[Maroons Win Class A Title | r of District 3 Both Winners and Losers Will Go to Lineoln Next Week to Play in Grand Finals for Championships. HE Technical High school basket ball team, running true to form, defeated tlie Creighton l'reps for the championship of district three of the Nebraska State Athletic association tournament at Tech gymnasium last night before a large crowd by the score of 23 to 16. Both Tech and the young B1uejays ■will, play In the grand finals for the state championship in I.incoln next Saturday. Outsmarted, but. not outgamed, the plucky Creighton five, every one of whom was playing his first year of high school basket ball, fought from gun to gun with demon like furiosity to stem the tide of Maroon players, but experience triumphed. Bed by Kenneth Otlmier, rangy renter, the Techsters held the junior Blue jays in leash thoiighout the fray, and only for a new flit ting moments early in the game did the llilltoppers threaten the super k iority of the Druiniiiond-coach five. Tech led, 16 to 8, at the half. FVom the viewpoint of the sev eral thousand spectators who jammed into the gymnasium, the contest was even more spectacular than the Technical-Central game of the night before. Spectacular offensive drives, and brilliant defense of both teams kept the crowd in a tremor. Kvery play was contested. Kvery Itasket was battled for, and there was little ac tual stalling to break up the con tinuity of play. Several times, when a few points to the good, the Maroons attempted to stall, but Coach Brennan's men, effectually broke up this type of defense. Two tall, shifty youths stand out in the Technical High victory. They are Othmer, center, whose deadly- eye from the free throw- line, and from beneath the hoop was the, big factor in the Technical offense, and Nelson, eieongated forward. Othmer dropped in four field goals and five out of six flee throws to give him high scoring honors with 13 points, and Nelson caged a patrNjf neat field goals and four free throws out of five attempts. Halpine was the Junior Bluejay's best bet on the score sheet with two field goals and five free throws. Walsh counted on a brace of goals from the field, hud one free toss. The guarding of Holm and Prerost of Technical was up to Its usual standard, while Creighton's pair of husky barricaders, Kuxa and Caniglia, ■■■■flayed good defensive hall. Y The lineup: The lineiipv: TECHNIC A I/—-23. FG. FT. Y. rt«. f harnqul*t, rf .I ft-ft 3 ? NeUon. If . .2 4-5 ft 8 Othmer, r . .4 5-4 I 13 l’rero*t. rg .0 ft-0 3 0 Holm. Ig <»•> 0 0-2 4 0 Millhnllin, Ik o n-ft M 0 Sw >n*on. «• ft 0-0 O ft Knfle. rf . ft 0-ft ft 0 Total* . 7 Jill II 23 i CK HIGH TON—1ft. KG. FT. F. Pt*. Halpine. rf 2 5-« 1 » HuMi. If ...2 1-3 4 3 Lfnhy, o .ft I-I 1 I Fuxa. rs .>.« 1-2 2 1 CanlKlia. Ik ft ft-» 2 0 Gould. rf (ft) _ ft ft-» » ft Dempsey. Ik .... ft ft-ft ft ft MrArf.vll. If ft 0-0 » « Total* .4 8-12 10 Ifi Iteferee: Tony Smith. ' Nebraska. 1 m pire: F-rnie Adam*. Omaha university. Tome of quarter*: Seven mill one-l»alf minute*. DOROTHY HURD WINS TITLE Belleair Heights, Fla.. March 7.— Mrs. Dorothy Campbell Hurd, na tional women's golf champion, today added the Belleair Heights title to her others when she defeated Miss Berpioe Wall of Oshkosh. Wis., in the 18 hole final match. 5 up and 3 to go, in the annual Belleair Heights golf tournament. Miss Glenna Collett of Providence, R. T., former national champion and medalist of the qualify ing round, who was eliminated early in the tournament,^won the “beaten eight” final by (i and 4 over Miss Ruth Anne Perry of Philadelphia. Mrs. Hurd halved the first two holes, hut a splendid shot to the third ^ green from a had lie gave* her first blood a-nd she became 3 up when Miss Wall required three putts at the fifth. | JShe was out In 41. The only hole lost by Mrs. Hurd was the 10th. ! The annual men's championship of Belleair Heights, the final competi tion of the year, begins March 10. Penn Awarded (!olle«iale Track Meet for 1925 AVw York. March 7.