The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 14, 1925, Page 12, Image 12

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    Wfieat Bulls Meet
Their Waterloo in;
Terrific Crashes
[Violent Selling Prevail- Also
in Corn. Oats and Bye;
May W heat Drops 15
Cents to Bottom.
Bv ril\RI.T> .1 I KMIKN
Tni\er**>il sPr»lr* >tnff 4 orrespondent.
•'"hicago Match 1 <: Wheat bulls met,
thefr Waterloo today, Friday tho 13th. in
one of the most terrific liquidating move
m*nts In the history of the board of
trade. Violent selling prevailed not only
in w heat but also corn, oats nml rye. Ma\
w heat crashed 1 J*r lower to $1.66U and
cksod at th*' bottom, showing a loss <»f
"Jfrom the season’s high registered
six Weeks ago
Wheat finished a 1 r»c lower, corn
__yas il^iliUc down, oats w-.-re t u'1’.#'
low er and rye ruled 1 I :‘r st'M 6 c off
Sustained weakness in foreign markets,
insistent indifference on the part of Euro
y>ean buyers of cash grain and beneficial
rainfall over ►uttered sections of the
Winter wheat area southwest were the
Immediate lectors in tho slump. Much
of the selling was forced, the rapid de
r lines during tlie day repeatedly imcovei
ing a profusion of "slop loss" orders.
The seaboard coufirined hut 500.ono
bushels wheat taken on the break, being
credited to Italy. Erato e and England.
JJverpool closed 5V4d down.
Tho liquidating wave was contagious
r.r.d hP read rapidly into tho corn pit.
Enormous selling of May and Jul> cum
xvhh, effected only at violent sacrifice in
price. May corn at the low point was off
over He. The close was on a feeble re
covery from tlte bottom
Oats dropped with other grains. Com
mission house liquidation met a thin bu> -
mg power, and prices cased gradually,
the short interest acting as a cushion on
in- way down.
Kve was woefully sick, and dropped
further than an> othei grain relatively.
May rye sold at Si -5 for its low, or 57c
brlow' the high point of tho season.
Provisions were irregular I.ard was
‘-‘•liCS35c lower and ribs were IS Va ® 5c
Pit Notes.
The wheat trade was in ;■ demprali •«1
a ate most of the day. Confidence on the
buying side wr.s gone, and only tremend
ous cohering by shorts prevented the
market from completely colicpsing. The
opening was 3<- to 6c lower, and after a
short lived rally of _c prices Urpt fading
.and fading away all da> A good pa'i
of the liquidation was of the belated kind,
i redlted to longs w ho had stubbornh
stuck to the bull side for the last few
w eeks.
Not all the selling was liquidation.
"Without doubt there wrrs plenty of short
pressure. Pit brokers said that .)»»■>
m\*r saw ►<> much wheal for sale at one
ripens the opening bell occasioned today
The volume of trade for the day va>
easlTy the highest on record, probably^
runhing as much as j r.n.n0o,(n*o bushels.
V Iteran grain men regarded the liqufda
Eton of wheat a« scattered. Practically
all leading commission houses were heavy
selh.Vs during th*' first hour. The house
* hat has been hlcnmjed with the bull
side consistently since last summer was
probably the greatest individual seller
At the end of the day rumors had It that
Arthur Cutten had not sold a bushel of
wheat. _ .
The rapidly increasing supplies of wheat
on tho ocean the last month or mor
has been the real indicator that Europe
was overbought. That if th« supplies
reaching foreign shores were not being
consumed as rapidly as the shipments out
from surplus countries. The failing of'
In foreign demand in ull markets or the
world, gradually verified this condition
and with it were smash'd to smithereens
the theories of the bulls that there pre*
vailed this year a world shortage or
chicAGO priFes.
By Cpdika Oraln ' M , .Vlanlic 6312.
Art. 1 Open. I High. I T,n»-. I Clote. I T«».
ITi'y’ I 1.79',4' 1.79',! 1.86'4 1*7 1*1 ’A
I 1.76 V.1 !•««'* C»l>*
July 1 1.56 i 1.56 ' 1.4* '••JJ*, }•».
I J.5;! *i . . 1.49 1.B8 T»
S*|>. ' 1.46 1.45 1.39', 139V 1.4b',
I 1.44 .1.39*4 146’.
Tlv« ’ 1 I
.May | 1.49', 1.40V 1.25 1.15*4 1.4214
I 1.39',. 1.2« .
July 1.26 1.26 1.15 l.lo 1.19'4
1.24 .... 1.15(8
Hop. I 1.15 1 1.15(4! 1-06 1.0S . 1.14 >4
May i 1.28 j 1.26 1.19', ’ 19V CMH
. I 1.25 4, .I..... . 1 1.19 ’4 I 1.26 (a
July ’ 1.29 T 1.29 ’ 1.21 (4 f 1.22% 129%
1.28(4 . . 1.22% 1.19*.
Sop. 1.28 1.£8 ' 1.21’, 1.22*. 1.29%
, 1.28(4 .1 1.22' r 1.29s*
May* .50 .60 i .45 .45 I .50*4
,49 >*.'.43', .60*4
July i .51% -61V -4b 44 j .4684! -f} *•»
.59 1..I .46-..! .47 I .61 C
Hyp. .5*'%! .50*4! .47 * .47 , .51
.50 (4 ;.I. .j.
May . 10.90 16.92 16.45 Mfi.60 16.90
July . 17.82 17.22 16.80 Mb.90 17.23
Riba ! I I
May '18.95 118.97 118.87 18.90 118.Sa
July M8.93 M9.00 18 90 l«.H5 18.92
New York Sugar.
York. March 13.—The raw sugar
market was steady and unchanged at
4 77<: for spot and 4.Me for later ship
ments. Sales . Included 10,000 bags of
fhiban to an outport refiner and 5.0uo
bags to an operator at 4 S4c for March
shipment ami 39.000 bags of Porto Rican
to an operator at the same level for
April shipment
Raw sugar futures were Irregular. The
opening was 1 to 2 points higher on cov
ering ami trade buying, hut the market
eased off later, undei locul liquidation
end closed 1 point higher to 3 lower
.March closed 3 0 P May, 3.11c; July.
*..27cx September. S 41c.
The refined sugar market continued
nulet at former price- wrlch ranged fforu
4.00#«.30r for fin#* granulated although
it was believed that most refiners were
• accepting orders at the lower level.
Refined futures were nominal.
New York Poultry.
Xiw York. March 13. Uve Poultry
Steady: broilers, by freight, 40® 50c; by
express. 45 4055c.
DrejbCd Poultry—Quiet and unchanged.
KanmiH C ity produce.
Kansas City. March 13.—Kggs—Marlcot.
3 *ic higher; firsts. 28c; selected, 35c.
Poultry—Hens, lc higher. 2Jc.
Other produce, unchanged.
New York 4 ottou Futures.
New York, March 13—Cotton futures
opened steady: March. 25.18c; May,
25.45c; July. 25.74c; October. 25.13c; De
cember, 25.13c.
New York ftllver.
N’ew York. March 12—Bar Sliver—68c.
Mexican Dollars—52\e.
Fremont, March 13.— Nebraska
Corner, nestings, Kearney and Mid
contest will |^e held at Midland col
lege Saturday evening. Six colleges
trill participate in the event. Ineluding
Nebraska Wesleyan. Grand Island,
Catner, Hastings, Kearrfey and Mid
"The Forum," a forensic organiza
tion at Midland, will entertain the
representatives of the various col
leges at a banquet previous to the
contest. The roaches of the various
celg&es will act as Judges to deride
thet winner.
lierbert Dlchsen, an Omaha youth,
has been chosen to rejfresent Mid
land In the elimination held here Inst
V eek.
’rtie proceeds of the contest wttl be
used to further work along forensic
lines at Midland. This Is the first
year that the contest has been held
in Fremont.
Gcjtynburg Debaters
Nto Meet Midland Team
Fremont, March 13.—A (earn of de
baters coining all the way from the
Gettysburg university of Gettysburg.
Pa.| will nppear In Fremont Saturday
evening when they engage in a contest
with a Midland debating team.
’llie Gettysburg debate (earn Is con
sidered one of the best In the east and
Is doming to Fremont on a western
tou} that Includes 13 engagements.
Ttfinler Ilunkel, Johannes Klotsche
• n<T Herbert Dlrhsen will make up tint
Midland team that will attempt to de
feat the Pennsylvanians.
SheHon—Mrs. Ellen McMullen. T7.
mofher of Andrew McMullen, farniei
living near here. Is dead from compli
cations Incident to adtapeed age.
Omaha Grain
Omaha. March 13
Practically ti" trading wan done in the
local cash market today aa a result «*f
the almost unprecedented break In future*,
i* car* of "heat was reported in. 64 ears
of corn and 7 car* of oats. Fluctua
tions in future* wet* violent and Into -
' derl] i •; of Mip•
pl ed and bulk of the receipt* were car
ried over unsold.
Otnahti 4 arlot Sale*.
No. 1 hard: 3 cars, ft.59
No 2 bard: l car, $1.6S1J; 1 car,
No. 4 hard: 1 car. $1 5t.
No. 5 hard: b car SI.55.
No. 2 white: t cars. $1.05
No. 3 white: 1 car. $1.0.;, 2 cars *1.94.
No, 4 white: 1 car, 91.03.
No. ;» yellow: 1 car. 9n<
No. 4 mixed: 2 onr«. SI.on.
No. ? white: 1 car. 4 7c.
No. :; white: 2 car*. 4 \>
No.-# barley: | car. $1.92
llally Inspection of 4.rain fThceRed.
Hard: 3 car* No. l. J4 car* No 2, 5
far« No. 3. car* No 1. 2 cars N». 5.
Mixed "heat: 1 car No.
Total. 28 cars.
Yellow: 13 cars No. 3, 10 car* No. 4,
1 oar No. f., 3 cats N<», 6, 3 cars sample.
White; 5 cars No. 2, 3 cars No. 3.
Mixed: 2 car* No. 2. 7 cars No. 3. 3
car* No. 4.
Total, 50 cars.
White: I car No. 2. 13 cars No. 3. 4
cars No. 1. :: cars sample.
Total, 27 curs.
1 car No. 1.
Total, 1 car.
Total cars, 100. ,
(Carlots.) %
Week Tear
Receipts— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat .4S 7 4 4 4
Com . tit; 103 149
Oats . 7 is 12
Rye . © i 1
Barley . 1 0
Meek. Year
Shipments— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat . 113 52 61
Corn . 39 28 82 i
<>Hts .. 4 46 37
Rye .. o p 3 i
Barley . •• 1
• 'irlots: Today. W k Ago. Y'r Ago
Wheat . 15 20 35
Corn . 69 271. ing
Oats . 4 3 51 6 5
Wheat . 8 4 101 92
«’orn . 87 144 x9
Oats . 9 S 10
Wheat . fi<t M
Corn . 35 70 6 2
Oats . 61 4 7 4 7
M lunciipoll* f ash (.min.
Minrea polls, March 1 3 Wheat—Cash.
Xo. 1 northern. $1.39% ft 1.61 % ; No. I
dark i'ii h<rn spring choice to fancy.
