Henderson x\lso ^illinjr to Give Champ $300,000 Rickard Announces Himself as Another Ready to Stage , '1 itnlar Match; Dempsey Rurke Go Probable. E W" Y O It It March 12.—Three Netv \ ork hexing promoters enlereii (lie arena today in a coolest for what, is expected to provide the greatest h o u t, from a finaiieial standpoint, in the history of pugil ism. Jimmy DeFor est, recently ap pointed matchmaker at thn Polo grounds, made the largest offer in a telegram to Jaek Kearns, manager ot flip heavyweight cfiampion, Jack Dempsey. DeForest said that he pro posed a larger remuneration than Dempsey had ever received for a bout. Hut credit for (lie first shot in the bailie goes to Charles S. Henderson of Brooklyn, sponsor of a new stadi um, to seat 110,000 in Dong Island City. Henderson proposes to place ir. tlie hands of Kearns on Monday a certified check for $500,000, guaran teeing that tlie proposed bout between llempsey and Harry Wills, negro heavyweight, under his direction, in September, will not be subjected to political interference. Tex Rickard, ruler of the Yankee stadium and Boyle's Thirty Acres In New Jersey was on trial in Trenton (N. J.) court today hut found time to remark that he would have a proposi tion for Kearns when the champion's manager arrives in the east on Sun day. He said that he always had 1 een ablo to land a titular bout when one was in prospect and that he would be able to do it again. Albuquerque, N. M., March 12.— Negotiations are under way for a championship bout in June between Jack Dempsey and Martin Burke, New Orleans heavyweight, Jack Kearns, the champion's manager, said here today while en route to New Y'ork. Kearns- said that Dempsey prob ably will fight three or four times next summer. He named as pros pective opponents Will^, Gibbons, Renault, Rob Roper and Burke. lie declared Dempsey has settled down since his marriage. Is training regularly snd is in condition to take on any opponent on 3U days’ notice. Benson Defeats Belvidere Five! — 0 l.inpoin, March js,4-i:cn»on iiign nut.lasscd Bplvjdiue In ihe opening semi finals rlifss B 1 Jit at the coliseum Friday, takirvg away the long end of an IS to 7 count. The Omaha tribe led. 8 to 5. at the half. McCurley’s five field goals were re sponsible for Benson’s win. The Ben son "ace" was nil over the court, many of his shots being from difficult angles. Henson grabbed an early lead and after the first few minutes was never in danger. McCurley was high-point man with 11 tallies. The remainder of the scoring was divided between N'orquls* and Smith. Morgan. Brannigan and Williamson accounted for all tire Belvidere t idles. The summary: BENSON RKT.VIDKRH tg ft.f.r fr.ft f-p. MrC'I'y f si 1 11 Morgue f 1 n o 2 v'mi'1‘1 f II 0 2 it Hr'nVan f 1 0 2 2 Ntirfiuist c 2 a 1 4 Hawk* r n 0 1 cl Smith y 112 3 W'ni'mn y I 12 3 Srhm'nd y n n 2 n Oraul y 0 0 0 (1 Hanann y o it a n K'r’nat'n f ft n ft ft Total* * 2 8 18 Total* 3 1 S 7 Substitution*: Itanvon for Smith, Far • nstnln for MrCurl«y. R»f*r**: tutbloom PLANT TO MEET FRIGERIO IN RACE New York, March 12.—I’go Frig erio of Italy, -Olympic walking cham pion, and Willie Plant, the American title-holder, will meet In a 10,000 meter race In the 102d engineers’ ar mory Saturday, March 28, the Morn ingstde A. O., Plant's home club, an nounced tonight. Hf Plant decisively defeated Frlgerlo In each of their three meetings since the Italian's arrival in this country, several weeks ago, twice, at 5,000 meters and once at 3,000 meters. Frlgerio, who won the Olympic 10,000-meter title, announced recently that he would not meet Plant in a race sjiorlcr than four miles. Once Famous Jockey Near Death’s Door ■v-:-' EVV YORK, Mjtrch 12.