The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 09, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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— — _ — _
North Defeats
Benson High for
Class B Title
Coach Jackson’s Lads Outplay
Opponents to Win 13-to
2 Contest; Bowie
“13” means noth
ing In the lives
of Coach Jack
son’s North High
busketeers, for It
was Just that
many points
which the Norse-,
men piled up
to win the class
B title from Ben
son High, 13 to
2, In the finals.
Benson, suf
fering from stago
fright or some
other■ Infectuous
disease, was completely at sea against
the North High five, and the only
contribution to the scoring was made
by Captain Norqulst, who plopped in
a linger from under the basket.
Bowie, with a pair of field goals,
led the winner's attack, while Farley,
substitute center, and Pedersen,
guard, had three points apiece.
Captain Johnson played good ball
for North while he was in the game,
he being forced to leave In the sec
ond half because of four person fouls.
The lineup*:
NORTH (13)
FU. FT. F. Pt«.
West, rf. 1 o-n 1 2
Howie. If. 2 "-2 2 4
Johnson, c (C.)... 0 1-2 4 1
Ailam*. rg. 0 0-0 2 0
Pederson, lg. 1 1-2 2 3
Farley, c.. 1 1-2 2 3
Total*. r> 3-» 13 IS
FU. FT. F, FI*
MeCurley. rf.-4' 0-2 0 o
Armenirout, If.- 0 0-2 2 0
Norf]Ui*t, r (C.). 1 0 4 1 2
11 a neon. rg. . - . o 0-1-0 o
Sehmadlewakl, lg. o 0-2 2 0
Smith, rg. 0 9-0 1 n
Total* . 1 0-11 « 2
Referee: Ernie Adam*. Omaha unlver
aitv. Empire: George Parish, Creighton
university. Time of qusrter*: Seven and
one-half minute*.
Princeton W ins Over Navy
in Swimming, Water Polo
Princeton, N. J.. March 7.—Prince
ton defeated the Navy In gwlmmlng
and water polo here today, winning
the swimming meet by the score of
40 to 22 and the water polo by 41
to 17. The Tigers won the 50. 100,
440, dtve and relay by good margins.
The Navy's best performance was
in the breast stroke when Allen led
his team mate Johnson, by half a
lap. Captain Afatalene scored seven
touch goals for 35 of his team's points
in the water polo match.
THEME are just four players with
the Cubs who have crossed the
30-year mark. They are Alex
ander, 38; Maranvllle, 34; Cooper, 33;
and Jacobs, 32. Most of the others
are well this side of that milestone,
giving the Cubs one of the youngest
clubs that ever 1ms trotted to the
starting line—a start which will he
brimful of championship hopes. Kil
lefer believes lie has just enough vet
erans lo steady the youngsters.
SINCE Manager Kfllifer has lifted
the hail on the pitchers and has
passed the word Hint they liow
may show their wares, the |3 who are
tailing their “daily dozens" are mak
ing tlie hall perform all sorts of
Percy Jones, with the Cubs in 1922,
f.os Angeles in 1923 and Seattle last
season, brought a promising assort
ment with him to tile island. .The
Southpaw was mighty shy of control
tlnve seasons ago but lie seems to
have overcome this obstacle.
Charley Root, the pitcher the Cubs
procured from Eos Angeles, has a
movement that Is not unlike Christy
Mathewson when “Big Six” was in
his prime. He gets plenty of hop on
his fast one without wasted energy
or jerky movement.
Illini Defeats
Iowa Track Team
ITrliana, 111., Mnrch 7.—Illinois won
firsts in nine of 12 events 'to defeat
Iowa’s track team, 73 5-fi to 39 1-9, In
a dual meet in the armory here this
afternoon. The Gillmen carried off
nil places In both the high and low
hurdles, only Orange and Blue hurt!
lers qualifying In heats in these two
Two records were shattered and one
was equaled in the meet. Gill’s mile
relay team established a new Illinois
and conference mark when the quar
tet raced the distance in 3:2S 2 5.
which time bests the old mark by
three-fifths of a second.
Dauber. Iowa, put the shot 45 feet.
5 7-8 inches—one foot and three
eighths Inches further than the dis
tance thrown by Schlldhauer last year
for the Illinois indoor record.