11.76% ft 1.87%; good to choice, $1.64% ft
1.75**; ordinary to good. it.60% ft
I 63%; No. I haul spring. $ 1.87% ft 1.97% ;
No 1 dark hard Montana on track.
$ 1.57 • „ ft 1 SI % : to nrri\e, $1.67% ft
1.81%; May. $1.60%; July. $1.60%.
Corn- No. " yellow, $1.04 % ft 1.07%.
<*at*—No. 3 white, 40ft 10*2c.
Barley—69 ft 86c.
Rye—No. 2. $1.16 01.18%.
Fla*—No, 1. $2.840 2.87.
Kamrim City 4 a*li (train.
Kansas Cltv. March 13. Wheat—Xo. 2
hard, $1.5*491.79; So. 2 red. *1.6501.74;
May, $1.67 % . July, $1.39% bid; Septem
ber. $1.32% bid.
Corn—No. white. $1.,03 ft 1.67; Xo. 2
yellow. $l.*8ftl.l2; No. 3 yellow. $1.04 ft
1.07: No. 2 mixed. $1.08% ft 1.08; May.
$1.21 % split hid; July. $1.14% split bid.
September. $1.15% split asked.
Hay—Unchanged to $1 lower; choice al
falfa. $22.00 ft 24.00.
Other*—Unchanged, n
Chicago Cash (train.
Chicago March 13.— Wheat—No. 3 haul.
$1.84%; No, 4 hprd $1.60,
Corn—Xo. 3 mixed, $1.12%; No. 3 yel
low. $1.1 3% ft 1.16.
Oats—No 2 white. 45% ft 47%e; No. 3
white. 43% ft 46r.
Barley —86 ft 93c.
Timothy Seed—$8.25ft 6 50
Clover Seed—$22.00ft30.50
Rib* — $18.HO
Minneaitoli* Flour
Minneapolis, Minn.. March 15.—Flour —
10c lower: in carload lots family paten**.
$9.56 o 9.75 a barrel In 98-pound cotton
Bran—$22,000 24 00.
St. l/oiiia (train.
S*. lioul*. March 13. Clone Wheat—
May, $1.67 bid: July, $1.45% bid.
Corn —May. *1.16% bid; July. $1.21$$.
East St. Louie lJTMtofk,
East St. J.oui*, March 13.—Cattle—Re
ceipt*. 800 head; Insufficient steers hero
to make a market; good and choice veal
era opened hi $12.00 or steady and closed
at $11.25; other classes, unchanged; two
loaue mixed steers and heifers, $8.56 ft
9.25: most l>o«f steers, $6.5f»ft«.50; few up
ward to $8.00; canneri, $2.500 3.25; few
bologna bull*, $4.0004.50.
Hogs —Receipts. 7.5«»9 head; buteher
hogs market, generally 25c higher, top.
$14.25; bulks 180 pounds and up. $14.00ft
14.15; 160 to 1*0 pounds, I13.85ftl4.00;
140 to 150 pound*. 113.60ft 13.65; light
lights and pigs, strong; good 120 to 130
pourd averages, $12.7^0 1 3.26; light pig*
$10.50ft 12.50: iparker sows, mostly $12 50
ft 12.65; closet dull and weak; late top,
$14 20.
Sheep and Lambs—Receipts 750 head,
fiesh receipt* entirely direct and
through; three decks clipped lambs from
feed barn*. $13.76: first of season: no wool
lambs sold; choice handy weight* quotable
$17.250 17 50; fat awes. $9.00ft 10 50, ac
cording to weight.
New York Oeneral.
New York. March'13.—Flour—Easy;
spring patent*. $8.9009.40; soft winter
straight*. $8.55ft *.90; hard winter
straight*. $8.6509.15.
R\e Flour—Easy, fair to good. $7.50fT
$.06; choice to fancy, $8.05ft*.50.
Rye—Weak; No. 2 western, $1.33. f. o
b.. New York, and $1.31%, c. i. f. export.
Bailey Eu*j ; malting. $1.040 1.08, » 1
f . New York.
Bpcit wheat— Easy ; tins milling. $2 25.
nominal Canadian. $1.87.
Wheat Spot, weak No 1 dark north
ern spring, c. i. f.. New York. Jake and
rail $1 96%: No. 2 hard winter, f o. b.
lakp and rail. $1.80%; No. 2 mixed
durum, tin. $1.81%; No. 1 Manitoba, in
bond. $1.92%
Corn Spot, weak No 2 yellow, r, 1. f
track. New York, all rail. $1 30%; No. 2
mixed, do. $1.29%
Oafs—Spot, weak; No 2 white. R7c.
Hay—Steady; No. 2, $19 00021.00.
Lard—Easy, middle west. *17.20017.30
St. Louis Livestock.
St. Louis. March 13.—Cattle—Receipts,
1,100 head; market steady; native beef
steer*. $8,00 0 I2 f>0: yearling steers and
heifer*. $5.00 012.00; cows, $4.7508.00;
Stockers and feeders. $5.000 3 75: calve*.
$11.75ft 12.26; tanners and cutters. $2.35
ft 4 50
Hogs—Receipts. 7.600 bend; market
20ft 25c higher; mixed and but' her*. $13.90
0 14.15; good heavies, 914150 1 4 23;
$1: 001 ghta $18 90ft I« 1
pig*. $11.75ft 13.75; bulk of sales. $14.00
■ft 14.20.
Sheep—Receipts. 750 bead; market
steady; mutton ewes, $6.00010.50; lamb*.
*16.20017.50; cannera and choppers, $3 00
ft 0.00.
New 1«rk (offee Futures,
N*w York March 13. Coffee futures
wera lower today under moderate offer
ing* which appeared to be Influenced by
report* .if an easier tone In Brazil and
complaints of a continued slow demand
for consumption. The opening was un
changed to 1 1 point* lower. May sold
off front 19.36c to 19.12c and 'dosed at
19 20.’. the general market closing at net
declines of 17 to 24 point* Sales were
estimated at 33.000 bag* Closing quota
non* March. 20.26c: May. 19.20c; July,
18.13c; September, 17.20c; October, 17.05c;
December, 16 62c.
Spot coffe* Hull; Rio 7*. 21%ft2l%c;
Sn n toa 4*. 26 % d 26 % c.
riiicwro flutter
Chicago. March 12. The butter market
today ru*ed barely steady at n He.dine
O' % <0 )e on 'll score*. A nervous and
unsettled undertone wa* noted at the de
•Hue. Buvers w9re not showing much
interest. consequently trade was quiet.
Tinders as a rule were flew sellers but
in some quartern were holding 92 score
curs for premiums. The centralized car
market wits steady with trading quiet.
Fresh butter: 92 score. 4x0; 91 score,
47c; U0 score. 46%c; ‘S score. 44%c. 8S
score. 4be; s7 score. 30c; x« acme. ;;3c.
Centralised lots: 9a score. 48 %r; 89
score, 47c; *8 score. 39c.
New \ ork Dry (inode.
New York, March 13 —Cotton goods
prices held steady today. Vain* were
slightly 'asler Raw silk was steadier
after yesterday's sharp decline Burlaps
were firmer in Calcutta and steadier here
Buyers of wool goods were operating con.
scrvatlvely on staple linen and fancies
With seeds) dress fabric* selling better.
With futvfra linen orders smaller, foreign
spinners 4>«gnn ■•urfalllng In flax spinning
center*. Jobbers reported a constant
small order demand.
Chicago Spot Market.
Chicago, March 13. Rutter Recelpfa.
0.994 tuba; laat year, 9.W2* tulip, cart
on track, 1 nld. 11 new; extra*. 4H ij ;
Mnndnrda. 4lttr; extra firtta 44S»i'
41%C; flrate. tO'^tMt'/fcr aecnndt, 34t(fc
3'ji-; k9 mm re 4if, aa acore.
Riga—Kecelpta 14.334 cnaep; l**t year.
20,7*9 ciaea, onra on track, 1 r. old. 29
new, flrata. 29c . dlrta, 2«c; rhex*. 26c.
Tona—Rutter, eaay; egga. ateady.
1,1 x rrpool Cotton
".Ivorpool, March t.'t Weekly cotton
atatletlc*' Total forwarded to mltla,
44,000 halea uf which American.;
atock. 962.000 American. 7*0.onn,
Irnporta, *1.400 Iirir*; American. 44,000;
export*, 4.000 hale*. American, 3,000.
Nfw York ( ollon
New York, March 11 The general cot
ton market doaed ateady at a net ad
a a net vt i to b yuintt.
r -—N
Omaha Livestock
IJtMtark receipts at the leading mar
kefs tviilat were:
Cattle llngn Sheep
Omaha . 1.700 10,500 *.200
t hirago .1.000 24.000 10.000
kmwui* i Ity ...1.04*0 2.500 4 4*00
Sion* i ity .1.500 13.000 500
St. Louis .1,104* 7.500 750
Sf. Joseph . *00 2.000 4.500
Omaha, March 13.
rteeeipta ^ie: Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
Official Mon-lav _ 9,629 16.373 12.563
Official Tuesday _ 8.681 16,888 11.409
Of f 1 < i« 1 Wednesday.. s.621 16.546 10,710
Official Thursday .. 6.64" 11,286 9 749
Estimate Friday . ... 1.700 10.500 8 200
Five days this wk.34.271 70,095 52.630
Same days lent yv’k. 30.:;98 71.898 .>4,473
Same days 2 w'* a 0.2 7.2 7 1 7 1.29 8 4.->.535
Same days 3 tv'a a’o. 19,365 95.228 56,90s
Ssme days year ago 35,283 90,35 1 46,7 69
Cattle—Receipts. 1.70° head. Most of
the steers in thy light Friday run sold nt
good stead' pricey. Yearlings were in best
demand and ruled firm while the feu
weight.'' cattle offered found the going
slow and were weaker if anything. A feu
head of tiie best steers hero brought
*11.00. She stock wns alow but mostly
steady. On account of the stormy
ueather demand for sfockeis and feeders
uhs light and the few loads that were
offered cleared slowly.
Quotations# on catrle: Good to choice
vearltng*. *10.00011.25; fair to good year
lings. *9.00 610.00; common to fair year
lings. ix.oO0S.85; good to choice ateers,
*10.25011.30; fair to good steers, $9,250
10.25; common to fair steer*, >8.250
*9.25; trashy warmed-up rattle, *7 t'O'd*
8.00; good to choice fed heifers, *8.260)
9.60; fair to good fed heifers, *7.26 -'P
8.25; common ro fair fed heifers, *0.25
07.25; good to choice fed covys. *6.50
07.75; fair to good fed cows. *6.25 0
6.50; common to fair cows, *2.5004.76;
good to cholco feeders *8.1509.00; fair
to good feeders. >7.4008.10; common to
fair feeders, *0.50 07.85; good t c* choice
stockera. *x.Oo0 8.75; fair to good Stock
ers, >7.25 07.90; common to fair Stock
er.*'. *6.25 0 7.25; trashy stockera, *5.50
CaH.25; stock heifers. $4.500 6.25; stock
cow*. *3.2504.60; stock calves. *5.000
*8.25; x eal calve*. *1.00011.75; built:,
stags, etc., §2.75 06.00.
