The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 22, 1925, PART FOUR, Page 4-D, Image 34

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    Wheat Moves Over
Erratic Course and
v Finishes Irregular
\W cek-End Evening Up on
’JPart of Big Trading Ac
counts for Wide Swings
in Prices.
) , ' By a. J.F.TOEV.
a .f'nlverbal Service Stuff Correspondent.
’Ohfrago, March 21.—Wheat moved over
. •fcf erratic course today nnd finished ir
fffTUIarly. Week-end evening up in a big
* wXv accounted for the nervous swings
, *310 seonied to shade the underlying
9 strength that prevailed
v ...3* av wheat continued to display a con
kA|t*'d condition and recovered repeatedly
from all .setbacks and cloned higher.
New crop months were lower. Failure of
, foreign markets to sympathize with the
recent strength in North America led to
» free profit taking on ail hard spots.
. Much of the early demand for wheat
I was credited to eastern shorts who have
* presumably been evening tip for several
days. Houses that were the best buyers
* the previous day sold on the flurries.
* The seaboard confirmed moderate ex.
•» port business, reporting around 200.000
bushels wheat and 250,000 bushels rye and
« ©otate oats. _
% -Wiverpnol closed 3 to 3\ pence higher.
* B*f©nos Aires « lowed steady to b,r off.
$ lineally wheat finished Vic higher to
<* lower, corn \ to l’«e down, oats uti
* changed to %c higher, and rye Vi to lc
* down.
Stocks of wheat In all primary point©
at;$ on th'' decrease in rapid style
; tfcp exception of the northwest. The
northwest situation is the only obstacle!
s f]i.4 bulls figure they have to surmount.
^ Ttyfre are around 13,000.000 'bushels
« wheat at Minneapolis nnd also said to be
‘.*>.$00,000 bushels in private elevators at
^ terminal not included In the visible
* totals.
* v—Egry weather over wide areas or £he
t -Ho nil west winter belt remains.: Com -
* plaints have been coming in increasing
vhnrmber from scattered sections af
tt^Oihoma and Kansas, and ns a ref suit
.Igtv wheat has run into good buying
* * 1»te)\*.
k 'l!£b© trade looks for a big reduction In
■r EHp' United States visible supply figures
Mpndav, probably in excess of 4.000,000
_3yh.rn has been a tame affair lately.
Jggjurly today locals gave th© market sup
4 ?©»rt In sympathy with the strength In
wheat. but when commission houses sell
t j/ttg appeared nrtces faded.
* sThe demand for cash corn was* active
* « for a weelc end session with elNvntor ln
* 4#reets taking the good grades. The basis
\ri* 1 to 4c better at the last.
* ‘-YMBs fluctuated within a narrow'range
; m * slow trade.
' ..Tjltye was atrong *ar1v on reports of a bet
* ttfr -'export outlook, but buying ran its
* rWffae. ancl prices gave way. The close
, f vrtgr lower.
* % s~«*d?Tov ip,on" eased moderately.
» « Pit Note©.
‘ # * ^*The wheat trails generally has been
* frtgndly to the bull side of the market.
* bK federal Investigation has rut a stop
* t t^fVe active pressure noted earlier in the
I Tyggft ©md subsequent developments have
$ i^fevered a gold-out market. Meanwhile,
* I fundamental conditions have turned in
- t of higher prices. The cash markets
* .UP*4*h!a country have shown unmistakable
•• • stability In the last few days.
* cause of considerable worry to bull
! * •'ToXFers Is the fact that stocks of whent
I l*Elfc© northwe«t are not decreasing rapld
. 1jf,.>>noug)t. ^exceptionally large visible
« ‘-aSftfclie* at Minneapolis, coupled with the
t f©«* that that city Is at a shipping dlf
* f*v*nce with Chicago. makes the future
* la«gU gloomv for the hulls.
* Is problematical lust what will han
to the northwest stocks. When the
I navlgat‘on opens within a few weeks
| pot unlikely hut that enough foreign
,^and will soring up to lead to the
Ament of that grain toward eastern
* PArt© Seaboard exporters maintain, in
4 Rrtmo Instance©, that if our prices hold
* afMfcfv for several days we are likely to
* rtf* Into one of. th© best foreign buying
* cStjfrnigp* so fa»- this season
* ^f*$e run of wheat from th© farms is
, d|t|pdely falling1 off. Primary receipts
I tcif, ]be week negregated 3 **3,0** bushel©
« 4.5«3.oor» bushel# last week and
« 44W4.000 bushe’s a year ago. Shipments
» dfyjg that tfmle aggregated 4,999.000
* hi#$$el* and 2.559|009 bushels, respectively
* grain men tenort that offerings of
9 pir.,$frolns duriniir the last three to four
© dlv* have been very light. Farmer© ap
« I'MWiMy are holding to what they have
*« -<**.- —■jr~—-•
‘ l ' '% CHIC tC.O PRICES.
* »i>£ — ■
* Bv Vpdlke Grain Co.. Atlantic 9312.
- Art.- I Open. I High. I Low. | Close. I Ye©.
; w&c i i i i j
* Jl*» 1 68 1 1.TH4I 1.68 *4! 1 68%| 1.67%
* .«*, 1.69 I.: 1.66% 1.6*%
i -1»1* 1.4* ; 1.46141 1 - 42 % ! 1.44%l 1.46
* ‘ 1.4614'.I.I 1.46 i 1.4614
■ f*9p. I..7514 1.36 1.33 I 1.34141 1.3414
* K»»-' ! I ! I
* 1 72 1 22% 1.18 I 1.19% | 1.20%
* ***' 1.22 H'.I.I 1.19%'.
f .7^ M3H i l3'4i 1.10%) i. 11%; 1.1714
J rife. i.06%1 1 06%' i.02 ' i 1.03 :' i.'oV'
>6lf 1.1* 1.18%- 1.1614 1.16% 1.17%
r .*>, ' 1.17% . 1.16*4' 1.17%
. -till/. 1.21 1.21*4 1.10*4' 1.2* 1.29%
9 _ ’. .: 1.19% 1.20*4
* S*p. 1.20*4 1.21141 1 19% 1.19%' 120%
0.6, 1':0S .|1.19%i120%
1 M.t .46*4 .46%: .45 .45% .45%
' ... -4 5%. .43% .43%
* .THty .47% .47%' .46%' .47% .46%
^ 47%. .47
; | .47% .47% 46% .47% .47
. v . . 4 7 % :...... 1...... I . .
J ' ! » I I
atiy 19 9 0 119 90 19.70 19.75 '19 77
*. Junr 17.10 H7.23 117.00 17.05 17.10
May 19.05 19.05 19.oo 19 00 19 02
. duly 1* 97 1 H.97 1H.90 1* 90 1 9 90
m *TV;©.? - ....
New York ftiigHr.
New York. March 21.*—The raw sugar,
^ market was unchanged today with ep<»t m i
quoted at 4.74 duty paid. The only sale;
^ iep#tted was 20.000 bag© of I’uban t»» a
* lefiner fir April shipment.
* ‘Yf#w augar f*itures were steady on rov
•" ertjig ;<nd a little outside buying, prompt
eiP*V the steadiness of the .spot market.
, FflSl pr-bes were unchanged »«» 2 points
, n#P;Miigher, Mart h closed 3.00c; May.
*• : j»»ly. ^ 19c; September. 3.:{4c.
* '^#fin©d sugar was quiet again wit^i
* 9 HK.. price* unchanged at 9 00 to 9.20c for
granulated, but most refiners were
* a #1*W accepting orders b»-ktw their list
* . Ji©fined future# were nominal.
Turpentine and Kosln.
; .dj^vwnnah. fla.. March 21. Turpentine
•J**readv: *Ic: sales, none; receipts. *0
. * wft. shipments. 10 bi>ls.; ©tock. 2.740
’'^Spsln—Firm: sales, 4.'»5 fVsks: receipts,
, -casks: shipments. 611; stock. 50,511
' ? *5Eiot©: B. *9 70: D. $«.*0; K. $9.95: F.
. I«j96; O. $7 00; H, $7 10; I $7 1' K
l - *J»4 b M $7.90; X. $9.20: - WO, $*.25;
1W, $9.2£; X. $9 35.
New York l>ry Goods.
' < .New York. March 21.—Cotton goods
.'fjtrk quiet today vlth prices on sheetings
* ^ print cloths fairly steady. Activity
l *h novelty wash goods featured th© mar
t kM. Yarns were quiet and easier. Haw
Al1k was unchanged for the day. a holiday
J Alt Yokohama leading to few • ables. Bur
* . stfcPf were quiet. Woolen and worste*1
> i wlta were less a*-tlve owing to slow de
t » YJiorment of fall business. Silk printed
* a *f©Dries were active.
' New York Produce.
. * York. March 21.—Butter—Steady,
* * #©rw|pts. 9.721 tuhs.
4 6E|gs—Bt©ady; receipts, 22 931 rases.
Cpeee©—-Firm ; receipts, 75,535.
\pw York Cotton.
u ^ork- Marrh 21.—The if*n*ra1 rot
i 4ot‘ niarket closer! steady at net d*r,ln**n
* juF_4 to 17 oolnta, March ahowlng the
5 lore. _
,* a
* i
1 f
♦ 2
States Lines ships
find the highest
American standards of comfort
I!i1■" #and convenience.
* TheLeviathan,President Hard
ling, President Roosevelt and
J George Washington offer the ut
most in luxurious accomiuoda
J tions. The Republic and America
'provide especially attractive
s ‘one class" passage at low cost.
* Ash mur local United StateiUnet agent for
. trutreating literature and full tnlnemaetem.
'United States Lines
£ tit So. Dearborn St., Chieajo
Man«fln« Operator/ far
aagsaass ■ J1
* '" **
r N
Omaha Grain
v —.. , — ✓
Omaha. March It
Cash wheat aold on the tabtee today at
•ubetantlaHy higher pricea It would be
hard, however, to make a comparison of
today’s ealee on account of the extremely
lijht receipte and only a few tradea
.marked up at time of going to preaa.
There was a good demand reported. Re
ceipts were but fi cars.
Corn waa in fair demand, around un
changed price*. Receipts were 12 care.
Oats sold around unchanged pricea to
le higher.
Rye and barley waa quoted nominally
about unchanged.
No. I hard: 1 car,
No. 2 hard 1 car, 11.60; 1 ear, I1.57V4.
Sample hard: 1 car. $1.61.
No. 1 northern spring: I car, $1.10,
No. 3 yellow: 1 car. $1.0614.
No. 4 yellow: 1 car. $1 04: 1 car. It.OJH.
No. 5 yellow: 1 car, $1.01; 1 car, 98c;
1 car, 97c.
No. 2 white: 1 car. *fi^c; J can, 46‘4e.
No. 3 white: 1 car, 4514c; i car, 4.»c;
1 car, 44>*c.
R Y E.
No. 2: 2 car a. $1.05
No. 4: 1 car. 87c.
Hally Inspectimi of 4irwin Received.
Hard: 5 cars No. 1. 10 cara No. 2, 5
cars No. 3. 1 car No. 4, 1 car No. 0, 2
cars sample.
