Homes—At Attractive Prices—Easy Terms—Here _I.IVKSTOCK._ Horses, Cuttle, Vehicle!. M C1QH-ORADE harness at first cost, mart? In our own shops and aold direct to farmers; prices from |6S to 1110. Alfred Cornish, U'10 Farnam 8t., Omaha. 1EAVY' horses for sale. Vpdlke I.uniber and Coal Co., <3d and Charles Sc WA. 0o5T. IVO horses. i»o wagons. three aels ,ft harness for sale, cheap. .1501 center St _Poultry »nd Supplies. 55 *TOP J'rr* JJ«t your strong, fluffy, n^altny purenred .chicks front Iowa * largest and best equipped poultry farm and hatchery. ]0 most popular ‘breeds. Hornethlng new to'offer where wo can save you money on our tested and tcapnested stock. Farm superintended a licensed poultry judge. (Jet our blue ribbon strain. Highest quality at low pi loss a 96-page poultry hook and a free feed anti hopper offer, ask for It. Kver-I.aylng Egg Farm, Box 191, Hallx, la._• ‘SOMETHING new to offer you on early orders of baby chicks. We can save you money on our tested and trapnested stock. Our poultry farm is superintend ed by a licensed poultry Judge We can furnish you tile highest quality chick* fr,,m ten leading breed* at low prices. Send for free feed and hopper offer. Ever- lay lag Egg Farm, Box 191. Sail*, Iowa. PURR BRED chick* from flo« Us noted for heavy egg production, type, six*, vigor Low prices. All varieties, catalog free. Smith Bros. Hatcheries, Mexico, MV glJALlTY CHICKS—-Fourteen standard toed varieties. best winter laying .‘ I ruins; free delivery. Moderate price*. 64-page catalog free. Missouri Poultry Parma. Columbia. Mo. BABY chick*. EOOO 8. C. white leghorna and R. C. white Wyandotte* Mr week. Best quality In the middle West. hn mediuie shipment. Free catalog, .Spencer < hick Hatchery. Spencer, la. BABY Cft ICKS—Closely culled, heavy lay itock: 15 pure breeds. 100 per cent live delivery guaranteed. Reasonable price* Catalogue free. .Smith Hatch Ties. Auxvasse. Mo. AMERICAN egghrad single-combed White F* Leghorn chicks $18 per houndred. Egg* 50 per 15: $9 per hundred: 100 pet.. fertility guaranteed. Hurd Poultry Farm. Phone 994 W. Route 3. Co. Bluffs. In. FENCE w^re cheap. We have 200 roll* 4 and 6-foot poultry and rabbit wire. Wh 1° rod*. $4.40 and $4 90 per roll. 1611 Cuming St, AT. 1247. X>R HALE—Hatching eggs from my high class Rhode Island Reds. M. L. Clark. 9i>23 N. 29th St. KE. 138*. CHICKS 9c up postpaid. Purebred*. 100 per cent delivery. Circular free. Wiltse, Rulo. Neb EGGS-—White Wyandotte, 5 cents. Fancy atock. JA. 0327. MERCHANDISE. Articles for Sale. 57 FLOOR lamp, blue and rose shade; camp ing pad. fish poles, tennis racket, grass porch rug. WE. 0986 Business Equipments. 58 TYPEWRITERS — Reuannlbl. RENTAL rates. New and second-hand machines for sals. Have you -seen the Standard Keystone Remington Portable? What ever yo r needs In the typewriter line cal! Remington Typewriter Co.. 210 S. 18th St. JA. 2S76._ WE BUY. sell safe*, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply V? * w- Corner 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724 Fuel and Feed. 61 KINDLING—$5 truck load delivered; sawdust; haled, shavings. JA. 6740. 91.00, ILL.* NUT; $7.50. 111. Eg*. Eton Coal Co. WE. 2605. P"1L. —' ■ ■ i IB Swap Column. 65 l!IERH A RT Triplex auto knitter, cost $80. Tor Ford, radio, chicken* or what have you? KK. 0341. Machinery and Tools. 67 .\R\V end second-hand motors, dynamos LeKron Electrical Wqrks. 318-20 ff. 12th. * So-ds. 1‘lants and Flowers. 68 UEP.MITIA ONION PLANTS, 1.000 for $1'6; 5,000 for $6 50; cabbage plant*. ] 000 for $2.25. Express prepaid. Hat is fiction guaranteed. R. C. Haden, l.a do-in. Tex a s. FOR SA LK—Everbearing strawberry plant*. $i 25 per 100. Jos. L. Kublata, Heston. Neb .Musicnl Instruments. 