No Av. Pr No. Av. Pr.
6.*. 71.3 $ x 2 5 II.1080 *10 00
43. *83 9 1 0 1 2. 1186 10 25
21 . 1 24 6 9 15 8 . 8 33 9 26
18.1220 9 43 4x. 1"1 7 10 60
-0 ...11x7 1" 65 22 . 1306 10 75
10.1173 10 85 7.11 73 1 1 00
25 ..... 636 8 75 27. 881 9 75
17. 788 S 5i>
6 _ . 901 2 86 5.1164 6 10
7 ...... 10 4 2 3 75 8. 121 7 6 26
5. 930 4 60 6. 10x1 6 25
2.1165 7 00 3.1233 7 00
2 . 1 170 5 75 2.1 230 7 26
5. 1062 7 25 7.1140 7 50
7. 607 8 00 5. b08 5 75
4 . 1097 9 75
2.1390 4 25 1 $90 6 no
J. 1650 4 8" 1 .1270 7 00
7 . 400 6 50 1 1 . 222 G 00
IT. 3n0 6 60 6 266 6 75
2. 135 7 0o 2 . 145* 9 50
1 20" 10 50 1 200 10 75
10. 686 7 15 30. 747 7 75
32 .. X 4 2 6 66 6 , . . . .606 6 85
Hugs—Receipt*. 10.500 head. General
demand was "gain broad from all quar
ters and trade in both the shipper and
packer division was active with the mod
erate supply at hand clearing at a aea
sonablt hour of the forenoon at prices 10
0 15c higher. Top for the day was *13.50
and bulk of all sales at *13.40 013.86.
Representative sales;
No. Av. Sh. Pr No. Av. Hh. Pr.
78.. 178 ... *13 40 82..186 110 .
25.. 167 ... 13 50 46..320 ... 13 60
MS..183 . 84..172 .
56.. 186 ... 13 65 37..199 40 .
63.. 292 ... 13 70 90..195 .
70.. 226 40 13 75 45..247 .
82.. 218 ... 13 80 60..266 ... .
76.. 224 . 75..216 ... 1385
56. .378 ... . 57..274 ... 13 90
68. 317 70 . 70.. 295 .
Sheep— Receipts 8,200 head. Best
light and handyw eight fat lambs again
ruled fairly at steady to weak prices,
while weightier classes were slow wale
throughout tlie day. Shearers showed lit
tle damage with aged sheep around
Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lamb*,
good to choice. $16.60017.00; lambs, fair
ro good fr .50019.23; larobe, extreme
heavies *14 50015.25; feeding lambs.
116.50016.50; shearing lambe, $15,760
16 5". wethers, f9.75 0 1 ••.50 ; fa.t ewes.
*7.7 5 010(60, yearlings. *12.090 14.26.
Receipts and disposition of livestock at
the Union Stockyards. Omfha, for 2 4
hours, ending nt 3 p. m . March 13, 1926:
Cattle Hgs Shj>
U. P. R. R. . J 3 32 30
C. M. A St. P. Ry. 2 9
C. a X. \V . east. .. 2' 6 ••••
c. a X. V . west . 12 43
C. St. 1*. M. AO. 7 6 2
C. B. A Q. east . 3 1 ....
C. H. A- Q . west . 17 16 8
C. R. I. A. P., east . 2 3 ....
C. R. J <t P. W0st. 2 1 -
i. c. r. n.-. i i • ••
C. G. W. R. R. 3 -
Totals receipts . 61 119 *3
Cattle Hgs. Rhp
Armour A Co. 266 2539 1227
Cudahy Packing Co. ... 653 1526 2193
Hold Pa-king Co.125 902 -
Morris Packing Co. 123 1201 61 1
Swift A Co. ...4. £83 1*23 192$
Hoffman Bros. 8 .
Midwest Packing Co. ... 10 .
So. Omaha Packing Co. • 36 .
Murphy. J. W. . 1291 -
Kenneth A Murray . »3l ....
Lincoln packing Co. .... .... • •••
Goug A Keefer . -t .... ••••
Sinclair Packing Co. 16 .
Bulla. .1 H. 5 .
Ellis A Co. 1 .
Iltrvey. John . 0 .
Inghram, T. .r. 1 . ••••
Kellogg. K G. L>
Krebbs A »'o. 10 .
Longman Bros . 27 .
Luberger. Henry A.l'»4 .
Mo.-Kan*. C. A C. Co. . 1$ .... ....
Root. J. B. & Co. 7 - -
Rosenvtpck Bros. - .
» I! Sargent A Finnegan 39 .
Sul Ryan Bros. • . * .
Wertheimer A Degen 31 ..
Other buyers . 191 .. -80
Total 3034 9613 61o*
4 lib ago Livestock.
Chicago, March 12.-—(United Sta’es De
partment of Agriculture.)—Cattle— Re
ceipts, 4.009 heal, market, m«»at killing
classes steady; top yearling*. $12.00; Jignt
beef heifer*. * 11.00; best weighty steers
held around *11.25. bulk fed steers and
yearlings. *3.50010.60; better grade she
stock steady; common fed cows, cannern
and cutters weak to lower; bulls dull at
recent decline; weighty bolognas around
$4.76; fed. *4.*5; choice medium to handy
weight veal calves weak ; light kind steady;
bulk to packers. *12.00013 00; few. *13.50;
shippers buying sparingly upward to
*14 Of', stockera and feeders firm, mostly
*7.00'* 4.2ft; plain light kind *6.6006.76.
lings—-Receipts. 24.000 head; market
slow ; mostly 1 o#» higher thau Thursday's
heat price: underweights strong to 250
higher; Mg packers doing little; top,
$14 10; bulk belter 170 to 300-pound aver
" gen. lift 60if'd 4.10 : 140 to lS"-pound se
lections largel.v $12X0013.26; bulk pack
ing ova, *12.75013 10; strongweigbt
daughter pigs mostly 112.2(012 50;
heavyweight. $13.70014.10; medium
v-elght. *1 3 66014 10; lightweight. $13.30
>7 13 95; light light. $12 non 13.70; pack
ing hogs, smooth. $12 750 13 16. packing
hogs rough. $12.50012.75; alaughjfr pigs,
110 76 47 12.75.
.sheep—Receipts, 10,000 head; market
slow, deslrsb'e fr*t lambs opening steady;
few handy light lambs upward to $17.50;
no action on others; bidding weak; talking
*16 254X16 50 for good kind averaging
around 90 m 9'1 pounds; fed sheep and
feeding lambs unchanged good fed sues,
Kansas 4 It) Livestock.
Kansas flty Mo. March 13 (United
Stales Department of Agriculture ) Gat
tie Receipts 1.000 head; calves. 100
head, market, barely enough beef sfeera
end yearlings here to lest market values;
few loads. I- 7509.75; one load Texas
grassera $6 75 ;market about steady;
other killing classes, gt»ady; bulk butcher
sows *4.7606.26. heifers, $6 0008.00;
practical veal *op. $io>0; atocker and
feeders, nominally, a't-ady.
Hogs- Receipts. 2,100 heed market,
*b»w. steady to 10c higher; shipper top.
$13.SO; pitcVers. bidding |l' 60 on beat
b« ivies; bulk of sales. $13 400 It.70; de
sirable 18" to 300 pound averages. $13.40
013.80; light lights, steady, MO to 160
pound average*. *12.6501.100, packing
sows. $12.750 13 00; stock pigs, scarce.
st« »«dy ; bulk $11,06012 25
Hheep Receipts, 4,000 heall: market,
[lambs, genet »»iiy weak to 15c lower; de
sirable ne|ght offerings, mostly, $16 6.60
16.95; 101-pound kinds $15 00, closing,
(lull; add lota sheep, ateady.
Minus fltjr IJrrMnrk
Rloux t'lty, fa . March 13 <!attle~ He.
'**lpt*. 1. '.00 head; market alow, ktllera
eteadv, 2-'>c lower; atm kera weak fat
afeera and yearling*. 97 60913-00; bulk,
M.2601O.OO; fat cow a and heifer* Id oft*
10 60; .Timer* and cutter*. 12 2694 00;
\*ala, I - 000 11 -.0; bull*. 94-9695-00: feed
er*. 9*.000*.26; atocker* 96 0007-50;
afnek yearling* *nd calve*, $4 600 T.60;
feeding row* and heifer*, $9 0006 60.
Hog* Receipt*. 13.000 bead; market
steady; ion. $13 00, milk, •19.600 13*6;
Hr hi* 919 760 13 *0; but.her* 913 600
1 r 90 mixed |1 3 40013 75: heavy packer*,
$12.7591:: 26; *t*g*. 99 75910 »0; pig*.
m»*t|y 111 06011.75.
Hhaep -Receipt*. 600 head market
steady, lamb*. $17 in. aw**, lit 60
Mt. ,l«i*c|ih Livestock.
Mf. Jnaeph, Mo. Match 13 Ifoga Re
celpt*. 2.000 he*d; markat, *t#ady to 10c
higher: fop. $13*0; hulk, f 11 2:>01f 76.
fat 11* Receipts. *00 head; market,
steady; ludk of steer*. $9.00910.76; mwa
nnd helfei s. 93 6001*00; calve* $6 000
11 60; atockera and feeder*. 16.6001 26.
Mheep Re elpl*. 4 600 head. market
*♦ eadv lamb*. 916.00017.00; #«•«, $9 00
0 10. i6.
4 him go Poultry,
f’hlcago, March 13 l*nultrj 1 i\* low
e' fowls 2 3'a1 springs, 10c. 1 (mater*,
ito; turkey*. etc; duck*. 29c, lie.
Little Strength
Shown by Stoek
Market Friday
Good I)a\ for Boars. Soiling
Persistent but No Signs of
Pressure or Haste; Trade
Nolume Low.
—-"■ ——— •
Bv KM II \lll> SPILLAM'.
In Ker*.nl Service llnanclal Kdltor
Now York. Match IT At no time from
.>tert to finish today .lid the stock mar
K '*t. show much strength There was
persistent selling, particularly of highly
speculative issues, but market observers
thought thev sow a lot of maneuvering
io get lltf better issues of cheap prices
The so mi-panic, in the grain market
had a disturbing influence. This, with
the coincidence of n Fridav and the 13th
"f the month, made some think It was
a good day for hears. It was.
Liquidation was persistent from start
to finish but never was there sign of j
pressure or haste and the volume of
business wav hardly up to the average]
of this year.
Industrials showed weakness from the
start, and the rails followed the Indus
trials In their decline. IT S. Steel never
showed vigor. It got % up from Its
opening and then lapsed into a dragging
Halls acted poorly. The St. Paul issues
were sold again.
American Woolen was under heavy
pressure and went to the lowest in nearh
6 years.
Various of the oils and moat of the spe
cialties dropped.
*side from Te<ras & Pacific, the promi
nent stocks that stood out because of
their strength were relatively few Allis
• ’halmers. Texas tlulf sulphur and Smel
ters were the most conspicuous
On general average price* came close
to but did not break, through the low of
iast week.
F.uslness was on a moderate basis and
at no time did it appear as if there was
haste in the liquidation.