Spring: 2 cara No. 1.
Total, 26 cars.
Yellow: fi cars No. 3. 3 cars No. 4.
1 car No. 5, 1 car No. 6.
White; 2 <ara No. 2. l egr No. 3.
Mixed; 2 cars No. 2. 8 cats No. 3, 2
cars No. 4. 1 car No. 5, 1 car sample.
Total, 28 cars.
White: 5 cars No. 2. 21 cars No. 3, 13
cars No. 4, 1 car sample.
Total, 40 cars.
R Y E.
1 car No. 3. Total. 1 car.
1 car No. 4 Total. 1 car.
Total cars. 96
vjuw pta: Todav W’k Ago. Y'r Ago
. 6 3fi 26
5'or,‘ .. 1 2 4 9 55
gn,» *•••. 7 15 20
Harley . .. 1
WHeat . ?4 84 66
f,orn . 41 12 82
. 66 35 2 4
Harley .. 1 1
Bushels: Today. Y’rAgo.
” of at and flour. 775.000 177,000
Coin . 43,00ft
’’“t" . .(1,000
Carlot*; Today. W‘k Ann, T’r Ago.
"hrat . 9 19 6
Corn . 99 1C.1 93
Gala . 36 34 32
Whrat . 39 53 49
Com . 39 [,1 32
Gala . 6 5 8
Whnat . 95 59 39
Corn . 30 30 71
Gala . 45 71 31
Minnrapoli* .103 23 .76
YVinnipeg .271 256 407
Minnrflpolia Grain.
Minneapolis. Min . March 21 —Wheat
ra*h: No. 1 northern $1.58 % <0 1.61 % ; No.
1 dark northern spring Choice to fancy.
$1. <6 >4 01.89 ; good to choice, 11.65%
tti 1.76%; ordinary to good. $1.5.1%$
$1 «!4%; No. L hard spring. $1.89%$'
1-99%; Nn. 1 dark hard Montana on
track. $1.67 % 01.81 % ; to arrive $1.57%$
1.81%; May, $169%; July. $1.68%.
Corn—No. 3 yellow. $1.05 % 01.08 %.
Oat a—No. 3 white. 43 0 42%c.
Harley--690 86c.
Rye—No. 2. $1.12*01.11%.
Flax—No. 1. $?.8^, 0 2.86%.
Chicngro Cash Prices.
Chicago. March 21 - Wheat— No 2 hard.
$1 64: No. 4 hard. $1 57%
Corn—No. 2 mived, $1.16%; No. S yel
low, $1.20.
Oats- No. 2 whits, 4S%c; No. S whlto.
46 0 47 %c.
Rye—No. 8. $114% 01 IS.
Seed—Timothy, $5.2506.50; clover. 121.50
030 00
Provisions—Lard. $16.70: riba, ^18.$S;
belliea, $21 60.
Kansas City Grain.
Kan*as City. Mo.. March 12.—Wheat
No. 2 hard. $1,5801.82; No. 2 red. $1 59
01..S; May. $1.69% bid to $1.59%; July.
|| kid to $1.35% bid; September,
Corn—No. 3 whits, $1 0401 07; No. 2
yellow. $108% 01.10; No. 3 yellow.
$l.O7%01 09; No. 2 mixed. $1.0601.08;
May. $1.0801.07% apllt asked; July.
$1.11% split bid. September. $1.12%.
St. Isroia Grain.
St. Louts. March 21.—Close—Future*—, May, 11.67’i bid; July, I140S
(•orn—May, bid; July, 11.11%
Minneapolis Flour.
Minneapolis. March 21.—Flour—1| to 80
cents higher; family patent*. $9.0609.30 a
Bran—$23 50.
Chicago Butter snd Kgg Future*.
'^klcaro. March 2a.- -Quotations fur
nlished by Georgs E. Clark companv. 1003
Woodmen of the World building, i’hones
Jackson 1192. Atlantic 9165
I Cara I Open I Hl$h, | Low. | Cloae.
Mar. > i ' » j
Sc 1 $1 .29% .29%; .29 %4 29%
Stg. 4 I .30% .30% .30% .10%
Apr. ! 26 | .31% .31% .31 % j .31%
Hec. 3H .34% .34% .34 ] .34
May 1 6 .30% 30% .30% .30%
I Cara. | Open i Htgh. I Low. | Closs.
Mar. 1 17 .42% .42%. .42% '.42%
Apr. | .15 .43 .43% I .43 i .4!%
May f..1 .39
•»uns .' .39%
O-r. 7 .42% 41% .41% 41%
• hlcago Stock Quotations.
Furnished by .1 S. Ha. he nn<l company.
224 Omaha National Bank building
Phones JA. 5187 8-9;
Hid. Asked.
Armour Co., 111. pfd.. 88 % 88%
Armour * Co. l>el, pfd.. 91% 92%
Albert Pi. k . 11% I'l %
»'a rbide c;7 67 %
Edison Co.l:;7\ 131
* ’udahy .104 106
Diamond Match .1 W 117%
Deere pfd . 91 9;
Eddy Paper .» 18 20
l.ild.y . 7% 8
.National Leather . '» ;»%
Quaker Oaf* . 37. 4"‘i"
He., Motors . 15% 15%
Swift * Co .1 I 1 % 11-’%
Swift International . 30% 30%
Thompson . 4 • %
Wahl .; 18 19
New York General.
New York. March 21 — Rve Firm: Ns
2 western. $1 '51%. f o. b. New York snd
II 9 %, c. i f. export
Rarley Firm; malting. II 040 1.08. e. i.
f. New York,
Wheal— spot, firm; No 1 dark norther*
spring c i. f New York, lake and rail.
$2.03% ; No. 2 hard winter, f. n »». lake
and tall $1.85; No. 2 mixed durum, do,
$1 86%; No. 1 Manitoba, do. $1 90 %.
Corn Spot firm. No 2 yellow, c. 1 f
track. New York, all rail, $1 38; No. 2
mised. do, $1.37 % .
Oats Spot, steady; No. 2 white, 57«.
Other articles wers unchanged.
New York Sugar.
Quotations furnished by J. fl. Bachs A
Co. 224 Omaha National Bank building
Phones Jackson 61 87. 5188. 6189
I I Open. | High. I Los, | Cloas. lYeafy.
Mar. 3 00 ! 3 00 I 3 00 ! { 00 ? 98
Mav I 3 04 I 3 04 I 3 03 '3 04 3 03
duly I 3 19 320 ‘318 3 19 319
Sep. I 3 .9 4 3 34 3.82 I 3 34 3 34
per 1 a 37 1 3 38 3 37 3 38 .3 3 8
Chicago Cotton.
Quotation* furnlahed by I P Bach* A
Co , 224 Omaha. National Bank building
Phone* Jachaon Ht74MM. 5169
i 4 Qpen. I High. I Low. | Cloa*. I Tea.
\\far ; ^ 19 26,9^ 2b 21 76 .94 "
Mav i,2k41 25 4* 26 4ft '25 41 25 4 1
July 2*,?2 25 27 ,2b R|‘ 25 M 25 94
Oct. ?dj»2 2b 24 26 12 25 15 '26 2ft
I>r 25 20 25 12 25 1 2 126 15
* -i..-r;t
Chicago, March Trf1 ue outtar market
today *pr<e* r*«l* ateady. with $2 arore hut
♦ er tyc higher Stork* on dealer*' floor*
were rorrr* ratlvely light and cloaely held
Trading h< waver, waa rather quiet and
-entered on *9 and ftft acore rare. The
centralised rar market wan firm, with
'radlng qulft due to light euppl'"* The
few cart available war* held for pre
Fr**h butter. 92 *< ore. tfttjc; 9| ecore,
47c; ftft pcore, 44c, 99 more g&V $6 more
40 Ur; 67 acore. Z*,r, 64 acore, -44c.
Centralized carlota. ftft arore, dft!4»;
acore, 4714c , «6 amra, 39Vao. *
-. - .»V'- —
St. •IOMf»pli l,|ve*t4M*k.
Pt. Joseph. Mo, March 21 —•Hoga— Re
relpl*. R.ftftO head, market IftjfilBc higher,
top. $1.1 ftn, bulk 111 4ftfl>1! ftft
Cattle- Receipt*, 2f>0 head; matket noin
Inal, bulk alee eg for week $9 55®1ft.40;
top. $ 11 25; cow* and heifer*, $150«bl9.0ft;
cane*, $4 00 0 9 6ft, *tork*ra end feeder*,
$r, 6ft :»5
Sheep Receipt*. 2 5ftft head; market
ateady, lamb*. $14 2547-1 5 75; ewe*. $9 ftftf^
lft ftft,
Boat-on Bool.
Flnaton, March 21 —Th* recent decline
In wool value* ha* alnwed down material
ly. hut readluatment of price* atill con
ttouas Pome of the ftne dWIIItifl WOOtg
were quoted at a. allghtly lower figure
owing In pert to the new prlr# level*
reached by aimlla*' grade* of foreign
wool*. locally r*»1ain»* of th* hettei
fleas were at around 62c, fleeced bail*
hi# market
' ■
Omaha Livestock
V . .
Omaha, March 21.
Receipts were— Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Official Mondav ... 8.698 a.’2J2 11.89 1
Official Tuesday .. 7.691 14,2*5 10.04?
Official Wednesday. 7,471 22,260 a 879
Official Thursday... 2.8SJ 16.024 9.690
Official Friday ..V. 914 9 939 1,926
Estimate Saturday.. 3011 6,400 .
Sly dave this week. 17,992 78.170 43 331
Sams last week_ 36,1 11 76.618 62.622
Seme 2 weeka ago...31,051 83.52* 66.219
Same 1 weeka ago...31,051 83,62* 66,219
Sam* year ago.37,900 84,657 67,949
battle—Receipts, 300 head As usual on
Saturday receipts were too small to make
a market and values were nominally
steady on all classas. Compared with
a week rtgo desirable yearling* and Halit
steers are nearly steady, with heavier
steera and medium vHassen l&(fp2fto Joa -
er. Top for the week was $1125. Ex
cepting «n some shipping cows, she stock
is mostly 25c lower this w eek. and In
extremes In-between classes of cows are
50c lower. Stockers and feeders dhow
declines around 25c for the week.