70 EMERSo.V, :qu%-e grand: good comli tion. Must sell. 2310 s. 35tli St. DWORAK SAXOPHONE STUDIO. Reliable instruct. Mlckel Bide AT. 4361. PLAYER piano, good condition. $175. if »old at one". Term*. JA 1095 Wanted to Buy. 73 DESKS. DESKS. DESKflT New desks used desks, bought, sold . traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT 6146 WANTED to buy, second-hand, three sec. tion golf course team mower. Wakefield Golf Club. Robert E. AfUWson. SeiTc trtrv and troewurer, Wakefield. Neb. KOOMF FOB RENT. Rooms With Board. 74 MKRRIAM HOTEL, residential, by day. week or month. 25th and Dodge. Furnished Rooms. 75 BLNNKY. 1804—Room and garage for rent. Coll WE 0399 M2 BANCROFT—Furnished room. pri v ate home, modern, garage. AT. 039,',. FURNISH ED room in nice apartment on _r*i line 1102 Park Ave. BA. 0686 t'ABS. 2411—-Room for gentlemen, 1 block from car. $15 mo, HA. 24$3. Rooms for Hou&ckrepinff. 76 LAKE. 2110—Two rooms. Everything fur nished. including phpne. laundry. Rea sonable, WK 2619. F 3 MODERN, attractive rooms, furnished f°r light hoasekeeping. WE. 2568, 3216 X. 23th St. 1 844 N. 18TH ST.—Clean, newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 2 blocks from 2 car lines. HOUSEKEEPING room, everything fur nl»hed Including baby bod. '410 N. 23d. AT. 3563—3-room apartment, private reei denne. Neatly furnished. Reasonable. Room*, liiftirnishcd. 77 TWO unfurnished room*. All modern. No Where to Stop In Town. 78 IfOTEL HANFORD—lfth and Farnam Hotel HLNHHAW—jeth and Farnahi. Bperlal Rate* to Permanent Guest* Apartment* . AT<..".”B Real Fatale Management Spatcialiaia._ ilKK WANT AUB BKINO KK8ULT8. WHEN IN NEED OF HEM' BEK WANT Al»». Apartment* of Ituilriing Owners anti Managers Association. Unfurnished. 80b' PETERS TRUST COMPANY, “WHERE OMAHA KENTS’* AT. 0544 17th and Fsrnam In. REAirESTATB—FOR RENT. Apartments—Furnished. 80 LONGFELLOW, J216 Howard. Niw. all modern. Living room, bedroom, tiled hath, large closet, model kitchen. None better In Omaha. $63.50. Summer, $67.60. Some unfurnished See Janitor. SEWARD. 3667—Modern two room.* fur nished comnlete Private home. Reason able Garage. WA 6346. '-■jzrj;i—1 -i—i'" ■" — Apartments—Unfurnished. 81 The Morley Large llvln* and dining room. B-room accommodation apartment with Pullman dining nook, built-in hath tub and tiled mom; very nice; ready for occupancy. Price $48.75 summer. Traver Bros., Owner* and Managers. AT 688f>y X1 !> let Natl Bank Bldg LONGFELLOW. 2215 Howard. New, mod ern, 1-room apartment*. None better In Omaha. No carfare. $50 to $57.60. Some furnished. See janitor._ HIGH (’LASS APTS and flat* under su pervision of Owner*. “Service that please*.” Traver Bros., Ilf F. N. Block. AT. 6886 NEW DUPLEXES FOR RENT. N. J. 8KOGMAN A SONS. 8118 Cutning St.HA. 7045. : TWENTY-FIRST ST.. 811 N.—4-rm. flat, $:;0. Walk dlst., no children. JA. 2161. j MODERN a pari ment*; low rent; close In. I O. V Stebhlns, 1610 Chicago St. I MODERN six-room nnts. Close in; eum- j mer rat es. .1 A. 2810. Business Places for Rent. 82 The Late E. H. Scott’s automobile building at 2659 Farnam is fhr rent May 1. It la 50 ft. front on Farnnm by 130 ft. in depth, 2 stories. It Is now occupied by the Chevrolet Motor Co. Full nartlculnrs an.l rental price at our office. Harrison & Morton, J 9 21 Farnam. JA. F«»R RENT —Store building in North Platte. Strictly modern new building. Size 31 w'de. 124 long First Glass front. Good location. Opposite from big new theater. Will tent for $100 per month Write H G Lamb, 717 East 9th Sc, North Platte. Neb,_ S. ft. COR. 24TH AND DODGE NTS., For Rent—Ten small store rooms. Will be completed about May 15. O. 8. ERWIN, Hotel Keen JA. 6;>14. F4»r Rent—Resort t'ottases. FOR RENT—Lake Minnetonka poltaget . — Fine lawn, trees, boat. Ice. garage. $250. $200 Mr. Olds, 102 North 12th St., Minneapolis, _ Houses for Kent. 83 j FOR our offerings see “Building Owners and Managers Consolidated Rental List or call ns fop Rental Cist, PETERS TRUST COMPANY, “Where Omaha Rents." AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam St*. 408 N. 26TH ST.—5 rooms, modern, 81?.ML 511 9 33d St.