% 99% 99 , 3 3 Nord By* 6%s .... x l ftu% x i % 45 Parl»-Ly-Med 5* .. 75\ 74’% 74% 23 Rep Bolivia 8- ... 92% 92% 92% 1 Rap Chile X* 41.. 106% $««% 1"% 5 Rep Chile 7a 99% *9% »9% 7 Rep Colombia 4 %*. . 97% 47% 97% 1 Rep Finland 6* $4% *4% 84% 4 Rep Haiti 6. ... 94 *3% 94 3 Rio Grand* Sul 8s. 96% 96 96% 10 San Paulo «t .10n% 100 10" % 1 fru Colt b ... 114 114 114 -4 Swiss Gov 5 % a 46 mi% 01% 101% 45 K G P, A I 5%« 39.118 115% 115% 53 K G B A 1 5 % s 37.168% 106% 106% 39 u S Bra ail ** 9i% 95% 9k% 12 U » B»-* CRyEl 7s 82 11 12 Dome attic. 31 Am Ag Chem 7%a 91% 97% •$% ? Am Ch # f deb 4* 96% 96% 96% 3 Am Smelting 8*...106% 106% 1"6% $1 Am Smelt 5s. ..97 96 % 96% b Amer Sup 6* ...102 102 1*j2 2 8 Am TAT 5%«.162% 1 02 102 % 13 Am TAT cr> tr 5*. 100% 1 no % 100% 34 Am TAT col tr 4s 9< % 96 ^ 9*% ! Am W W A E 5* 9 * 9 % 9. , 19 Anar (’op 7s '8* l"‘i% Jil) 1*10 22 Anac Cop 6a *6. 99% 99% 99% 7 A r 111A < . > f De 1 5%* * % 92% V.', 1 Assoc «Ail 6s. l'»2% 102% lU2% 32 At T A M F*e geo 4a 19', *9 *9', 7 At TASK* ad 4 s s( *2% »2 % S.% 1 i AtCLL.iN col 4s. X', % X 6 ti 94% 2 7 Halt A t> if 6* '9- 101% 101% 101% 77 Halt A O l»t is it. HIU % i«»u% l*»o% 11 Halt A O »-vt 4%» 91% 01% 91% 2 UTofP 1st A rfg 5«.lul% 101% loi% 21 Beth St * on BA 94 % 9 3% 94 % I t Reth St pur m 5* 00% 9*» % 5 % II Brier Hill St 5%» 99% 99 99 14 Bklv Ed la *e 5* A 100% 100 1»« 24 Bklyn-51 T s f Cs 84% 94% 94% 10 Buf K A P 4%* 94% 9 4 *4 24 Calif ePt 6 % s .. 103 % 10 3 1*3% j •t can No deb 6 % * ... 11 7 % 11 7 % 117%: 14 Can Pac deb 4s .. 79 % 79 .» « 6 Car Clinch .V O 6s 107% 1«7% 1»T\ 12 Cheaap A O rv Bs 10_ 102% 102% 18 Cheaap A O cv 4%* 96% 96% xC, 4 Chic A Alton Skx 53% 53% 5.1% 3 C H A Q rfg cs A 101% 1*1% 1 *. I % 78 C B A g gen 4s |n% 90% 90 % 24 C A E III bn. .76 7B % 7 6 18 Civic Of West 4s 62 61% «1% 89 C.MAStP rvt 4%a 46 « % 45% 93 CMAStP rfg 4%* 46 48% 46 271 C M A Ft P 4a 25 48 % 4 7 4 8 % t C .V N rfg 8s 1*0% ion 1*0 7$ Chlr Rail Be *1 % 81 % G % IT Ch R I A P gen 4* <2% 83% 83% 1*2 c R 1 A P rfg 4s *7 86*, ST 7 C T H A SEmc 5a 6X % 54 58 12 Chlr A Wear Ind 4s 77% 77% 77% f8 Chile Cop 6* 1^5% 105% !*».,% 6 CCCAStL rf Ss D 96% 96% 96% 1 CI e v IT n Term f" 100% 100% 100% 4 Col H A El l*t s 100% ino% "0% no Common we p 6s i««"% 100% 1"0% 7 Cons C of Mary 5a *3 97% .43 10 Con sum Pow 5*. 94% 94% 94 4 C C H deb 8* atp. 100% ino% 1"*)% 1 Cuban Am Bug 4s toi% i0i% l»i% B Del A Hud «yt is 102% 102% 1 :% 2 DGA El 1st rfg 5* 92 02% 93 5 Detroit Ed I rfg «e 107% 1*7% 107% 14 DuPont d N. 7%s 107 6, 107% 10?%i 2 Duquesoe Light 6a 10-% 105% 105% 11 East Cuba S 7 % a 1 Of. 104% 105 , 31 Einp. G A V. 7%, 101% 100% 101 %! 13 FTrle gen Hen 4e 6'% 62% 6!% 10 Erl* tv t 4* D. .73 72 13 Flo . E (V It), b M 9 4 94 18 Gen Elec deb. 5* 103% 103% 10$% 22 Goodrich 6%e 104% 103% 103', 18 Goodyear 'I' 9*. it 109 10x% 108% 1 Goodyear T. »« *4 1 1 20 1 20 120 1 Gd. Tr Rv of C 7s 116% 116% 116% 14 Gd. Tr. Rv of C. 6*107% 107% 107% 41 tit. No. 7* A.109% 109% 104% 1 tit N;i 6s .. 