Friday, the 13th of March. 192.'. prob
able will stand out In grain historv in
\meriea. On some occasion in war timer,
but rarel’- In peace dav* have there been
such extreme losses in price. The Fhi
cp.go market was In turmoil from *|tart
to finish. Price* dropped so fast ami so
ftr as to suggest a young panic. Busi
ness was on a tremendous scale. Market
news was scant. It wasn't necessary..
The notion of the market told the story.
Got ton was very dull.
I New York Quotations |
New York Stock exchange quotations
furnished V*' «L S. Bach« A Co., 224
Omaha National bank building.
High Low Cl os* Close
Agrlcul Chem. 17 17%
Air Reduction 104 101 101*4 lo^Vi
Ajax Rubber. 12% 11% 11% lit*
Allied Chem . 87% 87 97 87%
Allis-Chalmera ... 56*1* 83% 83*4 *9^
Am Beet Sug. .'ll*1.
Am Brake Sho« F 99% 9 3% 99 % 99%
Amer Can .181 177% 178 177%
Am Car ft Fouad.224% 222% 222% 22 1%
Am Hide A Leith 11% 11% 11% 11%
Am H A T*eat pfd 71% 71 71 71%
Am Interna Corp. • - 37
Am Janseed Oil ..26% 26% 26% 24
Am boromo .....142 140% 14<*% 141%
Am Rad ex-D 91.. .. 95
Am Ship ft Corn. ..12% 12 12 12%
Am Smelt . 98% 96% 97% 97%
Am Smelt pfd ... ..108 108
Atn Steel Found . bl% 61% el % 61%
Am Sugar . 66% 64% 65% 65%
Am Sumatra ... 16% 14% 14% 13
Am Tel A Tel ...136 13 5% 1.36 136%
Am Tobacco . 88% 87% 87% .8 8
Am Wwkl A El . 42% 40 41 41%
Am Woolen . 45% 42% 43% 4f %
Anaconda . 4"% 40 40 40%
Assoc Dry Good* .184% 182 182 182%
Assoc Oil . 36 55% 36% 36%
Atchison .122% 121% 121% 123%
A11 ©Cast Line 160% UP 169 159
AH Gulf A W I . 35% .33% 33% 34%
AU Kef cr, .110% 110% ] 1 o% no
Austin Nichols 27% 26% 26% ?7%
Baldwin .137 134 134 % 137%
Bait A Ohio . 81% vn% *0% "l
Harnsds !1 "A" ... 27 26 28% 27%
Beth Stel . 43% 43% 43% 44%
Bosch Magneto .. 35% 34% 34% 36
Brook Man Ry 4 % 42% 4.3% 42%
Brook-Man pfd 81% 80
Brook Edison Co .13!% 1-8% 129 12*
Calif Back .104% Jo:< 103 104
Calif Petrol . . .. .32 30 % .,0% 51%
Csl A Arl* Min ...... 50%
Canad Pac ...148% 147% 147 7 % 148 *
Cent Leath . 18% 18 16 18..
Cent Leath pfd. •* 67%
Ctfro de Pasco ... 49% 48% 49 49%
('hand Motors .... 33% 32% 32% 33%
CViesap A* Ohio .. 94% 94% 94% 96%
! chic Or West com 12% 12% 12% 13
(*h Gr West pfd 29 28% 26% 36%
I Chic * N W ...N ..7 66% 46% 67%
C M A St P . 9% 8% 9 9%
C M A St P Pfd . 17% 16% 17% 17%
C R I A P . 63 61 % 61% 52%
C fit P M A O Ry. 49%
Chile Copper -.33% 33% 33% 34
Chino . 33
Cluett-Peabody . 42
Coca-Co E-D «1 76 39% 8'% 83 9f'%
Colo Fuel A Iron 44% 42 42% 43%
Colum Carbon . 47% 47%
Columbia Gas ... 57% 566% 66% 56%
Congoleum . 39% 38% 38% 39%
Con so lid Cigars .. 29 28% 29 27%
consolld Gas .... 77% 76% 76% 76%
Cont Can . 64% 63% 63% *3%
Coot Motor* . 9% 9 9 9%
Conrn Prod . 29% 39% 39% 40%
Cosden . 32% 31 31% 31%
Crucible . "77% 74% 74% 76*
Cuba Cane Sug . . . 14 % 1 3 % I 3 % 1 3 %
Cuba Cano S pfd 61% *0 60 «o%
Cuba-Am Sugar . 31% 31% 31% 31%
• uyamei Fruit ... 64% 54% 64% 64
Daniel Boone ... 8% 3% 3% 3%
Davidson Chem 4i% 42% 42% 4?
Del A. Lack* .137 13*
Del A Hudson.141% 141%
' 44 ' 14 I t4 14 .
Dome Mines .16% 15% 1t% 15
Kastman Kodak..1J1 % 111%
Erie . .. 31% 11% *31%
Endleott-J ohn *•* t>6»*
Elec Storage Bat 6n% 65% • . % 66%
Famous Players lt>l% 99 99 * 101%
Fifth AT* Hus Lina . * . " 13%
Fisk Rubber ....12 11% 11% 11*
Fleischrnan’a Yeast 79% 78% 74 79 %
General Asnhalt... 6 2% M 55
(ieneral El-otrle. . 276 % 268 269% 376
General Motor* ... 73 72 72% 72%
IGold Dust . 42 41 41 41 %
Goodrich . 52 51 51 62%
|Gt Northern Ore.. J7% 4% .*% 37%
(it No Ry pfd .. 44 % 67 % 67% 6\%
Gulf States Steel.. 17% 17% *7% 88
I Hartmann Trunk.. . ... 30% ;ti
Hay eg Wheel .... 34% 3; j; 34%
Hudson Motors .. 49% 42% 4,1 43%
Homeatak* Mining 44% 44 44 % 44
Houston Oil . 71 % 76 76 T7
Hupp Motors . ..15 14% 14% 15
Illinois central..., . . .. nr. % 115%
Inspiration .. 24% 2« 24% 26%
7Tit E C Corp. 4 1 ;;9% 5 9% 40%
Inter Harvester... 106 % 104 104 105 ^
Int Men- Marine .11% 11% 11% 1174
lilt M Mai pfd... 44% 41 4 1% 4 3%
Inter Nickel .... 24% 24% 26% 24%
Inter Paper . 60% 49% 49% 498*
Int T 4 T .. .. 92 9"%
Ind Gas . 31% 30% 31 % ju L
Jones Tea . 14 17%
Jordan Motor ... 5 4 . Sn% 50% 50%
K O Southern ..38% 27% 27% 38%
Kelley-Sprit.gfleld. U% 16 15 15%
Kennerott .61% 60 U 50% %
Lea Rubber . 12% 12 % 1 ? % 12%
Lehigh Valley .. 76% 75% 75% 77%
Lima Loro . 69% *t% *«% ha
l.none-Wiles . 9n *7 97 V6
I*ou A Ns eh -112% 112% 115% 112%
Mark Truck _ 1.19 137 137 131 %
'fay Dept St or-.. 109% 1*9 in* 107%
Maxwell Motor A. »7% «7 *7 87
Maxwell Motoi R. 57% 65% M %
1 Mart and . 4 % 40 % 41 41%
I Me* He*board . 15% 15 16 i.\u
Mis ml ('upper ...11% 12% 1.1 1: %
M K A T Ry . . 8% 37 37 % 7 \
Mo Per .. ?9% r,7 % 9: % ;9
Mo Par pfl . 42% 79% ao 81%
Montgomery-Ward . 47% 4.% 43% 46*,
Mother Lode .... 7% 7% 7% .%
Nash Motors . 24: J62V*
Nat l|ls< 111r . 61 |?% •>, % » * \,
Nal Enamel . ,4% "4%
Ni Ld * dlv f? no I ,« i ,« 1,4 1 ; %
N V All Hr nka . 49% 49'* 4*% 49%
N V Central .121% 120% 12«% U«>%
N Y c A Mf I,. 132
N Y N If A 91% 3 % 32% ,i%
North American.. 47% 48% 4*% 47%
Nor ill Pacific 6|% 68% ks% 6|
N A IV Ry .131 12 8'* 121% 1 JIM %
Orphenm .. .... 7" % 2«% 28% 28%
(*wr|i* Hot I i# .aw. 4*,% 45% : % 4* •■*
Pacific on . «o 68% r,8% :.n%
Packard Mntog ... 18% 18 jf\ 18%
Pan-American ... 79 7*% 76% 78%
Fan Am "18" .... 79% 77% 77% 79%
Penn R R ...46% 4««4 46 % 47
Peoples Gas ....114% 114 116% 114
Pera Msrq 70% 7# 7* 70
rhllad Co . . f.•; %
Phillips Petrol .. 42% 41% 41 >4 4.%
Pierre Arrow .. 12% 12% 12% 12%
f’nstum ‘>renl 104 101 101 1«3
Pieeeed Steel Car 68% < 4 84 68
Prod and Ref . 27% ?f>% 26 27%
Pullman ..138% 137% 137% 11*
Punta Ateg Sug .. 44% 4V* 41% 43%
Pure Oil . to ?9 % 29 % 29 %
Radio Corn .... 60% M % 67% 59%
Hall Steel Sp ..137 111 134 11
Bay Consol ..... 14 1 % !.% 1 < %
Heading _ 79% 77% 77% 7« %
Heplogle . 1 17% 17%
Bn,, | 4 Steel lift % ,
Royal D New T 2% 61% 51% 63
Sf LA San F ,72% 7n% 71 71%
St T# 4 p tv ,61% 60% 50% 8:%
Schulte 4 (gar St „ 111 111
Seara Roebuck 166% 162% 153% 164
Shell Tin G|| . 26% 24% ’4% 56%
Simmons Co .... 31% 3'- V! % i 3 %
Sinclair Oil ..... ?0 % 14 *4 19% 2"%
Sinclair Pfd .... 8 8 87 % *7% 98
Sloes Sheffield . . *» 88 08 gift
Skelly Oil . 31 '• ?«% 27 J7
South Tar . 1"4% 1«>4% «4% 104%
smith Rail 88% 88% x»% 88%
Stand Oil of cap. 42% 40% 40% *1%
A» 0|| .»f S J 43% 4J 43 4* %
Sf r G .3.3% HH n% 1:
St-wart Warner . <6% 4 314 •* '4 r %
Strom Csrb. ** *9 1
St ude baker 44% 4.'>% 4 % 44%
dubm lioai 10% 10% F* % 10%
Texas Co ..46 4. 4 t.»k 4..>4
Texas Gulf Sul . . 11T, \ 11 112*% 111
Texas ir Par - » t'» ■" S *4
Tt ink Hull Brat 4" ' , .,9 • « • **
Tob Prod . 7 7'4 7 6 76 'iC,
Tob Prod "A” .. 9t»'„ »s*% 90% 9*6*.