—6 rooms, modern. $4o.o<>. 850*4 S. 23d St.—4 rooms, part modern, $16.00. „ . BIRKETT A CO., 150 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 996s. PINKNEY, 2721—For rent or sale. 6-room modern home; garage: everything In first-class condition. $55 per month. Owner on premises Sunday and Mon day. WE. 0801.j; HAMILTON. 1836—Strictly modern . B room bungalow. Garage, $52.50. Cary Cleaning Fluid Co., IIA 0923. 2110 SEWARD. $22.60. and 2612 Seward, $20 6-room modern houses except neat. Just decorated. Very good. See them. NICHOLAS. 4212—B-room modern house. Reasonable to small famih. WA. 1MV >916 SEWARD—B-room. strictly modern house. Also rooms In basement. SEVEN-ROOM house, fully modern, for rent. Call a* 1745 S. 9th St 1524 N. 19TH ST—Walking distance. modern. 5 fine rooms, $25._ < 2727 S. 24TH ST —MndArn 7-room house; garage. Call JA. 1665. Houses—Furnished. 81 MODERN 5-room cottage. steam heat. No. and So. exposure. $10 wk. 724 N. 18th St. FURNISHED house, five rooms, all mod ern; garage KK. 2578 $60 a mo. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. lira I Estate—Investments. 92 INCOME $2 160—PRICK $16,000. REDUCE $1,000 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. SIX SOLID BRICK FLATS CLOSE IN 5 blocks to Central High and Creighton college; tenant* furnish own heat; low rent pay* 20 p »r cent net on; one-thir-l rush required; for home and safe Invent ment. JA. 2161. CONSULT HARRISON 4r MORTON. (40th \*«r» .fuel:■on 0114, 1921 Farnam Fanns ami Land* for Sale. 93 WESTERN CANADA FARM. Improved farm of 1*0 acre*; one roll# from good school; seventy acre* cultl \nted. balance praetfcally all clear end cultivated v-pall liouae. barn and gran ary. good grain and mixed farm ln.aet tl#d community; prlca fifteen dollar* per acre. $300 CASH WILL HANDLE. Balance crop payment*. For Information, regarding reduced fares for Inspection trip, apply L. B Boyd. Superintendent. Land Colonlxatlon and Development Dept*. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS, 4th and Ja.ckaon Street*, Saint Paul, Minn. FARMS FOR SALE Several good farm* «.f various sizes In Iowa, Nebraska. Missouri. South Dakota n mi ColorlcU at* offered at bargain prices, on amall payment, during 10 FARM INVESTMENT COMPANY, 170* Farnam St. Omaha Neb. Reference. Patera National Hank. ciiB SALE—A real buy. square section good level Innd. good doll, plenty wa ter. on main road, two miles from county pent, Sharon Spring*. Weller* County, Kansas. flnep at $22. AO per acre, Fred iryamee. dwner, Dlghton, Kan \ REAL BARGAIN—For quick isle. 2.MO acres good Lane county wnAat land. Improvements and fences; I.AOO acrea good growing wheat goe* with sal* •* $30 per acre. Term*. First National I ank. Dlghton. Kan. t,40 ACRES. Perklna Co.. Neb 12$ per acre. Good wheat or coin land. three miles from market. Will ttkry beck $in.tmo 4*0 acre*, good Improvements, $35 per acre; Sedwbk Co, Colo. K R Wallace. Amhertt. Crdo, ^ _ 116 an acre and up for land and Improv ed farm* In Barron county. Wisconsin. The leading dairy country, Iflaay terma offered. Cltlxena State Hank. Rice Lake. Wla. in-ACUW farm, lays good, good Improve ment*, f» ml. to town, close to school, n,nil route' and telephone Good terma. I'rl'-e $03 jy A;##. fi', buy »n<1 hnm.1 Bur anil BulM In ' BELLEVUE Good Lots, $200 Up J. II. COW. Ballavua, Nah. j Tel. Bellavue 16 WE ARE IN THE MARKET for Omaha and Council Bluffs Residence Loan* in amount* from $2,000 to $15,000 at 5»/,%. Frank H. Binder 823 City Nat’l Bk. Bldg. JA 2561 REAI, ESTATE—FOK SALE. Houses—North. *6 NO. 30 Just Listed 6 Nice Rooms, One Floor 2-Car Garage—Strictly Modern $5,250—$750 Cash Six dandv room*, on* floor, serv ice hail, good condition through, out. Built-In refrigerator, full < ement basement, Mueller fur nace. 2** water heater; 2-car garage, cement floor. Well lu xated on nice paved street, nav ing all paid; large 60-foot level l>l, near school and carline. A