—In 1873 JJoyd Hughes rode a 3-year old, Mart Jordan, to "undying fume" in Brooklyn, according to the newspapers of a half century ago. I.ast night hospital oHicials found a paper containing the following words in the pocket of nn ag\-d man who was dying: "This is IJoyd Hughes, n famous Joe key, who rode n triple dead heat in a rare in Brooklyn September II. 1M73.” Search of the newspaper flies re vealed that on that date in, Brook lyn from a Held of five l.lo.vd Hughes, on Mart .Iordan, tied Hay wood on Bingaman. Second and third heals, necessary under the rules of the period, 'resulted the same way, hut in the fourth Mart Jordan’s strength gave way and Bingaman won. Th<% man collapsed In the street ^ Tuesday and last night was uncon scious. He was so neat' death that phyalrlans were unable to learn any thing regarding relatives or friends. A critic remarks that "half the women In the world retail gossip.’ Are we to assume that the other halt are la the manufacturing business'! - -Waterloo Tribune. I Movie Star Gives Jockey Gold Whip ] MISS MARIK ASTAIRE, movie star, was caught by the camera man presenting Jockey Reggie Fisher with a gold whip at the Tia Juana course, and, like all good movie folk, posed for the photo shown above. The gold whip Miss Astaire gave Jockey Fisher was given by the Daily Running Horae, a turf publication, to the jockey winning the most races from January 1 to February 24 at Tia Juana. In winning the award Jockey Fisher rode 40 winners in the time specified. lie is under contract to the Canadian turfman, Cbm. J. lv. D. Ross. —-® PURPLE TANKER SETS NEW RECORD^ Chicago, March 12.—Ralph Breyer, Northwestern natator, established a new national collegiate record and a new western conference in the pre liminaries to the western conference swimming championship tournament at the University of Chicago tonight. MIAMI. First race: Five and one-half furlongs; Candy Stick (Fields) .HI.01) 7.7 0 4.6m Wilton Fldnim (Noe) . 1 1.30 7.70 Jingle ( A oel) ..6.8 0 Time: 1 1 % 3-6. Lloyd George. Winnie O'Wypn. (’how. Armedee Sun Mart. Squire Wiggings, Summer Sigh and Adu Doe also lull. Second r;n •• Mile and one-eighth: May IT> ( Dolin).6.40 3.70 3 20 Brier Swee: (J. Stevens) .8.60 b 30 Roller (Williams) ..... 8 To Time 1:66 2-6. Kunh e K Sea. W olf. Bi lei lift', .^euelake. Orugeuae, Billy Gardner, Magician and Coseua also tun. Third race: 4’y furlongs Billy .Mann (Abel) .60.70 31.30 19.20 Prett> Bill (Stevens) . 4.30 3.$0 Go Through! Stutts) . 7.00 Time. 6*. Blreme. Hettylune, Foregold. Donarita. Flank Attack and Buna* k* also i an. Fourth race; 8 furlongs: Gold Stick (J. Caliuhan) . . . 28.20 18.1)0 8 30 Hidalgo (.Vrtibm) . 4.60 3.60 Shad;. Sadie (G la belli).. 3.50 Time, 1 :1:». Pedagogue, The r'ount. Bee Bee, i Ten ill Lady. Maratlmnian. Belpie, \Va> la dy and Beauty* Contest also ran. Fifth race: 8 furlongs: Brnmister (Stutts) .. ... 4.50 IT1" nut. Poftjola (Etmchinl) .**.. 1.30 out Wild lane (ferrtlth) .....-..4.. .. out Time. 1:1:; 1-5 Barney Google also ran. Sixth ra'-e Mil* and a sixteenth: Leotch Broom (Williams) * 70 3.10 2.90 Clolater (Noe) . 3.60 2.80 Revenge! Stutts) . 