...“=-■ ■ ■"=- - ■ - ■■ "=-~ ■ - ---- --—-——= j This Store Participates in the Week of Wonderful Windows Contest —See Our Window Tonight for the Letter h Contains— I The FISCHER . Baby Grand I , At the low price of $8G0 alone, the “FISCHER” BABY GRAND i.A'an unexcelled value; but to < j b • able to buy a Fischer on easy terms makes ; this offer the buying opportunity of the season. $50 places a “Fischer” Baby Grand in your home. It is yours to enjoy while you make the remaining payments on the easiest of terms. Come ! in and let us show vou this beautiful Baby Grand. —— MICKEL’S -1 i 15th and Harney ~ I i 7 his Store Participates in the W eel( of Wonderful Windows Contest —See Our Window 7 omght for the Letter It Contains— # j « V “Spring Is Here” The garments we show will win your instant ap proval from every standpoint. j They’re accurate reflections of the style trend and are incomparable for their fine fabrics and tailoring. / Made in Our Own Factories \ I and Sold Exclusively by j « V The Browning - King Stores. / Clothing J ' Apparel ' Furnishings I f°r Men, ) Flats BW ! Shoes 1 Children J • i flrammnjKNS (&• 15th and Douglas Sts. - •« Twenty-four Store* from Coast to Coast m The Merchants whose announcements are carried in this section of The Bee are entered in Omaha Week of Wonderful Windows Contest. Read their messages carefully. --■--— -———-=====— This Store Participates in the Week of Wonderful Windows Contest —5ce Our Window Tonight for the Letter It Contains— Hardware and Household Utilities Since 1855 | [ ' ! 70 Years of Service From the time Milton Rogers first established his little shop in Omaha in 1855, just 70 years ago, down through the years to this day, this firm has been serving the people of Omaha. We have ■ always kept abreast of the times, allowing Omaha citizens the first opportunity to procure the finest items of hardware, cutlery, tools and house furnishings. When new items of merit come on j the market, we have been the first to be able to give them to our customers. This week, in our windows„we are showing the latest . t if most up-to-date merchandise in our line. We invite you to come down and see them. You will be more than delighted. A real treat for you is promised. | WE HANDLE A COMPLETE LINE OK QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT LOW PRICER Builders Hardware Tools (Harden Tools (Has Ranges Bathroom Fixtures • Cutlery House Furnishings Refrigerators ESTABLISHED 1855 '1 Milton P gers AND SONS I V' COMPANy s Hardware “Household Utilities 1 1515 HARNEY ST. - -- I j This Store Participates in the Week of Wonderful Windows Contest I | —5ee Our Window Tonight for the Letter It Contains— It always pays to know what SKANS is showing— CHENEVER you hear women talking about Furniture, you are certain to hear it said, “Well it certaiifly pays to shop at Skans.” i non another experienced buyer will say, “I was surely sur prised to find such lovely things and at prices that were so unbelievably low.” ‘Tv. Mvrd many hundred, of The House of Skans is founded upon furniture of dona., by,hopping: at skan,. character—priced fairly—and the aims of sendee frromIW*s>kanf,eelhliatfafrrnmo" are those that are known to please. That’s why we character." know that it will always pay you to know what Skans is show "I ran feel the appreciation of jnnr—and to kl10W Skans’ prices. my buainea, when 1 trade nt • * , Skan, . . . they show me auch courtesy." i SKANS . furniture 2020 Farnam Street III 11: -1 a W'.nio* ra.Me, »«*'« S