real buy at $5,250; $760 cash will handle. See this today sure. Call D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors, 742 Omaha National. .TA. 2060. Sunday: Lovgren. KB. 0804; Baker, WA. 359$: Paul Box, WE. «372 ; Buck, KK. 2834. NEAR NORTH HIGH SCHOOL. $6,500—TERMS. Unusual five-room home, built and occu pied by cabinet maker for hi* own home. Has five large rboms on one floor with exceptional woodwork anti floor*. Located high and sightly on a Urge south front lot with garage, paved street; paving paid; 2 block* to car. Could not begin to duplicate thia for the money Call Jackson 2383. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 530 Peters Trust Bldg. Housed—South: 97 $200 Cash—Easy Payments Best Buy In South Omaha New four-room bungalow*, con venient for the packing house employe. Electric lights, oak floors, full cement basement. * can he sold with good furnace. $2,950. or without furnace $2,850. Call KB 0415 or WA. 1320. McCague Investment Co., JA. 134 5. Realtor*—*0 years' dependable aervlcn, 6002 S. 41ST AVE. Four good sixod rooms on a dandy cor ner lot; room to finish 2 rooms up stairs; stairway already in. Sewer, water, electric lights, complete bath room, full basement; east front; oak floors; brand new. Only $3,600. on your terms .* Call E. R. Carse, HA. 8044 Sun day*, JA. 1014 days. 81X ROO M S- G A R AG E—$ 4.750. Hanscom nark district. bargain, ea*t front on South 28th St; large lot; living, dining room, kitchen and toilet on first floor, three bedrooms and bath on sec ond; good furnace. Worth $5,760. $1,000 cash will handle. T. H. MAENNER CO.. Realtor!, AT. 3362 Perrou, WE. 0833; Russell. KE. 4*3$, Burrell. KE. 6418. EAST FRONT OVER I >( )KIN G HANSCOM PARK. Fine modern home. First floor, living room, library, dining room, kitchen and lavatory. Second floor, five sl#,p tng rooms and bath Full baser ent. hot water heat, double *af'age, * \r.K* lot, beautiful trees. Priced to WTTTi. VV III consider smaller house In part payment. Inquire of owner See property. ,\ !» MARRIOTT 1720 § rjd Av*.__ Houses—West. 98 Clairmont District Have s dandy new 6-room modern bun galow. aoon to be «on»plete’ Realtor*. JA 2 8 56 5602 WESTERN. Two-story frsme. 2 yesr* old: full length living room with fireplace. 3 large bedrooms and tile bath; oak floors throughout; oak finish down and enamel up. Priced right. By appoint ment only. SH EDI > INVESTMENT CO. Realtor*. JA 4254. Sunday, JA. w43S. SEE THIS TODAY. PRICK $4,966 A very low price for thi* modern six room home. In first-class condition; two large Jots, good location near Fonte Lelle Blvd.; only 2 block* to car line; extra lot worth $560. Where ran you equal thivdnday? Call owner, WA. $171. B E NSON BARGAIN EXTRAORDINARY Four rooms, all modern bungalow; fur nace, full cemented basement; chicken house Fine lot 76x138 feat on paved street. Cln*e to cars, stores snd schools Only $3,300; $5$0 down and $30 per month. FRED A. BAILEY. 6616 Military AveWA 41*4. 4*65 DOUGLAS. Dellghtfnl 6-room aeml bungalow with •Un room and sleeping porch. oak floors, oak and enamel finish; hot wa ter heating system; garage. By ap pointment only. SHEDD INVESTMENT COMPANY. JA. 4264. Sunday. JA. 6436 $100 Cash—Easy Terms Dwner will sell almost new 4-room bun gelow. located west w hero value* are lncreaalng. Can be bought with l or 3 lots. Electric light* oak floor* full cement basement with dandy furnace. Call K F! 6415. NEW BUNGALOW. $8 666 TWO BLOCKS TO CLIFTON HILL SCHOOL. Extra large five-room bungalow, rholca oak finish, tile hath, wall tub; larga lot; 2 blocks to car OSBORNE REALTY CO. 5SO Peters Trust Bldg,Jackson ff$3. 