2.90 Tim-\ 1:45 4-6. Bees. Plxnla and Maxie also ran. Seventh race: Mile and To yards: Pat Casey (Gianelll) ....20.30 11.00 5.20 Mary Agnes ( Kurtiinger) .... 28.30 13 90 Altisaimo (Smith) . *20 Tim*. 1:47, 4 5. Ducky, Huey. Gray Ga ble*. Naughty Ntahba. Moorfltld and •Seths Ak-Sat-Ben also ran. JEFFERSON PARK. Fust race: Six furlongs: Kerrv Girl (Moore) .C-l 2-1 even Silent I .intan (Martin) .2-1 even Royal Dick (Vullamot) .1 ‘ Time: 1:14 2-6. Molinero, Rolling Wave, Katie Dear. Berne** Childs, Nana Fm tune, Drummond, Jack Trout and Vien nese also ran. Second ia1 e: Mile and one-sixteenth: Valent inn (Moeer) .4 5 _1 4 out Tea IT MV (Montgomery) .7-10 1-5 Toddy Toast. (McCoy) .2-1 Time: 1 .47 4 > Delsan. Towton’a Rose an*l Xappie also ran. 'I hlrd race Purse $700; 2 \ ear.old*. Jefferson Junior purse; allowances; 4 fur lings* a Navigator, 112 (W. Harvey). 4-5 1-4 mil Bombshell, 11* M. Burke).S 2 even Bill. 112 f Conn oily).• 4 Tnu* :47 (new track record). Special Account. Bio whom. Blue Pencil, aLanca* ter. Betty C, Alleghan also ran Fourth ra-e: Purse. $1,000. 3-year old* and up, fillies and mares; allowances; mile: „ Beach Talk. 100 (Myers). »-* 1 ? 16 Princess Adels. 90 (Hebert).R 6.2-5 Eleanor 3. 105 (Lombardo). ■*-& Tim** 1:10. Forest Flower, Lee Odrin. Thlmbls also ran. Fifth ra»-e. Purse. $7nn. 3 year-olds and up; • la lining 6 furlong*: Rodeo. 110 (Moser).* 1 1-1 *-R Alex Wood I Iff#. 110 (Vuillemot). ..$-1 *-5 Brinkley. 113 (Moore).V3 Time. 1 "7 2-6. Trends le, Little Jimmie. John S Mosby and Taudlsne also ran Hixth race Purse. $700. 3-year-oldf; claiming; mile and 70 yard*: My Destiny. 101 (Montgomery).7-6 9-6 * ■> Fear Naught, 105 (Simon).2-1 even Transformer. 113 (Mever).4 *5 Time: 1:44 4 - 5. Foxmore. TnUqtia. HI a r* we* per. Neat Girl, Rerover and Try Again also run. •Seventh race. Purse, $700; claiming; 3 vear-oldk and Up; 1H miles: Pearler Bugler. 10* (Mn1eat!c).7-1 2 1 even (irui. 101 r Montgomery ).2 5 1-5 Fuuiro. $02 (Meyer).3*5 Time: 1:762-5. Warren Lynch. An niversary, War Idol. Twelve Bells and the Fmlan also ran. • iColonel Lit, 101 (Huntamer).7.00 4.60 3.20 Ai ir.annu, 10t; (Young).5.40 3.60 ! Donatello, J' j (Hooper).fc.OO Tim- 2 08 : 5. Jl C. liaa'h, The Lamb, Wynnewoud, Hlatiuiore, Walter Darn and Zing also ran. JKFFKKNON l*AKK. First i a > 'r Purse, $7"0; claiming; 3 jt-aiuld* ami up. furlong* Wahl*-vna 9 Hu*U Hm k . . ..H'9 Dvh d lo< U ... , . 1 "9 xGee ..106 Ciiarlnat .99 xL.Mlc Alfred .110 xM11 87 K K. Clark . . 109 xKichHitfii ..112 x.Medina .. . .101 Meddling aAIUlel06 .Melbourne .. . .loT Secund race Claiming, 2-year olds and up. i* furlongs. lioonevtlle ..100 Asa .fewell ....lift! Ked Seth ... 97 x.ludge Hi u*r ..104 xH'ni- Smi« 96 ParmVe Belle .100 Dor. K. Sim* . .100 xLast One ...108 xClever Seth ...106 Hen wood.109 xtUJah . ... ...112 x Rachel Potter. 100 xBuell's Meleot. 92 Thiril race Purse. $7o<>; claiming; 3 >ear-olds and up; mile and 1 16th: He-*dHl’e . 96 xI'la. .- . $4 Red William_1"S Yihra . »l Gipsy Flyer ...I'M x Fluid ve . I art Winsome Lady.. 9l star Sweeper... '•# xTarrayc#* «'.I'M Lady Idv* rpool. 102 Aft. Pleasant l&l xStump. Jr 10? Fourth Race Purse, $1,000; (Ires ter New Orleans handicap .''.year-olds and up; 1 l-!6th miles High Water ... 94 a Barra'ub*. ....105 Brave Rob ,...1"2 T’rin'e Til TIL 103 adust David ..ion Grace Mayers... 9ft St HI berk ..114 sS. N. Holman entry Fifth race: Purs- $700. claiming. 