100% 100% J00% 6 Ftershey Choc 6s 104 104 104 76 Hudson AM 5* A 87% 87% 87%' 6S Hudson A M 1m* 8* *4% 69 69 % 78 Hum o A R 5%*101 100% 100%: 65 111 Bell Tel rfg 99% 99 % 99% 11 111 Central 6%s |0 % 102% J o - % 13 ICC Mt LA N O 8* 98 M 98 8 111. .Steel deb 4%« 94% 9 4 9 1 U 11 Inf n*p. Tr* n* 7*«7 96% 94% 37 Inf. Ran Tran* 6,. 64 6 4 % 6«% 14 Int Rap Trana 8s 63 67% 62% 4 5 Int A G N a 6* g*% 6 6 6 6 14 Int A G N 1st 6, 104’. 1A4 104 4 5 Inf M M « f 6e . 88% 88% 88% 4 Irter P rvt 5* A Mv, 8 8% «*% ’ K «* Ft * A M 4* 6 % JC, % 8 7% H K ** P A 1. • 47% 4 7% 97% 15 Kan City So &« 8 4% t«% 7 Kan •’ 11 v Term 4s 84% 44% 84% 3 Kan tl A F7I 6a l«l 100% ino% *2 Laded* G S L 5%s 14 4«% 99 6 L S A M 4s 19 7 8. 11 % 98 % 4x% 4 l.*g A Xt \ e r * 8* 100% 1 on 10*»% 1 t.nul* .< Nash tin 4* 4;% 93% 93*. 7 Louis G A El 8* 9,t % *3% *3% ^ Magma Cop 7s 116% 116% 116% 3 MartaH Svig 7%s.l00 100 100 t Man ||y M 4 s 6.3 6.t 53 7 Market S( R\ 7s 98% 9«% 98% J Mid Steel rvt Ss 90% *0% 40% 17 Mil E It A I. rfg 6* 99 % 98% 99 % 14 Minn A St I. 1 4s 7)% 70% ?n% x M K A T 6s C 14.3 % 103% J03% 10 M K A T n l» I B" 40% 90% to<» 8 l M K A T ti d Bs A *2% 8 2 8f% <l Mo I’ac |«t r.a loo*., 100% 100% " Mo Pm gen 4 s (. 1*, 6 3-, 61% 16 Mon Pow 6* A.. 4s% 47% *8% 11 N K T A T f.s . 100 9!(% 9f % 1- N (» T ,(t 6 *,s . 100% 99% 100% '6 \ y Cen deb fis ..109 104 J09 H» \ Y Cen 1 I bs .10(1% 100% 100% • S Y Cen con 4s *3% 83% ‘ • N v c A St I. 6%a 96% 96 95 % II V V Ed I rfg fi%s 11.3% 112% H3% ft NY N HAD r » s % 8 «s % 88 39 H NY Trie rfg 6 s *41.107% 106% 10? % 2 NY Tel gen 4%a 90% 9* % 96% • NY \V A Bros 4 % s ft 4 63% 64 6 Nor A Weat * on 4s 90% 40% »o% 8 \ Am Edi s f 6* 100% too% too% 1B Nor Pac rfg 6» R to? 107 10? II N'or Pac n 5* D 9(i% 96% 96% 16 Nor P«c pr Hep 4s 44% **% «t% 6 N n P 1st Bs 8 45 % 95 % 96 % 7 «*re v t. rf* 4s 46% 46% 96% 7 Ml* 3V ft R a N Is x7 % 87% x ' % I t Pa. G A F s 4;,% 45 45% 1.3 Par Pa T S .7 95% 95% 95 % 6 8 Pan 4m P A T <>* 111% ltt% IIP*. 3 p nna It R «s 110% 1)0% 110% ' Pa t R temp s *6 4 97 % 97 % 97 t l a tl ft *e.» 4 % s *»««, 9 4 4 4 V, 7 Pe.rt Mar rf* *'*• 94% 4ft % 99% 2 Phil* «*n rfg 6s HM% 104% 10t« • Phtla Cn 5 »%. S 4 % 45 % 4 5 Phtla A R CA! f>s t«'% t ’ | | the , e Arrow 8s .9* 93 94 II P Hv Mr I at 6s b •». *, % 15 pressed ,<4f| C 6s 4K ft % i H 4 fnh s V .t 8s 104'k 1««« !»• I ' in ! A A ! 4 % ■ 86% 8 6% 16% 1 ft L l M A So rf 4» f| 14% f» « St LIMAS U KG dv IT •' t At 1, ,v M > pi 4* A 74% <4 * *4 * 21 S‘. L. <v S F ad t*s . ift% *h % St l. \ S F Inc • 7 9% 7*% 79% I x Si I, S W . on 4 s S' , *« % x. % 21 Si PAK F S I. «%- *i% *2 4 V» .1 St Pm uI I n I>p 6« 1**1 HI HI ... Sea lin.i id A 1. cn «,a H?% 'n% 7 Seaboard A I, ad 5a 74% 74% t 4 ■» 55 Sea Hoard A 1. rf 4a #»7 M» % . Sim lair Cun col 7a. 91% 11 H 91 % H Sinclair Cjn 6 % a . ** *7% 8* 9 Sim lair Pip* 5a... 84% *4% '4% 23 Skelly Oil n % a ..10*% H* % 100% . 2 So Pac cvt 4m .... 97 9*. % 9. 1 So Pac tfg 4a .. 90% 90% 90% 1 So Pair col tr 4a. . 86 8* *5 14 So K\ g* n * % a.... H* % 10* H* in So Hv g**n na 104% 104 104 49 So R\ gen 4a ... 7t,% Ij’i .'• % 4 9 S \V B«!l Tel rf 5» 9*% 9'% 9« % Steel Tube 7a .107% 107% H.