—The 1925 outdoor track and field championship of the Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. to day were formally awarded to the University of Penn sy Ivan la, who will hold them on May 29 and 30 at Frank lin field. Philadelphia. The award wai made at the an nual meeting of the Intercollegiate as sociation, who also voted against re ducing the distance of the varsity cross-country championship race from six to four miles. , Church, Sunday School League Pilots to Meet The Y. M. C. A. class B church league will wind up the season next Friday with the undefeated First \ C hristian Diamonds clashing with the ■ Clifton Hill Presbyterians. A victory for the Presbyterians will throw the league into a three-cor nered tie between Clifton 11111, Firiy Christian Diamonds and First Chris tlan TNTs. Manilla to Open Pool Hall. Charles Manilla, who managed The Omaha Bee's baseball team In (he Metropolitan league lr 1922. will open a blllard parlor at Hit South Sixteenth street He may put an amateur team In the field this season I t---- ' O’Connell Attends to Pressing Business While Late Pals Train -____> While his late comrades on the big league diamonds are gathering In the south, Jimmy flToimell, $75,000 mil tlchler banished from baseball by Judge l.andis, is pressing pants in a San Francisco valet shop. The former tiiant, who declares he has been made the "goat" hi the Heine Sands bribery a IT air, still lias hopes of getting bach into the good graces of base ball. lie is seen at work in the pressing shop. Tech Leads in Choice of Players for All-City Basket Ball Quintet -1__ _ Three Technical High players. Cap tain Holm, Nelson and Othmer, one Central'High man. Marrow, and a junior Bluejay, Fuxa, have been se lected by Omaha High school coaches and officials of the district No. 3 tournament as members of The Oma ha's Bee’s 192.i all-city basket ball team. Marrow and Nelson, were practi cally unanimous choice of the offi cials at forward, while Othmer Led Leahy of Creighton by several votes for the renter position. .The officials had a hard time choosing tile guards. Holm of Techni cal, Fuxa of Creighton, Reeves of South, Caniglfa of Creighton nnd Egan of Central received votes, with the first two named geeting the ma jority. The all-city second team will be composed of Walsh, Creighton, and Bernard, South, forwards; Leahy, Creighton, center; Reeves, South, and Egan, Central, guards. OHIO FIVE WINS BIG TEN TITLE Bloomington, Jnd., March 7.—Ohio State's basket ball team v.on the western conference crown by defeat ing Indiana, 2$ to 26, in one of the closest, and fastest contests seen here this season. Ohio State now has 10 victories and one defeat for first place, with Illinois in second with eight wins and three losses, while Indiana slipped from second to third with eight wins and four defeats. Purdue is in fourth place with six victories and four losses. Illinois and Purdue play again, but their results cannot affect Ohio's standing. Ohio State meets Wisconsin next week for its last game. Iowa State Toll***:** Wrestlers Win Meet Ames, la.. March 7.—Iowa State eolfege wrestlers had little trouble winning their fourth straight western intercollegiate dual meet by defeating Minnesota here today, 1.1 to 2. The Cyclone grapplers won six out of the seven events. Dally of Minne sota being the only visitor to com? through with a victory when he won a time advantage from Kurtz in the 125-pound class. In flit* I>. M. liUliop *tii 1*1** at Ak fl* l*i nr.* I’lrar ill#* Wav mil Record, while tl»«* I>r#<*. ,M< I n. i ild ilil* Rt Creator, In, ha* Lady Oxford. Fhadwuk, Sir Jo Inn and Mian iJloHminjT. R (Hover ha a Hob O'Dell and Smart Alrr. and T. kmdnll han Ray Atkin.*. Thr R I-'. McClain horse* now :r. f\ I.. PnllrriMiii, West Side. b„ owner end breeder ef thoroughbred*. i#* ports the toe* of n filly by ('stardom Vor tex. Th** mure Vortex will tie shipped to Parnell. Mo. to he mated with rteih. r_ Yesterday’s Results. TIA .11 ANA. Flrat race: Purge $000. 3-year-olds and up. claiming; fi\*- furlong*: Alajuh. 98 (McHugh) .33 00 1 4 >0 COO Meleholr. 104 (Berg) .17.00'5.60 Olympiad. 108 (Maker) . • ..3.06 Time: 1:03 Fernando*. AI Porter. Rav enwing. Olympian King. I*ndy Abbott, Johnny O't \»nnr!l. Lloyd Brown, liumma. Kthe| Hntwn, t'urrency, Danube aleo ran. Second rac * : « furlong*, purge $800, .3 yeurrdd* ami up. claiming Recruit. 