6633 JACKSON. Almost new colonial bungalow, beau tifully located. Large living room wltTl fireplace tile bath; Insullte construc tion In ln*lde wall* and celling, garage. SHEDD INVESTMENT COMPANY JA. 4264. Sunday, JA. 6436. SEE Mnrrlaeon Lumber for prices on gaisgee Best construction at mini mum coat. WE. Rif| g Make Your Spare Time Pay You Dollars The Omaha Bee will pay you a liberal commission for so- \ lieifing new and renewal mail subscription* In out-stsle ter ritories. Many representatives arc now earning $10 to $26 every month In their spare time. Write for full particulars to day. You’ll be surprised U»~ find out how easy it is to in crease your present income. Thia Work Is to be done out side of Omaha, therefore only out-stat«» applicants need apply. THE OMAHA BEE Country Circulation Department. KKAL E8TATK—FOR SALK. Hmisrs—West. 88 $500 Cash 6 Rooms—Only $2,750 Located near public- school, online and stores. Large lot 66x116 with chic ken house, lots of fruit •*nd shrubbery. House \not new but in good condition. Good sized rooms and closets Light, watir and gas in and paid for. Full basement brick founda tion. A real good buy at above price and terms. Balance $25 monthly. Call D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors, 74if Omaha National. JA 2000. Sunday: Baker, WA. 3593; Paul Box. \VK. ti37 2; Lovgren. KK. 0304; Buck, KK. 2*34. Brand New Clairmont District Five rooms, oak finished, all mod ern bungalow. Full cemented basement with floor drain, coal bin and ste**l chute, stairway to floored attic, well arranged. Lots of built-in features, largo lot, the price is $6,100. With terms to suit reliable party. A good vacant lot will be accented same as cash on part or all of first payment. Eve. and Sun days call JA. 1212. WA. 8125 dr WA. 1232. J. C. Schmitz Co., *58 Omaha National Bank. JA. 1799* Two Story Frame House FACING FIELD CLUB. A large living room with fire place. beamed celling Lavatory on first floof. Oak floors and fin ish. 4 bedrooms with large closets, bath lin^n closet on sec ond floor. Third floor finished Full brick foundation. Lot 53x126 f«*ot, in r> beautiful neighborhood. Offered for $8,800, which is rea sonable. Sunday rail Mr. Huston, IIA 4762 or Mr Larson. JA. 0764. A. P. Tukey & Son, ■TA. 4323. «30 lilt Nat l Hank Bliig West Dodge 2 Acres IMPROVED. Located in thli n**w addition, oversize bungalow' consisting of long dining room, clining room, tw'o largo bedrooms with two exposures, oak floors and fin ish throughout. Double garage, strictly modern. Paved roads May consider trade for equity. Call HA. 6226 or WA. First Trust Co., Realtors. 4 00 First Nat. Bank Bldg AT 6729 Happy Hollow BRICK BUNGALOW. Six targe rooms. Finished in oak and oak floors throughout. Attractive fire place. House nicely decorated. Full basement Hot air heat. Two-car ga rage. This bungalow is located in Happy Hollows new' addition on a high,* sightly lot. Price and terms very Reasonable. George and Company, Realtors. Atlantic 3624 A GOOD BUT. 466 4 WOOLWORTH AVE 6-room bungalow; decorated. 2-cir garage and other features. rKTcE fc,3O0. FOR SALE BT OWNER WA. TOM. S. W. Corner 60th and Blondo BUNGALOW. GARAGE 14.'.no QUICK SALE. T -unt to make quic k deal and T mean business. Will be here all day. Five dandy, big rooms and full modern basemen* Believe me I want a< tiorw Call Sunday. HA. 2347 or come out. Field Club Brick Colonial A beautiful 6-room home built by present owner 3 year* ago. Changed j < onditfoni compel Immediate eaJe 1 antral hall arrangement, fireplace, .breakfast nook, oak floora walnut vinish. Sacrifice price $11,500 W FARNAlf SMITH A CO. REALTORS JA. 0564 Hun. HA 2237 or H 2516. West—Country Hom£ Thla wonderful location has on It a strict ly modern. 