Panic in Wheat Pit on Reports of Cutten Bolt Frenzied Liquidation Results; May Opens 4 to 11 Cents Lower and Shows Loss of 14 Cents for Session. By CHARLES ,L LEYDEN. Universal Service Staff Correal ion dent. Chicago. March 17.—Frenzied liquida tion of wheat futures today, actuated bv extreme weakness in foreign markets end reports that Arthur W. Cutten was getting out of his lines, developed a panic in the local pit during the early session May wheat opened 4 to 11 cents lower and later sold down to $1.51, showing a loss of 14 cents for the session. Enormous short covering effected a brisk recovery, but the hell found prices sagging again. \''h*»Ht finished 5%{?ll%c lower, corn was 2 % ©> 2 % c down, oats were 2%ffj)2%e off and rye ruled 84 ny» I I . •May I 1.1« I Llltt: 1.10H 1.14'/! 1.24 : 1.13 I.:.|.I. .luly 1.06 | 1.10H 1.02 1.06 '4 1 14', 1.1" I.I.I. . SVp. 1.00 1.02 .97 I .99 0, 1.05H 'nrn | (I May 1.17 1.17% 1.14 1.16 I 1.1*% 1.15%!. 1.16% f 1.1*% July 1.21 1 21 1.17%! M9 ! 1.21% 1.17%. 1.19% 1.21 % **p. 1.20 1.20 %* 1.18% 1.J9 1.21 \ oats , l ! May .44% .44% .41 .42% .44% .41 ..42 %1 .45 luly .46 .46 .41 .44 .4674 .41 .44% .47 «ep. ! .45 .46 .42 %! .44%! .47 • 43 ! . . . ..' .44%' .47% Lard i ' I ) I May 16 60 17.07 16 60 17.07 116.87 1 . 7 5 !.!.I.!. July 17.02 117.35 16.90 17.32 17.15 17.05 '.I. Ribs I | I | I Mn v 19 00 19 25 19.00 19.25 19.00 1 uI v 19.15 19.25 19,1 5 19,25 19 o5 Chicago Produce. Chicago, March 17. — Butter—Market , higher; creamery, extras. 48%©48%c; standards. 4s%c, extra firsts. 46 4 4 % c; seconds, 34@36c. Eggs—Market lower; receipts. 21.971 cases; firsts, 29 %c; ordinary firsts, 27%tT 2 4c. IBrandreth’s Pills have kept her well tor many years by taking one or two at bed-tiine. < They are one of the safest — purest — best laxatives ever put on the market —made of the most carefully selected materials. Entirely Vegetable 7 hru licu.J U In awry harm. AT YOUR NEAREST DRUG STORE AltY KKTISK.W KNT. Mrs. Dorn Horton —Skofflund Studio, Weak After Operation ' Omaha, Neb.—"After I loft the ! hospital where I huil been operated ! upon I was very nervous and weak. - A lady told me that Dr. Pierce's Ha l vorlte Prescription had carried her ■ through a similar experience, so I elarled taking It and was soon con ’ vlnced that It Is a wonderful femln * lne tonlr. It quieted my nerves and a few bottles built me up nod helped me In every way."—Mrs. Dora Hor ton. 1724 Capitol Ave. • Get this Prescription from your nearest druggist, In tablets or liquid, or write Dr. Pierce, President lnval Ids’ Hotel in Huffalo, N. Y., for free confidential medical advice. ---> Omaha Grain ^ - Omaha. March 17. Trading In the local cash market today v h* practically at a Standstill owing to the demoralized condition of the futures. Buyers remained out of the market and virtually no trades were reported. Wheat was nominally sc to 13c lower, corn 3c to be lower and oats 3c to 3'jc lower. Re ceipts, however, were extremely light only seven cars wheat, five cars of corn and 13 cars of oats were reported in. Oinutm Cmlot Sales. WHEAT. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. 11.45; l car, $1,45 4. No. 3 mixed: 1 car $1,42 4, CORN. No. 3 wheat: l car. $1.01. No. 3 yellow; 1 car. $1.03. No. 3 mixed; 3 cars. $1.01; 1 car. $1.00 OATS. No. 3 white; 2 cars. 43 4r: 1 car. 43c. Sample wheat: 1 car. 42 4c. Bull v Inspection of (train Received. Bard: 8 cars No. 1, 15 cars No. 2. 8 oars No. 3. 2 cars No. 4 •VRxed: 1 car No. 1. 3 cars No. 2. 2 cars No. 3. 1 car No 5. CORN. Total. 4ft cars. Yellow: 2 cars No 2. 7 cars No. 3. 2 cars No. t. 1 car No. 5. 4 cars. No. 6. I car sample. White: No. 3. Mixed: 14 cars No. 3. 4 cars No. 4. 4 oars No. ft. Total: 4 7 cars. OATS. White: ft 4 ®>44i'. Rye—No. 4, *l.n4©1.04'*. ... Seed—Timothj , *5.25 @ 6.50; clover, *22.00 ®frnvi»lnn«—Lard, *17.04; rib*, »1».00; bellies, $21.60. _ Knnstis C’lty t'usli t.rnin. Kansas City. March l7.-~Wheat—-No. « liar.!, $1.4601.64; No. 2 red- $1.5501.6-; May. $1.44 asked; July, $129% asked, September. $1 22% bid. • Corn—No. 3 white. $1.0. 0 1.05 % . No. 2 yellow. $lrO601.O7 % : No. 3 yellow. $104 01.06; No. 2 mixed. $l.O4Vi01.O6V4; May, $1.07% naked; July. $1.11 asked; Septem ber. $1.12% split asked Hay—Market unchanged. St. Louie tiraln. t St. Louis. Mar* 0 17—Wheat—Cloae. May. $1.52 \ bid ; July. $1 36% bid. Corn—May, $1.13 Vi aaked; July. $1.17% asked. Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis Minn. March 17.—Flour— Unchanged to 30o lower; family patent*. ii 65 0 8.95. Bran—$27.00023.50._ Fast St. Looia Livestock. East St. Louis. 111 . March li —Cattle Receipts. 4.000 head: beef steers, about steady, with occasional spots shade lower, top ateers. $11.10: bulk steers. $*-350 in no; fat light yearlings and heirers, canners and bologna bulls, steady; me dium heifers and beef cows. 25c lower, light yearlings, up to $10.50; cows, mostly |r> 2506.25: canners. $2.5003.25; bulk bo logna bulls. $4-2504.76; top bolognas. $5 on; bulk. Including practical toy good and choice light vealers. $11.7501^.00. Hogs—Receipts, 13.000 head; market 150 25c higher; top. $14.50; bulk 1«o pounds and up. $14.35014 50; 160 to 1*0 rounds. $14.00014 25; closed l-Ctive wd strong, with all interests buying; lign* lights and pigs, slow and little changed; good 130 tr> 150 pounds. 113.00013 50; 110 m ]30 pounds. $12.00013 00. light P*k". 510 00012.00; packer sows, mostly H3.80 0 13 00. , , Sh»«p »nd I.ambs—Rrmfipt,. «"n bsad: market, .lull and weak: outsiders paid Sir. -,n® IB.75 for few lamha early, good 9.7.pound lambs to packer*. S16.2o: bulk lambs. 114.59® IS.25: rulls. mostly * r,i H 00: aged sheep, steady; fat ewes. ii.00010.00; canners, 14.50. C'hleacn ltutter end Egg Futures. Cbleago March If - Quotations Tiir pllsh- d by Oenrge K. Clark c ompany. 1003 Woodmen of the World building, Rhone, .lacUson 1191’. Atlantic 9165. _EGOS_ | Car. [ Open. I High, I Low I Close. Mar Sr I 39 .!*%• .MV .5"% • = «% stg 1 9 .30% .309, .30% .30% April 43 .30% ! .30%; 30 V -3"% Dee. i 65 .33% .34 I 33%1 .34 BETTER. I Eats. I Open. I High. I Low, I Close. Mar. j 35 ! .42% 42‘, .42%'j .42% April 21 ■ 4 3 ’ * I <3% .4o% .4., , May 1.!.1. •JJJ* f,T 1 ia 1 4P. u% :ii<: New York Stignr. New York. March 17.—The raw sugar market was easier today with all deliver, ies now quoted at 4 7 4c duty raid Of ferings were imnre liberal, resulting In sales of about *5.000 bags of Cuban for March and April, shipment st 4 nc, and 3.000 hags nf Porto Rican for March shipment at 4.7 4c Further reactions of 3 to 5 points oc curred In raw' sugar futures under liquids* tlon and commission house selling. In fluenced by increased offerings In the spot market and poor demand for refined. Covering rhe4'ked the decline snd brought about a partial rally with final prices 2 to 4 points net lower March closed 2.Me; May. 3.04c; July, 3.19c; September. 