1 year-oldx and up. mile and 7" yards. xPhll Mayers ..Hit) Kirkcaldy .110 Midwestern ...114 B-an Kina ...106 x Dandy Brush .103 x West wood ....105 Nassau . 116 Arabian .114 Sixth race Purse $700, claiming. 3 year-olds and Up, mile and an eighth: xPrlpca K .1"* St Martina ...111 Nogales .10X xThe Leopard ..107 x Wapiti .110 xTulalip .112 xYorlrk ..11! Alar. -Iline . ...116 x K* -a rpolet te ..110 xHoldier IT ... .111 Seventh t wee- Purse $70* claiming. 4 > ear-olds and up. one mile and a half Harry M. Goldfield .106 Stevens .1 "0 x Soviet . .104] x Sophy . 96 x Procc-ds ......105] xUenvrosli \ 101 t A t'pren the allow Atari Bunch ..Iio x Bacchus .103 Dnughnrrgan ...116 xFsst Boy ... 106 Third ra< e Four and one half fur longs. $600, 4-yeai olds and up; claim, log xl.iltle Shnata 100 xWIld Thoughts 10* xWhltellghta . . .100 Alidon Boy ...110 xHc.amper .I'M xFurloua Bill ..lit* yh .\fat*e| Bo we I'M D’inarv'1 .110 xCnnoria .101 a King Worth ..110 xThe Vamp ....103 Good hope .lift XQuerutoua ....106 .foe V.lift Blanche Meyers 1"* aConklln entry. Fourth race Purse. $600; 4-year-olds and iii). claiming. 6 furlongs xLIttle Clair xGnlden Tied 1*7 xlioamlnt . .105 x.Xrctb King . 107 x\Irglnla. Hope 1" > Bednxzle. .110 xGr«yson . .107 Tom Craven 11 2 XHot) Box .. I"7 \ Matinee Idol 1"7 xHuntcigh .107 Vibrator ... 11? x W. M'gomcry 107 Klekwood 11? Fifth race Purse $smi; 3-year-olds and up. claiming: ft furlongs xCordon Rouge 9t xSt roller . Ill Full Point . .106 j.nrd Valentine 11*3 Nor field 109 «Faster Bella 110 Sixtli race: Purse $700; ;i-year olds and up. claiming 6 furlongs: axBellewood 100 Llanlnip 113 xMountnln Oak 102 t’larksnn ..110 x Scottish I.hiI .101 'I'np Md'iik 112 Full o' Pep .,..107 a Kecrult ....112 xStar of Kv* .107 x.loa G .112 *< H win entrv Seventh lace 6 furlongs; purge. $1,000; handicap; 3 year-olds and tip: Spread Bagla .. 90 Better Lurk 104 Sunny Land . ... 92 Right On Time 1*3 a Sole and Span 10n Little Chief . .121 a Fabian . . . lo.'l Swing Along ..12$ >< McGill entr Fighth rnic. Mile; purse. $s»i0; 4 year-* olds and up. <'aiming xMHhu ... »!» xSch t-i 1 nw . ..112 * Pi'nlc . . 1 "2 x S| lent King .113 gWrarkhorn . .103 xLIxettr . li t xHramplon l"9 nark o* Hawn 117 FI la <• u. . 110 Ninth r;«• c Mile and 70 yards*, purse, $700; 4 year-oils and up. •laiiulng xHophhi O’dniHU 100 titlark Thong . 1*2 xZealot.10- x(t. T S |)an«y l»2 xaSporlsman , .**. 102 x'Tle Seth ....102 xGunsIght r\102 |ll.«* k Shasta ...loft xBuddlo Kean ie \\ • ddlng Prlnc# 10 7 ax War Zone . i"2 Preserve 1 or . .107 xRosanna . . ..100 aMlllard entry xApprentice allowance claimed Wrath **r clear, (rack fact. TIA .H ANA. Kind race: 6 furlong*. Olympiad (Maker) .8 20 4.40 3.10 Vor kahira Kellah (Walla) .17.40 6.00 Hunbow (Craig) • •• li.oo Time: J:14 1ft. Xacomee. ▼’ockaure. Letter F. Alice Harvey, < otonel Mnt. At gonne Foreat- Vanfaaa. Wellea. Chick Bell. Margaret Maulaon, Acquitted and Mr*. I'at a l*o ran. Second race; 8 furlong* 'Footer* (Kdwarda) . 4 4 40 20.00 7.40 Shuata Spring* i Whitt Ingham) 24 00 8. tin Tailtean ( Hooper ) .8 40 Time: 1:15. Chick Barkley. Ponlmol, Mlaa Pelf, .folly Bonita. / Townaend, II. Warren. Al Porter, Lucille Kuaeoll, Kell lilan.ond. Cgr, High Olympii* al*« ren. Third rar Hava. Man beta, Mlaa Nanfuta, Oil I.adv. xTwin Fox, An ge|n, Krekzeqnaa, Fulluntl, Little Leaa also ran. x Field. Fifth ra'** Purae, $800; 3 year olda and up: ilalmlng; mile and a alxteenth: Ten Can 115 (Tapllnl . 