Quotations on Cattle—Good to choice
yearlings, $9.85'it 11.00; fair to good \ear
|jnga, $8.76 09.75; common to fair year
lings, rr^7fi ® h.ii; good to choice steers,
$10.00011,26; fair to good steers, $9,00 0
1" 10. common to fair steers. *8.0009.00;
trashy warmedup cattle. $7.0007.75; good
to choice fed heifers. $8.0009.75; fair to
good fed heifers, $7.5008.50; common to
fair fed heifers, $6.5007.50; g.»ud to
choice fed cows, $6.7608.00; fair to good
f«‘d cows, $5.25 0 »i.50; common to fair
rows. $2.500 4.75; good to choice feeders,
7.8508 86; fair to good feeders. $7.00 01
7.15; common to fair feeders, $5,75 0
6.X5; good to choice stockers. $7.6508.66;
fair to good stockers. $6.7607.65; com
•»mn to fair stockers. $5.75 06.75; trashy
stockers, $5.0006.76; stock heifers. $4.50
r,v 6.26; stock cows, *3.2504.60; stock
calves. $100010.60; bulls, stags, etc,
Hogs-- Receipts, 6,400 head. Under small
supply on offer nod n fairlv broad d*
niand generally trade in both the ship
per and packer division was of a moder
ately active character at prices unevenly
strong to 10016c higher Bulk of all
sales Was $13 35 013.75, with top $13.90.
week * are *teady !o 10c lor the
No. Av. Kb. pr No. Av. Sh. Pr
104.1»9 ... $13 2 5 7 8.. 171 . . $13 4.1
«7. . 17« ... 1.3 50 8 5.. 194 40 1 3 65
HO. .226 . . . 13 60 70.. 23 4 . . 1 3 65
78. .168 ... 13 70 66.. 220 70 1 3 7ft
51..321 ... 13 80 72..226 ... 13 90
Sheep and Lambs—Receipts. none.
Sharp declines in eastern dressed mut
ton markets and lark of Important de
mand resulted in a break of 76c® 1 50
in fat lambs this week, weighty offerings
suffering most. Shearers and feeders nre
6flc<t)l.00 lower, with aged sheep around
25c off for the six-day period.
Quotations on rh-pn end lambs: Lambs,
good to choice. $15.75016.25; lambs, fair
K«»od to choice. $15.50016.00; lambs, fair
to good. $15.00015.50; iambs, extreme
heavtes. 414.00014.50; shearing lambs.
$14.00016.76; wethers. $9 76010.50; fat
ewes. $7 75010.26; yearlings, $1150®
Receipts and disposition of livestock at
the Union Stockyards. Omaha, for 24
hours ending at 3 p. m. March 21:
H. ft
Cattle TIga. Mis.
U. P R. R. 1 11 ....
0. ft N. W.. east . I 1
f’. ft N. W.. west . 21 ....
«\ B. ft Q . west . 5 15 ....
C. R. I. & P., «ast . ... 1 ....
1. C. R. R. . 2 1
Total receipts . 8 61 2
Armour ft Co.1315
Cudahy Parking Co.1342
Dold Packing Co. 72F.
Morris Parking Co. 939
Swift * Co.lion
Murphy, J. W. 695
Dennis ft Murray . 210
Total . 1226
(’hleftgn LlTMlnrk.
Chicago, March 21.—(United dial,. De
partment of Agriculture.)—Cattle—Re
ceipts. 600 head, market, following week
end rally, fat steers largely 16®3Sc off;
tnoatly 25c lower; better grade heavlea
off moat: weighty kind In very liberal
supply early; extreme top matured ateera,
111 911; big weight, 111.50; long yearllnga.
HI 25; ahe atork ateady to etrong: bulla
steady to weak; vealera *1.5002,25 lower;
stockers and faedara ateady to 25c off.
Rulk Ptloea follow; Fed ateera and year
llnga 18.60® 10 76; rows. !5.00©7.it0; heif
^Ta 97.2508.75; rannera and cutters 13 26
25; veal ralvea. |lflon®11.60; atork
era and freders. $7.2508 50
Hogs—Receipts, 6.000 head; market
rainy artlve. uneven, mostly steady. 10c
it fc,*r ,**1?° Frl<,«V a low point: .iealrable
lightweight 10© | fir higher at etna*; top.
IM 15; bulk desirable 170 to 200-pound
averagea II 3.75® M. 10; hulk Ho to 150
pound weight. 113.00011.50; bulk packing
. 8 HI. - o © 1 2 401 strong weight elaugh
h, MP *" yrK *12 00012.60: e.tlmated
ho doter, 6.000 head; part held off mar
ket; heavyweight. IIS.950M15: medium
ee^ifns’' |?*V 1' * h ' weights 112 20
WM O.i. light light. It 1.75013.80 parking
hogs smooth, 1*3 10012 60; parking hogs*
®'l'*50 ,I5 Iw®13 3I>: slaughter pigs, in.otj
•Sheep—Rerelpta, t.OOO head- for week
around 21,000 head direct and °08 "?rs
wVih wf.7k Market rotnpared
lower"* ei h lllng «•*«•»■ 110091*0
,r; Jamba 6n«7f.c lr»wsr
, .h1u'k,,pr,'7r 84 <" Pound wooi
$14.75016.60; waak's top $17 00
n-'gl* »U15kaow'l'«'nr,*r*'1" ** 1 n 8» pound
weigh ’ Vi a " a* * : c,°"ing 'UP handy
. “0: extremely weighty kind
IM 00 on down; choice 92-pound clipper*
we* k ? ” rp " *9f « ft H « » M' 7"*
e ka top. 917.00; rlnaing top. 116.60.
.jaa jt_o.t
with ro"»p»r«ii
»e°iVVr,?£.*? ^.'d7,.o°".,'7’„nr;
iv a||fi)ts $io no - *t®**‘*. J3.60-|ioun«1
top feeder* ,T So' '"''k’ * ' 50*7 0».:
P-,redV7irhK";'‘"w.In° >'*•": market root
n„r.h,;'r’mt,T''w"'.’k "“fl: IP»rllet r„m
'.n.r’vS ;*P
v.e.. 85.*n*“* Cltr 1 Ixeelnrli.
SrJ'b is'v »<” or'7:7”heHc
vearl'na, °\'r „,nn" "rf «* '"n
, . ha ndvwalffht* 111 °o
ci,*1",o1 *buns stssrtv
^0r.^° •’ J«wsr: stocksrs and fa*d
(.•if® rra. ,n Rflr ntf *,or'< cows and
x , .[ r" ■•ock . alvss !f,r inwsr.
prlrg* follow; b«sf atssrs snd vsnr
. •$ ‘-0010 ' 0 but. her rows. 4 4 7 ’, n
h®’frr" *6 760 9 6o: c.nnsrs and
« uflsr® $ . fin ft - 9.( vsulsrs 18 7ft 0 I ?
• tnrkara and f#.0,|®rs $6 8608 60
Ht.xa Rsf slpts haHf1: f-ilrlc sc
''vs. arntind 10o hiffhar; nualitv’ ron
sl.iarart : na. kar ton. 4 1 3 90 bull8 ><f nn Is®
$13 ft 0013 40; bulk itasirsbl® "00 t n $00
nound ivhtu.M $1 3 70013 90. bscklnff
sows $17 75 0 13 00*
.Sha®n and lamb* Ra.aints 150 haad
for waaU dasirahfa wal*b» fad lam!"
around 4t Inwar: haaviaa II to I? off
vg aa' s ton to ahinnars 417 no choi' a
Uiri't^ .ouotabla around $16.00 at r|«iaa
>»'llk daalr.ibla walyrht arrivals 1 1 5 7 5 *»'
16,60; ban vf- 1 .•» r a a I»» $ 1 4 2 5 '* I R °o • faw
a*trama waiirht !nt« i|i.'tnw*n| to $13 00
«haa>. yar'arsllv ‘’Ro |nsvar ton *w *• 1
lio JR; *hom wathara. I * f.ofM oo.
*tnii* ('!♦» I.lfwtflfk
fllPU* P'tv, 1* . \t**-rh 21 -CatMe Tla
raipt*. ?00 band Markat romnarad with
»*-aak sen Pa' a»aar* and vaar||n*a stands.
** r Inna- bulk of *a|r« *1 00 fj JO , top
*’1 28; fat row « and hr far* a»"*i1' 4Or
Invar ranna*-s and rtjttars w»ik ' mI»'»
$2 00 1nw*r . hulls staadv. J8r Inwar f-ad
ara staadv 28a Jnwar; atnrkara 280 75o
Inwar stork vaarhngs and ralvas t 0
80 r Inwar. fnadlng rowa and helfars
flogs ftara o»a. 7 nnt> ha*d markat 10r
h I a Har too $1 4 00 hulk of aalaa. $1180
0 17 00 lights $1100017 70 hufrhar
111 700 1100 mtxad $1180013 70 b a a v v
parkar* *110001128. stags $10 80; pigs
$11 000 1 2 00
Hhaat- - f|ara|pf« *00 haad Markat
*no|jip*rad with «»*k ago T.arnha 78r low
sr $10 25; avas $1 00 Inwar $7 00,
H|. I.ouls l.lvaatsrk.
J*t T.ouia, Mar.h 21 <*attla naralpta i
4'n brad; tnark*t aland v; paths boaf
staara, $i SOffri? no yanrllng ataara and
lialfara. $* 00011 78 rowa $4 800* 00
atorkara and faadsra. $5 280*80; ralvas
• <«O012?5. mnnrn and 'Uttars, I* 28 0
4 25.
Hogs Harriots 1500 hand markat
staadv; mtsad and hutrhars. $17 *5014 10
good baa via# $l<o.S0M1o roughs $12 75
012*0. lights $11*00 1 4 00, pigs. $1180
0 11*o hulk $11 *00 1 4 05
Hha-p and I/O mbs Raralpts 400 haad
mark** s'aad- mutton anas |*on0io?8
ismt»s $1« *50 1 * 28 rinntn and chop
pars $1 800 * 00
*aw Turk Cotton
N*w Tori' Mar>'h 31 f’otton Spot
riuist middling ,’5|o,• Putura* rloaad
staadv 4 to J? pft pta n*t lrw*r \fa*rh.
28 4 v Ms* $411v 3*. no,w
:4 14c, Octobar 2MTc. Darambar, 2k.Up
General Upward
Trend Observed
in Stoek Prices
U. St Steel and American Can
Scobc New Highs in
Brief Trading
1 Session.
ftnlversnl VnIre Finum-ial Kditnr,
New York. March 21.—There was a
fairly strong opening to the stock mar
ket today with a continuation of the
general upward movement that had been
under way Thursday and Friday with
I’ar-American as the leader. Good gains
were made, I'nited Stnies Steel, American
Fan and various others scoring new
About midway in the short session, fine
of the sudden changes characteristic of .1
nervous, active market, occurred. This
led to a general movement to get out of
stock. Baldwin. American Can, American
Locomotive, Texas Gulf Sulphur anil vari
ous other issues in which pools operate,
declined In a way to suggest precipitate
liquidation. Nearly every stock of promi
nence Whs under pressure and the decline
was in full forcM at the close.
Most of the rails and practically all of
the industrials showed considerable losses
for the day. Prominent Issues suffered
more than lesser ones and the market
was ’/ery weak at the close.
Again In the grains it was a continua
tion of the movement in yesterday's mar
ket. Liverpool didn't follow Chicago’s ad
vance of Thursday. I.>ue to come fii&d
up the British exchange opened 3'i ff-d
up and rlose<^3d up. Most of the busi
ness in the Chicago market wan centered
in May, which opened strong and main
tained its position pretty well throughout
the session.
Cotton was dull in tone and narrow It^
movement Cables were not good, the tex
tileVsituation in Great Britain being pic
tured as by no means bright.
Coffee. 15 to 20 points up. ,
Sugar, dull.
- — N
New York Quotations
New York Stock Exchange quotations
furnished by .1. S. Bache and company,
224 Omaha National Bank building:
High. Low. Close. Close.