3.34c. Trailing in refined sugar continued light and while list prices were unchanged at 6.0006 20c for fine granulated. It was re ported that most refiners were accepting business at the inside level Refined futures were nominal. < lilrago Itutter. Chicago, March 17. -Fairly active buy ing early today and knowledge that the supply was llgnt cauaetl advance on the better grades. Market nt the advance was rather quiet, but the gen eral tone was steady. Demand this after noon was mostly for 49 and 90 scores, which were closely held, and In some instances moved at a slight p/emiutn. Centralized cars were In light supply, with a good demand reported. Market Inno appeared firm, with premiums oh tainable in some quarter* on the 90 score cars. Fresh butter: 92 score. 44 4(ie: 91 score. 4Sc ; 90 score. 44t£r: 99 score, 44tyc; 44 score, 40>*r; *7 score 36c; 96 score. 34c. Centralized car lots: 90 score, 44Vic; 99 acore, 47r: 64 score 39c. 9t. I.nuls Livestock. nt Louis. March 1 7 —Cat tl#— Receipt*. 5.300 head: market steady; pstlve beef steers $*50#12.50; yearling steers snd l.eifers. f 'i A A # 12.0 A: cows. I4.76IM.0O; Stockers and feeders. 15.25 49 4 00; calves *4 ooft 11.50; runners and cutter*. 12.25ft 4 60. Hogs- Receipts 13.non head; market. 15c higher: mlied butchers. 11 4.25ft 1 4.60; good heavies. 91 4.40 ft I 4.60 ; roughs. 912.N6fM3.A0: light*. 114.254914 35; pigs. 111764913.76: bulk. 114.264914 4 6. Sheep and Lambs—Receipts. 400 head; market lower: mutton ewes. I6 00f910 5n lambs 916 00ft 17.00; canners and chop* Mr* II " B ■' no. _ 6t. Joseph Livestock. nt Joseph. Mo.. March 17 -CsHle—Re ceinta. 2.600 head: atendv to l6o lower; bulk of steer* 9* 76f? 10 50: top. 91 26. cow* and heifers. 93 604910 00; calve*. 95.00ft 11.00; stockera and feeders. 96.tow ilo(T»T-R«r«lnl». 4 000 •• »»<> hl.hnr: ton. «I 4 SS : bulk *13 «!• 14.2S Hheen ami T.arnbs- • Receipts J.500 head, alow and lower. lambs. 915.004916 60; ewes. 19 00ft 10 00. _ Chicago Cotton. Quotations furnished by .1 n. MirM A Co. 224 Omaha National llank building Phonea Jackson 6167, 6144, 61 49, __ | | Open. 1 High. I Low I Cloa#- I ▼ 26 1| \uTh (26.03 26 01 2*.4» |2M* >| « \l js.-n jr,.i4 !s 33 27.I* I 3b. 16 24 *3 '!4 0S 24 «« 2S IS 124 »n |2S no l?4 >s Wool. Tln.tnn, M«rrh 17 Tr«-1ln« In wool I. on itbniit. tho p.m. h, for .nv.ritl days past Half blood Montana staple lw York Cotton. New York, March 17 The general rot top market closed steady, net 17 points • higher to 2 points lower ' ■ ■ " ■ i 1 ■ • % t lilrago Poultry Chicago. March 17.—Paultry—Allvr, • unchanged. r > Omaha Livestock l J Receipts at the principal livestock mar kets Tuesday were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha . H.6P8 H.272 1I.NM3 < hicagn 10.000 51.000 IN.Omi Kiiomis City .10,000 7..‘>tMl 0,000 Hloux City . 2.000 15.000 1,500 Ht. Louis . 6.300 13.000 HOO HI. Joseph . 2.500 4,000 0.500 Receipts were— Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday.... x.09* a,212 11.895 Estimate Tuesday... 7.500 16.500 1 1,000 Two dys this wk...l6,l9H 2:5.772 22,893 Same dys last wk. 13.310 32,261 2.5.971 Same dya 2 wka ago. 15,774 27.593 24,803 Same dya 3 wka ago. 14.919 29.340 9.780 Same dys year ago.. 17,403 25,146 24.128 Cattle—Receipts, 7,600 head. Although cattle receipts were only moderate Tues day the market developed further weak nesa and was quoted slow to 100 25c lower than Monday. On early rounds best cattle on sale (trough $10,90. Quality of the offerings was better than Monday but eastern markets were lower and both shipping and local demand decidedly slack. Cows and heifers also ruled dull at steady to unevenly lower figures and the tone to the trade in stockers ami feeders was decidedly weak. Quotations on rattle < 5o< d to choice >earlings. $10.00011.00; fair lo good y.oil lings. $0.00010.00; common to fair year lings. $8.00 0 8.85; good to cUoIvh steers, $1 o. 15® 11.26 ; fair to good steers. $0.10® 10.10; common to fair steers. fv DO'V/ H.oO; trashy warmed up cattle, $7.Oft ® s ot*; good to choice fed heifers. $8.50 0 9.75; fair lo good fed heifers, $7.50® 8.50; com mon to fair fed heifers. $ 6.50 ®> i .50 ; good to choice fed cows. $6.75®8.00; fait to good fed cows. $5.2506.50; common to fair cow*. $2.5004.75; good to choice feeders, $8.00 09.00; fair to good feeders. $7.00 0 8.00 ‘ common to fair feeders. $6.00 07.00: good to choice stockers. $7.75® 8.76; fair to good stockers, $7.0007.75; common to fair stockers. $5.7506.86; trashy stockers, $5.0006.75; stock heifers. $4.5006.25; stock cows. $3.2604.60; stock cows, $3.2604.60; stock calves. $5.60® 8.60; veal calves. $4.00010.50; bulls, stags, etc.. $3.75® 6 75 REEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Fr. 22 . 977 $ 8 35 22..-*... 969 $ 9 60 1 8.1057 9 75 27. . . .1154 9 85 18.1447 10 00 24 . 961 10 00 20.1206 10 16 11 . 916 10 23 I 1 . 926 10 40 9 . 1 133 10 75 35.121 8 1 1 00 21. 1 138 11 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. II . 7 42 9 50 HOWS. 1. 930 2 75 27. 9*6 4 15 6 . 865 4 25 19 855 4 35 35 . 788 4 50 1 8.1220 6 25 18 . 761 6 50 7 . 1048 7 00 14 . 1204 7 75 6 . 1 101 8 25 HEIFERS. 0 . 473 5 26 28. 682 6 00 16 . 61 5 8 75 BULLS. 1 .1440 4 5f 1 1980 4 60 HALVES. v 1 . 230 9 50 1 300 10 00 6 . 1 86 10 50 1 160 10 7 5 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 10 . 487 6 36 17 753 6 f,0 12. 020 7 25 1 6 . 92 4 7 50 12.. ^.. 805* 8 Oft 46 . 919 8 75 Hogs—Receipts. 15.500 head. Shippers were again urgent buyers of the best butcher grades and took on these classes ■ t prices fully 15c higher than Monday, while the packer market was a little slow but showed moderate advance all around Early ton was2 $ 1 4 25 with bulk 'of sales at $13.90 014.25. HOGS No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh Fr 80.*197 110 $1 4 05 44..225 110 $14 10 40.. 197 ... 1416 60..265 ... 14 20 69. 269 40 14 25 Sheep and Lambs—Receipts. 11.000 head. Under fairly large supplies and rather Indifferent demand fat lamb price* suffered a further sh-irp break today amounting to largely 50c. Shearers were dull and weak with aged sheep allowing little chunge. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs— Lambs. good to choice. $16.ftft®l6 25' lambs, fair to good. $15.25015.75; lambs' extreme heavies. $14.76015.26: shearing $16.76016.50; feeding lambs. $15 50 wolhrrii. 19.75® 10.60; fnt twes. $1.75010.60: Yearlings, $12.00014.00. RecHota and disposition of livestock at the I nion stock yards. Omaha. Neb., for ?9 25hOUrB end,n* at 3 '»■March 17. R ECETPTS—CARLOT. Horse's Ac w.. .. „ _ Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Mules Wabash R R. 3 Mo. Pac. Ry. 3 U. P. R. R.110 f>2 27 C. Ac N. W., east 5 _ 12 C. A N. W., west. 60 til 2 C. St. P. M. A O.. 21 20 C. R. A Q.. east ..11 7 C. R. A Q . west.. 65 2*t j r, r- R. I A r. east. 2* 12 1 C*. R. I. A P. west 7 5 1. C. R R. 3 C. a. \v. R. R. . . . 2 2 . . I ; Total Receipt* 305 203 45 3 DISPOSITION HEAD 4 . . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Armour A Co. . 880 250.3 3107 Curia hv Pack. Co. .1213 2976 -v,] ?»o|rl Pack Co.127 1156 Morris Pack. Co. ... 493 1.5.63 1414 Swift A Co.190S 3107 7**; rjlassl.urjr. M. 4 Hoffman Bros. 2» ' [ Msyerowich & Vail . 13 Midwest Pack. Co. .. 12 ... Omaha Pack. Co ... 12 . *!• Roth A Sons 3'* . ’ ] \ 11 S. Omaha Park Co.. 17 Murphy, .r W. 1 49 4 ** ' Eimoln Pack. Co. 90 Nugle Pack. Co .... 92 Sin* lair Park. Co. .. 6 3 ... ‘ | Wilson Pack. Co. ... 107 Doud Ac Keener .... *1 Kennett & Murray .. 