Judge Slabaugh Speaker to ’ Benson Women Ron son Woman'! Clubc .Tudse W. W. Plabaugh tva! the pftncipal speaker at the meeting of the Benson Woman * club entertain ed. Thursday at the home of Mrs. V. B. Clement, North Fifty ninth street. The program was under the leadership of the parliamentary law department and the subject, "Behind the Scenes in Politics," discussed by the judge, brought out many amus reminiscences of the early poll11 i*l situations In Omaha. Mrs. K. .Whnson spoke of prison welfare and itErne of the problems to he solved In ojjlr penal institutions. The club Not ed lo support the movement started liy County Attorney Beal to provide suitable labor for tho prisoners held for various reasons In the Douglas ijUunty jail. -Mrs. F. B. Oliver explained in her parliamentary rhart talk that only through practice can an organisation ‘f" >me proficient in the usage of; parliamentary rules. -At the close of the session. Mrs. Clement, hostess, served a delightful Patrick's day luncheon. Lessard and Mra. Roth. Mrs. Bu-| lord entertained Saturday, March I V »')itn covers were laid for Mrs. Rick ! enhrode, Mrs. O. P. Phenia, P. A j Legge and A. C. Lessard. (.'nmmerri.tl Club Luncheon*. Mrs. E. H. Ttndell has taken charge f the ('ommercial club luncheons, which are served each Tuesday in the t. O. O. F. hall. These lunrheons are well patronized by Fenson business and professional men. Reorganize Woman's Society. At a meeting held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Paul Rivett the woman's activities of the Presby terian church were reorganized In or der to meet the demands of the growing congregation. The new or ganization is cafied the Womans Auxiliary and divided Into five guilds and a missionary department. Mrs. Paul Rivett was elected president of the auxiliary; Mrs. E. C. Raue hon orary president: Mrs. William Whit mer, first vice president; Mrs. Janies Walsh, second vice president; Mrs. Claude Reed, secretary, and Mrs. Earl Dean, treasurer. Shower for Briile-tn-Be. Miss Aloise Clement, assisted by her mother. Mrs. V. R. Clement, was hostess Monday evening at her home on North Fifty-ninth street to 2tl guests at a shower given compli mentary to Miss Josephine Fritz, who is to be a Benson spring bride. Miss Fritz was th£ recipient of many beautiful gifts. The rooms were beau tifully decorated in shamrock and St. Patrick day colorings. Drama Section, B. W. ('. Mrs. Austin Taylor will be hostess Thursday, March 2fi, to the drama section of the R. W. C. Booth Tar kington's short story, “Damsels Dark and Damsels Fair,’’ dramatized by Mrs. C. C. Beavers, will be enacted. Entertain Basket Ball Team. Mrs. George Norqulst entertained at dinner Monday complimentary to the |»<‘l)>0|| XIIOOIS. T’,f*n*,on people are elated ovrr the prospects of a new high school, a njbw grade school and also a school to take care of the lower grade pupils raiding in the Kevslon^ park dis tfict, which belongs to the Benson school district, and under the rules off annexation must be taken care ol by. the city of Omaha. •Gorton Roth, president of the Ben sinate«a Monday evening before the ' Preen club play, “The Mole’’ at the Orpheum. Mra, Jimn Th-akefnrd will alao give a dinner preceding | the performance. The uOld Way" The “Dresher Way" Take die Guesswork out of Cleaning/ When you intrust your cleaning and dyeing work to us you take the “guesswork” out of the operation —for we do not “guess,” we KNOW! We spent, in company with eight other leading cleaners in the U. S., over $40,000 in research in four years, in order to eliminate guesswork in cleaning and dyeing. We operate the most modern equip ment that money can buy; we employ only experienced and skilled operators in all departments; we accept a moral re sponsibility for the safe handling of all work intrusted to our care; your clothes are protected against fire and theft by insurance from the time we call for them until they are delivered to you. Consider these things and you will see WHY you should send ALL of your cleaning, dyeing, repairing and alteration work to us.. Branch Offices—Dresher, The Tailor, 1515 Famam Street; Brandeis Store; South Side, 4625 South 24th Street. W« Pay Return Fnreel Po»t Chargea Anywhere Under the America* Flag. Dresher Brothers 2211-2213-2215-2217 Famam Street AT lantic 6345 MA rket 0050 I AFTER BREAKFAST ! V AFTER breakfast the mother sends her little daughter off . to school. She does her housework. She takes care of her baby. And—she is happy! 5 To a great extent, a woman's happiness depends upon her health. If she is troubled with ailments common to women, she should seek relief from her suffering immediately. 15 In the following letter Mrs. Fuller tells how she improved her health and by so doing increased her happiness. = ^ “I have used Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable | Compound and found it has improved my health j wonderfully. For months and months I was not ^ . ! regular and had terrible pains. They used to at- EE3 B ! tea my side so I could not work. 1 kept a girl at that time. 1 read of others being helped hv | the Vegetable Compound so thought it qjight | | help me. 1 am very much better now , do my ow n housework, and have two dear children to |lj care for besides. I speak highly of the Vegetable Compound to my friends and recommend it to • any woman for a nervous and run-down con dition.” MRS T H FULL** MfS. T. H. Fuller, Walpole, new Hampshire tf Stu Hamfso.-rt * Lydia £. Pinkham's , Vegetable Compound