The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 22, 1925, PART THREE, Page 3-C, Image 23

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    Mrs. Cameron National Head
Transportation for Clubs j
MRS. M. 1<’A MliKON *©f Umalia, as transpo ltioi ..nrn n for the
General Federation of Womei s c lubs, annoumts ntrs ai d plans for
the council meeting to be held June I ti at West Badon. 1ml.
A rate of one and one half fare has been secured for the round trip, on
the “identification certificate plan.
It Is probable that 2.» women will attend from Nebraska, and If *o. a
•perial car will be secured, l)elf gates t<> the council meeting will be elected
at the various district meeting* to bfc held <>\er the state this spring. Mrs.
Paul Perryman, state president, is making i V- 1 of til clubs in the state
and Is stressing attendance at the council meeting. She will be in Omaha
shortly. .Mrs. Perryman will go to West Baden; also Mrs. Cameron. Mrs.
John W. < 1111, president elect of tlm Omaha Woman - club, ami Mrs. \ ■ H.
Cole have also been named ay pn*«ihle attendants.
Identification certificates for those wishing to take advantage of the
rates, must be secured by state transportation chairmen from Mrs. Cameron,
216 North Thirty-second avenue. Omaha. State chairmen "ill supply in
dividuals, one for each member, including dependent members of her family.
Tickets will be good via the same route in both directions only. They will be
validated at West Baden before return.
Tickets in Nebraska will be on sale from May 2S to June 3 inclusive with
a final return limit of June 12.
Club Calendar for Week
Readers Mrs Thornton .larmlne, Mn. J.
W. High. Mr* t W Bedford.
Beta chapter, Delphian society. Fon
tenelle hotel. 2.1 Subject: "Palestine
and the Hebrew* Reader, 'Ire R R.
Beattie asstued by M csdanies H. H. Katr,
T. .1. Sullivan. H .* lender you. .1. A.
Jacobsen. K. M Wood bridge, Victor Boos
W p. Adkins. Jr ; V J. Carrington and
Miss Helen \ ermillion.
Current topics department. Omaha
Unman* club, Y \\ « \ Tuesday. -
p. m.. Bible lesson "Ruth,” l>r Tdelia
Stoddard. "Problems of Youth.” Mrs
If \Y Dunhain, program leader, assisted
by Mesdam-'t* .Robert H. Rloodgood.
1 Jeanlo Hendrick*. Polo Mrs. Mae
Schmidt. Reading. Rui \\ Dunham.
I raucis \\ illard W. t . T. I .. Wedftes
dh>. 2 p. m. Y. W. C. A.
Mc*t Dtmiba Mother's club with Mr*.
Clifton Wood, 13i» North Th!i*ty-eighth
street, 3 p. m.
Sunshine c|ul» of Maple I.eaf chap'er.
O. K. S.. will meet Wednesday at. the
Masonic temple.
Margaret Blair health class, Wednesday
If a. in . room 302. Patterson building.
Mr*. O. M. Kdwards, leader.
Music Department. Omaha Woman'*
club in o'clock y. \V, C A. Wednesday,
iFloieno# Basler Palmer leader, Robert
i'ii*' ad*n chorus work.
South '‘hie W « T. I . edt.esds
with Mr-* Mary Boicourt. ttoH South
twenty ninth at rest. l o'clot k luncheon.
I M *9 Harriett l.aney of tha t’tty Mlaatoi
I .du< atlonoJ department. Omaha H orn
mi's Hub, 2 \ in.. > W. A Topi'
"PiychotPtlj,i« Profe*s .. Pearl eher
head of department < f ps>cholog>. I ni
verslty of Omaha. Mrs. F H ‘ ule.
leader. Mrs. A. It. McFarland, chairman
J F. W club, home of Mia Ear!
Sherman Jit smith FlP • -second street
Thursday. 1 o’clock luncheon.
Alpha \1 Delta. Thursday, Mrs. Noyes
Sutton 3075 South Thirty second street
Mias Mary R edge wick, assisting hostess.
Oinuhn .Association I*. Fr II. SittfrhtNid—
Monthly tuneNon, Fon tensile hotel,
Thursday, 12:50. Reservation!! with -Mr*.
D. \V. Poy.
I'arllaiumlsr) law department. Ouiajin
w minin'* club, 1 Vv. * A Tuesday.
2:30. Lesson. ''(Committees.’’ Leader.
Mrs. H. H. VVhlteliouse.
Delta chapter. Delphian society. 10
a ns., Thursday, Blackstone topic: ”Pte
hlstorlc Periods,” Mr.-. A. If. Murdock,
leader. with Meedames Roland M
Jones, C. P. Trover, H. I*. Stewart, S. S.