3 40 2 40 2 40 Chula Vlata, 02 ( Mortenaen ). . . . 3 20 2.80 Sweet, anil Low, 108 (Klaton)...."00 Time. I 44 Malvern. Gloom Girl, Jn auranre. I »umhfoundei *i*o ran. Sixth race Purae. $700; 3-year olda and up 6'e held on the Pacific roast if Jack Uemp s e >k , tltleholder. plays the leading role, In the opinion of Tommy Gib hone, St. Paul as plrant for heavy weight honors, who resumed training today after a two weeks’ layoff. Gibbons said that the turn In events In the heavyweight situation which has caused the New York boxing rnm mission to demand that Dempsey either accept or reject the challenge of llarry Wills, has convinced him that the next Heavyweight title bout will be held in California. Dempsey will never accept Wills' challenge to box in New York, Tommy said he believed. He thinks Dempsey, if prohibited from Inn ing in New York tluougli refusing j to meet Wills, will accept a Pacific 1 coast offer to meet Gibbous in a championship fight. Because of the serious illness of his twin sons. Gibbons has not train ed for two weeks, spending all his spare time at the bedside of the chil dren. They are now well on the way to recovery,, ajid Tommy resumed hard work today with a 10 mile road jaunt. Dale Signed to Meet Liston in Schlaifer-Britton Semi-Windup IKK IIM.E, crack' t • i n nil Island wel terweight, who jumped into the limelight a short time ago when lie knocked out Itoynl Coffman, lias been signed to meet "Sailor" list on of Council Bluffs In a ID round semi-final lo the Morrie Schlalfer - .lack Brittmi fight at the Auditorium on March 20. Hale and I .Inton are fighting on a winner and loser basis of the purse. The winner will receive f>0 per cent of the purse while the loser will take III per cent. Union is one of tlie coming welters here. He hails from t ouncil Bluff1 and ha* won every flglil he appeared iis* at the Auditorium. Before Dale knocked out Coffman. I.laton marie a dozen effort* to In duce Coffman to fight him. but the Olympic afar refused all offers. They were matched once but Coff man "broke" hi* hand and the malrh was railed off. Schlaifer ha* started hard training for hi* fight with Britton and, ac cording to hi* manager, "I’ackey” Vaughn, the former welter star will he In the pink of condition lor the fight. Britton will leave Ia>* Angeles to day and arrive here late Sunday to finish his training. Tickets for the show will be placed on sale today at the following ticket depots: Baseball Meadriuartets, Flem ings, Sportsman. Office, Krnle Holmes, and two South Omaha agencies. Forest and Meany Drug i Store and the De J.uxe barber shop. BEARS ENTRAIN FOR SPRING CAMP Denver, Polo., March 12.—Three I member* of the Denver Western [league base ball teiyn, accompanied by President Milt Anfengcr, will leave tonight for the spring training camp at Mineral Wells, Tex. Five other member* of the 192.1 I spring training squad will Join the vanguard en route. [ Several other member* of the team will appear in Mineral Wells shortly before or after the arrival of the | president, Anfengcr announced. Hut two Important holdouts still loom. They are Dan Voorhles and Curley Brown, pitcher*. Henry Uinglnrdl, heavy hitting out [ fighter, had not signed the contract yet. but lie Is expected to fall In line within a few' weeks, Anfengcr said. MIAMI'CLUB HEAD DENIES ‘CLEANUP1 Miami, FI*., March 12 