AMUSEMENTS THE ^ ^MAHA SlJNDAY BEE SHOPPING WITH POLLY PVRtIFhREE ” OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1925. ' School Set Holidays Easter Vacations Begin. \-' Mies Emily Hoagland. student *t Bradford Academy, Mass., daughter of Mr. amt Mrs. Frank Hoagland, will pass her spring vacation with Mrs. Ann Roberts and daughter, Miss Frances, Barnard college student, in New York City. Mrs. Roberts, who has been In Omaha the last several weeks, leaies early this week for the east. Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy, who goes east Tuesday, will have with her In New York, Misses Anne Marie Ken nedy, Josephine Elllck and Mary Sargent from Emma Willard school, Troy, N. Y. Miss Charlotte Mc Donald, also a student at that school. Will be with friends in Troy. Mrs. C. O. Rich, who has been In the ea9t, will return this week, stop ping in Chicago on Tuesday, to cele brate her daughter's birthday an niversary, Miss Daisy Rich. Miss Rich is a student at the Art Insti tute. John and Edward Kennedy, sons of Mr. and Mrs. John J,. Kennedy, ere home from school at Pottstown, Pa. They were honored at a dinner - dance given last night by Tom Nolan. Bernard Hanlghen will arrive In Miami, Fla., today from the Hackley school, Tarrytown, X. Y., for a stay with Ids parents, the .T. J. Hanighens, who are there this winter. .Miss Geraldine McMasters, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mc Masters. came from University of Ne braska to spend the week ejid. Ellen Peterson will return from Ferry Hall next Sunday to spend the spring holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peterson. Miss Elizabeth FafTenraili, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paffenrath, wiho Is a student at Hollins. Yu., has bier spring vacation beginning April 9. She may go to Washington. D. C , for the six-day leave. Recently she was a week-end guest at a plantation near Hollins. "The house was more than a hundred years old. and the people were very proud of that fact, she wrote her mother, describing the interesting visit. Miss Marcella Foster, daughter o£ Dr. and Mrs. John J. Foster, will be one of eight girls w’ho will visit Atlantic City and New York during their spring holiday. GMj-rs. Cent, r7Se,cuth, cJ^Clb an.cL Sully Tclc PHOTO MB VN ^ ^- —- " > Pictures of Lenten Interest s----' During Mr*. Robert Ingwwrsen’a residence In Elgin, III., from which she returned last fall to make her permanent home here, her acquaintance with Miss Kathryn f.Inter ripened to the warmest friendship, Mias Glover stopped here a week ago tor a short stay with Mrs. Ingwrrsen en route home from California. She was widely entertained during her visit. She is a traveler of renown and will soon return for another stay. Ml** Glover spent the past year in Europe returning In the fall for a Slav In New 1 ork before going west. Mr*. Ingwersen’* mother. Mr*. W. J. Collier of Portland, Is hern visiting her daughter In her apartment at the Anstin. Mr*. Collier I* * former ftmahan. • • • 0 0 Though only <1 month* fjf age, little Sally -lar. da light'rot Mi and Mrs. I.etn Heath lllll, is quite a sell possessed little person. She enjoyed a two month*’trip through the south Ihl4 winter with her parents and proved hersrlf quits a* good a traveler a* her elder*. She is named for tier late paternal grandmother. On her mother's side, she I* the only grandchild of Mr. and Mr*. C. T. Cullen,. I.lttle >all» Jar h«* a charming nursery done In pink, In the * family suit* at the Hill hotel. • • • An April event of interest will he the marriage of Pansy V or lie** Open, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. f liarle* S. \ orhee*. and Benjamin W. Cotton, son of Mr*. Herman Kmintse, whlrh will take place April S at the I Irst Central C ongrsgatlonal church, Rev. Erank G. Smith officiating. Therp will be no bridal attendants and only the Immediate families will attend the ceremony. The bride hae rhoeen * go*wa> ensemble of Lanvin green for her costume Aftei a wedding trip east, Mr. Cotton and hla bride will realde at (24 South Thirty •eighth attack _ o/°o c i e ty (iMisn A' GLoder* and oAirS. Robert if/wn/erstn. 