K»n». (!. D. Hlrkett, » . K. Forbes, <7. A
Remington. "William H Hopson. Assist
ing. Mrs. W. A. Smith, president.
Omaha Dcetf No. I, B. P O. Does—
[Friday. Elk* c.ub. 10 a m., for card*.
Huwlneta meeting at i’
[ Kit* Woman'* club will hold
I« *«>Mal afternoon Friday, March 27.
(»«N*r§* ( took W 14 < . No Hi—Meeting
I t , la • Me or *' ha!', coui Lhouae.
U Id Guard poat No. 7 Invited.
S \TI 111! NY.
Maple I eaf chapter, O E *. will hold
rltlatlon crremonica on Saturday *\»
nln* at S p. m.
( liapter V I*.. I*. P. FI. O . with Mil
5. P Yoder. HSH *aa aTveer Lunrha^n
l clock. M «-§ Elltabeth Shaffer, m
R. T. Club, ftallwar Mall ^ertlew ■ Dla
r.**r party at th.* home of Mr. and Mr«
H ' Madden, 6191 Florence bouJavfd.
Saturdav. 6 p. 'ey Meedatiie* «’ A. Adatm
and O. 5. Lake will aaslst the hoateas.
Musical Program for Faculty
Vi omau's Club.
1'nlversity of Nebraska Faculty
Woman's club will meet Wednesday.
March 25 at Conkllng hall on the
campus. The committee of the
Nurses' Training school will act as
hostesses for a 1 o’clock luncheon
Nurses of the school will be guests
rf the club, A program has been ar
ranged consisting nf readings by
Mrs. Kthel Smith of Council Bluffs
ai.ii musical numbers by Mi*. Peter
Jenson, and Mrs. Karl Werndorff.
Committees Vppointed to
\rrange ( ollege Night.
College nighi, annual Omaha Col
lege club party, is to be held l ridav,
April 34, at the Brandela theater. Mr*.
James E. Bednar, president of the
Omaha College club has appointed the
following chairmen of committees.
Alumnae group, Mrs. Gladstone
! Derby; producing committee, Mrs.
Wlnthrop Dane; rehearsal committee,
Mrs. Ira Jones; candy committee. Mrs.
S. M. Cronk; ticket committee, Miss
Gladys fihamp; play committee, Mis
Mathew Gay.
Eat. 1S62—16th and Capitol At*.
X .. •- ... ——
Hnu>« of H«f«. '*8IS North Ihirlirtli
street a musical program by South H *.
orchestra. M. A. fo ok, director.
Old Peopla'a Home. *325 Fontenelle
Houletard—Sem'ce* 3 p m . »n rharg* o’
Rev. J Fremont Watson, paalor of the
Third Presbyterian church at Twentieth
and Leavenworth streets. The church
choir will provide the music.
I hinder B. ft., P. K. O. Slaterhood.
Monday, with -Mrs. Charles Leslie, 6013
t'hlcago street 2:30,
t ouncil of .lewlali Wenttn will hold *
monthly meeting Monday. March 22. :«•
the Arthur building
I nit* Studv rlul» will meet Monday «
p. m., al 214 Kennedy building. Leader.
\liMM Modjeska Shear.
Tennyam riiautaiiqon Circle—Monday.
2 p m Y. W. C. A. ‘Keeping Ip \VUli
Science.1* Lesson, zoology.
American Home department. Oiimbn
Northaide Woman’s club, Monday. *
n. m., residence of Mrs. A. C. Adame,
6329 North Twenty fourth street. “Th*
Bigness of Little Things.” Mrs. Eva
Political and Social Science department
Omitim Homan’s club, Y. W f A., Mon
day nt 2 p. m. Dr. Van Bohnl!*. dean of
reghton Medical cuiieg**. on “Better
Housing Condition- ‘ Mr* Millard bang
fold, leader.
Gamma Tan t Itaulanqua circle will
meet Monday %t 2 p m with Mi" A.
I». Cloy d, 4 417 « alifornla at reef. Mrs.
FI. 4 Si lumen will '*ad the lesron which
s “Keeping Ip With Science.”
Hound Ta'ile Group of Omaha College
flub- Studying uternatlonsl relations
’.sill meet at the Elks club Monday. 12:45
P m. Reviews on "Dawes' Plan.” "<*o\e
• mt of the I.(vigil* -f Nations." “World
Wat.” “World Court.''
’l l KSUAY.
\liamr> club. Tuesday afternoon e ' h
Mis. W,iUam Roeaintf. at her home. 1016
Omaha chapter Woman's 4 hrUtlan
I nion, Tuesday. Y. W. C. A., 2 p. tn..
room 31 *k
I nity simly club will meet Thursday. 2
p. m.. a' th« home of Mrs. K. .b Thorn
ton. :s'.North Forty-fifth street.