% 2 Ten n Kim rf tia ..Hu % 100% 100 9* 18 Third Ave adj 5a.. 3S% ‘.9% 38% II Toledo Kill 7 a . ...109% 109% 1«9% 17 I'll Pacific 1 at 4a 92% 92% 92% 1 I I n Pac cvt 4m . ... 99 % 99 % 99 % ;; i n Pac rfg 4a. *6 *6 M> 2 1 S Hub . . .H4% 1114% 1"4% 31 r S Hub :-K .... 85% *5% 85% 4 , I' S Steel Mf 5a. . . 1 n.’i % 105 105 % 1 Filth P & Is -a... 82% 8 3% 9 ’• % 7 \ .t < hi «' tl . %m . 4 '* % 40% 4 6 % 114 V.i-Far the 7 a ... Mi 85% 8u ^ 2 Virgin in Hy a... 97% 97% % 1 N\ aba all lal ua. . . . HO % HO % 100% 4 \\ Hi tler Sug 7s 1 9.39 7 8 7* ■ \ 13 West Kleclrlc 5a.. 99% 99% 99% 15 W e.-t Mfltv 1 4a... 63% 63% *» 3 % 20 Weal. Pa 5* 93% 93 93 2 Weal I'll 6%a.ll»% 1 I •• 1H 5 Weal Klee 7a ....H7% 107% H7 % 2 We«| Shot ft 4a..... 82% 82% 82% ri Wil tlver 1 6%■. 1 no HO loo Hi .Vil A Cn af 7%a . 74% .4 7 4 % 9 Wil A I'n let ».a . 9 5% 95 9-> % .2 5 Wil A I o cvt «m . . 74 % 7 4 7 4 % Hi Vgslun S A T •>** 9* % 98 9* Total mii lea of bond a today were lift. 7*9.0 n n coin pm red with $11.95S.«On previ t;Ua day Mini fl.3.312.000 a >**r Mgo. I New York Curb Market v__^ .New York. April 1 —Curb securities genet u 11 \ displayed a firmer tone In to day * muling, tbe feature being the re covery of the radio Issues. The oils were a« live despite an increase In Jrude oil production last week Hazeltine and Freed Klsemann, both of which at.- entitled to use the patents of I >r Marius A Latour. French In ventor. led the radio group with gams for the day of 14 and 2 4 points, re spectively. 3-v'era I other radio Issues scored g-iln*. but wb.'-h were partially reduced by subsequent selling. Tra nsjtc.lions In Standard * *11 of Indiana, based on developments in the Pan-Ameri can Petroleum and Transport company reorr/anizatIon lifted that stock 14 points on lb-- day. Stand ml Oil of Ohio gained points and South Pennsylvania 011 2. The majority of other issues advanced fractionally < loscbrough Manufacturing bring a weak t-poi. closing 3 4 points off. Glen Aldt-n Goal led that group with a gain of 3 4 points and Salt Creek pro ducers responded to :.n '-xira dividend of 40c, dosing I', point* higher. inti list rials. High. Low 2pm 100 Adirondack P .<• L. 7 4 37 s* 37 4 100 Am. tins vV K, new 70 4 704 7U% .M» A n, L. A T.I 46 4 14** 144 % 1700 An.. P ..v L.. n*-vv. 5 3 4 52 4 {*"’• 10 Am P a L. | fd. . Mti \ v. 4 m;\ 2"«* Am. Super p H 27 4 -7 * 27 4 M00 Am. Thread pfd.. 4 4 4 100 A pen .VI f g. A .... 254 25«, 254 700 Armour Go A rtfs 12'.» 12 12 62011* Atlantic Frut Go . 1 mi 91 100 onn*I4oiesnnaull to . .100 91 i'»o vo Borden's G Milk 1 Li % 142 1 4 2 loo Brit Anj. T coup. 4 -7 4 27 4 looo Hiit Am. T. reg 27 4 - • 4 27 :*oo Bklyn Pity K H.. . s * * loo M o*v t». VVm Tub .11 II 11 #oo Gdr Light. :: 4 4 4 loo G-nt Pipe Gorp 13 4 1 i t 14 200 G ha pin s l? Inc 194 19 4 19 4 PiO Ghlc. Nipple A.... .704 04 .304 300 Cleveland Auto . .. 21 20 4 20 4 P'O G G \ Iv B new AS 54 4 44 2**0 Gone. It.ikeries A. 115 115 ]I5 1 500 Coni. Bakeries B 25 24 4 24 4 loo Gnnt Bakeries pfd 934 9:4 #34 loo 1 >er Forest It rtfs. 20 4 20 4 20 4 5 0 • J »e p L X VV. Goal. 120 119 4 I20 loo 1 tor* h let i Me r a st .114 4 1U', 1 ] 4 •* l9oo Uubilier ■ x H. n. 14s* 14 14 4 9'»o Durant Motors . . 