9MOTO OGWlCt Powerful Press Must Bow to the Law LEGAL entanglements are a very real thing. They must be re spected even by the powerful press, all lt» subdivision*. In cluding the Omaha Woman's Press club. Until s fete daysogo, the club thought itself all set and on the mark for an Orpheum act to be given this week. Everything ■ seemed to be going well. Th# director had arrived. Actors knew their lines and appeared In goes! physical condition. No hitch seemed possible—■ Until— It developed that on# of th# stars of th# set, Charles Docherty, In case you should not guess. Is under con tract with Ak-Sar-Ben to make no appearances outside the den! It looked as though the whole press club show would have to be called off. And so It would, had not a royal decree been Issued by bampson him self, making a on# and only excep tion In favor of the Omaha Wpm an's Press club. Mr. Docherty will therefore appear this afternoon at the theater, and twice dally (so the bulletin* »ay) for the coming w*ek. Lenten Breakfast Groups Form At the Lenten breakfast, Tuesday, March 24, from 11:80 to 2 p. m., at the First Central Congregational church, partle* will be given byi Meadim*9— UNiamu— H. J. Dinnmir A. EL Gu«nth«r U. A. Darn mis M!sa flurn'i f>*ar« J H. Olbofn# A Dutch treat party will Include: Matdamat— Meadamaa— Morton Eni'tman Frai.k Built* R. Tarry Sam ITandarao* i.'lyda Para I ay L. R. Sailor • .’llfford Hah*! Mlta Albarta V*1alA. Teacher* from Windsor, Farnam, and Columbian echoole will attend the breakfast. Dr, and Mrs. A. D. Dunn Host* at Suppor. Former student* of ihe University of Chicago and graduates of Rush Medical Institute, now a part of the University of Chicago, will he guests at buffet supper at the home of Dr. and Mr*. Arthur D. Dunn Sunday evening at 8:45 o'clock. Screening# will be ehown of the Illinois Chicago football game of last fall, which resulted In a 21 2k tie, of the University rf Chicago, ami of Rush Medical Institute and the plan of development their. IWiiMt'iayA Honor Mother*. Mother of member* will bo apenlal gueat* of the Matinee Muahal club at the meeting to he held on Wed nee dey at the home of Mlea (Jitter O’Brien. lh* Tiikcys Monts. Mr. and Mr*. Harry Tukav will an tartaln at dinner at thalt* hornt Sat unlay nlghf. March 2ft. ^ f " " * ^ ■> Engagement V_/ Announcement U made today lij Mr. Kdvvijrd A Holyoke of the on gagement of tier il.tiKhter, viler Margaret Turner Holyoke, to Hlrli aid Oonkllng Nbiloy, ton of Mob, Harry lluniinvum Htnloy of Omaha No dale hae lv»en «et for th# wad' ding which will tale olaoa bafeue fgU. : . a i Gabby Suggests Woman’s Angle on Municipal Affairs; Most Fashionable Perambulator Comes From London; Major Gilbert Reveals Secrets of the British Army Washington Girls’ l Benefit Bridge \ Mrs. Walter Of brie \ lias been appointed \ general chairman in \ charge of the an \ nual bridge party to \ he gl\eu by the | \ Washington Girls’ \ club on the after \ noon of April IS In A the Brandeis giril. A .Miss Daisy Kng „ 1 ler, president of the 1 club, was chairman | of the bridge bene j I fit committee la.'-t * I year. I Tlie proceeds of | the bridge party will I go toward the cbar L I !t> fund of the club, a I The affair is open ft ; I m all who care to Hi / attend. Tickets may ■ / be bail from mein Hft : I hers or at Ttrandeis g^ft j grill on the day of > / jiarty. Visitor Is Cub Master of Best “Pack” in England nBy GABBY. ELIEVTXG always ir^ a “Wur,. an's Angle," Gabby proposes a “Mother Omaha" to sene as feminine monitor for our city. .Some idea of the vast good such a perceiv ing personality could do may he gathered from the following timely and pointed paragraphs: To Commissioner Dean Noyes: Dear Dean l noth* thnt your stree* cleaners occasionally eplt on their hands. In this aa.nUafy ui ih-< eM• 1 v*? TTJji* ># th* ttxtur# of the:r days. What a:# th* differ#!'