Hawkeye Golfer Sets Mark
to Win Putting Contest
Iowa City, la., March 7.—E. G. Bar
ton, last year's winner In the univer
sity “putting" tournament, was forced
to go 27 holes in an 18-hole match to
eliminate W. O. Thompklns in the
annual winter golf tournament here
now. The mark stands as a record.
This Store Participates in the Week of Wonderful Windows Contest
—Sec Our Window Tonight for the Letter It Contains—
it *
We welcome you
to our new home
* —1816 Farnam Street
A Sporting Goods store that will prove of
unusual interest to the men and women
of this vicinity who are active in the field
of sports. A store, backed by half a cen
tury of conscientious service to Omaha
One of Americas Finest Showings of
Sportsmen’s Requirements
Whether it be CJolf, Tennis, Baseball, Fish
ing. Hunting, Boating, qr whatever sport in
which you might indulge, here you will find
most complete assortment* of quality equip
ment at prices which definitely demonstrate
our leadership.
Outdoor Sports Season
The men and women • | T f T
who seek, quality in 1® Upon US
their sporting equip- \ No doubt you will need new and better
ment we want you to equipment, and this newly enlarged store,
become >o ter ac- with its vastly greater stocks, was never as
sen'11 Sporting Goods well PrePare^ to serve y°ur needs as today.
Store. Visit us this _ ,
» week Remember our new location, it is, handy. View our
windowR Monday evening. We participate in th*
--- Week of Wonderful Wnidows contest.
' "ZT* Russell Sporting Goods Co. "E™E I
_ 1816 FARNAM (FormJ„ WaUer 7, dark Co.> 1816 FARNAM |
■' ' .... —
Indoor Sports
... ...
ME6l3£ A OollAi?, 4S*
v^iop-th ONu~f io cO'tS -
Tnev aint- GcrnN none
Of - » CUT ^
H*IL - MAKH **
utfCf <**' **** Tn!S
pap^? °°Xc t
1 unoerc.fAkTE-*~ -^Tm ^; i:
I ^ .... — j>° ^
C H NTT' Cr VjulTVt rwer
NE'lGT+Goe.t-fOOD E
PuT A 9° 1 ET Ll F€T* ■*
Hastings, Neb., March 8.—The
Blue Hill five won the class B cham
pionship of the eighth district here
last night by clever floor work and
a good brand of passing in a victory,
16 to 9, over Bladen. Boomer led in
scoring with Kind and Bloomgren
sharing second honors. The score;
FG. FT. F Pts.
Kind, rf . . .2 1 0 a
Bloomfren. if . 2 l i
Roomer. c .2 ft ft *•
l'*iS!ger, rg . . .n a ft
Crouch, lg . . 0 0 1 0
Totals . 1 2 2 16
FG. FT F Pis
Hogan, rf ..1 0 2
Sidle. If .1 0 « 2
Anderson, c ..'1_ n a 2
Rakestraw, rg .1* 1 0 2
Henderson, lg ... 0 ft 2 0
Totals .4 I S *
Subs titutes Morey for Hngsn. Score at
half- Blue Mill. 11; ».laden, 7. Referee:
Curxon, Grand Island.
UilciiKO, March 7.—Loll Fonseca, in
field* r of the Cincinnati Nationals, ar
rived here with Shortstop James Cav
!*ney today. Rmh have signed contracts
and are expected to leave for *ha train
ing camp at Orlsndo, Fla.. fomorrow.
Hastings, Neb., March S.—Holdrege
won the class A championship here
last night, 17 to 1G. by defeating Has
ting.-* in a thrilling contest from
whistle to whistle. Ilurgeson's long
toss In the last minute won the game
and Smiley's basket Just before the
whistle, closed the gap except for one
point. Holdrege took a six-point
lead in the first three minutes but
was held even for the rest of the
game. Hastings failed to make free
throws which would hate won for It
Halker. rf . > ‘ “
Johnson, If .. 1 ■ *
Lund, o ." » * ?
rg .** * ®
liurgeson, IK ..-3 1
Totals .7 * • 17
FO. FT. F Ft«
Smith rf .> 11 1 *
Shrlvely, If .0 1 J J
Ha rKleroad, rg .0 • } V
Kohrar, Ik .0 1 1 1
Totals . 5 4 , 4 * *
Substitutes — Ha«tlnt*: T’arlsn fir
ShrtvHv. Knlss for Kotircr. Srorn at
half; Holdrege. 12; Hastings, 7. lleferee;
Don F.lllott, "Lincoln.