17 j »i% 17 joo Due go. In. 2t*4 4 204 25"'i Klee. B A S. new i»8 57 57 .0 Klei it. s pfd. ln.34 n»: 4 ] c 4 loo Klectrb Investors. 41 41 41 -o Ford Minor « >n. 4#f. 4*,2 412 1 2..'0 Freed I. «--n R. Jt 3 .< 104 ',04 200 Fresh. < 0 (thas.) I04 In lo«4 DIO Garod Gorp 44 44 44 400 G*n. O. Adv. A .. 4.4 4*74 46 4 2»*0 Gen. o. Adv ctfs. 21 21 ‘1 • "" Gillette S. II new 6 1 4 M ► 4 '•00 Glen Alder Goal.. 124 172 J24 "0 Goodyear Tire . "94 2*4 264 1 too Grennan Baker . ] * ., 154 ] 6 4 100 Grime* RAG.. 9 9 9 »°0 Hazeltine Gorp . 74 204 ?l "f» Heyden Chemical. n 1.1 it 100 Imperial Tob . 224 22-* 2fl0 Intercom Rubber. 64 44 g-4 • 00 lnt. Match pfd 19'* 19 4 394 400 Jones Radto M fg 2 4 2 4 2 4 400 Keivinator Gorp . . 774 2 ; *7 100* Key stone Solether. 6 5 60 6 5 4900 Lehigh Val Cos 1 35 - 4 100 Liberty It c. s *2 1 j sz 250 McCrary Stores v. « 444 41 4 4'" Mesagi iron .4 .4 ! 200 Middle W,-t l til 91 4 91 91 ? 20 Middle W. L p | lot 3n 1 joi ! '00 Moore Drop Forge *5 *5 *5 1«O0 Motion Pictures 17 is 4 17 -G.o Mutton Put pfd 101 101 101 200 Paige 1» M new 15‘5 1.4 . „ t_ j 100 Power Gorp .V y «_• 4fc- 4 ' 1 1 •> Proctor A 4’’amble ill 4 11.14 11 4 ! -0" Rosenbaum G pfd r, 4 h » - •‘Beeper . rfs 1,4 {. c« 7" * • * vj. g pfu 9j 9i 9i 10 > ■ if t w. I <• 10# 4 1*94 1 9 * 1 swift International 2I>« 294 L lUHi rtier miodv t.f R« t w 7 4 7 4 r 1, 6u» Thump Radio . t fs 94 74 yi! Iwu Tu wet Mlg Gorp . 54 54 54 ' Lnlon < ’ t r bidf e : CriL f.C 4 -••0 l ruled ii X K new .94 29 • 29 „ -90 Gullet Profit S 7'- 7 4 rv ! Victor Talking M. Ii 13 93 “ 12"U Uar^ Radio Gorp. lo 4 *4 s a_ ■ ' U s-net Pr. - P a 14 4 16 4 1 7. 4 - " w hi . Ror K 21 23 2 I 200 White 'lock ctfs.. 21 23 1500 Wick wire S S|| ri 44 4 4 ,, . Hfiindard Oils. -100 Anglo Am Oil ■ 4 7M* ? 4 lr'O 1 hc«ebrough M fg 64 64 54 Sinn < nnt Inental Oil... . 73 22% 2t 500 Humble oil 4 4 474 474 •* Illinois Pipe I. 141 14" 140 1400 Imp Oil Gan nev ji 2*4 •** 4 2100 International Pet. 27% 2"\ "14 10 N Y Transit , 4 65 * 4 120 Northern P 1, a 63 m 1-100 Prairie Oil new - % &ju 5, - 4 10 Prairie Pipe Line 117 11? 11*7 *60 Smith Penn Oil. l<* 164 i«7 6400 Stand Mil of Tnd . «|U 604 61 4 10" Stand Mil of Kin 124 124 3 4 D»0 Stand Oil of Ky. US US US 0 Stand Oil of Neb 249 24i • »< 10" Stand Mil of V Y 42 4 47 % j % kO Stand Mil ..f Ohio 145 *<5 J4. U0O \'a< uum Oil . . . 1*4 *6 gc 4 100 Ant Maracaibo ; 4 4 4 1 " Arkansas Nat l ii S% ’ 4 5 4 ."ri Gitlea Service new 154 374 3 4 190 4‘ltie* Service ..ITS 176 176 t o Greoie Svndicat• 11*, 11 4 U4 300 Gulf Ot'.64 •* 64 64 7170" Lago Pet .... 74 6 4 74 I t'»o*Latln Am OH. , 5 5 100 Mount A O M *-de 1 »4 14 1 \ 160" Mountain Prod . ?oa; *o ?0% SO Natl Fuel x- IU4 u 14 113% 100 New Bradford 54 .4 4 100 New Kng Fuel . . jo woo N M A A Land Go 94 3 4 10it" * Noble oil ,U 11 11 6"0 Peer Oil .14 14 1 »* ?ou Pennok Oil fp n . 204 !«', 20‘* 1«0 Red Banka Mil . . 