Agrl Chemical . 16% lti
Air Reduction _101% GOO 100 100%
Ajax Rubber .... ll%\ll% 11% 11%
Allied Chemical .. *6% %5 8a 86%
Allis -Chalmers .83% 81 % *2 83%
Ant Beet Sugar .. «U 38% 4 0 .27%
Am Brake Shoe .. 97 95 %
Am Can .177% 1 74 1 74 1 7»i%
Ain Car A Edry ..213 210 210 212%
Am Hide A Death. 11%
Am H A D pfd .. 70 % 6 8% 6m % 69%
Am Hit Corp . 35% 34% 34% 24%
Am Linseed 011 ..23% 23% 23% 23%
Am Doco .132% 129 129 132 %
Am Radiator ..... ®6% 96 96% 95%
Am Ship A Com .. *2 11% 11% 11%
Am Smelt . 97% 96 96 96 %
Am Smelt pfd. .. .. 108
Am Steel Fdrs ... L0 49 % 49% 49%
Am Sugar . .. 63% 63
Am Sumatra . .. .. 15
Am TAT .133% 133% 13.3% 133%
Am Tobacco . 88% 88 88 % 87%
A tn W W A Klee 48% ,46% 46% 46%
Am Woolen . 4 0 37% 38 39 %
Anaconda . 39% 38% .38% 38%
Asso Dry Goods ,.186% 1 85 18 6 % 185
Asso Oil . 34% 34 34 34 %
Atchison .120% 119% 120 120%
At Coast Dine ...159% 159 159% 159%
At O A W I. 34% .33% 33% 33%
At Refining Co. 108% 109%
Aust tn-lchola . 26% 24 26 25 %
Baldwin . .128% 123% 124% 128%
Balt A Ohio . 8 0 78 % 78% 79%
Barntdall A . 25% -24% 24% 26%
Bethlehem Steel ..41% 40% 40% 41%
Bosch Magneto . 31% 30% 30% 29%
Brook-Man By ..41 40% 40% 40%
Brock-Man pfd ... .. 78%
Bronk-Edl Co. 129% 129%
Calif Parking . lft2%
Calif Petrol . 30% 29% 29% 30%
Cal A Aria Min . .. .. 41 52
Caned Par .. .. 146%
Cent Death . 16% 14%
Cent I/eath pfd . 54% 53% 53% 53%
Cerro de Pasco 48% 47% 47% 4"%
Chandler Motors . 32% 32% 32% 32
Ches A Ohio 97 95 % 96% 95%
chi Gt W com ..11% 11% 11%
Chi Gt West pfd. 26% 26 26 26%
Chi A N W 65% 64% 64% 65
C M A St P _ 6 6% »% 6
C M A St P pfd .10% 9 10 10%
C R 1 A P . 60% 48% 49 5<>%
Chile Copper _ 33% 32% 32% 32%
Chino . • • . • 21 %
Cluett-Peabody .... 61
('oca-Cola ... .. 88% 8**%
Colo F A 1 38% 37% 37% 38%
Col Carbon . 4® %
Colum Gee . 57% 66% 66% 67
Cotigoleum . 37% 86% 36% 26%
Consol Cigars .. 30% 29% 29% 30
Consol Gas .... 76% 76% 76% 76%
(’ontin Can . 62% 62% 62% 62%
Cunt Mot ora .... 9 s % *% * 7»
Corn Prod ...... 39% 39 39 29 %
Coxden . 30% 23% 29% 30 %
Crucible . 70% €8*4 63% 70
Cuba Cane Hug . 13%
Cuba C Hug pfd 69% 68% 68% 69%
Cuba-Amer Sugar 30% 30% 30% 30
Cuvamel Fruit .. 63 62 %
Daniel Boone .... 3% 3% 2% 3%
Davidson Chem .. 35% 36 35 35
Dei A Dark _ 1 35 1 34 134 1 38%
Del A Hudson . 138%
Dupont .142% 141 % 141 % 142%
Dome Mine. ... 14% 14% 14% 14
East man Kodak ..110% 110% 110% 110%
Erie . 31 30% 30% 30%
Kndirot t-.1 ohr. . 65% 6'.
Elec Storage Bat.. . 65% *4%
Famous Players . . 95% 94% #5 95%
Fifth Av Bus Dine . .. I"**
Fisk Rubber .11% 11% 11% 11%
Fteischman's Yenst 77% 77
Genera! Asphalt.. 49% 47% 47% 48%
General Electric... 264 % 260 260 *64
General Motors .. 72% 71 71% 72
Gold Dqpt . 40 40%
Goodrich . 52 51% 51% 61 %
Gt Northern Ore.. 25% 36% 25% 35%
Gt NO Rv pfd . 66% 65 % 65% 65%
Gulfc States Steel.. 71% 73 73 77s,
Hartmann Trunk.. 29 28 % 78% 29%
Hayes Wheel x... 33% .33 33 33
Hudson Motors 42% 4 2% 42% 4 %
Homestake Mining . 40
Houston Oil . 71% 70% 70% 7<»%
Hupp .Motora . 16% 15% 15% 15
llllnoLs «>ntra! . . . . 114%
Inspiratlon . ;% 7 %
Int K c Corp.... 29% 2 7% 377, 3*8;
Inter Harvester ..107% lo2% 102% lo:;%
Jnt Merc Marine.. 17% 12 1-% 11%
inf M Mar pfd... 41% 47% 42% 42",
Inter Nickel . 25% 25% 25% 25%
Inter Paper . 61% fit) 50 60%
I r> I * I Tel AT. j» I % 91 %
1"* Gas . 77% 25% 2 5% 76 %
Jones Tea ....... . . . 17 %
Jodran Motor .. . 47% 46% 46% 4 7%
K C Southern. 35’, 3 5 %
Ki Ily-Sprlngfleld. . 15 14% 11% 14%
Kennecotf . 60% 50% f,n% 6n
I "* Rubber . 12 t^ 1 1 %
Dehlgh Valley .. 74% 71% 73 *1 * 73 %
f.lina T.ocomotlva, 6f 65 % 65% 66%
I.nose Wiles .... *9% 88% «9% 87
T.oiifsville AN..Ill loss.
Indium Steel. 41% 39 39% 41%
Mack Truck .lilt* 178 1?« 130
May Dept. Store..105% 104% ]nfii^]nr,%
Maxwell Motor A.. *7% 86% 86% *6\
Maxwell Motor R 54% 64% 64% 64%
Mar Is nd .19% 3* 39 29
Mexican Seaboard. 14% 13% 1.1% 14
Miami Copper .... . 12% 12%
M K A T Rv .. 35% 34 \ 34% 3 5%
Missouri Pacific . 37% 37 37 % 36%
.M" Pacific, nfd . 80 79 79 79 %
Montgomer\ Ward 44% 41% 43% 44
Mother Dode. 7% 7%
Nash Motors .*85 790
National Biscuit. 68% 68%
National Vina me!. 3 3 3 7
Nations! Dead 167 15f% 151 % 151%
N Y Air Brake . 46% 46 % 46 \ |r %
V. V. Central 118% 117% 117% 118%
■N T . « -V Jll It. ] UN I. "
N T N. H AM... 92% .11% .11%
North Anirrlcun , . 46% 45% 45 4 \
Northern Pacific 66% 65 6% 6 r. %
\ A W It' ...131% 136\ 1 to % i %
Orpheum . 1*8 -‘4
Owen* Mottle. 4% * %
Pacific* OH . 57% 55% :•« 5 7
Pa. karri Motor .. 1«% 11 1« 16%
Pan American . .. *1% 7 / 7 7 79%
Pan Arrerl*nn T4. . » % 77% 77% A 1 %
pcnn -It Ft . ... 45 4 % 45% 4 5%
People- (la a * 1 I '
Per* Marouett* 55 % 54 6* *•«* «
PhlHt.cIphla Co . 5% 52% %
PhilIIpa Petroleum. 4«% 38% 39% 79%
Tierce Arrow 12% 1" 1 % 1 ,
Pnitum (>r»«l ..108% 188 inn ine%
Prea*ed Steel Car . 59% *\
Pro A fl#f . 75% ?5 ?5 '%
Pullman 137 1 36 1 36 1'< \
Punta Alegre Sugar 13 «'
Pur* OH . 2**4 27% 27% 27%
Rad’o Corn '% 61% % 54%
ftv Steel Spring 179% 127
Ft a v fen .. 14% 17% M% 1.3%
Reeding . 76% 75 7a 75%
R eplngl* . 15% 15 15% 15
Rap | A Steel 58% 49% 49%
Roy * 1 Hutch N T 52% 5J 5? r. 7 %
St l. A S r . . 79% *9% . p % %
St T, A S W R8 % 49 49 5<",
Schulte flgar Stor* 189’,
Seara.Ttort»i|c W 166% 15"% 152% 154%
Shell 1 nlon OH . 4 % t % 4 % ’4 %
Hlntmona Co . 73% * % 37% - H
Sinclair OH . ?n% 19% 19% ■••.%
Sinclair pfd .... * 5 # 4
Sloe* Sheffield .... “6% 65% *’.% - \
Skclly till . 24% 24% "4% 2 5
South Paclflfl ... 16 % In" % H»1% 1" ’6*
South Hv . *7% 6 7 6 7 K7\
Si a nil oil Cal - «n\ 66% 59% fi" \
Stand nil N r 42% 41 % 41 % 41 %
Stand Plat* Olaaa 1 ■’ %
HteMSlfl Wat tier 66 66% 59 i %
Mtromhcrg Carh 6 4 % * 4'.,
St udehnk er 4 % 4 7% l % 4!%
Submarine Float 11» % 1°'»
Texas t %x 4 ■ % 4 - % 4 , 4 *. %
Test a a ilulf Sulp 111% in* |««% 111%
Ttxaa A ra.* 54% 53 5 7 »%
Timk Holl Hear . 39% 39 39% 9%
Tohac p,od 75% 75% 75% 75%
Tnb Prod "A" .96
Tranaron Oil 4% •% 4% 4%
\ nlon Par 147% 143% 14 % 149*.
Pnlted Fruit 2'>9 269%
N S Caat Tron P 199 inn% i*n% 166%
P P t*d Alcohol *1% 71 76 «8%
1 S Rubber 171* 36% 16% %
t 8 Rubber pf«2 95 % 6 .
1/ S Steel .122% 1IC% 126% 12:%
I7 5* Steel pfd.122% 1SJ%
l-tah Copper ...». 85 83
\ a nail turn . 27 % 27 4 27 % 27
Yu audou . . . 1" %
Wabash . 25% 24% 25 25%
Wabash "A** .... 67 65 % 6 5% 64%
Weal Pae . 42% 40% 4i<% 42%
West Union .120
West Air Brake ,. ..101%
West Klee.69% 69 69 69%
Whits Kagle Oil. 27% 27%
Whits Motors .... 61% 61% 61% 61%
W onlworth Co ... . . 116% 117
Wil . 12% 12% 12% 12%
Willys-Over tffd . 87% 85% 85% 86%
Wilson .. . 10% io%
W ilson pfd. 3.1 3 2%
Worth Tump - 67% 54% 54% 65%
Wrigley Co.. 4 9
yellow Cab T Co . 60 45
Yellow Cab M Co . 3f 15
Tots! sales Friday. 1.419.000.