.''## ? * ""o th#*# patr1e**e American would w!U g*’# I>;#hcn *•♦ lawyers and g:#t' -rro-a?Ion- c-*r IVp* to devour the poor; and judges # rrus’ed th* »'*al of divorce suite ar* criminal prosecution* a dm r‘»ter juatic* without dignity or self-reepvct and oper’.v s ' ow th#m*#>!v#a to b# Influer.e* i b\ ;>#: • onal cor*;der%T-n- Th s « !*;gbtn!n ’ "In *T.!fhtr.;n ’ It 1# take** fo- grant#* ha.i a Judge to whom It fall* to try fm portart <*•«## wUl h* ns.^s, undgr'f^d and crude to a degree out of w h ch b~* lercus comely can be made ' Tleally now. Isn't that th* bunk" And aren t you sorry for * critle w he got that out of delicious “Llghtnln'* According to * story told by Gli b*rf. Interpreted in th* Shank* mar n*r, promotion* In th* British army ar* gained by flattery to colon*!' wl'-**, Gilbert a story, and It in. nail* of him to tell It, era* abru Itk* tht*: Gilbert had left an engagement h th* theater tn New To 'k to enroll Ir the British army Because h* had six brothers who we-e cflloer* In - rir.y and na\y h* ws« made an efl cer. too. tVhen th* colonel asked h!r to gh* seme orders he knew or.' few oommands he had given in a pl»' at or.* time. They proved eheo'.e and confusing, whereupon the young man confessed to th* colorel that hr wa# new In the army, be.'g real' bn actor. “An aotof* How tn!ere»'lng To "tust rail and h*v* tea with u* Mi ■wif# la Interacted In th* atage gl write* playe" Major Gilbert found himself a *s - day* l»f*r at tea with th* co’or.ei »• hi* wife By strong tiers oast v* pow er h* wa* ablo to Induce th* p-, wrlght fo read her play after tes rather than Iwfor*. “Though Mount Ves iv s ruff In th* *eoor.d *cf and ther* we e twlc* too many speaking parts " re lated Major Gilbert, "1 assured mv hoates* that If sh* could And a pr - duc«r wealth'- enough to put on he play I wa* aur* it would be a sue re a*:” That moment mark*! the begi-.m . of hi* rts* In the army" The glory's all right with th* to*" I!* of charitable humor thrown o». It, but *o Is ' l.lghinli' Head* in st. Joseph to Open W iU ridelI. Mr a 1 Mr* B 'He Head lef' I Saturday for J?t. *tos#ph. Mo w htrv | Mv \taul ♦■ill Cronin until Mouim ul Mia lkad u:*;H 1 <>*• i >YUv**4ftU fox th# nait'3 % CLAir's J^clh.ty OJorAees /3ea^ •NOTO R IN«M«^T'MAmo»sj ---- ! Comings and Goings of People You Know i E. M. Martin ha» returned from! Florida. Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy leave* Tuee j day for New Tork City. Mr*. J. E. Davldeon will return April 1 from California. Mr* Theodors Mayer has returned from alx weeks In Florida. Mr*. TV f Robertson of Duluth. Minn., Is the guest of Mrs. Sarah •loalj-n. The George S Johnstons and the Harvey Mllllkens |en\* Wednesday for New York. ^ Mr*. J. C Hasting* left Friday for Hastings where she will «p*nd s few day* with relatives. Mrs .T. W Cunningham of Rorhei ter, N. Y., has arrived to visit her els Mr. hih] Mr*. Roberts lloiiorotl at Dinners. Mr. an.l Mrs T I, Davis will *n lertaln at dinner at their home Sat urday night fob Mr. end Mrs. Walter Roberts. who leave April <1. to sail "ii the 11th for Europe, Mr. and Mrs. K V Rutledge will e dinner host* April 4 for the t ravelsrs. East nlcht. at Valley, Mr. |snd Mrs. .lease 1> Whitmore and Dr and Mrs 1 Ivde \ Roeder gave a buffet supper for Mr. and Mr*. Roljerts. Mr. end Mrs Robert* expect to I e gone two months They will go li; st to ErSto * end le* I F»r*i11 v u* .l«?!hr».'e 1 'V b oh. * gradual* of Smith col logo, who spoil! t!i* t oars *t’tro hot graduation a Von ’ \i. * onto * d hv in*mb*!'i if sml a .It. , hti *uj. %