90S . ’ ., *"* Anrlerson & Son .... 135 Hulls. J H . Check. W. H. 20 !! !. ’ Dennis A Francis ..120 .... , * ’ Ellis A Co. 2 1 ... Harvey. John . 61 :: . ! !. ’ Inghram. T« J. ix Keilor%. F (l.17*; .... .. . . Kirkpatrick Hros. .. 285 .... .... Eongman Hros.12*5 .... .... Euberger. Henry .« . . ]4t .... .... Mo-Kan C A C Co. . 55 .... Root. J. B. A Co .15 4 . . Rosenstock Rros. ... 27 .... .... Sargent A Finnegan. 135 .... Smilev Bros . 47 .... Sullivan Hro*. 55 .... . . . . Van Sant, \V B A t*o 24 . Wertheimer AD... 77 . Other Buyers . 615 40 Total . 7724 1 3891 0 S 9 H Chicago Livestock. Chicago. March 17 —(United Plates pe partment of Agriculture). — Hogs Re. • elpts. 51.000 head; very active; 25c high er; top, $1450; bulk 190 to 500-pound butchers. $14.26014 40; 14" to 150.pound averagfs largely $J .3 50© l 4.00 ; bulk par-k in* sow*. $ 13.25© I 3.50; majority strong weight slaughter pigs. $11.7&C913 ?.>, timated holdover, 7.000 head; mostly held off the market, heavy weights, $14 ".'■'** 14 50; medium weight. $14 20 n 14 4 5 light weights. $l:75©14 5. light lights, llJ5»« ©14 10; pa * king house smooth. $13.35© 13.50; pa* king house tough, $13.10© 13.35 slaughter pigs. $11 75© 1 .25 r'attlc—He. elpts. 10.000 lieitd; fed steers «nd yearlings steady to 25c lower; bet let- g i n dr a weighty steers showing d* dine, very little d*»ne on heavies; supply moderately liberal; choke kind held around $11 50; beat long yearling*. $I|.H" several loads. $11.00© 1 1.35 : hulk feil steers of quality an.I condition to sell* «t $h 76010.10; atockera and feeders sran-e firm; bulk. $7 0008 35. fHt she slock 10© 15v lower; numerous spots 25* under Monday; fat cows showing most de* lln* . demand for light b**«»f heifers modern****|y scttve; mostly $7.Oo©».00; some . h.*hnmf ferlngs held slightly under $11 on. bulls weak; practical ton heavy bologna*. $4 76. light kinds, $4.25© 4.50; vealer* unevenly lower; comparatively little done; bulk to packers early. $10 50© 11.50. few. $12.00© 1 3 00 to local small killers and shippers latter price laklng selected handy weight offerings Sheep—Receipts, 1t,00n head; extreme 1V dull, few bids on fat lambs, 25< to 50- lower; choice handy weights bid up ward to $16 76; good 90-pound weights bid $15.00© 18.26; choice 76-pound clipped Texans, $ 1 3 75; no sales of fn f sheep talking. 25050c lower feeding lambs weak, early hulk. $18.60018 1". Kansas City l ivestock. Ksnsaa City. Mo March 17.—fDfllted States Department »»f Agriculture) r*t tie. 10.000 head; calves. 2.000 h «a d: verv alow, better graden veerllnss nn.l llgh' mixed offerings selling hi $10 00 an*l above. slesdv; practically no e»»rlv sale* steers, undertone weak to 25c lower tor long yearling* $1160. killing nunlttv considerably Improved, bulk eligible t» sell at $M 7*011 61; she *!.>* Staid* to weak; hulk butcher cows. It 7508 50; heifers. $6 25©5.00. cannera and cutlers $2 6003.90; *-alves around 25c lower; Irn proved quality considered pm'llcal top $10 00 bulls steady better grades stock era and feeders steady; others weak: heal stockers. $8.75 Hogs—Receipts. 7,500 head; fairly *r live. mostly 260 higher; packer top 1 1 4 25; bulk nf sales $ 13 900 1 4 2 5; dr slt abls 1 HO to 300-pound average*, $13 9."# 14.25; 140 to 150-pound average* $1.1 00© 1.3.50; packing sows. $13.25© IS 50; stocl pIk* strong to 25c higher, mostly $11 51 0 1 2.60. Hheep and Tetnihg- Receipts. 8.000 head genemllv 60< lows? desirable weliint l«ti mostly $18 00 ©16 40. top. $ 18 40. ».* 1H kind* $1 4 96. sheep steadv to 25c b'^er top ewes. $10 15; shorn wethers. $9 00. Won* C ity Livestock. ©lem city. Fa., litre h u Cattle—R* reipta. 2.*00 head; market fnlrly active, killers and atockera atrons f»« steers and > AM rltl.K" *7 SO W I 2 *>0 ; l.ulk of»»■*>' ©|0 50; fat cows and heifers $4 50©1" oo, • annera sttd cullers. $2 5004 00; veals $6.00011 00; htllla. $4 2506.26; feeders $8 6008 26; stockers, $5.60 ut 7.60; ilncV yesrilng* nnd calves, $6 000 7.50, feedliui cows and heifers, $ I O0©5.50 • Hog* Receipts, 1 5 000 head; market 25036c higher; top. $14 40, bulk nf sales $11 86© 1 4 35; lights. $13.10014 15; butch $14 16© I 4 40 mixed. $13 85014 25 heavy packers. $13 760 1 1 75; stags. $10 Vf © in 75. pig* $11 50013 00 Mheep Receipts 1 f00 bend; market weak. 25c lower; lambs. $14.76; some hel.1 higher; ewes, $10 20 New York Nllver. New Tot k March it Mat sliver. 6§V Mtxicaa dollar*, «•*«• e Boar Sentiment Is Pronounced in Stoek Market Men in Financial Field Seein to Doubt Political Acumen of President; Issues Weak at Close. M.v Kl< II VKI) SI'II.LANK. I nivcrsiil Ser\ Ice Financial Editor. New York, March 17. -At no time In the (tension today il i «1 the stock market look good end at the close It was de cidedly weak. Bearish sentiment was fully ns pro nounced .is bullish sentiment was months ago. There scorns to he an inclination to look upon all things sourly. Recent hap penings at Washington have made many men in the financial field doubt the presi dent's political acumen. They fear a schism ui t\,» dominant party that will revive old feud*. defeat much of the legislation, particularly the tax reduction measures, to which Foolldge Is com mitted. and result in a hatch of new laws that will plague business. From the opening the market Wfta In. ■ lined to he heavy Jt dropped and dragged throughout the forenoon, losing ground steadily. Only a moderate num ber of issues made gains. American Fan was the conspicuously strong stock of the morning. United States Steel had been giving ground all day. At various times In the last hour It touched 120. Evidently there werA orders to keep it there regardless of how much stork was thrown on the mar ket. It belrt hut othhrs didn't. The gen eral selling in the last half hour sug gested haste and worry. Ameriran Fan, previously the stalwart of the whole list, was suddenly very weak. All support apparently was withdrawn and It broke 8 points in a comparatively short, time. Everything gave ground in the last 18 minutes ex‘-»pt, strange to say, some of tho very weak Issues. Feeling was blue at the end of the ses sion and the smash in the grains didn't improve the view. The St. Pauls, kicked afnund so long and on the verge of rereivershlp, rinsed fractionally higher. The Wilson Issues, which have been kicked about a good deal of late, made excellent gains and Ameri can Woolen rose 1 point Bad as was the break in the grains Isst Friday that of today was worse. At various times the Fhlcago market seemed to he on the verge of utter demorallza 1 inn An aernunf sent by a wire house -aid the rank and file of traders were dazed by the collapse In price and simply I.coked no pending some enlightenment as to the ruin of the hull structure. It will he a long time before Fhlcago grnin operators forget St. Patrick's day, 102f». There fe) ve been some greater cashes In prT*#. hut rarely such an utter n.ut of the hull - as seen In the market ,,f last Friday and that of today. Fntton whs dull and strong, t’offee off 17 to points. Sugar very dull and little chanjsd ,-------\ | New York Quotations | New York Stock exchange quotation* furnished by J. S. Bache & Co., 224 Omaha National Bank building; M on. High. Low. Close. Close. Agr I Chemical ...14% 14% 14% 16 Air Reduction ... 