Today's 11 a. m. sales. 442 600.
Stork sales Saturday. 814,400 ahares.
Stork aales for the week, 6,181.000
sha res.
Hond sales Saturday, $10,470,100.
Bond sales for the^week, $76,477,000.
New York Bonds
V 4
New York. March 21.—Rond price* held
fairly steady today despite severs reac
tions which developed in local traction
and several oil company issues In sym
pathy with another sharp decline In the
stock market,
A mysterious break In Tnterborough
Rapid Transit shares, which was believed
to have been based on the company’s
urgent demand f«>r new capital, induced
heavy selling of the bonds, which dropped
1 to 3 points to new low levels. Other
local transportation issues also were
I’an-American Peiroleurn securities
which recently have been bid tip in ex
pectation of favorable reorganization
terms. depressed by a wave of profit
taking The company's 6 per cent con
vertible bonds yielded 0 points in line
with breaks of 3 to 4 points In the
shares. Sinclair and other oil company
liens which had joined the Pan-Amer
icons in an early upswing, maintained
their gains fairly well.
Trading In the lailroad section was
marked by the further recovery of St.
Paul obligations. Other changes were
narrow and insignificant. Conversion of
New York Central ti per cent debentures
into common stock was announced, had
been proceeding at a rapid pare, with
only l.'iH.OOO.OOO of the •bond* now out
standing out of the original issue of
about $ 1 OO.OOO.OftO.
New York, March 21—Following are
today’s high, low and closing prices of
bonds on the New York Stock ecchange
and the total sales of each bond:
!:. S. Ilonds.
(If. S government bonds in dollars and
thirty-seconds of dollars )
Sales (in $1,000). High. Low Close.
6 Liberty 3>*s.101.16 101.12 101.16
14 Liberty 1st 4‘As.. 101.20 101.20 101.20
07 Liberty 2d 4 >4* .100.30 100.28 100.29
01 Liberty 41.1 4'4* .101.19 101.16 101.19
F*8 Liberty 4th 4 ’n*. .101.29 101.26 101 28
;.9 r S Treasury 4s . 100 1 8 100.17 mi. 17
16 U .S Treasury 4Iisl04.24 104.22 104.24
r orcign.
22 A Jurgen M W 6a.. 9 4% 94% 94%
7 Argentine Gov 7a..102% 102% 102%
97 Argentine Gov 6a.. 96% 96% 96%
12 Aua Gor gtd In 7s.. 95% 95% 95%
6 fity of Bordeaux 6s 84% 84 84
10 Fity of Copen 5% a. 96% 96% 96%
21 F of Or Prague 7%s 90% 89% 89%
1 C of Ft de .1 8s '47. 93% 93% 93%
2 Fzecho H Rep 8s *52 99% 99 99%
3 Dept of Seine 7s. .. 88% K8 88
1 Doni Rep s f F, % s. 92% 92% 9'%
10 D of Fan 5a '62_103% 103% 103%
10 Pom Fan 5%s ...102% 102% 102%
9 Dutch K I 6« 62. .100% ioo% 100%
10 Dth K it 6 % a Nv ’53 97 % 97% 97%
3 Framerican 7%» .. 93% 9.3% 93%
47 French Rep 8s.102% 1 02 102%
47 French Ftep 7a. 89% 89 89 %
85 German e In 7s ret* 94% 94% 94%
17 GOKP Japan 7s rots 90% 90% 90%
45 Japanese 6%s .... 9! % 91% 9 1 %
2 Japanese 4s ....... 82% 82% 82 %
10 Belgium 7%a .109% 109% ]09%
13 Belgium 6 % ■ rets 9.3% 9 3 93%
14 Denmark 6s .10 1% im% 101%
12 Hungary 7%s . 88% 88% 88%
28 Nether 6s 72.103% 103% D>3 %
15 Nether 6s '54.102 % 102% 102%
22 Norway 6s '44 99 % 99% 99%
77 Serbs Fr Slov 8s . 88% * 8 88 %
1 Sweden 5 % a . 99%. 99% 99%
4 Nord Rys 0 %■.... 81% 8 1 »i%
8 Paris Ly-iled 6s... 77 76 % 76%
10 Bolivia 8s . 03 92 % 93
3 Chile «■ '41.107% D>7 107
8 Chile 7r. .loo% inn ion
15 Cuba 5 %s . 98% 98% 9 a %
2 Finland 6s . 8 5 8 5 8 5
Haiti 6s . 93% 9.3% 93%
10 San Paulo sf 8s ..101 inn% ion%
2 Swiss Oonfed 8s .114% 114 114
J JV*1** fJnv o'D '46.101% 101% 101%
11 V’" 37.I0®** J"«'4 1061,
*? 5r*1 *". »S14 9f Sfi,
1 Brmll-Ont R K S2fJ ,2^
, - Domestic.
, Am A* Ch 7%, 97 96 % 96%
3 Am Fh s f deb 6s 99 98 s*
r‘ Am 6s .... 96% 96% 96%
4 A m Sugar 6s .101% 1 u I % 1 o 1 %
4 Am lej & T 5%a 102% 102 1
4 Am TIT col tr 5s.100% ioo% joou
2 Am T * T col t r 4s 96% 96 £ 96%
1 Am \\ W fit Kl 5s 95% 9 5% 95%
23 Anaron c op 7s *38.101% mi m,a?
i« Anaeon Cop 6s ’51.100% 100% i«»n%
1 - A r niA< o of D 5 % a 9 2 % 9 ' % «i_
2 JJ * O rf* f» 'Hi.In.’S In:' 1«!S
’ JJ * 0 l’l s» rtf* 181 u 101 J|’||*
'* i1*!1 * O r\ t 4 ’ >1*. si”!
ir il T, ° c P ,,’*rr &■ 1*1 1"I Jul
11 Hr I ll hi ron f, A ». 9 4 lx || I.
* §*!h pur m 8* »ni ms sii’
* r.,v-is^
7 -inH'! p d*5 «%" 118% 118 % 1 iS%
1 .‘"V1 deh «» 79% 79% 73%
,.»h * JL} rvt ,n‘;% 10:.% :
h 1 h"l A O rvt 448 97 QhT
* '’hlr A Allon Ji„ si J* ■
’. '' * Q pf* vi»m ]«i-, i it,
.15 J* .* M *»n 4» 40 40 »8
15 C A- Fast Til 5* 77 : » % 7* *
4 > » M A. J* t P r v t 4 % s 4 7 K 46% 4 7 1, i
4 FMASr P rfg 4 %i 4 *. % 44% 45%
78 FMASt P 5a ’25 4- % 47% 48 ‘
6 t'hic Ac N W rfg 5s 100% 100% 100% 1
32 Fhlc R>s 5s . 84% 8 3% *4%
30 F R I A P gen 4s . * % 8 3% * t %
68 Fhlc R T A- P rfg 4s 87*, *7% 87%
2 4 FT ASK inr 5s 57% . %
* ‘ ’hi A West Ind 4s 77% 77% 7 7%
35 (Tide Fonper 6s 1 Oti % 106% p>6%
54 CCCASt 1, rfg 5s D 96 % 96 96
2 f l'n Term as . .100% lon% 100%
10 Colo A .S rfg 4 % s 92% 92% 92%
5 Com F’ow 6s ..100% 100% 100%
19 Cons Foal of Md f*S *5% 84% 85
14 Funs Pnw 5s 94% 94% 94s*
1CCJ4 deb 8s stpd DM % 101% DM %
3 Den GAK let rfg 5s 93% 9’. *3
1 I> A R G con 4- 92% 9'.*% 82%
2 Dupont Nem 7%a..10T% 107% P>7%
1 F.ast Cuba Mg 7%s 106 106 106
4'* I mn OAeFuel 7%*. P>-’% 1 ' 1 % D'7%
1 Ki ie rvt 4s P ... 7.3 73 73
2 Fisk Rubber 8- . 1 1 I % 1 11 * 1 I 1 %
1 Fla A K Cat fly B D\ 93% 93%
5 Gen Fleet d 5s _101 103 103
5 Goodrich 6 % s ...104% 104% 104%
6 Goodvear T ** 41. 120 1 20 1 20
2 Gr.d Tnk Rv C m IDS 116% 11*.%
12 GM North -s A. ..110 169% 110
8 G r t North 5 s . * '• % 93 % 9 .t %
3 Hersbejr '’hoe 6a... 104% 104% l'i4%
16 Hud Ac M rfg 5s V *7% 87% 67%
5 H»*d A- M ad Inc 5s 12 71 % 72
11 Humble.AAR 5% a 100% 100% P>0%
.37 m Hell Trl rf 5s . 9* % 9v % 9« % ,
2 111 Ont 5 % s 90% 9"S *rtA»
11 ICVS'IAN" rf 5s . i‘ 98 9*
21 lnt R T 7s. 9 0 *8% 68%
50 lnt R T 6« ...... 72 69 69
216 lnt R T rf 5s sf 6 4 62 % 6;* %
27 lnt .8 G N ad 6s 71 70% 70%
2 lnt A G N 1st 6s.. 103% 103% 103%
1 Inf M M sf 6s . . 6 •> % 69 % 69 i
in it- I Paper rv r.sA*6 *7% *8
4 K F Ft M A M 4a. . 83 % «? % *1
J? K C P A 5s •« 97% 98
F K C Mnuthern 5s . *<% 68»t *6%
2 K C Ter nv in si 4s 84% 64% *t%
I Ksn Gas A- K 6s .lon^ joo% 100%
1 K ellv S Tire ft* . . 97 97 97
I T G of St L - %a 99 98 % 99
l.iggett A- M 5a .100% 100»% 100%
2 I. A N 1s' rfg 4 %a 93% 93% 93%
7 % A N unified 4« 93% 93% 9"-%
1 1 nulsvllle O A K f.s 91% 9393%
7 Mr(ina Copper 7a 119% 11*% 119
2 Manat I Sugar 7%s loo 99% 100
8 Man Hy "d 4s 54% 64%
1 Market f»t Rv 7s. 9* 94 9*
1 Midvale Steel rvt 64 9uU 90% 90%
2 Mil K Rv*!,t rfg 6s 49% 99% 94%
1 \t A st 1. 1st rfr 4s 1 s % 1 '•% 1 • %
1 M KAY n f In 5s A 91% 91% 9t%
7, \« KAT *v a < 1.1 5s 4 *5 6( 64%
4 M., Frti - fi. 1st 6 s .DM 1 " ’ DM
4 Mil i ' % 1 1
8 N o T A M 5%s 100% ion D*«
5* v Y Cen deh 6s 1in% l'ft%
3", vy e'en rfgAimp Sa lft1% loO « 101%
4 N 3* Fen con 4s * * % * * % 9 4 %
\ V Y «' A Ht t, "’ % s ** 5 % 9 5 95’.