21 21 21 1?6 0o Royal • anadinn 24 14 l1* 2700 Kvan Gonsolldated 7 4 7 7 % ini) Salt Greek Con 7% 7% 7% 2300 Salt ('reek Prod . 26"* 26T* 26, 600 V enezuelan Pet 4 .3 U 1% 1 400 Wilcox 011 64 6 6 3000‘Arlxona Globe 22 21 21 700 Ganarin Gopper ... 3% I \ .3 % \l»\ EHTbUMENT. Free to You whose Feet Swell If your fpet swell when you walk or dnnre, ask ua for the wav to pro vent It. If dainty shoes pinch you at times ask tia how to make ami krwp feet ■mailer. If your feet grow weary, sore or tender, let us show you how to quickly bring hack comfort. It seem* to art like magic. The way Is •Tlx" It Is saving people millions of hours of dlscom fori. fount less people who walk much or dance much gel Joy In a Jiffy from It. Ask ua for a teat. Watch TU" draw out the soreness, end the swell ing, quell the pains of corns or bunions. Prove to yourself the quick relief It brings Then you will know that all this torture la unnecessary. Relief anil prevention can be ever al hand Prove this for yoqr own sake, flip eoupnn now c W.h.. l.slksr Me C. P HI Msdisnn Art. N>s Y»rk CUT *1* ’ I Melt M»ss«ple‘T(SM ‘ n*‘ |Z=== , ■■■■■I ■■■- ■■■■,• Y -iHiiP-i I I ^—--— ■ - l'rogrnm for April 2. (Courts*? of Radio Pigeat.) It>- Thf AoMiHtfd l‘re»*. W S It Atlanta Journal (42* 3), *. pro gram; 10:4.‘», organ. WEB! Ronton (475.4). 6 15. orchestra 7. WKAF musical; ». mu»l-al; 9, ot hr* tra. WOR, Buffalo (Sit), 6. music; 7*10. musical program. WKAF. WI.M. t 'hid go (344 6 ). 625. organ; S 50 Semite Duster; 7. lullaby time. AN iCBlI. Chicago I’o*t ( 370 2). 7, concert, tenor;, 8. Riviera theater; 9 dance, *•• prano. saxophone quintet; 11, dance, tenor, soprano. WMAQ ChliMiro N-"* ( 4 4 7 5), G organ; H garden talk; 8:15. ltu> Scouts; 4:50, lec ture; 9 ; 1 5, program. KYW. Chicago (536), 7. concert; 7:33. speeches; a reading; 8:30, artists; 9 " talk; 1». at home; 1, Insomnia Hub, -N i g h t h a w k s. WON. Chicago Tribune (3i0.2). 6. nr gan; 6:30, concert, Hiring quintet; 8. WON quartet, 10. dance. Juki: WI.W. Cincinnati M22t): 6. memory contest • f, talk; 10:03, concert, qu.u tet. monologue. Mel oil v boy*, accordion. WEAR. Cleveland (3*8 4). 6. organ W FA A . Da I la * \> v. * t 4 7 5.9 ). 6 : .70. re - rltal; 8..70, program; II, humor and mu sic. WOC. Davenport (4*3.6), 6:30, Sandman. 7, mimical. KOA, Denver (silent). WWJ. Detroit New* (352 7), 7, WRAP concert. WHO. Pea Molnea (520), 7:30. glee club; 1 1. dance. WRAP, Fort Worth Star-Telegram ( 475 9i, 7:30, concert; 8:30. popular, cla n*|ca 1. KFKX. Tlaatlngs (2*8 3), 9.20, mando lin. sextette* KNX, Hollywood ( 336 9). 8 1 5. dance; 9.30. talk; 10, feature*; 12. orchestra. WPAF. Kansas City Star (365.6). 6, School of the Air; 11:46, Merry Old Chief, frolic. WJIA8, Louisville Journal (399 8), 7:80, coni ert. Kil.t. To* Angeles (405.2). *. concert; 3:30. children; ku, features; 12, orchestra. WCCO, MtnneapolLs-Ht. Paul < 416.4) f T -11». N*»vr York program WFAK. New York (4915): 6. »ervlc#«! 6 4 0. hist*M>. 7 baritone, *. program. 