The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 14, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Daily Cross Word Puzzle
.. 8. To use one's eyes.
5. Ksthettcs.
7. Champion runner.
9. “Staff of Life.”
I 11. Copil for dessert.
6' 12. Look pleasant.
14. Trecious stone.
16. Tree sap used in varnish.
17. Before. *
yV large container.
! IS, Definite article.
tTo fleece.
Compartment for coal, etc.
24. To follow.
26. A bishop of Alexandria; one ot
the early church fathers.
28. Ten cents.
29. Vehemence.
30. To write with a machine.
33. Sedate.
36. Pertaining to the extreme north
and south portions of the globe.
37. A vast region in Africa south
of Sahara.
39. The period from dawn to dark
40. Heathen.
42. Father.
44. Nothing.
46. Salt.
fT A dowery.
•Solution of yesterday’s puzzle.
47. Part of ‘‘to get.”
4S. A City of Alabama.
51. Fruit of a. tree that grew in the
Garden of Eden.
52. To cut.
54. A weapon.
5fi. An insert's egg.
57. A fox—In England.
New Arrivals
and Coats
Distinctive, elegant lines
that are youthful and be
coming for all occasions.
Second Floor
1. By.
2. Mineral rork.
J. To institute legal proceedings.
4. A Prussian watering place.
R. Part of "be."
6. A label,
7. A recessed hollow in a wall to
hold a statue.
8. An African sugar cane.
9. To whiten.
10. To prepare highly seasoned
11. A gentle hand tap.
12. Anger.
15. A human being.
20. The termination.
21. The total.
22. On# kind of whisky is made
of it.
2.'!. Part of the harness of a horse.
25. A sorceress.
27. Quick.
SO. A plaything.
.11. A soft food for babies.
•12. An implement a crossword puz
zle maker needs more than a diction
33. Sacred eongs.
34. Rapid leg action.
33. Reckless.
36. A seaport of Spain.
38. Opposite the zenith,
39. To excavate.
41. Four quarts (abbr.)
43. A canine.
48. X.
49. Part of “to set."
Mt. Clever.
51. What the cross-word puzzle
craze is.
53. Pep.
53. Goddess of Pawn in Greek
The solution will appear tomorrow.
Plowin'; Starts at Callaway.
Calloway, March 13.—Some farmer*
in this part of Custer county have
started their spring plowing. Sowing
of grain will begin in a few day*.
Constipation destroys beauty—get pos
itive relief with Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN
Beware of con
atipation’s many
dread diseases.
Constipation back#
the poison* of the in
te*tine up into your
body. Constipation leads
to over forty diseases.
Blotchy complexions, sick head
aches, circles under eyes, un
pleasant breath, etc., are caused
by constipation. Rid yourself per
manently of this dangerous illness.
Do it the safe, sure way, the way
doctors recommend—eat Kellogg’s
ALL-BRAN regularly.
Only ALL-BRAN can be wholly
effective. That is what Kellogg’s
is—100 per cent bran. It works as
nature works. It sweeps and cleana
the intestine. If eaten regularly,
it will permanently relieve the most
chronic cases—is guaranteed to do
so or your grocer returns the pur
chase price.
Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is Teady
to-eat. You will like its nut-like
flavor. Try the many delicious
recipes on every package. Eat at
least two tablespoonfuls daily—in
chronic cases, with every meal.
Buy a package of Kellogg’s
ALL-BRAN today. Made in Battle
Creek, Michigan, and sold by all
grocers. Served by all leading res
taurants and hotels.
Ar all-bran ‘
9 /^uFifer Wisconsin B
§|| w ll tkwt Per Pound . k?
I potatoes :rs;“-lv“ I
I LETTUCE - 10c |
1 Grapefruit |j
I PINEAPPLE „. ggr 33c!
I Fruit Salad ^Tagr""' 29c I
I Loganberries '27c I
I Ak N 10 ■ Per Pound™, r?**"* “ W C fl
I COCANUT ,.;” T 29c 8
I Nut MeatsOF 63c 1
Iff ■ ■ m TOILET PAPER. We are making a ape- ilfcSi
BEi mMLM Al cial deal for Friday and Saturday only. ^LB ^LB KyB
HH ^g^g B mil ■ 10 large 10c roll., packed in a fancy ROc ^gle BmH
Jjp- m m k«aak*l. bi« ^alaa* far oalr H
1 AIJIDCA soap chips
B vHIr S W 2 large 25^” package* for. O C B
I 10 Larga Bars for .w %rC B
I ^ 'w"ht" * ,i.... 1 a n
I Every purchase from Piggly Wiggly must give
you complete satisfaction or your money will 'wHP'
w be cheerfully returned—without question. ^B
Hart mm2 ..
s,,sr.;.,r;.«As MM^Mw 9*mw&AM.mrXJ K,'is.^,r..6.98 !
l... ..ra, — Everything for (he Home I I-Piece act. all around It
Elea-trle Heater, *60 Watta, border dealgna, neat, gold
ricaVgu^r- 5.98 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street • .42.7*5
----- oco---OOO
T® Make I®2§ Oar (Greatest Year
We Continue : . Saturday . . With Many Wonderful Values
It is not surprising that people are responding so generously to the exceptional offerings.