9-room house; five rooms and bath on flrat fldnr; three bedrooms on pecond floor; large living room with fireplace; many built-in features; fine basement; brick foundation; tw» chick en houses, garage; lota of fruit, over three acres You must see this home to appreciate It. Call KE. 5744 or JA^lltf. Attractive—Practical If vou want an up to-date bungalow, look at 1007 S 33d Wt. This is of brick and stucco, six rooms tiled bath extra lavatory; oak floors and finish, fire place and bookcases, lot tlxll*. with I 2-car garage. This In a dandy, ace tne for price and term*. C. A. Grimmel, j Omaha Natl Ban If .T A 1*15, CLAIBMoNT SPECIAL. NOTHING FINER THAN THIS. Beautiful bungalow; furnace extra Urge living room, built-in^ feature*. dining room and two bedroom* all In solid oak; bathroom with real tila wall* and floor, wall tub. pedestal lavatory, model kitchen; basement with fruit room and coal bln* in *olld masonry; garage. Let u* show you a real home. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 53Q Peter* Trust BldgJackson 2232. QUALITY BARGAIN -t OWNER LEAVING CITY ; Thia 7-room home la located at - Alst and Farnam. wept front, con- • structed by John Hart. Oak leaf • brick, stone trimming, full »Ued • basement; vegetable cellar, coal • room, cement partitions. 6 barred window* in basement, floor drain. " toilet, automatic heated, 68 electric m connections, fireplace* and gtlff . built-in features, quarter-sawed oak. . and Ivory finished woodwork, 1 - - inch floor*. 1st and ?d floors . floor- - rd attic, weather stripped, ti’e hath. - iron laundry post set In cement. « Shrubbery and sunshine, all for your ■ comfort. Considered one of the best built homes in Dundee Phone WA ■ 0517. | 308 South Slat Street ^.V.V.V.V.’.V/ ^ DUNDEE BRICK—* ROOMS BL A very attractive home, complete BL JB in every detail. Consists of very BL large living room with vestibule. _■ e<*at closet and fireplace, trench —® door* to dining room; also fine »ui room, complete kitchen and breakfast room: extra toilet and j| BT lavatory on first floor; upstair* BL jB has four lovely bedrooms atid a B ■ ^ tile bath room: stair* to large BL attic ; all floora are fine oak and * |L finish t* oak. and enamel over ^ Bi birch; workmanship is of the ■ BL heat. Nothing ha* been *parcd —'B In building thi* splendid home —■ The basement ir full-*i*ed and complete Hna automatic Ruud water heater and a lOO-gaUnn e?t material possi ble 6 rooms—living room with unique fireplace, dining room and kitchen; living room is front of house; upstairs one large hedroom. two good sized bedrooms and tiled b*th. The finish and floor* are oak throughout; full cement base ment; situated on lot 54x120; garage and solid cement drive way. Paving paid in full. This property is worth every dime asked for it, and in fart the owner is not making a dollar. , The price Is $11,500- There ia ’ a loan of $6..100 at 6 p»*r cent. If you are Interested In a real home call Mr. Goodrich. MV A. 0589. Shuler & Cary, Realtors, JA. 6074— 3^8 Kecline Bldg. —_i Dundee—Lockwood— Evanston AND VICINITY. PRICED RIGHT. $*i.000. Surrounded by beautiful homes, a 6-room modern cottage with full lot. garage for one car. Oak floors, pine and white enamel finish. This is a wonder ful opportunity to get a good home In an excellent location Owner left city. Near 55lh and Jackson $8,760. Near 50th and Farnam. Out-of-town owner very anxious to sell. .Six-room. 2-story Practically new; oak floors throughout; enamel finish. This Is a real buy and should merit your im mediate attention. Terms. $11.LEAVKNWORTU STREET— NEAR ELMWOOD PARK A delightful and attractive 6-room. 2 «tory frame house. Ua« floors through out, oak and enamel finish, practically nevy, 2-car garage. You'll like this one Further Information on application. GLOVER & SPAIN. Realtors. JA. 2850. No. I On Dundee Car Line 6 Rooms Strictly Modern Only $6,950 Vestibule, large living room, din ing room on v front. mod'-rn kitchen, refrlgera %r room on first floor; 1 light corner bedrooms and tiled bath, upstairs Select oak floor* throughout; oak and enamel finish Full cemented basement, brick foundation. South front lot, paving paid. A real good buy. $1,500 cash will handle. See it today. D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors, 742 Omaha Nat l. JA. 2000. Sn lenten Paul Box. WE. 8*??; Lovgren, KE. 0304; Baker. MV A. 3593. Buck. KE. 2 