99% 97% 97% 9*% Ajax Rubber . 11% 11 11% 11% Allied Chemical .. 65 M 84 84% A 111m-Chalmers ... 82% 80% 80% 80% Am Beet Sugar... . ... .... 39 39 Am Br Shoe Kdry. 96% 96 96 % 97 American Can ...179 169% 169% 176% Am Car A* Kdry.. 21 8 212 212 219% Am H X- 1.. .... 1 I % 11 % Am H Ac L pfd... 69 69 % (,8% 7«% Am Inter Corp- 24% 33 *3% :'.4% Am Linseed Oil. 23% 2'-\ Am Locomotive ..134% 130% 130% 133% Am Radiator .... 95 94 94 95 Am Ship * Com . . 11 % 11% 11% 11% Am Smelting . . 95% 94% 94% 94% A in Smelting pfd..109 lot Am St^el Kdry.... 49 4 9 49 49 % American Sugar.. 62% 60% 60% 62% Am Sumatra .. 14% 14% T.VT ex dlv $Z 25.132% 132% 132% 115% Am Tob . 87% 86% 8fi% 87% Am W XV A: E.... 42% 40 40 42 Am Woolen . 41 % 40% 41% 40% Anaenndn . 39 37 % 38 39% A s*d Dry Hoods.179 173 173 % 1*0% Associated Oil_ 34% 33% 33% 33% Atchison .120% !li% 118% 120% A11 Coa.-r Line ...157% 156% 156% 157% A O ft w I. . .... 31*4 60 30% 30% A11 Refining Co .106% in* io* 107 Xustln Nichols ... 26 25% 25% 26% Baldwin .130% 127% 127% 129% Bait A- Ohio. 79% 78% 71% 78% Hi rnsdall A .24% 24 24 24 % Bethlehm Steel ..43% 41% 41% 42% H"‘'h Mag ... 31% 29% 29% 32% Brook-Man By .. 41% 40% 40% 41% Bkln Man pfd . 81 % Brook Edison Co . 127.% 127 1 27 1 27 % calif Pack . joe 102% ('alif Pet . 28% 27% 27% 28% • al a Aria Min. 50% 61 Can Par ...._ 1 47 1 46 % 146% 146% cent Leather .... 16% 16 16% D% cent Death pfd... 63% 62% 62% 65 Ccrro d« Pasco .. 47% 45% 46 47 % • handler Motors . 32% 31% 31% 31% Che* ,v Ohio .9.% 92% 92% 83% • hi O W . nm _ 11% 10% 10% 11% Chi U w i.fd .... . % - \ 2 5 % 27% Chi Ac. N XX' . 65% 6 4 65 6 6 C M . St P . *% 7% * 7% c M A- St P pfd ..14% ls% 1« 13% c R 1 A P &"% 4> % 4- % 49 % C St I* M ft U lly . . 4 9% file Copper ..% 31% 31% 32% Chino . 22% 22 22 23 % Cluetf Peabody ... 59% 5 8% 5 9% 59% Coca-Cola . 88% 87% >7% 87% Colo Fftlron . 41 35% 35% 4 1 • 'olumi-la C.irb . . 47 I'rlumb i Oita .. 53% 52,% 52% 54% Congoleurn . 37 35% 35% 36 • %n ('igats . 27 26% 26% 27% '-in (.Ja ** . 75% 75% 75% 75% ont (’an . 62% 6 2 6 2 62 % i ont Voters . 9 8 % l Corn Produ »s ... 39 •» ** % 3*% 33% coadan.29% 76% 27% 79% crucihla . 71% 6 a 7 0 73 % Cuba cap# Rug . 13% 13 l1 17% Cuba r Sag pfd.. &»% 57% 57% 58% Cuba Am. Sugar . $0% 30 30 30% Cuyamel Fruit.... 52% 52 *62% 57% Danie| Bonne 4% 1% •, % 3% Davidson Chemical 39% 37 37 39 % Deli A- Lack .115% 134% 135 135 Delaware A- H. ..139 139% 134 140 Dome Mine*. . . 13% Eastman Kodak... 110% 110 11°% Tlo% Krl».3 1 30 % 30% 31% twndlcott .Johnson. . 66 6 5% 66 *.6 Lie. St or Bar ...64% f.3 61 64 % Famous Pl.ivera. . 95% 93% 93% 95 Fifth Ave Bus L. 13% Flak Rubber, . . 11%. 1 1 % 11% 1 1 % Fleisrhman'a Yeast #78*. 77% 77% 79 (Jeneral Asphalt.. 52% 46% 48% 62% (jeneral Electric.. 265 257% 254% 262 % (Jeneral Motors 71% 70 70% 71% Cold Dost _ 39% 39 3 9 % 39% Dm,dn.b .60% 49% 49% 60% (Jt. Northern Ore. 35% 35 35 35% Dt Nor. Ry. pfd 6 5% »-,♦% 65% 66% (lulf Slate* steel. 77 75 75 76 % Hartmann Trunk. 30% 29% 30 3'*% Hayes Wheel . . . 31% 30% 31 91 Hudson Motors.... 4"% 40 40 4 1 % Homes! ak« M. Co. ... 4 4 % 4 4 % Houston Oil . 69% 67 67 70 Hupi. Motors ... 14% 14% 14% 15 Illinois Central... 114 % 114% 11 4 % 114 % Inspiration .25% 24% 26 16% Int i Eg Cm Cp. IS 36% 36% 36% Int'l Harvester .103% 102% 102% 1«3% fnt l M. Marine .11% 11 H 1**4 Int’l M M Pfd. . . 41% 41 % 41% 43 Int’l Nb kel. 25% 2 5 2 6 26 % lot 1 Paper ... 60% <1% 49% 49% Inter Tel Ac Tel .. PI 9" % 90% 91% Ihdep (las . 2,.% 21 2I% 25% Ji nea Tea . 17% 17% 17% 1« Jordan Motor .... 4 6 4 1 4 1 4f% K C South . 35% 3 5 3 6 35% Kelly-Spring .... 1 > 14% 14% 14% K'ennemtt . . . 49% 48% 46% 49% Lee Rubber .. • • 12 12 Lehigh \8ltey ... 75% 74% 74% 74% I.litio T.O'Oino .... 66 % 64% *4% 65% Tonne-Wiles . S .1 % 82% *7% 64 Louis Ac Nash ...1lo 108% lo*% 110 l.udlUm Steel .. 40 37 % 37% 4ft% Mack Truck . 1 33 1 7 8 1 78 1 11% Ms v Dept Store .105 104% 104% \f\% .xTkswell Motor A . <6 «4% 86 86% Maxwell Slot or 14. 5 4 f*2 52 % 5 4 Ma rland.39% 37 37 % 5 9% Mexican Pc ah . .. 1’% 11U H% 14% Miami Copper ... 12% 12% 13% 13 M K Ac T Ry . • . . 3 .J4 31% 3.1% 38% Mo Par . 3, 36% .36% 3. Mo Pa c pfd .90 78% 7 • % .9% Moutgoingrv-Ward 43 41% 4J % 44% Mother Lone.. . • 7 . ' Nash Motors . 26 5 2 in National Biscuit . 66 66% 65% 66 N n * Enamel . 3 1 ,3n% 10% ,3 Nat Lend .151 % 1 ■'•<>% 151 153 N Y Air Brake 46% 14% 44% 4 4 N Y Central ...119% 116% 116% 116% V TC * St T# . 1 79 1 2 6 % 129 178 , N Y N H A It_ 32% i|% 31% 5 ! % , North Arner .... OH OS «r. North Pnv . 6 7 6 5 6 5 % 6 7 N At W Ry .1.33% 130% 131% 111% nrphaum . 2s 2, % 2• % 33 Owens Bottle .... 41% 41 4 3 4 4 3 1 Poe oil . f* 5 % R3% 53% RJ 4 Packard Motor ..16% 1* \\ Pan American . <1% »1% 71% 71* 1 Pan-American P "4% 71 • % 7 4 * Penn R R . ... 46% 46 46 46 % 1 People# Use.11 f» o" Para aMrduette ., 66 67 66 68 % Philadelphia Co.. 53 52% 57% 53 Phillips Pet . ."9% 16% .18% 6% Pierce-Arrow .... 11% 11% 11% 13 Poatum Cereal . 99 96% 98% 9*»% Pressed Steel Car. 59 56 % 59 5 7 Pmd A- Refiners *3% 2.1 21 ?1% Pullman ..135% 114% 1 35 1 34 % Punts Ala Sugar . 4 2 4 1 4 1 4 2 % Pure RM .2 7 7\% % 27% Radio Corp ... . 86*4 51 51% 56% Ry Pt Up ex dv 12 1 27 1 26 % 1 "6 % 131 RSV Consol .11% 12% 1'% M% Reading . 76% 75% 7 % 76% Replngle ... 15% 15 15% 15% Rep Iron A Steel 62% 50% 80% f.2% Royal Dutch N V. 51% 50% 51% 51% St L ft « F. . 70% 69 % 7ft 70% HI f, ft S F 49% 47% 49 44 % Schulte flaer St 110% I«9% 109% 1 10 I Soars fine buck 152% 141 116% 151% -(hell 1 nioo ( HI 7 ( % % *4 % Sim mens Co . . . . 31 % 61 % 31 % it % Sinclair oil 19% 18% 19 18% • Sinclair nfd . . *7% s loss Sheffield ... 15 6.1% * J % »»% 3 kelly Oil 74% 73% 74% 74% Southern Pacific.. 102% 10“** lftn% 102% Southern Railway. 8 5% 84% 84% *"'% Standard Oil «'al.. 59% 58 58 % fin Standard Oil N J. 41% 4«\ 40% 41% Standard PI Glass. 11% Stewart-Warner .. 60% 56** 56% 6t Stromherg Garb.. 64 67 % Studebaker . 4.3 41% 4 2 4 .’% Submarine Boat .. .. 9% 10 Texas <'o . 44% 41 44% 44% Texas Gulf Sul ..111% 1“7% 11“ 108% Tex & Pacific .. 56 63 % 6 4 54 % Timken Roller .. 38% 38 38 % 38% Tob Prod . 75% 74% 74% 7 5 Tob Prod A . 98 96 % 96% 9k % Transcont Oil . . . . 4% 4% 4% 4% Union Pacific _ 1 45 1 4 4 % 144% 145 United Guilt _207 206 206 2 10 U S Ust Jrn Pipe 213 200 200 208 U S 1ml Alcool . 79 76 % 76% 78% l S Rubber ... 38 ;», % 36% 38% U 8 Rubber pfd ..94% 94% 94% 94% I S Steel .121% 120 120 1 21 $ U 8 Steel pfd. 123% Cta Copper .. 86% Vanadium .27% 26% 27 26% YTvaudou . 1 i 1 l % Wabas .. . 25% 24% 24% 24% Wabash A . 63% 61% 63% 63% Western Pacific .. 42 40 % 40% 42% West Union _119 118% 11 s % 119 WefetingAr Brk .... ,104 Westing Klee .... 70 68 % 6.8% 70 White Kagle OH . 27 26 26 26% White Motors .... 61 % 59% 60% 61 Wool wort h Co ...114% 11 :% 113% 113% Willys-Over . 12% 12% 12% 12% Will vs-Over pfd.. 86% 85% 85% S 6 % Wilson .in% 9 10 H Wilson pfd . 30 29 % 30 27 % Worthington Pump 59 55 6* 55% 6“% Wrigley Co . 49% 49 49 49 % Yellow Cab Taxi.. 50% 50 5“ 52% Y How Cab Mfg . .. 34% 36 Total sales Monday. 