I.ortkim • '-An ' ' oi- Cain|ibfll, Ni !•. A beauty spot in a roadway !t*atlinir into Nt-ora* k » 'ity. i - Blair Canning Co., Blair. Nebr. Swimming pool in ^onttr park at Frnnklir , N< b. Thr home of a country editor, that of l! K Bet i r - publisher of the Blade it Seward, Nrh. Sd -.-W-1 1'h• lilnit Cannlntr « nnipanv plant at Blau. NV|i Not strictly Nebraska, but i next door neighbor I ho hnnn f Mi 1’auliio Ruhr: ' •' mile • r.orthea t of Goodlafi!, K Mr-. Ruhr’ h : hand died 1 years igo, whereupon -hr undertook the opemti.. thi * irm .\ ith the r- ■ uh > hi ■.< of the T>- d • trees f'tl nr.d t »e.s; - r ,i far -■ r-- ,r. r.*r county. City park at Fort < Hlhoun, Nob . Rhomtig tho law n ami Clark monutnr tn . h» »op1.