9, •‘F.ust." opera ensemble; 10, dance. WJZ. New York Mil 3): 6. orchestra; 6 5a, lure of love 7:10, NYf Air college; 7:30. program. adrlree**, hand; 9.30. dance. W.ty. New York <405.:); 6:3". concert: 7:15. tenor 8:30. baritone; a . 45, musical saw; 9 ok heslP*. W!IN\ New York (36!. 2): 6 dance; 6 SO, health talk; 7. entertainer*. 9, dance: j|. Vamdv club. 31 u. music. Ktiu, Oakland (‘lot i : concert; 9:15, golf lesson. 10. Smilin' Thru; 12. dance. WoAW, Omaha t&26): t.. story; 6 30, announced; t.45, orchestra: 9. anniversary pr*»gra in. nil*. 1‘hlta doll.Ilia (508 2): 6. talk: 7, talk: 7:13. cntimil; H. recital. 10. or chestra. 'V FI. PhilIphia cm ): * talk; 7, concert; a. concert. 9. orchestra K I -K A Pittsburgh <509 t); 7. program; 7.,Mh9<ilie ind Wig club Wi 'AF Pittsburgh t4' i i: 6 30. UOcla Kay bee; 8 concert, KGW Portland Oregonian (491.5)! 10 orchestra. 13 dan* e music*. WKAg, 1’urtfe Jtlco t'J40.7): 6:30. con cei r. I l’(> n Kr iii' - </•'): 6.30, .. 9 . • 3 c». . _. n 11. Walsh niirht: 1;. d.m* e. Wti\l, Fan Antonio (394 5): 9:30. or chest • a, W <; Y Schcneci adv < 579 5); 6 30, book (hit: *. 45. Pra»• 11« c club; 7:30. army hand: 8: >*•. Pan Am* t can program: 10:30, orga n, KI-'NT**. Shenandoah (766): 6.30. con cert from Plarinda. WHZ .Hpr:ngfl«dd <*** 3): 6:15, talk| r, no. lectute. 7. saxophonist: 7 1-. pop ular pianist, 8. singing orchestra Con cert, philharmonic ttrio: 10:30. Rad.a four: ly 15, orchestra. K SD. S* Louis (silent). WRC Wash ngtnn (469* 6 trio; 7, Cuban night 9. dance: 11. orchestra Wi'HI.i Zion i.44ti): 8. aa.xophona quintet, choir, reader. WOAW Program. i Thursday. April 2. Anniversary Program._ 60O*Chlno Ext . 71 «* 71 mm Eng Gold M .:t 27 4 2* I (U»00*Ktireka Croesus . . I X l 5 I* 1000*b ort> -nine Min ..21 21 21 ]uon*Creen Monster ... 3 .3 3 0011 Howe Sound Co.. 17 «a 1.4 17 4 4000 Jerome Yertle .... 1 1 UOOOMib Cons . 1 :i 11 3 3 600 Kay ('upper . 2 14 2 r.00<>*Na«ion«l Tin .... 9 9 9 1 New Cornelia ....100 100 300 1 (100* Parmar Pomi ... 2 5 25 25 1 oo#Plymouth Lead .. 3** SO 50 2 0 a Pieinier (Wild .... 2 4 2 4 - 4 1 OO0*ttil ver Dale . 2 2 li»C(i*Htaml Sllv Lend .14 14 14 14»0 T. - k H iil he* . . 1 t| HI HI 10f)0*ToBop»h Divide .. 2 1 2 4 2 4 2200 Tonopah E»«en .. 24 - ?*« -H 80O*Ctd Eastern . .... 11 200 Ctd Verde Ext .. 25 25 25 KHtM'nity Gold . 50 6<i 5<> 300 Utah Apex . 6 6 6_ : on Walker .Min . 24 2 4 2T* lj oo \\>nden <'np M .. 3 4 •* 4 4 .JOO'lVhi'c ( ii»* M.n '• 6 6 Domestic Bonds. 3 Allied Par ker 76 4 ’4 76 4 5 Am Beet Hug 6s.. 9* 9X 9* 2" A n * 1 St EI Ks .. 97 9* 4 97 2 Am Ice Co 7s ....103 4 1"13 4 Am P l.t *.S 95 4 95 4 95 4 8 At O A W I 6s . . 6 3 6 4 4 6 4 4 1 Bell Tel Ian 5s. 94 94 94 4 Beth Steel 7s 35 1 04 1074 I'M x Can .\t Ky K»ip 7a. Ill 4 HI 111 3 Citte.r 8rv 7 s B. .117 117 117 7 cities Srv 7- 1 < 1 "1 4 1“1 4 1"1 4 S3 C ties 8rv PAL 6s 94 4 94 4 94 » 1 Con Gas Bit 54*H024 1024 3,!24 6 ( .n Gas Bit 6- ..Dl6\ 106 4 10C\ 5 Con Ghs Bait 64a.D'9*4 1 -9** 1094 6 i on Textile ** *3 *3 S3 1 Cuban Tel 7 4s ...106 4 lor,»4 i"»; \ 5 (Tiilahy pick 5s.. 914 914 914 2 1 >et • Tty Gas 6s . .1"2'4 1‘'2 4 3M24 4 Dunlop TAB 7s .1014 10] ITS 4 Fed Hug 6s 33.... 