13-' ( M a r| Inez) 10.60 4 60 3 40 a Bright Idea. I‘»H ( Halter) . . .360 2.60 Alls* Proepef it v. 1 2d ( Kill ■*) .... 440 Time: 1 15 4 .. Nan McKinney. Subtle Jack Front. Sen Green. aOll Lady and Silver Maid algo tan. m R. If. Good erit i • Third ra»e; Mile end one r gbth. purse $7on, 3-year old* and up. claiming Halil. Ill (Schaefer) .5 60 3 60 3.4ft Full CV Fun. lft» M'OWIM .. MO 5 4ft Madam Vennle. 103 Hfunltmer) 5*0 Time 1.5* 1-5. Mlzanna. Hsrksmor*. The Lamb, T. ,T. Fendergaat, Delhi Girl slao ran. » Fourth rare 54 furlongs puras $700. 3 vesr-old.g and up claiming: Lord Valentine, 115 (Martinez) . .12.4ft 3 6ft 3.2ft Fort Churrhlll. lift (Toung) . . .3 40 2*0 Frank P 105 (McHufh) .3.0ft Time 1 04 2-5 A1 Hotfoot .Wraehlan*, Vanderhurg, Runaway aleo ran Fifth r«'* Furae $:I.Ofto added the Juvenile a'akea, 2-year-old a. 4',* fur long* a Three Sixty, 116 (Robert*) 1 4 4 0 1 1 40 4 4ft aNlne Slxtv, -J3 (Baker) . 1 1.40 4 40 Lou Shank (Kill*) 5*0 Time 55 3 3 line's the Time. Hllvei Stale. Private Moth. Jack Jr. Rtisnell Gardner. Mhngta. King. War Bella, Run all, Friend Joe. Swift Ladv. What'g the Tleni, Mia* MukUind, Gem go O'Neill alao ran. aPoupled. Sixth rii•• Furae $1,200. 3-year old* 1 and up, Mile nntP one furImi* Spin nod Spurt. 9'i lEIxton) 4 50 4.00 2 40 j (’atinnti Shot. 9 5 (Ifo.igland) ....12 80 •. 40' Firm Friend. I«9 (Robert '. All Over, Blarney Stone alao ran. Seventh ra< p; pur« •• $•.’.400. 3 year old* amt up, 2 miles and 7 furlong*: Hugh, 100 (Moitcnacn) . .7.40 4 20 2.6ft WIKI Jock, in.; (M. h <' ffer) 3 00 2 4ft Senator pnnlun, 45 (JohuM.in) 2 4ft Time: i, Glanmore. Pottghnregan. Tag D:g, Wnrthman al*«» ran Eighth rate- Purge ft.nftft; 3 y#ar olds; * furlong? Nellie A »•? (Mnsglgfid) 1*50 7 4ft 4 00 P unols the 107 < M < f In* ». i 5 40 3 *0 Varuuez. fft.1 (Bills) .*.ftft Time 1 -13 (5 Lnru in* Ryt Elector, Girl fir ou t Martha Martin Foolscap, ,\fe*k Afapttr Publlehsr al*n ran N'nth r»r». $6ftft 3 yiar nils and up. mil* Tangerine. Ill (Dakar) ,.7.10 4.60 $.00 Lady In**, 10* (Sylvia! .15.40 6 <0 Catherine Marions. 107 (Walla) • ..300 Time: 1:43. Lithuania, Sandalwood, Muller Proof. Sweet Or*** also ran Tenth race Purae $700. claiming. I* yt»ar-old# and up, six furlongs: Shasta Limited, 9'» ( Klaton). 12 00 7 40 3.20 Run Chief. 109 McHugh***).3 HO 2.HO W •! Winner. 114 (Maker). .2 HU Time: 1:15. Stamp. Muay Mob Manl akane. Fre.* Maaon. Malaavena, Mronaton, Krtiina William*. Mart Bunch. Mannikin II. .la* k Led! and Kirk woo* I also ran. Toilayn Entries. IKKFKKSO.V PAItK. First rate* Pur**, $7oo claiming, 1 ye.4i olds a nd up. • furlong# xtjnlnnli .log o'Kelly .J02 High View 99 xUla •* <^ue«-n Agnes f*9 xThe Mule*k'#r 10fi Steve .....103 x Poppy#* .I OR Menwnnd . loj Ashburton .104 xNtxr Time . . log peter Piper • • 119 D|V«J| ....l«l Theseua .103 x Betsy Bsvnn H( x Kerry Girl ... 90 xRnllfng Wave 91 xMary Dear . . *7 j Second ra*s. Puree, $700. claiming 3-year-olda and up. ♦» furlong* Double Van .103 Charlnat . 101 Eva Bong .103 xOrlova ... 9* xGeerga Starr .103 Mt Pleaaant .10* xAntonla .ion Bublen .11* Bed Seth . *9 •jr.Vliw Hope .... *7 Kentucky Roe* *9 Fair -Light . ..101 Bed Squirrel . 97 Flixa Brown ... 99 Mitt . 9g xCapt Sch’ller 14 Will 91 Mollnero .103 Third race Puree. |“0O; Malden I year.nlds. *llmv*tp»a. 4 furlong#; Ai|*ghan . .115 aHark .Ie*t ... 11* Firearm .110 * Navigator ..,.11* Blue Pencil 111 Fsrara .II* Light View ... 116 Hawkey* .110 Nell Maxim 112 H'lreentrec atahla entry Fourth rate: Purse. $700; claiming; I y«-nr old*; *» furlong*: xWhlte Wing* |00 xMy Heallny . toi Pillager . . I 10 Galatia 109 Mndeo .110 x ItUlllhllng I 1H xSpecie, notify |0g Will Well* . 1»4 Ivory . . . 97 Foxnmte .107 x.lohn y Moult) 106 xl.iltle .flmiitle log Fifth rue#*: Puree. $700 allowance*; Dine tlrns* purs#*: 1 j gar-nlda; mil# \ Walter F. inn Malh.u fog Delhi Hov .102 aXnth's Treasure 104 aJedhurgh Ab v 102 Tonnerra .|0.’» e.VIr*. tl W. Church entry. Sixth ra* » Purae $100. claiming; 4 >>«r ohls anil up; m|Ja end 70 yard** Phil Mayers .. H»7 UoMflold 110 x Vnrlrk . 1M x<»ee . 97 Nogales . 110 L(|v M . 102 gPlu- 1111 ra * . 