The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 22, 1925, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 38

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Speed coni rol for autos. When
going at city limit spee i a
green light is hi When rai |HBk|
moves fasti : a red light aj> 9HH
pears and a horn eouneeted
blows continually Flagsho.v.i MH
in photo denotes car is travel «—
ing a city limits when turn. 1 —
vertical the car is traveling
beyond that speed
II ,./ II ,1.1
Proving the effect of bombing from the tn General William T Mitchell, assistant duel of tin
Army Air Service, (until April 2 7th) Genera! Mason M Patrick. Chief of the An Service, with
aviators from Langley Field, looking ovei some ot tin 117 hits made by aerial bombs or. the marke 1
outline of the deck of a capital ship. These 117 hits were made out ot a possible 150 II II
__ Four II. S. destroyers on their way through the Panama Canal
— to join tin Pacific fleet in their annual manoeuvers in Hawaiian
waters If o/ II
Harlan Fiske Stone of New
York, formerly Attorney Gen
eral, who recently became a
nu mber of the Supreme Court
of the United States
II ,,/ II •iU
lii one minute just that quirk tin pain it.
gum- No treatment so ilr. surr In oling
t bin <i ug lit > a nt t si |'tn mil nirnlllu mtvriv
w.i» -*s Mr Si Imll s /mu pa.U Tin results
are a revelation At your drug(
dealer's Cost but 11 trittr
>/**•. uil \i:. * /.it Hum t .lll.OM. ». Mil t
let» tint! I erider N/mit
For Bunions
Tty tins t re.»t nt • n t
s. « tiiiM Inst tntl v it
•stops p.nn turmi s*.
(i I It it I. it mill 1 t ills t hr
tlrepr r I issue s -------
D£ Scholl's
"Put one on- the pain fa gone”
r Unusual view of heavy sea^ f
~Tt encountered by S S Repub ~ >
he of the United States Lines |_
- • m
Children's Hair
Depends upon Shampooing
Try tins quick and simple method which thousands of mothers
now use. See the difference it will make in the appearance of )()f A’
(HUD'S hair
Mote how it gives life and lustre, how it brings out all the natural
wave and color. See how soft and silky, bright and fresh-looking
the hair will look.
A\\ child i an ha\< hail that is beautiful
lualtln and luxuriant
It is \t> I < )N( '.I K a matter of luck
rhe I m out\ ui a child's flair ilc|xnd.s \l M< )S I
I NTIRI I Y n|>i>n the wax you shampoo it
I’ropei sham)HHiinn is what makes it soil and
-ilkx It lirmys out all the real life and lustre,
all the natural w a\e and color and leax es it fresh
looking. gl<>ss\ and I>i iy111
W hen a child's hau is dtx. dull and heax \
lifeless, still and yuininx and the strands ding
together, and it leek harsh and disagreeable to
ihe touch, n is beiause the hair has not been
sham|H»oeii projierlx
While children's h.ui must haxe frequent and
ugular washing to keep it IxMUtiful. tine, xoung
hau ami teinlei scalps cannot stand the harsh
cflei I ol ordinal x snaps I lie tree alkali in
nrdmar x soaps sum does the scalp, makes the
hair In it I le and t mils u
t hat is win disi rimmating motheis. exerx
when now use Mukilied roeoanut oil shuni|xx>.
This ileu pun .uni entirelx greaseless product
brings out all tbe real Ixautx ol the hair and
i annul possiblx' ini lire It docs not dtx tbe scalp
ui make tin ban In ii lit- no matter bow often
Mill use il
l! you wain io sci how reallx beautiful you
in m.iki xoui child's hau look iml follow (bis
ample method
I Simple. I iisy Method
IP I l\ S | we i i In ha ii and scalp ill w a i ill
' wall i I In ii ipplx i hub Mulsitied uhim
nut oil sb.mqioo
I w o iii i In i i 11 iq.ooiil nk w ill make an alum
<l.iiiii ol lull iir.iim lalhei This should Ik1
i ul died ui ihouniylilx and luisklx with thetingei
ups s< i as io loosen i In small mulu les ol dust
and dirt that 'ink to the 'talp.
\fter rubbing in tin in h t rtatHA MuUitittl
lather, k"' the hair a eiM,d rinsing I hen list
anothet application of Mulsified. a^ain working
up a lather anti rubbing it in hrtskh ,e bcfott
After the final washing mist tht hau and st
in at least two change' of . liar fresh warm
water 1'hts is \er\ mqmrtant
Just \ otter the Difference
\J t >1 will nolict lilt tilffei cm t in lilt hau
. o\ell liefore it is tin 11*r it will In delight
full \ soft and si Ik \
\ftei a Mtilsifietl shamjxs vm; wil' tintl tl t
hair will tli\ quit kl\ anil evt iih ami hate tht
ap|X'aranci of Ih iiii; much thicket anil hea\ it •
than it realb is
If you want \ out child to alu ays l»e rentemlxTcd
for its iK'autiful. well kept hau make it a rule to
set a certain da\ eat h week for a Mtilsifietl cocoa
nut oil shunqxs! I his regular wcekK shuni|vx
int; will keep tilt 't alp soft anti the hair fine am1
silk\, bright Itesh Itmkmc o I Ihifb wa\\ a* ■
cast to manage
anti it w ill lx noticetl
a n tl a tl in i it tl b \
e\ ei \ one
Y o u t a ii (if t
M ulsifletl t ot ttailti i
oil shani|*xi at ant
di u£ store oi toilt i
^txxls eountei ant
when in (lit w '^•UL3iric*'
Cot'oanu* Oil Slhiiupoti^^^
N .tik Nf | .mu lUlltnotr y lev. -O ' kinMif f>
Never Let a Cold
Get a Start
This Simple Home Treatment
Will “Nip It In The Bud’’
( olds are too often neglected un
til they have taken firm hold, low
ered the vitality and let in the
lurking germs of grippe pneumon
la. bronchitis, etc
The only ->afe plan iw to atta/k
a cold right at the beginning. A
hot hath, a laxative a sweat and
a vigorous application of Nicks
VapoKub at bedjime over throat
and chest will often break up a
cold over night
Kor hours after Vicks i- applied
the vapors of t'amphor Menthol
Eucalyptus, Thyme and Juniper
Tar. released a- vapors b\ the !*od>
heat, ;ire inhaled directly into the ^
infei ted air passages At the .-aim
time Vicks is absorbed through
and stimulates the skin lik*- t
poult ice or plus!* r
It is an obstinate cold indeed,
that can resist this direct double
action. Over 1" million jar- «»f
Vicks are used yearly
At any drug store