034 97 4 934 11 Gen pet.6s.D* 1 4 1 ''I 4 3 01 4 3* Grand Trunk CjS.l'i'S l'dS 10*4 1 l.ehigh P H»e 6s .1014 1014 101 4 1 Lib Vr A Lib 7s. DI2 . *>24 1024 1 Manitoba 7* .102 4 3 "2 4 102 4 1 Morris Co 7 4* . . 1"2 4 1024 1024 3 Nat Lea* her *s ..IMS ITS PIS 123 Ne w (»r Pub Srv ?* *9 4 *3 X9 4 N..r Sts r Cv 6 41.1074 3074 in: 4 2 <*U la GAT t 5s . . 95 9 5 9 ‘ 2 P>: rk A TPfonl x* 9', 4 95 4 9 4 3 Phil El 6s . 107 107 107 4 Phil El 5 4s 53 .. 105 1 ^5 IM 16 Pub 8rv KAO 5Va» r<’4 9?4 f ” 4 12 Pure Oil 64s .100 99 99 " Shawsheen S . . 1n 3 4 lnn4 6 Slr»s» Sheff 6s ..DT4 PU4 PI S * Stand GAE1 64s 1144 11*4 119\ IS Sun Oil '4* ..91\ 954 ?r 4 24 S»*f* A Cn =. .. 95 4 95 »4 9 4 1 t*nton Oil Cs! !* 96 96 *»6 1 Ltd Rye Hav '4s 1094 1094 3014 1 V S Rubber «U s 49 97 97 97 11 Vacuum Oil 7« . .1064 IO64 P*U 2 \V•baler MUD 6 • 9*4 f«S 9«S Foreign Bonds. 1 City Rog *. x* 9« 9* 99 7' Est RT: Prance :* *2 4 *7 4 *7 4 17 French Nt MSS Ts *2 *1 92 4 Denmark 6, . . 9* \ 9*4 9*4 lt*2 K»-upp (Fried* 7s. 9'- 9 5 9 5 <0 Russian 6l s NT . 52 4 52 4 52 4 If Si-men A H 7* ,35. >»■ 4 96 4 96 4 5 Sw ** 54« ... 10’S IM 4 DU 4 !*• Ss-.m 5» .1**04 D*04 1"04 5 Ths »«<n IAS 7» . . 19 4 V* 4 9- a 'Ceuta a »hate. 4 til< Hgo Stocks. Quotations furnished t> J 8 Bs* l.« A C«. 2 2 4 Omaha National Bank building Phones Jacksou Sis?. 6145, fils# Bid Asked j Armour A Co. Til. pf,l . S7 4 5,1 Armour A Co, Del. pfd. *1 *14 Alber 1 Pb. k.. 1*4 2 j ■> Carbide . 67 ♦ 7 4 Edison Co .It4 1*4 Cudahy .102 104 Diamond Match . 117 4 Deere pfd . 91 91 4 j Kddv Paper . 1< 25 ! ibby . 7 4 74 National Leather . <4 5 Quaker Oats.. .36° 3*ft j Ren Motors . 1'4 1* Swift A Co .11* Hft 4 8w 1 ft International. 79 794 j Thompson . 45 46 3* ab| .TS 1? I Out of the Records J Births and Deaths. Birth*. WIlDam and Anna Peterson. 511 North Thirty third street, cir! . George and «. ha? te Longatem, Sn3< California street. Kith. .... Frank and Mari'? \ancK, 1815 Ontario Frank and Victoria Saiontay, 6321 North Thirty-first avenue girl. Chasle* Isaac and Bessie Dixon. 2563 I patri< >; K an«| S\j*«*na M-Govern. 3°*t ' South Twenty-sixth street, girl. Rav and Margaret harrow, 2927 South Twenty fifth street girl. Gordor. and Phtlom'-na Schooler, 38.9 North Twenty-first street, boy. Deaths.* P Larsen, hospital. 31 year*. Mary Sup. 357 North Forty-first street, I Mm Adah Dorsey. 2395 Pacific street. 4 Henry Copley. 431' South Thirtyelghth avenue. 61 years. I.u-' .t Salerno. Douglas county nosp.fal, 67 >eara. Or - do H Wren hospital. SI years John Henry Edwards, Twelfth and Dodge street*. 68 years. A! tin u Rlsley. »610 Franklin afreet, W St John Carders 5407 South Twen tv fourth street. 54 year*. B ank Kratoch*!]. hospital. 54 year*. .Marriage License*. William H Eberle. 27. Omaha, and Jane-te F Hewitt, 27. Omaha. Fiank Pom loro. 21. Omaha, and Hazel Arculeo. 17. Omaha. Harry Leaeer. 27. Omaha, and Hazel R. | Joe Roth stein, 26. Omaha, and Rest Landman, 24. Omaha. Ia Divorce Court. Petition*. I Margaret Oeatner against Harry C-. »•**• j euprort. " T.etha Stevens against Michael JL. non support. I Buildine Permits. * H Arrr*trcrg. 