104 Iteepatd . to* y\anthn« I #2 Scanp II' Lurkv Strike to* Lieweil* n 109 Seventh rare Ptirfe. $700. rlslmln* I * ear oMs And ur m»le and s aixt**nth Mavnr C*rr*1 111 Do M' Vihnn 97 F< arlet fluglsr 1*4 ,R#d "Hum 4. 1 Ron* Boo 92 M'U Ka it lot *V*r TdcJ 104 yap*' ehleem '0t xKnet|a(«rit. ov»r Luff. Nebraska. Tima ed vantag*: 2 47. 14ft pounds Won by Veaacrlnf. North western, over Bi< hardson, Nebraska. Tim# ad \h nt » sr* 6:17. 154-pound. Won by Hathaway, North w***ern, ov*r Lund). Nebraska. Tim* advantage: 7 34 175-pound; Won by Highly. N’ebrasia. ov*r Lewis, Northwestern. Tints advan tage: S:lt. Heavywnig.it division’ Won bv T.owrv, N’orf h western. over Molzea, Nebraska. Time advantage: 2:47 WALKER-DUFFY BOUT IN MAKING Lo* Angeles, March 7.—Tommy Simpson, Oakland boxing: promoter, who came to Los Angeles to confer with Jack Doyle, southern promoter, regatiling a title match between Jim my Duffv of Oakland and Mickey Walker, world welterweight cham pion, returned north tonight with articles calling for a Walker-Duffy bout to be staged in the Vernon ball park, outside of this city, or the I«os Angeles coliseum, April IS. Neither Walker nor Duffy have signed Die articles, however. It fsj understood Duffy will receiver $10,000 for the proposed match. Walker's financial arrangement was not an nounced. ST. ANDREWS TRIMS PLYMOUTH FIVE Ft. Andrew eager* defeated the Plymouth Congregational quintet, 7 to 3, iri a hard fought game in the Clans C Church league Saturday night. The St. Andrew five led at the half, 2 to 1. The gume was featured by close gu.irdlng of both teams. Raker, St. Andrew' center, who scored four of his team s points, was the outstand ing player of the game. KANSAS AGGIES WIN OVER PIKERS Manhattan. Kan., March 7.—The Kansas Aggie basket Lull team won Us final game of the Missouri valley conference season from Washington university of fit. Louis here tonight. 34 to 21. Metro League to Meet Monday B — UK manager* of the Metropolitan league will hold their monthly meeting at the elty hall Monday evening at 7. To date only four of the teams that held franchises last season have derided to plaee teams In the league. President Henry Rressman In vites all managers of teams who are interested in securing franchises in the Metro league to he present. The Carter t.alie club, Knights of Co lumbus, Schneider Klectrlra and Standard l.aundry were represented at the first meeting of the league held two weeks ago. Murphy-DId-Ita, winner s of the city title last season, and the Wood men of the World, rnnneraiip for the league championship, are umlp rided about entering. The Police and tha TT. P. Knglne men will not he represented, leaving two vacant franchlae*. At the pres ent writing the Sam Kllas, Drive-It Yourself, and the Corn States Serum have applied for the vacant fran chises. Fifteen Links Return Contracts Bin coin, March S.—Signed contract* of 15 men have been received by Secretary Moon of the Blncoln West ern league baseball club, be an nounced today. lie expect*, he gald, several more contract* the pfeeent week. Of the 15 players who have signed, four are pitcher*, four catch ers. three outfielders and four lnfleld era. Manager Jonh Clark, who ha* been on the Pacific roa»t in a search of talent, .wired he will be In Blncoln thl* week, preparatory to going to Joplin, Mo., w here players have been notified to report for spring practice March 15. ECKLEY DEFEATS ONG FOR TITLE Hasting*. Neb., March R.—By the good work nf C arpenter s>nd F’orte nier, forward?, Eckley, Webster county champions, defeated Ong in the Eighth district finals of class C tonight. 22 to 4. Ong was held to long shot* throughout. Summary: ECKLEY. ONO. rc,. ft. y r»*. Carpenter, rf . .=» n o in For tenter. If . 4 »» n H Hobart, e . :* n o 4 Hubbard, r* .... . * rt e l> B«meson. Ig . ci o _* o Totals .11 o 2 22 KG. FT. F Pts. Petarson. rf . i ft <> 3 Olson. If . 10 0 2 Uowan. c . « 0 o n Ntrombom, u . u 0 » 0 Thurln. Ik . o u n o lioltom, if . 0 « a 0 Totals ...2 0 n 4 Substitution. t'ssvHl for Thurln Score a half: Eckley, 14. On*. 2. Referee: "I houiHs Hastln**> BADGER MAT MEN LOSE TO HAWKEYES Madison. Wls , March 7.