J. M. Smoot, president of the Miami Jockey Huh, which has charge of the Miami races, in a statement In regard to a story being carried today in the Chi cago Tribune that world series gam Idem ”< leaned up” on file seventh race at the Miami track yesterday said: "It’s absolutely ridiculous Their Is nothing to It 1 have investigated the report and am convinced it Is s< utterly fooll*h that I won't dignify It. with a more formal statement.” Hawaiian* in l)a\i* (inp Play Honolulu. March 12 Hawaii today forwarded a formal'challenge for tin Ha vis cup. the emblem of world ten uIm supremacy. Plav In the American -.one was specified in the challenge. IOWANS LOSE IN A. A. U. TOURNEY By Tim Amoy-In ted Pres*. Kansas City, March 12.—Th# Monon A. <\ of Lafayette, Ind., won n place In the semi finals of the national A \. t*. basket hall tournament here to night by eliminating the Southern Surety company team of l>ea Moines, la., 4 4to 41. Presenting an ah tight defense, the Kansas city Athletic club advaneed to the semi finals by submerging Lombard college of Oalesburg. 111., under a .'14 to 26 score. P1PPS TRIPLE DEFEATS BRAVES St Petersburg, Fin ^ March 13.—A triple by Plpp with the bases filled carried the Yanks to victory over the Braves in an exhibition game here. The score was 14 to 10. Marquard, (Senewlch and Benton twirled for the Braves, while Beall. Shocker and .lohnsop worked for the Yankees. Six New t inpin-s Announced for Tliree-Kyc League Decatur, II!.. March 1. Preehlent I .1. Wylie ll>. Three Kye league ha« nniHunml the signing of the fol lowing kIx untplreo for service in lile circuit Chnrlen Schaffer. Angle Moran, Frank (ireeq. Clay Italic). R. 1' Harmon ami Carl MrClea.ter. Owe l T MUIttm /*» IW >W» Man Who “Made” Coveleskie Returns to Tigers as Coach „ _J ►UrrV Ccweu&skie Oscar. Stahage Oscar Stanage is wearing a Tiger uniform again. The veteran catching star, who caught everything the Detroit club signed as a pitcher for about twelve years, is now with Cobb as coach of hurlers riOTAINING^p! SILOMf inlwsj Chicugo. March 13.—Charlie R«m>I. who tallied 21 victories and If. defeat® as the star iwirier of Hie Loa Angeles Pa rifle Coast league club last year, headed I he list of t.'hi< ago Oub pit against liia former mates n today's firs* game r.f the Cub practice schedule «t Loa Angelo*. Marty Krug, former Cub and manager rtf the Angels w I ;elv- in part pay ment for Root. "Lefty" George Milslead i>f Marshall, Tex . on this trip of the Culm from their* Catalina %iand < amp, and will lie awarded another player on the next trip. Twenty six Cuba and Cutlet* invaded Los Angeles Johnny Mostil, White Sox outfielder, monopi fixed The siugg rig spotlight at the Shreveport (La.) < amp yesterday. He went to bat five timea and scored five runs of the 1j Manager Collins' mew made against the Clancy clans two. New lork. March lit. — Rube Ruth ninod before 'i,» •. .iltltud* in a# blue •■..-at »vhite flannel trouser* nnd a straw* hal while the Yanke.-a went forth without him nnd batted out a 14 to 10 victory over the Riston Braves at *\ g 60 R. r>. g ). Cuticura Soap Pure and Wholesome Keeps The Skin Clear OtahwaM, Tftlctttm iaU •*art» >#to TACING GROWTH How often is it said of a child j "It* strength is not keeping pace with its growth”. The child is pale, languid and fails to enjoy the degree of robustness that is every child's right. Scott’s Emulsion brings to a child just the elements needed to help keep pace with growth and thousands of parents attest its efficacy. Help your child progress JsA In strength and growth— give Scott’s Emulsion }, jf regularly. •cutt a Uuwut, auwuuitw.a.i. ►a Huskers First p in Defense in Vailev Cage Play t IVhraskaus Ranked Fifth in Offmse; Ackerman, Kan* ga^, High Point Scorer for Season. LAWKENCE, Kan.. March 1?.