5 NY F.discn rfg 6',s 113% 113 1 I 3 %
100 NYN’HAH 7s 4 f» » 997, 4*»4 49%
1 NY Nil AH rvt 6 s 48 8 4 % 6 * % «>%
4 NY Tel rfg 6# 41 1*6% 106% 1<>6%
« NY Tel gen 4%s 96% 96 % 9#».
15 NY1VAR 4 *| * 98 64% K« %
4 V fi W rvt 6s 1UH 1^7%
IDA W con *S 91 91 4|
5 No Am Kd sf 6s inA% 10«1% loo%
3 Vo r«' new Ss P 97 % 97 97
2 No st Pon 1st 5a A 9'% 95% 95%
10 n e Wash R R AN 4s *2% *2% <2%
13 Tar 4 1AK 9ft 94% 95
s Pm TAT 5p S2 95 % 95% 95%
421 Pan An* PAT 6s 117% 114 114
I Pepn RR 6%s 110% 110% lto%
21 Penn HR fern 5s 64 97 % 47% 97%
31 T*enn HR ten 4%# *4% 94% 94%
5 Pb Is 1 o rfg 6« 104% 104c, 104%
1 1‘blls Cn &%s . 96% 95% 98%
1 IMr-r. * Arrow *« 9 ? % 4" % 9 2%
• 1 Port RUAP 1st 6* M 97', 9 7% 97%
| pTot»,d m Car 6s 95% 9.' % 45%
3 Wsndlnt gen 4%s 94 9r>% 94
1* H M tr is ?*% Yf% V9%
15 Mtf.IMA.ft rfk 4s 44% 94% *4 %
45 Htl.l'lAM 4s RAG d *7 *6', 87
1ft HI |.ASF rn II 4s A *5 74% 7 5
"ft Ht I. A « F adf «a *7% 87% 67%
26 H1I.AH Fr Inc «s 8ft\ 6- % *0%
t S' I. Hn . on 4s 9 8C4 *8'4 64 %
2 Ml P A K «'S1. 4%s 84% «4% 64%
2 Ht P Pn !»e|» IS Irt 1% 101% 101%
"-»! Sf n li \ I. « t>n 6 s 90% 8 ft s, 9ft
3ft Scab A I« n.11 fts 7ft % 75 75
10 Mesh A 1. rfg 4s 66 66 66
20 Min* Cn« It enl 7s 9jtL 9.’% 92%
?4 Mine F Oil 6%» 84% *7% M%
' Sin. Pine 1. 5s 84% *4% M%
67 Fkalh »»it 6%» 11* 110% 110%
4 So Rail gen «%a 109% 109 109%
? Hr* Hail gep 6s D'4% 104% 104%
3 Mo Rs .1 gen 4s 1 7 76 % 76%
73 Mo Bell T rfg 5s 98% 94% 98%
6 Tens Flae rft 6s 1«!\ 10]%
4 Third K v* a 11 ; • 4’ % 41 % 41 %
4 Tnledn Fdtson 7s 110 110 110
6 1' rsrtfi. t.f 4* 08 03 91 1
« I’ < Rubber 7%s 106i| 106V4 10«%
4 V ft ftubbar is - 11% li% 15% t
11 r 8 Steel a f 6s ..105% 105% 105%!
a rtap Pow £ Lt 6a >4 94 94 '
5 Ya Car I'hftn 7a . *5% *5% 6*1 % !
6 \ a Ry 4- Pow rfg 6a 9b 95 95 ,
69 Virginian Ry 6a... 9* 97% 97% I
l Wabash lat 6s ..100% 100% 100%
21 Warner Sug "a 39. 79% 74% 79%
J6 Western Klee 6a.... 96% 94% 96%
1 W Maryland lat 4a 64% 64% 64%
7 Western Pacific 6s 91% 91% 93%
2 Wen Union 6%s..ll0 109% 109%
4 Weatlnghousa K 7s. 107% 107% 107%
1 Wtllya-O 1st 6%a. .100 100 loo
6 WTISOtiWC s f 7%a 72% 72% 72%
2 Wilson A Co evt 6a 72% 72 % 72%
69Young 8 A T 6s- 94% IS 94%
Total saTes of bonds today were $6.4.»1.
000. compared with $13,779,000 the previ
ous day and $7,356,000 a year ago.
Bond Market Averages.
Saturday Frldav
Ten first-grade rails.69 95 69 47
Ten secondary rails ....... *4. 66 64.44
Ten public utilities.90.76 9o.«t
Ten industrials .96.05 96 01
fTombined averages .91.41 91 41
Combined month ago.91,40 ....
Combined year ago.94.26 ....
Total sales, par value, $6,451,009.
| New York Curb Market
^ _
New York. March^ll.—Total aale# of
stock*, 366,100 shares.
Total sales of bonds. $410,000.
Following is the official list of transac
tions on the New’ York Curb exchange,
giving all stocks and bonds traded In.
Sales. High. Low. Close.
300 Arm# Coal new... 72 72 72
400 Adirondack PAL.. 3«% 36*4 30%
200 Am GAR new_ 71 % 71*4 71 4
loo Am Haw .K-! . in»B 104 104
125 A111 Li A Trac_147 146 147
l.joo Au PAL new_ 65 4 54*4 ?»4%
30 Ah PAL pfd . MX xx XX
loo Am .Superpower H 2x4 28 4 2X%
>P Armour < 'o 111 pfd X9% 89% 89 4
200 Asad GAB new... 26% 26% 264
.800* At la nth* Fru*i Co. 14 14 14
800 IloisMonault Co . . . 14 14 1 4
30 Gordon's Mill* ...14x4 14X4 14X4
100 Hkyn City 'RR_ X4 8 4 8 4
3500 Car Light . 4 4 3 4 4 4
1800 Cent Pipe Corp.. 15*4 14 4 15%
1000 Chapin Hark* Inc. 20 19 4 20
900 fhalterton A Sons 17*4 15*4 174
3t*0 Chicago Nipple A 81 30*4 31
300 Com Pow Corp. .. 110*4 1094 110
'5 Com Pow pfd ... 81*4 8 1*4 8 1*4
100 Com Pow war ... 28 24 28
600 Con GAB Ba> new -.4% 34*4 34 4
4 00 Cont Bakeries A . .117 116*4 1164
3100 font Bakeries B . 26 25 25
200 Cont Bakeries pfd 94*4 94 4 94 4
100 Cont Tob Inc.... 21*4 21*4 21*4
300 Cuba Cornpanv . . 38 38 38
X00 De Forest Had ctf 24% 23*4 23*4
loo Del LAW Coal... 128 4 126*4 $2x4
300 Do- bier Die Csfg 1 f. \ 1 5 % 15%
1800 Dubilier CAR new 16 4 J 6 % 1 5 %
700 Durant Motors .. 17*4 17*4 174
'•00 Dux Co Inc...... 2# 4 28*4 25*4
3100 El Bd A Sh new. 62 6 0 6 0*4
150 El Bd A Sh pfd . 11*3 4 103 103
10 ) Film Inspection 7% 7% 74
400 Freed Kisemann .. 9 *4 9 9
100 Freshman (ChaaHsJS 13 13
Hto Gillette Rax new.. 63 63 63
100 Glen Alden Coal.. 130*4 120*4 330*4
3200 Goodyear Tire ... 29 *4 28% 29
600 Grennan Bak .... 16*4 16 16*4
200 Grimes RAC.,, ip' 11 14 jju
300 Happ Carn.y St A. 6% 6% 6%
-oOO Hazeltine Corp .. 2otZ 19*^ 19**.
300 Hayden Chemical .2 1 2
200 Inf Match pfd*. 4 1*4 41 4 1
500 Kelvinatnr Corp... 23% 23*4 t'XK
H*0 Lehigh Pow Sec.. 97 97 97
12**0 Lehigh Cal Coal.. 40 .39*4 394
25 Lehigh Coal Safes 82% 82% 8 2%
-••0 l .berty R C Stores X % X *4 8*4
H><» Marconi Canada 1% 1% 1%
190 Mengels Rox .... 45 4 4 % 4.'.
6<»0 Mid West Util 98 97 *4 g~i/
lo Mid W Ut pr In. 102% 102% 102%
‘•o0 Mot Wheel new. . . 17% 17 1 7 -
Mu* Master Corp. 12% 12*4 1 •» *2
-.00 Nat Dist ctf* . ... 30*4 30 20 *
08O Nat Powf. a Id.... 230 *»9§ 2*9
l". y.-Z l'7'r™^ i»*S ins nms
£•» -N Y TaI ] IVi 11"U
No Star,, Pow IIP J ns u Jtn
lno omnibus Corp ,-tf j, a ,,
IJJJ OPMnhelm Onllinw -l'j uu 4iu
ra,hp Kuril A...4SU <fi 1 11™
•i*2 Kow s <• «'»rp N Y («1 3*u r.l'i
Jim PyrAnn Mfp 1)4 ,,,2
Ibb Rnid T Or 7, pfd JJ ’
JR-o Mot0rClrk... M,4 |S,,
:nn r„v, Radio ctf,.. 7 7 C
300 Shattuck Co ,«u ,i,,
, "I * nf.r Mfg . ..;!** .T ‘
r*>*i * i™... •« *•* •*{
fK••• % *!» *z,
*nl.°r C
!" I-n, El Pow. . si sJ ‘ -4 4
«!! Ih!rmlodyn* Had 12*; 12 r**i
- Jhomp5nn R*d ctf 9% 9 i4
-,rp si s> h
Car bid, ; ■ l-,'
-no I nit,d 0 .1 f: nfw 3] ,♦ 3! *' e- j »
r;: *U
*?" WMt.rn I'ow,, ,1V
Inn iyhTle *Hru !*** »<
:i::“ wbkwi?."‘sks;i',,-„ -j> ;L
-'to Yellow T cab N Y U 14%
standard Oil*.
I- • ■=■.-> **S *•*
l xo Bucke>e^ J -ne t- * r.* * 4
-*™ * |h**“*‘hrough M f g . H * ||
c »o Cont i Op . «|b “?
!?! -'iimberland Pip. tin 133B jV: *
linn II*"ll Oil. f." fill I,,n
1 u,m Hurabl. Oil , ,
ri" *i; »
«»0 "bln Oil > ;. ,■
l7nn.Fra.rl. ni| 5^, 2 119
Pcalrle Pine Line. 118** 117% im 7
n Southern P I.ln., ub ‘ *1
m-il tou,h on .i73 j,, ,7S
in,no Stand I..! of Ind . s* tju
«i»nd o ! of Kan m la *
lit! *S'*n,1 "r K 111 117U It? t
**J® Oil of N T. 4i .1 1 *11 ‘
.n stand Oil iif (ibio lit jit j51
*^an * P -HI -*p.. jn 3nu
2„nn \ nouum Oil... It s,i*
J®® Aik Nat Oh, . iS ,? *!9
40.» , a rib Synduatf a u iu 31*
■70,1 1 111A A Sorv:,,. new 77 jsu ji.