1 *22.800 shares. Today’s 2 p. ni. sales, 1,968,700 shares. New York Bonds v__ New York. March 17.—The shadow of the St. Paul railway’* financial difficul ties again hung over today’s bond mar ket. renewed liquidation of many of the mad’s obligations forcing them down to low levels and unsettling the rest of the list. Selling pressure slackened aome what in the late trading, bdt the market was unable to shake off the uneasiness whirh was intensified by the collapse of ijtock and grain price® No new surface development® appeared in the St. Paul situation, but rumots per sisted that owners of the road's securi ties were preparing for any measures of reorganization which might be formu lated. Declines of 1 to 2 point® carried four of the St. Paul issues to the lowest prices in their history. Supporting orders for the stocks, however, later brought about modernte recoveries from the ex treme lows touched by the bonds. Other railroad and industrial liens yielded readily to selling pressure. Frisco income 6® dropped 2 point® and declines of a point or so were registered by a variety of others, including New York Central 6s. Erie general 4s. New Y«>rk. Westchester & Boston 4%* and Chicago •% Terre Haute refunding 5s. Reports that heavier oil drilling cam paigns were forcing reductions in some grades of crude oil contributed to th® heaviness of the petroleum company Is sues. Sugar and topper company bonds also easpd off. but the Wilson At Co. liens developed independent strength. Public offering will made tomorrow of $.*>,000.000 Cuyamel Fruit company 15 year 6 per cent bonds at. 99, to yield about 6 10 per cent Today's offerings, led by the $15,000,000 tf«ue of Niagara. Loekport and Ontario Power 6 per cent bond*, were promptly subscribed. New York. March 17.—Following are today s high, low and closing price of bond* on the New' York Htock exchange, and the total salea of each bond: (Potted States government bonds in dollars and tbirty-stconds of dollars.) I hited State*. Bonds. Sales (in $1,000). High Low. Close. 6S7 Libert v J%* ..,.101.1.1 101.10 101 10 20 Liberty Is! 4%®.. 101.17 101.14 101.17 1 HO Liberty 2d 4 %s .100.27 100/24 100 27 267 Liberty 2d 4’*® .101.15 101.14 101.14 5*6 Liberty 4’h 4%s 101.25 101.22 101 25 7H 1 S Treas 4s .10016 10014 100 14 16 U S Treas 4%e .104 27 104.20 104 25 Foreign. 16 Argentine 7s .in;% ]02% 102% 51 Argentine 6s .9». % 96% 9t»% 6 Austrian gtd loan 7® 95% 95 % 95% a Bordeaux 6s . . . H4 4 % H4 4 Copenhagen ?>%* . 96% 96% 96% 10 (Jr Ptagne 7%e 90% 90 90% . 6 Rio de J an 4* '47.. 94 9 % *.»:!% 1 Czech Rep H* '52 100 99 % 1 MO 20 Dept of Seine 7s. . 8H% H7% *7% 71 Can 5 * a s notes '29.102 % 10:% 102% 21 Canada 5s ’52.107 % 10i% in.7% 12 Dutch E I 6s ’62. 10M% 100 % 100% 1 Duf El 5 %s Nov ’5$ 97% 97% 97% 10 Framerlcan 7%s 94 93% 94 6f French Hs . 102% 102% lo:»% D5 French 7* ... H9% HI *9 216 Her exter In 7s rets 94% S4% 94% 21 Ot C Kt P .T 7s refs 90% 90 90 % M IsDanese 6%» . 91% 9114 941, 2 .Jananes* 4s . *2% 32% *2% 49 King of Bel 7 % s ]09% 109% 109% 34 King of B 6%* rets 9 4 93% 94 15 King of Den 6s 101% 101 101 2 7 King of Hung 7 %s 6R% 66% *s % 1 1 K of Neth 6s ’72 107% 103 103% 21 K of Neth 6s 5 4 10 3 102% 103 2 6 King of Nor ** '44.100 99% 100 19R K S Croat* S *s . 64% 64% «9% 49 King of Swred 5%*. 99% 99% 99% 3 Nord Rvs «%* .42 *1% *1% 10 Paris-Lyons .\f 6s . 76% 76 76 12 Rep of Bolivia 6s .. r % 92% 93% 6 R r.f Chile 4« 41.107 10* V, 106% 3 Rep of Chile 7s .107% 101% 103% 10 R Colombia 6% a 100% 100% 100% 24 Rep of Cuba 5%s 9*% 94% 94% i Rep of Finland 6s. 46 66 46 24 Rep of Haiti 6S. 94% 94 94 % 1 8 of R H do Sul 6s 96% 94% 96% 7 8 of San P s f H* .101% 101% 101% 1 Swiss Confed Is.. 114% 4 14% 114% 54 Swiss Q f> %s ’46 . 101% 101% 101% 5 3 t'KHRA-r 5 % s ’29 116 115% 116 12 CKO BA I 5 % ® ’37 .106% 106 10* 24 1T 8 of H H* ... 97 9*i % 97 30 I’SB C R\ Kle. 7* »J S2% S2% Domestic. 51 Am Ag Chem 7%a.l©t t®% **% 7 Am Chain sf deb 6» 9* 97% 9* 2 Am Smelting 6s...1©7% 1*>7% 10* % 5 Am Smelting 5s . 96% 94% 9*. % 14 Am Sugar 6* .102 101% 101% 69 Arn TAT 5%s .102% 101% ini% 2H Am TAT 10! tr 6®.1©0% 10*’% 100% 11 Am TAT col tr 4s.. 96% 96% 9>. % 1 Am W W A E 5®. . 9 5% 95% 95% 62 Ana Cep 7s ’7H....101% 100% ini 4! Ana Cop 6* ’53 100% 100% 100% 5 Armour Co Del 6 % s 92% 92% 92% S3 ATASF gen «• n% *9% *9% 1 ATA8F sdi 4. atpd. 47% 4 7% 41% 2 AM Aar l.LAN col 4« 66% *6% «6% 37 BAD rfg 6s ’95 .102% 10. % 102% U BAO 1st fia ctfs 101% 101 101% 103 BA»t rvt 4 % s 92% M% 91% 11 Bell Tel Ta l*r 5s 101 100% 1 n 1 H Bsth Ft con 6s A 95% 9 4 6* 94 14 Beth Sf p mon Sa. 91% 91 91 3 Brier H II St 5%a 94% 94% >0, 4 2 Bk>n Ed g*n 5s A 100% 99% 99% 3 5 PCk' n Man Tr ef 6s *5% *5% 4.4% 4 B R A T 4%e *6% 66% *6% 7 Can No deh 6%«..11«% 11*% 11*% 20 Can Par deb 4a . . . 79% 79 79 % i C r A O 6*.107 107 1«7 17 Centre! of Ha 5%a ini% 101% 101% 4 Cent Par gtd 4s . 44% ««% * « % 119 Chea A <> rvt 5s .103% 103 10.1 13 Che® A O c\t 4 % a 97 96 % 97 6 4 Chi A Alton l%e... S4% 5 4 54 44 C B A g rfg 5s A in; 101% 102 4 3 C 1) A g *en 4a. 90% 90% 90% 15 Chi A K III 5s. ... 76 % 7*i% 76% 3 2 Chi (It W 4s .. .. 62 61% 6 2 24 7 4 ’ \| A 8 P cv 4%s r, |% 49% « 114 c M A St r rf 4%* 4 7 4* % 46% 7 56 C M A St P 4s 25 52% 51 52 11 Chi A N W rf 6* . 11ll % 100% 101% 49 Chi Hys 5s ... 64% 64% 64% 157 C R I A Prfg 4e . 67% 67% 67% 14 C TIIASK In. 6s... 55% 55% 65% 16 Chi III* St® 5a H .100% loo% 100% 47 Chi A W Ind 4* . 77% 77% 77% 17 Chile Cop 6s .105% 105 105% 46 CCCAS. 1 rf 5® D. 96% 96% 96% 6 Col A So rf 4 % a . 100 % 100 100 5 Col A So rf 4%s 91% 93% 93^ 3 Col HA»/| 1st $a...100 % 100% 100% 31 Com Puw 6*.K»0% 100 100% 70 Cons Cl Md 5a. H7 *6% 66% 59 Con ,’nw 5s . 94% 9 4 94 % 20 Cuba Cn 8g d »s .101% 10|% 101% 3 Cubs Am Sg He .106% 106% 104% lr> Del A Hud rv 5s... 14$ % 103% 103% 10 |>en\ HA El 1st rf 5s 93 % 9:% 13% 20 pen A R * lr .on 4s 43% 63% 63% 4 Del Edison rfg 6» in- % 107% 107% 1’ I»uP de Nero 7%* 10;%#m7% 107% 10 Duq Lgt *s 10* 105% 105% 4 East Cub® 8u 7%s 104 105% 1 n5 % 23 Kmp O A F 7 % s 102 % J0J 102% 4 37 Erie gen lien 4® .. 64 % 6 4 64 .34 Erie rvi 4* D . 7 3 7?% 72% }H Fisk Rubber 4« m Ho% 1 10 % J FI® A K C Ry I® 94% 9 4% 94% 4 Hoodrirh 6 % * 104% 104 104 14 H nod yen r T «■ 31 1*9% 109% 109% 39 Hnodvesr T 4s ’41 120 170 ijn 7 Or Tr Ry of C 7* 116% 116% 1 • *% ? Hr Tr Ry of C 6s 107% 107’, 107% 19 Hr North 7s A .110% 110 HO I 7 (Jr Not lh b .94 ’, 9 4 04 1 llershev Chor 6s 104% 104% 104% .39 11 A M rfg 5s A 4 7% 47% *7% 4 M A M sd 1 nr 6s 77% 71% 71% 24 Hum nil A R 5 % s 1no% 10n% 100% 30 111) H T tfg 5s 64% 94 4s 5 Illinois (Vn 5 % s $02% 1o;% 102% 4 ICC Mi | .A NO rfg 6s 94 44 94 ■* llll Mt deh 4 % s 94% *» 4 % 94% 7 Int Rap Tr 7* .92 91 % 91% 21 Inter R