83 4 Sacrifice Sale 2 BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS MIST BE HOLD TODAY 5 room*, modern sector is bcd’evlng. We wish every home ge«*ker in Omaha lo see thes** houses Sunday Workman ship. material and construction unex celled; oak floors throughout, living and dining rooms finished In oak; bedrooms, baths and kitchens enameled. large room*. Every built-in feature conceiv able. full cemented basemen***; best of furnaces; on** house has garage Beau tiful lot in Benson. MVo will sell these Sunday for $4,250 and $1,500. respec tlvelv; $450 down; terms *>f*sy. Come out and see them or we will come and get you. FRED A BAILEY. 6015 Military Ave. WA 4304. ! ---1 NEAR 33TH AND CASS STS. 6 ROOMS. HOT WATER HEAT. See this haine, located In on# of Omaha’s nv>#t beautiful residential sections: run room 16x1*5 with south and east expo sure. three iarg« window* on each side; houae being redecorated, woodwork and floors refiniahed; beautiful In* with ’ota of shad# and fruit treef anak finish down, fine trim up. 3 extra large bedrooms and bath up; 50x128 ft lot; some fruit, shrubbery, and one-tar garag- Price Is $6,500; $1,000 cash. $60 per month. Fine house for family Want offer. Sunday call KE. 0460. Monday. AT. 3492. WORLD REALTY CO. Realtors.World Theater Bldg Benson Bargain .See this fine 5-room modern bungalow at 4930 Erskine St It is worth the money and you can buy on payments. Owner leaving the city and has made a spe cial price to make a quick kale. See it today. For price «all KE. 4660. Creigh, Sons & Company, 60* Peters Trust. _ JA. 020Q. A Real Bargain See This Today Five rooms, bath and small sun room. all modern, corner lot on paved street, lota of shrubbery and shade tree*. Eaat front, one-car garage, and the price ia only $4,150. Takes about $*00 ca«*h balance le-* than rent For appointment call Eve and Sun days. WA. 1232 or WA. *125. J. C. Schmitz Co., 858 Omaha National Bank. JA. 1799. For Sale—Dundee 100 DUNDEE HOME MUST BE SOLD. $750 Cash—$50 Month See tnis home, at S08 N. 49th St.. 5 room*, strictly modern, paved street, paving paid: oak floora and woodwork throughout; two large, cor ner bedroom*; sleeping porch, equipped with screens, storm *ash and canvas curtaina. east front lot with beautiful view-. This place can he bought a? a very reasonable figure. Call Mr. t'nn aby. HA. 3438 or H. E. Rasp, KE. 2525. RASP BROS. REALTORS. 212 Keeline Bldg AT 0721. Dundee Bungalow You have wanted a bungalow that com manda a view This bungalow is lo cated on an east front lot overlooking • Happy Hollow boulevard. House con* sists of five large room* finished in oak and whit* enamel with very at tractive fireplace, bookcases and built in buffet. Both porches are screen**! and glassed Full. light basement. Furnace heat Price and **rma reas onable. George and Company, Realtor*. Atlantic 3024. £)undee Colonial Frame conatructton. six room*, finished in white enamel and oak floors through out. Vapor heating plant with oil burner This borne is lmat»d #n a high, aightly corner lot two block* from car line and three block* to school Beau tiful lawn and ehrubbery. For price and location, call George and Company, Realtors. AT lantic 3024. Build In Bonita I The Home Builder’* Opportunity Lots On Easy Terms We Help You Build See Us Today McCague Investment Co. * 1S06 Dod*• Si. JA 1345 40 Years' Dependable Service HF.AC ESTATE—FOR BA_I.E. For Sohw-Dundiv l Oit IIkaL surrlflc.—New English oelonlBi 7 room.— Spl.ndld location—t'orn.r lot —Year old—Peti.ct arrangement Call Easion, JA. t'«»7. Loth lor Nile UPS Evanston Special Are you looking for good 1 ?,,-n for vogr new’ home? If .n*e t strata I' * 66x125. on f.Sth street. about *"0 ♦ ■ north of Farnam itroet -t th • li an attractive location high ana sightly with, a beautiful vi«.-w; ov-r Lin wood nark and Falra< rc* Thl* is ex ceptionally food, see r for pi .< e an I term.’