SO CHI., Servlo. . ,, , jJP
,121 S‘‘rv " -dfo lfi'i HU 1,1_
2900 t oiomblan Svnd t*u it
son Syndf.«i. . iju ,1V
:ooo l.tb.on Oil . . .1! ,V
70n llutf Oil «*.. si * ,5V
5™ peVro.l*un) ”5 5r* :i±
Soon#Lance Creek z i •
48900*Latin Am Oil 7 4 4
loo'.VIargay <^u . . 1 u , J
C OOVMe, , „ on j, * ,i * A, *
600 Peer Oil. 1% j t’ il
Rcnnok O Cp new 21% 21% «i %
1*°5 Royal *>nadtan .. *. *7*1
3400 Ryan Cun .... 8 *• 7% 71
50 • Salt Creek Con 8 % «
3."0 Salt Creek Prod.. *7% 27 *7
3*00 United Cen Oil *% ,%
•00 X'enezuelan Pet... 4 4 4
4 0 Wilcox on 8 %
400 Woodley Pet .6% & t
jo®"* Y Oil A fia® . 6 6 6 4
5000*Am Commander . 2 2
3ooo*Arixona Globe. . 29 27 29
100*i ('anario Copper .3% *.'.'* " 3 %
•«>t’9*Chfno Ext . 64 ft* 64
3°90*Comatock Tunnel .41 r.s 4 1
2»i0 cons Copper M*n . 3 A A ;; ,*,
6000*1 >i am on d fie id 13 H ®* x 4’
1009*Dtvide Extension.. 3 2 3
' * Engineers Gold M 30% "9 29
I'too* Eureka Croesus 1« 16 16
1 &000*Forty-nln* Min ng 2 5 2 3 2 4
2'*oo*Mh rmill Dlv M 9 9 9
mo Holllnger Gold M 14 14 14
»oo Howe Sound Co... 1 • % 19% 19%
1600 • Ind !,e.x<1 M 11 12 Ji
40'* Jerome Verde Dtv 1 *4 |u 1 .
14600* Jib Cons . .. \3 12 14
190*» Kav Copper 2 1 *% 2
lo00*M-Kin-Dat S*\*ge 2 8 |
24ooo*\ational Tin .11 11 n
::oo ohm f'yprer . *4 «2 xj
20Of*P;irmas Porcu . . . 30 2.5 30
1.3Ai>*Plymouth Lead . . 8? 49 12
500 premier Gold .... 2 A ?% 2 A
400* ‘Red Warrior . S3 30 $1
6000'ban Tov . 5 5 8
1000• stand v,| Lead ..11 13 J$
30** Teck Hughea .... !% 1% |%
1000*Temlskamlng . . . 22 22 22
90it*Tonopah Belmont .. 45 so 65
x0-* Tanopnh Exten •% 1A '%
looft*Utn Eastern ..52 52 62
7000*1' M Cont Mines . 11 10 u
loonutah Ape* 6% *. % 6%
5oo Walker Mining "3% .* %
4 1 ot* W en-1 en Cop Min * % 3%
600-.®West I'tah Corp 19 11 19
1 Allied Parker M *<>% *0% 10%
1 Aluminum 7a 33 107% 1®I% 10T%
2 Am «; a El 6* .. 06% !l*% la%
l Am PAT.t 6a old OS'* OS'* !i t.
Am Roll Mills ft It] % 194% I
♦ AJ>< Sum rob 7%* 00% 00', 06%
An- Thr^d 6a .163% inj% 103%
1 A"«l Vm *Oll 7 % a mo 300 300
t,A«‘i’ Mm W4a 6%a SJJ4 s'% S3'*
4 A • O A W ! S» . . 63 6 4 *;
5 RM «a 0 4% 04% 04%
T Reth st 7« *s 104 103% 103%
? t tn Vt Rv Eq 7a 110% 110% 110%
r Clflf* JOrv 7a R 16.^% IPS'* 16.3%
3 ritUt SrV a C 110% T10 110
4 Cltle* Ft v 7a 1> 10J J01% J02
I 4 t'ltiet St x T'AI. 6* 04 04 04
7 Ton Ota Ralt 6%a 100% 10f% 11 3 %
« Cudahy V* k S%* oo 02% 03
3on 1'eeri A Co 7%a 104% 104% 1<4%
1 Fe.i Ml* 6* J-.. |S% 0«% 04%
1 Robert (lair 7* ill 101 101
2 1 eh It b Tow Ft r 6*101% 101% mi %
1 Manitoba 'a Id? 102 10J
3 ilm rl* A Co 7 %*. 103 1M 103
13 N O rub Mv S* »n «»% 90
st* p 6%.* 1^1% ml'*'101%
St a, R rv *%*.!*»% l'*% *lv«%
27 Ohio Power R R 0*% 02% 0" %
4 Penn r A l.t R* . . 06% 0S% 06%
2 Phil 11 I*a Ml 00% 00% 00%
7 Pub Si v KAO 6 % * 00% 00% 00%
3 Pur# (Ml 6 % it .100 100 100
II shawatieen 7a 103% 103 10.3
27 stand 4} A El 6 % a 150 110% 110'*
6 Sun Oil .'•'«* . .. 06% 06% fat,
7 S*v 1 ft A On S* 06% 06 % 96%
6 I n Oil Cal R* 06 06 06
36 \ aruttm ('ll 7a . .106% !•'»■% ln».%
Wehalei Mill* tki 00 t»% 00
I melon Honda
7 Kat n n Ft mil'# 7a « 7 % *7% 07%
i Ind 11W Fin 1 r !■% o | •,
? N e t h * r l a »' d a 6a 72 103% 10.3% 103%
' Krupp t Ft lad 1 7* 04% 04% 04%
•Cant* a ahare
New InrV l'rled l>»lt
N>« T '-k M*- h ,M t'x apnrtlid Ar
P* una*—- Qu*at
Apr'fr** *nd Paarh#a -Ftr n
Raliino—Q jit
Omaha Produce
March 21.
Dreamery—Loral Jobbing price* to re
tailers: Extras. 50c; extras In 40-lb. tuba.
49c; standards. 48e; firsts, 47c.
Dairy—Buyer* are paying lie for No^ 1
tabl«» butter 1n roll* or tub*. 2\Q~io ror
packing stock
For No. 1 cream Omaha buyar* are
paying 37e per lb at country stations, 43c
delivered at Omaha
Price quotable: $2 15 per cwt far freah
I milk testing 3.6 hutterfat. delivered^ on
dairy platform. Omaha.
For fresh eggs delivered at Omaha:
Ca^e count, around $* 10 per case.
Frlcea above for eggs received In new
or No. 1 whltewood cases; a deduction
of 25c will be made for second-hand
In moat quarters a premium 1a being
paid for selected eggs, which must not b*
more ihan 48 hours old, uniform in aizc
and color (meaning all solid colors—-all
same shade). The shell must be clean
and sound, and the eggs weigh 25 ounces'
per dozen or over.
•fobbing prices to retailers: X7. .q ape
Hals 31c per doz ; X7. 8. extras, commonly
known as selects. 29©>30c.
Price quotable for No. 1 stock alive,
delivered Omaha: Springs, smooth ley
soft meat. 26c; stags. 15 {f 1 * < hen-,
heavy. 20922c; hens, light. 179 21c; old
rooster*. 10c; ducks, f. f. f. around
g< ese. f. f f. 8fj>l«to; capon*, over 8 lb-..
32c; 7 to 8 lb*. JXC per Mi . turkey*, f h t.
?» lb*, and up. arouml 22c; pigeons, $ l 00
per doz'm.
Dressed Dash prices for dressed poul
try, No. 1 stock delivered Omaha, are
nominally 1% 3c above quotations for in#
Jobbing price* of dressed poultry to
retailers are nominally as follows:
Spring.-, soft. 35c; broilers. 35f/4"o;
h» ns. 25928c. ducks. 2 3 9 30c, geese. 159
18c; turkeys, 25<6 28c.
Wholesale price* quotable: No. 1 ribs,
25c; No. 2, 22c; No. 3. 16c; No. 1 loin*
33c; No. 2. 31c. No. 3, 19c; No. 1 rounds,
l&tyc; No. 2. IT^c; No 3. 14- ; No. 1
chuck*. 12c; No. 2. 12c ; No. 3| 8Lc: No. 1
plate*. 8V*c; No. 2. 8c; No. 3, 7c.
Nominal Jobbing quotations as follows:
Black bass, 3 2c; halibut. 25c; white
fish, front, yellow pike 30935c; buff.tin,
18c; bullheads. 27c: northern catfish. 37c;
southern catfish. 30c; filler of haddock.
27c; black cod sable fish. 18c; red enap
per, 26c: flounders. 20c; crappies, 27c;
Spanish mackerel, 27c; white perch. 17c;
frozen fish 3®5c less than prices above. ;
oysters. 12.8594 l<> gallon
American cheese, fancy grade Jobbing
price* quotable as follows: Single dai-te*, j
25c; double daisies 25e: square prin's *
264c; longhorns 26c; brick. 26c. 1 in- !
burger. 1 -ih style $3.69 per doz
domestic. 38'*. imported Roquefort. 59c. !
New York, white ;;2c.
Quotable Jobbing prices for No 1 s'oek.
Peara—Fancy, bushel baskets. Clair
geaus. 11.76.
Oranges—Navels, extra fancy, p#r box,
f5.25®?. 00: Florida. $5.0096.75
Grapefruit — Florida. $3.50 9 4 28.
Bananas—Per lb . 10c.
Lemons—California, extra fan^r, $* 00®
8 60: fancy. 17.5098.00; choice, 17.00;
limes. 100 rount, carton. 12.00.
Dranberrles—Extra fancy Howes. 33-qt
carton. $5.00; 60-qt. box. $7.50.
Apples—In boxes: Extra fancy Pell
clous. $5.00; W.nesap* >4 00; Jonathans,
$3.5; gpitzenberg*. $3.5.1. In bask ms;
'Vlneaaps. *3.00. in barrels Wlnesans
•J-*®: Geneton*. $7 00; I3en Davis, $6 59
tt 7.22.
Quota!,I. Jobbing price* for Vo 1 ,tork- !
. Roota— Carrot*. buihel basket '
*- **: b**t*. 12 DO; turnip,.
Sweet Pota foes—Crate, $1-,fi.
Asparagus—California, p*r lb Sle
^ucumbers—rer doz . $2 50.
l Ik fl K° * * B * turn,r- in sack* Jc
• IP.. 3Hca,,^2Sc: 'arro'*- P«r»
Spinach-*Ba*Vet. J’ 25.
Cauliflowe*—-Per era** |* *5
O.bbag. Holland **»J, cri..* ac p?r !
b o T, L ' abhage crates. 3c per lb P {
Radishes—Southern dozen bun«h*a. 75c
lb th , R Ohioa. in ,ank». I V !