Trans <»11 . 4 i\ 4'* 4-*
Colon Pa. . 147 S 14«'{, I:,-,;, II-;'*
United Fruit .210 I
i: S Cast Iron P .224 21« 218 2-4
V s Ind Alcohol S3 ** M M’„ »:;**
U 84 Rubber.46'a ..9'4 40 ■ „
F S Rubber pfd 917. 9
U S 8Reel .123 7* 122*;, 1221 *J»
U H Steel pfd.122 4
l tah Copper ..... . 86 s6%
Vanadium . 2s 4 2"1* 27*4 28
Vivaudou . 21*a M1* H’* M",
Wabash . 2T.»% 2.* • « • 7*
W abash "A . *■'F*7n 8 4 * 4 • „
West Pa<- ... 46*v 4j't *. : 1 ,
V’est Fnlon ... 122 12A 120 .21 ' a
W est Air F4rake . .106 1".. 1"7. I". '*
W est Klee . 7;; I, 7 1 '% 71 '* 7 2.
White Fa gin Qi| 27*4 27 '% 27 ** 27 *4
White oMtors * " ' 1 *. <'4 ’4 63
Wool wort h Co 116 life* 1114 11».
W lllya-Overland . IL!13 I2’t 12’4 12*4
W'lllys-Overl pfd >7*,. 88 86'a
Wilson ....... 10 «2 \!t4 .H a4 8%
Wilson pfd 29*4 27 4 27*8 25’*
Worthing Pump. 67 t'.3*4 64 66-%
W rig ley oC . 49 !*
Yellow Cab T Co . 52 82
Yellow Cal* 81 »'o . 37
Total sales Thursday. T,462.000.
Today's 2 p. m. sales. 1,011,200.
New York Bonds
New York, March 13.—Hond prices to
•lay continued tu :-*<ore Irregular recovery
un«ler the leadership «»f the railroad is
sues. for which them was a widening de
mind. Quotations failed to hold at the
lop levels achieved <m an carle rally,
but wn« fractionally higher on the day.
Heavy buying of Serbian fee. which
moved up almost 2 points to s n- w peak
price for t h” year, was linked with re
ports that hankers were preparing to
float a new loan for Jugo Slavta. The
government Is required to meet a $3,000,
onn maturing note Issue ut the end of
this month, and the new loan, if is re
ported, uiil provide several million dol
lars additional for railroad const! uction.
The usual Saturday dullness in the
investment field will he broken tomorrow
by an offering of $8,975,000 Philadelphia
fiapid Transit company 38-year fi per
cent bonds. The issue will be marketed
by Dillon, Read & Co. at a price of 1*9
There were few important price
changes in the rail group, although frac
tional gains Here general throughout the
list. The only outstanding exVpilon to
the upward trend was the 4
per cent St. Paul issue. .Selling of thes«»
bonds again broke out in fairly heavy
volume, forcing1 a recession of 2% points.
Some of the load's other Issues, however,
were slightly higher.
Industrial obligations wore Irregular
with Pan-American and SUellv oil and
Warner and Alatl sugar issue* yielding
l to 2 points. Liberty bonds were heavy.
New York, March 13 Following are
today's high low. and closing prices of
bonds on the % w York Stock exchange,
and the total sales of each bond.
(United States government bonds in dol
lara and thirty seconds of dollars.)
I‘. S. Ilnnd*.
(Sales in $1,000.) High. Low. Close.
10.3 Liberty 3%n _1(M 1101.10 101.10
1 Liberty 2d 4s ...100.22 100.22 100.22
31 Liberty 1st 4 %s.. 101.21 J 01.16 HM.16
428 Libertv 2d 4 % s .100.27 100.23 100 23
428 i.ibert v .*1 4 4s. 1*1.1*1 101.13 101.14
D.O Liberty 4th 4 'in. 1 o 1.2*1 101.23 101 23
69 U S Treas 4s ...loom 100.15 100.15
3$ U 8 Treas 4%s. .104 84 104.13 104.14
"V Foreign.
11 A J AI Wk." 6s.. 94% 91% 94%
74 Argentine (lov 7s..102% 102% 1""%
38 Argentine Govt 6s. 9*.% 96 96%
2 9 A us Gov gtd lo 7a 95 % 95 * 95%
12 C ut Her 8s. 84% m s4
6 Copenhagen 5 % a .. 96% 96% 96%
7 Gter Prague 7%s . 90 89% y"
4 Rio de Jan 8s ’47.. 1*4% 91% 94%
8 Czechoslo It 8s 2 . 1 "0 99 % l""
1 Dept of Seine 7s.. 88 88 8S
3 bom Rep H t 5%«.. 92% 92% 92%
6 D of C 5% n '29.. 103 102% 102%
35 D of * hi n *s >2 . . 1 "3 % 103 % 1 0 > %
26 D Last Ind 6s ’82..100% 1' k 10" %
1 D E 1 5%s N '53.. 97% 97% 97%
3 Framerlcan 7%s... 9i% 9'. 93
14 French Rep 8s. . ..lo.: 102% 102%
125 French Rap 7s.. . >5% 89% 89%
90 Garb ex* lo 7s rets 94% 94% 94%
4 U C K1 P Pap 7s rc 9"% 9"% 90%
57 Japanese 6%s. 91% 91% >1%
40 K of «ie|g 7 %»....109% 11*9% ]"«%
9 K. of B-lg 6%a rc 9 3 5*3% 93%
9 K of Denmark 6s. 101 % l"l Ml
15 K <-f Hung 7%^ 89 88% >8%
£8 K of Nether 6» ’72.103 % luj % 103%
12 K of Net her 6* '54 102 B 1":% 1"2%
9 K of Nor bs 4 4 .1 00 99% M"
793 K Serbs Cr SI vs . 8 9 *7%
5 K of Sweden 6%s 99% 99% 9‘ .
10 Nord Rye »*%s 8 2 % 8 2 8 2 %
.1 Paris-L>ons Med 6» 76% 76% . •. %
5 Rep of Bolivia. >s .. 9 3% 9 % :•:. %
7 R of Chne 8s '*1 107 M*» % 1 %
13 Rep of Chile 7a . loo % 1 0" % 1 0" % I
6 R of Colom 6 %s .1**0% 100% ;•'*»%
6 Rep of Cuba 5%s 99% 99% 99 t
2 Rep of Finland 6s 86% x*s% s6 4
5 Rep of Haiti 6s .. 93% 93% 93%
3 1 S of Queens! 6s ..103 Jo:: ]y.3
5 8 of It Hr do « Vh 96% 96% 9», %
1 St of 8 Pa s f b.101 Ml 14. i
7 Swiss Con fed 8* .118 114% 115
38 Swiss Gov 5%* 46.14*1% 1"1 % 10] %
41 UKofOH*! 5 %•’$». 116% 116 116
43 UKofGBAf 5%s’$7.10«% M6% 106%
4 U 8 of Brazil *s. 97 96% 96%
4 USofB-C R> E 7s 62% 62 -A 81%
4 A Agr C 7%a ..,.100% 10« 100%
19 A C a f deb a .... 9 4% 99% 'H %
3 0 Amer Smelt 6a . .lot>% 3 06 % l»*t> %
16 Amer Smelt 5s ...96% 96% 96%
12 Amer Sur 6a ...101% 101% 101%
40. A Tel Teh 6 % a .102% 101% 301%
9 A T A T col ti 5s . lt»0% 100 % 10ft %
IS A T A T col tr 4s . P$% 96% 96 %
0 A W W At hi is.. 95% 95% 95%
64 An Cop 7a '36. ..101% 101% 101%
41 An Cop 6» '12. .100% 100% 100%
11 Ar Co of D uV|i 92% 92% 92%
15 At T A S Fa gen 4s *9% 69% 89%
d At T AS Fa.dj4sstpd 83% 13% 83%
2 At C b T. i. Ncol4a 67 67 97
7 14 A O rfg 6a '96 102% 1"2% 102%
78 14 A O 1st 5s etfa.101% 101 101%
‘ 77 B O cvt 4 % a . 92% 9_* 92
9 B T of PlstArfg&a. 1 -» l'"*% 10"%
15 Beth 54 con 6s A . 9 5 94% 94%
10 Beth P pur mon 6s 91% 91 91%
17 1 rier Hill 8 6%a . 99% 99 99 %
39 H Ed I gen 5a A. !"•* 9'*% 300
51 BMT a f 0# . ., . v % 85% *5%
131 B R P 4% a 8«\ 86% H«%
1 Calif Pet 6% .103 ]m 1»»3
26 « an P deb 4s . _• % :*• . %
20 .Car C A • * 6a . . 1"7% 1ft7% 1*7*.