Parent-Teacher association. Central
lllgti school, Tuesday evening. * o'clock
auditorium. Girls band will play. Dts
c mud on.
Speech education deportment. Omaha
Woman's club. V. W". t'. A., Tuesday.
11:16 fur regular clase work ami pro
Stain. Taking part .are Meed a me*
Artists Attend
Exhibit Today
Omaha artists are holding their sec
ond annual exhibition in the east gal
lery of the public library. The show
ing Is attracting many visitors. Color
predominates In every painting, and
the subject matter ranges from coast
to coast.
Dr. Robert F. Gilder lias a number
of works depicting the bill beauty of
Nebraska and the chromatic color of
the southwestern desert country.
Augustus Dunbier In hi* collection
has painted the pure simplicity of the
Indian and his en\lronment In and
around Taos, X. M.
Henry \\ Dontshvd has a startling
composition In his "Three by the Win
Miss Augusta Knight's "Bridge and
I nlon Station'' Is painted In grays of
the mist hour.
Robert Dinning shows two large
canvases whose color and atmosphere
are true Nebraska.
Miss Delia Robinson and Mr. T.
t.lndberg have very interesting com
positions, seeking tlie quieter emotions
of nature, in contrast to Mrs. K.
Peterson's still life of flowers against
the sun.
The exhibition is sponsored by the
art department of the Omaha Wom
an’s club.
The artists will be at the galleries
on Sunday from 2 until 5 to meet
their friends.
Apollo Club Assists Music
Department in Classique
Tickets tor the "Ciasslque Revue,”
a series of musical acts to be given
by the music department of the
Omaha Woman's club at the Gayety
theater April 2S, are on sale by mem
bers of the department and the club.
The proceeds to be applied to the
clubhouse funds.
The program Includes an “Italian
Street Singers” feature, with a
chorus of Apollo club and music de
partment voices. Miss Adelaide Fogg
will present a dance number and a
colonial number will be given by a
string quartet. There will be a piano
ensemble by members of the club.
Mrs. J. W. Arnold! and Mrs. Mabel
Rickel Pettegrew have been as
signed the leading roles. Robert
Cuscaden Is directing and Mrs.
Florence Easier Palmer staging the
ictt: •TiTimiiiirjrnmii’fniiimmmiimnuniiiiiimiiiiiiiTiiiimiiTTTTiTTF
f-- 'I
Delphian Head
V j
iimbj AWJLWJ m1
Ww ii **■!
Mrs. \V. A. Smith, president of the
netv Delta .chapter, Delphian society,
is past matron of Liberty chapter.
Eastern Star, and an active member
of the Scottish Rite Woman's club
and of the Fine Arts society. Mrs.
Smith Is also favorably known as a
reader ami entertainer. The Delta
chapter will meet at Hotel Blnckstone,
10 a. m., Thursday. It was organized
with 20 members.
Dedicate New Clulirooms.
Saturday evening Omaha Business
Woman's club, Inc., will formally
dedicate Its new club home In the
Gardner building, 1712 Dodge street,
at a reception for members only.
M. E. Mission Society.
The Woman’s Home Missionary
society of the First Methodist church
will meet Friday, March 27, for 1
o’clock luncheon In the parlors of the
church with Mrs. Frank Simpson,
hostess chairman. A business meet
ing will follow with Mrs. C. W.
Southwell presiding and program as
Devotional*. Mr*. Harry Snyder.
Lenten service, Mr*. Jam*** E. Wagner.
Contralto solo, Mrs. Lawrence Dodds
accompanied by Mrs. Ada Klopp P.utzen.
Study hour. Mrs. C. N. Comtek.
iiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiillilliliiiiiinu'UiiiiPiiiuiiT”!!1:' i'ij i 'it.'|i|im|iini|nn|
I The Silk Shop !|
1517 Douglas Street
Announcing for Monday 1
A Sale of I
Silk |
Remnants (
In lengths ranging from 1 to 3 yards.
! ~
Every weave and coloring repre
sented in this lot Monday.
Plan An Early Attendance
Whether you "Stop—Look and Listen" or
take a chance, you'll see that circle, a If you
can't think which to do. put on your brakes
and remember—"Everybody likes Candy."
"Th# Candy Man"
Csimfll Bluffo, law*
* ..■■■■* i
v • ,
Just Present Coupon 3
to your Dealer ^
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THE only Oils in Palmolive D^J^c<wponbelowroy00f(Wer.
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That is why Palmolive Soap IS Nothing is hidden in Palmolive Soap. There b nothing
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