_ 1 HF OMAHA SI NDAY BEE -ALCOC.RAVl RE SECTION " ^ „- -== 1 Irene, Elvira and Ray Giers Dorf, former Council Bluff girls, whose act is one of the featured attractions opening today at the Orpheum theater. The girls are talented musicians. . \\ r-— One of the relief lightships ut Woods Hole, Mass . where - - men are trained and kept m form for the real live, but lonesome servire in Vine yard Sound. //,./ /(..//,/ “King Carnival" greets his subjects in Nice. One of the odd _ : floats in the parade which opened the annual carniva' , II . i II Betty Compson, the film beauty who stars in "New Lives for Old,” the feature motion picture at the Rialto theater this week. n. ty 'on mud he slender ) la fiut e hohhed hair - , <> Forthe shingle boh or thrstraight 1 bob,you must have a southful ' 1 silhouette One simply t an tb< ' stout nr even overweight ( Mow thankful we should be ( that the re is one pleasant method { ' oftakingoffweight Noexertises \ ’ or do ts -just use Marrnola \ ’ Tablets (thousands of men and \ women rat h year regain healths . V slender figures this was \ Maveyouevrrtoedfhem ' Many ) |! ofyoursh ntler, viva*ious friends > !nsc Marrnola Tablets All tlrtiK'tore* luvr them onnjollir s a hoi C)l they will f r sent in plamw'np t t*er.postpaid hythr Marmolat «• I ’On ) (•rnrral Motor* Ithljr . IViroit Mi< h j M APNOl.A ! rL) l ( / l ’ j < reset ) Jht'.l lea surd Il In, t< /tit | I Danger is carefully marked wherever children ire concerned — that needless tragedy may he averted This is thr day of jm-ven tion Danger is marked wherever it exists and measures of satety adopted. To prevent decay and disease, to afeguard health—even life itself—dental authorities have pointed out The Danger Line on our teeth, which demands our constant care and attention Sound second teeth depend on proper care of first teeth at The Danger Line MANY mothers have acids at The Danger the erroneous impres- Line and elsewhere. It sion that the first teeth is the use of Squibb's are not important. Yet Dental Cream, made to insure good second with Squibb's Milk of teeth, and their normal Magnesia. For dental growth, it is of the ut- authorities agree that most importance to cross section of a Milk of Magnesia is the guard against Acid Decay at The one best product for Decay at The Danger Dan*er L,ne effectively neutralizing Line, where gums meet teeth. At The Danger Line in all the tiny V-shaped crevices around the teeth at the gum margin food particles gather and ferment, forming acids which cause decay and which may lead to infections. Such decay often results in condi tions which seriously retard a child’s general physical and mental development. There is one absolutely safe, dependable way to protect your children’s teeth and gums from acids which attack the teeth and gums. Squibb's Dental Cream, being made with Squibb's Milk of Magnesia pleasantly fla vored is safe for the young est child, even if swallowed. It cleans thoroughly, strengthens the gums, allays sensitiveness and protects for hours after use. For your children's sake anti for all your family buy Squibb’s Dental Cream, made with Squibb's Milk of Mag nesia. At drug stores. Squibb's ] Dental Cream ^ Made with St/uibbs Milk of Magnesia JJ V 1 I . ~~ Squibb’s Milk ot Magnesia The Standard of Quality—from which Squibb’s Dental Cream is made — is recommended by physicians VlaUe of everywhere. It may be purchased in large mn^ac,Ji and small bottles from your druggist. If you have not used Squibb's Milk of Mag nesia. we urge you to try it and note its definite superiority — its entire freedom from earthy, alkaline taste I1, K. SQUIBB SONS ( ht’ini.M* (o the’ Wciltciil iiiui fVniti/ viik ( I s -s.s