■. *; ( «n of G %« . * 1 ft J 1 *•
4* Cent 1 Pa - gt 1 4s.. *9-^ >8% **%
56 t‘h**sA OhU» cvt 5a 104% 104% 1“4%
17 Chat A Ohio C\ 4%a 96% 96% 96
73 Chi A Alton 2%s . 56 54% 55%
15 C B A % rfg 5a A l"l% ]"1% 1"1%
1 c H A • / gen 4 s . 9 <> 9" 9"
4«t Chi A East 111 5f.. 7-% 76% 77%
14 Chicago G w 4s • :% * %
153 C M A St P cvt 4%a 4% 53 63
1 "4 C M * St T rfg 4 %• 49% 49% ft %
672 O M .V St P 4a %' 5 7 . *»5
31 Chi A N IV rfg is 100% 1**0% 100%
31 Chi* ago Railway# is G«% *5% *5%
4 «• It 1 A P gon 4a M% 61% 83%
211 C K 1 A P * fg 4s 86 % 87 % 88
12 Chi T H A S E Inc 5s 55% 55% 65%
14 Chi .V Wear Ind 4s 7* % 78 :»».%
41 Chile Copper 6a.. .107 106% 104%
14 Cleveland \ Ter r,a.l"« 99% 99%
2 Colo A H<» rfg 4 % a . 92% 92% »2%
6 Col Gaa A K let 6a 100% 10«% 1""%
17 Com l*ow 6a .10"% ion w ion %
1 Cons Coal of M*l 5a 97 % *7% «7%
9 Con Power 6a...... 94% 94 94
3 Cuba c S ctn 8a spd.101% loi % 3 01%
1 Cuban-Am 8ug **a.104% l"ti% J09%
20 Bel A llud cvt 6a 1"J% 101% 103%
40 Den G A E 1st rfg 5a 94% 9 4 9 4
25 B**n A. R G ct»n 4a. -;% v;;%
7 Betroit Edl rfg 6#.. 107% 101% 107%
26 BuP da Nrm . . .107% 107% 1o7%
4 Buqueane J.t ’s . ..105% 105% 105%
65 Hast t uba S 7%a..106% 106% 1**6%
4 2 Em G A K 7%a..l'*2% 101% In* %
14 Erie ge*\ lien 4 a . * 4 % 6 4% 64%
1.1 Erie «M 1a B . .. 73% 7 % 7 %
2 Kl-k Rubber 8s 111 111 111
6 Fla A East C Ry 6a 9 4 94 9 4
1 Gen K deb 6a. . . . l ftg 1"3 lot
24 Goodrich 6 % s 104 % ’."4 104
13 il.fip Tire '•s 6 !"9% ins % 109%
H tidy Tit• 8a 41 lift 12o f.ft
PNj«t Tr Itv of C 7s i!6% 116% 114%
v’» Gt Nop 7a A .... 110% lift 11"’,
27 4 It Nor 6s . 94 % 94 % 94 %
7 Herahey Cine *.a 1**5 1"4% 1"4%
tt Hud A M rfg 6a A 88 *7 % 9 7 ,
91 Hud A. M Mill Inc ;•# 7 2 71% 7;
36 Hum O ,t W * ’7 s |fti\ l**»t , 1«n%
8 111 B T rfg s. 98% $s 94
n Hi Cen ■ % s 102% 1 "2 % B’2%
10 f CCStl.AM* rfg 5* 98*. -it *#%
27 111 911 deb 4 % a. »«% 94 % 94 »
22 Inter It T 7s 9 2 % 9 3
11 Inter It T 6s . ... 7(% 7n% 7;t%
2 Int It T rfg 6a stp 6s 67% ss
7 1 Inter A *!* N ad 6a 7:' 71 % . i %
.9 Inter M M a f • a »•»% 9 9 *9
2 Int i Paper «vt 5» V 9*% 98% 8*.%
i K •* Ft H A M 4s. 84% 94 % M
23 Kan tits I* a I, s, 8»% 99 4 *9%
6 Kail City T#r 4s . 9 86 8 6
7 Iv »* Smith u*- 99 % 99 4 81 %
9 Kunaaa G ,t E •;* 1»»"% 10» J""%
.11 Kelly M Tire 9s .. 97% 97%
.7 bar G of St t. l> % a . J»’»% 99% 9 • %
63 l.SA MM deb 4s'.18 99 % 99% 99%
16 bigg* It A M v era fie 99% 99% 99%
3 I, A N let rfa 4%a. 93% 9‘t% 91%
19 boutavtile C, A l.f.a 9.1% 93% 91%
11 Magma Copper 7» .1/2 1.1% 123
1 Mnnatl Sugar 7%a 1««% 10ft% ]on%
14 Market St Hy 7a... 5*9% 99 •»
2 8 Mid Steel rvl * . 9"% »ft% 90%
4 Mil E Ry A !, rfg 6a 99% 99% 99%
6 M K A T pr In 6a C lft.1% 101% lft.1%
6 M K A T n pr In 6aA 91 % 91 % 91
87 M K A T n adj 6aA . . 86 8&% 8..%
11 Mo Pacific 1st 6a . 101 % 101 DM %
.16 Mo Par gen 4a.,,, 6’.% 65% 65%
2ft M-.nt Povv 6s A . . 99 % 99% !• » %
4 N Eng T A T 1at fn «»'»% 99% 99%
16 N «• T A M 6 %a . ,. 109 % Ion l»»ft%
3 71 N Y Cen deb 6* . 114 111 113
9 NY ten t fg A Imp 5a lftt% 1 ** 1 1"1%
14 N Y Cen • on 4» . 81 % 9 4 '4%
2 N Y Chi A St )<■ 6 % a 9*% 95% 95%
4 NYNHAH 7a 4 f» 9" % 99% *‘9%
14 NYNHAH \\ 6a 4 8 9 1 90% 91
1 ft N Y I ifg 6a 4J .lftt% 106% 106*4
16 N Y T gen 4 *,a . 96% 96% 96%
H Nor A Meat . vt «>a. I o , 129% t.9%
if Nor A- NVeat < on 4a 99 99*, s9’s
7 N Am I 'dl s t » e B*«‘% 100% 1 ••*» %
24 Nor *’ • e rfg 6a It 107% 107% 107%
SI Nor Pa- new a |> 98% 9» % 99%
3 Nop I'nfl f»r 11 4a <* 4 • 8 4 7s 84%
19 Nor A fow let la V 96% 95% 96%
19 nra S 1. rfg 4s 9i% 9* % 96%
• ire Mash BRAN 4a **% 8?%
7 2 Pan Gaa A E s 9. 9|% «4%
144 Pac T A T 5s >2 95 96 9 5
.”6 8 Pan Am P t-, T 6a 11% 111 «s 11%
3? I’a It Ft 6%% IB*% 110% lift".
77 r* It It temp a k| 9J% 97% 9.%
•:T r* ft n gen 4 % a 9 4 \ 94 , 9 1 *
2 4 T>'-« 3far,| rfg • 4* % '"->4
i Pb'la *'•» •*« i*a I "4% 104 % I *»» %
3 rim* Co •%• . 9, #4 . <
Phil & U CAl 5a 101 100% 101
Piene Arrow as. 93% 95% 9%
* l* Ft 1. A P lit 6a R 98 ; % ns
2 Cress.-d St! C Ds 9 % 95% 9«>%
" l’uufa Ala Sug 7a..lo>% 1(|5% 105%
50 Kaadnig gen 4%*.. 93% 9::\ 9 5'4
14 Hep Iron A St f.%* 93% 91 93%
48 Rio 4ir W ■ 1 r 4a 73% 7S ",
18 K 1 A A 1. 4%*... 88% 87 87%
2 St 1.1 MAS fg t . . 91% 94% 94%
.-9 St M MAS 4s KAO di *6% 96% 8«%
87 Stl.A-SK pr In 4aA 7n% 75% 1 j %
20 St 1..8 SI* Hdj 6a.... 88 .87% 9<%
4 1 St 1 .A SK* ln«’ 6s. 80% 80% 90 %
5 4 si I. S' \V con 4- «9 % 89 89%
7 7 St l‘A K< * Sit U 4 %s 8 4% > i% 84
2 S- a rd c on 6*. 90% 89% !»0
29 S» •« board ad.j 5s... 76% ifi 76%
29 Sen board t fp 4.... 65% 65 65
4 Sinclair Oil 0%s.. 88 87% 88
7 Soviai. Pipe LI i,a .84% *4% 94%
1 * Snn-ln 1 »i) col 7s. 92 91 % 91 %
97 SKelly Oil 6%a.114% 112% *112%
14 So «%. i-vt 4* .. 97% 96% 96%
20 So Pa«- rfg 4- 90% 901, 90%
1 So Pa- or,| tr 4s. . 8n% 851, >■. %
So ity gen 6%a. ..109% 109% 109%
' So 11 \ gen 6s.I0fi% J 0 4 *1 104%
! 9 So R\ ven 4*. 77% 77% 77%
1 S \\ Rail Tel tig ;,a 9s % 98 98
20 St UAK evt 6 % s... 119 % 1 ’ 6 ]|8
1 Steel 'lube 7s.100% 106% J06%
12 Tep 11 Klee rfg 6a..U»2 101% 10?
8 Th \ VO adj ; .w . 4:s 4 2 % 4 5
8 Third Ave t fg 4s... 54% 54 % ..4%
7 Toledo Kdlaon 7s.. 110 1 o9% 109%
12 I'nlon Pa.; 1st 4*. . 93 93 93
15 l illon l’iii; evt 4a.. 99 08 % 99
2 I'niiMi Poo rfg 4s. 86% 86% 86%
2 1 s Rubber 7%s...l06% 1U6% 106%
2 1 U s Itubber f.s. 86% *D% *^%
28 r s St.-e| s f 5s ...105% 10r» 106%
12 Utah Pow’A Lgt Da 94% 94 94 %
42 \«-(’af Ch 7s. .85% SDL. 8^%
2 Vlrg Ry a P rfg Da 95% 95% 95%
66 Virginian Ry 5s ... 96% 96% 96%
i Wabish 1st f.s.100% 100% 1oo%
15 Warner Sug 7s '2?. 82 .81% 81%
16 W.- u Klee Da. 98% 98% 98 %
19 West Mary 1st 4s.. 65 64% 64%
14 West Pnr Da... 93% 93 95
12 West Union 6%;, ..110% 11«% i;o%
LI West Klee 7s.107% 107% 107%;
7 W llly-Uv 1st 6 %s. 100 100 100
13 Wilson A Co 1st 6s 95 94% 95
3 Wilson A Co evt 6a 70% 70% 70%
18 Young fch A T 6a. 9“% 98 98%
Total sales of bonds today were, $12,
:’;.7,OQO . ompared with SL4.639.OOo previous
day and $9,726,000 a yeaY ago.
i h:< ago Storks.
Quotations furnished by J.y*. Bache *
' 2:'4 Omaha National Bank building.
Phones Jackson -SI 87. 618*. 51*9
. <*lune: Bid. Asked.
Armour Ar Co.. III. pfd.SP pn
Armour A- Co.. Bel., pfd.93 934
Albert Pick . 21 4 «_• j 1
«'at hide .fci. gt ij
Edison t o .J37 u l:,7«4
Cudahy .106 '.4 10*%
Biamot.d Match .117 ]18
Beerc. pfd. 91 93
ImMj Paper . zn
l.ibhv . 74 'it''
National Leather . .. .St, 54
Quaker Oats .375 400
K*'i. .Motors (ex-div). 134 . ...
f^'Vlft A: Co..*.113 1134
Swift lnteraational . 314 32
Thompson..v. . 45 4.»’a
Wahl . 18 • ig
Inreign Kicliatige Rate*. ^
P < • IJ * • w ng are today's rates of exchange
as compared with the p«r valuation Fur
nished by the Peters National bank
. Par Val. Today.
™u*,na.*.20 .00001a
Belgium .195 f,508
panada . 1.00 3.410
| /.*•• ho-Slovakia .20 0299
Benmark .27 181U
England .4*6 4.7875
Van'A . 193 .0519
Germany .2:58 .2380
*'T-‘e .. .0156
Switzerland .19^ .1934
Boston Worn.
Ro,t°n. March 13—Th* Commercial
Bulletin will say tomorrow:
14 'l’hfr® ia " growing impression in the
wool trade that the market Is 'digging
m bottom and that Increased business in
lecem volume is ‘just arouhd the corner •
1 his impressi-m has been strengthened to
*>y thc roura* of the London
tales, which have shown a slightly better
n«> as the -ales have progressed. Aus
raha also keep* firm on the new low
kv*l- Quotation* from the River Platte
iie rather irregular.
'.Manufacturers are looking the market
•ver mare or less carefully and evidently
ir* feeling a JMIe more - heerful: in fact
■Iiere Is no doubt that ther# m\nw fm_
provement «r» the demand for good* • u
f-nt business in wool 1* in limited quan
M’ics aril at slightly lower prices for the
most part.
‘ Mohair is in limited request and barely
Th« innim.rriat Hull-tin nil
!ne fivllMwitig woo! quotation* tomorrow
Boniest i Ohio and Pennevjant*
Meeces: Betaine unwashed 6 4 ©65c 4
60©61c. , blood combing.
Mi-! gan and New Ycrk flecc*. p«
lam* unwashed 62'dCSc; 4 blood un
washed. 69 >7 60c; \ bio' d combing. 66©
6ic;^ t4 Mood unwashed. 66©67c.
\\ Is'-onain. Missouri and average N#r
Ln nd : 4 blood. 64 ©66 \ blood, 65©
•»t ; « blood. 4|c,
Htoured hMli; Tliu «»#T 1* month
j^-ted i. $1.60; fine 8 months, $1.35©
California, northern. $1 55©1.67; middle
county. $1.38©1.40; southern. *1.S0©1 36
Oregon, eaatyn No. 1 staple. $i.5i©
1 60; fine and fine medium combing $1 45
y 1»0. eastern clothing. |1.36ftl37: Val
ley No j, $1.35© 1 4".