1W l: X Am Erti * f st 1 H inn inn s Xor Par >rf* 6« B..t07‘, 107 H 1071* 5 Xnr Par ntw 5s Tl 97*. 97 H 97 H 3" Xor Par pr lian 4b 65 W *47, 65 V* 6 Xnr S Pnw Int 5a A 9S 959* 9S 6 Ora XV R R A X 4a 93 V • - »* '7V a Par liBH A Pile.' 5a 95 9 1 7m 94 ‘a 2.4 I'ar TAT 5a ’52. 9SH »S1, »S'. :n4 Pan-Ani P A- T SB.Ilt'* 111* in9l* 21 Pa n R *'4a 11 <> V 1 to H 11«H 41 Pa R R lamp 5b SI 97\ 97', 97A, 5" Pa K R grn 4Hb. . 95 94 9, *5 23 P Marnurti* if* 5b 99'4 99'. 99'4 5 Phila Co rf a SB . 1 n A1*4 H I'M". 11 Phila I'd SHb . . . . 9S7, 96». 9fi*. in Phila A It Cil 5b I007. 1007, 110H 2 P II v 1 .ft 1* I at 6b 11 94 9, 94 I •* Plena Arrow Sm ... 92% 92% 92% 5 Pressed Stl C 5* 9 3% 95 % 95% 9 l’unta Alegre S 7* 104% 104% 104 * 5x Head gen 4%m. 93% 93% ^ **7 s» 4 It* Ir A Steel 3%a 92% 92% 92% 1 Hlo Grande \V 4m. 7 3% 7 3% *3 4 17 K I A A 14 4 %a H7% 87 87% ID St I. I M A S 4s. 94% 94% 94% :tx SI la 1 M HAG 4» X*. % 86% 86% 14S St L A S F 4s A. 75 7 4 % 7-> 17 St I. .V S F 6a. 87% 86% 8i% 337 St I. A S F 6m. .. 80% 79% 79% 1St L South con 4m 88% XX % 8X% 2 St P A K P 4 % a . >4% X4 84 % 6 St Paul Uo D :.m .101% 101% 101% 49 .Sea A 14 con 6m ■ 89% *9 X9 20 Sea A U 5a .. 7.>% 7-* 75% 3 2 Sea Air Line 4 ... 6 5 ».4% fi.» in Son <‘on OH 7m.... '«!% 91% 9] ♦ 7> Sin Pon Oil 6%a... x?% 87% 8*% 31 Sin Pipe I.ine ns... v5 84% 8 4 + 1 19 y U ellv 011 6' *. .. 11" 108% 108% 3 So Par rvf 4m .... 9*7% 97 Ut II S Pacific l fg 4m 90 % 90% 90% 12 S Hallway gen 6 %*109% 1"9% 1"9% 6 S Kali gen 6k .104% 1J4% P’4** 73 S Hail Ken 4a . ..77% • *• % *• * 26 S Hell Tel rfg 5s . 9X % 9s 9* 3 SI a n <» A Ml c 6 % a 1 1 4 % 1 I 4 % ] M % 3 SI eel Tube 7a .107% 1"*% ]0j% 12 'Iron Klee rfi: 6a 102 1"1% 101% 1" Third Ava adl 5a. 42% 42% * 27 Third Av« rfg 4s.. £4 1 Toledo Kdiaon 7a .110 110 110 19 Pn Par 1st 4a... 93% 92% M % 11 Pnion Par evt 4a.. 99 *8 ■* . 9 7 I'n Pac rfg 4a. .. 86% 86% 86% 2 P S Rub 7 % a .106% 106% 19 IT S St 1 a f 5a 105% 1«5 1JB X l*lah Pfw A Id 5a. 94% 94 ^4 11 VC Phem 7 % a w w 49% 49% 49 4 38 Va Par Phem .a .. *? J4,* J|u 4 Va Rv A P rfg »■ • J'% •» 4 Ju 4 •so Va II v 5a . 96% 96% 96 2 Wabash let 5a -1JJ% 1}JJ^ Jfl WrM JHcC6,‘".2.V Uk 11V ♦ XVnat I’n (4» linn 17 Waal Klrr 7b .inlH 1JJH 1?,' * ! 5? w!l % a \i W-. i* ? 1 U 95 W1I A Oi l’ll «*••• 2;,, i»'X 4n Youngs RAT *B. . . **j A ® .... Tnlnl aalra nf bonds tnd*' *''• (132 non romparH w 'h II ,.12 . p „UB (lav an,I $in.M».no* » '-*r ,gn ----- i Omaha Produce ____ March 17. BUTTER. Croomory—T,o.o! Jobhin* »>rl«. ‘".TV taller. Kxlra., &0o: extra. In 60-!b. tub., 40r xtandordo. 4Se; t Ini: 26c tor No 1 table butter In rolla or tuba. -Z'B'-lc for pa* king mock BUTTERFAT. For No. 1 < ream Omaha buyer* are paving 37* per lb. at country stations 43c delivered at Omaha FRESH MILK. Price quotable $‘-.15 per cart for fresh milk tent ,ng 3.5 butterfat, delivered on dairy platform. Omaha EGOS. For fresh eggs delivered at Omaha ffliu* count, around $' 10 per *n some quarters fresh eggs are being bought on* weight basis. 53 lbs. ^and over, $8 25 per case under 56 lbs.. $7 6a Prices above for egg* received in new or No. 1 whltewood case*, a deduction of 25 c will be made for second-hand C8Se* In most quarters a premium is being paid for selected egg*, which must not be more tha-n 43 hours old, uniform in size m nd color (meaning all solid colors—ill same shade). The shell must be clean, and sound, and the eggs weigh 25 ounces per dozen or over Jobbing prices to retailers- T . ^ spe cials. 31c per doz ; V. S extras, commonly Known ss selects. 294170c. POULTRY. Price quotable for No 1 stock alive, delivered Omaha Springs, smooth legs, soft meat. lffri.’Oc: leghorn springs, 17c; stags. 1 f.c: hens, heavy. 206*21c; hens, light. 17*0 2Jc; roosters. 1 2 # 1 3c ; ducks, f f f. 13# 14c; geese, f f f. 12# 13c; capons 28c lb ; turkeys fat. 9 lbs. and up. around 25c; pigeons. $1.0# per dozen. Pressed ('ash price* for dressed poul try. No. 1 stock delivered Omaha, ar* nominally 2€f3c above quotations for live poult r \ Jobbing prices of dressed poultrv to ret a Hers a re nominally as follows; Springs soft. ,72c; broiler*. 35©40r; ben*. 2‘5#27c, ducks. 266 30c; gees®. 15# 15c. turkeys, 25# 33c REEF rvTP Wholesale prices quotable No 1 ribs. 25c; No. 2. 22c N'o 3. 16r; No 1 loins. 3,3c; No 2. 31c. No. 3. 15c; No 1 rounds 1 • '* c ; N«> 2. 171*c; No. 3. 14c; No 1 chuck* 12c v v 2 12c, No ,3 S',r, No. 1 plate* 6«*c No 2. hr i No. 3, 7e. KRt»H KISH Nominal Jobbing quotations as follows: Black bass .32c; halibut. 23r- white fish, trout. v*|1i.w r‘kg. .50# 35c; buffalo, 18c bullhead* fw27c. northern ratf sh 77c; •outturn catfish. 30. fillet of haddock. 27c, black cod sable fish. 13c; red snap per. 25c; flounders 20. • crappies. 27c; Spanish marker®!. 27c, white perch. 17c; frozen fish .'trite le»* than prices above, oysters. $_ 85**4 10 gallon UIIER5K. American 1e i »bb,ng prh-es for No 1 stork. Pears -F mey, bushel baskets. Glair feaus t? 75 Oranges—Navels extra fanrv. per box $5 25 +t 7 00 Florid* $ 00 /<; 75. Ora pefruft—Florida $3 5ft# 4 26 Bananas—Per lb . 10c l emons California extra fancy $* 00 4$ • fanc\ $7 5ft4; s or ctjc e, x$70#. lime* jon count, carton. $: «>o Cranberries— Exfr* far< r Hone* 33-ot carton. $5 00; r,0.qt ho\ |; t,n Apple* In ho\e* Extra fancy Peii • ftn 'Vinesaps $4 no Jonathan*. tzenherga «' 1 In baskets V.'" ttendons $7 on. Ben Dtv< H it 6 > 2 3. * ^ VFOPTA BT.E5* Quotable jobbing pt Ice* for No 1 stock’ ' hu-h*> b«*k«t; *• beer* $. o turnip* f: ;.3. J*weet P»t * * oe*-('rate. $" ’ n Asparagus—California, ner Jh 3.8c • U' urntwru-IVr do/ $2 50. I epnera—Green market basket. J0r ]b F-us ZntI—s,**n,*h ‘rate. 45 lb* $3 on «fot£ l!? *« s .- k*. 3c lb . red Kobe. In *ark*. 4 W C |b Vellow 4 lie *°"'h,'r" ’’h*U>'" :1r dnion binrhm ’ ' nIp- “'C.'"*1*" ’V' «-*> kpin.i.'b -Basket. $1 J$. (aulfflower—-per crate $2 25 ahbnge Holland aeed. .rate* 8c per "u\ < Jo *,r lb P «-;V“h;- d,.«#n bunch... TEc. ii. 1 .11 oh •>* "> »»ck., iv ilia bn bakers »■ ka i - ,i Ohio. ».';s K*’ • —*1 •»•*! ,«M: p" ( e1 er\ t alifornia and El or u'p UiS*55"- «< I ai*|,-% Per dozen bunrhea $1 00 $9 on ** crate. fancy. ,, . _ FLOUR c.rl».7lol,T"bJ* fr'J"", <'*•* 'h.n h»>*nt ini,. ,h 0u«‘ «"2i yiz' rl«.r lx ni. (it u r.r hhl whirl ' or v2iY low cornmeal. $; 8n pwr ]oo lb« °r yr * » * FEED f o’ h*nnrih«'bl* P''r ln"' c,rIn*'t >>•'• hro,VY;U,|5^r'B' T*"1"**- «• r*r »M roMn2L»5**i Vrh",* "r »•!•»». I>" »» !(«"« 1 " J'** c*«t |»ro!. n . . Pu!termllk — Condensed fr«r feeding ia ■6hi -S middlings $34 00 red.log .,1 ’ ‘ *r* • > Hour .o* ree-i >.»« ®r$1 oo more per ton Egg shell* Or*ed and ground, loo jh ,<#nn J,ot* $25 00 per ton Alfalfa 'Jra '’holes prompt dsltverv •econd hand bags $77.SO No t prompt delivery second han.1 bags $25 00 No ’ pr.vmnt dsllverv, second hand bags $:• M BrompT'i.Mr' 34 r,r ''n‘ K1KT.D JUKI! noniinal auoi.ii„na n.r loi\ pound, au.llD I.ion,, - oo IJ'r' »»»«(# 11 00 rod i Inv.r, I.JOOff ,o„ |l, nothv 14 <0*6 S»: .ud.n gr;»»a i< ""li 1 in . cninmn millet $t 75 w $146#VV*m*n **XUt' **00«2S»; cans x HAT Nomln.i ouoiatinno. , «rl.«d lot, I lilotrd I'r.lrln No I llOlnntl 60 No J l» (o *11 00; No. J. f: H6«t'0o Mlrlton,I rr.irll- No I 11001101100 N,. - II Min »|\ No |* 00 0 TOO l.onUo.l Droll lo No I. I 0t> i, > 00 Vo I |k O0®;.oo 1lfol(a nu,r. 11 7 00014 OO; Vo \ Ilf. 00016 oo olondonl II.’ 000140". No I. 10 000 11 00. No J $4 0001 00 Biro. Ooto. 110*0100. nho.l, |«00* i Ort. lllbl‘3 WOOL. TALLOW Quotable prices deale-* weights and selections delivered Omaha H ‘ -lee -Mea sonshle (cuted) 9c and *c bulls. 