—Wiscon sin's hitherto undefeated wrestling squad was ha tided Us first reversal when the Iowa mat men scored « 16 to 7 victory. Iowa won five of the seven bouts, two by way of fslLs and three by decisions The lwo Badger victories were gained In the 15* snd 175 pound di visions. Captain Zodtner won *n easy declslon over the Hawkey*, Merxy. with * time advantage of *:20. Splee*. in the light heavy class, pinned a tough opponent In 11 .in. Wolverine Cager* Win Fasily Over Maroon Five Ann Arbor, Mich, March 7.—Michi gan won in easy victory over Chi cago tonight. 47 to 14, In a game that wuf featured with sparkling play by Henson and Haggerty, who, with 'l^apdre, were playing their Inst game for Michigan. Placed in the lineup surly In the content after Handle liad failed to play impressively, Reason shot five field goal*, looped five baskets out of seven attempts from the foul line |and gave one of the best exhibitions of offensive ami defensive pla\ seen at Yost Field house this year. Following the game the Mi< hlgnn squad met and elected Richard Doyle, Kal*mason, as captain of the !‘c*« team. How old are you in energy? 'T'HAT’S what counts! It's vitality —energy, that wtna success. Spot tit Ikt Ikumkmiil _ .... ktrd. Unltn ,1 rtddtmi «how that eight out of ten . . . iwonle arc ftunmni from Anemia — V!'" Wood atarvation. And energy reeda milkdrawimg ikt finuart, rMJ blood, high in iron and manganese Ant mu n indutltd. content. Qudr't Pepto Mangan ia the sure way to rrgam health and vitality. Rich ia iron and manganese content, it is easily assimilated by the blood and distributed to every cell In tlut body— restoring its latent power, royeicians have prescribed it for thirty-two years. Your druggist can now give you dude's Pepto Mangan in liquid or tablet form. Glide's Pepto-Mangan. Tonic and Tilood Cnricher 1 --I---1 I Want Ad Agencies of The Omaha Bee Carter Lake Pharmacy 16th and Sprague St*. Castelfar Drug Co. 2322 South 20th St. McAuley Drug Co., 16th and California Sts. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 19c per line each day, 1 or 2 da ye. 17c per line each day, 31 or 6 daya. He per line *ach day, 7 daya. 15c per Hue each dav. 30 daya. Telephone AT.lantio loOO. THE "EVENING BEE. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. XNNOCN CEMENTS. Funeral Notices. 1 LITTON Mrs! Harriet. 25. died Friday She la survived by her huaband. Charles; one son. Charles. Jr.; her parent*, Mr. and Mr*. William .T. Maguire; her four brother*, .fame*, John. Edward and Pat rick; l wo slater*. Mis* Anna. Maguire ftid Mr*. France* Zuiger. Funeral services front bar residence, 4115 R St., Monday, at 6 45. to St. Mary church at 9 a. m. Interment, St. Mary cemetery. Arrangement* in • are of Larkin funeral home. MA. 04f:i. YY’ALKER—Mr*. Lena C.. March 4. Age 32 yearn. Survived by her husband. Eu gene; one ion. Neal; four sisters, Mre. Anna Muenster, Mr*. Henry Kelly. Mr*. Paul Story, Mr* Hugh Aehburn, and one brother. Mr. II. Hampel. Funeral service* from residence. 2723 H Ninth Nt.. Monday, 2 p. m. Inter ment Went Lawn cemetery. Iloffmann t'.foaby eervlce. STEPHENS—Frank ]». March 6, age 39 years. Deceased i* survived by hla wife, Margaret, three nistera and three brother*. Fiuieial services will be held from the residence 2626 Davenport Mt., Monday bt 2: .0 p in. Interment Holy Sepul chre cemetery. lloffiu*nn-Cro*by aerv Ice. GUTHRIE—George F . passed ewav March at Watervllle, Kan. Deceased I* survived by two eons, Frank of Coun cil Hluffg la., »nd William of Sioutt City, is : one daughter. Air*. Lillian Dolan. Minneapolis. • Minn. Funeral service* Tuesday at 2 p. m at Hoffmann-Crosby Funeral Home. Inter ment West I,awn cemetery. COOK—Mr*. Henrv C. age 70 y*ar*. at her residence. 4521 r»rk»r street. Funeral Monday from the residence, *;J0 a. m. to Mt. Cecilia'* cathedral at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy sepulcher cemetery. Inquiries may be addressed 10 Taggart and Son chap*I JA. 0714. KAUFMAN—John Edward, age 70 years, died Friday at his home. 2X10 S St Funeral .Monday, 2 I*, m.. Brewer's chapel. Burial. Laurel Hill cemetery. BUCK LEM- - William H hr.» 76. at \un residence. 1136 N. 17th St. Remains era at Tagrart and Mon chapel. Funeral nntbe 1 at^r Funeral Directors 31 HEAFEY A IIEAFEY. Undertaker* end Kmbelrnera. Phone. AT 2631 Office ?r.ji Farnim. IEBTA HUSHED .MINCE 1662 > lit tPFMAX-t'Kt >?HY. Funeral directors. Ambulance P'«dg* e nd 2 i th. JA. 3901. IIU L ME X KIFPEn’ fct Your Service. 