Coach Meanwell Eulogizes Knute
Rockne as “Wizard of Football”
Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee.
Iowa City, la., March 7.—Parner in
the greatest coaching school in the
country, W. E. (Doc) Meanwell em
phasized during his short stay here
that the Rockne-Meanwell coaching
school would continue despite all ru
mors to the contrary.
The famous mentors will hold
courses In three schools this summer,
being at Culver, Ind., from July 6 to
18: In St. Edwards, Austin. Tex , from
August 1 to 15, and at Notre Dame
from August 15 to September 1. In
addition to this, Coach Meanwell and
George IJttle. football coach, will hold
courses at Madison from June li> to
Mr. Meanwell eulogized his partner
as the “wizard of footbtill, who starts
where other men leave off.” and went
on to say that he thought Knute
Rockne had no better material than
other roaches, but that his coaching
made his teams superior.
Characterizing his basket ball team,
he sit id that the Wisconsin quintet
had been a “flat tira” this year, chief
ly because the men could not hit the
basket, and that the defeat over the
Hawkeyes was a hit of luck at Coach
Sam Barry's expense.
O’Neill, Neb., March S,—O'Neill
chapter of the Izaae Walton league
staged the first of a series of crow
hunts last Thursday, P.egular hunts
will be staged from now until the first
of April.
The membership of the chapter al
ready numbers 10S and a membership
drive is to be staged In conjunction
with the crow hunt. Rach pair of
crow feet will count one point In the
contest and each p*w member oh
mined will count 10 points. Follow
ing are the contesting teams headed
by their captains:
,T H M'-Pharlln, J V Harper. <i It
N’lrhol* \V. .1 Ffamtnond. P. T. O'Don
nell, I.. F. Porter. If I Hamilton.! Dr.
C. H Iaubker, Georg* Agnea. s. .1
Wee***, Kd L. O'Donoell. Ik It. A
ter. W C Templeton. Harry Bowen. Ire
H M<>»* <\ W. ConkllB, D. H. Clauaen.
I**t* Hereford I»r. I>. A Burceea. r K. j
Yantai John Hubbell. R R. Dlckaon. •'
A. Raaely. M H. Hortekef. A N. Gunn A.
Ufiermn H Meilor. Jamaa J Kelly,!
Nor belt I hi. J A Donohoe, I L. Jlich-.
ardaon, Sheridan Simmon*. Clyde King.;
f J McDermott. T. T. U aid Alva Stav-I
enf. Je«« Schofield. A V. Virgin. H B
Hubbard. L. G Gillespie. Fred McNallv.
Ell Abdouch, Scott Hough. I.eater I hi.
t\ F Stout. Donald Cole. Deat\ Belah.
Roy Griffin.
I.oren A. Simon ton, Jamaa F O Don
nell Jullua Cronin. < r Rergelrom. «
P Haricot k. M K KIrwin, L C. Pe»era,
Frank Phalln. C. J. Gat*. Fred Lowery, i
Arthur i‘ownerthwait*. Ray Zimmerman.
J n Ryan. W H. Grave.. W. B Warner.
John Keraenbrok. Stanley Souk up. 1
Pruea. P. C. Donohoe, G. F. Burg*. H D
G!adv. Charlee Truae Edward Gat*. John
Kellogg. H. Is. Bennett. L. F. Downev.
Mike Johnaon. W. P. Rtdilaahargar. H
B Burch. Zeb Varner. H. H Haffner,
Roy Warner. E. E Surlier. William Mar
tin. Mika Ahdalla. George Bowen. < lar
er< • Zimmerman. M. .1. Graham. W E
Contalln. J T MeManua. Jr.; C B Scott.
K FT Suhr. P J. MeManua. FI J Bear
don. H. E. Coyne. C. J Sauaer. Floyd
pH gar. Ed. Hull. B M Sauera, John
The direction of the two grmlea In i
the crow killing content will h# tinder
Gen. M. H. McCarthy na commander
Armv Beats Penn.
Wsst Point, X. T„ March 7.—The
army was victorious In four out of
ftvo athletic contests hers today, de
feating Pennsylvania 14 to 7 In Indoor
polo; winning from Penn State s box
ing team, S to 2. triumphing o\er
Columbia swimmers. 38 to $3. and
overwhelming Syracuse In fencing,
15 to 2. At wrestling ths cadets lost
to Washington and, 12 to I.