Territory Montana and similar fine
stapl* choice. $1 «0; 4 blood combing.
fl.45ftl.45; 4. blood combing. fl.Jofa
'. blood combine, fl.lffiian.
PulleJ: Delafne. fl.501.fj4; X A. fl 55
•*.*; f'-n* A aupere, fl.40G1.45; a
•up-r*. f. atni.a;
Mohair: Heat combing I59»0c; beat
carding. 75040c
C hlrago flutter and E*« Market
chlcaro. March i: — Quotation, furnleh
-d by G-oea- E Clark company. 1043
V' oedm-r of the World building rhones
Jack.on Ilf: Atlantic fi-iE
I Gar a * Open. [ High. ' Eow i Clcaa.
M«r. lot .S«4 f‘4. 7»u
*SC-> 4 -Jot. . 0 .7.0’, .tut.
Apr. St .31 It .aov
-I 'I4 , t4 .1
1 Cara open High. I Low. [ Clcaa.
Mar. ’5 tin, IJ >, 41', 43 •»
■'Pr. If 47 .41 . .43 43 V
■M»V { ,. .<{1
Jun. 1 . 4 f af
l'»c4JII41 41
New York Produce.
N>«r Tortt. Yfareh IS—Butter—Kaay:
' * 9.149 tuba; creamery higher than
extra*. creamery eitraa (92
■fore) 48jc. ditto fire fa (SI to 91 *oore'.
4 2*i 47 He.
Fig* Firm • receipt*. 30979 cases.
Fresh gathered eatra first*. Jl’.tflJe; do.
3t%6ISe; fr**h gathered
firsts 39** >rSOHr. do. storage parked.
31H«t3«( . froah gathered aeconda. 29 0
• 9 S- nearby hennery brown*, ettraa,
34 ft S6r.
Cheeaa Firm; receipt*. 131.033 pounda;
at ate. whole milk, flat* held, fancy to
fancy aparial. 20 027c; do average ruo, 25
• H%c.
4 hirafo C olton.
Quotation* furnished by J. S, Dacha A
Co . 224 Omaha National Bank building
Phone* .lark eon 61S7 61IS. S1S9
Open. | High. 1 I.ow i Cloae Teat'y.
viT iTTTh :5.3i 2 s. a a 15.1 :> :5is"
Max 21.67 15 61 26.15 35.40 126 52
July ; » *A 2f. «2 76 55 26 fi& 75 7*
t 7 4 'A . 4 09 24.*6 24.SO .‘4 <4
Pec 2 4. *2 Its.) 21 SA 14 64 124 90
• -4b*-■ ■
New \«rk Sugar.
Quota c ns furnished by .1 5. Dacha A
Co, 224 Omaha National Bank building
Phones .Tarkaon 61S7. 5191. bill*
I Open I High I Low | Cloae. | T•*.
M* r | 4 •; A* - A - 1,04 3 *4
Max 11 I 1.11 3 1A 3U ! 5.11
.lulv S 27 5 21 “ 21 3.27 .3.89
Sep |3 43 3.41 1 41 "41 '-41
l*e. 14. 46 9 42 54: I 44
New 1 nrk < of ton hibim I lose.
, T01 m .< • eh 1: ..•>•' 1 at urea
• low d. stead* 1 to 6<* net higlie’
t .TuP. to 26..A October
1,01a to II.lie; December II lie,
London Mlver.
I ond •' Mat* h 13 Bar Silver 1lf|d
per nun« e
Money -S’* per cent.
Discount Kate* Short and three month*
Hlli. (i’ll 4\y l*er rent.
Duluth llai
Duluth. Minn Marrl* 13 Flax Cloae
Match April and M«v. 92 SI'e; July
I- 79 H.
New Aork bput Colton
New York. March IS Cotton Spot
rot ton, quiet ; middling 26 50,’
South Omaha banks will NOT be open for busi
ness Saturday evenings, but will be open on Sat*
urday's between the hours of 9 a. m. and 12:30 p. m.
There will be no change in the hours for other
days, which will remain 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
New York Curb Market
York. March 1S. — Revival of •oHI**
pressure against the radio chares T* s
tured to*lr > reactionary curb trisrket
i nk "g a <1 v .< nt ago of tha seasonal fa
Iff of l.u. ■ •**. bear tradera threw l»rgt
bl< .*• <*f «ado issue* Into the market
net »■».,. < f 1 to 2 points being recorded
by i-har.-s » reshnTan. DeForest, Hascltine
• ,mJ nova rhormoidyne and Liberty Chair
Shore* held firm.
Polling of the oil aharea was due tr
j,;. i . oeorease in Smaekover ctud*
r cities service, old stock. brok*
*. its and Humble, Ohio. Prairie ih'
and On.-. Vacuum and Standard Oita ol
Indiana and Kansas closed 1 to 2 point*
Pubi ii-1 dee were mixed Common
■*-c*h t.cii:«jh Power seouritle*. Middl*
west ULIIEe* and Western PoWer moved
up 1 to - 1 points, while American P*»w i
an*i I gbi American (Jsjs and Elect ri*
Kleofrk- Ibmd and Share an*] National
Powc, and Light fell back 1 to 2% po»m
i i.Hie,- (uidatinn of Goodyear Tr*
which broke points to 27%. and a spirit
erf mlv» m-e n Dux. which crossed *10 T
an • x• •. n • s»nin of more than s point .
woi* • h** f* • t urea of the industrial list.
The new "Panhandle” 5 per cent bond.;
wore tradi <i in for the first time, selling
slightly ab ve the subscription price.
New York. March 13.—Following Is tin
official llei *.f transactions on the N*«
York Turn Exchange, giving all stock!
and bends Laded in:
100 Am G A El new .73 7»% 70%
200 Am L A Trac ...147 146% 147
£500 Am P A Lt new. 58% 57 57
m) Am P.vLt pfd ... 88 8 8 *M
400 Am Superpower A 30 29% 30
MOO Am Superpower B 30% 30 30
500 Am Thread pfd.. 4 4 4
:.oo A&so G A El new.. 27 27 2«
200 At fruit Co .... 1% J % \
900 BoiesonHUit Co ... 1% 1 % „ ] *«
Hi Morden t* Milk ....148% 148% 148%
1400 Brook City HR... 8% 8% 8%
1500 Ear Light . 4% 4% 4%
400 Ontrff Pipe . 17% 17 1*
1100 Chapin Sacks Inc. 19% 19% 19%
600 Chatterton Son*.. 16% 15% 16%
S00 Checker Cab . 20 19% 19%
J 00 Com Pow Crp.112 111% 111%
: 5 Com Pow pfd. 81% 81% 81%
25 Com Pow war ... 30% 30% 30%
*00 Cons OiAElBlt x-dv 34% %
200 Cont Bak A .119 118% 118%
3900 Cont Bak B . 27% 26% 26%
100 Cont Bak pfd ... 97 97 9,_
500 Cuba Company .. 38% * * s
too Curtis Aero p ctf 15 15 J®
10o Curtiss Aero p r pf 65 5 5
9200 T»c Forest Radio . 25% 22 23
100 Doehler Die Cast. 16% 16% 16 •
•non Dublier CAR . 19 18 1*
10*1 Dunhlll Int . 29 29 79
«00 Durant Motors .20 19% 19 «
3500 ] »uz !n<- . 30% 27% 30 %
6000 Elec BdASh new. 63 60% si
50 Elec BdASh pf...l03% 10.*% I1*:, %
1800 Elec Invest .4 4% 43% 44
20 Ford Motor Can .620 SIT 61*
200 freed FTisetnann . 11% 11% 11%
1600 Freshman Co Chas 13% 12% 17
100 Garod Corp . 6 6 f,
200 Gillette Razor ... 64 *4 64
200 Glen Alden Coal ..132% 132% 13’%
4000 Goodyear Tire .. 30% 29 -9
30o GrennOn Bakeries. 16% 16% 16%
300 Happiness Candy A 6% 6% *» %
6200 H»%vltme Corp ..24% 22 22
200 Hayden Cheni ... 1% 1% *>
100 Int Match t,fd . . .. 41% 41% 41%
100 Int Ocean Radio.. A 4 4
500 .Tone* Radio Mfg "
2300 Keinei William Stp 25% 2 4 % 24%
400 Lando-er Holding. 12% 12% 12 %
200 Lehigh - Pow Sc... 97% 97% 97%
1400 Lehigh Val Cl Co 42% 41% 41%
2500 Lehigh Val Cl 81*. 82% 82% 82%
12<»o Lib Rd Chn Strs.. *% *%
110 Mengela Box .... 48 43 4*
joo Meeabl Iron . 3% :<% *
1450 Mid West Util- 98 96 9.
20 Mid West Util p 1.102 101 *s
100 Motor Wheel nw. 17% 17% l.%
900 Must Master Crp. 13% 17 13
100 Nat Diet ctf*- 32 32 32
370 Nat PALt .225 220 2.2,
30 N V T-.l rfd.190 190 190
Too Nickel Plate wl .. 6« *j}* Jj***
200 Nickel Pl»»e pf w-i *5% *.»% 8 5%
30 Nor St# Pow.10* 10, 10.
100 Omnibus Corp ctf*. 16% 16% I*:**
1200 Peige Motor . 17% 1* t ]•%
200 Pratt A Lambert.. 41% 41 41
900 Reo Motor Car... 21%
300 Rova Radio caft*. 9 *8% *
too Seagravs Corp ... 14% 14% 14 .
2600 fthattpek r« . 41 JO 40
in Singer Mfg ‘21* 21 * *1|t
30 Sleeper Radio ctf* 8% | i *
100 * E Tow A Lt- 59 *? 5?
SOOO*So Cos! A Trot*... 6 o
3*. s W Bell Tel pfd.109 1J9 1 *9,
4 o Swift A Co .114 31“% 1 J#
300 pwift Int . * •• s?% *i w % *
100 >nn El Tow. oe% 5a% •;-> i
eon Thermtodyne ]*■ J
700 Thompson Rsdio.. 1J J •»
mo Union • srblde *9% *9 n «\N
•Of. United GAE new. 32% 3-% ;%
200 T'nited I A V A. 4,% 4, a 4.
23"0 United Profit Sh 9% s
1«4*U S Lt A Ht. 1 . ;
100 l S Lt A Ht pfd 2 % ; % - ,x
100 Ur \* sal Pictures 25% ? *•*%
400 uni PAT. A ex div 25 74 %
l’.oo Ware Radio Corp. 14 11% •
20' Western Power ..34 j 4
2900 White Rock . 24% -n% 74 *
3700 White Rock ctfs.. 24 2rt% *
S209 Wick-Sp St new. 5% *• 5
•standard Oil*.