2222-24 Cuming St.JA. 1 226. LE8LIE O MOORE. ?4fh and Wirt Ml*. \Y’E. 0047. 65th and Military Ave. Wa 9090. Brailev & Dorrance N. I*. SWANSON. 17th and Cuming. _Quint. Dignified Supervision JOHN A. OKNTLKMAN. HA 16643411 Farnam St. H K BURKUT A SON. 3405 Farnam. Eat. 1676 HA. 0090. Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN. Purchase a family lot in Omahi'i mast beautiful cemetery. Office* at the « *me t#ry. weit of Florence, and 720 Bran del* Theater Ride IVraonaln. 9 THE SALVATION ARMY Industrial home solicit* your »>ld clothing furnitur*. magazine*. We collect We distribute Rhone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call Call and inspect our new horn*. iOt N Mth Mt ELECTRIC treatment and body massage Hours: 5 a. m. to 5 o. m. Mrs Crowe* Place Ant. 2 213 S 24th Avt. AT. 2.194 Dental work (high grade) in exchange for used car. Pie*** deacribe. Box 0-111. Omaha Bee. STEAM hatha, alcohol rub*, massage, elec. treatm'l*. la m. to J p. m. 3S Doug bIK •XPERT hand tne*aage. all hour* Sun dav apnt. Edith Taylor. ]Q1 X. 14th St HAPPAGU Expert treatment; lady op«*r ator: op n till » p, im, 21Q N 17: h ?t COSTI'MK, theatric*!, historical m x u * costumes to rent. I.iebrn. 1'-14 Howard. NMVOOI) SnnltariuM. F.stha. massage Jacobs, 4Q» Arthur Rid* AT 4»4 ft EXPERT massage, steam bath*. fisher Baths. 2ft* Ant|ll« Court. AT. 14" 2 mits Ten\es < »n k TTTTTTT TTTi CALIFORNIA ST.. AT 4141, ~~ u T‘I_X14 Fain a in AT. .“*1* 1424 FOUR door Overlan«i sedan like new. 14oo rgsh or term* will buy this car. 1424 Tudor sedan. 3475 25 Fords. *11 models. »;»o and up OOLDPTROM AUTO SALE? CO. 2112 iUrnev StAT, FOR TIU; RIGHT PRICE ON GOOD 1SED CAR? PFF _OM Ml A FLINT COMPANY. NASH NRlV.SFMA AUTO CO. \ PUD CAR STORE. H>4» Farnam_AT 2f1> 2-TON Autocar truck, good condition, rea tona Me -•'4 21 Neb Ave F6R&-*~WR| sell ^help for ca*hIn good repair Appl'- 5**4 .tones Pt niricfn for Htnl. •TEAM heated fireproof garagft 111 ? fist Pt ST fin ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■■■■■. *i ■ _in siNr^S SKRVUK Ituuiiipaa Spi vUrs Often il. 51 icrtimatf.p Tre •* hedges grapes trimmed Fi peri 10-fla.v service offered. IvK MM. MIMIner)—llrevMnaklnc 3.1 At V' 'RDlON. fide, knife, box pleating, covered hut tons. *11 sole* Dm stitching: buttenhnlee. Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co HI Rnwn BU'ii, opiahn Neb Telephone JA lf34 N FF TlE AT IMG O >.* H tostMchlna Covered Buttons |IN Famanv Second Flout JA 5470 HEWING of an' kind For »■ bool chll dren -pc i <11 * \i \ ft: tf Mn* In;—Tn»rl»in*—Mnrijf ?« r )7' ■* ’p7. v « r i ti > v n7k>T~*Th Vf~I *• Jll Nsrl- nth M rhon. ,< \ SM8. Mo'Pg i cktrft storage shining nr Kt v > DU V AN A 'Ki Ifcfh a*sf| Le* spwerth Its Pack mg mu'tig. storage shipping J A. 41 el. flt BISmESS SISK VICK. Painting and Papering. 27 WALLFaFF". reDsyksnelnt. pelntln* rr*(l r«rk». 4701 8 24th SL IIA. 01*1; AT, 7404. __ PAINTINC. »H'1 refer hsnslns. Hut work. EiUmst* free. PhoBS KK. ■U.S.V Patent Attorneys. 28 I W, MARTIN. IS* Peter. Trust fill, Oin»h». »l»o Wuhl4|ton. Poubl. ..rv Re single fee. AUo help Mil patents. SII.AH C HWKKT. res. pst. atty., *14 Klther Us. Molliss. Is , or U.nver, Col Printing—Stationery- 2* COMMURCIAI, PR1NTINO, Kdily Printing Co- 213 H. lath Ht. Phntis JA, 60.4, Professional Service. 30 W II. HATTEKOTH, Lawyer. Notary. Confiaentlal .ilvlc. 425 Petars Trust itMe.. tJmsha. Itepnlring. >71 WK REPAIR sewing machine*. Vlctrolaa, pianos. Micktli, 15th and Harney. AT. 4361. e >ir lo v ment! Help Wanted—Female, 36 LA DlEH-*-LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE. <>ur ccutee la rapid and efficient Day or night. Enable* you to ttsp from low pav lo big pay. Call or write. MOLUR COLLEGE. 109 H 16th. CAPABLE women 1 o a»ll hooka. Guar anteed $2 50 per day. 2616 Meredith A ve. __ Help Wanted—Male. 37 ALL men. women, boya, girla. 17 to 6$. willing to accept government positions. $117-1250 (traveling or stationary), writ# Mr. Oament. 