Mings o . o
from stocks so complete as to offer
choice of the cheaper to the fine*!
qualities, low in price.
13.3x32 Axminsters
Kxtra size, heavy grade
with long, silky pile.
Priced for this special /JQ
sale at. X^Li •
33.3x32 Seamless Velvets
Fringed ends, made of
heavy all wool yarns in Q£*
a variety of colorings. JjOsOO
0x32 Royal Wiltons
Seamless, In wonderful
color effects. A heavy,
serviceable quality, spe- Q*| QCT
cial at .Ol a/O
0x32 High Gredle Axminsters *
All colors. In new de
signs Some are ram
ies.*. New low price, QQ
Saturday. eJ0e •
0x32 Seamless Wool Velvets
In a good grade, choice
of several designs of
neat appearance, how OQ
sale price.^t/sOtJ
Cork Linoleum
Genuine cork lineoleurm heavy
quality printed designs. Values to
1.35 per square yard, 6 ft. wide.
cSlitaiSld Mehair Overstaffed E>mte
A suite of full proportions,- long Davenport, Chair and Wing Fireside Chair O
completing a most handsome living room outfit, with its attractive figured
Taupe Mohair with rose colored background. Spring edge, loose cushions, reg
ular 288.50 value, for Saturday selling.
Ornamented Frames Add That Touch of Beauty
Davenport Table
A aplardld value, in beautiful turned d#
§lgn. m ak«tch#d. Mahogany firi«h.
measuring l«x4* inch#*.
•pedal at. 1U. 4 0
15.50 Davenport Table 12.75
24.50 Davenport Table 18.50 >
32.50 Datenport Table 24.50
Rich, Attractive,
Genuine Walnut Veneer
Another exceptional bargain Included In Paturday’s special selling. Genuine ’A A 7t
Walnut Veneer finished in the newer light v.-alnut color, finished with beau- ■ ■ /■ ■ I a/
'Iful gold Una tracings, as pictured. We offer the Dresser, with 2hx.4-inch ■ ■ r I _
mirror, Chifforette airanged as shown; with full size Bed; the 3 pieces....
The Vanity Brenner, as Illustrated, with large l*x40-lnch J Q
center mirror,. priced extra .. x%J* I t)
Prap©iri©s ....
Thrae value* are sure fa attrart
rnreful shopper ... a aarth-afcllt
savin*. 9
40-Inch Curtain Nets
New Patterns. Ecru, whit# sod
ivory colors. Fine and heavy
weaves. ?$c value, yard. Ot/C
60-Inch Casement Silks
In natural color, a «per.*l sale
v ahi‘\ w<-•■! th to 2 75 per yard. *4 QQ
for this as'.-?. AsOI/
Odd Lot of Portieres
50 pair, in Rerp. Ottoman and
Jacquard several col- (\ QET
ore. Value* to 10.00 pair at. £.0t)
, Fringed Lace Panels
Fern, whit# or Ivcrr color a. Fin# and
heavy weaves. Worth to 10.00, each.
Qumo1 Arm 8-IPiec® Dining Snit©
A apaelal, low-priced Dining Suita Illustrating valua at a vary moderate
price. Tha finish la a dark walnut color, places as akatrheil. Comprised of
14-Inch Buffet; 40xS#-lnch Oblong Table; with four cane panel back Side
Chalra. with genuine Blue leather slip aaata The six places, at.
Exceptional Display of Finer Suites
8 Piece* Enameled i
Design aa sketched, IS-Inrh data Leg Tahla with A CsCVCP, TT - «r»
four Chairs Illustrated in a rlehlv decorated fcUwlv Arvivaaef UPlTlvU)llS>lL©iH&(ul O’lUlliUr©
Kray and hlu. enamel. A IS 5# value, rt/» mr r«®Wty etxrrilfiru JT
apeelal Saturday, at . ^Ua It) 5 Beautiful genuine reed Divan Suite, suitable for Sun parlor or rorch Has CA
k. piece rnflniahed Sef.13 7R loose cushion seats and backs upholstered in sltrartive cretonne. Fine
Enameled, k Pleeea.36*.85 spring ronstruetlon. Rich silver or ebony finish, S pieecs at . fj 1/
OCO - . . — ■ --—- ——OOO
HouseluirnishMg Basement .. , .
__» « - - __~T ■
A Buiy
100 Pound
V» ak*trh*>1, full
« hit* *nam*t Iln*rt
Oak flntah c a * *
Quality R ANN BY
irtak*. Now—
A Busy
Gas Kangs 1
I ft-Inch TUVK s mod
el. rust-proof linings
\\ bile porcelain
trimmed Free con
Kitchen Table
Convenient nlae, whlt<e%na»ne I
with white porcelain top, at. .
Enamel Chair
Fo\> Hark at>le, with wide cion
fen fable seat. 'up Indie back, each
Medium 3«r
Ivory Soap 27‘5 Bars
Kentucky Blue
Grass Seed 35V
World's Largest Retail Furniture Dealers.Convenient Deferred Payments