— Although the fnlverslty o( Kansas won the 19-A .Missouri valley conference championship in basket ball, Oklahoma ranked first In scoring and Nebraska first in defense, i checking of season figures revealed today. The Kansas team was shown to he second In defense and third ip of fense, while Nebraska only ranked Fifth in offense. Nebraska finished veconil in the race. Ackerman, captain of the Jayhawk team, finished the season as high point scorer of the ronferenre with lfifi points. It was his second suc cessive year as srore leader, he hav ing made lit points last year. He shot 69 field goals and 48 free tliraws this "Season. The Kansas Aggies who ranked sec ond in offense, ranked fifth in de fense. The Aggies were the only team to defat Kansas university this sea son. The Aggips wound up in a tie for fourth place with Washington. The honor of running up the larg est score In a single game went to Oklahoma with a 50 to 27 victory over Drake. The biggest margin of victory in a single game went to Washington in defeating Drake, 40 to 8. Football Rules Due for Change Rr The Afinoclated Pre§*. HREE major topics will come be fore the football rules committee at Its annual meeting in New York today and Saturday. The for ward pass and the open game in general most likely will remain un touched after having heeh approved by the coaches and officials at their meeting. However, the kick-off will return to the 40-yard line of the kicking side and the tee will be returned to the game as It Is almost unanimous opinion that many stirring plays were eliminated when balls were booted across opposing lines for touchhacks. The first dowm, after penalty is another rule which' has been found unnecessary. ' — - - - - - - I “Berg Suits Me” Spring’s Newest Suits Are at Berg’s t ™ *30 - *35 Many with Two Pants * 1 | , . ‘ v I i A Top Coat for This Mild Weather New Styles $OC and Patterns Berg Clothing Co. House of Kuppenheimer 1A15 Farnam Street At>Y IKTISK.MFNI. Grandmother Knew There Was Nothing So Good foe Congestion and (olds as Mustard Hut the old-fashioned mustard 'laster burned and blisleted while it icted. Get the relief and hel» th>t nuslard plasters save, without tha daster and without the bltsier. Musterole ti.ies it. It is a clear, 'hile ointment, made with oil of thus* ai d. It Is scientifically prepared, t > hat It works wonders. Gently massage Musterole 1n with ho Anger tips See how quickly' it 'rings relief—how speedily the pain liaal'penrs. » Try Musterole for sore throat, bro’t •hitis. tonsllltts. croup, stiff peck, isthmn. neuralgia, headache, ccuvges lon, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, wins and aches of the back or Jofms, ipi alns, sore muscles, bruises, cjv.l ilairs. frosted feet, colds of the cheat tt may prevent pneumotUa). To Mothers: Musterole Is alto made in milder form for hshie-e and small children. \»k for I hlWreii's Musterole. , 3io and S3c., jars and t'i'osa, hos pital sisa. tS.t'd. •tetter than a mustard piaster " hen in need cf help liy Omaha Bee W ant Ada « at