Ohior'J *2°;sb*, »r.r'' 'ack* * »*: — dj
Let uce—Head. per crate t■ , j
dozen. $1.2 . hot house leaf .Ve°°* ptr
4lery California and Florida fanev
C*Ufor*to -c.ra
” lug. $-> 00 bn.k.t ,| j„ '■
„ . Kr.ofn',
<-atdMd,l-??rV,’:® J'""’'1 '!«• than
f " ‘ >mah» folb.w ,M
bh «,.n t !JOU" ’ ’"** ** -'lUMII per
fan, v b V. '-r bbl
^.w'^nnfeVirV^^-Mu u'S' or
’ f “‘'b'oZha'h'* ^'V ,00' 'c*rl“*'1 let-, i
Dro,).Tn*"nf;r1,B* •« per cent
V"r:ln> or yellow J4* on
!uJ?rr^n,f®*,-‘3 "" «*>‘ f-tein
hh!VC"nd.n«e4 f. r feedlnr 10
»w .'.••r.MVi'h.rSn'V fl*k*
N"'n|n*l ouot*tj,,n*. carlo.* Io!l.
*"o oo‘ £?"' *ran<tgfd. prompt
"i*. brown short* Jj* • . e*-<v -h,,- -
$’I no flour middling.-. $ . ' *■* e
tar, of flour and
r ed. ... f7»100 more per ton
Erg Shells—Dried and ground. 100-:b
b*f* •"» lota. 125 no „„ ° i
*t* **••!—Cho;,r. prompt de!!v*ry.
»- on,I hand bag* 122 6(1 Vo 1 p.„mp| 1
delivery, second-hand hags $25 00; No • !
prompt delivery, second h^nd t ags $_ •:?» ;
ainsead Meal—34 per cent protein 1
prompt. 941.10
Nominal quotations per 100 pounds fair
average quality Alfalfa $2 1 00ft 22 00
-rJ?Z*r- $$ 9 11 "0 : red Clover
,$.. PO© 4 00 timothy. $4 5095 00; sudan
gras*. $3.5041 4 00 <>mmnn millet $ 1 25 6/ ■
i$y- *VS"n Jl *Q%S * • ■*»« j
Prairie hiv re<elpts continue fairlv
heavy; oualitv of arrivals fs r: sabs
lelnr made well in lire with quotations j
whi* h are a little lower Damaged j
prairie is very slow sale; and w»-t prairie J
not wanted at any price Alfalfa r.«
reipts are light Good alftlfa moving
fairly well. but *v> demand for low
grade* quotation* or which have »**en I
reduced. Damaged alfalfa not wanted
Nominal quotations, carload lots
Upland Prairie- \'n i, tl<> «o**ll
No 2 L 0U«» fid; No 3 $?ft.i#»S.ft<»
Midland Prairie No 1 $10.06® 19.60
No. 2 $*».0O tr 9 00: No 3. $6.00*, 7 on
Lowland Pf.»irir—No. 1 $'304/7 50
No 2. $5 00#* c CO
Alfalfa i hoire. $’7 00 No ?. $• 0n > '
'6"0 standard, fit 004*1400 N •
$« 00© 10 00; No ' $6.00'1; 7 00
. Sirtw-Oit, $: 0«®aoo. tth^t $-• non I
t .00 I
"* hide market -« #air'\ sfeadv r '
*»mahs prices »re unchanged g<»ne*-n!l\
The wool market s weak and somewhat
lower Pelts ha\ e been reduced 2 'r.
*nd unwashed wool top quotation re
du-'ed al»out 2e. Tallow and grease fa r
ly steadv
Quotable prices dealers’ weight* and
•election* delivered Omaha
Hide*—Seasonable (cured). and *r
null*. 5i- *nd 4c; brands 6c and 4<*. glues
4«#c; calf. $14 Lc and 1* k;p llHe end
10r deacons 760 each hnrse hides $ •
and $2 50 each: ponies and clue* $]
e.xrh ' colt* 2Sr each; hog skin*. 15c each |
dry flint hide*. 13c per lb.; drv salted J
lie; drv glue* 4c
Wool—Pelt*. $1 25®] *s each for full j
wooled skins lambs 60c to $ 1 00 each !
shearlings 40c to 60e. according 10 take
1 ff and lencih of wool; clips, no value
wool unwashed. ^€24) 40c
Tallow — No 1 7c: B tal’ow. <Hc Vo c
2 tallow. *r A creese 7c B grea-**
pork crax $40 00 per tun; beef ra\ $40
vellcw grease 6c. brow n grease. 6 lx • t{
per ion: beeswax. ?5 • t er lh
Duluth Dm.
Duluth Minn March 31 —Clone Kla\— t
March April and May cloned $ '4. JuD ’
i: <i s
MONEY IN WHEAT —Grain market* ,
exrited $12 buys Advance* or Decline*
10.000 bu. wheat or corn Vo further '
rink 4r movement from Option priet
fnea opportunity to take $400 prof \ .
It. $300. etc Market letter and pa*ticu
•ar* free Fidelity Brokerage Co. Dept
X. Kanaaa City, Mo.
Omaha Livestock Market
l»y th* Associated Tree*. ^
Following It the United ?*tetee Depart
ment of Agriculture weekly Omaha live
atock market; _ _
Cattle Price* for fed ateera and ye».
lings had a lower trend this week, al
though receipt* weje moderate. "***.
chop e yearlings and handy weight
steer* were in heat demand and eh"*
the least loss, with today's values 150
25c lower l!**avy ateers and bulk of the
supply were fully 25n low'er. with ex
tremes on weighty steers showing $•■ i*
50r decline. The weMc’a top price or
$11 75 wn * pn id for b<Rh heavy and in
. . Choice weighty st*er*
tea« hed $ 1" • .• and several load* of > •*J*
Imps and medium weights turned g 10 . 5
'oil 00. Hulk turned at $*.75^10.66 The
hater grades of she stock lifld steady
with m.-t turn srnilei w-ak ami lOOOo
1 (1 wer Hulk butcher cows cashed at^$500
6/7.B" Heifers cleared mostly at I7.00M
k 7. with light offerings upward to
$:• t]5. Hub.gna hulls held steady and beef
hulls ml van #«1 fully 25c on broad ship
ping demand Veal worked 5C»4f75c low
■ l i I>. || n »'♦'•<* Stockers and f•—1
* r-i ire weak to around 25c lower for the
h.-.-u, bul.. I* .with bulk $6.25^
H To.
Hogs The rapid advance In bog prices
continued unabated towards the close l«it
wck ami on Monday and Tuesday value*
reH• bed f . IV high levels for the winter
racking sej. on or \vere highest ain^o t" •
tuber. 1920 As is usual when sharp up
turn* Hie recorded, there are react Ions,
and such i- tb- ise on Wgdnesdu' end
Thuradav of this week, partial lose of
th'* week's g*> ins being recorded, Thurs
ilay’s price only a net upturn of
15'u20c from a week ago Thursdays
bulk of -alis' d from $13.408/ 1 '*■ < ♦*.
top $13.90, while week's top stand* at
Sheep; Sharp decline* with weight dis
criminations has been the out standing
features n t i.e foi Par* • trad'-. \.»lu**s
$1.(*"<w 1.50 Jo. -r than /» w-c’ ago Thuts
dav's sale of handy weight I.imfc* ranged
from $ 15.5067 15.75. tops *i6,oo: strong
weight la mi - $1 5.00*1 15.50. Sheep a'«
hofe. d**s|ra lile weight ew* - iiiocn*^
$9.6075. Feeding and shearing lambs
r-mt* i|ij"ted a s dosing i lower, d* !_\'
hie feeding weight lambs $1f *.0$« 16.75.
ring lamb# $14
New \ ork 4 of fee.
New York. M ui-h 21.—The market for
coffee futures opened today at an ad
» a nee r.f Hi to 19 points on a continua
tion of yesterday's buying promoted by
steadiness in Brazil, reports that Sao
Paulo had secured another loan in this
country and talk of a slightly better cost %
and freight demand May sold up to
l'.*a,oo and closed at that figure, the gen
e al #i rkc- dosing at net advents* of
1" to 2" point- .‘-'ales were estimated ft
50 000 hags Closing flotations:
March. 20.79* . May. 19.60c; July.
18.50c; September, 17.60c; October. 17.45c;
December. 16.95c.
S;w, coffee. <|U;et, Rio 7*. 21 \%c: Samoa
4s. 26 to 2i’*«
4 Idea go Fotatw*.
Chicago. March 21 —Potato**—Early
morn ng trading slow-; market duli; re
ceipts, 75 cars; total United States rhip
inents, *::6 * am; Wisconsin sacked round
white- few sales $1.00 fi1.1 5 ; mostly $1.00
6/105; Michigan hulk Russet Rurals.
$1.10. Idaho sacked Russets. 12 - 5 2 5"
\l>\ KK'I hr.MKM .
You will be compelled to
admit that the results of
S-S.S.are really amazing!
MANY people Imagine that ec
zema or tetter needs only
some'external application on the
skin in order to get relief. This is
because the attention of the suf
ferer is so violently directed to the
intense burning and itching which
accompanies this disease. Try as
they may—permanent relief will
never be theirs untjl the disease
laden blood is thoroughly cleansed.
We know there is one thing that
stops eczema and that is more red
blood-cellsl S.S.S. builds them by
the million! Yotl can increase your
red-blood-cells to the point where
it Is practically impossible for ec
zema to exist. We know that as
blood-cells increase in number,
blood impurities vanish! We also
know that night follows day. Both
are facts! But have you, eczema
Eufferers, ever actually taken ad
vantage of this wonderful fart?
Thousands just like you have never
thought about it. Skin eruptions,
eczema, with all its fiery, skin dig
ging torture, and its soul-tearing,
unreachable itching, pimples,
biackheads and boils, they all park
up and go, when the tide of blood
cells begins to roll in! Blood-cells
nre the fighting giants of Nature!
S.S.S. builds them by the million!
it has been doing it since 1SC6.
S.S S. is one of the greatest
blood-cell builders, blood-cleansers
and body strengthened known to
us mortals' When you put these
facts together,—then to continue
to have eczema and skin eruptidhs
looks more like a sin than a dis
ease. S.S.S. contains only vege
table medicinal ingredients. Be
cause S.S.S. does build red-blood
cells, it routs eczema, clears the
skin, builds firm flesh, fills out
hollow cheeks, .and gives you that
more up and going appearance.
- S. S. S. is sold St sit good
drug stores ia two sites. Tha
lsrger aim is mora economical.
' Q Q % World s Best
7>Iood Mrdicinr
\1»\ I KTlst MF VT.
fir.SO buys guarantee option on 10 000
bushels of wheat or corn. Na further
risk. A mpvfiRfnt of Se from option
price rive* you an opportunity to take **
*500; 4c. * 400; Sc. «-n00. etc. WRITE
Investors Daily Guide. 5. W. Branch
Dept. 5-2, 1016 Baltimore Ave., K. C.. Ma
r J. S. BACHE & CO.
F st a Wished 1*92.
f New V'rV St vk Firhauf#
Mrmkfri i'.'"'*?. ' !' V1' ' J.r*<*
i New i «'rk Cotton Mchanga
1 ami other loading Fxchargea,
Naw York: 42 Broadway Chicago: 108 S L aSalle* St.
Branches and correspondents located in principal estie*.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain,
Cotton,Foreign Exchange
Bought and Sold for Cash or *
Carried on Conservative Margin
H t. BISHOP. Manatar
224 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg , Omaha
v _ Telephone JA <k*cn $1$7 t*
"Tha Pacha Review*4 sent on application— Correa pond eaca to▼ i*ed.