5c and 4c brand* and 4 glue* 4'* c . calf $14 Gc nn-1 l “> k I v tike and I"- -*•■ - nna ? lo h hnrsg hides $ n and l‘ x) each Pt>ni>'* and s’ues $1 - ea. b mill 75c each hog skins 15c each. d» v flint hides, lie per lb dry saltett 1 |c ; drv slues. 6c Wool Pelts It rt«r* <'rt ear h for full w nolcd skin* lamb* to $1 each ■ beat'Hngs 4<)c %«» 4t"v «--ofdlng to take iff nn>t length nf wool clips. n»v value: Wool unwished 5S It 47 c Tallow No 1 7c B tallow 6t%c No J tallow 6i A gve*'*e B greaae fVao, potk era\ Ififl on per (on beef era* $4rt vellow ats*ee 6» , btown g tea as, 5*%c. per ton. beeswax. 25o par lb. [ New York Curb Market ] New York Murch 17 Stork priree to day crumbled sharply In all lection* of the curb market, which showed a pympa thetlc response to i he severe reaction on the “big board." Recession* of 1 to 6 points were scattered throughout the iiat. with the oil shares hardest hit by the wave of uoillng. lieavv selling of Electric Bond and Share and Middleweat Utilities featuied dealings In the public utilities group. The former dropped 2 points io 67% and Middleweat shares declined 2% points tt 9v Losses of a point or more were re corded by American I.ight and Traction common. Commonwealth I’ower. and Le high Power securities. Weakness of Hazeltine, which broka 6 points from yesterday’s high to 16% and then rallied to 17%, was the only out stat|*ling development in the radio list. otbWr radio shares held relatively steady. Prairie Pipe Line was a conspicuous weal spot among the • *.i eaarei, break ing Hi points to 109 and closing 6 points net lower at ill, while Prairie Oil and tins fell hack 1% points South Pennsyl vania 'MI slumped 5 points hhiI losses of 1 to 2 points included Standard Oil of Ohio, Solar Refining. International Petro leum. Magnolia and Cities Service. Kelvinator dropped nearly on the points to 20%. or more than 10 poinis below its recent high, and Avert rallied a point fium the low. Inritintrlal*. 100* Acme Packing 2% 3% 3% Am C.A-KI new .. 7 % 7<*% 7*i% 100 Am OAiKI pfd . ... 4 % 45% 45% 100 Am Haw S Ac S. . 2% 2% L’% 400 At Lt a Tract... 147 146 146 1700 Am J’ A■ Lt new 65% 54% 55% 10 Am P&Lt pfd ...87% 87% 87% 100 Am Superpower A 29% 29% 29% 100 Am Superpower H 29 29 29 100 Appalachian Power 75% 74% 76% 200 Assn GasA-Kl new. 26% 26% 26% 600 Hoinsonault Co ... 1% 1% 1% .30 Borden a t on Milk. 146% 146 146 ion Botany Cons A .. 45% 45% 46% 3oo Brit Am Tob cp . 2*% 28 28 1 200 Brooklyn Pity HR 8% 8% 8% 300 Brown Wm Tob .. 10% 10% 10% 400 Centrif Pipe Crp. 16% i* 1« 1200 Chapin Sacks Inc. 20% 19% 19% 200 Chatterton Sona . 17% 16% 16% 225 Com Pow Crp . . . 11 o % 110% 110% 100 Com P.»w pfd .... 81 81 81 14*10 Cons G&K1 Bit new 34% 34 34%' 500 Pont Bak A .117% 117 117 5000 font Bak B . 25% 24% 26 20« Pont Bakeries pfd. 9*.% 96% 96% 100 Cuba 4*o . 37% 37% .37% 3506 De Forest It ctfts. 23 22% 23 300 Doehler Die Cts . 16% 16% 16% 600 Dublier CAR . 16% 16*, 16% 1 400 Durant Motor* .. 18 17% *17% 500 Duz Co Inc . 27% 26% 26% 5000 Klen RdASh nw.. 59% 57% 58% 50 Klee Bd&Mh y/d . . 1 o3 % 3 03% D>3% D‘0 Klee Ry Sea . 14 14 14 500 Klee Investors ... 4 4 42 % 42% 200 Fed Metals . 37 37 37 3no Freed Eisematin ..9 8% 9 100 Freshman Co % 300 Jones Radio . 2% 2% 2% 1 800 Kelvinator Corp... 23 20% 20% 2200*Keystone Sole ... P* 66 66 200 handover Holding. 12% 12% 12% 200 Lehigh Pow Sc . . 96 95 95 4500 Lehigh Val Cl Co. 4'*% .39% 39% 25 Lehigh Val Cl FI* *2 82 82 *;o Mengeis Box ... 43 42 % 42% .300 Mesabf Iron . 3% 3% 3% 2400 Mid West Util ...101 9«% 98% 200 Mid Steel Del .... 2 4 2 4 2 4 500 Motor Wheel new 16% 15% 15% 300 Music Master _ 1 : 12% 12% DiOci Nat Dial rtfs. 30% 30 30 300 Nat P & I, _ 216 21 2 216 0 N J inc .188 188 188 900 Nickel Plate wi . 87 86 % 86% 300 Nickel Plate pf wl v. % 84% 84% 10 Nor S»* Pow .10k in* 108 100 uhlo Fuel *’rp 32% 32% 32% 10*> omnibus Crp ct pf 94 94 94 100 Pa the Kx A .. .45% 45% 45% 200 Pratt & J*a'mb#rt 40% 40% 40% 5**0 Reid l»-e Cr*.am.. 37 35% 35% 500 Reo Motor »'ar . . 2f| % 19% 2*% 500 Rova Radio raft* 7% 7% 7% 100 Seagra\e *’orp .. 14% 14% 14% 2**0 Si lit a Gel Prod .3 5 3 4 % 14% 2«io Sleeper Radio ctf* 8% 6 1*J0 S K Pow At Lt... 66 56 56 _ South Pal Kd . . jlO-3% 103% 108% S..uth *'al Kd 6s pT 90% 90 % 90% 20 0**•So Pual & Iron . 5 5 5 100 Swift A Co . 113 112% 112% J0O Tenn K1 P 2d pf. 75% .5 75 300 Thermlodvne Rad. 12 12 12 1 t»o Tower Mfg Crp 6% 6% 6% 1 200 I'n Carbide . 6*'% 65% 65% 300 United GAK pew 31% 31 31 100 United Lt A* Prt A 47% 47% 47% 1100 United Profit Sh 7% 7% 7% 2000 U S Lt A Hr pfd 2% 2% 2% 200 Universal P ".ures 25% 55% 26% 500 Util Pow Sr Lt A . 23% 27% : -% loo Victor Talk Mach. 90 69 *9 100 Ware Rad'n *'orp. 12% 12% 13% 3*10 Western Power '5 34% 34% .60 Western Row pfd. 89% 89% 89% 300 White Rock 11 2n % 2ft% 400 White Ro^ rtfs . 20 2« 20 590 wick Sp Ft new 4% 4% 4% 600 Yellow Taxi N Y 1% 15 15 Standard Oil* _*«00 Anglo Am n||. 20% 19% 2* 10 Buckeye P pe Line 64% 64% 64% loo Chesebrough Mfg 5.7% 5’% 53% 100 Galena Signal Oil. *7% 57% 57% 1800 Humble Oil 45% 44% <4% 70 Illinois Pipe Lin- 14 r. 147 143 3700 Imp Oil 1*80 new. 28% 77% 28 80 Indiana Pipe Lina 76 75 75 100 N V Trans.i .2 % \ 22% 70 Northern I* L .. 69 6'% 67% 20 Ohio 4 »U . . . . 8 4 8 4 8 4 500 Penn Mex Fuel. 6 9 67% 67% 200 Pra rle Oil A- Ga t 7* 39 39 mi Prairig Oil new... 55% 57% 54% 1200 Prairie Pipe Lino 119 309 312 20 Solar Ref 220 220 220 50 Southern Pipe Lina 85 8 5 *5 12500 Standard Oil Jnd. 62% 61% 6i% 1100 Standard Oil Kan .75% 35 35 % 1200 Standard 0:1 Kv 116% 115% 116% • -andard OR Neb 249 249 249 3800 Standard OR N Y 4 % 41% 41% iso Standard OR Ohio 350 25® 350 5o St Oil Ohio pfd ..118% 118% 118% 10 Swan A Finch Cor 22 22 22 2100 Vacuum OP *»% 51% 59 Miscellaneous Oil*. 100 Ark Nat Gas . 6% 5% 5% 1<00 *%r1b Svn . ... 3% 3% 3% ■00 Cities Service 18t 18 5 187 jo* Cit es Service pfd 8’% 61% 8* % 2500 Colombian Svn ... i% i% 1% 600 Creole S'n . 37 31% 31% 1 400 Gibson Oil . . :% :% 2% 100 Gilliland cv; <-tf« . :% :% ;%| 1000*Granada 011 21 21 21 15«0 Gulf Oil . *5 64% 6 4% 4ft0 Kirby Pet . 7% . % ? % 0* "7 T ago Tet.5 % 5% 5 % 4000•Ratio Am OH 5 « 6 200 Mount A Gulf OR. i% 1% 1% 2 500 Mountain Prod ... 20% 18% *0 6*0 New Bradford 5% 5% 5% 1900 NM&A Land Co.. * 7% :% 20*' New Yo-k * Vi I 9% •% u 1100 Peer f»ii 1 : 3 100 Pennok Corp near 21% 21% 2t% 1°" Red Hfenk* *71! ;o 300 Rova4 Canadian... 7 7 7 I' o Ryan Connol .7 6% 6% ! 1800 Salt Creek Prod 2*’% 26% 2< % 200 United Cent Oil .5 5 6 4O0 Venezuelan Pet .4% 4 4 1800 WRcox Oil . 6 6 « 5O0 Wood lev Pet . . . 5% 5 *»»•#• 3 Oil A * S a« 6 6 { Mining. 40A0* Arizona Globe 70 29 ;§ 3*«®»Cal A Jerome 2.' «4 ;4 1600 Canario Copper .4 *% "4 200**'hlno Ext 6? ei |t 1*00 * "na Copper Min 3% 3% ju 400>)«Diamondf|eld B1 H 5 6 2O00* Divide F.xt 4000 Engine era Gold Mi 32% jj% 3 ? u 700f*Eureka Croesus,.. 17 16 1( ?O00#Firat Thought O M 29 28 29 -’00 Merla Mining ... 15% 15 15 2000*Hilltop Mining ...2 t 20*®*ll a wt home Min. . 12 17 1? 20® Heclg Mining .2 2 1 1 ® ® 0 llone Sound Co . 1«% 1?% 18 V, 10*0*lnd T.ead Mines 15 37 13 1000 Jerome Verde Div. 1% 1 14 ; it .3000*.! tb Con* .14 13 14 7700 Kar Copper ... :a 2A S0o0»\-*tiona! Tin .... 8 7 8 700 Niplaa'ng *% 6% c% 1500 *'h|o Copper i. 90 *5 8 5 8 00* Plymouth T.-ad . 57 f* 5* 1700 Premier Gold ... 