Obit) Slut**. tH: lnUiHfiu. ?4.
j liar \ artl. .'it; \ **lf. 2ft
loot, 2H; N»rtliwf»lrrti. IS.
j ( nl»rHtli>, .i«; CbItimIo unl»fr»lty, 19.
I'rlnrfton, 2S; Cnlumbiii. 10.
Knn*u« Vggir*. »4; M ««hltig1on, 21. |
j Cornell, 22; Dartmouth. II.
Peru. Neb., March 7—Coach T,on
yraf s Peru Bol>c«ts closed their
fourth season at 1.000 per cent here
tonight by defeating Doane Tigers.
47 to 13. It was Penis 42*1 consecu
tive conference win. Del/ell, Milam,
Schneider and Hilkeson played their
last game for Peru;
Peru started off with a rush and
I kept going oil the distance. The first
half ended 27 t<» 4 President Hale
went on the floor between halves and
gTive the history of the team, then
S Introduced ea«'h man to the visiting
'high school hoys. The second half
was a repetition of the first in prise*;
! ing. floor work and basket shooting.
Heuttgeylisch. Wiemer and Oilken- j
son shot baskets from all parts of the
floor. Doane. although outclassed.!
fought n good stiff fight until thej
whistle blew. Kubieck and Bayer led
for Doane, while llavlett and Abbott
were alwa\s In the play and did ef* j
feotiva work.
J New York. M.irr-h 7. t'jro Frlgerlo,
Italian and Olympic champion walker,
will meet WUlle riant, American
champion, In a apedal 10,000 meter
event late thia month. Frlgerlo, who
wan acbeditled to depart for Italy to
day, aald he would remain to meet
The Morningeide A. C. Plant's club,
will stage a meet at which the wulk
will he the feature.
Frlgerlo hna been eager to meet
Plant at 10,00(1 meters, which he
says li th# distance for which he ha*
been trained.
District Basket Ball Results
* Ih»« 11. hrml.nuftlc.
lVatarhury 2t; 1%»oa. i
Wan**, 2C. Knifiitiu, II.
rUM t\ Keml-FItml*.
Haitian 17. «‘r*»ft*»n. 12.
Col# IIW**-, 13. Allen. 1ft.
C ln*»* tt.
Plalnvl**r 14; Oamoml. 4.
( I it ft * f, NfMtl-FlMlIl.
PJl**t. 4. Stuart. 3
4 !•»* II. IDtuiul t.
Verdin, to; Peru Prep, 11.
Talma**. 12; 1'nufla*. 11.
( Irm C.
Honey Croak. 2. Table Unfit, 11.
ninttnf* ITnlnn, K; Htarlln*. ft
Dll I •r, 4; Ad»w«, 7
Ch**t*r. 4; Fill* v, ft
riM« n.
Deyktn. 21; Barncaton 4
Clan* A. Round 1.
Osceola 1.1; Benedict ft
David City 17 Seward. 14
York. 14; Geneva. 12.
Milford draw a by*
Afinl- Plnftl*.
Oaceola, 31: MM for i 14
David City. 13. York. 7
C’Irm 11. Hound 1.
stromebur* 7.1. nr* *'*td, ic
Warn 2R. Ohlnwa. 4
cjoahner 37. Mutprla*. 31.
t'|)«**« forfait ad t.i llendaranii.
Sami Mnnl*
IV a on. IT; 4homiltiit| .11
H*nd*rann 13. <|o*huer. 11.
C'Ir«* C. Hound I
I'eaver Croaalnd. 1*1, M- Cool, 4.
l'tlra. 2?: Fairmont t *
Htadthaw, 1ft, Polk, 14.
10R*t*r. It; Shelby. It,
Mima H. Hound 1.
Ruby. 17; • otdov*. 14
Milligan. 14; Thar nr. ►
Oration, l*; Hhlcfclgy, 4
Mrnaham 24: T&mora. t*
( Ih»» II. Hr ml T'limH.
Loup City. II; Mgrqugtt*.
ttn«« (' Hon ml t
Wlfgta raoK 14; ft amid on. '
niHTHICT to. VT il.lHON.
t Kt«« vml-Mnala.
Hr HduRtil U i.lfnod Indiana. 14.
ClnrUton IS. Albion. 17
4 lima II f»rml KlnitU.
FulUrlon, ll; Htimphrvy, IN
Cta*tnn 27, Imncan. 2
4 la** \. Hound I.
Kearnajr, 1* Analog. 15
Hound t.