1216 Drexel etreet, framg dwelling, 91,000 Liberty Bond*, " A N»w York Apr 1 ! —Liberty bend<».? Liberty *4s. 101.10. First 4S.e. 3 01 21 Second 484a 7 *c. Third 4 V. a. ll»l 17. Fourth 4 **4 s. 101.31. I t *ed Spates treasury <s. 100 II. United S'ates treasury 4^s. 104 21. New York Cotton Future*. N »w York April 1 —Cotton—Futures pened at^adv. Mav. 2* <2c; July, 24 flci - bar. t4.fft| Jaa? i uary, H hi I Duluth Flax. ' Fax C • Apr 12 *: * kid Mav *2 '1 asked; i New York Rubber. T Rubber—SznoksJ ( r'J-'ed sheet*, spot. 41**0. • New York Poultry. New York. April 1,—Poultry—Alive Market *•.-.■? 1v to '-m: price* unchanged. Dressed; Market firm, fowls. 23 0 34c. rhlragn Poultry. Chicago. April 1. — Poult —Alive, un changed. Ksneae City Produce. K s n«-■ * April l—Produce—r«* ch a pged Opportunity! The Milwaukee Railroad wishes to assure Ita present and prospec tive patrons that the Receivership just established will have no adverse effect upon ita service. On the contrary the ad justment of its outstanding securities made possible by this Receivership will give the railroad an opportunity to finance new and improved facilities needed to reader even better service. That portion of the West and Northwest through which this Railroad operates has been especially hard hit by agricultural and general business depression. In addition much tonnage h»s been diverted to the Panama Canal and the widespread use of the automobile has caused a large decrease in passenger travel bv rad. The effect of these conditions has been aggravated bv the fact that in this section of the country freight rates have been lo'.er than In those regions where the business depression was lest acute. Regardless of these things the Xfilwaukee has had to pay as high a scale of Wage*, as high a price for Materials and at high Taxes at have been paid by the most prosperous railroads enjoving the heaviest traffic. As a result the Xfilwankee has paid no dividends In recent rear* and hat had difficulty in earning enough net operating income to meet find charges. This means that although the owners of the property have suffered an Important loss, neither Its employes or its perrons have been called upon to share this burden. Aa then la no Guaranty in the Transportation Act the railroad exwild not look to the Govern mm t for assistance. Ita officer* aod employe* have made a splendid fight to overcome these obstacles hut the odds were too great. They will all welcome the opportunity for profitable operations afforded by the Receivers ship and will devote themselves to their various tasks with renewed energy and :ral. The Xtilwaukrc Railroad is a wonderful property hr fine physical condition. It has unlimited faith in the development of the West and Northwest. An opportunity Is now afforded to be of much greater assistance lt» this development. II. E. Hvrapi. Xiark W. Poetrr. Fdw. J. Rmndag. of » J Chicago w Milwaukee* & StRral Railway TO PU6ET SOUND-ELECTRin*X>