3% 3% 3% 6 0 00* Red Hill* .1 1 1 1®®0*Sliver Dale 1 100 So Am P A G 7% f% -% ;00*Tonopah Belmont 60 60 00 900 Tonop.ih Exten* <*« 7% 2% 2 * lAMUnlted Eastern 5.8 53 83 4000*1" S Cent! V*nea 19 U 11 700 United Verde Ext. 25 28 25 1900 \\ enden i’ou Min 7% 384 *% 1*00*Western Utah Corf* 16 1* 1* 1 t»*6*\V liber t Min ng 6 6 6 Domestic floods. 5 Allied Pa- ker 6* *1% 61% 6] % 1 Allied Packer x *2 97 9r 3 Aluminum 7s 33.107 10T 107 1* \ m Gas A V I 6s 9. % m. 9< % 1« Am Par A 1. 6s old Ilk 9v% 95 % 10 X naconda Cop ** .103% 1*3% 103% | 1 Anglo \m *) 7%s 1** 1*0 l*»v j _20 At! Gulf A W I 5a 65% 65 65 I 1 B#av#r Board is . 94% P4% 94% 2 Bell Tel of Can 5s 9'% 9*% »*% PI Cities S' PAL fa 94% 9»% 94 * iCon Textile 3s 37% »7% “ < % II Cudahv Park 5%*. 93% 92% 9» » 1 rudahy Park is... 90% 90% yu % 6 Dunlop T At R 7s .142% 1"2% 1"- * 1 Fe,t |.t Ar Tract fs 91% 91% 91% b Fed Sugar 6s ’3.3.. 9*\ '*“% 9s % 1 Galena Big Oil 7».14f*% 10:.% 14,6% •* 7 Grand Trunk 6%a.14*% 1 oh % 14*% 7 K City Term 6%*.101% 101% 101% 3 Libbv McN A L 7a.102% 102% 102% 2 Manitoba 7a .10i% 101% 101 % 1 Nai l Distill Co 7a.101 101 101 2ND Pub Serv f>* 39% 39% 3»% 11 N States Par 6%s.l01% 101% 101% 10 N Sts Pw cv «%s.107% 107% 107% 2 Ohio Power 5a H.. 92% 92% 92% 9 Pb Sv Kt A O 5%S 99% 99% 99% 1 Pure Oil 6 %*.100% 100% 100% 10 Shawahean 7a _103% 103% 103% 10b Stand <> A K «%».113 ll«%a 117% 2 8til Oil N Y 6%a. 107% 107% 107% 3 Sun Oil 5%s ...... 96% 96% 9f % 28 Swift Ac Co 5a... • 96% »6 % •» % 1 Cts Oil Prod ha . 34% 34% 34% 2 Ltd Ry of II 7%a. 109% 109% 109% 22 Vacuum Oil 7.107 D»7 107 10 Web Mills 6%s 101% 101 101 Foreign Bond*. 2 City Bogota 8a... 95% 95% 16% 14 Kst R R Franca 7s 87% 37% 87% \t Frh N1 MSS 7s. 84% 34% 84% 30 Ind Bk of Fin 7s S4% 94% 94% b Kg Nether bs '72 143% 103% 102% 8 Beth Steel 7s *35 ..103% 103% 149% 1 Can Nat Rv Kq 7s. 110% 1 1 o % 110% 10 Cil.ea serv 7s C .121 120% 120% 15 Cities Serv 7s D ..102% 101% 102% .1 Krupp (Fried) 7s.. 94% 94% 9<% 5 Rep Peril 8a ’3 2. 104 94% 99% 7 Russ b %s tfs N C 1 4 % It 14 5 Birmans A H 7s ’35 96% ‘*6% 93 % 5 Solvey A Co b» 102 14? 14? 3 Swiss 5%s 101% JIG U 141% 15 Thjsaen IA8 Wka 7a 98% 98% »*% •Cent*. Chicago stocks. Quotation* furnished bv J ? Rach* A Co 224 Omaha National Bank buM Ing. Phones JA. 6187-3-9. Bid A«ked. Armour A «’o 111 pfd ... *8% Armour A Co Del pfd . . . . 91% Albert Pick . 21 21% Carbide . 68 65% Edison Co .137 127% Cudahy .. 1 45 % 1 44 % Diamond Match .116 Deere nfd . #4% Eddy Paper . 15 2*’ Libbv 666 . 7 % <% National Leather . 6 , *‘*x Quaker Oats .37 4 4W , Reo Motors ... . 14% „ ]; ' Swift A f,o .111% * | Swift International . 31 Thompson . 45 4 - » , Wahl . 1* 19 Foreign Exchange Rotes. | Following are today’s rates of exchange ! a* compared with the rar valuation. Furnished by the Peters National bank Par Val. Today ^ Austria .24 ^ Belgium .’95 1 JCO Czechoslovakia .24 Denmark .2. .l.'-l England .4.34 *•. ,2 France . *.193 Germany .238 •*■** — tjreec* ..1*5 .Ol.ia f t a 1 v .195 .*>412 Jugoslavia .24 41 66 Norway .2t Sweden .27 ...44 Switzerland .19a •*"«* New York General. New York. March 17-—Floor—Weak; spring patents. $8 25© 8.7.': soft winter straight r. 5*1503.50, hard winter straight 18 2508 75 Rye Flour—AY^ak : fair to good 16.75© 7.14; choice to fancy. $7.1507 54 Rve—Weak; No 2 western $1 23%. f o. b New York, and $1 21%, c i f export Bariev—Easy; malting. $1 0001.04, c. 1. f. New York Wheat—Spot weak: No 1 dark north ern spring r. !. f New York, lake and rail. $1 86: No 2 hard winter*f. o b lake and rail $1 67%: No. 2 mixed durum do. $ 2 69; No. 1 Manitoba do. in bond. $1 75% Corn — Spot, easy: No. 2 yellow, r t f. track. New York, all rail, $1.34%; No. 1 mixed, do. $1 34 Oats—Spot, easier No 2 white 55c Feed — Easier; city bran. 100-pound sack- $34 04 J.«-d—Firm: middlewept. 117 65017.75. Tallow—Weak; special loose, »%c; ex tra, t % c. New York Coffee Future*. New York March 17.—Coffee future* declined further today on re'terated .re ports of a poor spct demand and an eas'er tone in Braz l The opening wi* 4 to IS point* lower and the market sold 20 to 27 points below yesterdays closing fig ures May easing off to $18 9Se and elo* !«g at ] 8 95c. Tha gen*ra! market closed at net decline* *f 2* tr* 25 points ft* e* "ere est’ma'ed at 13.444. CHoeing quota f Ions • March. 24c. May. 13 95c; Ju!v, 17 »".c; September. 1 4 92c; October, 1175c Dccsmbe' 1 6 46c 8pot r-nffee—Dull; *<• 7a. lie? 8an toa 4*. 260*6%c New York Produce, New York March 17—Butter afeadv: rec.jpt* 7* f*» Kff»—Unsettled! receipts. SI ITT e##**. Frepb gathered extra f Irate ;}R?’V; do •torare racked SSft’^r, do firot*. 'Ak fillH'': do aterar* racked *?^?2i4e: *'•* froeh gath*r*d second* S^HSA^e: nea bv hennery white# eJoeelv selected extra*. 4ft'- nearbv and nearbv wnopi hennery whiter frets to average extras. 3 2 v-» -* t* 3>r nearbv hennerv browns extras **#? 3*e. Tacifir coast whites, extras 4*ff41 do first* fn extra first# St v, 6 34c Chee«e—Firm: receipts 163.2*2 noun da. Oilm and Re»tn. StTancah. Ga . March 17 —Turpentine— Firm. |5\c: sales 74 bbls; receipt#. 67 bhl#.. shipments CIS bbls . stock. 4 71S bbls Rosin—Firm sale*. 627 casks: receipt*. 3*3 casks: shipments. ! 445 casks; stock. 46 640 cask* Quotation- B. t* 70 D %' %r F 16 *0: F. 16 tv. (1. 17 '10: TT |7tS: T. *7 1 R . K *7 3 M IT *5 X, WG. $1.23; WW. |«25. N *S 46 New York Pn Good*. New York. March 17—FottqA go#,** and '«-n marker* were quiet io«t with concession# in price being obtains?'* f late delivery good* Spot market did « * change much Raw silk was easier abroad end quiet hare Burlap# h*M steady Garment manufacturer* a-e hold ing bark fall contracts due •* th* un rertalnty « opoerning * w-age sgreeroen' which expire* in July. Retail#-* have been huving small lots of novelty wash fabrics and dress goods New York *ur«r. Qyo’atlen* 'urn *h*d by J S B*-Ve 4 To . 224 6>rnaha National Bank but -1 *'£. Phones Jackaon 61*7 61*6. 616? <~*pen H gh Low 'Close Ye*' v Mar 2 67 2 It 7 65 ? *6 * ft« Mav 3 R7 t *7 3.A4 3 *4 S *- * Tulv 771 “ 2 ? 3 ! 6 314 77 3 Sep 7 3.6 3 3* ' 3 37 3 ** ' J t< Dec i <1 7 41 3 35 ' 3 M 244 1 enilon h«ol Auction London March 17 \ miscellaneous *e lection, amounting to *475 bales was of fered at the wool auctions today Th ore a a* a better demand for all gra tes and recent rates were well maintained A Business Opportunity exists for the man who writhe* to he his own bo** and the owner of a perma nent, ever-expanding, profitable mer chandising service It may start with —X $10b capital, or 11$ 000. hut it cannot start without capital. The degree of success ha* no reasonable limit. It ha* attracted to it and has today engaged in It. men who are conspicuous suc cesses and of long and wide experience in merchandising, with capital abun dant for all their requirements: and the other extreme of men and women with limited business experience and qualifi cations. and very small capital No man it too big for the hutinest. Men of strong professional standing with splendid income* have given up theu|«r 224 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bids . Omaha Telephana JAtkisn ftltT-M *"Tha Bacha Kexiew** sent #a uppltcatton^l'erraspondanca tnvi*#4.