Kaarnrv. IS, Mothanbuig. 1?.
Clima 14.
Arnold 7?; Siimn r, 1*.
Plaaaan ton, S. Virnam, 11.
( Ia»a (
Kdirvllk f Training hoc’ •
ntfrritUT 12. VT NORTH PUTTf.
riga« A, Arml-nnala.
Rigaprlng 11 Faaion. 1"
St. Patrirk 23. Hradv. i,
Clam V. Sfiul PlnaJa.
Hu nil#', V laon vi'la. 1..
4 1 au H
Tndianala, M: Stamford. if.
StorkvilV l*. Parti#). 11
Mima H. Sami Ftnala.
Alma. PI; t'ainbridga 14.
4 lima 4
Cut Hart aon 14 rtnavar City, 11,
panhut'. ?4. Ma»i oi, 21
UlMHIir 14. VT MlTdIKU*
4 l»i** V ki nd HnnU,
Kimball 1 Morrill 7
Mit.brll 17 Marina, 1"
imni uni i & \r vnioir,
I bt*a \ Hound t
t i.adron l*i r j .1* ll'annto
All'amo in; ban Corn ^
1. Peter Piper, Kerry Girl, Mule
2. Antonia, Mit, Orlova.
3. Alleghan, Blue Pencil, Hawk
4. Bumbling, Will Wells, White
3. WALTER E., Tonnerre, Bal
6. Goldfield, Lily M., Pins Iltra.
7. Try Again, Boo Boo, War
Lincoln Cagers
Defeat Crete
Fremont, Neb., March 7.—The
mighty Crete teani, with Kersen
brock, r.-foot 10 1-2 oonter, went down
to its first defeat of the season when
Lincoln’s fighting aggregation de
feated It in the finals for Class A
honors in the sixth district tourna
Kersenhrock was practically smoth
ered by the uncanny guarding- of
Fisher and Heckman, who took run
ning starts to Jump and intercept the
high passes that came down the
Lincoln led at the quarter, 8 to fi.
At the half Crete was leading by one
point, with a score of 11 to 10. Lin
coin rallied strong and held Crete to
one basket in the third quarter, while
it increased its own score to 15. Su
perb guarding broke up Crete at
tempts to use Kersenhrock to save
the game. Ward's basket shooting of
10 points for the capital city lads was
a feature. Kersenhrock piled up the
same number of points for his team.
Cups were awarded the winners in
each class by the Fremont Chamber
of Commerce. Following is the score:
FG FT. PF Pie.
FT’er. rf . i «
Witt*. If . 1 J 3 4
Ward, c . 5 « 1 1°
Fisher, rf . 0 I 4 1
Kahi-r, if . » 1 « t
Totals . 4 5 * 31
fg ft rr ph
Smith, rf.o - 11
Heat. rf . . .. " • #
Vaaatka. If . 2
K#r«4»nbro«U • 4
Homey, rf . .. 1 0 1 2
Frail*. !f . * ® 2 0
Total .T 4 I 15
Rtf free: Toft. Nebraska.
Marquette, Neb.. March 8.—Mar-:
• uettu High school Itftsket ball has
closed a successful season, winning
15 games out of 20 played. The team
won the county cage championship
for the first time in tlie history of
the school. Th*» Marquette players
piled up a total of 340 points to their
opponents' 192.
Twelve teams were met during the
season and every team with the ex
caption of (Tark was defeated at least:
once. CTaik won its game bv a one* |
point margin. Matthes was high
point man during the season Tor Mar-j
queue, scoring 108 points. Goethe
followed him with 91 counters. The
lineup of the team was as follows;
Matthes and Wisby, forwards; Stab
linker and Orttfn. guards; Goethe, cen
ter, and Peterson and DJernes, substi-!
Following are the results of the*
season's games;
MarquMt*’. -’3. Alumni. 1?
"ft: (’hipnur 7.
Gilmer. 1 i ; M« rqupt t •>. ) }
Marque*’ *-. 77; Palmer. ;•*
Mar»iu«»Hi. 11; Phillip** IS
Hstnptnn. 6. Marqufttt#. 7
Marquette, IT. Renedirt, 7.
Polk. 1C; Marquette. 14
Benedict. >. Marquette. 5. '
Marquette, 2n; Giltner, 7.
Painter. * Marquett*. 2.‘
Marquette, 24; Humpton, <
Marquette. 1 o - Polk. ft.