200 Anglo-Am Oil .. 20% 20% -0 s
20 Buckeye Pipe Lin* 63 65
4700 Continental OH... 27% •*% .6 %
10 Cuml-erland Pine .134 134 1-4
100 <Ialena Signal Oil. 60 69 60
300 Humble Oil ex dir 46 45% 4a-A
900 Imn Oil Can new. 21 30% S0%
10 Indiana Pine Line. 75 75 Tj^
3800 Intematl Pet .... 26% 25% 2
10 Mngnol Tet ex div.140 140 140
33 Northern P L.... 84 84 *4
200 Ohio Oil . 70% 7ft% 70%
son Pra*rie OIJ new... 57% 57% 5.%
*0 Prairie Pipe Lin* 121% 121 121
20 Solar Ref . 227 227 227
10 Southern Pipe Line *4% *4% *4%
150 South Tenn Oil...181 179 179
«0 S W Penn ex div. 71 71 71
44C*3 Standard Oil Tnd. 64% 64% 64%
TOO Standard Oil Kan. 37% “7% 37%
200 St Oil Ky ex div.117 11«% 117
8300 Standard Oil N T. 44% 43% 44
CO Standard Oil Ohio 355 383 353
S*> Swan A Finch OIL 23 2“ 7.*
209 Vacuum 0*1 l.... 91% 91 91
Misrellaneoas Oils.
200 Ark Nat Gas ex div «% 6%
SOO Cartb Syndicate 3% % ‘%
1*00 Cities Ssreie* new 86% 34% * %
*70 t • .0- S, r v ex dir . 1 94
to ,'it s r, Ife ex div 29% 2* 1 4
4 * a (’riomb'.n^rn ... 1% 1% ' %
1 .400 Creole Svn . 1S% 12 % ,
100• Eucl!d Oil . 96 9s 46
;*»00 Gibson Oil .. 3
40 Gulf .. «n
100 K'.rbv Pet . 3*4 - , 1*.
7 2«0 Lags Pe* .... % 5% %
2u09*LatlB 8.m Oil ♦ s
7A0 •Livingston Pet 10 |0
MO0 Mount f Gulf OH. 1% 1 % 1%
S100 Mountain Pro*! ... 21% 21 % 21 %
11©' N'#w Bradford ... 5% ?■% %
4 *3 NMAA I^and Co «% «% v%
2©0 Peer Oil . 1 1 1
400 Psnnok OH new,.. 2S% 2* % 23%
26<in Royal t'anadlan ., 7% 7 7%
2103 Ryan Consol . . .*. 7% 7 7
400 Salt «'k Con ex dir 9% *% 4%
4700 Salt Creek Prod.. 27% 37 27 %
200 T'nited Central Oil £ 5 .5
*00 Venetuelan Pet .. 4% 4% 4%
30ft Wilcox Oil . 6% 6% 6%
300 Woodley Pet . ... 3% 5% 5%
'Oon*Ari*ena Globe ... If 21 25
l<iOO*Cal * Jarom*.... if ti
;nno Cat.arin Copper ,.4 :> % 4
foo Chief Con* . 5% r.% 3%
400«Chlno Kxt . 57 » 57
200 Cor* Copper Min. 3^ ' ^ S.V
400 Knafneer* Gold Ml 23% IS% 33%
?00n*Kvir#ka Croeaua... IS 17% 17%
4'Vno*Forty-nlne Min ..if is is
1400*Go)dfia!d T>«ep ..J 2 2
7t.oo«Harmll1 Dlv Min. 12 31 12
3000 Mac la Minina . ... 1< ] S % 1S%
20-» Hova Sound Co... 11% ; ? % 19%
1500'* Ind head Mira* 13 14 1 >
10ft-t«|r,»n Blo«*om .... 25 25 25
2snon»Jth Con* .17 it 14
45oa Kay Copper ...... 2% ..A 2%
:0«0*MoK-r < safe ... 54 54 4
100 \>W c.onelia .... 21% 21% 21%
100 Nlplaatr.r . f% f% *%
7500 Ohio Copper . ... 9t frt «1
770 *P ) mouth- T.ead .. 54 45 45
200 Ho An P 4k Q_ 3 5 5
7no*Tonop« h ■ R ex-div. ft ft f
200 - T< r.opah Kxt . ... 2% 2% . %
10f'M’nited Kaaiarn... 52 57
SOO.'T s Cont 1 Mina* . If 14 If
500 1 ■ t ah A pa \ . f %a f% *%
3500 M erdo" * - p Min 4% 4 4 %
IlntUMtir Bond*
AtMed Packer f* S2 *2 *2
1* A Iliad Pi.-War '* 52% 5: , 9. %
? Aluminum 1* ?S..16l% 101% 101%
3 Am Beet <u* f* 54% 5« % 5'%
7 Am • • a a A K fe . “7 5' % a;
1' Am Pow « l.t fa >3'* 5S% 5 %
1 Am K dl Villa *• . 1*1% 101% '• "1%
Am Sum Toh 7%a. 57% 57'* 57%
1 Arab' A i Ml *%• 100 Jftrt ino
1 At Fruit in.' $» J4 *24 24
1 At Gulf A W 1 *» ff% f.'% r;,
4 Rath S» eel 7a ? .105% 1«t% Id',
f « u lea Set v :» C..l2l% 121% 121%
I i *lt la* C..-M 7* lv 10J 101% 101%
17S Cilia* S\ P A 1. fa 54% 9S< 54
t Con Tax t lie S* . 94% *1% «. * *
*> Cuba Co \ .1 fa 5S% 51 % 54%
II • udahy Pack S%* 53% 57% 5 J %
7 1'♦troll I'ltv G fa 101% 103% 1" !1 %
1 1'etrolt Kdiaon fa. 114% 11f% 1 if %
• I'unlop T A R Ta . 103% i-»:% 102%
II Genera’ Pet fa .101% 101% lol%
1! Grand Trunk f%a 104% 10»% 1«'«%
1 T.ehl«b l‘« See fa 101% 101% 101%
• i-n-b> m. n a i, :■ io?% i» :% iqj%
~ ■■■■■" ■%■.%'%■ ~ i
i mlipnmi ' in’» i"?1*
9 Mol r I - A I'(. "'i* .1** ] ,*
I Nni l l.riMhrr »- Ini a, IMS !•<*»
n o Pub *01 99 '»s ,25* >5*
I \„ .11, I’nu d'.i l" 'S ’ *
:.9 n.i si« l'» vi' • i"' JJJ A
PI. I P.l 9'J. ' !««;» 1#*J» !»*}. -
1 I'll S-, I'M A 9*99 *9;» »»», »» »
19 Sb*« . icf1* } 2 ■’ » JJJ »
132 blond '• it K Jx-i
1 Mil 'III .N V 9 ' - 9 1 n 1 '* 122 4 11*
• KM ft I .. ..9 . »«-. ** « >«S
3 I'nlP-d Oil Prod «» M *S
til Yai'UUm Oil I9....lui ]07 J '
9 M>ii Mill- 6>- 1111* ICO. 1111'.
I'urrl.n Hnnd*. .
1 1 -1 rui Pi.■115* 5 ■ » ;' *
lo Kr.'h VI M i MM *}S
■ Hill Ilk .if Fin 9«»9 !>«'. J4**
Pi K Ink' N't 11 '9 ’ 7 . I »■ 5= l"-' lijJ*
ol Krupp Frted) 7*.. '* * *
l Ituffta n i* 'I.. 1?.
, Riifi ' If* \» 4 .1. 4 AS *
7 Sol \ I \ .v * •**•* I0- 1 •
. Th> I&SwkaT* t8'.» *
lio»ton Wool.
mi. M "h n Although tha wool
iiiHik-i I* -!,U '|Ui t tome wool is selling
. nil th*ie . h mount nf confidence
iu the -it nation iaite report* from Syd
n»-\ imlirat < that the market there ha*
had a giitl^ upward t.ndeney. with a
fail tlemei.'I for i.Il kind*. America buy
ing moderately.
I.ondon nport- indlea*.** ! tie better de
mand for good wool*, with lesa with
Turpentine anil RorIii.
Savannuh. «in March 13.—Turpentine
Kirm, M, i5, sales. 2b3 barrel*, receipts,
iO barrel*; shipment*. 342 barrels; slock,
5,335 barrels.
Hosln Klrm; salts. 11* casks; receipts.
255 c,"sk»: shipments. 500 ca**ks; stock.
47,270 casks
Quote; H. I*: ?n: }j, f6.110: K. $4.90; K.
II. I $»;.?:•: (J *7 00. K *7 25; >t. *7. S0;
X, **.10; Wti. $*(.25; WW, *9.25; X. *9.40.
fill Cairo Potatoes.
Chicago March 13.—Potatoes—Early
morning trading limited; market steady:
receipts. 77 cars; total United States
shipments. 789 cars; Wisconsin sacked
round whites mostly 11.05© 1.10; fancy,
*1.26; Minnesota sacked round whites
$1.00© 1.05; one car. $110; sacked Bed
River Chios mostly *1 35 ©1.40.
Njyv York Metals.
New York, Nfarch 13—Copper—Quiet;
•Je<trolytic *n..t and future* 14>,c.
Tin Firmer spot and futures, 54.02s.
Iron—Steady; pri< ei unchanged.
Bead—Steady; spot. 9 00c.
Zin*-—Quiet ; East St I.ouis, spot. 1.46
© 7>"»< ; future.®. 7 42© 7 4*c.
Antimony—spot. i*>.goc.
4 hicagn Produce.
('hi-ego March 13. Butter—Market
lower; creamery extras. 48©4*’*c; stsnd
ard‘ 4**4* . < xtra firsts. 46 H #47 Hr;
firsts. 4<*Q'i44Hc; se, -finds 34© 36c.
Kggs—Market higher; receipts. 14.324
cases. firsts. 2*c. ordinary firsts. 27®
2 7 He.
Ignition Wool Auction.
T.ondon. Man h 13—A *rr,a!l selection,
n mount mg to 6.772 hale*, was offered at
the wool auctions today Sellers showed
a disposition to meet the market, and
merinos and fine greasy roes-breds wsr**
steadily absorbed at fractionally Improved
New York RuhN*.
Xew Y rk. March 1 Rubber— Smoked
ribbed sheets, spo*. 307*>:.
The human-interest love story of
a girl who shouldered the responsi
bility for her weaker sister’s folly.
OF .
Oir^L/SAM I)
Tomorrow, Sunday at 2:30
Its Mafic Beauty and Pro free#
An entirely new panchromatic.
Produced in Summer. ]<»24. be
A Real Tiavel Tout in Motion Picture*
Price* SOc to $1 1C
Choice Seat* Available
All Seat* Reserved
m 4^1/a s' Omaha * Fun Centei
Mat. and Nito Tdav
—4 4>« 1 Mill \ tit HI K*K
t\ 11 11 II \HH\,
1 lila I* tl»e *how selected for the annvmer
rtm I el won bln Tltentef New Ymrk 4 11«
Fri.. "SILK HOSIFRY MTE**. IV*en* of
• pair* free to lucky lady patron*.
ladle*' 2.V tUraain Mat . M,t Week t»ay*
Sun Mat A- W k . i'iM> M»iv* t »\v n Shew
BOULEVARD . A3d and Leavenwectb
Madge* Rellamv in 'The Whit# Sin**
Comedy x
HAMILTON . - 4oth and Hamilton
Corrine Griffith and Milton Sill*
In "Single Wive*’*. Corned*.
GRAND .... 1 Ath and Rinney
Jack Holt and Leia Wlinen in
*Noi th of .16". Comedy and Review
- A