1S6 8t. Louie, Mo. MEN—I.EARN BAR BERING Good pay ing profession. Our training day or night enables vou to step from low pay to big pav. Earn while learning. In quire. MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE. 1Q» F 15th WANTED to hire for gravel hauling Job at Colony, Kan., lo good truc.ka on pneumatic tires. Writa or wire for particulara lo Htevena Broa. Colony, Knn. FIREMEN, brakemen beginners $15t> 260 (which poaitlon?) Railway Y-284I. Omaha Bee. ' '■JMJ_J Salesmen and Agent*. 39 AUK NTH—Bottle Life Tonic Free Wonder ful Medicine Big repeater. Big profite. Lacassia Co.. l>ept. 47. St, Louis. Mo. Situation* Wanted—Female. 40 YOUNG lady with six years’ bank ex perienre. desires poaitlon Can furniah reference*. Address Y-2856, Omaha Bee. ~ FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities. 43 DRUG FT OR E—Suburban Good lease, up-to-ilat* fixtures, flesn atork. rent $60 per month. Write 2-50 Maury Ft.. Pea Moines. I». FOR HALE or cade, brirk building well equipped for pop fartory; good buai n«s«. Write Frank Skorhdopole, Ra venna. Neb. ,__ EXCLUHIVF. millinery with long »cab llehed trade. R**st chopping location Bargain if taken at once. Box B-ilQ. Omaha Bee __ Real Estate Loan*. 44 MONEY TO LOAN On ftrat and second mortgages. \V« buy outright fur coah Exlat ng mortgages and land contracts. Prompt action - II A WOLF CO. 1*2 Sounders-Kennedy Bldg AT. 21^0 L\% AND ti PER CENT MONET Loan* on Omaha improved property St lowest rat#*. PRANK H. BINDER. *?•, ntv Nations!J A. 2 5 41 . MoNJSY on Omaha houses at 6 per cent end €’■« per rent, f’aah ».n band. N'o de lay. Shopen A Co . 236 Keeline Bldg JA, 422#. LOW rate on city property, quickly rloasd; no monthly payments. J A. 1633 I W T OR All AM. 751 Patera TruaL Jlfto to Ilft.Mli loaned; prompt service, r T» We«d ADM. Bowman. Wead Bldg_ OMAHA HOVER—E APT NBB FARMS. O*KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1018 On aha Net Hank Bldg JA 2713 SECOND mortgages nr contrarta pur rlia'-M by Tukev Company. 630 First National Bank JA 3223 AND 4 PER CENT—NO DELAY GARVIN BROS. ><46 Omaha Nat. Bldg. FARM loan* on Y.'est Neb end N E. Colo farm* Kl*k* Investment •'o. Omaha Money to Loan. 4.» FEE TP TODAY If you want money for any purpose A loan of $10 trill receive the aame prompt attention as one cf 1500 You pet *he (till amount in cash, no fee* deducted no publicity or unpleasant in vestigation Oldest eatabliahed and moat reliable in Omaha OMAHA LOAN COMPANY R 50« Karba^h Blo^k Phone JA. 22*5 2ftf 6 15th St___ I «I HAN**’ LOANS ’ OTA MON DR. WATCHER. JEWELRY PRIVACY 5WABT55 JEWELRY & r ms co ri4 dodge NJ0V«*Y »ned -n diamonds. D.smond Loan Bank. Ill City Nat Bk bldg rat i*§4 RePsblhty. low 'ate privacy LmCATIONAL. Loral Inotrurtfon C1»•»***. 46 e» _ DA Y HClfOOL NIGHT fk'HOoL. Complete nu1 e ’n all commercial b*sn«he« Shorthand, typewriting telef »*phy. salesmanship. civil service. Phone JA 1848 Complete catalog free BOYLES COLLEGE. ltth and Hsrnev Ft a Omaha. Neb Tni C-tv BARBER COLT.EOF. 14A2 Dodge 5t Uftt Douglas St j c*lj nr write for Information - Mimic*—Dramatic 41 P! ANISTS T/e.irn popular tmiele- K. M ; Kane. M'ckcl Bid* AT 1341. Dancing Acadrtnira. W Kitrs nvnrpri' a R^or 1 nth POl'OI.A* *T* JA. t«~" k"Fi. PINF.- r«ri«m «t !Mh Cl... «ci> ....nibl) Monday a"d Thur.d.y nisht Pierrctt orchestra; 3ft instruct*** Pri vate leseon* rni'1 tint*. JA 4759 1 JVKSTOt ltL _ Dug*. Cal* and IV**. .VS ISH'OKTCP THAINK P nuzi: VTNNIVO il.rm.n po'.ir, .1o*. .1 .! u - F-'* *’ Some aal* bargain* to make roem f »r soring puppies On* proven matron, •dark an«l *en. bred to Imported trained Sehr-tlul” d * IlSt First litter should j clear her at this price Also one verv j dtr' gray voting bit* b t month* ->!■». j sired hv Imported nrixe winning Atig \ 17 Also port'* * - d A Mine nuntde* CrtHRUYCROFT F\RM KKNNT.LS 7.1 and MHItarv R.v *1 W A 44 tv - — — .. ■ i ■■■ — llnr»c«. Cattle, VlfeUn. H , lllilll cIRIPF al Pr»( ■ «l fl.d. ’ ■n our own ab^p* ant s-**id direct farmers; prices from t to tllft Alfred] Corn lab. 121ft Farnsm st . Omaha ToullrF Supplier. W Jl pGF iMTLFY S ' *ara of experience a* brft#d#' exhibitor and tudge guaran tee* v ou the h’glv «r qua ‘tv beb> rh«<-v * IHuatrated eatftior free Smiley • Hs*cher> Pan *td N#b MEStHVMMSr. DiiaIiic** K.iinlpinciit*. .’>8 tv ri:w n't tv u* — iir i. ~hf~ T v l.' •ate* New ard e«*-'.