('lark*. 11; Marquett*. 10
Rrsdehaw. 10 Marquette, 11
MarqiieMe. li. Stqckham. *
Marquette, 2*; Hampton, 1C.
Marquette. 17 Bradshaw. 4
Phillip*. If; Marquette. 1?
Marquette. 17 Henderaon. 1«.
Chadron High 4»irl Five
I,a\s Claim to Partial I ith*
Chadron, Neb.. March 8—By win
ping eight out of nine games, in their
northwest N'ehrtika district and los
ing one to Hot Springs, S. IX. the
Chadron High school basket bull girls
claim » partial title to championship
of northwest Nebraska conference.
Before they can be awarded this title
they must defeat Crawford at Chad
ron March 13.
The following la the season s rec
ord for the Chadron girls:
('hadron. ft. Whitn*v, ft
(’hadron ft Ruth' J
('hadron IT. Ruuhvtlte. *
('hidrot. 14. Hay Sprint*. If.
t’hadmn. 12: Hap Sprint*, ft.
('hadron ft. Cranford. 7
Chadron. ft. Ho: Sprint*, if.
(’hadmn. If: Alliance, ft
(’hadron 10. AUtaace f
(’rawford at Chadron March U
Hot Spring* at Chadron Match Tft
Vrizotm High School
First to Filter Page Meet
Chicago, March 7.—Mean High
s. t.oot. Mom. Ai • . Is the first high
school to officially receive an lnvlta-1
Hop to the Seventh National Inltr-,
Scholastic Basket Ball tournament
held under the auspices of the I ni
ce, sity of Chicago, March Si, April
t. I. 3. 4. This high school won the
right to compete In the national by
winning the Ariaona s:.tte tourn.i
pient. This is the third consecutive
j ear Mesa ha* beep champion of
St. Paul Purkhters \\ in.
Cleveland. O , March T —Spotted tc
a three-goal lead In the firet six min
utes of plav ths St. Paul hockey team
adopted practically a defensive game
and succeeded in handing the Cleve
land sextet a 4 to 0 defeat here to
night The game ».ns the second and
final of their senes In the I’nlted
States Amateur Hockey association of
the western group.
O.I.rsT tern, te he petings « h.ttn
h.o then tie ev.r I'tc.s kit rhe,
nut sett ef Kstr Ulst an March ? ptrhe.1
tin 15* lM ttmls sr.t » s soot bmn.t
or nj.t ensats * I tl : 8. slink wu a r,
msiksbls psrtonnstu,.,
Nurmi Breaks
Lloyd Hahns
l FFALO, N. Y., March i—
raavo Nurmi of Finland,
I clipped one and two-fifths sec
onds off I.ioyd Hahn's world record
I mile in a great rare on the l*4th In
| fintry armory truck tonight. Nurmi's
] time was 4 12 flat.
1 Tlte speedy Finn scheduled to have
run a special mile and a half,
I changed lii.s mind a short time before
entering (In- race and concentrated
Ids efforts on regaining the world
record which Ilie Boston A, A. runner
wrested from him af the New York
Athletic chili games in Madison
Square Garden on February 14. He
led Ids only dangerous rival, Jimmy
Connolly of Washington, I). C., by
60 yards at the tape.
Tonight's record was one and three
fifths seconds better than Nurmi's
previous best time In the mile, made
at Madison .Square Garden on Janu
ary 6.
Willie Ritola, Nurmi's twin on the
fast boards, exhausted two pacers
who worked in shifts in a special
three-mile race against time, but
failed to better bis record of 13:-">6 1 .
made in New York. February 24. His '
time tonight was 14 07 2-5.
Arlington Wins
Class C Title
Combining an impregnable defense
with a shifty offpruxc. Arlington cap*
ttired the class C honors from Her
man. 20 to 7. in a fast gnmc.
The winner's defense, built around
j faptnin McKiM*en. Flood up staunch
ly before th* pummeling of the heavy
Herman five, while the Arlington for
wards broke through the Herman bar
ricade to score under goal tosses.
Decker headed the score colu
with Fr\en points, with Captain Me
Kibben next with five.
F«5 FT. F Ft*.
T>«« ker. rf . " t 1 .1 7
(’hitpm n, if ... ? « 0 ft 4
Cock, c . . ft 2 2 2
*e .ft ft o _• i
i MtKsbben. ;p . . Z 1 -3 1
F Decker, c. . 1 o-j 2
GsIwpis, rp ft 0?P o ft
I Total* . o 4-11 lft .0
I KRMA.V ♦:!.