. # C. A. Grimmel, Realtor, Onithn Nat'l B»nk. JA I . Building Lots We hnve several very deidrable lota In Lockwood and Dundee. Now is the time to buy a* they will never be any rh**n, r »«J d the choice ones are going fact. <.**11 Mr. Undeland for further information. HA. 1245. u Shuler & Cary, Realtors, JA. DU" 4. 32$ Keellne Bldg 40th and Fowler Ave. This large lot with 1*0 ft. on 40th Ht. will bold 5 cottages, on car line; all im provements are In Will make a bar gain price to sell now See ua about it* Terms can be arranged Creigh, Sons & Company, 60a Peters Trust. /JA. 0200* HAVE a few well located lota in Edge wood for sale For prices call C. A. Grimmel JA 1615. _ _ 3 WELL located extra large choice build ing lota, on Ida St. Owner, KE. 1616. . ■ 1 ■■ ■ .. ..gaEBB ICeal Estate for Exchange. 104 TO TRADE FOR LINCOLN PROPERTY. Two th» usand dollar equity In acre locat ed at 36th and Ida Streets, adjoining. Mart'n'a new addition Will consider any reasonable trade for Lincoln property or cash offer. H. A Pound. 49th and Nor mal Blvd . Lincoln, Ne WILL consider vacant lot*, small older house or a rood car for a modern 5-room bungalow, on paved street. Give full description Bqjc D-116. Omaha Bee. Wanted—Real Estate. 105 FLORIDA ACREAGE WANTED. Wanted, acreage to subdivide In or adja r*nt to city, or large tract for a (own aite Deaoribe fully. No Inflated price. Owner or owner', agent answer. H. R. Glenn. SO* No. East First Ave, Miami, Fla FOR result, list your property with FIRST TRUST CO. Af. »;;»too F!ret Natl. Bank. WE SELL Dundee home. List your prop erty with us for result* v Burt C. Fowler Co., Realtor*. JA. lit*. IIAVF. BUYERS for small properties, cash and term* Immediate Inspection, Frank C. Best, AT <135, WE 637*. ILA0M3. C. D. HUTCHINSON CO.. Real Estate Ini, 1622 Farnam. JA 841* Real EstatfteSir Auction. 107 Big Estate Tuesday April 21. 1*25. at ten oVlo-k. a m.. Difhton. Lana Go.. Kanas, at auction; three thousand five hun dred twenty acres of level wheat lend, very productive black soil. One thou sand coven hundred seres of this land is in fine growing wheat. Land will be sold ia Quarters, half sections and sec tions; Shetland pony, two gold watches ajid other prises free Modern house and one hundred lots in Dlghton. Kan. For further information and large posters, address. Col. Ben Smith, Plalnvlllo, Kan. * r SOLD OUT! We have sold every house built by us in Florence Field and are now building 10 more. Buy Now and get choice of Finish. Color and Decorating $5,900 to $7,300 Low Price* Easy Term* We are financing these homes with 6% first mortgages. They j»re BUILT RIGHT and the arrangement of rooms is perfect. That’. Why They Sell! Buy a Lot while they are cheap. Paving will start in a few days. Prices will go up. Sundays call Fred Kirk land. KE. 1202; Langfell ner. KE. 2832. or Hois ington, KE. 3472. Chas. W. Martin & Co. REALTORS 737 Omaha Nat. Bank AT. 0187 Bankrupt Auction Sale The assets of the Higgins Tacking Company will be offered at Public Auction to the highest bidders at the company’* plant in South Omaha. Nebraska, Monday, April 6th, 1926. at 10:00 A. M. Assets include a three-story brick building completely fitted with all the latest machinery and equipment to conduct a modern packing plant; 16 acres of land, seven dwelling houses and ample trackage. Ideally located in close proximity to jj Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, and in every way fitted for packing industry. Cost to build four year* ago $100,000 Terms lO1* cash or certified check on date of sale, balance on confirmation of sale by Court. Remember the date and place. Monday, April 6th, at 10.00 A. M. Higgins Packing Plant, 86th and L. So. Omaha, Neb. B. H. Dunham, Rafaraa. A H. ChUholm, Trust** D. E. N*afus, AuctioneaV. __ , —r We Make Six Per Cent Loans ■ on Omaha City Property 1 NO COMMISSION jP United States Trust Company I Main Entrant* U. S National Bank BM(. flpj Tak* EUvator