*nd-hand mi h for sale Have > .mi r* cn the Standard Ke\stone Remington Portable* What j #v**r your needs In the txpewrltor Jir*' call Remlncton T'pvwrltot Co. fie t* j 1»th st 1A till___i WW DV’Y. sell safes make dee a ah.«w cases, etc. Omaha Fixture £ Itapply t' »„ S W. Corner Uth and 1 Vug las JA J7 «_ KltH’T countero. * a« rtle*. * egt*ter*, I wall c - iee hr»x Ml kinds of fix ! Ultra IA 181 a 22K laard St j furl ind Fm4. 61 KINDI IN*; I truck load d. - .*e*l.j •andust. baled sharings .14 I' fr aft. ILL SPY. I'-ft III Fit l cn j coat Pc \vk riftk.1 lloiiaohnltl Rood* 61 Ft KNfTl nr—t gas etftv e* 1 trunk* * 8a3• lafenee* tut» 1 els • **th ri m«- hint iKrir Open .•'undaj. JA 3 > 18. 3)11 I sard 91. MERCHANDISE. Household Goods. SI ORIENTAL Kill — 10X13 >'KKT. .ALL WA. 3ML Machinery and Tools. 67 NEW and *ecnnd hard motura. dynamos. LeBmn Elactrlcal Work*. 31 < :»(=. 121n. Wanted to Buy. 73 DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desk*. u*ed deaka. bought, iradad. J. C Read. 1207 rarnam. AT. »H1._ WE buy bottle* barrel*. Junk of all kind* Automobiles. Beat prlco paid Give us a call, JA. 38m. WANTED to bu> Deed piano. State price anil name of piano. ( a* 11 Black 8062. Gouncll Bluff*. hop ms rent hent.^^ Rooms AVItli Board. 71 MERHIAM HOTEL, residential, by day. week or month. 25th and Pudge. Rooms for Housekeeping. 7G 2 OK 1 nicely furnished rooms. Ever, thins furnished. Summer rate. Clue In. AT. Tt:ll or 703 S. 17th Si. FRANKLIN. 3610—Three attractive room* In modern home Private entrance, 16 a week WE. :.65K. i A 1*1 TOD A VIC.. 2830 I. 2 »nd 3 room apartments for housekeeping. Heaaonablc. AT. 5685. Where lo Slop in Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD—18th and Farnam. HOTEL UKN9HAW-Hth and Farnam. Special Bate* to Permanent OttWtl Apartments of Building Owner* and Manager* Association. Furnished. 80s III NTKII INN-- Home for the travellna man to leave hi* wife for comfort and *afety 240* Dodge. AT. <160. l nluniislied. 8ard, shade. garage l block lUMfom bhrk, Park school. Mnthodiat church. 1313 * 2Hh 42* N 4vTlI ST —AR modern 11-room house Double gang e. Reasonable JA. 4130 Farm Lands for Kent. 88 FOR RENT—IT. acre farm 1 mile west of city, on Dodge road. Apply 11* Paxton block 100 ACRES improved low* farm. 70 miles • a* Give ref Swenwn Ur»-j . Omaha 16ft ACRES good farm, near Omaha, rent ■ heap fo. ■ ash >04 V l»th JA 4147 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Real Estate—Investment*. K CONSULT HARRISON 4 MORTON. -453 Omaha National. JA. 174> SI U« TLY >b'l)KRM NEW HuMK. I ** DOWN Hkll.T.IN PIATTRK3. OAK FLOORS PAYNK A SONS JA iOD 165: N Til ST —i -room 1150 cash. Creigh 4 Rest of terms. Phone cart H HA '<*7 W. J. Palmer Co., 41*.12-1 4 Rr-I : e Bid*AT Near 33d & Cuming, $3,250 I roomi c block from Stl or Web#t#r All modern paved street paid one hftKk to T ch High and other schools close at hrnd. 2 blocks to Bemla p*r'«* TM* is someone a chan*# Make offer AT 4046 tKK 173: Montclair “Bargain’’ MI’ST HR SOLD Five-room modem bungalow all larse : oak floors, full bas-'ini. nt, south f'.-nt. gar-ygc, h‘*M ' •'-nt want your 4>f{ei About fl.y-rtg ce>U Phone Cor l U U.• HV D67. 410 K-14 K*rl«wc llMt. AT ri.-lftR to n»w Verb HI' L 5 rooms •trtc» lv modern and up-to he-minuie pa'<*:«l For Sate—-PuimW 108 REAL aacrif e New English Mon*gl 7 »oome Spier-Id location Corner lot —Veer o’3 -Pe-feef ar- irgemetU—Cill Fast on. JA ft# 3 7. ld>f* tor Sals IM HAVE a few v b*ca*e1 1<*’» ’* Tdge send for tale Fo» p- .-•§ call C A G miv-I JA l«U , _ Wanted-—Kegi FM.Mr Bd WILL REPRESENT Flerbln —estate owners no a*»ic no pav tllvs legal »1* Ft r pt.on and l*we«t f gure. Write I'. «» Hoy Miam. F a _ FOR re*ul • l«*t you* fraturtt jp'ik FIRST t^l-ST vh' * KT »:?"40* F. Vat! Bank. IIAVR a'.us' boyar for rr ' krn 4-rc a. all ou ore floor F U A X K C IlKsT. AT lie HA n* 4 k WK SKI !. Dundee homes l ist > our prop el tv 04th «•. fo* results Burt C. Too lev Co Realtor*, JA 14 25 C~ l> HLTCliVN'i' 'V *\^ ncsl -e Ira O r*n*on J t §4*4 Ciord Serant)*H«nii RulrSer Ice Roy KqUlrpod for i ■*> or irr machine. Ris* fvlj. Only 2 v**r« I’m **!» »t one* l »>h or for m*rch*n,li**. Om»h* B*a ftov n no. 6