FG. FT F. Ft*.
Fiuh. rf 1 0-4 2
W**t. If .ft ft-ft ft ft
\ndereon. c . ft *> - ♦• s *
Ervrdiv rp . ft ft-0 1 «’*. ip . ft o.ft ft «
Little. *- ft 0-2 ft 0
R**d, rp . . ft ft ft X ft
SwnriPot. Ip . 1 2-S ft i
IS ~i t
Reftre*- Klep**r. Time of quarter*:
Seven and onr.haJf minute*.
New Turk. March 7.—The dethron
ed balkhne billiard champion, Willie
Hoppe, returned here today filled
with praise for young Jake Schaefer,
present monarch of the game.
Hoppe said that three cushion* may
have hurt his halkline game and that
he never fr.un i hin stroke during the
[recent tournament.
Speaking of S hooter's playirg. ae
said •*! never saw such remarkable
control of the ivot >-*, such excellen
juderuent exm nnl and »■> manv dif
ficult shots executed as marked
Si laefei - wea k in three of his to..: •
nnmrnt games. He never shoe rd
better form.''
t’nder the new halklinf rules nr
nouiued by Thomas A. Dwyer,
Schaefer will not defer.J hi* title ■
ti. trotober. He will then lie called
on to defend it every 5" day* until
he has met all players who took part
in the recent tournament.
r " -n
Tourney Results
V __/
(In** A.
Randolph, 19; Waype. I.
DlsTRH T NO. t.
4 1:|*« .4.
AVa*i Po'n*. ?« Nnrfrtlk. T.
4 1:*** A.
Tn^h 23: Crnlchion F*rap*. If.
4 Irti** H.
North High. 1“ B*n ao*. 2.
4 !«** C.
Arlington, 50. Harman. T. .
4 l:*»* D.
GraanMrood, 2*. K’khorn, f.
DI*TRI4 T N47. A.
U»** A.
Nahraaka City, .9. ft* racuta. 13
4‘la** It.
Vardan 20 T a;: **» I.
4 la** C.
Ho nay Craak 13. Sh art. f.
tla** A.
Paatrlca, 27; H-m vn A adairty. 4
C la** D.
Chaatar. II; Dillnr, j.
4 la** C.
RaynoMi, 3* Balvidara. f.
Cl a** IV
Cortland. 11; t>*\Vsn. 1*.
4 la** A. ^
Lincoln. 21. Crata. 2'
llaw* B.
Maad 14. N>br««.\a Affiaa. It.
4 In** C.
Ccllapa V.aar. l> A a'* and. If.
4 la** D.
PaWltt. 21; fULair. *.
i la** T,
Hickman. 10; Ca.Ur Bluff* »
DI*TR14 T NO. 1.
4 la** A
Oaean’a, 29, Dav.d C tjr, if.
4 la** H.
Waco. 19; Handaraen If.
4 la*a C*
Ewt§r 12; Tt-*-*, 4"; -a*Inf H
4 la** U.
Grafton, 21: Milligan 14.
DISTMIt T no. ft,
4 la*« A.
lloldrafa, 17; Haatfnga, 19
1 la** It
B’.unhtll. 14. If*dan. *
4 la** 4 .
Kelt lay. 22 On* 4
Dis l RU T Nil ft.
4 la** A
Central City, *■ s Paul. 29.
4 la** It
1'am.ehro* 2., > .•xjuatta 19
ill** 4\
Sta«-khaiM 2 4 tt * Craak, !•
Cla*« A
OtaSiaon. tf, S' T Ward* }.
4 »*»* ft.
Oaaton, IT Pu Sartor t
r»aa* A
Ra'arna. If Naarn* I.
4 Ua* M
Arnold 14 Fi'-nair il
C l**A C ^
Mftyvi'.ia 2* \VfM4-' Jla 4
I la** A
Btfaprin* il. harp 14.
4 law. It
ft! Patrick 2 V M**«-*;!. T.
Claw* A.
Hnntlav J4 A * : \aatra Mnofl
t la** It.
tnd'an.v*. I* H*■ :!*>. If.
4 ta** 4‘
4'ulbartaan 1* Dankn ?, 1ft.
I la** A
KlmkaU, U; >1 ' ball. lft,